Table of Contents

Letter from the Chair Page 2

Letter from the Crisis Director Page 3

Background Page 4

Positions Page 4

Committee Structure Page 8

Committee Goals Page 8

Sources Page 8



Letter from the Chair Excelsior! And welcome delegates. My name is Andrés Zabala. I’m currently a junior here in Penn State majoring in Film Production, with a minor in Business. I’m from Caracas, Venezuela and when I’m not shooting a movie or casually watching Netflix, you will find me playing soccer, being in student government or messing around with my guitar. I’m very excited to welcome all of you to the Enhanced Individuals Accountability Summit (Marvel Committee). This is my first time chairing a committee in PUNC, and there’s nothing that compares to the hype, especially for this specific committee. The committee came out of my love for superheroes (my favorite is ) and the Marvel Cinematic Universe in general. The world we set in this committee is open to endless possibilities, different dimensions, a giant plethora of characters, and for sure a bunch of ideas. So, come prepared, and be on your A game, because the world needs it, The need it. All of the information you need is listed here in the delegate guide, but also feel free to contact me anytime with questions or concerns about the committee at [email protected]. With nothing else to add, I very much look forward to seeing all of you there, so Avengers…. Assemble!

Sincerely, Andres Zabala



Letter from the Crisis Director Good morning, and in case it isn’t morning, good afternoon, good evening, and good night! My name is Tarrick Qahash and I will be your Crisis Director for the Enhanced Individuals Accountability Summit. I’m a sophomore majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, trying to get a minor in Math and Microbiology. As you can probably tell by now I don’t go outside much. I was always interested in Model UN, but my High school never had one. Now that I am finally participating, it has given me a great avenue to improve my public speaking and debate. This Marvel Committee is something that will allow you to get creative. You are in a world full of enhanced beings that have the power to save or destroy the entire world. This universe is vast, so be sure to use all the resources you know about. Even if you haven’t seen all the movies or binged some T.V. shows on Netflix there is still a lot of options. Remember to have fun and a good debate!

Sincerely, Tarrick Qahash



Background Section:

The events that have transpired before this summit are those that occurred within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), from Iron Man 1 all the way through Ant-Man. This committee will occur after the first 13 minutes of : Civil War, everything after that point is considered invalid after the 13th minute. The committee will start one week after the incident in Lagos, Nigeria in Captain America: Civil War.

Also, TV shows pertaining to the MCU such as Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Carter and the Netflix shows (i.e. Daredevil, Jessica Jones) are considered extra, research or viewings of those shows won’t be necessary for the summit. Knowledge of their existence would for sure come into play as it would not be excluded.

This summit will take place in the United Nations Building in New York City, a week after the Avengers altercation in Lagos, Nigeria. Ever since the world came to know of enhanced individuals such as Captain America in World War II, there has been this underlying fear of what can they become, or what would they could do. After Tony Stark revealed himself to the world as Iron Man, the world has become part of larger threats than anyone expected. These events seem to have brought other enhanced individuals out of hiding, with individuals like The and Thor creating mayhem wherever they went. It wasn’t until the Battle of New York in 2012 that the world came to know of the group of enhanced individuals called “The Avengers”. The damage to infrastructure, and countless lives that were lost in the battle shuck the population of the world to its core. Perhaps greatest change was the knowledge that humanity isn’t alone in the universe and that there are enhanced individuals among them that the governments of the world have no way of restraining. The global reaction to enhanced individuals was very mixed with some looking to them as saviors and others hailing them as conquerors.

Their involvement with other crises throughout the world have contributed to this divide, as the Avengers have left destruction and rubble in their wake, Washington D.C, Nigeria, and Sokovia serving as prime examples. However, it wasn’t until 2015, when , a malevolent AI created by Stark, almost succeeded in destroying the world that nations decided to take action against these individuals.

Since then, they have attempted to supervise or outright ban these enhanced individuals from being an autonomous entity. While the public initially supported the Avengers, outcry followed after an undercover mission where the enhanced individual known as “” inadvertently killed several innocent civilian bystanders. Renewed support for oversight and regulation of the Avengers have led to the creation of this conference, where their status will be the decided. Your actions and communications in this conference will determine the fate of all enhanced individuals.

Delegate Positions

United States: If they consider themselves a peacekeeping agency, why does everything they do end in mayhem and destruction? Those are the sentiments of the U.S. government in terms of the summit. Knowing that this organization and most of the enhanced individuals operate inside the U.S. without any kind of supervision, causing problems inland and overseas the U.S. has begun


PUNC X: THE PENNSYLVANIA UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE to take measure to stop this from happening. The era of the Avengers is over and it starts in this summit. All of the problems that have arisen since the creation of Captain America in World War II, are proof that these creatures don’t have boundaries and they operate on an international level creating havoc everywhere they go. The United States puts forth their support to create a plan to regulate and supervise these enhanced individuals.

Wakanda: For centuries they have remained in isolation and are now considered the most technologically advanced nation of the planet. It’s currently the only place in the world where vibranium (the strongest metal in earth) is found. Wakanda has decided to stay out of issues like the Avengers since they first appeared, however, when the attack on Lagos in 2016 occurred, and Wakandan people were affected, the government had enough and decided to call on for this summit to take place. They feel something must be done, although they do not favor one side or the other.

Sokovia: Sokovia has had a rough history. It’s been through several rebellions and uprisings due to the lack of political and socio economic stability. Due to a more recent rebellion in 2013, the terrorist group known as was able to set a base in Sokovia without government interruption operating under what then was considered “S.H.I.E.L.D.” When the Avengers tried to stop Ultron and “save” the world in 2015, destruction of more than half of the country took place with several casualties and incomparable damages to the country. The event that took place that year is the main reason this summit is taking place.

Germany: The German government believes that the group known as “The Avengers” is more of a good than harm to this world. Since the rise of Hitler in World War II, an enhanced individual known as Captain America help defend the country against the head of the terrorist group HYDRA, the . The Avengers also helped stop in his path to control the world in 2012. The government itself doesn’t understand why this summit is taking place as they’ve moved forward for on a plan to host the Avengers in their country if need be.

Russia: Russia has long been interested in the potential of enhanced individuals. The Russian government of 1991 was heavily involved and believed in the Winter Soldier program, due to the success of the program and the people in it. Since the program ended after the fall of the USSR, the Russian government has been very vocal and outgoing in their attempts to replicate suits like Iron Man, and Super Soldiers like Captain America, due to fear and uncertainty of safety in this new world of enhanced people. Seeing that the Avengers are a US based organization, the Russian government believes that they should answer to all countries in need of aid, no matter their situation.

China: Due to the economic and political power of China, and their attempts to still be considered one of the big world powers, the government has put resources and time in efforts like Russia’s to create Iron Man suits, however they’ve quickly backfired with very unsuccessful results since 2010. Hoping that this summit will favor the side of creating the panel to regulate and supervise the enhanced individuals, the Chinese government has put all of its intentions and influences to make this a reality. Granting them access to this group of enhanced individuals will further guarantee their status on the world view, while also making sure that their country feels safe and protected.



United Kingdom: Understanding that the Avengers operate as an individual and independent entity to world organizations or countries, the United Kingdom has decided to be actively against the proposition to set a panel for supervision and ultimate control over the Avengers. The most recent activity Avengers related happened in November 2013 when Thor tried to stop an attack in Greenwich regarding a possible destruction of Earth. United Kingdom strongly believes that without the Avengers presence in the world, we wouldn’t stand a chance with any kind of threat.

Brazil: When the Hulk incident happened around Rio de Janeiro in 2008, the Brazilian government took a strong stance on enhanced individuals. They believe that regulation and, or attempts to control these kind of individuals is more harmful to the world than actual good. Brazil believes that is normally the governments and their bias or own agendas that create chaos when it comes to situations and powers like the ones presented in front of this summit, and having control over these individuals will bring nothing but despair and uncertainty to the world.

Nigeria: Based on the most recent situation involving the Avengers in Lagos, Nigeria, resulting in several innocent casualties the Nigerian government has had it with the enhanced group known as the Avengers. The world had reach worldwide stability without the presence of the individuals, and now that they inhabit this world, their presence and outright free will to decide what they should do and how they should do it, must be considered a burden and annoyance to everyone. Nigeria believes that the world is a better place without them, but in this situation it’s better to have them under control, than to have them run free without considering or even acknowledging the consequences of their actions.

South Africa: Ever since the Hulk attack happened in Johannesburg in 2015, there has been a clear uproar against the Avengers. The South African government has established an outright ban on any activity by the Avengers or any enhanced individuals in the country, threatening with life in prison or political persecution. As of this moment, a nationwide arrest for Dr. Bruce Banner or the Hulk is in place.

Turkey: The world in the last couple of years has suffered a lot of great threats whether it is the Battle of New York, or the Sokovian Incident, both which would have meant the end of the world as we know if it wasn’t for the Avengers. Events like this couldn’t have been handled by any kind of human intervention or current technology available to the government's. The Avengers are the ones that can safely protect this world by their own initiative. Having to wait for approval of a UN panel would undermine the urgency of several situations around the world, and that’s why the Turkish government doesn’t support the regulation and supervision of the enhanced individuals.

Mexico: Mexico is one of the countries that doesn’t believe in the regulation or supervision of enhanced individuals. Seeing what kind of threats could be unleashed in the world like the invasion in 2012, they were one of the few countries who sponsored and supported the Avengers in their effort and success that day. The government has been very welcoming of their actions and believes that whatever the Avengers decide to is the right thing.

Argentina: The Argentinian government and people have increasingly become worried about the current world situation regarding “The Avengers” or other enhanced individuals. Fortunately, any kind of threat that could pertain to the Avengers hasn’t occurred in Argentina yet, but the 6

PUNC X: THE PENNSYLVANIA UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE feeling of uncertainty that at any moment something like that could happen frightens the Argentinian population. Knowing specially that the country doesn’t possess the means to fight any kind of threat like Ultron, and the fact that they believe all of the people with powers should be put in check, Argentina has decided to support the initiative to regulate the Avengers.

Australia: Australia is one of the countries who will fight this proposition to the ground. Believing in the alien invasion and otherworldly threats, the Australian government doesn’t comprehend the idea of wanting to supervise or regulate the group known as The Avengers. Every action they make is for the well-being of the world, and it should stay that way. The government believes that the only result that the creation of this panel will bring is pandering to agendas and biases of individual nations, eliminating the very purpose of it, which is to secure the well-being of this planet against any kind of threat.

Afghanistan: Although being one of the public country hosts to bases of the terrorist organization known as the Ten Rings, and having a reputation amongst the international community of being one of the best places in the world to train a mercenary, Afghanistan opposes the proposal for the regulation and supervision of enhanced individuals. The Afghani government believes that the world countries should not be afraid of the threat the Avengers pose, as they should be afraid of the threat the countries pose to them.

India: India hasn’t taken a stance on this particular issue, they believe that if a deal is reach in the Summit to regulate and supervise the Avengers it should tackle every possible outcome imaginable to stop it from being an army at the disposal of every government. On the other hand, if a deal not to regulate them is made, the Indian government believes that a dialog with them should be put in place at least to talk through the issues all of the countries face and for them to consider the fact that every action has a consequence.

Japan: The Japanese government has been set on establishing a set of rules for these people with powers since the whole world came to see the Avengers for the first time. They believe that people or groups of people with the abilities they possess shouldn’t be out on their own without any kind of oversight. The Japanese government is also highly concerned with the US involvement in the Triskelion incident in 2013 and the reliability they should have on organizations such as S.H.I.E.L.D.

South Korea: In 2015, when the Avengers held a city wide chase for Ultron in Seoul, resulting in innumerable damages to the city and its infrastructure, civilians and businesses, the government decided to start a campaign to outright ban the Avengers and friends alike into the country. Statements made by the president of South Korea after the Nigerian incident in 2016 clearly call for action to all the countries in the world to consider the fact that the Avengers are a dangerous group that need to be contained.

New Zealand: New Zealand argues that the Avengers a necessity to this world, and actually this summit should be concerned on gathering information and technology to help them fight threats like the Chitauri invasion in 2012. Instead efforts into trying to control for saving the world several times is being punished out of fear. The avengers are here to help, not to harm our lives.



Syria: The Syrian government has been very vocal on their opposition to this summit due to the amount of problems the world already faces. Instead, the countries in favor of this summit are putting all of their attention on a group of people who haven’t done anything but help the world, the Syrian government believes that this summit should instead be focused into looking on how can we help them make the world a better place, and not into how to control them.

Committee Structure

The committee will run, at first, with speakers list, moderated and unmoderated caucuses. However, once the crisis arrives, the committee will favor more the moderated and unmoderated caucuses, and putting the speakers list on hold. When the situation requires it, the speakers list may be open with approval of the chair. Besides that, there will be crises throughout the committee, so action papers and directives are in order. By the end of committee, it is expected that a final resolution be drafted, since this is considered a UN committee.

The delegates will represent the of their respective nation in the committee. Seeing that this is a matter that requires immediate action, the choice was made to have each delegate represent the leader of their country in order to make their decision more impactful and urgent. Every delegate should understand the mindset of the country they’re representing to really help the committee move forward and reach a consensus on what needs to be done.

Committee Goals

The purpose of this committee is to draft a resolution stating whether the Avengers or any enhanced individuals should be supervised or regulated by the UN or any government in the world. Considering all of the destruction that has taken place since Captain America was known to the public, and the fear that most of the world holds of people with powers like them something should be done about it. How will they be regulated, and how it will have to be implemented depends on you.

These individuals can no longer be left to their own devices and morals, there’s going to be a point in which their beliefs of what’s right or wrong won't align with the world, and we will be at their mercy, it’s our job to stop it before it happens. A resolution giving them strict rules on to operate should be put in place. You should be working on how we can make this work, not only for your respective country, but also to the entire planet.

Sources · Iron Man (2008) · The Incredible Hulk (2008) · Iron Man 2 (2010) · Thor (2011) · Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) · The Avengers (2012) · Iron Man 3 (2013) · Thor: The Dark World (2013) · Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)



· Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) · Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) · Ant-Man (2015) · Captain America: Civil War (2016) * *Only until the 13th minute of runtime.