VECTOR 6 Winter Im
VECTOR---------- NO. 6 0FF1CJAL ORGAN OF THE BSFA -- VECTOR 6 winter im -CONTENTS This issue of VECTOR is published from: 41, North End Road, Fitz James' Ave., W.14. Editorial staff: Roberta Grey, Michael Moorcock, Sandra Hall and John Phillifent. Artwork and lettering by Jim Cawthorn, Michael Jones and Mike Moorcock. Pages Items Authors 3 Editorial R. Grey 5 Treasure's Report A. Mercer 7 The Complete Enchanter M. Moorcock 13 The Secretary Reports S. Hall 15 Magazine Reviews T. Jeeves 19 Book Reviews A. Weir (B.Sc) 22 SF in Portugal The CDLP 25 Psionics Fiction E. Bentcliffe 28 Film Review M. Moorcock 30 Letter Column BSFA Members Editors Mrs Roberta Grey (nee Wild) 14» Bennington Street, Cheltenham, GLOUCESTERSHIRE Secretarys Sandra Hall, 41, North End House, Fitz Janes-’ -Awenaq, London, W. 14. Treasurers Archie Mercer, 434/4» Newark Road, North Hykeham, LINCOLN. Librarian: Peter Mabey, BSFA Postal Library, 130, London Road, Cheltenham, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHaT YOU THINK OF VECTOR. All letters should be sent to the Editor at the address given above and not to North End House VECTOR, The Official Organ of the British Science Fiction Association is published and produced by the BSFA 1/1/60 3 'Ne had hoped to have Vector ready for you- hy Christmas, but one or two holds up have occurred so we can only say now that we hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and wish you the very best for a happy and prosperous New Year. Once again we have Mike Moorcock to thank for helping with the material and arranging for the artwork with Jim Cawthorn.
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