This PDF document contains the source and hyperlink information from the ArcGIS StoryMap called “ at the Threshold.” Part 1 is a table of hyperlinks embedded in the narrative text and Part 2 is the ​ ​ ​ ​ list of sources referenced in each profile from the section titled “Mapping Fatal Incidents.” Please direct any questions to [email protected]. ​ ​

Four undergraduate students and one graduate student conducted the research for this investigation as well as contributed to various sections of the digital report: Francesca Romeo (graduate student), ​ ​ Yoselyne Cerros, Emma Chaidez, Monica Estrada Arias, and Angie Valencia. ​ ​

Dr. Sylvanna Falcón (Director of the Human Rights Investigations Lab for the Americas, Director of the ​ ​ ​ Research Center for the Americas, and Associate Professor of Latin American and Latino Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz) provided research oversight and copyedited the report prior to its publication.

PART 1: Below is a list of full web addresses that have been embedded in the ArcGIS StoryMap. All ​ hyperlinks have a last access date of 16 June 2020 unless indicated otherwise. Please email [email protected] if the link is no longer active. ​

Section: Conceiving of a New Society Text with Embedded Link Full Link

“With over 3.7 million citizens protesting” ​ ​ e-photographs-protest-statues-graffiti

“30,000 arrested, 5000 allegations of abuse filed ​ against security forces” linded-police-says-protests-won-t-end-until-n1160306

“3765 injured” ​ ​ s-figures-of-injured-and-detained-protesters-20200218- 0021.html

“with some news outlets reporting up to 31 ​ deaths” linded-police-says-protests-won-t-end-until-n1160306 ​ “As stated in the report by the Instituto Nacional ​ de Derechos Humanos” 56789/1701/Informe%20Final-2019.pdf?sequence=1&is ​ Allowed=y

“As widely reported by U.S. news outlets” ​ ​ 00006782083/chile-protests-riots.html?smid=nytcore-io s-share [note this link is to video clips that may no ​ longer be accessible]


“such as Amnesty International” ​ ​ e-responsable-politica-deliberada-para-danar-manifesta ntes/

“rubber bullets that blinded hundreds of ​ protestors” /chile-protests-eye-injuries.html ​ “Chile has experienced periods of economic growth” ct/---protrav/---travail/documents/publication/wcms_2 48029.pdf

“‘School segregation, high tuition rates, and the unequal distribution of Chile’s wealth held Democracy_and_Student_Discontent_Chilean_Student_ capabilities below expectations. The result was Protest_in_the_Post-Pinochet_Era/fulltext/57bd267c08 discontent.’” ae6918242efb23/Democracy-and-Student-Discontent-C hilean-Student-Protest-in-the-Post-Pinochet-Era.pdf (see page 61)

“younger generation's post-dictatorship courage” est/chiles-students-clash-with-police-as-protests-intensi fy-idUSKCN0YH2G2

“la generación sin miedo” ​ ​ Democracy_and_Student_Discontent_Chilean_Student_ Protest_in_the_Post-Pinochet_Era/fulltext/57bd267c08 ae6918242efb23/Democracy-and-Student-Discontent-C hilean-Student-Protest-in-the-Post-Pinochet-Era.pdf (see pages 65-67)

“long-time neoliberal agenda” ​ hile-uprising-austerity-protests-pinera

“neoliberal doctrine” ​ ost/2019/11/counting-cost-neoliberalism-chile-1911091 12653102.html

“The hopping of turnstiles turned into mass riots, ​ looting of supermarkets, and the torching of ntiago-chile-protests-2019-riots-metro-fare-pinera twenty-two metro stations”

“Chile has closed its borders and set at home quarantines” ragile-social-truce/

“Professor Claudio Nash from the University of Chile said to The Guardian” e-protester-killed-mother-army-police-romario-veloz ​ ​ 2

Section: Mapping Fatal Incidents See PART 2 below.

Section: Remembering Lost Lives Text with Embedded Link Full Link

“Germán Aburto” Aburto, German. Facebook Intro. Facebook, ​ ​ s/2479124168867597:0, accessed 25 May 2020. ​ Photo source (right): Instagram post 6 October Instructor_de_trekking. (2019). [online]. Instagram post ​ 2019, accessed 19 May 2020. 6 October,, accessed ​ 19 May 2020.

Source: Instagram post 17 October 2018, accessed Instructor_de_trekking. (2018). [online]. Instagram post ​ 19 May 2020. 17 October,, ​ accessed 19 May 2020.

Source: Instagram post 5 September 2018, Instructor_de_trekking. (2018). [online]. Instagram post ​ accessed 19 May 2020. 5 September,, ​ accessed 19 May 2020.

Source: Instagram post 17 June 2018, accessed 19 Instructor_de_trekking. (2018). [online]. Instagram post ​ ​ ​ May 2020. 17 June,, ​ ​ ​ accessed 19 May 2020.

Background photo: Facebook post 25 October German Aburto. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 25 ​ 2019, accessed 19 May 2020. October 2019, s/2479124168867597:0, accessed 19 May 2020. ​ Background photo: Facebook post 19 October German Aburto. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 19 ​ 2019, accessed 19 May 2020. October, 46142&set=a.263370863776283, accessed 19 May ​ 2020.


“[Video] Barricadas obligan corte de Ruta 5 Sur en San Rafael.” aule/barricadas-obligan-corte-de-ruta-5-sur-en-san-rafa el/2019-10-19/145623.html

Source: Facebook post 19 October 2019, accessed German Aburto. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 19 ​ 8 September 2020. October, 34821&set=a.263370863776283, accessed 8 ​ September 2020.

Source: Facebook post 22 October 2019, accessed German Aburto. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 22 ​ 7 September 2020. October, os/2474371406009540/?__tn__=%2Cd*F*F-R&eid=AR DXCrV3WQecmo_O7nRA0kUqdq-Kxg3zOnIl0jT29PRTsR- 23mUOavQHZLoS_gu4jXDJFn_vNkL1Y4mE&tn-str=*F, ​ accessed 7 September 2020.

Source: Facebook post 24 October 2019, accessed German Aburto. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 24 ​ 8 September 2020. October, s/2478148305631850, accessed 8 September 2020. ​ Source: Facebook post 25 October 2019, accessed German Aburto. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 25 ​ 20 May 2020. October, s/2479125592200788, accessed 20 May 2020. ​ “claims there were no signs of third party intervention” os-muertes-en-comisarias-que-la-fiscalia-investiga-com o-suicidios/917836, accessed 25 May 2020. ​ Background photo: Instagram post 29 August Instructor_de_trekking. (2018). [online]. Instagram post ​ 2018, accessed 20 May 2020. 29 August, ​, ​ accessed 20 May 2020.

“is being examined by the Fiscalía Nacional” ​ ​ os-muertes-en-comisarias-que-la-fiscalia-investiga-com o-suicidios/917836

“Human Rights Watch Report” do-urgente-una-reforma-policial-tras-las-protestas


“Manuel Rebolledo Navarrete” ​ -navarrete-atropellado-por-militares-en-talcahuano/. ​ “This was absolutely an accidental situation, there is no evidence or proof that our representative /octubre-cinco-muertes/904021/. ​ (referring to Camaño) committed any infraction against the law or regulations”

"the accident is a regrettable event" ​ amente-se-decreta-toque-de-queda-para-la-provincia-d e-concepcion/2019-10-22/160022.html. ​ Source for image (right): Facebook post 21 Manuel Alejandro Ibacache. (2019). [online]. Facebook ​ December 2019. post 21 December, 22574164&set=pb.100001326058296.-2207520000..&t ype=3, accessed 12 September 2020. Ibacache is the ​ father of Navarrete.

Background photo: Tweet posted 7 February PacmanFantasma @PacmanFantasma (2020). [online]. ​ 2020. Tweet posted 7 February 2020 3:40pm, 56905863169/photo/1, accessed 10 September 2020. ​ “published a report highlighting the personal life of Rebolledo and his loved ones” olera-la-historia-de-manuel-alejandro-rebolledo-navarr ete-atropellado-por-un-infante-de-marina-en-el-toque- de-queda-en-talcahuano/. ​ Source: Facebook post 7 April 2017. Manuel Alejandro Ibacache. (2017). [online]. Facebook ​ ​ ​ post 7 April, 94730&set=picfp.100001326058296. ​ “Rebolledo had supposedly ‘slipped’ and that his vehicle continued to roll for a few meters, /octubre-cinco-muertes/904021/. ​ subsequently hitting the victim.”

Video Source: Resumen. (2020). [online]. Resumen. (2020). [online]. Facebook Post 4 March, ​ Facebook post 4 March, accessed 20 May 2020. ion/videos/195917665009003, accessed 20 May 2020. ​ Video Source: VOMM-Videoteca. (2019). [online]. VOMM-Videoteca. (2019). [online]. Facebook Post 21 ​ Facebook Post 21 October, accessed 20 May 2020. October, ​

5 1970962013007352, accessed 20 May 2020. ​ Background photo credit: © 2019 & 2020 Phil Background photo credit: © 2019 & 2020 Phil Keim All ​ ​ Keim All Rights Reserved and used here with Rights Reserved and used here with permission permission (@its_KeimTime on Instagram and (@its_KeimTime on Instagram Twitter). ( and ​ ​ Twitter ( ​ ​ “published a poignant video displaying Rebolledo's family and friends chanting for justice”

“lighting assistant for the Chilean television channel MEGA 1” ertina-martinez-caso.html

Source for image (right): Facebook post 3 August Albertina Martínez Burgos. (2018). [online]. Facebook ​ 2018. post 3 August, 1:31AM, ​ 441891&set=ecnf.1259691233, accessed 10 September ​ 2020.

“posted on October 21st” Albertina Mariana Martinez Burgos. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 21 October, Burgos/posts/10220363519658980, accessed 12 ​ September 2020.

“October 22nd” Albertina Mariana Martinez Burgos. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 22 October, Burgos/posts/10220374926304139, accessed 12 ​ September 2020.

“October 26th” Albertina Mariana Martinez Burgos. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 26 October, Burgos/posts/10220409374125313, accessed 12 ​ September 2020.

“She was recorded by her apartment building’s Chilevision. (2020). [online]. Facebook post 13 security cameras” February, 9329890964/?v=2801959329890964, accessed 12 ​ September 2020.


“News outlets from other countries” era-activista-ni-fotografa-de-prensa-la-verdadera-histor ia-de-albertina-martinez-la-joven-asesinada-en-chile

“In addition, such claims mentioned both her laptop and camera equipment were missing” rtinez-burgos-found.php?fbclid=IwAR0TRVhK52ncqjmq 4O9KbNY7Pj0_nTV4kFz7gcY3bEhVmsWAK9uYdGaqrxE

Source: Sonja Peteranderl @glocalreporting Sonja Peteranderl @glocalreporting (2019). [online]. ​ (2019). [online]. Twitter post 23 November, Twitter post 23 November, 5:50am, 5:50am. 3559968770, accessed 10 September 2020. ​ “According to an interview with the news outlet Univision” era-activista-ni-fotografa-de-prensa-la-verdadera-histor ia-de-albertina-martinez-la-joven-asesinada-en-chile

“noting that she only attended one protest before deciding to prioritize her own safety” urnalist-found-death

“Nineteen year-old Jairo González had been on the run for about 50 days” enen-presunto-autor-fotoreportera-chilena

“A Spanish language video report” Chilevision. (2020). [online]. Facebook post 13 February, 9329890964/?v=2801959329890964, accessed 12 ​ September 2020.

“has not been the only misinformation circulating online regarding deaths throughout the protests” era-activista-ni-fotografa-de-prensa-la-verdadera-histor ia-de-albertina-martinez-la-joven-asesinada-en-chile

“Association of Feminist Lawyers of Chile and Latin America”

Section: Closing Thoughts Text with Embedded Link Full Link

“the Chilean government has promised to Sebastian Piñera @sebastianpinera (2019). [online]. ​ Twitter post 22 October, 7:31pm, implement a new social agenda” ​ 8373404672, accessed 12 September 2020. ​ “would not even qualify for the ‘benefits’ of this ‘new’ social agenda” chile-uprising-austerity-protests-pinera


“Chile’s Senate approved a new ‘anti-looting’ law” /. ​ “he would use the law to prosecute people” tarian-law-in-democratic-times/. ​ “it isn't about the 30 pesos but about 30 years” 23/protests-chile-arent-about-pesos-theyre-about-year s-failure/

“As Isabel Allende, Chilean author and niece of President Salvador Allende has said” rives-us-and-determines-our-fate-isabel-allende/10158 542218630652/. ​ “the words on a mural” o-navarrete-atropellado-por-militares-en-talcahuano/. ​

Part 2: List of Victim Portraits All hyperlinks have a last access date of 16 June 2020 unless indicated otherwise. ​

1. Paula Lorca Zamora “A 45-year-old woman, Paula was found burned in a Lider (supermarket) in the city of San Bernardo on October 19, 2019. Her name was one of the first to appear on the official list of ​ ​ deaths in the Metropolitan region.” ○ Photo source: Frank Vincentz / CC BY-SA (, ​ ​ ​, accessed 16 June 2020. ​ ○ CNN Chile. “Fiscalía confirma que 16 personas han fallecido durante las protestas,”, accessed 16 June ​ 2020. ○ CIPER Chile. “Crónica de cinco saqueos y nueve muertos: estado de emergencia agudizó el abandono de la periferia,” encia-agudizo-el-abandono-de-la-periferia/. ​ ○ El Dínamo. "Las 23 Muertes Ocurridas Durante La Crisis Social Que Son Investigadas Por La Fiscalía," aciones/, accessed 22 November 2019. ​ f 2. Alicia Cofré Peñailillo ​ “In her 40s, Alicia’s body was found in a supermarket, in the city of San Bernardo along with Paula Lorca Zamora on October 19, 2019.” ​ ​ ○ Photo source: Frank Vincentz / CC BY-SA (, ​ ​ ​, accessed 16 June 2020. ​ 8

○ “Fiscalía Nacional entrega actualización de nacionalidades de fallecido,” La Tercera, October ​ ​ 25, 2019, es-fallecidos/878172/, accessed 21 May 2020. ​ ○ “Fiscalía dio a conocer nombres de fallecidos durante incidentes,”, October 22, 2019, os-durante-incidentes/ar-AAJaAJD, accessed 21 May 2020. ​ ○ "Las 23 Muertes Ocurridas Durante La Crisis Social Que Son Investigadas Por La Fiscalía." El Dínamo | Noticias De Chile Y El Mundo, aciones/, accessed 22 November 2019. ​

3. Renzo Jose Barboza “A 38-year-old Peruvian citizen was found dead in a Lider (supermarket) that was being ransacked on October 20, 2019. According to his sister, he decided to enter the supermarket to get some ​ ​ beers when the market burst into flames.” ○ Photo source: Renzo Jose Barboza. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 7 August 2019. ​, accessed 21 May 2020. ​ ○ El Dínamo. “Balance: heridos y detenidos.” anifestaciones-chile-4/, accessed 22 November 2019. ​ ○ El Dínamo. “Las investigaciones que se encuentra realizando el Ministerio Público por muertes durante el estallido social.” cial-casos/, accessed 22 November 2019. ​ ○ CNN Chile. “Fiscalía confirma que 16 personas han fallecido durante las protestas,”, accessed 16 June ​ 2020.

4. Manuel Jesús Muga Cardemil “A 59-year-old man, Manuel was at Kayser en Renca in when an entire warehouse caught fire, killing him and several other people highlighted in this section. The incident took place on October 20, 2019.” ​ ○ Photo source: (2019). [online]. Facebook post 23 October. ​ =1&theate. ​ ○ CIPER Chile. “Crónica de cinco saqueos y nueve muertos: estado de emergencia agudizó el abandono de la periferia,” encia-agudizo-el-abandono-de-la-periferia/. ​ ○ El Dínamo. “Balance: heridos y detenidos,” anifestaciones-chile-4/. ​


5. Andrés Felipe Ponce “Andrés died in the same warehouse fire at Kayser en Renca in Santiago as Manuel and four others on October 20, 2019.” ​ ​ ○ Photo source: (2019). [online]. Facebook post 7 July. ​ 207520000..&type=3&theater ○ El Dínamo. “Las investigaciones que se encuentra realizando el Ministerio Público por muertes durante el estallido social.” cial-casos/ ○ CIPER Chile. “Crónica de cinco saqueos y nueve muertos: estado de emergencia agudizó el abandono de la periferia,” encia-agudizo-el-abandono-de-la-periferia/

6. Yoshua Patricio Osorio Arias “Yoshua was 17 years old and among the casualties at the aforementioned warehouse fire on October 20, 2019 that killed a total of five people.” ​ ○ Photo source: Personas Extraviadas @Personaschile (2019). [online]. Tweet post 22 October ​ ​ ​ 12:42pm. ​ ○ CIPER Chile. “Crónica de cinco saqueos y nueve muertos: estado de emergencia agudizó el abandono de la periferia,” encia-agudizo-el-abandono-de-la-periferia/ ○ El Dínamo. “Las investigaciones que se encuentra realizando el Ministerio Público por muertes durante el estallido social,” cial-casos/ ○ El Dínamo. “Balance: heridos y detenidos,” anifestaciones-chile-4/

7. Julián Marcelo Pérez Sánchez “Julián, 51, was among the five individuals killed on October 20, 2019 in the aforementioned ​ ​ warehouse fire in Kayser en Renca in Santiago of which four people have been identified and one remained unidentified.” ○ Photo source: Personas perdidas en Chile. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 22 October. ​ e=1&theater ○ CNN Chile. "Fiscalía Actualizó Identidades De Fallecidos En Estado De Emergencia," accessed 25 October 2019. . ○ Saure, Giselle. "Fiscalía Confirma Que Las 5 Víctimas Del Incendio En Bodega Murieron Por Asfixia." La Nación, ​ ​ 10 murieron-por-asfixia/, accessed 30 October 2019. ​ ​

8. Valeska Carmona López “Mistakenly believed to be targeted during the protests, Valeska was a 33-year-old woman who died at a hospital from a gunshot wound on October 20, 2019 by an unknown assailant. In several ​ ​ public posts from her family about López's death, the family asked her photo not be reprinted.” ○ Photo source: Frank Vincentz / CC BY-SA (, ​ ​ ​, accessed 16 June ​ 2020. ○ "La Verdad Tras La Muerte De Valeska Carmona: Fiscalía Descarta Que Proyectil Fue De Militares." BioBioChile - La Red De Prensa Más Grande De Chile, tras-la-muerte-de-valeska-carmona-fiscalia-descarta-que-proyectil-fue-de-militares.shtml, ​ accessed 29 October 2019. ○ "Las 23 Muertes Ocurridas Durante La Crisis Social Que Son Investigadas Por La Fiscalía." El Dínamo | Noticias De Chile Y El Mundo, stigaciones/, accessed 22 November 2019. ​

9. Romario Veloz Cortés “Romario Veloz Cortés was a 26-year-old victim of a shooting attack by a Chilean military official as he walked with other protesters in La Serena, Chile. An Ecuadorian citizen, Romario was taken to the hospital and died there on October 20, 2019.” ​ ​ ○ Photo source: Mi Pueblo y La Tradición Andina. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 22 October. ​ ​ 22719193021/?type=3&theater ○ “Informe Sobre La Misión a Chile: 30 De Octubre - 22 De Noviembre De 2019.” Naciones Unidas Derechos Humanos Oficina de Alto Comisionado, December 13, 2019. ​

10. José Miguel Uribe Antipani “José, 25 years old, died of a gunshot wound to the chest on October 20, 2019 near the city of ​ ​ Curicó while walking with friends at the time. The prosecutor initially determined his death a homicide by a soldier, but ballistics tests did not corroborate this conclusion. However, the soldier admitted firing at José; thus the prosecutor charged the soldier with being responsible for José’s death.” ○ Photo source: Carlos Gajardo Pinto @cgajardop (2019). [online]. Tweet posted 30 October. ​ ​ ○ “Informe Sobre La Misión a Chile: 30 De Octubre - 22 De Noviembre De 2019.” Naciones Unidas Derechos Humanos Oficina de Alto Comisionado, December 13, 2019. ​

11. Kevin Patricio Gómez Morgado


“Kevin was a 24-year-old musician and young father who was shot by a military official at close range in the city of on October 21, 2019. The officer was charged with his murder.” ​ ​ ○ Photo source: Frank Vincentz / CC BY-SA (, ​ ​ ​, accessed 16 June 2020. ​ ○ “Joven que murió de un balazo militar fue tambor mayor de una banda,” La Region de Coquimbo, October 23, 2019, -banda/, accessed 17 June 2020. ​ ○ Mateo Lanzuela “Deliberate policy to injure protestors points to responsibility of those in command,” Amnesty International, November 21, 2019, -danar-manifestantes/, accessed 20 May 2020. ​ ​

12. Manuel Rebolledo Navarette “A military officer ran over Manuel, 23 years old and a young father, in the city of Talcahuano on October 21, 2019. Manuel also suffered gunshot wounds and died immediately from his injuries.” ​ ○ Photo source: Justicia para Manuel Rebolledo (2020). [online]. Facebook post 6 May, 6:49pm, ​ 00, accessed 10 September 2020. ​ ○ Amnesty International, “Deliberate policy to injure protestors points to responsibility of those in command,” November 21, 2019, -danar-manifestantes/, accessed 20 May 2020. ​ ○ “Informe Sobre La Misión a Chile: 30 De Octubre - 22 De Noviembre De 2019.” Naciones Unidas Derechos Humanos Oficina de Alto Comisionado, December 13, 2019. ​ ○ Contreras, Tania A., González, Cristian F. and Gutiérrez, Marina C., “Manuel Rebolledo Navarrete: Atropellado por militares en Talcahuano,” The Clinic, October 30, 2019, ​ ​ n-talcahuano/

13. Mariana Díaz Ricaurte “A 34-year-old Colombian woman was found dead on October 21, 2019 from a gunshot wound. ​ ​ ​ Conflicting media reports about her death state that she was either shot near her apartment in the commune of Lo Prado (northeast of Santiago) or that she was shot during a protest in Santiago.“ ○ Photo Source: #JusticiaParaMariana. (2020). [online]. Facebook post 21 May. ​ ​ 755/?type=3&theater. ​ ○ “La extraña muerte de Mariana, la colombiana que recibió un disparo en Santiago de Chile,” Noticentro, October 22, 2019, accessed 25 May 2020, io-un-disparo-en-santiago-de-chile/ ○ “Una tulueña, entre los colombianos fallecidos al parecer durante protestas en Chile,” El Pais, October 22, 2019, accessed 25 May 2020,

12 estas-en-chile.html ○ International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs. (2020). Informe Final Misión Internacional De ​ Observación a Chile. ervacion_a_Chile.pdf

14. Cardenio Manuel Prado Díaz ​ ​ “Cardenio, 37, was run over by an automobile on October 22, 2019 in the city of San Pedro de la ​ ​ Paz. The victim’s body was found on route 160 where people had been protesting.” ○ Photo source: Frank Vincentz / CC BY-SA (, ​ ​ ​, accessed 16 June 2020. ​ ○ Marcelo Castro, “Entre llantos formalizan a conductor de fatal accidente en San Pedro de la Paz,” Diario Concepción, October 27, 2019, -fatal-accidente-en-san-pedro-de-la-paz.html, accessed 25 May 2020. ​ ○ CNN Chile, “Confirman nombres de 22 personas muertas durante estado de excepción: Hay un cuerpo sin identificar,” October 30th, 2019,, ​ accessed 25 May 2020. ○ International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs. (2020). Informe Final Misión Internacional De ​ Observación a Chile. a-chile.html

15. Joel Andrés Triviño García “A boy of four or five years old was run over by an automobile on October 22, 2019 in the city of ​ ​ ​ ​ San Pedro de la Paz. His body was found on route 160 where several people had been protesting.” ○ Photo source: Frank Vincentz / CC BY-SA (, ​ ​ ​, accessed 16 June 2020. ​ ○ “Quienes son las 19 víctimas fatales de las protestas en Chile,” Perfil, October 25th, 2019, ta.phtml, accessed 25 May 2020. ​ ​ ○ Marcelo Castro, “Entre llantos formalizan a conductor de fatal accidente en San Pedro de la Paz,” Diario Concepción, October 27, 2019, -fatal-accidente-en-san-pedro-de-la-paz.html, accessed 25 May 2020. ​ ○ International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs. (2020). Informe Final Misión Internacional De ​ Observación a Chile. a-chile.html. ​

16. Álexis Andrés Núñez Sandoval


“Alexis, 39 years old, was brutally beaten to death by three Carabineros (Chilean police) in Maipú. ​ ​ He reportedly participated in protests on October 21, 2019 and many saw him being beaten by them at that time. He died on October 22, 2019 as a result of head trauma.” ​ ​ ○ Photo source: Pacos Culiaos. (2020). [online]. Facebook post 29 April. ​ 62/?type=3&theater. ​ ○ “Informe Sobre La Misión a Chile: 30 De Octubre - 22 De Noviembre De 2019.” Naciones Unidas Derechos Humanos Oficina de Alto Comisionado, December 13, 2019. ​

17. Agustín Juan Coro Conde “Agustín, a 52-year-old Peruvian citizen, was shot and killed in the city of Puente Alto by a shopkeeper on October 23, 2019. The shopkeeper claimed he was protecting his store in the ​ ​ chaos but witnesses said Agustín was nearby waiting at a bus stop to go home.” ○ Photo source: Frank Vincentz / CC BY-SA (, ​ ​ ​, accessed 16 June 2020. ​ ○ “Fiscalía descarta legítima defensa de comerciante que disparó y dio muerte a un transeúnte en Puente Alto,” 24 Horas, October 30, 2019, ro-y-dio-muerte-a-un-transeunte-en-puente-alto-3695481, accessed 21 May 2020. ​

18. José Atilio Arancibia Pereira “The body of José was found in a Construmart (store) in the city of La Pintana. Reported missing by his family on October 21st, the forensics office confirmed his death on October 23, 2019 from the ​ ​ store fire on October 20, 2019. At 74 years old, José reportedly had Alzheimer's disease.” ○ Photo source: Natalia Morgado @nane_morgado (2019) [online] Tweet posted 23 October ​ ​ 7:17pm ​ ​ ○ Ayala, Leslie C. “Buscando a José Atilio,” La Tercera, October 24, 2019,, accessed May 21, ​ ​ 2020. ○ Fiscalia de Chile @FiscaliadeChile (2019) [online] Tweet posted 23 October 1:04pm ​ ​

19. Eduardo Alexis Caro del Pino “The forensics office confirmed Eduardo’s death on October 25, 2019 at 44 years old. Eduardo ​ ​ died in a fire in a Construmart (store) located in La Pintana on October 20, 2019 along with José Atilio Arancibia Pereira. The fire occurred during the state of emergency.” ○ Photo source: Frank Vincentz / CC BY-SA (, ​ ​ ​, accessed 16 June 2020. ​ ○ Fiscalía Metropolitana Sur @fiscalia_RMSur (2019). [online]. Tweet posted 25 Oct. 2019 ​ 9.52am. ​ ○ CNN Chile, “Fiscalía actualizó identidades de fallecidos en estado de emergencia,” 25, October, 2019, , accessed May 25, 2020. ​ 14

○ International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs. (2020). Informe Final Misión Internacional De ​ Observación a Chile. a-chile.html

20. César Mallea ​ ​ “César, 49, was found hanging in his cell at a police precinct on October 25, 2019 after being ​ ​ detained for violating the state of emergency curfew. He had spoken to his wife several times after arriving at the precinct and the circumstances surrounding his death remain suspicious.” ○ Photo source: César Mallea. (2019). [online]. “profile picture” Facebook post, August 28, ​ ​ ​ ​ ○ Juan Pablo Figueroa y Sebastián Palma “Las dos muertes en comisarías que la fiscalía investiga ​ como suicidios,” La Tercera, November 28, 2019, ​ a-investiga-como-suicidios/917836/, accessed 20 May 2020 ​

21. Germán Aburto “On October 26, 2019, Aburto, possibly about 30 years old, was found dead in the Cuarta ​ ​ ​ Comisaría de Carabineros Molina (Region de Maule). The Carabineros reported it as a suicide. Learn more about Aburto in the "Remembering Lost Lives" section.” ○ Photo source: Germaán Aburto. (2017). [online]. Facebook post 23 July 8:15am. ​ 2207520000..&type=3&theater ○ Juan Pablo Figueroa y Sebastián Palma “Las dos muertes en comisarías que la fiscalía investiga ​ como suicidios,” La Tercera, November 28, 2019, accessed May 25, 2020, ​ a-investiga-como-suicidios/917836/. ​ ○ International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs. (2020). Informe Final Misión Internacional De ​ Observación a Chile. a-chile.html ○ Fiscalia de Chile @FiscaliadeChile (2019) [online] Tweet posted 30 October 12:43pm ​

22. Mauricio Fredes “Mauricio, 33 years old, was protesting in Plaza Italia when in the midst of a clash with police he fell into a hole in the street containing active electric cables. He died on December 27, 2019 from ​ ​ his injuries.” ○ Photo source: revolucion_capuchas @coordinadoraollaspopulares (2019). [online] Instagram ​ ​ ​ ​ post December 29 ​ ​ ○ CNN Chile, “SML descarta electrocución y asegura que causa de muerte de Mauricio Fredes fue asfixia por sumersión,” December 31, 2020, 31/, accessed 20 May 2020. ​


23. Jorge Mora “Killed on January 28, 2020, Jorge was a 37-year-old social activist and member of the Garra ​ ​ Blanca (an anti-dictatorship football club called “White Force”) who was intentionally run over by someone driving a Carabineros truck outside a football stadium in Santiago (Estadio Monumental David Arellano).” ○ Photo source: Esteban Paredes Quintanilla @.paredes7 (2020). [online]. Instagram post ​ January 31, ​ ​ ○ “Death of football fan and activist in Chile reignites protests,” January 31, 2020, ​ rotests/, accessed 20 May 2020. ​

24. Ariel Jesús Moreno “Police allegedly shot Ariel, 24, in the head while protesting near a Military Police Department in the city of Padre Hurtado on January 29, 2020.” ​ ​ ○ Photo source: Valentina Gallardo @valeignaciaaaa (2020). [online]. Tweet posted 31 January ​ 3:13pm, ​ ​ ○ José Navarrete, “Muere joven que recibió proyectil en la cabeza en manifestación en ​ subcomisaría de Padre Hurtado,” La Tercera, January 31, 2020, ​ tacion-subcomisaria-padre-hurtado/995483/, accessed 20 May 2020. ​

25. Unidentified male victim “A middle aged man was found dead of asphyxiation after a supermarket was looted and set on fire in Santiago on January 31, 2020.” ​ ​ ○ Photo source: Frank Vincentz / CC BY-SA (, ​ ​ ​, accessed 16 June 2020. ​ ○ “Four dead in a week in new wave of Chile anti-government protests,” Aljazeera, February 1, 2020, 200201100840380.html, accessed 20 May 2020. ​