03450 Lalizolle, +33470904155 [email protected] www.lacroixdesbois.com directions from the A71 – Parijs to Clermont-Ferrand (Montpellier) Traveling from the north (Paris), take exit 11 - . In Montmarault follow the signs to La Peyrouse, cross this town. After La Peyrousse continue straight ahead along the winding, hilly road. Once passed Echassières (on the left) one comes -within minutes- at a junction (La Bosse). Go to the left in the direction of descending the hill one finds, after 3 km (1,8 ml) hotel La Croix des Bois at the right side of the road. The trip from the higway exit to the hotel takes about 20 minutes.

From de A71 – Route Clermont-Ferrand (Montpellier) - Parijs Traveling from the north, after Clermont-Ferrand, take exit 12 - /Ebreuil. Passed the tollgates keep to the right and take the road to Ebreuil. Downhill follow the signs to Ebreuil (to the left). Cross Ebreuil, take the main road (in the village the road takes a sharp turn to the left and further up the road to the right). Keep on this main road to arrive, in about 10 minutes, at Lalizolle. In the village the road takes a turn to the left, then immediately go rifght to Boenat. At this point La Croix des Bois is already indicates on signs along the road. Cross Boenat one arrives soon at a junction, here, at the right, you’ll see hotel La Croix des bois. The trip from the higway exit to the hotel takes about 15 minutes.

Op navigation gadgets, the place La Croix des Bois is indexed as: "la croix-des-bois". There’s always place for your car directly in front of the Hotel.

Wishing you a pleasant and safe trip, Sumara Lalisang Joop Bontjes