See What I Wanna See) (A Major) # # & # C ∑

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See What I Wanna See) (A Major) # # & # C ∑ SEE WHAT I WANNA SEE This score has been downloaded from www.dramatists.comWords and and Music is for perusal by only. Michael John LaChiusa No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization Piano/Vocal from Dramatists Play Service, Inc. 0. Opening Michael John LaChiusa Cue 1 Cue 2 Cue 3Ad lib Japanese flute U U j jU œ œ œ œ œ ˙ & c Œ œ œ œ ˙. œ œ œ ˙. Piano > > Rainstick cym. roll f Kabuki blocks Segue U ‹ ‹ U U > > o ? cThis@ score hasŒ Óbeen downloadedŒ Œ Œ ‰ from‹ ‹ f and is for perusal only. No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc. 2005 2 1.Kesa and Morito (Kesa) Michael John LaChiusa # # & # c ∑ ∑ ∑ Moderato This score90 has been downloaded from ? # # Ú # c Œ œ. œ œ œ œ ≈ œ ≈ œ Œ œ. œ œ œ œ ≈ œ ≈ œ Œ œ. œ œ œ œ ≈ œ ≈ œ Piano sensual> > . > > . > > . www.dramatists.comP and is for perusal only. ? ### c Œ. j . 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