Australians Into Battle : the Ambush at Gema S
CHAPTER 1 1 AUSTRALIANS INTO BATTLE : THE AMBUSH AT GEMA S ENERAL Percival had decided before the debacle at Slim River G that the most he could hope to do pending the arrival of further reinforcements at Singapore was to hold Johore. This would involve giving up three rich and well-developed areas—the State of Selangor (includin g Kuala Lumpur, capital of the Federated Malay States), the State of Negr i Sembilan, and the colony of Malacca—but he thought that Kuala Lumpu r could be held until at least the middle of January . He intended that the III Indian Corps should withdraw slowly to a line in Johore stretching from Batu Anam, north-west of Segamat, on the trunk road and railway , to Muar on the west coast, south of Malacca . It should then be respon- sible for the defence of western Johore, leaving the Australians in thei r role as defenders of eastern Johore. General Bennett, however, believing that he might soon be called upo n for assistance on the western front, had instituted on 19th December a series of reconnaissances along the line from Gemas to Muar . By 1st January a plan had formed in his mind to obtain the release of his 22nd Brigade from the Mersing-Jemaluang area and to use it to hold the enem y near Gemas while counter-attacks were made by his 27th Brigade on the Japanese flank and rear in the vicinity of Tampin, on the main road near the border of Malacca and Negri Sembilan . Although he realised tha t further coastal landings were possible, he thought of these in terms of small parties, and considered that the enemy would prefer to press forwar d as he was doing by the trunk road rather than attempt a major movement by coastal roads, despite the fact that the coastal route Malacca-Muar- Batu Pahat offered a short cut to Ayer Hitam, far to his rear .
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