Up ~Sea MP PV- Wuetse

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Up ~Sea MP PV- Wuetse I -F ,;- 9' "'k On$ MpO o Up ~Sea MP PV- WUetSe {. DECLASSIFIED It 3D MARINE FMF (-) (REIN) CHRONOLOGY fCOMMAND COMMAND CHRONOLOGY for the month uEE'~ AUG lVo1 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED 9 d 08140528/srr I upon removal of enclosure (1)) .i0 , DEC I8 1j68 SECOND ENDORSEMENT on CG, 3d MarDiv Itr 3/PDL/glp over 3480/2 Ser: 003A2Z7068 of 16Oct68 From: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific To: Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code AO3D) Subj: Command Chronology for Period 1-31 August 1968 (U) 1. Forwarded. 2. The following documents, listed as supporting documents to the subject chronology, were not included in the materials forwarded to this headquarters: a. Division SitReps 5-8, 11-18, 23, 27 and 30. b. Tabs A, B, C, D and E to 9th Marines command chronology. c. 2d Battalion, 26th Marines command chronology.TCW'7o V# "' A d. Tabs A-F to 3d Battalion, 26th Marines command chronology. e. 1st Marines command chronology.4)/iJ/i.); <." #* 3. By copy hereof, Commanding General, 3d Marine Division is requested to provide the missing documents. W. E. DEEDS By direction Copy to: CG, III MAF CG, 3d MarDiv Ell " - _ 2%2e3 C. 4 5 6 7 8V DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED w I ** 68s -?h38F I 5750ý r 6 NOV 1968 ,uc nclassified when enclosure (1) is removed) ?I ST' ;jDOrSi•E.T on Ci 3d, arDiv ltr 3/PDL/glp over 341 80/2 Ser,o: 003A27068 dtd 160ct68 iroir: CoM1,anding, General, III -larine Amphibious ,'orce To: Coimmandant of the Larine Corps (Code AO3D) Via: CoML(aanding General, Fleet narine Force, Pacific Subj: Corqaand Chronology for period 1-31 August 1968 (U) 1. :'orwarded. MARION C. DALBY By direction 9o0 '91X6 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED 9 0 HEAD4UARTSR S 3d Marine Division (Rein), FMF FPO Sa Francisco 96602 3/PDL/glp 3480/2 SerNos 005A27068 3 Oct 1968 •cglassified when enclosire (1) is removed) From: Commanding General Tot Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code AO3D) Vias (1) Commanding General, III Marine Amphibious Foce (2) Commanding Gemrral, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Subj: Command Chronology for period 1-31 August 1968 (U) Refs a) MUO 5750.2 b) FDFPACO 5750.8 Encls (1) 3d Marine Division (Rein), FMF Command Chronology for August 1968 (U) 1. In accordance with the provisions of references (a) and (b), enclosure (1) is submitted. R. G. DAVIS Copy / of ý. opies DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED 9 6 HEADQUARTlRS 3d Marine Division (Rein), FMF FPO San Franoisco 96602 CO•1Y•AND CHRONOLOGY 1 August 1968 to 31 August 1968 INDEX PAGE I PART I ORGANIZATIONAL DATA 2 PART II NARRATIVE SUMMARY 7 PART III SEQUENTIAL LISTING OF 51 SIGNIFICANTT VNTS PART IV SUPPO TING DOCUMWTS 60 I~LASS ~ED)I I ~CIOSURJ~ (i) DOWNGIADED ,2 3-YEAR INTR,RVALSI DECLASSIFIED AFTa 12-YEARS 1 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED 6 PART I ORGANIZATIONAL DATA DiESIGNATION COOMANDER DATE Commanding General, 3d MarDiv (Rein) DGen R. G. DAVIS 1-31 Aug Assistant Division Commander BGen C. W. HOFFMAN 1-21 Aug (OG TP HOTEL) Assistant Division Commander BGen W. C. CHIP 22-31 Aug (CG TF HOTEL) Assistant Division Commander BGen F. E. GARRETSON 26-31 Aug SUBORDINATE UNITS 3d iMarine Regiment Col R. L. MICHAEL JR, 1-31 Aug 4th Marine Regiment Col E. J. MILLER 1-31 Aug 9th Marine Regiment Col IR. H. BARROW 1-51 Aug 12th Marine Regiment Col P. J. MLROONEY 1-31 Aug 26th Marine Regiment Col B. F. MYIRS 1-11 Aug Col C. W. HUNT& 12-31 Aug lstBn, 3d Marines LtCol C. V. JARJ,AN 1-9 ag LtCol R. B. TWOHEY 10-31 Aug 3dBn, 3d Marines LtCol I. H. BATES 1-51 Aug I stBn, 4th Marines LtCol T. H. GaLBRAITI 1-31 Aug 2dBn, 4th Miarines LtCol L. A. RANN, 1-31 Aug 3d,3n, 4th iarines LtCol F. L. BOURNE Jk . 1-31 Aug* lstBn, 9th larines LtCol F. X. COLLETON 1-31 Aug , 2d3n, 9th Marines LtCol F. S. KNIGHT 1-31 Aug 3dBn, 9th Marim s LtCol E. J. Li AONTAC THE 1-31 Aug lstB3n, 12th Marines '•Iajor D. J. CAPINAS 1-10 Aug 2 El aOSURE (W) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED 9 LtCol B. L. WHISAN 11-31 Aug 2d•n, 12th Marines LtCol R. D. DUNWELL 1-5 Aug LtCol J. SOOPPA JR. 6-31 Aug 3dB~n, 12th Marines LtCol B. D. FOXWCRTH JR. 1-31 Aug 4thBn, 12th Marines Major B. Fe STWEART 1-31 Aug lstBn, 26th Marines Major W. T. 000K 1-31 Aug 2dBn, 26th Marines LtCol T. OWENS 1-13 Aug LtCGol We F. SPARKS 14-31 Aug 3dBn, 26th Marines Major R. R. BLAIR 1-3 Aug LtOol J. We P. ROB4RTSON 4-31 Aug Hq Bn LtCol & A. DEPTULA 1-14 Aug Major G. F. KUR~ET 15-31 Aug 1st Amtrao Bn Lt0ol G. F. MEYERS 1-31 Aug 3d Engr Bn Major R. S. XROLAK 1-31 Aug 3d MED Bn CDR B. K, SLMONS 1-31 Aug 3d MT Bn Major B. W. ADAMS 1-31 Aug 3d Recon Bn LtCol D. R. BERG 1-31 Aug 3d SP Bn LtCol R. A. SULIK 1-31 Aug 3d Tank Bn Major C. J. SAMUELSER 1-16 Aug LtCol G. E. HAYWARD 17-31 Aug 9th MT Bn Major R. XULAK 1-31 Aug 11th ERngr Bn - LtCol V. A. PERRY 1-3 Aug LtOol R. C. EVANS 4-31 Aug lst 8" HOW Battery Major F. I. CAPIN 1-15 Aug Capt P. I. TOWNSEND 16-31 Aug 3d Dental Company Capt T. Do. STEPHENSON 1-31 Aug let Searchlight Battery Capt W. K LAW 1-31 Aug DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED ! 5th 155 GUN Battery Major S. B. BEALL 1-6 Aug Capt T. We STEELE 7-8 Aug Major W. M. STEPHENS 9-31 Aug let Marine Regiment Col R. T. DdY.h JR. 1-14 Aug Col R. G. LAUFFER 15-31 A lstBn, 13th Marines LtCol A. NOVAK 1-31 Aug 2. LOCATION 1-31 August - Dong Ha, Republic of Vietnam 5. STAFF OFFICERS Chief of Staff Col J, E. LO PRETE 1-31 Aug Assistant Chief of Staff, G-1 Col L. R. DAZE 1-31 Aug Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 Col M. SPARK 1-31 Aug Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3 Col Pe D. ILAFOND 1-51 Aug Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 Col E. E. CAMPORINI 1-31 Aug Assistant Chief of Staff, G-5 Ltco1l R. B. THOMPSON 1-31 Aug Assistant Chief of Staff, Comptroller LtCol H. Ea. XLD 1-4 Aug LtCol E. W. BAILEY 5-531 Aug Division Inspector Col H. MAYER 1-31 Aug 4. AVERAGE MONTHLY STRiNGTH USMC USN OFF mL OFF EXL 3d Marine Division (-) (Rein) 1400 26,296 171 1453 3d Marine Regiment 16 195 2 3 4th Marine Regiment 16 198 2 3 9th Marine Regiment 19 197 1 4 4 -AsZsURE31) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED 9 USKO 12th Marine Regiment 25 226 9 5 26th Marine Regiment 16 212 1 4 lstBn, 3d Maxine 34 1049 2 49 2 55 3dBn, 3d Marines 33 1009 61 lstBn, 4th Marines 37 1092 2 2dBnp 4th Marines 37 1005 2 65 2 52 3dBn, 4th Marines 33 1037 lstBn, 9th Marines 38 1038 2 51 57 2dBn, 9th Marines 36 1056 2 46 3dBn, 9th Marines 34 1073 2 2 16 lstBn, 12th Marines 50 587 12 2dBn, 12th Marines 41 629 1 3dBn, 12th Marines 45 689 2 17 0 9 4thBn, 12th Marines 23 447 lstBn, 26th Marines 34 1033 2 55 74 2dBn, 26th Marines 55 1485 8 2 56 3dBn, 26th Marines 31 1107 9 28 Hq Bn 252 1053 2 25 lst Amtrao Bn 24 765 13 3d Engr Bn 27 770 2 324 3d MED Bn 3 133 67 o 7 3d MT Bn 14 373 5 CI R (1) UK MooIE DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED J& MM 3d Recon Bn 31 681 1 48 3d W En 20 460 2 21 3d Tank Bn 38 690 1 19 9th MT Bn 20 391 2 8 11th &ngr En 39 969 4 26 1st 8" HOW Battery 8 180 0 5 3d Dental Company 0 53 25 44 1st Searchlight Battery 95 0 2 5th 155 GUN Battery 10 190 0 4 lst Marine Regiment lo9 3247 10 169 1stBn, 13th Marines 49 842 3 16 CIosUnE (1) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED U[ LASSFE] 9 _PART II NARRATIVE SUMIARY PERSONNEL AND ADMINISTRAT IN 1. Personnel Administration a. During the month of August 1968, 270 officers and 2,748 enlisted personnel joined the Division. One hundred and twenty-three officers and 1,lO enlisted personnel were transferred by normal rotation. Thirteen officers and 691 enlisted personnel were transferred by service records while sick due to being MEDEVAC. Transfers within WESTPAC ccmmand in- cluded 22 officers and 30 enlisted. b. Awards. Awards recomendations submitted to FMFPac included four Navyroess Medals, 45 Silver Star Medals, 16 Legion of Merit Medals, two Navy and Marine Corps Medalsa, 171 Bronse Star Medals, 11 Air Medals, 123 Navy Commandation Medals and 55 Navy Achievement Medals. Awards returned approved from FMFPac included one Navy Cross Medal, 41 Silver Star Medals, five Legion of Merit Medals, five Navy and Marine Corps Medals, 170 Bronse Star Medals, l14 Navy Comuendation Medals, and 74 Navy Achievement Medals. Additionally 1,115 Purple Heart Medals were awarded. c. Casualties. Casualties during the month were 76 KIA, 571 WIA, 13 DOW, 12 NHD, 21 NHI. d. Congressional Interest Cases. One hundred and seventy-seven new cases were received, 143 cases completed, 60bO cases pending and 20 cases were readdressed to other commands.
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    Louisiana State University LSU Digital Commons LSU Master's Theses Graduate School 2003 Street fighting: lessons learned from the Battle for Hue for 21st century urban warfare Edward J. O'Neill Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_theses Part of the Arts and Humanities Commons Recommended Citation O'Neill, Edward J., "Street fighting: lessons learned from the Battle for ueH for 21st century urban warfare" (2003). LSU Master's Theses. 1820. https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_theses/1820 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at LSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in LSU Master's Theses by an authorized graduate school editor of LSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STREET FIGHTING: LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE BATTLE FOR HUE FOR 21st CENTURY URBAN WARFARE A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Liberal Arts in The Interdepartmental Program In Liberal Arts by Edward J. O’Neill, IV B.A., Kent State University, 1989 May 2003 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I want to thank my family for their love and support during the research of this project. They have shown phenomenal patience while I completed this work. I especially want to express my appreciation to my loving wife, Melanie, who persistently prodded my efforts, constantly reminding me of my goal, and kept our family in order.
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