This PDF document contains the source and hyperlink information from the ArcGIS StoryMap called “Chile at the Threshold.” Part 1 is a table of hyperlinks embedded in the narrative text and Part 2 is the list of sources referenced in each profile from the section titled “Mapping Fatal Incidents.” Please direct any questions to [email protected]. Four undergraduate students and one graduate student conducted the research for this investigation as well as contributed to various sections of the digital report: Francesca Romeo (graduate student), Yoselyne Cerros, Emma Chaidez, Monica Estrada Arias, and Angie Valencia. Dr. Sylvanna Falcón (Director of the Human Rights Investigations Lab for the Americas, Director of the Research Center for the Americas, and Associate Professor of Latin American and Latino Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz) provided research oversight and copyedited the report prior to its publication. PART 1: Below is a list of full web addresses that have been embedded in the ArcGIS StoryMap. All hyperlinks have a last access date of 16 June 2020 unless indicated otherwise. Please email [email protected] if the link is no longer active. Section: Conceiving of a New Society Text with Embedded Link Full Link “With over 3.7 million citizens protesting” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/25/chil e-photographs-protest-statues-graffiti “30,000 arrested, 5000 allegations of abuse filed https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/chile-student-b against security forces” linded-police-says-protests-won-t-end-until-n1160306 “3765 injured” https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/chile-indh-update s-figures-of-injured-and-detained-protesters-20200218- 0021.html “with some news outlets reporting up to 31 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/chile-student-b deaths” linded-police-says-protests-won-t-end-until-n1160306 “As stated in the report by the Instituto Nacional https://bibliotecadigital.indh.cl/bitstream/handle/1234 de Derechos Humanos” 56789/1701/Informe%20Final-2019.pdf?sequence=1&is Allowed=y “As widely reported by U.S. news outlets” https://www.nytimes.com/video/world/americas/1000 00006782083/chile-protests-riots.html?smid=nytcore-io s-share [note this link is to video clips that may no longer be accessible] 1 “such as Amnesty International” https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/11/chil e-responsable-politica-deliberada-para-danar-manifesta ntes/ “rubber bullets that blinded hundreds of https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/19/world/americas protestors” /chile-protests-eye-injuries.html “Chile has experienced periods of economic https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_prote growth” ct/---protrav/---travail/documents/publication/wcms_2 48029.pdf “‘School segregation, high tuition rates, and the https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301633553_ unequal distribution of Chile’s wealth held Democracy_and_Student_Discontent_Chilean_Student_ capabilities below expectations. The result was Protest_in_the_Post-Pinochet_Era/fulltext/57bd267c08 discontent.’” ae6918242efb23/Democracy-and-Student-Discontent-C hilean-Student-Protest-in-the-Post-Pinochet-Era.pdf (see page 61) “younger generation's post-dictatorship courage” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-chile-students-prot est/chiles-students-clash-with-police-as-protests-intensi fy-idUSKCN0YH2G2 “la generación sin miedo” https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301633553_ Democracy_and_Student_Discontent_Chilean_Student_ Protest_in_the_Post-Pinochet_Era/fulltext/57bd267c08 ae6918242efb23/Democracy-and-Student-Discontent-C hilean-Student-Protest-in-the-Post-Pinochet-Era.pdf (see pages 65-67) “long-time neoliberal agenda” https://www.jacobinmag.com/2019/11/neoliberalism-c hile-uprising-austerity-protests-pinera “neoliberal doctrine” https://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/countingthec ost/2019/11/counting-cost-neoliberalism-chile-1911091 12653102.html “The hopping of turnstiles turned into mass riots, https://www.vox.com/world/2019/10/29/20938402/sa looting of supermarkets, and the torching of ntiago-chile-protests-2019-riots-metro-fare-pinera twenty-two metro stations” “Chile has closed its borders and set at home https://www.americasquarterly.org/article/chiles-new-f quarantines” ragile-social-truce/ “Professor Claudio Nash from the University of https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/25/chil Chile said to The Guardian” e-protester-killed-mother-army-police-romario-veloz 2 Section: Mapping Fatal Incidents See PART 2 below. Section: Remembering Lost Lives Text with Embedded Link Full Link “Germán Aburto” Aburto, German. Facebook Intro. Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/Photography.german/post s/2479124168867597:0, accessed 25 May 2020. Photo source (right): Instagram post 6 October Instructor_de_trekking. (2019). [online]. Instagram post 2019, accessed 19 May 2020. 6 October, https://www.instagram.com/p/B3S9D6zlI8_/, accessed 19 May 2020. Source: Instagram post 17 October 2018, accessed Instructor_de_trekking. (2018). [online]. Instagram post 19 May 2020. 17 October, https://www.instagram.com/p/BpCb8_BBe6s/, accessed 19 May 2020. Source: Instagram post 5 September 2018, Instructor_de_trekking. (2018). [online]. Instagram post accessed 19 May 2020. 5 September, https://www.instagram.com/p/BnWbdoFB1Yx/, accessed 19 May 2020. Source: Instagram post 17 June 2018, accessed 19 Instructor_de_trekking. (2018). [online]. Instagram post May 2020. 17 June, https://www.instagram.com/p/BkIJ6BXFmdi/, accessed 19 May 2020. Background photo: Facebook post 25 October German Aburto. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 25 2019, accessed 19 May 2020. October 2019, https://www.facebook.com/Photography.german/post s/2479124168867597:0, accessed 19 May 2020. Background photo: Facebook post 19 October German Aburto. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 19 2019, accessed 19 May 2020. October, https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=24680053866 46142&set=a.263370863776283, accessed 19 May 2020. 3 “[Video] Barricadas obligan corte de Ruta 5 Sur en https://www.cooperativa.cl/noticias/pais/region-del-m San Rafael.” aule/barricadas-obligan-corte-de-ruta-5-sur-en-san-rafa el/2019-10-19/145623.html Source: Facebook post 19 October 2019, accessed German Aburto. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 19 8 September 2020. October, https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=24677852633 34821&set=a.263370863776283, accessed 8 September 2020. Source: Facebook post 22 October 2019, accessed German Aburto. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 22 7 September 2020. October, https://www.facebook.com/Photography.german/vide os/2474371406009540/?__tn__=%2Cd*F*F-R&eid=AR DXCrV3WQecmo_O7nRA0kUqdq-Kxg3zOnIl0jT29PRTsR- 23mUOavQHZLoS_gu4jXDJFn_vNkL1Y4mE&tn-str=*F, accessed 7 September 2020. Source: Facebook post 24 October 2019, accessed German Aburto. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 24 8 September 2020. October, https://www.facebook.com/Photography.german/post s/2478148305631850, accessed 8 September 2020. Source: Facebook post 25 October 2019, accessed German Aburto. (2019). [online]. Facebook post 25 20 May 2020. October, https://www.facebook.com/Photography.german/post s/2479125592200788, accessed 20 May 2020. “claims there were no signs of third party https://www.latercera.com/la-tercera-pm/noticia/las-d intervention” os-muertes-en-comisarias-que-la-fiscalia-investiga-com o-suicidios/917836, accessed 25 May 2020. Background photo: Instagram post 29 August Instructor_de_trekking. (2018). [online]. Instagram post 2018, accessed 20 May 2020. 29 August, https://www.instagram.com/p/BnFUUenh78Y/, accessed 20 May 2020. “is being examined by the Fiscalía Nacional” https://www.latercera.com/la-tercera-pm/noticia/las-d os-muertes-en-comisarias-que-la-fiscalia-investiga-com o-suicidios/917836 “Human Rights Watch Report” https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2019/11/26/chile-llama do-urgente-una-reforma-policial-tras-las-protestas 4 “Manuel Rebolledo Navarrete” https://www.theclinic.cl/2019/10/30/manuel-rebolledo -navarrete-atropellado-por-militares-en-talcahuano/. “This was absolutely an accidental situation, there https://www.latercera.com/la-tercera-domingo/noticia is no evidence or proof that our representative /octubre-cinco-muertes/904021/. (referring to Camaño) committed any infraction against the law or regulations” "the accident is a regrettable event" https://www.armada.cl/armada/noticias-navales/nuev amente-se-decreta-toque-de-queda-para-la-provincia-d e-concepcion/2019-10-22/160022.html. Source for image (right): Facebook post 21 Manuel Alejandro Ibacache. (2019). [online]. Facebook December 2019. post 21 December, https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=25748001 22574164&set=pb.100001326058296.-2207520000..&t ype=3, accessed 12 September 2020. Ibacache is the father of Navarrete. Background photo: Tweet posted 7 February PacmanFantasma @PacmanFantasma (2020). [online]. 2020. Tweet posted 7 February 2020 3:40pm, https://twitter.com/PacmanFantasma/status/12259272 56905863169/photo/1, accessed 10 September 2020. “published a report highlighting the personal life https://www.theclinic.cl/2020/03/05/justicia-para-el-p of Rebolledo and his loved ones” olera-la-historia-de-manuel-alejandro-rebolledo-navarr ete-atropellado-por-un-infante-de-marina-en-el-toque- de-queda-en-talcahuano/. Source: Facebook post 7 April 2017. Manuel Alejandro Ibacache. (2017). [online]. Facebook post 7 April, https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=12595945940 94730&set=picfp.100001326058296. “Rebolledo
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