Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina ISSN: 0373-5680 [email protected] Sociedad Entomológica Argentina Argentina

OCAMPO, Federico Carlos; MOLANO, Fredy Revision and biogeography of the Neotropical dung genus Scybalophagus (Coleoptera: ) Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, vol. 70, núm. 3-4, 2011, pp. 231-253 Sociedad Entomológica Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Revision and biogeography of the Neotropical dung beetle genus Scybalophagus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)

OCAMPO, Federico Carlos* and Fredy MOLANO **

* Instituto de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas – Instituto de Ciencias Básicas, CCT-CONICET Mendoza. CC 507, 5500. Mendoza, Argentina; e-mail: [email protected] . ** Laboratorio de Entomología, Museo de Historia Natural “Luis Gonzalo Andrade”, Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Boyacá, Colombia; e-mail: [email protected]

Revisión y Biogeografía del género neotropical de escarabajos estercoleros Scybalophagus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)

 ABSTRACT. The South American genus Scybalophagus Martínez is comprehensively revised. The genus now includes five species, distributed in Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Peru. All species are redescribed and diagnostic characters are provided along with illustrations of each species. Lectotypes are designated for Canthon lacordairei Laporte, 1840 (now Scybalophagus lacordairei) and Canthon rugosus Blanchard, 1845 (now Scybalophagus rugosus). Scybalophagus zumpti (Frey, 1963) (=Epirinus zumpti Frey) is now considered a junior synonym of S. rugosus (Blanchard). The biogeography of the genus and of each species is discussed and predictive distributions, based on environmental niche modeling, are provided for all species. Information on the biology and natural history of Scybalophagus species is discussed.

KEY WORDS. South American transition zone. Taxonomy. Dung .

 RESUMEN. El género suramericano Scybalophagus Martínez es revisado exhaustivamente. El género ahora incluye cinco especies distribuidas en Argentina, Chile, Bolivia y Perú. Se redescriben todas las especies y se proveen caracteres diagnósticos junto con ilustraciones para cada especie. Se designan lectotipos para Canthon lacordairei Laporte, 1840 (ahora Scybalophagus lacordairei) y Canthon rugosus Blanchard, 1845 (ahora S. rugosus). Scybalophagus zumpti (Frey 1963) (=Epirinus zumpti Frey) es ahora considerado un sinónimo junior de S. rugosus (Blanchard). La Biogeografía del género y cada especie es discutida y se presentan distribuciones potenciales, basadas en modelos de nicho ecológico, para todas las especies. Se discute la información sobre la biología e historia natural de las especies de Scybalophagus.

PALABRAS CLAVE. Área de transición sudamericana. Taxonomía. Escarabajos estercoleros.

Recibido: 21-V-2011; aceptado: 9-VIII-2011 232 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 70 (3-4): 231-253, 2011 INTRODUCTION MATERIAL AND METHODS

The genus Scybalophagus was described Specimens were examined, dissected, and by Martínez (1953). The original description illustrated using a dissecting stereomicroscope is a short communication in which Martínez (10 - 40 X). Mouthparts and male genitalia also described one species, S. patagonicus were dissected and cleaned in a dilute Martínez, designated as the type species of solution (~10%) of potassium hydroxide, and Scybalophagus. Martínez (1953) included in neutralized in a dilute solution (~ 10%) of the genus, S. fractipes (Harold), S. lacordairei acetic acid. The male genitalia was placed (Laporte), S. pilosus (Felsche), and S. in a glycerin-filled vial pinned under the rugosus (Blanchard), all formally placed specimen. Body measurements, puncture in Canthon Hoffmannsegg. Pereira (1953) density, puncture size, and density of setae synonymized S. fractipes with Canthon are based on the following standards: Body plicatipennis Blanchard. One year later, length was measured from the apex of the Martínez (1954) proposed a key to species pronotum (at the middle) to the apex of the and listed S. plicatipennis (Blanchard) in the elytra, plus head length from the apex of genus Scybalophagus. Frey (1963) described clypeal process to the base of the head (head Epirinus zumpti Frey from South Africa, was measured separately because its variable species that one year later was transferred position renders it unpractical to measure to the genus Pseudoepirinus by Ferreira total body length). Body width was measured (1964), this genus was named by Ferreira to across mid-pronotum. Puncture density accommodate the single species E. zumpti. was considered “dense” if punctures were Frey placed this species in the genus Epirinus nearly confluent to less than two puncture based on the presence of the transversal diameters apart, “moderately dense” if carinae on the hind tibia, character shared by punctures were two to six diameters apart, all species of Scybalophagus. After studying and “sparse” if punctures were separated by the type material of P. zumpti and comparing more than six diameters apart. Puncture size it with the New World canthonines, was defined as “small” if punctures were Scholtz & Howden (1987) synonymized 0.02 mm or smaller, “moderate” if 0.02-0.07 Pseudoepirinus with Scybalophagus. The mm, and “large” if 0.07 mm or larger. Setae most comprehensive work on Scybalophagus were defined as “sparse” if there were few was published by Halffter & Martínez setae, “moderately dense” if the surface was (1968). In their contribution on American visible but with many setae, and “dense” if canthonines, Halftter & Martínez (1968) the surface was not visible through the setae. provided a description of Scybalophagus, a Elytral carinae were counted from the elytral key to species, and comments on the species suture. Specimen labels were copied literally distribution and biology but did not produce using “/” between lines and “;” between a full taxonomic work neither they provided labels. The names of the male reproductive detailed information on species distribution. organ structures were based on the work of The biology of Scybalophagus species was Binaghi et al. (1969), Zunino (1972), Medina discussed by Halffter & Matthews (1966). et al. (2003) and Medina & Molano (in The purpose of this contribution is prep). to redescribe the genus Scybalophagus, Designation of lectotypes. Lectotypes are provide a synopsis and diagnosis for each here designated to provide the nomenclatural of its species, designate lectotypes for stability of the taxon studied, according two species, propose a new synonym of to Article 72 of the International Code of Scybalophagus rugosus (Blanchard), provide Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN, 1999). distribution maps and discuss the ecological Specimens for this research were and historical biogeography for the genus collected or borrowed from and deposited in and species distribution, and summarize the the following institutions and collections: available information about their biology. OCAMPO, F. and F. MOLANO. Revision of Scybalophagus 233 CMNC: Canadian Museum of Nature, RESULTS Ottawa, Canada (R. S. Anderson, F. Génier). IADIZA: Colección de Entomología del Scybalophagus Martínez Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de (Figs. 1-45) las Zonas Áridas, Mendoza, Argentina (F. C. Ocampo). Scybalophagus Martínez, 1953. Boletín de MACN: Museo Argentino de Ciencias la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina Naturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina (A. 2: 3. Roig). Scybalophagus Martínez, 1954. Natura 1: MNHN: Muséum National d’Histoire 66. Naturelle, Paris, France (O. Montreuil). Pseudoepirinus Ferreira, 1964. Novos Taxa MNNC: Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Entomológicos 37: 3. Syn. Santiago, Chile (M. Elgueta) Scybalophagus, Pereira & Martínez, 1956. UNSM: University of Nebraska State Revista Brasilera de Entomologia 6: Museum, Lincoln, NE, USA (B. C. Ratcliffe). 94, 104, 183. USNM: United States National Museum, Scybalophagus, Halftter & Martínez, 1968. Washington D.C., USA (D. Furth). Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural 29: 253. Predictive models of species distribution Scybalophagus, Halffter & Martínez, 1977. Folia Entomologica Mexicana 38: 37 Species distribution models (SDMs) can Scybalophagus, Scholtz & Howden, 1987. be used to predict the potential distribution Journal of the Entomological Society of a species which, in turn, are useful of South Africa 50: 116. to test biogeographical, ecological, and Scybalophagus, Halffter & Matthews, 1966. evolutionary hypotheses (Graham et al., Folia Entomologica Mexicana 12-14: 2004). Predictive distributions are obtained 17, 261. by relating known collection localities of a species to a set of environmental variables Type species: Scybalophagus patagonicus that, presumably, reflect the ecological niche Martínez, 1953, original designation. of the species (Guisan & Thuillier, 2005). Georeferenced localities for each Diagnosis. The species of the genus Scybalophagus species were obtained directly Scybalophagus can be recognized from other from specimens’ labels or locality, data were New World canthonines by the following georeferenced using the BioGeomancer combination of characters: Medium to small workbench application (http://www. size, color black, with or without copper These data reflections; clypeus bidentate (with two small were mapped to model species distribution medial teeth), teeth separated by U-shaped using predictive methods based on 19 emargination, or cuadridentate (with two bioclimatic variables (Hijmans et al., 2005), small medial teeth and smaller, lateral teeth); plus soil type (categorical), and elevation. head lacking horns or tubercles; pronotum The resolution of the environmental layers strongly transverse; elytra convex, lateral was approximately 4.6 x 4.6 km. Data were and apical margins rounded, lacking carinae; analyzed using Maxent (Phillips et al., 2006). pygidium longer than wide, basal margin Maxent is considered one of the strongest angulose; metasternum gibbose in middle; methods for predicting species distribution, protibiae tridentate, with denticles on particularly for species sampled from a basal half; meso- and metatibiae with well relatively low number of localities (Tognelli developed transversal carinae on apical third et al., 2009). (Figs. 33-34); meso- and metatarsi laterally flattened, triangular in shape. 234 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 70 (3-4): 231-253, 2011 Description. Body: oval, size medium metatarsi laterally flattened, tarsomeres 1–4 (length 6.0–15.0 mm). Dorsal surface sub equal in size, sub triangular; tarsomere microgranulate, granulate, punctate or 5 as long as 3-4 combined; claws simple, smooth. Head: as long as wide, without curved. Metatibial spur sub conical, longer visible dorsal carinae, clypeogenal sutures than tarsomeres 1–2 combined. Pygidium as evident, frontoclypeal suture not evident. wide as long; lacking basal sulcus; disc flat Clypeus with two teeth separated by short or convex; basal margin strongly angulose. U-shaped emargination, and with or lacking Male genitalia with symmetric parameres; external lobe beside each tooth. Dorsal internal sac of aedeagus with submedial lobe, eye surface reduced, elongated. Head with and a set of raspules (brushes), basal lamella occipital bead. Clypeal ventral process shaped as a “magnifying glass” and plate cariniform, slightly pointed. Mentum deeply lamella consisting on several structures. emarginated at apex, emargination V- shaped. Labial palpus with first palpomere Distribution. Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, triangular; second palpomere cylindrical; and Peru. third palpomere short, cylindrical, narrower than second. Prothorax: strongly transverse. Phylogenetic relationships. The Anterior angles nearly right-angled; posterior genus Scybalophagus is a well defined, angles rounded. Lateral and posterior monophyletic group of Canthonini. margins rounded. Proepisternum lacking Halffter & Martínez (1968) indicated that carina. Elytra: Disc convex, with 9 striae; Scybalophagus is possibly closely related striae variable in size; interstriae variable in to Canthon Hoffmannsegg, based on the width. Humerus with or without humeral morphology of these two genera. Although tubercle. Pseudoepipleuron well developed, a detailed phylogenetic analysis of the New medial margin carinated. Epipleuron, World Canthonini was never performed, well developed, sinuous, tapered toward analyses that included this genus indicate apex. Hind wings: developed (functional). that Scybalophagus is an old lineage of South Mesosternum: Short, narrowed medially. American Canthonini (Ocampo & Hawks, Mesoepimeron wider than long, setose. 2006; Monahan et al., 2007), hypothesis also Meso-metasternal suture evident, rounded. suggested by Halffter & Martínez (1968). Metasternum: anterior lobe gibbous, surface variably sculptured. Legs: Apico-anterior Key to species of Scybalophagus femoral pit absent. Protibia tridentate, teeth (modified from Halffter and Martínez, located on apical half, basal half with 3-6 1968) denticles; dorsal surface, medial margin and ventral surface with longitudinal, setose 1. Elytral interstriae 2-6 uniform, strongly carinae. Protibial spur dorso-ventrally flat, risen or not, shiny or not, with tubercles, as long or longer than tarsal segments 1–4 large punctures or smooth; clypeus bidentate combined, apex bifurcated or truncate...... 2 Protarsus short; segments 1–4 subequal, 1’. Elytral interstriae 2, 3, 5, and 6, strongly as long as wide; tarsomere 5 as long as risen, shiny, with large transverse depressions; tarsomeres 3–4 combined, laterally flattened, interstriae 4 flat, opaque (more evident on distally widened. Claws small, simple, elytral basal half); clypeus quadridentate, falciform. Mesofemur elongated, wider in (lateral teeth small) (Figs. 1-7) ...... middle. Meso- and metatibia elongate, as ……. . . Scybalophagus lacordairei (Laporte) long as meso- and metafemora (respectively), evenly widened toward apex; with well 2. Elytral disc with interstriae strongly developed transversal carina on apical third, “rugose”, surface with large irregular, carinae setose; tibial apex wider than tibiae. opaque punctures, punctures confluent or Larger mesotibial spur sub conical; slender not, bearing a minute seta; pronotal surface shorter spur, curved, flattened. Meso- and densely punctate, punctures large, irregular OCAMPO, F. and F. MOLANO. Revision of Scybalophagus 235 (Figs. 29-39) ...... Bulletin of the United States Natural ...... Scybalophagus rugosus (Blanchard) Museum 185: 199. 2’. Elytral disc with interstriae mostly Scybalophagus lacordairei, Martínez, 1953. uniform (interstria 1 could have transverse Boletin de la Sociedad Entomológica depressions at middle), surface smooth, Argentina 2: 3. with small tubercles, or large setae; pronotal Scybalophagus lacordairei, Martínez, 1954. surface sparsely punctate, punctures small ... Natura 1: 67...... 3 Scybalophagus lacordairei, Halffter & Martínez, 1968: Revista de la Sociedad 3. Metasternum with large prominent gibba Mexicana de Historia Natural 29: in middle; elytral surface with small tubercles 261. or large setae ...... 4 3’. Metasternum uniformly convex, lacking Type material. Lectotype female (MNHN) prominent gibba (although gibba evident); labeled: “Museum Paris / PATAGONIE / elytral surface lacking tubercles or setae (Figs. (Patagones) / D’Orbigny 1834”; “Canthon 22-28) ...... / lacordairei / LECTOTYPE / Ocampo det.”. .... Scybalophagus plicatipennis (Blanchard) “Scybalophagus / lacordairei / Ocampo det. 2010.” Lectotype here designated. 4. Body surface shiny, color copper; elytral One paralectotype (MNHN) labeled as and margins of pronotum bearing large lectotype except: “Canthon / lacordairei setae; metasternal gibba with surface smooth / PARALECTOTYPE / Ocampo det.” in middle, punctate on lateral and anterior “Scybalophagus / lacordairei / Ocampo det. margins. (Figs. 15-21) ...... 2010.” Paralectotype here designated...... Scybalophagus pilosus (Felsche) 4’. Body surface black, opaque; elytral surface Redescription. Color black. Length with small tubercles, tubercles notorious on 7.43-10.44 mm, width 4.03-7.56 mm. Head interstriae 2, 3, and 5; metasternal gibba with (Fig.1): With two medial teeth separated by surface strongly, uniformly punctate (Figs. U-shaped emargination, and two lateral teeth, 8-14) ...... lateral teeth poorly developed, genoclypeal ...... Scybalophagus patagonicus Martínez suture evident, with margin slightly indented; surface granulose; eyes dorsally elongated, ventrally globose. Pronotum (Fig. Scybalophagus lacordairei (Laporte) 1): Strongly transverse; surface irregular, (Figs. 1-7, 41) granulose to punctate; anterior angle right- angled, posterior angle rounded. Elytra (Fig. Scybalophagus lacordairei (Laporte, 1840) 2): Surface irregular, interstriae 1, 2, 3, 5, and (Hyboma) 7 with surface smooth, undulated form base Hyboma lacordairei Laporte, 1840. Histoire to apex, interstriae 4 and 6, microrugose; Naturelle des Coléoptères: 74. striae evident; elytral lateral and apical Canthon gemmatum Blanchard, 1845. margins broadly rounded. Pigydium: Surface Voyage dans L’Amerique Méridionale flat, microgranulate sparsely setose, setae pars Alcide D’ Orbigny, Coléoptères: short, with minute tubercles, tubercles 160. syn. sparse. Venter: Proepisternum-, meso-, and Deltochilum lacordairei, Lucas, 1857. Voy metaepisternum setose, setae moderately Castelnau Col: 97. long and moderately dense. Metasternum Canthon lacordairei, Harold, 1868a. Berliner strongly gibbose in middle, surface sooth Entomologische Zeitschrift 12:11, 17. in middle, becoming punctate and sparsely Coprobius lacordairei, Burmeister, 1873. setose toward apical and lateral margins. Stettiner Entomolgische Zeitung 34: Male genitalia (Figs. 3-7): Aedeagus with 411. phalobase longer than parameres; parameres Canthon lacordairei, Blackwelder, 1944. symmetrical, narrowed at middle. Internal 236 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 70 (3-4): 231-253, 2011

Figs. 1-2. Scybalophagus lacordairei. 1. Dorsal view. 2. Elytral sculpture detail.

sac with two brushes on submedial lob; males and simple in females. internal sac with sclerites as in Figs. 5-7. Biology. Adults of S. lacordairei are Distribution (Fig. 41). ARGENTINA. attracted to fresh dung, the species has been Buenos Aires: Villarino (1); no more data (6); recorded in human and cow dung (Halffter & Puán (3); Bahía Blanca (4); Felipe Solá (1). La Martínez, 1968, FCO personal observation). Pampa (Martínez, 1954; Halffter & Martínez, Specimens where observed flying and rolling 1968). La Rioja: Anillaco (1). Mendoza: dung balls during the morning. Ñacuñán (4). Río Negro (Martínez, 1954; Halffter & Martínez, 1968); “Patagonia” (3). Scybalophagus patagonicus Martínez (Figs 8-14, 42) Remarks. Males can be recognized from females by the protibial spur, bifurcated in Scybalophagus patagonicus Martínez, 1953. OCAMPO, F. and F. MOLANO. Revision of Scybalophagus 237

Figs. 3-7. Male genitalia of Scybalophagus lacordairei. 3. Aedeagus. 4. Parameres dorsal view. 5. Basal sclerite. 6. Plate sclerite. 7. Elongated sclerite.

Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Redescription. Color dull black with Argentina 2: 3. slight copper reflection on pronotum. Length Scybalophagus patagonicus, Martínez, 1954. 8.78-12.58 mm, width 4.20-8.66 mm. Head Natura 1: 66, 68. (Fig. 8): With two medial teeth separated by Scybalophagus patagonicus, Halffter & wide U-shaped emargination, lacking lateral Martínez, 1968. Revista de la Sociedad teeth, genoclypeal suture evident, with Mexicana de Historia Natural 29: margin slightly indented; surface granulose 264. on clypeus to sparsely punctate on frons; eyes dorsally elongated, ventrally globose. Type material. Holotype male Pronotum (Fig. 8): Strongly transverse; surface (MACN) labeled: “ARGENTINA / Chubut punctate, punctures large setose, setae / Teca / Soriano leg. / Coll. Martínez / Oct minute, slightly rugose in between punctures; 946.”; “HOLOTYPUS”; “Scybalophagus / anterior angle right-angled, posterior angle patagonicus / A. Martínez. det 53.” Allotype rounded. Elytra (Fig. 9): Surface irregular, (MACN) labeled: “ARGENTINA / Neuquén with 2-3 tubercles at base, humeral / Zapala / J. Muñoz leg. / A. Martínez tubercle developed, interstriae with surface coll.”; “ALLOTYPUS”; “Scybalophagus / microgranulate and with small tubercles, patagonicus / A. Martínez. det. 53”. Two tubercles sparse; striae evident; declivital paratypes (USNM) labeled: “ARGENTINA area with broad tubercle; elytral lateral and / Santa Cruz / Pto. Deseado / Dr. Donat apical margins broadly rounded. Pigydium: leg. / Coll. C. Bruch.” “PARATIPO”; Surface convex, microgranulate, sparsely “Scybalophagus / patagonicus / gen. sp. n. / setose, setae short. Venter: Pro-, meso-, and A. Martínez det 53”. metaepisternum setose, setae moderately long and moderately dense. Metasternum 238 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 70 (3-4): 231-253, 2011

Figs. 8-9. Scybalophagus patagonicus. 8. Dorsal view. 9. Elytral sculpture detail.

strongly gibbose in middle, surface smooth Río Negro: Maquinchao (Martínez, 1955). in middle, with small tubercles and sparsely Santa Cruz: Puerto deseado (4). setose toward apical and lateral margins. Male genitalia (Figs. 10-14): Aedeagus (Fig. Biology. With the exception that the 10), parameres symmetrical, longer than species has been observed at daylight phalobase; internal sac with few brushes on rolling a ball of human feces, nothing else is submedial lob; internal sac with sclerites as known about the biology of S. patagonicus, in Figs 12-14. presumably it is attracted to ungulate’s fresh dung but no records of this have been Distribution (Fig. 42). ARGENTINA. documented. Chubut: Cerro Negro (2); Teca (1), Leleque (1); Península Valdéz (1). Neuquén: RN 40 Scybalophagus pilosus (Felsche) (17.5 km S Catan Lil) (1); RN 237 (Bajada (Figs. 15-21, 43) del Collón Curá, 6.5 km NE Corral de Piedra) (2); San Martín de los Andes (1); Zapala (1). Scybalophagus pilosus (Felsche, 1910): 339 OCAMPO, F. and F. MOLANO. Revision of Scybalophagus 239

Figs. 10-14. Male genitalia of Scybalophagus patagonicus. 10. Aedeagus. 11. Parameres dorsal view. 12. Basal sclerite. 13. Plate sclerite. 14. Elongated sclerite.

(Canthon). be reliable recognized based on the original Canthon pilosus Felsche, 1910. Deutsche description. Entomologische Zeitschrift 4: 339. Canthon pilosus, Schmidt, 1922. Arch fur Redescription. Color black with light Naturgesch 88: 63. copper reflection. Length 6.59-8.45 mm, Canthon pilosum, Blackwelder, 1944. width 4.12-5.10 mm. Head (Fig. 15): Bulletin of the United States Natural With two medial teeth separated by wide Museum 185: 200. U-shaped emargination, lacking lateral teeth, Scybalophagus pilosus, Martínez, 1953. genoclypeal suture evident, with margin Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica not indented; surface punctate on clypeus Argentina 2: 3. to sparsely punctate on frons; eyes dorsally Scybalophagus pilosus, Martínez, 1954. elongated, ventrally globose. Pronotum (Fig. Natura 1: 67. 15): Strongly transverse; surface punctate, Scybalophagus pilosus, Halffter & Martínez, punctures small setose, setae long (Fig. 15); 1968. Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana anterior angle right-angled, posterior angle de Historia Natural 29: 263. rounded. Elytra (Fig. 16): Surface irregular, with 2-3 tubercles at base, humeral tubercle Type material: The holotype of this developed, interstriae with surface smooth, species was not studied. In the original setose, setae long; striae evident; elytral description there is no reference to where lateral and apical margins broadly rounded. the type material came from or where the Pigydium: Surface convex, punctate, sparsely specimen/s were deposited. The species can setose, setae long. Venter: Pro-, meso-, and 240 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 70 (3-4): 231-253, 2011

Figs. 15-16. Scybalophagus pilosus. 15. Dorsal view. 16. Elytral sculpture detail. metaepisternum setose, setae moderately 1954). long and moderately dense. Metasternum gibbose in middle, surface smooth in Biology. Adults of S. pilosus are attracted middle, sparsely setose toward apical and to fresh dung, and they have been documented lateral margins. Male genitalia (Figs. 17-21): in human, cow (Halffter & Martinez, 1968, Aedeagus (Fig. 17), parameres symmetrical, FCO personal observation) and in puma longer than phalobase; internal sac with dung (FCO personal observation). Specimens brushes on submedial lob; internal sac with were observed active at daylight. sclerites as in Figs. 19-21. Scybalophagus plicatipennis (Blanchard) Distribution (Fig. 43). ARGENTINA. (Figs. 22-28, 44) Mendoza: Ñacuñán (3); Reserva Laguna de Llancanelo (2); RP180 (2 km S el Nihuil) (3); Scybalophagus plicatipennis (Blanchard, Río Negro: Coronel Gómez (1); Villa Regina 1845), Voyage dans L’Amerique (1). Neuquén: Neuquén (1); Ojo de Agua Méridionale pars Alcide D’ Orbigny. (2). Santa Cruz: Puerto Deseado (Martínez, Coléoptères: 164 (Canthon). OCAMPO, F. and F. MOLANO. Revision of Scybalophagus 241

Figs. 17-21. Male genitalia of Scybalophagus pilosus. 17. Aedeagus. 18. Parameres dorsal view. 19. Basal sclerite. 20. Plate sclerite. 21. Elongated sclerite.

Canthon plicatipennis Blanchard, 1845. Archiv für Naturgesch 88: 67. Voyage dans L’Amerique Méridionale Canthon plicatipennis, Balthasar, 1939. Folia pars Alcide D’ Orbigny. Coléoptères: Zoologica Hydrobiol. 9: 202. 164. Canthon plicatipenne, Blackwelder, 1944. Canthon fractipes Harold, 1868a. Berliner Bulletin of the United States Natural Entomologische Zeitschrift 12: 101. Museum 185: 201. (synonym). Scybalophagus plicatipennis, Martínez, Canthon plicatipennis, Harold, 1868a. 1953. Boletín de la Sociedad Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift Entomológica Argentina 2: 3. 12: 140. Canthon fractipes, Pereira, 1953. Dusenia 4: Canthon plicatipennis, Harold, 1868b. 394. Coleopterologische Hefte 5: 57. Scybalophagus plicatipennis, Martínez, Coprobius fractipes, Burmeister, 1873. 1954. Natura 1: 67. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitschrift Canthon plicatipennis, Pereira & d’Andretta, 34: 416. 1955. Revista Brasilera de Entomologia Canthon fractipes, Bruch, 1915. Revista del 4: 48. Museo de La Plata 17: 184. Scybalophagus plicatipennis, Halffter & Canthon plicatipennis, Schmidt, 1922. Martínez, 1968. Revista de la Sociedad 242 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 70 (3-4): 231-253, 2011

Figs. 22-23. Scybalophagus plicatipennis. 22. Dorsal view. 23. Elytral sculpture detail.

Mexicana de Historia Natural 29: Redescription. Color black. Length 6.29- 261. 7.86, width 4.44-5.89 mm. Head (Fig. 22): With two medial teeth separated by wide Type material. The type material of S. U-shaped emargination, lacking lateral teeth, plicatipennis could not be found. The type genoclypeal suture evident, with margin not should be deposited at the MNHN (Paris) indented; surface microrugose on clypeus but despite FCO’s effort to find it in the to microgranulose on frons; eyes dorsally museum’s collection, the specimen could elongated, ventrally globose. Pronotum (Fig. not be located. This species could be reliably 22): Strongly transverse; surface punctate, identified based on the description and we punctures small, sparse, glabrous; anterior consider that it is not necessary to designate angle right-angled, posterior angle rounded. a neotype at this time, specially considering Elytra (Fig. 23): Surface regular, interstriae that there is still hope to locate the material with surface smooth; striae evident; elytral used by Blanchard to describe the species. lateral and apical margins broadly rounded. OCAMPO, F. and F. MOLANO. Revision of Scybalophagus 243

Figs. 24-28. Male genitalia of Scybalophagus plicatipennis. 24. Aedeagus. 25. Parameres dorsal view. 26. Basal sclerite. 27. Plate sclerite. 28. Elongated sclerite. Pigydium: Surface convex, microgranulate, and they have been observed at daylight sparsely setose, setae short. Venter: Pro-, rolling goat dung and small pieces of rodent meso-, and metaepisternum setose, setae (undetermined) dung (Halffter & Martínez, moderately long, sparse. Metasternum 1968, FCO personal observation). poorly gibbose in middle, surface sooth in middle, sparsely setose toward apical and lateral margins. Male genitalia (Figs. 24- Scybalophagus rugosus (Blanchard) 28): Parameres symmetrical, longer than (Figs. 29-39, 45) phalobase; internal sac with sclerites as in Figs. 26-28. Scybalophagus rugosus (Blanchard, 1845) (Canthon). Distribution (Fig. 44). ARGENTINA. Canthon rugosum Blanchard, 1845. Voyage Catamarca: La Ciénaga (Martínez, 1955); dans L’Amerique Méridionale pars Córdoba: Cruz del Eje (1); Mendoza: Alcide D’ Orbigny. Coléoptères: 159. Ñacuñán (3); RN 40 (South of Pareditas) Canthon tessellatus Erichson, 1847. in (6); R143 (Km 33) (1); Reserva La Payunia Weigmann Arch. für Naturgeschichte (Puesto los Relinchos) (1); La Rioja: Anillaco 13:105. (2 km N) (2); Mascasín (11); San Luis: San Canthon rugosus, Harold, 1868a Berliner Gerónimo (1). “Patagonia” (1). San Juan Entomologische Zeitschrift 12: 19. (Halffter & Martínez, 1968); La Pampa Canthon rugosus, Schmidt, 1922. Archiv für (Halffter & Martínez, 1968). Naturgesch 88: 63. Canthon rugosum, Guérin-Méneville, 1855. Biology. Adults of S. plicatipennis are Verh. Zool. Bot. Ver. Wien 5:586. attracted to human, cow, and rodent dung, Canthon rugosus, Balthasar, 1939. Folia 244 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 70 (3-4): 231-253, 2011

Figs. 29-34. Scybalophagus rugosus. 29. Dorsal view. 30. Elytral sculpture detail. 31. Dorsal view of head. 32. Metasternum. 33. Mesotibia. 34. Metatibia.

Zoologica Hydrobiol. 9: 185. Scybalophagus rugosus, Martínez, 1953. Canthom rugosum, Blackwelder, 1944. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Bulletin of the United States Natural Argentina 2: 3. Museum 185: 201. Scybalophagus rugosus, Martínez, 1954. Canthon rugosum, Gutiérrez, 1950. Anales Natura 1: 66, 68. de la Sociedad Científica Argentina Scybalophagus zumpti (Frey) new 149: 54-55. synonym. OCAMPO, F. and F. MOLANO. Revision of Scybalophagus 245

Figs. 35-39. Male genitalia of Scybalophagus rugosus. 35. Aedeagus. 36. Parameres dorsal view. 37. Basal sclerite. 38. Plate sclerite. 39. Elongated sclerite.

Epirinus zumpti Frey, 1963: 550. wide U-shaped emargination, lacking lateral Pseudoepirinus zumpti (Frey). Ferreira, 1964: teeth, genoclypeal suture evident, with 3. margin slightly indented; surface rugose; Scybalophagus zumpti (Frey). Scholtz eyes dorsally elongated, ventrally globose. & Howden, 1987. Journal of the Pronotum (Fig. 29): Strongly transverse; Entomological Society of South Africa surface rugopunctate, punctures large setose, 50: 116. setae minute; anterior angle right-angled, posterior angle rounded. Elytra (Fig. 30): Type material: Lectotype male (MNHN) Humeral tubercles well developed; surface labeled: “Museum Paris / Chuquisaca / irregular, interstriae with surface smooth D’Orbigny 1834”; “Canthon / rugosum / alternated with large dyscoidal punctures Blanchard / LECTOTYPE”; “Scybalophagus that can be as wide as interestria, punctures / rugosus / Ocampo det. 2010.”Lectotype setose, setae minute; elytral lateral and apical here designated. Four paralectotypes (three margins broadly rounded. Pigydium: Surface at MNHN, one at IAZA) labeled as lectotype slightly convex on apical half, flat on basal except: “Canthon / rugosum / Blanchard / half, transversally rugose, sparsely setose, PARALECTOTYPE”; Scybalophagus / rugosus setae short. Venter (Fig. 32): Pro-, meso-, and / Ocampo det. 2010”. Paralectotypes here metaepisternum setose, setae moderately designated. long, sparse. Metasternum strongly gibbose in middle, surface smooth in middle, with Redescription. Color black. Length 8.06- small tubercles and sparsely setose toward 14.35 mm, width 4.27-9.80 mm. Head (Figs. apical and lateral margins. Male genitalia 29, 31): With two medial teeth separated by (Figs. 35-39): Aedeagus (Fig. 35), parameres 246 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 70 (3-4): 231-253, 2011

Fig. 40. Distribution map of Scybalophagus on Morrone’s (2006) biogeographic scenario (Cha= Chaco, Mon= Monte, Pam= Pampa, Pat= Patagonia, Pun= Puna). Grey dots represent actual data points, grey areas represent the predictive distribution model where darker areas correspond to higer probabilities of presence based on the used variables. symmetrical, parameres and phalobase (4); Achacachi (2); Titicaca Basin (2); Lago subequal in length; internal sac with brushes Titicaca, Isla del Sol (2). CHILE: Parinacota: on submedial lob; internal sac with sclerites Volcán Tacora (1). Tarapacá: Caraguano (2). as in Figs. 37-39. PERU: Puno (2); no more data (3).

Distribution (Fig. 45). ARGENTINA. Biology. Adults of S. rugosus are attracted Catamarca: RP 47, Cuesta de Capillitas to human, lama, guanaco, cow, sheep, and (8); Cuesta minas Capillitas (10); La Hoyada horse dung (Halffter & Martínez, 1968, FCO (Sierra de Aconquija) (2). Jujuy: El Aguilar (2); personal observation) and they have been La Quiaca (7). La Rioja: Anillaco (2 km N). observed rolling balls of this kind of dung. Salta: Cachi, Piedra del Molino (4); Cachi, A varaible number of specimens (5-20) were Izonza (3); Santa Rosa, Tastil (1). Tucumán: observed in fresh horse dung pats during the El Infiernillo (26); Tafí del Valle (2). BOLIVIA: morning. La Paz: Alto La Paz (24); Chuquisaca (3); Sicasica (6). Cochabamba: Cochabamba Remarks. In a recent contribution on (7); no more data (3); Guaqui (2); Oruro African Canthonini, Deschodt & Scholtz OCAMPO, F. and F. MOLANO. Revision of Scybalophagus 247

Fig. 41. Map of distribution of S. lacordairei (grey dots), and predictive distribution, darker areas represent higher probabilities of occurrence of the species based on 21 variables.

(2008) excluded S. zumpti from their work S. zumpti (Frey) as a junior synonym of S. suggesting that the species is not present rugosus (Blanchard). in South Africa and that the description of S. zumpti was based on mislabeled specimens from South America. Based on BIOGEOGRAPHY the examination of the type specimens of S. zumpti, on their comparison with S. South America has been subject to many rugosus, and considering that the area where biogeographic studies due to the particular S. zumpti was recorded has been widely distribution patterns of its flora and fauna, surveyed and specimens never found, we specially the austral region, which has been consider that the latter was named based considered to be different from the rest of on specimens incorrectly labeled which, in South America (Jeannel, 1967; Monros, fact, correspond to S. rugosus from South 1958; Kuschel, 1964). Several theories have America (Scholtz, personal communication). been proposed to explain the origin and Based on the above evidence we consider relationship of this region’s biota with other 248 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 70 (3-4): 231-253, 2011

Fig. 42. Map of distribution of S. patagonicus (grey dots), and predictive distribution, darker areas represent higher probabilities of occurrence of the species based on 21 variables.

temperate areas such as Australia, New ranging from sea level in southern Argentina Zealand, and South Africa. Nonetheless, to above 4500 m in Bolivia and Peru. The these studies are centered on taxa shared with species are distributed in the Chaco (South the other austral continents (referred as the Western), Prepuna, Puna, Monte, Pampeana austral component, Kuschel, 1964) but fewer (South) and Patagonian biogeographic studies have taken into consideration taxa provinces (Fig. 40). According to Morrone from South America that are restricted to arid (2006), Atacama, Prepuna, Puna, Monte, and lands and have phylogenetic relationships the Coastal Peruvian Desert biogeographic with other taxa present in the Neotropics provinces constitute the South American (Roig Juñent et al., 2008). Transition Zone, although unpublished data The genus Scybalophagus is distributed and analysis including several and plant in western and southern Argentina, western taxa indicate that the Patagonian province Bolivia, Northern Chile, and Southern Peru, should be considered part of this transitional OCAMPO, F. and F. MOLANO. Revision of Scybalophagus 249

Fig. 43. Map of distribution of S. plicatipennis (grey dots), and predictive distribution, darker areas represent higher probabilities of occurrence of the species based on 21 variables. zone. Following the latter biogeographic coexist with other endemic taxa that would scenario, Scybalophagus would be restricted have speciated in the area but with sister almost exclusively to the South American groups in neighboring non-desert regions Transition Zone. Considering the origin (e.g. Eucraniini (Scarabaeinae), Aclopinae, of its elements, this transition zone shows Allidiostomatinae [Scarabaeidae], Tauro- a mixture of Neotropical and Subantartic cerastes [Geotrupidae], Pycnochila fauna (Willink, 1991; Morrone 1999, [Carabidae], Vayella [Vespidae], Bufonacris 2000, 2004, 2006; Roig-Juñent et al., [Tristiridae], to name a few). 2008), being Scybalophagus included in the The insect fauna characteristic of the South former group, with phylogenetic affinities American Transition Zone is distinguished by with the Neotropical Canthonini (Ocampo strong adaptations to extreme environments and Hawks, 2006). In the South American and arid environments (precipitation is < than Transition Zone, endemic, relictual taxa, 400 mm year), with marked variations in day 250 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 70 (3-4): 231-253, 2011

Fig. 44. Map of distribution of S. pilosus (grey dots), and predictive distribution, darker areas represent higher probabilities of occurrence of the species based on 21 variables.

and night temperature, strong seasonality, in Argentina, with one species, S. rugosus, and high solar radiation. According to Roig- that is also known from Bolivia, Chile, and Juñent et al. (2006), based on a biogeographic Peru. analysis using distribution data, Species in the genus show different levels the Puna, Prepuna, Monte, Chaco, and of sympatry, being S. pilosus, S. lacordiarei, Patagonia biogeographic provinces are and S. plicatipennis, present in the same closely related, a hypothesis that is consistent areas, and collected in the same locality: with the Scybalophagus distribution. Ñacuñán, Mendoza, Argentina. Predictive models of species distribution for these three Distribution of Scybalophagus species species indicate that they potentially share (Figs. 40-45) an extended area that covers central western As it was mentioned above, species of the Argentina, particularly Mendoza, San Luis, genus Scybalophagus are mainly distributed San Juan, and La Rioja. OCAMPO, F. and F. MOLANO. Revision of Scybalophagus 251

Fig. 45. Map of distribution of S. rugosus (grey dots), and predictive distribution, darker areas represent higher probabilities of occurrence of the species based on 21 variables.

Scybalophagus lacordairei has been model indicates that the species can be previously known for southern Buenos Aires, potentially distributed in La Pampa and San center and eastern La Pampa, and center and Juan; the distribution of the species is within northeastern Río Negro. Our records from the Monte and Patagonia biogeographic Mendoza extend its known distribution to provinces (Fig. 43). The distribution area of central western Argentina; the distribution S. pilosus ranges from near sea level up to of the species corresponds to the Monte 650 meters. biogeographic province (Fig. 41). The known Scybalophagus patagonicus is distributed distribution area of S. lacordairei ranges from in Neuquén, Río Negro, Chubut and Santa near sea level up to 570 meters. Cruz; its distribution and species predictive Scybalophagus pilosus is distributed in distribution model correspond to the Chubut, Santa Cruz, Neuquén, Río Negro and Patagonia biogeographic province (Fig. 42). Mendoza; the species predictive distribution The known distribution area of S. patagonicus 252 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 70 (3-4): 231-253, 2011 ranges from near sea level up to 850 meters. 3. BLACKWELDER, R. E. 1944. Checklist of the Coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies Scybalophagus plicatipennis is known and South America. Part. II. Bulletin of the United to be distributed in Mendoza, San Luis, San States Natural Museum 185: 189-341. 4. BLANCHARD, E. 1845. Coléoptères. In: Blanchard, E. & Juan, Córdoba, and La Rioja, its distribution G.. A. Brullé: Insectes du Voyage dans l’Amérique and species predictive distribution model méridionale de M. Alcide d’Orbigny (1826-1833). correspond to the Monte biogeographic Berget-Levrault, Strasbourg. 6: 155-184. 5. BURMEISTER, H. 1873. Lamellicornia Argentina. Stettiner province (Fig. 44). The known distribution Entomolgische Zeitung 34: 403 -417. area of S. plicatipennis ranges from 450 to 6. BRUCH, C. 1915. 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