I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Certification of the Posting of the Notice of the Meeting

IV. Introductions, Special Guests, Recognitions • Student presentations: o Alternative Spring Break o Model UN

V. Workshop • Veteran’s Affairs

VI. Closed Session

The Board of Trustees, in accordance with Section 551.001, et. seq. of the Texas Government Code will move into Closed Session under one or more of the following provision(s) of the ACT:

Section 551.071 – Consultation with Attorney Section 551.072 – Deliberation Regarding Real Property • LSC-University Park, LSC-CyFair and LSC-Kingwood – Potential lease, sale or exchange Section 551.074 – Personnel Matters

VII. Reconvene Regular Meeting

VIII. Approval of the Minutes of the March 5, 2015 Workshop and Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

IX. Special Reports and Announcements 1. Chancellor • College Forums • President Search Update

2. College Presidents

3. Vice Chancellors • Ray Laughter, Legislative Session Update • Link Alander, Hispanics in Higher Education, Job Fair

4. Faculty Senate Presidents

5. Board Members • Reports and comments from Board chair and Board members regarding meetings and conferences attended, campus visits, community and district activities, education programs, current affairs related to higher education • Board Committee Reports

X. Public Comment on Agenda Items

XI. Consideration of the Consent Agenda

(The purpose of the consent agenda is to allow the Board to identify and approve action items which require no additional information or discussion and for which there is unanimous approval. Trustees receive agenda materials one week in advance of the meeting to prepare for the business to be conducted.)

XII. Policy Report and Considerations

1. Consideration of Approval of the Recommended Revision of the Lone Star College Board Policy Sections V.B.3. Technical and Workforce Courses, V.B.7. LSC-Online, and V.B.8. Dual Credit (FIRST READING)

2. Consideration of Approval of the Recommended Revision of the Lone Star College Board Policy Sections I.E.1.42 and I.E.1.43 – Scope of Participation and Citizen Participation (ACTION ITEM 1)

XIII. Financial Reports and Considerations

1. Monthly Financial Statements

2. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute Contracts to Purchase Janitorial Services for Several LSC Locations (ACTION ITEM 2) 3. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute Master Service Contracts to Purchase Facility Related Minor Projects, Maintenance, Repairs and Inspection Services for the System (ACTION ITEM 3)

4. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute Contracts to Purchase Architectural Services Related to the 2015 Bond Program (ACTION ITEM 4)

5. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute a Contract to Purchase Merchant Credit Card Services for the System (ACTION ITEM 5)

6. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute a Contract to Purchase Construction Services for Renovation of the Technology Building at LSC-CyFair (ACTION ITEM 6)

7. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute a Contract to Purchase Construction Services for Expansion of Office of Technology Services (OTS) at LSC-CyFair (ACTION ITEM 7)

8. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Approve Non- Credit Workforce Certificate and Community Education Course Tuition and Fee Rates as Needed Based on Market Conditions (ACTION ITEM 8)

9. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Set Tuition and Fees for Associate Degree in Occupational and Life Skills at LSC- Tomball (ACTION ITEM 9)

XIV. Buildings and Grounds Report

Construction Projects Update

XV. Lone Star College Foundation Report

LSC Foundation Gifts Received Report

XVI. Personnel Reports and Considerations

1. Consideration of Ratification of Appointments (ACTION ITEM 10)

2. Consideration of Acceptance of Resignations (ACTION ITEM 11)

3. Consideration of the Reappointment of Full-Time Faculty (ACTION ITEM 12)

4. Consideration of Approval of Commissioning of Peace Officers (ACTION ITEM 13)

XVII. Special Report and Considerations 1. Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution regarding the Texas Legislature's proposed legislation to allow handgun license holders to carry handguns on college campuses in Texas (ACTION ITEM 14)

XVIII. Suggested Future Agenda Items

XIX. Adjournment

If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Board should determine that a closed session of the Board should be held or is required in relation to an item noticed in this meeting, then such closed session as authorized by Section 551.001 et seq. of the Texas Government Code (the Open Meetings Act) will be held by the Board concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by Section 551.071-551.089, inclusive, of the Open Meetings Act, including, but not limited to:

Section 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney Section 551.072 - Deliberation Regarding Real Property Section 551.073 - Deliberation Regarding Prospective Gift Section 551.074 – Personnel Matters Section 551.076 - Deliberation Regarding Security Devices Section 551.082 – Student Discipline Section 551.0821 – Personally Identifiable Information About Student Section 551.084 - Exclusion of Witness Section 551.087 - Economic Development Negotiations

Certification of Posting of Notice to the April 9, 2015 Workshop and Regular Meeting of the Lone Star College System’s Board of Trustees

I, Stephen C. Head, Chancellor of the Lone Star College System, do hereby certify that a notice of this meeting was posted on Monday the 6th day of April, 2015 in a place convenient to the public in the Administration Office of the Central Services and Training Center, on all college campuses and on the system website as required by Section 551.002 et seq., Texas Government Code. Special notice of the meeting was provided to the news media as required by Section 551.001 et seq., Texas Government Code.

Given under my hand this the 6th day of April, 2015.


______Stephen C. Head Chancellor


PRESENT: Ms. Linda Good, Chair Dr. Kyle Scott, Vice Chair Dr. Ron Trowbridge, Secretary Dr. Alton Smith, Assistant Secretary Mr. David Vogt Mr. Bob Wolfe Mr. Art Murillo Mr. Ken E. Lloyd

ABSENT: Dr. David Holsey

I. CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Good called the workshop and regular meeting of the Board of Trustees to order at 5:00 p.m. after determining that a quorum was present.

II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Dr. Trowbridge led the Board and guests in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Dr. Smith entered the meeting at 5:03 p.m. Mr. Wolfe entered the meeting at 5:09 p.m.

III. CERTIFICATION OF THE POSTING OF THE NOTICE OF THE MEETING: Chancellor Head confirmed that the Notice for the meeting had been properly posted. No action was required. A copy is attached as Exhibit “A”.

IV. INTRODUCTIONS, SPECIAL GUESTS AND RECOGNITIONS: Link Alander, vice chancellor for college services introduced Nicole Aboltin, Business Process Analyst with the college services department. Ms. Aboltin announced this is the 6th annual year of the Chancellor’s Faculty Technology Innovation Grants. Grants are awarded to faculty members to assist in the implementation of innovative technology in the classroom to increase student success. Two videos were shown to demonstrate how some of the past recipients have utilized their grants. The 2014-15 Award winners are: Cisco Academy Remote Access, LSC-CyFair, Donna Ivey, LSC-Kingwood, Lisa Hall – Provide remote access to networking equipment to students in Cisco Networking Academics; M.A.S.S.S.P.E.C. - Molecular Analysis Supporting Supercritical CO2 & Soxhlet-


Phycologically Extracted Crude Oil, Faculty Lead Danny Kainer, LSC-Montgomery and includes faculty from 10 departments from five campuses – Purchase of a mass spectrometer for analysis of oil and other complex substances; Lone Star College Astronomical Mobile Observatory, LSC-Montgomery, Aaron Clevenson, John Wakefield, Kathleen Ensenat, LSC-North Harris, Louis Jisonna, Jr., -Purchase a computerized 25” Dobsonian telescope and small cargo trailer to create a mobile observatory for astronomy class; Applied Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for Geospatial Analysis, LSC- CyFair, Buck Buchanan & Michael Konvicka - Purchase of a UAV (aka drone) or flying HD camera which will primarily be used in Geography and Geographical Information Systems courses, and will also be used in other disciplines for research, data collection, and analysis; Digital Microscope Emulator, LSC-Montgomery, Tom Lanthorn and Katheryn Gronlund - Development of an App that emulates a digital microscope which can be run on a mobile device, such as an iPad; Makerspace in Your Library, LSC-North Harris, Norma Drepaul, David Puller, Ibrahim Elsamahy – Will establish a “Makerspace” at the LSC-North Harris library. This will be a place where people can create, design, invent, experiment and test prototype ideas; BODYVIZ, LSC-North Harris, Indrani Rajan and Mary Allen – 3D visualization technology that utilizes actual human patient imaging and data to build 3D images of organs, systems and pathologies.


VI. CLOSED SESSION: At 5:34 p.m. Ms. Good convened the Board in closed session, in accordance with Section 551.001 et seq. of the Texas Government Code under one or more of the following provision(s) of the Act:

Section 551.071 – Consultation with Attorney Section 551.072 – Deliberation Regarding Real Property • LSC-University Park and LSC-CyFair – Potential lease, sale or exchange Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters • Duties and responsibilities of Human Resource employees including Chief Human Resources Officer

Mr. Vogt entered the meeting at 5:48 p.m.

VII. RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING: Ms. Good reconvened the open meeting at 6:28 p.m.

VIII. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 5, 2015 WORKSHOP AND REGULAR MEETING: upon a motion by Dr. Smith and a second to the motion by Dr. Scott, the board unanimously approved the minutes of the February 5, 2015 Workshop and Regular Meeting.

IX. SPECIAL REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1. Chancellor: Chancellor Head announced the LCS Foundation Star Gala will be held on April 25, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in honor of Fred Caldwell and will be co-chaired by James


Harrison and Daniel Kornberg. On Friday, February 27, 2015 the Completion Reengagement Summit was held to focus on student success.

The LSC-North Harris president search is continuing with finalists Dr. Gerald Napoles, Dr. Darrell Cain and Dr. Sharon Davis. The Montgomery president search will follow with semifinalists chosen and finalists to be announced the first week of April.

The Global Advisory Committee met recently to discuss healthcare – Nine CEO’s attended discussing their needs. They were asked if the programs we offer were meeting their needs and they indicated they would like LSC to spend more time on soft skills.

LSC is creating an ethics hotline effective in the fall. LSC is going through an extensive security review and will be bringing an update to the board. We are following legislative efforts to allow firearms on campus. The colleges will hold a series of forums to get input from faculty, students and community members on their views on this issue.

2. College Presidents: Dr. Lee Ann Nutt, president of LSC-Tomball and Kristen Lue King, executive director of expanded learning, gave a presentation on a proposed associate degree in Occupational and Life Skills at LSC-Tomball. This program seeks to educate college students with cognitive disabilities to achieve gainful employment and become self-sufficient contributing citizens. This idea was originally formulated when Dr. Holsey and Dr. Head attended an OLS program presentation at the annual Association of Community College Trustees Congress in November 2014. Discussions began with Bellevue College, followed by a site visit to further investigate the program. Dr. Nutt gave highlights of the degree and the timeline of steps to facilitate the first cohort class in August 2015 and expansion in the future.

3. Vice Chancellors: Mr. Ray Laughter, vice chancellor of external affairs gave a presentation on Legislative session updates and senate and house bills that may affect Lone Star College.

4. Faculty Senate Presidents: Ms. Kimberly Carter, faculty senate president for LSC- Tomball gave a presentation on Five Requests from Faculty and how the board can help the faculty. After polling the faculty she came up with the following requests: 1. Hire more fulltime faculty – to help with demands institutional services places on them in addition to their teaching loads, more full-timers teaching students that will have a voice in curriculum development and help with student clubs, organizations and committee work that take a lot of time and effort out of the classroom. 2. Examine and increase adjunct workload and pay. 3. Hire administrative support and support staff – hire advisors, counselors, lab support, social workers and childcare for campuses that do not offer it currently. 4. Consider two system-wide policies – closing the registration window a week before semester begins and no guns on our campuses. 5. Reconsider D2L – online management system –examine other online management


systems. Overall the faculty would like a closer connection to the board and Ms. Carter proposed a board member on campus day.

5. Board Members: Ms. Good spoke about the highlight of the Association of Community College Trustees Legislative Summit in Washington, DC. She and Chancellor Head were invited to the White House to meet with two of the President’s advisors to discuss the President’s free community college tuition initiative. On April 6-7, 2015 a group of Trustees will attend an LSC Day at the Texas state capital and talk to state legislators to relay a better understanding about what LSC is doing, about our needs, how they can help LSC and how LSC can help them. The board is working on the grievance policy to make sure it is comprehensive, understandable and fair.

Dr. Trowbridge spoke about forums on gun control at the colleges. He also proposed a resolution that the board adopt. Dr. Scott also proposed a resolution.

X. CLOSED SESSION: At 7:15 p.m. Ms. Good convened the Board in closed session, in accordance with Section 551.001 et seq. of the Texas Government Code under one or more of the following provision(s) of the Act:

Section 551.071 – Consultation with Attorney

XI. RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING: Ms. Good reconvened the open meeting at 7:23 p.m. After meeting in closed session it was determined that there was a question raised if a resolution was properly posted on the agenda. No action was taken on approving either of the proposed resolutions. Ms. Good indicated there may be an item presented at a later board meeting after the forums have taken place at the colleges.


Ms. Amy Varon, adjunct speech communication faculty at LSC-Montgomery spoke about limitations on the number of classes that adjunct faculty can teach.

Dr. John Burghduff representing the American Federation of Teachers spoke in favor of Agenda Item #1, changing the meeting time to 6:00 p.m. stating this will make the meeting more accessible. He also wanted to thank the board’s commitment to meetings that welcome the community and involve citizens, including Lone Star employees.

XIII. CONSIDERATION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA: Items number 1 and 2 were removed from the agenda to be considered separately. Ms. Good proceeded with the Consent Agenda. Dr. Trowbridge made a motion to approve Action Items 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Mr. Murillo seconded the motion and the Board unanimously passed the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “B”.


Ms. Good then proceeded to Items 1 and 2 that were pulled from the agenda. Dr. Trowbridge made a motion to waive the second reading with a second by Dr. Scott. The board unanimously voted to waive second reading on Items 1 and 2.


1. Consideration of Approval of the Recommended Revision of the Lone Star College Board Policy Sections I.E.1.31 - Time of Regular Meeting (ACTION ITEM 1): upon a motion by Dr. Trowbridge and a second by Dr. Smith the Board of Trustees unanimously approves the recommended revision of Lone Star College System Board Policy Section I.E.1.31 – Time of Regular Meeting. A copy is attached as Exhibit “C”.

2. Consideration of Approval to move the Regular Meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 2, 2015 to Thursday, April 9, 2015 (ACTION ITEM 2): upon a motion by Dr. Smith and a second by Mr. Murillo, the Board unanimously approves changing the meeting date of the April 2015 Regular meeting from April 2 to April 9. A copy is attached as Exhibit “D”.


1. Monthly Financial Statements: Ms. Diane Novak, associate vice chancellor for accounting, presented the monthly financial statements for the month ended January 31, 2015. A copy is attached as Exhibit “E”.

2. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute Contracts for the Utilization of Real Estate Brokerage Services for the System (ACTION ITEM 3): the Board unanimously authorizes the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute contracts for the utilization of real estate brokerage services as needed for the System from the following vendors over a period of five years:. Jones Lang La Salle (Partnered with Guess Group), 1400 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 1100, Houston, TX 77056; Arvo Realty Advisors (Partnered with Cushman and Wakefield), 1330 Oak Blvd., Suite 2700, Houston, TX 77056; CB Richard Ellis, 700 Louisiana Street, Suite 2700, Houston, TX 77002; Transwestern, 1900 West Loop South, Suite 1300, Houston, TX 77027. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “F”.

3. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute a Contract for the Purchase of Copier Lease and Maintenance Services for the System (ACTION ITEM 4): the board unanimously approves the purchase of copier lease and maintenance services for the System from Dahill Office Technology Corporation, 8200 IH 10 West, Suite 400, San Antonio, Texas 78230, in the amount of $387,500 annually for a total amount of $1,937,500. In addition, authorizes the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute contract amendments for the lease of additional copiers in an amount not-to-exceed $800,000 over five years bringing the total cost to $2,737,500 over the contract term. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “G”.


4. Consideration of Approval of Resolutions Authorizing Signatories for the System’s Accounts with the Local Government Investment Cooperative, Lone Star Investment Pool and TexPool (ACTION ITEM 5): the board unanimously adopts resolutions designating the following personnel as the authorized signatories to the System’s accounts with the local Government Investment Cooperative, Lone Star Investment Pool and TexPool: Cynthia F. Gilliam, vice chancellor administration & finance/chief financial officer; Carin Hutchins, associate chief financial officer; Tammy Cortes, associate vice chancellor administration & finance; Diana Garcia, director administration & finance; Mary Mbeche, professional analyst; Donna Hammett, professional analyst. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “H”.

5. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute Required Agreements, Easements and Release of Easements with Property Owners, Utility Providers and the Improvement District for Access and Utility Service to the LSC-Tomball Energy Workforce Training Center (ACTION ITEM 6): the Board unanimously authorizes the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute required agreements, easements and release of easements with property owners, utility providers and the improvement district for access and utility service to the LSC- Tomball Energy Workforce Training Center. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “I”.

6. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute a Contract to Purchase Proprietary Materials and Consulting Services to Design and Implement an Occupational and Life Skills (OLS) Program at LSC- Tomball (ACTION ITEM 7): the Board unanimously authorizes the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute a contract to purchase proprietary materials and consulting services to design and implement an OLS program at LSC-Tomball from Bellevue College, 14673 NE 29th Place, Bellevue, WA 98007, in the amount of $157,500 for the first five years of the program. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “J”.


Construction Projects Update: the Board reviewed the report as presented. A copy is attached as Exhibit “K”.


1. Consideration of Ratification of Appointments (ACTION ITEM 8): the Board unanimously ratified the appointments as presented. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “L”.


2. Consideration of Acceptance of Resignations (ACTION ITEM 9): the Board unanimously accepted the resignations as presented. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “M”.


XIX. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m.


______Board of Trustees, Chair Board of Trustees, Secretary


Consideration of Consent Agenda Board Meeting 4-9-15

Consent Agenda: A roll call of individual action items will determine the consent agenda. If a trustee has a question or plans to cast a negative vote regarding a specific recommendation, then the trustee/trustees need to acknowledge their intention to the Chair by show of hand during the roll call: this action item will be considered in the regular order of business as an individual action item.

Those action items that the trustees plan to approve without further question or discussion will be placed on the consent agenda during roll call of individual action items. Upon the creation of the consent agenda, a motion, a second to the motion and unanimous approval of the Board of Trustees is needed to approve the action items. Upon approval of the consent agenda, the Board of Trustees will proceed with the remainder of the agenda.

Rationale: The consent agenda format is an organization process for meetings that allows the governing board to focus their time and attention on action items that require more elaboration, information, and/or discussion. The intent of the consent agenda is to support efficiency and effectiveness of the meeting.

Tally Of Action Items Consent Chancellor Board Agenda Recommended Separate Separate Action Action # 1 Approve Rev. to LSC Board Policy I.E.1.41 and I.E.1.43 ______# 2 Authorize Chan/Neg/Agree/Cont/Purch/Janitorial/Svs ______# 3 Auth/Chan/Neg/Agree/Cont/Maint/Repair/Inspec/Svcs ______# 4 Auth/Chan/Neg/Cont/Purch/Archictect/Svs/2015/Bond ______# 5 Auth/Chan/Neg/Cont/Purch/Merch/Credit/Card/Svs/System ______# 6 Auth/Chan/Neg/Cont/Purch/Const/Reno/Tech/Bldg/CyFair ______# 7 Auth/Chan/Neg/Cont/Purch/Const/Expan/OTS/Bldg/CyFair ______# 8 Auth/Chan/App/Noncredit/WF/Comm/Ed Tuition/Fees ______# 9 Auth/Chan/Set/Tuition/Fees/Assoc/OLS/LSC-Tomball ______# 10 Ratify Appointments ______# 11 Accept Resignations ______# 12 Reappoint Full-Time Faculty ______# 13 Approve Peace Officers ______

# 14 A dopt a Resolution on Campus Carry of Handguns ______

Policy Report and Consideration No. 1 (FIRST READING) Board Meeting 4-9-15

Request: Consideration of Approval of the Recommended Revision of the Lone Star College Board Policy Sections V.B.3. Technical and Workforce Courses, V.B.7. LSC-Online, and V.B.8. Dual Credit (First Reading)

Chancellor’s That the Board of Trustees consider the recommended revisions of the Recommendation: Lone Star College Board Policy Sections V.B.3. Technical and Workforce Courses, V.B.7. LSC-Online, and V.B.8. Dual Credit. This constitutes a first consideration with a request for approval during the May Board meeting.

Rationale: These policy revisions update policy to be in accordance with Texas Higher Education Board rules and phrasing and Lone Star College processes.

Fiscal Impact: None

Staff Resource: Austin Lane 832-813-6648

V.B.3. Technical and Workforce Courses

V.B.3.01 Workforce Educational Program The Board shall be authorized and empowered to finance, provide and supervise career and technical courses for students in the System.

V.B.3.02 Definitions "Workforce education" means technical courses and programs for which semester credit hours or for which continuing education units are awarded. Workforce education courses and programs prepare students for immediate employment after completion of an associates of applied sciences (AAS) or certificate or job upgrade within specific occupational categories.

"Certificate program" is defined as a workforce education programs, credit or non-credit, designed for entry-level employment or for upgrading skills and knowledge within an occupation. Certificate programs typically serve as building blocks and exit points for AAS degree programs.

"A workforce course, credit or non-credit," is defined as a course offered with an occupationally specific objective and supported by state funding. A workforce continuing education course differs from a community service course, which is offered for recreational or avocation purposes and is not supported by state funding.

V.B.3.03 General Provisions The System may classify workforce courses as earning semester/quarter credit hours or continuing education units (CEUs) based on THECB rules. Contact hours reported for workforce education courses which result in either credit hours or CEUs shall be eligible for formula funding. A course or program that meets or exceeds 360 hours in length must be approved as a workforce certificate program by THECB staff, following policy. A course or program that meets or exceeds 780 hours in length must result in the award of appropriate semester/quarter credit hours and be applicable to a certificate or an applied associate degree (AAS) program.

V.B.3.04 Approval of Programs In accordance with the Guidelines for Instructional Programs in Workforce Education (GIPWE) as approved by THECB, if the System wishes to offer a new certificate or applied associate degree program it must meet the following requirements:

a. Completed application forms and a statement of assurances must be approved by the Board and the Chancellor, and then forwarded to THECB's Community and Technical Colleges Division. b. The statement of assurances must certify that THECB's criteria for new programs have been met.

V.B.3.05 Review Process Once the program requirements have been met, the Coordinating Board staff may schedule the program for formal program review. This review process shall be conducted by representatives from the System, the Coordinating Board staff, and other appropriate agencies and institutions of higher education. Lone Star College will also conduct an internal program review for each workforce program on a four-year cycle and present results to the Chancellor and Board.

V.B.3.06 Procedures to Revise Program If the System wishes to revise an existing certificate or applied associate degree program, it must complete the procedures as outlined in the Coordinating Board-approved Guidelines for Instructional Programs in Workforce Education (GIPWE), as follows:

a. All programs must be under the direction of an administrator having appropriate authority to ensure that quality is maintained, and that programs are conducted in compliance with all applicable laws and rules. Administrative officers must possess credentials, work experience, and/or demonstrated competence appropriate to their areas of responsibility, as specified by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges ("SACS"). b. Faculty and staff must be approved by the post-secondary institution. Each individual must meet the minimum qualifications established by the Coordinating Board and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS). LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on August 7, 2008.

V.B.7. LSC-Online

V.B.7.01 Coordinating Board Approval The System may offer a LSC-Online course approved by the Coordinating Board with no in-state geographic restrictions if the course is within the approved curriculum of the System. The System's LSC- Online Program will comply with all Coordinating Board conditions and requirements as well as those established by accrediting agencies.

V.B.7.02 LSC-Online Definitions A "LSC-Online course" refers to instruction in which the majority of the instruction occurs when the students and instructor are not in the same physical setting. For Coordinating Board reporting purposes, a class is considered a LSC-Online class if students receive more than one-half of the instruction at a different location than the instructor. The System's LSC-Online program includes online and hybrid instruction which are clarified in the credit schedules and on the Lone Star College–Online website. Online advisors advise only fully-online students in courses that are 100% online. Instruction may be synchronous or asynchronous, delivered to any single or multiple location(s) through electronic, correspondence, or other means outside the boundaries of the taxing authority of the System, or via instructional telecommunications to any other distance location.

V.B.7.03 Standards for LSC-Online LSC-Online instruction is comparable to on-campus instruction and meets all of the quality standards which the System provides through on-campus instruction.

LSC-Online courses offered through either college credit or Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are provided in accordance with the standards of the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), the Coordinating Board rules and regulations, the Guidelines for Institutional Reports for Distance Education and Off-Campus Instruction and other accrediting bodies as appropriate.

Students enrolled in LSC-Online must satisfy the same requirements for admission to the institution, to the program of which the course is a part, and to the class/section, as are required of on-campus students.

Faculty providing LSC-Online instruction are selected and evaluated by the same standards, review and approval procedures used to select and assess faculty responsible for on-campus instruction. The System provides training and support to enhance the added skills required of faculty teaching classes via instructional technology.

The instructor of record is responsible for the delivery of instruction and evaluation of student progress.

LSC-Online instruction is administered under the authority of the same office or person administering the corresponding on-campus instruction.

V.B.7.04 LSC-Online Strategic Plan LSC-Online will develop a strategic plan including applications of instructional technology as well as guidelines for supporting online faculty and advising students. The plan will be developed in alignment with the System’s Strategic Plan, according to requirements specified by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and the System.

V.B.7.05 Institutional Report for LSC-Online Prior to offering any LSC-Online, off-campus, or on-campus extension courses or programs for the first time, the System shall submit its Institutional Report for LSC-Online, and Off-Campus and On-Campus Extension Instruction to the Coordinating Board for approval. The Report, and any updated Reports, shall conform to Coordinating Board guidelines and criteria of the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools in effect at the time of the Report's approval. The System's academic and administrative policies shall reflect a commitment to maintain the quality of LSC-Online, off-campus, and on-campus extension courses and programs in accordance with the provisions of 19 TAC Chapter 4, Subchapter E.

V.B.7.06 Out-of-State or Out-of-Country Courses The System will not submit LSC-Online courses delivered outside the state to non-Texas residents for formula funding. The System will report fees received for extension and out-of-state/country courses in accordance with general institutional accounting practices.

V.B.7.07 Reporting to Commissioner The System will report enrollments, courses and graduates associated with extension offerings to the Commissioner as required by the Coordinating Board.

LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on August 7, 2008

V.B.8. Dual Credit The System offers students in high schools within its service area the opportunity to take dual credit courses. Dual credit courses are courses for which students receive college credit or CEU credit as well as high school credit while still enrolled in the junior or senior year of high school. Students may enroll in academic and/or workforce education. The curriculum content and rigor of dual credit courses are equivalent to the college course standards and requirements. The faculty must meet the same SACSCOC qualifications as non-dual credit courses and programs. See the System catalog for current tuition and fee information.

Policy Report and Consideration No. 2 (ACTION ITEM 1) Board Meeting 4-9-15

Request: Consideration of Approval of the Recommended Revision of the Lone Star College Board Policy Sections I.E.1.42 and I.E.1.43 – Scope of Participation and Citizen Participation

Chancellor’s That the Board of Trustees approves the recommended revisions of Lone Recommendation: Star College System Board Policy Sections I.E.1.42 and I.E.1.43 - Scope of Participation and Citizen Participation.

Rationale: This policy revision sets a new criteria for Citizen Participation.

Fiscal Impact: None.

Staff Resource: Helen Clougherty 832-813-6514

I.E.1.42 - Scope of Participation

Citizen participation will be permitted prior to the Board Meeting Executive Session for those individuals who have registered and requested to speak. At all other times during Board meetings, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board. No presentation before the Board shall exceed five (5) minutes. The maximum time for all citizen participation shall not exceed 30 minutes. Delegations of more than three (3) persons in speaking about a given agenda item shall appoint one person to present their views before the Board.

I.E.1.43 - Citizen Participation

Board meetings are held to transact the business of the System. Citizens shall be allowed to address the Board by registering and requesting the right to speak by (i) registering online twenty-four (24) hours before the board meeting, or (ii) registering in person by printing the completed online form no later than 5 minutes before the Board Meeting is called to order.

Financial Report and Consideration No. 1 Board Meeting 4-09-15

Report: Monthly Financial Statements

The financial statements for the month ended February 28, 2015 and the quarterly investment report for the period ending February 28, 2015 are presented for Board review.


90 %

80 %

70 % 9% 7% 8% 12% 11% 10%

60 %

27% FEBRUA RY 21% 30% 50 % 32% JA NUAR Y 29% 30% DECEMBER NOVEMBER 40 % OCTOBER 13% SEPTEMBER 15% 13% 30 % 10% 11% 10%

9% 4% 3% 4% 4% 3% 20 % 3% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4%

10 %

16% 16% 18% 17% 17% 18%


09 ‐10 10 ‐11 11 ‐12 12 ‐13 13 ‐14 14 ‐15

Prior to fiscal year 2010‐11, the System’s financial software dated revenues as earned the same day as entered into the system. The current software, implemented in 2010‐11, dates revenues in the time period the revenues are earned, regardless of the date the amounts were entered into the software program. 100% % OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES USED





FEBRUARY 50% JANUARY DECEMBER 10% 40% 8% 9% NOVEMBER 7% 9% 8% OCTOBER 7% 7% 7% 6% SEPTEMBER 7% 7% 30%

8% 8% 7% 8% 7% 7% 20% 8% 8% 7% 8% 7% 7%

8% 7% 8% 10% 8% 6% 7%

7% 7% 8% 8% 8% 7% 0%

09‐10 10‐11 11‐12 12‐13 13‐14 14‐15

Prior to fiscal year 2010‐11, the System’s financial software dated expenditures as incurred on the same day as entered into the system. The current software, implemented in 2010‐11, dates expenditures in the time period the expenditures are incurred, regardless of the date the amounts were entered into the software program. HOW MUCH DO WE NEED IN RESERVES? 100%









Statement of Revenues and Expenditures General and Auxiliary Funds Year to Date February 28, 2015 Unaudited 50% OF PRIOR YEAR PRIOR YEAR FISCAL YEAR % ACTUAL ACTUAL % ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL TO BUDGET 2/28/2014 TO BUDGET


State Appropriations $ 72,510,000 $ 31,164,548 43.0% $ 31,164,548 43.0% Tuition and Fees 108,930,000 90,643,082 83.2% 84,068,452 81.8% Taxes 116,230,000 108,966,430 93.8% 105,814,715 96.6% Investments 350,000 209,205 59.8% 160,218 40.1% Other 5,850,000 2,289,870 39.1% 2,252,142 37.7% Tuition/Growth Contingency 1,750,000 - 0.0% - 0.0%

Total Current Operations Revenues 305,620,000 233,273,135 76.3% 223,460,075 76.2%

Auxiliary Revenues 15,000,000 7,876,000 52.5% 6,505,168 44.3%

Total Revenues 320,620,000 241,149,135 75.2% 229,965,243 74.6%

Reserves 11,310,000 - 0.0% - 0.0%

Total Revenues and Reserves 331,930,000 241,149,135 229,965,243


Instruction-Academic 78,322,685 38,074,741 48.6% 37,284,989 48.9% Instruction-Workforce 26,734,180 15,353,842 57.4% 14,916,673 52.2% Public Service 774,618 312,771 40.4% 327,023 39.4% Academic Support 58,190,172 22,351,859 38.4% 21,287,009 39.3% Student Services 44,085,971 18,927,384 42.9% 17,083,214 37.7% Institutional Support 33,572,213 16,622,035 49.5% 13,551,413 40.5% Plant Operation and Maintenance 35,071,874 14,506,717 41.4% 13,970,659 44.6% Staff Benefits 22,678,287 13,106,162 57.8% 11,308,019 68.9% Growth Contingency 1,950,000 - 0.0% - 0.0%

Total Educational and General Expenditures 301,380,000 139,255,511 46.2% 129,728,999 45.1%

Repair, Replacement and Other Internally Designated 5,050,000 875,235 17.3% 701,196 14.6%

Auxiliary 15,000,000 7,119,527 47.5% 5,285,178 36.0%

Total Expenditures 321,430,000 147,250,273 45.8% 135,715,372 44.2%

Other Changes - Debt Service & Fund Transfers 10,500,000 6,365,988 1,918,825

Total Expenditures and Transfers 331,930,000 153,616,261 137,634,197

NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCES General Funds 0 86,776,401 91,111,055 Auxiliary Funds 0 756,473 1,219,990


Balance Sheet February 28, 2015 Unaudited

GASB 34/35 Memorandum Memorandum General & Reporting & Totals Totals ASSETSAuxiliary Restricted Investment In Plant Current Year Prior Year

Cash, cash equivalents & investments $ 130,944,760 $ 91,785,301 $ (4,011) $ 222,726,050 $ 242,438,940 Accounts receivable, net 19,178,237 14,960,617 5,088,340 39,227,194 30,256,998 Prepaid and deferred expenses 7,028,434 - 7,028,434 4,985,136 Inventories, at cost 50,352 - - 50,352 46,041 Amount to be provided for retirement long-term debt - 621,338,416 - 621,338,416 583,055,434 Capital assets, net - - 758,327,939 758,327,939 758,561,056

TOTAL ASSETS $ 157,201,783 $ 728,084,334 $ 763,412,268 $ 1,648,698,385 $ 1,619,343,605


LIABILITIES: Accounts payable $ 2,716,369 $ 7,153,769 946,366 $ 10,816,504 $ 10,141,647 Deferred revenues 7,871,577 6,495,300 - 14,366,877 6,431,880 Accrued compensable absences payable 6,890,774 346,036 - 7,236,810 7,101,179 Accrued interest payable - 1,644,140 - 1,644,140 1,624,650 Bonds payable - 604,020,349 - 604,020,349 628,087,396 Assets held in custody for others 182 6,963,079 - 6,963,261 6,743,031

TOTAL LIABILITIES 17,478,902 626,622,673 946,366 645,047,941 660,129,783

FUND BALANCES: Unrestricted 139,722,881 - 456,522,480 596,245,361 610,050,786 Restricted - - - Non grant agreements - (215,054) - (215,054) (156,861) Restricted for construction - 17,981,921 304,369,505 322,351,426 278,912,410 Debt service - 83,694,794 1,573,917 85,268,711 70,407,487 TOTAL FUND BALANCES 139,722,881 101,461,661 762,465,902 1,003,650,444 959,213,822

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES $ 157,201,783 $ 728,084,334 $ 763,412,268 $ 1,648,698,385 $ 1,619,343,605 QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT

For the Quarter Ended

February 28, 2015

Prepared by Valley View Consulting, L.L.C.

The investment portfolio of Lone Star College is in compliance with the Public Funds Investment Act and the College's Investment Policy and strategies.

/s/ Cynthia F. Gilliam Cynthia F. Gilliam, Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance/CFO

/s/ Tammy Cortes Tammy Cortes, Associate Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance

These reports were compiled using information provided by Lone Star College. No procedures were performed to test the accuracy or completeness of this information. The market values included in these reports were obtained by Valley View Consulting, L.L.C. from sources believed to be accurate and represent proprietary valuation. Due to market fluctuations these levels are not necessarily reflective of current liquidation values. Yield calculations are not determined using standard performance formulas, are not representative of total return yields and do not account for investment advisor fees. Strategy Summary:

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) maintained the Fed Funds target range between 0.00% and 0.25% (actual Fed Funds traded +/-10 bps). Fourth Quarter GDP was revised to +2.2% (down the initial estimate +2.6%). Overall 2014 GDP equaled 2.4%, up from 2.2% 2013. New payroll and unemployment data remain encouraging. Wage growth and overall participation lag FOMC objectives. The S&P 500 exceeded 2,100, while the 10 year and 30 year Treasury Notes/Bonds recorded record low yields. International economical and political struggles are a long range concern. When available, financial institution deposit yields generally provide the best interest earnings opportunity. Continuing to ladder provides strategic advantage.

Quarter End Results by Investment Category:

November 30, 2014 February 28, 2015 Asset Type Book Value Market Value Book Value Market Value Avg. Yield Pools/DDA/MMA $ 66,399,827 $ 66,399,827 $ 151,562,994 $ 151,562,994 0.15% Securities/CDs 64,845,228 64,841,832 76,976,212 76,950,474 0.49% Totals$ 131,245,055 $ 131,241,659 $ 228,539,206 $ 228,513,468

Average Quarterly Yield (1) Average Quarter End Yields - Fiscal Year

Total Portfolio 0.27% Total Portfolio 0.30%

Rolling Three Month Treasury 0.03% Rolling Three Month Treasury 0.02% Rolling Six Month Treasury 0.07% Rolling Six Month Treasury 0.06% Rolling One Year Treasury 0.14% Rolling One Year Treasury 0.13% TexPool 0.04% TexPool 0.04%

Quarterly Interest Earnings $ 117,644 YTD Interest Earnings $ 231,658

(1) Average Quarterly Yield calculated using quarter end report average yield and adjusted book value.

Valley View Consulting, L.L.C. Page 1. Treasury Yield Curves 3.00




Percentage 1.00



February 28, 2014 November 28, 2014 February 27, 2015

Valley View Consulting, L.L.C. Page 2. US Treasury Historical Yields 7.50 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00

Percentage 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00

Six Month T-Bill Two Year T-Note Ten Year T-Note

Valley View Consulting, L.L.C. Page 3. S&P 500 2,250 2,000 1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 0

Valley View Consulting, L.L.C. Page 4. Detail of Investment Holdings February 28, 2015 Coupon/ Maturity Settlement Original Face/ Purchase Book Market Market Life Description Rating Discount Date Date Par Value Price Value Price Value (days) Yield SSB MMA MMA 0.20% 03/01/15 02/28/15 20,643,927 1.00 20,643,927 1.00 20,643,927 1 0.20% Capital One MMA MMA 0.30% 03/01/15 02/28/15 15,062,059 1.00 15,062,059 1.00 15,062,059 1 0.30% LOGIC LGIP AAAm 0.09% 03/01/15 02/28/15 405,593 1.00 405,593 1.00 405,593 1 0.09% LSIP - Corporate LGIP AAAm 0.12% 03/01/15 02/28/15 21,797,983 1.00 21,797,983 1.00 21,797,983 1 0.12% LSIP - Corporate Plus (3) LGIP AAAm 0.13% 03/01/15 02/28/15 92,648,219 1.00 92,648,219 1.00 92,648,219 1 0.13% LSIP - Government LGIP AAAm 0.05% 03/01/15 02/28/15 205,211 1.00 205,211 1.00 205,211 1 0.05% TexPool LGIP AAAm 0.04% 03/01/15 02/28/15 223,088 1.00 223,088 1.00 223,088 1 0.04% TexPool - Prime LGIP AAAm 0.08% 03/01/15 02/28/15 576,914 1.00 576,914 1.00 576,914 1 0.08%

Green Bank CD CD0077R 0.55% 03/20/15 03/20/14 245,000 100.00 245,000 100.00 245,000 20 0.55% Southside Bank CD CD0841 0.42% 03/20/15 09/20/13 6,031,549 100.00 6,031,549 100.00 6,031,549 20 0.42% Cadence Bank CD CD5174 0.20% 07/01/15 03/24/14 2,039,826 100.00 2,039,826 100.00 2,039,826 123 0.20% Comerica Bank CD CD5515 0.27% 07/01/15 12/02/13 10,031,633 100.00 10,031,633 100.00 10,031,633 123 0.27% Inter National Bank CD5489 0.37% 07/22/15 07/22/14 2,003,732 100.00 2,003,732 100.00 2,003,732 144 0.37% Comerica Bank CD CD5911 0.23% 08/03/15 03/20/14 8,017,005 100.00 8,017,005 100.00 8,017,005 156 0.23% Dallas Wtrwrks & Swr - Muni 2354163T9 Aa1/AAA 0.80% 10/01/15 03/25/14 2,400,000 100.00 2,405,597 100.14 2,403,432 215 0.47% Comerica Bank CD CD5671 0.44% 10/01/15 01/24/14 10,047,842 100.00 10,047,842 100.00 10,047,842 215 0.44% Comerica Bank CD CD9473R 0.40% 11/02/15 04/01/14 4,013,434 100.00 4,013,434 100.00 4,013,434 247 0.40% Houston Comm. College - Muni 442368KS4 Aa2/AA- 0.62% 04/15/16 04/16/14 1,000,000 100.00 1,000,000 99.97 999,740 412 0.76% Comerica Bank CD CD050216 0.64% 05/02/16 05/29/14 10,048,323 100.00 10,048,323 100.00 10,048,323 429 0.64% Comerica Bank CD CD7107 0.71% 08/01/16 09/03/14 5,014,899 100.00 5,014,899 100.00 5,014,899 520 0.71% Comerica Bank CD CD7115 0.73% 10/01/16 09/03/14 4,012,255 100.00 4,012,255 100.00 4,012,255 581 0.73% FHLB Note 3133371PV2 Aaa/AA+ 1.63% 12/09/16 02/12/15 4,000,000 101.67 4,065,117 101.71 4,068,228 650 0.70% FHLMC Note 3134G6DC4 Aaa/AA+ 0.70% 02/24/17 02/24/15 3,000,000 100.00 3,000,000 99.71 2,991,261 727 0.70% FHLMC Note 3134G6CA9 Aaa/AA+ 0.80% 02/27/17 02/27/15 5,000,000 100.00 5,000,000 99.65 4,982,315 730 0.80%

$ 228,468,492 $ 228,539,206 $ 228,513,468 110 0.27% (1) (2)

(1) Weighted average life - For purposes of calculating weighted average life, Bank Deposit, Local Government Investment Pool, and Money Market Mutual Fund investments are assumed to have a one day maturity.

(2) Weighted average yield to maturity - For purposes of calculating weighted average yield to maturity, realized and unrealized gains/losses, and Investment Advisor fees are not considered.

(3) Original Face/Par Value - For reporting purposes, Purchase Price and Market Price are reported as $1.00 and Original Face/Par Value is adjusted accordingly. Actual Purchase Price and Market Price is $0.50, consequentially Original Face/Par Value would double.

Valley View Consulting, L.L.C. Page 5. Portfolio Composition LOGIC 0% LSIP MMA 50% 16%

Certificates of TexPool Deposit Securities 0% 27% 7%

This chart describes the portfolio's portion of each investment pool or category.

Valley View Consulting, L.L.C. Page 6. Total Portfolio










Quarter End Book Value

This chart tracks LSC's Total Portfolio Book Value quarter-by-quarter to provide an historical perspective of the College's financial position.

Valley View Consulting, L.L.C. Page 7. Book Value Maturity Distribution $160,000,000









Maturity Date Call Date

This chart groups the portfolio's positions by maturity and call date. At this time there are no callable investments.

Valley View Consulting, L.L.C. Page 8. Book Value Comparison November 30, 2014 February 28, 2015 Coupon/ Maturity Original Face/ Original Face/ Discount Date Par Value Book Value Purchases Maturities/Calls Par Value Book Value SSB MMA 0.20% 03/01/15$ 10,136,870 $ 10,136,870 $ 10,507,058 $ $ 20,643,927 $ 20,643,927 Capital One MMA 0.30% 03/01/15 15,050,922 15,050,922 11,138 15,062,059 15,062,059 LOGIC 0.09% 03/01/15 405,502 405,502 91 405,593 405,593 LSIP - Corporate 0.12% 03/01/15 26,798,471 26,798,471 (5,000,488) 21,797,983 21,797,983 LSIP - Corporate Plus 0.13% 03/01/15 12,069,420 12,069,420 80,578,799 92,648,219 92,648,219 LSIP - Government 0.05% 03/01/15 1,307,929 1,307,929 (1,102,718) 205,211 205,211 TexPool 0.04% 03/01/15 223,063 223,063 25 223,088 223,088 TexPool - Prime 0.08% 03/01/15 407,651 407,651 169,263 576,914 576,914

Green Bank CD 0.55% 03/20/15 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 Southside Bank CD 0.42% 03/20/15 6,025,240 6,025,240 6,309 6,031,549 6,031,549 Cadence Bank CD 0.20% 07/01/15 2,038,796 2,038,796 1,031 2,039,826 2,039,826 Comerica Bank CD 0.27% 07/01/15 10,024,809 10,024,809 6,824 10,031,633 10,031,633 Inter National Bank CD 0.37% 07/22/15 2,001,865 2,001,865 1,867 2,003,732 2,003,732 Comerica Bank CD 0.23% 08/03/15 8,012,359 8,012,359 4,646 8,017,005 8,017,005 Dallas Wtrwrks & Swr - Muni 0.80% 10/01/15 2,400,000 2,407,940 (2,343) 2,400,000 2,405,597 Comerica Bank CD 0.44% 10/01/15 10,036,707 10,036,707 11,135 10,047,842 10,047,842 Comerica Bank CD 0.40% 11/02/15 4,009,390 4,009,390 4,044 4,013,434 4,013,434 Houston Comm. College - Muni 0.62% 04/15/16 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Comerica Bank CD 0.64% 05/02/16 10,032,306 10,032,306 16,016 10,048,323 10,048,323 Comerica Bank CD 0.71% 08/01/16 5,005,935 5,005,935 8,964 5,014,899 5,014,899 Comerica Bank CD 0.73% 10/01/16 4,004,881 4,004,881 7,374 4,012,255 4,012,255 FHLB Note 1.63% 12/09/16 4,065,117 4,000,000 4,065,117 FHLMC Note 0.70% 02/24/17 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 FHLMC Note 0.80% 02/27/17 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000

$ 131,237,115 $ 131,245,055 $ 103,399,699 $ (6,105,549) $ 228,468,492 $ 228,539,206

Valley View Consulting, L.L.C. Page 9. Market Value Comparison November 30, 2014 February 28, 2015 Coupon/ Maturity Original Face/ Quarter End Original Face/ Discount Date Par Value Market Value Change Par Value Market Value SSB MMA 0.20% 03/01/15$ 10,136,870 $ 10,136,870 $ 10,507,058 $ 20,643,927 $ 20,643,927 Capital One MMA 0.30% 03/01/15 15,050,922 15,050,922 11,138 15,062,059 15,062,059 LOGIC 0.09% 03/01/15 405,502 405,502 91 405,593 405,593 LSIP - Corporate 0.12% 03/01/15 26,798,471 26,798,471 (5,000,488) 21,797,983 21,797,983 LSIP - Corporate Plus 0.13% 03/01/15 12,069,420 12,069,420 80,578,799 92,648,219 92,648,219 LSIP - Government 0.05% 03/01/15 1,307,929 1,307,929 (1,102,718) 205,211 205,211 TexPool 0.04% 03/01/15 223,063 223,063 25 223,088 223,088 TexPool - Prime 0.08% 03/01/15 407,651 407,651 169,263 576,914 576,914

Green Bank CD 0.55% 03/20/15 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 Southside Bank CD 0.42% 03/20/15 6,025,240 6,025,240 6,309 6,031,549 6,031,549 Cadence Bank CD 0.20% 07/01/15 2,038,796 2,038,796 1,031 2,039,826 2,039,826 Comerica Bank CD 0.27% 07/01/15 10,024,809 10,024,809 6,824 10,031,633 10,031,633 Inter National Bank CD 0.37% 07/22/15 2,001,865 2,001,865 1,867 2,003,732 2,003,732 Comerica Bank CD 0.23% 08/03/15 8,012,359 8,012,359 4,646 8,017,005 8,017,005 Dallas Wtrwrks & Swr - Muni 0.80% 10/01/15 2,400,000 2,406,504 (3,072) 2,400,000 2,403,432 Comerica Bank CD 0.44% 10/01/15 10,036,707 10,036,707 11,135 10,047,842 10,047,842 Comerica Bank CD 0.40% 11/02/15 4,009,390 4,009,390 4,044 4,013,434 4,013,434 Houston Comm. College - Muni 0.62% 04/15/16 1,000,000 998,040 1,700 1,000,000 999,740 Comerica Bank CD 0.64% 05/02/16 10,032,306 10,032,306 16,016 10,048,323 10,048,323 Comerica Bank CD 0.71% 08/01/16 5,005,935 5,005,935 8,964 5,014,899 5,014,899 Comerica Bank CD 0.73% 10/01/16 4,004,881 4,004,881 7,374 4,012,255 4,012,255 FHLB Note 1.63% 12/09/16 4,068,228 4,000,000 4,068,228 FHLMC Note 0.70% 02/24/17 2,991,261 3,000,000 2,991,261 FHLMC Note 0.80% 02/27/17 4,982,315 5,000,000 4,982,315

$ 131,237,115 $ 131,241,659 $ 97,271,809 $ 228,468,492 $ 228,513,468

Valley View Consulting, L.L.C. Page 10. Book Value Allocated by Fund February 28, 2015 Operating CIP CIP CIP I & S Description Maturity Fund Fund Revenue Bonds MTN Bond Fund Total SSB MMA 03/01/15$ 15,619,501 $ – $ 5,024,427 $ – $ – $ 20,643,927 Capital One MMA 03/01/15 10,040,850 5,021,209 15,062,059 LOGIC 03/01/15 348,234 59 40,286 17,014 405,593 LSIP - Corporate 03/01/15 3 9,526 21,775,154 13,300 21,797,983 LSIP - Corporate Plus 03/01/15 67,346,911 25,301,308 92,648,219 LSIP - Government 03/01/15 204,672 539 205,211 TexPool 03/01/15 14,002 209,085 223,088 TexPool - Prime 03/01/15 546,445 30,469 576,914

Green Bank CD 03/20/15 245,000 245,000 Southside Bank CD 03/20/15 6,031,549 6,031,549 Cadence Bank CD 07/01/15 2,039,826 2,039,826 Comerica Bank CD 07/01/15 10,031,633 10,031,633 Inter National Bank CD 07/22/15 2,003,732 2,003,732 Comerica Bank CD 08/03/15 8,017,005 8,017,005 Dallas Wtrwks & Swr 10/01/15 2,405,597 2,405,597 Comerica Bank CD 10/01/15 10,047,842 10,047,842 Comerica Bank CD 11/02/15 4,013,434 4,013,434 Houston Community College 04/15/16 1,000,000 1,000,000 Comerica Bank CD 05/02/16 10,048,323 10,048,323 Comerica Bank CD 08/01/16 5,014,899 5,014,899 Comerica Bank CD 10/01/16 4,012,255 4,012,255 FHLB Note 12/09/16 4,065,117 4,065,117 FHLMC Note 02/24/17 3,000,000 3,000,000 FHLMC Note 02/27/17 5,000,000 5,000,000

Total $ 151,024,348 $ 40,054 $ 46,872,064 $ 40,286 $ 30,562,454 $ 228,539,206

Valley View Consulting, L.L.C. Page 11. Market Value Allocated by Fund February 28, 2015 Operating CIP CIP CIP I & S Description Maturity Fund Fund Revenue Bonds MTN Bond Fund Total SSB MMA 03/01/15$ 15,619,501 $ – $ 5,024,427 $ – $ – $ 20,643,927 Capital One MMA 03/01/15 10,040,850 5,021,209 15,062,059 LOGIC 03/01/15 348,234 59 40,286 17,014 405,593 LSIP - Corporate 03/01/15 3 9,526 21,775,154 13,300 21,797,983 LSIP - Corporate Plus 03/01/15 67,346,911 25,301,308 92,648,219 LSIP - Government 03/01/15 204,672 539 205,211 TexPool 03/01/15 14,002 209,085 223,088 TexPool - Prime 03/01/15 546,445 30,469 576,914

Green Bank CD 03/20/15 245,000 245,000 Southside Bank CD 03/20/15 6,031,549 6,031,549 Cadence Bank CD 07/01/15 2,039,826 2,039,826 Comerica Bank CD 07/01/15 10,031,633 10,031,633 Inter National Bank CD 07/22/15 2,003,732 2,003,732 Comerica Bank CD 08/03/15 8,017,005 8,017,005 Dallas Wtrwks & Swr 10/01/15 2,403,432 2,403,432 Comerica Bank CD 10/01/15 10,047,842 10,047,842 Comerica Bank CD 11/02/15 4,013,434 4,013,434 Houston Community College 04/15/16 999,740 999,740 Comerica Bank CD 05/02/16 10,048,323 10,048,323 Comerica Bank CD 08/01/16 5,014,899 5,014,899 Comerica Bank CD 10/01/16 4,012,255 4,012,255 FHLB Note 12/09/16 4,068,228 4,068,228 FHLMC Note 02/24/17 2,991,261 2,991,261 FHLMC Note 02/27/17 4,982,315 4,982,315

Total $ 150,998,610 $ 40,054 $ 46,872,064 $ 40,286 $ 30,562,454 $ 228,513,468

Valley View Consulting, L.L.C. Page 12. Financial Report and Consideration No. 2 (ACTION ITEM 2) Board Meeting 4-9-15

Request: Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute Contracts to Purchase Janitorial Services

Chancellor’s That the Board of Trustees authorizes the Chancellor or designee to Recommendation: negotiate and execute contracts to purchase janitorial services for a not-to- exceed amount of $13,000,000 over five years from the vendors listed below.

Soji Services, Inc. Montgomery Dba Metroclean Commercial Building Services University Center 9000 S.W. Freeway, Suite 412 at Montgomery Houston, TX 77074 Atascocita Center University Park

McLemore Building Maintenance, Inc. System Office – 110 Fargo The Woodlands Houston, TX 77006

C & S Janitorial Services, Inc. CyFair 6706 Bourgeois Road

Houston, TX 77066

Rationale: Janitorial services are required for the daily and nightly cleaning of college, center and specialty buildings. Both light and full janitorial services will be provided throughout all buildings.

In compliance with the provisions of Texas Education Code 44.031 (a), a Request for Proposal (RFP #369) was publicly advertised and issued to forty (40) vendors; fifteen (15) responses were received. The award could not be based upon low bid alone. The proposals were evaluated based on cost, qualifications/experience, references, quality of goods and services, past performance, extent to which certified historically underutilized businesses (HUB), minority and/or veteran or women-owned businesses are utilized, long-term costs and other relevant factors. On-site presentations were made by the five (5) respondents receiving the highest proposal scores. It is recommended that the three vendors with the highest on-site presentation scores be awarded the contracts to ensure appropriate service levels.

The initial term of the contract will be for two (2) years with an option to renew for three (3) additional one-year periods. Either party may terminate the agreement upon 30 days written notice. Additional locations may be added during the term of the agreement under the same contract terms and conditions.

Fiscal Impact: Funds for these purchases are available from the approved FY 2014-15 budget. Funds for subsequent years will be included in future proposed budgets.

Staff Resource: Cindy Gilliam 832-813-6512 Financial Report and Consideration No. 3 (ACTION ITEM 3) Board Meeting 4-9-15

Request: Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute Master Service Contracts to Purchase Facility Related Minor Projects, Maintenance, Repairs and Inspection Services for the System

Chancellor’s That the Board of Trustees authorizes the Chancellor or designee to Recommendation: negotiate and execute master service contracts to purchase facility related minor projects, maintenance, repairs and inspection services for the System. The scope of the award is for individual projects that cost less than $100,000. Total estimated annual costs for these services are expected to be $2,000,000, and will not exceed $10,000,000 over the five year contract term. See attached listing for recommended vendors.

Rationale: The purpose of awarding multiple trades is to expedite the turn-around time for minor projects, maintenance, repairs and inspection services for system facilities, while ensuring a safe, clean, and operable environment for students, faculty and staff.

In compliance with the provisions of Texas Education Code 44.031 (a), Request for Proposals (CSP #345A, #357A, and #374) were publicly advertised and issued to one hundred twenty four (124) vendors and twenty- one (21) responses were received. The proposals were evaluated based on cost, qualifications/experience/references, quality of goods or services, safety record, extent to which certified historically underutilized businesses (HUB), minority and/or veteran or women-owned businesses are utilized, proposed personnel, financial position, past performance and other relevant factors. It is recommended that all 21 vendors be awarded contracts to ensure appropriate service levels.

Services under $25,000 will be awarded based on the vendor’s ability to provide the product/services within the timeframe required. Services $25,000 or more, but less than $100,000, will be obtained by requesting quotes from a minimum of three of the contractors awarded the service. Services for $100,000 or more will be competitively bid and brought forward to the Board separately for approval.

The term of this award is for an initial three (3) years and will automatically renew for two additional one-year terms unless the vendor is notified by the System. The System reserves the right to cancel any agreement upon 30 days written notice with or without cause. Hourly rates will remain firm for the first year. Rate adjustments may be considered for subsequent years upon receipt of written justification supported by an increase in trade rates, inflation, or other measure as approved by the System.

Fiscal Impact: Funds for these purchases are available from the approved FY 2014-15 budget. Funds for subsequent years will be included in future proposed budgets.

Staff Resource: Cindy Gilliam 832-813-6512

CSP #345A, #357A, and #374 - Master Service Agreements


Mechanical Services

1. HB Mechanical Services Inc. 20410 Old Sorters Road, Porter, TX 77365 2. Gregory-Edwards, Inc. 10808 Alcott Drive, Houston, TX 77043 3. C-Air-S Mechanical, Inc. 8430 Fawndale, Houston, TX 77040 4. Raven Mechanical 1618 Buschong, Houston, TX 77039 5. TD Industries, Inc. 8801 Jameel, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77040 6. Letsos Company 8435 Westglen Drive, Houston, TX 77063 7. Lange Mechanical 933 Wakefield Drive, Houston, TX 77018 8. MLN Service Company 3931 Ann Arbor Drive, Houston, TX 77063 9. RDI Mechanical, Inc. 7150 Breen Drive, Houston, TX 77086

Plumbing Services

1. Accurate Plumbing and Leak Detection, Inc. 1527 Charolais Drive, Cypress, TX 77429 2. Belknap Plumbing Systems, Inc. 9030 Solon Road, Houston, TX 77064 3. Gregory-Edwards, Inc. 10808 Alcott Drive, Houston, TX 77043 4. TD Industries, Inc. 8801 Jameel, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77040 5. MLN Service Company 3931 Ann Arbor Drive, Houston, TX 77063 6. American Mechanical Service of Houston 13627 Stafford Road, Stafford, TX 77477

Electrical Services

1. Partners Electrical Services, LLC 7303 Windfern Rd, Houston, TX 77040 2. Millennium Project Solutions 14026 FM 2100, Suite C, Crosby, TX 77532 3. Colwell Electric 6829 Guhn Road, Houston, TX 77040 4. A & H Electric Services, LLC 3505 N. Loop 336 West, Conroe, TX 77304 5. Prism Electric, Inc. 6522 Bourgeois Road, Houston, TX 77066 6. Trio Electric, LTD 11413 Todd Street, Houston, TX 77055

Financial Report and Consideration No. 4 (ACTION ITEM 4) Board Meeting 4-9-15

Request: Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute Contracts for the Purchase of Architectural Services for the System

Chancellor’s That the Board of Trustees authorizes the Chancellor or designee to Recommendation: negotiate and execute contracts for the purchase of architectural services for the System with the highest ranked firms listed in the attachment. If negotiations cease for any reason with the 1st ranked firm, the System will proceed to negotiate with the next highest ranked firm with a score of 70 or more.

Rationale: As a result of the November 4, 2014 bond election, the System is authorized to issue up to $485M in general obligation bonds for the purchase of land, new construction, repair and replacement, and renovation of facilities. Professional architectural services are required for phase one construction projects related to the approved bond referendum. The architectural services will include, but not be limited to, design, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, HVAC and civil engineering.

In compliance with the provisions of Texas Government Code 2254.004, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ #365) was publicly advertised and issued to one hundred and forty one (141) firms. Thirty-nine (39) architectural firms subsequently responded to the RFQ.

The initial evaluation of proposals was conducted based on the firm’s qualifications, references, relevant higher education project experience, approach and methodology, experience of proposed personnel, extent to which certified historically underutilized businesses (HUB), minority and/or veteran or women-owned businesses are utilized and the completeness and thoroughness of the response. On-site presentations were made by the twenty-one (21) firms receiving the highest proposal scores. It is recommended that the firms with the highest on-site presentation scores be awarded the contracts for architectural services.

The selected architectural firms will render professional services for phase one of the bond program. The System reserves the right to utilize this selection and award other non-bond funded projects to the selected firms as deemed necessary.

The initial term of the contract will be for two (2) years with an option to renew for three (3) additional one-year periods at LSC’s discretion. Either party may terminate the agreement upon 30 days written notice.

Fiscal Impact: Funds for these purchases are available from the General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015 and other funding sources.

Staff Resource: Cindy Gilliam 832-813-6512

RFQ #365 – Architectural Services 2015 General Obligation Bond Projects

# Location Projects 1st Ranked Firm 2nd Ranked Firm 3rd Ranked Firm 1A LSC-CyFair Instructional Building, M. Arthur Gensler Harrison Kornberg Prozign, Inc. Central Plant Jr. & Associates, Architects, LLC Expansion, Surface Inc. dba Gensler Parking, Renovations 1B LSC-CyFair Computer Information Stantech Page Southerland Pierce Goodwin Technology & Visual Architecture Inc. Page, Inc. dba Page Alexander & Communications, Linville, Inc. dba Cypress Center PGAL Workforce Expansion 2 LSC- Student Services WHR Architects, Joiner Partnership, VLK Architects, Inc. Kingwood Expansion, Process Inc. Inc. and Lab Technology & Visual Communications 3A LSC- Live Entertainment Smith & Company Pierce Goodwin Brave Architecture Montgomery Tech Expansion, Architects Alexander & Linville, Traffic Infrastructure, Inc. dba PGAL Conroe Workforce Center 3B LSC- Magnolia Satellite Harrison Kornberg Stantec Architecture PBK Architects, Inc. Montgomery Center and Parking Architects, LLC Inc. Spaces 4 LSC-North Advanced Technology PBK Architects, Inc. Joiner Partnership, Harrison Kornberg Harris Workforce Center, Inc. Architects, LLC Transportation and Logistics Institute 5 LSC- Health Science Page Southerland PBK Architects, Inc. Corgan Tomball Building Build Out, Page, Inc. dba Page Drilling Platform Training Center

RFQ #365 – Architectural Services 2015 General Obligation Bond Projects

# Location Projects 1st Ranked Firm 2nd Ranked Firm 3rd Ranked Firm 6A LSC- Instructional Science Kirksey Architects, Harrison Kornberg PBK Architects, Inc. University Building, Master Inc. Architects, LLC Park Planning of Campus, Other Projects 6B LSC- Workforce Rey de la Reza Autoarch/Munoz OC&A Architects, University Certification Architects, Inc. dba Inc. Park Assessment Center RdlRA Architects Build Out, Multiple Renovations

Financial Report and Consideration No. 5 (ACTION ITEM 5) Board Meeting 4-9-15

Request: Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute a Contract to Purchase Merchant Credit Card Services for the System

Chancellor’s That the Board of Trustees authorizes the Chancellor or designee to Recommendation: negotiate and execute a contract to purchase merchant credit card services for the System from Paymentech, LLC DBA: Chase Paymentech, 14224 Dallas Parkway, Dallas, TX 75254, in an estimated annual amount of $36,900 and not-to-exceed a total of $200,000 over the five year contract period.

Rationale: The college system accepts credit and debit cards for payment of tuition and fees, parking permits, citations, library late fees, coin copier charges and other services. LSC handles an estimated $52 million in electronic payments annually. These services include secure processing and settlement for all electronic payment transactions.

This purchase is in compliance with Texas Education Code §44.031. A Request for Proposals (RFP #354) was publicly advertised and issued to thirty four (34) vendors and eight (8) responses were received. The initial evaluation of proposals was conducted based on the vendor’s fees, qualifications/experience/System needs met, references, quality of service, past performance, the extent to which historically underutilized businesses (HUB) minority and/or veteran and women-owned businesses are utilized, long-term costs, location and other relevant factors. On-site presentations were made by the three vendors receiving the highest proposal scores. It is recommended that the vendor with the highest on- site presentation score be awarded the contract for these services.

The term of the award will be for a period of five years.

Fiscal Impact: Funds for this purchase are available from the approved FY 2014-15 budget. Funds for subsequent fiscal years will be included in future proposed budgets.

Staff Resource: Cindy Gilliam 832-813-6512 Financial Report and Consideration No. 6 (ACTION ITEM 6) Board Meeting 4-9-15

Request: Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute a Contract to Purchase Construction Services for Renovation of the Technology Building at LSC-CyFair

Chancellor’s That the Board of Trustees authorizes the Chancellor or designee to Recommendation: negotiate and execute a contract to purchase construction services for the renovation of the Technology Building at LSC-CyFair from E-Contractors, 5711 Richmond Ave. Suite 130, Houston, Texas 77056, in the amount of $141,106.

Rationale: The proposed renovation project is intended to refresh the main corridors on the first floor of the Technology Building. Plans include replacing the carpet, painting the walls, improving the ceiling and installing additional lights. The Technology Building is a high traffic area and houses several workforce programs.

This purchase is in compliance with Texas Government Code 2269.055. A Request for Proposals (CSP #372) was issued to sixty-seven (67) construction vendors and four (4) responses were received. The proposals were evaluated based on price, experience, references, project experience, quality plan and service, extent to which certified historically underutilized businesses (HUB), minority and/or veteran and women-owned businesses are utilized, safety record, program and training, proposed lead personnel, financial position and other relevant factors. It is recommended that the vendor with the highest proposal evaluation score be awarded the construction contract.

Fiscal Impact: Funds for this purchase are available from the approved FY 2014-15 budget.

Staff Resource: Cindy Gilliam 832-813-6512 Audre Levy 281-290-3941 Financial Report and Consideration No. 7 (ACTION ITEM 7) Board Meeting 4-9-15

Request: Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute a Contract to Purchase Construction Services for Expansion of Office of Technology Services (OTS) at LSC-CyFair

Chancellor’s That the Board of Trustees authorizes the Chancellor or designee to Recommendation: negotiate and execute a contract to purchase construction services for the expansion of OTS at LSC-CyFair from E-Contractors, 5711 Richmond Ave. Suite 130, Houston, Texas 77056, in the amount of $255,208.

Rationale: The proposed renovation project will expand and update the OTS space on the first floor of the Technology Center. OTS needs additional space, including a workroom and storage area, to meet the requirements of the growing student and staff population.

This purchase is in compliance with Texas Government Code 2269.055. A Request for Proposals (CSP #375) was publicly advertised and issued to sixty-seven (67) construction vendors and two (2) responses were received. The proposals were evaluated based on cost, experience, references, project experience, quality plan and services, the extent to which certified historically underutilized businesses (HUB), minority and/or veteran and women-owned businesses are utilized, safety record, program and training, proposed lead personnel, financial position and other relevant factors. It is recommended that the vendor with the highest proposal evaluation score be awarded the construction contract.

Fiscal Impact: Funds for this purchase are available from the approved FY 2014-15 budget.

Staff Resource: Cindy Gilliam 832-813-6512 Link Alander 832-813-6832 Audre Levy 281-290-3941

Financial Report and Consideration No. 8 (ACTION ITEM 8) Board Meeting 4-9-15

Request: Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Approve Non-Credit Workforce Certificate and Community Education Course Tuition and Fee Rates as Needed Based on Market Conditions

Chancellor’s That the Board of Trustees authorizes the Chancellor or designee to Recommendation: approve non-credit workforce certificate and community education course tuition and fee rates as needed based on market conditions, with the exception of non-credit courses that are linked to credit courses. Such courses will be offered at the same tuition and fee rates as the credit courses.

Rationale: Throughout the year there are fluctuations in market conditions due to changes in the economy. In addition, non-credit certificates and courses start at various times throughout the year based on employer and community demand. The minimum course tuition and fee amount will be based on $10 per contact hour for non-credit workforce certificates.

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees authorizes the Chancellor or designee to determine the tuition and fees for non-credit programs and courses as necessary to respond to the fluctuation in market conditions.

Fiscal Impact: Tuition and fees collected for non-credit courses offered in Corporate College, Computer Technology Education and Community Education will be set at a rate that will cover all expenses.

Staff Resource: Melissa Gonzalez 281-655-3707 Financial Report and Consideration No. 9 (ACTION ITEM 9) Board Meeting 4-9-15

Request: Consideration of Approval to Set Tuition Rate for Associate Degree in Occupational and Life Skills (OLS®) at LSC-Tomball Chancellor’s That the Board of Trustees approves an addition to the 2015-16 tuition Recommendation: and fee schedule that would allow the OLS® program to be bundled and charged to the student at a fixed total amount. Rationale: Lone Star College has partnered with Bellevue College in Washington State to replicate their associate’s degree in OLS® for students with intellectual disabilities. The proposed tuition rate is $312.50 per credit hour, or approximately $5,000 for this program annually per student. No other college in Texas currently offers this associate degree or a comparable program for this student population. Lone Star College will pilot the program at LSC-Tomball. Bellevue College (originator college) and NorthWest Arkansas Community College (first replicating college) have tuition rates of $625 per credit hour, or $10,000 annually per student. These are the only colleges in the country offering this four- year, part-time, supportive degree program. The recommended tuition rate for LSC’s pilot program is lower than the other two national programs reflecting this region’s economic conditions relative to the economic conditions of the regions where the other two programs are being offered. Scholarship grants will be pursued to assist students with the cost of the program. This custom program is tailored for the partnership and branding with OLS® National at Bellevue College. Unique features of the program will include small classroom sizes, a cohort-style model, internships, job placement assistance, and faculty and staff supports. This program may be replicated at other Lone Star Colleges contingent upon community need. Fiscal Impact: Students will be charged $312.50 per credit hour, or approximately $5,000 for this program annually, less any scholarships awarded.

Staff Resources: Austin Lane 832-813-6648 Lee Ann Nutt 281-351-3378 Building and Grounds Report Board Meeting 4-9-15

Report: Construction Projects Update

The District’s Facilities Planning and Construction Department has provided a summary report of the District’s construction projects. See attached report.


2013 Revenue Bond Project Summary  LSC-Creekside Satellite Center ♦ Structural steel erection and casting of the parking lot pavement have been completed. HVAC, plumbing and electrical rough-in work is currently underway.

 LSC-CyFair - Site Improvements ♦ Traffic Signals at Entrance No. 3: Construction contract negotiations are underway. The project is scheduled for completion in May 2015. ♦ Cul-de-sac Improvements Along Towne Lake Parkway: The contractor has commenced construction.

 LSC-CyFair - Renovations ♦ Visual Communications Renovation in the Technology Center: HVAC, plumbing and electrical rough-in work is currently underway. The project is scheduled to be complete prior to the Fall 2015 semester.

 LSC-System Office - HVAC System Upgrades ♦ The installation of the new roof top HVAC units serving the Community and Leadership Buildings has been completed.

 LSC-North Harris - Select Buildings Fire/Life System Upgrade ♦ Device and panel installation is approximately 75% complete. The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of May 2015.

 LSC-North Harris - Health Professions Building HVAC Replacement ♦ The roof top mechanical equipment has been set and final hookups/adjustments are underway. The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of April 2015.

 LSC-North Harris – East Aldine Satellite Center ♦ Construction documents are nearing completion and coordination efforts are underway with statutory agencies and utility providers.

2015 General Obligation Bond Project Summary

 Architectural firm recommendations for Phase 1 projects will be made at the April Board of Trustees meeting.  Evaluation of proposals for other bond program related services (geotechnical, environmental and survey) has been completed and a recommendation will be made at the May Board of Trustees meeting.

 LSC-University Park- Classroom Build Outs in Building 12 Level 6 ♦ Schematic design is complete and design development drawings are underway. The project is scheduled to be complete prior to the Fall 2015 semester.

Foundation Report No. 1 Board Meeting 4-2-15

Report: Lone Star College Foundation Report of Gifts Received to Lone Star College

To ensure the Board of Trustees is regularly updated regarding gifts received, the Lone Star College Foundation has provided a summary report. See attached report.

Lone Star College Foundation Report of Gifts Received from October 1, 2014 through February 28, 2015.

Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment: . Upper and lower kitchen cabinets/wood, donated to the Drama department at LSC- Montgomery. Value $250.

. screens and tablets, mice, light boxes, portfolio, donated to the Graphic Arts/Tech department at LSC-North Harris. Value $3,000.

. Four Chairs, a file cabinet, a cradenza, and a hutch, donated to the Drama department at LSC-Tomball. Value $1,650.

. Various Lab equipment and consumables, donated to the Biotechnology Institute at LSC- Montgomery. Value $20,000.

. HP Designjet 5000 (plotter), HP Laserjet 4000 (printer), HP Laserjet 5500 (printer), and a backlit drafting table, donated to the Math, Engineering, Education & Student Success department at LSC-Kingwood. Value $2,500.

. Camera backdrop equipment and lighting, donated to the Theatre department at LSC- Tomball. Value $500.

Books and DVDs: . Sixteen books, donated to the Library at LSC-North Harris. Value $150.

. One book- "Zhiging" Stories from 's Special Generation, donated to the Library at LSC-North Harris. Value $20.

. "The Vedas", eighteen volumes, donated to the Library at LSC-Montgomery. Value $300.

. Fifty one books, donated to the Library at LSC-Montgomery. Value $869.


. Thirty SafeVision Standalone software licenses per year ($30,000 each), donated to the EMI at LSC-University Park. Value $900,000.

. Extensive private collection of piano music, donated to the Visual & performing Arts department at LSC-Kingwood. Value $1,500.

. Four terracotta statues, donated to the Fine Arts department at LSC-North Harris. Value $320.

. Various glassware, donated to the Biotechnology Institute at LSC-Montgomery. Value $1,200.

. A camera & case, zoom & case, Yashika T4 & case, Soligor lens & case, Vivitar flash, Pentax 35mm & case, Takumar lens & case, donated to the Art department at LSC-Montgomery. Value $290. Personnel Report and Consideration No. 1 (ACTION ITEM 10) Board Meeting 4-9-15

Request: Consideration of Ratification of Appointments.

Chancellor’s That the contractual appointments listed on the following pages be Recommendation: ratified for the positions indicated.

Rationale: These contractual appointments include ratification of Administrators and Faculty from the LSC-CyFair, LSC-Montgomery, LSC-North Harris, and LSC-Tomball

Fiscal Impact: Positions and salaries have been budgeted for 2014-2015.

Staff Resource: Link Alander 832-813-6832

a. LSC-CyFair-Temporary Contract Dulce Frietas, Instructor, ESOL Effective: 4.5 month contracted employee at annual pro-rated salary of $13,784 beginning February 10, 2015

Education: B.S., Leadership and Development, Texas A&M University; B.S., Psychology, Universidad de Fortaleza

Experience: Adjunct Instructor, ESOL, LSC-CyFair; Translator, Sr. Translator, American Journal Experts; Teacher Assistant, Southeast Community College Early Childhood Center; ESL Instructor, Fisk Schools; Assistant, Human Resources, Hospital Infantil b. LSC-Montgomery-Temporary Contracts Rosanna Dempsey, Instructor, Biology Effective: 4.5 month contracted employee at an annual pro-rated salary of $9,000 beginning February 23, 2015

Education: M.S., Medical Science, University of South Florida; B.S., Biomedical Science, Texas A&M University

Experience: Adjunct Instructor, Biology, LSC-Montgomery; Department Manager, MSO, United Solutions

Ricardo Salinas, Instructor, Welding-Continuing Education Effective: 4.5 month contracted employee at an annual pro-rated salary of $12,996 beginning February 23, 2015

Education: A.A.S., Welding Technology, Texas State Technical College

Experience: Adjunct Instructor, Welding, LSC-Montgomery; Program Director, Instructor, Wharton County Junior College; Program Chair, Instructor, Welding, South Texas College; Assistant Plant Manager, Acetylene Oxygen Company; Instructor, Welding, Texas State Technical College; Construction Supervisor Texas Department of Criminal Justice; Welder, Tri-Con Construction Company; Welder, U.S. Contractors; Welder, Raytheon; Welder, Dreco

Stephen Smith, Instructor, Biology Effective: 4.5 month contracted employee at an annual pro-rated salary of $13,439 beginning February 9, 2015

Education: M.S., Aquatic Biology, B.S., Biology, Southwest Texas State University

Experience: Adjunct Instructor, Biology, LSC-Montgomery, Tomball; Instructor, Biology, Southwest Texas State University; Manager, Water Section, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality c. LSC- North Harris-Temporary Contract Olympiayatta Washington, Workforce Skilled Trades Instructor, Patient Care Effective: 12 month contracted employee at an annual pro-rated salary of $57,657 beginning September 9, 2014

Education: B.S., Health Education and Promotion, University of Houston; A.A.S, Health Sciences, Houston Community College

Experience: Adjunct Instructor, Patient Care, LSC-North Harris, CyFair; Pediatric Field Nurse, Maxim Health Care; Staff Nurse, Triumph Health Care Hospital; Charge Nurse, Skilled Nursing, Park Manor; d. LSC- Tomball-Temporary Contract Casey Kaylor, Instructor, Nursing, LVN Effective: 4.5 month contracted employee at an annual pro-rated salary of $10,108 beginning February 6, 2015

Education: B.S., Nursing, University of Texas at Arlington; B.A., Psychology Indiana University; A.A.S., Nursing, LSC-Tomball

Experience: National Director, Military Education & Student Affairs, Developmental Manager, Military Education & Student Affairs, Trident University International; HR/Business Consultant, P2 Placement; Operations Director, HR/Business; Regional Education Director, Senior Instructor, Diverse Programs, Air Education & Training Command Community College of the Air Force

Personnel Report and Consideration No. 2 (ACTION ITEM 11) Board Meeting 4-9-15

Request: Consideration of Resignations

Chancellor’s That the resignations listed below be accepted and acknowledged. Recommendation:

LSC-System Office Nora Jerez, Sr. Manager, Purchasing Effective February 1, 2015

Tameka Williams Bruce, Executive Director, Human Resources Effective February 15, 2015

Donetta Goodall, Special Assistant to the Chancellor Effective August 31, 2015

Lisa Cowart, Associate Vice Chancellor Human Resources Effective August 31, 2015

Staff Resource: Link Alander 832-813-6832

Personnel Report and Consideration No. 3 (ACTION ITEM 12) Board Meeting 4-9-15

Request: Consideration of the Reappointment of Full-Time Faculty Chancellor’s That the full-time faculty reappointment listed on the following Recommendation: pages be ratified for the time periods and positions indicated, subject to final review and approval of the chancellor.

Rationale: The reappointments include all full-time faculty returning for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Fiscal Impact: Positions and salaries have been budgeted for 2015-2016.

Staff Resources: Link Alander 832-813-6832 Annual Contracts

Acree Lauren Faculty - Nursing Allen Chris Faculty- Biology Allen Crystal Faculty - Education Arastu Shamim Faculty - Education Auburn Pamela Faculty - Chemistry Ballard Brooke Faculty- English Ballato Joanne Faculty - Computer Information Technology Barnes Mark Faculty - Library Barrientos Anavel Faculty -Computed Tomography Bartlett Lindsey Faculty/Reference Librarian Bayanpourtehrani Ghazal Faculty - Economics Bayer Angela Faculty - Pharmacy Tech Bekisli Figen Faculty - Physics Bell Angela Faculty - History Benford Bryn Faculty- Geology Bishop Okera Faculty - Accounting Bourgeois Jennifer Faculty - Criminal Justice Braatz Ryan Faculty - Mathematics Breitigam Kari Faculty- Arts Brockhan Lindsey Faculty - Medical Radiologic Technology Brophy Barbara Faculty - Nursing Brown Heather Faculty - Developmental English Bruce Mickell Faculty - Mathematics Bryant Brenda Faculty - Developmental Reading & Writing Buford Brooke Faculty/Reference Librarian Butts Debora Faculty - Health Information Technology Cammon Jared Faculty- Engineering Technology Caraway Bruce Faculty- Computer Information Technology Chambers Roger Faculty - Computer Information Technology Chavez Bryan Faculty – Fire Science Chiotti Jennifer Faculty - Criminal Justice Colmenares Angela Faculty/Reference Librarian Compton Eric Faculty - Mathematics Conway Aurora Faculty - Biology Cordaway Andrea Faculty - Mathematics Couch Jonathan Faculty - Auto Technology Creeks Ardette Faculty - Nursing Croft Gary Faculty-Computer Information Technology/Networking

Cruz Gustavo Faculty - Mathematics Datta Amlan Faculty - Economics Davis Jonathan Faculty - Mathematics De Vries Julie Faculty - Art Devries Hoyt Faculty - Political Science DeWalt Michelle Faculty - Developmental English Diaz Antonio Faculty - English Dillon Stephanie Faculty/Counselor Donnelly Michael Faculty-EDUC Donneys-Hale Zoila Faculty - Graphic Arts Technology Dorsey Mignette Faculty- English Duerk John Faculty - Political Science Fernandez Jason Faculty - Psychology Force Crista Faculty - Chemistry Fray Ginger Faculty-English Gaer David Faculty - Speech Galvan Cynthia Faculty - Biology Gamez Jose Faculty -- Math Gandy Alan Faculty - Computer Information System Gilbert Patrick Faculty - Political Science Golden Sidonia Faculty - Education Goldknopf Ira Faculty - Chemistry Gonzales Monica Faculty - Kinesiology Gordon Marc Faculty - Visual Communication Gregersen Benjamin Faculty - Mathematics Guillory Devethia Faculty - History Heller Abigail Faculty - Speech Herrera Ericka Faculty- Political Science Hill Lisa Faculty - Education Himelstein Roger Faculty - Associate Degree Nursing Hishmeh Mohamad Faculty - Engineering Hochstein Joann Faculty - Geology Hoherz Amy Faculty - Mathematics Homann Ron Faculty-Sociology Houston Janeu Faculty - Chemistry Hulett Shaunte Faculty - Biology Isomura Eiki Faculty- Music Jac-Kucharski Alicja Faculty - Government James Velda Faculty - Computer Information Technology

Janarthanan Chitra Faculty - Chemistry Javaher-Tarash Nina Faculty - Computer Information Technology Johnson Carol Faculty - Biology Johnson Jermaine Faculty-Criminal Justice Jones Stephanie Faculty - EDUC Keyworth Matthew Faculty - History Landry Ericka Faculty- Education Lasco Mary Faculty - English Leone Christina Faculty - Developmental Math Lewis Jeffrey Faculty - Geology Low Jeffrey Faculty - Emergency Med Services Lunsford Kaye Faculty - Counselor Mack Ulysses Faculty - English Magnant Marilyn Faculty - Interior Design Nicomedes Marina Torres Ramon Faculty - Land Survey Martin Bruce Faculty - English Martinez Dario Faculty - Physics Mast Holli Faculty - Developmental Math Mendoza Cristina Faculty - Music Miller Brittany Faculty/Reference Librarian Miller Jared Faculty - Psychology Mitchell Sarah Faculty/Reference Librarian Moode Michael Faculty - Speech Morgan William Faculty - History Moturu Sarada Faculty - Physics Mullins Christine Faculty - Cosmetology Musgrove Kristie Faculty - English Nickerson Jerica Faculty- Speech Njowo Ngangnang Faculty -- Sociology Noeller Connie Faculty- Associate Degree Nursing Oltmann Meredith Faculty- Biology O'Neal Lyle Faculty - Mathematics Orta Chris Faculty - ASL Patton Adrienne Faculty - Developmental Math Phelps Kenyatta Faculty- Sociology Phillips Neil Faculty/Counselor Potts David Faculty - TV/Motion Graphics Puno Katherine Faculty-Chemistry Radakovich Robert Continuing Education Instructor - Machining Rajan Indrani Faculty - Biology Ranft Erin Faculty - English

Ravanmehr Venus Faculty - Chemistry Redman Larissa Faculty – Developmental English Rincones Cassandra Faculty – History Rogal Geoffrey Faculty – Political Science Sabol Misty Faculty- Business Saddiqi Javaid Faculty-Engineering Technology Sawyerr Cherry Faculty – Psychology Scott Cori Faculty – Nursing Sellers Perry Faculty- Accounting Short Roberta Faculty – English Skelton Heather Faculty – Nursing LVN Skopak John Faculty – Engineering Technology Smith David Faculty – Education Sorensen Jon Faculty - Logistics Stamper Cambria Faculty – Humanities Stansbury Jonathon Faculty – Speech Steel Melanie Faculty – Speech Stewart Sean Faculty- Speech Stewart William Faculty- Engineering Stroup Kristopher Faculty - Speech Sullivan William Faculty - Engineering Technology Tatarzyn Daniel Faculty - Developmental English Timana Edson Faculty - Economics Topham Lee Faculty - Mathematics Tran Michael Faculty - Nursing Trevino Westley Faculty - Mathematics Tucker Cameron Faculty- Radiology Technology Tucker Gary Faculty - Business Turner Glenn Faculty-Fire Science Vittoria Anh Faculty - Nursing RN Vorish Kelli Faculty-Sociology Wang Yiheng Faculty - Engineering Watts Jeffrey Faculty- Paralegal Studies Wax Jeffrey Faculty - Drama Westphal Rebecca Faculty- Biology Whitfield Kathryn Faculty - Radiological Technology Whittaker Betty Faculty - Nursing Wise Tamika Faculty - Associate Degree Nursing Wright Allison Faculty - English Xu Shuang Faculty - Economics Yapo Innocent Faculty - Welding Tech

Multi Contracts

Aalund Margaret Faculty - Nursing Abbasi Gholam Faculty - Mathematics Abood Carmencita Faculty - Nursing Adkins Shae Faculty - Speech Aguilar Carlos Faculty - Graphic Arts Tech Aguilar Macarena Faculty - ESOL Alber Julie Faculty - Speech Albores Terry Faculty/Counselor Allen Mary Faculty - Biology Almstedt Richard Faculty - Kinesiology Alon Aaron Faculty - Music Alvandi Natasha Faculty -English Amis Anne Faculty - ESOL Anaya Steve Faculty - Biology Andrade Simone Faculty - English Arnold William Faculty - Drafting Backer Matthew Faculty - Art Bacorn Andrea Faculty - Foreign Language Bair Warner Faculty - Biology Baker Cynthia Faculty - English Baker Kasey Faculty - English Barbee Kara Faculty - Biology Barcenas Maria Faculty - Foreign Languages Barr John Faculty - History Barton Patrick Faculty - Speech Batiste Seth Faculty- Developmental English Beaulieu David Faculty - Psychology Becker Melinda Faculty - Management/Marketing Becker Richard Faculty - Criminal Justice Beggan Dominic Faculty - Political Science Benifield Annie Faculty - Political Science Benzel David Faculty - Mathematics Bercu Aran Faculty - Mathematics Bergbauer Chinyoung Faculty - Mathematics Berkey Denise Faculty - Nursing Bezayiff Nathan Faculty - Physics Bippus Sharon Faculty - ESOL Birch David Faculty - Political Science Bjorklund Mary Faculty - Associate Degree Nursing

Blakelock Paul Faculty - Political Science Boatright Joyce Faculty - Developmental Studies Bom Antonius Faculty - Engineering Tech Botkin Rose Faculty/Reference Librarian Boyd Douglas Faculty - English Bradford Christine Faculty - Geology Braley Sue Faculty - Developmental Studies Brandes Nathalie Faculty - Geology Branham Karin Faculty - Sociology Brashier Lisa Faculty - Kinesiology Briggs Jennifer Faculty - Emergency Medicine Broadhurst Robert Faculty - Biology Brod Joyce Faculty - Veterinary Technology Brogan Madeline Faculty - Accounting Broome Diana Faculty - Pharmacy Technician Brown Gary Faculty - Political Science Brown Michelle Faculty - English Brown Viseeta Faculty - Health Information Technology Bryant Lisa Faculty - Speech Bryant Terrance Faculty - Computer Information Technology Buchanan Buck Faculty - Geography Buckman Karen Faculty - Psychology Burghduff John Faculty - Mathematics Burns John Faculty - Management/Marketing Buzbee E Faculty - Respiratory Care Caceres Miguel Faculty - Mathematics Cahill Joseph Faculty - Economics Caldwell Patrick Faculty - Mathematics Callahan Michael Faculty- Computer Information Technology Callarman Marcia Faculty - Nursing Camarata Yolanda Faculty - Kinesiology Campa Dean Faculty - Emergency Med Services Campbell Fiona Faculty - Respiratory Care Campbell Timothy Faculty - Drama Cannon Heather Faculty - Computer Information Technology Cannon Rhonda Faculty/Counselor Capistran Michael Faculty - Philosophy Capretta Theresa Faculty - Computer Information Technology Carlisle Jeannette Faculty - Accounting Carlson Linda Faculty - Physical Therapy Carpenter John Faculty - Drama

Carreras Anthony Faculty -- Philosophy Carroll Bruce Faculty - Biology Carroll James Faculty/Counselor Carter Kimberly Faculty - English Caruso Katharine Faculty - English Castano Marinela Faculty - Associate Degree Nursing Cataldo Elena Faculty - Foreign Languages Chamness Caroline Faculty - Computer Information Technology Chance Justin Faculty - Emergency Med Chapman Otis Faculty - Computer Information Technology Chari Mohan Faculty - Chemistry Charvis Gwendolyn Faculty - ESOL Ciampi Renee Faculty - Art Cinquemani Rita Faculty - Associate Degree Nursing Clark Gary Faculty - Business Clark William Faculty - Biology Cline Brandi Faculty - Mathematics Coleman Daniel Faculty - Philosophy Coleman Melinda Faculty - Mathematics Conn Kristen Faculty/Reference Librarian Conners Gary Faculty- Art Cooley Diana Faculty - Speech Cootz Jared Faculty - Sociology Cordero M Cristina Faculty - Spanish Cormier Kisha Faculty - Graphic Arts Cortese Romana Faculty - English Coryell Stephen Faculty - Developmental Math Cotton Susan Faculty - English Cowan Timothy Faculty - Philosophy Coyle Robert Faculty - History Craig Ryan Faculty - Developmental Math Crawford Brandi Faculty - Nursing-RN Crawford Brian Faculty - Computer Information Technology Cribbs Ajai Faculty - Developmental Math Crowder Carol Faculty - Biology Cruz Lourella Faculty - Chemistry Cryer Cory Faculty - Art Csiszarik Michael Faculty - Physics Cui Bo Faculty – Technology Currie Terri Faculty - Nursing LVN Curry Amy Faculty - History Dahnke David Faculty - ESOL Dai Rui Faculty - Mathematics

Damiecka Anne Faculty - ESOL Darlan Michael Faculty - Computer Information Technology Darling Mary Faculty - Developmental English Daugherty Scott Faculty - Mathematics Davia Renato Faculty - Economics Davis Claudia Faculty - Mathematics Davis David Faculty- History Davis Euradell Faculty - Developmental English Davis Linda Faculty - Associate Degree Nursing Davis Lisa Faculty/Counselor Davis Stephen Faculty - History Davis-Gilmore Jacqueline Faculty - Speech Davoudi Vida Faculty - Political Science Dean Timothy Faculty - Respiratory Care Dearing Melissa Faculty - Respiratory Care Deese William Faculty - ESOL DeFlanders Carolyn Faculty/Counselor Delesandri Marcy Faculty - Paralegal Studies Desai Smruti Faculty - Biology Desoignie Roland Faculty - Biology Dethloff John Faculty - English Devoley Michael Faculty - Psychology DeVries Jason Faculty - Fire Science Dixon Jack Faculty - English Dodgen Lynda Faculty - Sociology Donnelly Martha Faculty - Mathematics Donoso Naranjo Oswaldo Faculty - Economics Doyen Stephanie Faculty - Mathematics Drepaul Norma Faculty/Reference Librarian Dunn Will-Matthis Faculty - Mathematics Durant Mary Faculty - Biology Durdin David Faculty - Mathematics Durham Denise Faculty - Biology Durm Jonathan Faculty - Psychology Egley Darryl Faculty - Mathematics Ellis Blake Faculty - History Elsamahy Ibrahim Faculty - Engineer Design Technology Ennis Shirley Faculty - Kinesiology Erb Carol Faculty - Nursing LVN Eubank Robert Faculty - Political Science Faber John Faculty - Music

Far Habibollah Faculty - Mathematics Fernandes Karl Faculty - Psychology Ferris William Faculty - Automotive Technology Filoteo Janie Faculty - Sociology Fischer Rushing Jimmi Ann Faculty/Reference Librarian Fisher Laura Faculty - Art Fisher Maria Faculty - Mathematics Fisher Mark Faculty - ESOL Florez Maria Faculty - Biology Foster Anthony Faculty - Sociology/Psych Fox Clifton Faculty - History Francis Kiwana Faculty - Computer Information Technology Frideres Steffani Faculty - Art Friesen Clark Faculty - Speech Friesen Karyn Faculty - Speech Fuller Anthony Faculty - Speech Gallander Linda Faculty - Occupational Therapy Gamber Heather Faculty - Mathematics Gant Angela Faculty - English Garcia Casey Faculty - Humanities Garza Joe Faculty - Radiologic Technology Giambernardi Troy Faculty - Biology Gilbert Scott Faculty/Reference Librarian Gilbert-Cronen Vanessa Faculty - Sociology Gilbertson Sallie Faculty - AD Nursing Girocco Carol Faculty - AD Nursing Gleason Jeffrey Faculty - Music Gonzales Paula Faculty/Reference Librarian Good James Faculty - History Goodman Marion Faculty - Nursing LVN Goss Suzette Faculty - Developmental Math Granack Frank Faculty - Economics Grebe Sandra Faculty - Biology Green Heidi Faculty - Political Science Green Michael Faculty - Psychology Green Susan Faculty/Reference Librarian Gresell Stacy Faculty - Speech Griffin David Faculty - Fire Science Griffin Lashun Faculty - English Griffith Michael Faculty - Management/Marketing Groah Jeffrey Faculty - Mathematics Gronlund Kathryn Faculty - Biology

Grunden Leslie Faculty - AD Nursing Gunnels Claire Faculty/Reference Librarian Gupta Anupma Faculty - Biology Gutierrez Juan Faculty - Biology Haddad Huong Faculty - Cosmetology Hail Melanie Faculty - Radiologic Technology Haje Abraham Faculty - Mathematics Hall John Faculty - English Hall Lisa Faculty - Computer Information Technology Hall Marisol Faculty - Biology Hammerbacher Mark Faculty - Mathematics Hanscom Roy Faculty - Art Hardman Latoya Faculty - Education Harless Julie Faculty - Biology Harper Megan Faculty- Nursing-RN Harper-LeBlanc Debra Faculty - Speech Harris Hilary Faculty - Developmental English Harris Janet Faculty - Associate Degree Nursing Harshfield Michael Faculty - Respiratory Care Hartgrove-Freile Janice Faculty - Psychology Harvey Sandra Faculty - History Haydel Natasha Faculty - Developmental Math Haysley Virginia Faculty - Political Science Hayward Barbara Faculty - History Heckelman Ronald Faculty - English Henry Raquel Faculty - Psychology Hereford Suann Faculty/Counselor Hernandez Jack Faculty/Counselor Hernandez Norseman Faculty - Foreign Lang Hescht Billy Faculty - Speech Hickey Michael Faculty - Political Science Hilburn Melanie Faculty - Management/Marketing Hinojosa Christopher Faculty - English Ho Chiung-Yao Faculty - ESOL Hogan Alexander Faculty - Political Science Holmes Robert Faculty - History Holt Dorma Faculty - Music Hood Mary Faculty - Biology Horton Peter Faculty - Mathematics Hsieh Susie Faculty - Biology Hudder Clifford Faculty - English

Hudson Leyel Faculty - Interpreter Huechtker Troy Faculty - Art Hughes Kathy Faculty - Biology Hughes Lori Faculty - English Hunting Richard Faculty - Accounting Hurter Mary Faculty - ESOL Iyer Anitha Faculty - Biology Jackson Doris Faculty - AD Nursing Jackson Melissa Faculty - Biology Jacobs Kelly Faculty - Political Science Jamroz Caroline Faculty - Developmental English Jay Roger Faculty - Mathematics Jefferson Valerie Faculty- Education Jeffrey Britney Faculty - English Jisonna Jr Louis Faculty - Physics Johnson Carrie Faculty - Auto Technology Johnson Keturah Faculty - Mathematics Johnson Roscoe Faculty - English Johnson-Gaddie Fonda Faculty/Counselor Johnston Stephanie Faculty - Occupational Therapy Jones Andrew Faculty - Machining Technology Jones Mary Faculty - Nursing LVN Joublanc Jean Faculty - AD Nursing Junious Ellen Faculty - Business Kacir Sandra Faculty - AD Nursing Kainer Daniel Faculty - Biotechnology Kandeh Milton Faculty - Biology Kardatzke Marybeth Faculty - Business Administration Kastler Jaimee Faculty - Nursing Kautz Susan Faculty - Developmental Math Keel Amelia Faculty - English Keilty Katherine Faculty - Physics Kelly Stephanie Faculty -- History Kelly Thomas Faculty - History Kendall Joanne Faculty - Developmental Math Kenemore Sharon Faculty/Counselor Kennedy Charles Faculty - Political Science Kenney Linda Faculty - AD Nursing Key Renee Faculty - AD Nursing Khalaf Dalia Faculty - Developmental English Khalaf Paula Faculty - Developmental English Khatri Cassandra Faculty - Political Science

Kieke James Faculty - Emergency Medical Services Killian Glen Faculty - Human Services King Linda Faculty - Nursing LVN King Stephen Faculty - Developmental Studies Kirell Leah Faculty - Developmental English Kleist John Faculty - Geology Klopp Gabriele Faculty - AD Nursing Konvicka Michael Faculty - Geographic Information Systems Korah Abraham Ref Lib/ Faculty Kreps Robert Faculty - Radio & TV Krupa Elisabeth Faculty - Chemistry Kucharski Milosz Faculty – Political Science Kusi-Mensah Martina Faculty - English Kyser Brian Faculty - English La Rue Renee Faculty - ESOL LaFargue Wendy Faculty - Nursing Lalsinghani Devika Faculty - Mathematics Lambert Margaret Faculty - History Landa Carlos Faculty - Art Lane Kimberly Faculty - Developmental Math Langton Diane Faculty - AD Nursing Lappe Michael Faculty – Management/Marketing LaPres Jason Faculty - Biology LaPres Leslie Faculty - Psychology Lasalle Hilton Faculty - Psychology Lawrence Kendall Faculty - Graphic Arts Tech Le My Faculty - Mathematics Leach William Faculty - Physics Lebron Juan Faculty/Counselor Lee Fay Faculty - English Lee James Faculty - Humanities Lee Philip Faculty - Computer Information Technology LeJeune Hope Faculty/Reference Librarian Lele Pradeep Faculty/Reference Librarian Lescarbeau Tom Faculty - Surgical Technician Letargo Maria Faculty - Geosciences Lewandowski Sara Faculty - Nursing Lewis Michelle Faculty - AD Nursing Lewis Steve Faculty - Human Services Lewis Walden Faculty - Economics Li Wei Faculty - Developmental Studies Liebst Lee Ann Faculty/Counselor

Lim Nancy Faculty - Pharmacy Tech Livingston Craig Faculty - History Locander Robert Faculty - Political Science Loftin Nickie Faculty - AD Nursing Loiacano Maureen Faculty - Mathematics Lowery Marvin Faculty - Biology Lujan Barbara Faculty/Counselor Lynch Bob Faculty - Developmental English Lynch Sara Faculty - Speech Lyon Patricia Faculty - Computer Information Technology Magner John Faculty - Chemistry Makukutu Caleb Faculty - Biology Malkan Rajiv Faculty - Computer Information Technology Malter Rebecca Faculty - Developmental English Margoitta Joseph Faculty- Biology Marin Ocana Maria Del Carmen Faculty - English Mark Linda Faculty/Counselor Marotto Mark Faculty - Music Martin Angela Faculty/Counselor Martin Christopher Faculty - Mathematics Martin Jayne Faculty - Developmental Math Marxhausen Gail Faculty - EDUC Maslane David Faculty - English Mathew Nishi Faculty - Biology Maurer David Faculty - Developmental Math May Brack Faculty - Music May William Faculty - Engineering Tech Mayberry Bliss Faculty - Cosmetology Maynard John Faculty - Biology McCowen Kenny Faculty - Respiratory Care McCue Philip Faculty - Computer Information Technology McDowell Helen Faculty - Biology McFarland Michael Faculty - English McKinney Kevin Faculty - Kinesiology McLeroy Tricia Faculty - ESOL McNally David Faculty - Auto Tech McNeese Ryanne Faculty - Developmental Math Menard Mari Faculty - Mathematics Mestayer Amber Faculty - Mathematics Meyer Nanette Faculty - Physical Therapy Miller David Faculty - English

Miller Erin Faculty - ESOL Miller Hilary Faculty - Computer Information Technology Miller Jon Faculty - Developmental Math Miller Kimberly Faculty - Emergency Med Services Miller Sharon Faculty - Developmental English Miller Shawn Faculty - Accounting Miller Todd Faculty - Music Mitchell Heather Faculty - English Montagna Diane Faculty - Surgical Tech Morales Dana Faculty - Political Science Morgan Elizabeth Faculty - Biology Morrison Marie Faculty - Political Science Moryson Miroslawa Faculty - Professional Office Technology Mott David Faculty - Engineer Design Technology Moulenbelt Jason Faculty - Philosophy Moussoki Victor Faculty - Economics Mrouri Tina Faculty - Political Science Muana Patrick Faculty - English Murphy Amy Faculty - Dental Hygiene Murray Diane Faculty - Mathematics Muzal Janet Faculty - ESOL Myers Lana Faculty - English Naglieri Michael Faculty - Fire Science Nespeca Ronald Faculty - Kinesiology Nevins John Reference Librarian/Faculty Ngo Sang Faculty - Drafting Nguyen Kay Faculty - Art Nizova Irina Faculty - ESOL Norem Jeffrey Faculty - English Norem Monica Faculty/Reference Librarian Nugent Scott Faculty - Engineering Design Oaks Gregory Faculty - English Oberle Stacy Faculty - English O'Brien Robert Faculty - History Oliver Cynthia Faculty - Radiologic Tech Oller Cynthia Faculty - AD Nursing Olson Catherine Faculty - English Olson Danel Faculty - English Omar Jamili Faculty - English Omori Mari Faculty - Art Oslund Erik Faculty - Mathematics

Owen Richard Faculty - Chemistry Page Suzy Faculty - English Parish Debra Faculty - Psychology Partida John Faculty - Developmental Studies Patel Vaheribhai Faculty - Mathematics Patten Irina Faculty - ESOL Pelezo James Faculty - Chemistry Pena Elizabeth Faculty - Developmental English Penrod Shelley Faculty - Biology Pervis Calandra Faculty - Education Peterson Amy Faculty - Mathematics Petty Dian Faculty - Biology Piercy Van Faculty - English Pierson Jacqueline Faculty - Accounting Poe Carolyn Faculty - Computer Information Technology Polack Erich Faculty - Foreign Languages Polito Vincent Faculty - Mathematics Pollock Alice Faculty - Mathematics Powers Betsy Faculty - History Prewitt Steven Faculty - History Prince Karan Faculty - Developmental Studies Pruden Sunnye Faculty - Speech Pruitt Renee Faculty - Physical Therapy Puller David Faculty/Reference Librarian Putz David Faculty - Political Science Qian Huzhuang Faculty - Music Quarles David Faculty - Mathematics Ragsdale David Faculty - English Ragsdale Rhonda Faculty - History Rahula Basnagoda Faculty - English Ralph Katherine Faculty - AD Nursing Rapp Adrian Faculty - Sociology Rathe Daniel Faculty - EMS Reade Dorothy Faculty - Developmental Studies Reddy Rajini Faculty - Sonography Reed Pamelyn Faculty - Developmental Math Reeves Brian Faculty - Developmental English Reutter John Faculty - Developmental Math Revuelto Kelley Faculty - Art Reyes Raul Faculty - History Rice Allen Faculty - Computer Information Technology Richey Michele Faculty - Sociology

Richter Lori Faculty - Psychology Rigby Virginia Faculty/Reference Librarian Roberson Amy Faculty/Counselor Robinson Esther Faculty - History Rodriguez Frank Faculty - Mathematics Rodriguez Jose Faculty - Sonography Rogers Anita Faculty - Art Rollins John Faculty - English Roscher Jessicia Faculty - Developmental Math Ross Fiona Faculty - Political Science Royer Rebecca Faculty - ESOL Ruiz Carolina Faculty - English Rumsey Kimberly Faculty - AD Nursing Ruppert Alterra-Zoe Faculty - Occupational Therapy Russom Karen Faculty - Accounting Sallay Julayne Faculty - Mathematics Samford Matthew Faculty/Counselor Sampson Kristina Faculty - Mathematics Samuel Tracy Faculty - Mathematics Samuelson Joan Faculty - English San Pedro Sylvia Faculty - Mathematics Sansom E Steve Faculty - English Sarangapani Alpana Faculty/Reference Librarian Saunders Victoria Faculty/Counselor Savage Alice Faculty - ESOL Scherr Heather Faculty - Biology Schimmel Kelly Faculty - History Schimmel Thilo Faculty - History Schmidt Anna Faculty - Developmental English Schoenbeck Lorraine Faculty - Medical Assisting Schulze Lisa Faculty - English Scott Dorothea Faculty/Reference Librarian Scott Gina Faculty - Medical Assisting Seay Andrea Faculty - Associate Degree Nursing Sedoff Shawn Faculty - Visual Communication Sexton-Ruiz Candace Faculty- ASL/International Training Seymour James Faculty - History Shafiee Shahram Faculty - Economics Shafiei-Sararodi Masoud Faculty - ESOL Shahrokhi Mayada Faculty - Mathematics Sharma Rajrani Faculty - Nursing

Sharon Mary Faculty - Biology Sharp J Faculty-Kinesiology Sheppard Elise Faculty/Reference Librarian Shield-Polk Suzanne Faculty - Art Shmaefsky Brian Faculty - Biology Shulga Mayia Faculty - Political Science Simcik William Faculty - Biology Simons Jane Faculty - Computer Information Technology Simpson Ulanda Faculty - AD Nursing Sims Eric Faculty - Art Sirias Reyna Faculty - Foreign Languages Skelton James Faculty - English Skiles Eric Faculty - Drama Smalley Richard Faculty - Mathematics Smith Alex Faculty - History Smith Heidi Faculty - Education Smith Rachel Faculty - Mathematics Sohns Ursula Faculty - Developmental Studies Solak Kyle Faculty - English Spalding Andrea Faculty - Mathematics Sprowl Gina Faculty - Accounting Srinivasan Sethurama Faculty - History Staley Earl Faculty - Art Stallings Yvonne Faculty - Mathematics Stancato David Faculty - Physics Stefan Sharon Faculty - Mathematics Stelter Mark Faculty - Criminal Justice Stengel Kris Faculty - Computer Information Technology Stirling Jacqueline Faculty - ESOL Stitt Maribeth Faculty - Dental Hygiene Stow Jean Faculty - AD Nursing Stubbs Brenda Faculty - Developmental Education Studdard Melissa Faculty - English Sumrall Kevin Faculty - Psychology Sundermann Michael Faculty - Chemistry Sutton Angelica Faculty/Counselor Sze Elizabeth Faculty - History Taggett Laura Faculty - English Tan Hui Faculty - Chemistry Tate Rebecca Faculty - English Taylor Judy Faculty - Mathematics

Taylor Matthew Faculty - Speech Theis John Faculty - Political Science Thomas Samuel Faculty - Speech Thomas Todd Faculty - Mathematics Thompson Denise Faculty - English Thompson Jennifer Faculty - Political Science Thornton Susan Faculty - Business Thorsby Mark Faculty - Philosophy Tiffee Sean Faculty - Speech Toutounchi Gholam-Hossein Faculty - Physics Trackey Joseph Faculty - Biology Trackey Rachel Faculty/Counselor Travis Jennifer Faculty - Mathematics Travis Scott Faculty - Mathematics Trevino Charles Faculty - Interpreter Training Tsoi Gerry Faculty - Computer Information Technology Turnell Lynda Faculty - Mathematics Turner Beverley Faculty - English Turner Matthew Faculty - English Tynes Alanna Faculty - Biology Uribe Amy Faculty - Spanish Valdez Rebekah Faculty - AD Nursing Van Heerden Ann Faculty - Chemistry Van Wie Victoria Faculty - Psychology Vancamp John Faculty - Nursing LVN Vedartham Padmaja Faculty - Biology Vegha-Rhodes Nathalie Faculty- Math Velez Alfredo Faculty - Music Venier Alice Faculty - Pharmacy Technology Veselis Ava Faculty - English Vidales Cinthya Faculty - Nursing LVN Villanasco Gladys Faculty - English Villarreal Kristoffer Faculty - Welding Technology Visconti Rosemarie Faculty/Reference Librarian Vogel Linda Faculty - AD Nursing Vogt Allen Faculty - History VonDerVor Kaleigh Faculty - Ref Librarian Wachsmann Melanie Faculty/Reference Librarian Wahhaj Gemini Faculty - English Waites Houston Faculty - Drama Walker Erma Faculty/Counselor

Walker Stacy Faculty - Psychology Ward Colin Faculty - ESOL Washington Stephen Faculty - Mathematics Watson Judith Faculty/Counselor Weatherly Suzanne Faculty - Developmental English Weber Crystal Faculty - Chemistry Weller Kelly Faculty - Emergency Medical Services Wells Julie Faculty - Graphic Arts Technology Welsh Jennifer Faculty - Philosophy Whatley Jay Faculty - Music Whileyman Jean Faculty - Chemistry White Clay Faculty - Biology White Sherri Faculty - Drama Whitten Mark Faculty - Philosophy Wickham David Faculty - English Wilbur Julie Faculty - Developmental English Wildman Eric Faculty - Mathematics Williams Cora Ann Faculty - Speech Williams Glenda Faculty - Psychology Williams Tracy Faculty/Reference Librarian Williams-Lara Amber Faculty - Foreign Languages Willingham Donna Faculty - Developmental Studies Willingham Francis Faculty - Biology Wilson Diane Faculty - Dental Hygiene Wilson Jon Faculty- History Winters Patricia Faculty - ESOL Wolfskill John Faculty - Music Womack Pamela Faculty - Developmental Studies Wood Charles Faculty - Art Wood Tracie Faculty - AD Nursing Woodward Linda Faculty - Art Wright Alan Faculty - Kinesiology Wynne Gary Faculty - Respiratory Care Young Landra Faculty - Developmental Math Young Sheryl Faculty - Faculty Office Technology Young Thomas Faculty - Accounting Younger George Faculty - Veterinary Technology Younger Melanie Faculty - Biology/Veterinary Technology Yulatic Ramir Faculty - Vascular Sonography Zachary Patty Faculty - Mathematics Zarosky Bruce Faculty - Kinesiology

Zimmermann David Faculty - English Zipperer James Faculty - Economics/International Business Zucca Loris Faculty - Mathematics

Personnel Report and Consideration No. 4 (ACTION ITEM 13) Board Meeting 4-9-15

Request: Consideration of Approval of Commissioning of Peace Officers

Chancellor’s That the Board of Trustees approves the commissioning of the following Recommendation: peace officers for the Lone Star College System.

Lone Star College – Montgomery

David Matthew Warner

Lone Star College – University Park

Mark Thomas Davis

Rationale: These officers are eligible to be commissioned by this Board because they: 1. Have a current license from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education; 2. Have taken and filed the oath required of peace officers; and 3. Possesses a sufficient number of college credit hours to meet the minimum standard for a Lone Star College System peace officer.

Fiscal Impact: None

Staff Resource: Rand Key 281-655-3701

Special Report and Consideration No. 1 (ACTION ITEM 14) Board Meeting 4-9-15

Request: Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution regarding the Texas Legislature's proposed legislation to allow handgun license holders to carry handguns on college campuses in Texas

Chancellor’s That the Lone Star College System Board of Trustees adopt a resolution Recommendation: expressing their position on the issue of allowing handguns on college campuses.

Rationale: The Texas Legislature is considering letting persons with Concealed Handgun Licenses carry handguns on college campuses. The LSC Board of Trustees believes that the locally elected Board is uniquely positioned to provide an informed opinion on the impact of allowing handguns on their campuses. This includes information gathered during several student led open forums on the topic with input provided by students, employees and community members.

Fiscal Impact: None.

Staff Resource: Stephen C. Head 832-813-6515


WHEREAS, the Texas Legislature is considering legislation that would permit holders of concealed handgun licenses to carry such weapons on Texas college campuses, whether concealed or openly;

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Lone Star College System are entrusted by the voters within the System’s boundaries with governance of the system;

WHEREAS, a majority of the Board of Trustees of Lone Star College attended at least one, if not both, student-led campus forums at which students, staff, faculty, administrators, and community members discussed the facts, opinions, and concerns related to this topic;

WHEREAS, the forums were open to and attended by the public and the media;

WHEREAS, both forums were conducted in a manner that facilitated open and respectful discussion of opposing viewpoints and included public reports from the participants of the views discussed;

WHEREAS, public comments and paper and computer opinion polling at the forums exhibited majority support for local control on this issue; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees is uniquely positioned to be aware of which Lone Star College System facilities house day care centers, early college high schools, health care facilities, and public library branches;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Lone Star College System urges the Texas Legislature, if it passes a bill for presentation to the governor that allows concealed or open carry of firearms on Texas public college and university campuses, that it do so only while allowing for local governing boards to choose whether to opt out entirely or, at a minimum, to have the authority to exempt campuses or facilities that house programs for more vulnerable populations, such as those listed above.

CERTIFICATE FOR RESOLUTION I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was presented to the Board of Trustees of the Lone Star College System during a regularly scheduled meeting on April 9, 2015.

A quorum of the Board of Trustees being then present, it was then duly moved and seconded that the resolution be adopted, and such resolution was then adopted according to the following vote:

Ayes: ______Nays: ______Abstentions: ______

To certify which, witness my hand and the official seal of the District this April 9, 2015.

______Chair, Board of Trustees