-CENSUS OF IN-DIA 1961 .. -




(AU the Cen8UB Publications 01 tA,. State will bear Volume No. VIII)

PART I General Report including Subsidiary Tables (in Sub-Parts)

PART II·A ...... General Population Tables

PART II·B ... Economic Tables (in Sub-parts)

PART II·C ... Cultural and Migration Tables (in Sub-Parts)

PART III Household Economic Tables

PART IV Housing and Establishment Tables (in­ (in Sub-parts) cluding Subsidiary Tables) and Report

PART V ... Special Ta.bles for Scheduled Castes and {in Sub-parts) Scheduled Tribes

PART VI Village ,Survey Monographs (A 5eparate Sub­ part' for each Village Surveyed)

PART VII ... Survey of Handicrafts of the State (A Separate Sub-part for each Handicraft Surveyed)

PART VIII-A Administration Report .. Enumeration

PART VIII-B Aclministration Report.Tabulation



District Census Hand-books for each of the 43 Districts in Madhya Pradesh PREFA'CE

The. publication of District, CensQs Hand~books, which was begun in the" 1951 Census, represents a significant step in the pro:ess of making census statistica available for the smaller territorial units basic to executive and developmental administration. Apart from the fact that the proper implementation of policy depends on the ability of the administrative authorities concerned to quantify accurately the variables involved, it is at these levels that policies get really thoroughly tested; allO, policies can fail-and probably have failed-because their statistical basi$ was. weak. It is undoubtedly necessary that gaps in statistics at lower levels bt fined as rapid'y as possible. It was not possible at this Census to baSce aU censu3 statistics on the development block as the unit mainly because in 1961 there were many areas not till then covered by blocks. The coverage had become complete by about the middle of 1963 and it is not unlikely that the 1971 Census wiU recognise the block as the basic field unit as much for purposes of presentation as for operational purposes.

2. What we have tried to do in the 1961 Census Hand-books is to make them more informative by the inclusion of as many categories of non~census statistics as possible; some of these are climate, agriculture, co-operation, industry, bank­ ing, education, health etc. There is also an introductory note to each Hand.: book high-lighting the more striking features. It has not' been possible for the Census Organisation to check the accuracy of the figures supplied by various. authorities; it is to be hoped that some other organisation, better equipped for the purpose, will take up this task.

3. For the seventeen districts of Mahakoshal {Part of erstwhile Madhya Pradesh) and for Panna and Tikamgarh districts of erstwhile Vindhya Pradesh, which are part of the present State of Madhya Pradesh, the area figures for districts and tahsils furnished by the Director of Land Records and presented in Table A-I are internally inconsistent in the sense that the tahsil areas do not add up to the district area. This inconsistency arose from the fact that, in the case of these districts, the district area includes, but the tahsil areas . exclude, 'forest' area for which the tahsilWise breakup was not then available. Later on, while this Hand-book was in the press, the Director of Land Records brought out revised area figures for the year 1962-63 for tahsils and districts, which among ot~er improvements, do not suffer from the defect of internal 2 inconsistency even in case of these nineteen districts. Revision of Table A-r on the basis of these area figures was not feasible at this late stage; the only .alternative was to prilJ t these revised area figures also in this Hand.. book. .

4. One unfortunate fact about the~e Hand-books is that they became avail· able to the users rather late in the decade. This is partly due to the considerable time required for the collection of information from various authorities and partly to difficulties in printing. Owing to the fact that State presses, with a heavy back­ log of printing weighing down on them, would find it impossible to print all the District Census Hand-books themselves, arrangements have been made for .printing them in private presses. If these Hand-books are to have a useful life .of more than four or five years of ipter-censal decennium, more expeditious methods for the collection of n~m-census statistics, for the preparation and checking of the manuscripts and for printing will have to be devised.

5. The Census Organisation is grateful to the Government of Madhya .Pradesh for having been so kind as to undertakethe publication of these Hand­ books and to the Superintendent, Government Printing and his organisation­ particularly the Assistant Superintendent, Printing, Government Regional Press, Indore and his staff-for the printing arrangements made. The inspiration behind this ambitious venture is that of our indefatigable Registrar General, Shri Asok Mitra, to whom we are all deeply grateful. Our thanks are also due to the various authorities who supplied us with all the necessary statistics.


Notes and Explanations

'Appendix I Standard Industrial Classification

Appendix II , National Cla'ssification' of Occupations xvii-xxiii

Selected Statistics Selected Statistics of , Madhya Pradesh, Districts and Important Towns of Madhya Pradesh xxiv-xxxiii

Revised Area and DensIty ,Figures xxxiv-xxxvi

Introduciug the District' xxxvii-lxii PART I


Table A-I Area, Houses and Population ...

Appendix-I Statement showing 1951 ttrritorial units constituting the present set 'up 4

Annexure Annexure to Appeniix I 5-6

Appendix-II Numb~r of villages with a population of 5.000 and over and towns with a population under 5,000 7

Appendix-Ill , Houseless and Institutional population 7

Table A-II Variation in population during sixty years 7

Appendix District and Tahsils showing 1951 population according to their territorial jurisdiction in 1951, changes in area and population involved in those changes 8

Table A-III Villages classified by population

Table A-IV Towns (and town-groups) classified by population in 1961 with variation since 1901 9


(i) General Economic Tables 11-65

Primary Census Abstract 12-13

Table B-1 Workers and non-workers classified by sex and broad age-gr~ups 14-15 Tablt B-III Part A Industrial Classification of Workers and Non-worker. by , educational levels in ,urban areas only 16·17 ii

Pages Table B-IlI Part B Industrial Classification of Workers and Non-workers by educatio naI Ie vel s in rural areas only

Table B-IV Part A Industrial ClassificatIOn by sex and class or worker of persons at work at Household Industry

Table B-IV Part B Industrial Classification by S4::! and class of worker of persons at work in Non-Household Industry. Trade, Business, Profession or Service 20-2<4

Table B-IV Part C Industrial Classification by Sex. iIlnd Divisi,1ns, Major Groups and Minor Groups of persons at work other than cultivation 25-34

Table B-V Occupational Classificati(!n by Sex of persons at work other than CUltivation 35-49

Table D-VI Occupational Divisions of pel sons at work other than cultivation cla~sjfied by sex, broad age-aroups and educational levels in urban areas only ", 50-53 Table B-VII Part A Persons working principally (i) as cultivators (ii) as agricultural labourers or (iii) at bousehold industry classified by sex and by' secondary work (i) at Household i"dustry (ii) as ,~uJtivator or (iii) as agricultural labourer . 54-56

Table B-VII Part B Iudustrial classification by sex of persons working, in non-household industry, trade, business, profession or service who arc also engapd in household industry 57-59

Table B·VIII Part A Persons unemployed aged 15 and above by sex, broad age-groups and educational levels in urban areas only 60-61 Table B-VIn Part B Persons unemployed aged 15 and above by SCI and educational levels in rural areay only, .. 60-61

Table B-IX Persl)ns not at work classified by sex, broad age-groups and type of activity 62-65

(ii) Housebold Economic Tables 66-91

Table B·X Sample Households (i) engaged neither in cultivation nor in Household Industry· (ii) engaged either in cultivation or Household Industry but Dot in both and (iii) engaged both in cultivation and Household Industry for all arelJS 67 Table B-Xl Sample Households engaged in cultivation elassifted by interest in land and size of land cultivated in rural and urban areas separately , Table B-XII Sample Households engaged in cultivation only classi­ fied by size of land cultivated and number of family workers and hired workers in rural and urban areas slparalely 68-11 Table B-XIII Sample Households eOjaged both in cultivation and Household Industry showing size of lane! cultivated classified by principal Household Industry in rural and urban areas separately 72-73 iii

Table B-XIV Sample Households engaged only in· Household Pages Indu<,try classified by principal household industry in all area.~ 74-77 \ Part .A HvuseholJs classif1ea by majo~ groups of princip II household industry and number of persons engaged . 74-75

Part B. Hou,eh lids classified by minor groups of principal household industry ... 76-77

Table B-XV Sctmple households engaged both in cultivation and Hou'ehold Industry classified by size of land in rural and urban areas separately 78-81

Table B-XVl Sample principa') household industry classified by duration of work in a year and total number of workers engaged in household industry in all areas 82-89

Table B-XVU Sample households classified by size and participation in household cultivation or industry 90-91


Table C-I Family compo~ilion of sample hnusebolds by relationship to head of family classified by size of land cultivated 94

Table C-II Age and Mariral Status 95-91

Table C-III-Part A Age, sex and edufation in all areas 99 \ hble C-III-Part B Age, sex and education in urban area,s only 100

Table C-V Mother tongue 101

Table C-VII Religion 102-103

1" abl e C-VIlI Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 102-103

Part A Classification by liteJacy and industrial category of workers and non-workers among Scheduled Castes 102-103

Part B Classification by literacy and industrial category of workers and non-workers among Scheduled Tribes 102-103

D-MIGRATION TABLE 104-105 Table D-ll Place of birth 104-105 E-HOUSING TABLES 107-131 Table E-J Census houses and the uses to which they are put 108-109 Table E-II Tenure status of sample census households living in census houses used whoUy or partly a.s dwelling 110 IV

Table E-Ul Cen~us hOU'IeS use. I as factories and workshops Page& classified by indu,try, power and no power used al\d ,ize of empi(lymellt

Table E-IV Dhtribution of ,u rnple households living in census houses used \\hol y Or partly as dwellings by predomi­ nant materi.t1 of wall and predominant material of roof 128-129

Table E-V S,lm[ll~ hOllsehold, cla"'ified by number of members and by Ilum ber of J ooms occupied 130-131

SCT - SPECIAL TABLES FOR SCHEDULED CASTES A~D SCHEDULED TRIBES 132-148 Tailsi:wl'e popu1a:i)11 of Sc: li,duied Castes {or rural areas only 133

Tah'ilwi'e popUlation of Scheduled TI ibe, for rural areas only 133

Table SCT-J Part A JnJustrial clas,iticatillil of per'ons al work and nOll-workers by sex for Scheduled Castes 134-137

Table SCT-I Part B Indus! rial d ssifi"a lion of person. at work ami nOIl-wc)rkers by sex for Scheduled Tribe .. 138-139

Table SCT-I1 Part A Age and Marital Status for S<.:heciukd Castes 140·144

Table SCT-II Part B Age and Marital Statu:; for Scheduled Tribes 145

Table SCT-III Part A Educ! tl"11 ill urban arms onlv for Scheduled Caste~ and S.:hedu!ed Tnbtes '" Table SCT-Ill Part B Educatio!; il1 rural areas OlifF for Scheduled Ca,tes and ScheJuJed Trih~s ,., . 147

Table SCT-IV Part A Relil!ion for Scheduled Cd,tes ... 147

Table SCT-IV Part B Religi'ln for Sch.:duieJ Tflbe,; '" 147

Table SCT--V Sample hou-ieholds engaged in cultivation classified by int.:r.:,t in land and size of land cultivated In rural areas only for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 14g


Table SC-l Per-iono; not at work cla<;,ified by sex, type of activity and educatlO!lallevels for Scheduled Castes 150-151 Table ST-[ Mother Tongue and bilingualism for Scheduled Tribes IS2

Table ST-II Persons lIot at work cIas'ified by sex and type of activity for Scheduled Tribes ... 153 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY 155-219




Table 1.1 Monlhlyrainfall and rainy days 244-245

Table 2A.l Land utilisat'ion statistics 246

Table 2A.2 Area under principal crops 247

Table 2A.3 Gross area of crops irrigated and total and _net area irrigated 24&

T'lble 2A.4 Gro~s area irrigated by sourCe of irrigation 248

Table 2A.S Major and medium irrigation projects 249

Ta de 2A.6 Yield rate~ of principal crops in lbs. per acre ... 249

Table 2B.1 I ortnightly wholesale price quotations of staple food grains 2S0-2S1

Table 2B.2 Daily wages (in Rupee') paid to males, females and nun-adults separately for ~killed and unskilled persuns in specific agricultui'al and non-agricultural occupalions 2'2-257

Tabl~ 2e.l Statistics of livestock and agricultural implements 258

Table 2D.1 Statistics of Co-operative Societies 258

Table 2D.2 Slatistics of Insurance and National Savings 259


lable 3.1 Statistic:; of criminal justice 259

Table 3.2 Strength of police and jails 260

Table 3.3 Annual receipts under certain heads of revenue 260

Table 3.4 Land revenue r"r the decade 261

Table 3.5 Statistics of registration 261

Table 3.6 Statistics of Local bodies 262-265

Table 4.1 Community Development Coverage 266

Table 5.1 Educational statistics 266 Yl

Table 5.2 Sta li~tics abou l coHee.: s 267

Table 6A.l Health statistics 261

Table 6A.2 Number of person~ who availed of family planning methods 168

Table 6A.3 Vaccination statistics 268

Table 6A.4 B. C. G. Campaign 261

Table 6B.l Deaths In the dhtrict from some selected causes 269

Table 7.1 Communications Statistics-Roads 2(1)

Table 7.2 List of Railway Stations 270

Table 7.3 List of post offices, telc,raph and public call offices 270-211

Table 8.1 List of important Fairs and Mclas 272

Table 8.2 List of Printing Presses 279

Table 83 List of Cinema House~ 273

MAP Bhind Distriet ERRATA

Page Particulars Column No. Table No. For Read 2 3 4 5 6

9 A-IV Municipality 10 J,57t 1,574 12 P.C.A. Tahsil (Total) 3 797'0 397'0 12 P.C.A. Gohad Tahsil (Rural) 3 796·7 ~96'7 14 B·I (R) Age·Group 0-14 9 12,001 2,001 17 B III-A .. Matriculatwn or Higher Secondary 15 75 17 B III-A 5 Technical diploma not equal 15 75 to Degree 31 B IV-C Minor Group 831 7 Blank 1 36 BV Family 053 Below Total 2 X IX 37 099 2 JX VI 37 " 110 " " 2 V VII " " " 38 133 t. 2 IV V 38 " 135 " 2 VII IX " " " " Blank 3 39 " Division 3 Category VIlI 4 40 l, Family 420 Below Total 2 V III 40 ., Division 5 Category III 3 127 126 42 Family 720 Category V 6 73 75 43 "., 772 Below Total 2 VI IV 44 " 804 2 V IV " " 44 " 829-Category" IV 6 Blank 2 45 " " 842 Below Total 2 - VII V 45 " " 890 Category VIII 6 12 25 45 " " 890 Category IX 6 25 12 46 " " Below Family 950 1-8 Family 951 Delete 47 " Bhind Tahsil Division 7-8 1 I IX Below VIII 47 Gohad Tahsil All Divisions 1 XI IX " BelowVlII 48 Mehgaon Tahsil Division 6 IX 2 Blank 2 54 B VII-A I Mining and Quarrying 2 U R 64 BIX Lahar Tahsil (R) Age Not Stated 9 Blank 1 68 BXII Bhind Tahsil Below size 1 + 50+ 30·0-49'9 84 BXVI Major Group 20 R (a) 6 6S 165 86 Major Group 33 U Total 6 1 86 " Major Group 33 (b) Total 6 1 9S CII Age-group 10-14 11 45 46 98 ClI Lahar Tahsil Age-group 60-64 12 Blank 2 113 EIIl Major Group 27 Rural Below (1) 2 I All fuels II No power 126 EIII Lahar Tahsil (R) Minor Group 274 4 1 137 SCT I-A Bhanai or Mehtar 21 »lank 4


This note gives the meanings and explana­ with a population at least of 5,000 with _atleasti tions of terms and concepts used in this Hand­ three-fourths of the adult male population being book. This is necessary because, without a engaged in :non-agricultural pursuits. The proper grasp of the. meanings of such simple rural-urban classification, being operationally concepts as building, house, household, worker. cardinal and prior in point of time to the etc., it is not possible to appreciate the data census count, had to be tackled earlier and a lish presented in the Handbook. Thus, one who of 219 towns in the State was therefore pre­ does not know that an· unpretentious hut in the pared much earlier than the census proper. thick of Bastar forests. with unplastered bamboo This included 28 habitations which were tenta­ walls and a thatch roqf and with space hardly tively treated as towns, the intention being that, enough for two cots is not a whit less of a build­ after the 1961 Census data became available ing than the Indian versions of the skyscrapers their cases would be re-examined. Later on: in one of the metropolitan cities, or that a however. no modification was made in the list, central jail housing all :manner of ~riminals and even though 7 towns did not satisfy either the shady characters is as much a household as the minimum population criterion or the one based household of the most pious and god-fearing on the ratio of non-agricultural adult males citizen in the State, may not be able to appre­ being 75% or greater. These are Gogaon in ciate what exactly the figures represent. Besides West Nimar, Datla Bandhi in Chhindwara (both explaining the terms and concepts, the note under 5,000 in population); and, Icchawar, also contains brief notes on the salient and Patan, P,endra, Akaltara, Arang respectively in peculiar features of some of the Census tables Sehore, Jabalpur, Bilaspur, Bilaspur, and Raipuf presented in this Handbook. Districts (not satisfying the economic criterion). The reason for not disturbing the original list of Census.-The Census in India is a decennial towns was that as many as 14 habitations which operation taking place in February-March of did not satisfy 011e or the other of the criteria the first year of every decade. It ensures laid down earlier managed to sneak into the list coverage of all members of the population of towns as municipalities, and inclusion of irrespective of age, The operations constitut­ ~even more such towns was not supposed to ing a Census involve, besides counting of heads, mtroduce greater demographic distortion than the counting of numerous attributes of the was already present. The cases of Chachaura­ person cOuJnted. These are demograph'ic. Binaganj town in Guna District and Sardarpur­ social, economic and cultural in nature. The Rajgarh in Dhar District are peculiar in that number of these attributes regarding which each of these two municipal towns consists of information is recorded has been increasing two distinct habitations separated by 2 miles in from census to census and is limited only by the first and 3 miles in the second case. considerations of cost, time aI).d organisation, Population.-The important thing about a popu­ All areas, which were not urban were rural. latIon is that it is dynamic, It is a constantly They consisted of 'villages' , A very large changing entity, These changes take place by majority of the census villages were 'revenue the natural processes of birth and death as well villages', which had well demarcated or re­ as by migration. A statement of population cognised boundaries, and which included not only has therefore little sense unless the point of time the inhabited portion (or portions) but also agricultural land and uninhabited waste (Ol~ to whi~h it relates is also stated. A population other) lands. The census village was thus not fi.gure IS correct only for a particular point of tlm,e; and, even though in practice one may synonym_?us with a habit~tion or a dwelling; in omIt to indicate this point of time, one fact, a VIllage could con tam two or more distinct should none the less be clear about it. The habitations separated by considerable distances popu)ation figures pr,esented herein refer to the known variously as 'tola' or 'mazra' or 'para' . sunrIse of 1st March 1961 unless otherwise Besides, in many districts there were forest stated, " vi!lages, situated inside Reserved forests and Without clearly demarcated boundaries. The Rural-Urban Classification :-Data collected at areas entered against these villages - in the a Census is usually presented separately for the Vil!age Directory are thus only approximate. rural and urban ar·eas. A 'town' or a 'town­ It IS to be noted that being as observed by ~roup' constitutes an urban area. A 'town' in Martin [Census Superintend~nt (old) Madhya tne 1961 Census was ,either (i) a municipality Pradesh, 1911 and Census Commissioner for . cantonment or corporation; or (ii) a habitatio~ India, 1921] arbitrary and irregular units of ( ii )

.area, carved out chiefly for revenue and admini­ that a particular group of towns is situated in strative purposes, there are many revenue such a way, and exhibits some interconnecting villages which do not have any habitation. They features of such a kind, that they can be consi­ are not, therefore, of much demographic interest, dered a single demographic entity whose organic .and their inc1usion in the Village Directory is nature is likely to become more and more evidenti only for a proper tally of area aggregates. in the future. Examples are: City witll Bairagarh in the West and Heavy Electricals A-General Population Tables: To~n.ship in the East; and Durg Town and There are four main tables and three BhIlai Industrial Township. The other type of appendices in this series. town~roup is a group only in name in the sense that It represents a group of localities which Table A-l.-This table presents the basic figures geography unites but definition separates. Telating to area, houses and population separately Examples are Sagar Towngroup consisting of for the rural and urban areas of each district, Sagar Municipality and Sagar Cantt., and' each tahsil, and for each city, towngroup or Jabalpur. Towngroup (consisting of Jabalpur town. The area figures used in the table for the CorporatIOn, Jabalpur Cantt. and Khamaria) district and the tahsils are those furnished by ~n ~oth these i:r:stances, the urban comple~ the State Director of Land Records. In case of IS smgle and contmuous, but as each corporation the district, the area figures furnished in 1962 ?r cantonI?ent ~s a separate town by definition, by the Surveyor-General, India are also given. It gets spIlt up m the Census into more than one 'The Surveyor-General does not furnish area town. In Madhya Pradesh there are six town­ figures for tahsilSi. In case of cities and towns, groups in all; three of them belong to the first the area figures are furnished by the local type: Bhopal in Sehor'e District: Murwara in urban authority (if any) in charge of the munici­ J abalpur District and Durg in Durg District; pal administration, or by the local revenue the o~h~r three belong to the second type, Pach­ authorities. Except in case of Raipur and m~rh~ m Hoshangabad District, Sagar in Sagar Sagar districts, there is no agreement between DIstrIct and Jabalpur in Jabalpur District. the area figures for the district furnished by the Director of Land Records and the Surveyor­ Houseless & Institutional Population :-"House­ General, India. These differences arise princi­ less population" means those who did not live pally from the differences in the methods and were not enumerated, in Census-houses at adopted by the two agencies in measuring and the last Census. Obviously these swell the computing the area. ranks of the social destitutes who, to speak in every day parlance do not have even a roof over In the case of eighteen districts (Bastar, their heads, but live under the shade of trees or Raipur, Durg, Raigarh, Bilaspur, Surguja, bridges or on pavements. "Institutional popula­ Balaghat, Seoni, Chhindwara, Mandla, Narsi­ tion" means the population that was enumerated mhapur, Jabalpur, Sagar, Hoshangabad, Betul, in institutions at the last census i.e., in hostels East Nimar, Tikamgarh and Panna), only the jails, boarding houses, hospitals etc. ' district 'total' and 'rural' figures for area include the forest area; the figures for forest area were not available for individual tahsils in these Class of Towns.-Towns are classified into six districts, and hence the tahsil wise area figures classes as below according to their population for these districts do not include forest sizes:- area. This fact is important particularly for Class Population range appreciating the district and tahsil population density figures of these districts. The population I 100,000 and above density (i.e., persons per square mile) given in column 4 of the table is calculated on the basis of II 50,000-99,999 the figures of area supplied by the State Directo­ III 20,000-49,999 rate of Land Records. IV 10,000-19,999 Occupied Residential House.-This is a V 5,000-9,999 Census house which was actually occupied at the Below 5,000 time of enumeration for residential purposes VI either partly or fully. The concept of 'Census Towns of Class I are also known as Cities. house' together 'with the allied concepts of 'building' and 'household' are dealt with later in this note. "Status" of a town means the authority in charge of its local urban administration. Thus Town Group.-The introduction of the concept of a town could have a 'M'unicipaI Corporation; a -"towngroup" is a new feature of the 1961 Census. Municipality, a Cantonment Board a Gram One kind of 'towngroup' has its basis in what Panchayat, a Town or Notified Area' Committee may be called demographic prognosis, this being etc. ' ( iii )

B-(i) General Economic Tables.-This series securities deposited in a bank, and doing no other mcludes 22 tables containing information on work, were treated as non-workers. Persons certain economic aspects of the population. The ,(>rofessionally engaged in anti-social activities concepts involved have undergone significant (i.e., thieves, robbers, prostitutes, beggars, etc.) changes as compared with the 1951 and earlier were, however, not treated as workers. The Censuses. In the 1951 and earlier censuses or at approach to the concept of "work" was pragmatie any rate in the last few censuses income or econo­ and numerous illustrations were given to clarify mic independence (and dependence) were treated the concept. The basis of work was held to be as the criteria for denoting the economic status satisfied in the case of seasonal work i.e., work of a person. Sep~rate account used to be taken at cultivation, livestock, dairying or household of all persons who were economically independent industry if the person has had some regular work and of those who were economically dependent. of more than one hour a day throughout the grea­ An intermediate category of economic semi-inde­ ter part of the working season. In the case of pendence was also introduced in the 1931 Census. regular employment in any trade, profession, This consisted of the 'earning dependents' of the service. business or commerce the basis of work 1951 Census and even there the element of income was satisfied if the person was employed during­ was present. This income-based classification any of the fifteen days preceding the day on which seems to have not infrequently resulted in a he was visited by the Census enumerator. A suppression of information relating to those who person who was working but was absent from worked in household economic activities but did his work during those fifteen days or for alongei not actually earn any income like men other period owing to illness or other causes was than the head of the household and women of the treated as worker. Work inoluded not only family or children working at the family cultiva­ actual physical work but also effective supervision tion or cottage industry but not earning any and direction of work. incomes. The 1961 Census introduced the con­ cept of work and totally abandoned the 'income' The Working Categories:-The primary classifica­ approach. Thus all people who worked (i.e., tion of the population is by means of a simple were "economically active") including family dichotomy into workers and non-workers. The­ workers who were not in receipt of any income, & former is further sub~divided into nine sub-classes working children who did not earn enough for or working categories of the Census. These are their maintenance were treated as workers. On listed below; the correspondence with the the other hand such persons as a receiver of rents Standard National Industrial Classification is on immovable property, or of interest on also indicated.

CENSUS WORKING CATEGORY CORRESPONDING DIVISION OR MAJOR GROUP OR MINOR GROUP OF NIC I Workers in cultivation Minor Groups 000, 001, 002, 003, 004. II Agricultural Labourers The same as in I above III Workers in mining, quarrying, live-... Major Groups 01, 02, 03 and 04 and Division 1- stock, forest~y, fishing, hunting Minor Groups 005, 006; 007, 008, 009 (if no~ and plantatIOns, orchards and classifiable as household industry) allied activities IV, Workers in household industry Minor Groups 005 to 009, 013, 014, 015, 020 to O~'6, 031, 032, 040 to 048, 107 Divisions 2 & 3- (excepting Minor Groups 201, 217, 218, 232~ 252, 260. 290. 324, 325, 338 and 380) if on a household scale V Workers in manufacturing other Divisions 2 & 3 than household industry VI Workers in construction ..... Division 4 VII Workers in Trade and Commerce Division 6 VIII Workers in Transport Storage Division 7 and Communications IX Workers in other services Divisions 5, 8 & 9 (iv)

The only term requiring explanation is' PRINCIPAL AND SECONDARY WORKER: household industry, the others being self­ Table B-VII Part A and Part B involve the €xplanatory. As regards household industry, a; concepts of principal and secondary work. For three-fold test was laid down, viz:- every worker the principal work had to be indi­ (a) "Household Industry" should consist of cated in the case of a person who was engaged manufacture, processing or servicing and in more than one work, and also the secondary may include sale but should not be con­ work if he was engaged in two or more than two fined simply to buying and selling. At productive activiHes. The concepts of primary least part of the goods offered for sale and secondary work had nothing to do with the from the household should be manu­ income accruing to a person from his work. factured or processed by members of the The principal work of a person was that activity household. which took up most of his time; similarly the (b) "Household Industry" should be on the secondary work (in case a person was engaged household scale where the workers in two or more than two kinds of work) was that mainly will be the Head of the house­ which took up less time than the principal work hold himself and/or members of the but greater than the other kinds of work. Unless household, the role of hired workers specifically stated to the contrary in the table from outside being of secondary heading itself the tables in the Handbook are importance. Thus, in any Household based on the principal work of a person. Industry, members of the household should be in a position to lend a hand' Non-workers :-The non-working section of the in the industry whenever they find the popUlation also was divided inco eight classes time in the course of their daily chores. according to the nature of their activities. Thus Household Industry cannot, therefore, be a non-worker could be (i) a full time student ol" on the scale of a registered factory but child attending school, (ii) a peL.:on engaged in home duties (like a housewife or other adult can use machinery and employ power female who does no other work) (iii) dependentl like steam engine or oil engine or electri­ including an infant or child not attending school, city to drive the machinery. a person permanently disabled from work (c) Location also is important, for proximity because of illness or old-age; (iv) a retired decides participation by members of person who is not employed again, rentier, a the household. In a village this parti­ person living on agricultural or non-agricul­ cipation is possible if the Household' tural royalty, rent or dividend, or any other Industry is located at home or within person 0:( independent means for securing which: the village because village organisation he does not have to work and who does no other is such as makes it possible for mem­ work; (v) a beggar, vagrant or independent bers of the household to move about woman without indication of source of income freely in the village to look after their and others of unspecified source of existence; work. In urban areas such free move­ (vi) a convict (not an undertrial who was to be' ment is not possible, and therefore, recorded for the work he did before being for household industry in urban areas admitted to Jail); (vii) persons who were seek­ we should consider only those indus­ ing employment for the first time; and (viii) tries which are located or at least the persons who previously had worked, but were major part of whose work is located at out of employment, and were again seeking home. work. Class of Worker :-A worker, other than a culti­ Education Level8:-A person was treated as vator, agricultural labourer or a worker at ill~terate i~ he did n~t satisfy the test of literacy, thIS meamng the abIlity both of reading and household industry could be: (i) an Employer, writing. The test of reading was held to be that is, who hires one or more persons in his satisfied if a person could read printed matter work; Oi) an Employee, that is, who does his or easily legible manuscripts. The test of work under others for wages or salary in cash writing was the ability to write a simple letter. The minimum educational level is primary or or kind; (iii) a Single Worker, that is, who is junior basic, and this includes all persons who doing his work without employing others, except haVE) passed this examination but have not casually, and without the help of other members passed the next higher level examination i.e. of the family, except ,casually (this includes matriculation or higher secondary. p'erson~ workers working as members of a co-operative); who··:had formal schooling but had not passed the p.r~mary or junior basic level examination and (iv) a Family Worker, that is, who is doing were lIterates without any educational levels. his work in his own family without wages or A p~rson belonging to any particular educa­ salary in cash or kind. A person could be an' tional level means a person who has passed ths employee in a household industry also. examination denoting that level. (v)

INDUSTRIAL AND OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION We have used only the three digit Code number C()F WORKERS: for classifying occupation. All occupatio~s are· divided into ten divisons to each of whIch a Workers have also been classified according digit is allottid. The first digit of ~h~. c.od~ to their occupation and industry. The concepts number of an occupation stands for the DIVISIOn of 'industry' and 'occupation' are of fundament~l into which it is classified. Each division is then importance in ~onnection with all economIC sub-divided into a number of groups not exceeding .activity and it is necessary that they should not ten. The first and second digits of the code be confused with each other. By "industry" is number represent the 'Division' and 'Group' into meant the sector of economic activity in' which which an occupation is classified. Ea~~ group a worker is engaged e.g., the textile indus~ry, again is divided into a number o~ . famihes not mining industry, etc., whereas by 'occupatIOn' exceeding ten and the first three dIgIts of the code is meant the exact function that a worker per- number stand for the division, group and family forms in that sector e.g., fitter, carpenter, into which an occupation is classified. To typist, etc. Occupation thus is "a trade,. ~r?· illustrate the code number 911 stands for the fession or type of work performed by an mdlvI­ family 9i1 (Cooks, 'cook-bearers, domestic and dual independent of. the worker's industry, institutional) included in the Group 91 (House­ status or years of experience". keepers, Cooks, M'aid and related workers) includ­ , ed in the 'Division' 9 (Service. Sport and Re­ THE INDIAN STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICA­ creation workers). The Divisions, Groups, and TION (1. S. 1. C.) : Families of the National Classification of The industrial classification used in some Occupations are printed after this note as of the economic tables of this hand-book is the Appendix II. 'Standard Industrial Classification' prepared by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, It may be mentioned that the three digit Government of India. Under this scheme of industrial code can easily be extended into a four_ classification the whole range of economic acti­ digit code on the principles illustrated earlier to vity is divided into nine 'divisions', and a code secure greater precision in the classification of; number is given to each. The first digit of the the economic activitity of a worker. This has eode number of any specific economic activity in fact been done in case of workers at household stands for the 'Division' under which that acti­ industry, and these four-digit code numbers have vity is classified. Each division is then divided been used in Table B XIV Part B. into a number of major groups not exceeding B-(ii) Household Economic Tables:-Tables be­ ten. The first and second digits of the code number represent the division and the major longing to this series differ from others in two respects: (i) they have been prepared from group into which an economic activity is classi­ information recorded on the household schedules, fied. Each major group is again sub-divided While the other tables are prepared from informa­ into a number of minor-groups not exceeding tion recorded on the individual slips; (ii) whereas ten, and the first, second and third digits in the the other tables are based on the total population, code number of any economic activity represent the tables in this series are prepared from the the division, the major group and the minor data contained in a 20 % sample of all households. group into which it is classifi·ed: To illustrate, the industrial 'code'. '261', represents an econo­ The instructions for selecting the sample are reo mic activity corresponding to minor group 261 produced below:- in major-group 26 of Division 2. A reference "Every fifth household from the starting to the Standard Industrial Classification win random household will be selected to make a 20% show that the minor group code stands for the sample. The sample household will be marked economic activity 'Dying and bleaching of silk' continuously for rural areas of a tahsil/taluka' in the major group 'Textiles Silk' of the Divi­ and for urban areas of a district i.e., households sion: 'Manufacturing'. The 'Divisions', 'Majo~ left over in a household pad should be carried Groups' and 'Minor Groups' of the Standard over to the next household schedule pad for the! Industrial Classification are printed immediately selection of sample households. .after this note as Appendix I. "Before making the sample households the household schedule pads should be arranged in NATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF OCCUPATIONS (NCO): the order of location code numbers of villages in Table B-V gives the occupational classifica­ a Taluka or Tahsil in the case of a rural area and ·tion by sex of persons at work other than culti- in the order of location code numbers of towns' vation. This classification is based on the in a district for urban areas. The first sample . 'National Classification of Occupations' prepared household should be chosen randomly. among the by the Millistry of Labour and Employment, first five households in the first household schedule Government of India. Each occupation is pad and stamped (s) as selected. This random represented by a code number containing a number (random start) should be chosen separate­ :number of digits (extending in the NCO upto 5). ly for rural areas of each taluka/tahsil and for ( vi ) the urban area of the district. From the first caste or a tribe included in the Order issued by random household every fifth household should the President of India under Articles 341 (1) and be continuously stamped as selected ...... 342 (1) of the Constitution, amended, if necessary The sample should be continuously • marked for in accordance with Art.icles 341 (2) and 342 (2} all the pads of villages in a tahsil and urban areaS! thereof. It should be remembered that the in a district. If in a particular household schedule population of a particular scheduled caste or: pad at the end, some households (these will be tribe as given in the tables does not necessarily four or less) are left after marking of the samplet mean the entire popUlation of that caste or' household, the housedolds left over should bej tribe in the district. This is so because schedul­ carried over to the next household schedule pad) ing of a caste or tribe under the Constitution is and the appropriate household in that pad should territorial so that a caste or a tribe scheduled in a, be marked as a sample household". district, (or a tahsil or tahsils of a district) is not necessarily a scheduled caste in other districts (or other tahsils of the same district) . Thus C.-Social and Cultural Tables: Gond is a scheduled tribe in all tahsils of This series contains 8 tables of which Table Jabalpur District except Jabalpur Tahsil so that C-1 is prepared from data abstracted from the the figures for Gond population in J abalpur' 20% sample of households. District exclude the Gonds of J abalpur Tahsil. Secondly, some of the scheduled tribes have not Marital Status :-As regards marital status a been given independent status in some parts of' the State by the Order but haVoe been clubbed' person could be (i) never married, (ii) married, together with some major tribe, while, in other (iii) widowed and (iv) divorced or separated. The figures given do not necessarily indicate the parts of the State, they have not been so clubbed legal position. Thus, persons who lived together but have been included as distinct scheduled as man and wife and who were regarded as such tribes. Thus, in the districts of the Mahakoshal region of the State, the tribe Agaria has been by society were treated as 'married' even though clubbed, along with many another, with Gond there might not be any legally valid marriage as the latter's sub-tribe. In these districts,. between them. therefore, figures relating to Agaria tribe, whose ethnic identity with Gond is controversial, do Age.-The age of a person was recorded in not appear independently in the tables of these completed years as on the last birth day at the 'districts, but are included in the figures for time of enumeration, so that a child who had not Gond. In the Vindhya Pradesh I"egion, how­ completed a year of its existenc~ was recorded as ever, Agaria is Scheduled tribe in its own right of age '0' Inspite of the best efforts, distortion and in the districts belonging to that region of ages is common phenomenon in Indian Census. Agaria population appears separately in the This distortion is ascribable to the combined relevant tables. effect of a variety of causes like, for example, digit-preference, age-bias and estimation error and its most obviousl manifestation is the heapmg Religion of Scheduled Castes and Tribes :-A of the ages at digits ending in 0 or 5 and in even scheduled caste can exist only in Hindu and. rather than in odd numbers. Sikh religions and in no other religion. A scheduled tribe, however, may be found in any Mother Tongue :-Mother tongue is the language religion. spoken in childhood by a person's mother to the person, or mainly spoken in the household. E-Housing Tables :-The Handbook includes five tables on 4ousing. In using these tables, it· Religion :-Separate figures are given only for the should be remembered that they are prepared six main religions: Hindu, Muslim, Jain, Sikh, from the data on households abstracted from' Christian and Buddhist. Figures for persons the 'Houselists'. Tables E-I and E-III are based professing other religions have been clubbed on the full count while table E-II, E-IV and together under the head: Other Religions and E-Vare prepared from a 20% sample of house­ persuasions' holds entered in the Houselists. Houselisting was non-synchronous with census proper, having taken place in the month of September-October, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes :-In view 1960, about five month before the reference date of the constitutional safeguards guaranteed of the Census. Also, the population of house­ to persons belonging to scheduled castes and holds entered in the houselists is not necessarily scheduled tribes with a view to ameliorate their identical with the population of households in social and economic condition, basic census figures respect of which household schedules were filled. are for the first time being published separately at the time of the Census. Thus the samples of for each scheduled caste and scheduled tribe. A households drawn from the household schedule" scheduled caste or a scheduled tribe means a and from the house lists are different samples. ( vii)

The instruction for drawing the 20% sample census-houses which were not owned by the ,of households from the houselists are reproduced households living in them were treated as 'rented' below:- even though no rent was being actually paid. "Before marking the sample households ",Factory" and "Workshop" :-As is clear from the Hous.elists should be arranged in order ofl location code numbers in the case of rural areas its definition, a Census house could be a workshop. for tahsil etc., and !in the case of urban areas A workshop is a place where some kind of pro­ other than towns with population Qf 50,000 and duction, repair or servicing goes on, or where over. In the caSe of towns with population of goods or articles are made and sold. A bigger 50,000 and over the Houselists should be arranged workshop which was either registered under the in order of blocks. The first sample household Indian Factories Act or was of the scale of a! should be chosen randomly among the first five registered factory was returned as a factory. households in the first Houselist. From that For a manufacturing, repairing or servicing every fifth household from the first random establishment to be registered under the Indian household should be continuously marked ...... Factories Act, it should have ten or more workers The sample should be mark!ed continuously for if using power and twenty or more workers if not all the Houselists. If in a particular Houselist using power. at the end two households are left after the marking of the sample households then these VILLAGE DIRECTORY AND ITS ApPENDICES: households should be carried over to the next Village Directory:-The Village Directory cor­ Houselist and the thitd household in that list responds to the Primary Census Abstract of the should be marked as sample households". 1951 Census. It )rives for each village of the district: (a) information relating to area, census houses, households, scheduled castes and scheduled Census House and Census Households :-The con­ tribes and literacy; and (b) the classification ofi cepts of "building" "house" and "household" are the population into workers and non-workers, and important and differ somewhat from their con­ again 'workers' into their 'Industrial Categories' notations in common speech. A building refers separately for both the sexes. For facilitating to the entire structure on the ground. A census comparison with the Census Handbook of 1951 house is a structure or part of structure inhabited the serial number at which the village is to be or vacant or a dwelling, a shop, a shop-cum­ found in 1951 Handbook is also given. A new dwelling or place of business, workshop, school feature introduced in this Census is the presenta­ etc., with a separate entrance. A census house tion of additional information about each village! was thus a building, or part of a building with a relating to schools, hospitals, child and mttternity separate entrance. A census house could have welfar'e centres, medical practitioners, electricity, a variety of uses, residential as well as non­ 1J0st and telegraph offices etc. This has been residential; or it might be vacant (at the time of done by entering symbols against the name of each houselisting). village. Another novel feature is the presenta­ tion in eleven appendices of useful information relating to villages and towns i.e., industrial A household was defined as "a group of establishments, places situated on bus routes, or persons who commonly live together and would within five miles of a railway station, places hav­ take their meals from a common kitchen unless ing pucca wells, markets, public reading rooms, the exigencies of work prevented any of them drains etc. ~rom doing so." A household necessarily lived m a census house or part of a census house. The To enable the reader to locate the village in ?efinition of a household was broad enough to the Village Directory without much difficulty.. an mclude all persons living together in a census. alphabetical index of village names is given. house and dining from the same kitchen even if This gives for each village the 1961 they were not related to one another. S'uch were location code number of the village (in the Village the i_nstitutional households, like jails, hostels, Directory, villages are arranged according to I:ospltals etc. The house in which a household their Location Code Numbers) ; and its location lIved could either be owned or rented. All code number in the 1951 Hand-book. (viii)

APPENDIX-I STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION This classification groups the industries into 9 Divisions 45 Major Groups 343 Minor Groups The divisions, major groups and minor groups with their Code numbers are listed below. Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group' (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code)

Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Preparation of timber 022 Fishing and Hunting. Production of fuel including char- 00 Field Produce and Plantation Crops:­ coal by exploitation of forest 023 Production of fodder by exploita- Production of cereal crops (includ­ tion of forests 024 ing Bengal gram) such as rice, wheat, jowar, bajra, maize 000 Production of gums, resins, lac, Production of pulses such as arhar, barks, herbs, wild fruits and leaves moong, masur, urd, khesari, other by the exploitation of forests 025 gram 001 Production and gathering of other Production of raw jute and kindred forest products not covered above 026· fibre crops 002 Production of raw cotton and 03 Fishing: - kindred fibre crops 003 Production of fish by fishing in sea 030' Production of oilseeds, sugarcane and other cash crops 004 Production of fish by fishing in in- Production of other crops (includ- land waters including the operation ing vegetables) not covered above 005 of fish farms and fish hatcheries 031 Production of fruits and nuts in Production of pearls, conch, shells, plantation, vines & orchards 006 sponges by gathering or lifting from Production of wood, bamboo, cane sea, river, pond 032 reeds, thatching grass etc. 007 Production of juice by tapping 04 Livestock and Hunting:­ palms 008 Production and rearing of livestock Production of other agricultural (large heads only) mainly for milk produce (including fruits and nuts and animal power such as cow, not covered by code number 006 & buffalo, goat 040' flowers) not >covered above 009 Rearing of sheep and production of wool 041 -()1 Plantation Crops:- Rearing and production of other Production of tea in plantation 010 anima1s (mainly for slaughter) such Production of coffee in plantation 011 as pig 042' Production of rubber in plantation 012 Production of ducks, hens and other Production of tobacco in plantation 013 small birds, eggs by rearing and poultry farming 043' Production of ganja, cinchona, opium 014 Rearing of bees for the production Production of other plantation of honey, wax, and collection of honey 044 crops not covered above 015 Rearing of silk worms and produc- 02 Forestry and Logging:- tion of cocoons and raw silk 045 Planting, replanting and conser- Rearing of other small animals and vation of forests 02Q insects 046 Felling- and cutting of trees and Trauping of animals or games transportation of logs 021 propagation 047 (ix )

----~----~~~~--~~~~~~------~--~-. Major Group Description Minor Group l\\lajor Group Description Minor GroUP (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) -+------Production of other animal hus­ '?1 Beverages:- bandry products such as skin, bone, Production of distilled spirits, ivory & teeth 048 wines, liquor from alcoholic malt, \ fruits and malts in distillery and Division l~Mining and Quarrying:..;_ I , brewery 210 10 Mining and Quarrying:- Production of country liquor 211 Mining of 100 coal Production of indigenous liquor M1ning of iro~ ores 101 such as toddy, liquor from mahua, Mining of gold\and silver ores 102 palm juice 212 Mining of manganese' 108 Production of other liquors not Mining of mica; 104 covered above 213 Mining of other non-ferrous metallic Production of aerates and mineral ores . :. 105 water 214 Mining of cru~e petroleum and Production of ice 215 natural gas . '. 106 Quarrying of stone (including Production of ice-cream 216 slate), clay, sand, gravel, limestone 107 Processing of tea in factories 217 Mining of chemical earth such as Processing of coffee in curing soda ash. 108 works 218 Mining and Quarrying of non­ metallic products not classified Production of other beverages 2'19 above such as precious and semi­ precious stones, asbestos, gypsum, 22 Tobacco Products:­ sulphur, asphalt 109 Manufacture of bidi 220 Division 2 & 3-Manufacturing:- Manufacture of cigars and cheroots 221 Manufacture of cigarette and Production of rice, atta, flour, etc. cigarette tobacco 222 by milling, Dehusking and process- Manufacture of hookah tobacco 223 ing of crops and foodgrains 200 Manufacture of snuff 224 Production of sugar and syrup from Manufacture of jerda and other sugarcane in mills 201 chewing t<;>bacoo 225 Production of indigenous sugar, Manufacture of other tobacco pro- gur, from sugarcane or palm juice ducts 226 and production of candy 202 Produotion of fruit products such 23 Textile-Cotton:- as jam, jelly, sauce and canning and Cotton ginning, cleaning, pressing preservation of fruits 203 and baling 280 Slaughtering, preservation of meat Cotton spinning (other than in and fish and canning of fish 2Q4 mills) 231 Production of bread, biscuits, cake C<>tton spinning and weaving in and other bakery products 205 mills 282' Production of butter, ghee, cheese 'Cotton dyeing, bleaching 2SS, and other dairy products 206 Cotton weaving in power looms 284- Production of edible fats and oils (other than hydrogenated oil) 207 Cotton weaving in handlooms 28& Production of hydrogenated oils 'Manufacturing of khadi te:liJtile jn (Vanaspati) 208 handlooms 23& Production of other food products Printing of cotton textile 28'Z! such as sweet-meat and condiments, Manufacturing of cotton nets 288 muri, murki, chira, khoi, cocoa, Manufacturing of cotton, cordage, chocolate, toffee, lozenge 209 r~pe and twine 289 (x) .:

'Major Group Description Minor Group 'Major Group Descri ption Minor Group (Code\ (Code) (Code) (Code) 24 Textile-Jute:- Manufacture of coil' and coil'. pro- ducts 'Z17 Jute pre.ssing and baling 240 J ute spinning and weaving 241 Manufacture of umbrellas 278 Dyeing and bleaching of jute 242 Processing and manufacture of tex- tile products -not covered above 279 Printing of jute textile 243 Manufacture of other products like rope, cordage from jute and similar 28 Manufacture of Wood and Wooden fibre such as hemp, mesta 244 Products:- Sawing and planing of wood 280 25 Textile-Wool:- Manufacture of wooden furniture & fixtures Wool baling and pressing 250 281 Wool cleaning and processing M'anufacture of strdctural wooden (scouring) 251 goods (including treated timber) s~ch as beams, posts, doors, Wool spinning and weaving in mill 252 wmdows. 282 Wool spinning other than in mills 253 Manufacture of wooden industrial Wool weaving in ,powerloom 254 goods other than transport equip­ Wool weaving in handloom 255 ment such as bobbin and similar Embroidery and art work in equipment and fixtures 283 woollen textile 256 Manufacture of other wooden pro­ ducts such as utensils, toys, artwares 284 26 Textile-Silk: - Manufacture of veneer and plywood 2'85 Spinning and weaving of silk textile Manufacture of plywood products in mill 260 such as tea chest 286 Dyeing and bleaching of silk 261 Manufacture of boxes and packing . Spinning of silk other than in mills 262 cases other than plywood 287, Weaving of silk textile by power Manufacture of materials from loom ' 263 cork, bamboo, cane, leaves and other allied products 288 Weaving of silk textile by handloom 264 Printing of silk textile 265 Manufacture of other wood and allied products not covered above 289 Manufacture of silk cordage, rope ~d~~ ~6 29 Paper and paper Products:­ ~ Textile-Miscellaneous:­ M'anufacture of pulp from wood, Manufacture of carpet and all other rags, wastepaper and other fibres similar type of textile products 270 and the conversion of such pulp into Manufacture of hosiery and other ~ny ~ind of paper and paper board knitted fabrics and garments 271 m mIll, 290 Embroidery and making of crepe Manufacture of pulp from wooq lace and fringes 272 rags, wastepaper and other :fibre~ ~d the conversion of such pulp Making of textile garments includ- into any kind of paper and paper ing raincoats and headgear 273 board; handmade 291 Manufacture of made up textile goods except wearing apparel such Manufacture of products, such as as curtains, pillow cases, bedding paper bags, boxes, cards, envelopes materials, mattress, textile bags 274 and moulded pulp goods from paper, paper board and pulp 292 Manufacture of water-proof textile products such as oil cloth, tarpaulin 275 30 Pr~nting and' Publishing: - Prmting and publishing of news. Manufacture and recovery of all papers and periodicals 300 . ~pes of fi~res for purposes of padd- mg, waddmg, and upholstery filling 276 Printing and publishing of books 301

------'-~ MaJor Group Description Minor Group M;ajor Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) \ (Code) (Code) ------_ All other types of printing including Manufacture of matches 384 lithography, engraving, etching, block making and other work con- Manufacture of medicines, pharma­ nected with printing industry 302 ceutical preparations, perfumes, cosmetics and other toilet prepara-_ , All types of ',binding, stiching, siz- , tions except soap 335 ing and othet allied work connected with binding i;ndustry 303 Manufacture of soap and other washing and cleaning compounds . 336 31' Leather and ~ther Products:­ Manufacture of turpentine, synthe- Currying, tanning and finishing' of tic, resin, and plastic products and hides and skins land preparation of materials (including synthetir finished leather ' 310 rubber) . - 337 Manufacture of 'shoes and other leather footwear i' 311' Manufacture of common salt 338 Manufacture of clothing and wear- Manufacture of other chemiC'lls & ing apparel (except footwear) made chemical products - not covered of leather and fut " 312 above (including inedible oils 8.ud Manufacture of leather products fats) 339 (except those covered by Code Nos. 31i, 312), such as leather uphols­ 34 Non-metallic Mineral Products tery, suitcases, pocket books, ciga. other than Petroleum and Coal:- rette and key cases, purses, sadd- Manufacture of structural clay pro- lery, whip and other articles 313 ducts such as bricks. tiles 340 Repair of shoes and other leather Manufacture of cement and cement foot-wear 314 products 341 Repair of all other leather products Manufacture of lime 342 except footwear 315 Manufacture of structural stone goods, stone dressing and stone .32 Rubber, Petroleum and Coal Products:- crushing 343 Manufacture of tyres and tubes 320 Manufacture of stonewares, other' Manufacture of rubber footwear 321 than images 344 Manufacture of rubber goods used Manufacture of stone images 345 Manufacture of all kinds of other Manufacture of plaster of paris for industrial purpose 322 and its products 346 rubber products from natural or· Manufacture of asbestos products 347 synthetic rubber including rubber Manufacture of mica products' 348 raincoat 32'3 Production of petroleum, kerosene 35 Manufacture of earthenware and and other petroleum products in earthen pottery: - .350 petroleum refineries ' 324 Manufacture of chinaware and Production of coaltar and coke in crockery . 351 -coke oven 325 Manufacture of porcelain and its Manufacture of other coal and products 352 coaltar products not covered else. Manufacture of glass bangles and where - 326 beads 353 ..33 Chemicals and Chemical Products:­ Manufacture of glass apparatus 354 Manufacture of basic industrial Manufacture of earthen image, che!llicals such as acids, alkalis & busts and statues 355 thelr salts not elsewhere specified 330 Manufacture of earthen toys and Manufacture of dyes paints, artwares except those covered by colours and varnishes' 331 code No. 355 356 Manufacture of fertilizers 332 'Manufacture of glass and glass products except optical and photo. ~'anufacture of ammunition, explo- graphic lenses and . glass productS SIVes and fire works '. 333 covered above' .', . ,," . 357 (xU)

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group' (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) ------35 ' Manufacture of other non-metallic Manufacture of electric lamps and mineral products not elsewhere fans 375 specified 359 Manufacture of insulated wires and cables . 376 36 Basic Metals and their products ex- cept Machinery and i'ransport Manufacture of all kinds of battery 377 Equipment: - Manufacture of electronic equip- Manufacture of iron and steel ment such as· radio, microphone 378 including smelting, refining, rolling, conversion into basic forms such as Manufacture of electric machinery billets, blooms, tubes, rods 360 and apparatus, appliances not specified above 379 Manufacture including smelting, refining of non-ferrous metals and 88 Transport Equipment:­ alloys in basic forms 361 Manufacture, assembly and repair- Manufacture of armameJ).ts 362 ing of locomotives 380 Manufacture of structural steel Manufacture of wagons, coaches, products such as joist, rail, sheet, tramways and other rail road plate 363 equipment other than that covered M'anufacture of iron and steel by Code No. 363 381 furniture 364 Manufacture and assembling of motor vehicles of all types (except- Manufacture of brass and bell ing motor engines) 382 metal products 365 'Manufacture of motor vehicles Manufacture of aluminium products 366 engines parts and accessories 383 Manufacture of metal products Repairing and servicing of motor (other than of iron, brass, bell metal and aluminium) such as tin can 367 vehicles 384 Enamelling, galvanising, plating, Manufacture of bicycles and tri­ (including electroplating) polishing cycles and accessories such as and welding of metal products 368 saddle, seat frame, gear 385 Building and repairing of water Manufacture of sundry hardware=, transport equipment such as ships, such as G, I. pipe, wire net, bolt, boats, and manufacture of marine screw, bucket, cutlery (This will engines 386 also include the manufacture of sundry ferrous engineering pro­ Manufacture & repair of air trans- ducts done by jobbing engineering port equipment including aero­ concerns which cannot be classified planes, aeroengines 387 in major groups 36, 37,38 and 39). 369 Repairing of bicycles and tricycles 388· Manufacture of other transport 87 Machinery (All kinds other than equipment not covered above such transport) and Electrical Equip­ as animal drawn and hand drawn ment:- vehicles 889" Manufacture and assembling of machinery (other than electrical) 89 Miscellaneous manufacturing Indus­ except textile machinery 370 tries: Manufacture and assembling of prime mover and boilers, other than Manufacture of optical instrurr.ents electrical equipment,..-such as diesel and lenses. opthalmic goods and engines, road rollers, tractors 371 photographic equipment and sup- plies 890 Manufacture of machine tools " 372 Manufacture of textile machinery Manufacture of scientific, medical and accessories 373 and surgical instruments and equip- Manufacture of heavy electrical ment and supplies 891 machinery and equipment such as Assembling and repairing. of motors" generators, transformers 374 watches and "clocks 8~2 (xiii)

'Major Group ". Description Minor Group MaJor Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) ,·.(Code) (Code) Manufacture of jewellery, silver. Wholesale trading in vegetables, ware and wares using gold and fruits, sugar, spices, oil, fish other precious metals . 393 dairy products eggs, poultry and other ,foodstuff (not covered else Manufacture and tuning of Musical where) 601 Instruments_ '394 Wholesale trading in all kinds of Manufactur~. of stationery articles fabrics and textiles products such not covered eIBewhere such as pencil, as garinents, hessian, gunn:r .bag, pen,holder, fountain pen 395 silk and wpollen yarn, shlrtmgs, Manufacture 0'1 sports goods 396 suitings, hosiery products 602 Manufacture a~d repair. work of Wholesale trading in beverages, such goods not assignable to any other as tea (leaf), coffee (seed and group' 399 powder), aerated water 603

\ Wholesale trading in intoxicants Division 4-Con.struc~ion such as wines, liquors 604 40 Construction: -I Wholesale trading in other intoxi. Construction and maintenance of cants such as opium, ganja etc. 605 buildings including erection, floor- Wholesale trading in tobacco, bidi, ing, decorative constructions, ele­ cigarettes and other tobacco pro- ctrical and sanitary installations 400 ducts 606 Construction an'd maintenance of Wholesale trading in animals 607 roads, railways, brid'g·es, tunnels 401 Construction and maintenance of Wholesale trading in straw and telegraph and telephone lines 402 fodrlp~ 608 Construction and maintenance of 61 Wholesale trading in medicines and water ways and water reservoirs chemicals 610 .such as bund, embankments, dam, canal, tank, tubewells, wells 403 Wholesale trading in fuel and light- ing products such as coke, coal; kerosene, candle 611 Division 5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Wholesale trading in toilets, perfu- Sanitary Services mery and cosmetics 612 ~O Electricity and Gas:- Wholesale trading in metal, porce- Generation and transmission of lain and glass utensils, crockery, electric energy . 500 chinaware 613 Distribution of electric energy 501 Wholesale trading in wooden, steel Manufacture of Gas in gas works and other metallic furniture and and distribution to domestic and fittings 614 industrial consumers 502 Wholesale trading in footwear 615 Wholesale trading in tyres, tubes $1 Water Supply and Sanitary Services:­ and allied rubber products 616 Collection, purification and distrl­ Wholesale trading in petrol, mobil bution of water to domestic and oil and allied products 617 industrial consumers 510 Wholesale trading in other house­ Garbage and sewage disposal, hold equipment not covered above 618 operation of drainage system and all other types of work connected with public health and sanitation 511 62 Wholesale trading in bricks, tiles and other building materials 620 Division 6-Trade and Commerce Wholesale trading in wood, bamboo, 6'0 Wholesale Trade;- cane, thatches and similar products 621 Wholesale trading in cereals and 63 Wholesale trading in paper and Pulses 600 other stationery goods 630 (xiv)

:Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Grou~ (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) ------Wholesale trading in agricultural Retail trading in toilet goods, per- and industrial machinery equip­ fumes and cosmetics 651 ment and tools and appliances other than electrical 631 Retail trading in medicines and chemicals 652 Wholesale trading in electrical machinery and equipment like Retail trading in footwear) head­ motor, battery, electric fan, bulb 632 gear such as hat, .umbrellas, shoes and ehappals . 658 Wholesale trading in all kinds of transport and storage equipment 633 Retail trading in tyres, tubes and allied rubber products 654 Wholesale trading in skins, leather Retail trading in petrol, mobiloil and fur 634 ana allied products 655- Wholesale trading in· clocks, eye glasses, frames 635 66 Retail trading in wooden, steel and Wholesale trading in hardware and other metallic furniture and fittings 660' sanitary equipmen~ 636 Retail trading in stationery goods and papers 66t Wholesale trading in scientific, medical and surgical instruments 637 Retail trading in metal, porcelain and glass utensils 662" Wholesale trading in precious Retail trading in earthenware and metals and stones, gold and silver- earthen toys 66a- wares and jewellery 638 Retail trading in other household Wholesale trading in all goods not equipment not covered above 664 covered above 639 67 Retail trading in bricks, tiles and 64 Retail Trade:- other building materials 670 Retail trading in cereals, pulses, Retail trading in hardware and vegetables, fruits, sugar, spices, sanitary equipment 671 oil, fish, dairy products, eggs, Retail trading in wood, bamboo poultry 640 cane, bark and thatches 672' Retail trading in beverage!'; such as Retail trading in other building tea (leaf), coffee (seed and powder), materials 673- aerated water 641 68 Retail trading in agricultural and Retail trading in intoxicants such industrial machinery equipment, as wines, liquors 642 tools and appliances 680- Retail trading in other intoxicants Retail trading in transport and such as opium, ganja, etc. 643 storage equipments 681 Retail trading in tobacco, bidi, ciga­ Retail trading in electrical goods rettes and other tobacco products 644 like electric fan, bulb, etc. 682" Retail trading in fuel sueh as coke, Retail trading in skins, leather and coal, firewood and kerosene 645 furs apd their products excluding Retail trading in food stuffs like footwear and headgear 68~. sweetmeats, condiments, cakes, Retail trading in clock and watch, biscuits, etc. 646 eye glass, frame 684 Retail trading in animals 647 Retail trading in scientific, medical Retail trading in straw and fodder 648 and surgical instruments 685- Retait trading in precious stones 65 Retail trading in fibres, yarns, and jewellery 68& dhoti, saree, readymade garments Retail trading in musical instru­ of cotton, wool, silk and other tex­ ments, gramophone record, pictures tiles and hosiery products; (this and paintings including curio mcludes retail trading in pieee­ dealing 687 goods of cotton, wool, silk and Book-selling 68B' other textiles) , 650 Retail trading in goods unspeci1i~d 689 (xv)

Major Group Description Minor Group l'4ajor Group Description Minor Group: (Code) (Code) \ (Code) (Code) 69 Trade and Commerce M'iscellaneous:­ 73 Communication: - Importing and exporting of goods Postal, telegraphic, wireless and and commodities .690 signal communications 730 Real estate 'and properties '691 Telephone communication 731 Slocks, share~ and futures 692 Information and broadcasting . 732 Providents and insurances 693 Division S.-Services: SO Public Services (This does not in­ Money lending, (indigenous) 694 clude Govt., Quasi-Govt. or local Banking and, similar type of body activities, other than adminis­ financial operatIon 695 trative, in such fields as transport, Auctioneering 696 communication, information and Distribution of plotion pictures 697 broadcasting, education and scienti­ fic services, health, industries, pro­ All other activities connected with duction, construction, marketing & trade al}d comIIl:erce' not covered operation of financial institution above including :hiring out of dur- each of which is classified in the able goods such as electric fan, appropriate industry groups) :- microphone, rickshaw, etc. 69'9 Public Services in Union and State .Division 7.-Transport, Storage and Communi­ army including territorial corps cation: and volunteer corps SOO 70 Transport: - Public Service in Navy SOl Transporting by railways 700 Public. Service in Air Force S02 Transporting by tramway and bus Publi~Service in Police S03 service 701 Public service in administrative Transporting by motor vehicles departments and offices of Central (other than omnibus) 702 Government S04 Transporting by road through Public service in administrative> other means of transport such as departments and offices of Quasi­ hackney carriage, bullock cart, ekka 703 Government organisation, munici- Animal transporting by animals palities, local boards, etc. S05 such as horses, elephant, mule, Public service in administrative camel 704 departments and offices of State !ransporting by man such as carry- Governments 809 mg of luggage, hand cart driving, 81 Educational and Scientific Services:­ rickshaw pulling cycle rickshaw Educational services such as those ~~q' W5 rendered by technical colleges, tech­ Transporting by boat, steamer, nical schools and similar technical ferry, etc. by river, canal 706 and vocational institutions 810 Transporting by boat steamer Educational services such as those ship, cargo boat by sea or ocean ' 707 rendered by colleges, schools and similar other institutions of non_ Transporting by air 70S technical type Sl1 Transporting by other means not Scientific services and research insti­ covered above 709 tutions not capable of classification under any individual group 812 "71 Services incidental to transport S2 Medical and Health Services:­ such as packing, carting travel agency 710 Public health and medical services rendered by organisations and indi­ '12 Storage and Ware Housing:­ viduals such as by hospitals, sana­ toria, nursing homes, maternity Operation of storage such as ware- and child welfare clinic as also by houses 720 hakimi, unani, ayurvedic, allopathic Operation of storage such as cold­ and homeopathic particulars S20 storage 721 Veterinary services rendered by Op'eration of stora~e o,f other $e 722 -~-- organisations and individuals 821 [xvi)

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) 83 Religious and Welfare Services:­ 87 Recreation Services: - "- Religious services rendered by reli­ Production of motion picture and gious organisations and their estab­ allied services ~uch as processing lishments maintained for worship editing etc. 870> or promotion of religious activities, Recreation services rendered by this includes missions, ashrams and cinema houses by exhibition of other allied organisations 830 motion pictures 871 Religious and allied services render- Recreation services rendered by ed by pandit, priest, preceptor, organisations and individuals such fakir, monk 831 as those of theatres, opera. Welfare services rendered by orga. companies, ballet and daneing' nisations operating on a non~profit parties, musicians, exhibitions,' basis for promotion of welfare of circus, carnivals 872 the community such as relief soci­ Recreation services rendered by eties red-cross organisation for the indoor and outdoor sports by orga­ collection and allocation of contri- nisations and individuals including bution for charity 832 horse, motor etc. racing. 873; 84 Legal Services:- 88 Personal Services:- Legal services rendered by barris­ Services rendered to households ter, advocate, solicitor, mukteer, such as those by domestic servants, pleader, mukurie, munshi 840 cooks 88() M'atrimonial services rendered by Services rendered to households organizations and individuals 841 su~h as those by governess, tutor, private secretary 881 85 Business Services:- Services rendered by hotels, board- Engineering services rendered by ing houses, eating houses, cafes, professional organisations or in- restaurants and similar other orga­ dividuals 850 nisations to provide lodging and Business services rendered by orga­ boarding facilities 882- nisations of accountants, auditors, Laundry services rendered by orga. book-keepers or like individuals 851 nisations and individuals, (this Business services rendered by includes all types of cleaning, professional organisations or indi­ dyeing, bleaching, dry cleaning viduals such as of those of advertis- services) 88a- ing and publicity agencies 852 Hair dressing, other services render- Business services rendered by pro- ed by organisation and individuals fessional organisations. or indi- such as those by barber, hair­ viduals such as of those rendered by dressing saloon and beauty shops 884 news agency, news paper corres­ Services rendered by portrait and pondent, columnist, journalists commericial photographic studios 885- editors, authors ' 858 ! 89 Service~ (not elsewhere classifi~d):­ 86 Community Services and Trade and' Services rendered by organisations Labour Associations:- or individuals not elsewhere classi- fied 89& S.ervices rendered by trade associa­ I tIons, chambers of commerce trade u?ions and similar other organisa- Divlsion 9-Activities not adequately tIOns 860 descirbed: Services rendered by civic social 90 Activities unspecified and not cultur!'ll, political, and f~aternai adequately described including orgalllsahons such as rate payers activities of such individuals who association, club, library 861 fail to provide suffieient information Community services such as those about their industrial affiliation to rendered by public libraries enable them to be classified 900 museums, botanical and zoologicai Fresh entrants to the Labour gardens etc. 862 '~L . 999 (xvii)

. APPENDIX-II NATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF OCCUPATIONS (Code Structure) Which classifies occupations into 331 Occupational Families (three·digit code numbers) 75 Occupational Groups (two-digit code numbers) 11 Occupational Divisions (one-digit code numbers) Note I.-The Classification does not provide separate code numbers for Apprentices. Foremen and Instructors (in.plant only). These may be classified by giving th~ prefixes of "A". "B", or "C" respectively before the code number of the occupation which is being learned, supervised or instructed. Note II.-n. e. c.-not elsewhere classified. DIVISIONS, GROUPS AND FAMILIES o Pro!essiono]" Technical and Related Workers: 032 Physicians, Homeopathic 033 Physicians, others 00 Architects, Engineers and Surveyors:- 034 Physiologists 000 Architects 035 Dentists 001 Civil Engineers (including overseers) 039 Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists. 002 Mechanical Engineers n.e.c. 003 Electrical Engineers 004 Chemical Engineers 04 Nurses, Pharmacists and other Medical &. Health Technicians:- 005 Metallurgical Engineers . 040 Nurses 006 Mining Engineers 041 Midwives and Health Visitors 007 Surveyors 042 Nursing Attendants and Related 009 Architects, Engineers and Surveyors, Workers n. e. c. 043 Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical Technicians 01 Chemists, Physicists, Geologists and other Physical Scientists:- 044 Vaccinators 010 Chemists, except Pharmaceutical 045 Physiotherapists, Masseurs and Chemists Related Technicians 011 Pharmaceutical Chemists 046 Sanitation Technicians 012 Physicists 047 Optometrists and Opticians 013 Meteorologists 049 Medical and Health Technicians. 014 Geologists and Geophysicist n.e.c. (excluding La.horatory Assis. tants see 091). 015 Mathematicians 019 Chemists, Physicists, Geologists and 05 Teachers:- other Physical Scientists, n.e.c. 050 Teachers, University 02 Biologists, Veterinarians, Agronomists & 051 Teachers, Secondary Behoof!!' Related Scientists:- 052 Teachers, Middle and Primary 020 Biologists and Animal Scientists Schools 021 Veterinarians 053 Teachers, Nursery and KindergarteDl 022 Sliviculturists Schools 023 Agronomists and Agricultural 8cien. 059 Teachers, n.e.c. tists 029 Biologists, Veterinarians Agrono. 06 Jurists:- mists and Related Scientists, n.e.c, 060 Judges and Magistrates: 061 Legal Practitioners and Advisers 03 Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists 062 Law Assistants 030 Physicians and Surgeons, Allopathic. (169 Jurists, and Legal Technicians o:n Physicians, Ayurvedic (including Petition Writers) (xviii)

07 Social Scientists and Related Workers:- 101 Administrators and Executive Offi· 070 Economists cials, State Government 071 Accountants and Auditors 102 Administrators and Executive Offi­ cials, Local Bodies. • 072 Statisticians and Actuaries 103 Administrators and Executive Offi­ 073 Geographers cials, Quasi-Government 074 Psychologists 104 Village Officials 075 Personnel Specialists 109 Administrators and Executive Offi­ 076 Labour and Social Welfare Workers cials, Government, n.e.c. . 077 Sociologists and Anthropologists 11 Directors and Managers, Whose sale and 078 Historians, Archeologists, Political Retail Trade:--- Scientists and Related Workers 110 Directors and Managers, Wholesale 079 Social Scientists and Related Trade Workers, n.e.c. 111 Directors and M'anagers, Retail Trade 08 Artists, Writers and Related Workers:- 080 Authors 12 Directors Managers and Working Pro­ 081 Editors, Journalists and Related prietors, Financial Institutions:- Workers 120 Directors, Managers and Working 082 Translators, Interpreters and Proprietors, Banks Language Specialists 121 Directors, Managers and Working 083 Painters, Decorators and Commer- Proprietors, Insurance cial Artists 129 Directors, Managers and Working 084 Sculptors and Modellers Proprietors, Financial Institutions, 085 Actors and Related Workers 13 Directors, Managers and Working Pro· 086 Musicians and Related Workers prietors, other:- 087 Dancers and Related Workers 130 Directors, Managers and Working 089 Artists, Writers and Related Proprietors, Mining, Quarrying and Workers n.e.c. Well Drilling 131 Directors, Managers and Working 09 Draughtsmen, and Science and Engineer­ Proprietors, Construction ing Technicians, n.e.c·. 132 Directors, Managers and Working 090 Draughtsmen Proprietors, Electricity, Gas, Water 091 Laboratory Assistants and Sanitary. 099 Science and Engineering Techni­ 133 Directors, Managers and Working cians, n.e.c. Proprietors, Manufacturing 134 Directors, Managers and Working OX Other Professional, Technical and Related Proprietors, Transport and Com.., Workers:- munication OXO Ordained Religious Workers 135 Directors, Managers and Working OX1 Non-ordained Religious Workers Proprietors, Recreation, Entertain­ OX2 Astrologers, Palmists and Related ment and Catering Services Workers 136 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors, Other Services OX9 Other Professional, Technical and Related Workers, n.e.c. 139 Directors, Managers and Working OX4 .Geographers propri.etors, n.e.c. 1 Administrative, Executive and Managerial 2 Clerical and Related Workers: Workers OX3 Librarians, Archivists and Related 2Q Book-keepers and Cashiers:- Workers: 200 Book-keepers, Book-keeping and 10 Admin~strators and Executive Officials, Accounts Clerks Gove ... nment: _ 201 Cashiers 100 ~dministrators and Executive Offi­ 202 Ticket Sellers and Ticket Inspectors­ cIals, Central Government (All De­ including ushers and Ticket Collectors fence Services Personnel to be (excluding those on moving trans­ included in this family) port) (xix)

21 Stenographers and Typists:- 34 Money-Lenders and Pawn-Brokers:- 210 Stenographers 340 Money-Lenders (including Indige. 211 Typists nous Bankers) 341 Pawn-Brokers .22 Office Machine Operators: 220 Computing Clerks and Calculating 4 Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, Loggers and Machine Operators Related Workers: 221 Punch Card Machine Operators ' 40 Farmers and Farm Managers:- 229 Office Machine Operators, n.e.c. 400 Cultivators (Owners) 28 Clerical Workers. Miscellaneous:- 401 Cultivators (Tenants) 280 General and other Ministerial Assis" 402 Farm Managers, Inspectors and tants and Clerks Overseers 289 Miscellaneous Office Workers includ­ 403 Planters and Plantation Managers ing Record keepers, Moharrersl 404 Farmers and Farm Managers, Diaphers, Packers and Binders of Animals, Birds and Insects Rearing office papers. 409 Farmers and Farm Managers, D.e.C. 29 Unskilled Office Workers:- 41 Farm Workers:- 290 Office Attendants, Ushers, Hall 410 Farm Machinery Operators Porters etc. n.e.c. 411 Farm Workers, Animals, Birds and Insects Rearing ~ Sales Workers: 412 Gardeners (malis) 30 Working Proprietors, Wholesale and 413. Tappers (Palm, Rubber trees, etc.) Retail Trade:- 414 Agr.icultural Labourers SOO Working Proprietors, Wholesale 415 Plantation Labourers Trade 419 Farm Workers, n.e.c. SOl Working Proprietors, Retail Trade 42 Hunters and Related Workers:- 31 Insurance and real estate salemen, sales­ 420 Hunters men of securities and services, and 421 Trappers auctioneers :- 429 Hunters and Related Workers, n.e.c. :no Agent~ and Salesmen, Insurance 811 Agents, Brokers and Salesmen, Real 43 Fishermen and Related Workers:- Estate 430 Fishermen, Deep Sea 312 Brokers and Agents, Securities and 431 Fishermen, Inland and Coastal Shares Waters 313 Auctioneers 432 Conch and Shell gatherers, Sponge 314 Valuers and Appraisers and Pearl Divers 319 Insurance and Real Estate Salesmen, 439 Fishermen and Related Workers, Salesmen of Securities and Servi

· '502 Drillers. Mines and Quarries ,66 Inspectors, Supervisors, Traffic Con· 503 Shot Firers trollers, Despatchers, Transport:- 509 Miners and Quarrymen, n.e.c. 660 Inspectors, Supervisors and Station Masters .51 Well Drillers and Related Workers:- 661 Traffic Controllers 510 Well Dril1ers, Petroleum and Gas 662 Signalmen and Pointsmen 511 Well Drillers, other than Petroleum and Gas 67 Telephone, Telegraph and Related Tele.­ communication Operators:- i52 Mineral Treaters:- 670 Telephone Operators 520 Mineral Treaters 671 Telegraphists and Signallers -59 Miners, Quarrymen and Related Workers, 672 Radio Communication and Wireless n.e.c.:- . Operators 590 Miners, Quarrymen and Related 673 Teleprinter Operators Workers, n.e.c. 679 Telephone, Telegraph and Related Tele-Communication Operators, n.e.c. 4) Workers in Transport and Communication Occupations: 88 Postmen and Messengers:- 160 Deck Officers, Engineer Officers and Pilots, Ship:- 680 Postmen 600 Deck Officers and Pilots, Ship 681 Messengers (including Dak Peons) ,601 Ship Engineers 69 Workers in Transport and Communication 431 Deck and Engine-room Ratings (Ship), Occupations, n.e.c. Barge Crews and Boatmen:- 690 Ticket Sellers, Ticket Inspectors. 610 Deck Ratings (Ship), Barge Crews including Ushers and Ticket and Boatmen Collectors on moving Transport 1611 Engine-Room Ratings, Firemen and 691 Conductors, Road Transport Oilers, Ship 692 Workers in Transport Occupations. ~2 Aircraft Pilots, Navigators and Flight n.e.c. Engineers :- 693 Inspectors, Traffic Controllers and 620 Aircraft Pilots Despatchers, Communications 621 Flight Engineers 694 Workers in Communication Occupa­ tion, n.e.c. 622 Flight Navigators 63 Drivers and Firemen, Railway Engine :-._ 7-8 Craftsmen, Production ..Jlroces8 Workers, and Labourers not elsewhere classified: 630 Drivers e31 Firemen 70 Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers and ,64 Drivers, Road Transport:- Related Workers:- 640 Tramcar Drivers 700 Fibre Preparers, Ginners, Cleaners, Scourers, etc. 641 Motor Vehicle and Motor Cycle Drivers 701 Blow-room Workers and Carders ,,(i42 Cycle Rickshaw Drivers and Rick­ 702 Spinners, Piecers and Winders shaw Pullers 703 Warpers and Sizer::! "043 Animal Drawn Vehicle Drivers 704 Drawers and Weavers / 649 Drivers. Road Transport, n.e.c. 705 Pattern Card Preparers (including Palki and Doli Bearers) (excluding Printers) Conductors. Guards and Brakesmen 706 Bleachers, Dyers and Finishers (Railway) :- 707 Knitters and Lace Makers '650 Conductors 708 Carpet Makers and Finishers 1651 Guards 709 Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers '652 Brakesmen and Related Workers, n.e.c. (xxi)

"11 Tailors, Cutters, Furriers and Related 752 Fitter-Assemblers and Machine- Workers:- Erectors (Ex.cept Electrical and Precision Instrument Fitter-Assem­ 710 Tailors, Dre~s Makers and Garment blers) Makers 753 Mechanics-Repairmen (Except Elec­ 711 Hat and Hehd-gear Makers trical and Precision Instrument 712 Furriers Repairmen) 713 Upholsterers and Related Workers 754 Sheet Metal Workers 714 Pattern Makers, Ma"rkers and Cutt- 755 Plumbers and Pipe Fitters ers, ~exti1e Products, Leather Gar­ 756 Welders and Flame Cutters ments and Gloves 757 Metal Plate and Structural Metal '115 Sewers, Embrioderers and Darners, Workers Textile and F'ur Products 758 Electro-PI~ters, Dip-Platers and '119 Tailors, Cutters, Furriers and Relat­ Related Workers ed Workers, n.e.c. 759 Tool-Makers, Machinists, Plumbers, Welders, Platers and Delated Work­ 12 Leather Cutters, Lasters and Sewers ers, n.e.c. (including Metal-engrav­ (except Gloves and Garments) and Related ers other than printing) Workers:- 720 Shoe Makes and Shoes Repairers 76 Electricians and Related Electrical and 721 Cutters, Lasters, Sewers, Footwear Electronics Workers:- and Related Workers 760 Electricians, Electrical Repairmen 722 Harness and Saddle Makers and Related Electrical Workers 729 Leather Cutters, Lasters and Sewers 761 Electrical and Electronics Fitters (except Gloves and Garments) and 762 Mechanics-Repairmen, Radio and Related Workers, n.e.c. Television 763 Installers and Repairmen, Telephone '13 Furnacemen, Rollers, Drawers, Moulders and Telegraph and Related Metal Making and Treating 764 Linemen and Cable Jointers Workers:- 769 Electricians and Related Elettrical 730 Furnacemen, Metal and Electronics Workers, n.e.c. 731 Anneaiers, Temperers and Related Heat Treaters 77 Carpenters, Joiners, Cabinet Makers, 732 Rolling Mill Operators, Metal Coopers and Related Workers:- 733 Blacksmiths, Hammersmitns and 770 Carpenters, Joiners, Pattern Makers Forgemen (Wood) 734 :Moulders and Coremakers 771 Shipwrights and Body Builders 735 Metal Drawers and Extruders 772 Sawyers and Wood Working Machi- 739 Furnacemen, Rollers, Drawers. nists Moulders and Related Metal-Making 773 Coach and Body Builders and Treating Workers n.e.c. 774 Cart Builders and Wheel Wrights 74 Precision Instrument Makers, Watch 775 Cabinet Makers Makers, Jewellers and Related Workers:- 779 Carpenters, Joiners, Cabinet Makers, 740 Precision Instrument Makers, Watch Coopers. and Related Workers, n.e.c. and Clock Makers and Repairmen 741 Jewellers, Goldsmiths and Silver­ 78 Painters and Paper Hangers :- smiths 780 Painters and Paper Hangers 742 JeweUllry Engravers 79 Bricklayers, Plasterers and Construction . 15 Tool-Makers, Machinists, Plumbers, Weld­ Workers n.e.c.:- ers, Platers and Related Workers:- 790 Stone Cutters, Stone Carvers and 750 Fitter-Machinists, Tool-makers and Stone Dressers Machine Tool Setters 791 Bricklayers, Flasterers, Masons 751 Machine Tool Operators 792 Glaziers (xxii)

793 Cement Finishers and Terrazzo and 828 Coffee and Tea Blenders and Relatedl Mosaic Workers Work~rs 794 Hut Builders and Thatchers 829 Millers, Bakers, Brewmasters and' 795 Well Diggers Related Food and Beverage Workers .. n.e.c. 799 Bricklayers, Plasterers and Construc­ tion Workers, n.e.c. 83 Chemical.and Related Process Workers:- 830 Batch and Continuous Still Operators. 80 Corr.positors, Printers, Engravers, Book­ Binders and Related Workers:- 831 Cookers, Roasters and other Heat Treaters, Chemical and Related 800 Type-setting Machine Operators Processes 801 Compositor!:! 832 Crushers, Millers and Calenderers. 802 Proof-Readers and Copy Holders Chemical and Related Processes 803 Printers (Paper) 833 Paper Pulp Preparers 804 Printers (Textile) 834 Paper Makers 805 Photo-Litho Operators, Photo-litho­ 839 Chemical and Related Process, graphers Workers, n.e.c. 806 Engravers, Etchers & Block Makers (Printing) 84 Tobacco Preparers and Products Makers: 807 Stereotypers 840 Curers, Graders and Blenders,. 808 Book Binders Tobacco 809 Compositors, Printers, Engravers, 841 Cigarette Machine Operators Book-Binders and Related Workers, 842 Cheroot, Cigar and Bidi Makers n.e.c. 843 Snuff and Zarda Makers 849 Tobacco Preparers and Product 81 Potters, Kilnmen, Glass and Clay Formers Makers, n.e.c. and Related Workers:- 810 Furnacemen, Kilnmen and Ovenmen 85 Craftsmen and Production Process, Workers n.e.c. 811 Potters, and Related Clay Formers 850 Basketry Weavers and Related 812 Blowers and Benders, Glass Workers 813 Moulders and Pressers, Glass 851 Tyre Builders, Vulcanisers and 814 Grinders, Cutters, Decorators and Related Rubber Products Makers Finishers 852 Plastics Products Makers 815 Pulverisors and Mixers, Cement, Clay 853 Tanners, Fellmongers, Pelt Dressers and other Ceramics and Related Workers 819 Potters, Kilnmen, Glass and Clay 854 Photographic Dark Room Workers, Formers and Related Workers, n.e.c. 855 Makers of Musical Instruments and Related Workers . 82 Millers, Bakers, Brewmasters and Related 856 Paper Products Makers Food and Beverage Workers:- 859 Craftsmen and Production Process. 820 Millers, Pounders, Huskers and Par­ Workers, n.e.c. chers, Grains and Related Food Workers 86 Testers, Packers, Sorters and Related 821 Crushers and Pres~ers, Oil Seeds Workers:- 822 Dairy Workers (Non-Farm) 860 Checkers, Testers, Sorters, Weighers 823 Khandsari, Sugar and Gur Makers and Counters 824 Bakers, Confectioners, Candy and 861 Packers, Labellers and Related Sweetmeat Makers Workers 825 Makers of Aerated Water and Brewers 87 Stationary Engine and Excavating and Lifting Equipment Operators and Related 826 Food Canners, Preservere and Re- Workers:- lated Workers 870 Operators, Stationary Engines and. 827 Butchers Related Equipment (xxiii)

'871 Boilermen and Firemen 93 Building Care-Takers, Cleaners and 872 Crane and Hoist Operators Related Workers:- 873 Riggers and Cable Splicers 930 Building Care-Takers 874 Operators of Earth-moving and 931 Cleaners, Sweepers and Watermen Other Construction Machinery, n.'e.c. 94 Barbers, Hairdressers, Beauticians and 875 Materials-handling Equipment Opera- Related Workers:- ~n ' , 940 Barbers, Hairdressers, Beauticians 876 Oilers and Greasers, Stationary and Related Workers Engines, Motor Vehicles 'and Relat­ ed Equiptp.ent 95 Launderers, Dry Cleaners and Pressers:­ 879 Stationary Engine, and Excavating and Lifting Equipment Operators .950 Laundrymen, Washermen and Dho­ and Related Workers, n.e.c. bies 951 Dry-cleaners and Pressers -89 Labourers, n.e.c. ':- 890 Loaders and Unloaders 96 Athletes Sportsmen and Related Workers: i 899 Labourers, n.e.c. 960 Athletes, Sportsmen and Related Workers ~ Service, Sports and Recreation Workers. 97 Photographers and Related Camera Opera­ 90 Fire, Fighters, Policemen,' Guards and tors:- Related Workers:- 970 Movie Camera Operators 900 Fire Fighters and Related Workers 979 Other Photographers 901 Police Constables, Investigators and Related Workers 99 Service, Sports and Recreation Workers. 902 Customs Examiners, Patrollers and n.e.c.:- Related Workers 990 Embalmers and Undertakers 903 Watchmen and Chowkidars 999 Service, Sport and Recreation 909 Fire Fighters, Policemen, Guards, Workers, n.e.c. and Related Workers, n.e.c. X Workers not Classifiable by occupation 1)1 House Keepers, Cooks, Maids and Related Workers:-' XO Workers without occupations:- 910 House Keepers, Matrons, Stewards XOO Workers without occupations: (Domestic and Institutional) Matriculates and above 911 Cooks, Cook-Bear,ers (Domestic and X08 Workers without occupations: Institutional) Literates 912 Butlers, Bearers, Waiters, Maids and X09 Workers without occupations: other Servants (Domestic) Others 913 Ayas, Nurse-maids X8 Workers Reporting Occupation Unidenti­ .919 House-Keepers, Cooks, Maids, and fiable or Unclassifiable:- Related Workers, n.e.c. X80 Workers reporting occupations un­ identifiable or unclassifiable '.92 Waiters, Bartenders and Related Workers 920 Waiters. Bartenders and Related X9 Workers not Reporting Occupation:­ Workers (Institutional) X90 Workers not Reporting occupation. (xxiv)


Notl:-Under Column 3, (a) rep):'esents area fi~U!"e furnished by the Surveyor General ol

Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied Union/State/Division/ Total No. of houaeholda DistrictfTown Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns residen tial Urban Sq. Mile villages houses 8 2 3 4 5 6 7

INDIA T (a) 1,23l1,561 (b) .I,228,-t0ll 358 567,351 2,7°0 78•855,586 84t5I1,887 R 1,213,535 1t97 567.351 650070,1t7l11 68,90(8,516 1 1 U 14t867 5t305 lI.700 13.785,3 4 :150563.37 MADHYA PRADESH ... T (a) :l71,lII17 (b) 169.042 192 70,414 219 6,230,854 6.6150580 R 168,3l112 165 7°,414 5.376,498 5.628,373 U 720 60428 lIII9 854.356 987,·07' T (a) 2 - Division 17. 53 1 (b) 17.2J 5 ·5 200 6.594 .24 595,-t96 65 ,261 R 17.155.7 166 6,594 506.706 5340736- U 59.8 9.739 24 88,790 116,5115-

1 T (a) 4,489 (b) 4,511.5 174 1,290 6 134,708 142,804· R 4,507.2 159 1,290 121,645 129,293. U 4.3 15,611 6 13,063 13,511

2 Bhind T (a) 1,723 R (b) 1,720.1 373 898 4 134,708 113,916 U 1,717.0 346 898 95,831 104,4390 3.1 15,128 4 8,593 9,477

3 Gwalior T (a) 2,002 (b) 2,015.0 326 760 4 95,868 124,830 R 1,988.2 168 760 55,457 60,484- U 26.8 12,124 4 40,411 \ 64,346-

4 Datia T (a) 782 (b) 785.7 255 416 38,112 39,249 R 783.7 218 416 32,755 33,137 U 2.0 14,715 5,357 6,112

5 T (a) 3,986 (b) 3,943.1 142 1,308 3 108,766 110,897 R 3,939.9 132 1,308 101,503 102,881 U 3.2 12,266 3 7,263 8,016

6 Guna T (a) 4,271 (b) 4,240.1 141 1,922 6 113,618 119,565 R 4,219.7 123 1,922 99,515 104,502 U 20.4 3,665 6 14,103 15,063-

Rewa Division T (a) 22,845 (b) .22.677 .8 187 10,638 18 815.913 884ogog. R 22.601·5 176 10.638 761,397 8!li5,-t57 U 76 .3 3,445 18 540516 59,.tSll

7 Tikamgarh T (a) 1,944 (b) 1,960.9 232 872 88,630 93,830 R 1,958.7 222 872 84,563 89,549 U 2.2 9,389 4,067 4,281

8 Chhatarpur T ( a) 3,381 (b) 3,330.3 176 1,076 5 115,636 126,377 R 3,295.7 161 1,076 104,417 114,110 U 34.6 1,630 5 11,219 12,267

9 Panna T ( a) 2,716 (b) 2,785.0 119 934 65,378 72,882 R 2,784.5 113 934 62,173 69,201 U 0.5 31,579 3,205 3,681 xxv

DISTRICTS AND IMPORTANT TOWNS OF ~ADHYA PRADESH-Contd. India, while (b) represents the area figure furnished by State SUPley Department

Population Females Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T ------. per 1000 Educated percentage variation R Persons Males Females males Persons 1961 1951-1961 U

9 10 II 12 13 14 15 2

439,234,771 226,293,201 212,941,570 941 1 05,333.281 24'00 +21'.50 T (b) 360,298,168 183;50 4,095 176,794,073 963 68,3C4,933 :18'96 R 78,936,603 42,'78s,106 36,147,497 845 37,028,348 46 '91 U

32,372,408 16,578,204 15,794,204 953 5,544,862 17'13 +24'17 T 11:7,745,174 :14,085,038 :13,660,136 970 3,530,896 12'73 +20'95 R 4,627,234 2,493,166 2,:134,068 856 2,013,966 43'52 +47'70 U

3,436,639 1,841,668 :1,594,97:1 866 588,172 17'11 +22'12 T 2,854,229 1,526,730 1,327,499 870 355,363 12'45 +19'55 R 582,410 314,938 267,472 849 232,809 39'97 +36 'Slt U

783,348 426,061 357,287 8:,9 116,616 14,89 +23,64 Tl 716,221 388,901 327,320 842 89,7Ql 12,52 +20,36 R 67,127 37,160 29,967 806 26,915 40·10 +74,30 U

641,169 316,797 294,372 849 111,617 17 ·41 +21,44 T2 593,516 320,175 273,341 854 94,551 15,93 + 17 ,78 R 47,653 26,622 21,031 790 17,066 35,81 +98,06 U

657,876 353,813 304,063 859 183,336 27,87 +24,06 T3 333,428 178,648 154,780 866 47,699 14,31 + 18,09 R 3:2 ~,+4g 175,165 149,283 852 135,637 41,81 +30'85 U

200,167 105,640 94,827 898 29,836 14·88 +22,00 T4 171,037 90,264 80,773· 895 20,115 I 1·76 +35,11 R 29,130 15,376 14,054 914 9,721 33,03 -21·99 U

5')7.').54 295 •.543 26:2,411 888 6'~,.522 11,56 +17,19 T5 519;072 274,718 244,354 889 49,862 9,61 + 14·28 R 38,882 20,825 18,057 867 14,660 37·70 +77,65 U

595,825 313,814 282,011 899 82,245 13·80 +23,64 T6 520,955 274,024 246,931 901 53,435 10·26 +22,45 R 74,870 39,790 35,080 882 28,810 38,48 +32,62 U

4,251,042 2,:180,496 2,070,546 950 499,783 11'76 +lZ4,65 T 3,g88,21 7 2,037.s82 1,950,635 957 401,185 10·06 +126'92 R 262,825 ;[42,9;[4 I19,9IJ: 839 98,598 37'5;[ -2'00 U

455,662 239,035 216,627 906 44,067 9,67 +24·44 T7 435,193 228,339 206,854 906 36,698 8·43 +25·81 R 20,469 10,696 9,773 914 7,369 36·00 + 1· 12 U

587,373 310,653 276,720 891 6.5,932 11,22 +22·08 T& 531,054 280,559 250,495 893 47,072 8·86 +22·93 R 56,319 30,094 26,22,,) 871 18,860 33,49 + 14·59 U

331,257 170,942 160,315 938 36,034- 10·88 +27·57 1'91 314,520 162,132 152,388 940 29,214 9:29 +32·39 16,737 R 8,810 7,927 900 6,820 40·75 -24·26 U XXVI

SELECTED STATISTICS OF INDIA, MADHYA PRADESH, DIVISIONS, Note: - Under Column 3, (a) represents area figure furnished by the Surveyor General of

UDion/State/Division/ Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied DistrictfTown Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns residential No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

10 Satna . T (a) 2,823 (b) 2,866 ·3 242 1,753 4 137,450 147,088 R 2,857 ·2 221 1,753 123,670 132,231 U 9 ·1 6,965 4 13,780 14,857 it Rewa T (al 2,509 (b) 2,427 ·6 318 2,296 142,452 156,911 R 2,422 ·9 301 2,296 134,316 147,175 U 4.7 9,143 8,136 9,736 12 Shahdol T (a) 5,412 (b) 5,354·4 155 1,974 5 164,854 176,452 R 5.330 ·6 145 1,974 151,876 163,077 U 23·8 2,427 5 12,978 13,375 13 Sidhi T (a) 4,060 (b) 3,953 ·3 147 1,733 101,513 111,369 R 3,951'9 146 1,733 100,382 110,114 U 1·4· 3,692 1,131 1,255 Indore Divi&t_ ••• T (a) 27,341 (b) 25,525. 6 232 11,003 62 1,062,218 1,133,830 R 25,412 .4 177 11,003 8351,700 847,060 U 113.2 12,604 62 229,518 286,770 H Mandsaur T (a) 3,966 (b) 3,654·3 206 1,576 12 146,902 150,173 R 3,641'8 163 1,576 115,576 116,945 U 12·5 12,762 12 31,326 33,228

~5 Ratlam T (a) 1,727 (b) 1,878 ·0 257 1,038 5 91,103 92,776 R 1,869 ·2 185 1,038 63,858 64,932 U 8·8 15,676 5 27,245 27,844- i6 Ujjain T (a) 2,360 (b) 2,343 ·6 282 1,111 6 118,755 133,443 R 2,332 ·1 192 1,111 86,159 88,049 U ll·5 18,654 6 32,596 45,394 17 Jhabua T (a) 2,615 (b) 2,622 ·7 196 1,331 6 88,284 89,627 R 2,621·4 183 1,331 81,009 82,284 U 1·3 26,862 6 7,275 7,343 18 DhlU' T (a) 3,150 (b) 3,183 ·5 202 1,471 6 116,351 119,339 R 3,163 ·3 182 1,471 103,455 106,131 U 20·2 3,300 6 12,896 13,208 A9 Indore T (a) 1,479 (b) 1,369 ·4 550 640 4 108,369 146,097 R 1,343 ·2 224- 640 54,704 55,347 U 26·2 17,288 4- 53,665 90,750 ',2J "'Dewas T (a) 2,706 (b) 2,596·9 172 1,039 7 88,486 89,260 R 2,589 ·1 147 1,039 75,006 75,594- U . 7·8 8,638 7 13,480 13,666 .21 ,West Nimar T (a) 5,206 (b) 3,751'4 264- 1,715 13 171,482 177,463 R 3,739 ·9 228 1,715 147,le6 150,647 U 11·5 12,007 13 24,316 26,816 ~L2 East Nimar T (a) 4,132 (b) 4,125'8 166 1,082 3 132,486 135,652 R 4,112 ·4 129 1,082 105,767 107,131 U 13·4 11,469 3 26,719 28,521 XXVll

DISTRICTS AND IMPORTANT TOWNS OF MADHYA PRADESH-Coutd. India, while (b) represents area figure furnished by State Survey Department. ,

Population Females Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T per Educated percentage variation R Persons Males Females 1000 males Persons 1961 1951·1961 U

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 -2

694,370 353,430 340,940 965 108,237 15·59 +25'22 T 10 630,916 318,866 312,050 979 83,585 13·25 +27·93 R 63,454 3~,564 28,890 836 24,652 38·85 +3·40 U

772,602 388,887 383,715 987 114,998 14·88 +21·90 TIl 729,537 364,483 365,054 1,002 95,639 13·11 +27·31 R 43,065 24,404- 18,661 765 19,359 44·95 -29·14 l!

829,649 424,042 405,607 957 85,423 10'30 +27·49 T 12 771,889 392,624 379,265 966 66,036 8·56 +29·47 R 57,760 31,418 26,342 838 19,387 33·56 +5,87 U

530,129 293,507 286,622 977 45,092 7·77 +24·95 T 13 575,108 290,579 284,529 979 42,941 7·4-7. +23·87 R 5,021 2,928 2,093 715 2,151 42·84 U

5,93:1,593 3,065,6g3 2,865,900 935 1,'130,410 20'74 +27.65 T 4,50 4,813 2,306,2:12 2,198,601 953 586,067 I3'01 +25'74 R :I,p6,780 759,48 :1 667,299 879 6'"'343 45':16 +34,'08 U

752,085 390,731 361,354- 925 168,796 22·44 +23·98 T14 592,554 305,891 286,663 937 100,829 17·02 +20·63 R 159,531 84,840 74,691 880 67,967 42·60 +38·24 U

483,521 249,047 234,474 941 103,431 21·39 +26·67 T 15, 345,105 176,213 168,892 958 43,589 12,63 +28·09 R 1~8,416 72,834 65,582 900 59,842 43·23 +23-26 U

661,720 344,515 317,205 921 155,100 23·44 +21·79 T 16 447,018 229,589 217,429 947 60,335 13·50 +21·77 R 214,702 114,926 99,776 868 94,765 44·14 +21·83 U

514,384 262,695 251,689 958 31,116 6·05 +34·42 T 17 478,657 243,941 234,716 962 16,645 3·48 +27·66 R 35,727 18,754 16,973 905 14,471 40·50 +361·65 U

643,774 328,177 315,597 962 86,607 13·45 +27·74 TIS; 577,285 293,192 284,093 969 60,826 H)-54 +25·21 R 66,489 34,985 31,504 901 25,781 38·77 +54,96 U

753,594 400,470 353,124 88Z 288,115 38·23 +25·38 T 19' 301,511 155,873 145,638 934 59,194- 19,63 +25·38 R 452,083 244,597 207,486 848 228,921 50·64 +25·39 U

446,901 230,761 216,140 937 77,404 17·32 +29·42 T20' 379,521 195,434 184,087 942 51,805 13·65 +21·71 R 67,380 35,327 32,053 907 25,599 37·99 + 101·20 U

990,464 50.5,919 484,545 958 151,802 15·33 +30·55 T21i 852,387 433,675 418,712 965 %,816 11·36 +28·14 R 138,077 72,244 65,833 911 54,986 39·82 +47·68 U

685,150 553,378 331,772 939 168,039 24·53 +30'88 T22 530,775 272,404 258,371 948 96,028 18·09 +32'20 R 154,375 80,974- 73,401 906 72,011 4-6·65 +26'53 U xxviii

SELECTED STATISTICS OF INDIA, MADHYA PRADESH, DIVISIONS, Note:-Under Column 3, (a) represents area figure furnished by the Surveyor General of

Union/State /Division/ Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tion per Inhabited Towns residential No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Bhopal Division T (a) 1111,1133 (b) 112,2011 '5 I75 90868 37 756,058 803,on R 22,087 '0 I47 90868 636,7 II 669>724 U lIS '5 !,,421Ol 37 I190347 I33.1Ol87 23 Shajapur T (a) 2,388 (b) 2,384,9 221 1,064 5 103,299 106,880 R 2,378 ,5 199 1,064 93,788 96,367 U 6·4 8,325 5 9,511 10,513 24 Rajgarh T (a) 2,383 (b) 2,365·7 218 1,673 5 93,751 104,622 R 2,351'0 199 1,673 84,384 94,565 U 14,7 3,330 5 9,367 10,057 25 Vidisha T (a) 2,839 (b) 2,819'5 174 1,498 4 96,016 99,295 R 2,816'4 151 1,498 83,894 85,771 U 3 ·1 20,803 4 12,122 13,524 26 Sehore T .(a) 3,600 (b) 3,607 ·2 209 1,557 7 146,299 159,644 R 3,569'0 135 1,557 96,410 100,631 U 38·2 7,117 7 49,889 59,013 27 Raisen T (a) 3,272 (b)' 3,277 ·7 126 1,401 3 82,591 88,452 R 3,272 ·8 119 1,401 78,757 83,846 U 4,9 4,430 3 3,834 4,606 28 Hoshangabad T (a) 3,867 (b) 3,856,3 160 1,399 9 125,776 132;194 R 3,818 ,4 131 1,399 100.829 106,637 U 37,9 3,144 9 24,947 25,557 29 Betul T (a) 3,884 (b) 3,891'2 114 1,276 4 108,326 111,924 R 3,880'9 132 1,276 98,649 101,907 U 10·3 4,576 4 9,677 10,017 Jabalpar Division ... T (a) ltg,31Ol6 (b) 1Ol902117 '4 I96 I3,IoS 40 I,I73,460 I,2I6,395 R 29,050 'I I64 I3,loS gSl,67o 1,012,04I u 177'3 50450 40 191,"90 2°4·354 30 Sagar T (a) 3,961 (b) 3,960'5 201 1,846 8 163,374 167,087 R 3,932 ,3 157 1,846 130;071 131,538 U 28,2 6,406 8 33,303 35,549 ,31 Damoh T (a) 2,827 (b) 2,808 ·7 156 1,144, 2 94,332 97,993 R 2,800·4 137 1,144 83,785 86,795 U 8,3 6,744 2 10,547 11,198 32 Jabalpur T (a) 3,918 (I;,) 3,908 ·2 326 2,267 11 273.039 282,377 R 3,818 ,7 210 2,267 175,604 180,255 U 89,5 5,280 11 97,435 102.122 33 N arsimhapur T (a) 1,979 (b) 1,981,4 208 993 4 81,933 88,138 R 1,962 ,I 185 993 72,786 77,762 U 19·3 2,537 4 9,147 10,376 S4 Mandla T (a) 5,127 (b) 5,120 ,0 134 2,088 2 136,018 139,484 R 5,116 ,I 127 2,088 129,229 132,118 U 3·9 8,370 2 6,789 7,366 XXIX

DISTRICTS AND IMPORTANT TOWNS OF MADHYA PRADESH-Contd. India, while (b) represents the area figure furnished by State Survey Department.

Population Females per " Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T _..__..__.. _------....__.._._------1000 males Educated percentage variation R Persons Males Females Persons 1961 1951-1961 U

9 10 II 12 13 14 15 2

3>877,°34 2,020,592 1,856,442 919 643,415 16-60 +27'38 T 3,250,765 1,679,841 1,57°,924 935 382,200 11'76 +n ·~6 R 626,269 34°,751 285,518 838 261,1115 41 '71 +62'71 U

526,135 270,777 253,358 943 74,325 14·13 +21·45 T23 473,105 242,844 230,261 948 53,24-3 11·25 + 18·74 R 53,030 27,933 25,097 898 21,082 39·75 +52·53 U

516,871 269;666 247,205 917 51,616 9·99 +20·90 T24 467,852 243,937 223,915 918 34,825 7·44 +21·09 R 49,019 25,729 23,290 905 16,791 34·25 + 19·12 U

489,213 258,840 230,373 890 66,102 13·51 +26·71 T25 424,933 224,290 200,643 895 41,478 9·76 +23·92 R 64,280 34,550 29,730 860 24,624 38·31 +48·92 U

754,684 404,i85 349,899 864 162,083 21·48 +44·82 T26 482,892 252,692 230,200 911 48,738 10·09 +23·29 R 271,792 152,093 119,699 787 113,345 41·70 +109·97 U

411,426 215,709 195,717 907 54,967 13·36 +30·46 T27 389,588 203,930 185,653 910 47,725 12·25 +26·19 R 21,838 11,779 10,059 854 7,242 33·16 +230·03 U

613,293 319,760 293,533 934 141,594 22·90 +21·52 T28- 499,070 256,040 243,030 949 35,932 17·22 +20·90 R 119,223 63,720 55,503 871 .55,662 46·69 +24·19 ,U

560,412 281,055 279,357 994 92,723 16·55 +24·08 T29 513,325 256,108 257,217 1,004 70,259 13·69 +22'83 R 47,087 24,947 22,110 887 22,469 47·72 +39·50 U

5,721,602 11,911,657 2,8og,945 965 1,177,649 110'58 +111'74 'I 4>755,366 11,391,761 2,363,605 988 738,g88 15'54: +16'70 R 966,23Ci 519,8g6 446,340 859 438,661 45'40 +54:'57 U

796,547 414,834 381,713 920 163,412 20·52 +25·21 T30 615,843 318,273 297,570 935 88,389 14·35 +20·10 R 180,704 96,561 84,143 871 75,023 41·52 +46·40 U

438,343 223,067 215,276 965 80,874 18·45 +22·63 T31 382,.570 193,806 188,764 974 56,166 14-·68 +21·90 R 55,773 29,261 26,512 906 24,708 44·30 +27·83 U

1,273,825 662,045 611,780 924 363,656 28·55 +21·83 T32 801,179 403,056 398,123 988 135,123 16·87 +7·28 R 472,646 258,989 213,657 825 228,533 48·35 +58·18 U

412,406 211,238 201,168 952 88,864 21·55 +21·6f T3S 363,410 185,321 178,089 961 66,578 18·32 +20·34 R 48,996 25,917 23,079 890 22,286 45·49 +31·94- U

684,503 341,294 3-43,209 1,006 97,122 14·19 +25·00 T3f 651,359 324, III 327,248 1,010 81,222 12·47 +22·12 R 33,144- 17,183 15,961 929 15,900 47·97 +132·70 . U xxx

SELEOTED STATISTIOS OF INDIA, MADHYA PRADESH, DIVISIONS, Note:-Under Column 3, (a) repr.esents area figure furnished "by the Surveyor General of

Union/State/Division/ Total Area in Papula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns residential No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

35 Chhindwara T (a) 4,565 (b) 4,573 ·7 172 1,896 8 158,486 164,978 R 4,561'2 151 1,896 139,400 144,097 U 12'5 7,890 8 19,086 20,881 36 Seoni T (a) 3,376 (b) 3,360·7 156 1,589 103,817 109,118 R 3,357 ·4 147 1,589 98,070 102,679 U 3·3 9,258 5,747 6,439 37 Balaghat T (a) 3,573 (b) 3,514'2 230 1,285 4 162,461 167,220 R 3,501·9 217 1,285 152,725 156,797 U 12'3 3,759 4 9,736 10,423 Btlaspur Division T (a) 21,305 (b) 2;[,35;[ ·8 192 8,III 20 807,~2 860,358 R 2;[,1t86'7 ISO S,UI 748,Soo 797,6:19- U 65'1 4,180 20 59,092 62,739 38 Surguja T (a) 8,626 (b) 8,565 ·5 121 2,397 6 202,183 210,888 R 8,558 ·8 116 2,397 191.684 200,008. U 6·7 6,507 6 10;499 10,880 39 Bilaspur T (a) 7,615 (b) 7,777 ·9 260 3,529 10 402,339 437,734 R 7,731'2 240 3,529 366,339 399,468. U 46·7 3,611 10 36,000 3G,266 40 Raigarh T (a) 5,064 (b) 5,008 ·4 208 2,185 4 203,370 211,736- R 4,996 ·7 196 2,185 190,777 198,143 U 11 ·7 5,114 4 12,593 13,59'>

Raipur Division T (a) 3°,914 (b) 30,841 ·6 164 II,092 18 :r,019,817 1,065,8:r& R 30,72 9'0 149 II,. 908,514 941,736 U u2·6 40357 18 111,30 3 U4,~ 41 Durg T (a) 7,576 (b) 7,500·3 251 4,041 8 393,485 415,71~ R 7,429 ·0 222 4,041 331,623 348,411 U 71·3 3,304 8 61,862 67,304 42 Raipur T (a) 8,214 (b) 8,213 ·6 244 3,811 8 417,662 438,41~ R 8,177 ·2 217 3,811 ... 374,146 387,779 U 36·4 6,259 8 43,516 50,636 43 Bastar T (a) 15,124 (b) 15,127'7 77 3,240 2 208,670 211,686 R 15,122 ·8 75 3,240 202,745 205,546 U 4·9 5,501 2 5,925 6,140

1 CLASS I TOWNS I~dore (Muni- U jipal Corporation) 21'56 18,318 42,916 79,942 2 abalpur (Town_ Grouj> U 66·89 5,487 3 73,304 76,923

-_\~.,",-~. -~ .. -,. XXXl


India, while (b) represents the area figure furnished by State Surv~ Department.

Population Females Literate & Literacy Percentage T per Educated percentage decade R --~------~------Persons Males Females 1000 males Persons 1961 variation U 1951-61 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2

785,535 396,672 388,863 980 127,919 16·28 +21·52 T35 687,146 344,727 342,419 993· 89,969 13·09 + 14·91 R 98.389 51,945 46,444 894 37,950 38·57 + 103·05 U

523,741 261,060 262,681 1,006 89,313 17·05 +20·66 T36 493,467 245,345 248,122 1,011 75,087 15·22 +20·64 R 30,274 1.".,715 11,559 926 14,226 46·99 +20·98 U

806,702 401,447 405,255 1,009 166,489 20·64- +16·34- T37 760,3n 377~122 383,270 1,016 146,454- 19·26 +15·39 R 46,310 24,325 21,985 904 21),035 43·26 +34·71 U

~ogg,7S7 2,046,8611 2,oSll,89s 1,003 618,0511 15.08 +19.83 T ;3,8117,644 1,9°2,544 1,925,100 1,012 4g8,54° 13'02 +16'6g R 1172,113 14-1,318 127,795 886 119,511l1 43'92 +92'99 U

J,036,738 530,166 506,572 955 94,856 9·15 +26'12 T38 992,949 505,933 487,016 963 77,595 7·81 +24·00 R 43,789 21,233 19.556 807 17,271 39·44- +105·91 U

:2,021,793 998,738 1,023,055 1,024 368,528 18·23 + 15·79 T39 1,853,356 910,157 943,199 1,036 291,050 15·70 + 10·59 R 168,437 88,581 79,856 902 77,478 46·00 + 140·15 U

t,041,226 517,958 523,268 1,010 154,658 14·85 +22·06 T40 981,339 486,454 494,885 1,017 129,895 13·24 +22·14 R 59,887 31,504 28,383 901 24,763 41·35 +20·75 U

5,oS4,741 2,511,1136 2,543,5°5 1,013 787,381 IS'58 +115'26 T -4,564,14° lit,'l4°,368 2,323,772 1,037 568,S53 111'46 +19'7lit R 490,601 270,868 IU9,733 8u 218,828 44.60 +199'97 U

1,885,236 946,154 939,082 993 336,479 17·85 +27·23 T41 1,649,682 808,081 841,601 1,041 232,361 14·09 + 17 ·55 R 235,554 138,073 97,481 706 104,118 44·20 +200·53 U

2,002,004 9R2,679 1,019,325 1,037 370,254 18·49 +22·07 T42 1,773,856 864,016 909,840 1,053 268,520 15·14 + 17 ·16 R 228,148 118,663 109,485 923 101,734 44·59 +81·17 U

1,167,501 582,403 585,098 1,005 80,648 6·91 +27·77 T43 1,140,602 568,271 572,331 1,007 67,672 5·93 +27·44 R 26,899 14,132 12,767 903 12,976 48·24 +43·71 U .AND TOWN GROUPS 394,941 213,346 181,595 851 200,140 50·68 +27·05 U 367,014 202,874 164,140 809 185,404 50·52 +42·81 U 295,375 159,998 135,377 846 143,973 48·74 +45·03 U 41,014 25,995 15,019 578 24-,606 59'99 + 19·84 U

30,625 16,881 13,744- 814 16,825 54·94 +60·22 U XXXll


Note :~Under Column 3, (a) represents area figure furnished by the S'lJ'Veyor Gcneralof

Union/State/Division/ Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns residential No. of householdl Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

-~-~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3 Gwalior (Muni- U 24 '11 12,467 37,143 59,355 cipal Corpo- ration) 4- Bhopal Town- U 36'57 6,096 3 42,289 49,228 Group (a) Bhopal Mu- U 27·49 6,743 33,117 39,947 nicipality (b) Govindpura U 7,07 2,935 5,867 5,912 Industrial Township (Heavy- Electricals Ltd.) ( c) Bairagarh U 2·01 8,372 3,305 3,369 (Town- Area) 5 Ujjain (Muni- U 6·75 21,357 18,334 30,970 cipality) 6 Raipur (Muni- U 9 ·72 14,382 25,785 30,823 cipality) 7 Durg Town-Group U 47 ·90 2,781 2 37,919 41,452 (a) Bhilai Nagar U 40 ·14 2,145 1 27,224 30,225 Industrial Township (b) Durg Muni- U 7·76 6,071 10,695 11,227 cipality 8 Sagar Town--- U 19·33 5,415 2 18,082 20,094 Group (a) Sagar Muni- U 13·03 6,561 14,659 16,666 cipality (b) Sagar Can- U 6·30 3,045 3,423 3,428 tonment CLASS II TOWNS

R:atIam Muni- U 5·00 17,494 17,965 18,122 cipality 2 Bilaspur Muni- U 12·49 6,942 18,286 19,188 cipality 3 Burhanpur U 4·39 18,699 13,524 14,150 Municipality 4 Khandwa Mum- U 8·71 7,291 11,231 12,340 cipality 5 Murwara Town~ U 13·04 4,637 3 13,740 14,402 Group (a) Murwara- U 8·48 5,444 10,987 11,159 Municipa- lity (b) Tikuri U 0'88 8,284 1,005 1,469 Factory Town- ship (c) Ordnance U 3·68 1,906 1,748 1,774 Factory Area Katni XXXl11


India, while (b) represents .rea figure furnished by State Survey D~partment.

Population Females per 'Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T 1000 males Educated percentage variation R ---Persons Males Females Persons 1961 1951-1961 U

9 .10 II , 12 13 14 15 2

300,587 162,204 138,383 853 127,535 42·43 +24·43 U

222,948 125;675 97,073 . 771 97,194 43·59 +117·87 U 185,374 102,584 82,790 807 80,010 43·16 +81·15 U

20,747 14,419 6,328 439 8,946 43·12 U

16,827 8,872 7,955 897 8,238 48·96 U

144,161 77,005 67,156 872 67,666 46·94 + 1I·05 U

139,792 73,977 65,815 890 66,324 47·44 +55·66 U

133,230 83,566 49,664 594 65,861 49·43 +557·96 U 86,116 57,953 28,163 486 43,179 50·}4 U

47,114 25,613 21,501 839 22,682 48·14 +132·67 U

104,676 56,303 48,373 859 46,734 44·65 +30·73 U 85,491 45,735 39,756 869 38,158 44·63 +28·67 U 19,185 10,568 8,617 815 8,576 44·70 +40·80 U. AND TOWN GROUPS

87,472 46,391 41,081 886 41,855 47·85 +37\96 or

86,706 45,795 40,911 893 43,970 50·71 + 121-76 U

82,090 42,410 39,680 936 36,093 43-97 +17-16 l!J:

63,505 33,790 29,715 879 32,639 51-40 +22·27 tJ,

60,472 32,085 28,387 885 26,591 43-97 +78-47 U' 46,169 24,554 21,615 880 19,838 42·97 +36·26 t1

7,290 3,702 3,588 969 3,647 50-03 U

7,013 :J,829 3,184 832 3,106 44-29 U xxxiv


Density Density Areatin (Popule- Areatin (PopuJa- StatefDiwwonlDistrict{ Sq. miles Population tien per State/Division/District/ Sq. miles Pop~lation tion per Tahsil (1962-63) 1961 Sq. mile) Tahsil (1962-63) 1961 Sq. mile)

I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

MADHYA PRADESH I7o,I~5 32 ,372,<{08 190 10 SATNA DISTRICT 2,866 694,370 242 1 Raghurajnagar Tahsil 1,247 307,361 246 ClWAUOR DIVISION 17,207 . so4:J6,639 200 2 Nllfr,o Tah!lil 701 135,886 194 1 4,512 783,348 174 3 Amarpatan Tah\i1· 483 142,049 294 1 Tal-..sil 410 170,028 415 4 }''laihar Tawil 435 109,074 251 2 Morella Tahsil 412 155,914 378 11 REWA DISTRICT 2,428 772,602 318 3 J aura Tahsil 615 )41,411 230 4 Tahsil 501 123,051 246 I Teonthar Tahsil· 612 148,219 242 5 Bijeypuf Tahsil 1,117 66,849 60 2 Sinrour Tahsil· 581 187,786 323 I) Tahsil 1,457 126,(195 87 3 Mauganj Tahsil· 720 208,444 290 4 Huzllr Tahsil 515 228,153 443 '2 BHIND DISTRICT 1,719 641,169 373 1 Bhind Tahsil 530 230,969 436 12 SHAHDOL DISTRICT 5,352 829,649 155 2 Gohad Tahsil 397 117,471 296 1 Beohari Tahsil· 1,015 139,837 138 3 Meh>taon Tahsil 374 131,992 3:;3 }. Bandhogarh 1 ahsil 1,401 168,861 121 4 Lahar Tahsil 418 160,737 385 3 Sohagpur T ahs!l 2,255 438,14:; 194 4 PllShparajil3rh Tahsil· 681 82,8[1') 122 ~3 GWALIOR DISTRICT 2,016 657,876 326 1 Gird Tahsil 1,039 424,729 409 13 SIDHI DISTRICT 4,012 580,129 145 2 Pichhore Tahsil 724 169,633 234 1 Gopadbal1as Tahsil 1,82f) 332,774 183 3 Bhanrler Tamil 253 63,514 251 2 Densae Tah,il· 1,456 141,593 97 '4 DATIA DISTRICT 786 200,467 255 3 Singrauli TalL.!]· 7.36 10.1,762 144- 1 Seondha Tahsil· 358 84,063 235 INDORE DIVISION 27,104 5,93I,r;9~ 219 2 Dalia Tahsil 428 llG,404 272 14 MANDSAUR DISTRICT 3,650 752,085 206 'S SHIVPUliI DISTRICT 3,934 557,954 142 1 J awad Tahsil 606 86,240 142 1 Pohri Tahsil· 607 73,771 122 2 Neemuch Tahsil 326 98,326 302 2 Shivpuri Tahsil 755 93,29) 124- 3 Manasa Tahsil 586 99,924 171 3 Karera Tahsil 760 133,708 176 4 Bhanpura T ah


Density Areatin Density (Popula. Areatin (Popula- StatefDivisionfDistrictf Sq. miles Population tion per State/Division/District/ Sq. miles Population Tahsil (1962-63) tion per 1961 Sq. mile) Tahsil (1962-63) 1961 Sq. mile) 2 3 4 2 S 4 DHAR DISTRICT 3,141 18 643,774 205 25 VIDISHA DISTRICT 2,819 4-89,213 174- 1 Badnawar Tahsil 411 76,389 186 1 Lateri Tahsil. 381 39,433 103 2 Sardarpur Tahsil 456 84,900 186 2 Sironj Tahsil 484 82,853 171 3 Dhar Tahsil 752 141.949 189 3 K\lCWai Tahsil 321 62,602 195 4 K11kshi Tahsil 663 146,722 221 4 Basoda Tahsil 885 159,086 180 5 Manawar Tahsil 859 193,814 226 5 Vidisha Tahsil 748 145,239 194 26 SEHORE DISTRICT 3,613 754,684 209 19 INDORE DISTRICT 1,479 753,594 510 1 Bera,ia Tahsil 554 80,687 146 1 DepalplJr Tahsil S95 84,533 214 2 Seh'Jre Tahsil 612 124,148 203 2 Sawer Tahsil 294 70,431- 240 3 HUT-ur Tahsil 517 291,028 563 3 Indore Tahsil 394 480,164 1,219 4 Ashta Tahsil 562 108,245 193 4 MhowTahsil 396 118,463 299 5 Ichhawar Tahsil 429 46,049 107 6 Nasrullagallj Tahsil. 523 53,699 103 DEW AS DISTRICT 20 2,683 446,901 167 7 Blldni Tahsil· 416 50,828 122 1 Sonkatch Tahsil 507 1l1,668 220 27 RAISEN DISTRICT 3,278 411,426 126 2 Dewas Tahsil 517 121,648 235 I Raisen Tahsil 3 Bagli Tahsil 690 83,512 121 525 59,419 113 2 Ghairatganj Tahsil. 355 37,884- 4 K annod Tahsil 544 72,231 133 107 3 !3egamganj Tahsil 352 5 Khategao~ Tah


Density Density Areatin (Popula- Areatin (Popula- State/Division/District/ Sq. miles Population tion per State/Division/District/ Sq. miles Population tionper Tahsil (1962.63 ) 1961 Sq. mile) Tahsil 0962-63) 1961 Sq. mile) 2 3 4 2 3 4

33 NARSIMHAPUR DISTRICT 1,983 412,406 208 39 BILASPUR DISTRICT 7,710 2,021,793 26Z . 1 Gadarwara Tahsil 913 204,923 224 1 Mungeli Tahsil 1,588 323,027 203- 2 Bilaspur Tahsil 666,185 2 Narsimhapl)r Tahsil 1,070 207,483 194- 2,207 302 3 KatghClra Tahsil 2,435 3~3,438 137 4 Janj~ir Tahsil 869 391,304 451} 34 MANDLA DISTRI CT 5,120 684,503 134 5 Sakti Tahsil 611 307,839 50(. 1 Niwas Tahsil" 1,417 184,543 130 40 RAIGARH DISTRICT 4,969 1,041,226 21() 2 Dindcri Tahsil· 1,568 179,968 115 1 Udaipur Tahsil. 914 176,893 194 3 Mandla Tahsil 2,135 319,992 150 2 J ashpt1r Tahsil 2,190 306,105 14() 3 Ghargoda Tahsil· 749 136,751 183 ' 35 CHHINDWARA DISTRICT 4,576 785,535 172 4 Raigarh Tahsil 624 236,354- 379 1 Chhindwara Tahsil 2,008 406,803 203 5 Sarangarh Tahsil 492 185,123 376 2 Amarwara Tahsil· . 1,479 172,409 117 RAlPUR DIVIsION 30,716 5,°54>741 stis 3 Sausar Tahsil 1,089 206,323 189 41 DURG DISTRICT 7,498 1,885,236 251 1 Kawardha Tahsil 1,228 172,468 14(} 36 SEONI DISTRICT 3,362 523,741 156 2 Khairagarh Tahsil 1,246 225,376 181 1 Lakhnadon Tahsil· 1,546 192,733 125 3 Bemetara Tahsil· 1,102 317,006 288 2 Seoni Tahsil 1,816 331,008 182 4- Rajnandgaon Tahsil 820 269,019 328 5 DUI'jtTahsil 1,147 520,100 453 37 BALAGHAT DISTRICT 3,560 806,702 227 6 Sanjari Balod Tah·il 1,955 381,267 19~ 1 Wara Seoni Tahsil 930 369,669 397 42 RAIPUR DISTRICT 8,094 2,002,004 247 2 Balaghat Tahsil 1,049 284,885 272 1 Baloda Bazar Tahsil 1,764 499,665 283 2 Raipur Tahsil 1,120 495,392 442 3 Baihar Tahsil· 1,581 152,148 96 3 Mahasamund Tahsil 1,877 456,209 243 4 Dhamtari Tahsil 1,574 328,920 209 BILASPl.;rR DIVISION 2I,17~ 194 4>099,757 5 Bindranawagarh Tahsil· 1,759 221,818 126

38 SURGUJA DISTRICT 8,493 1,036,738 122 43 RASTAR DISTRICT 15,124 1,167,501 77 1 Bharatpur Tahsil" 1,217 29,549 24 1 Bhanupratappur Tahsil· 930 58,751 63 2 Baikunthpur Tahsil 507 84,300 166 2 Kanker Tahsil 1,346 151,329 112 28 3 Surajpur Tahsil· 2,172 271,881 125 3 N arayanpur Tare;!· 3,260 91,260 4 Kondagac:m Tahsil· 2,487 186,745 75 4 Pal Tahsil 1,485 114,695 77 5 Bliapnr Tahsil· 1,489 93,668 63 5 M anendragarh Tahsil 703 117,825 168 6 Dantewara Tahsil· 1,633 134,148 82 6 Amhikapur Tahsil 1,777 343,172 193 7 J agdalpur Tahsil 1,991 343,051 172 7 Samri Tahsil· 632 75,316 119 8 Konta Tahsil· 1,988 108,549 55

• Entirely Rural Tahsil. t Area figure! furnished by the State Survey Department. E N u N BHIND DISTRICT .,. MII..ES 1 ."s 0

IS o


E INTRODUCING THE DISTRICT By K. S. Bhatnagar Deputy Superintendent of Census Operations. Madhya Pradesh

The District district of Rajasthan where they became the rulers, In the eighteenth century the distric' came into the Bhind district, in Gwalior division is situlted in hands of Scindias. the northern corner of the State, between latitudes 25° 55' and 26° 48' north and longitudes 78° 12' and 79° In its present form the district was: constituted in OS' east. The district lies in the plains and its ekva­ 1948. after the formation of . During tion is between 500' to 600', above sea leveL It was the time of Gwalior State it consisted of four tahsils once known as Bhind-Bhadawar-being the capital of viz (1) Bhind, (2) Gohad. (3) Mehgaon, (4) Lahar. Bhadauria clan of RCljputs who were its rulers. It Apart from the villages of above tahsils another nineteen was also a district of former Gwalior State. It is (19) villages were added to the district :-fourteen (14) bounded by Morena and Gwalior di~trict in south­ from Alampur of Mahdidpur district of Holkar State, west, Datia district in south, Jalaun di:,trict of U.P. three from Vindhya Pradesh and one each from RRjas. in east, Etawah di~trict of U. P. in north and than and Jalaun district of Uttar Pradesh. During the district of U. P. in north-west. The dis~rict is ciiss present decade one depopulated village from Bhander crossed by the Chambal, the Sindh, the Kunwari, the tahsil was transferred to Lahar; but for this change Pahuj, the Vaisali and number of nallahs and small the district has remained unchanged. rivulets. THE PHYSICAL FEATURES The Historical Background : Forests :- The district is named after Bhind (26 0 33' north 78° 50' ea'it) its main town. In the seventeenth and Barring Shajapur district in Bhopal division in eighteenth century it was ruled by Bhadauria Rajputs, which there is no area under forests, Bhind has returned who are said to belong to the Chauhan dynasty. In an area of .5,076 acres or 7.93 sq. miles under forests. the eighteenth century it came under the posses~ion and ranks forty-second in forest area. There is a of Scindias who ruled it till 28th May 1948, when it became a district in Madhya Bharat and continued small range at Barohi which faJls under Morena forest as such on the formation of Madhya Pradesh. sub-division. The forest areas are confined to ravines along the Chambal, the Kunwari, and the Sindh. The Another distinguished clan of the region was the ravines contain only scrub growth and the forest is Jats who, in the earlier part of eighteenth century mostly dry deciduous thorn type and commercially captured Gohad, (26° 26' north and 78° 29' east) now unimportant. a tahsil head quarters in the district. The fort at Gohad Flora: had been a scene of intermittent fighting. It remained under the Bhadaurias from 1707 to 1739 when the The following' trees are found :-babul (Acacia Jats captured it from them. The J at Rana of Gohad arabica), khair (Acacia catechu), kardhai (Anogeissus commenced service under the Peshwa and with his pendula). dhow (Anogeissus latijolia), reonja (Acacia help, following the confusion at the time of the l)attle lencophloea), neem (Melia indica), salai (Boswellia of Panipat, he captured Gohad. Later the Rana of serrata), palas (Butea frondosa), bar (Ficus bengalensis), Gohad became an ally of the British who g:we the gular (Ficus glomerata), peepal (Ficus religiosa), shee­ fortress at Gwalior to him. This however rankled sham (Dalbergia sissu). teak (Tectona grandis), am Mahadji Scindia who re-captured it. The family of ( Mangifera indica). imli (Tamarindus indica), sirsa Rana of Gohad migrated to Dholpur in Bharatpur (Albizzia lebererk). ·Source-Director of Land Records, MadhJla Pradesh. (:u:X'fiii)

Among the smaller trees the following are easily the Charmanwati tn the ancient texts rises in Indore found :-amaltas (Cassia fistula), ber (Ziziphus jujllba), district in Janapao spur of the Vindhyas at 220 27' ghant (Zizip/zus xy/opara), and koch/mar (Bauhunia north and 75 Q 41' east, at a point 2,803' above sea level, variegata). Shrubs, climbers and gra~ses of common types and flows through Indore, Dhar, Ujjain, Rallam, Mand­ are also met with. Most of the timber described above' saur districts of Madhya Pradesh; enters Rajastha.n where is planted and used locally for agricultural purposes. in Kotah district a dam has been constructed across Teak has only recently beM introduced. Neem and it and finally re-enters Madhya Pradesh in Morena babul are the other valuable species. Most of the other dIstrict flows through it forming the State border with species are used for satisfying the needs of the popula­ Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh; and after flowing along tion for small timber and fuel. the borders of the district finally joins the Yamuna.

Fauna: The Kunwari : Forest being scarce, wild life is very limited. An The river flows through Bhind and Mehgaon tahsil ,'. occasional pallther (Felis pardus) may ~till be found but Its total length in the district is 73 miles and is pere­ 1i,1'11I7('s (IlY(/r/la slirill/(/) known :v.. ,'11/';'11,1 hllg~ll17. J(/cAal nni:d. nM n;:j,vt!"ahle_ (C(lllil' (1111'(7/1'), )",\ {I '//&'(',1' b"lIgol.·lIsil) may /1(.' C'a,ily J II(: Silidh : mel with near th-: villages. A few ,j'{/Iilbliars teen-lis axis) may still be found although they are becoming scarce. The river Sindh flows from Datia into Bhind district. It forms the boundary between Lahar and Bhind Domestic animals like the bullocks, buffalos, cows, tahsils. horses, donkeys, mules, dogs, and cats are found in the district. The cultivators also buy these from the The Vaisali ; local melas and from Gwalior. Bullocks are used for The Vaisali rises in Gwalior distriot and flows for ploughin~. about 25 miles in Gohad tahsil, 12 miles in Bhind tahsil and about 33 miles in Mehgaon. following an Among the birds the CO"lmon house crow (Corulls easterly course, turning north in some places and finally sp/endeus), the bulbul, the myna (Eulabes in term edia) , sweeps east to join the Sindh. Jowl, the blue rock-pegion (Columba intermedia) the green pegion (Carcoplis phornico ..pterus), grey partridge The Pahllj (Ortygornts pondicerinus), the crane (Crus antigone) and The river flows throuih Datia and Bhind districts the common teal are easily found. forming the State boundary with Jalaun district of Snakes of all description including the cobra and Uttar Pradesh. It joins the Sindh. vipers along with scorpions and centipedes. Alligators The General Topography: and crocodiles are found in the Chambal, the Sindh and the Kunwari rivers. Besides these fishes viz. The general flow of the rivers is towards south­ Maroli (Cadusia chapra chapra (Ham), patda (Notopterus east where they feed the Yamuna. The district marks notopterus (PallaS), jhalar (Bari/ius barila ( Ham ), the beginning of the plains-the plains of the Ganga­ Mahseer (Tartar (Ham), bawas (Catla calla (Ham), rohu Yamuna which spread themselves out in the Uttar (Lobeo rollita (Ham), natera (Liza corsula (Ham, samral Pradesh. The slope being gradual and country generally (Channa striatus (Bi). undulating, hills are few. The flow of the rivers and the consequent soil erosion has caused vast The Rirers ! strips of deep ravines-ravines that run for miles long The district is criss-crossed by a number of rivers and few miles deep along the heavily eroded banks of and nullahs. The Chambal forms the northern boundary the river :-ravines that are lament of the police and of the district and the State, Apart from the Chambal a haven for the dacoits;- ravines that in turn have the other main rivers are the Sindh, the Kunwari, the hewed the characteristics of the district ;-ravines that VaisaH and the Pahuj. have made men sturdy and fiery in disposition;-ravines that defy all modes of transport and communications The Chambal and finally ravines that render even the appearance of The Chambal also known as the Charmawati or toposheet map interesting, though also a little fear (xxxix:) some, Locally known as 'behad' these ravines are The district returns one memher on~ the Scheduled found along all the banks of the rivers and rivulets, Castes seat to the Parliament, The Parliamentary despite the fact that the stope is very gradual. Thus Constituency is comprised of (i) Gohad, (ii) Attair, the 'behad' is an integral part of the district shaping (Hi) Bhind and (iv) Mehgaon; Legislative Constituencies the destiny of its population. from the district along with (v) , (vi) Morena, (vii) Dimni and (viii) Ambah Legislative Con_stituencies The district exhibits the following characteristics (a) of Morena district. The remaining legislative constitu­ the plains between the rivers and (b) the' river basin encies of the district viz. (i) Ron and (i1) Lahar afe and banks forming deep ravines. The plains are thickly tagged on the Gwalior Parliamentary Constituency populated, closely cultivated and devoid of any forests. which returns one member on the general seat. The rivers and tributaries carrying fine alluvial soil during the rains form huge ravines. The rivers run For the State Legislature the district elects six tortuous beds with high banks cut up by rivukts. members one each from the fdJlowing constituencies :­ (i) Gohad tahsil, (ii) Attair (part of Bhind tahsil) (iii) The Geology: Bhind tahsil (remaining pordon), (iv) Mehgaon (exclu­ There are practically no mineral resources in the ding one patwari circle), IV) Ron (including patwari di"trict. The nature and depth of alluvial soil shows circle left out in iv), (vi) Lahar (Scheduled Caste). Thus only coarse and sandy sitt with occasional beds of out of six elected members one is from Scheduled clay and kankar. There are a few sman stone quarries Caste. near Gohad. Apart from these brick earth is also found. Towards the south-weste,rn portion Bundel. The Revenue Administration khand gneiss is present in some parts. The soil being From the State time there exists a complete separa­ shallow and often mixed with boulders retains very tion of the Executive from the Judiciary. Thus the little moisture. Collector who is also the District Magistrate is not directly re~pollsihle forthe administration of Justice, a The Climate : duty enjoined upon the Sessions Judge, who also has The seasons are well marked and vary between his headquarters at Bhind. The district has four tahsil, extremes. Rains set in by early July. The dhtrict viz. (i) Gohad, (ii) Mehgaon, (iii) Bhind and (iv) Lahar. receives about 30" rainfall annually. During the last Each tahsil, under the Land Revenue Code, 1959, is a

H decade it averaged 735 mm. or 29.3 ; the highest sub division and is placed in the charge of a Sub· rainfall being 1193.1 mm. in 1958 and the lowest 672.4 Divisional Officer who also is the Sub-Divisional Magi­ mm. in 1954. The bulk of the rain is received in July, strate, in which capacity he assists the Collector in August and September. During these months maintaining law and order. The S:.lb-DivisionaIOfficer the weather generally remains sultry and [humid. 1 he is either a Deputy Collector or an Assistant Collector. weather begins to change by the middle of October and All the Sub-Divisional Officers stay at the district headquarters. A tahsil is placed' in the charge of a it grows cooler. The months of December and Jahuary tahsildar who is assisted by a deputy or naib. The are the coolest ones when it becomes very cold. The Collector is also the Chief Revenue Authority of the cold season is typically like the severe northern Indian district and in this capacity is responsible for collecting dry type of winter when temperature is known to fall and depositing the land revenue and other Government upto 2° C. The months of February and March are moneys. He also causes the papers partaining to Land comparatively mild but it begins to grow warm by Records to be prepared and kept up-to-date. For April and the months of May aQd June are the hottest these duties there are four deputies who assist him. The months when hot wind8--1oo sweep througb fiercely other revenue staff assisting him is given in inset and the mercury touches 45° C. The summer is partic­ table. ularly severe. Statement showing the other revenue staff assisting II the Collector

THE ADMINISTRATIVE SET UP. District. No. of No. 0 No. of tahsill revenue Inspec­ patwarl The Representation of the District in the Parliament and tor's Circles. Halkas. State Legislature : Bhind 16 365 ( xl)

For every village a patel or village headman hac; Chambal, surrounded by yawning chasms and gaping been appointed and he collects and pays to the Govern­ 'behads' which seem to keep company with the river, ment the land revenues. For this work he is paid on its last journey to meet the Yamuna, provide an remuneration at the following rates. ideal setting to this murky banditry, in a big \'lay. Even during the Mughal times the pow.:rful admini'i­ Table-Showing Remuneration paid (0 I'atcl tration failed to curb this menace. The British regime which followed n-::xt met with only sporadic successes, Land Revenue.l MisccllaneoDs Revenue cQllected despite Colonel Sleeman's campaigns. The able Maharaja Rates. I. On the first Rs. 1,500 6P in the Madhav Rao Scindia of Gwalior also attempted to rupee. solve the problem, went to the extent of offering general 2. On the second R5.1,)00 4P " amnesty and even met some of ring leaders near 3. On the third Rs. 1,500 3P " 4. On the fourth Rs. 1.500 2P Shivpuri, but all this was of no avail. Lately in " 5. For the balance exceeding RS.6,000 1 P summer of 1960 Acharya Vinoba Bhave, led a 'pad " yatra' (march on foot) through the district. It ,vas Provided that the annual remuneration of any patel proclaimed as a 'mercy mission' designed to 'chaP6e the in respect of any village shall not be less than Rs. 36.00. heart~'. Some dacoits surrendered, others did not; but The remuneration is paid from the treasury once the problem remained. each year. Besides these, the Collector is also the chief representative of the Government and in this The Operational Area : capacity looks after the co-ordination of developmental In northern Madhya Pradesh the area of the activities of all the departments in general, exercising operations of the gangs is mostly confined to Bhind, a supervisory contrC'l. The Sub-Divisio~al Magistrates Morena, Gwalior, Datia, Shivpuri and northern parts hear cases under the Preventive Chapters of Criminal of Guna district. The adjoining district of At:ra in Procedure Code and thus help the District Magistrate to Uttar Pradesh is also considerably affected by the gang maintain law and order. The district has some very movements. Other districts in Uttar Pradesh also peculiar and by no means enviable problems viz. affected arc Etawah, Ji:llaun and Jhansi. Dholpur sub­ the dacoity menace, which render the task of the police division in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan is like executive and jUdiciary very onerous and at times very Agra considerably affected. To a lesser ex tent Kotah difficult. This peculiar aspect of the administration is and Sawai-Madhopur districts in Raja,than are also discussed under dacoity. affected. The Chambal forms the State's border, with Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan; and border areas are Til, Police Department : generally more safe specially when pressure is mounted The Superintendent Police \\-ho is in the overall from one side. This feature also contributes to the charge of the admini,tration of the department, is complicated situation. assisted by on,e Assistant and three Deputy Superinten­ dents. There are 19 Police stations giving one Police Crime Statistics station for every 33,746 persons. Besides this Special Armed Force (SAF) battalions have been deputed to The statistics of some crimes are given below :- comb out the ravines and the adjoining areas and curb the dacoity in the region. The SAF is deployed in Year Dacoity Robbery Kidnapping Murders Riots Abduction varying strength depending on the anti-dacoity opera­ tions. One SAF battalion has however been perman­ 2 3 4 5 6 ently located at I3hind. The battalion is commanded by an officer of the rank of a Superintendent of Police 1951 10 12 4 32 11 1952 28 21 I 42 23 (corresponding to a Major or in some cases even 1953 43 17 7 34 14 a LieuteIJant Colone)). 1954 62 15 14 28 1955 71 11 5 45 2 1956 98 II 2 53 19 The Dacoily : 1957 57 21 21 67 19 1958 50 42 25 54 21 The region has been subjected to depradations of 1959 33 59 37 51 27 1960 36 69 69 46 39 dacoits, robbers or thugs since age". The majestic Total 488 278 185 452 175 (xli)

During the years 1954-55 and- 56 the numher of daco­ for it was by this time that the oq;anised efforts of its r~)se \ery Jligh. In August 1955 Man,ingh was shot the Police began to yield some results and the progress dead in a police enc:mnter. Among the dac()it~, he seems to have been well maintained. The surrendering occupied a unique pod:hn. for in many vill:tges be was of dacoits has been an old practic<:. It is only after highly resrected fer quali!ics of character. The elimi­ 1955 that some surrendered; prior tn that a feeling of self confidence amongst thernsd'. es prev:ntcd them nation of Mansingh marked a distinct phase in the from doing so. The high figure of 1960 IS due to stiuation, for tJ,ere-after the police steadily succeeded Acharya Vinoba Bhave's 'pad yatra' on the change of in eliminating some of the other gan[:'. The year 1950 heart mis'iion. represents a sudc'en spurt in cacnity. This i, partly due to the fact that as th~ pre,sure frem the police Some Importa/lt Gangs mounted, the dacoits while Peeing and in sheer de'para­ From the district came of the most notorious tion committed more crimes. In 1957 and 1958 over dacoits of th~ r.:gion; the v~ry tn~ntion of their names fifty C:acoities were c0mmi~ted, but the downward revives in the villagers some blood chilling memories. is obvi LlS. It would h~ inaccurate to su~~ge3t that Although Mansingh haikd frc)lTI Kheda Rathor in Bah dac;)iries we!e ever eliminated, hut the statistics for tahsil of Ag"U, Bhind was in his operational area the ;)2ri)d re/eal a slii3htly dJwnward trel1':l. At and it was at villag'? K1.kr l in the district, on 24th an average 48.8 dacoities and 27.8 robberies are August ";)55 that he met his end, after f.:lling, Sepoy committed each year. Govind Bahadur Thapa, whose bullet mowed him. Murder and /(idwpping Among others of lesser notc C:lme Sultan Singh, a terror in his own days. elimi:1aled in 1955, followed Since 1955 the number of murders committed have by Pahada also eli;ninated..in 1955, GabbaI', the dreaded gone up and at an average 45.1 murders are committed n·,:;se cutter, \\ho was killed in 1958 came frol11 Gohad each year. Kidnapping for ransom has htely become tahsil. Kalld, \\'h'J succeeded Pa~1'lda was elimin~ted in a fa.vourite pl

Year Dacoits Out of these dacoits Sultansingh \\ as a,sociated r--.. ------.. --...A...._ --.. with Putli, the dancing girl who took to banditry and Arrested Shot D~ad Surrendered remained in the gangs of Pahad ~ and Kalla. Putli 1951 7 5 1952 24 4 was killed in an encounter near . In no other 1953 20 1 district have so in~tI1y persons ever taken to banditry. 1.954 19 6 Bhind is certainly unique in this respect and the popula­ 1955 132 37 1956 161 13 2 tion too seems to have accepted this as a part of their 1957 177 40 7 lives, for Bhind and dacoity seem to go together. 1958 100 8 18 1959 41 22 22 The Judiciary: 1960 92 13 41 At the head of the judiciary is the Sessions Judge Till 19 S5 the number of dacoits who surrendered was whose jurisdiction extends over Morena district as well. very few and it went up to 41 in 1959. The increase in He is assisted by tlm.:e Additional Dishct and Sessions number has been steady. In the matter of dacoits shot Judges, an Additional District Magistrate (Judicial) dead the year 1955 again app~ars to be a turning point and three Second Cbss Civil Judges who ar(~ also First ( xlii )

Class Magistrates at Bhind, Lahar and Gohad with link the head of each Block is a lllock Development Officer. court for Mehgaon. All the Additional Oistri(.;t and Sessions Judges and the Additional District Magistrate The Industries : (Judicial) stay at Bhind. The criminal work in the district Recently a Deputy Director of Industries has been is particularly heavy and so the courts are packed both posted in the district_ He looks after the departmental with cases and clients. activities with particular reference to small scale industries. The Health Department: The Civil Surgeon is in the over all charge of the The Co-operation ; Medical Department in the district. He is assisted by All loans advanced to cultivators are through the an Additional Civil Surgeon and Medical Officers Co-operative Societies. The co-operative movement who look after the dispensaries. covers nearly 36% of the population. During the ,/ Second Five Year Plan 15 large sized, 4 marketing, 10 The Irrigatiun Department : better farming and 144 service societies have already An Executive Engineer looks after the activities of been organised and 8 god owns have been constructed. the department. The main work in hand at present is Besides this two branches of Co-operative Bank were the remodelllIlg of Bhind canals, which it is hoped will also opened. boost up the irrigatlctl considerably. Local Bodies : 71ie Public Works Department : Urban :-There are four municipalities in the district An E'ecutive Engineer looks after the construction viz. Bhind, Mehgaon, Lahar and Gohad. The munici­ and maintenance of building and roads. lIe is assisted pality at Bhind was constituted in 1902 and is the oldest by three Sub Divisional Officers. in the district. It the erstwhile Madhya Bharat, Bhind The Agriculture Department: Municipality was in Class Il< Category and the others The District Agricultural Officer looks after the were in Class IT. The municipal councillors and the activities of the department.. lIe extends advice to the PresiMnt of these Committees are elected. The Presi­ Block officials and also supervises their programmes. dent is assisted by a Chief Executive Officer in each An Assistant Soil Conservation Officer is also posted municipality. to Bhind to look after the work of soil conservation. Rural :-For the rural area5 (1) Gram Panchayats, (Please also see under the Pattern of Occupation and (2) Kendra Panchayats, (3) MandaI Panchayats a:nd Cultivation). (4) Nyaya Panchayats have been constituted. All The National Extension Service Coverage: villages are covered by gram-panchayats which are There are six development blocks covering the con:;tituted for one or more villages. The ·panchas are district, with a view to ensure a co-ordinated develop­ elected directly ~n basis of adult franchi~e and by ment of the villages. The table below gives the coverage. secret ballot. A group or gram-panchayats-ienerally coterminus with a Block, is placed under a Kendra S. Name of the Date of .~rea in Villages Remarks No. Block Commence. sq. miles covered. Panchayat. At the apex a MandaI Panchayat is men!. established. 1. Lahar 2-10-54 260 17. Stalt II 2. Attair 1- 4-56 l57 liS Staae II The Nyaya Ponchayats : 3. Mehgaon 1- 4-57 374 204 Stage 11 The Nyaya Panchayat a!; the name suggests is a 4. Gohad 2-10-59 397 266 Stage I 5. Bhind 1- 4-61 266 10. Stage I lawfully constituted court which tries and disposes of 6. 2-10-62 156 13 Staae I petty civil and criminal cases. This ensure~ speedier (Ron) and cheaper justice to the rural population. The first block was started at Lahar on 2nd October The table below gives the details of the local bodies 1954 and since then the coverage has been steady. At in the district :-

* Municipalties with a population of 15,000 persons or above according to 1951 Census or with tin income of Rs. 75,000 or above were Class I Municipalities. The rest were· Class II. ( xliii )

Distt. Gram Kendra Mandai Nyaya of all categories have gone up. There are 665 primary Paneha­ Paneha­ paneha­ paneha­ Yllts. yat~. yats. yats. schools, 86 middle schools, 29 Higher Secondary \ School~ and one College (Also please see Literacy p. Bhind 316 6 Ifi xlix.)

Regarding Panchayats : Besides the above, the offices of the .District Publicity Officer, the District Statistical Officer, the Employment The duties of a gram panchayat are generally of an Exchange are also located. executive nature and are multifarious in nUl;nber. The local development works are also being entrusted to III them. A few of them are also made responsible for THE PEOPLE the collection of land revenue. Their main source of income is (i) the gr<\nt-in-aid given by the governn:ent. The Grolvth 0/ Population- (ii) fines and forfeitures (if collected by them), (iii) sale The total population is 641,169 persons-346,797 proceeds of various items like dung, dead cattle etc. m~~]es and 294,372 females. During the last sixty The Nyaya Panchayat however is purely a judicial body. years the population has grown by 48.32% only, which i5 ve1':' 10\\:]s c0mpared to the S(:lte 92°:, or Gwa1i(lr

Dilj,iol1 55'27"". The [':ro\\lh ()! the pUr)Uiali(l1l 111' rhe Djo;trici FduC'auinn OJ'riL'cr In''ks after the sl'lJooh tile bst ,i\ly year, i~ indicated helnll : .. in the tlislril't. During the decade the number of schools

Table-Showing Variation in Population 1901-61

Decade Perctntage Variation Variation r---..-.,--.. ---- .___ . ______~--.-_.A._ .. _____ .. _____ - ___._ --_ + Increase Bhind . Gwalior Madhya District Year Persons -Decrease Division Pradesh

2 3 4 5 6 7

Bhind 1901 432,296 1911 412,684 -~ 19,612 -_ 4.54 -- 048 +15.30 1921 393,849 - 18,835 - 4.56 - 4.83 - 1.38 1931 430,376 .-t- 36,5n + 9.27 -+- 9.51 + 11.39 1941 494,059 + 63,683 +14.80 +14.03 + 12.34 1951 527,978 + 33,919 + 6.87 + 7.51 + 8.67 1961 641,169 +113,191 +21.44 +22.12 + 24.17

1901-1961 +48.32 +55.27 +92.00

The district huffered very heavily in the two decades partly to such immigration." Even after the famine following 1901 mainly due to famine in 1905-06 which the subsequent years were rather lean and so the was preceded by a severe frost in 190~ --05. The Census district could not recover. Thus famine caused popu­ Commissioner of Gwalior State wrote :-* "From lation to migrate to the southern part of the State. Bhind and Sheopur districts a large number of people migrated to the plateau and many never returned but The decade 1911-21 proved even worse. It opened settled down in fertile spots in the southern part of with a plague in 1911-12 and in 1913-14 there was Isagarh (present Guna) and in Bhilsa (present Vidisha). a drought and scarcity in northern part of Gwalior while on tour in these last named zilas one is often State. To climax all this, came the year 1919-20 when asked if one has seen the Bhind or Sheopur village, there was a famine and influenza epidemic which from which some settler in the plateau originally came. literally decimated, the population. The Census The very high rate of increase in the Bhilsa zila is due Commissioner wrote :_U

------~------*The Central India State Census Series, V.1 I, Gwalior State, Census Report/('r 1911, Part I & II, Text and Tables by H.M. Bull, Census Commissioner, Gwalior State, p. 14. **Census of India, 1921. Vol. XX, G~ralior, Report and Tables, page 8 by Janki Nath Datta, Census Commissioner, Gwalior State. ( xliv )

"Undoubtedly each part of the State was more or The Towns: less affected by the hard condition of the decade des­ cribed above. But the distressing economic conditions There is one Class III (population 20,000 to 49,999 told more heavily upon the bw-Iying than upon the persons) to\',n riz, Bhind 28,208, one Class IV (popu­ plateau and the hilly tracts". (L'Jwlying regions represent lation 10,000 to 19,999 persons) viz. Gohad, 10,289, the present Bhind, Morena and Gwalior districts). one Class V (population 5,000 to 9,999 persons) viz, Once these disastrous dec"dcs (1901-11, 1911-21) in Lahar 5,575 and one CLlss VI (population less than which along with Bhind, Morena also suffered a 5,[;00 persons) l'iz. Tv1ehgaon 3,581. The last two loss of population passed, the growth or pop dation have be~n treated as towns for the first time. Bhind has been maintained in a steady manner. Thus in the and Goh3d have been treated as towns continuously succceding decades the district d,:cadc v:lriatiOl1 accords since lSOI. The total urban population 47,653 persons fairly very well ",iih tIc divisi, 11 .. wd the Slate growth. lives 1;1 3.1 sq. mile area; thus returning a density of Whereas the rural population of the district bas in- 15,128 persons to a sq. mile, which is much higner than , creased by 41.68% during the last sixty yeas. the nhan th::: division and State figures of 9,789 and 6,428 res­ population shows an incrcase of 256.2':% and yet peel ively. It appears that the area figures are not very another feature is that the lii'ban are"s never lost accurate and so they do not convey a correct picture population except in 1911. Durin!'. the present decade of the crowding, which on the face of it appears the urban population has shown a'Yl increase (if 98 (:6% very great. as against the divisional and State incrc:1se or 36.S2/~ and 47.70% respectivdy. This is mai nly d ltC to incfcasG The I -mages in the number of to'.\115 in ,L.:e: (li,llict. In ]')51 lb;.:r;;; Here are 952 villages in the district out of which were two towns viz. (i) Bhind :.'did . ii) Gollad whcr.::as ody :A are depopulated. Incidentally the percentage in 1961 two new tmvns l'iz. Ii) rvichgaoll and iii) Ltiiar of depop'lIated villages is comparatively low being only were added thus bringing the number to fou~' to'.\11S. 5.4::<>~ whereas in Gwalior division it is 11.16%. The gro'Wth in the rural area i, 41.68~·;' whidl is well Another unique feature of the district is that the popu­ below the divisional and St2te figures of 44 367~ and lation per village is 713.9 persons as against 432.85 80.13% respectively. pecons in Gwalior division and 394.03 in the State. The Tahl'ils, TOH'ils and Villages: This is considerably higher. Even in the Gwalior State the district had returned the highest population density. There are four tahsil;; l'iz. (1) Bhind, (2) ~,'jehgaon, in area 0. village in the district is 1.80 sq. mile or 1152 (3) Gohad and (4) Lahar in the district. The tahsil acres which is much less than the corresponding figure headquaI'ters in each case is a tOWI1; and there ;lre of 2.31 sq. miles or 1478.40 acres for Gwalior division. only four towns, the table below gives the num bei' of towns and \iliag..:s along with the density of During the decade there have been no major changes popu la tioll. ii1 the district except that one village from Bhander tahsil of Gwalior district was transferred to Lahar tahsil. No. of Villages During ihis period the number of deserted villages has ...__.__ ... -~~-.-- --_ Area in District/ Persons gGne up by five (one of which was received on transfer). Tahsil popu- Dc~p~ s~mil9 per sq. Total laled L1ted Towns mile The table below. gives the details regarding the 2 3 4 5 6 ., c~epopulated villages. Bhind 952 898 54 4 1,719 373 District Number of depopulated villages Bhind 290 2.72 18 530 436 District/ ,r------"-.. ~.._-----, Gohad . 206 193 8 3')7 296 Tahsil 1951 1961 Mehgaon 203 200 3 1 374 353 2 3 Lahar 253 228 25 1 418 385 Bhind Distl'ict 49 54 Thus from the above it would appear that Bhind is Lahar Tahsil 26 25 the biggest tahsil in cV-:i'y "ay, in 2,rca, in numb~r of Mchgaon Tahsil 6 3 villages and in density of P('p,;l:1tion. The number of Gohad Tahsil 2 8 depopulated villages is high(~t in Lahar and least Bhind Tahsil 15 18 • in Mehgaon. (xlv)

In Bhind and Gohad tahsils the number of depopu­ The figure of 6.14 persons per occupied house is lated villages have gone up. One of the main and greater than the division figure of 5.77 or the State continuing reasons [.Jr the villages becoming depopu­ figure 5.20. Barring a-v.alior district where there are lated is the fear of dacoit gangs. Anothn noticeable 6.86 persons per occupied h'luse: Bhind represents the tendency of the region that p~ople show a preference highest congestion in the division. As between the rural for staying in bigger villages preferably with a police and urban area, the congestion is greater in the rural station. It is not uncommon for people to move away areas, the figures being :- from the interior region to bigger villages after receiv­ ing thre[lts from some gangs. In a few cases they are Persons per occupied hou~e r----... ---....}.._------~ even obliged to give up cultivation. District Total Rural Urban Bhind 6.14 6.19 5.55 Size of the Villages : On a rough average a village in the district sustains Among the tahsils Bhind is again most congested; greater population than villages of other districts. the figUi'es being :- Persons per occupied house The table below gives the population per village for Bhind 6.50 lhe district, diYision and the State. Gohad 6.03 Mehgaon 6.04 Lahar 0.05 District/ Population Division/ per village State In the remaining three tahsiIs the congestion is 2 more or less the same. Bhind District 713.9 Density of population : GwaJior Division 432.95 Madhya Pradesh 394.03 (Please also see under the Tahsils, Towns and Villages.) In the district itself Bhind tahsil has returned 745.44 persons per village which is the highest. The inset Barring Indore district with 530 persons to a sq. table below gives the comparative figures :- mile, Bhind with 373 persons is the most densely popu­ lated district in the state. In the case of Indore,how­ Tahsil Population ever 40.01% pLpulation is living in the urban area per village (mostly in the city of Indore and Mhow) and 59.99% in 2 rural areas, but in case of Bhind only 7.43% of the Bhind 745.44 population lives in urban areas and 92.57% in rural Gohad 541.32 Mehgaon 642.05 areas. Thus the urban area does not contribute Lahar 680.53 substantially to the total population. In case of Indore therefore much of the congestion is due to its urban There arc two vilJages with a population of over areas. In the rural areas the density of population in 5,000 persons viz. and Kanawar-both in Indore is much less. A comparison of density figures Bhind Tahsil. for the tahsils of the above two districts only confirms The Houses: the above.

Whereas during the decade population has increased Table-Showing Rural density in tahsils of Indore by 21.44% the number of occupied houses have gone and Bhind districts. Up. by 28.79% thus relieving some congestion, which is Rural Rural fairly high even now. The inset table gives the Persons per Persons per District sq. mile Tah~il 5q. mile position. 2 3 4

Occupied houses Indore ll4 Indore 245 ,...... --. --~------..}I..._------"·--I MholV 230 No. ,of Persons 1951-61 Percentage Sawer 225 Popu­ occupIed per occu- Variation of varia- Depalpur 202 Year lation houses pied house (+) (-) tion Bhind 346 Bhind 384 1 2. 3 4 5 6 M eha8 0 n 344 1951 527,978 81,083 8.51 Lahar 371 19fil 641.1~9 104,424 6.14 23,341 23.79 Gohad 270 ( xhi )

Thu> the high density. of population in Indore than the ratio (754) for the Hindu Rajputs of Jammu district is mainly due to the urban areas. and Kashmirt".

Whereas there are 6.19 persons per occupied house In 1931 the State Census Commissionert was of the in rural areas of Bhind district, Indore has only 5.51, opinion that because the population of the 'lower castes' although I he congestion per occupied house is much was small in Morena and Bhind districts and also greater being 6.95 as against 6.14 in Bhind. This again because these castes generally return more females than emphasises the importance of urban areas in Indore. the so called 'upper castes', therefore the number of females per thousand males is less. Ranglal further The proportioll of sexes; gives &ix causes of low proportion of females. They are :-- Males have always outnumbered the females in this region and this traditional pattern persists. This even (1) InfanliciJe (which he rules out) aroused a suspicion that females infanticide might ha\e (2) Neglect of female children been practised. It was about this that JWD Johnstone (3) Evil effects of early marriage and pre-mature wrote in his 1901 Report :- child bearing (4) High birth rate and primitive methods of "The low proportion of females in the plain country midwifery lying in the northern parts of the State (this repre,';ents (5) Hard treatment accorded to women, specially Bhind, Morena and Gwalior districts of today) might widows suggest a possibility of the existence of infanticide, and (6) Hard work done by women. it is true that Thakurs of these parts have been SllS­ pected of still following tbe practices, but the district Regarding (2) he conceded that female children officers do not admit its existence; and the Rajputs are comparatively more neglected than males alld conse­ as a whole shew an excess of females". * q uently suffer. Female is a liability. As for other rea­ sons they apply in some measure but gradually the The tradition persisted and 30 years later the Census evils of (3) and (4) are being countered, yet there has Commissioner for India, writing on sex ratio among not been any appreciable difference in the sex ratio, Rajputs observed :-- which today is below the J 911 figure. In the last sixty years the number of females per one thousand has "The next worst Rajput ratios are those of the varied between 851 and 835. Bhadauria and Tonwar Rajputs of Gwalior State which are 634 and 622 females per thousand males respec­ Changes in the Proportion of Sexes. tivelyand these are also so low to appear extremely The table below gives the changes in the proportion suspicious of the same thing**, being very much lower of sexes from 1901 onwards.

Females per 1,000 males r---"~-"--~-'--'--"'------__ .. _~___.A_- .. _-_-.. _ ---,------... ----- Unit 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901

Madhya Pradesh T 953 967 970 973 974 986 R 970 975 980 983 984 991 U 956 907 882 962 978 913

Gwalior Division T 866 880 865 862 861 861 R 870 877 870 867 864 883 U 849 898 860 828 831 866 897

Bhind District T 849 843 839 835 835 857 R 854 844 840 836 836 851 U 790 826 880 812 826 844 870 *Census of India, 1901, Vol. XXI, GlI'alior-Parf I, JW D Johnstone, Census Commissioner. Gwalior State, page 58. ** Dr. J H. Hutton lVas n1erring fO :-(i) tendency to omit reporting females births; (ii) tendency to neglect female (hildren,' (iii) The possibility oj infanticide in remote areas, particularly in referring to Jammu and Kashmir where the (;Ol't. in 1930 took special measures to suppress suspecled female infanticide in certain Rajput villages. t Census of India, 1931, Vol. I India, Part [-Report, J.H. Hutton, Census Commissioner,jor India, p. 196. t Censlls oj India, 1931, Vol. XXII--Part I, by Ranglal, Census Commissioner, Gwalior, pp.95-98. (xl vii)

Thus there have not been any appreciable change in division, Bhind has returned least number of females per the sex composition of the district in the last sixty 1~000 males. Thus as one goes south in the State the years. In the urban area however the number of number of females tends to increase. females has been going down, and during the current decade it reached its nadir. There are fewer females Age Tables: per thousand males in Bhind than in Gwalior division The table below gives the age and sex structure of and State. Excepting Morena district in ~walior the district and the corresponding data for the' State :-

Percentage of Population ,-__ • ______-A.. ___ - ___.. ____ , Sex Ratio Bhind State Females per 1,000 maJes ~--- -- .. __ .~ ___ • ____-- .. _-.. ___.....A-_ --- .. ------,. '...------... r--~---.. -....A...-.. ----, Age-group , P M F P M F Bhind State

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0-- 4 15-8 15·1 16'6 16'4 8'2 8·2 932 996 5- 9 14·3 14·2 14-4 14-3 7·3 7·0 864 966 JO-14 10'6 11'4 9'7 10·1 5'5 4·6 723 847 0-14 40'7 40-7 40'7 40'8 2]'0 19·8 850 974 15 ·--19 9'0 8'7 9'2 7-9 4'1 3·8 900 929 20 - -24 9'2 8'7 98 8'6 4·2 4·4 956 1,069 25-29 8·6 8'6 8'6 8'8 45 2·3 841 939 30-34 65 6'7 6'3 7'3 3·9 H 792 397 15-34 33'3 32'2 33'9 32'6 16'7 13-9 877 959 35-J9 5·2 5'4 5'0 5'8 3'1 2·7 792 87. 40--44 5' L 5'2 5'0 5'3 2'7 2·6 818 950 45--49 4'] 4'3 3'8 4'2 2'2 2'0 740 886 50-54 3-8 3·9 3·8 4'0 2·1 1·9 829 908 55-59 2·4 2'6 2'2 2-1 1'1 1-0 722 903 35-59 20-6 21'4 19'8 21-4 11-2 - 10'2 786 905 60-64 2'6 2'5 2'6 2'4 J'2 1-2 892 1,080 65-69 1'1 1'1 1-1 0-9 04 0'5 861 1,157 70+ 1·7 1'6 1-9 HI 0'8 1'0 1,031 1,373 60+ 5'4 5'2 5'6 5-1 2-4 2·7 926 1,190 A.N.S. 0'0 0.0 0'0 0-1 N N 576 898

The age data is based on ungraded ages whereas the population being youthful is likely to grow in the quinquennial groupings suppress the effect of age­ coming years. heapings in multiples of five, hence it is better to confine comparison to the broad age-groups 0-14, 15-29, 30-59 The Proportion of Females: and 60+ which roughly correspond to children, young persons, middle aged persons and old persons. It In the age-group 0-4 there are 932 females per 1000 ~h:refore follows that 40.7~~ or 2/5 of the population males, the figure is higher than 849, the district IS 111 the young age-group of 0-14 years, and another figure. This indicates slightly higher rate of female one-third 33.3% in the 15-34 group. Thus a little over births, in the last decade. In the 10-14 age-group there 74% of the population is in the younger age-group. In are only 723 females per 1000 males which is indted the 35-59 age-group there are 20.6% or one-fifth of the total population. In the 60+ age-group there are very low. In 15-34 age-group there are 877 females, 5.4% only. per 1000 males, the figure compares favourably with the district figure. The ratio sinks further in 35-59 age­ From the above it also appears that the age-group group. Only in the 70 and above age-group do we conform to the general pattern of the State. The have some preponderence of females. (xlviii)

The table below gives the percentage distribution of "The arrangement for the registration of births 100 persons in 1951-1961. and deaths are unsatisfactory even in large municipal towns. The Director's Report as to the agency res­ Table-Showing percelllage distribution of 100 persons in ponsible for the reporting of the deaths in urban areas is silent. All that is known is that generally the res­ 1951 and 1961 into bro.Jd age-groups ponsibility has been laid either on members of the deceased or on sweepers or on both." Age-&roup 1951· 1961 r---~ - .. _--A.. __-_~ r----J....---, P M F P M F Whereas the position was bad enough in the muni­ cipalities, it was much worse in the case of panchayats; 2 3 4 5 , 7 Kendra panchayats were made responsible to arrange 0-14 37.5 20·2 17-3 40'7 22'0 18·7 for the registration of births, deaths. and marriages in their jurisdiction, provided it could find funds, for the 15-34 35·2 18·8 16'4 33'2 17'7 15·5 purpose. The Gram panchayats were supposed to 35-59 25'0 14'1 10·9 233 13'0 10·3 record births and deaths and send the figures monthly 60+ 2'3 1'2 1'1 H 1'4 1-4 to the MandaI Panchayats through the Kendra Pancha.­ yats which submitted return, to the Deputy Director A.N.S. 00 0'0 0'0 0·0 0'0 0·0 of Health Services. The municipalities also sent these q.» returns to the Deputy Director concerned who after WherW:he 1951 data is bafcd on 10% sample of the consolidation sent it to the Director, Health Services. population, the 1961 data is hased on total population. The panchlyats obviously failed to grasp the impor­ In this, while mlking compari:;on we are assuming that tance of this dmy and no regular records were main­ the 10% data of 1951 represented the universe, with tained anJ the result was that no statistics worth the this presumption the comparison is offered. name were ever compiled.

In 1961 there are more children in (0-14 age-group) The births and deaths siatistics of the municipali­ their percentage having gone r;)to 40.7%; however in ties are generally tho~e that are made available to them the J 5-34 and 35-59 age-groups there has been a slight by tbe Government or municipal ho~pitals and such decrease of 2.% and 1.7% respectively. In old age­ others as may have been collected by their Health group there has been a slight increase from 2.3% in Department. The coverage is by no means full, as many 1951 to 2.8% in 1961 which suggests the increased births and deaths are never reported. There being no longevity. mpervising agency, it is impossible to verify the accuracy. In 1952 when an experimental Census of Vital Statistics: births and deaths wa~ conducted in Madhya Bharat the results were as follows- In J 953 the Madhya Bharat State Government 1 Period covered by 30-10-1951 to promulgated the Madhya Bharat Births, Deaths, Census 18-10-1952 Marriages Registration Act 19~3 basing it on a similar 2 Period for which figures 1-11-1951 to Act of 1886 of the Government of India, making the were supplied by the 31-10-1952 re&istration of births and death~ compulsory, but it . Health Department was n~ver enforced. The position regarding the Births and Deaths rates per 1,000 of population maintenance of vital statistics therefore has been far calculated on basis of :- from satis.factory. During the decade, under the exi~tillg Result of experi­ Figures supplied laws the municipalities and the panchayats were mental Census by He<h Deptt. required to maintain statistics of births and deaths. r-----.------....A...----.-- ---1 Both these local bodies have not been able to keep Births Deaths Births Deaths 2 3 4 5 any accurate statistics and the position remained St&te of practically the same as was described by Ranglal in Madhya Bharat 33.0 13.8 lQ.4 (j.5 1955*. In the Report of Operations Connected with Low land division the Improvement of Population Data M. B. 1952, he (which includes Gwalior, Bhind wrote :- and Morena districts) 28.3 13.5 U 3.1

* Census of India, Paper No. 2-1955, Sample of Census of Births and Deaths, 1952-~3. (xlix)

The absence of accurate statistics causes great Mother tongues: difficulty in estimating the annual rate of natural The distrtct has returned twenty-one languages as increase, no wonder it was then estimated at between its mother tongue. Languages with 100 speakers or 1·4 to 1'6 percent annually. 'above are :--'-Hindi 634,363; Urdu 2,161; Punjabi 2,552 Marathi 467; Marwari 377 and Bundelkhandi 321. LIteracy: In 1951 fifteen languages includina Western Hindi The district has returned 17'41% literates in 196t' with nine dialects and Rajasthani with four dialects as against 9.97% in 1951. The figure of 17'410/<1 were returned as mother toniue. represents the highest literacy figures excepting Gwalior district in the division and compares favourably with Some of the notable chan jell are :--: the State figure of 17.13%. Much of the progress is (a) Increase of Urdu speakers from 362 in 1951 to due to the concerted development programmes of 2 161 in 1961. expansion of education facilities. (b) Increase of speakers of Punjabi from 1.~15 in 1951 to 718 (Punjabi) and 1,104 (Gurumukhi). The details regarding literacy are :-- (c) Decrease in speakers of Rajaithani from 846 Percenta&e of Literates to 61 and r------.-.~--.,.-----Jo..... __ ~~ .. ______-, Total Males Females (d) For the first time 52 speakers have been returned as speakers of English. 2 3 4 The table below gives the percentage of speakers Total 17.41 27.8 5.1 of Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi and Gurumukhi which are Rural 15.93 26.18 3.93 the more prominent of the mother tongue. Urban 35.81 47.66 20.82 Table--Showing [he percentage 'of speakers of more Among the females in the rural area very few are prominent languages in Bhind distrirt to iiteratrs. Even in urban area the literacy figure of population (641,169). 35'81% is on the lower side as excepting Datia 33.03% all other districts of the State have returned a higher Mother ton&ue No. of speakers Percental' percentage. For the rural areas however the figure Hindi 634863 99.02 of 15.93% literates is the highest in the Gwalior Urdu 2116 0.34 .division, even Gwalior district with 14.31% literates in rural areas is next. Punjabi I 71~ 0.11 ~ GUfllmukhi J 1,834 0.29 Comparing literacy with the neighbouring districts Bhind stands out next only to Gwalior. The table The table below gives the decade variation in speakers below give!) the details :- of Hindi. Table-Showing decade variation in speakers of Hindi Percentage of literat~ S. r-.._-,,---.----..~.------__. No. District Persons Males Females Rank Year No. of SpeakCf5 Deeade Percentage Variation 2 3 4 5 6 1951 524,720 1961 634,863 +110,143 +20.99 Morena 14.9 26.7 4.4 3

2 Bhind 1'.4 27.8 5.1 2 From the above it appear~ that there has not been 3 Gwalior 27.9 39.0 14.9 1 much of a change in the compo~ition of Hindi speakers 4 Datia 14.9 24.4 4.3 3 in the district. 5 Shivpuri lUi 19.0 3.2 4 The Religion :

The growth of educational facitities during the In 1951 the following iive reli1:ions were returned. two plan periods j~ mainly responsible for the upward , Muslims, J.in~, Sikh. and Christians. During trend in literacy. the decade apart from the above five, Buddbiihl (6) and ( 1)

others (1) have also been returned. The decade variation Although Christians have shown a 500% increase, religion-wise is as follows :-- but their number has increased form 4 to 24 only. Among the Sikhs the rise has been of fairly high Table-Shmt'ing Decade Variation in Population-Bhi/1d order. Muslims and Jain, have shown an increase of district 21.44 34.55% and 31.99% respectively during the decade; 19; 1-61 Percentage although there have not been any marked migration Col. Religion Decade Variation Rank to Bhind. The growth rate of Hindus has been well 2 3 4 below the district rate of growth. There are no apparent I Hindus 13.42 5 l:easons to account for this. 2 Muslims 34.55 3 3 Sikhs 70.92 2 4 Jains 31.99 4 The table below gives the details of all religions 5 Christians 500 returned :-

Table--Sholving Religions Returned

Name of Total Hindus Musilms Jains Sikhs Christians Buddhists Others District Persons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Bhind 64 1,169 610,116 19,269 9,350 2,398 24 10 2

During the decade the religious composition of the outside the State, those born in districts of Uttar Pradesh district changed slightly. The inset table below gives are the highest being 41,R 6 or 6.52% out of 44,980. ' the details :- These figures reveal that a vast majority of the Table--Showing 100 Persons Classified by population born in the district stays in it. Some popula­ Religion (1951-1961). tion from Uttar Pradesh has come over to tl1e district. This is mostly from the adjoining districts. Only 3,457 Year Total Hindus Muslims Jains Sikhs Chris- persons who are born in other districts of the State tians. were found in Bhind during the last enumeration and 2 3 4 5 6 7 almost an equal number 3,144 hail from such parts 1951 100 95.68 2.71 [.34 0.27 Nil other than Uttar Pradesh. It would be difficult to Rank 2 3 4 get and idea of persons born in Bhind but enumerated 1961 100 95.16 3.00 1.46 0.38 Nil elsewhere excepting in the contiguous districts of The increase in % of Muslims by .29% Jains by .12 Morena and Datia. and Sikhs by .11 is balanced by reduction of .5 (% of Scheduled Castes and Tribes: in Hindus. The Scheduled Castes and Tribes were enumerated in accordance with the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled The inset table below gives females per 1000 males for each religion. Hindus return the highest number Tribes List (Modification) Order, 1956. The district and Muslims the lowest. has returned 134,439 persons-71,021 males and 63,418 females or 20.97% of the popUlation as Scheduled Table-Showing Females per 1000 Males Religiomvise Castes. There are only 477 persons 245 males and 232 females who have .been returned as Scheduled Tribes. District Hindus Muslims Jains Sikhs Thus in number the tribal population is quite insigni­ 2 3 4 5 ficant. The spread out of the Scheduled Castes is as Bhind 849 836 841 842 follows :- The Migration: Table-Showing the tahsilwise ropl/!ation of Scheduled Castes Out of 641,169 persons, 437,619 or 68.25% are Tahsil Persons Males Females Percentage to total born in the place of enumeration and another 124,592 or population 19.43% in the district of enumeration. Thus the district r-----"---.-, Persons Males Females itself contains 87'68% of the population. Another 30.083 2 3 4 5 6 7 or 4.67% are born in districts contiguous to Bh'ind. Bhind 43,193 22,986 20,207 18.70 18.29 19.19 These districts are Morena, 13,842, Gwalior 10,860 and Gohad 31,581 16,852 14,729 26.88 26.46 27.3& Mehgaon 24.812 12,910 11,902 18.80 18.04 19.70 Datia 5,381, persons. Of the persons who are born Lahar 34,853 18,273 16,580 21.68 21.28 22.15 The concentration of the Scheduled Castes in Gohad The Khatik : is quite obvious. for the Scheduled Castes total is over The word Khatik is derived from the sanskrit one-fourth of the population. They mostly live in the \ 'l\.hatti'

Table-Showing the number of It'Orkers per olle thousand persons

State/ Total Total Population Total Workers r--~.---- -____...A.... ____ .. ____~ .. ~---.... Division/ Rural r-~- .. _-- ~-~--~ -_A....._ .. ~ ___ .. _------~ District Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Madhya T 1,000 1,000 ],000 523 602 440 Pradesh R 1,000 1,000 1,000 552 616 486 U 1,000 1,000 1,000 349 524 '145

Gwalior T 1,000 1,000 1,000 437 589 262 Division R 1,000 1,000 1,000 464 607 298 U 1,000 1,000 1,060 309 502 83

Bhind T 1,000 1,000 1,000 378 586 134 District R 1,000 1,000 1.000 383 591 139 U 1,000 1,000 1,000 327 528 72

Morena T 1,000 1,000 1,000 446 605 225 District R 1,000 1,000 1,000 456 613 269 U 1,000 1,000 1,000 336 524 102

From the above it follows that there are proporti­ Total Workers 242,615 persons. onately less number of workers in the district. Among Number of females the number of workers returned is indeed workers in Percentage very few even in rural areas; there being only 139 the category to total No. Category of work (persons) of workers Rank workers in the rural areas. Generally women do not work and it is also not considered proper for them 2 3 4 to work. Thus the number of female worker is I As Cultivator 195,314 80.50 considerably less. A further analysis of workers II As Agricultural amongst women reveals that there are only 39,425 Labourer 11,016 4.54 3 female workers and out of this number 15,373 female III In Mining. Quarrying ,;vorkers or 38'99% of the total workers are from the Livestock, Forestry, Scheduled Castes. Among the Scheduled Castes out Fishing, Hunting and of a population of 63,418 females, only 15,373 or Plantation, Orchards and allied activities 1,314 0.54 8 20.97% have been returned as workers as against the IV At Household Industry 7,201 2.97 4 district figure of 13.4%. Even here the percentage of V In Manufacturing workers among the Scheduled Caste is getJerally below other than Household the average, the castes which form 20'97% of popu­ Industry 1,771 0.73 6 lation contribute 38'99% of. female workers, which VI In Construction 1,518 0.63 7 emphasises that among the Scheduled Castes more VII In Trade & Commerce 5,667 2.34 5 females have been returned as workers. VIII In Transport, Storage and Communications 681 0.28 9 The rural areas have returned greater number of IX In other Services 18,649 7.47 2 workers as compared to the urban areas. This 100.00 follows the general pattern, but it may be noted here that there are only 72 female workers per 1,000 females. It thl:refore follows that cultivation is the main Leaving Gwalior (57) and Indore (69) the figure is the occupation of the people, fonowed by workers ;n lowest in the State. Other Services and as agricultural labourers.

The Occupational Pattern Cultivation : The table below gives the pattern of occupation :- Out of a total area of 1,719 sq. miles 775,163 acres (1m)

or 65'21 % of the surface was under cultivation in crops are sown. In 1960-61 the following were the 1960-61. This is a ·fairly high percentage hence there main crops :-Gral11 sown in 224,811 acres constitutin~ is a lot of pressure on the land. During the decade'l 29'00% of the total crops sown. the area net sown has gone up by 9.55%. Inset table , gives the'details of net area sown. Wheat 147,492 acres constituting 19'03%; Bajra 83,962 acres constituting 10'83%; Percentage Jowar 71,758 acres constituting - 9'2f)%; Net area sown + Increase decade Year in acres -Decrease variation Barley 68,346 acres constituting 8'81%;

Tur 51,485 acres constituting 6'64o/c0, . 2 3 4 Rape and 44,506 acres constituting 5'74%; 1950-51 7,07,603 Mustard ]960-61 7,75,1'63 + 67,560 + 9.55 Rice 26,302 acres constituting 3'39% and Linseed 6,589 acres constitutini 0'85%. Incidentally the 1960-61 figures are the highest for the decade. From the above it also follows that cereals and millets from a bulk of the cr'ops followed by pulses; The cultivation is plostly of the dry type for 65,380 together these food crops cover 88'88% of the cropped acres or 8.43% of the net area sown is irrigated. the area. The area under non-food crops is only 10'54%. total area sown more than once is only 18,865 acres or 2'43% of the net area sown. Thus the cultivator· The statement below gives the distribution of 100 depends almost entirely on the rainfall. As compared acres among the major crops of the district. to the Kharif or winter crops more of Rabi or summer

Area under crops in each Tahsil of Bhind District .Ior the year 1960--61 Distribut Ion of 100 Acres among the major crops for district and Tahsils separately

District Tahsil Area sown r-~...A...-\ r----~----- .. ---.---.-----....A---~------... --.------.~-.~\ S.No. under Bhind Gohad Bhind Mehgaon Lahar

2 3 4 5 6 7

Total cropped Area 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1 Rice 3.19 9.41 om 3.52 0.01 '2 JOW!!f 9.04 5.96 8.85 9.33 12.17 3 Bajra 10.57 1.07 18.31 6.33 15.75 4 Wheat 18.58 35.33 9.48 21.23 8.93 5 Barley 8.61 1.91 13.77 5.71 12.50 Total cereals and millets 50.00 53.68 50.43 4612 49.46 6 Gram 28.31 30.71 24.97 29.01 29.08 7 Tur 6.48 • 2.26 8.95 5.06 9.45 8 Other pulses 4.08 4.94 3.24 5.83 2.46 Total pulses 38.88 37.90 37.06 39.91 40.98 Total Food Grains 88.88 91.58 87.49 86.02 90.44 Total Food Crops 89.46 92.37 87.87 76.75 90.88 9 Rape and Mustard 5.61 4.18 8.15 7.45 2.39 10 Linseed 0.83 1.17 0.54 1.36 0.82 11 Other Oil Seeds 2.82 0.74 2.83 3.54 3.76 Total Oil Seeds 9.76 6.36 11.58 12.61 8.47 Total Non-food Crops 10.54 7.63 12.13 13.25 9.12 Area sown more 2.38 5.48 0.42 3.53 0.26 than once Net Area sown 97.62 94.52 99.58 96.47 99.74 (Ii \')

The Crops: Orher Crops: Gram- Gram had been sown in the district in a These are sugar-cane p::>tatoes. condiments, fruits considerable area-which during the decade varied and vegetables and til. Th;; acreage under these crops from 203,248 acret'in 1954-55 to 248,901 acres in is comparatively little. 1959-60. It occupies the highest area, under a single crop. It is unirrigated exceptipg for 15,380 out of Sugar-Cati(:'- The area under ~ugar-cane hud always 22-4,811 acres which received the benefit of irrigation. been very little. III 1960-61 it was sown in 1,126 acres and the l;ighest acreage \"as 2,435 in 1951-52. Wheat--Wheat is the second major crop of the The variation has been considerable for in 19'3-54, district the acreage varying from 93,140 in 1951--52 19'4-55, and 1958 -59, 1959---60 it fell to 814,897 to 147,492 in 1960-61. Only 17,767 acres or 12.04% 606 and 823 respxtively. Of the total 938 acres were irrigated in 1960-61. There has been a steady Were irrigated. There are no sugar mills round about, rise in the acreage and a slight fall in acreage the nearest would be at Dabra in Gwalior district, about under Jowar. 77 miles away from Bhind. Baj/'a-The acreage under bajra has been more or Condiments and Spi, es-Condiments and Spices were less the same varying from 78,053 acres in 1956-57 grown in 936 acres in 1960-61 ; the acreage has shown to 97,976 in 1952-53. Excepting in the above year a slight downward trend during the decade. The main when the figure rose high the variation has been more spices are garlic, onions, coriander and ginger. or less steady.

POlato(:'s---The area under potatoes h':\s shown It Jowar-The art:a under jowar has been sho\\- ing a steady rise in the decade. From 982 acres in 1951-'2 steady decrease. It was 94.988 in 1951-52 touched it went uptu 1,507 in 1959-60. the peak figure of 107,461 acres in 1954-55 c;-ashed to 61,843 acres in 1958-59 and although there was All Fruits and Vegetables--The acreage under 'All a slight incr~ase in the following years, yet the down­ fruits and vegetables' has been going down steadily. ward trend is unmistakable. It is entirely unirrigated It was 3 ,344 in 1951-52 and has come down to 2,440 and among the tahsils of the district Lahar shows a acres in 1960--61. greater proportion of area under jowar. The district has not returned any area under maize. Tur (Arhar)-The area under tur has not fluctuated Another noticeable feature is that ground-nut is sown much. It has generally varied between 43,873 acres in nearly a dozen or less acres. The area under cotton has reac:~ed the rock bottom. in .1951-52 to 51,485 in 1960-61 except for one year viz. 1954-55 when it rose to 62,514 acres. The The pattern of cultivation in the district may be area under tur is proportionately high in Lahar tahsil summarised thus: Half the area 50.00% r is sown with being 9.45%. cereals and millets; a little over one-third the area 38.89% with pulses; a little Ie:;s thail one-tenth 9.76% Rice-Rice is sown in 26,302 acres or 3.3-:% of the with oil-seeds and fibres constitute 0.17% an almost cropped area in 1960-61. The area has been showing negligible portIOn. a steady. ;increase during the decade. TIle 1960--61 figures expressed the highest acreage in the decade. Irrigation; The total irrigated area is 65,380 acres or 8.43% of Rape and MustQl'd:-Mustard has been grown in fair the net area sown. The area under irrigation has quantity in the" district. During the decade however shown an unsteady trend. It rose to 87,836 acres in acreage' under mustard shows a downward trend. It 1952--53 and came down to 62,250 in 1957--58; The :-vas 62,517 acres in 1951---52 and fell to 33,699 acres details regarding the sources of irrigation are indicated tn 1953-54. Since then althouoh it has shown a below:- slight ~ncrease:in the fOll~wing ye;rs, yet the acreage under It was no where near the former figure. Total Showing sources of irrigation and area Linseed-The area under linseed has remained more irrigated in acres or less constantivarying from 5.443 acres in 1954-55 Other Total Wells Canals Tanks sources to 8,088 acres in 1959-60. 65,380 5,996 57,075 1,957 352 (Iv)

From the above it is clear that the canals are the becoming a desert; Some of these ravines are as deep main source for irrigativn. At present there is a net as 100 feet extending inland to distances varying from work of canals from Pagara Dam in Morena district. h~lf a mile to two miles forming irregular gullies and The district has forty - miles of these canals. The al~o unable to support any real vegetation. Chambai Canals when c0mpleted will irrigate Bhind, Mebgaon, and parfs of Gohad tahsils. The fe-modelling The severity of the problem was realised as (ar of Bhind Canals has also been in progress tur some back in 1919, when a commission under Shri_Bapurao time. Lahar tahsil would benefit, if water, from Mata­ Pawar Sar Soobah (Commissioner) was appointed to tila Dam in Jhansi district are made available. look into it the problem. On the receipt of the recom­ mendation of Behad Commission another Committee There are no major tanks in the district. Some of was formed in 1924 to study the problem.. As a the minor ones are :,--( 1) Birdhanpura, (2) Akora, result afforestation scheme was introduced in 1924-25 (3) Akha, (4) Kinnora,· (5) Boora-kale, (6) Bisalpura, and continued upto 1931--32 by whkh time 1,260 acres (7) Madhavpura, (8) Laban, (9) Har-ki-Jamah, were afforested. In 1946 Dr. Radha Kamal Mukerjee (10) Gaura-Bhind. Economic Adviser to the former Gwalior State sug­ gested contour bunding; the wOlk was also carried on leather buckets--Charas is used for irrigation from during the Five Year Plans. In the third Five Year wells. Pumps have als6 been installed, by a few Plan there is a further provision to continue the work culti vatol's. and the same is in progress.

Soils: The Agricultural Labourers: Geologically the district comes under "Northern There are 11,016 persons-8,056 males and 2,960 Gwalior Section". There are four ranges in the district females constituting 4.54% of the workers who arc and from east to west they belong to Kaimur, Lower engaged as Agricultural labourers. Most of the Rewah, Upper Rewah and Lower Bhander series. They arduous work is done by the males and females are are capped by massive heads of sandstones. The soil employed for lighter work such as weeding or cutting types are :-- of the crops. The labourers form two distinct cate­ gories (a) the casual labourers (b) the premanent ones. (a) Kheda-Mar-Silica-submerged Dhumet. The mode of payment usually takes the following (b) Sandy loam, and clay loam and the soil erosion form :- is considerable due to wind and water. (a) Daily wages in cash or grains; Soil Erosion and Conservation- (b) Daily refreshments, which sometimes includes The problem of soil erosion is a very serious chal­ meals, along with some payment in cash lenge and along with dacoity, defies all human attempts. or kind; For Bhind is a district of dacoits, rivers and ravines, (c) Cash payment either annually or six monthly where wind, water and sand smell of blood-warm made .to the permanent labourers. blood.

The Ravines : The Permanent Labourers: Cultivators owning 20 acres or above sometimes The high banks of the Chambal the Kunwari the engage labourers on a permanent basis. The payment Sindh and other rivers and rivulets: have been cut up, is usually in cash and is stipulated at about Rs 360/­ as water flowed over them, carrying the precious silt to Rs. 400/- per year. Besides this petty gifts are also and. sand into the Yamuna and beyond. The yawning given to the labourer. creVICes, the gaping fissures with sparse vegetation seem to run on relentlessly and as the unmerciful sun Tho Casual Labourers: bla::es on the parched up land, covered with sand WhI:h lies uneasily waiting to be carried away hy rains The services of a casual labourer are obtained for a leaVIng the earth-sans sand, without the fertile soil­ particular task e. g. cutting of the crop or weeding. the life giving force to the earth. They are paid partly in cash and partly in kind. At the time of the cutting of the crops the latter mode of Added to this the cutting of trees and shrub growth payment is preferred The rate of payment varies from has left the country-side wild, and perhaps on way to Rs. 1.75 to Rs.2.25 for a male labourer and Rs. 1.25 to Rs. 1.75 for a female labourer. In the last few Workers ill the Household Industry: years the wages have been going up. The wages when The district has returned 7,201 persons-5,36t males paid in kind amount to about Rs. 1.50 to Rs. 2.00 and 1,837 females or 2.97% of the total workers. depending upon the prices. A casual labourer is re­ The details are quired to put in about 10 hours of work each day. The labourers are becoming scarcer each year. District! T Persons Males Females Percentage Tahsil R to total Workers in Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, U Workers Fishing, Hunting and Plantations,. Orchards and allied 2 3 4 5 6 activities. Bhind T 7,201 5,364 1,837 District R 5,971 4,472 1,499 There are 1,314 persons-l,055 males and 259 V 1,230 892 338 females Of 0.54% of the total workers in this category. Bhind T 2.365 1.894 471 32.84 There are no forests or mines in the district, hence in Tahsil this category there are very few workers, The tahsil­ Gohad T 1,616 1,142 474 22.44 Tahsil wise break-up for this category is as follows :- Mehgaon T 1,071 74!l 323 14.84 Tahsil T Lahar T 2,149 1,580 569 29.84 District! R Persons Males Females Tahsil U Tahsil

2 3 4 5 The household industries are mostly concentrated in rural areas; Bhind and Lahar tahsils have greater Bbind T 1,314 1,055 259 number of workers in these industries; Following the District R 1,108 867 241 general pattern of district fewer females have been U 206 188 18 returned as workers. Bhind Tahsil T 348 315 33 Gohad Tahsil T 397 322 75 The main iJustries along with the number of workers Mehgaon Tahsil T 204 175 29 is as follows. Lahar Tahsil T 365 243 122 Percen­ The calling is mostly rural and confined to the tage to total males in general and could further be classified as workers follows :- Code Description of the Household No. of workers in House­ No. Industry r-·-'--..A..-·_--., hold Indu P M F try. S. No. Code No. of Description Number of workers I.S.I.C. ,-__._..A. • __---., 2 3 4 5 6 P M F 040 Production and rearing of 611 573 45 8.51 1 2 345 6 livestock (large heads only) for 1 009 Production of other agri­ milk and animal power such cultural produce (including as buffalo, cow, goat. fruits and roots not 200 Production of rice atta, flour .110 214 96 4.30 covered by code 006* and etc. by milling, de husking flowers) not covered above. 326 1113 122 and processing of crops. 2 040 Production and rearing of live stock (large heads 207 Production of edible oils and 534 {80 454 7.41 only) mainly for milk fats (other than hydrogenated and animal power such oils). as cow, buffalo, goat. 762 6'13 69 209 Production of other food 17Ei 162 14 2.44 3 107 Quarrying of stone (incl- products, such as sweetmeat uding slate) clay, sand, and condiments, mud. murki gravel, limestone. 133 &3 58 chira, khoi, cocoa, chocolate. 231 Cotton spinning (other than 303 94 216 4.21 In other categories the number of workers is mills). negligible. Another feature of the workers III this 235 Cotton weaving in hand- 529 347 182 7.3. category is the preponderence of males. looms.

'" ISle Standard Industrial Classification adopted by Government of India. l~linor Group 006 Productio'l of fruits and lilts in plantation trees and orchards. llvii)

Percen­ There are two dal and oil inills in Bhind. Apart tage to total from these there are hardly any industries. Another Code Descriptiion of the Household No. of workers nO,ticeable feature is that the number of female workers No. Industry workers in House- ,-__.A._--, hold Indus is ~ery few. P M F tr}. 2 3 4 5 6 Workers in Const. uctioTl : 273 Making of textile garments 73) 666 67 10.73 There are 1,518 workers-1,484 males and 34 females including raincoats and head gears. ' constituting 0 63% of the total workers in this category. 282 Manufacture of structural 707 693 14 9.81 These are employed in .the following capacities :- wooden goods (inculuding treated timber) such as beams No. of Percentage posts, door~, windows. Category Description of work workers to total 288 Manufacture of material from 537 325 212 7.45 ,--.A. '---, workers of cork, bamboo. cane, leaves P M F the cate­ and other allied products. gory. 311 Manufacture of shoes and 396 338 58 5.48 other leather foot wear. 2 3 4 5 Ci 350 Manufacture of earthenware 826 619 207 11.47 400 Construction and mainte­ 899 893 , 59.22 and earthen pottery. nance of buildings including 369 Manufacture of sundry hard- 461 353 108 6.48 erections, flooring, decorative v.ares and G 1 pipe, wire net, constructions, electrical and bolt, screw, bucket cutting, etc. sanitary installations. 393 Manufacture of jewellery, 236 234 2 3.27 401 Construction and mainte­ 333 305 28 al.1)4 silver ware and wares using nance of roads, railways, gold and other precious bridges, tunnels. metals. 403 Construction and ma:nte- 21)6 286 18.84 (Only industries with 100 workers or above have nance of water-ways, and been considered). water reservoirs, such as bund, The household indu~tries are therefore fairly diverse embankments, dam, canals, and in not one of them are there more than 11.47% , tanks, tube-wells, wells. workers. Also only 1,230 persons or 17.08% are in the urhan areas. Thus the household industries are Workers in construction are mainly engaged in spread out mostly in the rural areas. construction of buildings and nearly half of them 424 Workers in .Hallufacturing oIlier (han Household Industry. persons-421 males and 3 females are in urban areas. From the above it is obviou,> that there are not many There are 1,771 persons-L 725 males and 46 females or 0.73% of the total workers in this categor\. Out workers engaged in construction. of these I. 628 persons, 1,610 males and 18 females or 91.92% are in urban are.!s. As is obvious from the Workers in Trade and Commerce: above there are very few industries in the district and There are 5,667 persons-5,263 m,Jes and 404 these are concentrated in urban areas. The different categories in which these workers are engaged are :- females or 2.34% in this category; out of which 2,002 persons-1,966 males and 36 females or 35.33% are in Percentge Bhind town. The totdl workers in urban area are to total Code Brief description of work No. of Workers workers 2,950 persons--2,86~ males and 84 females or 50.57°/. No. r----.A.---, of the of the category. Thus trade and commerce is mostly P M F category. an urban calling. The chief categories are (only cate­ 2 3 4 5 6 200 Production of atta, rice, 156 140 16 8.80. gories of 500 persons or above have been considered) :- flour, etc. by milling of food crops. Percentage 207 Production of edible fats & 81 81 04.57 Code Brief Description No. of to total oils (other than hydroge­ No. Workers workers of nated oils). ,-_._-.A. ___ -, the cate- 209 Production of other food j 82. 182 to.27 P M F gory. products sweetmeats and 2 3 .. 5 • condiments etc. 600 Wholesale trading in eereals 498 498 B.7t 273 ~aki~g of textile garments 303 301 17.00 and pUlses. Including raincoats and headgear. 640 Retail trading in cereals, pul- 2,809 2,782 22 49.S7 ses, vegetables, fruits, sugar, 282 Manufacture of structural 120 120 6.71 wooden goods, like beams, spices etc. posts and doors etc. 650 Retail trade in fibres, yarns, 548 544 4 9.67 dhoti, saree etc. with 75 or more workers only have heeD (~ndustries 689 Retail trade in goods unspeci- 640 549 91 11.29 consIdered). tied. (1 viii)

Wholesale trade in cereals and pulses is confined The Other Services : to urban areas only for as many as 474 traders are There are 18,127 persons-14,864 males and 3,263 from towns. Retail trade in cereals, pulses, vegetables, females or 7.47% of the total workers who have been etc. is spread over the entire district. Retail trade returned in this category. Apart from cultivation this in yarn is concentrated in urban areas. From the category has the highest number of workers. The above it is obvious that there is not much of trade and growth in the decade has been as follows. The 1951 commerce in the district; the little trade that exists, figure has been arrived at by adding the following follows the conventional pattern where traders sell divisions in classification Division 8-Health, Education miscellaneous goods required in a district of agricul­ and Public Administration and Division 9-Services tural economy. not elsewhere specified. The 1961 figure is for Division Workus in Transport Storagf! and Communications: 8-Services which partly includes divisions 8 & 9 of 1951. There are 687 persons-68) males and 2 females or Workers in Other Services O.2R% of the workers in this category. This low figure Year Persons Males Females Increase Percentage emphasises, how few persons work in this category. Decrease Variation Out of the total, 500 workers are in Bhind tahsil and (+) (-) (+) (-) 348 of them in the city. Thus in the tahsil itself 69.6% 1 2 3 4 5 6 are concentrated in Bhind town and of the total in 1951 8,104 7,311 793 the category 72.78% in the tahsil. The minor groups 1961 18,127 14,864 3,263 +10,023 +123.61% of the above are (minor groups of 50 persons or above The main minor groups 10 which persons are considered) :- engaged are :- Percen­ No. of Percentage tage to workers to total Code Brief description No. of total Minor r---A.~-, worker. of No. Workers workers Group Brief descriptIon P M F category. r---A..--, of the P M F category 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 803 Public Service in Police. 1,756 1,756 9.69 809 Public Services in Adminis- 1,623 1,607 16 8.95 701 Transporting by tramway and 87 87 12.66 trative departments and offices bus service. of State Government. 702 Transporting by motor vehicles 99 99 14.41 311 Educational Services such as 2.462 2,238 224 13.59 (other than omnibus). those rendered by colleges schools and similar non-tech- 703 Transporting by road, through 105 103 2 15.28 nical instutions. other means of transport such as hackney carriage. bullock- 320 Public Health and Medical. 708 304 40.04 carts, ekka. Service. 172 Recreational Services rendered 531 .0477 54 2.93 70.04 Animal transporting by animals 118 1111 17.18 by organisations and individ- such as horses etc. uals like the such as those of 705 Transporting by man such as 83 83 12.00 theatres, opera companies ballet carrying of rickshaw. and dancing parties etc· 730 127 127 18.49 883 Laundry Services etc. rendered 1.184 549 6J5 6.53 Postal. telegraphic. wireless and by organisation & individuals. silnal. 384 flair dressing, other services. 733 733 rendered by organisation and In the group 701 there are S3 persons who hail individuals etc. from the urban areas. These are the persons engaged 900 Activities unspecified and not 5.428 4.525 903 29.9.04 adeqUately described. in the running of the bus services, of which there has been a rapid growth. There are only 42 persons In the Police Department the increase has been as working in the railways. follows :-- In 1951 in this category there were only 304 persons 302 males and 2 females. There is a rare consistency Policemen f!xcluding Chowkidars. about the two females. The figure now stands at 687 Percentage persons-685 males and 2 females. Tn postal services Year Variation Perllons Increase (+) (-) there were 23 employees in 1951 as against 127 at 2· 3 .04 present which again indicates the rapid growth of the 1951 613 department, in terms of the employees. 1961 1,756 + 1,143 +186.5 (lix)

In the Educational Services the various categories The growth of the medical services has been as in which there has been an increase are as fo11o\\ s follows ;- Medjcal and Health Services Category of Year Persons Males Females Incr- Percen Workers. ease tage Percentage Year p M F Iucrease (+) (-) 2 3 4 S i 7 1951 227 128 99 Educational and 1951 897 , 834 63 ..... 1961 70S 304 404 +481 +211.89 Research 1961 2,462 2,238 224 +1,565 174.5 Services The increase is therefore quite considerable. The females in this category who are working as nurses. [n 1951 there were 830 teachers-779 males and 51 females; as against this there are 2,378 teachers-2,176 midwives and dais out-number men in this service. There has been an all round increase in the number males and 202 females and 578 teachers-481 males of workers of the cate,iory. and 97 females are in the urban areas, This alone shows an increase of 174.47%. Most of the incresase TAt! Non- Workt!rs : i& due to the expansion of educational facilities in the State. An increase of 174.47% is indeed very There are 398,554 persons-143.607 males and con"iderable. 254,947 females who have been returned as non-WOf­ kers. The position of non-workers vis-a-vis the divi­ sion and the State is as follows ;-

State; Total Total Population Total Non-Workers

,.. ______.~ ___..A.. ______• ___-. Division Rural r-- - -.... ~~~~ ___...A..~ ---~- -._ p_ -~ District Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 5 , 7 I 3 " Madhya T 1,000 1,000 1,000 477 398 560 Pradesh R 1,000 1,000 1,000 448 384 514 U 1,000 1,000 1,000 651 476 855 - Gwalior T 1,000 1,000 1.000 563 411 738 Division R 1,000 1,000 1,000 536 393 702, U 1,000 1.000 1,000 691 498 917 Bhind T 1,000 1,000 1,000 622 414 836 District R 1,000 1,000 1,000 617 409 861 U 1,000 1,000 1,000 673 472 928

From the above it is obvious that the number of Category Persons Percentage workers in the district is less. As far as women are Persons seekinl employment for 142 0.04 concerned they are much less. Even among the males the first time. Persons employed before but now 11 0.02 the number of non-workers is fairly high being 411 out of employment and seeking work. per 1,000 males. As may be expected dependents, infants and disabled persons form the bulk of non-workers and further it The Details reg: Non-Workers: is the 0--14 age group which constitutes the highest The non-workers were classified into eight categories number there b.:ing 197,560 persons-97,627 males the details of which are given in the table below :- and 99,93.1 females or 91.10% of the group. This is followed by 133,779 persons-or 33.83% of the totaL Persons not at work classified by the type of activity In this group there are 12 males and 134,767 females­ indicating an exclusive monopoly of the females. The Category Persons Percentage bulk of them come from 15--34 and 35--59 are-groups, Total non-workers. 394,554 100.00 returning 78,039 and 39,266 females or 57.90j. and Full time students. 44,177 11.08 29.13% of the group respectively. There are 44,177 Household duties. 134779 33.83 persons who have been returned as full time students. Dependents Infants and Disabled 316,852 54.41 These are mostly in 0--14 age--group althou~h a few Retired, Rentier or independent 886 0.l2 means. 7,585 persons have also been returned in 15-34 aie- Beggars and Vagrants. 1,591 gAO group, Beggers and vagrants constitute 0.40% of tho Inmates of Institutions. 32 NClgli. population. (Ix)

IV at Lahar, Mehgaon and Gohad. Besides the above COMMUNICATIONS there are number of post offices spread over the entire district. The table below gives the number of post The Rail-link : offices each tahsil wise. The only rail link in the district is the narrow District! Total Total No. Total No. Villages Population iUage 2' or 24" guage connecting Bhind to Gwalior. Tahsil Popula- of post of villa- per post per post Once it was the part of Scindia State Railways, it has , tion offices i es office office now been taken over by the Central Railways. There I 2 3 4 5 6 are two trains each day from Gwalior to Bhind and 8hind Dist. 641.169 107 898 8 5,992 vice versa. The time taken is. nearly 4 hours for a Bhind Tahsil 230,969 36 272 8 6,416 Gohad distance of 84 kms. Passengers therefore prefer to " 117,471 10 198 20 11,747 travel by buses which take about 2 to 3 hours. The Mehgaon '. 131,992 3.1 200 6 4,258 Lahar nearest air port is at Maharajpuf, Gwalior. There is " 160,737 30 228 8 5,358 practically no air traffic for this part. During the decade there has been considerable The Roads: expansion in the postal facilities. No National Highway passes through the district, Besides the above the police have their own wireless Bhind is connected to Gwalior by an all weather State net work- spread over the entire district: for carrying Highway which goes upto Etawah. There is however out the anti-dacoity operations. no bridge and so it remains cut off from the· commen­ cement of rains to early winter. Communications to References : Lahar also get cut off owing to no high level bridge For the compilation of the note the following books over the river Sindh, An all weather road however were freely referred to. For an earlier account of the connects Bhind to Morena~ via Mehgaon The total district Gwalior State Gazetteer by C.B. Luard still mileage of the State Highway is 154 miles and 1 furlong. remains one of the most helpful sources, For an appre­ The district and other roads total J 51 and 63 miles ciation of the demographical changes in the district the respectively. Out of these 107 miles is bla.::k following Census Publications have been referred to. topped. " Census of India, 1901, Volume XXI, Gwalior, A point to be noted regarding the State of com­ Part I, Report, by JWD Johnstone, Census munications in the district is that on many of the Commissioner, GwaIior State; district roads, there are no high level bridges, which cut off the district or tahsil headquarters from other 2. The Central India State Census Series, Volume J, places. This causes great inconveniences and adds GwaJior State, Census Report, 1911, Text and considerably to the "already difficult problem of ad­ Tables, Part I & II, By H. M. Bull, M.A., ministering the district. (Cantab) Census Commissioner, Gwallor State; 3. Census of India, 192t, Volume XX, Gwalior, Apart from this another 84 miles of roads have Report and Tables, by Janki Nath Datta, been included in the third Five Year Plan. Three Census Commissioner, Gwalior State ; bridges viz. Murawali and Sindh bridges on Bhind-­ 4. Census of India, 1931, Volume XXII, Gwalior, Bhander road and Vaisali .;:bridge on !Gohad-Tehra Report and Tables, Part I & U, by Ranglal, road are also likely to be taken up during the Plan B.A., Census Commissioner, Gwalior State; period. Road distances ~to other districts are as fol­ lows :-(a) Morena via. Mehgaon 99 kms., (b) Gwalior 5. Census of India, 1941 Volume XX, Gwalior, 83 kms, (c) Etawah 36 kms. (d) Datia 142 kms. Part II, Tables, by Ranglal, B.A., Census Commissioner, Gwalior State; Telegraphs and Telephones : 6. Census of India, 1951, Volume XV, Madhya At Bhind there exists a telephone exchange, private Bharat & Bhopal, Part II-A, Tables, by phones and public call offices have also been provided Ranglal, B.A., Census Commissioner; (lxi)

7. Census of India, 1951, Volume XV, Madhya region ha5 been torn by strife and unsettled conditions­ Bharat & Bhopal, Part II-B, Economic Tables, ~onditions which shap~d the destiny of the people and by Ranglal, B.A" Census Commissioner ; a're h·flected in the composition of the population; for 8. Census of India, 1961, Volume Vill. Madhya nlate:, were desired for fighting and females were a Pradesh, Part II-A, General Population Tables, liability if captured. Thus grew the thinking on the by G. Jagathpathi, LA.S., issue the region returned lesser number of fel1}ales. 9. Census of India, 1961, Paper No.1 'of 1962, During the decade the literacy improved, the J 961 Census, Final Population Tables; religious composition remained practically the same 10. Census of India, Paper No. 2-1955, Sample although the rate of growth among the Muslims was Census of Births & Deaths, 1952-53 ; somewhat high being 34.55%. The occupational pat­ Besides these, the district officers specially the tern continues (0 remain agricultural; although there has been an increase in the workers in 'Other Services'. Collector Bhind lias been of very great help in furnish­ ing the material f('lf the ahove note. I am particUlarly Ther(! has practically been no change in the matter grateful to Shri T. K .. Parchure, District Statistical of industries. Tt'ere has been some progress in literacy Officer, Bhind, who took. great pains and collected the and the educational institutiL)ns in the indistrict have relevant information for the district. expanded. The participation rate in the district is low. There arc few Scheduled Castes and practically no THE SUMMING UP Scheduled Tribes, also the members of "other castes" (which signifies castes other than Scheduled Castes and The Disrr;rt and Statistics: Tribes) do not return females as workers. All these The district occupies an 1.01% surface of the factors are thus responsible for such low participa­ State, but returns 1.98% population which indicates tion rate. its being more thickly populated. It has accordingly returned 373 persons to a sq. mile., only second to The Dacoity : Indore 570 per sq. mile. It ranks forty first in area In some form or the other dacoity has txisted in but twenty-fuurth in popUlation; but in the mattcr of this region since ages and though for a short while the growth of population in the last sixty years it comes incidence appears to go down, but the district is never thirty sixth in position. More than double in area free from it. Living with the dacoits thus becomes a when compared to the smallest district Datia, it part of life. It would not be incorrect to assert that sustains (lver three times its (Datia's) population. A of all the districts in the State, Bhind has produced the little less than nine times smaller than Bastar, it highest number of listed dacoits. sustains a little more than half of the latter's popUlation. Its nearest equals in area afe Ratlam, Tikam£arh and Narsimhapur all of which sustain much lesser popu­ LIST OF IMPORTANT PLACES lation. This thus emphasises the pressure of popula­ 1. Amaha: (26 0 59' Nand 78° 53' E; pop. 1,264) tion in the district. A small v;llage in Lahar tahsil about a mile south The People: of . It is said that it was the scene of battle An increase of 48.32% in sixty years may to a between Prithviraj Chouhan and Chandellas. family planning expert, appear an ideal rate of growth, but this in background of the general growth appears 2. Atter: (26° 45' Nand 78° IS' E; pop. 2,888) very poor. The two decades 1901-11 and 1911-21 were A big village in Bhind tahsil, formerly a tahsil particularly unkind to the growth of population and headquarters. There is an ancient fort, which wa~ the district lost heavily. Population migrated to the ruled by Bhadaurias before being captured by the more congenial south--to the Matwa Plateau, where Marathas. An NES Block has also been located here. famines and epidemics were few and life generally less An ancient fort reflects the Bhadaurian days of power. difficult. After 1921 there has been a steady growth. Situated near the Chambal, Atter strategically must have Males have all along outnumbered the females and the been an important place. (I xii)

3. Bhind: (26° 33' Nand 7'0° 50' E; pop. 28,208) Bhad,mrias, from whom Rana Bhim Singh Jat wrested it. Rana Bhim Singh served the Peshwa and after the The district headquarters was also known as Bhind battle of Panipat, captured the redoubtable Gwalior Bhadauria, being the capital of Bhadauria Rajputs. It fort. In 1784 it was captured by the Scindia. came under Scindia's power in the eighteenth century. There are no industries in the town which is important The big fort, which to-day houses the courts, the as a~ administrative centre. A municipality was first tahsil and other offices was built by Rana Chattrapati established in 1902. Apart from roads it is connected Singh. It is about 2~ miles from Gohad Road Railway . by the narrow gauge railway from Gwalior. station and can also be reached by road from Bhind and Gwalior. 4. Birgama Simar: (26° 26' Nand 78° 44' E; pop. 2,042) 7. Lalm: (260 12' Nand 78° 52' E; pop. 5,575). Situated on the bank of Vaisali river in Mehgaon tahsil, a fair on Shivratri is held each year at an A tahsil headquarters situated about 28 miles south ancient Mahadeva temple. of Bhind. It was a Kachhwaha stronghold and was heroically captured by Major Popham, who earlier also 5. Daboh: (26° 5' Nand 78° 55' E ; pop. 3,812). had captured Gwalior. It is connected to Bhind by a It was once a tahsi! headquarters. The Bundelas had road and remains cut off durini the rains. built a tank near the village. 8. i'vlehgaon: (26 Q 29' Nand 78" 39' E; pop. 3,081). 6. Gohad: (26 0 26' Nand 78° 29' E ; pop. 10,289) Mehgaon a town and the tahsil headquarters is The town was once included in Tawarghar district; situated on Gwalior-Bhind road, about 33 miles from it is now a tahsil headquarters. It is situated OIl the Gwalior. It is also reached by the narrow gauie right bank of the Vaisali river. It was under the railway. Its impJrtance is mainly administrative. PART-I





AREA, HOUSES A~n POPULATION \ Number of Area in villages Numbet of Population District/ Total ,-----.A_----" Population ,----J.....-..., Number occupied r---~---...A...-- ~--, Tahsil/ Rural . per Inhabi- Unin- of residential Town Urban Sq. miles Sq. km. Sq. mile ted habited towns houses Persons Malts Females 2 3 (a) 3 (b) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

BHIND DISTRICT T (a) 1,723 4,46257 373 898 54 4 104,424 641,169 346,797 294,372 (b) 1,720.08 4,455.01 R 1,716.93 4,446.85 346 898 54 95,831 593,516 320,175 273,341 U 3.15 8.16 15,128 4 8,593 47,653 26,622 21,031

1 B\1ind Tahsil T 530.30 1,373.48 436 272 18 36,290 230,969 125,654 105,315 R', 528.19 1,368.02 384 272 18 31,187 202.761 109,717 93,044 U 2.11 5.46 13.369 5,103 28,208 15,937 12,271 (I) Bhind (M) U 2.11 5.46 13,369 5,103 28,208 15,937 12,271 2 Gohad Tahsil T 396.98 1,028.18 296 198 8 19,476 117,471 63,683 53,788 R 396.71 1,027.48 270 198 8 17,755 107,182 58,017 49,165 U 0.27 0.70 38,107 1,721 10,289 5,666 4,623

(2) Gohad (M) U 0.27 0.70 38,107 1,721 10,289 5,666 4,623 3 Mehgaon Tahsil T 374.12 968.97 353 200 3 21,966 131,992 71,573 60,419 R 373.48 967.31 344 200 3 21.244 128,411 69,566 58,845 U 0.64 1.66 5,595 722 3,581 2,007 1,574

(3) Mehgao!l (M) U 0.64 1.66 5,595 1 722 3,581 2,007 1,574

4 Lahar Tahsil T 418.68 1,084.38 384 228 25 26,692 160,737 85,887 74,850 R 418·55 1,084.04 371 228 25 25,645 155,162 82,875, 72,287 U 0.13 0.34 42,885 1,047 5,575 3,012 2,563

(4) Lahar (M) U 0.13 0.34 42,885 1 1,047 5,575 3,012 2,563

Note--l. Under columns 3 (a) and 3 (b) ; (a) represents the area figures furnished by the Surveyor General of India; (b) represents the area figures furnished by the State Survey Department. The area figures of tahsils, total and rural are based 011 the figures of the State Survey Department. 2 The Urban area figures are collected by the Census Organisation. 3 Population per square mile has been calculated on area figures furnished by the State Survey Department. 4 Towns treated as such for the first time in 1961 are printed in italics. 5 M : Stands for Municipality. APPENDIX I

Statement showing 1951 Territorial units constituting the present set up (only those names/areas which have undergone changes since 195'1 have been shown below)

Details of gain in territories Details of loss in territories Net Area r-----~------._A_------, ,------"----.------, Gain (+) loss (---) Area in Area in ,.-.____ .A.._. ----.,-, Name of ,- --....A...·-~~l r------"------") District and 1951 Territorial Sq. Sq. Sq. Sq. Sq. Sq. Tahsil Units Brief description miles Km, Brief description miles Km. miles Km.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

BHIND Bhiod District One Uninhabited 0·2 0'5 +0'2 +0·5 DISTRICT village transferred from Bhander tahsil of Gwalior (Gird) district to Lahar tahsil 1 Bhind Tahsil Bhind Tahsil Eight villages transferred to 6·7 17-4 --6-7 --17-4 Mehgaon tahsil 2 Gohad Tahsil Gohad Tahsil Eighty-two villages transferred from 129·2 334'6 Sixty-three Mehgaon tahsil Villages transferred 125'5 325·0 +3·7 \-9'6 to Mehgaon tahsil 3 Mehgaon Mehgaon (i) Sixty-three 132-2 342-4 Eighty-two 129'2 334'6 +3'0 +7-8 Tahsil Tahsil villages transferred 125'5 325·0 villages transferred from Gohad Tahsil to Gohad Tahsil (ii) Eight villages 6'7 IN transferred from Bhind Tahsil 4 Lahar Tahsil Lahar Tahsil One Uninhabited villages transferred form Bhander 0'2 0·5 +0'2 +0'5 Tahsil of Gwalior (Gird) District 5


Area in Area in L.C. No. acres L.C. No. acres s· of 1951 Revenue wherever "'. of 1951 Revenue wherever No. Name of Village Census Number available No. Name of Village Census Number available 2 3 4 , 5 2 3 4 5

On~ inhabited viliag~ transferred from Bhander Tahsil of 35 Kailai pura 1-3-137 N.A. 937 Gwalior (Gird; district to Lahar Tahsil. 36 Kiteo 1-3-134 N.A. 676 Nagan Pura 2.-4-6 N.A. 136 37 Guhisar 1-3-184 N.A. 3.111 Eight villages transferred from Bhind Tahsil to Mehgaon 38 Bamhroli 1-3-191 N.A. 987 Tahsil. 39 Baroli 1-3-203 N.A. 2,062 40 Jaret 1-3-135 N.A. 749 1 Kharipura J -1-154 N.A. 308 2 Garhi 1-1~156 N.A. 1,360 41 Makhori 1-3-194 N.A. 1,357 3 Bhopatpura 1-1~157 N.A. 302 42 Ujhawal 1-3-193 N.A. 2,227 4 Kh~ ri Thapak . 1-1-.158 N.A. 504 43 Rasnol 1-3-192 N.A. 1,871 5 Hanspura 1-1~159 N.A. 356 44 Tarali 1-3-156 N.A. 1,170 6 Ladampur 1-1-160 N.A. 346 45 AnJhiari Khurd 1-3-136 N.A. 831 7 Gujaria 1-1-161 N.A. 636 46 Adupura 1-3-196 N.A. 583 8 Vijaypura 1-1-163 N.A. 469 47 Jitarwai 1-3-195 N.A. 756 Eighty two villages transferrd from Mehgaon Tahsil to 48 Khariawar 1-3-204 N.A. 562 Gohad Tahsil. 49 Kheria Chandan 1-3-205 N.A. 962 50 Mav 1-3-153 N.A. 2,956 1 Piphada 1-3-169 N.A. 1,428 2 Itayanda 1-3-168 N.A. 1,921 51 Kheria Jaloo 1-3-139 N.A. 1,246 3 Madroli 1-3-166 N.A. 81 52 Deh Gawan 1-3-138 N.A. 3,607 4 Jhankri 1-3-175 N.A. 1,245 53 Andhiari Kalan 1-3-140 N.A. 985 5 Noorpura 1-3-174 N.A. 844 54 Sangoli 1-3-197 N.A. 375 6 Asuhi 1-3-170 N.A. 620 55 Barara 1-3-199 N.A. 165 7 Khoriaban 1-3-165 N.A. 525 56 Sora 1-3-201 N.A. ,1,011 8 Noholi 1-3-167 N.A. 1,342 57 Pakhojiya 1-3-206 N.A. 484 9 Siloha 1-3-171 N.A. 1,082 58 Kitahna 1-3-147 N.A. 582 10 Chamhedi 1-3-177 N.A. 2,2"'6 59 Noorampura 1-3-148 N.A. 302 11 Janakpura 1-3-172 N.A. 703 60 Dang Kerkuiya 1-3-154 N.A. 82 12 Keshavpura 1-3-173 N.A. 536 13 Kiroli 1-3-162 N.A. 551 61 Shekhupura 1-3-143 N.A. 312 14 Makrehta 1-3-176 N.A. 575 62 Mahdipura 1-3-141 N.A. 268 15 llialy 1-3-188 N.A. J,914 63 Padriha 1-3-198 N.A. 504 16 Ghamuri 1-3-164 N.A. 1,964 64 Bakholi 1-3-200 N.A. 529 17 Sihor 1-3-163 N.A. 744 65 Dang Narua 1-3-207 N.A. 197 18 Dang Chekori 1-3-158 N.A. 1,244 66 Dalelpura 1-3-161 N.A. 280 19 Karwas 1-3-178 N.A. 510 67 Maghan 1-3-149 N.A. 705 20 Agsoli 1-3-186 N.A. 922 68 Rupabai 1-3-144 N.A. 681 69 Asohana 1-3-142 N.A. 1,229 21 Mudena 1-3-185 N.A. 488 70 Jamdara 1-3-202 N.A. 1,918 22 Niwari 1-3-159 N.A. 346 23 Charenta 1-3-180 N.A. 2,231 1-3-208 N.A. 620 24 Antolea 1-3-179 N.A. 684 71 Sahroli 1-3-150 N.A 445 25 Mahwari 1-:3-187 N.A. 537 72 Simariya 1-3-145 N.A. 737 26 Bhaderi 1-3-161 N.A. 1.712 73 Badera M.O. 1-3-213 N.A. 914 27 Chenkuri 1-3-160 N.A. 1,384 74 Bhadroli 1·3-152 N.A. 122 28 Atarsonha 1-3-182 N.A. 1,318 75 Tikar Bal.lera 1-3-146 N.A. 313 . 29 Banganga 1-3-189 N.A. 154 76 (Gangapur) 77 Gumara 1-3-211 N.A. 1,110 1-3-209 N.A. 214 30 Madanpura 1-3-181 N.A. 720 78 Syaripura 79 Guraichi 1-3-214 N.A. 1,366 31 Jalalpura 1-3-183 N.A. 555 80 Rataba 1-3-210 N.A. 2,991 32 Deshgawan 1-3-190 N.A. 1,104 33 Laharpura 1-3-157 N.A. 2,252 81 Dang Gumara 1-3-212 N.A. 870 34 Salampura 1-3-155 N.A. 602 82 Dang Dasalpur 1-3-215 N.A. 920 6


Area in Area in L.C. No. acres L.C. No. acres S. of 1951 Revenue wherever S. of 1951 Revenue wherever No. Name of Village Census Number available No. Name of Village Census Number available 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

Sixty three villages transferred from Gohad Tahsil to 31 Dhilowa 1-2-21 N.A. 1,391 Mehgaon Tahsil. 32 Liloi 1-2-61 N.A. 2,054 33 Rampura 1-2-39 N.A. 539 ]'364 I Khera 1-2- 3 N.A 34 Rajgodhia 1-2-37 N.A. 643 2 Aroli 1-2- 2 N.A. 2,495 35 Doniapura 1-2-25 N.A. 1,302 3 Kishanpura Gormi 1-2- 5 N.A. 955 36 Pratappllra Gormi 1-2-24 N.A. 523 4 Kachnaw Kalan 1-2- 7 N.A. 2.312 37 Khokipura 1-2-14 N.A. 907 5 Kachnaw Khurd 1-2- 9 N.A. 2,137 38 ]',unhad 1-:-16 N.A. 1,815 6 Chanderi 1-2-13 N.A. 930 39 Vijai Garh 1-2-59 N.A. 678 7 Sukand 1-2- I N.A. 6,150 40 Kirape Ka Pura 1-2-56 N.A. 730 8 Sujanpura 1-2-30 N.A. 377 41 Sunarpura 1-2-43 N.A. 684 9 Bahera Gormi 1-2-29 N.A. 744 42 NA. 1,990 10 Kutroli 1-2- 4 N.A. 2,223 Akloni 1·2-20 43 Achai 1-2-19 N.A. 776 11 Pachera 1-2-12 N.A. 1.205 44 D()ngarpura 1-2-58 N.A. 631 12 Pirthipura 1-2-28 N.A. 644 45 Lalpura 1-2-55 N.A. 1,347 13 Suchapura 1-2-10 N.A. 446 46 Mehdoli 1-2-41 N.A. 2,644 14 Kot 1-2-33 N.A. 1,009 47 Asokhar 1-2-17 N.A. 746 15 GuJiapura 1-2-31 N.A. 446 48 Chapra 1-2-57 N.A. 882 16 Mohanpura 1-2-32 N.A. 867 49 Hirapura 1-2-42 N.A. 898 17 Hasanpura 1-2- 8 N.A. 808 50 Sapura 1-2-18 N.A. 682 18 Silo1i 1-2-27 N.A. 152 51 Ahmanpura 1-2-60 N.A. 372 19 Didona 1-2-11 N.A. 1,253 52 Manhad 1-2-44 N.A. 3,705 20 Parosa 1-2-34 N.A. 2,499 53 Shyampura Gorroi 1-2-62 N.A. 1,083 54 Arela ka Pura 1-2-51 N.A. 760 21 Baloopura 1-2- 6 N.A. 387 Lawan N.A. 2,7Jl 22 Tikri 1-2-36 N.A. 2,039 55 1-2-53 Chandrapura 1-2-52 N.A. 646 23 Tejpura 1-2-40 N.A. 472 56 57 Shri Ka Pura 1-2-54 N.A. 306 24 OOTroi 1-2-26 N.A. 4,170 58 Sandha 1-2-49 N.A. 2,466 25 Gopalpura 1-2-22 N.A. 354 59 Manpura Gormi 1-2-50 N.A. 907 26 Seapura 1-2·23 N.A. 165 Dondari N.A. 879 27 Harichha 1-2-63 N.A. 2,420 60 1-2-46 28 Raipura (Ingosa) 1-2-15 N.A. 1,213 61 Pannova 1-2-47 N.A. 9 29 Sikroda 1-2-35 N.A. 2,356 62 Peeperpura 1-2-45 N.A. 403 30 Kalyanpura Gormi 1-2-38 N.A. 602 63 Jaitpura 1-2-48 N.A. 673 7

APPENDIX II Number of villages with a population of 5,000 and over and towns with a population under 5,000

Villages with a population of 5,000 and over , ______Towns with a population.A of under 5,000 ----, -----, Percentage to total Percentage to·total District /Tahsil rural population urban population of Number Population of the District Number Population the D!strict 2 3 4 5 6 7

RHIND DISTRICT 2 1().544 1'77 3,581 7-51 Bhind Tahsil 2 10,544 1'77 Mehgaon Tahsil 3,581 7'51


HGuselcss and Institutional Population

Total! Houseless population Institutional population District/Tahsil Rurall r- .--.----~-~-_A._------, r-~~------~_,A_-~------~__") Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

BHIND DISTRICT T 796 540 256 996 963 33 R 632 416 216 402 388 14 U 164 124 40 594 575 19

I Bhind Tahsil T 255 173 82 648 634 14 R 175 106 69 203 201 2 U 80 67 13 445 433 12

2 Gohod Tahsil T 289 177 112 77 '17 R 236 144 92 20 20 U 53 33 20 57 57

3 Mehgaon Tahsil T 142 114 28 168 161 7 R 112 91 21 85 85 U 30 23 7 83 76 7 4 Lahar Tahsil T lfO 76 34 103 91 12 R 109 75 34 94 82 12 U 9 9


Decade Percentage decade District Year Petsons variation variation Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

BHIND DISTRICT 1901 432,296 N.A. N.A. 1911 412,684 19,612 4'54 223,004 189,680 1921 393,849 18,835 4-56 214,576 179,273 1931 430,376 + 36,527 + 9'27 234,495 195,881 1941 494,059 + 63,683 + 14'80 268,607 225,452 1951 521.978 + 33,919 + 6'87 286,499 241,479 1961 641,169 + 113,191 + 21-44 346,797 294,372 8


District and tahsils showing 1951 population according to their territorial jurisdiction in 1951, changes in area and population involved in those changes

1951 Popula- tion according Net increase( + ) Area in 1961 1961 Area in 1951 to jurisdiction 1951 Population ordecrease(-) District/Tahsil r----...A_----~ Population r-'-----...A..------..., prevailing in adjusted to juris- between co Is. Sq. miles Sq. km. Sq. miles Sq. km. 1951 diction in 1961 7 and 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

BHIND DISTRICT* 1,720'1 4,455'0 641,169 1.7080 4,423'7 527,978 527,978 Ii 12.1) (+31'3) ( .. ) I Bhind Tahsil 530.3 1,373.5 230,969 537 1,390.83 191,240 188,582 -2,658 (- 6.7) \ --17.33) 2 Gohad Tahsil 397.0 1,028.2 117,471 386 999.74 106,407 94,085 -12,322 (t 11.0) ( +28.46) 3 Mehgaon Tahsil • 374'1 969.0 131,992 367 950.53 95,384 110,364 -+ 14,980 ( f 7.1) (+ 18.47) 4 Lahar Tahsil 418.7 1.084.3 160,737 418 1,082.62 134,947 134,947 (+ 0'7) (+ 1.68) *One uninhabited village with an area of 0·2 Sq. mile of Bhander Tahsil of Gwalior (Gird) District transferred to Lahar Tahsil of this District.



Total I-Villages with less thall 2,000 population number of r------~-~------...A..------.~--) inhabited Total rural population Less than 200 population 200-499 population District/Tahsil villages ,------.....A---____-, r--~-----"------.) r------..A_-----~ Persons Male$ Females Number Males Females Number Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

BHIND DISTRICT 898 593,516 320,175 273,341 160 10,814 8,959 334 61,243 52,109 1 Bhind Tahsil 272 202,761 109,7l7 93,044 47 3,314 2,790 85 15,340 13,149 2 Gohad Tahsil 198 107,182 58,017 49,165 45 3,073 2,474 77 14,037 1l,835 3 Mehgaon Tahsil 200 128,411 69,566 58,845 30 2,106 1,748 86 16,282 13,656 4 Lahar Tahsil 228 155,162 82,875 72,287 38 2,321 1,947 86 15,584 13,469


I--Villages with less than 2,000 population--Concld. I1.-Villages with population of 2,000 -9,999 r--~- --- _~ ______-A.... _____ ~ ___ ~ ______- ~---, r------,----.. -...A..._...... __ __-.. __ • __ ~, 500-999 population 1.000-1,999 popUlation 2,000--4,999 population 5.0()()..-9,999 population District/Tahsil r------~-..A...- -_._-----.-.. r--~-~ --- - __ _A__~_ .. ____... r------.. -----...A..... -~-~_·I ,----- ______.A.._ ____ -....~ __ ) Number Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Femaks Number Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

BHIND DISTRICT 241 91,922 79,494 121 90,627 76,781 40 59,894 51,129 2 5,675 4,869 I Bhind Tahsil 81 31,513 27,012 41 31,210 25,899 16 22,665 19,325 2 5,675 4,869 2 Gohad Tahsil 54 21,156 18,075 20 15,572 13,176 2 4,179 3,605 3 Mehgaon Tahsil 49 17,536 15,074 25 18,889 15,988 10 14,753 12,379 1 Lahar Tahsil 57 21,717 19,333 35 24,956 21,718 12 18,297 15,820 !)



Name Area in 1961 Decade Percentage decade of town Status of town Year ,---__ -..A..-_----. Persons variation variation Males Females Sq. miles Sq. km. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Class III (20,000· -49,999)

Bhind M 1901 8,032 4.338 3,694 1911 9,133 + 1,101 + 13.71 5,081 4,052 1921 9,619 + 486 + 5.32 5,386 4,233 1931 10,341 + 722 + 7.51 5,801 4,540 1941 13,244 + 2,903 + 28.07 7,303 5,941 1951 16,618 + 3,374 + 25.48 9,175 7,~43 1961 2.11 5.46 28,208 +- 11,590 + 69.74 15,937 12,271 Class 1\1 (JO,00()·-19,999)

Gohad M 1901 5,343 2,807 2,536 1911 5,139 204 3.82 2,659 2.480 192J 4.845 294 5.72 2,534 2,3Jl 1931 5,618 + 773 + 15.95 3,005 2,613 1941 6,734 + 1,116 + 19.86 3,612 3,122 1951 7,442 + 708 + 10.51 3,999 3,443 1961 0.27 0.70 10,289 + 2,847 + 38.26 5,665 4,623 Class V (5,000--9,999)

Lahar M 1961 0.13 0.34 5,575 3,012 2,563

Class VI (Less than 5,(00) .

Mehgaon M 1961 0·64 1-66 3,581 2,007 1,57~

Note-M: Stands for Municipality.




Total Occupied residential houses Total No. of persons enumerated (includin~ Scheduled

....A.. ___~ __\ District/Tahsil Rural Area in r- ,-inmates______of institutions --'-_--A.. ______and houseless personsj, Castes Urban Sq. miles ·No. of houses No. of hou'ie- r-~-.--.A,,---, holds Persons Males Females Males Female.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

BHIND DISTRICT T 1,720-1 104.424 113,916 641,169 346,797 294,372 71,021 63,4.,1 R 1,717-0 95,831 104,439 593,516 320,175 273,341 66,478 59,727 U 3-1 8.593 9,477 47,653 26,622 21,031 4,543 3,691

1 Bhind Tahsil T 530'3 36,290 40,619 230,969 125,654 105,315 22,986 20,207 R 528-2 31,187 34,924 202,761 109,717 93,044 20,.0423 18,185 U 2·1 5,103 5,695 28,208 15,937 12,271 2,~63 2,022

2 Gohad Tahsil T 797'0 19.476 21,172 117,471 63,683 53,788 16,852 14,729 R 796'7 17,755 19,265 107,182 58,017 49,165 15,664 13,751 U 0'3 1,721 1,907 10,289 5,666 4,623 1,188 978 3 l\4ehgaon Tahsil T 374'1 21,966 23,787 131,992 71,573 60,419 12,910 11,902 . R 373'5 21,244 23,012 1,28,411 69,566 58,845 12,636 11.688 U 0,6 722 775 3,581 2,007 1,574 274 214 4 Lahar Tahsil T 418'7 26,692 28,338 160,737 85,887 74,850 18,273 16,580 R 418'6 25,645 27,238 155,162 82,875 72,287 17.755 16,103 U 0,1 1,047 1,100 5,575 3,012 2,563 S18 .0477


WORKERS r---.----- ______.. __..A._ __- ___ .. _-_~ ______- .. _ .. ___.. _ II III IV V In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock Forestry, Fis- In Total As hing, Hunting, and Manufacturing Rural Agricultural Plantations, Orchard~ other than District/Tahsil Urban Labourer and allied activities Household Industry Household IndllJtry ,--__--_..A- ______,.." ,------A.. ___----, r------A.------, r------A. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

BHIND DISTRICT T 8,056 2,960 1,055 259 5,364 1,837 1,725 4ti It 7,869 2,924 867 241 4,472 1,499 115 28 U 187 36 188 18 892 338 1,610 18

1 Bhind Tahsil T ],694 272 315 33 1,894 471 1,199 35 R 1,630 2,1 193 2, 1,484 359 52 23 U 64 1 122 6 .0410 112 1,147 11

2 Gohad Tahsil T 2,785 962 322 75 1,142 474 372 7 R 2,756 955 278 65 824 292 .042 5 U 29 7 44 10 318 182 330 2

3 Meheaon Tahsil T 1,501 202 175 29 748 323 106 1 R 1,478 198 168 27 722 303 7 U 23 4 7 2 26 15 99

... Lahar Tahsil T 2,076 1,524 243 122 1,580 569 48 3 R 2,005 1,500 228 122 1,442 5.040 14 U 71 24 15 138 19 3.04 3 13



,------;~ _____A. I Total Workers Total Scheduled Tribes Literate and educated persons (I-IX) As Cultivator Rural r--~--_A._---:-.., ,-----..A.. --, ,-----"-----.., ,----"----.., Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females I 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

245 232 96,505 15,112 203,190 39,425 164,694 30,620 T 104 101 83,818 10,733 189,128 37,921 161,465 30,119 R 141 131 12,687 4,379 14,062 1,504 3,229 501 U

42 30 38,968 7,543 72,401 6.519 56,862 4,614 T 24 9 30.735 4.213 64,172 5,972 55,734 4,534 R 18 21 8,233 3,330 8,229 547 1,128 80 U

140 139 16,369 2,021 37,125 6.799 28.416 4,555 T 2 80 92 13.971 1,418 34,209 6,333 27,727 4,409 R 60 47 2.398 603 2,916 466 689 146 U

63 63 19,173 2,334 42,557 4,673 36,874 3,409 T 3 .. 18,199 2,038 41,437 4,583 36,404 3,396 R 63 63 974 296 1,120 90 470 13 U

21,995 3,214 51,107 21,434 42,542 18,042 T 4 20,913 3,064 49,310 21,033 41,600 17,780 R 1,082 150 1,797 401 942 262 U



In In In Transport, Storage and In Total Construction Trade and Commerce Communications Other Services Rural ,---..A..--_.., ,-----"-_._--, ,- ..A..----, ,---..A..-----.., ,---..A..---.., Urban Male~ Female~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 2

1,484 34 5,263 404 685 2 14,864 3,263 143,607 254,947 T 796 31 2,397 320 251 10,896 2,759 131,047 235,420 R 688 3 2,866 84 434 2 3.968 504 12.560 19,527 U

699 26 2,749 126 499 1 6,490 941 53.253 98,796 T 1 259 26 783 90 152 3.885 642 45,545 87,072 R «0 1,966 36 347 2,605 299 7,708 11,724 U

370 1,125 U 65 2,528 652 26,558 46,989 T 2 188 522 55 19 1,853 552 23.808 4:',832 R 182 603 19 46 675 100 2,750 4,157 U

128 1 504 44 42 1 2,479 663 29,016 55,746 T 3 84 351 33 22 2,201 621 28,129 54,262 R « 153 11 20 278 42 887 1,484 U

287 7 885 160 79 3,367 1,007 34,780 53,416 T 4 26~ 5 741 142 58 2,957 944 33,565 51,2S4 R 22 2 144 18 21 410 63 1,215 2,162 U 14


WORKERS ,------I II III In Mining, Qu- arrying, Live- stock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting As and Plantations, Total Total Total Workers As Agricultural Orchards and Rural Aae- population (I-IX) Cultivator Labourer allied activities Urban group ,------"------, r---~-A---~--l r---J\..~--l ,---"------. r---..A_-, Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 BHIND

Total All ages 641,169 346,797 294,372 203,190 39,425 164,694 30,620 8,056 2,960 1,055 259

0-14 260,731 140,955 119,776 11,667 2,485 9,676 2,024 668 181 360 32

15-34 213,093 113,541 99,552 104,625 19,636 82,858 15,213 4,760 1,533 439 114

35-59 132,644 74,269 58,375 72,492 15,377 59,271 11,880 2,383 1,138 225 104

60 + 34,556 17,940 16,616 14,381 1,927 12,872 1,503 242 108 31 9 A.N.S. 145 92 53 25 17 3

Rural All ages 593,516 320,175 273,341 189,128 37,921 161,465 30,119 7,869 2,924 867 241

0-14 241,377 130,325 111,052 11,216 2,423 9,518 12,001 656 IBI 353 32

15-34 196,465 104,285 92,180 97,086 18,835 81,345 14,958 4,657 1,517 344- 107

35-59 123,102 68,695 54,407 67,201 14,805 58,045 11,680 2,322 1,120 146 94

60+ 32,432 16,782 15,650 13,603 1,858 12,541 1,480 231 106 24 8

A.N.S. 140 88 52 22 16 3

Urban All ages 47,653 26,622 21,031 14,062 1,504 3,229 501 187 36 188 18

0-14 19,354 10,630 8,724 451 62 158 23 12 7

15-59 16,628 9,256 7,372 7,539 801 1,513 255 103 16 95 7

35-59 9,542 5,574 3,968 5,291 572 1,226 200 61 18 79 10

60 + 2,124 1,158 966 778 69 331 23 11 2 7 A.N.S. 5 4 3

Note:-A.N S. =Age not stated. 15


WORKERS NON-WORKERS .______~ ______,__ _ _"_~~-----~r.-----~--~--- --~---~-··~~--.--l r---";"_--"'-_-, IV V VI VII VIII IX X

In In At Manufacturing In Transport, In Household other than House- III Trade alld Storage, and Other Industry hold Industry Construction COmmerce Communications Services Age- _~----"--'----.. ,---___:__.A._---, r--- -...A..~-\ ,..---...A_------... r--....A._-~) ,..-----"-----, r----_;..._---~ gr?up Males Females Males, Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 DISTRICT 5,364 1,837 1,725 46 1,484 34 5,263 404 685 2 14,864 3.263 143,607 25+,947 .-,u "".5 T 33] 102 68 5 26 5 98 12 16 424 124 129,288 117,291 0-14 2,667 881 1,026 18 903 14 2,630 134 426 8,916 1,729 8,916 79,916 15·34

2,013 751 575 18 519 12 2,136 198 236 2 5,134 1,274 1,777 42,998 3' -59

3~2 103 56 5 36 3 397 60 7 388 136 3,559 14,689 (11)+

2 2 67 53 ! N.S.

4,472 1,499 115 . 28 796 31 2,397 320 251 10,896 2,759 131,047 235,420 All ages R

279 80 2 2 15 5 39 9 3 351 113 119,1()9 108,629 0-14

2,239 685 75 11 487 13 1,177 104 162 6,600 1,«0 7,199 73,345 15-34

1,66) 637 33 11 273 10 992 161 84 3,'44 1,092 1,494 39,602 35-59 292 97 5 4 21 3 188 46 2 299 114 3,179 13,792 60 + 2 66 52 A.N.S.

892 338 1,610 18 688 3 2,866 84 434 2 3,968 504 12,560 19,527 A/tages U

52 22 66 3 11 59 3 13 73 11 10,179 ~,662 0-14

428 196 951 7 416 1,453 30 2'4 2,316 289 1,717 6,571 15-30 351 114 542 7 246 2 1,144 37 152 2 1,490 182 283 3,396 35-59 60 6 51 15 209 14 5 89 22 310 897 60 + A.N.S. 16 TABLE

WORKERS r------~+------II III In Mining, Quar­ rying, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, As Hunting and Plan- Total population of Agricultural tations, Orchards Educational Levels workers and non-workers As Cultivator Labourer and allied activities S. r------~--"------... r----..A..~----... r---.A..---, ,-- ---A---'_'" No. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females


TOTAL 4,7653 26,622 21,031 3,229 501 187 36 188 18 1 Illiterate 30,587 13,935 16,652 2,282 494 164 36 127 18 2 Literate (without educational level) 13,190 9,281 3,909 816 7 23 38 3 Primary or junior basic 2,071 1,763 308 IJ4 4 4 Matriculation or Higher Secondary 1,422 1,282 140 16 13 5 Technical diploma not equal to degree to 10 6 University degree or post graduate degree other than technical degree 330 311 19 7 Technical degru or diploma equal to degree Or post graduate degree TOTAL 43 40 3 5 (9 Engineering 5 5 (it) Medicine 25 23 2 (iii) Agriculture 9 9 5 (iv) Veterinary or Dairying 3 3 (V) Teaching' 1 Note-Lines with nil entries have been omited,


TOTAL 593,516 320,175 273.341 161,465 30,119 7,869 2,924 867 241 1 Illiterate 498.965 236,357 262,608 116,963 29,917 7,326 2,923 818 241 2 Literate (without educational level) 86,566 76,097 10,469 42,233 199 538 1 46 3 Primary or Junior Basic 5,744 5,526 218 1,973 3 4 3 4 Matriculation and above 2,241 2,195 46 296 1 1 Bhind

TOTAL 202,761 /09,717 93,044 55,734 4,534 1,630 271 193 27 1 III i tera te 167,813 78,982 88,831 39,550 4,495 1,520 271 180 27 2 Literate ( without educational level ) 31,971 27,824 4,147 15,348 39 107 11 3 Primary or Junior Basic 2,132 2,074 58 738 2 2 4 Matriculation and above 845 837 8 98 1 2 Gohad

TOTAL 107,182 58,0/7 49,165 27,727 4,409 2,756 955 278 65 1 Illiterate 91,793 44,046 47,747 20,336 4,364 2,537 955 262 65 2 Literate (without educational level) 14,444 13,058 1,386 7,102 45 219 IS 3 Primary or Junior Basic 686 662 24 254 1 4 Matriculation and above 259 251 8 35 3 Mehgaon

TOTAL 128,411 69,566 58,845 36,404 3,396 1,478 198 168 27 1 Illiterate 108,174 51,367 56,807 26,053 3,370 1,418 197 157 27 2 Literate (without educational level) 18,543 16,545 1,998 9,868 26 59 1 11 3 Primary or Junior Basic 1,240 1,206 34 406 I 4 Matriculation and above 454 448 6 77 4 Lahar

TOTAL 155,162 82,875 72,287 41,600 17,780 2,005 1,500 228 122 1 Illitera te 131,185 61,962 69,223 31,024 17,688 1,851 1,500 219 122 2 Literate (without educational level) 21,608 18,670 2,938 9,915 89 153 9 3 Primary or Junior Basic 1,686 1,584 102 575 3 1 4 Matriculation and above 683 659 24 86


Branch of Industry Total Total Employee Others r------.A_------~ Rural r------....A.-.------.. r---_A._--~---. r---...A..---1 Division and Major Group of I. S. I. C. Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BHIND DISTRICf ALL DIVISIONS T 5,364 1,837 95 1 5,269 1,836 R 4,472 1,499 64 1 4,408 1,498 U 892 338 31 861 338 Division 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, T 696 86 11 685 86 fishing and hunting R 632 51 11 621 51 U 64 35 64 35 Major Groups 00 Field produce and plantation T 9 9 crops R 1 1 U 8 8 04 Livestock and hunting T 687 85 11 676 85 R 631 51 11 620 51 U 56 34 56 34

Division ] Mining and Quarrying T 1 1 R 1 ] Major Groups 10 Mining and Quarrying T 1 .' .. 1 R ] 1 • Division 2 & ~ Manufacturing T 4,667 1,751 84 ] 4,583 ],750 R 3,839 1,448 53 1 3,786 . 1,447 U 828 303 31 797 303 Major Groups 20 Foodstuffs T 576 471 41 535 471 • R 485 434 35 450 434 U 91 37 6 85 37 21 Beverages T 2 2 U 2 2 23 Tetxtile-Cotton T 520. 412 520 412 R 430 354 430 354 U 90 58 90 58 24 Textile-Jute T 41 32 40 32 R 1 .. U 40 32 40 32 25 T",xtile-wool T 3 5 3 5 U 3 5 3 5 27 Textle-miscellaneous T 679 74 18 661 74 R 564 51 8 556 51 U 115 . 23 10 105 23 28 Manufacture of wood and T 1,038 226 . 7 1,031 226 wooden products R. 915 191 3 912 191 U 123 35 4 119 35 29 Paper and paper products T 1 3 1 3 U 1 '3 1 3 30 Printing and publishing T 10 Ii 10 R 6 1 6 U 4 4 31 Leather and leather products T 409 58 9 400 58 R 257 2 255 U 152 58 7 145 58 33 Chemicals and chemical products T 34 66 34 66 R 20 62 20 62 U 14 4 14 4 19



Branch of Industry Total Total Employee Others

~ ._~A ~ ~ ______A ______~ __ ___ ~-.---A ___... Rural ~---A---~ Division and Major Group of I. S. I. C. Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BHIND DISTRICT-Concld. I 34&35 Non-metallic and, mineral products other T 691 281 3 688 280 than petroleum and coal R 618 256 3 615 255 U 73 25 73 25

36 Basic. metals and th~ir products except T 366 108 4 362 108 machmery and transport equipment R 303 90 303 90 U 63 18 4 59 18 37 Machinery (all kinds other than transport) T and electrical equipment U 38 Transport-equi pment T 43 1 42 R 37 1 36 U 6 6 39 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries T 253 14 253 14 R 203 9 203 9 U SO, 5 50 5 Note-Lines with nil entries have been omitted.


Branch of Industry Total Employee Others ~-___A ___... ,---~--~----"------r-----A----_, ~---A-----., Division of I. S. I. C. ... Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7


ALL DIVISIONS 4,472 1,499 64 1 4,408 1,498 Division 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 632 51 11 621 51 1 Mining and Quarrying 1 1 2~3 Manufacturing 3,839 1,448 53 1 3,786 1,447 1 Bhind Tahsil (Rural)

All Divisions 1,484 359 25 1,459 359 Division 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 190 31 7 183 31 1 Mining and Quarrying ... 2&3 Manufacturing 1,294 328 18 1,276 328 2 Gohad Tahsil (Rural) All Divisions 824 292 12 1 812 291 Division 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry. fishing and hunting 129 16 2 127 16 1 Mining and Quarrying I 1 2&3 Manufacturing 694 276 10 684 275 3 MehgaeD Tahsil (Rural) All Divisions 722 308 4 718 308 Division 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 59 4 59 4 I Mining and Quarrying 2&3 Manufacturing 663 304 4 659 304 4 Lahar Tahsil (Rural) All Divisions 1,442 540 23 1,419 540 Division 0 Agrkulture. livestOCk, forestry, fishing and hunting 254 2 252 1 Mining and Quarrying 2&3 ManUfacturing 1,188 540 21 1,167 540 20



Branch of Industry ;--______A._ .. ____ ·_"_-1 Total Total Employer Employee Single worker Family worker Urban ,--_..A. ______,----..A._--_____ ,--__ ---A.._---, Division and Major Group r-~--....A----~ ,----..A.., --_____ ofI.S.I.C. M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


ALL DIVISIONS T 25,076 4,008 687 44 9,818 643 11,113 2,464 3,458 857 U 9,754 629 496 5 3,958 269 3,830 257 1,470 98

0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, T 971 209 7 13 134 6 570 47 260 143 fishing and hunting U 173 18 3 77 1 71 4 22 13

00 Field produce and plantation T 216 140 1 4 60 3 59 22 96 111 crops U 102 12 1 39 1 42 4 20 7

02 Forestry and logging 'T 32 18 9 4 U 19 14 2 2

03 Fishing T 4 3 1 U 4 3 1

04 Livestock and hunting T 719 69 5 9 53 3 501 25 160 32 U 48 6 1 21 26 6

1 Mining and quarrying T 84 50 1 27 17 22 1 34 32 U 15 1 7 7

10 Mining and quarrying T 84 50 1 27 17 22 34 3l U 15 1 7 7

2&3 Manufacturing T 1,725 46 130 2 481 4 693 31 421 9 U 1,610 18 123 430 4 642 10 415 4

20 Foodstuff~ T 412 18 39 2 170 103 12 100 3 U 374 -4 38 145 91 3 100

21 Beverages T 4 3 1 U 4 3 1

22 Tobacco-products T 8 2 2 U 8 2 2 4

23 Textile-cotton 'i' 22 12 13 1 8 10 U 11 2 7 1 4 1

24 Textile-jute T 2 2 2 ... U 2 • 25 Textile-wool T 5 5 U 2 2

~7 Textile-miscellaneous T 305 3 24 40 191 3 50 U 291 22 38 182 49

28 Manufacture of wood and T 186 1 8 19 61 98 wooden products U 172 5 14 57 96

30 Printing and publishing T 25 4 13 4 4 U 25 4 13 4 4

31 Leather and leather products T 86 2 5 10 62 1 9 U 82 2 5 10 60 1 7

33 Chemicals and chemical T 6 2 2 2 products U 6 2 2 2 21


Branch of Industry , _____. __-A- ______-, Total Total" Employer Employee Single worker Family worker Division and Major Group Urban ,.--A---, r-~.-t;"..A..-----; ,.----"-----, r--,.---A._-j ,.----"---, of I.S.I.C. M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


34-35 Non-metallic mineral products T 176 3 7 85 2 68 1 16 other than petrqleum and coal U 162 3 6 82 2 58 1 16 36 Basic metals and their products T 150 3 15 13 74 48 3 except machinery and U 136 3 15 6 67 48 3 transport equipmert

37 Machinery (all kinds other than T 4 _ .. 2 2 transport) and electrical U 4 2 2 equipment ,

38 Transport-equipment T 146 1 11 85 29 1 21 U 143 1 11 85 26 1 21

39 MisceHan eous manufacturing T 188 3 17 19 84 3 68 industries U 188 3 17 19 84 3 68

4 Construction T 1,484 34 30 551 31 903 3 U 688 3 25 327 2 336 1 40 Construction T 1,484 34 30 551 31 903 3 U 688 3 2S 327 2 336 1

5 ElectriCity, gas, water and T 872 951 268 122 604 829 sanitary services U 205 121 195 59 10 62

50 Electricity and gas T 57 2 51 2 6 U S4 l 51 :2 3

51 Water supply and sanitary T 815 949 217 120 S98 829 services U 151 119 144 57 7 62

6 Trade and commerce T 5.263 404 400 21 527 2 2,759 165 1,577 216 U 2.866 84 281 2 391 1,323 36 871 46 60-63 Wholesale trade T 553 33 92 306 122 U 519 30 91 277 121 64-68 Retail trade T 4,572 401 365 21 315 2 2,437 162 1,455 216 U 2,215 81 251 2 180 1,034 33 750 46 69 Trade and commerce T 138 3 2 120 16 3 miscellaneou! U 132 3 120 12 3

7 Transport, storage and T 685 2 23 2 308 354 communications U 434 2 16 2 161 257

70-71 Transport T 539 2 23 ! 162 354 U 361 2 16 2 88 257

'12 Storage and warehousing T 4 4 U 04 4

73 Communica tions T 142 142 U 69 69 22



___Branch.A.. of _____ Industry , Total Bmployer Employee Single worker Family worker Total ,----.A..-, ,-----'---..., ,---..A_--l ,---.A..--, ,---..A..---, '-Division and Major Group Urban ofI.S.I.C. M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


8 Se;vhes T 9.467 1,409 88 4 7,296 432 1,366 685 717 288 U 3.042 298 47 1 2,358 203 491 59 146 35

80 PubliC services T 4,067 22 4,Q45 19 22 3 U 1,416 9 1,404 9 12

81 Educational and T 2,349 224 2,308 218 41 6 scientific services U 590 '107 580 105 10 2

82 Medical and health services T 370 404 4 303 90 58 241 5 73 U 170 55 2 134 47 31 8 3

83 Religious and welfare services T 145 4 12 2 132 2 U 34 3 6 2 28 1

84 Legal services T 103 -4 18 81 U 100 4 16 80

85 Business services T 16 7 9 U 16 7 9

86 Community services and T 51 12 39 trade and labour associations U 23 11 12

87 Recreation services T :'97 54 28 93 2 215 32 161 20 U 174 4S 11 52 87 25 24 20

88 Personal services T .1.791 693 51 4 483 101 720 393 537 195 U 446 72 30 1 137 40 174 16 105 15

89 Services (not elsewhere T 78 7 15 49 7 14 - classified) U 73 7 11 48 7 14

9 Activities not adequately T 4.525 903 8 2 226 29 3,842 703 449 169 described U 721 85 12 693 85 16

90 Activities unspecified and not T 4,525 903 8 2 226 29 3,842 703 449 169 adequately described (This U 721 85 12 693 85 16 includes new entran ts to the labour market) 23



Branch of Industry Total Em~loyer Employee Single Worker Family workers r-.. -----_.A_-~--, ,-----.A..---, ,-:.l.--, ,-...A._-_, ,----.A..------, ,--_-.A..-_---, Division of I. S. I. C. M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


All Divisions 15,322 3.379 191 39 5,860 374 7,283 2,207 1,988 759 Division 0 Agricultural, livestock, forestry fishing and hunting 798 191 4 13 57 5 499 43 238 130 1 Mining and quarrying 69 50 20 17 15 1 34 32 2 & 3 Manufacturing 115 28 7 2 51 51 21 6 5 4 Construction 796 31 5 224 29 567 2 5 Electricity, gas, wflier and ) sanitary services , 667 830 73 63 594 767 6 Trade and commer~ 2,397 320 119 19 136 2 1,436 129 706 170 7 Transport, storage and communications ' 251 7 147 97 8 Services 6,425 1,111 41 3 4,938 229 875 626 571 253 9 Activities not adequately described 3,804 818 8 2 214 29 3,149 618 433 169

1 Bhind Tahsil (Rural)

A II Divisions 5,324 808 44 32 2,485 195 2,282 452 513 129 Division 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 193 27 13 14 5 97 5 82 4 1 Mining and quarrying 2 & 3 Manufacturing 52 23 7 2 20 22 17 3 4 Construction 259 26 109 26 150 5 Electricity, gas, water and sanitary services 190 197 7 42 183 155 6 Trade and commerce 783 90 24 17 109 2 569 33 81 38 7 Transport, storage and communications 152 2 65 85 8 Services 2,483 327 11 2,035 93 261 154 176 80 9 Activities not adequately described 1,212 118 126 27 915 82 171 3

2 Gohad Tahsil (Rural)

All Divisions 2,902 677 69 5 893 68 1,481 463 459 141 Division 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 209 15 37 119 5 53 10 ,1 Mining and quarrying 69 50 20 17 15 34 32 2 & 3 Manufacturing 42 5 20 19 4 3 4 Construction 188 5 30 153 5 Electricity, gas, water and sanitary services 154 197 31 8 123 189 6 Trade and commerce 522 55 51 2 9 277 39 185 14 7 Transport, storage and communications 19 18 8 Services 993 180 10 3 702 42 177 86 104 49 9 Activities not adequately described 706 175 3 26 597 139 80 35 24


Branch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single worker Family workers ,..---..A.------, ,..--..A.----, r---A-.. -.-, r--..A._--, ,..---+-.A..-, ,..------"---. Division of I.S.I.C. M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3 Mehgaon Tahsil (Rural)-

All Divisions 2,833 681 17 961 33 1,523 518 332 130 Division 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, . fishing and .hunting 168 27 3 159 11 6 16 1 Mining and quarrying 2 & 3 Manufacturing - 7 1 6 , 4 Construction 84 5 79 5 Electricity, gas, water and sanitary services 161 239 12 149 239 6 Trade and commerce 351 33 7 189 2 155 31 7 Transport, storage and communications 22' 19 3 8 Services 1,212 247 7 899 33 160 160 146 54 9 Activities not adequately 828 135 25 778 106 25 29 described 4 Labar-Tabsil (Rural)

All Divisions 4,263 1,213 61 2 1,521 78 1,997 774 684 359 Division 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 228 122 6 124 22 97 100 1 Mining and quarrying 2 & 3 Manufacturing 14 10 4 4 Construction 265 5 80 3 185 2 5 Electricity, gas, water and sanitary services 162 197 23 13 139 184 6 Trade and commerce 741 142 37 18 401 55 285 87 7 Transport, storage and communcations 58 5 45 8 8 Services 1,737 357 13 1,302 61 277 226 145 70 9 Activities not adequately described 1,058 390 5 2 37 859 285 157 102 25

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Total Workers at Household Workers in Non-Household Branch of Industry Workers Industry Industry etc. r-"'_--...A..-_.- r-~-- --_..A.._~ ___ ~~ r------..A-.--.-----. r--- _, -A.... ___-. Division ofl.S.J.C. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 4 5 6 7 ::s

1 Bhind Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 7,97'5 6,808 1,167 1,484 359 '5,324 801 Division 0 Agriculture, livestock, fore.'try 441 383 58 190 31 193 27 fishing and hunting Mining and quarrying 2 &: 3 Manufacturing 1,697 1,346 351 1,294 328 52 23 4 Construction 285 259 26 259 26 5 Electricity, gas, water and sanitary 387 190 197 190 197 services 6 Trade and Commerce 873 783 90 783 90 7 Transport, storage and communi- 152 . 152 152 cations 8 Service5 2,810 2,483 327 2,483 327 9 Activities not adequately described 1,330 1,212 118 1,212 118

2 Gobad Tabsil (Rural)

ALI. DIVISIONS 4,695 3.726 969 824 292 2,902 677 Division OAgriculture, livestock, forestry, 369 338 31 129 16 209 IS fishing and hunting 1 ~ining and Quarrying 120 70 50 69 50 2 &: 3 Manufacturing 1,017 736 281 694 276 42 5 4 Construction 188 188 188 5 Electricity, gas, water and sanitary 351 154 197 154 197 Services 6 Trade and commerce 577 522 55 522 55 7 Transport, Storage and Commu- 19 19 19 nications 8 Services 1,173 993 180 993 180 9 Activities not adequately described 881 706 175 706 175

3 Mebgaon Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 4,544 3,555 989 722 308 2,833 611 Division" Agriculture, livestock, forestry, 258 227 31 59 4 168 27 fishing and hunting 1 Mining and Quarrying 2 &: 3 Manufacturing 974 670 304 663 304 7 4 Construction 84 84 84 5 Electricity, gas, water and sanitary 400 161 239 161 239 Services 6 Trade and commerce 384 351 33 351 33 7 Transport, Storage and Commu- 22 22 22 nications 8 Services 1.4.59 1,212 247 1.212 247 9 Activities not adequately described 963 828 135 828 135 34



Total Workers at Household Workers in Non-Household Branch of Industry Workers Industry Industry etc. r-.. ---...... _--~-- r------"------., ,---_.___.A...__ - __--., ,------"-----, Division of l.S.I.C. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7

4 Lahar Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 7,458 5,705 1,753 1,442 540 4,263 1,213

Division 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, 604 482 122 254 228 122 fishing and hunting 1 Mining and quarrying 2 & 3 Manufacturing 1,742 1,202 540 1,188 540 14 4 Construction 270 265 5 265 5 5 Electricity, gas, water, and sanitary 359 162 197 162 197 services 6 Trade and commerce 883 741 142 741 142 7 Transport, storage and communi- 58 58 58 cations 8 Services .., 2,094 1,737 357 1,737 357 9 Activities not adequately described 1,448 1,058 390 1,058 390 35


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(Figures for Divisions only\are given)

Di vision/Category Persons Males Females Division/Category Persol1s Males Females

2 3 4 2 3 4

1 Bhind Tahsil (Rural) 1 Bhind Tahsil (Rural)--Coneld

ALL DIVISIONS 7,975 6,808 1,167 Division 9 1,490 1,144 346 III 220 193 27 Service, sports and recreation IV 1,843 1,484 359 workers V 75 52 23 IX 1,490 1,144 346 VI 285 259 26 Vll 873 783 90 2 Gohad Tahsjl (Rural) VIII 152 152 IX 4,527 3,885 642 ALL DIVISIONS 4,695 3,726 969 III 343 278 65 Division 0 927 771 156 IV 1,116 824 292 Professional, technical and V 47 42 5 related workers VI 188 188 III VII 577 522 55 IV 12 12 VIII 19 19 V 1 1 XI 2,405 1,853 552 IX 913 757 156 Division 0 381 321 60 Division 378 373 5 Professiona,l, technical and Administrative, executive and related workers managerial workers IX 381 321 60 378 IX 373 5 Division 1 151 150 1 Dh'ision 2 385 378 7 Administrative, executive and Clerical and related workers managerial workers IX 385 378 7 IX 151 150 Dil'ision 3 880 790 90 Division 2 62 60 2 Sale~ workers Clerical and related workers III 7 7 IX 62 60 2 VII 873 7133 90 Division 3 577 522 55 Division 4 432 374 58 Sales workers Farmers, fishermen, hunters, VII 577 521 55 loggers and related workers III 212 185 27 Division 4 374 343 31 IV 220 189 31 Farmers, fishermen, hunters, loggers and related workers Division 6 133 133 III 225 210 15 Workers in transport and IV 145 129 16 Communication occupations IX 4 4 VIII 133 133 Division 5 J19 69 50 Division 7-8 3,350 2,845 505 Miners, quarrymen and Craftsmen, production process related workers workers and labourers not III 118 68 50 elsewhere classified IV 1 IV 1,611 1,283 328 V 74 51 23 Division 6 18 18 VI 285 259 26 Workers in transport and VIII 19 19 communication occupations I 1,361 1,233 128 Vlll 18 18 4S



(Figures for Divisions only are given)

Division JCategory Persons Males Females Division/Category Persons Males Females 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 Gobad Tahsil (Rutal)--\onc{d. Mehgaon Tahsil (Rural)-Concld. Division 7-8 2,131 1.674 457 Division 6 24 24 Craftsmen, production process Workers in transport and workers and labourers not eleswhere communication occupations <;:Iassified VII 22 22 IV 970 694 276 IX 2 V 47 42 5 Division 7-8 2,028 1,588 440 VI 188 188 Craftsmen, production process VIII 1 1 workers and labourers not IX 925 749 176 -:lsewhere classified IV 967 663 304 Division 9 882 569 .~13 V 7 7 Service, sports and recreation VI 84 84 workers IX 970 834 136 IX 882 569 313 Division 9 960 595 365 Service, sports and recreation 3 Mehgaon Tahsil (Rural) workers IX ALL DIVISIONS 4,544 3,555 989 960 595 36S III 195 168 27 4 Lahar Tahsil ( Rural) IV 1,030 722 308 V 7 7 ALI. DIVISIONS 7,458 5,705 1,753 VI 84 84 III 350 228 122 IV VII 384 351 33 1,982 1,442 540 V 14 VIII 22 22 14 VI 270 265 5 IX 2,822 2,201 621 VII 883 741 142 VIII 58 58 Division 0 651 540 IlJ IX 3,901 2,957 944 Professional, technical and related workers Division 0 894 695 199 Professional, technical and IX 651 540 III related workers Division 190 186 4 IV 61 61 VII Administrative, executive and 6 6 managerial workers VIIJ 1 IX 826 IX 190- 186 4 688 138 Division 199 198 1 Division 2 49 44 5 AdmInistrative Executive and Clerical and related workers managerial workers IX 49 44 5 VIII 1 IX 193 197 Division 3 384 351 33 Sales workers Division 2 75 75 VII 384 3:51 33 Clerical and related workers IX 75 75 Division 4 258 227 31 Division 3 882 736 146 Farmers, fishermen, hunters, sales workers loggers and related workers III 4 4 III 195 168 27 VII 873 731 142 IV 63 59 4 IX 5 5 49



(Figures for Divisions ol;1ly are given)

Division/Category Persons Males Females Division/Category Persons Males Females 2 3 4 2 3 4

Division 4 602 486 116 Division 7-8 3,407 2,527 880 Farmers, fishermen, hunters, Craftsmen, Production process workers and labourers not loggers and related workers elsewhere classified III 2 2 1Il 344 228 116 IV 1,667 1,188 479 V 14 14 IV 254 254 VI 270 265 5 VIII 7 '1 VII 4 4 IX 1,447 1,053 394 Division 9 1,348 937 411 Division 6 48 48 Services, sports and recreation workers Workers in transport and VIII 2 2 communication occupations IX 1,346 935 411 Division X 3 3 VIII 47 47 Workers not classifiable by occupations IX 1 - IX 3 3 50


Educational Levels r-~---~----...A._------,

Literate Primary Matricu- Technical Occupational Total (without or lation or diploma Division Age- Literate educational Junior Higher not equal No. &roup Total Workers Workers levels) Basic Secondary to dearee r-~--_A._----~ ,---....A...----... ,--...A---_., ,---.---.....A_-~ r---..A..----.. ,---A--_ p M F M F M P M F M F M IF

2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


ALL DIVISIONS Total 0,613 10,646 967 6,562 194 4,430 86 1,008 59 788 35 10 0-14 320 28t 39 96 4 95 4 1 15-34 6,453 5,923 530 3,881 140 2,473 53 607 41 581 32 5 35-59 4,358 4,004 354 2,368 49 1,673 28 378 18 204 3 3 60+- 480 436 44 216 1 188 1 22 3 2 A.N.S. 2 2 1 1 Division 0 Total 1,207 1,018 189 893 159 149 57 260 55 259 33 10 Professional, 0-14 3 1 3 techrJical and 15-34 577 123 66 38 166 40 191 31 5 related workers 35-59 286 34 65 17 87 15 66 2 3 60+ 27 1 15 1 7 2 2 Division 1 Total 297 294 3 285 3 66 1 70 1 74 1 Administrative 15-34 131 1 11 39 42 executive and 35-59 149 2 50 31 32 mana&erial wor- 60+ :- 5 leers Division 2 Tota! 1,181 1,169 12 979 2 443 1 262 1 254 Clerical and 0-14 1 1 related workers 15-34 584 243 127 199 35-59 379 2 185 134 1 55 60+ 15 14 1 Division 3 Total 2,497 2,413 84 1,866 6 1,584 4 189 1 88 1 Sales workers 0--14 29 29 15-34 973 3 778 123 68 35-59 741 3 665 56 19 60+ 122 111 10 1 ,_,. AN.S. 1 1 Division 4 Total 261 2/0 51 37 2 30 2 1 6 Farmers, fisher- 0-14 5 2 5 2 men, hunters, 15-34 21 17 4 loggers and re- 35- 59 11 8 2 lated workers Division 5 Total 8 8 2 2 Minen, quarry- 15-34 men and rela- 35-59 ted workers

Division 6 Total 359 357 2 178 1 139 1 20 18 Worktrsin 0--14 3 3 transport and 15-34 102 79 11 11 communi- 35-59 73 57 9 7 cation occupations 51



Educational Levels --_-__ -_. ---~----.--"- ~-- .. -----.--~ ----. _- _._--. --_.------.. --.,_ ----~ .. --~-.~---.---~----. ._--._-----, Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree University _-__- ______-A.. degree or post- Non-techni­ graduate cal ~iploma degree other Vetenna~y not equal to than techni­ and Age­ degree cal degree Engineering Medicine Agriculture dairying Technology Teaching Others group

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 2


287 11 5 23 2 9 2 1 Total 0-14 193 11 4 10 2 7 1 1 15-34 93 1 13 2 1 35-59 1 60+ A.N.S.

179 11 5 21 2 8 2 I Total 0 0-14 130 11 4 8 2 6 15-34 48 13 2 35-59 1 60+ 72 2 J Total 1 36 2 15-34 36 , 35-59 60+

20 Total 2 0-14 15 .. , , 15-34 5 35-59 .... 60+ 5 Total 3 0-14 4 15-34 • 1 35-59 60+ A.N.S.

Total 4 0-14 15·-34 35-59

Total 5 15-34 35-59

1 Total 6 0-14 15-34 35-59 52



Educational Levels ,-----

Literate Primary Matricu- Technical Occupational Total (without or lation or diploma Division Age- Literate educational Junior Hiiher not equal No. group Total Workers Workers levels) Basic Secondary to deirec ,-.. ,, __----'-~ __...-A._~_~ __ .. _~ r---_A._-.-~ r-.----"--_, ,---_....A.....----... ,----"--, ,-_ ..A..-, P M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 ~ BHIND

Division 7-8 Total 4,408 3,990 418 1,680 19 1,556 18 97 27 Craftsmen, 0-14 48 1 48 1 production and 15-34 1,079 11 989 11 72 18 process wor- 35-59 516 7 484 6 23 9 kers and labourers 60+ 37 35 2 not elsewhere clas&ified

DiI'ision 9 Total 1,384 1,176 208 632 2 457 2 106 61 Service, sports 0-14 7 6 I and recreation 15-34 407 2 287 2 68 47 workers 35-59 208 156 35 1.04 60+ 10 8 2 Division X Total 11 11 10 4 3 1 Workers not 15-34 6 2 cla~slfiable by 35-59 4 2 2 occupations Note :-Lines with nil entries have been omitted. A. N. S=Age Not Stated 53



Educational Levels ------~ Technical degree or diplojlla equal---A.____ to degree_ or post-graduate degree Umversity degree r­ Non-techni- or post-graduate cal diploma degree other ,Veterinary not equal to . than technical Engi­ and Age- degree degree neering Medicine Agriculture dairying Technology Teaching Others group r---...A-----., r-__.A._~ ,--..A....-_, r--....A._-~ ,-~-A..-_~ r---'-----, ,--______.A,_"'-'-l r--_...... _--~ r----..A..--.. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 2


Total 7-8 0-14 15-34 35-59 60+

8 Total 9 0-14 5 15-34 3 35-59 60+ 2 Total X 2 15-34 35-59 54



Principal Work Secondary Work ,------"------., Total r---~--~---A..------_, Cultivator, Agricultural Labourer or Rural At Household As Cultivator As Agricultural Household Industry Urban Industry Labourer ,-----A. ,--_--A-_-_--.. ,-_____A.__-----, (Division and Major Group) Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 7 8

BHlND DISTRICT 2,561 Cultivlltor T 5,249 688 7,880 R 5,249 679 7,867 2,548 V 9 13 13

Agricultural labourer T 163 55 1.270 422 R 163 55 1,257 421 V 13 1 25 Household iudustry T 1,281 165 163 R 1,192 156 156 2S V 89 9 7 Household industry classified by Division and Minor group 3 o Agriculture livestock, forestry, fishing r 214 23 19 3 and hunting R 209 23 19 U 5

00 Field produce and plantation crops T R 3 04 Livestock and hunting T 213 23 19 R 208 23 19 3 U 5

Mining and Quarrying T 1 U 1

10 Mining and Quarrying T 1 R 1 2&3 Manufacturing T 1,067 142 143 22 R 983 133 136 22 U 84 9 7

20 Foodstuffs T 124 50 22 3 112 46 21 3 U 12 4 1

23 Textile-cotton T 56 22 26 11 R 48 22 23 11 U 8 3 24 Textile-Jute T 1 R 1

27 Textile-miscellaneous T 105 13 R 103 13 U 2 55



Principal VVork Secondary VVork -A.. .------, r------_A_------~ Total r- Cultivator, Agricultural Labourer or Rural ,At Household As Cultivator As Agricultural Urban Industry Labourer Household Industry ,-__ ---"-___-----., ,----.A..__ --, (Division and Major Group) r--..A.------., Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


28 ManufactUre of wood· and T 371 21 38 3 wooden products R 356 21 38 3 U 15

31 Leather and leather product~ T 94 2 16 R 76 J5 U 18 2 1

33 Chemicals and chemical products T 4 5 R 4 5

34-35 Non-metallic mineral products other than T 180 46 22 5 petroleum and coal R 159 43 20 5 U 21 3 2

36 Basic metals and their products except machinery T 109 1 and transport equipment R 103 1 U 6

38 Transport equipment T R

39 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries T 22 R 20 U 2

1 Bhind Tahsil

Cultivator R 1,287 79 1,445 188 Avjcultural labourer R 34 273 26 Household industry R 324 18 27 4

o Agriculture. livestock, forestry, fishing R 37 10 6 1 and hUnting 2ol3 Manufacturing R 287 8 21 3

2 Gohad Tahsil

Cultivator R 581 58 1.515 367 Agricultural lahourer R 11 7 252 60 Housebold industry R 214 38 68 8

o Agriculture. livestock, forestry, fishing R 38 13 7 2 and hunting 01 Mining and Quarrying R 1 2ol3 Manufac/uring R 176 25 60 6 56



Principal Work Secondary Work

,-_~ ____..A.. ______, r------...A._--~ ------:-~ Cultivator, Agricultural Labourer or At Household As As AgrIcultural Household Industry Total Industry Cultivator Labourer (Division and Major Group) Rural ,-~-....A_ ,---__.A._-----, r---~--..A....---~ Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3 Mchgaon Tahsil

Cultivator R 1,401 ]43 1,313 196 Aari~ultural labourer R 32 . 4 165 7 • Household industry R 131 19 39 6

0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing R 6 2 and hunting 2&3 Manufacturing R 125 19 37 6

4 Lahar Tahsil Cultivators R 1,980 399 3,594 1,7'7 Agricultural labourer R 86 44 567 328 Household industry U 523 81 22 7

0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing R 128 4 and hunting 2&3 Manu fucturing R 395 81 18 7 57



Note-For description of Divisions and Major groups. please see Appendix T to Explanatory Note. (P. W.) Principal Work. (A. W.) Additional Work.

Principal Work Principal Work Principal Work ,-_-;.--_..A..___ --, r------__A._-----, r----..A_-:--~-__.. Additional work at Additional work at Additional work at Household Industry Household Industry Household Industry (Division and Major (Division and Major (Division and Major . Group) M F Group) M F Group) M F 2 3 2 3 2 3

TOTAL Total~-Contd. Total-Contd. P. W. Division 0 971 209 P. W. Major Group 51 815 949 P. W. Division 7 685 2 A. W. Division 0 32 13 A. W. Division 2&3 3 A. W. Division 2&3 Major Groups 20 1 Major Group 04 32 13 Major Group 34-35 27 2 Division 2&3 1 1 Major Group 28 P. W. Major Group 70-71 539 2 P. W.Major Group 04 719 69 P. W. Division 6 5.263 404 A. W. Divi,sion 2&3 3 A. W. Division 2&3 A. W. Division 0 5 Major Groups 20 Major Group 34-35 Major Gro.p 04 5 27 2 Division P. W. Division 8 9,4671,409 P. W. Division 2&3 1,725 46 Major Group 10 A. W. Division 0 3 Division 2&3 36 13 A. W. Division 2&3 Major Groups 20 4 Major Group 04 3 Major Group 28 23 2 2&3 6 27 11 1 Division P. W. Major Group 30 25 28 10 6 Major Groups 20 1 A. W. Division 2&3 1 30 2 28 5 31 2 Major Group 28 1 34-35 5 P. W. Major Group 80 4.067 22 38 4 P. W. Division 1,484 34 4 39 A. W. Division 0 3 A. W. Division 2&3 6 P. W. Major Group 60-63 553 Major Group 04 3 Major Groups 20 A. W. Division 2&3 Division 2&3 2 23 3 Major Group 28 Major Groups 20 28 2 P. W. Major Group 64-68 4.572 401 28 P. W. Major Group 40 1.484 34 A. W. Division 0 5 P. W. Majar Group 82 370 404 Major Group 04 5 A. W. Division 2&3 A. W. Division 2&3 6 Division t Major Groups 20 Major Group 10 Major Group 28 23 3 Division 2&3 35 13 P. W. Major Group 88 1,791 693 28 2 Major Groups 20 4 23 2 A. W. Division 2&3 4 P. W. Division 5 872 951 - 27 11 28 9 6 Major Group 28 4 A. W. Division 0 32 13 30 2 W. Division 9 4.525 903 Major Group 04 32 13 31 2 1 P. 34-35 5 6 1 Division A. W. Division 0 2& 3 38 4 Major Group 28 39 1 Major Group 04 6 58


Principal Work Principal Work Principal Work r----_A_----~ r--.---A...----~ ,-----_A_----l Additional work at Additional work at Additional work at Household industry Household industry Household industry (Division and Major (Division and Major (Division and Major Group) M F Group) M F Group) M F

2 3 2 3 2 3

Total-Conc/d. Rural- COil/d. Rural··-·C(lllcld. Division 2&3 12 P. W. Division 6 2.397 320 P. W. Division 9 3,804 818 Major Groups 20 A. W. Division 5 A. W. Division 23 3 o o 6 28 2 Major Group 04 5 Major Group 04 6 31 3 Division 2&3 23 13 Division 2&3 II 33 Major Groups 20 4 Major Groups 20 2 34-35 23 1 23 3 P. W. Major Group 90 4,525 903 27 II 1 28 28 2 6 31 3 6 A. W. Division o 31 1 33 1 Major Groups 04 6 34-35 5 34-35 Division 2 & 3 12 38 4 39 P. W. Major Group 90 3,804 818 Major Groups 20 2 23 3 P. W. Major Grollp 64-68 2,357 320 A. W. Division 0 6 1 28 2 Major Group 04 6 1 31 3 A. W. Division o 5 Division 2 & 3 11 33 1 Major Group 04 5 34-35 1 Major Groups... 20 2 23 13 Division 2&3 23 3 RURAL Major Groups 20 4 28 1 31 23 1 3 P. W. Division 0 798 191 1 27 11 1 33 34-35 1 A. W. Division 2&3 3 28 2 6 Major Groups 20 1 31 1 URBAN 27 2 34-35 5 38 4 P. W. Division 2 & 3 1,610 18 P. W. Major Group 04 671 63 39 A W. Division 2&3 A. W. Division 2&3 3 P. W. Division 8 6,425 1,111 Major Group 28 Major Groups 20 1 27 2 A. W. Division o 3 P. W. Major Group 30 25 Major Group 04 3 P. W. DiVision 4 796 31 A. W. Division 2&3 Division 2 &3 6 Major Group 28 A. W. Di vision 2 & 3 2 Major Group~ 20 Major Group 23 2 28 5 P. W. Division 4 688 3 P. W. Major Group 40 796 31 P. W. Major Group 80 2,651 13 A. W. Division 2&3 4 A. W. Division 2&3 2 A. W. Division o 3 Major Groups 20 Major Group 23 2 Major Group 04 3 23 1 P. W. Division 5 667 830 Division 2& 3 2 28 2 Major Groups 20 1 A. W. Division o 17 11 P. W. Major Group 40 688 3 28 1 Major Group 04 17 11 Division 2&3 1 1 P. W. Major Group 82 200 349 A. W. Division 2&3 4 Major Group 28 Major Groups 20 1 A. W. Division 2&3 23 I P. W. Major Group 51 664 830 Major Group 28 28 2 A. W. Division o 17 11 P. W. Division 5 205 121 P. W. Major Group 88 1,345 621 Major Group 04 17 11 A. W. Division o 15 2 Division 2&3 I A. W. Division 2&3 4 Major Group 28 I Major Group 28 4 Major Group 04 15 59


Principal Work Principal Work Principal Work ,-_.__ ._-A___ k r--~-__A._-- ... --.~ ------...A..----:--1 --\ Additional work at Additional work at Additional work at Household industry Household industry Household industry (Division and Major (Division and Major (Division and Major Group) M F Group) M F Group) M F 2 3 2 3 2 3

Urban.-Contd. Urban-( ·oncld. 2 Gohad Tahsil-Cancld.

P. W. Major Group 51 151 119 P. W. Major Group 70-71 361 2 A.W. Division 0 2 5 2&3 1 A. W. Division 0 15 2 A. W. Divis'ion 2&3 Division Major Group 04 15 2 P.W. Division 522 55 Major Group 34-35 • P. Division 6 2,866 84 A. W. Division 2&3 2 W 85 P. W Division 9 721 P.W. Division 8 993 180 A. W. Division I' A.W Division 2&3 A. W. Division 0 2 Major Group 10 Major Group 28 Division 2&3 5 Division 2&3 13 I P.W. Division 9 706 175 Major Groups 23 P. W. Major Group 90 721 85 28 8 A. W. Division 0 4 30 2 A. W. Division 2&3 31 2 Division 2&3 6 Major Group 28 P. W. Major Group 60-63 519 3 Mehgaon Tahsil (Rural) 1 Bhind Tahsil (Rural) A. W. Division 2&3 P. W. Division 0 168 27 Major Group 28 . P.W. Division 5 190 197 A. W. Division 2&3 3 A. W. Division 0 12 P. W. Mujor Group 64-68 2,215 81 P.W. Division 5 161 239 P. W. Division 6 783 90 A. W. Division 0 3 6 A. W. Division A. W. Division 2&3 2 P. W. Division 8 1,212 247 Major Group 10 P. W. Division 9 1,212 118 Division A. W. Division 0 2&3 12 A.W. Division 0 i 1 Major Groups 23 1 Division 2&3 28 7 Division 2&3 5 30 2 31 2 2 Gohad Tabsil (Rural) 4 Labar Tahsil (Rural)

P. W. Division 7 434 2 P.W. Division 4 188 P. W. Division 6 741 142 A. W. Division 2&3 A. W. Division 2&3 2 A.W. Division 0 5 Major Group 34-J5 P. W. Division 5 154 197 Division 2&3 19 13 Gu



Persons seeking employment ,------~------.------_)..,_------Age-groups

,-______-...A. __ ~ _____-- Total . S. Educational levels unemployed Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 No. ,-__...A..------..,. r--_.A.._~ r- --.J.,._~~ r---A...~ PM F M F M F M F

3 4 5 6 7 8 ') 10 II 12 13 14 15


Total 109 109 66 36 21 2 3

Illiterate 18 18 10 6

2 Literate (Without educational level) 57 57 28 19 6

3 Primary or Junior Basic 12 12 10 5 3

4 Matriculation and Higher Secondary 18 18 16 6 10

5 University degree or post graduate degree 4 4 2 other than technical degree Note :-·Lines with nil entries have been omitted.


Persons unemployed by r---·------.------.. - Total unemployed Illiterate ,-______.A______-----... r---- ~ ------_A._---·~------1 District/Tahsil Persons Males Females Persons Males Female§

2 3 4 5 6 7


Bhind District Total 116 115 1 24 24

Bhind Tahsil 33 33 8 8

2 Gohad Tahsil 20 20

3 Mehgaon Tahsil 31 31 13 13

4 Lahar Tahsil 32 31 2 2 61



for the first time Persons employed before but now out of employment and seeking work

------~-~ r------_.A_~------~---~---~ Age-groups - - ---"-" ---.-----, r- -. ~_---_-~_~-._ .. __ .._ .. _ .. .__ ... __~_ .. __ .. __.. ______A._---~ ... ___ .. - .. -_--. ------Age not Age not S. 35 \- stated Total 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-59 60+ stated No.

16 17 18 I') 20 11 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35


4 43 6 10 12 7 7 1 T

8 2 3

2 29 4 5 7 6 6 2


2 4

z: 2 5



educational levels ~ .. --. __ .. _ .. _ .. __ J._ .. _ .. _ ... _ .. _ .. ___ .. ____I'"---_ ... _ ..~_ .. _ .. _-,.._-.. _ .. - .. _-__ .. __ .. -1'"-----,.-.. -1'"--1'"------.. __ ... _,.__ .. _ ._ ~ .. __ ,.. _",_"_,,,--... __ -. Literate (without educational levels) Primary or Junior Basic Matriculation and above S.

,,_._ ... _. --_-____.A._ ___.. __.. ____.. _ .. _~ r-""-----.- .. ---.. ------..l\_- ---.-----.. ---~~ r------.--~ __ ~_ .. __ .. ___ _A.______.. -_,,--- --I No. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


42 42 28 28 22 21 1 T

12 12 5 5 8 8

9 9 6 6 4 4 2

6 6 10 10 2 2

i5 15 7 7 8 7 62



TOLdl Dependents. infants Total Non-workirlg population Full time students Household duties and disabled Rural Age-group (------~--J.._------""l ,-----''------, ,------A...-----""l ,------"------..,. Urban Person& Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II


Total All Ages 398,554 143.607 254,947 39.006 5,171 12 134,767 102,525 114,327 0-14 246,579 129,288 117,291 31,593 4,999 12,3l7 97,627 99,933 15--34 88,832 8,916 79,916 7,413 172 9 78,039 963 1,571 35-59 44,775 1,777 42,998 3 39,266 946 3,478 60+ 18,248 3,559 14,689 5,140 2,930 9,298 Age not 120 67 53 5 59 47 ~tated

Roral All ages 366,467 131,047 235,420 34,237 3,472 12 124,780 95,186 106,618 0-14 227,738 119,109 108,629 28.244 3,411 11,799 90,800 93,377 15--34 80,544 7,199 73,345 5,993 61 9 71,738 815 1,446 35-59 41,096 1,494 39.602 3 36,336 823 3,074 60 + 16,971 3,179 13.792 4.902 2.690 8.675 Age not 118 6:1 52 5 58 46 stated

Urban All ages 32,087 12,560 19,527 4,769 1,699 9,987 7,339 7,709 0-14 18,841 10,179 8,662 3,349 1,588 518 6,827 6,556 15-34 8,288 1,717 6,571 1,420 111 6,301 148 125 35--59 3,679 283 3,396 2,930 123 404 60 + 1,277 380 897 238 240 623 Age not 2 1 1 1 1 stated

1 Bhind

Rural All ages 132,617 45.545 87,072 13,080 1,341 6 49,817 31,941 35.671 0---14 78,556 41,075 37,481 10,609 1,324 3.973 30,437 32,145 15--34 31,554 2,913 28.641 2,471 17 5 27,966 336 575 35-59 16,683 502 16,181 15,263 291 855 60 + 5.757 1,021 4,736 2,611 844 2,068 Age not 67 34 33 4 33 28 stated

2 Gohad

Rural All ages 66,640 23,808 42.832 5.129 454 22,781 18,381 19,522 0--14 41,780 22,151 19,629 4,444 445 2.205 17,699 16,978 15--34 14,853 893 13,960 685 9 13.779 130 163 35--59 7,135 265 6,870 6,187 133 655 60 + 2,852 480 2,372 610 400 1,725 Age Not 20 19 I 19 1 stated 63 li-l)1.


Persons employed Inmates of penal. Persons seeking before but now out Retired, rentier or Beggars, vagrants mental and charitable employment for the of employment and independent means etc. institutions first time seeking work r--- _~_-A_ ___ ~l ,--_--A..---_~ r----....A..--~ r-~---..A....----~ , __-..A..--_--, Age-group Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2


579 307 1.218 373 31 1 148 88 All ages T 1 55 42 3 9 0--14 38 23 286 110 22 134 1 51 15-34 214 149 571 104 7 1 11 25 35--59 325 135 299 116 2 3 60 + 1 7 1 Age not stated

374 233 1;105' 316 6 82 1 45 All ages R 1 52 42 3 9 0-14 23 12 262 87 2 72 23 15 -34 128 111 520 81 2 7 11 35-59 221 110 264 105 2 2 60 + 1 7 1 Age not stated

205 74 113 57 25 1 66 43 All ages U .3 0--l4 15 11 24 23 20 62 28 15-,34 86 38 51 23 5 1 4 14 35--59 104 25 35 11 1 60 + Age not stated


157 78 320 165 2 20 19 All ages R 23 39 2 4 0--14 17 8 57 75 17 10 15-34 53 40 151 23 4 35-59 86 30 119 27 1 60 -j- 1 Age not stated


31 14 246 61 1 10 10 All ages R 1 7 0-14 2 1 61 8 10 5 15-34 11 3 116 25 5 35 -59 17 10 62 27 60 + Age not stated 64



Total Dependents. infants and disabled Total Non-working population Full time students Household duties ,.. ___.A. ___ , Rural Age-group ,..------..A.-_--_--, r---.A..--, r-----_.A.._--, Urban Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3 MehgaoD

Rural All ages 82,391 28.129 54.262 7,726 702 6 29,740 20,018 23.674 0-14 49,101 25,678 23,423 6,643 694 2,496 19,025 20,231 15 --34 19,320 1,304 18,016 l,e83 8 4 17,583 148 422 35- 59 10,042 354 9,688 2 8,743 178 874 60 + 3,902 780 3,122 918 661 2.134 Age not 26 13 13 6 13 stated

4 Lahar

Rural All ages • 84,819 33,565 51,254 8,302 975 . 22,442 24.846 27,751 0---14 58,301 30,205 28,096 6,548 948 3,125 23.639 24,023 15-34 14,817 2,089 12,728 1,754 27 12,410 201 286 35-59 7,236 373 6,863 6,143 221 690 60 + 4,0460 898 3,562 763 785 2,748 Age not 5 5 4 stated 65



Persons employed Inmates of penal. Persons seeking before but now out Retired. rentier or Beggars. vagrants mental and charitable employment for the of employment and independent means etc. institutions first time seeking work ,--.....:..-.A..-----., r-~--_A_-----, ,-_-.A.._-, ,-----.A..------, ,---'-----, Age-group Males Females Males Females· Males Females Males Females Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 2


105 94 241 52 2 22 9 All a¥es R to 2 0-14 2 2 42 1 16 8 15--34 43 • 49 124 22 6 35-59 60 43 58 27 60 + 7 Age not stated Tab.il

81 47 298 38 1 30 } 7 All ages R 12 1 5 0-14 2 1 102 3 29 15-34 21 19 129 11 2 35-59 58 27 55 24 60 + Age not stated B- ECONOMIC TABLES



SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS (i) ENGAGED NEITHER IN CULTIVATION NOR IN HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY (ii) ENGAGED EITHER IN CULTIVATION OR HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY BUT NOT IN BOTH AND (iii) ENGAGED BOTH IN CULTIVATION AND HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY FOR ALL AREAS ( BASED ON 20 % SAMPLE) Households engag­ Households Total ed neither in culti­ Households engag­ Households en gag- engaged in both Rural Total Number vation nor in house­ ed in cultivation ed in household cultivation and District/Tahsil Urban of households hold industry only industry only household industr}' 1 2 3 4 5 6 - 1 BHIND DISTRICT T 22,765 3,598 17,611 497 1,059 R 20,816 2.291 17,168 396 1,021 U 1,889 1,307 443 101 38 I Bhind Tahsil R 6,977 674 5,940 123 240 2 Gohad Tahsil ,R 3.851 551 3_080 70 150 3 Mehgaon Tahsil R 4,601 527 3,752 13 49 4 Lahar Tahsil R 5,447 539 4,396 130 82


SAMPLE HOUSEJIOLDS ENGAGED IN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY INTEREST IN LAND AND SIZE OF LAND CULTIVATED IN RURAL AND URBAN AREAS SEPARATELY (BASED ON 20% SAMPLE) Note:- -Figures 1. 2 and 3 in column 1 stand for: 1 Owned or held from Government. 2 Held from private persons or Insti- tutions for payment in money kind or share and 3 Partly held from Government and partly from private persons for payment in money, kind or share, Households engaged in cultivation by size of land in acres Interest ill land No. of r----~----.-~ -.------..A...-----~---.------~ cultivated cultivating Less 1-0-- 2-5· 5-0-7·5- 10'0- 12'5- 15-0- 30-0- 50+ Unspe- households than 1 2·4 4'9 7-4 9-9 12'4 14'9 29'9 49'9 cified 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 BHIND DISTRICT (RURAL) Total 18,189 404 2,260 4_022 3,594 2,299 1,820 1,028 2,299 365 92 6- 1 15,906 386 2,056 3,567' 3,142 1,971 1,540 867 1,976 316 80 5 2 455 18 124 135 85 30 27 11 22 3 3 1,828 80 320 367 298 253 150 301 46 12 1 1 Bhind Tahsil (Rural) Total 6.180 119 936 1,614 1,343 750 599 281 468 50 15 5 I 5,635 117 872 1,482 1,213 612 545 ~ 245 423 46 15 5 2 100 2 36 31 20 6 4 1 3 445 28 101 110 72 50 35 45 4 2 Gohad Tahsil (Rural) Total 3.230 44 289 584 577 410 351 205 590 130 49 1 1 2,821 40 269 524 506 349 287 174 509 117 46 2 109 4 14 25 25 12 12 4 12 1 3 300 6 35 46 49 52 27 69 12 3 3 Mehgaon Tahsil (Rural) Total 4,001 71 457 768 760 479 424 267 670 96 9 1 3,419 68 406 639 646 399 356 226 585 87 7 2 108 3 30 37 19 5 5 1 8 3 474 21 92 95 75 63 40 77 9 2 4 Lahar Tahsil (Rural) Total 4,778 170 578 1,056 914 660 446 275 571 89 19 1 4,031 161 509 922 777 5 '1 352 222 459 66 12 2 138 9 44 42 21 7 6 5 2 2 3 609 25 92 116 102 88 48 110 21 7 BHIND DISTRICT (URBAN) Total 481 14 74 109 92 46 43 27 59 13 4 1 417 10 71 100 74 37 36 23 -49 13 4 2 22 4 1 7 7 .. 3 3 42 2 2 11 9 7 4 7 68



Total of cultivating (BASED ON households Cultivating households according to number r-- - ____...A- __ .------. r------._---- I Person 2 Persons 3-5 Persons

r---~.-- ~_..._A______, Size of land r-----....A...-~··--l r------__ __A.._ -, (Class ranges House- Family Hired House- Family-' House- Family- Hired House- Family Hired in acres) holds Workers Workers holds Workers holds Workers Workers holds Workers Workers ,-_. ....,.A__---... ,---... ..-A.....---.. ,-.. ______A__---.... ,---...-A-_---.... M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


All si1:cS 17,168 30,869 5,700 8,594 5,226 4,958 268 5,686 9,111 1,503 758 5,294 14,008 2,919 1,683 Less than 1 356 451 142 8 199 179 20 92 121 57 6 59 ]3S 56 2 1.0 -2.4 2,045 2,790 693 184 1,021 945 76 667 994 296 44 335 819 293 36 2.5--4.9 3,752 5,867 1,330 486 1_491 1,410 81 1,319 2,070 471 97 872 2,196 670 146 5.0-7.4 3,406 5,929 1,185 856 1,075 1,031 44 1,211 1,990 309 123 1,012 2,616 664 237 7.5-9.9 2,190 4,249 785 970 533 518 ]5 739 1,227 161 90 785 2,093 438 242 10.0-12.4 1,744 3,517 577 1,191 379 365 14 582 976 86 102 655 1,800 305 215 12.5-14.9 986 2,020 312 843 174 166 8 323 519 51 76 399 1,094 154 171 15.0-29.9 2,237 4.975 548 2,746 326 317 9 648 ],062 56 178 981 2,759 291 447 30.0-49.9 356 837 112 897 18 17 1 89 129 12 37 166 421 44 144 50 + 90 225 16 411 8 8 13 17 4 5 29 74 4 41 Unspecified 6 9 2 2 2 3 6 1 1 2

1 Bhind

All sizes 5,940 10,843 989 1,712 2.182 2.098 84 2,020 3,524 302 214 1,564 4,687 445 266 Less than 1 107 151 18 4 69 66 3 18 30 4 2 19 49 II 2 1.0-2.4 882 1,222 157 108 492 459 33 273 458 71 17 108 300 52 5 2.5 -4.<; 1,547 2,463 281 164 703 679 24 532 916 113 35 289 826 116 27 5.0---7.4 1,295 2,344 225 263 465 453 12 484 865 59 44 322 961 118 35 7.5-9.9 727 1,505 113 224 176 176 283 503 24 39 237 720 56 40 10.0-12.4 584 1,235 85 378 139 132 7 204 369 12 27 217 660 40 45 12.5-14.9 272 617 52 162 50 45 5 83 140 6 20 124 385 22 34 15.0-29.9 457 1,129 48 283 79 79 125 214 10 26 221 705 26 60 30.0-49.9 49 13.3 6 115 4 4 12 20 1 3 21 66 2 12 + 15 37 4 9 3 3 4 5 2 1 5 14 2 4 Unspecified 5 7 2 2 2 2 4 1 .. 2 2 Gohad

All sizes 3.080 5,461 841 5,747 765 731 34 805 1,240 218 152 1,010 2,356 404 904 Less than 1 38 41 8 1 27 24 3 10 14 5 1 I 3 10-24 261 334 79 44 135 125 10 80 108 40 12 43 100 28 19 2'5-4.9 551 844 162 253 199 1'3 6 191 285 70 27 141 324 72 94 5'0-7.4 549 890 158 474 163 158 5 153 236 45 25 190 413 86 162 7'5--9.9 393 731 123 638 82 76 6 93 154 22 10 164 370 79 161 10'0-12.4 336 633 107 683 54 53 1 89 145 16 17 131 - 305 61 116 12·5-14.9 197 392 50 583 25 25 39 62 7 9 82 197 25 95 15'0-29.9 578 1,174 107 2,(}62 72 69 3 122 197 9 38 198 495 41 188 30'0 -49.9 127 298 38 663 4 4 22 32 2 to 49 120 12 52 50+ 49 122 9 346 4 4 5 5 2 3 II 29 17 Unspecified 1 2 1 2

3 Mehgaon

All sizes 3,752 6,768 606 350 1,392 1,322 70 1,349 2,339 194 165 961 2,853 278 130 Less than 1 61 69 10 2 44 41 3 14 20 6 2 3 8 1 1.0-2.4 407 544 84 4 242 226 16 122 199 41 4 43 119 27 2.5-4.9 704 1,082 144 14 349 328 21 235 412 50 8 113 308 61 6 5.0--7.4 716 1,247 120 22 281 267 14 268 484 39 13 164 482 63 9 7.5-9.9 452 868 84 17 158 153 5 155 279 20 II 133 407 40 6 10.0-12.4 402 803 55 31 126 124 2 151 268 13 21 119 379 25 10 12.5-14.9 256 501 41 28 67 65 2 105 180 10 20 79 238 17 7 15.0-29.9 653 1,433 54 183 116 110 6 258 436 10 70 260 782 36' 63 30.0-49.9 93 199 14 42 8 7 1 40 59 5 16 42 117 8 22 50 + 8 22 7 I . I 1 2 5 13 7 69


20% SAMPLE) of persons engaged· in cultivation -..,A._------r--~------.-- .------~ 6--10 Persons· More than 10 Perso1)s Unspecified Size of land

,--___ .. -~ ___.A._ ___ .. __ --~ r------__ ._..A....-:-____~ r------.A.------.., (Class ranges House- Family Hired House- Family Hired House- Family Hired in acres) holds Workers Workers holds Workers Workers holds Workers Workers r-~--_A._-----. r---...A.....-~ r-___A.._--~ M fi M F M F

17 18 19 20 21 12 23 24 25 26 27 28


683 2,213 927 1,590 260 579 83 4,528 19 35 All sizes 4 16 9 ... 2 Lt'!t,; than 1 11 28 26 18 5 4 2 80 6 6 1.0.- 2.4 55 178 105 92 10 13 3 145 5 6 2.5- 4.9 89 271 J60 174 16 21 8 300 3 22 5.0- 7.4 107 365 167 175 25 46 4 462 1 1 7.5-- 9.9 93 296 153 211 34 80 19 663 1 10.0-12.4 72 206 97 189 18 35 2 407 12.5-14.9 183 594 161 557 99 243 31 1,564 15.0---29.9 47 177 43 115 35 93 12 601 1 30.0- -49.9 22 82 6 59 18 44 2 306 50 + Unsp.,cified

Tahsil (Rural)

114 440 146 183 48 94 12 1,017 12 32 All sizes I 6 .. ..- Less than J 2 2 I3 4 3 70 3 3 1.0- 2.4 13 35 28 31 5 7 65 5 6 2.5 - 4.9 17 61 36 22 4 4 ... 140 3 22 5.0-- 7.4 25 100 31 31 5 6 2 113 1 1 7.5·- 9.9 13 45 19 20 11 29 7 286 10.0--,2.4 10 38 19 8 5 9 100 12.5-14.9 22 103 10 39 10 2l! 2 158 15.0 ·-29.9 8 35 3 15 4 8 85 30.0-49.9 3 15 4 50 + Unspecified

Tahsil (Rural)

298 715 152 1,278 198 419 33 3,410 4 3 All sizts Less than I 1 1 1 10 2 3 1.0-- 2.4 15 36 11 52 5 6 3 80 2.5-- 4.9 33 72 20 142 10 11 2 145 5.0 - 7.4 34 91 14 118 20 40 2 349 7:5·- 9.9 40 93 26 173 21 37 3 377 10.0---12.4 38 82 16 172 13 26 2 307 12.5-14.9 104 235 41 496 82 178 13 1.340 \5.0--29.9 21 63 18 85 30 79 6 516 "1 30.0-49.9 13 43 6 40 16 41 1 286 50 + Unspecified

Tahsil (Rural)

49 253 64 15 1 1 40 All sizes Less than 1 1.0- 2.4 7 34 12 2.5-~ 4.9 3 14 4 5.0·- 7.4 6 29 19 7.5 - 9.-9 6 32 15 10.0-12.4 5 • 18 12 1 12.5--14.9 18 104 2 10 40 15.0-29.9 3 16 4 30.0-49.9 1 6 50 + 7u TABLE SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS ENGAGED IN CULTIVATION ONLY CLASSIFIED BY HIRED WORKERS IN RURAL

Total of cultivating (BASED ON households Cultivating households according to number r-- .------.A._-_._---., r--~- ~-~~--~---. ~-...... --~-.._--- .---,.--.. -- .. ------.... -----~~-,,- 1 Person 2 Persons o 3-5 Persons r---.A.----, r------A.-----.. ,--~---~-I"-~~ .. ---"-P-, Size of land House- Family Hired House- Family House- Family Hired House- Family Hired (Class range holds Workers Workers holds Workers holds Workers Workers bolds Workers Workc:rs r-~ __.A.,_ __~ in acres) ,--~ ...A.. .. -~ r--.....A_---... r--....A....~ M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

4 Labar

I'll! sizes 4,396 7,797 3,264 785 887 807 80 1,512 2,008 789 227 1,759 4,112 1,792 383 Less than 1 150 190 106 1 59 48 11 50 57 42 1 36 - 75 44 1.0-2.4 495 690 373 28 152 135 17 192 229 144 11 141 300 186 12 2.5--4.9 950 1,478 743 55 240 210 30 361 457 238 27 329 738 421 19 5.0----7.4 846 1,448 682 97 166 153 13 306 405 166 4i 336 760 397 31 7.5-9.9 618 1,145 465 91 117 113 4 208 291 95 30 251 596 263 35 10.0-12.4 422 846 330 99 60 56 4 138 194 45 37 188 456 179 44 12.5-14·9 261 51{) 169 70 32 31 1 96 137 28 27 114 274 90 35 15.0-29.9 549 1,239 339 218 59 59 143 215 21 44 302 777 188 136 30.0-49.9 81 207 54 77 2 2 15 18 4 8 54 118 22 58 50 + 18 44 3 49 3 5 1 8 18 2 13 BHIND i\lJ sizes 443 675 127 1,101 137 131 6 126 181 28 43 111 219 60 124 Less tban 1 13 15 4 6 7 7 3 3 2 1 2· 4 2 1.0-- 2.4 60 66 23 25 29 28 1 17 21 8 5 13 16 14 15 2.5-- 4.9 100 138 23 54 41 39 2 38 52 11 13 18 44 10 16 5.0-- 7.4 88 140 33 126 28 28 25 38 6 6 23 45 11 29 7.5- 9.9 41 67 13 119 10 9 1 12 21 3 13 24 6 19 10.0-12.4 41 66 14 97 9 9 8 11 1 4 13 2S 9 14 12.5-14.9 25 46 2 96 5 4 1 9 15 3 5 10 1 5 15.0-29.9 58 98 13 497 8 7 1 I1 16 6 15 31 7 13 300--49.9 13 29 1 21 3 4 2 8 16 13 50 + 4 10 1 60 1 4 Note-Lines with nil entries have been omitted_ 7l


20% SAMPLE) of persons engaged in cultivation ------_._--._-_.------, 6---10 Persons More than 10 Persons Unspecified Size of land ,-_____.A. __._- __---, ,------"------, ,------"'----~ (Class ranges House- Family Hired House- Family Hired House- Family Hired in acres) holds Workers Workers holds Workers Workers holds Workers Workers r------, r-- - .A.__ ---, ,------, M F M F M F 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28

Tahsil (Rural)

222 805 565 114 13 65 38 61 3 All sizes 3 10 9 2 Less than 1 9 26 26 5 1 1.0- 2.4 20 73 S4 9 2.5- 4.9 36 124 100 10 2 6 6 15 5.0- 7.4 42 145 103 26 7.5- 9.9 34 126 93 18 2 14 9 10.0-12'4 19 68 50 8 12.5 -14.9 39 152 108 12 6 36 16 26 15.0·--29.9 15 63 22 11 I 6 6 30.0--49.9 5 18 15 2 3 1 20 50 +


32 77 27 127 3S 67 6 804 2 3 All sjz~ 1 1 5 Less than 1 1 1 S 1.0- 2.4 1 1 5 2 2 20 2.5·- 4.9 9 24 16 24 3 S 67 5.0- 7.4 3 6 6 7 3 7 90 7.5- 9.9 7 10 2 43 4 11 2 36 10.0-12.4 3 11 13 3 6 75 12.5 14.9 5 14 2 19 17 30 3 456 2 3 150-29.9 2 9 1 6 30.0.- 49.9 3 6 1 60 50 + 72

.... o 00 t-

00 r.

00 00

00 o 00 t- ...... 00

=> t­ N


t- 00

t­ 00 0 t- "'" .... 73


g'" . '"8 0.


3-0) 01 0 E, () 0", o 0 Z «I

l"­ N N00 <'l- 74



Part A-Households classified by Major Groups of Principal Household Industry and number of p2rsons engaged Total Households engaged in Household Industry according number to the number of persons engaged Code Total of r------~-__..-_J.._-----~----~--~ No. of Description of Household Industry Rural House- l 2 3-5 6-10 More than Un- I.S.I.C. (Division and Major Group only of I.S.I.C.) Urban holds person Persons Persons Persons 10 Persons specified

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


All household industries I T 497 266 161 62 7 1 R 396 219 125 49 3 U 101 47 36 13 4 1

Division 0 Agriculturt!, livestock, forestry, T 38 15 15 7 1 fishing and hunting R 30 13 11 6 U 8 2 4 1 1

Major Group 04 Livestock and hunting T 38 15 15 7 R 30 13 11 6 U 8 2 4

Division 2&3 Manufacturing T 459 251 146 55 6 1 R 366 206 114 43 3 U 93 45 32 £2 3 ]

Major Groups 20 Foodstuffs T 64 30 22 I1 R 51 26 16 9 U 13 4 6 2

23 Textile-cotton T 100 40 42 15 3 R 82 33 35 13 U 18 7 7 2 2

24 Textile-jute T U 1

27 Textile-miscellaneous T 70 52 13 5 R 54 40 11 3 U 16 12 2 2

28 Manufacture of wood and T 100 60 33 5 wooden products R 86 53 27 5 1 U 14 7 ,i

29 Paper and Paper products T 1 U 1

31 Leather and leather products T 34 21 7 6 R 17 14 3 U 17 7 4 6 .. 75


Part A-Households classified by Major Groups of Principal Household Indu,dry and number of persons eng~\ld Total Households engaged in Household Industry according number to the number of persons eng::!ged Cdoe Total of r------~~-.-.--"------.--~ No. of Description of Household lndu~try Rural House- 1 3 3--5 6--19 More than Un- I.S.I.C. (Division and Major Group only of 1.S.J.C.) Urban holds Person Persons Persons Persons 10 Persons spedfied

, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Major Groups 33 Chemicals and chemical products T 5 3 2 R 4 2 2 U 1 1

34-35 Non-meta]] ic mineral products T 51 24 18 8 other than petroleum and coal R 45 22 14 8 U 6 2 4

36 Basic Metals and their producis T 12 8 3 except machinery and Transport R 11 7 3 equipment U 1 1

39 Miscellaneous manufacturing T 21 12 5 4 industries R 16 9 3 4 U 5 3 2

/Vote :-. Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 76




Part B-Housebold~ Classified by Minor Groups of Principal Housebold Industry

BHIND DISTRICT Code Description of Household industry Number of Code Description of Household Industry Number of No. of Minor Group Households No.of Minor Group Households I. S. I. C. r---....A_--~ I. S. I. C. ,---...A._-~ T R U T R U

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

ALL INDUSTRIES 497 396 101 233'2 Bleaching of cloth (cotton) and yarn 040.1 Rearing of goat for milk and 235·0 Cotton cloth weaving in handlooms 55 43 12 animal power 5 5 237·0 Printing of cloth (Cotton) 3 3 040'2 Rearing of buffalo for milk and animal power 239·1 Making of sacred thread 4 4 040'3 Rearing of cows for milk and animal 239'2 Making of thread, rope, cordage power and twine (cotton) 040'4 Rearing of camels and other big 244·1 Making of rope and cordage, out domestic animals of hemp 040·5 Production and rearing of livestock 270·1 Making of durries 2 2 mainly for milk and animal power n.e.c. 11 11 272'6 Making of fringes and crepe laces 1 041·1 Sheep breeding and rearing 273'1 Making of cap, hat and other head-gear 041'2 Production of wool 273'2 Traditional garments 52 52 042·1 Rearing and production of pigs and goats (mainly for slaughter) 4 2 2 273·3 chrochet work (bora caps) 043'1 Poultry keeping and production 273-4 Making of textile garments including of eggs 4 4 rain-coats and head-gears n.e.c. 13 ...... 13 043'2 Rearing and production of ducks, 281·0 Manufacture of wooden furniture hens etc. and other small birds e.g. and fixtures . .. , pigeons, parrots, peacock, maina etc 9 9 282'0 Manufacture of structural wooden 200·1 Production of flour by village chakkies goods (including treated timber) such or flour mill by grinding wheat, as beams, posts, doors, windows 25 19 .. 6 maize, gram etc. 9 8 283'1 Carpentary works concerned with 200'6 Parching of grains 17 13 4 repairs of agricultural implements (wood) 25 25 , 200'7 Production and processing of other crops and food grains n.e.c. 284'9 Manufacture of other wooden products n.e.c. 3 3 .. 204'1 Slaugl:tering, preservation of meat 288·1 Making of box from moonjgrass 1 1 and fish and canning of fish 2 2 288'5 Making of baskets and broomsticks 26 22 4 205'0 Production of bread, biscuit, cake and other bakery products. 288'6 Making of donas (drone) and pattals (patravali) from leaves 15 12 3 207'0 Oil pressing ghani, kollhu or by small machines 20 - 18 2 288·9 Manufacture of other articles from leaf, cane, bamboo, cork and other 209'2 Making of sweet-meat, laddu, peda, allied products n.e c. 4 4 barphi, batasa etc. 13 11 2 292·1 Making of envelopes and paper bags 209'4 Making of chura or chira, muri, murki, khoi. 3HJ.l Flaying, proceSSing of hides and skins including taxidermy 1 1 " 230'0 Colton ginning, cleaning, carding pressing and baling , 310'2 Currying, tanning and finishing of hides 10 10 and skins preparation of finished 231'0 Cotton spinning (by charkha and leather 1 ••• p takali) 22 18 4 311'1 Making of leather boots, shoes or 233'1 Dyeing of cloth (cotton) and yarn 4 3 chappals (slippers, sandals) 32 16 ... 16 77



Part B-Households Classified ~y Minor Groups of Principal Household Industry


Code Description of Household Industry Number of Code Description of Household Industry Number of No. of Minor Group Households No. of Minor Group Households I. S. 1. C. ,--_....A--_'!"'l I. S. I. C. ,-----"---. T R U T R U

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

333'0 Manufacture of fireworks'and other 369'3 Making of iron utnesils (e.g. buckets explosives such as patak a etc. etc.) and articles from iron sheets 2 2 335'7 Manufacture of medicines (ayurvedic, unani, etc.) and pharmaceutical 369·5 Cutlery preparations 1

336'1 Manufacture of soap and washing 369·8 Foundry, Industry (including soda blacksmithy) 338'0 Salt production 2 2 344'0 Making of chakki, chakla, siJaut, 393-2 Goldsmithy 10 5 5 lorha, jainta, utensils and otijer articles from stone 5 4 393'3 Manufacture of jewellery, silverware 350'0 Making of earthenware such as and wares using gold and other pottery, etc. 46 41 5 precious metal and precious and semi 369'1 Manufacture of agricultural imple­ precious stones 10 10 ments such as ploughshare, khurpi, kudal etc. 8 8 399'1 Making of tikka and cowdung cakes



20 % SAMPLE)

Household Industry ------_. ------.-._---._---, 3-5 Persons 6-10 Persons More· than 10 Persons Unspecified ...------"-----, r------_A._------., r------...A....---~ r- ----, House- Family Hired House. Family Hired House- Family Hired House- Family Hired- Size of land holds workers workers holds workers workers holds workers workers holds workers workers (Class ranges r--....A...-~ ,_-J...... -, '-__;""_-l ""--"--1 in_acres) M F M F M F M F

13 14 15 16 17 111 19 20 21 22 3 24 25 26 27 28


442 1,209 345 28 92 392 179 69 10 34 19 168 All sizes 8 21 9 ... Less than 1 61 148 63 7 7 31 15 1'0·- 2'4 119 304 107 3 9 36 21 4 2·5·- 4'9 95 262 67 4 19 82 36 " 10 5·0-- 7'4 55 159 29 3 18 61 35 28 2 8 4 10 7·5- 9·9 46 145 30 1 9 38 16 6 2 4 2 110 10'0-12'4 21 61 17 3 10 43 21 4 1 6 7 ... 12'5-14'9 34 100 21 6 15 73 27 12 4 14 6 38 15'0-29'9 3 9 2 1 3 18 4 3 1 2 10 30'0--49'9 2 10 4 2 50+

Tahsil (Rural)

109 327 54 6 11 52 17 5 1 1 10 All sizes 1 3 2 Less than 1 13 33 12 2 9 3 1'0- 2'4 27 72 22 1 7 1 2'5 - 4'9 28 91 10 3 14 5 5·0- 74 14 42 3 1 4 16 13 10 7·5.- 9·9 9 31 1 1 10'0-12'4 8 26 3 1 12'5-14'9 9 29 1 3 6 . 15'0.-29'9 30·0--49'9

Tahsil (Rural)

56 148 40 15 18 62 13 48 6 13 3 158 All sizes Less than 1 6 12 8 6 1-0- 2-4 13 34 8 2 1 3 3 2·5.- 4·9 12 29 7 3 3 11 2 5 5·0-- N 6 17 4 2 5 11 24 7'5- 9,9 10 27 8 3 13 3 4 2 4 2 110 10'0-12·4 3 10 3 12 5 3 12'5·-14·9 4 13 3 3 12 12 3 7 1 38 15'0-29·9 2 6 2 1 2 10 30·0--49'9

Tahsil (Rural) .

104 321 40 14 66 16 10 All sizes 1 3 1 Less than 1 10 25 6 4 2 1'0- 2·4 27 84 5 2'5- 4'9 24 76 10 5'0- 7'4 16 48 7 2 6 2 4 1'5- 9·9 13 47 4 2 10 1 2 10,0-12·4 4 10 4 3 15 5 1 12'5-14.9 9 28 3 3 13 5 15'0-29.9 2 13 3 30·0--49 ·9 1 5 50+ 80



Total Cultivating households engaged in of cultivating households which ,-----______-.A. are engaged in Householdlndu~try 1 Person 2 Persons

,--__.- ____....A______~__, ,.--______-_....A.... ---., ,-- -A. Size ofland House- Family Hired House- Family House- Family Hired (Class ranges holds workers workers holds workers holds workers workers in acres) r-.---"-~ ,-----A---, ,----A.----.., 1\1 F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4 Lahar

All sizes 382 843 422 14 53 52 J 104 146 61 1 Less than 1 20 33 8 8 8 6 10 2 1·0- 2'4 83 154 66 1 17 17 30 41 19 2·5- 4·9 106 199 108 5 16 15 31 44 18 5·0.- 7'4 68 155 84 1 6 6 18 26 10 7'5- 9'9 42 106 45 1 4 4 11 15 6 10·0-12'4 24 62 32 2 2 4 5 3 12·5--14'9 14 41 30 1 3 4 2 15,0--29,9 22 80 42 3 1 1 I 30·0-49·9 2 8 4 50+ 1 5 3 2


All sizes 38 71 20 27 8 8 12 18 6 Less than 1 1 2 1 .. 1·0.- 2'4 14 18 8 2 3 3 8 11 5 2'5-- 4'9 9 18 2 4 4 2 3 1 5'0- 7'4 4 9 2 1 1 1 2 7·5- 9'9 5 11 2 10 10·0·-12·4 2 5 2 1 2 12·5-14·9 2 5 ... 15 15,0-·-29,9 1 3 3 Note :--;-Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 81



20 % SAMPLE)

Household Industry ------, 3-5 Persons ,-_____ A.. 6-10 Persons More than 10 Persons Unspecified ,-____-..A.. ___ ~ r------'- ,-___--.A. ___--, House- Family Hired House- Family Hired House- Family Hired House- Family Hired Size of lands holds workers workers holds workers workers holds workers workers holds workers workers (Class ranges ,- --A.-----, ,---A.._--., ,---_.A..---, ,--.A.---, in acres) M F M F M F M F

l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Tahsil (Rural)

173 413 J,11 7 49 212 133 6 3 20 16 All sizes 6 15 6 Less than 1 32 78 37 4 18 10 1·0-- 2·4 52 114 72 7 26 17 4 2·5- 4'9 31 66 40 13 57 34 5'0-- 7·4 19 52 IS 7 28 20 7 4 7·5~ 9'9 14 40 17 4 IS 12 10·0~12·4 6 15 10 1 4 16 11 6 7 12·5-14·9 12 30 14 3 8 42 22 7 5 15·0~29·9 1 3 1 5 4 30'0-49·9 1 5 3 2 50+


15 38 10 4 1 3 3 2 4 1 23 All sizes 1 2 I Less than I 3 4 3 2 l'O~ 2'4 3 11 1 2'5~ 4·9 2 6 2 5'0- 7·4 4 9 1 2 1 2 I 8 7'5~ 9'9 1 3 2 10'0-12'4 1 3 1 2 15 12·5-14'9 1 3 3 15·0-29·' 8'2


No((,-(i) In column 2, (a) stands for "with cultivation" (ii) Lines with nill entries

Total 1 to 3 months 4 to 6 months Household Industry Total r-----___.A.._------~ ,-____• ...A.... ______~ r------, (Division and Major Rural House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Group only) Urban holds ,----A_, workers holds ,--_A.. __~ workers holds ,----A....------, workers M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


ALL INDUSTRIES Total 1,556 3,012 864 331 101 200 61 11 260 503 150 19 (a) 1,059 2,362 681 300 81 175 52 11 204 439 125 16 (b) 497 650 183 31 20 25 9 56 64 25 3

Rural 1,417 2,811 788 283 100 199 61 11 249 484 146 19 (a) 1,021 2.291 661 273 81 175 52 11 196 424 122 16 (b) 396 520 127 10 19 24 9 53 60 24 3

Urban 139 201 76 48 1 1 11 19 4 (a) 38 71 20 27 8 15 3 (b) 101 130 56 21 1 3 4 1

Division 0 T 218 584 150 26 7 22 7 6 8 19 8 4 Agriculture, livestock, (a) 180 523 134 26 7 22 7 6 7 18 7 4 forestry, fishing (b) 38 61 16 1 1 1 and hunting R 207 560 143 26 7 22 7 6 8 19 8 4 (0) 177 514 133 26 7 22 7 6 7 18 7 4 (b) 30 46 10 1 1 1

U 11 24 7 (a) 3 9 1 (b) 8 15 6

Major Group 00 T 1 2 Field produce and (a) 1 2 plantation crops

R 1 2 (a) I 2

Major Group 04 T 217 582 150 26 7 22 7 6 8 19 8 4 Livc5tock and (a) 179 521 134 26 7 22 7 6 7 18 7 4 huntini (b) 38 61 16 1 1 1 R 206 55. 143 26 7 22 7 6 8 19 8 4 (a) 176 512 133 26 7 22 7 6 7 18 7 4 (b) 30 46 10 1 1 1 U 11 24 7 (a) 3 9 1 (b) 8 15 6

Divi!ioll 2&:3 T 1,338 2,428 714 305 94 178 54 5 252 484 142 15 Manufacturing (a) 879 1,839 547 274 74 153 45 5 197 421 118 12 (b) 459 589 167 31 20 25 9 55 63 24 3

R 1,210 2.251 645 257 93 177 54 5 241 465 138 15 (a) 844 1,777 528 247 74 153 45 5 189 406 115 12 (b) 366 474 117 10 19 24 9 52 59 23 3 U 128 177 69 48 1 1 11 19 4 (a) 35 62 19 27 8 15 3 (b) 93 115 50 21 1 1 3 4 1 83

B-XVI OF WORK IN A YE;\R AND TOTAL NUMBER OF WORKERS ENGAGED IN ALL AREAS 20% SAMPLE) and (b) for "without cultivation". have been omitted.

7 to 9 months 10 months to I Year Months not stated ,---'_- ___'..A. ______~ r------"------, ,------'- Total House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Rural holds ,-_..A._,--, workers holds r------"----~ workers holds ,-_--A._--, workers Urbap M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2


189 350 112 20 977 1,898 530 272 29 61 11 9 Total 124 263 84 19 631 1,442 410 248 19 43 10 6 (8) 65 87 28 1 346 456 120 24 10 18 1 3 (b)

177 333 102 20 866 1,740 470 ,227 25 55 9 6 Rural 120 259 82 19 607 1,393 396 221 17 40 9 6 (a) 57 74 20 1 259 347 74 6 8 15 (b)

12 17 10 111 158 60 45 4 6 2 3 UrbaD 4 4 2 24 49 14 27 2 3 1 .. (a) 8 13 8 87 109 46 18 2 3 1 3 (b)

7 16 6 192 521 127 16 4 6 2 T 0 6 15 6 157 463 ]]2 16 3 5 2 (a) 1 1 35 58 15 1 1 (b)

7 16 6 182 498 121 16 3 5 I R 6 15 6 155 455 ]]2 16 2 4 1 (a) 1 1 27 43 9 1 1 (b)

10 23 6 1 1 1 U 2 8 1 1 1 (a) 8 15 6 (b)

1 2 T 00 1 2 (a)

1 2 R I 2 (a)

7 16 6 191 519 127 16 4 6 2 T 04 6 15 6 156 461 112 16 3 5 2 (a) I 1 35 58 15 1 I (b) 7 16 6 181 496 121 16 3 5 1 R 6 15 6 154 453 Il2 16 2 4 1 (a) 1 1 27 43 9 1 1 (b)

10 23 6 1 U 2 8 1 la) 8 IS 6 (b)

182 334 106 20 785 1,377 403 256 25 55 9 9 T2&3 118 248 78 19 474 979 298 232 16 38 8 6 (a) 64 86 28 1 311 398 105 24 9 17 1 3 (b)

170 317 96 20 684 1,242 349 211 22 50 8 6 R 114 244 76 19 452 938 284 205 15 36 8 6 (a) 56 73 20 1 232 304 65 6 7 14 (b) 12 17 10 101 135 54 45 3 5 1 3 U 4 4 2 22 41 14 27 1 2 (a) 8 13 8 79 94 40 18 2 3 1 3 (b) 84


Note-(i) In column 2, (a) stands for "with cultivation" (ii) Lines with nil entries

Total 1 to 3 months 4 to 6 months Household-Industry Total r- -~~-- _ _A_~ -----""1'--______A... ____ ~~ r--- --, (Division and Major Rural House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Group only) Urban holds ,-----"---, work(!r~ holds r---.A..------. workers holds r--.A..--, workers M F M F M F

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Major Group 20 T" 247 492 173 195 26 57 14 5 54 114 45 2 Foodstuffs (al 183 410 150 180 25 56 14 5 44 104 38 2 (b) 64 82 23 15 _I 1 10 10 7

R 228 463 169 171 26 57 14 5 53 112 45 2 (a) 177 400 149" 65 25 56 14 5 43 102 38 2 (b) 51 63 20 6 1 1 10 10 7

U 19 29 4 24 1 2 (a) 6 10 1 15 1 2 (b) 13 19 3 9

Major Group 23 T 178 276 148 6 27 37 20 51 82 33 4 Textile-cotton (a) 78 159 70 3 11 18 12 31 60 19 1 (b) 100 117 78 3 16 19 8 20 22 14 3

R 156 245 127 6 26 36 20 47 76 32 4 (a) 74 151 68 3 11 18 12 28 55 19 1 (b) 82 94 59 3 15 18 8 19 21 13 3

U 22 31 21 4 6 (a) 4 8 2 3 5 (b) 18 23 19 1 1

Major Group 24 T 1 2 Textile-jute (b) 1 2

U 1 7 2 (b) 1 7 2

Majar Group 25 T 1 2 1 Textile-wool (a) 1 2 1

R 2 (a) 2

Major Group 26 T 3 5 3 1 3 Textile-silk (a) 3 5 3 1 3

R 3 5 3 J 3 (a) 3 5 3 1 3

Major Group 27 T 156 276 42 32 4 8 12 22 1 Textile-miscellaneous (a) 86 194 30 30 4 8 9 19 1 (b) 70 82 12 2 3 3

R 136 251 34 21 4 8 12 22 1 (a) 82 187 26 21 4 8 9 19 1 (b) S4 64 8 3 3

U 20 25 8 11 (a) . 4 7 4 9 (b) 16 18 4 2 85


OF WORK I~ A YEAR AND TOTAL NUMBER OF WORKERS ENGAGED IN ALL AREAS-Contd. 20 % SAMPLE) and (b) for "without cultivation". have been omitted.

7 to 9 months 10 months to 1 Year Months not stated ,-___ - __..A.. ____--., ,-____-..A.. ______---., r----~------..A- ._._-, House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Total holds r---..-A_--~ workers holds r---:----A_-~ workers holds ,-----"---, workers Rural M F M F M F Urban

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2

D ISTR leT-Contd.

16 30 9 143 272 99 185 8 19 6 3 T 20 10 22 7 97 211 85 173 7 17 6 (a) 6 8 2 46 61 14 12 1 2 3 (b)

16 30 9 127 249 95 164 6 15 6 R 10 22 7 93 205 84 158· 6 15 6 (a) 6 8 2 34 44 11 6 (b)

16 23 4 21 2 4 3 U 4 6 1 15 1 2 (a) 12 17 3 6 1 2 3 (b)

21 36 18 79 121 77 2 T 23 7 17 7 29 64 32 2 (a) 14 19 11 50 57 45 (b)

17 28 12 66 105 63 2 R 7 17 7 28 61 30 2 (a) 10 11 5 38 44 33 (b)

4 8 6 13 16 14 U 1 3 2 (a) 4 8 6 12 13 12 (b)

1 1 T 24 1 1 (b)

1 1 U 1 1 (b)

1 2 1 T 25 1 2 1 (al

1 2 1 R 1 2 1 (a)

.. ; 2 2 3 T 26 2 2 3 (a)

2 2 3 R 2 2 3 (a)

9 15 3 130 227 38 29 1 4 3 T 27 6 11 3 66 152 26 27 1 4 3 (a) 3 4 64 75 12 2 (b)

9 15 3 110 202 30 18 1 4 3 R 6 11 3 62 145 22 18 1 4 3 (a) 3 4 48 57 8 (b)

20 25 8 11 U 4 7 4 9 (a) 16 18 4 2 (b) 86


Note-(i) I i1 column 2, Ca) stands for "with cultivation" (ii) Lines with nil entries

Total I to 3 months 4 to 6 months Household-Industry Total r------_).._-----, r------A..-----.~ ,--___----A- ______---, (Division anti Major Rural House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired ,-__..A.. __, Group only) Urban holds workers holds ,-----"------, workers hol~s r-_____A_--~ workers M F M F M F

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Major Group 28 T 369 656 151 52 21 42 9 67 126 31 3 Manufacture of wood (a) 269 527 131 42 19 38 8 53 107 30 3 and wooden products (b) 100 129 20 10 2. 4 1 14- 19 1

R 352 633 145 41 21 42 9 66 125 31 3 (a) 266 519 130 41 19 38 8 53 107 30 3 (b) 86 114 15 2 4 I 13 18 1

U 17 23 6 11 (a) 3 8 1 1 (b) 14 15 5 10

Major Group 29 T 1 2 Forestry and logging (b) I 2

U 2 Cb) 2

Major Group 31 T SO 137 60 1 6 14 8 12 21 8 Leather and (a) 46 93 47 I 6 14 8 10 19 8 leather products Cb) 34 44 13 2 2

R 58 107 43 1 6 14 8 12 21 8 Ca) 41 87 43 1 6 14 8 10 19 8 (b) 17 20 2 2

U 22 30 17 (a) 5 6 4 (b) 17 24 .13

Major Group 33 T 8 14 I 3 2 5 Chemicals and Ca) 3 8 1 3 2 5 chemical products (b) 5 6

R 6 10 3 2 (a) 2 5 3 2 (b) 4 5

U 2 4 1 1 3 (a) 1 3 1 3 (b) 1 1

Major {iroup 34&35 T 200 393 113 15 7 14 3 50 103 2.. 6 Non-metallic mineral (a) 149 314 99 14 7 14 3 44 96 22 6 product other than (b) 51 79 14 1 6 7 2 petroleum and coal R 185 371 104 15 7 14 3 46 96 21 6 (a) 140 300 92 14 7 14 3 41 91 19 6 (b) 45 71 12 1 5 5 2

U 15 22 9 4 7 3 (a) 9 14 7 3 5 3 (b) 6 8 2 1 'J 87


OF WORK IN A YEAR AND TOTAL NUMBER OF WORKERS ENGAGED IN ALL AREAS-Contd. 20 % SAMPLE) and (b) for "without cultivation". have been omitted.

7 to 9 months 10 months to 1 year Months not stated ,------_--A.______.____ ~ r- - -"---.. ------~ ,------"- , Total House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Rural holds ,----"----, workers holds ,-----'--"---, workers holds ,----"----, workers Urban M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2


23 41 4 10 249 429 [06 36 9 18 3 T 28 16 33 2 \0 176 337 91 26 5 12 3 (a) 7 8 2 73 92 15 10 4 6 (b)

22 39 4 10 235 410 10] 25 8 17 3 R 16 33 2 10 173 329 90 25 5 12 3 (a) 6 6 2 62 81 11 3 5 (b)

2 14 19 5 11 U 3 8 1 1 Ca) 2 11 11 4 10 (b)

2 T 29 2 (b)

1 2 U 1 2 (b)

3 6 6 1 59 96 38 T 31 3 6 6 1 27 54 25 (a) 32 42 13 (b)

2 5 5 ] 38 67 22 R 2 5 5 .' 1 23 49 22 (a) 15 18 (b)

1 1 21 29 ]6 U 1 1 4 5 3 (a) 17 24 13 (b)

2 3 1 3 3 T 33 (a) 2 3 3 3 (b)

2 3 2 2 R (a) 2 3 2 2 (b)

1 U (a) ~b)

100 194 62 9 37 71 22 6 11 2 T 34&35 71 1!!2 51 8' 25 50 21 2 2 2 (a) 29 42 11 1 12 21 1 4 9 (b)

94 188 !!9 9 32 62 19 6 11 2 R 68 149 50 8 22 44 18 2 2 2 (a) 26 39 9 1 10 18 1 4 9 (b)

6 6 3 5 9 3 U 3 3 1 3 6 3 (a) 3 3 2 2 3 (b) 88


SAMPLE PRINCIPAL HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY CLASSIFIED BY DURATION HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY IN (BASED ON Note-(i) In column 2. (a) stands for "with cultivation" (ii) Lines with nil entries

Total I to 3 months 4 to 6 months r------_. ...A... _____ --~ Household-Industry Total r------....A------1 ,------"------... (Division and Major Rural House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Group only) Urban holds .----"-----. workers holds r------'-----, workers holds r---"------, workers M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Major roup 36 T 62 121 16 2 1 2 2 5 Basic metals and (a) 50 104 16 2 1 2 2 5 their products (b) 12 17 except machinery and transport R 59 115 16 2 2 2 5 equipment (a) 048 99 16 2 2 2 5 (b) 11 16

U 3 6 (a) 2 5 (b) 1 1

Major Group 39 T 32 56 3 2 1 3 Miscellaneous (a) 11 23 2 1 3 Manufacturing (b) 21 33 3 industries R 26 49 2 3 (a) 10 22 (b) 16 27 2 3 U 6 7 1 2 (a) 1 1 2 (b) 5 6 89


OF WORK IN A YEAR AND TOTAL NUMBER OF WORKERS ENAGEDIN ALL AREAS-Cone/d. 20 % SAMPLE) and (b) for "without cultivation". have been omitted.

7 to 9 months 10 months to 1 year Months not stated ,..____ --.A... .--_-.,. Total r------..A-..------~ r------A...----.--, House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired - Rural holds ,..---;---.A...------, workers holds ,.._--.A... __-., workers holds ,.--- __.A.. __----., workers Urban M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2


6 8 2 53 106 14 2 T 36 4 6 2 43 91 14 2 (a) 2 2 10 15 (b)

6 8 2 50 100 14 2 R 4 6 2 41 86 14 2 (a) 2 2 9 14 (b) 3 6 U 2 5 (a) 1 (b)

2 1 27 48 2 2 1 3 T 39 1 8 16 2 1 3 (a) 19 32 2 (b)

2 21 41 1 3 R 1 7 15 1 3 (a) 1 14 26 (b) 6 7 2 U 1 1 2 (a) 5 6 1 (b) 90



Size of sample households ,-___....A-. .. _ .. _____--") Total Total sample household Total Total household No. of population Single member No. of population sample r------...A..·-.. ·-.. ---i r----.. ---A....-----...___~ S. House- r------...A...------.., house- No. Particulars holds P M F holds P M F Households M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


TOTAL 113,916 641,169 346,797 294,372 22,765 127,419 v8,703 58,716 1,64] 1,192 449 I All Rural Areas 104,439 593,516 320,175 273,341 20,876 117,878 63,486 54,392 1,428 1,015 413 Households engaged 2,291 8,724 4,802 3,922 532 343 189 neither in Cultivation nor in Household Industry 2 Households engaged in 396 1,891 984 907 35 27 8 Household Industry only 3 Households engaged in 18,189 107,263 57,700 49,563 861 645 216 Cultivation (All sizes) Size 0/ holding group (in acres)

(i) Less than 1 404 1,907 1,017 890 28 16 12 (ii) 1.0-2.4 2,260 10,407 5,605 4,802 193 143 50 (iii) 2.5--4.9 4,022 20,318 10,826 9,492 244 177 67 (iv) 5.0-7.4 3,594 20,153 10,738 9,415 164 133 31 (v) 7.5--9.9 2,299 14,447 7,798 6,649 86 66 20 (vi) 10.0.-12.4 1,820 11 ,859 6,466 5,393 59 41 18 (vii) 12.5·-14.9 1,028 7,041 3,757 3,284 30 23 7 (viii) 15.0-29.9 2,299 17,130 9,338 7,792 49 40 9 (ix) 30·0--49.9 365 3,043 1,626 1,417 5 5 (x) 50+ 92 931 514 417 2 (xi) Unspecified 6 27 15 12 1 II All Urban Areas 9,477 47,653 26,622 21,031 1,889 9,541 5,217 4,324 213 177 36 91



Size of sample households r------~ -, 2-3 Members 4-6 Members 7-9 Members 10 Members and over ,--_----A..--:----, r----.-~-.----"--,..---__. ,------"------.. ,------"------. s_ Households M F Households M F Households M F Households M F No.

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25


4,308 6,138 4,871 9,487 25,271 22,051 4,999 20,199 11,977 , 2,330 15,30~ 13,368 TOTAL 3,868 5,498 4,401 8,750 23,288 20,420 4,654 19,391 16,734 2,176 14,294 12,424 I 604 825 665 860 2,231 1,943 231 967 796 64 436 329

~8 127 109 168 424 417 80 325 287 15 81 86 2

3,166 4,546 3,627 7,722 20,633 18,060 4,343 18,099 15,651 2,097 13,777 12,009 3

110 146 135 185 483 437 63 266 211 18 106 95 (i) 564 785 676 1,082 2,788 2,465 353 1,459 1,254 68 430 357 (ii) 888 1,245 1,025 1,910 5,005 4,491 778 3,147 2,813 202 1,252 1,096 (iii) 661 963 746 1,593 4,184 3,799 857 3,507 3,091 319 1,951 1,748 (iv) 317 462 347 '943 2,597 2,181 642 2,706 2,324 311 1,967 1,777 (v) 240 363 265 697 1,908 1,610 556 2,370 1,979 268 1,784 1,521 (vi) 124 183 144 390 1,090 910 296 1,226 1,103 188 1,235 1.120 (vii) 229 348 251 794 2,217 1,857 657 2,817 2,360 570 3,906 3,315 (viii) 26 41 29 104 281 253 115 489 427 115 810 708 (ilt) 5 6 7 22 64 51 25 107 86 38 336 272 (x) 2 4 2 2 6 6 5 3 (xi) 440 640 470 737 1,983 1,631 345 1,408 1,243 154 1,009 944 II


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Educational Levels ,-----"- ----, Literate (without Primary or Junior Matriculation and Total Population lIliterate educational level) Basic above Age-aToup ,_---__--A. ___, ___ ----, r-----A...----, ,----"-_.:.----.. ,--J-...__ ----, ,----"- Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 !l' 12


All ages 641,169 346,797 294,372 250,292 279,260 85,378 14,378 7,289 526 3,838 208

0- 4 101,378 52;,485 48,893 52,485 48,893 5- 9 .91,460 49,075 42,385 41,598 40,264 7,279 2,121 198

10--14 67,893 39,395 28,498 17.794 24,635 21,255 3,815 321 42 2~_ 6 15·-19 57,408 30,220 27,188 15,521 24,622 12,000 2,371 2,022 144 677 51 20-24 58,776 30,054 28,722 17,701 26,538 9,501 2,006 1,383 107 1,469 71 ! 25-29 55,222 29,999 25,223 19,567 23,725 8,726 1,355 898 103 808 40 30-34 41,687 23,268 18,419 15,768 17,464 6,530 876 662 54 308 25 35-44, 66,363 36,776 29,587 26,407 28,502 9,100 1,023 924 53 345 9 45-59 66,281 37,493 • 28,788 28,855 28,15.1 7,770 613 689 19 179 5 60+ 34,556 17,940 16,616 14,512 16,415 3,211 196 191 4 26 Age not stated 145 92 53 84 51 6 2 100

00 N



<'"l N

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..,...... 101


Total Rural Urban ,--_____~.-.A.-- _____---, ,--_\-______..A.. ______--.., S. r-~--~-"----A....--~ No. Language Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 BHlND DIS TRIT

TOTAL 641,169 346,797 294,372 593,516 320,175 273,341 47,653 26,622 21,031

Bengali 8 2 6 8 2 6 . ~. 2 Bhilali 3 l3undelkhandi 321 J 73 148 319 171 148 2 2 4 Dogri 1 1 5; English , .. ' 52 52 52 52 6 Garhwali 1 1 1 1 7 Gorkhali 19 19 2 2 17 17 8 Gujarati 75 38 37 2 2 73 38 35

9 Gurmukhi '" 1_834 990 844 1,754 948 806 80 42 38 10 Hindi .,. i 634,863 343,355 291,50~ 589,99~ 318,245 271,748 44,870 25,110 19,760 11 HinJusthani 4 2 2 4 2 2 12 Kannada 1 1 I 13 MalayaJam 2 2 2 2 14 Marathi 467 283 184 67 51 16 400 232 168 15 Marwari 377 191 186 290 139 151 87 52 35 16 Nepali 35 31 4 33 30 3 2 1 1 17 punjabi 718 403 315 518 282 236 200 121 79 18 Rajasthani 61 37 24 61 37 24 19 Saperi 85 54 31 85 54 31 20 Sindhi • 83 49 34 19 19 64 30 34 21 Urdu 2,161 1,112 1,049 311 141 170 1,850 971 879



,---__ • __~_..A.. ______---, S. ~---·--_,.A._~·-----l S. No. Mother Tongue Persons Males Females No. Mother Tongue Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

1 Bhind Tahsil (Rural) 2 Gohad Tahsil (Rural) All Languages 202,7!il 109,717 93,044 All Languages 107,182 58,017 49,165 Hindi 202,686 109,663 93,023 Hindi 104,599 56,626 47,973 2 Urdu 16 7 9 2 Gurmukhi 1,751 945 806 3 Marwari 8 4 4 3 Punjabi 497 268 229 4 Punjabi 7 3 4 4 Marwari 211 101 110 5 Bundelkhalldi 5 Urdu 18 9 9 6 Gurmukhi 6 Bundelkhandi 7 Others 44 40 4 7 Others 106 68 38 3 MebgaoD Tahsil (Rural) 4 Lahar Tahsil (Rural)

All Languages 128,411 69,566 58,845 All Languages 155,162 82,875 72,287 1 Hindi 128,216 69,437 58,779 1 Hindi 154,492 82,519 71,973 2 Marwari 58 33 25 2 Bundelkhandi 319 171 148 3 Urdu 39 29 10 3 Urdu 238 96 142 .. Punjabi 3 3 4 Marwari 13 1 12 5 Gurmukhi 3 3 5 Punjabi II 8 3 . 6 Bundelkhandi 6 Gurmukhi 7 Others 92 61 31 7 Others 89 80 9 102


Total Total Buddhists Christians Hindus Rural r----._.-_._____.A._-- -~--~-,._------~ r----~---- -, r-·-.. -·______..4._,._--~,.--1 r-,..-~-----A._-,..-,.--__.... District/Tahsil Urban Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

,- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

BHINO DISTRICT T 641,169 346,797 294,372 6 4 11 13 329,920 280,196 R 593,516 320,175 273,341 2 4 1 1 308,933 264,029 , U 47,653 26,622 21,031 4 10 12 20,987 16,167

1 Bhind Tahsil R 202,761 109,717 93,044 106,857 90,554 2 GOhad Tahsil R 107,182 58,017 49,165 54,340 45,994 3 Mehgaoll Tahsil R 128,411 69,566 58,845 67,026 57,088 4 Lahar Tahsil R 155,162 82,875 72,287 2 4 80,710 70,393



WORKERS r------

Literate and Total educated Workers Total Total Illiterate persons (I-IX) As Cultivator Rural r----.A.--.. ~ ,----..A...--1 r--.A.--, r--.A.----., r--.A.----, District/Tahsil Urban P M F M F M F M F M• F ~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

PART-A Classification by Literacy and Industrial Category of

BHINO DISTRICT T 134,439 71,021 63,4l8 61,428 63,149 9,593 269 42,166 15,373 30,685 10,874 R 126,205 66,478 59,727 58,047 59,530 8,431 197 39,602 14,901 30,002. 10,784 U 8,234 4,543 3,691 3,381 3,619 1,162 72 2,564 472 683 90

1 Bhind Tahsil R 38,608 20,423 18,185 17,666 18,112 2,757 73 11,990 2,903 9,335 2,151 2 Gohad Tahsil 29,415 15,664 13,751 13,854 13,705 1,810 46 9,478 3,143 6,990 2,112 R -- 3 Mehgaon Tahsil R 24,324 12,636 11,688 11,065 11,666 1,571 22 7,391 1,711 5,764 1,159 4 Lahar Tahsil R 33,8S8 17,755 16,103 15,462 16,047 2,293 56 10,743 7,138 7,913 5,362 PART-B Classification of Literacy and Industrial Category of

BHINO DISTRICT T 477 245 232 207 225 38 7 135 59 5 3 R 205 104 101 97 101 7 64 41 5 3 U 272 141 131 110 124 31 7 71 12

1 Bhind Tashil R 33 24 9 18 9 6 12 2 2 Gohad Tahsil R 172 80 92 79 92 52 45 5 3 3 Mehgaon Tahsil R 4 Lahar Tahsil R ID3



Jains Muslims Sikhs Others Total ,-____ -....A-.-..._-""'"-) r--~--"----~ ,-_._..A.._-~ r-----..A..----______, District/Tahsil Rural Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Urban

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

5,092 4,258 10,465 8,804 1,302 1,096 1 1 BHIND DISTRICT T 2,378 1,896 7,642 6,378 1,219 1,033 R 2,714 2,362 2,823 2,426 83 63 1 1 U

945 775 1,915 1,71.5 Bhind Tahsil R 1 396 347 2,070 1,793 1,211 1,031 Gohad Tahsil R2 901 696 1,636 1,061 2 Mehgaon Tahsil R 3 136 78 2,021 1,809 6 2 Lahar Tahsil R4


WORKERS NON~WORKERS ------______..A.. ______------~ ------, r---~--______, II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X In Mining Quarrying, Livestock, In Forestry, Trans- Fishing, Hunt- In port, ing and Plan- Manufactur- In Storage As tations, Orch- At ing other In Trade and In Agricultural- ards and Household than House- Cons- and Com- Commu- Other Labourer allied activities Industry hold Industry truction merce nications Services ,Total ,----"-_~ ,--_--A._-_--.. ,---"-~ r---....A_----.. ,---.....A..._-~ ,-----A__.~ ,----...A_-----.. ,----A.__--.. r----A...~ Rural M F M F M F M F M F M F M FM F M F Urban

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2

Workers and Non-workers among Scheduled Castes

4,355 2,040 253 38 1,485 555 319 21 780 3 335 21 80 _._ 3,874 1,821 28,85548,045 T 4,261 2,022 236 37 1,115 398 26 16 532 129 13 29 .-. 3,272 1.631 26,876 44,826 R 94 18 17 1 370 157 293 5 248 3 206 8 51 602 190 1,979 3,219 U

1,020 241 38 6 404 128 13 14 129 16 4 22 1,013 359 8,433 15,282 R 1 1,463 626 95 14 152 26 10 2 166 41 2 4 557 361 6.186 10,608 R2 655 107 56 11 176 78 1 40 19 3 1 679 359 5,245 9,971 R3 1,123 1,048 47 6 383 166 2 197 53 4 2 1,023 552 7,012 8,965 R4 Workers and Non-workers among Scheduled Trihes

15 6 43 34 14 14 2 47 9 2 110 173 T 14 Ci 32 34 3 11 2 1 40 54 R 1 11 14 11 2 36 7 1 70 119 U

2 11 1 12 7 R 1 14 6 32 34 28 47 R2 R3 R4 104


Enumerted in Rural or Urban areas of the District r-~~ - .. ~~-~- _"'____I'" __• ___ ,._ __ ._~_.._ __ ~~ .. ___ ,._ __~..A.. .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _.______....---- .. ------.------) Country, State and District Total Rural Urban ,-.. _o ______--A.._ ~ ____ ~_, ,-.. ______------....A ~-_,.. __... -~ ... -~ where born r------~----.A.-...__--- ... --~.- .. -~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


TOTAL POPULATION 641,169 346,797 294,372 593,516 320,175 273,341 47,653 26,622 21,031 A-Born in India 640,731 346,518 294,213 593,350 320,045 173,305 47,381 26,473 20,908 (I) Within Madhya Pradesh 595,751 337,333 258,418 554,541 313,816 240,725 41,210 23,517 17,693 (a) Born in place of 437,619 304,940 132,679 411,808 288,807 123,001 25,811 16,133 9,678 enumeration (b) Born elsewhere in 124,592 2.:1,999 99,593 113,239 19,250 93,989 11,353 5,749 5,604 the district of enu- meration (e) Born in other districts 33,540 7,394 26.146 29,494 5,759 23,735 4,046 1,635 2,411 of the state (i) Born in districts conti- 30,083 6,048 74,035 27,324 5,036 22,288 2,759 1,012 1,747 guous to the Bhind District (1) Morena District 13,842 2,940 10,902 12,974 2,576 10,398 868 364 504 (2) Gwalior District 10,860 2,405 8,455 9,179 1,806 7,373 1,681 599 1,082 {3) Datia District 5,3!!l 703 4,678 5,171 654 4,517 210 49 161 (ii) Non-contiguous districts 3,457 1,346 2,111 2,170 723 1,447 1,287 623 664 o/the State

(II) States in India beyond 44,980 9,185 35,795 38,809 6,229 32,580 6,171 2,956 3,215 Madhya Pradesb

A-- States and their districts 41,836 7,460 34,376 36,478 5,003 31,475 5,358 2,457 2,901 contiguous to the district 0/ enumerati[ln (1) UTTAR PRADESH 41,836 7,460 34,376 36,478 5,003 31,475 5,358 2,457 2,901 (i) Contiguous Districts 27,232 4,474 22,758 25,629 3,878 21,751 1,603 596 1,007 (I) JALAUN DISTRICT 12,052 1,633 10,419 11,263 1,378 9,885 789 255 534 (2) ETAWAH DISTRICT 9,392 1,639 7,753 9,392 1,639 7,753 (3) AGRA DISTRICT 3,922 950 2,972 3,313 678 2,635 609 272 337 (4) JHANSI DISTRICT 1,866 252 1,614 1,661 183 1,478 205 69 136 (ii) Non-contiguous Districts 14,604 2,986 11,618 10,849 l,125 9,724 3,755 1,861 1,894 B-Other Non-contiguous States 3,144 1,725 1,419 2,331 1,226 1,105 813 499 314 ANDHRA PRADESH 8 6 2 3 3 5 3 2 ASSAM 1 1 1 1 BIHAR 64 26 38 43 13 30 21 13 8 GUJARAT 75 41 34 21 9 12 54 32 22 JAMMU AND KASHMIR 6 4 2 2 2 4 2 2 KERALA 2 2 2 2 MADRAS 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 MAHARASTHRA 213 122 91 62 36 26 151 86 65 MYSORE 4 3 1 1 1 3 2 ORISSA 2 1 1 1 1 PUNJAB 1,239 728 511 1,024 592 432 215 136 79 RAJASTHAN 1,371 724 647 1,093 546 547 278 178 100 WEST BENGAL 75 19 56. 48 14 34 27 5 22 DELHl 56 23 33 32 10 22 24 13 11 HIMACHAL PRADESH 25 24 1 25 24 105


Enumerated in Rural and Urban area of the District r-----.. ~---- ______A_ ____ ------~------~----__.. Country, State and District Total Rural Urban where born r-----~---"------, r- --- _~ _ __A__~ _____, r------A..------., Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


B-Born in countries in Asia 434 277 157 164 130 34 270 147 123 beyond India (incl. U:S.S.R.)

NEPAL 91 82 9 84 81 3 7 6 PAKISTAN 341 194 147 78 48 30 263 146 117 MALAYA 2 1 2 1 C-Born in countries in Europe 1 1 1 1 (Excluding U.S.S.R.) U. K. 1 1 D·-Born in countries in America 1 1 1 1 U. S A. 1 1 1 E-Unclassifiable 2 2 2 2




Occupied Census


Hotels. hostels. Total Total No. Census houses Shop Workshop sarais.dharmshalas Shops exclu- District I Rural of census vacant at the time -cum- -cum- tourist homes and ding eating- Tahsil Urban houses of houselisting Dwellings dwellings dwellings inspection houses houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

BHIND T 170,396 6,693 101,596 825 2,742 127 2,222 DISTRICT R 157,908 5,956 93,433 674 2,596 84 1,186 U 12,488 737 8,163 151 146 ~3 1,036

1 Bhind Tahsil T 57,279 1,710 35,957 231 419 50 948 R 50,314 1,349 31,134 123 381 23 284- U 6,965 361 4,823 109 38 27 664

2 Gohad Tahsil T 31,270 1,439 19,178 109 398 24 429 R 28,613 1,305 17,495 89 345 15 206 U 2,657 134 1,683 20 53 9 223

3 Mehgaon Tahsil T 35,708 1,294 21,344 109 477 15 298 R 34-,666 1,218 20,707 97 465 13 244 U 1,042 76 637 12 12 2 54

4 Lahar Tahsil T 46,139 2,250 25,117 375 1,448 38 547 R 44,315 2,084 24.097 365 1,405 33 452 U 1.824 166 1.020 10 43 5 95 109



______Houses used-..A.. as ______- ______----- ______. ___ , Schools and other Places of entertain- Public health and educational insti- ment (Cinemas, medical institutions, Business Factories tutions including Restaurants, theatres, clubs, hospitals, health, houses workshops training classes sweetmeat gymnasiums) and centres, doctor's Total and and coaching and' shops ~nd community gat he- clinics, dispensaries Rural District! offices worksheds shop classes eating places ring(Panchayatghar) etc. Others Urban Tahsil

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2

203 1,597 644 25 2,660 99 50,963 T RHIND 89 1,090 609 10 2,471 60 49,650 R DISTRICT 114 507 35 15 189 39 1,313 U

90 519 219 18 889 46 16,182 T Bhind 18 243 195 -7 827 22 15,708 R Tahsil 72 276 24 11 62 24 474 U

19 323 116 2 588 11 8,634 T 1 Gohad 13 176 111 2 505 7 8,344 R Tahsil 6 147 5 83 4 290 U

62 231 142 4 503 22 11,207 T 3 Mehaaon 42 101 140 490 17 11,031 R Tahsil 20 30 2 4 13 5 175 U

32 524 167 1 680 20 14,940 T 4 Lahar l' 470 163 1 649 14 14,566 R Tahsil 16 54 4 :U 6 374 U llO • TABLE E--II



Households in Census Houses used as Total Total r----.-.~----.-.------..A..---~ .. ----~..- -"_--'--, Rural Tenure No. of Shop-cum- Workshop-cum- Dwellin, with District ITa hsil Urban status households Dwelling dWelling dwelling other uses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

BHIND DISTRICT T Total 22,743 21,836 123 523 261 Owned 21,733 20,899 105 491 238 Rented 1,010 937 18 31 23

R Total 20,949 20,102 98 494 255 Owned 20,569 19,771 91 471 236 Rented 380 331 7 23 19

U Total 1,794 1,734 25 29 6 Owned 1,164 1,128 14 20 2 Rented 630 606 11 9 4

1 Bhind Tahsil T Total 8,042 7,812 40 70 120 Owned 7,517 7,311 30 61 115 Rented 525 501 10 9 5 R Total 6,991 6,788 22 63 118 Owned 6,915 6,723 20 59 113 Rented 76 65 2 4 5

U Total 1,051 1,024 18 7 2 Owned 602 588 lO 2 2 Rented 449 436 8 5

2 Gohad Tahsil T Total 4,242 4,125 12 70 35 Owned 4,037 3,939 12 64 22 Rented 205 186 6 13 R Total 3,869 3,773 8 57 31 Owned 3,764 3,681 8 53 22 Rented 105 92 4 9 U Total 373 352 4 13 4 Owned 273 258 4 11 Rented 100 94 2 4

3 Mehgaon Tahsil T Total 4,748 4,574 16 105 53 Owned 4,627 4,467 12 99 49 Rented 121 107 4 6 4

R ~tal 4,603 4,434 14 102 53 wned 4,524 4,366 12 97 49 Rented 79 68 2 5 4 U Total 145 140 2 3 Owned 103 101 2 Rented 42 39 2 1

4 Lahar Tahsil T Total 5,711 5,325 55 278 53 Owned 5,552 5,182 ·51 267 52 Renud 159 143 4 11 1 R Total 5,486 5,107 54 272 53 Owned 5,366 5,001 51 262 52 Rented 120 106 3 10 1 U Total 225 218 1 6 Owned 186 181 5 Rented 39 37 1 1 111



Division. Number of factories and workshops by size of employment

Major Group Kind of fuel r--- --~--~ and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of I.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Division 2&3 Total 3,686 2,551 1,123 10 (Manufacturing) I AU filels 189 40 144 5 (b) Liquid fuel 187 39 143 5 (c) Coal, wood 2 1 1 and bagasse II No power .3,497 2,513 979 5


Total 653 262 365 17 7 2 I All fuels 66 3 53 5 4 1 (a) Electricity 30 2 27 1 (b) Liquid fuel 34 1 26 4 3 (c) Coal, wood 2 1 1 and baggasse II No power 587 259 312 12 3 1


Major Group 20 Total 902 582 314 6 I All fuels 187 39 143 5 (aJ Liquid fuel 187 39 143 5 11 No power 715 543 171 1


Total 200 67 1L1 9 3 I All fuels 55 2 46 4 3 (a) Elect r icily 23 1 22 (b) Liquid fuel 32 J 24 4 3 II No power 145 65 75 5


Minor Group 200 Total 193 43 145 5 I All fuels 179 35 139 5 (b) Liquid fuel 179 35 139 S II No Power 14 8 6


Total 45 2 37 4 2 I All fuels 45 2 37 4 2 (a) Electricity 15 1 14 (b) Liquid fuel 30 1 23 4 2 i 12

TABLE E---lll


Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r- --.A_ and Minor or 1 2~5 6~9 10~19 20~49 50~99 100 Group of I.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BHIND DISTRICT-Contd. Rural

Minor Groups 206 Total 4 2 2 II No power 4 2 2 Urban Total 4 2 2 II No power 4 2 2 . Rural 207 Total 587 458 129 All fuels 8 4 4 (b) Liquid fuel 8 4 4 II No Power 579 454 .125 Urban Total 38 21 15 1 All fuels 10 9 1 (a) Electricity 8 8 (b) Liquid fuel 2 1 II No power 28 21 6 Rural 209 Total 118 79 38 1 II No power 118 79 38 1 Urban Total 113 42 67 .. II No power 113 42 67 4 Urban Major Group 21 Total 1 1 1 All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 1 Urban Minor Group 216 Total 1 I All fuels 1 (a) Electricity 1 Rural Major Group 22 Total 1 1 11 No power 1 1 Urban Totol 1 1 11 No power 1 1 Urban Minor Groups 223 Total 1 1 II No power 1 1 Rural 225 Total 1 1 II No power 1 1 lI3


Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel ,.----.. -~ ____ ~ ______..______,_....A.______~ --~------...---- ... -----, and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of I.S.LC. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BHIND DISTRICT·--Contd. Rural Major Group 23 Total 268 139 128 1 II No power 268 139 128 1 Urban

Total 2 1 1 II No power 2 1 1 Rural Minor Groups 230 Total 32 32 II No power 32 ::2 Rural 231 Total 5 2 3 II No power 5 2 3 Urban Total 2 1 1 II No power 2 1 1 Rural 233 Total 10 10 II No power 10 10 Rural 235 Total 179 94 84 1 II No power 179 94 84 1 Rural 236 Total 42 11 31 II No power 42 11 31 Rural

Major Group 25 Total 1 1 II No Power 1 1 Urban Total 1 1 II No power 1 1 Rural Minor Group 255 Total 1 1 II No power 1 1 Urban Total II No power Rural Major Group 27 Total 222 183 39 I All fuels 222 183 39 Urban Total 110 65 44 1 II No Power 110 65 44 1 114



Divilion. Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r--.,._--.-----~-. "___ ...A.. __.. _._ .. ___• ____ ..., and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of 1. S. I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Person~ and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lQ



Minor Groups 270 Total 12 7 5 II No power 12 7 5


Total 3 2 1 II No power 3 2 I


272 Total 1 II No power 1

Rural 173 Total 198 170 28 II No power 198 170 28

Urban Total 101 63 38 II No power 101 63 38

Rural 274 Total 12 6 6 II No power 12 6 6

Urban 278 Total 5 2 3 II No power 5 2 3


Major Group 28 Total 905 652 252 1 11 No power 905 652 252 1

Urban Total 49 16 30 1 1 1 I All fuels 3 3 (a) Electricity 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 2 2 II No power 46 16 27 1 1 1


Minor Group 180 Total 3 3 I All fuels 3 3 (a) Electricity 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 2 2 115


Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r-~------~ ____ ~_~ ______...A... .. __~_~ ____.... -~ ___ .--.. - .. -----.~- .. -..-- .-.. ~ and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of I.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Peraons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Minor Groups 281 ' Total 3 2 1 II 'No power 3 2 1 Urban

Total 8 6 1 II No power 8 6 1 Rural

282 Total 9 4 5 II No power 9 4 5 Urban Total 10 2 7 II No power 10 2 7 Rural

283 Total 610 451 159 II No power 610 451 159 Urban Total 17 6 11 II No power 17 6 11 Rural 284 Total 2 1 II No power 2 1 Urban

Total 6 4 2 II No power 6 4 2 Urban 287 Total 1 II No power 1 1 Rural

288 Total 218 150 67 II No power 218 150 67 Rural

289 Total, 63 44 19 II No power 63 44 19 Urban

Total 4 2 1 II No power 4 2 1 116



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel ,-_.. ___ ~ ___ --______~ ___....A._ __-:- ______---' ______- ______.. ~~ __ ---...... , and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 ·10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of I.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10



Major Group 30 Total 6 2 4 I All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 II No power 4 2 2 Urban

Minor Group 302 Total 6 2 4 I All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 II No power 4 2 2 Rural

Major Group 31 Total 182 161 21 II No power 182 161 21 Urban Total 79 31 48 II No power 79 31 48 Rural

Minor Groups 310 Total 5 1 4 II No power 5 1 4 Urban

Total 1 1 II No power 1 1 Rural 311 Total 177 160 17 II No power 177 160 17 Urban Total 77 30 47 II No power 77 30 47 Urban 313 Total II No power Rural Major Group 33 Total 25 17 8 II No power 25 17 8 Urban Total 10 3 7 II No power 10 3 7 117


Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r-----~------.------~------A.-----.. ---...--.------...------, and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group ofI.S.LC. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Rural Minor Groups 333 Total 20 12 8 1I No power 20 12 8 Urban

Total 3 2 II No power 3 2 Rural

335 Total 5 5 II No power 5 5 Urban Total 3 2 II No power 3 2 Urban 336 Total 4 1 3 II No power 4 1 3 Rural

Major Group j4&35 Total 663 476 186 1 I All fuels 2 1 1 (c) Coal, wood 2 1 1 and bagasse 11 No power 661 475 185 1 Urban Total 21 15 3 1 1 1 1 . All fuels 2 1 1 (c) Coal, wood 2 1 1 and bagasse II No power 19 15 3 1 Rural Minor Groups 340 Total 2 1 I All fuels 2 1 1 (c) Coal, wood 2 1 1 and bagasse Urban Total 2 1 I All fuels 2 1 (c) Coal, wood 2 1 and bagasse Urban 341 Total 1 1 II No power 1 1 118



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r-.-~-.~.---~~------.- -- .. _.....A._ ------__ ... -~--~-.... -- --~---... - --_...... __--- and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20~49 50-99 100 Goup of I.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Minor Group 350 Total 661 475 185 II No power 661 475 185 Urban Total 18 15 3 II No power 18 15 3 Rural

Major Group 36 Total 342 202 139 1 II No power 342 202 139 1 Urban

Total 48 13 32 2 1 Il No power 48 13 32 2 1 Urban

Minor Groups 362 Total II No power Rural

365 Total 2 2 II No power 2 2 Urban

Total 2 II No power 2 Urban 367 Total II No power Urban 368 Total II No power Rural 369 Total 340 200 139 II No power 340 200 139 Urban

Total 43 9 31 2 1 II No power 43 9 31 2 1 Urban

Maj.r Group 37 TOlal 1 1 I All fuels 1 1 Ca) Electricity 1 1 lIH



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel ,-_.___ ... _ ... __ .. ____ ... _ ... ______.A._ ... _ ..._ ... __ ... _~ .. _____ ... __.. ~,..-- .. _ .. ____... and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of I.S.LC. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Penons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Urban Minor Groups 372 Total' I All fuels (a) Eelctricity


Major Group 38 Total 18 15 3 II No power 18 15 3


Total 39 13 26 I All }ileis 1 1 (a) Electri.:ity 1 1 II No Power 38 13 25


Minor Groups 384 Total 2 2 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 1 II No power 1 Rural

388 Total 18 15 3 II No power 18 15 3


Total 37 13 24 II No power 37 13 24


Major Group 39 Total 157 124 33 II No power 157 124 33


Total 85 3~ 49 1 I All fuels J 1 (a) Electricity 1 1 II No pow.r 84 35 48 1


Minor Group 392 'Total 6 5 1 II No power 6 5 1 120



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r-.. ------.. --.---.. ~------.. -....A.- _ .. ---.. ------.. ------.. - ~ and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of I.S.I.e. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



Minor Groups 393 Total 152 121 31 II No power 152 121 31


Total 73 26 46 All fuels 1 (a) Electricity 1 II No power 72 26 45


394 Total II No power


Total 2 II No power 2


399 Total 4 2 2 II No power 4 2 2


Total 4 3 II No power 4 3

1 Bhind Tahsil (Rural)

Division 2 & 3 Total 624 396 225 3 Manufacturing I All fuels 61 13 46 2 (b) Liquid fuel 61 13 46 2 II No power 563 383 179 1

Minor Groups 200 Total 66 17 47 2 All fuels 57 12 43 2 (b) Liguid fuel 57 12 43 2 II No power 9 5 4

206 II No power 2 1 207 TOlal 31 16 15 All fuels 4 3 (b) Liquid fuel 4 3 II No power 27 15 12 121



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind offue! ,..- ..A... and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of I.S.I.C.. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and abo,"e 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Bhind Tah~il (RuralJ-Concld. Minor GroUpS 209 II No power 35 22 13 225 II No power 235 )1 No power It 10 ... 236 11 No power 18 18 270 II No power 2 273 n No power 27 20 7 274 If No power 4 4 282 II No power 4 2 2 i 283 II' No power 114 89 25 288 II No power 6 4 2 289 II No power 2 2 310 II No power 311 II No power 28 22 6 333 II No power 1 1 335 II No power 3 3 350 II No power 166 127 39 365 II No power 1 369 II No power 70 40 29 388 II No power 3 2 I 393 II No power 28 26 2 1 Bhind Tahsil (Urban)

Division :1 Ii: 3 Total 314 102 191 13 7 1 (Manufacturing) I All fuels 50 3 39 3 4 1 (a) EJectricity 30 2 27 1 (b) Liquid fuel 18 1 12 2 3 (c) Coal, wood & 2 1 1 bagasse II No power 264 99 152 10 3

Minor Groups 200 Total 29 2 23 2 2 I All fuels 29 2 23 2 2 (a) Electricity 15 1 14 (b) Liquid fuel 14 9 2 2

206 II No power 4 2 2 207 Total 13 12 1 I All fuels 10 9 1 (a) Electricity 8 8 (b) Liquid fuel 2 1 1 II No power 3 3

209 II No power 61 25 32 4 216 Total 1 1 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 1 122



Division, Number of factories and workshops by sizt; of employment Major Group Kind of fuel '--"~--.-~~~--"-~-"-' -----_)..._.._ _.. _ .. _ .. _- "-~--"-"-"-" --~.-- -_ .. ----_--_,..____ -.- .. ~ and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of I.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Person, Persons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Bhind Tahsil (Urban)-.Contd. Minor Groups 131 II No power 1 1$5 II No power 1 270 II No power 272 II No power 273 II No power 34 17 17 278 II No power 2 2 280 Total 3 3 I' All fuels 3 3 (a) Electricity 1 (b) Liquid fuel 2 2

281 II No power 5 4 282 II No power 9 1 7 283 II No power 9 5 4 284 II No power 6 4 2 287 II No power I 1 289 II No power 1 1

302 Total 5 4 I All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 II No power 3 2

310 II No power 1 311 II No power 14 4 10 313 II No power 1 I 335 II No power 3 1 2 336 11 No power 4 3

340 Total 2 1 I All fuels 2 1 1 (c) Coad, wood 2 1 1 and bagasse

341 II No power 1 350 II No power I I 362 II No power 1 1 368 II No power 1 1 369 II No power 24 7 14 2

372 Total I All fuels 1 (a) Electricity 1

384 Total 2 2 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 1 II No power 1 123


Div.ision, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r-"-"-~~"-.-----"------"------_),._--.....l...-- -- -~-----~----~-- .. -----____ and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of I.S.I.e. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10

1 Bhind Tahsil (Urban)--Concld.

Minor Groups 388 II No power 19 8 11

392 II No power 6 5

393 Total 44 9 34 All fuels ... (a) El ectrici ty 1 1 II No power 43 9 33

394 II No power 2

2 Gohad Tahsil (Rural)

Division 2 & 3 Total 521 330 189 2 (Manufacturing) I All fuels 46 19 27 (b) Liquid fuel 46 19 27 II No power 475 311 162 2 •

Minor Groups 200 Total 43 16 27 All fuels 43 16 27 (b) Liquid fuel 43 16 27

207 Total 116 80 36 1 All fuels 3 3 (b) Liquid fuel 3 3 II No power 113 77 36 209 II No power 20 7 12 2~1 II No power 2 2 235 II No power 17 4 13 270 II No power 2 2 273 II No power 11 7 4 274 II No power 1 281 II No power 3 2 1 282 II No power 4 3 283 II No power 88 62 26 228 II No power 38 22 15 289 II No power 20 19 1 310 II No power 3 1 2 311 II No power 8 8 333 II No power 2 1 350 II No power 93 69 24 369 II No power 28 14 14 388 II No power 5 4 1 393 II No power 17 10 7 1~1 ... TABLE E-Ill


Division. Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind offuel r------"------, and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of l.s_l.e. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Person. and above

" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2 Gohad Tahsil (Urban) Division 2 & 3 Total 200 87 109 4 (Manufacturing) I All fuels 9 7 2 (b) Liquid fuel 9 7 2 II No power 191 87 102 2

Minor Groups 200 Total 9 7 2 I All fuels 9 7 2 (h) Liquid fuel 9 7 2 207 II No power 5 2 2 209 II No power 19 4 15 223 11 No power 1 1 231 11 No power 1 273 II No power 47 32 15 278 II No power 2 2 282 II No power 1 1 283 II No power 8 1 7 311 II No power 60 24 36 350 II No power 9 6 3 365 II No power 2 I 367 II No power 1 I 369 II No power 8 1 7 388 II No power 7 2 5 393 II No power 20 11 9 3 Mehgaon Tahsil (Rural) Division 2 & 3 Total 666 486 178 2 • (Manufacturing) I All fuels 32 2 29 1 (b) Liquid fuel 32 2 29 1 II No power 634 484 149 .1 Minor Groups 200 Total 32 2 29 I All fuels 31 2 28 1 (b) Liquid fuel 31 2 28 1 II No power 1 206 II No power 2 I 207 Total 187 160 27 All fuels 1 (b) Liquid fuel 1 II No power 186 160 26 209 II No power 22 16 6 231 II No power 2 2 2~5 II No power 33 31 2 1.~5 TABLE• E-111 CENSUS HOUSES USED AS FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS CLASSIFIED BY INDUSTRY, POWER AND NO POWER USED AND SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT-Con/d.

Division. Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r-~------.--- .______-_------.A....~ ____.. _.______, and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of I.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3 Mehgaon Tahsil (Rural)--Concld.

Minor Groul>s 236 II No power 270 II No power 3 3 273 II No. power 28 28 274 II No· power 5 5 283 II No power 96 72 24 284 II No power I 288 II No power 6 6 289 II No power 25 I3 12 310 II No power 311 II No power 13 12 333 II No power I 350 II No power 122 82 39 365 II No power 369 II No power 48 26 22 388 II No power 393 II No power 35 26 9 399 II No power

3 MehgaoD Tahsil (Urban)

DiTi.loll 1 &;] Total 42 11 31 (ManuracturiDl) I AJJ fuels 3 3 (b) Liquid fuel 3 3 II No power 39 11 28

Minor ,roups 200 Total 3 3 I All fuels 3 3 (b) Liquid fuel 3 3

209 II No power 13 5 8 273 II No power 6 5 289 II No power 1 311 II No power 1 350 II No power 2 2 369 II No power 6 6 388 II No power 6 6 393 II No power 3 2 399 II No power 1 126 II TABLE E-Ill


Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r------A.------~- -~--.-.-- --,.__.., and Minor or 1 2·5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of J.S.I.c. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persona and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 Lahar Tahsil (Rural)

Division 2 & 3 Total 1,875 1,341 531 3 (Manufacturing) I All fuels 50 6 42 2 (b) Liquid fuel 48 5 41 2 (c) Coal, wood 2 1 1 and bagasse II No power 1,825 1,335 489 1 Minor Groups 200 II Total 52 8 42 2 All fuels 48 5 41 2 (b) Liquid fuel 48 5 41 2 II No power 4 3

207 II No power 253 202 51 209 II No power 41 34 7 230 II No power 32 32 231 II No power I 233 II No power 10 10 235 II No power 118 58 59 236 II No power 2~ 11 12 255 II No power 270 II No power .5 3 2 273 II No power 132 115 17 274 II No power 2 1 2 282 II No power 283 II No power 312 228 84 284 II No power 1 1 288 II No power 168 118 50 289 II No power 16 12 4 311 II No power 128 118 10 333 II No power 16 9 7 335 II No power -2 2 340 Total 2 All fuels 2 (C) Coal, wood 2 and bagasse 350 II No power 280 197 83 369 II No power 194 120 74 388 II No power 9 8 393 II No power 72 59 13 394 II No power 399 II No power 3 2 127


Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r---~-.---~-----"___.A._-.-.-.-- .. - ... --... ------. and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10--19 20-49 50-99 10!) Group of l.s.I.e. poWer used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Perlons and above

'2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 Lahar Tahsil (Urban)

Division 2&3 To",1 97 62 34 1 (Manufacturing) I All fuels 4 4 (b) Liquid fuel 4 4 II NQ power 93 62 . 30 1

Minor Groups 200 Total 4 4 All fuels 4 4 (b) Liquid fuel 4 4

207 II No power 20 19

209 II N~ power 20 8 12 270 II No power 2 2 273 II No power 14 13 278 II No power 1 281 II No power 3 2 289 II No power 2 302 II No power ". 311 II No power" 2 2 333 II 'No power 3 2 3'0 II No power 6 / 6 369 II No power 5 4 388 II No power 5 3 2 393 II No 'power 6 5 399 II No power 3 2

• 128




Predominan t material of wall

,----~~-- Grass, Total Total No. kaves, C. I.sheets or Rural of census reeds or U'nburnt Burnt other metal DiatrM/Tab.il Urban households bamboo Timber Mud bricks bricks sheets Stone

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


RHIND DISTRICT T 22,743 27 41 16,097 2,510 2,371 6 1,247 R 20,949 26 34 15,467 2,297 1,625 6 1,052 U 1,794 1 7 630 213 746 195

1 Bhind Tahsil T 8,042 25 I1 5,615 1,254 1,123 3 8 R 6,991 24 6 5,387 1,067 495 3 6 U 1,~51 5 228 187 628 2

2 Gohad Tahsil T 4,242 3 2,657 116 85 /' 2 1,118 R 3,869 3 2,480 116 83 2 926 U 373 177 2 192

3 Mehgaon Tahsil T 4,748 22 3,386 515 563 1 107 R 4,603 21 3,302 515 504 1 106 U 145 84 59 1

4 Lahar Tahsil T 5,711 2 5 4.439 625 ' 600 14 R 5,486 2 4 4,298 599 543 14 U 225 141 26 57 129



Predominant material of roof r-.-:..-.------~--~-----... ----A....~------. Grass, leaves, Tiles, Corrugated Asbestos Bricks Concrete Total Cement All other reeds, thatch, slates, iron, zinc or cement and or stone AU other Rural concrete materials wood or bamboo shingle other metal sheets sheets lime slabs materials Urban

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2


4 440 3,695 7,552 198 1,519 1,893 743 7,143 T 4 438 3,635 7,207 128 782 1,758 612 6,827 R 2 60 345 70 737 135 131 316 U

3 1,947 147 121 1,148 433 159 4,087 T ] 3 1,913 135 63 456 430 137 3,857 R 34 12 58 692 3 22 230 U

3 258 890 1,304 25 133 597 252 1,041 T 2 3 256 875 1.125 23 132 522 154 1,038 R 2 15 179 1 1 75 98 3 U

154 798 1,]56 38 186 332 265 ],973 T 3 15<4 788 1,156 34 142 329 262 1.892 R 10 .( 44 3 3 81 U

1 25 60 4,945 14 52 531 67 42 T 4 1 25 59 4,791 52 477 S9 40 R 154 •6 5.( 8 2 U 130



Households with no Households with regular room one room r--~-~-- - _ _A._ .. __ ~ _____--, r------....A..----.----., Total No. Number Number Total of members Total of members of members Rural Total No. of ,..-___ -.A._._., Number Number of ,..-_. __ .A.. __., Number of ,.-__..A.------, District/Tahsil Urban households M F of rooms households M F households M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

BHIND DISTRICT T 22,743 69,404 57,902 5},567 62 146 104 7,289 16.,729 13,843 R 20,949 64,431 53,812 47,867 59 141 100 6,475 14,938 12,476 U 1,794 4,973 4,090 3,700 3 5 4 814 1,791 1,367

1 Bhind Tahsil T 8,042 25,422 21,264 20,438 21 63 45 2,172 5,109 4,085 R 6,991 22,478 18,870 18,138 20 63 45. 1,703 4,067 3,306 U 1,051 2,944 2,394 2,300 469 1,042 779

2 Gohad Tahsil T 4,242 12,440 9,595 9,339 9 13 12 1,427 3,224 2,771 R 3869 11,414 8,709 8,535 9 13 12 1,270 2,855 2,477 U 373 1,026 886 804 157 369 294

3 Mehgaon -Tahsil T 4,748 14,115 12,126 10,191 25 59 41 1,661 3,908 3,218 R 4,603 13,712 11,830 9,936 23 54 37 1,593 3,752 3,111 U 145 403 296 255 2· 5 4 68 156 107

4 Lahar Tahsil T 5,711 17,427 14,917 11,599 7 11 6 2,029 4,488 3,769 R 5,486 16,827 14,403 11,258 7 11 6 1,909 4,264 3,582 U 225 600 514 341 120 224 187 131



Households with Households with Households with Households with five two rooms three rooms four rooms rooms or more ,--.-._. _..A.. ___ ------., ,--_-_-_----'-----, r------..A..-._--_.-.--.., r-.. ~ ..... -----A...--"----~-l Number of Number of Number of No. of members members members members Total Number of ,--_..A.._--.., Number ofr--..A..----, Number of r-...... A.--, No. of No. of r----A.--, Rural Districtl households M F households M F households M F households rOOlns M F Urban Tahsil

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2

7.926 23,651 19.194 4.129 14,580 12.464 1,917 7,681 6.519 1,420 8,371 6.617 5,778 T BHlND 7,347 21,951 17,768 3,927 13,928 11,900 1,829 7.375 6,140 1.312 7,601 6,098 5.328 R DISTRICT 579 1,700 1,426 202 652 564 88 306 279 108 770 519 450 U

2,500 7,446 6,262 1,647 5,692 4,728 949 3,645 3,094 753 4,529 3,467 3,050 T 1 Bhind Tahllil 2.194 6,564 5,560 1,517 5;P7 4,361 887 3.455 2,905 670 3,948 3,052 2,693 R 306 882 702 130 415 367 62 190 189 83 581 415 357 U

1.477 4,313 2,584 792 2,717 2.375 313 1,217 1,053 224 1.330 956 800 T 2 Gohad Tah.il 1,350 3,978 2,262 742 2.553 2.235 297 1,148 1,001 201 1,151 867 722 R 127 335 322 50 164 140 16 69 52 23 179 89 78 U

1,690 4,883 4.286 784 2,709 2,359 332 1,343 1,179 256 1,470 1,213 1.043 T 3 MehlaoD 1,641 4.736 4,180 767 2,658 2,314 325 1,314 1.160 254 1,460 1,128 1,028 R Tahli1 49 147 106 17 51 45 7 29 19 2 10 15 15 U

2,259 7,009 6,062 906 3,462 3,002 323 1,476 1,193 187 1,042 981 885 T 4 Lahar 2,162 6,673 5,766 901 3,440 2,990 320 1.458 1,174 187 1,042 981 885 R Tahli! 97 336 296 5 22 12 3 18 19 U SCT-SPECIAL TABLES FOR SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES 133


1 Bhind Tahsil 2 Gohad Tahsil 3 Mehgaon Tahsil 4 Lahar Ta.hsil r---~. ~..A.. ~~ --~ r-'-'- ___ . __ ._.A.._ .• ___ ._._, Name of Scheduled Caste ___ r-' -_.- .A.. -. -"-, r- _- ...... -_;..~.- - '-, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

-: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


All Scheduled Castes 20.423 18.185 15.664 13.751 12,636 11,688 17,755 16,103

Barahar or Basod 50 45 284 270 182 169 692 636

2 Bedia 77 71 16 12 7 6 II 27

3 Bbangi or Mehtar 940 ~OO 831 695 943 830 765 598

4- Chamar, Bairwa, Bhambi, Jatav , Mochi or Regar 16,113 14,414 12.176 10,793 9.066 8,483 13,019 11,936

5 Chidar 6

6 Dhanuk 636 607 191 173 350 334 291 251

7 Khatik 583 561 337 263 437 393 404 365

8 Koli or Kori 1,863 1.568 1,713 1,482 1,540 1,387 2,569 2.287

9 Kotwal 16 15 4 2

10 Nat, Kalbelia or Sapera 109 89 78 45 111 86 4 3 11 Pardhi 23 16

12 Pasi 36 15 5



All Scheduled Tribes 24 9 80 92

Korku 23 9

2 Seharia 80 92

3 Unclassifiable l34 TABLE


WORKERS ,-_. II III IV In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock. Fore- stry, Fishing, Hunting and Name 01 As Plantations, At Scheduled As Agricultural Orchards and Household Caste Total Total Workl!rs Cultivator Labourer allied activiti es Industry (I-IX) ,----.A..__ -, ,-----"-----, ,----"---, r--~..A..-.--~ ,-~-"--. ,------"------, P M F M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 au

All Scheduled 126,205 66,478 S9,727 39,602 14,901 30,002 10,784 4,261 2,022 236 37 1,115 39. Castet 42 Barahar 2,328 1,208 1,120 720 435 450 217 118 44 7 44 or Basod

2 Bedia 227 111 116 62 34 48 27 11 2 2

3 Bhangi 25 or Mehtar 6,402 3,479 2,923 2,023 1,014 724 118 249 46 32 132

4 Chamar, Bairwa, Bhambi, Ja.av. Mochi or 136 410 36 Regar 96,000 50,374 45,626 30,077 11,227 24,498 9,175 2,998 1,596 32

5 Chidar 6 6 :3 2 10 4 6 Dhanuk 2,833 1,468 1,365 853 275 590 82 106 14 4 2 113 11 7 Khatik 3,343 1,761 1,582 1,021 143 661 86 80 36 23 404 277 S Koli or 14,409 7,685 6,724 4,640 1,750 2,961 1,074 65~ 280 23 Kori

9 Kotwal 37 20 17 16 11 10 Nat, Kalhelia or 8 3 Sapera 525 302 223 142 13 49 5 31 1 2

11 Pardhi 39 23 16 14 12 2· 12 Pasi 56 41 15 31 9 3 :3 135 seT-I AND NON-WORKERS- BY SEX FOR SCHEDULEO CASTES DISTRICT WORKERS IN SPECIAL WORKERS NON-WORKERS OCCUPATIONS ~----~--. __-- __.. -...A...~-_. _____-_- ______.. -----., r--... --"----~ ,--__---A.. __-_---, V VI VII vnr IX X

In In Manufa­ Transport, cturing Storage Tl1.1l1ing and other than In In and In currying of Name of household Constr­ Trade and Communi­ Olher hides and Scheduled Industry uction Commerce cations Services skins Scavenging Caste r---.... -_A._--~ ~ ..______..A,_ .. ---~ r---...A...... _--... r---_A_--~ ,-___A.__-~ ,--- __ ._.....A... -_ ---, r-"'---...A...-~ ~--_A._-1 M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 R A L

26 16 532 129 13 29 3,272 1,631 26,876 44,826 31 357 220 All Scheduled Castes 4 100 128 488 685 355 219-

5 49 82 2

9 876 825 1,456 1,909 31 3

11 6 424 46 3 17 1,537 379 20,297 34,399 4 3 5

4" 138 175 615 1,090 6 9 3 55 2 76 6 740 1,439 7 6 10. 91 20 4 7 468 104 3,045 4,974 8

5 4 16 9

7 3 44 160 210 10

9 16 11 25 7 10 6 12 136



WORKERS ,-~------"---'------....-:------I II III IV In Mining, Quarry- ing. Livestock, Forestry, Fish- ing, Hunting Name of As and Plantations, At Scheduled Total Workers As Agircultural Orchards and Household Tribe Total (I·-IX) Cullivator Labourer allied activities Industry ,--__ .. __-A.... __ -, ,----"------, ,--. .A._--..., ,---.A...__ , ,-_--.A..__ _, ,---.A..._--, P M F M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 UR

All Scheduled 8,234 4,543 3,691 2,564 472 683 90 94 18 17 1 370 157 Castes Barahar or 30 15 15 10 4 3 Basod 2 Bedlia 64 28 36 10 6 4 3 Bhangi or' Mehtar 921 501 420 259 157 31 2 3 4 32 27 4 Chamar, Bairwa, Bhambi, Jatav, Mochi or Regar 4,142 2,311 1,831 1,339 166 511 60 69 11 10 160 59 5 Dhanuk 251 137 114 84 17 20 5 5 2 5 1 6 Khatik 527 273 254 142 11 30 3 31 1 7 KoIi or Kori 2,289 1,273 1,016 716 111 84 18 16 5 141 61 8 Nat, Kalbelia or Sapera 6 3 3 2 9 Pasi 4 2 2 2 137


'-~ ___• __.~ ______._M _ _A.______- ___- .. __ ~--_. ~ r-~-- -~ --_._, ,------__.A.._ __-_-~ V VI VII VIII IX , X

In In Manufa­ Tran~port, ctUriflg Storage Ta.lning and other than In In and In currying of Name of househoid Constr­ Trade and Communi- Other hides and Schduled Industry uction Commerce cations Services skins Scavenging Caste

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


293 5 248 3 206 8 51 602 190 1,979 3,219 4 146 127 All Schl'duled Castes

3 4 2 5 II

2 2 5 18 30 2

9 175 127 242 263 146 127 3

140 3 133 85 22 209 31 972 1,665 4 4 16 6 4 4 23 9 53 97 5 8 4 58 6 3 6 131 243 6

124 2 96 54 18 182 16 557 905 7

3 8

2 2 9 138




,---.. ---______---A- ____ ._~ ____ ,._ __ .. ~ I II III IV In Mining, Quarry­ ing, Livestock, Forestry, Fish- ing, Hunting Name of As and Plantations, • At Scheduled Total Workers As Agircultural Orchards and Houst:hold Tribe Total (I--IX) Cultivator Labourer allied activities Industry ,---._--"-- - I r-----A-~ r----"--~ ,--___..A-.----... '--.. ___..A... __~_",\ r----A_--~ PM F M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l~ 14 BHIND RU

All Scheduled 205 104 101 64 47 5 3 14 6 32 34 3 Tribes Korku 32 23 9 11 2 2 2 Seharia 172 80 92 52 45 5 3 14 6 32 34 3 Unclassifiable UR

All Scheduled 272 141 131 71 12 1 11 14 11 Tribes

Gond 108 57 51 24 6 6 6

2 Korku 164 84 80 47 6 8 5 139



,-_-______WORKERS-A. ______--, ,---..A...NON-WORKERS___ , V VI VII VITI IX X

In In Manufacturing Transport. other than In Storage and In household In Trade and Communica- Other industry Construction Commerce tion Services Name of ,-___ --A.__ --, ,-___--A. __----., ,---~~ ~-~------. ,---.A._ --.. Scheduled M F M F M F M F M F Tribe

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 DISTRICT RAL 11 2 1 40 54 All Scheduled Tribes

11 12 7

28 J.7 2 3 BAN

2 36 7 1 70 119 AU Scheduled Tribes

2 14 33 45

22 6 37 74 2 140

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Total Population r--~.-.~.- --.~ .. ------.. - _--_- _- ---A.. -.-----~~- .. -- -.---.--.------., Age 0-14 Name of Scheduled Tribe Never Divorced! Unspecified ,..-::-"--, Total married Married Widowed Separated Status Total ,------_....A...._ .---~ ~--- .. --~ r--..A...._, ,.. • _...A-_-., r- .. -...A... .. -~ ,-- ..----A.- ___ --.... r---..A..---.... P M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 All Scheduled Tribes 477 245 232 126 104 109 109 10 19 113 109 ) Gond 1013 57 51 32 32 23 18 2 1 30 33 ,2 Korku 196 107 89 56 29 44 47 7 13 45 30 '3 Seharia J72 SO 92 38 43 . 41 44 1 5 38 46 4 Unclassifiable 1 1

PART B.-Contd" Age 0·14 Condd. Age 15-44 r---_-- .. _ .. _ .. --_____ ....A,_ ___ .. __ "_o-______.. ______-_--... ,-- .. ---_... ___,,_,A..._ ... __ ,. ____-----....., Name of Scheduled Tribes Never Divorced! Unspecified. Never married Married Widowed Separated status Total married Married ,--_--A.. __--., r---_A._---... ,-___ .A.. ___--... ,--__ r-"---"-'-~ r--..A...-~ .....A-_--... r--A.. ----... r---..A...~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 All Scheduled Tribe 110 102 3 7 99 100 14 2 84 92 ) Gond 30 30 3 20 14 2 2 18 12 2 Korku 44 29 1 1 45 46 10 34 43 3 Seharia 36 43 2 3 .. , 33 40 2 31 37 4 U nclassifiable 1 1

PART B -·Conld. Age 15-44--Concld. Age 45 + ,------_------"------., r--~----~-.------"- --"------~ r---"-~, Name of Scheduled Tribe Divorced! Unspecified Never Divorced/ Widowed Separated status Total married Married Widowed -Separated r---A..~ r---"-.. -----.. ,----"-0----.., ,----..A_----.. r--..A_~~ r-...A--~ ,----A.. .. -~ r----_,..._---~ M F M F M FM F M FM F M FM F

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 ~8 All Scheduled Tribes 1 6 33 23 2 22 10 9 13 1 Gond 7 4 5 3 2 1 2 Korku 3 17 13 2 9 3 6 10 3 Seharia 3 9 6 8 4 2 4 Unclassifiable

PART B-Concld.

Age 45 + Age not stated Concld ,.. __ -.A..._, r------'------______..A._. ... _ .. ____ .------.. ------..-.------.---.., Name of Scheduled Tribe Unspecified Never Divorced! Unspecified status Total married Married Widowed Separated status "'---"--1 r-"'--"- ----, ,..- .. --"-----.. r---.A.. .. --~ r---"----, r---A-.--, r-----"--... ---.. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 All Scheduled Tribes 1 Gond 2 Korku 3 Seharia 4 Unclassifiable 146





,.... ,00 ,....


-('I 147


Educational Level Name of r------Scheduled Castel I Literate (without Primary or Matriculation Scheduled Tribe Total Illiterate ,educational level) Junior Basic and above r------'----, r-----'-----, r----'----, r----"----, r--..A.. -, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



All Scheduled Castes 66,478 59,727 58,047 59,530 7,942 196 373 1 116 1 Barahar or Basad 1,208 1,120 1,068 1,118 137 2 2 2 Bedia III 116 98 113 11 3 2 3, Bhangi or Mehtar 3,479 2,9 '3 3,314 2,918 164 5 I 4 Chamar,Bairwa, Bhambi. 50,374 45,626 43,790 45,492 6,177 133 309 98 Jatav, Mochi or Regar 5 Chidar 6, 5 6 Dhanuk 1,468 1,365 1,262' 1,356 198 9 7 1 7 Khatik 1,761 1,582 1,450 1,565 293 17 13 5 8 Koli or Kori 7,685 6,724 6,691 6,698 944 26 39 11 9 Kolwal 20 17 19 17 1 10 Nat, Kalbelia or Sapera 302 223 291 222 11 11 Pardbi, 23 16 22 16 13 Pasi 41 15 41 15


All Scheduled Tribes 104 101 97 101 7 1 Korku 23 9 18 9 5 2 Seharia 80 92- 79 92 1 3 Unclassifiable



(All Scheduled Caste persons profess Hindu religion)



(All Scheduled Tribe persons profess Hindu religion) 148

• .... -


co N

o 00 .....


"" N r--- on0'1


l:­ N




Persons employed i?efore Total Persons seeking but now unemplo- . Non-working Full time employment for yed and seeking population Students the first time work Others Educational level ,-____.A _____--, r---_A_~ r--~---"--~ ,------A.._-, r-----.).._--~ P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


All Scheduled Castes 76,900 28,855 48,0-15 5,095 2,348 17 6 23,737 45,697 Illiterate 72,327 24,521 47,806 1,014 2,237 9 3 23,495 45,569 Literate (without educational level) 4,177 3,938 239 3,695 111 6 2 235 128 Primary or Junior Basic 295 295 289 1 5 Matriculation or Higher Secondary 97 97 93 2 2 Above Matriculation or Higher Secondary 4 4 4 RURAL

All Scheduled Castes 71,702 26,876 44,826 4,605 2,312 7 3 22,261 42,514 Illiterate 67,708 23,055 44,653 997 2,236 4 22,054 42,417' Literate (without educational lereZ) 3,690 3,517 173 3,313 76 2 2 200 97 Primary or Junior Basic '235 235 229 1 5 Matriculation or Higher Secondaq 67 67 64 1 2 Above Matriculation or Higher Secondary 2 2 2 URBAN

All Scheduled Castes 5,/98 1,979 3,219 490 36 10 3 1,476 3,183 Illiterate 4,619 1,466 3.i'53 17 1 5 3 1,441 3,152 Illiterate (without educationallerel) 487 421 66 382 35 4 35 31 Primary or Junior Basic 60 60 60 Matriculation or Higher Secondary 30 30 29 1 Above Matriculation or Higher Secondary 2 2 2 1 Bhind Tahsil (Rural)

All Scheduled Castes 23,715 8,433 15,282 1,615 47 4 1 6,813 15,235 Illiterate 22,316 7,097 15,219 363 22 3 6,731 15,197 Literate (without educational level) 1,285 1,222 63 1,138 25 82 38 Primary or Junior .Basic 93 93 93 Matriculation or Higher Secondary 19 19 19 Above Matriculation or Higher Secondary 2 2 2 ." 2 Gohad Tahsil (Rural)

All Scheduled CQ.lfes 16,794 6,186 10,608 560 16 5,626 10,592 Illiterate 16,174 5,606 10.568 31 5,575 10,567 Literate (without educational level) 600 560 40 513 15 47 25 Primary or Junior Basic 15 15 11 4 Matriculation or Higher Secondary 5 5 5 Above Matriculation or Higher Secondary 151



Persons employed before Total Persons seeking but now unemplo­ Non-working Full time employment fur yed and seeking Educational level population students the first time work Others , . r--~---~.A_--- "-1 r----"-.--~ r--._-_.A._----.. r-·--...A...-~ r----A.---." pM F M F M F M F M F ,.., "- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3 Mehgaon Tahsil (Rural)

;All Scheduled Castes 15,216 5,245 9,971 1,013 2,209 'I 4,231 7.762 Illiterate 14.439 4,488 9,951 286 2,197 4,202 . 7,754 • Literate (without educational level) 728 708 20 681 12 26 8 Primary or Junior Basic i 37 37 36 1 Matriculation or Higher secondary 12 12 10 2 Above Matriculation or Higher Secondary

4 Lahar Tahsil (Rural)

All Scheduled Castes 15,977 7,012 8,965 1,417 40 2 2 5.591 8,925 Illiterate 14,779 5,864 8,915 317 16 1 5,546 8,899 Literate (without educational level) 1,077 1,027 50 981 24 1 45 26 Primary or Junigr Basic 90 90 89 1 Matriculation or Higher secondary 31 31 30 Above Matriculation or Higher Secondary 152



Mother tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language Name of SCheduled Tribe Total speakers subsidiary to mother tongue Subsidiary Languages r-~-"'_-___}.,._------~ r--~'------"----~------1 Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


All Schrduled Tribes 245 232


TOTAL 245 232 1 Gond 57 51 2 Kokru 107 89 3 Seharia 80 92 4 U nclassifiable I

1 Bhind Tahsil (Rural)

All Scheduled Tribes 24 9


TOTAL 24 9 Korku 23 9 2 U nclassifiable 1

2 Gohad Tahsil (Rural)

All Scheduled Tribes 80 92


TOTAL 80 92 Seharia 80 92

3 M~hgaon Tahsil (Rural)


4 I.ahar Tahsil (Rural)

NIL 153



Unemployed before but now Total Persons seeking out of employ­ Name of Scheduled Non-working Full time employment for ment and seek- Tribe population Students the first time ing work Others '_"--A.-., M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


ALL SCHEDULED TRIBES 283 110 173 15 2 95 171 Gond 78 33 45 11 2 22 43 2 Korku 130 49 81 '4 45 31 3 Seharia 75 28 47 28 47

1 Bhind Tahsil (Rural)

All Scheduled Tribes 19 12 7 2 10 7 1 Korku 19 12 7 2 10 7

" 2 Gohad Tahsil (Rural)

All Scheduled Tribes 75 28 47 28 47 1 Seharia 75 28 47 ... 28 47

3 Mehgaon Tahsil (Rural)


4 Lahar Tahsil (Rural)





1 Bhind ~rn.hsil

Alphabetiea,l list of vilhges 157-16t

District, Town and VilhLge Directory 162-175

'J '-' Goha,d Tahsil

Alphabetica.llist of villa.ges 177 -180

Town and Villa,ge Directory 181-189

3 l\[ehga.on Tahsil

Alphabetioallist of villages 191-193

r_t'OWll aud Village Direotory 194-203

4 I_1~~hn.r Tahsil'

Alphabetim11 list of villn.ges 2U5-203

'llOWll and Village Direotory 20~)-219 KEY TO NOTATIONS

P for Primary School Mew lor Maternity and Child Welfare Centre

M for Middle School Po lor Post Office

H for High School To for Telegraph Office

C lor Higher Institute including College PTo for Post and Telegraph Office

T for Technical Institution E for Electricity

D for Dispensary Ei lor Electricity for Industrial Uses

Rhc for Rural Health Centre Ea for Electricity for Agricultural Uses

Hos for Hospital Ed for Electricity for Domestic Uses

MP(A)jor Medical Practi tioners (Allopathic) S Jor 'Safe or protected Water Supply (including pipes, tubewells etc.) MP(H) Jor Medical Practitioners (Homoeopathic) F. V. Jor Forest Village MP(O) for Medical Practitioners (Others) L.C. No. for Location Code Number

Note :-Name (5) of Hamlet (s) is/are printed in italics below the name of the village in the Alphabetical lists of villages. 157



Name of L. c. L. C. Serial Name of L.C. L.C. Serial Village No. No. Village No. No. No~' No. 1961 1951 1961 1951

2 4 2 3 4

A B-Conrd.

Ahroli Ghat 71 17 29 Balar Pura 46 32 30 Baman Pura 36 43 (i) Ahroli Ka Pili a (ii) Mal/wn Ka Pura 2 Ahroli Kali 26 14 31 Barka Pura 55 83 3 Aitahar 176 145 32 Bara Kalan 246 199 4 Akaha 257 285 33 Bara Khurd 254 296 5 Akhlyar Fura 198 110 (i) Chhinge Singh Ka plIra 6 Akoda 247 294 (ii) Gajraj Singh Ka Pura (iii) Hajllri Singh Ka Pllra (IV) fllngi Singh Ka Bura (i) Bale Ka Pllra (ii) Chhaku Pura (v) Narayan Singh Ka Pura (vi) Ramgopal Ka Pura (iii) Gil·and Ka Pllra (lv) l'vfahendra Sillgh Ka Pura (vii) Rafllllath Singh Ka Pura (v) Sakhwasi Ka Pura (viii) Shivnandall Singh Ka Pura 7 Akon 6 53 (ix) Sultan Singh Ka Pura 34 Barhi (i) Dal Ki Madiya (ii) Kachh KI Madiya 92 225 (i) Ganga Singh Ka Pura (ii) Ghatadanda 8 Amlehedi 226 165 (iii) Korian Ka Pura (iv) Ramgarh (V) Ramnagar 9 Amlehda 195 149 10 Amrat Pura 234 170 35 Barohi 223 164 36 Beeram Pura 17 S 144 II Andha Pura 110 217 37 Behad Ki Jameh 283 266 12 Anarudh Pura 80 67 38 Bichholi 163 141 13 Ardhurj Pura 65 59 39 Bhadakhur 143 235 14 Arjun Pura 7 2 (i) Patha (i) Chamaron Ka Para (ii) Pokhar (iii) Rajhans Ka PI/ra 40 Bhagwasi 142 234 41 15 Atarsuma Bhind 140 209 Bhagatua Pura 53 78 42 Bhatmad PUra 16 Atarsuma Umri 278 277 228 189 (i) Rewta 43 Bheem Pura 108 219 17 Ater 2 24 44 Bhagwant Pura 69 90 (i) Mukatpara 45 Bhonpura 155 242 (i) Bidhe PUra B 46 Bhuj Pura 202 98 18 Babedi 252 298 47 Bijora 42 81 (i) Akoda (ii) Bahadurjll Ka Para (i) BUoro Ka Pllya (ii) Dhimarall Ka Pllra (iii) Chunhai (iv) Ganga Ka Pura (iii) Klzadiyani (v) Harnath Ka Pura (vi) Kaliyan Pura 48 Bijpuri 242 181 (vii) Katna Pura (viii) Klla!"ach 49 Billahara 182 203 (ixi Lallu Ka Pura (x) Mani Ka Bag (i) Karke Ka Pura (xi) Mukat Singh Ka Pum (Xli) Nadrolee (ii) Parjeete Ki Mada)"yan (xiii) Parme Ka Pura 50 Bilao 260 290 Badpuri 61 39 19 (i) Roor (ii) Udalll Pura 20 Badapura 62 68 51 Bindawa Alec 18 27 21 Badapura 91 223 (i) Gadariall Ka Pura (ii) Kachhpura 22 Badanpuc 227 151 52 Bindawa Bhind 189 248 23 Baderi 89 215 (i) Tiwann Ka Pura (i) Haveli (ii) Purohit Ka PlIra 53 Biragawan 94 131 24 Bagh Pura 187 247 ((i) Kachhiall Ka Pura 25 Baghedi 95 129 54 Biragawan Rani 105 210 119 26 Bagulari 97 (i) Rampura (i) Khot 55 Birdhan Pura 244 179 27 Bajhai 251 257 56 Bisal Pura ( Bhind ) 180 102 (i) GlIbarhai (ii) Kopad (iii) Ramgara 57 Bisal pura 273 284 28 Bakshi Pura 168 96 58 Budhan Puca 25 10 158


1 Bbind Tahsil-Contd.

Serial Name of L. C. L.C. Serial Name of L. C. L. C. No. Village No. No. No. Village No. No. 1961- 1951 1961 1951

2 3 4 3 4 C G 59 Chachar 88 213 90 Gader 27 15 (i) Janak Singh Ka Pura (ii) Shankar Garh 91 Gadha Barahi 87 214 60 Chakar Pura 194 145 (i) Munnalal Ka PuYa 61 Chakarwari 235 178 92 Gadbi Sultan 269 ~83 62 Chandan Pura 153 194 93 Gajna 102 91 (i) Matadeen Ka Pum 94 Garbi Sita 264 282 63 Chander Pura 238 187 95 Ghanochi 17 25 64 Chandu Pura 243 183 96 Goar Kalan 145 136 65 Charthar 209 198 97 Goar Khurd 133 135 (i) Bulak; (Ii) Hajuri Ka Pura (i) Misuran Ka PUm (iii) Mansukaram Ka Pura (iV) Sadhari Ka Pura 66 Chasad 106 205 98 Goghat Khadar 205 193 67 Chhidiya Pura 51 63 U) Renaja Ka Pura 68 Chhona 220 255 99 Gobadu Pura 35 42 69 Chhonda 24 6 (i) Pura Bhikarilal 70 Chhoochhari 188 246 100 Gopa\ Garh 248 254 (i) Dashan Ka Pura (ii) Godhari 101 Gopal Pura 249 168 71 41 80 Chilonga (i) Hakim Singh Ka Pura 72 Chitaoli 39 56 102 Guseeng 263 281 73 179 103 Choki (i) Pandwari 28 74 Chomo 19 103 Gayan Pura 132 241 (i) Angad Ka Pum (ii) Balasingh Ka Pura (iii) Godarian Ka Pura (iv) KaMa Singh Ka Pura H D 104 Hamira Pura 54 84 105 Har Ki Jameh 280 265 75 Daboha 217 188 (i) Dhanllk Ka Pum 76 Dang Sarkat 3 49 106 Harraj Pura 193 148 77 Datawali 68 76 78 Deen Pura 170 206 107 .Hewat Pura 206 190 (i) Khod (i) Math Ka Pilra 79 Dehara 123 117 108 Het Pura 84 88 80 Depera 98 65 109 Himmat Pura 4 48 (i) Chamaro Ka Pura (iI) Gadriya Ka Pura (i) Pani Ka Pura Dharee 169 100 81 110 Hira PUfa 225 173 (i) Biram Pura 29 82 Dhochara 272 289 llJ Hula Pura 34 (i) Chakra (ii) Kishor Ka PUra I (iii) Majgawa (iv) Ta/aiya 83 Didee 138 204 112 Inguri 122 \20 (if Chhotl Did; (ii) Jawharpura (i) Bhagwan Singh Ka Pura (ii) Khor [nguri (iii) l{(l.'Ikura (iv) Manphol Ka Pura 113 Isuri 266 260 84 Dighi 222 162 85 Dongar Pura Bhind 231 172 86 Dongar Pura Umri 285 270 114 Jawai 129 237 (i) Phule Ka PuYa 115 Jawasa 124 116 87 Dolhagan 83 74 (i) Behari Ka Pura (ii) Chhabiram Ka Pura (i) Boreshwar (ii) Khera (iU) Dudhanpur (iv) Gadhu Ka Pura 88 Duwar 290 267 (i) BangIa (ii) Dahka Pura (iii) Har Ka Pura (v) Kalyan Pur (vi) Murti Ka Pura (vii) Naya Pura E 116 Jagannath Pura 178 114 89 Ehati 171 233 117 Jaje Pura 117 227 (1) Pancham Singh Ka Pura (i) Bagiya (ii) Kumvargarh 159


1 Bbind Tabsil-Conld.

Serial Name of L. C.· L.C. Seri~1 Name of L. C. L.C. No. Village No. No. No'" Village No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951

2 3 4 1 2 3 4

J-Conc/d. K-Conc!d.

118 Jakhmoli 286 271 141 Kanera 12 (i) Khojaro (i) Boharan Ka Pura (ii) Banjaria Ka Pltra 119 Jaisoo Pura 241 176 (iii) Bag Ka Pura (iv) Chhattuki Ka Pltra (v) Devi Singh Ka Pura (vi) Harnarayan Ka Pltra (i) Gol Ka Pura (Vii) Harishankar Ka Pura (viii) Kachhi Ka Pltra 120 Jal Pura 48 45 (ix) Kanhua Pura (x) Nahar Singh Ka Pltra (Xi) Rambharose Ka Pltra (xii) Pacho";n Ka Pura 121 Jal Puri 49 44 122 Jalua Pura 52 57 (xiii) Tal Ka Pura (xiv) Talayya Ka Pura 12J Jamna 239 195 142 Kanhuawa Pura 135 134 (i) Tari Ka Pura 143 Kupur Pura 114 226 124 Jam Hora 60 '11 144 Kare ka Pura 63 64 125 Jam Pura 139 208 145 Kariya Ka Pura 118 230 126 Jam Sara 10 51 • 146 Kakaran Ka Pura 136 123 127 Janjari Pura 156 137 128 Janora 101 71 147 Kasaha Pura 111 218 129 Jari 166 107 148 Khaderi 45 11 (i) Mangal Singh Ka Pura (d) Maharaj Pura (i) Gadario Ka Pura 149 Khadit 58 9 130 Jori Ahir 70 211 150 Khar Ka Ater 75 33 U) Shibe Ka Pura (ii) Uper Ka Pura 151 Khari Ka Umri 261 287 131 Jori Brahman 190 152 (i) Chodhari Ka Pltra (ii) Laxmi Ram Ka Pura 132 Jori Kotwal 31:l 61 (iii) Naval Pura 152 Kakahara 281 275 (i) Da/singh Ka Pura Ui) Mohan!a! Ka Pura (i) Bhawani Pura K (ii) Budhe Ka Pura 153 Kheda Ater 43 5 133 Kachh Pura 1 4 154 Kheda 271 291 134 Kachhuyee 172 243 155 Kherhat 13 13 (i) Baharai Ka Pura (i) Mani Pura 201 135 Kachogara 184 156 Kheri 19 50 (i) Bhoj Ka Bag (U) Beech Ka PUTa 157 Khidar Pura 173 153 • (iii) Bachhiyan Ka Pura (iv) BangIa 158 Khipona 47 (v) Dharam Das Ka Pura (vi) Heeralal Ka Pura 9 (i) Niranjan Ka Pura {vii) Roop Sahay Ka Pltra 159 Khuawali 127 236 136 Kadora 31 21 ~i) Chamar Ka Pura (ii) Khinni Ka Pura 160 Khurd 233 174 (i) Mahadeo Pura 137 Kalyan Pura 81 60 161 Keerat PUra 218 185 138 Kamal PUra 164 122 (i) Korian Ka Pura 139 Kamyee 103 87 162 Kisoo· Pura 37 62 140 Kanawar 221 256 163 Kitee 250 293 (i) Alta Ka Danda (ii) Baba Ki Madiya 164 Kosad 23 79 (iii) Bhagat Ki Gadiya (iv) Bhadoli (i) Ahir Ka Pura (ii) Bhadorian Ka Pura (v) Chari (vi) Dhana Ki Gadiya (iii) Devi Ka Pura (;1') Dheemaro Ka Pura (vii) Devi Ka Pura (viii) Jind Ki Gadiya (v) Janki Ka Pura (vi) Khusali Ka Pura (ix) Kuudan Singh (x) Kot (vii) Kac:hhiyan (vii.) Naya Pura (xi) Kach Pura (xii) Mate Ki Gadiya (ix) Parasar Ka Pura (x) Pandit Ka Pura (xiii) Riunota (xiii) Tola (xi) Puama Bagh (xli) Uprati 160


1 Bhind Tahsil-Cantil.

Serial Name of L.C. L.C. Serial Name of L.c. lC. No. Village No. No. No. Village No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

K-Concld. N

165 Kot 270 280 201 Nahara 154 238 (i) Naval Pura 202 Naib 232 169 166 Kumhrowa 207 192 203 Nakhaloli 22 54 167 Kumhrowa Bikram Pura 208 184 (i) Dheemar Ki Madaiya (i) Shivhare Ku Pura (d) Singal Ka Pura 204 Nali Pura 203 101 (ii) Sundar Pura 205 Nari Pura Ater 33 23 168 Kuroli III 244 206 Nari Pura Bhind 113 221 169 Kusamar 201 99 207 Nawali Brindaban 14 16 170 Kurthara 137 92 (i) Mansa Ram Ka Pura (ii) Moolchand Ka Pura 208 Nawali Har 30 22 (iii) Sewa Ka Pura (i) Mohkam Ka Pura 171 Kyari Pura 66 75 209 Naya Gaon 282 273 L (i) Purani Gadya 172 Lakhan Pura • 199 108 173 La wan 236 177 210 Nahtoli 210 250 174 Laharoli 268 288 (i) Madan Pura (i) Machay,?e Ka Pura (ii) Kandel Ka Pura 175 Lachhmi Pura 204 191 211 Niwari 76 35 176 Lahar Pura 165 112 212 Nunahata 253 297 M (i) pUdhnadiya (ii) Bahadur lu Ka Pura 274 177 Madia 284 (iii) Char Ghar Ka PUra Uv) Chi/ua Pura 155 178 Madan Pura 191 (v) Hajuri Singh Ka Pura (I'i) Kayam Singh Ka Pura 85 179 Madhayya Pura 67 (vii) Kok Singh Ka Pura (viii) Kaharan Ka Pura 180 Madho PUf 150 70 (ix) Narendra Singh Ka Pura (x) Piluadanda 181 Madnai 276 263 (xi) Paker Ka PUra (xii) Parasram Singh Ka Pura (i) Madhu Pura (ii) Saran (xiii) Vishwanath Ka Pura 182 Maghera 5 52 o (i) Deen Pura 183 Mahadeo Pura 177 146 213 Ojha 288 272 184 Maha Pura 213 167 (i) Dundiya (ii) Pura Gadiya 185 Maharaj Pura 74 34 186 Mahewa 96 128 P 196 187 Man Pura 219 214 Pacho Khara 134 124 (i) Tari Ka PUTa 115 Pali Bhind 112 222 188 Manepura 40 77 216 Pali Pi pari 120 132 189 Mangad Pura 229 186 190 Masoori 147 121 (i) Hamir Singh Ka Pura (ii) Lal Singh Ka Pura 191 Matghena 107 220 (iii) Vijay Singh Ka Pura (i) Tor Ka Pura 217 Pandari 259 259 192 Meesa 211 251 (i) Basante Ka Pura (ii) Badi Gadhiya U) Kachh Pura (iii) Gurudev Ka Tola (iv) Khero (v) Mulll Tala 193 Mihoni 125 94 (vi) Nai Gadhiya (vii) Purohitan Ka Tota :07 194 Mircholi 131 (viii) Tola (ix) Tiket Ki Gadhiya 195 Modhana 44 7 185 200 196 Moorat Pura 197 195 218 Parsona 197 Mora 72 18 219 Para 99 69 198 Moti Pura 262 126 (i) Chamaro Ka Pura (ii) Gadariya Pura (iii) Hukam Singh Ka Pllra (iv) Sone/al Ka Pura 199 Mirag Pura 159 126 220 Pariyaya 56 82 (iJ Raj Pura 200 Mudiyakheda 152 97 (i) Kachalai (i) Missuran Ka Pura 221 Partap Pura 47 40 161


1 Bhind Tahsil·-Concld.

Serial Name of L.c. L.c. Serial Name of L. c. L.C. No. Village No. No. No. Village No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4 P-Concld. S-Concld. 255 Salig pura 237 182 222 Pawayee 93 130 256 Salim Pura 15 28 (i) Allgad Ka Para (ii) Chamaron Ka Pura (i) Chamaran Ka Para (iii) Deekhatan Ka Para (iv) Naya Para 257 Samanna 115 229 223 PeeJa Danda 2J2 253 (i) Kanchan Pura (ii) Ram Nagar (i) Kishan Ki Gadhiya 258 Sanawai 289 268 224 Peepari 161 138 (i) Chure Pllra (ii) Khod 225 Pew ali 265 279 259 Sankri 144 245 (i) ChamaI' Para (i) Tari Ka Pura 226 Pidora 215 150 260 Sapad 119 228 227 Pithan Pura 146 125 (i) Gundhari Ka Pllra 228 Pirfhi Pura 214 166 261 Saphed Pura 128 239 229 Phooph Kalyan 109 231 262 Saraya 130 240 (i) Hirala! Ka Pura (ii) Nai Abadi (i) Chhona (ii) Gohara (iii) Banke Ka Pura (iil) Kana Ka Pura (iv) Nai Garhl 230 Phooph Khurd 116 232 263 Sa roo Pur a 148 113 264 Sarsai 275 262 231 Pulauli 258 258 (i) Barai (ii) Majpura (i) Baijnath Pura (ii) Mannebhone Ka Para 265 Seeng Pura Bhind 196 106 (iii) Paleha (iv) Ratan Para (v) Sundar Pura 266 Seeng Pur a U mri 230 252 232 Pur 200 104 267 Shah Pura 216 105 233 Puradhoomana 277 276 268 Shukal Pura 42 12 R 269 Siawali 121 127 234 Rachhedi 183 202 270 Sikahta 255 295 (i) Bhagmal Ka Pura (if) Kashi Ka Pura (i) Doneyee Ka Pura (ii) Kachh Pura (iii) Gadhu Ka Pura (iv) Ka/yan Pura 271 Simrao 126 23 235 Rahala 245 180 272 Sohada 186 249 236 Rama 57 86 (i) Gadhiya Nishan (i) Kotmadaiya (ii) Shah Dada (iii) Kamha! 237 Ramata 77 38 273 Son Pura 158 13:t 238 Ram Pura Ater 82 73 274 Sora 73 36 239 Rampura Peepari 157 139 (i) Mall Pura 275 Sooraj Pura 21 55 240 Rampura Umri 267 261 276 Sayee 100 72 (i) Kaehh Pura (ii) Kaehh Puri (iii) Nagar (i) Kachhian Ka Pura (iv) Parsottam Ki Gadiya (V) Tola 277 Sujan pura 224 175 241 Rani Pura Ater 32 30 278 Sultan Pura 167 109 242 Rani Pura Barhi 90 224 279 Sur Pura 64 58 243 Rani Pura Pipari 149 118 T 244 Ratanoo Pura 181 197 280 Tarsokhar 29 20 245 Ratnoo Pura 20 46 281 Tehan Gur 287 269 246 Repura Ater 8 26 (i) Khodan (i) Kachha Para 282 Tikari 160 III 283 Torka Pura 50 41 247 Repura Pipari 192 142 284 Turk Pura 240 171 248 Ridoli 78 37 U 249 Rohanda 16 8 285 Udhann Khera 79 66 250 Rora 274 264 286 Udhann Pura 86 216 (i) Pura 287 Udot Garh 11 5 251 Ruar 174 140 (i) Koonder (i) Hamil' Singh Ka Para 288 Udot Pura 151 93 S (i) Modhaiya (ii) Harchand Ka Pllra 252 SagJi Tore 104 89 289 Umri 256 292 253 (i) Devgarh (ii) Gevat Sagra 279 278 (iii) Moti Pura (iv) Laxmi Pum (i) Gulal Pura V 254 Sa karaya 85 212 290 Vedi Pura 162 143 162

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... M 104


WORKER~ Area Oeceu- ,--' ___ " _A__""", L. C. Name of Facilities in pied House- Total Scheduled ScheJlI\ed Literate and Total No. Village available acres Houses holds Populatioa Castes Tribes Educated (I-IX) ,--_ _A_ __, ,----...... _~- ---_, r-----'....A....--, r--_A_--~ r----J...--~ p M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 • 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

2(1 Bhind Tahsil (Rural) 338,038 31187 34924 202761 ]09717 93044 20423 18185 24 9 30735 4213 64172 5962 I Kachhpura P. 696 44 49 283 160 123 11 10 41 1 93 2 2 Ater PO,P,M,D, Rhe. 2,613 529 576 2,888 1,526 1,362 217 219 531 200 822 20 Mew, M,P, (A),MP(O). 3 Dang Sarkar .. ' 543 Uninhabited ". ." 4 Himmat Pura P. 711 57 58 377 199 178 13 15 39 123 1 5 Maghera P. 1,864 140 148 662 352 310 21 16 35 2 215 II

6 Akon P. 2,107 126 126 767 432 335 19 8 116 5 251 6 7 Arjun Pura P. 858 47 55 308 167 141 36 27 38 6 99 1 8 Repura Ater 1.514 44 45 285 154 131 25 21 15 83 9 Khipona P. (369 112 127 774 408 366 59 59 59 4 252 7 10 Jamsara P,M,H,D,MP(O). 2,194 232 246 1,320 711 609 123 106 211 29 427 21

11 Udotgarh MP(O), MP (A), 1,732 215 266 1,593 853 740 188 179 328 54 495 5 Po, P,D,P. 12 Kanera Po, P,D, Mew. 4.445 250 286 1,648 890 758 41 32 289 41 540 6 13 Kherhat P. 2,105 119 125 717 373 344 48 35 110 10 228 3 14 Nawali Brindaban PO,To,P. 1,754 100 101 669 343 326 4 2 115 22 193 15 Salim Pura ." 786 61 62 388 213 175 28 28 73 8 136 4

16 Rohanda 863 62 64 361 200 161 19 6 131 4 17 Ghinoehi 636 24 29 173 98 75 18 57 18 Bindawa Ater P. 1,561 92 103 696 364 332 43 35 85 10 213 19 19 Kheri P. 571 48 49 262 135 127 48 48 51 17 74 5 20 Ratnoo Pura Atter 113 32 34 163 90 73 56 44 14 54 I

21 Soorat Pura Po, P. 162 44 44 278 157 121 32 28 41 102 22 Nakhaloli P. 1,505 92 92 522 278 244 32 35 71 10 163 4 23 Kosad P. 3,555 245 262 1,612 878 734 72 73 278 69 506 51 24 Chhonda 219 20 21 131 65 66 32 25 10 1 39 2 25 Budhanpura 501 35 % 219 121 98 37 28 29 1 82 1

26 Ahroli Kali P. 1,142 103 106 701 383 318 23 16 133 14 245 27 Gader P. 925 107 105 590 312 278 63 5 207 5 28 Chomo P. 2,773 334 352 2,226 1,1851,041 99 81 467 61 669 16 29 Tarsokhar Po,P,M,D,MP(O). 962 106 106 614 326 288 82 88 110 47 190 35 30 Nawalihar 731 45 50 372 197 175 11 10 39 98 5

31 Kadora P. 1,242 82 82 574 316 258 96 96 71 193 18 32 Ranipura Ater 302 22 72 120 56 64 13 14 11 40 5 33 Naripura Ater 259 23 23 118 68 50 20 1 40 1 34 Hula Pura 332 40 51 327 169 158 1I 5 108 29 1 87 2 35 Gohadu Pura P. 689 43 56 326 172 154 93 69 67 8 91 1

36 Baman Pura 98 12 14 119 59 60 50 54 29 33 37 Kisoo Pura Po,M,M.P(O), 620 171 231 1,287 744 543 74 71 308 95 406 11 38 Jori KOlwal P. 1,002 101 116 670 380 290 33 27 151 24 218 10 39 Chitaoli P. 1,033 113 124 707 348 359 75 86 163 58 199 4 40 Mane Pura P,MP (0). 628 113 113 595 318 277 47 53 147 24 182 17

41 Chilonga P. 2,075 129 135 733 424 309 162 22 244 18 42 Bijora P. 1,583 130 133 748 386 362 20 15 126 62 201 5 43 Kheda Ater P. 624 38 39 214 127 87 13 11 40 6 73 44 Modhana 725 52 43 261 144 117 11 15 45 1 87 3 45 Khaderi P. 871 104 105 673 365 308 119 33 193 8

46 Balar Pura P. 1,000 193 193 1,031 598 433 23 16 182 9 379 5 47 Partap Pura P,M,D. 815 106 )09 563 303 290 64 57 134 20 183 9 48 Jal Pura 328 15 23 144 71 73 71 73 21 42 49 Jal Purl 70 21 24 ]28 73 55 57 47 27 2 37 50 Torka Pura 182 26 34 196 101 95 63 59 21 58 5 '165


WORKERS NON- ~------.------.----.------____J..._. ___ --_-._____ ---., WORKERS L. C, No, ,-_ II_A___, 1II IV V VI VII VIII IX X r---.A...-;-~ r---"---~ r--_.A_-~ r---....A....~-~ r---..A....~ r---..A....~ r---"-.---.. r--....A...-~ ,-.. -----..A._-1 M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

55734 4,534 1,630 271 193 27 1,484 359 52 23 259 26 783 90 152 3,885 642 45,545 87,072 2.(1 88 2 1 2 1 1 67 121 1 266 1 4 167 17 79 5 284 18 704 1,342 2 Uninhabited 3 123 I 76 177 4 206 10 7 2 137 299 5

243 6 4 3 181 329 6 84 1 8 4 3 ". 68 140 7 72 5 3 3 71 131 8 222 1 5 4 1 1 19 4 l'i6 359 9 328 'i 15 7 14 8 5 2 8 5 43 8 284 588 10 / 384 2 2 16 6 11 9 67 2 358 735 11 484 12 1 16 3 4 1 2 18 4 350 752 12 206 3 1 9 2 2 1 5 1 145 341 13 165 ... 1 2 3 2 20 150 326 14 126 3 10 1 77 171 15

129 4 69 157 16 56 1 41 75 17 172 15 3 11 5 2 3 6 13 2 151 313 18 69 4 2 1 2 1 61 122 19 50 I 3 1 36 72 20

97 4 55 121 21 156 3 2 4 115 240 22 455 46 3 47 5 372 683 23 35 2 '.' 2 26 64 24 77 1 5 39 97 25

2)0 ." 33 138 318 26 203 5 1 2 ", 105 273 27 596 4 12 12 2 3 4 40 12 516 1,025 28 153 33 7 1 5 1 23 136 253 29 88 3 2 3 5 2 99 170 30

168 17 10 3 7 4 123 240 31 40 5 16 59 32 36 1 2 28 49 33 78 2 9 82 156 34 75 I 2 2 2 10 81 153 35

32 1 26 60 36 355 6 5 5 3 38 5 338 532 37 157 7 4 2 8 47 3 162 280 38 171 4 13 1 .. 14 149 355 39 160 5 1 2 2 17 11 136 260 40

220 9 8 6 3 12 3 180 291 41 194 5 2 5 185 357 42 70 1 1 1 54 87 43 75 2 3 7 3 57 114 44 182 8 2 4 5 172 300 45

351 4 4 5 2 2 14 219 428 46 135 3 3 6 1 5 3 30 6 120 251 47 42 29 73 48 32 1 2 2 .. 36 55 49 46 4 6 2 5 43 90 50 W6


WORKERS Area Occu- r----·_A.._ -~ L.C. Name of Facilities in pied House- Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and Total No. Village available acres Houses holds Castes Tribes Educated (I-IX) r----...A...--~ r--...A...-~\ ---...A...---"l ,--A_j ,"'_--4--~ P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

51 Chhidiya Pura 336 41 43 210 [06 [04 20 64 52 lalua PUra 185 23 36 171 94 77 40 60 53 Bhagatua Pura 206 35 35 246 120 126' 35 32 36 71 54 Hamira Pura P. 292 61 72 465 238 227 17 20 117 31 123 6 55 Barka Pura 771 43 49 253 ·126 127 15 25 42 19 76 12

56 Pariyaya p. 1,566 94 ID 651 35[ 300 94 78 61 4 187 2 57 Rarna Po,M,D. 3,038 342 390 2,197 1,152 1,045 56 55 380 62 677 21 58 Khadit PO,P.Rhc, 1,775 153 160 912 509 403 90 68 162 14 320 10 MP (0). 59 Shukal PlIra P. 1,621 168 190 I, J52 635 5J7 220 225 175 40 400 J4 60 Jarnhora P. 1,724 157 [57 979 533 446 50 48 166 9 324 6

61 Badpuri PO,P. 117 40 44 273 152 121 2 3 n 16 84 4 62 Bada Pura P. 339 58 58 331 186 145 24 20 55 3 108 9 63 Kare Ka Pura 185 28 33 149 RO 69 5 55 64 Sur Pura P. 757 75 80 483 274 209 57 44 28 11 164 2 65 Ardhurj Pura 93 26 27 136 77 59 22 43

66 KYari Pura 590 65 65 405 223 182 34 23 88 15 123 5 67 Madhayya Pura Po.P. 478 62 73 498 286 212 25 15 83 12 146 5 68 Datawali 386 37 37 232 125 107 29 29 33 1 72 69 Bhagwant Pura 249 23 33 1QO 102 88 29 23 26 I 59 14 70 Jori Ahir 1,705 118 134 773 451 322 31 28 124 279 6

71 Ahroli Ghat P. L539 136 137 759 424 335 38 34 116 8 242 72 Mora P. ]'025 67 67 500 274 226 46 43 84 9 149 1 . 73 Sora P. 959 106 143 845 449- 396 14 12 37 1 260 56 74 M aha raj Pura 492 2 2 18 11 7 ... 6 75 Khar Ka Ater Po,P. 1,645 158 184 987 528 459 64 54 114 20 340 76

76 Niwari P. 1,764 122 146 879 475 404 ·'3 32 110 7 281 4 77 Ramata P. 922 62 71 429 220 209 49 44 40 9 138 2 78 Ridoli P,M. 1,685 197 215 1,293 727 566 207 169 130 30 442 74 79 Udhann Khera P. 527 61 61 360 182 178 38 4~ 31 1 111 29 80 Anarudh Pura 425 33 34 147 78 69 10 50 20

81 Kalyan Pura 217 36 40 242 124 118 13 17 19 79 82 Rampura Ater 271 Uninhabited 83 Dulhagan P,M,MP(o). 2,085 244 257 1,574 854 no 125 121 289 58 512 25 84 Het Pura 235 7 7 50 26 24 4 ." 3 18 4 85 Sakaraya P. 1,639 236 279 1,448 786 662 171 126 261 18 512 38 " 86 Udhan Pura 298 12 14 87 50 37 30 3 29 2 87 Gadha Barahi P. 1,069 75 98 471 262 209 9 8 64 4 173 3 88 Chachar P. 941 51 61 376 205 171 42 27 31 119 89 Haderi P. 808 51 61! 386 206 180 16 12 68 11 119 2 90 Rani Pura Barhi Po,P. LOn 110 175 875 449 426 19 14 166 27 217 43

91 Bada PUTa 481 115 144 799 417 382 146 121 184 55 231 38 92 Barhi Po.P. 3,167 195 224 1,329 673 656 149 133 233 39 40" 25 93 Pawayee Po.Po,MP(O). 2,547 304 312 1.698 942 756 192 167 299 37 602 91 94 Biragawan P. 1.251 119 121 754 411 343 80 73 88 10 253 3 95 Baghedi 775 113 108 590 339 251 14 17 53 207 8

96 Mahewa P. 889 57 79 460 251 209 19 19 46 4 149 3 97 Bagulari P. 2,198 138 196 1,299 650 649 38 36 168 3 377 43 98 Depera P. 1,686 116 117 708 351 357 56 56 65 4 218 34 99 Para Po,M. 3,521 333 410 2,239 1,210 ].029 352 289 429 67 697 55 100 Soyee P. 1,465 87 123 760 406 354 73 59 69 2 260 17 167


WORKERS NON- r--'--'_-_' --_-- -...... ----.------.-.-----.-.. ---______..A.. ____..._ __ -.------.-.. ----.. --.. ---~ WORKERS L.C. No. II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X , _____.A... .. _, ,-.--A.... _---, ,--· ___....._-l r-.. ...-..A.. .. --, r-.--..A...-~~ r----.A..-~ r---____.A.._..-~ ,_---...A..-1 ~_..,A._ .. --~ r---"-"'~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

63 42 103 51 60 34 77 52 65 5 .. , I 49 126 53 107 1 ... 2 4 10 5 115 221 54 66 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 50 115 55

164 298 56 IS2 2 .. , 2 3 599 II 4 3 12 2 3 2 10 2 3 44 3 475 1,024 57 304 5 I 1 2 15 2 189 393 58 393 13 2 3 2 I 235 503 5Q 291 3 2 10 2 17 2 209 440 60

32 I 7 2 4 40 1 68 117 61 95 5 5 2 6 4 7S 136 62 53 ... 2 25 69 63 139 2 12 13 110 207 64 36 3 4 34 59 65

113 2 3 7 3 100 177 66 127 3 2 7 9 2 140 207 67 64 4 3 I 53 107 68 53 14 I .,' 3 43 74 69 266 6 7 5 172 316 70

222 8 3 4 5 182 335 71 142 4 I 2 125 225 72 258 56 2 189 340 73 4 2 5 7 74 330 76 2 4 4 188 383 75

274 4 7 194 400 76 125 2 2 6 ... S 82 207 77 419 73 2 1 4 2 4 10 285 492 78 91 29 6 4 I 1 8 71 149 79 49 20 1 28 49 80

77 45 117 81 Uninhabited ... 82 469 9 10 4 4 4 2 29 6 342 695 83 , 5 8 20 84 13 4 '" .. 465 30 6 2 3 5 3 21 2 2 10 274 624 85

27 2 2 21 35 86 173 3 89 206 87 H6 3 86 171 88 :04 2 5 ... 4 6 87 178 89 188 42 12 I 2 15 232 383 90

201 38 I 3 4 I 20 186 344 91 320 8 I 16 6 I 16 3 52 8 267 631 92 488 41 11 2 15 19 32 26 6 1 49 1 340 665 93 252 3 1 158 340 94 197 6 5 3 2 2 132 243 95

134 3 1 9 2 3 102 206 96 366 42 4 I 2 4 273 606 97 209 34 2 3 4 133 323 98 605 47 39 7 1 5 4 37 5 513 914 99 224 3 8 18 13 10 1 146 337 100 168


WORKERS Area Oceu- ,..__ -...A...- __ L. C. Name of Facilities in pied House Total Scheduled Scheduled Literate and Total No. Village available acres Houses holds Popuiation Castes Tribes Educated (I-IX) r----.-..A..--~-~~ r-~'-...A..---~ r--....A..--~ '-._..A-~_~ ,..- .. _ _A.__--: P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

101 Janora p. 1,257 76 96 589 308 281 20 lil 82 2 192 53 102 Gajna P. 1,956 160 164 937 537 400 61 41 231 57 345 18 103 Kamyee 1,382 78 91 590 316 274 H 26 84 4 189 6 104 Sa glitore 500 28 31 176 102 74 2 2 20 66 1 105 Biragwan Rani Po,P,M. 3,064 286 303 1,820 1,044 776 80 80 215 15 616 22

106 Chasad 965 38 50 308 175 133 60 38 33 3 104 3 107 Malghena p. 1,187 77 85 596 329 267 27 25 85 14 172 2 108 'Bheempura P. 496 48 50 343 177 166 37 35 50 6 109 12 109 Phooph Kalan Po,PHD, 2,366 396 497 2,640 1,471 1,169 301 252 311 62 847 62 Rhc,MP(O}, 110 Andhapura 503 Uninhabited

III Kasahapura 122 Uninhabited 112 Pali Bhind Po,P. 397 52 52 287 155 132 24 '24 64 6 88 51 113 Naripura Bhind Po,To,P. 274 5 5 44 26 18 26 18 9 15 5 114 Kapurpura 150 Uninhabited 115 Sarnanna P. 1,040 121 156 948 486 462 25 28 169 35 287 8

116 Phooph Khurd 296 Uninhabited 117 Jajapura 204 34 44 310 169 141 133 105 47 3 94 22 118 Kariyapura 293 Uninhabited 119 Sapad P,MP(O). 1,629 107 130 714 385 329 49 55 112 22 253 3 120 Pali Pipari Po,M. 1,595 '192 192 1,054 572 482 lOJ 107 143 7 346 II

121 Siawali P. 483 78 78 465 239 226 97 81 83 10 136 16 122 Inguri P. 1,505 111 152 867 470 397 28 28 174 18 287 125 123 Dehara P. 1,113 58 58 424 233 191 1 4 75 8 135 124 Jawasa Po,P,MP(O). 4,098 375 418 2,523 1,356 1,167 300 296 453 25 768 3 12S Mihoni P,MP(O). 468 86 107 597 324 273 55 59 116 15 189 4

126 Simrao P. 1,639 120 169 952 509 443 49 42 75 17 304 30 127 Khuawali 779 Uninhabited 128 Saphedpura 88 21 34 156 91 65 36 2 55 2 129 Jawai 426 Uninhabited ... 130 Saraya P. 3,973 156 219 1,276 654 622 178 165 120 21 378 27

131 Kuroli 335 16 16 125 S6 69 16 1 35 132 Gayanpura P. 562 37 43 327 174 153 11 14 70 17 97 5 133 Goar Khurd Po,P. 1.454 196 196 1,192 633 559 75 49 194 40 362 47 134 Pachokhara p. 479 23 25 161 81 80 10 17 32 54 135 KaIlhoawapura 209 25 25 155 76 79 25 47

136 Kakaran Ka pura .,. 254 12 14 68 42 26 5 27 137 Kurihara P. 1,158 123 132 799 429 370 54 51 127 20 228 138 Didee P. 4,081 207 228 1,326 749 577 50 41 119 5 461 29 139 Jarnpura P. 827 207 212 1,098 614 484 130 101 164 30 322 20 140 Atersoma Bhind P. 878 105 106 601 344 257 42 23 86 10 212 12

141 Mireholi 873 21 26 151 79 72 13 55 142 Bhagwasi P. 1,935 99 129 769 408 361 66 77 97 8 253 18 143 Bhadakhur Po,P,M. 3,430 355 398 2,431 1,293 1,138 141 133 347 69 678 10 144 Sankri P. 1,563 138 138 837 450 387 85 81 108 14 296 49 145 Goar Kalan 491 50 50 278 170 108 22 11 39 1 91 I

146 Pithanpura P. 719 82 83 518 287 231 38 40 83 1 164 5 147 Masuri P,M. 1.672 157 186 1,220 648 572 124 124 230 32 350 66 148 Saroopura -, 355 46 46 221 112 109 84 72 15 79 5 149 Ranipura Pi pari PO,P. 355 45 45 263 129 134 34 39 64 7 87 20 150 Madhopur 33 Uninhabited 169


WORKERS NON- L. C. --.A. .- -~------, WORKERS No. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X ,.--A...-, ,.----'---, ,.---'--, ,.-_-A.._-, ,.---.A. __, ,.---.A.-, ,.---"'---., ,.---.A._, ,.-_. .A.--., ,.--..A.-, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

174 46 3 2 3 2 4 6 5 116 228 101 309 8 6 5 25 9 192 382 102 181 6 7 1 127 268 103 62 1 2 1 1 36 73 104 553 6 16 4 1 27 3 15 12 428 754 105

100 3 2 1 71 130 106 170 2 2 157 265 107 106 11 1 1 1 1 68 154 108 620 43 38 5 29 3 7 24 2 127 11 624 1,107 109 Uninhabited 110

." Uninhabited III 75' 51 2 2 8 67 81 112 15 5 11 13 113 Uninhabited 114 267 5 4 4 1 10 2 199 454 115

Uninhabited 116 7~ 22 4 1 8 6 75 119 117 Uninhabited 118 221 3 3 13 3 10 3 132 326 119 277 7 42 18 3 1 8 1 226 471 120

118 14 8 3 6 1 103 210 121 274 122 1 12 3 183 272 122 132 3 98 191 123 687 3 40 2 7 2 29 588 1,164 124 173 4 7 4 5 135 269 125

293 21 2 2 7 7 205 413 126 Uninhabited 127 52 3 36 63 128 U~i~habited ... 129 319 10 41 16 8 2 5 3 276 595 130

35 21 69 131 90 4 6 1 77 148 132 284 7 8 5 65 40 271 512 133 54 27 80 134 42 2 1 2 29 79 135

27 15 26 136 209 2 6 1 1 8 201 370 137 402 19 8 3 '10 4 3 5 1 . 3 26 5 288 548 138 246 4 21 13 9 3 4 2 2 35 3 292 464 139 193 2 8 2 1 1 9 7 132 245 140

55 24 72 141 239 18 6 4 4 155 343 142 604 2 7 1 1 12 12 42 6 615 1,128 143 281 41 6 1 3 3 6 4 154 338 144 84 7 1 79 107 145

155 5 2 6 123 226 146 308 65 15 5 1 6 1 14 298 506 147 77 5 2 33 104 148 86 20 1 42 114 149 Uninhabited 150 170


WORKERS Area Occu- r--"--..A. .. -~ L. C. Name of Facilities in pied House- Total SchedUled Scheduled Literate and Total No. Village available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated (I-IX) r- --"'--....A...--_-__ , r-"--..A.-~ r----.A_--~ r--~-...A....---.... r---~_A.._---l P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 "/ 8 9 10 11 12, 13 14 15 16 17

151 Udolpura P. 710 150 159 994 540 454 112 91 134 16 320 4 152 Mudiya Kheda P. 661 94 108 567 286 281 76 82 82 12 17i) 48 153 Chandan Pura 2,1539 80 85 ."18 265 253 187 173 62 8 147 129 154 Nahara P.MP(O). 703 III 163 895 497 398 73 62 ISO 10 272 1 155 Bhonpura M. 2,689 177 271 1,608 923 685 116 99 264 55 538 4U

156 J anjarikapura P. 764 38 38 196 111 85 5 2 25 I 65 3 157 Rampilfa Peepari P,MP(O). 474 70 80 457 238 219 22 19 83 5 137 11 158 Sonpura ... 388 53 53 255 139 116 30 29 36 85 8 i59 Miragpura P. 744 146 146 7<)4 422 372 51 36 160 3 261 4 160 Tikari 323 38 43 293 158 135 83 64 52 3 92 4

161 Pee pari Po,P,M,O,MP(O). 1,350 225 266 1,403 743 660 127 101 316 47 387 67 162 Vedipura P. 416 58 74 364 205 159 8 5 70 2 121 ' 9 163 Bichholi Po,To,P. 1,419 113 128 765 425 340 129 113 102 11 229 5 164 Kamalpura 355 35 37 176 92 84 12 6 20 58 3 165 Laharpura P. 343 31 31 182 99 83 8 2 34 . 4 56 3

166 Jari 558 62 63 377 194 183 48 45 56 2 121 3 167 Sultanpura 144 5 5 23 16 7 15 7 5 9 168 Baksipura 449 29 41 202 111 91 3 2 22 63 2 169 Dharayee P. 756 79 91 498 277 221 79 57 56 4 151 3 170 Deenpura P. 880 81 95 689 356 333 79 4 214 2

171 Ehati P. 1,719 49 64 354 204 150 48 3 130 4 172 Kachhuyee ,. 1,122 97 97 653 346 307 39 39 53 3 206 6 173 Khidarpura Po,P. 376 67 67 277 148 129 9 4 59 82 17 174 Ruar Po,P, 40D 31 36 185 95 90 40 45 33 6 60 14 175 Beerampura Po. 248 17 19 101 45 56 10 31 1

176 Aitahar PO,P. 1,597 2.B 246 1,276 678 598 191 187 273 36 401 23 177 Mahadavpura Uninhabiicd 178 Jag:illnathpura ... 322 Uninhab:tcd 179 Choki P,M. 394 77 81 464 244 220 47 47 88 8 155 10 180 B1saJpura Bhind P. 416 49 51 309 174 135 32 36 68 7 100 18

181 Ratnoopur P. 775 54 57 304 166 138 52 43 47 1 102 38 182 Bilahara p. 1,667 76 100 626 333 293 59 48 64 9 214 8 183 Rachhedi P,M. 1,640 100 127 834 445 389 96 85 96 5 266 9 184 Kachogara Po,P,M. 2,046 355 424 2,794 1,534 1,2150 188 177 497 101 881 42 185 Parsona Po,P. 1'770 88 115 748 434 314 23 22 95 237

186 Sohada PO,P,M, 4,222 362 454 2,571 1,449 un 88 89 455 77 849 10 187 Bagpura 692 18 18 110 70 40 10 10 39 1 188 Chhoochhari 2,396 52 52 265 150 115 43 30 14 1 100 4 189 Bindwa Bhir,d P. 759 66 69 331 197 134 15 13 61 7 115 3 190 Jori Brahman P. 1,061 85 95 539 283 256 56 55 119 11 175 6

191 Madanpura P. 452 71 77 400 202 ]98 48 42 59 3 126 11 191 Repura Pipari P. 554 68 77 392 220 172 23 15 69 2 142 26 193 HarrajpUla Po. 461 27 27 118 72 46 12 6 8 42 194 Chakarpu"a P. 503 43 44 231 128 103 39 32 54 1 71 .. 195 Amlehda Po,P. 628 78 82 450 24H 202 35 24 96 4 155 20

196 Seengpura Bhinq 193 Uninhabited 197 Muratpura 182 42 43 252 140 112 76 67 18 78 198 I\khtyarpura 260 21 21 111 58 53 20 17 2 35 9 199 Lakhanpura .. 277 27 27 163 93 70 92 70 13 50 200 Pur P,MP(O). 2.134 257 285 1,482 819 663 89 67 5 3 252 19 464 22 171


WORKERS NON· L.C ,-______~ ____ .. ______.. _. ______..A... ____ .. -,.._-.-~--... WORKERS No.

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X ,-_A.._-. , r-.----.A...... _, ,--....A.. __ -.... r-o--A...---1 ,-_A.._, r---A--... r-'-~--' r--A..-, r---"-~ r--...A.. .. -~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

251 4 38 1 10 20 22C 450 151 143 46 21 1 2 4 3 2 4 108 233 152 138 129 9 118 124 153 239 1 5 1 9 1 17 225 397 154 499 30 15 3 2 8 13 8 3115 645 155

61 3 4 46 82 156 126 11 5 6 101 208 157 77 6, ' 3 2 3 54 108 158 240 4 4 2 15 161 368 159 91 4 66 131 160

265 39 8 ••• 1 24 7 1 14 3 75 18 356 593 161 76 5 3 6 16 4 1 1 18 84 150 162 147 1 2 1 34 2 4 41 2 196 335 163 53 3 4 1 34 81 164 53 3 2 43 80 165

96 23 3 73 180 166 8 1 7 7 167 89 168 60 2 ' .. 3 48 138 3 9 2 126 218 169 207 2 4 2 142 331 170

113 4 10 2 5 74 146 171 199 1 3 4 5 140 301 172 69 16 4 8 66 112 173 51 14 2 3 4 35 76 174 25 1 2 1 3 14 55 175

293 13 11 20 3 13 63 7 277 575 176 ... Uninhabited 177 ... Uninhabited 178 139 5 8 1 5 1 1 5 89 210 179 86 16 1 4 . 9 2 74 . 117 180

94 38 5 3 64 100 181 204 2 1 5 4 119 291 182 252 9 2 9 ,2 179 380 183 816 3~ 11 3 17 2 3 8 24 2 653 1,218 184 227 3 3 1 3 197 314 HI5

785 6 21 3 18 22 4 600 1,112 186 39 1 31 39 187 99 3 1 50 III 188 112 3 1 2 82 131 189 159 1 2 • 2 12 3 108 250 190

110 5 1 3 14 3 76 187 191 118 19 8 3 9 4 6 78 146 192 39 1 2 30 46 193 64 7 57 103 194 111 6 2 19 11 22 3 93 182 195

... Uninhabited 196 74 4 62 112 197 35 9 23 44 198 42 6 2 43 70 199 347 13 10 31 20 1 55 8 355 641 200 172


WORKERS Area Occu- r----'---, L.C. Name of Facilities in pied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled Literate and Total No. Village available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated (I-IX) , r--_A..--, r----"-----. r---"--, r--..A_._, r----..A.~, P M F M F M F M F M F

2 :; 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

201 Kusamar P. 688 67 70 353 183 170 50 47 24 105 10 202 Bhujpura p. 439 83 109 599 318 281 137 128 66 1 197 5 203 Nalipura 283 59 61 295 148 147 50 47 18 6 33 2 99 35 204 Laehhmipura 217 17 17 109 69 40 36 14 5 1 41 1 205 Gollat (Khadar) P. 402 56 58 365 201 164 201 164 75 5 123 20

206 Hawatpura P. 289 47 50 294 151 143 21 19 27 1 80 4 207 Kumhrowa Po,To. 229 26 27 132 76 56 31 29 21 1 46 208 Kumhrowa-Bikrampura Po,To. 720 37 43 237 130 107 88 70 66 14 65 9 209 Chartbar P. 1,710 210 238 1,409 738 671 235 207 212 12 421 50 210 NehtoJi P. 1,080 78 . 82 488 273 215 78 61 41 3 169

211 Meesa P. 915 112 120 646 356 290 22 13 94 10 196 24 212 peeladanda Po,P. 770 81 83 414 218 196 90 86 19 148 3 213 Mabapur P. 747 128 131 701 360 341 50 48 169 29 216 67 214 Pirtbipura 768 33 33 160 84 76 12 16 25 3 49 4 215 Pidora P,M,Po. 994 149 156 805 434 371 95 85 114 4 254 8

216 Shabpura 447 Uninhabited 217 Daboha p. 832 157 162 854 459 395 117 . 113 114 3 272 19 218 Keeratpura Po,To,P. 608 98 106 651 338 313 ]16 96 95 13 181 11 219 Manpura P. 958 55 75 449 256 193 75 63 46 2 152 23 220 Chhona 165 Uninhabited

221 Kanawar Po,P,Bo. 5,784 919 937 5,420 2,931 2:489 523 471 763 90 1,705 182 222 Digbi P. 306 Uninhabited 223 Barohi P. 622 164 167 820 454 366 79 71 207 12 297 28 2.24 Sujanpura p. 247 31 38 249 127 122 1 5 72 17 225 Hirapura 197 13 13 56 24 32 23 30 1 18 2

226 Amlehedi 418 3S 38 225 115 110 10 12 39 5 59 7 227 Badanpur 848 1 1 2 2 1 2 228 Bhatmadpura 513 39 48 266 139 127 9 4 32 3 81 7 229 Mangadpura 315 32 38 157 79 78 31 31 13 43 6 230 Seengpura Umri P. 493 66 72 382 194 1~8 99 86 54 8 102 2

231 Dongarpura Bhind 752 33 41 283 159 124 81 77 8 84 3 232 Naib 877 64 69 453 237 216 123 121 59 5 149 14 233 Khurd P. 375 31 37 292 147 145 21 80 9 234 Amratpura 206 12 13 U8 64 54 29 3 28 235 Chakarwari 668 Uninhabited

236 Lawan Po,P,M. 903 321 336 1,676 907 769 181 161 351 41 543 78 237 Saligpura P. 597 29 36 237 128 109 109 91 52 4 66 9 238 Chandarpura 267 31 31 157 90 67 23 4 60 1 239 Jamna P. 1,946 154 199 1,181 649 532 244 122 155 7 370 4 255 10 10 23 1 240 Turkpura 86 51 • 35 23 241 Jaisoopufa 715 21 21 129 71 58 5 4 10 38 6 242 Bijpuri Po,P. 836 113 136 835 464 371 20. 17 103 8 261 12 243 Chandupura P. 1,091 152 168 1,016 562 454 54 57 184 25 352 31 244 Birdhanpura P. 761 120 166 818 430 388 120 96 93 I 260 44 145 Rahala 468 29 37 175 103 72 39 34 9 61 27

246 Bara Kalan M. 1,732 170 199 1,218 701 517 112 77 253 69 362 20 247 Akoda PO,P,M, 7,490 849 951 5,124 2,744 2,3&0 617 536 705 132 1,685 240 H,D,Mew. 248 Gopalgarh 156 Uninhabited 249 Gopalpura P. 815 80 81 567 300 267 .. t 68 8 163 1 250 Kitee 74 58 62 366 190 176 7 3 34 1 118 5

~ - •• ~.• ~;0..:.:..'--'-~ •• -- - -- 173


WORKERS NON- __ .A.. r------.------~. ------., WORKERS L.C. No. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X ,-_.A..._, ,-._.A..--, ,._.A..----., r---.A_-l r----"-~~l ,--.A...----, r--..A....--1 r-~L-"--l r-·----"-.-, r--...A--1 M F M F M F M F M F M. F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

86 8 8 8 2 1 2 78 160 201 177 5 10 4 1 4 121 276 202 71 31 6 1 2 1 8 12 2 49 112 203 27 1 4 .10 28 39 204 96 20 9 3 . 1 13 78 144 205

74 4 3 3 71 139 206 39 2 1 4 30 56 207 _ " 43 7 1 4 2 2 15 65 98 208 380 39 5 5 7 1 30 4 317 621 209 157 10 2 104 215 210

181 17 12 3 3 4 160 266 211 139 8 2 .. 1 1 70 193 212 184 56 5 5 2 2 2 7 15 3 144 274 213 44 2 4 1 1 1 .. 35 72 214 193 2 4 5 51 6 180 363 215

Uninhabited 216 218 11 10 7 4 1 2 33 4 187 376 217 125 9 28 2 3 1 3 20 157 302 218 147 23 1 4 104 170 219 Uninhabited 220

1,425 112 46 26 12 51 11 7 10 33 4 14 107 29 1,226 2,307 221 Uninhabited 222 227 4 17 3 15 7 15 2 21 13 157 - 338 223 72 17 55 105 224 12 5 2 6 ' 30 225

51 6 6 2 56 103 226 2 , .. 227 70 5 3 6 2 58 120 228 33 5 2 7 36 72 229 87 10 4 2 92 186 230

83 2 1 75 121 231 118 14 7 21 2 88 202 232 80 3 2 4 67 136 233 26 2 36 54 234 Uninhabited 235

444 56 7 3 15 8 3 20 1 51 12 364 691 236 47 9 4 5 2 8 62 100 237 55 1 1 4 30 66 238 323 1 10 2 3 3 31 279 528 239 21 1 2 28 34 240

37 6 1 33 52 241 208 11 12 1 40 1 203 359 242 279 13 9 16 3 18 28 15 210 423 243 232 36 6 9 3 1 12 5 170 344 244 59 27 2 42 45 245

300 8 12 2 12 6 3 1 33 5 339 497 246 1,373 166 60 9 59 23 18 29 6 9 137 36 1,059 2,140 247 Uninhabited 248 158 1 5 137 266 249 111 5 4 3 72 171 250 174


WORKERS Area r-___.A.._--~ L.c. Name of Facilities in Occupied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled Literate and Total No. Village available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated . (I-IX) ,--,---,,-,~---, r-"'--"-~ ,---..A--1 ,----"------, ,----"--, P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

251 Bajhai P. 3,301 197 249 1,367 724 643 147 145 151 19 419 8 252 Babedi Po,P,M. 6,477 379 485 3,050 1,643 1,407 409 366 333 22 951 215 253 Nunahata Po,P,M,D. 6,874 458 580 :,418 1,843 1,575 340 293 437 80 1,019 161 254 Bara Khurd P. 1,654 284 349 1,939 1,055 884 477 422 211 14 602 167 255 Sikahata Po,P. 3,279 215. 229 1,440 766 • ~74 180 175 168 21 457 167

256 Umri Po,P,D. 3,708 425 471 2,721 1,475 1,246 205 218 428 27 921 102 257 Akaha M. 468 40 57 284 149 135 147 135 50 3 80 11 258 Pulauli Po.p. 3,140 386 386 2,196 1,168 1,028 360 322 295 29 654 60 259 Pandari Po,P,M,H. 3,050 355 355 2,134 1,206 928 103 83 510 113 664 37 260 Bilado PO,P,M,P. 6,963 650 650 3,818 2,004 1.814 529 446 554 91 1,182 473

261 Khari Ka Umri p. 907 98 118 725 403 322 128 104 104 21 234 61 262 Moti Pura P. 631 46 66 370 199 171 37 41 59 6 111 11 263 Guseeng P. 1,144 77 88 516 290 226 72 50 88 8 162 7 264 Garahiseeta P. 397 35 37 226 122 104 48 45 36 9 76 265 Pewali P. 543 101 101 719 382 337 136 122 52 222 12

266 Isuri p. 665 72 77 462 246 216 70 83 89 13 143 4 267 Rampura Umri P. 2,173 163 175 1,035 570 465 209 201 150 22 326 268 Laharoli Po,P,M,H. 2,458 235 311 1,885 1,081 804 240 209 362 49 570 87 269 Gad hi Sultan 280 23 27 182 98 84 33 28 30 1 48 270 Kot P. t,212 189 189 1,269 655 614 205 198 178 24 395 71

271 Kheda Po,? 2,255 170 173 907 493 414 133 128 62 8 288 90 272 Dhochara P. 2,928 325 330 2,144 1,150 994 210 170 331 87 633 23 273 Bisal Pura P. 411 57 71 508 261 247 69 50 83 15 138 7 274 Rora 935 47 54 345 184 161 43 33 43 8 106 3 275 Sarsai P. 1,221 156 196 1,110 589 521 158 132 204 25 353 37

276 Madanai P. 1,359 90 104 620 327 293 35 34 100 11 177 4 277 Pura Dhoomana P. 1,193 122 148 846 450 396 154 140 89 6 249 44 278 Atarsuma Umri M. 1.478 133 157 1,046 569 477 57 61 160 21 315 36 279 Sa!.mra Po,P,D,MP(O). 2,185 289 293 1,762 1,017 745 43 48 321 42 615 165 . 280 Har KiJameh P. 640 50 . 74 402 199 203 86 98 58 5 114 19

281 Kakahara p. 2,360 158 171 995 541 454 41 34 125 12 322 26 282 Nayagaon Po,P,M,H. 1,966 286 339 1,925 1,059 866 254 230 204 16 614 40 283 Behadki Jameh 1,195 49 55 348 ]92 156 48 46 31 108 284 Madai 668 44 54 322 176 146 13 11 52 4 111 3 285 Dongar Pura Umari p. 1,200 107 107 679 357 322 52 52 70 5 221 2

286 Jakhmoli P. 3,279 226 226 1,361 781 580 126 96 180 27 493 29 287 Tehangur Po,M, 2,068 250 252 1,431 769 662 117 122 213 19 437 42 288 Ojha P. 1,455 101 101 607 321 286 87 72 43 9 195 70 289 Sanawai P. 2,069 90 98 618 334 284 54 42 .84 12 193 26 290 Duwar P. 1,424 113 129 807 449 358 196 183 88 15 270 14 175


WORKERS NON- , ~------~----__.\._----~~---~ ------... ---1 WORKERS L.G H III IV V VI VII VllI IX X No. r-----A...-~ r-,__A._-l ,----"------, ,----"------, r--.A....-~ r---..A..-~ {---"--~ r--....A._-~ r--...A...-1 ,---...A..-1 M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

404 8 ... 15 305 635 251 870 209 33 2 1 2 20 2 I 6 20 692 1,192 252 850 J 10 61 5 14 5 37 19 2 2 12 5 5 36 17 824 1,414 253 482 126 87 36 18 5 2 13 453 717 254 394 143 3 1 3 3 31 15 5 6 3 14 2 309 507 255

741 82 16 2 25 4 3 24 6 15 93 8 554 1,144 256 69 11 6 J ... 4 69 124 257 575 47 15 12 2 49 13 514 968 258 555 27 24 3 14 1 10 5 56 6 542 891 259 1,015 386 56 28 4 39 33 5 17 2 2 44 24 822 1,341 260

209 48 3 2 10 8 2 1 10 2 169 261 261 102 8 6 2 ..... 1 3 88 160 262 155· 5 1 1 5 128 219 263 5"9 .. 10 2 1 2 2 46 104 264 211 12 3 8 160 325 265

116 9 6 1 11 3 103 -12 266 293 6 2 4 11 10 244 468 267 460 33 38 11 15 18 1 18 5 2 36 20 511 717 268 41 5 2 ... 50 84 269 362 58 8 12 6 3 2 9 5 260 543 270

261 70 8 16 7 1 7 4 4 205 324 271 558 6 28 7 4 5 2 36 9 517 971 272 108 7 16 5 8 123 240 273 89 1 5 8 ... 2 4 78 158 274 299 20 8 19 2 4 9 IO 13 5 236 484 275

145 1 7 2 5 5 2 3 2 8 150 289 276 730 6 1 38 3 2 3 10 201 352 277 294 36 1 2 5 13 254 441 278 544 156 2 2 1 15 6 46 7 402 580 279 110 19 1 3 85 184 280

284 Q 6 3 14 4· 3 2 14 8 219 428 281 507 16 25 13 19 4 8 55 7 445 826 282 100 3 3 2 84 156 283 100 1 2 10 65 143 284 196 5 6 14 136 320 285

433 21 13 1 18 1 1 11 2 17 4 288 551 286 384 35 4 2 2 2 1 3 2 4 38 2 332 620 287 175 66 12 3 8 1 126 216 288 170 24 11 2 5 1 4 1 141 258 289 261 11 2 1 1 1 6 179 344 290



2 Gohad Tahsil

L. C. L.C. Serial Name of L. C. L.C. Serial Name of No. No. Village No. No. No. Village No. 1961 1951 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

A B-Conc/d. 40 Bhyani Adupura 170 196 56 136 141 186 2 Agsoli 41 Biloni 5 85 3 Ahmanpura 7 89 (i) Lalan Ka Pura (ii) Rund Ka Pura 4 Alori 101 117 5 Amarpur 21 74 (iii) Tal Ka Pura (i) Budh Singh Ka Pura (ii) Headdakbungalow 42 Bilpura 144 185 43 Biswari 1 65 6 Andhiari Kalan 177 140 44 Birkhadi 38 134 7 Andhiari Khurd 169 136 (i) Banjare Ka Pura 8 Annaich 126 177 (ii) Ganesh PUra Antauwa 146 179 9 C 10 Asohana 193 142 45 Chak Barona 17 93 11 Asoohi 121 170 (i) Bandhwala Pura 12 Atarsonha 152 182 (ii) Jaman Singh Ka Pura 46 Chak Chandokhar Jahanpura 19 69 B (i) Hajara Singh Ka Pura (ii) Malhan Ka Pura (iii) Harraj Ka Pura Badagar 80 164 13 47 Chak Khaneta 40 82 14 Badera 131 182 15 Badera (Mau) 197 145 (i) Khajurwalapura 16 Baghora 104 157 48 Chak Madhopur 84 113 17 Baghrai 109 156 (i) Baknase Ka Pura (ii) Ghetrin Ka Pura 18 Bagthara 110 174 (iii) Kohran Ka Pura 19 Bagulari 55 138 49 Chak Sarwa 47 103 20 Bahera 200 146 50 Chaktukeda 45 106 21 Bakholi 188 200 22 Baknasa 13 91 51 Chamhedi 127 177 (i) Bhikam Singh Ka Pura (ii) Chhote Ka Pura (i) Baura Ka Pura (ii) Harnam Ka Pura (iii) Lalan Ka Pura (iv) Purohit Ka Pura 52 Chaodehara 52 135 23 Bamora 10 90 53 Chandokhar 15 70 24 Bamhroli 162 191 (i) Bheeka Pura (ii) Chandrabhan Ka Pura 153 189 25 Banganga Gangapur (iii) Lohari Ka Pura (iv) Rampal Ka Pura 26 Banipura 69 137 54 Cbhenkuri 149 160 27 Bankepur 86 165 28 Bara 22 92 (i) Siddhan Ka Pura (ii) Karsani Ka Plira (i) Barahead (ii) Block Budh Singh PI/ra 55 Chhareta (Ehno) 32 101 29 Barara 179 199 56 Chhimka 41 125 30 Barowa 94 172 (i) Ba!devSinghPura (ii) Kal Ka Plira (iii) Sampllran Singh Ka PUra (iv) Onkar Ka Plira 31 BaroH 163 203 57 Chhareta (Gohad) 107 169 32 Barona 12 86 33 Barthara 58 123 (i) Grammajra (i) Chak Barthara 58 Chhareta 145 180 34 Basahara 49 127 (i) Banjare Ka Pura (ii) Gambhir Singh Ka Plira 35 Bhadera 148 161 (iii) Ka; Ka Pura 36 Bhadroli 198 213 59 Chitora 115 175 37 Bhagwasa 53 142 38 Bhay Pura 150 186 D 39 Bhonpura 2 84 158 (I) Chirai (ii) Kadman Ka Plira 60 Dang Chhenkuri 136 (iii) Kakaran Ka PI/ra (iv) ShanAar Ka Pura (i) Bhamar Pura (ii) Niwar; Pura 178


2 Gohad Tahsil-Con/d.

Serial Name of L. C. L.C. Serial Name of L. C- L.C. No. Village No. No. No. Village No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

D-Concld. H

61 Dang Dasalpur 206 215 85 Hadia Pura 124 180 62 Dalelpura 190 151 86 Hanumant Pura 100 150 63 Dang 34 130 87 Har Pura 72 161 155 (i) Dalip Singh Ka PuYa Oi) Jakhadar Ka Pura 88 Habi Pura 95 Haslia Pura 71 145 64 Dang Gumara 205 212 89 66 114 65 Dang Kerkuiya 184 154 90 Ikhara 66 Dang Naruwa 189 207 (i) Kakahari Ka Para 67 Dehgaon 156 190 I (i) Chaftjafwar Singh Ka Para 68 Dehgawan 176 138 91 Itayanda 116 168 69 Dhamsa 70 144 (i) Gopaisinghkapllra 87 163 70 Dirman 137 184 92 Itayli (i) Son Para 93 Itaya Ii 133 188 (i/ Chamar Pura (U) Kach; Ka Pura E 71 Echaya 85 120 J 72 Ehno 6 67 94 Jagannath Pura 27 175 (i) Eth Ka Para 95 Jalalpura 155 183 73 Epdori 18 83 96 Jamdara 194 202 (i) Anjani Ka Pura (Ii) Bhatian Ka Pura (/) Mishri Singh Ka Pura (iii) Bhure Ka Pura (tv) Hira Ka Pura 97 Jungle Pura lSI 179 (v) Jahara Ka Pura (vi) Kanji Ka Pura 98 Janak Pura 128 172 (vii) Kethoda (viii) Manhhan Ka Pura (i) Hannai Ka Pura (ix) Manohar Ka Pura (x) Mule Ka Pura 99 Janora 63 41 (xi) Rate/a Ka Pura (xii) Semar Ka Pura 100 Jaret 164 135 (xiii) Shankar PlIra 101 Jasrath Ka Pura 16 72

F (i) Dhar Ka Pura 143 74 Fatehpur 26 77 102 Jat PUra 64 103 Jayajipur 102 118 G 104 Jhankari 119 115 105 Ihabal Pura 67 122 75 Gadroli 90 147 106 Jitarbai 171 195 76 Ghamuri 134 164 77 Ghirogi 82 III K 78 Girgaon 111 152 79 Gohad 60 162 107 Kalyan Pura 139 178 Kamala Pura 103 168 (i) Del'i Singh Ka Pura (ii) Uangadas Ka Pura 108 (iii) Ranipura 109 Kanchanpur 35 99 80 Gohadi SO 128 (i) Thakur Singh Ka Pura 110 Kanhi PUra 159 137 81 Guhisar 161 184 III Kani Pura 31 80 (i) Cha/llara/l Ka Pura (ii) Kachhioll Ka Pura (i) PlInjabioll Ka PlIra 82 Gumara 201 211 1I2 Karvas 140 178 83 Gurikha 65 107 (i) Upaman Pura (i) Banjare Ka Para (ii) Chak Badhai (iii) Latkan Ka PW'a 113 Kathwagujar 81 160 84 Guryaichi 203 214 (i) Baburpura 17~)


2 Gohad Tahsil- Conld.

Serial Name of L. C. L.C. Serial Name of L. C. L.C. No. Village No. No. No. Village Nv. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951

2 3 4' 2 3 4

K-Collcld. M-Conc/d. 114 Kathwa Abdulhaji 79 121 145 Malanpur 91 109 (i) Bagl/fari Ka Para (i) Dak Bungalow (ii) Hariram Ka Para (ii) Naya Suri Ka Pllm 146 Manpura Kamra 115 Khader 99 J73 29 95 147 Mau 174 153 (i) Betjawale Harijano Ka Pura 148 Mohaddipura 186 141 116 K han eta 30 81 149 Mudena 142 185 (i) Deekhatan Ka Pwa (ii) Ka.liya Ka Pura (iii) MUllshi Ka Pura (iv) Sita Ka P{(ra N 117 Kharava 88 167 150 Nagor 14 88 118 Keroli 130 162 119 Keshav Pura 129 173 151 Nawali 48 126 120 Kheria Ban 122 165 152 Neer Pura 120 174 n3 Nenoli 123 167 121 Kheria Bar 172 204 122 Kheria Chandan 173 205 (i) Ramchanda Ka Pura (ii) Sakiya Ka PUra 123 Kheri Gajoo 106 153 154 Nibrol 113 187 - 124 Kheria Ja100 175 139 (i) Jogio Ka Pura 125 Kheria Mahanand 61 140 155 Nimdada 11 87 126 Kheriaraiju 54 104 156 Nivari 143 127 Khitoli 89 158 159 157 Nonera 39 100 (i) Banjare Ka Pllm (ii) Bhaggil Ka Pllra (iii) Kaji Ka Pura (iv) Mulke Khan Ka PUra (i) Lallu Singh Ka Pura (iiJ Railway Station (v) Pafokha Pllm IS8 Nooram Pura 183 148 128 Khurd 62 139 129 Kirat Pura 42 133 P 130 Kirat Pura (Dang) 108 170 159 Padrai B 68 131 Kitahena 182 147 160 Padriha 187 198 132 Kitee 160 134 161 Pahad 43 132 L 162 Pakhojia 181 206 163 Pali (Dirman) 138 181 133 Lahchura 83 115 (i) Ananl PUra (ii) Shyam Pura (i) FOl'mjadho Sahib (iii) Siddh PI/ra 134 Lodhe Ki Pali 25 79 164 PaJia 74 149 (i) Mahipat Singh Ka PI/ra 165 Partap Pura 96 148 135 Lohar Pura 157 157 166 Piphada 114 169 M 167 Piphadi 20 73 ,iJ Bila/a Ka PI/ra (ii) Nepal Singh Ka Para 136 Madan Pura 75 146 168 Piparsana 112 176 137 Madan Pura 154 181 (i) Fatepllra UiJ Nurepura 138 Madhogarh 98 171 139 Madroli 117 166 169 Piproli 93 119 140 Maghan 191 149 (i) Balljare Ka Pura (il) Challki Ka PlIra (iii) Mata Ka Pura 141 Maho 92 116 142 Mahuari 147 li7 R 143 Makhori 165 194 (i) ISlirkha Har (ii) Kheri Ka PI/ya 170 Rai Ka Pali 9 71 144 Makrehata 132 176 (i) Chhmri Ka Para 180


Serial Name of L.c. L.C. Serial Name of L.C. L.C. No. Village No. No. No. Village No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951 2 3 4 2 3 4

R-Concld. S-Concld.

171 Rawat Pura 36 97 187 Shy am Pura 28 76 (i) Prem Singh Ka Para (i) Gham Ka Pura (ii) Hargobind Ka Para (iii) Kiledar Para 172 Rampura 118 183 188 Shyampura (Gohad) 76 151 (i) Majra 189 Sigh\\ari 77 108 173 Raman Pura 59 166 174 Rasnol 167 192 190 Siloha 125 171 175 Ratba 204 210 ~i) Banarmandl (ii) Chak Ratama 191 Simiriya 196 150 (iii) Dadheshwar Mahadev (iv) Krishna Pura 192 Sinor 135 163 (v) Lachhaman Ka Pura (vi) Pan1e Ka Pura 193 Sirsoda 51 129 (vii) Ram Para 194 Sisonia 68 124 176 Ratanpura 105 154 195 Sora 180 201 177 Rudhsarkar (Chinka Pura) 44 131 196 Suhas 4 64 178 Rupavai 192 144 (i) Mall Ka Para 197 Sunari 3 66 S 198 Shyari Pur a 202 209 179 Sadkheria 73 159 T (i) Khargole Ka Para (ii) Khera 180 Salampura 158 155 199 Taroli 168 156 200 Tehra 33 78 181 Sangoli .. 178 197 182 Sarwa 46 102 201 Teton 23 94 (i) Chak Sarwa No. 2 (ii) NajirSingh Ka Para 202 Teekar 199 152 (iii) Pilam Singh Ka Para (iv) Rari Ka Pura 203 Tilori 97 110 183 Sehroli 195 208 204 Tudila 78 112 (i) Danebaba Ka Pura (ii) Malha Ka Para (i) Banjare Ka Para Shankarpur 37 198 184 205 Tukeda 57 105 (i) Khedewalo Ka Para 185 Shekhupura 185 143 U 186 Sherpur 24 96 206 Ujha w:lI 166 1Q1 (i) Mahari Ka Pura (ii) Nehar Ke Parwala PunJabion Ka Pura (iii) Pat Kui Ka Pura 0) Ramnagar 181

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WORKERS Area Occu- ,--_....A..._--... LC. Name of Facilities in pied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled Literate and Total No. Village available acres houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated (I-IX) r--~--_A_--~ ,-_-A...__ R) ,.....--A.....--..., ,.----A._ ... -~ r----"---, P M F M F M F M F MF

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

2/2 Gohad Tahsil (Rural) 2,53,893 17,755 19,265 107,182 58,01749,165 15,664 {3,751 80 92 13,9711,418 34,209 6,333 1 Biswari 1,095 16 16 93 47 46 1 32 2 Bhonpura P. 3,378 189 214 1,271 661 610 151 144 205 25 369 35 3 Sunari 631 14 14 97 51 4(> 12 13 12 31 4 Suhao P. 1,524 150 154 787 422 365 73 49 81 3 243 19 5 Biloni p. 1,407 67 73 395 220 175 61 42 31 4 140 16

6 Ehno Po,P,M. 2,434 226 267 1,577 848 77.9 249 218 258 51 525 152 7 Ahman Pura 492 19 24 135 68 67 44 37 8 40 ." 8 Padrai Po. 1,064 36 48 272 150 122 72 58 25 2 86 2 9 Rai Ki Pali P. 1,047 108 III 602 305 297 125 131 95 26 176 17 10 Bamora p. 1,478 52 63 384 207 177 95 53 69 4 118 7

11 Nimdada 547 11 14 77 44 33 9 2 23 12 Barona P. 1,219 145 184 911 516 395 75 64 110 6 303 12 13 Baknasa P. 1,571 97 119 776 427 349 68 45 122 14 251 24 14 Nagor P. 726 54 69 366 198 168 53 40 43 4 126 4 15 Chandokhar P. 2.932 272 272 1,436 787 649 131 117 273 29 465 4

16 Jasrath Ka Pura P. 1,153 85 94 511 279 232 92 73 47 11 159 5 17 Chak Barona P. 567 80 90 510 280 230 83 66 76 17 181 34 18 Endori Po,P,D. 7,870 650 692 3,527 1,892 1,635 542 324 455 35 1,146 175 19 Chak Chandokhar 501 29 36 159 16 73 33 33 15 56 1 Jahan Pura 20 Pipahadi Po,P. 1,451 184 207 976 536 440 196 156 128 7 326 17

21 Amar Pura 700 18 21 86 53 33 6 1 15 34 1 22 Bara P, 2,059 112 146 848 475 373 97 79 118 17 282 6 23 Teton P,D. 1,662 107 124 675 363 312 38 37 11 13 69 4 218 16 MP (A),MP(O). 24 Sherpur P,MP (A), 3,767 239 362 1,870 1,031 839 379 316 277 57 625 24 MP (0). 25 Lodhe Ki Pali P. 1,428 88 97 518 268 250 24 27 95 21 159 10

26 Fatehpur ,Po,P. 624 56 61 340 175 165 85 77 51 10 103 2 27 Jagannath Pura Po. 589 62 65 340 177 163 126 113 51 3 106 56 28 Shyam Pur Po. 1,141 80 99 485 253 232 91 75 58 15 166 91 29 Manpur Kamra P. 769 53 68 342 198 144 35 35 33 1 127 28 30 Khaneta Po,P.M,H. 4,053 304 323 1,759 929 830 171 155 270 25 531 9

31 Kani Pura To,P. 1,059 106 123 722 369 353 53 49 114 14 230 15 32 Chhareta (Ehno) Po,P. 2,613 171 231 1,335 701 634 219 201- 173 14 -415 9 33 Tehra To. 766 43 61 379 203 176 5 5 59 9 121 23 34 Dang P. 1,625 121 136 770 403 367 148 125 44 59 83 7 232 70 35 Kanchanpur M. 1,987 110 162 910 522 388 69 58 130 7 308 7

36 Rawat Pura P,MP(O). 881 71 99 552 304 248 91 74 49 8 176 4 37 Shankar Pura P. 1,134 62 73 410 228 182 28 20 61 12 131 3 38 Birkhadi Po. 3,241 283 322 1,770 966 804 248 196 206 33 543 94 39 Nonera Po,To,P. 3,602 198 237 1,356 738 618 175 154 217 60 416 37 40 Chak Khane(a 1,045 65 68 373 213 160 74 62 34 1 121 7

41 Chhimka P. 2,346 198 202 1,073 571 502 152 122 118 8 344 76 42 Kirat Pura 614 45 56 277 155 122 ·59 54 41 101 20 43 Pahad 712 7 6 1 3 1 44 Rudh Sarkar P. 601 64 78 387 214 173 206 171 55 6 118 69 (Chinku Pura) 45 Chak Tukeda 712 45 46 293 161 132 71 47 54 18 101 14

46 Sarwa P. 3,097 236 248 1,336 716 620 111 108 235 49 442 78 47 Chak Sarwa 450 27 27 154 86 68 3 1 21 53 4 48 Nawali 564 65 65 382 190 192 111 114 25 6 105 9 49 Basahara 389 15 15 82 42 40 6 28 1 50 Gohadi PO,To. 1,584 68 68 352 201 151 23 21 32 3 . 104 42 183


WORKERS-A.______NON- ,------_--,._ ~--\ WORKERS L.C No II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

27,727 4,409 2,756 955 278 65 824 292 42 5 188 522 55 19 1,853 552 23,808 4~,832 2/2

32 '" 15 46 1 345 29 5 7 4 ,7 5 292 575 2 31 --. .. 20 46 3 207 9 1 3 2 1 31 8 179 346 4 127 14 5 3 5 2 80 159 5

447 121 42 2 7 2 9 12 19 15 323 577 6 40 28 67 7 78 1 8 ... 1 64 120 8 150 12 20 3 3 2 1 129 280 9 107 2 6 3 2 3 89 170 10

23 .. , ... 21 33 11 265 7 10 10 1 5 13 4 213 383 12 197 7 23 5 6 13 1 2 9 11 176 325 13 110 2 7 1 1 1 2 6 72 164 14 424 4 35 3 3 322 645 15

139 3 2 6 ... 11 2 120 227 16 101 1 63 26 3 3 9 2 2 3 2 99 196 17 989 120 36 24 11 2 2 8 10 88 28 746 1460 18 51 1 4 1 30 72 19 246 8 57 2 10 6 2 11 210 423 20

26 1 4 1 2 19 32 21 211 3 36 3 8 2 25 193 367 22 165 2 43 14 2 8 145 296 23

556 19 50 3 2 5 8 2 406 815 24 137 6 13 4 5 4 109 240 13

80 1 18 2 1 72 163 26 78 48 5 2 21 8 71 107 27 139 79 7 9 11 12 87 141 28 88 4 29 20 3 1 ... 6 3 71 116 29 413 4 65 13 1 3 3 33 5 398 821 30

184 4 20 7 2 3 20 4 139 338 31 364 5 39 4 4 8 286 625 32 89 1 2 4 2 24 21 82 153 33 137 16 10 3 63 50 16 ... 3 3 1 171 297 34 246 6 31 7 2 5 6 II 1 214 381 35

98 2 57 4 17 2 128 244 36 96 25 3 1 2 1 ... 2 ... 4 ... 97 179 37 366 51 65 11 2 11 6 2 7 23 4 67 21 423 710 38 267 16 31 ... 6 23 1 4 6 1 78 20 322 581 39 95 3 23 3 3 1 92 153 40

265 62 22 11 7 2 7 3 3 2 36 227 426 41 73 13 4 2 18 4 5 54 102 42 5 1 43 96 61 12 8 3 5 96 104 44 68 9 25 4 6 60 118 45

333 41 58 23 23 8 3 8 17 6 274 542 46 39 1 13 3 1 33 64 47 101 4 4 5 85 183 48 25 1 1 2 14 39 49 80 33 12 5 9 4· 3 97 109 5C 184


WORKERS Area Occu- ,---"---, LC. Name of Facilities in pied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled Literate and Total No. Village available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated (I-IX) r-.. --._J....--.--~ r-.-_A_-~ ,---"----... ,--.A.------.., r----"---_, P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

51 Sirsoda Po,To,P. 9u2 102 103 560 313 247 28 23 42 192 26 52 Chandehara P. 1,521 149 150 855 454 401 73 74 148 2 277 12 53 Bhagwasa Po,P. 1,823 191 200 1,078 569 509 88 96 257 29 341 19 54 Kheria Raijoo Po,To,P,M. 341 25 27 142 83 59 53 53 14 2 51 55 Bagulari 231 18 18 115 65 50 11 36 8

56 Bhyani 924 61 62 340 180 160 31 27 47 III 37 57 Tukeda P. 2,242 195 196 1,198 641 557 172 143 177 24 370 38 58 Barthara P. 1,960 170 .170 933 505 428 226 180 128 11 292 67 59 Raman Pura P. 436 8 8 55 31 24 18 10 6 16 2 60 Gohad 3,672 59 59 305 178 127 27 17 23 93 29

.61 Kheria Mahanand Po. 495 34 34 243 128 115 2 49 75 19 62 Khurd 645 96 96 550 29[ 259 93 95 100 3 l73 3 63 Janora Po.P. 529 29 29 181 93 88 3 3 30 1 48 1 64 Jat Pura Po. 716 46 47 261 138 123 35 34 12 87 7 65 Gurikha Po' 2,481 156 170 958 513 445 104 94 23 19 101 2 308 9

66 Ikahara p. 1,247 92 94 558 303 255 135 118 74 4 184 64 67 Jhabal Pura P. 580 63 64 432 239 193 1 33 2 145 32 68 Sisonia 923 '-13 13 129 59 70 30 2 29 4 69 Bani Pura P. 1,267 121 121 709 388 321 276 231 68 212 13 70 Dhamsa P. 1.338 148 154 803 453 350 78 69 135 10 288 62

71 Haslia PUra P. 515 Uninhabited 72 Har PUfa 458 23 23 127 66 61 32 30 20 2 43 6 73 Sadkheria 1,268 84 91 531 284 247 164 120 39 1 174 28 74 Palia 307 24 24 143 84 59 30 21 13 57 75 Madan Pura 507 76 82 403 230 173 32 23 39 124 7

76 Shyam Pura (Gohad) 413 25 29 178 98 80 29 25 21 57 5 77 Sighwari 936 36 41 230 121 109 32 31 29 1 74 3 78 Tudila P. 1,737 163 166 915 51l 404 125 115 131 17 319 33 79 Kathwa Abdulhaji P. 2,208 176 185 916 469 447 247 212 59 2 281 22 80 Badagar P. 852 86 86 421 234 187 40 22 110 8 122 2

81 Kathwa Gujar 1,938 164 164 919 499 420 89 82 63 2 312 (; 82 Ghirogi P. 832 50 53 337 195 142 69 39 19 1 96 2 83 Lahchura P. 1,923 164 176 889 4R2 407 250 219 108 12 297 181 84 Chak Madhopnr 948 85 85 422 226 196 118 120 36 1 143 76 85 Echaya P. 1,907 119 135 778 421 357 29 28 107 11 238 106

86 Bankepur 753 53 53 319 167 152 20 21 46 94 87 Itayli 452 18 18 93 54 39 I 4 30 1 88 Kharava 2,337 162 163 891 504 387 24 27 59 313 14 89 Khitoli P. 1,758 229 230 1,538 791 747 224 207 175 17 422 21 90 Gadroli 1,054 92 92 550 291 259 93 80 75 166 7

91 Malanpnf P. 1,191 130 113 787 401 386 154 194 89 7 251 98 92 Maho p. 1,122 77 79 417 234 183 9\ 73 46 142 16 93 Piproli P. 1,589 87 100 647 343 304 102 92 51 3 191 59 94 Barowa 315 17 17 125 66 59 7 37 95 Habi Pura P. 1,346 105 114 803 433 370 104 95 149 7 246 109

96 Partap PUra (Gohad) 488 19 19 107 60 47 18 33 97 Tilori ' 775 42 42 245 118 127 9 10 78 69 29 98 Madhogarh 467 37 37 228 123 105 94 79 16 1 76 3 99 Khader P,MP(O). 1,701 90 93 567 307 260 52 SO 75 8 187 3 100 Hanumant Pura 421 31 31 160 88 72 -30 22 6 55 5 185



,-----~-- " ~ ---.,.__------., WORKERS L. C. No. II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X r---..A..--..__, r--.....A.....-~ ,------"------., ,-----"------., ,----A..._---...... ----"----, ,------"------., ,------A---, ,------"------., .------"------., M F' M F' M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

183 24 7 2 1 121 221 51 201 1 39 2 6 2 ... 29 9 177 389 5Z 257 9 16 I 8 4 1 16 4 2 38 4 2~ 490 53 35 11 1 4 32 59 54 32 6 4 . 29 42 5S

100 32 11 4. 69 123 56 324 15 29 23 6 4 6 271 519 57 219 40 57 20 2 3 2 4 7 4 213 361 58 12 2 4 15 22 59 79 29 1 4 6 85 98 60

68 16 7 ... 3 53 96 61 165 1 3 1 1 4 118 256 62 41 1 2 2 3 45 87 63 81 6 1 5 1 51 116 64 242 4 27 4 3 20 11 4 205 436 65

144 59 28 5 3 4 4 119 191 66 135 32 8 1 94 161 67 29 4 30 66 68 173 11 24 2 7 6 2 176 308 69 199 41 65 8 2 14 10 8 3 165 288 70

Uninhabited .'. 71 4~ 6 23 55 72 173 28 110 219 73 52 2 2 27 59 74 113 4 6 2 2 3 106 166 75

41 5 1 3 2 1 5 3 41 75 76 58 2 9 3 2 2 1 47 106 17 234 12 52 17 4 10 1 4 3 12 2 192 371 78 246 19 21 3 3 2 1 8 188 425 79 106 7 2 3 1 5 112 185 80 • 280 5 14 2 16 1 187 414 81 84 2 8 3 99 140 82 241 163 26 16 16 2 2 3 9 185 226 83 137 74 5 2 1 1 83 120 84 213 93 14 8 3 2 5 4 183 251 85

90 3 73 152 86 28 2 24 38 87 301 7 1 3 4 4 7 191 373 88 348 6 18 16 10 11 2 28 3 369 726 89 150 4 7 2 1 7 2 125 252 90

185 78 29 20 2 2 2 30 150 288 91 129 15 12 1 1 92 167 92 167 15 14 37 2 4 4 5 152 245 93 27 10 29 59 94 210 96 24 9 5 4 2 5 187 261 95

32 1 27 47 96 61 25 3 4 2 2 49 98 97 73 3 3 47 102 98 153 14 2 3 (j 10 120 257 99 43 11 5 1 .33 67 100 186

VILLAGE DIRECTORY WORKERS Area ,--_..A..-, L.C. Name of Facilities in Occupied House- Total Schedultd Scheduled Literate and Total No. Villlage available acres Hou- holds Population Castes Tribes Educated (I-IX) ses ,-----...A..._--.. ,----'-----, r--J..._~ ,---.A...----, r-"--"-"~ P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

101 Alori P,Mcw. 3,348 229 234 1,248 681 567 71 70 124 2 393 87 102 Jayajipur 995 21 21 118 62 56 17 14 13 50 7 103 Kamala Pura 929 70 70 420 229 I9J 151 127 18 139 8 104 Baghora· 483 33 33 201 108 93 12 11 11 61 I 105 Ratan Pura 398 31 31 178 97 81 52 41 ... 16 49 15

106 Kheria Gajoo 463 40 40 203 120 83 28 25 22 78 9 107 Chhareta (Goha,d) 1,527 47 47 272 147 125 37 38 36 91 18 108 Kirat Pura (Dang) 306 19 19 105 57 48 36 31 14 40 6 109 Baghrai 1,01'1 59 59 323 183 140 62 54 33 1 117 27 110 Bagthara P. 1,386 89 93 528 283 245 96 95 53 2 171 4

111 Girgaon P. 866 90 91 554 291 263 68 59 72 12 177 7 112 Piparsana P,M,D. 5,493 253 289 1,609 860 749 173 161 238 37 496 71 113 Nibrol P. 2,087 147 150 858 446 412 96 96 54 9 267 12 114 Piphada P. 1,128 84 87 455 245 210 42 45 61 1 136 44 115 Chitora Po,P. 1,920 154 154 831 455 376 195 155 157 22 279 80

116 Itayanda P,M. 1,920 128 131 744 409 335 42 35 192 20 234 72 117 Madroli P. 811 64 66 406 229 177 62 52 51 128 36 118 Ram Pura P. 1,311 64 70 466 248 218 36 27 73 3 159 18 119 Jhankari -1.,245 73 76 418 215 203 55 45 39 7 132 6 120 Neer Pura P. 844 79 80 416 233 183 31 22 15 3 145 2

121 Asoohi 620 48 51 277 155 122 70 50 32 2 92 11 122 Kheriaban 525 20 20 131 74 57 1 1 20 46 3 123 Nenoli 1,342 71 72 385 216 169 79 71 40 3 135 23 124 Hadia PUra 290 21 21 110 55 55 50 50 2 33 2 125 SHoha P. 1,082 ,60 80 386 199 187 53 64 29 2 127 10

126 Annaich 571 34 34 229 121 108 42 35 10 1 67 1 127 Chamhedi P. J,275 114 135 762 413 349 147 119 83 10 234 60 128 Janak Pura 704 35 44 231 133 98 77 64 21 78 10 129 Keshav Pura p. 502 39 46 289 152 137 152 137 3 86 10 130 Keroli P. 551 44 44 224 110 114 28 28 31 66 27 • 131 Badera P. 1,020 89 100 584 308 276 72 62 58 2 184 76 132 Makrehata 774 57 63 350 191 15'j 79 54 13 113 76 133 Itayali P. 1,963 128 150 758 405 .353 142 125 107 6 232 163 134 Ghamuri P. 1,963 130 130 735 386 349 91 84 81 1 222 83 135 Sinor 745 60 65 411 212 199 49 61 45 9 120 54

136 Dang Chhenkuri 1,244 53 60 353 205 [48 III 87 37 1 110 52 137 Dirman Po,P. 1,369 69 69 411 213 198 78 72 51 2 130 5 138 Pali (Dirman) PO,P,M. 2,952 176 211 1,299 694 605 286 279. 124 2 414 124 139 Kalyan Pura (Gohad) Po. 476 45 45 254 128 126 101 101 30 3 65 ] 140 Karwas MP(O). 2,265 141 143 757 421 336 129 127 72 2 269 76

141 Agsoli 922 44 49 275 146 129 93 89 31 90 40 142 Mudena Po. 488 25 25 133 76 57 10 19, 15 43 7 143 Nivari 346 15 17 III 61 50 18 14 18 29 12 ]44 BiI Pura Po,MP(O). 576 34 36 225 127 98 38 33 51 I 69 6 145 Chhareta P. 2,231 151 163 829 463 366 188 202 84 5 307 57

146 Antauwa 684 46 43 21 [ 120 91 58 47 25 5 70 28 147 Mahuari Po. 538 32 32 183 103 80 16 12 20 1 56 2 148 Bhadera 1,711 90 100 494 274 220 55 49 82 6 161 19 149 Chhenkuri P. 2.384 13(} 136 843 444 399 90 133 110 10 261 96 150 Bhay Pura 435 27 30 142 85 57 21 12 25 55 5 i ",GPH~J?<,T~WtI~ I WORKERS NON- ______,..._ ____ ._~ ______.______~_....A...,..____,._ __ .---.-.--.-•. -.------.------, WORKERS L.C. ; '1 No. I II III IV V VI VII VIII 'IX

1~ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32, 33 34 35 36 31

359 74 12 8 2 5 8 9 288 480 101 49 7 1 , 12 49 102 127 6 3 2 7 2 90 183 103 50 9 1 1 47 92 104 42 6 3 7 4 2 4& 66 105

54 3 10 2 3 3 . 1 ,)6 1 42 74 106 62 13 18 3 1 1 9 2 5~ 107 107 40, 6 ... 17 42 108 101 4 14 23 2 66 113 109 137 11 5 16 3 112 241 110

137 1 18 10 5 . . 1 ,"'. IO 1 l!4 256 111 396 28 62 16 to 2 10 2 . 3 20 17 364 678 112. 220 3 31 4 5 5 3 3 ; 3 2 179 400 113 III 37 17 7 1 2 2 3 109 166 114 222 61 30 12 7 4 .~. , 7 11 3 176 296 115

t; , .1 B 1 116 202 58 14 12 3 . 3 175 263 105 27 20 8 1 101 141 11,7 131 9 8 6 6 3 5 5 2 89 200 118 124 1 5 " 3 5 83 197, 119 142 2 2 1 88 181 120,

l,'- 70 4 20 7 1 ... I: . ~ 1 63 111 121 39 2 4 1 1 t ... d_ . '''',i

1 1 1 - ~':: 54 107 126 65 r ... 198 37 25 18 3 4 3 ."i 3 2 179 289 121

58 1 18 9 .. ~ .. ." ••'J._, 1 55, 88 . 128 76 4 10 6 ;; ... , ;. .. j~.- .~ 66 127 129 ·55 23 7 4 2 1 . 44 87 130 ) I 127 53 4 6 23 10 8 22 7 124 200 131 103 68 2 8 4 r.. ' .... , 4 ,.7f, 83, 132 184 121 35 30 . 4 I r ••• ,j 2 1 7 11 173 190 133 177 49 35 31 1 1 ... ' 4 5 2 164 266 134 108 48 4 4 3 2 ,; 1 .•.. , 4 92 145 135

97 46 11 .3 2 3 95 96 136 106 3 19 2 3 2 83 193 137 334 42 52 71 2 7 5 5 7 7 6 280 481 138 41 21 2 1 I 63 125 139 235 49 10 2 2 1 6 2. 1 18 18 152 260 140

81 36 6 4 ( ',' .. 3 56 89 141 42 7 ... ', i 1 33 50 142 25 11 1 4 32 38 143 49 2 16 3 1 2 1 58 92 144 233 49 63 7 2 3 . , 2 4 156 309 145

60 16 8 7 2 5 50 63 146 43 1 9 1 2 1 1 47 78 147 140 15 14 3 14 4 113 201 148 207 55 14 17 14 9 4 2 22 13 183 303 149 41 4 14 1 \ r·· 30 52 J50 188


WORKERS Area Occu- ,.--~-__,.~.--~ L.c. Name of Facilities in pied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled Literate and Total No. Village available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated (I-IX) ,--._ _A.._ __ ---.... ,--__ ..A.--, ,--_..A.---, r--...A..--~ r---"------.., P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

151 Jungle PUra 360 24 24 118 67 51 9 3 27 40 152 Atarsonha P. 1,317 61 75 389 220 169 63 43 50 5 134 30 153 Banganga Gangapur 155 5 9' 70 38 32 7 20 154 Madan Pura 720 45 47 288 157 131 64 61 29 78 9 155 JataJ Pura 556 18 20 105 55 50 11 13 21 2 31 156 Dehgawan P,Pn. 3,089 201 2tO 1,156 626 530 265 210 148 9 369 98 157 Lohar Pura Po. 2,253 371 372 1,855 1,138 717 241 332 456 37 610 60 158 Salam Pura P. 602 58 58 342 213 129 18 15 52 1 107 11 159 Kanhi Pura 937 Uninhabited 160 Kitee 676 94 102 523 290 233 38 36 98 26 178 21 161 Guhisar Po,P,M, 3,111 219 300 1;,742 943 799 273 228 195 27 544 134 162 Bamhroli 988 48 48 251 147 104 24 11 24 1 93 2 163 Baroli P. 2,061 115 115 660 343 317 113 100 91 6 203 85 164 Jaret P. 749 52 60 293 147 146 23 13 50 2 90 13 165 Makhori P. 1,357 69 69 492 256 236 139 143 45 142 33 166 UjhawaJ P. 2,227 116 120 632 328 304 123 1:2 65 182 59 167 Rasnol P. 1.871 134 135 791 417 374 141 130 148 22 254 35 168 Taroli Po, 1,170 34 34 174 100 74 17 53 6 169 Andhiari Khurd P. 813 69 71 376 193 183 46 42 35 120 31 170 AduPura 583 51 51 325 170 155 25 22 19 96 8 171 Jitarwai P. 756 66 66 345 178 167 29 35 55 4 104 17 172 Kheriabar 562 48 48 289 155 134 7 4 28 94 63 173 Kheria Chadan . P. 962 49 49 333 173 160 96 96 44 92 41 174 Mau Po,PH,T,D, 3,013 758 835 4,257 2,287 1,970 387 315 817 201 1,284 173 Mwc, M,P,(O). 175 Kheria Jaloo P, Rhc. 1,246 91 98 528 280 248 73 71 43 4 168 37 176 Degawan 1,104 55 55 331 170 161 42 43 31 1 107' 63 177 Andhiari Kalan P. 986 103 107 547 286 261 97 93 68 5 166 39 178 Sangoli 376 Uninhabited 179 Barara 259 26 26 155 89 66 9 49 28 180 Sora 1,011 33 34 191 ,114 77 16 56 5 181 Pakhojia 484 21 21 132 68 64 16 16 13 36 9 182 Kitahena Po. 580 43 45 262 141 121 32 86 18 183 Nooram Pura 302 Uninhabited 184 Dang Ker Kuiya 82 Uninhabited 185 Shekhu Pura P. 433 32 34 192 109 83 57 38 17 60 19 186 Mohaddi Pura 269 15 16 74 38 36 8 7 9 26 5 187 Padriha 504 35 36 211 118 93 18 16 30 68 31 188 Bakholi 529 4S 44 256 131 125 26 21 23 79 59 189 Dang Naruwa 197 14 14 96 55 41 55 41 4 27 23 190 Dale! Pura 280 Uninhabited

191 Maghan P. 706 36 40 292 152 140 8 11 31 91 17 192 Rupavai 681 62 62 324 159 165 30 35 17 110 64

193 Asohana " 1.228 123 142 924 498 426 43 37 68 6 313 183 194 Jamdara P. 1,918 123 129 656 356 300 70 76 66 2 216 24 195 Sehroli 620 48 51 317 174 143 61 57 17 1 109 50 196 Simiriya 455 20 23 150 82 68 IS 15 16 40 21 197 Batlera (Mau) P. 737 82 84 451 236 215 68 58 67 2 144 100 198 Bhadroli 913 26 27 199 127 72 7 4 14 84 26 199 Teel


WORKERS NON- __ k ___ • ______~ ____ -..... _____ -,-- ~. ___,_-. ------__ --'-___ -,_,_,____ --,~--.-,-- - --'___ - ___ -, WORKERS L.C- H lIT IV • V VI VII VIII IX X No.

,-_ _A.._ __ ~ ~ -.-A..--_,\ r-.-J.._--~ ,,---_A_-~l r--_ _A_--, r--"'/"_~-' ,--....A...---1 ,,--- _,.;,__--~--.., r- _; ..... ---.., r-~-/'------, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 ' 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

39 27 51 151 110 20 17 7 2 4 3 86 139 152 18 2 18 32 153 75 2 9 ... 1 79 122 154 26 3 1 1 24 50 155 245 54 38 5 11 8 8 1 2 2 3 3 61 26 257 432 156 41-4 21 7 7 26 16 1 26 n I 5 109 15 528 657 157 103 10 1 3 1 1~6 118 158 -" Uninhabited ... 159 147 2 7 4 3 19 15 112 212 160 411 90,., 52 14 4 21 12 5 . 16 34 18 399 665 161 86 "" 4 3 ... ". " . 54 102 162 J63 69 4 5 8 2 2 22 11 140 232 163 75 2 9 7 2 1 2 2 2 57 133 164 123 24 1 4 10 4 4 5 114 203 1'5 139 45 29 7 .1 4 2 4 5 4 146 245 166 188 1 5 5 7 3 3 3 43 31 1(,3 339 167 45 6 4 2 2 47 68 168 116 26 3 2 1 3 73 152 169 86 7 2 5 2 74 147 170 85 15 4 5 2 10 74 150 171 94 63 ... 61 71 172 83 41 4 .. 5 81 119 173 641 82 21 31 19 142 29 12 13 201 6 2 233 24 1,003 1,797 174 152 22 5 11 3 3 4 4 112 211 175

90 9 8 53 7 -" 2 1 63 98 176 126 25 6 2 2 2 1 29 11 120 222 177 Uninhabited 178 45 26 3 40 38 179 5 5 58 72 180 33 9 3 ... 32 55 181 83 15 1 3 1 55 103 182 Uninhabited 183 Uninhabited 184 58 19 2 49 64 185 19 5 3 3 1. 12 31 186 57 30 8 3 50 62 187 77 59 2 52 66 ·188 24 22 3 28 18 189 Uninhabited 190 85 15 4 2 2 61 123 191 92 60 2 1 16 3 49 101 192 264 142 9 4 35 34 2 3 3 185 243 193 195 20 11 2 1 1 2 7 1 140 276 194 107 48 1 2 1 65 93 195 34 20 3 1 2 1 42 47 196 116 79 21 18 5 2 3 92 115 197 53 24 2 29 2 43 46 19.8 12 5 14 12 199 24 8 5 2 24 37 200

101 14 2 86 90 201 36 8 2 13 32 202 129 76 9 6 5 3 5 1 94 118 203 336 130 7 2 30 16 ". 8 20 1 279 411 204 Uninhabited 205 Uninhabited 206



3 Mehgaon Tahsil

Serial Name of L.C. L.C. Serial Name of L. C. LC. No. Village No. No. No. Village No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4 A C-Concld. 1 Achhai 43 19 35 Chandra Pura 64 52 2 Adokhar 18~ 104 36 Chandra Pura 199 125 3 Ahman Pura 51 60 37 Chapara 48 57 4 Ajeeta 170 109 (i) Raj Pura 5 Ajnodha 59 6 38 Chirol 165 54 6 Ajnol 146 63 39 Chhaju Pura 130 86 7 Akloni 42 20 (i) PUra '(i) Vijay Pum 4'0 Chutawali 144 83 8 Alam Pura 54 3 D 9 Amayan 186 126 41 Dadrauwa 171 55 (i) Dhak PI/ra (ii) Gadhiya 42 Dagar 123 69 (iii) Ram Pura 43 Dani Pura 196 124 10 Amrat PUra 84 21 44 Depura 157 84 11 Anton 168 99 45 Devara 136 48 12 Arele Ka Pura 57 51 46 Devari (Mehgaon) 76 7 13 Aroli 2 2 47 Devari (Lawan) 135 81 (i) Badarwal Ka Pllra Iii) Balain Pura 48 Dhanoli 126 45 (iii) Baijnath Ka PuYa (iv) Bhuda (i) Hardeosingh Ka Pura r (v) Daru Pura (vi) Deo Pura 49 Dhorka 156 98 (vii) Hakim Puya (viii) Jaam (i) Vijainagar (ix) Jaisiram Ka PUra (x) Sagri Pura 50 Didona 19 11 (xi) Samo Khan Singh Ka Pura (xii) Shivcharan Ka Pura 51 Dodari 81 46 (xiii) Sukhram Ka PUra (xiv) Uttarsingh Ka Plira 52 Dongar Pura 44 58 14 Alokhar 47 17 53 Donia Pura 35 25 B 0) Chhotesingh Ka Pura (ii) Pura Sikarwar G 15 Bachhreta 189 115 16 Bachhroli 197 118 54 Gadhyara 113 75 17 Badera (Amayan) 194 114 (i) Bhindada (ii) Chamaria Ka Pum 18 Baghora 90 34 (iii) Lalaju Ka Pura 19 Bahar Pura 106 25 55 Gaheli . 174 93 20 Bahera 9 29 (i) Chamar Plira (ii) Dayalsingh Ka Para 21 Bahua 94 20 (iii) Madhe Pura (iv) Mata Ka Pura 22 Baloo Pura 21 6 56 Garhi 60 156 23 Barhad 105 24 57 Gata 154 60 24 Baraso 124 73 58 Ghilowa 31 21 (i) Muntila 59 Gingarakhi 104 22 25 Barethi Khurd 19Q 116 60 Goara 92 76 26 Barethi Raj 178 110 (i) Davela Ka PUl'a (ii) Karke Ka PUl'a (iii) Kheroli (il') Kudaria Ka Plira 27 Bes PUfa 183 103 (v) Mall Pura 28 Bharoli Kalan 118 78 (i) Budharrah (ii) Gori Ka PUra 61 Gokul Pura 192 123 6:! Gona Hardas Pura 91 37 29 Bharoli Khurd 117 77 (i) Kharika (i) Bhagirath Ka Pura (il) Devi Ka Pura (iii) Dhanpal Ka Plira (iv) Khyalsingh Ka PUra 30 Bhopat Pura 68 157 63 Gopal Pura 25 22 31 Bijay Pura 69 163 64 Goram 151 80 32 Birgawan 115 40 (i) Bani Ka Pura (ii) Chamrowa (i) Shrinagar (Lala Ka PlIra) (ii) Shyopatisingh Ka Pura (iii) Gujja Ka Pura 65 Gormi 24 26 (i) Chamaran Ka Pura (ii) Gadhia 33 Bujurg 160 106 (m) Lal Ka Pura (iv) Prithvipal Ka Pura C (v) Sikarwar Ka Plira (vi) Sukhwasi Ka Pura 34 Chandeni 6 13 66 Gudabali 159 59 ti) Manrakhan Ka Khod 67 Gujarra 79 161 J !J2


3 Mehgaon Tahsil-Conld.

Serial Name of L. C. L.C. Serial Name of LoCo L.C. No. Village No. No. No Village No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4 G-Conc!d. K-Concld. 68 Gujarra 147 64 107 Kholi Pura 37 14 69 Gulia Pura 15 31 108 Karam Ka Pura 40 56 (i) Aamware Ka PI/fa (ii) Chamaran Ka Pura 109 Kishan Pura 3 5 (iii) Gal/gola Ka Pura (IV) Phod~ Ka Para (i) Chamaran Ka Para 70 GungawaJi 99 30 110 Kishan Pura 67 5 71 Gutor 137 62 III Konhar 122 41 (i) Bawari Ka Para (ii) HIIAamsillgh Ka Pura 112 Kot 14 33 (iii) Taragarh Ka Pllra (I) Jildar Ka Pum H 1]3 Kupawali 158 105 72 Hans Pura n 159 U4 Kuthonda 12.1 44 73 Harichha 28 63 115 Kutroli 10 4 (i) Gadhi (ii) M(miram Ka Para (i) Badanawal Para Ui) Chhotanawal Pura 74 Harsingh Pura 121 43 L 8 75 Hasan Pura 17 116 Ladam Pura 62 160 76 HiraPura 49 42 117 Lahra 176 101 77 Hira Pura 114 42 118 Lala Pura 45 55 I 119 Lal Pura 201 132 78 lkori 153 58 120 Lawan 63 53 79 Imalia 100 32 121 Liloi 32 61 J M 80 Jalhari Pura 83 19 122 Madan Pura 187 122 81 Jar Pura 53 2 123 Maharaj Pura 72 18 82 Jarsena 148 90 124 Manhad 52 44 84 Jeesakh Pura 88 28 (i) Ghamandi Ka Para (ii) Harraj Para 84 Jeethaso 140 88 (iii) Kheria (iv) Madan Para 85 Jet Pura 98 48 (v) Ram Pura 86 Jodha Pura 89 29 125 Man Pura (Gormi) 80 50 87 Juge Pura 74 12 (i) Kaith Ka Para K 126 Manik Pura 110 23 88 Kachhar 179 111 127 Manik Pura (Katrai) 162 51 89 Kachnaw Kalan -4 7 128 Megh Pura 58 11 (i) Lachmandas Ka Para (ii) Malhan Ka Para 1119 Mehara 203 133 90 Kachna" Khurd 5 9 131: Mehdoli 46 41 (I) Dale Ka Para (ii) Dheemar Para til Brakhe Ka Pura (ii) Ramdin Ka Pura (iii) Gadrian Ka Para 131 Mohan Pura 16 37 91 Kalyan Pura Gormi 30 38 132 Moroli 73 13 92 Kaman Pura 181 121 113 Musawali 119 79 93 Kaman Pura 198 130 134 Mushtara 107 36 94 Kanathar 173 92 135 Mushtari 101 35 95 Kanhari 87 9 (i) Mahavir Ka Pura 96 Katrol 163 52 N 97 Kemokhari 166 65 136 Naraian PUra 95 16 98 Kerorra 167 56 137 Nimgaon 103 72 99 Kethoda 152 50 (i) Matlw Ki Para (i) lmali Ka Pum Ui) Raghllwar Ka Pura 138 Norasai 131 87 100 Khari Pura 61 154 139 Nunhad 38 16 101 Khera 1 3 P 102 Kheria (Mehgaon) 86 8 140 Pachera 11 12 103 Kheria Sindh 184 112 (i) Harpal Ka Para 104 Kheria Thapak 55 158 141 Pachera III 26 105 Kheroli 169 108 (i) Chakpachera 106 Khidar Pura 116 70 142 Padkoli 172 57 193


3 Mehgaon Tahsil---Concld.

Serial Name of L.c. L. C. S~rial Name of L C. L. C. No. Villa?!', No. No. No. ViIl~ge No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4 P-Concld. S-Concld. 141 Pamar Pura (Charnar Pura) 155 61 179 Sbyam Pura (Oormi) 56 62 144 Pannowa (Mannowa) 82 47 180 Sing Pura 202 120 145 Parghena 191 129 (i) Madaiyan 146 Parosa , 20 34 181 Sikroda 29 35 (i) Balusingh Ka Pum (ii) Labhera Ka Pura (i) Kwzj Bihari Ka Pura Iii) SUmersingh Ka Pura (iii) Rawat Pura (iv) Shirprasad K'l Pura 182 Silau Pura 134 94 (v) Thapkan Ka Pura, 183 SiloJi 18 27 184 Siloli 108 H7 Parrawan 120 46 38 185 Sirnar 138 148 Patlokhari 125 85 68 186 Sirsi 180 149 Peepar Pura 93 45 127 187 Sondha 71 49 (i) Dheer Ka Para (i) Clzaudharz Ka Pura (ii) Mata Ka Pura 128 150 Pipraua 185 (iii) Palzar Pura (iv) Ratlzia Ka Pura 33 151 Piproli 112 (v) Vijai Para 152 Piproli (Vindhya Pradesh) 195 131 188 Soni 153 Pratap Pura Oormi 36 24 66 (i) Gangajal Ka Para (ii) Kesari Ka Pura 154 Pnltap Pura 75 14 (iii) Kheri Ka Pura (iv) Naya Pura 155 Prithavi Pura 12 28 (v) Stationsoni (vi) TeAri Ka Pura (i) Gangola Ka Pura (ii) Laxminarain Ka Para (vii) Wari Ka Pura (iii) Pahi Ka Pura (il') Radha Ka Pura 189 Sucha Pura (v) Rundh Ka Para (vi) Sirothia Ka Pura 13 10 190 Sundar Pura 129 67 t~ Pum 1U 113 191 Sujan Pura 8 30 R (i) Ajudhisingh Ka Pura (ii) Chintaram Ka Pura \ 192 Sukand 157 Rabia Pura 132 47 7 158 Ram Pura 102 39 (i) Badrisingh Ka Pura (ii) Devisingh Ka Pura 159 Rajgadhi 34 37 (iii) Dhanmai (iv) Dhire Ka Khod' (iJ Chhotesingh Ka Para (v) Gadrian Ka Pura (vi) Galia Pura 160 Raj Pura 145 49 (vii) Jagram Ka Pura (viii) Jiwansingh Ka Pura 161 Ram Pura (Barbad) 85 15 (ix) Ka5hiprasad Ka Khod (x) Kherli 162 Ranu Pura 139 89 (xi) Khod Chaudhari (xii) Khod Pyarelal 163 Rau PUra 33 39 (xiii) Lalaram Ka Khod (xiv) Man Ka Khod 164 Ray Pura (Ingola) 27 15 (xv) Mataprasad Ka Pura (xvi) Niwaria 165 Renka 97 31 (xvii) Sarman Ka Khod (xviii) Shiroman Ka Pllra \xix) Sobharam Ki Khudi (xx) Tiwaria Gyaram s 193 Sunar Pura 41 166 Sadasi Pura 175 100 (i) Kllndansingh Ka Pllra 167 Sadba 161 107 194 Suraj Pura 77 4 168 Sanduri 200 119 195 Surawali 109 74 (i) Ranmagar (i) Slltru Ka Pllra 169 Sanduri Simar 133 71 196 Sururu 142 95 (i) Gadrian Ka Pura T 170 Sarsed 128 66 Tak Pura 171 Sayana 149 91 197 177 102 198 Teekari Kalan 172 Semara 193 117 150 97 199 Teekari Khurd 141 173 Senthari (Simar) 164 53 96 200 Tej Pura 23 174 Senthari Soni 65 17 40 201 Tikari 22 36 (i) Arjunsingh Ka Para 175 Setura 50 18 (I) Banikakhod (ii) Gujee 176 Seupura 26 23 (iii) Mllkatsinglz Ka Pura (iv) Vakhar 177 Shah Pura 143 82 202 Tor 96 10 ,0) Laxman Pura V 178 Shri Ka Pura 70 54, 203 Vijaygarh 39 59 194

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t") N 196


Occu- WORKERS Area pied ~----A._-1 L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Total Scheduled Scheduled Literate and Total No. Village available acres ses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated (I-lX) r--~ -_.. _1iIA.. •.~_-... r---_A.,_-_ .. -... r---_A._~ ~ ,----"------. r-----"-- -. P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

2/2 Mchgaon Tahsil Rural 2,39033 21,244 23,012 128,411 69566 58,845 12.636 II,688 ... 18,199 2,038 41,437 4,583 1 Khera P. 1,365 81 89 496 259 237 79 77 31 I 170 7 2 Aroli P. 2,495 2C14 208 1,206 674 532 90 102 96 419 8 3 Kishanpura P. 956 59 59 328 186 142 16 14 31 120 3 4 Kachnaw Kalan Po,P. 2,296 242 243 1,297 7[2 585 56 53 183 11 457 30 MP (0). 5 Kachnaw Khurd Po,P' 2,135 155 155 849 470 379 75 79 7) 5 290 2

6 Chandeni P. 929 57 57 299 161 138 9 II 21 4 100 4 7 Sukand PO,P,D. 6,150 528 530 3,181 1,758 1.423 218 2[0 236 35 1,140 39 8 SUJanpura P. 378 55 55 309 Ilj5 144 14 11 41 2 105 9 9 Bahera 744 42 46 345 185 160 22 26 30 III 2 10 KutroH P. 2,224 200 235 1,259 683 576 117 127 81 6 458 31

11 Pachera M,MP (0). 1,206 153 153 1,0-t5 554 491 65 83 192 18 303 15 12 Prithvipura P. 645 114 125 864 472 392 243 184 153 Ii 282 45 13 Suchapura P 447 49 49 269 159 110 44 45 50 4 91 5 14 Kat 1,009 84 88 489 266 223 53 43 70 9 153 4 15 Ouliapura 445 36 42 235 124 111 56 62 5 75 2

16 Mohanpura P. 867 74 77 448 240 208 21 22 75 3 144 13 17 Hasanpura p. 826 119 128 741 402 339 32 36 117 1 264 38 18 SiioH Po,P. 152 37 41 259 136 123 40 47 14 4 87 2 19 Didona P. 1,254 92 92 529 274 255 51 51 33 3 168 9 20 Parosa P. 2,503 247 282 1,788 970 818 100 98 244 14 585 69

21 Baloopura P. 387 69 69 396 207 189 33 35 63 12 115 16 22 Tikari Po,P. 1,978 121 129 639 366 273 18 20 76 4 234 16 23 Tejpura P. 495 73 75 385 219 166 13 8 31 2 143 4 24 Oormi P,Po,M,D, 4,200 708 770 4,064 2,198 1,866 459 350 755 153 1,261 60 MP (0). 25 Oopalpura 324 5 5 25 15 10 15 10 2 12 8

26 Seupura 165 Uninhabited ... 27 Raypura (Iogola) P. 1,212 111 126 862 445 417 53 54 196 40 270 10 28 Harichha 2.422 249 303 1,765 919 846 106 107 210 34 505 32 29 Sikroda Po,P,D. 2,358 242 258 1,429 792 637 111 112 178 23 467 78 MP (0). 30 Kalyanpura (Oormi) P. 602 128 133 668 372 296 44 41 99 4 221

31 Ohilowa Po,P,MP(O). 1,381 85 87 541 252 289 23 20 73 21 143 35 32 Liloi P. 2,056 83 88 466 265 201 25 26 90 8 164 3 33 Raupura P. 574 130 134 603 332 271 40 40 73 3 219 6 34 Rajgadhia p. 643 87 91 455 252 203 47 44 100 2 149 17 35 Doniapura P. 1,304 159 165 827 440 387 66 68 121 10 258 43

36 Pratappura Gormi Po. 523 87 87 487 261 226 42 41 80 7 159 5 37 Kholipura P. 960 96 99 618 327 291 132 132 72 3 179 12 3s Nunhad Po,P,MP(O). 1,817 240 243 1,385 760 625 90 91 227 12 459 260 39 Vijaygarh p. 678 44 55 328 168 160 18 15 41 10.1 40 Karamkapura P. 730 95 108 516 274 242 14 12 77 175 6

41 Sunarpura P,M. 683 123 127 789 434 355 83 109 175 47 236 12 42 Ak10ni Po,M, MP(O), 2.001 302 325 1,726 924 802 86 90 365 98 532 40 MP (A). 43 Achhai P. 775 59 73 371 201 170 18 22 69 13 J19 12 44 Dongarpura P. 632 60 73 387 210 177 43 124 45 Lalapura P 1,348 102 126 559 306 253 87 73 110 9 201 5

46 Mehdoli Po,P. 2.646 262 271 1.527 843 684 122 105 249 9 470 31 47 Alokhar Po,P, MP(O). 747 135 159 773 429 344 47 50 156 17 245 32 48 Chapara P. 882 93 99 544 279 265 109 115 90 3 185 91 49 Hirapura Po,P. 887 84 86 440 246 194 39 41 105 6 149 50 Setura MP(O). 682 53 65 344 191 153 1 1 65 4 114 5 197


WORKERS NON- ,...-__ • __ ~~ ____ ~ __ ~ ______-. ______--A.__~ ______~_~~ _____ ---..._ ____ . __ .. _____ ~ ___------.. WORKERS L. C. II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No. ,--_..A__.. ~ r- - --"--1 r-.. --"----~ ,-----"--) ,------"--1 ,----'---, ,------A._, r---..A.-----., '-'----"--, ,- __ ..A._, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

36,404 3,396 1,478 198 168 27 722 308 7 84 351 33 22 2,201 621 28,129 54,262 169 7 89 230 1 419 8 255 524 2 120 3 66 139 3 442 16 4 5 11 9 255 555 4 284 2 4 2 180 377 5

97 4 3 61 134 6 1104 25 5 10 S 3 10 14 618 1,384 7 95 5 4 1 1 4 3 60 135 8 108 I 2 1 I '74 158 9 428 15 4 11 9 14 5 225 545 10

276 11 6 21 4 251 476 11 251 39 18 2 4 10 2 190 347 12 82 5 9 68 105 13 137 4 16 113 219 14 70 2 5 49 109 15

138 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 96 195 16 233 28 6 21 to 4 138 301 17 83 3 1 2 49 121 18 166 5 2 2 2 106 246 19 539 42 14 14 32 13 385 749 20 107 16 8 92 173 21 220 12 5 9 4 132 257 22 135 4 2 4 2 76 162 23 922 24 24 2 7 2 77 4 63 6 158 31 937 1,806 24 12 8 ... 3 2 25

Uninhabited 26 243 4 11 15 6 175 407 27 464 16 27 8 2 4 16 414 814 28 416 73 14 3 5 34 325 559 29 178 8 11 24 151 295 30 132 24 4 4 7 7 109 254 31 141 .. 8 5 , .. 10 3 101 198 32 205 4 1 3 10 2 113 265 33 127 IS 6 6 2 8 1 103 186 34 220 35 24 8 14 182 344 35

133 11 5 15 102 221 36 172 7 12 148 279 37 391 230 7 15 10 35 10 20 301 365 38 103 6S 160 39 163 6 4 8 99 236 40

219 12 17 198 343 41 465 20 6 5 5 16 40 IS 392 762 42 114 9 5 3 82 158 43 124 86 177 44 169 5 14 18 105 248 45 402 5 45 17 23 9 373 653 46 201 II 21 12 6 5 11 10 184 312 47 185 91 94 174 48 125 10 14 97 194 49 98 5 8 8 77 148 50 198


WORKERS Area Occu- r---..A..-~-- L.c. Name of Facilities in pied House Total Scheduled Scheduled Literate and Total No. Village available acres Houses holds Popuiation Castes Tribes Educated (I-IX) ,-._-~--A__----.~ r-~---"--~---.... r-~""""_'-~ r-.--A.. .. -~ ,--... _....A.. __ -, P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

51 Ahmanpura 371 13 21 99 50 49 43 40 7 30 1 52 Manhad Po,P,M,D,MP(O). 3,711 455 556 2,872 1,603 1,269 120 143 656 174 820 15 53 Jarpura P. 266 75 75 367 193 174 11 11 52 103 3 54 A1ampura 473 45 45 226 120 106 23 76 4 55 Kheria Thapak P. 504 67 71 408 223 185 68 69 35 142 3

56 Shyampura Gormi P. 1,084 52 50 295 160 135 40 35 50 8 101 9 57 Arele Ka Pura P. 760 91 94 532 279 253 43 41 49 1 173 8 58 Meghpura P. 372 45 50 282 150 132 35 35 52 11 93 2 59 Ajnodha P. 1,239 201 204 1,035 566 469 126 132 155 10 343 25 60 Garhi P,MP(O). 1,360 90 102 570 292 278 12 8 112 24 178 10

61 Kharipura MP(O). 308 32 38 193 94 99 21 17 32 6 53 6 62 Ladampura p. 346 55 64 375 194 181 27 41 94 13 108 14 63 Lawan P. 2,713 405 414 2,062 1,105 957 211 115 193 5 664 65 64 Chandrapura 645 43 53 287 164 123 42 46 26 3 103 6 65 Senthari Soni P. 1,500 204 205 1,031 554 477 • 68 64 155 24 308 22

66 Soni To,Po,M,D,MP(O). 3,272 334 381 1,903 983 920 189 95 278 46 591 94 67 Kishanpura ... 290 28 28 137 73 64 32 25 26 1 44 3 68 Bhopatpura 302 2~ 31 191 103 88 49 46 18 62 2 69 Bijaypura 474 51 55 315 181 134 24 15 42 106 8 70 Shri Ka Pura Po. 305 4 6 33 20 13 7 8

71 Sondha P. 2,468 252 265 1.440 751 689 204 225 192 18 451 109 72 Maharajpura 529 74 74 396 212 184 4R 44 53 3 120 4 73 Moroli P,MP(O). 676 84 90 471 260 211 93 84 49 4 140 8 74 Jugepura 298 17 20 84 40 44 14 1 25 1 75 Pratappura 386 32 40 197 106 91 6 6 31 1 53 1

76 Devari (Mehgaon) Po,To,P. 741 78 75 384 205 179 61 60 45 3 109 5 77 Surajpura 156 15 16 93 57 36 16 1 38 1 78 Hanspura P. 358 40 48 282 149 133 20 24 65 18 79 6 79 Gujarra M,MP(O). 636 112 118 667 394 273 53 43 193 24 201 14 80 Manpura (Gormi) P. 917 63 65 334 175 159 56 61 49 10 113 13

81 Dodari P. 879 111 139 755 413 342 87 60 130 8 230 13 82 Pannowa 390 43 50 262 138 124 47 36 14 84 15 83 Jalharipura 406 30 32 180 95 85 19 17 18 2 57 3 84 Amratpura Po. 436 42 47 260 140 120 24 21 26 1 75 3 85 Rampura (Barhad) Po. 540 21 23 134 74 60 9 8 35 5 41

86 Kheria (Mehgaon) Po,To,P. 362 43 43 208 127 81 7 8 42 3 68 2 87 Kanhari Po,To,P. 902 93 93 569 299 270 40 48 87 7 179 14 88 Jeesakhpura 425 46 52 299 173 126 65 52 44 2 100 J 89 Jodhapura 497 28 33 174 97 77 72 60 19 59 5 90 Baghora Po,P. 961 102 112 625 311 314 11, 139 104 16 176 46

91 Gona Hardaspura P. 1,688 137 147 868 477 391 liS 76 86 1 292 9 92 Goara P. 4,824 267 300 1,883 976 907 136 146 130 10 616 19 93 Peeparpura 402 25 31 176 102 74 44 31 15 56 94 Bahua P, 1,312 118 148 703 385 318 48 42 111 9 217 21 95 Naraianpura Po. 353 19 23 138 64 74 64 74 15 40

96 Tor Po,To. 152 Uninhabited 97 Renka Po,P. 655 59 80 387 189 198 57 64 65 8 122 11 98 Jetpura p. 673 68 78 394 208 186 60 59 52 127 16 99 Gungawali P. 746 45 60 330 164 166 45 43 64 III 104 10 100 Imalia 800 63 71 375 208 167 79 73 50 I 134 35 199


WORKERS NON- ~----_ ---______------WORKERS L.C. No. I II III IV v V1 VII VIII IX X ,-.. _..A.._, r---.A._, r----A.-~~ r----"---~ r---"--, r---J\-----., r--.A.----., r--..A..-1 r----"--~ r--.A.- "\ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29, 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

30 1 20 48 51 719 8 14. 87 7 783 1,254 52 97 3 6 90 171 53 61 4 1.5 44 102 54 103 1 2 10 29 81 . 182 55

100 9 1 59 126 56 157 3 8 2 4 2 3 106 245 57 ,68 2 3 22 57 130 58 296 16 5 8 3 2 32 6 223 444 59 158 6 1 , 1 18 3 114 268 60

49 6 4 41 93 61 83 86 167 10 '.- ) 25 -1 62 499 36 117 23 11 1 10 2 27 3' 441 892 63 84 1 6 3 3 2 7 3 61 117 64 273 10 30 4 2. 1 10 246 455 65

420 78 40 34 8 8 81 16 392 826 66 36 3 8 29 61 67 56 2 6 41 86 68 106 8 75 126 66 7 1 12 13 70

375 74 19 2 20 11 5 3 3 27 21 300 580 71 85 9 4 26 92 180 72 102 8 17 21 120 203 73 16 1 3 2 4 15 43 74 53 1 53 90 75

93 5 5 11 96 174 76 28 1 10 19 35 77 75 6 4 70 127 78 164 8 37 6 193 259 79 83 3 10 4 3 2 1 13 5 62 146 80

180 35 2 11 9 2 4 183 329 81 64 15 10 10 54 109 82 53 4 3 38 82 83 75 3 65 117 84 27 7 4 3 33 60 85

56 2 12 59 79 86 160 14 ... 19 120 256 87 91 2 2 5 73 125 88 46 5 4 1 1 7 38 72 89 132 30 4 4 14 3 4 4 17 7 135 268 90

267 19 6 6 3 185 382 91 603 12 13 7 360 888 92 56 46 74 93 184 6 16 2 17 13 168 297 94 40 24 74 95

Uninhabited ... 96 100 7 2 4 2 5 9 4 67 187 97 92 8 15 10 10 8 81 170 98 84 3 2 10 6 3 5 1 60 156 99 109 18 10 5 8 10 9 74 132 100 200


WORKERS Area Occu- ,--.A.----, L. C. Name of Facilities in pied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled Literate and Total No. Village available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated (I-IX) r-"'--.___A.._--.. ---. r-a ---"--1 ,----"------, ,----"------, r--...A..--~ P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

101 Mushtari Po. 681 68 80 463 247 216 120 99 44 6 ISS 24 102 Rampura Po,P. 645 59 61 380 211 169 18 21 76 18 108 3 103 Nimgaon P. 1,361 106 106 712 389 323 49 53 90 6 234 16 104 Gingarakhi P,MP(O). 1,029 112 123 659 367 292 49 38 143 11 222 7 105 Barhad Po,M,D. 4,067 437 481 2,646 1,437 1,209 142 113 429 73 840 23

106 Baharpura Po,To. 386 25 30 160 96 64 29 22 16 74 6 107 Mushtara Po,P. 655 60 80 441 233 208 79 68 53 5 134 45 108 SiloIi P. 994 96 99 649 335 314 162 112 85 9 211 15 109 Surawali P. 1,173 121 121 723 390 333 32 30 45 7 268 41 110 Manikpura P. 306 25 28 123 67 56 28 2 42 7

111 Pachera Po,P,D. 2,249 250 267 1,400 764 636 131 137 229 16 446 20 112 Piproli Po,P. 1,500 107 127 633 320 313 30 33 153 12 201 16 113 Gadhyara P. 2,434 167 170 1,098 584 514 94 104 85 4 364 20 114 Hirapura Po. 603 18 20 105 53 52 27 22 10 35 12 115 Birgawan M,MP(O). 3,849 340 363 2,042 1,136 906 159 127 365 69 678 94

116 Khidarpura P. 1,037 53 64 395 222 173 28 20 40 6 144 34 117 Bharoli Khurd Po. 4,679 323 333 2,107 1,146 961 97 98 349 44 710 19 ll8 Bharoli Kalan Po,M. 2,968 269 279 1,612 947 665 104 103 316 64 543 20 119 Musawali P. 1,900 66 66 409 234 175 15 12 45 143 9 120 Parrawan P. 1,441 95 108 598 328 270 26 23 114 15 175 13

121 Harsinghpura P. 537 23 35 191 110 81 35 37 34 59 20 122 Konhar Po,P,H. 2,297 191 214 1,262 671 591 161 192 .. , 189 26 366 28 123 Dagar P. 1,243 87 104 565 310 255 69 60 35 169 79 124 Baraso P. 2,488 202 202 1,173 654 519 85 88 106 409 59 125 Patlokhari P. 1,279 99 106 581 306 275 86 81 80 3 184 5

126 Dhanoli P. 1,397 130 134 710 326 384 104 112 157 52 122 15 127 Kuthonda P. 954 112 135 705 377 328 100 95 64 1 234 12 128 Sarsed Po,P. 1,519 75 79 426 245 181 8 5 90 12 157 16 129 Sunderpura Po. 627 23 24 155 90 65 42 37 20 1 38 4 130 Chhajupura Po. 897 80 89 451 254 197 36 27 57 7 156 53

131 Norasai 441 51 53 310 157 153 74 80 17 101 55 132 Rabiapurai P. 501 41 42 249 123 126 25 23 58 73 9 133 Sanduri S mar 752 27 32 177 96 81 28 23 14 5S 16 134 Silaupura 846 38 38 234 135 99 4 2 49 2 80 6 135 Devari (Lawan) 333 5 5 22 15 7 12 -..I 1 12 3

136 Devara P. 1,210 100 113 622 357 265 37 30 164 15 209 13 137 Gutor Po,P. 3,587 267 267 1,687 956 731 280 272 220 9 560 8 138 Simar PO,P. 1,884 199 201 1,013 545 468 44 57 214 13 321 20 139 Ranupura P. 1,970 106 119 692 392 300 69 60 98 3 226 19 140 leethaso 961 51 65 397 217 180 56 56 25 140 34

141 TeekariKhurd P. 1,050 52 57 398 220 178 95 83 41 141 22 142 Sururu P. 451 80 91 527 302 225 53 45 51 3 184 3 143 Shahpura P. 1,340 69 69 479 248 231 62' 58 31 2 167 32 144 Chutawali P. 602 47 47 256 144 112 3S 29 21 3 89 8 145 Rajpura 885 43 46 340 196 144 36 23 31 1 125 4

146 Ajnol P. 1,398 62 60 373 200 173 2 50 121 8 147 Gujarra Po. 599 58 61 284 155 129 36 27 28 1 95 9 148 Jarsena PO,P.M. 504 75 88 521 288 233 68 52 152 51 147 21 149 Sayana Po,M,D. 2.616 316 325 1,623 846 777 252 275 300 47 464 92 150 Tcekari Kalan 902 29 34 188 115 73 8 3 30 72 5 201


WORKERS NON- r-~----~------___,.,_~ _.. ------, WORKERS L_C No I II III IV V VI VII Vlll IX X ,--... _-A. ... __ -... ~~.A..-, r-.. -..A...._--" ,------A..----.., ,--..A--1 r-"--...A_~ r---"--~ ,--,_J-.--, r-.. --~-_... r---A...-~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

118 21 9 2 II 6 2 2 7 92 ,192 101 102 6 3 103 166 10l 225 6 9 10 155 307 103 195 7 10 1 16 145 285 104 626 5 129 6 27 3 11 44 11 597 1,186 10~

70 6 \ 2 22 58 106 115 26 3 2 7 6 5 10 4 99 163 107 199 15 12 124 299 108 2(>8 38 .' .. ", 3 122 292 109 36 6 2 4 I 25 49 110

375 13 34 4 3 7 8 5 14 I 318 616 111 167 9 12 2 3 17 7 119 297 112 349 20 6 5 4 220 494 113 35 12 18 40 114 555 35 18 11 32 32 30 43 16 458 812 115

137 34 7 78 139 11.0 624 4 3 29 15 10 44 436 942 117 468 8 8 12 7 2 7 46 5 404 645 118 135 I 8 1 7 91 166 119 158 7 4 13 6 153 257 120

59 20 ... 51 61 121 284 16 5 4 6 3 10 61 5 305 563 122 168 79 1 141 176 123 393 56 16 3 245 460 124 179 5 4 122 270 125

73 5 20 3 5 20 10 204 369 126 2Jl 9 16 7 3 143 316 127 152 13 5 3 88 165 128 38 3 1 52 61 129 152 52 4 98 144 130

99 55 56 98 131 72 5 4 50 117 132 50 16' 5 41 65 133 78 6 2 55 93 134 10 3 2 3 4 135

175 10 10 3 3 21 148 252 136 531 8 2 10 7 10 396 723 137 259 17 23 15 ' .. 6 18 3 224 448 138 218 10 1 6 2 5 3 166 281 139 136 30 2 1 4 77 146 140

139 22 I 79 156 141 169 ... 3 6 3 2 3 118 222 142 165 31 2 81 199 143 73 8 7 2 7 55 104 144 119 4 6 71 140 145

113 5 8 3 79 165 146 73 6 IS 7 3 ' .. 60 120 147 110 7 10 4 12 1 22 2 141 212 148 389 66 37 18 8 5 25 8 382 685 149 tiS 5 4 43 68 150 202


WORKERS Area Occu- ,-----"---, L. C. Name of Facilities in pied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled Literate and Total No. Village available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated (I-IX) r-~- __ ___.A._. __ -~ ,------A...---·- 1 r---..A..-, ,---..A.._, ,..--.A.---1 P M F M F M F M F M F

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

151 Goram p. 2,540 124 133 949 548. 401 93 78 69 6 340 16 152 Kethoda P. 872 46 49 245 142 103 20 20 32 1 86 2 153 Ikori Po. 669 47 47 238 145 93 3 3 17 97 7 154 Gata P. 1.235 110 112 700 381 319 61 59 70 8 220 78 155 Pamarpura 589 38 43 242 136 106 50 50 3 79 56 (Chamarpura) 156 Dhorka P. 1,363 47 53 383 199 184 83 85 38 119 13 157 Depura P. 800 57 57 319 186 133 3 2 29 104 36 158 Kupawali 944 24 26 160 89 71 26 12 19 3 50 13 159 Gudabali 803 68 78 440 244 196 150 140 65 133 32 160 Bujurg 495 33 44 282 154 128 71 54 25 88 26

161 Sadha Po,P. 100 117 655 348 307 92 85 81 3 207 10 162 Manikpura (Katral) J,~~~ 37 39 274 152 122 61 43 27 2 82 4 163 Katro! Po,P. 3,297 179 215 1,229 698 531 100 106 187 4 401 25 164 Senthari Simar 518 23 23 118 68 50 22 42 7 165 Chiro! P. 775 70 70 508 262 246 34 34 76 2 154 18

166 Kemokhari P. 630 77 84 458 249 209 37 35 80 152 3 167 Kerona P. 1,347 114 115 545 273 272 85 78 121 11 158 4 168 Anton P,M, 1,996 112 111 609 317 292 27 26 55 1 195 38 169 Kheroli Po,P. 1,775 136 166 807 444 363 140 116 71 284 34 170 Ajeeta 814 38 42 269 149 120 34 33 11 84 2

171 Dadrauwa P. 880 53 54 347 188 159 2 1 75 1 111 4 172 Padkoli P. 1,997 107 110 652 344 308 42 30 101 2 204 22 173 Kanathar Po,M,D 3,098 378 383 2,163 1,191 972 215 127 317 35 718 62 174 Gaheli Po. 5,146 390 451 2,733 1,466 1,267 348 347 284 27 882 158 175 Sadasipura 489 2 2 11 4 7 4

176 Lahra Po,P. 491 105 118 632 332 300 80 75 89 2 216 18 177 Takpura Po,P. 427 89 86 481 267 214 57 58 73 ·4 171 82 178 Barethi Raj 616 27 28 154 79 75 39 35 10 46 14 179 Kachhar P. 413 54 54 359 187 172 33 121 58 180 Sirsi P. 952 63 82 490 272 218 14 6 52 4 159 52 181 Kamanpura 394 19 20 U5 54 61 20 21 10 35 2 182 Adokhar Po,P,M, 564 108 124 627 347 280 29 21 113 4 208 13 H,C,Mew. 183 Bespura Po. 226 ...... Uninhabited . .. 184 Kheria Sindh P. 1,479 73 73 425 246 179 46 49 37 2 148 6 185 Pipraua 513 53 57 306 162 144 27 23 11 99 40

186 Arnayan Po,P,M,D. 4,572 589 650 3,262 1,713 1,549 225 163 5'53 103 1.019 254 187 Madanpura 386 44 45 246 144 102 14 7 18 85 2 188 Pura. 539 53 61 333 1H2 151 81 75 25 106 25 189 Baehhreta 783 45 50 229 134 95 34 35 18 83 10 190 Barethi Khurd 684 37 39 222 112 110 22 20 19 67 3

191 Parghena P. 1,473 132 148 RI8 429 389 81 73 89 5 241 '1.7 192 Gokulpura P. 573 53 57 258 128 130 14 18 58 2 74 27 193 Semara P. 479 67 73 408 211 197 71 77 18 2 128 50 194 Badcra (Amayan) 774 66 76 411 217 194 27 21 42 134 10 195 Piproli 722 6 6 25 14 11 4 JO

196 Danipura 251 2S 32 196 107 89 43 35 26 58 28 197 Bachhroli P. 647 46 47 240 120 120 20 15 13 71 25 198 Kamanpura 261 45 54 318 173 145 56 45 12 101 199 Chandrapura P. 279 17 19 100 S9 41 2 I 17 29 2 200 Sanduri 769 52 54 322 165 157 33 27 13 106 3

201 LaJpura 388 39 39 200 122 78 53 63 5 109 6 202 Singpura P. 606 68 72 435 221 214 78 74 44 2 131 203 Mehara P. 2,096 164 184 1,061 563 498 125 118 135 6 340 172 203


WORKERS NON- r- --~---""_.-.------.~--~-----.----..__------.--____.,.._---~----.-- - ... ------~-~---.------, WORKERS L.C. H III IV V VI VII VlII IX X No. _._A_~ r-.. ----"-~~ ,-----"---.... r---_A_--~ r-.-..A....--.~ r------"----... r-----"---, r-__A._--~ r-----A..-~ r----A...-~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

340 16 208 385 151 83 2 3 56 -101 152

97 7 '" 48 86 153 188 48 25 13 7 7 10 161 241 154 72 56 7 57 50 155

114 13 .,- 3 80 171 156 102 36 2 82 97 157 50 13 39 58 158 105 15 28 17 111 164 159 88 26 --' 66 102 160

203 10 4 141 297 161 68 JO 4 2 ... 2 70 118 162 378 25 7 5 10 297 506 163 32 2 8 5 2 26 43 164 149 3 7 5 8 108 228 165 115 3 15 2 19 97 206 166 133 4 25 115 268 167 184 24 6 4 2 5 8 122 254 168 275 22 ._. 9 12 160 329 169 80 2 4 65 118 170

92 9 9 4 77 155 171 158 5 45 17 1 140 286 172 580 40 75 29 8 34 14 473 910 173 777 119 23 8 13 1 2 59 37 584 1,109 174 4 7 175

197 14 7 12 4 116 282 176 152 82 19 96 132 177 46 14 33 61 178 120 58 1 66 114 179 125 41 16 8 12 6 3 113 166 180

32 I 2 1 19 59 181 171 13 8 8 21 139 267 182 Uninhabited 183 136 .-- 9 3 6 98 173 184 88 37 3 8 3 63 104 185

717 185 27 10 29 (i 52 19 6 48 5 135 33 694 1,295 186 74 1 5 1 5 1 59 100 187 100 25 5 76 126 188 83 5 5 51 85 189 67 3 45 107 190

198 28 24 6 9 3 188 362 191 72 26 2 54 103 192 127 50 I 83 147 193 128 6 10 83 184 194 10 4 J1 195 53 28 5 -.- 49 61 196 67 24 4 1 49 95 197 101 --- 12 145 198 29 2 30 39 199 106 3 59 154 200

54 3 51 3 4 13 72 201 131 90 214 202 319 168 21 4 223 326 203



4 Lahar Tahsil

Seria I Name of L. C. L.C. Serial Name of L.C L.c. No. Village No. No. No. Village No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

A B-Concld.

1 Achal Pura 61 73 40 Bhakoti 72 64 2 Adlis PUra 138 131 41 Bhat Pura 130 118 3 Adu Pura 235 241 (i) Mohan Para (ii) Udol Para 4 Aharoli Jagir 75 63 42 Bhaw Thara 218 .214 5 Ajnar 107 112 43 Bhikam Pura 131 129 6 Akhdewa 163 160 44 Bidra 192 200 7 Alam Pur 208 217 45 Bijora 166 157 8 Amaha 222 234 46 Bij Pur 226 210 9 Andhiari No. 37 32 47 Bij PUra 124 127 10 Andhiari No. 2 244 242 48 Bidkhari 52 53 49 Biswari 57 47 11 Arusi ISO 171 (I) Devjuka Pura Asnehat 94 93 12 50 Bisan Pura 212 207 (i) Ani iyon Ka Pura 13 Aswar 154 164 51 Bohara 64 71 B 52 Bona pura 31 43

14 Bada Gaon No. I 126 125 . C (i) Man Phoolakhod (ii) Khod Gadhu 53 Chachai 51 58 Bada Gaon No. 2 231 226 15 (i) Kurtala Badetar 84 78 16 54 Chachi Pura 77 75 17 Bado Khari 114 96 55 Chadhrowa 217 215 (i) Ganf!shji 56 Chaklen SO 68 18 Baghawali 143 148 57 Chandokh 81 90 19 Bagh pura U wari 141 143 (i) Gadrion Ka Pura 20 Bahaaur Pura Bhageli 1. 7 58 'Chandawali No.1 35 30 (i) Bichholi 59 Chandawali No. 2 128 139 60 Chhan 252 248 21 . Bahadur Pura 115 121 43 22 Bahori Pura 39 61 Chhidi 116 122 • 23 Baghedi 220 211 62 Chhirent 247 245 Bagia Pura 42 24 44 63 Chhivawali No I 122 115 25 Bamhan Pura 251 249 64 Chhivawali No.2 203 197 26 Banthari 66 59 65 Chirawali 200 189 (i) Balaji Ka Mandir 66 Chiroli 150 132 1.7 Banua Pura 55 50 67 Chiruli 162 163 28 Banvir Pura 133 140 (i) Lotam Pura 29 Barha 134 138 68 Chorai 155 161 30 Barhet 91 87 (i) Mandir Baijnathji D 69 Dabhni 204 206 31 Barei 165 176 70 Dabhra 199 190 32 Barowa 177 181 33 Barthara 229 224 71 Daboh 219 213 34 Basant Pura 26 34 72 Dabreha Khalsa 62 N.A. 35 Behta 191 180 73 Dabreha Jagir 63 72 36 Belma 228 223 74 Daduwa 246 243 37 Bes Pura 129 117 75 Dahema 4 1 (i) Mohall.Pura (ii) Shukal Pura 76· Damna Pura 28 38 (iii) Udol Pura 77 Dargawan 158 154 38 Bhapar 215 219 78 Dariya Pura 54 51 39 Bhaderi 193 201 79 Daulat Purasani 69 60 '206


4 Lahar Tahsil-Contd.

Serial Name of L. C. L. C. Serial Name of L. C. L.C. No. Village No. No. No. Village No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 :) 4

D.-Concld. J

80 Danlat Pura No. 86 106 114 Jagan Pura 104 88 81 Devara 164 158 ll5 Jagannath Pura 48 55 82 Devari Kalan 174 174 116 Jakholi 249 251 83 .Dhanora 205 208 (i) Rai PlIra 186 185 84 Dharm Pura 117 Jalal Pura 152 147 85 Dhohar 95 109 118 Jamuha 136 136 86 Dhon Pura 99 83 119 Jaswant Pura 20 21 87 Dhorkha 250 250 88 Dohai 12 11 (i) Modi Ka Bag (i) Dharalll Para (ii) Jete Ko PlIra 120 Jet Pura Aswar 147 152 (Iii) Mucha (iv) Ram rvagar 89 Dubka 60 74 121 Jet Pura Gudha 70 66 90 Duda 146 150 (i) Padohon Ka Pura 122 Jet Pura Madhi 50 57 91 Durga Pur 213 209 (i) Madhi G K 92 Gadhaiya 29 14 93 Gadroli 232 233 123 Kakora 117 95 94 Gandh 42 40 124 Kanksi 182 172 95 Ganesh Pura III 119 125 Kanu'! Pura 6 4 96 Gange Pura 202 203 (i) Khod Alval (ii) Khodchikani (i) lashwant Nagar (ii) Misar Pura 126 Kare Pura 119 124 97 Girwasa 142 144 127 Karela 160 156 (i) DilitltOr Ka Pura 128 Kariawali 170 167 98 Genthari 216 220 129 Kasal 233 232 99 Gora 230 225 130 Katha 79 85 100 Gorai 21 20 131 Kathgara 110 100 1'01 Gudha 71 65 132 Ketha 156 159 102 Gurira 85 107 133 Khajoori 178 179 103 Gyan Pura 237 238 134 Kharag Pura 173 168 187 H 135 KhiJIi 187 136 Khiriya 214 218 104 Halua Pura 148 135 137 Khitoli 68 67 105 Hal11ir Pura 49 54 138 Khuja 240 229 106 Har Pura 135 137 139 Khurd 93 94 107 Hil Gawan 3 10 (i) Madaiya Ka Chhaiki (i) Pura GOllrion Ka 140 Khurd 238 222 108 Hira Pura 100 R4

I 141 Khurduwa 47 56 142 Kilam Pura 149 133 109 Igui 153 146 143 Kisan Pura 245 247 (i) Dllalliram Ka Pura 144 Kondh 16 25 llO Ikmili 172 162 145 Kot 24 18 146 Kumhrol 185 184 111 Imlaha 53 52 147 Kunvar PUJa No. I 92 89 112 Indurkhi 33 28 (i) Julli Ka PI/ra (i) Wirona (ii) Allfroll Ka Pum 148 Kunvar Pura No.2 221 212 113 Hora 248 244 149 Kurthar 227 221 2U7


4 Lahar Tahsil--Contd.

Serial Name of L.c. L. C. Serial Name of L. C. L.C. No. Village No. No. No. Village No. No. 1961 1951 1961 19j1

2 3 4 2 3 4

I, N

150 Ladoli 223 35 183 N!\dna 27 IS 151 Lagduwa 132 142 (i) JasawaJi 152 Lal Pura 101 99 184 Nagan PUra 179 N.A. 153 Lapwaha 103 97 H,5 Nakhara 89 81 154 Larol 10 13 186 Nan Pura 123 116 (i) Para Ghurawar 187 Narol 184 186 155 Larsa 195 198 188 Nawal Pura 23 16 156 Lidhora 82 91 (i) Shankar Pura 157 Lilvari 127 141 189 Nibsai 13 24 158 Lohchara 46 45 (i) Hirde Ka Pura (ii) Kachh Pura (i) Lalu Pura (iii) Klzero (iV) Kusmaria (v) Madwari ChamaI' Ki (vi) Madwari Gadria Ka M 190 Nisar 161 166 159 Machhand 56 49 191 Nodha 38 33 (i) Itai (ii) Mahavir Ganj (i) Nodhani (iii) Raj Pura p 160 Machbaraha 65 70 192 Pachokhara 40 36 161 Madaiya 32 44 193 Padhora 9 9 162 Madori 106 III 194 Padri Khurd 234 240 (i) Keso Garh (ii) Nardha 195 Para 242 230 (iii) Pehalwan Singh Ka Pura 196 Parsala 8 8 163 Mahuwa 157 153 (i) Bahaiur Pura Ui) Tafu Ka Pura 164 Mahayar 5 2 197 Parechha 207 191 165 Mal Pura 88 82 198 Parrayich 96 108 166 Maloo Pura 41 37 199 Peepari 253 246 167 Man Garh 19 22 200 Pharduwa 181 173 (i) Gilman Pum 168 Mar Pura 236 239 201 Pipraich 17 26 -169 Maseran 159 155 202 Pirthi Pura 139 130 (i) Padavnaka (ii) Pura (i) Chanda (ij) Dighari Ka Pura 170 MatiawaIi Khurd 59 76 (iii) Premshah Ka Pura (il') Ramehand Ka Pura (v) Ved Ka Pura 171 MatiawaJi Bujurg 76 77 203 Pratap Pura 15 5 172 Mehara Bujurg 108 103 204 Pum Bhimnagar 14 23 173 Mehari 109 102 (i) Khod 174 Mehda 7 6 R (i) Bisan Ka Pura 175 Mehdawa 34 29 205 Rana PUra 83 92 176 Mehra Khurd 18 27 206 Rahawalj Behad 87 79 177 Mihoni 189 188 207 Rahawali Ubari 98 104 (i) Dhamokhar Ka Pum 208 Rai Pura 11 12 (ii) Makundi Dhimor Ka Pura ,i) Purabrm Garh (Iii) Nai Mihoni 209 Rajra Pura 209 216 (iv) Prablroodayal Pat war; Ka Pura 210 Ram PUra 190 182 178 Mihol1a 67 69 179 Moorat Pura 30 41 21l Rari 90 86 (i) Pura Lodhioll Ka (i) Shikar Pura 180 Morkhi 74 62 212 Raruwa No.1 22 19 (i) Beja/a (ii) Morkhi Clzhoti (i) Pura Ragltu Ka 181 Murawali 197 195 213 Raruwa No.2 194 199 182 Myan Pur 224 236 (i) Gandhi Nagar ~O8


4 Lahar Tahsil-Concld.

Serial Name of L. C. L.C. Serial Name of L.c. L.C No. Village No. No. No. Village No. No. 1961 1951 19'1 1951

2 3 -l 2 3 4

R-Concld. S--Condd. 214 Rasul Pura 151 145 234 Shah Pura 210 204 215 Ratan Pura 239 228 235 Shayam POra 112 N.A. 216 Rawat Pum Kalan 167 178 236 Sikri Daboh 171 165 217 Rawat Pura Khurd 183 194 237 Sikri 102 98 218 Rawat Pura Sani 97 105 238 Sijari PUra 113 120 219 Rayo 25 17 239 Sijroli 105 110 220 Riniya 243 231 221 Rohani 140 128 240 Singh PUra 78 80 (i) Kemra (ii) Matela 241 Singosa 225 237 (iii) Ratan Pura (iv) Sughar Pura 242 Sonsara 175 175 222 Rohani Singh Pura 120 113 243 Sujan Pura 144 149 (i) Singh Pura 244 Sujawal Pur 241 227 245 Sundar Pura 118 123 223 Ron 36 31 246 Surghan 73 61 224 Roni 206 192 225 Ronja 1 3 (0 Kanhi Ka Pura 226 Roor 211 205 T 227 Rurai 169 169 228 Ruri 125 126 247 Tej Pura 121 114 248 Thanu Pura 58 46 S 249 Tighra Khurd 168 170 229 SaJaiya 196 196 250 Timawali 201 202 230 Salam Pura 188 183 251 Tola 176 177 U 231 Semra 145 151 232 Shah Pura No. 137 134 252 Udan Pura 198 193 233 Shah Pura No 2 39 3S 253 Umrela 4S 48 209

~ ~~~S;~..., 0-, NOM ....t '"""'t IF) V'l ("f) t'-- ..... "1'QOIQ O!'-N M'" oO·r-:...... MON 00 """0,,," I() \0 0'1 ~ ~~~g;;;~ N"~'" M .... ~ ("I") M M ("f') ...... ; ,_ "'""'" "'"...,"lMO .... - ","0""" ...;~ MM I \CI r-O!'- 0,...0'1 !'-ON ~'('I") l- 0\ 0" ~ - t'-" t; -.::t ~~~ l()"," .... -.

I/) ..".,.0 _",l() - MO'" "'''' -..,.

o II.£; ~ 00 Il ::E N ,_ ,~ rl.£; N ;::10 I >i.s: ~ l()0\'" '_

o N 210


WORKERS Area Dccu" r-"---"--, L. C. Name of Facilities in pied House" Total Scheduled Scheduled Litera te and Total No. ViUage available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated (I"IX) r-~-_)"_-~----, '-. _J"'__~ r---_A.__--~ r--_.A.__-- -.... r--...A...~-1 P M F J\1 F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 i 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 Hi 17

Lahar Tabsil Rural 267,872 25,645 27,238 155,162 82,875 72.2K7 17,755 16,103 ... .,. 20,913 3,064 49,318 21,033 1 Ronja p. 861 132 152 883 469 414 162 165 26 4 283 9~ 2 Bahdurpura BhageJi 2,168 60 67 363 lX9 174 65 53 26 123 9 3 Hilgawan P. 931 49 49 311 162 149 27 88 -4:! 4 Dahema 563 Uninhabited 5 Mahayar P. 1,398 33 39 266 152 114 10 13 31 33 6

6 Khnuapura Po. 1.488 16 17 100 52 43 II 8 6 34 7 Mehda Po,P,M 4;382 334 352 2.090 1,146 944 183 174 292 39 667 115 8 ParsaJa P. 2.144 312 338 2.138 1,151 <,87 93 92 223 26 704 180 9 Padhora P. 1,10~ 183 204 UOO 618 482 148 110 85 8 361 123 10 Larol P. 2.090 144 164 945 493 452 50 48 112 18 297 66

11 Raipura P. 1,121 15.1 153 908 486 422 70 69 173 42 286 33 12 Dohai P. 1,296 132 132 806 406 400 115 19 96 14 229 117 13 Nibsai Po, P.M. 3. !57 281 291 1,656 929 727 235 212 203 27 567 133 14 Pura Bhimnagar PMP(A). 1,038 88 107 709 374 335 78 63 48 2 219 99 15 Pratappura Po. 859 15 15 136 78 S8 48

16 Kondh P. 513 65 72 404 229 175 48 33 41 2 129 30 17 Pipraich 228 5 5 17 9 8 2 ... 7 1 18 Mehra Khurd P. 1,423 92 III 582 305 277 69 65 42 6 1M 5 19 Mangarh P. 2.438 248 273 1,711 883 828 280 262 199 20 500 43 20 Jaswantpura 474 10 ]0 63 33 30 9 15 1

21 GOfai P,M. 1,132 314 332 1,874 994 880 258 230 302 44 531 165 22 Raruwa No.1 Po,P. 4,690 233 237 1,428 784 644 112 84 150 16 491 141 23 Nawalpura Po. 617 24 32 196 104 92- 36 43 12 54 25 24 Kot P. 965 68 72 464 272 232 3 4 68 11 13. l! 25 Rayo 1,348 43 58 38-) 205 184 52 55 32 1 131 13

26 Basanlpura Po,P,M. P,(AJ 1,635 188 198 1,139 585 554 121 117 131 20 335 51 27 Nadna P. 729 131 136 871 463 408 119 91 126 17 JJ4 '74 28 Damnapura P. 547 87 97 557 286 271 37 34 113 19 170 11 29 Gadhaiya 395 Uninhabited 30 Mooratpura P. 1,324 165 166 895 485 410 83 61 108 11 291 11

31 Bonapura Po,P,M. 1,114 156 159 962 539 423 153 119 168 31 322 24 32 Madaiya Po,P. 633 ~9 59 316 181 135 78 66 60 11 101 4 33 Indurkhi Po,P. 4,720 288 308 1 750 982 768 154 ]27 2S4 11 563 101 34 Mehdawa Po.PM,MP(O). 1,709 161 198 1,176 699 477 29 22 336 85 ~'1 ,T 35 Chandavali No. 1 Po,P. 873 114 119 632 333 299 42 34 66 1 JOO n

36 !ton Po,P,M,H,D,S. 2,551 548 557 3,154 1.763 1,391 223 192 630 IW 1,010 3114 37 Andhiari No.1 859 9 9 46 20 26 20 26 3 15 38 Nodha Po,P. 1.730 264 278 1,582 826 756 145 143 150 23 531 311• 39 ShahpuraNo.2 251 Uninhabited ... .. 40 Pachokhara 877 92 108 599 288 311 61 69 107 14 171 33

41 Maloopura P. 525 21 21 128 64 64 7 10 24 3 37 3 42 Gandh P. 297 46 51 354 184 170 10 11 51 7 112 23 43 Bahoripura 396 14 14 88 46 42 28 26 II lS ~ 44 Bagiapllra Po.P. 838 120 120 747 371 376 221 241 61 10 215 194 45 Umrela Po. 229 22 25 l39 72 67 72 67 14 3' 1

46 Lohchara P. 1I81 67 67 410 231 179 63 53 10 11 120 47 Khurduwa 776 Uninhabited .. .. 48 Jagannathpura P. 391 69 77 495 252 243 66 60 75 14 145 11 49 Hamirpura P. S18 48 411 269 145 124 20 20 66 9 73 32 50 Jetpura Madhi Po,P. 1,132 331 394 2043 1,066 977 13 '5 320 91 '71 141 <.211


WORKERS NON- .----- _..A.. ______-__ . ______, WORKERS ..- -'--'~'--'------_ -- -- ~ ..------,--_._ L.e. u III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No. r--..A...._-, ,,-- -_A..-~---... r- ~...A..'--1 r-.---'---, r---....A._-~ ,..---"---, r-'~-"----l r----'---, r- __.A._. -~ ,----• .A....-.-.... M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

41,600 17,78() 2,005 1,500 223 122 1,442 540 14 265 5 741 142 58 2,957 94~ 33,565 51,254 248 62 8 13 1 5 2 25 13 181 324 1 119 8 2 I ... 2 66 165 2 83 42 3 2 74 107 3 Uninhabited 4 76 6 6 69 108 5

34 ._. 18 48 6 546 85 23 7 34 7 3 23 2 37 14 479 829 7 691 180 11 ." 2 447 807. 8 318 57 19 42 3 13 22 3 5 2 257 359 9 253 63 11 10 12 2 9 2 196 386 10

243 30 11 3 2 20 2 8 200 389 11 207 115 4 .. 15 3 1 177 283 12 516 119 16 4 3 12 20 ]0 362 594 13 205 97 3 4 6 2 lSS 236 14 48 30 58 15

112 27 16 2 100 145 16 7 1 2 7 17 161 4 4 4 ] 1 14 121 272 18 406 31 20 3 19 4 10 6 39 5 383 785 19 14 1 1 18 29 20

478 64 57 M 23 4 9 2 20 11 406 715 21 487 141 7 I 3 ." 286 503 22 51 23 3 2 50· 67 23 132 16 1 5 4 96 210 24 128 83 2 74 101 25

291 , 32 50 3 8 2 250 496 26 222 70 10 3 2 1 229 334 27 145 69 4 1 2 3 3 3 13 8 116 190 28 ... .,. Uninhabited 29 249 30 24 43 4 6 3 11 2 194 329 30

280 13 23 5 1 3 17 . 3 217 399 31 92 1 12 3 1 3 73 131 32 439 79 35 20 27 :2 .28 34 5 419 661 33 31.J 51 19 6 5 1 24 338 420 34 170 1-4 9 ., 6 2 13 11 133 207 35

776 336 29 26 31 3 4 6 35 8 4 125 11 753 1007 36 15 6 .. 5 20 37 499 298 .:19 17 ] 5 2 3 288 438 38 Uninhabited 39 13'7 13 7 4 3 2 22 16 117 278 40

37 3 27 61 41 98 13 2 11 5 72 147 42 17 2 2 9 6 18 33 43 216 194 3 2 2 1 146 182 44 34 7 2 36 59 45

11' 2 111 179 46 ... Uninhabited 47 127 69 10 7 2 107 172 48 58 21 :3 12 5 72 92 49 52i 102 5~ II ~O 4 ... 13 2 57 19 395 829 50 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

WORKERS Area Occu· r-~ -----"--~--~ L.c. Name of Facilities in pied House. T,)t'd Schcdu kLl Schedu:e.l Literate and TOll I No. Villa~t: available acres Houses hold, Pc),)u: ;tillil Clstes friL)cs Educate,j (I-IX) r~ ------.'-- • _. (-_.- --.',-"--~-- r-----·-~-~I p M F 1\1 F' M F

2 3 5 7 I\) 11 i2 13 J4 15 1(, 17

51 Chachai Po.P. 568 43 51 312 ;6(, .. ...;\) :1 .:1 37 ]5 84 33 52 Didkhari Po,P,H,T. 2.266 259 2):)1 L:o:-6 ;,9) U)C, 19.) 161 350 43 425 163 53 Imlaha P. 757 115 116 667 362 3,)5 i 20 92 98 12 199 56 54 Dariyapura Po. 156 14 14 92 ",j 39 2-1 18 14 33 2 55 Banuapura Po. 277 2 2 <) 4 5 I 2 2 3

56 Machhand Po,P,M,H,D. 3,339 570 57! \i69 I",~'I 3"3 436 88 9')3 465 57 Biswari P, 3,127 168 168 1,011 5 17 4 7.:~ 221 H4 25 301 38 58 Thanupura ~31 4R 48 3 ill 171 147 8 68 9 94 2: 59 Matiawali Khurd 836 30 32 2! ! 124 ~7 II 78 17 60 Dubka 1,627 29 32 175 99 76 11 72 35

61 Achalpura PO,P. 2.057 330 1,2":; ;.'\/) :'-32 2',7 314 47 777 221

62 Dabreha Khalsa 2 'oO LJ ::n:ld1J;teJ 63 Dabreha Jagir Po,P. 62>; 125 156 4)3 ~:-+ (,S 53 ·77 8 292 250 64 Bohara P. 1.326 26{) 316 1,7<:; $6~ 337 180 133 212 39 542 317 65 Machharaha P. 5'14 86 90 P) 25 22: 'l2 55 99 15 147 17

66 Banthart p. 1,273 233 25<+ 1.:)5',; 60', 6(,(, ')7 76 259 102 406 147 67 Mihona Po,P,M, 2,53f 649 678 4,O-iS 2,L)2 1.~3? 352 294 847 234 1,222 334 H,D,MP(O),S. 68 Khitoli po,p, 914 82 89 46li 241 227 1'5 57 81 6 120 12 69 Dau1atpura Sani Po,P. 305 61 67 .341 170 171 84 80 34 2 103 11 70 Jetpura Gudha p. 1,479 135 [39 86 i 'L14 410 103 92 90 7 266 67

71 Gudha P,S. 1,162 98 104 54~ 2·,) 26(1 22 J3 54 7 167 52 72 Bhakoti 1,060 53 33i 1'13 ISS 114 114 15 106 S5 73 Surghan Po,p. L09! 121 129 765 396 369 38 37 65 3 258 127 74 Morkhi Po,P. 1,286 144 156 951 482 46Q 261 289 _25 294 120 75 Aharoli JUiir p. 672 50 54 350 185 165 34 37 31 15 108 74

76 Matiawali Bnjur, p. 1,953 110 125 ji)) ·:1")3 385 71 ~s 38 234 88 1 77 Chachipura .oO R!3 75 85 4 9 218 221 126 124 26 153 9, 78 Singhpura P. 6!2 27 36 228 122 106 34 2 74 16 79 Katha M,MP(O). 2,999 455 543 2,6';0 J ,~40 1.250 30+ 262 443 58 875 445

80 Chaklen 87 Uni:Jl-:abited >

81 Chandokh P. 1,391 110 223 1 ,267 670 592 ISO 130 14R 9 383 140 82 Lidhora 1,643 55 60 365 183 182 66 73 6 127 102 83 Ranapura 196 Uninhabited 84 Badetar P. 1,162 67 69 397 194 203 5 9 22 126 31 35 Gurira 770 30 32 17J \06 65 44 11 14 73 11

86 Daulatpura No. 339 ...... Uninhabited ... 87 Rahawali Bohad P. 2,756 135 158 S89 470 419 ~5 g4 101 4 323 119 88 Malpura Po,P. 633 81 103 538 27~ 260 45 48 52 4 187 41l 89 Nakharf! 457 37 50 261 128 133 92 99 18 83 64 90 Rari 1,801 254 292 1,622 837 785 129 lIS 250 61 450 ISO

91 Barhet p. 1,0R9 136 150 965 47~ ,\90 120 112 151 50 229 98 92 Kunvarpura No.1 P. 1,032 83 92 520 267 253 32 25 49 12 155 78 93 Khurd P. 1.189 100 !04 629 327 302 41 41 99 7 197 99 94 Asnehat P. 2.081 193 202 1,123 622 561 107 194 131 17 366 202 95 Dhohar P. 1,331 55 64 371 218 153 16 14 24 J 152 37

96 Parrayich P. 1,155 62 74 41'i4 274 190 42 29 42 2 160 69 97 Rawatpura Sani P. %4 75 77 4'\4 233 221 62 69 S5 2 158 80 98 Rahawali Ubari PO,P,M, 2,198 495 509 2,251 1,2[4 1,037 285 265 268 58 732 253 D,MP (A). 99 Dhonpura P. 792 53 57 366 204 162 71 62 51 ~ 117 41 100 Hirapura P,D. 658 74 84 ~83 300 285 46 37 8<4 49 1~3 30 213


WORKERS NON- ---- _-_ -'"-_-_-- ~------_____ ~_. __.A. ______.~_. ___- __ - ______WORKERS L.C. II III IV V VI VII VIlI IX X No. r-_ ...A __~ r- _..A. __ , r-" __ ..A..-- r---A...-~ ,~_A~--_~ ,-"---"----... r-.~..A..-~ r-_,A_---... ,---"----, r---"---', M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

80 33 3 ... 82 113 51 336 141 18 7 9 2 4 6 52 12 465 -503 52 153 39 1 [I 3 2 32 14 163 249 53 29 2 3 1 20 37 54 2 3 2 2 55

767 404 21 9 2 2 67 26 3 35 I 7 .90 16 678 1,033 56 275 29 11 I 1 1 2 ... 12 7 236 436 57 85 17 2 2 3 2 4 77 126 58 77 17 1 46 70 59 65 35 7 27 41 60

674 liD 20 24 32 16 10 11 29 11 448 848 61 Uninhabited 62 250 216 2'~ 23 2 3 11 8 201 144 63 414 310 5 22 17 2 2 5 17 1 82 21 324 480 64 124 16 5 1 5 1 ... 11 111 204 65

320 101 3 13 3 2 1 1 67 42 '290 513 66 623 154 n 27 36 39 136 45 30 89 1 11 224 68 940 1,549 67 120 9 3 121 215 68 84 5 3 19 3 f>7 160 69 252 67 14 188 343 70

153 48 2 4 3 I 11~ .l08 71 104 -55 2 67 103 72 248 17.4 2 1 4 1 138 242 73 156 1.03 6 3 19 14 3 3 2 10 1&8 249 74 ~9 57 14 17 5 77 91 75

272 80 1 2 ... 10 6 124 297 76 139 85 9 7 5 2 3 65 124 77 73 16 .. 1 48 90 78 650 324 6 14 59 25 14 11 19 2 126 53 56S 805 79 Uninhabited 80

352 116 7 8 10 2 22 287 452 31 125 102 2 • 56 80 82 Uninhabited 83 117 15 5 ... 4 2 68 165 84 tH 11 1 ! • ~3 47 i5 Uninhabited 86 302 111 1 4 2 1 11 3 147 300 87 16! 29 11 2 4 1 11 16 91 III 88 67 54 1 6 4 10 5 45 69 89 362 114 17 S 21 13 8 1 2 33 13 38i 615 90

188 78 21 7 (i 2 1 11 10 246 392 91 148 73 4 " 1 6 112 175 92 182 91 7 4 1 4 ... 5 130 203 95 355 202 2 . 9 256 359 94 147 3' ~ 66 116 95

14l 65 6 2 & 3 114 121 96 131 69 15 11 ... 6 15 141 97 613 144 50 91 4 14 7 7 51 4 482 184 98 104 44 1 I 12 3 17 114 99

1Zl 11 13 3 3 3 11 ~ 141 l~5 100 ~ II


WORKERS Area Occu- r--.-_A._ .. -~ L. C. Name of Facilities 10 pieJ House- Total Scheduled Sch~duJ~d Literate and Total No. Village availabJe acres Houses holds PopulatIOn Castes Tribes Educated O-JX) ~ _. ,_. __A __ ,-. ___ .A_ ____ ~ _/'-- . ---, .. , r- -..A...--1 r---_A._~.-~ P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ') 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

101 La,pura P. 596 1!4 133 1,3:17 701 636 218 203 149 28 445 189 102 SllIkri P. 654 I J 7 124 757 406 351 56 39 86 7 244 105 103 Lapwaha P. 1.147 )76 191 1.132 583 549 125 117 188 17 344 38 104 Jaganpura M. 1,040 151 167 ') ,6 480 4S6 116 15~ 135 61 267 123 105 Sijroli 699 27 30 100 57 43 2 1 7 40 7

106 Madori Po.P, 3,006 138 147 nl 494 427 64 62 97 18 302 114 107 Ajnar Po,To. 2,590 261 263 1,455 no 675 101 106 178 33 476 77 MP(A). 108 Mehara Buj urg P. 1,658 174 183 1, III 595 516 95 74 146 16 341 101 109 Mehari P. 888 82 98 522 272 250 208 178 47 1 164 117 110 Katghara 263 17 20 i02 54 48 17 13 12 4 33 15

II] Lahar 4,584 24 28 172 10J 71 3 21 2 60 26 112 Shyampura Po,To,P. 586 75 92 590 316 274 107 9) 125 14 167 61 113 Sijaripura PO,To. 422 11 13 66 33 33 4 4 18 10 16 6 114 Badokhari Po,P,M. 1,147 187 194 1,0<)1 560 5:<1 ]06 91 194 44 325 105 115 Bahadurpura 156 UninhahLed

116 Chhidi P. 417 45 46 202 134 128 37 37 46 15 87 33 117 Kakora P. 1,099 48 49 269 157 112 41 29 13 92 51 118 Sunderpu ra Po,P. 301 129 141 8~3 430 413 67 55 139 45 228 39 119 Karepllra 460 13 13 95 50 45 ... .. 7 26 19 120 Rohani Singhpura P. 1,103 70 70 50l 262 239 57 55 61 16 138 41

121 Tejpura P. 492 75 76 477 2'i3 224 60 70 72 4 143 24 122 Chhivawali No. 1 345 41 42 235 129 106 69 SO 19 1 80 36 123 Nanpura Po,To,P. 419 38 39 236 124 III 12 II 36 4 80 6 124 Bijpura Po,To,P. 761 79 81 503 273 230 67 57 74 24 164 6 125 Ruri Po,M,Mp (0). 402 .fl 42 231 130 101 72 51 33 74 38

126 Badagaon No.1 1,626 23 23 176 100 76 10 55 12 127 Lilwari P. R50 93 Il2 687 369 318 29 22 45 I 231 121 128 Chandawali No.2 P. 815 83 83 475 255 21 0 58 55 44 1 148 81 129 Bespura Po,To. 479 56 60 387 217 170 38 25 40 6 122 64 130 Bhatpura Po,To,P. 1,446 164 174 1,037 556 481 212 173 161 10 322 163

131 Bhikampura Po,To,P. 790 64 64 412 232 180 84 72 54 12 128 63 132 Lagduwa 301 17 20 157 91 66 4 2 60 23 133 Banvirpura 148 ... Uninhabited . .. 134 Barha Po,M. 2,432 264 265 1.555 840 715 58 45 268 21 546 375 135 Harpura PO,P. 407 75 75 415 220 195 30 25 51 129 76

136 Jamuha P. 1,<)23 316 319 1,788 934 SS4 300 283 194 28 561 289 137 Shahpura No.1 501 12 19 119 58 61 35 35 33 138 Adlispura 145 Uninhabited ... 139 Pirthipura Po,P. ]'475 76 78 495 269 226 58 47 35 162 104 140 Rohani P. 2,935 152 154 914 491 423 52 44 93 12 297 162

141 Baghpura Uwari 749 Uninhabited ... 142 Girwasa P. 2,091 • 209 211 1,248 683 565 107 97 127 3 427 204 143 Baghawali P. 485 33 37 232 130 102 'V,0 47 13 2 79 50 144 Sujanpura 565 14 14 93 48 45 2 29 26 145 Semra Po. 373 13 13 83 39 44 7 22 14

146 Duda PO,P. 623 75 75 447 246 201 29 31 15 3 157 119 147 Jetpura Aswar PO,P. 1.002 180 182 1,030 572 458 128 103 109 5 336 193 118 Haluapura p. 781 58 58 330 161 169 30 27 27 4 103 84 149 Kilampura 274 Uninhabited I~O Chiroli P. 364 72 81 433 231 202 67 62 36 129 71 215



~ ___~~ _____ • ______• ______~ ____ _....A.______-- '-.- ._-_...... _-- .. _---, WORKERS No. n 1II IV V VI VII VIII IX X r--_)I.._--, r--...A..~----, ,---....A...---l ,-_...A.._~ ,-. _....A...._----, ,-___A._t~----, ,-_ __A.._~ ,.---"-----.. r---_.A._ .. -~ r---...A..--, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 • 21 . 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

383 145 42 33 :1 ... 17 11 256 ~47 101 197 86 30 11 2 3 11 8 162 246 102 273 20 5 1 26 12 ... 3 1 36 4 239 511 103 217 87 16 24 9 2 1 6 2 18 8 213 363 104 40 7 17 36 105

272 111 7 18 1 1 4 2 192 313 106 400 49 14 4 2 9 4 3 2 46 20 304 598 107 286 85 5 1 18 5 3 29 10 254 415 108 112 84 45 33 6 ... 1 108 133 109 25 14 2 J ] 5 21 33 ]]0

31 14 16 9 ... 7 2 4 2 1 41 45 III 119 45 15 11 4 .. 25 5 149 213 112 9 3 5 2 2 I 17 27 113 255 75 14 11 17 4 2 5 31 14 235 426 114 Uninhabited 115

69 29 13 4 4 47 95 116 92 51 65 61 117 no 35 3 5 4 202 374 118 23 19 3 24 26 119 123 38 7 2 8 124 198 120

133 21 10 3 ]]e 200 121 60 31 3 2 3 3 6 3 49 70 122 69 5 11 1 44 106 123 142 6 21 1 109 224 124 70 38 4 56 63 125

55 12 45 64 126 204 110 22 10 3 1 138 197 127 128 60 2 11 3 15 10 107 139 128 98 60 6 4 14 4 95 106 129 276 116 44 44 2 3 234 318 130

113 63 15 104 117 131 60 23 31 43 132 ... Uninhabited 133 499 337 27 32 12 2 3 5 4 294 340 134 110 68 2 14 5 3 3 91 119 135

509 272 15 5 17 7 19 5 373 565 136 33 25 61 137 Uninhabited 138 162 104 107 122 139 251 156 26 2 3 16 4 194 261 140

...... Uninhabited 141 406 204 8 13 256 361 142 78 50 1 51 52 143 29 26 .t 19 19 144 22 14 17 30 145

151 119 1 1 4 89 82 146 293 123 9 6 9 2 3 22 2 236 265 147 103 84 58 85 148 ... Uninhabited 149 lUi 71 13 102 131 150 216


WORKERS Area Occu- r--_A._-~ 0c. Name of Facilities in pied House- Iota! Scheduied Scheduled Literate a'1d Total No. ViHagt available acres Houses holds Pclpulation Cast~s Tribes Educated (I-IX)

,... --~ ----._-A.... "_" " r--.-_A_.. --~ r--..A...- "I r-----"--~--~ r-,"______A_---~ P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 'IS 16 17

151 Rasulpura 150 68 68 352 204 148 50 31 14 140 2 152 Jalalpura p. 694 81 81 540 307 233 28 21 50 180 42 153 19ui 957 60 60 315 170 145 24 22 35 110 21 154 Aswar Po,P,M,D. 2,834 544 544 2,997 1.599 1,398 265 255 502 90 984 351 155 Chorai P. 1,180 101 [01 538 318 220 66 41 110 3 202 66

156 Ketha P. 1,030 74 80 453 257 196 4' 30 58 4 161 61 157 Mahuwa P. 1,009 98 101 650 347 303 37 3S 139 41 202 III 158 Dargawan 489 UI,inhabited .. , 159 Maseran P. 1,4[5 138 139 9+5 497 448 117 110 78 285 188 160 Kareela 505 38 40 246 [36 110 7 03 51

16[ Nisar P. 5118 6[ 65 414 2!9 195 42 37 50 136 87 162 Chiruli P,MP (0). 1,384 124 132 727 407 320 96 72 .. " 85 5 247 112 163 Akhdeva P. 938 145 155 842 47[ 371 103 93 124 5 297 145 164 Devara P. 3S[ 28 28 193 95 98 21 1 61 26 165 Barei P. 1,[34 76 HO' 439 213 196 28 27 56 4 156 89

166 Bijora P. 1,[09 104 105 611 346 265 88 80 102 5 209 32 167 Rawatpura Kalan 748 U:linhab:ted 168 Tighra Khurd 180 12 12 43 28 15 4 5 5 17 5 169 Rurai Po,P,Mew. 2,0:'1 232 232 1,202 647 555 1M 145 172 11 390 21 t 170 Kariawali P. 694 72 77 400 229 171 48 37 25 2 165 106

171 Sikari Daboh 239 26 29 204 112 92 8 12 20 72 41 172 Ikmili 716 53 55 342 181 161 12 16 34 2 109 63 173 Karagpura 84 Uninhabited 174 Deori Kalan Po,M. 3,653 254 263 1,36) 753 612 130 125 188 32 472 221 175 Sonsara P. 1,306 109 110 645 360 285 66 SO 90 3 222 121

176 Tola Po,P. 1,273 227 231 1.244 679 565 95 85 250 6 409 168 177 Barowa P,MP(O). 942 186 192 939 50[ 438 94 87 195 13 280 200 178 Khajuri PMP (0). 589 81 83 483 264 219 83 85 74 5 ]60 43 179 Naganpura 170 Uninhabited ... 180 Arusi P. 1,929 191 192 1,055 568 487 132 126 157 335 108

181 Pharduwa p. 797 97 109 633 341 292 106 106 45 3 202 115 182 Kanksi 521 I 1 2 2 2 183 Rawatpura Kburd Po. 510 44 45 298 165 133 33 21 38 1 92 79 184 Narol P. 992 114 128 748 400 348 122 112 91 3 269 151 185 Kumhrol 581 39 40 212 115 97 22 67 35

186 Dharmpura P. 470 65 72 400 229 171 32 21 67 145 63 187 Khilli 961 27 34 168 89 79 38 34 19 52 33 188 Salampura 791 28 28 153 91 62 7 7 25 1 53 22 189 Mihoni P. 1,223 97 97 527 287 2'0 62 ~o 53 8 182 137 190 Rampura P. 954 88 89 560 306 254 36 29 65 172 157

191 Behta P. ],088 34 35 197 107 90 2 1 27 3 57 15 192 Bidra 400 57 57 302 154 148 44 51 45 2 85 . 47 193 Bhaderi 408 34 218 112 106 29 23 II 72 39 194 Larsa 733 ~~ 50 298 162 136 56 37 25 96 39 195 Rarua No.2 663 9' 9 50 32 18 28 16 18 7

196 Salaiya 666 47 47 285 153 132 41 36 34 87 56 197 Mur~wali Po,PMP(O), 1,494 203 207 1,055 546 509 117 119 138 6 342 273 Mew.

198 Udanpura 220 '" ... Uninhabited 199 Dabhra P. 645 59 59 360 192 168 7 6 15 121 108 200 Chirawali 748 33 33 167 93 74 3 5 17 55 22 217



o r-. ------.------_------"------, WORKERS L.C. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No. ,-o_o.A. __-, ,---•...A...-"-l r--_-.A.-----, r--~-.A.-, r--___.A,._---l ,---...A..--l ,-----A...._, ,------"---1 r--...A-.--, ,-_--A..._~ ]Vi F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

!35 2 2 2 64 146 151 169 36 9 5 2 127 191 152 100 9 8 11 .. , 2 60 124 153 725 223 85 107 17 42 9 12 ... 35 66 11 615 1,047 154 174 55 20 11 6 2 116 154 155

133 <.' ! 9 9 2 2 7 96 135 156 148 19 5 8 12 27 16 145 192 157

" Uninhabited 158 276 1'~):J 2 2 3 2 212 260 159 80 3 53 59 160

,,'" 136 ':;"1 83 108 161 215 1(;S 2 8 10 3 2 2 8 160 208 162 286 131' 6 9 :; 174 226 163 60 20 3 3 1 34 72 1M 131 83 10 3 11 4 3 87 107 165

190 22 4 5 6 1 12 137 233 166 Uninhabited 167 17 5 11 10 168 318 166 54 40 3 3 5 2 10 257 344 169 156 96 5 8 1 2 2 1 64 65 170

72 41 40 51 171 103 63 3 3 72 98 172 Uninhabited 173 325 171 41 46 13 23 1 6 2 61 4 281 391 174 209 115 10 6 3 138 164 175

338 117 21 16 8 3 8 4 34 28 270 397 176 227 ]55 26 18 17 6 3 1 1 5 20 221 238 177 136 38 15 4 3 1 6 104 176 178 Uninhabited 179 302 99 21 9 5 7 233 379 180 " 20Z 115 139 177 181 2 ... 182 91 79 o' 1 73 54 183 231 135 9 3 9 4 1 19 9 131 197 184 66 35 1 48 62 185

140 61 1 2 4 84 108 186 52 33 37 46 187 50 22 2 1 38 40 188 lot 123 15 7 1 2 1 5 4 105 103 189 154 143 4 6 3 4 4 1 1 4 5 134 97 190

57 15 50 75 191 76 43 7 2 2 2 69 101 192 72 37 ••• II#- 2 40 67 193 83 35 10 3 2 1 66 97 194 IS 7 14 11 195

73 50 8 6 5 1 66 76 196 318 257 14 16 4 6 204 236 197 Uninhabited 198 117 104 1 3 2 1 71 60, 199 48 20 1 2 5 1 38 52 200 218


WORKERS Area Occcu- r-.-.~ .. A---, L. C. Name of Facilities in pied House- Total Scheduled Sch~dnled Literate and Total No. Village available acres Houses holds Popuhition Castes Tliibcs EJucat.cJ (I-IX) r----_)'------~ r-'-.A..._, ,-___:,_,',_----""J r--..A_---., r--j -..._---·l P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

201 Timawali 269 24 24 105 48 57 22 21 10 31 20 202 Ga!1C;epura P. 2,843 200 200 l,08l 574 507 157 144 r4 1 336 1(,9 203 Chhiv.1wali No.2 P. 1,177 'is 106 626 332 294 13~ 98 76 ~5 ]90 141' 204 Dabhni 525 37 39 230 120 110 . 36 41 4 67 28 205 DlJanora 335 12 12 91 55 36 10 34 16

20S Roni p. 331 62 62 343 177 166 48 48 34 1 110 90 207 f\',rcchha P,MP(O\. 1,849 91 95 559 2'9 270 3~ 38 34 4 179 136 208 Alampur Po,To,P;M, 2,169 . 650 655 3,43~ U:43 1,591 30t 267 760 183 1,(i2G 471 II,D.Hos,MP(O). 209 Rajrapura Po,To. 902 62 62 359 IS8 171 34 119 93 210 Shabpura 575 49 49 275 148 127 21 22 32 88 54

211 Roor 920 41 42 261· 129 132 112 123 81 84 212 Bisanpur P. 644 77 77 510 270 240 38 32 31 4 155 33 213 DUl$~pUr 442 50 50 294 1'8 136 158 136' 11 9') ~'6 214 Khidya Po,To. 383 31 31 153 . 84 69 22 18 32 5 42 34 215 Dhapar PO,To,P. 451 46 46 235 125 110 63 60 31 2 74 ::8

216 G,:;nthari P. 1,607 123 123 617 315 302 120 120 100 4 196 170 217 O·I"c1hrowa Po. 5[4 34 34 233 133 lOJ 17 16 2~ 1 74 53 213 IL:i\,·C·,a:a 656 lJllinh:,Li:eJ .. , .. 2J':I .J al:;oh Po,P,M,H,D,MP(A). 3,138 715 726 3,812 2,':.7 1,795 487 46<:1 713 140 1.1~6 460 220 D~ghedi ... 628 51 51 296 j',9 147 32 34 24 7 >5 39

221 KlL;warpura No.2 PO,P. 1.018 72 72 375 2()O 175 75 84 57 116 77 2~,'2 /,.rl1c:ha P. 981 205 237 1.2')4 (,60 604 66 51 n9 8 412 254 T_J LF.daii 374 . Uninh:ibited ... 224 MY:l'Jpura 261 Uninhabited ... 225 Si,lgosa 735 45 46 28t 153 128 29 87 63

226 p.:jpnr P. 4,001 196 197 1,124 5')4 530 126 116 124 9 349 238 ')27 I~'.uhar p. 1,127 111 1\2 59') 307 2n 56 (4 83 1 177 12A 22~1 l)c:111a P. 1,!49 71 71 352 182 170 46 49 50 5 112 '-;17 22) Barihara Po,P. 1,685 167 167 912 490 422 SO 56 137 11 2')1 237 230 Gora 897 58 58 289 153 136 54 45 31 2 90 49

231 T'a :1agaon No. 2 P. 1,075 92 92 485 244 241 96 95 66 156 77 2~,2 ".lc;roli 323 Uninha:'ited ... 2~3 V,,::ts:J 976 84 84 430 225 205 4B 32 43 139 113 234 Pd.::ri Khurd 339 20 21 108 58 50 23 23 6 36 20 235 Adupura 109 Uninhabited ...

236 I'vbrpura P. 505 63 63 325 179 146 20 24 ~3 2 120 83 237 Cy:mf)ura 1.131 50 53 299 '157 142 29 27 30 4 101 74 238 L:.,L;.J P. 549 61 62 342 \185 157 42 49 51 2 115 81 2.'·9 R"i::,1pura 710 30 38 236 12) 107 85 74 25 76 61 240 Khuja P. 767 141 141 725 379 346 71 62 105 4 239 179

241 Sujawalpura 450 19 20 88 47 41 7 9 4 31 24 242 Lua P. 458 31 33 17l 93 78 19 15 23 56 27 243 Riniya 557 28 33 204 102 102, 66 66 20 60 46 244 Andhiyari No, 2 943 131 131 699 359 340: 72 70 116 8 212 150 245 Kishanpura 89 ._ Uninhabited .. , 246 Da:1uwa 613 68 68 350 182 168 42 46 27 2 114 65 217 Chhirnent 47.2 11 Jl 56 28 28 28 28 20 16 248 ltora 485 Uninhabited ... 249 Jakholi Po,P. 3,051 274 277 1,391 7i3 678 369 ,352 175 12 430 345 250 Dhorkha 889 40 40 205 106 99 1 25 3 63 17 251 Bamanpura 568 42 48 240 134 106 65 55 29 4 77 25 252 Cll:un P. 629 40 43 281 159 122 33 31 31 2 86 30 253 P.e<:pari 908 45 45 280 158 122 29 20 28 2 91 44 219


WORKERS \ NON- ,..------,----___.- __ -._.______-_.--A. __ __:._. ______--_._._. ______-_, WORKERS , I L. C. I II III IV V \. VI VII VIII IX X No ,..--.__,.A -, ,-_A__ , ,-._.A._, ,..--.A.-, r--.A.----., ,-+----A-_, r--!---, r--.A.--, ,-_.A._, r---"--, M! F M F M ,F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 .21 22 23' 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

\ 28 20 2 .J. 1 .. 17 37 201 319 157 6 5 8 5 2 2 238 338 202 182 139 6 2 2 142 153 203 67 28 53 82 204 33 16 \. 21 20 205 \ 106' 88 1 7 3 67 76 206 165 125 6 5 2 2 6 4 110 134 207 528 304 35 48' 24' 11 85 35 ... \ 33 98 21 6 2t7 52 817 1,120 208

112 95 3 3 1 ... ••• 1 4 69 73 209 78 46 6 2 ,.... 1 4 3 60 73 210

81 84 i'" 48 48 211 152 25 2 I••• 8 1 115 207 212 92 84 1 '2 4 2 59 50 213 31 23 5 6 1 2 4 4 42 35 214 55 45 7 7 4 2 2 4 2 3 51 52 215

137 . 128 11 20 .s 4 6 4 2 33 15 119 132 216 71 52 2 1 1 59 47 217 U ninh.1bited .. , 218 608 290 61 39 15 13 121 48 27 5 114' 27 10 190 38 871 1.335 219 91 38 1 1 1 2 54 108· 220

92 71 5 1 2 1 2 8 8 3 84 98 221 371 241 1 7 6 1 3 29 6 248 350 222 Uninh10ited .. , :7-23 Uninhabited ... 224 85 68 2 66 60 225

339 233 2 5 2 3 3 245 292 226 124 83 15 14 3 11 4 3 6 3 18 17 ]30 168 227 91 82 3 3 4 2 2 1 1 10 10 70 73 228 259 212 10 9 1 4 3 2 4 1 12 10 199 185 229 85 48 3 1 2 63 87 230

128 71 18 4 2 2 6 88 164 231 ... Uninhabited .. , ." 232 119 103 3 5 10 6 2 86 92 233 35 20 22 30 234 Uninhabited ... 235

102 77 4 2 10 3 3 59 63 236· 98 74 1 2 56 68 237 94 56 4 5 4 11 2 5 4 1 6 3 70 76 238 63 57 3 1 3 2 1 4 3 53 46 239 179 142 17 24 2 11 4 3 8 19 9 140 167 240

27 24 1 2 16 17 241 46 . 24 3 1 2 5 37 51 242 58 46 1 1 "42 56 243 155 102 3 3 4 5 28 18 2 20 147 190 244 Uninhabited ... 245

107 60 2 5 2 3 68 103 246 20 16 8 12 247 Uninhabited .. , 248 395 331 9 6 1 9 3 5 6 1 6 3 283 333 249 58 17 1 2 1 1 43 82 250

71 25 3 1 1 57 81 251 70 24 3 2 2 10 4 73 92 252 82 39 5 2 4 2 1 67 78 253




Ap~ndix I-Industrial Establishments 223-229

App~t1dix II-Towns alld Vill

IU-Towns and Villages having railway stations within five miles 231

Appendix IV - Towns and Villages having bus-slOps 232

Appendix V-Towns and Villages having public libraries 232-233

Appendix VI-Towns and Villages having public reading rooms 233

Appendix VII-Towns and Villages having pucca wells for the supply of drinking water together with their number 234-237

Appendix VIII-Towns aDd Villages having public latrines ... 237

Appendix IX-Towns and Villages having drains 238

Appendix X-Towns lind Villages in which weekly or fortnigi tly markets are held together with the days on which held 238-239

Appendix Xl-Towns and Villages having co-operative societies together with the description of the society 239-241



Note :-This appendix has been prepared from information abstracted from the houselists. It is arranged first districtwise; that is, under the name of th~ district have been arranged the industries in ascending order of minor groups; showing the total number of establishments within brackets next to each minor group. The information has been shown by total, rural and urban separately. The figures for the tahsil follow the figures for the district as a whole. The total, rural and urban figures for each tahsil for each minor group of industry showing the ·number of establishments in each in brackets have been persented first. Then follows the list of the villages in the order of their location code numbers with the location code number appearing first, followed by the name of the village. Against each village is shown the minor group or minor groups of industry found in the village with the number of establishments in that minor group shown within brackets against each minor group. For towns, figures have been presented separately fOf each ward, the number of ward being given first, followed by the industrial code numbers etc. as in the case of villages.

The following e~alllpies will make the abo!'f! Note clear :.--

Bhind District Total 200 (238) signifies that there are 238 .cstablishments in Bhind District pertaining to Minor Group 200, which 'stands for "Production of rice, atta, flour etc. by milling, dehusking and processing of crop~ and foodgrail'ls". Bhind Tahsil Total 206 (6) signifies that there are 6 establishments in Bhind Tahsil pertaining to Minor Group 206, which stands for "Production of butter, Khee, cheese and other dairy products". Village 1 Kochhpura 283 (I) signifies that in ViIlage Kochhpura which has 1 as its Location code! number there is one esta1;>lishment pertaining to Minor Group 283, which stands for "Manufacture of wooden industrial goods other than transport equipment such as bobbin and similar equipment and fixtures". Bhind Town, Ward No.1 207 (6) signifies that there are 6 establishments located in Ward No. 1 of Bhind Town pertaining to Minor Group 207 which stands for "Production of edible fats anc:l oils (other than hydrogenated oils)".


Total-200 (238), 206 (8), 207 (625), 209 (231), 216 (I), 369 (94), 372 (1), 384 (2),.388 (22),392 (6),39:\ (72), 223 (1), 225 (1),230 (32), 231 (7), 233 (10),235 (129), 394 (2). 236 (42), 255 (2), 270 (5), 272 (1), 273 (299), 274 (12), 278 (5), 280 (3), 281 (11), 282 (19), Rural-200 (66), 206 (2), 207 (31), 209 (35), 225 (I), 283 l627), 28 .. (8), 287 (I), 288 (218), 289 (67), 235 (11), 236 (18), 270 (2), 273 (27), 274 (4), 282 (4), 302 (6), 310 (6), 311 (254),_ 313 (1), 333 (23), 335 (8), 283 (114), 288 (6), 289 (2), 310 (I). 311 (28), 333 (1), 336 (4), 340 (4), 341 (1), ~50 (679), 362 (I), 365 (4), 335 (3), 350 (166), 365 (1), 369 (70), 388 (3), 367 (1), 368 (1), 369 (383), 372 (1), 384 (2),388 (55), 393 (28).· 392 (6), 393 (225), 394 (2), 399 (8), Urban-200 (29), 206 (4), 207 (13), 209 (61), 216 (1), 231 (1), Rural·--200 (193), 206 (4), 207 (587), 209 (118), 225 (I), 255 (1),270 (1),272 (1), 273 (34), 278 (2), 280 (3), 230 (32), 231 (5), 233 (10), 235 (179), 236 (42), 281 (5), 282 (9), 283 (9). 284 (6), 287 (I), 289 (1), 255 (1),270(12),273 (198),274 (12),281 (3),282 (9), 302 (5). 310 (I), 311 (14), 313 (I), 335 (3), 336 (4), 283 (610). 284 (2), 288 (218), 289 (63), 310 (5), 340 (2), 341 (1), 350 (1), 362 (1), 368 (2), 369 (24), 311 (177), 333 (20), 335 (5), 340 (2), 350 (.661), 372 (1), 384 (2), 388 (19), 392 (6), 393 (44),394 (2). 365 (2), 369 (340), 388 (18), 393 (152), 394 (1), 399 (4'1. - Rural

Urban--200 (45). 206 (4), 207 (38), 209 (113), 216 (1), Location code number and name of Village: 223 (I), 231 (2), 255 (1), 270 (3), 272 (I), 273 (101), 278 (5), 280 (3), 281 (8), 282 (10), 283 (17), 284 (6), 1 Kacbhpura-283 (1). 287 (1), 289 (4), 302 (6), 310 (1), 311 (77), 313 (1), 2 Ater-200 (2), 209 (7), 225 (1), 283 (3), 311 (15), 335 (3), 365 (1), 369 (1), 393 (4). 333 (3), 335 (3), 336 (4), 340 (2), 341 (1), 350 (18), 7 Arjunpura-283 (1). . 362 (1), 365 (2), 367 (1), 368 (1), 369 (43), 372 (1), 10 Jamsara-2CO (I), 350 (4), 369 (2). 384 (2), 388 (37), 392 (6), 393 (73), 394 (2), 399 (4). 11 Vdot"al'h--200 (I), 273 (1), 283 (5), 350 (2), 393 (2). 12 Kanera-207 (1), 283 (2), 350 (4). 1 BfIIND TAHSIL 13 Kherhat-283 (3). 16 Rohanda-283 (1). 18 Bindwa Ater·-283 (3), 350 (1). Total--200 (95), 206 (6), 207 (44), 209 (96), 216 (1).225 (1), 23 Kosad--200 (1),207 (1). 231 (1), 235 (11), 236 (18), 255 (1), 270 (3), 272 (1), 24 Chhonda.-283 (I). 273 (61), 274 (4), 278 (2). 280 (3), 281 (5), 282 (13), 25 Budhanpura-207 (I), 283 (1), 350 (1). 283 (123), 284 (6). 287 (1), 288 (6), 289 (3), 302 (5), 26 Ahrolikali-283 (4), 350 (6). 28 Chomo·-200 (2), 283 (I). 310 (2), 311 (42), 313 (1), 333 (1). 335 (6), 336 (4), 29 Tarsokhar-350 \1). 340 (2), 341 (1), 350 (167), 362 (1), 365 0), 368 (1), 31 Kadora-311 (2) .. 224



33 Naripura Ater-369 (2). 179 Choki-200 (1). 3.5 Gohadupura -200 (1). 181 Ratnoopura-350 (1). 37 Kisoopunl-20D: 2). 369 (l). 184 Kachogara· 200 (2), 283 (l), 350 (l), 369 (l). 38 Jorikotwal· 200 (I). 283 (4). 185 Parsona-·--207 (3), 350 (2). 40 Manepura-200 (1) 186 Sohada-ZOO (2), 283 (1), 350 (Z). 369 (1). 43 Kheda Ater--350 (I) 188 Chhoochhari -2~3 \ I). 44 Modhana- 28~ (I), 350 (Ii. 189 Bindva Bhind-200 (1). 350 (l), 369 (2). 46 Balarpura. 350 (5) 190 Jori Brahman-207 ,3;, 283 (:!), 350 (2). 50 Torkapura· 200 (I). 191 Madanpurll- 207 (3), 235 (I), 283 (I). 54 Hamirapura. 200 (I). 393 (1). 195 Amlehda-109 (I), 1~3 \5). (1), (7). 56 PariyaYll- 283 (3) 200 Pur-207 273 (3),36;; 57 Rama-200 (I). 350 ;3).369 (1).393 (I). 201 Kusamar-235 (2), 274 (2). 58 Khadit-20f ll), 283 (1). 209 Cbarthar-3S0 (2). 60 Jamhora-273 (I). 283 (}). 213 Mahapur--299 (I). 61 Badpuri- 207 (I). ' 215 Pidora-283 (1), 393 (I). 67 Madhayyapura-283' I). 217 Daboba.. -ZOO (1). 70 Jori Ahir -369 (2). 218 Kiratpura-·206 (1). 75 Kharika Ater-283 (I), 369 (I). 221 Kanawar--200 (I), 283 tIl, 288 (2), 350 <.8), 369 (1), 78 Ridoli-200 (2). 393 (7). ' 80 Amudhpura· ·-283 (I). 223 Barohi -209 (I). 83 Dulhagan-200 (2), 350 (I). 369 (4)_ 229 Mangadpura-350 (I). 85 Sakraya· -200 (2), 283 (3). 230 Seengpura Umri-~369 (1). 86 Vdhannpura-273, I). 232 Naib--200 (1), 311 (5). 87 Gadha Darahi-2eO 11).283 (2), 350 (1). 236 Lawan-207 (I), 209 0), 7.83 (IJ' 350 (1),369 (3), 88 Chachar-183 (I), 311 (I!. . 393 (I). 89 Bllderi-283 (2). 350 (3). 241 Jaisoopura·~ 273 (l). 92 Barbi. -200 (I), 209 (4), 283 (4), 350 (2). 388 (I). 243 C~andupura-200 (I), 273 0:, 282 (4), 350 (1). 93 Pawayee 200 \1) 273 (1), 350 (f). 244 Blfdhanpura·-273 (3), 311 ~f). 94 Biragawan--350 (2l· 246 Barakalan- 209 (J), 273 (l), 283 (2), 33, (l), 350 (Z), 369 (J). 98 Dcpera--283 (I). 99 Para·-200 (I), 207 (3). 247 A~oda-2oo (2), 207 (1), 273 (I), 283 (6). 102 Gajna-207 (I), 283 (1), 350 (4)· 250 Kltee~350 ,I). 105 Biragawan Rani - 200 (I), 270 (I), 283 (I), 350 (I). 251 Bajhai~-200 (1), 350 (I), 369 (1). 109 PhQoph Kalan-2oo (l), 2u7 (I), 209 (4), 235 (3), 252 Babedi-273 (1), 350 (4). 274 (2(, 283 (I), 310 (I), 311 (1), 253 Nunahata- 200 (I), 235 (I), 273 (2).283 (2), 288 (3), 350 (6;, 369 (I), 388 (2). 311 (I), 350 (2), 369 (I), 393 (3). 110 Andbapura-270 (l). 254 Barakhurd-200 (J), 350 (1), 36') (2). 112 Pali Bhind- -283 (I). 255 Sikahata·-273 (2). 283 (I), 350 (61, 369 (I). U5 Samanna-206 (I), 207 (I), 350 (3). 256 Umri~200 (2), 273 (2), 2iS3 (3),' 369 (1), 393 (1). 117 Jajepura-283 (I). 258 PulawaJi-200 12;, 2U9 ,1), 350 (4). U9 Sapad--350 (2',. 259 Pandari--200 (lj, 283 (1). 120 Pali Pipari-209 (I), 283 (5), 350 (5). 260 mlao-- 200 (I), 273 (2), 283 (5), 350 (14), 39.: (1). 12t Siawali-350 (2). 261 Kharika Umri.-369 (2). 124 Jawasa-383 (I), 311 (2), 350 (9). 262 Motipura-350 (1). 126 Slmrao·-200 (I). 263 Gusceng-350 (4). 130 Saraya-100 (2). 207 (I), 283 (I), 350 (2). 268 Laharoli-200 (I), 235 (4). 350 (I), 369 (2), 393 (I). 132 Gyanpura-283 (I). 271 Kheda---209 (2), 350 (I), 369 (I). 133 Goarkhurd· 207 (3:, 369 (2). 272 Dhochara-369 (2). 273 (1), 137 Kurthara~- 350 (2) Disalpura- 273 350 (l). 274 Rora-200 (1). 138 Didee- 369 (2). 139 Jampura - 236 (I S), 350 (2). 276 Madanai -·200 (I), 350 (1), 369 (1). 140 AtarsumaLhind-350 (1), 369 (2). 277 Puradhoomna--3W (l) .. 142 Bhagwui- ·369 (2). 278 Atarsuma ~Jmri-283 (2). 143 Bhadakhur---200 (6), 209 (2), 273 (2), 283 (3). 289 (I) 279 Sag2ra--200 (1). 350 (I). 369 (2), 393 (2). • 282 Nayagaon'-283 (2), 233 (I), 350 (2),369 (I), 393 (3)­ 147 Maloori--200 (I), 2890),350 (3). 286 Jakhmoli-200 (I). 287 Tehangur-369 (1). 154 Nahara--350 (3), 369 (3). 288 Ojba-369 (1). IS5 Bhonpur.- 200 (I). 283 (2). 1S6 Janjaripura-350 (2), 369 (3). Urban 1S7 Ilampur. Pipari--209 (2). Location code number and name o/Town : 159 Miragpura-350 (I). I BHIND 161 Piparl--·207 (4), 209 (3 , 283 (I), 350 (2). 162 Bedlpura--283 (!). Ward No. 1-200 (4), 207 (6), 209 (4),231 (1),273 (4), 280 (2), 163 Bichholi. -283 (2). 350 (6). . 302 (1).313 (1).369 (2),384 (1). 388 (3), 393 (6). 164 Kamalpura-3S0 (I)_ Ward No, 2-200 (2), 206 (2), 207 (1), 209 (6). 273 (2), 280 (I), 170 Dinpura- 283 (I). 350 (1). 281 (l), 283 (3),2840),335 (3). 336 (1), 3680), 173 Khld.lrputa·-283 (I). 369 (3),384 (1), 388 (3).393 (15). 174 Ruar-207 (1). Ward No. 3--209 (6),273 (I). 31f (2), 362 (1), 369 (2). 388 (2), 176 Aitabar- -200 (I), 209 (3), 369 (1). 393 (3). ' 220




Ward No. 4-200 (3), 209 (3), 273 (4), 278 (2),281 (1),302 (I), 35 Kanchanpur ---200 (1), 283 (2), 350 (I). 311 (2), 350 (1), 369 (1), 982 (2), 394 (1). 36 Raitpura.--200 (3) 283 (2). 37 Sbankarpllr---200 (3), 350 (1). Ward No. S· -200 (1),209 (3),273 (3),283 (3), 369 (1), 393 (2), 38 Birkhadi-200 (2). (I). . 393 39 Nonera.-200 (1),207 (1), 209 (2),273 (3), 350_(2). Ward No. 6-200 (2), :m (1), 340 (I), 369 (1), 388 (2). 42 Kiratpura. --200 (I), 209 (2),288 (4). , Ward No.7· -200 (2), 207 (l), 209 (6), 284 (5), 310 (I), 369 (2), 45 Chaktukeda-200 (1),273 (I). 388 (5). 46 Sarwa--200 (2). Ward No. 8---200 (1),209(6),270 (1),272 (I), 273 (4),281 (1), 52 Chandl'hara-200 (I ),207 (3), 288 (3). 283 (2), 350 (2). 283 (2), 287 (1),302 (2),311 (3), 369 (5),392 (I), 53 Bhagwasa-207 (4), 235 (I), 283 (1),288 (3), 289 (5). 393 (7), 394 (1) 55 Baglllari-207 (I). 56 Bhyalli-207 (I). 369 (1). Ward No. 9--200 (1),206 (2),209 (2),216 (1),273 (10),281 (I), 57 Tukeda-273 (I). 283 (2), 311 (7j. 336 (2),369(1), 388 (2), 392 (2), 58 Barthara -207 (1),283 ,2). 393 (6). 61 Kheria-Mahanand·-207 (3). Ward No. 10 -ZOO (8), 207 (2), 209 (9), 273 (1), 282 (4),302 (1), 62 Khurd 207 (2), 235 (2), 289 0). 356 \\),369 (2).372 (\). 63 Janora-350 (2). Ward No. 11- 200 (5,207 (3),209 ([6), 255 (1),273 (4),281 (I), 64 Jatpura· -207 (I). 282 (5), 289 (1),340 (1).3H (I), 369 (4),388 (2), 66 Ikhara 283 (2). 39~ (1), 393 (6). i 67 Jb~lbalpura -350 (,1). 68 Sisonia-283 (1)- 69 Ballipura-289 (1),311 (2).350 (I). 2 GUHAD TAHSIL 70 Dhamsa-207 (3).273 (1),288 (3), 350 (3). 73 Sadkheria· 283 (1). Total---200 (52), 207 (121), 209 (39), 223 (1), 231 (3), 74 Palia -283 (2). 7S Madanpura·-207 (1),281 (3),350 (1). 235 (17),270·(2),273 (58), 274 (1).278 (2), 281 (3), 76 Sbyampura Gohad---207 (1),283 (1),350 (1),369 (1)- 282 (5),283 (96), 288 (38), 289 (20), 310 (3), 311 (68), 78 Tudila-200 (1).333 (1). 333 (2), 350 (102),365 (2), 367 (1),369 (36),388 (12), 79 Kathwa Abdul Haji-207 (2). 289 (1). 393 (37). 80 Badagar-207 (I). 81 Kathwaguzar.-207 (2), 350 (3). 83 Lahchura-283 (2), 350 (1). Rural· 200 (43),207 (i \6),209 (20), 231 (2),235 (17),270 (2), 85 Echaya·-207 (1), 350 (1). 273 (11),274 (1), 281 (3),282 (4), 283 (38),289 (20), 86 Bankepur--207 (2). 310 (3), 311 (8). 333 (2), 350 (93), 369 (28), 88 Kharawa--207 (2). 288 (2). 388 (5), 393 (17)_ 89 Khitoli-207 (2:,235 (1).639 (I). 91) Gadroli· -207 (6), 283 (2), 350 (2). 93 Piproli--207 (2), 350 (1). Urban-200 (9), 207 (5), 209 (19), 223 (I), 231 (1), 94 Barauwa-207 (1). 273 (47), 278 (2), 282 (i), 283 (8), 311 (60), 95 Habipura- 207 (2), 283 (1),350 (4). 350 (9), 365 (2). 367 (I), 369 (8). 3~8 (7), 393 (20), 97 Tilori·-207 (I). 99 Kbader--283 (I), 350 (2). 100 Hanummantpllra--235 (2). Rural 101 A1ori--207 (2) 3.'0 (3). 103 Kamlapura-283 (2). Lncatioll code number and /lame 0/ Village: 104 Baghora-283 (1),310 (I). 350(2), 105 Ratanpura. -231 (2), 283 (1). 2 Bhonpura---207 (2). 106 Kheria Gllju--350 (2). 9 Raikipali-200 (1). 110 Baghthara-207 (4). 283 (5). 10 Bamhora-283 (I). 111 Girgaon-200 (1),207 (4), 283 (I). 289 (3),350 (1),369 (1). 12 Barona--235 (l), 283 (4), 350 (1),393 (6). 112 Piparsana--200 (2), 207 (4), 283 (2), 393 (3). 13 Baknasa-200 (1),207 (3), 283 (3), 350 (I). 113 Nibrol--350 (1). 14 Nagor--200 (1),273 (1).288 (2). 114 Pipahada. -207 (I), 283 (1), 350 (2). 15. Chandokhar-200 (1),207 (2),369 (1). 115 Chitora -200 (I), 288 (2), 350 (2). 16 Jasrathkapura-369 (1). 116 Itayanda - 283 (I), 393 (4). 17 Chakbarona-200 (4). 118 Rampura--207 (1),283 (2). 18 Endori-200 (1), 283 (2),369 (I). 119 Jhankrl-289 (1). 19 Chakchandokhar-200 (l). 120 Neerpura--207 (I), 350 (1). 20 Pipandl-200 (1),369 (I). 121 Asuhi-200 (1). 21 Amarpura-310 0). 128 Janakpura-350 (I). 22 Bara-200 (1),273 (1).350 (1). 130 Keroli·-283 (1),350 (1). 24 Sherpur-200 (1),207 (3),273 (1), 283 (2), 350 (2). 131 Badera.-207 (1),289 (2),350 (1). 2~ Lodhekl Pali-273 (1). 350 (1). ' 132 Makrehata-207 (1), 289 (2), 350 (2)_ 29 Manpur Kamra-207 (1), 273 (1),350 (1). 133 Itayali-283 (1). 30 Khaneta-200 (1),. 134 Ghamori---283 (2),350 (1),369 (1). 31 Kanlpura-207 (I), 311 (2). 135 Sinor-274 (1). 283 (2), 350 (2). 32 Chharenta (Enno)-2oo (1), 350 (3). 138 Pall Dirman-207 (5), 288 (4). 33 Tehra-209 t2),. 140 Karvas-207 (3). 350 (2). 34 Dang-283 (I). 1.... BlJpura-·283 (1). 226




146 Alltauwa·-207 (3). Rural 147 Mahuari--350 (1). Location code /ll/mber and !lame 0/ Village: 148 Bhadera--289 (1). 149 Chenkuri.--283 (I), 350 (I). 4 Kaclmaw Kalan-2OO (I), 369 \1). 155 JalaJpura·-283 (1). 8 Sujanpura-283 (1). 156 Dehgaon·-200 (1), 207 (5), 350 (2). 9 Bahera .. ·283 (1). 157 Loharpura-209 (I), 235 (1).283 (1). 10 Kutroli-200 (I). 160 Kitee·- 350 (I). 12 Prithvi Pura-283 (2 1, 350 (I). 161 Gubisar-283 0), 369 (1). 13 SUl·hr.pura-200 (I). 162 Bamhroli·-350 (1). 14 Kot-200 0), 207 (1), 235 (2). 163 BaroH.-207 (1), 289 (3), 350 (2), 36'1 (2). IS Guliapu;a --350 (2). 164 Jarct--283 (2),269 (I). 16 MOhanpuca·-283 (1), 350 (1). 155 Makhori·-207 (1). 17 Hasanpura 369 (I). 166 Ujhawal-207 (2), 289 (1).350 (1). 18 Si]oli- -350 (21. 167 Rasnol-200 (I), 207 (3). 19 Didona --200 (I ) . 169 Andhiyarikhllrd--283 (I), 369 (I). 20 Parosa-200 (I), 207 (3), 235 (7), 283 (3), 350 (2). 172 Kheriyabar- 311 (I). 22 Tikari-283 (I), 369 (I). 173 Kheriya Chandan- -283 (1),350 (2), 369 (1). 23 Tejpura.-·207 (2), 350 (2). 174 Mall--200 (5\.207 (16).209 (12).235 (6) 270 (2).282 (4), 24 Gormi-200 (2), 207 (9). 209 (9), 283 (4), 311 0), 283 (6), 288 (15), 310 (I), 311 (3), 333 (I), • 350 (6), 365 (1), 369 (\), 393 (7) 350 (7), 369 (8), 388 (Sr, 393 (3). 28 Harichha·-207 (3), 283 (5), 3690). . 175 Kheria Jallll~350 (3). 29 Sikroda-200 II ),207 (4), 235 (2), 273 (1),350 (1), 369 (4). 176 Dp.gwan-283 (3), 350 (2). 30 Kalyanpllra Gormi- 207 (3), 350 (2). 177 Andhiyari Kalan-369 (1). 31 GhiJowa-369 (5). 189 Dang-Narua.··283 (3). 33 Raupura-270 \ 1). 191 Maghall .. -283 (3). 34 Rajgadhia-207 (1). 192 Rupawai-350 (I). 38 NUllhad-207 (4). 283 (I). 193 Asohana-369 (1). 40 Karamka Pura-207 (2), 289 (3), 350 (2). 195 Sehroli-283 (3). 42 Akloni-200 (I). 196 Simiriya--283 (1), 350 (1) ... 45 I,alpura-200 (I), 274 (1),283 (3), 350 (I), 393 (I). 197 Badera Mau-369 (2). 46 Mehdoli-200 (I), 231 (1), 289 (3). 201 Gumara-350 (2). 48 Chapra--350 (1). 203 Guryaichi·-283 (2). 50 Setura·--200 (I), 206 (1). 204 Ratwa-209 (1), 350 (3), 369 (1), 393 (1). 52. Mallhad-200 (2), 283 (I). 54 Alampura·-350 (1). Urban 55 Kheria Thapak-207 (4), 283 (1), 289 (1). 58 Meghpura-207 (1), 350 (2). Location code number alld name 0/ Town: 59 Ajnodha-~207 (3), 273 (4). 60 Garhi-200 (I), 283 (1). III GOHAD 62 Ladampura-200 (1), 207 (4), 235 (1), 350 (1). 63 Lawall·-200 (3), 289 (2), 350 (1), 393 (2). Ward No.1. -200 (4),207 (1),209 (4), 283 (8),311 (56), 350 (9), 65 Senthari SOlli-207 (3), 350 (3). 369 (2). 66 Soni-200 (1), 206 (I), 207 (5), 209 (3), 235 (1), 273 (1), Ward No. 2-200 (2), 207 (2). 209 (3), 223 (1), 231 (I). 273 (30), 310 (1), 3!I (1), 333 (I), 350 (I), 369 (1), 388 (1), 278 (21, 311 (3),367 (1),369 (1),393 (13). 393 (2). Ward No. 3--·207 (2),209 (1),273 (4), 282 (I), 365 (1), 369 (1) 67 Kishanpllra·-207 (1). Ward No. 4-200 (1), 369 (11. 68 Bhopatpura·-283 (I), 350 (1), 71 Sondha-369 (1), 393 (1). Ward No. 5-200 (1),209 (3),273 (4),369 (2). 72 Maharajpura-207 (1), 283 (3), 289 (1), 350 (2). Ward No. 6-200 (1), 209 (4), 311 (1). 73 Moroli-207 (2), 311 (1). Ward No. 7-209 (4). 273 (9), 375 (I). 369 (1),388 (7), 393 (7). 74 Jugepura-207 (I). 75 PratapPllra--207 (1), 350- (1). 3 MEHGAON TAHSIL 79 Glljana-283 (1). 80 Manpura Gormi--207 (I). 283 (1). 81 Dodari ·-207 (2), 235 (2). TotaJ-200(35), 206 (2), 207 (187), 209 (35), 231 (2), 83 Jalharipura-207 (2), 350 (2). 235 (33), 236 (I). 270 (3), 273 (34), 274 (5), 283 (96). 84 Amratpura...;..207 (3). 283 (I). 284 0), 288 (6), 289 (26), 310 (I), 311 (14), 8S Rampura Barhed-350 (I). 333 (l), 350 (124), 365 (1), 369 (54), 388 (7), 393 (38), 88 Jeesakhpllra·-369 (1). 90 Baghora-200 (I). 369 (1). 399 (2). 91 Gona Haraafpura-207 (4), 235 (3), 283 (1), 350 (1). Rural-200 (32), 206 (2), 207 (187), 209 (22), 231 (2), 235 (33), 92 Goara·-213 (3). 94 Bahua -200 (1), 207 (1), 283 (1), 288 (3), 369 (1). 236 (I), 270 (3), 273 (28), 274 (5). 283 (96), 284 (1), 97 Renka--273 (1), 369 (I). 288 (6), 289 (25), 310 (1),311 (13), 333 (1), 350 (122), 98 Jetpura-207 (1), 235 (3), 369 (2). 365 (1), 369 (48), 388 (1), 393 (35), 399 (1). 99 Gungawali --350 (5). 100 Imalia-207 (2). Urban-200 (3), 209 (13), 273 (6),289 (1), 311 (I), 350 (2), 101 Mushtari-200 (I). 207 (2), 350 (4), 393 (1). 369 (6), 388 (6), 393 (3), 399 (1). 104 Gingarkhi-207 (1), 283 (1). 227




105 Barhad-200 0), 207 (4), 289 (3). 187 Madanpura--235 (I). 283 (6). 350 (2). 107 Mushtara--207 (2). 188 Pura-283 (3), 369 (I). 108 Siloli-207 (I), 283 (2). 189 Bachhreta-207 (2), 283 (1). 350 (2). 109 Surawa)i-28~ (1), 350 (2). 190 Barethi Khurd-283 (2). 350 (l). III Pachera-207 (4), 209 (\), 369 (2). 191 Parghena-207 (3). 283 (1). 350 (1). 112 PiproJi-207 (I), 350 (2). 369 (l). 194 Badera Amayan-273 (3). 350 (4). 113 Gadhyara--283 (2), 350 (2). 196 Danipura--207 (1). 115 Birgawan-207 (2), 235 (1), 236 (1).273 (1). 283 (1). 198 'Kamanpura--207 (3). 350 (1). 393 (3). 200 Sanduri--207 (5), 350 (1). 116 Khaidarpura-201 (3). 283 (2). 201 Lalpura--305 (1), 207 (1). 117 Bharoli khurd-200 (I). 203 Mehara-207 (3). 283 (2). 350 (2). 369 (1); 393 (1)- 118 Bharoli Kalan-283 (2), 350 (2). 120 Parrawan--207 (1).\ Urban 121 Harsinghpura...,-207 (1). Location code number and name of Town: 122 Konhar-207 (5). 213 (3)' 283 (3). 311 (2), 350 (3), 369 (1). 393,(1). II MEHGAON 123 Dagar-207 0), 273 (3), 350 (Z). 124 Baraso-200 (1). ' Ward No. 1-200 (3). 209 (11). 273 (5). 369 (4), 388 (6). 126 Dhanoli-207 (2), 369 (1). 393 (2). 393 (2). 127 Kuthonda-207 (4), 2$3 (1), :rSO (4). Ward No: 2--209 (2). 273 (1). 311 (1), 350 (2). 369 (2). 128 Sarsed-207 (I), 311 (0, 350 (2). 393 (1). 132 Rabiapura-207 (1), 350 (I). Ward No. 4-289 (1). 133 Sanduri Simar---235 (1). 350 (I). Ward No, 6--399 (1). 135 Deori Lawan--283 (1). • 136 Devara--207 (1). 137 ,Gutor--207 (5). 283 (2). 350 (3). 4 LAHAR TAHSIL 138 Simar-207 (4). 209 (I). 235 (I). 283 (1), 393 (1)_ T9tal-200 (56), 207 (273); 209 (61),230 (32). :31 (1). 233 (10), 139 RailUpura-207 (2), 289 (2). 140 Jeethaso---207 (3). 235 (118). 236 (23). 255 (1); 270 (7), 273 (146). 274 (2), 141 Teekari Khurd--350 (1). 278 (I). 281 (3). 282 (I). 283 (312). 284 (1), 288 (168). 142 Sururu-235 (2). 283 (1). 289 (18). 302 (1). 311 (130).333 (19), 335 (2), 350 (286). 143 Shahpura-207 (4). 283 (1). 369 (199). 388 (14). 393 (78), 394 (1). 399 (6). 144 Chutawli--311 (1). 350 (1). 146 Ajno)-207 (1). 283 (1). Rural-200 (52). 207 (253). 209 (41).230 (32). 231 (1).233 (10). 147 Gujarra-207 (1),311 (1),350(1)_ 235 (118). 236 (23), 255 (1),270 (5), 273 (132), 274 (2). 148 Jarsena-350 (2). 149 Sayana-200 (1), 283 (I), 369 (2). 282 (1).283 (312).284 (1). 288 (168),289 (16). 311 (128). 150 Teekari KaJan--235 (2). 333 (16), 335 (2). 340 (2), 350 (280),369 (194), ,388 (9), 151 Goram-289 (7). 393 (72), 394 (1), 399 (3). 152 Kethoda-207 (1). 155 Chamarpura-350 (I). Urban-ZOO (4), 207 (20), 209 (20). 270 (2), 273 (14), 278 (1), 157 Depura--207 (2). 281 (3).289 (2) 302 (I). 311 (2),333 (3). 350 (6),369 (5), 158 Kupawali--2070)· 388 (5), 393 (6), 399 (3). 159 Gudabali-283 (1). 350 (2). 160 Bujurg-235 (2), 369 (1). 161 Sadha-207 (3), 350 (I). Rural 162 Manikpura Nisf--207 (1), 369 (1). 163 Katrol-283 (1). 350 (4). '"oc,Ilion code number and name of Village: 164 Senthari Simar-350 (1). 1 Ronja-283 (2), 350 (1).' 165 Chirol--209 (1).273 (1).283 (1),350 (1),369 (1). 2 Bahadurpura Bhageli-207 (1). 283 (1), 350 (1). 166 Kemokhari-209 (Z), Z83 (2). 6 Kanuapura-200 (1). 207 (1),235 (2).273 (2), 283 (2). 167 Kerorra-207 (1). 283 (I), 311 (I). 350 (l) .. 168 Anton -207 (3), 369 (I). 7 Mehda-270 (I). 273 (I), 350 (1). 369 (3). . 171 Dadrauwa-207 (1). 283 (1).350 (1). 369 (1). 8 Parsala-207 (5).283 (2).350 (4), 369 (2),393 (2). 172 Padkoli-207 (2). 283 (1). 9 Padhora--207 (5). 235 (12), 273 (3). 283 (3), 333 (1), 173 Kanatbar-200 (1), 207 (4). 270 (1), 273 (4),274 (4), 369 (1), 393 (3). , 283 (5), 288 (3),311 (1).350 (t). 369(2). 10 I-arol-207 (1). 283 (I), 340 (I). 393 (2), 399 (I). ' 11 Raipura-200 (3). 230 (1). 273 (2). 283 (9). 288 0), 174 Gaheli-200 (I), 207 (2). 235 (l). 289 (3). 350 (3), 369 (3). 393 (2). 13 Nibsai--200 (1). 207 (1). 273 (1), 283 (2), 350 (1), 176 Lahra-207 (4). 283 (4). 350 (I). 369 (1). 369 (2). 177 Takpura-207 (1). 273 (1). 283 (1). 350 (2). 14 Pura Bhim Nagar--273 (1). 369 (l). 178 Barethi Raj-350 (1). 180 18 Mehra Khurd--207 (1), 273 (1). Sirsi-207 (2), 369 (1). 19 Mangarh-207 (4). 235 (6). 273 (2), 283 (3), 288 (2), 181 Kamanpura·--350 (l). 311 (2). 350 (2), 369 (2), 393 (2). 182 Adokhar-200 (1), 273 (2), 283 (2). 350 (1), 369 (1). 2t Gorai.-230 (3). 235 (2), 273 (4). 283 (3). 333 (2), 185 Piprowa-207 (1), 283 (4). 350 (3). 350 (5), 369 (3). 393 (3). 186 Amayan-200 (2), 207 ~8). 209 (4). 235 (1). 270 (2). 22 Raruwa No. 1-289 (2), 350 (2),369 (1). 284 (I). 311 (1). 369 (6). 393 (9). 24 Kot-283 (3). 228



25 Rayo-369 (2). 91 Barhet - 201 (I), 235 (2), 283 (2), 350 (2), 369 (I). 26 Basantpura-·273 (I), 283 (2), 288 (l), 369 l2). 92 Kunvarpura No. 1-283 (3), 350 (2). 21 Nadna· 235 (I), 283 (2), 350 (1). 97, Khurd--207 (3), 230 (I), 235 (I), 273 (2), 288 (1), 28 Damoapllra-283 (I), 311 (2),350 (1). 289 (I), 369 (1), 393 (1). 30 Muoratpura·-207 (2), 288 (5), 369 (2). 94 Asnehat· -109 (I), 235 (1), 273 (I), 283 (4), 289 (2), 31 Bonapura-350 (2), 369 (2). 311 (2),350 (2). 369 (1). 32 Madaiya- 283 (2), 369 (4). 95 Dhohar-207 (I). 33 Indurkhi--200 (1), 207 (8), 273 (3), 283 (I), 350 (3), 96 Parrayich-207 (4), 283 (2),350 (4),369 (1)_ 369 (5),393 (2). 91 Rawatpura Saoi--283 (I), 311 (2),350 (2). 34 Mehdam-200 (1), 273 (I), 369 (1),393 (1). 98 Rabawali Ubari· 200 (I). 201 (5), 209 (I), 235 (I), 273 (3), 283 (I), 288 (2),333 (1),350 \5),369 (9). 3S Chandavli No. 1·--200 (I), 2fG (2). 99 Dhonpura· -207 (2),2 0 (1),350 (2). . 36 Ron- -200 (2) 209 (6),230 (1),235 (2), 273 (2), 283 (4), ' 333 (1),350 (I), 369 (3),393 (5). . 101 Lalpura. 235 (2), 283 (5), 350 (2), 369 (2). 38 Nodha-207 (I) 230 (I). 235 (1), 273 (3), 283 (4), 102 Sikri-200 (1),207 (2), 230 (1),273 (1), 283 (I). 350 (10), 369(3), 393 (I). 103 l-apwaha- -207 (5), 230 (2), 270 (I), 283 (2), 311 (I), 40 Pachokhara-,---200 (I), 201 (1),350 (8), 369 (1). 369 (4). 42 Gandh· -200 (I), 283 (1\. 104 Jaganpura-207 (5), 230 (3), 273 (2). 283 (2), 288 (4), 44 Bagiapura--283 (3),350 (2),369 (1),388 (2;. 311 (2),369 (2), 393 (I), 399 (2). 46 Lohchau--230 (1), 283 (1),369 (I). . 105 Sijroli-207 (1). 48 .Jagannatbpura.-207 (I), 311 (7), 350 (6). 106 Madori -207 (2), 283 (I), 369 (lJ. (I), (I). 49 Hamirpura. -235 (I). 101 Ajnar-207 (2', 273 283 (I), 289 350 (2), 50 Jaitpura Madhi--207 (I), 273 (I), 283 (2), 233 (I), 369 (2), 393 (1 l, 369 (3). _ 108 Mehara Blljurg-200 (I), 207 (1),273 (I), 283 (2), 52 Birkhari·-273 (2), 282 (I), 283 (6), 288 (31, 311 (3), 333 (1), 350 (3),369 (4). 350 (3), 369 (2), 393 (I). 109 Mehari--207 (3.73 (2), 283 (1),1.88 (1),311 (2). 53 Imlaha-200 (2), 231 (I), 283 (4)' 350 (5),369 (I). 110 Katghara-235 (1),350 (1). III Ganeshpura-340 (I), 54 Dariapura-273 (I), 283 (I)~ 350 (I). 56 Machhand-200 (1), 2G9 (1), 235 (5), 283 (8'. 311 (3). 112 Shyampura- -350 (2).369 (I). 338l31, 350 (2). 369 (4),388 (21, 393 (3) .• 114 Badokhari 207 (5), 230 (I), 235 t2), 273 (I), 283 (4), 51 Biswari-200 (I), 207 (4), 230 (3), 283 (I), 288 (3), 288 (1),311 (1),350 (3), 369 (4). 369 (l), 116 Cbhidi·--283 (I). 58 Thallupura-207 (2), 283 (I). 111 Kakora-~207 (1), 350 (I). 61 Achalpllra-200 (2), 230 (I), 235 (6). 273 (5), 283 (4;. 118 Sundarpura-207 (2). 283 (3). 288 (1), 311 (1),350 (3), 288 (l), 31 I (1),333 (1),369 (3), 393 (2) 369 (2), 63 Dabreha Jagir-~230 (I), 235 (3), 273 (2), 283 (2), 119 Karepura-283 (1). 311 (2),350 (1).369 (I). 120 RohflDi Sillghpura.~207 (2), 283 (I), 311 (2), 350 (2), 64 Bohara· 200 (I), 207 (I), 209 (1), 235 (5), 2730), 369 (1). 283 (3), 288 (2). 311 (2), 350 l8), 369 (1), 121 Tajpura-207 (I), 350 (1). 388(1),393(2). 122 Chhivawali No. 1--288 (1),311 (4). 65 Macbharaha-283 (I), 288 (1).311 (41,350 (2)_ 123 Nanpura-283 (I). 66 Banthari ·-200 (2),283 (2), 288 (I), 350 (3), 369 (1). 124 Bijpura-311 (I), 350 (3)_ 61 Mihoua-200 (4), 207 (I), 209 (11), 230 (3), 235 (6), 125 Ruri-350 (2),3690). 273 (1.1), 283 (7), 288 (9), 311 (4), 350 (9), 121 IJlwari-207 (1),283 (2). 350 (I). 369 (9),388 (4), 393 (4). 128 Chaodawali No. 2-207 (1), 230 (2), 273 (l), 369 (1). 68 KhitoIi- -284 (I), 350 (2). 129 Be1pura--207 (3). 69 Daulatpnra Salli-273 (I), 289 (I), 393 (2) 130 Bhatpura·-201 (4), 213 (I). 283 (1), 289 (1), 350 (2), 10 Jetpura Gudha- -209 (1), 255 (1), 283 (I), 288 (1), 369 (I). 289 (I), 369 (I). 131 Bhikampura-207 (4), 283 (I). 11 Gudha·-200 0), 207 (I), 283 (1), 311 (1), 333 (2), 134 Barha-200 (2), 207 (I), 213 (4), 369 (2). 350 (2). 369 (2). 135 Harpura·~283 (1),288 (2). 72 Bhakoti-311 (2), 136 Jamuha-200 (I), 201 (4), 209 (1). 283 (2), 288 (6), 73 Surghan-283 (8), 350 (3). 311 (4), 350 (5), 369 (1), 399 tl). 74 Morkhi· 283 (2), 350 (1). 140 Robani-207 (I), 350 (I). 16 Matiawali Buzurg-207 (3), 213 (1),283 (2), 350 (1.). 142 Girwa~a~283 (4), 369 (4). 11 Chachipura.~207 (2), 230 (1), 235 (1),311 (3),350 (2), 143 BaghawaJi-350 (I). 78 Singpura.-283 (I). 144 Sujaopura-201 (1). 19 Katha~ 200 (1), 207 (9), 209 (2), 230 (I), 235 (16), 145 Semra-~350 (I). 273 (3), 283 (4), 288 (I), 289 (2), 311 (5), 146 Duda-283 (I). 333 (I), 335 (2),350 (6),369 (5), 393 (2). 141 Jetp\lra Aswar-207 (1), 235 (1), 283 (1), 311 (3), 81 Chandokh.~230 (2), 273 (2), 283 (1), 369 (3), . 350 (3), 369 (2). 82 Lidhora--283 (1). 150 ChiroJi-200 (I), 207 (2), 235 (1), 283 (2), 289 (1), 84 Badetar-201 (1), 350 (I). 350 (2), 369 (1). 85 Gurira-207 (I). 152 JalaJpura-207 (2),283 (I). 87 Rahawali Behad---201 (1), 213 0), 283 (5), 350 (2), 153 Jgui-207 (2). 369 (1). 154 Aswar.--200 (4), 201 (3), 209 (2), 235 (4), 273 (4), 88 Malpura--201 (1),311 (1). 283 (8), 311 (18), 350 (4), 369 (2), 393 (5). 89 Nakhara-235 (4). 155 Chorai-207 (2).288 (2), 350 (4), 369 (2), 393 (1). 90 Rari-209 (I), 235 (2), 213 (2), 214 (2), 283 (!J), 156 Ketha-207 (2), 283 (2), 288 (1). 311 (1),350 (12). 157 \1ahua-Z83 (1), 350 (6),369 (1). 2,9


158 Dargawlln.-207 (3), 273 (I), 283 (3), 288 (6), 350 (2), 212 Bisanpura -207 (3), 369 (3), 393 (3). 215 Bbapar-207 (4), 283 (1), 369 (1). 161 Nisar· 283 (2). . 216 Gentbari-207 (I), 236 (I), 283 (3). 288 (2), 369 (1), 162 Chiruli-213 (2),283 (2),288 (I), 350 (2).369 (1). 393 (I). 163 Akhdevll-207 (2), 230 (I), 2350), 270 (I), 273 (1). 217 Chadbrowa--350 (2). 28,3 (lQ), 288 (4), 350 (2), 393 (I). , 219 Daboh-200 (2), 207 (3), 209 (6), 235 {2), 236 (14), 164 Devra--207 (3). 273 (8), 283 (4), 28~ (4). 289 (I), 311 (3), 165 Barei--283 (I) \ 288 (I). 333 (I), 350 (5), 369 (4),393 (4). 394 (I). 166 Bijora--200 (1), 207 (I), 273 (2), 283 (1), 288 (4), 220 Bagbedi-288 (1).350 (2). 311 (I).. 221 KUllwl!rpura N9. 2-283 (2).288 (I). 168 Tighrakhurd-207 (1), 283 (2). 222 Amaba-207 (5), 273 (1),283 (I), 288 (6),369 (2). 169 Rurai-200 (1), ";2.07 (4), 235 (I), 283 (5), 350(5), 226 Bijpur--273 (I), 283 (I), 369 (2). 369 (1), 393 (2). 227 Kurtbar-207 (2), 236 (2), 270 (1), 283 (3), 288 (3), . 170 Karyawali-283 (I), 288 (I). 350 (I), 369 (2). 172 Ikmm-207 (I), 283 (3)- 228 Belma-283 (2). 369 (I). ]74 Dcvri Kala.ft. -207 (3),230 (Ij, 273 (3).283 (4),288 (13), 229 Battbara--207 (2), 283 (2), 288 (4), 311 (1),369 (1). . 311 (1),350 (4), 369 (4),393 (1), 239 Gora-207 (1),369 \2). 175 Sonsara---207 (2), 283 (2), 288 (4),350 (1), 369 (2), 231 Badagaon No. 2---207 (1), 283 (1), '288 (3), 311 (2). 176 Tola-200 (1), 20r; (3), 173 (7), 283 (2), 350 (3). 350 (4), 369 (I). 369 (2), 393 (1)_ 233 Kasal--207 (4), 273 (1).283 (5), 288 (3), 311 (1). 177 Barauwa-207 (2).273 (I), 283 (I), 288 (4), 393 (I)­ 234 Padri Khurd--207 (1). 311 (1). 178 Khajuri-200 (1), 207 (1),283 (1),288 (I), 350 (2). 236 Marpura·-207 (1), 283 (1),288 (I), 350 (2),369 (1). 180 Arusi-207 (2),288 (3),311 t4), 350 (5),393 (1); 237 Gyanpura-289 (I). 181 Pharduwa-207 (4),235 (3), 288 (1),369 (1). 23!J Kburd-235 (1),273 (1),283 (1),288 (6). 183 Rawatpura Khu ..d-207 (1),288 (I). 350 (2). 239 Ratanpura -235 (5), 283 (1),350 (2). 184 Narol-207(3), 235 (4), 283 (I), 288 (2), 350(5), 240 Kbuja-200 (I), 207 (l), 236 (6). 283 (4), 288 (1), 369 (2),393 (2)_ 369 (I). 186 Dbara,npura--207 (3), 283 (3). 288 (2), 369 (I), 350 (3). 241 Sujawalpura-207 (I), 283 (I). 187 Khilli--207 (1). 244 Andbiyari No 2-207 (3" 273 (I), 283 (2), 288 (2), 188 Salampura-369 (2). 311 (4), 350 (1),369 (I). 189 Mihoni-235 (1).350 (2), 369 (2). 246 Daduwa-283 (2), 288 (I), 350 (I). 190 Rampura--207 (1),283 (1),350 (4). 249 JakhoJi-207 (2), 233 (10).283 (4), 350 (3),369 (I). 192 Bidra-283 (I)- 250 Dborkba·-283 (2), 350 (I). 193 Bhaderi--207 (I), 369 (2). 251 Bambanpura-369 (1)_ 194 Raruwa No. 2--283 (1),288 (1),311 (1). 252 Chban--207 (4),283 (I). 196 Salaiya-283 (I). 253 Peepari---207 (2), 273 (1),283 (2),288 (I), 350 (2). 197 Murawali-200 (2), 283 (4), 238 (2), 311 (1), 350 (2), 369 (2), 393 (2). • Urban 199 Dabbra-207 (5). 283 (1),350 (2). 200 Cbirawali-273 (I), 283'(4), 340 (2)., Location code number alld namt! o/Town : 201 Timawali-283 (I). 311 (I). 202 Gang"pura·-207 (4), 283 (2),288 (3), 350 (7),369 (I). IV LAHAR 203 Cbbivawali No. 2-207 (I), 283 (1), 288 (I). 20S Dbanora-350 (1). . Ward No. 1--200 (2), 207 (7), 209 (10), 270 (2). 273 (11), 206 Roni-207 (5). 369 (I). 278 (1),289 (2), 302 (I), 333 (2), 388 (2), 393 (5). 207 Parecbba-283 (1),288 (1), 350 (2), 393 (2). Ward No. 2-207 (6). 208 A1ampur-200 (5).207 (12), 209 (7). 235 (9), 273 (13), 283 (6). 288 (16), 289 (2),311 (20), 333 (I). Ward No. 3-207 (5), 369 (4). 350 (2). 369 (8). 393 (7). Ward No.4- -200 (2), 207 (2), 209 (10). 273 (3), 281 (3), 209 Rajrapura-350 (I). 311 (2), 333 (1), 350 (6), 369 (I), 388 (3), 393 (1), 210 Sbahpura·-207 (1), 283 (1),288 (4). 399 (3). APPENulX 1I



Urban 120 Neerpura, 12S SUoha, 127 Ctlamhe\li, IU Janakpura, 129 Keshava Pura, 132 Makeheta, 134 Ghamuri, 141 Agsoli, Locatioll code number llnd name of Town: 142 Mudena, 146 Antauwa, 147 Mahuari, 148 Bhadera, 153 Banganga Gangapur, 156 Dehgaon, 157 Loharpura, I BHIND 158 Salam Pura, 168 Tarolj, 174 Mau, 175 Kheria JaHu, Rural 182 Kitahena, 184 DangkerkuiYa 185 Shekhupura, 191 Maghan, 192 Rupawai, 193 Asohana, 197 Badera Mau. Location code number and name of Village: 200 Bahera.

2 Ater, 8 Repura Ater, 11 Udotgarb, 12 Kanera, 3 MEHGAON TAHSIL 14 Nawali Brindaban, 24 Chhonda, 25 Budhanpur Urban 26 Ahroli Kali, 27 Gader, 29 Tar Sokhar,3U Nawalihar, 31 Kadora, 32 Ranipura Ater, 33 Naripura Ater, Lacation code nurllber and name of TOWIl : 34 Hulapura, 36 Bamanpura, 38 Jori KOlwal, 40 Manepura, II MEHGAON 47 Partappura, 48 Jalpura, 50 Torkapuca, 51 Chhidiya­ Puca, 52 Jaluapura, 53 Bhagaluapura, 54 Hamirapura, Rural 61 Badpuri, 62 Badapura, 63 Kare ka Pura, 64 Surpura, Lacation code number atld name of ViI/age: 65 Ardburjpura, 66 Kyaripura, 67 Madbayyapura, 14 Kot, 18 SiJoJi, 20 Parosa. 24 Gormi, 35 Doniapura, 68 Datawali, 69 Bhagwantpura, 70 Jori Ahir, 79 Udann 41 Sunarpura, 42 Aleloni, 49 Hirapura, 55 Kheria Thapak, Khera, 80 Anurudhpura, 84 Hetpura, 85 Sakraya, 56 Shyampura Gormi, 58 Meghpura. S9 Ajnodha, 60 Garhi, 86 Udhannpula, 90 Ranipura Barhi, 91 Badapura, 99 Para 61 Kharipura, 62 Ladam Pura, 66 Sani, 67 Kishan Pura. 100 Soyee, 102 Gajna, 106 Chasad, 107 Malghena, 68 Bhopatpura, 69 Bijaypura, 73 Moroli, 74 JUiepurll, 108 Bhimpura, 109 Phooph Kalan, 110 Andbapura, 76 Dewari Mehgaon, 78 Hanspura, 79 Gujarra, 81 Dodari. 111 Kasahapura, 112 Pali Bhind, 113 Naripura Bhind, 82 Mannowa, 83 JaJharipura, 84 Amratpura, 85 Rampura 114 Kapurpura, 116 Phooph Khurd, 123 Dehara. Barhad. 86 Kheria Mehgaon, 87 Kanhari. 88 Jeesakhpura 124 Jawasa, 133 Goar Khurd, 137 Kurthara, 138 Didee, 93 Peeparpura, 94 Bahua, 95 Narain Pura, 96 Tor. 141 Mirch;)li, 145 Goar Kalan, 148 Saroopura, 151 Udot 98 Jetpura, 104 Gingarakhi, 105 Barbad, 111 Pachera, Pura, 152 Mudiya Kheda, 156 Janiarikapura, 157 Rampura 112 Pipro1i, 114 Hirapura, 121 Harsinghpura. 122 Konhar, Pipri, 16J Bicl1holi, 168 Bakshipura, 169 Dharai, 127 Kuthonda, 131 Narasai, 132 Rabiapura, 137 Gutor, 170 Deen Pura, 176 Aitahar, 179 Choki, 193 Harrajpura, 159 Gudabali, 165 Chirol, 169 Kheroli, 171 Dadrauwa. 200 Pur, 203 Nali Pura, 206 Hewatpura, 207 Kumh rowa, 208 Kumhrowa Bikrampura, 213 Mahapur 4 LAHAR TAHSIL 214 Pirthipura, 215 Pidhora, 218 Kiratpura, 219 Manpura, 223 Barohi, 224 Sujanpura, 225 Hirapura, 226 Amlehedi, Urban 227 Badanpura, 229 Mangadpura, 236 Lawan, 239 Jamn., Location code number and name of Town: 244 Birdhanpura, 245 RahaJa, 246 Bara Kalan, 247 Akoda, IV LAHAR 253 Nunahta, 256 Umri, 271 Khedll, 272 Dhochara. Rural 2 GOHAD TAHSIL Locatioll code number and /lame of Village:

Urban (i Kanuapura, 7 Mehda, 15 Prlappura. 20 Jaswa~tpura, 21 Gorai. 34 Mehdava, 35 Chandavllli No. I, 36 Ron, Location code number and name of Town: 51 Chachai. 52 Birkhari, 53 ImJaha, 66 Banthari, 67 Mihonll." III GOHAD 68 Khitoli, 69 Daulatpura Sani, 81 Cbandokh, 82 Lldhora, 91 Barhet, 93 Khurd, 94 Asnehat, i02 Sikri 103 Lapwaha, Rural 112 Shyampura, 113 Sijaripura, 123 Nanpura, 124 Bijpura, Location code number alld name of Village: 125.Ruri, 129 Bespura, 130 Bhatpura, 131 Bhikampura, 137 Shahpura lio. 1 139 Pirt'nipuJa, 147 letpura A~war. 21 Amarpura, 22 Bara, 23 Teton, 26 Fat.pur, 31 Kanipura 148 Haluapura,' 150 Cliroli, 155 Chorai, 156 Ketha. 32 Chhareta (En no), 33 Tehra, 35 Kanchanpur, 36 Rawat­ 157 Mahua, 162 Chiruli, 163 Akhdewa, 164 Devr" Pura. 37 Shankar Pura, 38 Birkhadi, 40 Chakkhaneta, 174 Devri Kalan, 181 Pharduwa. 196 Salaiya. 197 Murawali, 41 Chimaka, 42 Kirat Pura, 45 Chak Tukeda, 46 Sarwa, 203 Chhivawali No.2 204 Dabhni, 108 Alampur, 47 Chaksarwa, 48 Nawali, 49 Basahara, 54 Kheria Raiju, 209 Rajrapura, 210 Shahpura, 214 Khiria. 215 Bhapar, 57 Tukeda, 60 Gohad, 65 Gurikha, 77 Sillhwari, 216 Genthari; 217 Chadrauwa, 219 Daboh, 221 Kunwar 81 Kathwagujar, 88 Kharawa, 91 Malanpur, 96 Partap­ pura No.2, 228 Belma, 229 Barthara, 231 Badagaon Pura, 97 Tilori, 98 Madhogarh, 99 Khader, 108 Kiratpura. No.2. 232 Gadroli, 238 Khurd, 239 Ratanpura. 240 Khuja, Dang. 110 Bagthara, 113 NibroJ, 115 Chitonl, 119 Jhankri, 241 Sujawalpura, 242 Para. 231




Urban 28 Shyampur. 29 Manpura Kamra, 30 Khaneta, 31 Kanipura. 32 Chharenta (Enno). 33 Tenra. 34 Dana, Location cocle numbtl' and name of Town: 35 Kanchanpur. 36 Itawalpura, 37 Shankarpura, 38 Bir­ Khadi, 39 Noncr», "0 Chakkhaneta, 41 Chhimka. 42-Kirat­ I' BHIND pura. 43 Pahad, 44 Rudh Sarku Chinkupura 45 Chaktu­ keda, 46 Sarwi, 47 ChabarwI, -48 Nawlli, 049 Bashara. Rural 50 Gohadi, 51 Sirsoda. 54 Kheria Raiju, 57 Tukeda, 59 Ramanpura, 60 Gohad, 65 Gurikha, 67 Jhabalpura, Loratiotl c9.1(! number {llld l1am~ til Vi!faz(! : 68 Sisonia, 77 Siahvari, 82 Ghirogi, 91 Malanpura, 97 Tilori. 121 Siawali. 125 Mihoni. \ 126 Simrao, 134 Pachokhara, ;135 Khanuawapura, 136 Kakran Kapura, 137 Kurthara, 3 MEHGAON TAHSIL 133 Didee, 140 Atarsuma Bhind, 14' Pithanpura, 147 MalOori, 148' Saroopura. 14c} Ranipura Pip~ri, Urban 158 Sonpura, IS!) Miragpur\t, 160 Tikari, 161 Peepari, 162 Vedipura, 163 BichholiJ 164 l{amalpura, 165 Lahar Loca/ioll codl! number and name of Towll. : pura, 166 Jari. 167 Sultahpura. 168 Baksipura, 169 Dharai, 170 Dinpura, 173 Khidarpura, 174 Ruar, II MEHG~ON 175 Beerampura, 176 Aitahar, 179 Choki, 180 Bisal­ Rural pura Bhind, 181 Ratnoopura, 190 Jori Brahman, 191 Madanpura, 192 Repura Pipri, 193 Harrajpura, Locatioll code numb,r and flamt! raj Vil/aK(! : 194 Chakarpura, 198 Akhtyarp~ra,' 199 Lakhanpura, 200 Pur, 201 Kusmar, 202 Bhujpura, 203 Nalipura, 12 Pirtbvipura, 16 MQhanpura, 21 BaloQPura, 24 Gormi, 204 Lllchhmipura, 205 Goghat Khadar, 206 Hewatpura, 25 Gopalpura, 26 Seupura, 31 Ghilowa, 041 Sunarpura, 207 Kumhrowa, 208 Kumhro\>,a Bikrampura, 209 42 Akloni, ..3 Achhai, 46 Mehdoli, -47 Alokhar. Charth:lf, 213 Mah:lpur, 214 Pirthipura, 215 Pidora, 49 Hirapura, SO Sctura, 52 Manhad, S3 Jarpura, 217 Daboha, 218 Kiratptira, 219 ManpUI\I, 223 Barohi, S4 A!ampura, 55 Kheria Thapak, 56 Shyampura Gormi 224 Sujanpura, 22S Hirapura. 226 Amlehedi, 58 Meghpura, 59 Ajnodba, 60 Garhi, 61 Kharipura, 227 Badanpura, 228 Bbarmadpura, 229 Mangadpura, 62 Ladampura, 65 Senthari SOlli, 66 Soni, 61 Kishan­ 231 Dongarpura Bhind, 232 Naib, 236 Lawan 237 Salia- tJ ura, 61 Bhopatpura, 69 Bijaypura, 70 Shri ka pura, pura. 238 Chm;ccrpura. 239 Jamna, 242 Bijpuri, 71 Sondha, 72 Maharajpura, 73 Morol!, 74 Jugepura, 243 Chandupura, 244 Birdhanpura, 245 Rahala, 7~ Pratap Puca, 76 Deori Mehglon, 17 Surajpura, 246 Bara Kalan, 247 Akoda, 252 Babedi, 254 Bara 78 Hanlpura, 79 Gujarra, .1 Dodari, 82 Mannowa, Khurd. 83 Jalharipura, 84 Amaratpura, 85 Rarnpura Barhad, 86 Kheria Mehgaon, 87 Kanhari, 94 Bahua. 95 Narain 2 GOHAD TAHSIL pura, 96 Tor, 98 Jetpura, 100 Imaliya, 10-4 Ginaarkhi 105 Barhad, 110 Manik pura, 111 Pachera; 1104 Urban Hirapura.

{.ocati,..1f c~tll! lfurnbn and name afTown : 4 LAHAR TAHSIL



Location co.!e numbu anci nam(! of Villa~(! : Rural

, Raiki Pali, 15 Cbandokhar, 16 Jasrath Ka Pura, Ltleatiolf cod. lIumbu and name of Villa" : 18 Endori, 20 Pipahadi, 21 Amarpura. 23 Teton, 24 Sher­ pur, 25 Lodheki Pali, 26 Fatehpur, %7 Jasannathpura, 139 Prithipura, 160 Kareela, 23'3



BHIND TAHSIL 3 MEHGAON TAHSI, Urban Urban Location code number and nan,,! 0/ Town: Location code number and /lame 0/ Town: II MEHGAON I BHIND Rural Rural Location code !lumber and !lame of Vi/iage ; Location code nllmber and nam!! 0/ Village: 18 Siloli, 41 Sunarpura, 49 Hirapura, S6 Shyampura 2 Ater, 11 Udat Garh, 14 Nawa!i Brindaban, 62 Ladampura, 66 Soni, 76 Dewari Mehgaon, 24 Chhonda, 27 Gader, 28 Choma, 29 Tarsokhar, 83 Jalhadpura, 84 Amratpura, 85 Ramapura Barhad, 30 Nawalihar, 31 Kadora, 34 Hulapura, 35 GohacJupura, 86 Kheria Mehg:lOn, 87 Kanhari, 93 Peeparpura, 36 Bamanpu.a, 40 Manepura, 47 Partappura, 48 Jalpura, 94 Bahua, 95 Narainpura, 96 Tor, lOS Barhad, 50 Tor ka Pura, 51 Chhidiyapura, 52 laluapura, 61 Bad" 114 Hirapura, 121 Harsinghpura, 122 Konhar, puri, 62 Badapura, 64 Surpura, 66 Kyaripura, 68 Data­ 127 Kuthonda, 132 Rabiapura, 1""7 Outor, 159 GudabaJi, waJi, 69 Bhagwantpura, 90 Ranipura Barhi, 99 Para, 186 Amayan. 100 Soyee. 101 Jonora, 102 Gajna, 109 Phoof Kalan, 112 Pali Bhind, 113· :Naripura Bhind, 123 Dehara, 4 LAHAR TAHSIL 124 lawasa, 133 Goar Khurd, 140 Atarsllma Bhind, 207 Kumhrowa, 208 Kumhrowa Uikrampura, Urban 213 Mahpur, 218 Kiratpura, 223 Barahi, 224 Sujanpura. 225 Hirapura, 256 Urnr;, 271 Kheda Shyampura. Locatioil code nlln.ber and nallle of Tuwn : 287 Tehangur. IV LAHAR

2 GOHAD TAHSIL Rural Urban . " Location cude /lumber and /l7 Mihona, 68 Khitoli, 69 DauJatpllra Sani, 93 Khurd, 94 Asnehat, 103 Lapwaha, 112 Shyampura, Location code n/{/iioe( and "all1(, 0 Village: r 113 Sijaripura, 123 Nanpura, 124 Bijpura, 129 Bespura, 21 Amarpura, 22 Bara, 36 Rawatpura, 38 Birkhadi, 130 Bhatpura, 131 Bhikampura, 139 Pirthipura, 49 Basahara, 50 Gohadi, 60 Gohad, 65 Gurikha, 155 Chorai, 162 Chiruli, 164 Devra. 181 Pharduwa, 113 Nibrol, 115 Cbitora, 1l91hankri, 120 Neerpllra, 183 Rawatpura Khurd, 197 Murawali, 208 Alampur, 132 Makrehata, 142 Mudena, 147 Mahuari, 1-18 Bhadera, 209 Rajrapura, 214 Khiria, 215 Bhapar, 219 Daboh, 153 Banganga Gangapur, 156 Dehgaon, 157 Loharpura, 221 Kunwarpura No.? 228 Belma, 232 Gadroli. 159 Kanhaipura, 168 Taroli, 174 Mau,



Locatioll cod

Rural Locatioll code number elld name 0/ Villagf : 11 Udotgarh, 14 Nawali Brindaban, 286 Jakhmoli, API"ENDlX V-Condd.



Urban Urban

Location code numb,,. and /lam/, of Tawil : Location code number and name 0/ Town:


Ward NQ. 2 Warc1 No.1

Rural Rural location code till'11ber and ~ame 0/ Village: Locatiun code nl/mba and name 0/ Village:

41 Sunarpura, 66 'Sonl, 148 JarsenOl, 173 Kanatlnr, 34 Mehdava, 56 Machlland, 100 Hirapura, 107 Ajnar, 186 Amayan, 154 Aswar, 208 Alampur, 219 Daboh.




Urban Urban

Locatioil code number and name 0/ TaWil : Lomtion code Ilwnber alld flame of TaWil :


Ward No.4, Ward No. 11 Ward No. 2

Rural Rural

Location code number (mel name 0/ Village: Location code' number alld name of Viilage :

11 Udotgarh, 14 Nawali Brindaban, 256 Umri, 41 Sunarpura, 52 Manhacl, 66 Soni, 148 Jarsena, 259 Pandari, 286 J&.khmoli. 173 Kanathar, 186 Amayan .


Urban Urban

LAcation code number alld name 0/ Towll : Nil


Ward No. 2 L~eatil'JlI ctlde number and name 0/ Village:

Rural 19 Mangarh, 56 Machhand, 66 Banthari, 136 Jamuha, 148 Haluapura, 154 Aswar, 166 Bijora. Nil 176 Tola, 177 Barauwa, 190 Rampura, 219 Daboh, 234




Urban 130 Sllraya (10), 132 Gyanpura (4), 133 Go·ar Khurd (14), 134 Pachokhara (3). 135 Kanhuwapura (2), Location code number and naille 0/ Town: 136 Kakran Ka PUra (2). 137 Kurthara (I) 138 Didee (18), 139 Jampura (10), 140 Atarsuma Bhind (5), I BHIND 141 Mircholi (1). 142 Bhagwasi (7), 143 Bhadakhur (20). 144 Sankri (9), 148 Goar Kalan \3), 146 Pithan­ Ward No. 1 (12), 2 (8), 3 (10), .. (11), 5 (9), pura (4). 147 Masoori (12), 148 Saroopura \2), 6 (8), 7 (14), 8 (7), 9 (12), 10 (7), 11 (6). 149 Kanipura Pipri (2). 151 Udotpura (4), 152 Mudlya Kheda (5), 154 Nahara (7), 155 Bhonpura (19), Rural 156 Janjaripura (I), 157 Rampura Pipri (5), 158 Son­ pura (51, 159 Miragpura (4), 160 Tikari (4), 161 Pipri (13), 162 Bendipura (3). 163 Bichholi (9), 164 Kamal­ Location code /lumber alld name 0/ Vil/aae : pura (4), 165 Laharpura (4), 166 Jari (4), 167 Sultan­ pura (1), 168 Bakshipura (2), 169 Dharai (2), 171 1 Kachhpura (3), 2 Ater (30). 4 Himmatpura (3), Dehati (7), 172 Kachhui (6), 173 Khidarpura (7(, S Maghera (3). 6 Ak.on (9), 7 Arjunpura (5), 8 RepUl;a­ 174 Ruar (2), 175 Birampura (2), 176 Aitahar (20). Ater (5). 9 Khipona (4), 10 Jamsara (8), 11 Udotgarh 179 Choki (5), 180 Bisalpura Bhind (4), 181 Ratnoo­ (12), 12 Kanera (21). 13 Kherahat (6), 14 Nawali- pura (2). 182 Bilohara (3), 183 Rachhedi (9). Brindaban (10), IS Salimpura (3), 16 Rohanda (I), 184 Kachogara (30), 185 Parsona (10), 186 Sohada (32) 17 Ghinochi (3), 18 Bindawa Ater (6), 19 Kheri (I), 187 Bagpura (l), 188 Chhuchhari. (3), 189 Bindwa­ 20 Ratnoopura Ater (2). 21 Soorajpura (20), 22 Nakha­ Bhind (4), 190 JoriBrahman ([3), 191 Madanpura (6), loli (10), 23 Kosad (28), 24 Chhonda (3), 25 Budhan 192 Repura Pipri (4), 193 Harrajpura (2), 194 Chakarpllra Puca (3). 26 AhroJi Kali (8), 27 Gader (6), 28 (3), 195 AmJehda (3). 196 Seengpura BbinG (2), 197 Moorat Chomo (25), 29 Tarsokhar (15), 30 Nawalihar (3), pura (1), 198 Khatyarpura (1), 199 Lakhanpura (2), 31 Kadora (8), 32 Ranipura Ater (1), 33 Naripura­ 200 Pur (1), 201 Kusmar (3). 201 Bhujpura (3). Ater (2), 34 HuJapura (4), 35 Gohadupura (2), 203 Nalipura i2), 204 Laehhmipura (I), 205 Goghat­ 36 Bamanpura (4). 37 Kisoopura (17). 38 Jorikotwal khader (3), 206 Hewatpura (2), 207 Kumhrowa (2), (9), 39 Chitaoli (6). 40 Manepura (6). 41 Chilonga 208 Kumwrowa Bikrampura (I), 209 Charthar (13). (II), 42 Bijora (9), 43 Kheda Ater (4). 44 Modhana 210 Nl'!htoli (7), 21l Meesa (7), 212 Peeladanda (4), (3), 46 Balarpura (6). 47 Partappura (7), 48 JaJpura 213 Mahapur (7), 214 Pirthipura (2), 2]5 Pidora (5), (3), 49 Jalpud (7), 50 Tor Ka Pur a (3), 5l Chhidiy1t 217 Daboha (7). 218 Kiratpura (5), 219 Manpura (2), pura (2). 52 Jaluapura (3), S3 Bhagatuapura (4), 221 Kanawar (60), 223 Barohi (6), 224 Sujanpura (2), S4 Hamirapura (6), 55 Bar ka pura (4), 56 Pariyaya 225 Hirapura (1), 226 AmJehedi (3), 227 Badanpura (I). (5), 57 Rama (33). 58 Khadit (12), 59 Shukalpura (9). 228 Bharmaupura (2), 229 MangaQPura (2), 230 Seeng­ 60 Jamhora ~6), 61 Badpuri (4) 62 Badpura (5), 63 Kare pura Umri (4), 231 Dongarpura Bhind (3), 232 Naib (6), Ka Pura (1), 64 Surpura (5), 65 Adhurjpura (5), 66 Kyaripura (5), 67 Madhaya pura (5), 68 Datawali (6), 233 Khurd (4), 234 Amratpura (2), 236 Lawan (24), 69 Bhagwant pura (3), 70 Jori Ahir (8). 71 Ahroli­ 237 ~aJigpura (2). 238 Chandrapura (2), 240 Turk­ Ghat (9). 72 Mora (1), 73 Sora (5), 74 Maharaj­ pura (2). 241 Jaisoopura (2), 242 Bijl'uri (4), 243 pura (2), 75 Kharika Ater (16). 76 Niwari (7), Chal1dupura (9), 244 Birdhanap1.lra (3). 245 Rahala (3). 77 Ramata (6), 78 Ridoli (19), 79 Udannakhera (4), 246 Bara Kalan (7), 249 Gopa!pura (6), 250 Kilee (3). 80 Anrudhpur (2), 81 Kalyan pura (3), 82 Rampura 251 Bajhai (9), 252 Babedi (19). 253 Nunhata (58), Ater (3), 83 Dulhagan (24), 84 Hetpura (2), 85 Sak­ 254 Bara Khurd (17), 25S Sikahata (12). i 256 Umri (34), raya (12). 86 Udhannpura (3), 87 Garhabarhi (8). 2'57 Akaha (2). 258 Pulawali (33). 259 Pandari (33), 88 Chachar (8), 89 Baderi (5), 90 Ranipura Barhi (9), 260 Bilao (41), 261 Kharika Umri (1), 262 Motipura (4), 91 Badapur (11), 92 Barhi (35), 93 PaW3yee (J 8), 263 Guseeng ("1), 264 Garh' Sita (3). 265 Pewali (1), 94 Birgawan (12), 95 Baghedi \3). 96 Mahewa (3), 266 Ishwari (7). 267 Rampura Umri (12). 268 Lahroli (25). 97 Bagulari (B). 98 Depera (7), 99 Para (35), 100 Sayee (5;. 101 Janora (7), 102 Gajna (5). 103 Kamayee (6). 169 Garhi Sultan (4), 170 Kot (16).271 Kheda Shyampura 1M Saglitore (2), 105 Biragaun Rani (42). 106 Chasad (9), 273 Bisalpura (2), 274 Rora (4), 275 Sarsai (8), (3), 107 Matghena (1), 109 Phoof Kalan (28). 110 276 Madanai (7). 277 Puradhoomna (9). 278 Atarsuma Andhapura (3), 112 Pali Bhind (8). 1 (3 Naripura Umari (9), 279 Saara (23). 280 Har ki Jameh (3).· Bhind (1), 114 Kapurpura (I), 117 Jepurl1 (4), 119 281 Kakahara (8), 282 Nayagaon (19), 283 Behad Sapad (10), 120 Pali Pipari (13), 121 Siyawali (3), Ki Jameh (3), 28.4 Madai (9), 28S Dongarpura (7). 122 Inguri (15), 123 Dehara ("'n, 124 Jewasa (44), 286 Jakhmoli (19), 287 Tehangur (15), 288 Ojha (4). 125 Mihoni (5), 126 Simrao (3). 128 Saphedpura (3), 289 Saowia (6), Duwar (12). 235




Urban 140 Karwas (8). 141 Agsoli (5), 142 Mudena (4), 143 Niwari (1), 144 Bilpura (2), 145 Chhareta (6), _146 Location code number and name o/Town : Antauwa (2), 147 Mahuari (4), 148 Bhadera (2), 149 III GOHAD Chhenkuri (4), 150 Bhaypura (2), 151 Junglepura (3). 152 Atarsonha (3), 153 Banganga (Gallgapur) (1), 154 Madan­ Ward No. 1 (14). 2 (2), 3" (2), 4 (5), 5 (6), pura (5), 155 Jalalpura (I). 156 Dehgaon (9), 157 Lohar 7 (10). pura (4), 159 KanhaipLira n, 160 Kitce (1), 161 Guhisar (18). 162 Bamroli (1), 163 Baroli (7). 164 Jaret (4), Rllral 165 Makhori (2), 166 UjhawaJ (12), 167 Rasnol (5), Location code I1lJlt/beJ' and name of Village: 168 Taroli (2).169 Alldhiari Khurd (4), 170 Adupura (6), 171 Jitarwai (7), 172 Kheriabar (10), 173 Kheria 1 Biswari (l), 2 Bhonpura (7)~ 4 Suha5 (3), 5 Biloni (5), Chandan (3), 174 Mau (3). 175 Kheria Jaloo (5) 6 Ehno (8). 8 Padrai (4), 9 Rai Ki Pali (3), 176 Degawan (2), 177 Andhiari Kalan (4), 179 Barara (3), 10 Bamora (4), 11 Nim1ada (2), 12 Barona (5). 180 Sora (2). 181 Pakhojia (I), 182 Kitahena (4), 13 Baknasa (13), 14 Nagor (4). 15 Chandokhar (12), 185 Shekhllpura (J), 186 Mohaddipura (1), 16 Jasrath 'Ka Pura (4), 17 Chak Barona (19), 187 Padriha (3), 188 Bakholi (5), 189 Dang Naruwa (I), 18 Endori (12), 19 Chak Chandokhar (Jahanpura) (3), 20 191 Maghan (I), 192 Rupawai (5), 193 Asohana (4), Pipahadi (20), 21 Amarpura (6), 22 Bara(ll), 23 Tetoll(lO), 194 Jamdara (9), 195 Sehroli (2), 196 Simiriya (2), 24 Sherpur (12). 25 Lodhe Ki Pali (5), 26 Fatehpur (5), 197 Badera (Mall) (6), 198 Bhadroli (2), 199 Teekar (I), 27 Jagannath ka pura 15), 28 Shyampur (6). 29 Manpura 200 Bahera (2), 201 Gumara (l), 202 Syaripura tl), Kamra (4), 30 Khaneta (12), 31 Kanipura (6), 203 Guryaichi (6), 204 Ratwa (8\, 32 Chhareta (Ehno) (5), 33 Tehra (4), 35 Kanchanpur (3), 36 Rawatpura (5), 37 Shankarpura (5), 38 Bir Khedi (15), 3 MEHGAON TAHSIL 39 Nonera (10). 40 Chak Khaneta (2), 4] Chhimaka (8), 42 Kiratpura (3),44 Rudh Sarkar(Chinkupura) (3),45 Chak­ Urban Tukeda (3). 46 Sarwa (8),47 Chak Sarwa (3),48 Nawali(2j, h 49 Basahara (2), 50 Gohadi (4), 51 Sirsoda (6), Location code Illlm er alld l1am:' oj TOWIl : 52 Chandehara (1).53 Bhagw'asa (7). 54 Kheria Raijoo t3). II I'vlEHGAON 55 Bagulari (3), 56 Bhyani (5). 57 Tukeda (3), 58 Barthara (6). 59 Ramanpura (I), 60 Gohad (2). Ward Nos. 1 (18), 2 (6). 3 (18), 4 (10), 61 Kheria Mahanand (3), 62 Khurd (6), 63 Janora (4), 64 Jatpura (9), 65 Gurikha (7), 66 Ekahara (2), Rural 67 Jhabalpura (Ill, 68 Sisonia (3), 69 Banipura (5), 70 Dhamsa (8), 71 Hasliapura (4), 72 Harpura (1), Location code number and name oj Village: 73 Sad Kheria (l), 74 Palia (I), 75 Madanpura (5), 76 Shyampura (Gohad) (1),77 Sighwari (5),78 Tudila (6), 1 Khera (6), 2 Aroli (24), 3 Kishanpura (3), 4 Kach­ 79 Kathwa Abdul Haji (2), 80 Badagar (9), 81 Kathwa­ naw Kalan tlO), 5 Kachnaw Khurd (14), 6 Chandeni Gujar (4), 82 Ghirogi (2), 83 Lahchura (6), 84 Chak Ma­ (3), 7 Sukand (5), 8 Sujanpura (3), 9 Bahera (2), dhopur (2), 85 Echaya (9), 86 Bankepur (4), 88 Khara va 10 KutroH (5), 11 Pachera (12). 12 Prithvipura (8), (2), 89 Khito!i (6), 90 Gadroli (I). 91 Malanpur (4), 13 Suchapura (5), 14 Kot (9), 15 Guliapura (3), 92 Maho (4), 93 Piproli (to), 94 Barauwa (2), 9S 16 Mohanpura (7). 17 Hasanpura (5), 18 SiloJi (4), Habipura (6), 96 Pratap pura (Gohad) (5), 97 Tilori (3), 19 Didona (11), 20 Parosa (23), 21 Baloopura (3), 99 Khader (7), 100 Hanumant pura (2), 101 Alori (4), 22 Tikari (7), 23 Tejpura (4), 24 Gormi (9), 25 102 Jayajipura (2), 103 Kamalapura (1'), 104 Baghora (2), Gopalpura (1), 26 Seupura (I). 27 Raypura (Ingola) (8), 28 105 Ratanpura (4). 106 Kheriagajoo (I), 107 Chhareta Harichha (6), 29 Sikroda (6), 30 Kalyanpura Gormi (7), (Gohad) (2). 108 Kiratpura Dang (2), 109 Baghrai (4), 31 Ghilowa (6), 32 Liloi (7), 33 Raupura (4), 110 Bagthara (4), 111 Girgaon (1 J), 112 Piparsana 34 Rajgarhia (3), 35 Doniapura (7), 36 Pratappura­ (34), 113 Nibrol (1), 115 Chit ora (5), 116 Itayanda (5), Gormi (5), 37 Kholipura (8), 38 Nunhad (15), 39 117 Madroli (5), 118 Rampura (3;, 119 Jhankari (3), Vijaygarh 0), 40 Karam Ka Pum (4), 41 Sunarpura (6), 120 Neerpura (3), 121 Asoohi (5), 122 Kheriaban (1). 42 Akloni (11), 43 Achhai (5), 44 Dongarpura (4), 123 Nenoli (3), 124 Handiapura (1), 125 Silohan (10). 45 Lalpura (8), 46 Mehdoli (9), 47 Alokhar (7), 116 Annaich (5), 127 Chamhedi (6), 128 Janakpura (6), 48 Chapara (5), 49 Hirapur (4), 50 Sepura (5), 31 130 Keroli (2). 131 Badera (4), 132 Makrehata (3), 133 Ahmanpura (3), 52 Manhad (36), 53 Jarpura· (2), Itayali (4), 134 Ghamuri (7), 135 Sinor (4), 136 Dang­ 54 Alampura (1), 55 Kheria Thapak (5), 56 Shyam­ chhenkuri (I). 137 Dirman (3),139 Kalyanpura (Gohad) (2), pur Gormi (6). 57 Arelapura (2), 58 Meghpura (10). 236

APPl:.J.'.IDIX VIl-Contd.



59 Ajnodha (7), 60 Garhi (9), 61 Kharipura (4), Urban 62 Ladampura (4), 63 Lawan (32), Chandrapura (2), Location ('ode numher and /lame oj Town: 65 Senthari (Soni) (12), 66 Soni (25), 67 Kishanpura (3), 68 Bhopatpura (3), _ 69 Bijaypura (5), 70 Shri ka IV LAHAR pura (1), 71 Sondha (16), 72 Maharajpura (3), 73 MoroH (7), 74 Jugepura (6), • 75 Pratappura (6), 76 Ward Nos. 1 (12),2 tS), 3 (8), 4 (12), Dewari Mehgaon (3),- 77 Surajpura (2), 78 Hanspura (5), 79 Gujarra 0), 80 Manpura Gonni (5), 81 Do­ Rural dari (I), 82 Pannowa (2), 83 Jalharipura (2), 84 Amratpura (5), 85 Rampura Barhad (4), 86 Khe­ Locatio/l code number and /lame of Village: ria Mehgaon (I), 87 Kanhari (5), 88 Jeesakhpura (4), 1 Ronja (4), 2 Bahadurpura Bhageli (2), 3 Hilgawan (3), 89 Jodhapura (2), 90 Baghora (6), 9J Gona Hardas­ 5 Mahayar (2), 6 Kanuapura (1), 7 Mehda (20), 8 Parsala pura (7), 92 Goam (16), 93 Peepapura (2), 94 Bahua (18), 9 Padhora (21). 10 Lara! (7), 11 Raipura (10). (9), 95 Narainpura (I), 96 Tor (1), 97 Renka (3), 98 12 Dohai (7), 13 Nibsai (6), 14 Pura Bhimnagar (4), Jetpura (2), 99 GUl1gawali (5), ]00 Imalia (4), 101 15 Pratappura (2). 16 Kondh (4), 18 Mehra Khurd (7), Mushtari (5), 102 Rarnpura (5), 103 Nimgaon (5), 19 Mangarh (13), 20 Jaswantpura (1), 21 Gorai (15) 104 Gingarakhi (8), 105 Barhad (II), J06 Baharpura (3), 22 Raruwa No. I (8), 23 Nawalpura (3), 24 Kat (2), 25 Rayo 107 Mmhtara (Mumhara) (4) 108 SHoli (5), 109 SUra­ (5), 26 Basantpura (9), 27 l\adna (10), 28 Damnapura (10), wali (5), 110 Manikpura (4). 111 Pachcra (20), 112 30 Mooratpura (6), 31 Bonapura (16), 32 Madaiya (7), Piproli (3). 113 Gadhyara (5), 114 Hirapura (I), 33 Indurkhi (13 ),34 Mehdauwa (12),35 Chandawali No.1 (6), 115 Birgawan (6), 116 Khidarpura (5). 117 Bharoli 36 Ron (14), 37 Andhiari No, I (1). 38 Nodha (17). 40' Pachokhara (10), 41 Maloopura (4), 42 Gandh 0), Khurd (15), 118 Bharoli Kalan (8), 119 Musawali 43 Bahoripura N. A. 44 Bagiapura (8), 45 UmreJa (17), (5). 120 Parrawan (4). 121 Harsinghpura (3), 122 46 Lohchara (5), 48 Jagannathpura (4), 49 Hamirpura (4), Konhar (10), 123 Dagar (5), 124 Baraso (5), 125 50 Jetpura Madhi (20), 51 Chachai (5), 52 Birkhari (21), PatIo Khari (3), 126 Dhanoli (5), 127 Kuthollda (4). 53 Imlaha (9), 51 Dariapura (I), 55 Banuapura (1), 128 Sarsed (3), 129 Sundarpura (2), 130 Chhaju­ 56 Machhand (47), 57 Biswari (5), 58 Thanupura (3), pura (I). 132 Rabiapura (5). 133 Sanduri Simar (I), 59 Matiawali Khurd (2). 60 Dubka (4), 61 Achalpura (9) 134 SiJaupura (I), 135 Dcwari lawall (I), 136 Dewara . 63 Dabreha Jagir (9), 64 Bohara (20), 65 Machllaraha (12), (5), 137 Gutor (8). 138 Simar (10). 139 Ranupura (5), 66 Banthari (36),67 Mihona (75), 68 Khitoli (10), 69 Daulat 140 lecthaso (1), 142 Sururu (2). 14~ Shahpura (2), Pura Sani (4), 70 Jetpura Gudha (5), 71 Gudha (8), 72 ]44 Chutawali (2), 145 Rajpura (I). 146 Ainol (4), Bhakoti (1),73 Surghan (3), 74 Morkhi (4). 75 AhroIi Jagir 147 Gujarra (4), 148 Jarsena (9), 149 Sayana (38), (4),76 Matiawali Bujurg (2),77 Chachupura (1), 78 Singh, pura (3), 79 Katha (IS). 81 Chandokh (14), 82 Lidhora (5), 150 Teekari Kalan II), 151 Goram (7), 152 Kethoda (3), 84 Badetar (I). 85 Gurira (1). 87 Rahawali Behad (9), 153 Ikori (2), 154 Gata (2). 155 Chamarpura (2), 88 Malpura (5), 89 Nakahara (4), 90 Rari (2), 91 Barhet 156 Dhorka (I), 157 Depura (2), 158 Kupawali (2), N."'. 92 Kunwarpura No.1. (7). 93 Khurd (10),94 Asnehat 159 GudabaJi (2), 160 Bujurg, 161 Sadha (2)- (14), 95 Dhohac (4), 96 Parrayich (2). 97 Rawatpura 162 Manikpura Nisf (1), 163 Katrol (19), ]64 Sen­ Sani (3), 98 Rahawali Ubari (20), 99 Dhonpura (9), thad Simar (3), 165 Chirol (5), 166 Kemokhari (6), 100 Hirapura (2), 101 Lalpura (7), 102 Sikri (6). 167 Kerorra (3), 168 Anton (1), 169 Kheroli (3). 103 Lapwaba (6), 104 Jaganpura (15), 105 Sijroli (1), 170 A_ieeta (2), 171 Dadrauwa (5), 172 Padkoli (2) .. 106 Madori (2), 107 Ajnar (8), 108 Mehara Bujurg (14), 173 Kanathar (32), 174 Gaheli (15), 175 Sadasipura (2), . 109 Mehari (2), . 110 Kathgara 0), 112 Shyampura (3), 176 Lahra (4), 177 Takpura (4), 178 Barethi Raj 113 Sivaripura (2), 114 Badokhari (12), 116 Chhidi N.A. (2), 179 Kachhar (3), 180 Sirsi (2), 181 Kam­ 117 'Kakora (3), 118 Sundarpura (9), 119 Karepura anpura (I), 182 Adokhar (4), 184 Kheria Sindh (1), (2), . 120 Rohani Singhpura (2), 121 Tejpura (5), 185 Pipratfwa (2), 186 Amayan (40), 187 Madan 122 Chhivawali No. I (4), 123 Nanpura (6), 124 BUpura (5), pura (I), 188 Pura (5), 189 Bachhreta (3), 190 125 Rurii(12), 126 Badagaon No. 1 (2), 127 Lilwari (5). Barethi Khurd (2), 191 Parghena (24), 192 Gokul­ 128 Charidawali No.2 (2), 129 Bespura (3), 130 Bhatpura pura 0). 193 Semara (2), 194 Badera Amayan (2), (9), 131 Bhikampura (8), 134 Barha (9), 135 Harpura (3), 195 Piproli (1), 196 Danipura (I), 197 Bachhroli (I), 136 Jamuha (18), 137 Shahpura No.1 (2). 139 Pirthipura 198 Kamanpura (2), 199 Chandrapura (4). 200 (2), 140 Rohani (11), 142 Girwasa (8), 143 Bagbawali (1), Sanduri (1), 201 Lalpura (2), 202 Singhpura (2), 144 Sujanpura (1). 145 Semra 0). 146 Duda (4), 147 Jet­ 203 Mehara (10). pura Aswar (5), 148 Haluapura (5), 150 Chiroli (5), 237




151 Rasulpura (1), 152 Jalalpura (3), 153 19ui (3), (2). 205 Dhanora (1), 206 Roni (2), 207 Parechha (15), 154 Aswar (30), 159 Maseran (5), 161 Nisar (3), 162 Chiruli 208 Alampur (36), 209 Rajrapura (5), :t10 Shahpura (9). 163 Akhdewa (7), 164 Dewara (2), 165 Barei (5), (4), 211 Roor (2), 212 Bisanpura (4), 213 Durgapur (2). 166 Bijora (11),' 168 Tighra Khurd (2), 169 Rurai (9), 214 Khiria (3), 215 Bhapar (3), 216 Genthari (8). 170 Kariawali (6), 171 Sikari Daboh (1), 172 lkmili (5). 217 Chadhrauwa (3), 219 Daboh (14), 220 Baghedi (5), 174 Dewari Kalan. (13), 175 Sonsara (10), 176 Tola (15), 221 Kunwarpura No.2 (5), 222 Amaha (10), 226 Bijpur 177 Barauwa (9), 178 Khajuri (4), 180 Arusi (18) (8), 227 Kurthar (6), 228 Belma (4), 229 Barthara (9), 181 Pharduwa (4), 183 Rawatpura Khurd (4), 184 Narol 230 Gora (3), 231 Badagaon No.2 (5), 233 Kasal (5), 234 (16), 185 Kumhrol (3), 186 Dharmpura (8), 187 Khilli (2), Padri KhurJ (2;, 236 Marpura (5), 237 Gyanpura 0), 238 188 Salampura (2), 189 Mihoni (6), 190 Rampura (4), Khurd (6), 239 Ratanpura (3), 240 Khuja (9). 241 Sujawal­ 191 Behta (2), 192 Bid(a (8), 193 Bbaderi (2), 194 Raruwa pura (1), 242 Para (5), 243 Riniya (2), 246 Daduwa (4), No.2 (4), 195 Larsa (1), 196 Salaiya (2), 197 Murawali 249 Jakholi (8), 250 Dhorkha (3), 251 Bamhanpura (I), (15), 199 Dabhra (5), 200 Chirawali (1). 201 Timawali (1), 252 Chhan (6), 253 Peepari (3). 202 Gangepura (11), 203 Chhivawali No.2 (3), 204 Dabhni




Urban Urban

Location code number and /lame 0/ TO'r1"n : Location code numhet and lIame of Town:


Ward Nos. 1,2,4,7, 9. Ward Nos. I, 3, 4,

Rural Rural

Nil Nil


LUClJlfOIl code number and name of'Town : Rural III GOHAD Location code number and name of Village : Ward Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5. •. 11)7 Murawali. Rural




Urbao Urban

Loc-alion code number and name of Town: I,ocalion code numba alld name of Town:


Ward Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,8, 9, )0, 1 L Ward Nos. 1, 2, 4.

Rural Rural

Nil Location code /l/{mber and name of Vil/agr, : 191 Parghena.... : GOHAD TAHSIL 4 LAHAR TAHSIL Urban Urban Nil Location code number alld name of Town:


Loca/ion code number and name of Village: Ward No.

157 Loharpura. Rura!





UrbaR Urban

Location code number and name of Vil/a¥t! : Location code number and name of Town:


Ward No. 6 (Sunday) Ward No. (Tburlday). R.ural Rural Location code number and name of Village: L6eation code nutr.ber and name of Villare .- 11 Udotgarh (Saturday), 78 Ridoli (Four times in a year, Sunday). 79 Udann Kheda (Sunday), 6 Ehno (Wednesday). 9 Rai Ki Pali (Monday), 85 Sakraya (Sunday). 108 Bhhnpura (Saturday), 33 Bir Khadi (Tuesday), 39 Nonera (Monday). 161 Pipari (Friday), 176 Aitahar (Thursday), 157 Loharpur (Sunday), 1704 Mau (Sunday). 239




Urban Urball

Location codl!! numbu lind flame of Town " Locatioll co;h lIumb.!r and name of Town:

IV LAHAR If MEHGAON Ward No. 1. Ward No.2 (Wednesday) . Rural

Location code !lumber and !lame tlf Vi!lfltl': L(lcalion code number and nami,o/ Village,' , 21 Gorai (Tuesday), 22 Raruwa No. (Monday), 5 Kachnaw Khurd (Monday), 11 Paehera (Friday), 33 Indurkhi (Thursday), 36 Ron (Monday and Thursday), 24 Gormi (Wednesday), \ 29.' Sikroda (Sunday), 38 Nodha (Friday), 56 Machhand (Thursday), 32 Liloi (Monday), 36 *atappura Gormi (Monday), 57 Biswari (Wednesday). Ci4 Bohara (Saturday), 31 Nunhad (Thursday),' 47 A10khar (Friday) 66 Banthari (Sunday), 67 Mihona (Wednc5day). 52 Manhad (Wednesday), ' 66 Soni (Sunday), 79 Katha (Friday), 9& Rahawali Ubari (Monday and 148 Jarsena (Thursday in July and Aug), 173 Kanathar Thursday), 107 Ajnar (Thursday), 13' Jamuha (Sunday), (Saturday). 181 Kamanpura (Friday), 186 Amayan (Friday), 154 Aswar (Thursday), .176 Tola (Monday), 190 Rampura (Thursday), 208 Alampur (Tuesday and Saturday), 219 Daboh (Wednesday).



Nore-In this Appendix (ij C.C.S. stands for Co-operative Credit Society, (ii) M.P.S. for Multi-Purpose Society, (iii) I.e.S. for Industrial Co-operative Socie~y and (iv) '0' stands for Other Societies.


Urban 130 Saraya (0), 137 Kurthara (0;, 141 Mircholi (0), 142 Bha~wasi (0).149 Ranipura Pi pari (C.C.S.) 151 Udot- LflCillil'Jn corie numhu and name of Town,' pura (C.e.S.), 152 Mudiya Kheda (C.C.S.). 157 Ram- pura Pipari (0), 161 P.ipari (C.C.S.), 162 Vedipura I BHIND (C.C.S.); 163 Bichholi (C.C.S.), 168 Bakshipura (C.C.S.), 169 Dharai (C.GS.), 170 Dinpura (0), 174 Ruar (0), Ward No.1 (0), Ward No.2 (C.C.S.). Ward No.3 (C.C.S.). 175 Eeerampura (0), 179 Choki (C.C.S.). 185 Parsona Ward No.6 (C.C.S.). Ward No.7 (C.C.S.). Ward No.8 (0). eC.c.S.), WI Kusamar CC.C.S.), 202 Bhujpura (0), Ward No. 10 (CC S.). 233 Khurd (C.C.S.), 236 Lawan (C.C.s.), 244 Birdhanpura (C.C.S.), 259 Pandari (0), 285 DODaarpura Umri (0). R.ural 219 Sanawai (0).

2 GOHAn T~HSIL Urban 11 Udotaarh (C.C.S.). 12 Kanera (C.C.S.), 29 Tars()­ khar (0). 31 Kadora (0). 37 Kisoopura (C.C.S.), Location codt! number (In.' name of Town: 47 Partappura (0), !2 Jaluapura (0), 64 Surpura (0), III GOHAD 7! Kharika Atec (0) 76 Niwari (0), 96 Mahewa (C.C.S,), 104 Sailitore (0), 121 Siawali (C.C.S.), 123 Dehara Ward No. 1 (M.P.s.). Ward No. l (I.C.S.) Ward No." (C.C.S.), ll4 Jawara (C.C.S.), 126 Simrao (C.C.S.), (I.C.S.). Ward No. S (0). Ward No.7 (0). ~40




Rural 163 Baroli (0), 164 Jaret (0), 165 Makhori (C.C.S.), 166 Ujhawal (C.C.S.), 167 Rasllo] (C.C.S.), 168 1 aroll (0), Lu.:ation code numhcl" add name of Village: 169 Andhiyari Khurd \0), 170 Adu Pura (0), 171 Jjtarbai (0),172 Kheriabar (0), 173 Kheria Chandan (0), 174 Mau 1 Biswari (0), 2 Bhonpura (e.C.S.i, 4 Suhas (e.C.S), (e.C.S.), 175 Kheria Jalu (0), 176 Degawan (0), 5 Biloni (ee.s.), 6 Ehno (c.es.), 7 Arnarpura (C.e.S.). 177 Andhiyari Kalan (0), 179 Barara (0), 180 Sora (0), 8 Padrai (0), 9 Raikipali (0), 10 Barnhora (0), 11 Neem· 181 Pakhojiya (0), 182 Kitahena (0), 185 Shekhupura (0). dada (e.C.S.), 12 Barona (C.C.S.). 13 Baknasd (0), J86 Mohaddipura (0;, 187 Padriha (0), 188 Bakholi (0), 14 Nagor (0), 15 Chandokhar (0), 16 Jasrath Ka Pura (0), 189 Dang Naruwa (0), 191 Maghan _(0), 192 Rupawai (0), 17 Chack Barana (0), 18 Endori (0), 20 Pipand (0), 193 Ashohans. (0), 194 Jamda.ra (0), 195 Sehroli (0), 22 Bara (0), 23 Teton (M.P.S.), 24 Sherpur.(O), 25 Lodhe 197 Badera (0), 198 Bhadro1i (0), 200 Bahera (0),202 Syari· Ki Pali (C.e.S.), 26 Fatehpur (0), 27 Jagannathpura PUra (0), 203 Guryaichi (0), 204 Ratwa (0). (e.C.S.), 29 Man Pura Kamra (0), 30 Kheneta (0), 31 Kanipura (C.C.S.), 32 Chharenta EI1I10 (0), 33 Tehra 3 MEHGAON TAHSIL (0),34 Dang (0), 35 Kanchanpur (C.C.S.), 36 Rawat Pura, (0),37 Shankar Pura (M. P.S.\, 38 Birkhadi (0), 39 Nonera Urban (0), 40 Chak Khaneta (0). 41 Chimka (0), 42 Kirat Pura (0), 44 Rundh Sarkar (0). 45 Chak Tukeda ie.C.s.), LOl alion code numb r and name () flown: 46 Sarwa (0). 47 Chak Sarwa (0), 48 Nawali (0), 49 Basahara (0). 50 Gohadi (0). 5.1 Sirsoda (0). 52 Chan· II MEHGAON dehara (0), 53 Bhagwasa (0), 54 Kheria Raiju, (0), 55 Bagulari (0). 56 Bhyani (0), 57 Tukeda (C.C.S.), Ward No.1 (M.P.s. I.C.S, 0), Ward No.2 (M.P.S.). 58 Barthara (0). 60 Gohad (0), 61 Kheria Mahanand (0), 62 Khurd (0), 63 Janor,} (0), 64 Jatpura (0). 65 Gurikha Rural (C.e.S.), 66 Ikahara (0), 67 Jhawalpura (0), 69 Bani­ Pura (0), 70 Dharnsa (0). 74 Palia (0), 75 Madanpura Locatiun code /lumber (lnd nOllle 0/ Vil/(lge : (0), 76 Shyampura (0), 77 Singhwari (0), 78 Tudila (0), 79 Kathwa Abdul Haji (0),80 Badagar (0), 81 Kathwa Gujar 6 Chandeni (0), JO Kutroli \C.C.S.), 11 Pachera (0), (0), 82 Ghirogi (0). 83 Lahchura (0), 84 Chak Madhopur 14 Kot (0), 15 Guliapura (0), 20 Parosa (0), 21 Baloopura (0), 85 Echaya (0), 86 Bankepur (0), 87 Itayali (0). (0), 24 Gormi (0), 29 Sikroda (0). 33 Doniapura (0), 88 Kharawa (C.C.S. i, 89 Khitoli (0), 90 Gadrau]i (0). 36 Pratappura Gormi (C.C.S.), 37 Kholipura (0), 91 Malanpur (0), 92 Maho (Oi. 93 PiprauE (0), 38 Nunhad (C.e.S.), 41 SunarpUl'a (0), 42 Akloni (C.e.S.), 94 Barauwa (0), 95 Habipura (OJ. 96 Partappura (0), 43 Achhai (0), 47 Alokhar (0), 49 Hirapura {OJ, 50 Setura 97 Tilori (0), 93 Madhogarh (0), 99 Khadcr (0), (0),52 Manhad (0), 53 Jarpura (0), 54 Alampura (0). 100 Hanurnant Pura (0). 101 Alori (0). 103 Kamla Pura 55 Kheria Thapka (0), 57 Arela Pura (C.C.S.), 58 Megh­ 104 Baghora (0). 105 Ratan Pura (ee.s.), 106 Kheria Gaju pura (C.C.S.), 59 Ajnodha (e.C.S.), 60 Garhi (0), (C.C.S.), 107 Chharenta (0), 108 Kiratpura Dang (0), 61 Kharipura (C.C.S.), 62 Ladampura (C.C.S.), 65 Senthari 109 Baghrai (0). 110 Bagthara (0). 111 Girgaon (C.e.S.), Soni (0), 66 Soni (e.e.S.), 67 Kishanpura (C.C.S.) 112 Piparsana (0), 114 Piphada (0), 115 Chitora (0), 68 Bhopatpura (e.C.S.). 69 Bijaypura (e.C.S.), 72 Maharaj. 116ltayada (0), 117 Madroli (C.C.S.), 118 Rarnpura (0), puca (C.C.S.), 73 Moroli (C.C.S.), 74 Jugepura (0), 119 Jhankari (0). 120 Neerpura (0). 121 Asuhi (C.C.S.), 75 Pratappur (C.C.S.), 76 Dewari Mehgaon (e.C.S.), 122 Kheria Ban (C.e.S.), 123 Nenali (c.es.), 124 Handiya­ 77 Surajpura (C.e.S.), 78 Hanspura (C.C.S.), 79 Gujarra Pura (0), 125 Siloha (C.C.S.), 126 Annaich (C,C,S,), (C.C.S.) 80 Manpura Gormi (C.C.S.), 83 Jalharipura (C.e.S.), 127 Charnhedi (0), 128 Janak Pura (0), 129 Keshopura 84 Amratpura (C,C,S,), 85 Rampura Barhad (C.C.S.), (C.e.S.), 130 Keroli (0), 131 Badera (0), 132 Makrehata 86 Kheria Mehgaon (C,C.S.), 87 Kanhari (C.C.S.), (0), 133 Itayali (0), 134 Ghamuri (0), 135 Sinor (0), 88 Je~sakhpura (C.C.S.), 89 Jodhapura (C.C.S.), 136 Dang Chhekuri (0), 137 D.rrnan (0). 138 Pali (Dirman) 90 Baghoca (C.C.S.), 91 Gona Hardaspura (C.C.S.) 94 Bahua (e.C.S.), 139 Kalyanpura (e.C.S.), 140 Karwas (e.C.S,), (C.C.S.), 95 Narayanpura (e.e.S.), 97 Ranka (C C.S.). 141 Agsoli (0), 142 Mundena (0), 143 Niwari (0), 99 Gungawa\i (C.C.S.), 101 Mushtari (C.C.S.), 102 Rampura 144 Bilpura (0). 145 Chharenta (C.e.S.), 146 Anta. (C.C.S.), 1';4 Gingarkhi (C.e.S.), 105 Barhad (C.e.S.), uwa (0),147 Mahuari (0). 143 Bhadera (0), ]49 Chhenrkuri 107 Mumhara (C.e.S.), 108 SiloJi (C.C.S,), 110 Manikpura (0), 150 Bhaypura (0). 151 Junglepura (0). 152 Atarsonha (C.C.S.), 112 Piproli (C.C.S.), 114 Hirapura (C.C.S.). (0). 1!S.3 Banganga (Gangapur) (0), ]54 Madan Pura 115 Birgawan (C.e.S.), 120 Parrawan (C.e.S.), ( C.C S.), 155 Jalal Pura (C.C.S.), 156. Dehgaon 121 Harsinghpura (C.C.S.), 122 Konhar (C.C.S.), (C.C.S.),157 Lohar PUra (0), 158 Salam Pura (0), 126 Dhanoli (C.C S.) 127 Kuthanda (C.C S.), 128 Sarsed 160 Kitee (0), 161 Guhisar ( C.C.S.), 162 Barnhroli (0), (C.e.S.), 132 Rabiapura (e.C.S.), 136 Dewara (C.C.S.). ~41




137 Gutor (C.C.S~). 138 Simar (C.C.S.). 145 Rajpura 8 Parsala (C.C.S.), 9 Padhora (0), 10 Larol (0), 11 Rai­ \C.C.S.). 146 Ajnol (C.C.S.), 147 Gujarra- (C.C.S.). pura (0), 12 Dohai (0), 13 Nibsai (0), 15 Partappura 152 Kethoda (C.C;S.), 154 Gata (C.C.S.). 155 Chamar- (0), 19 Mangarh (0). 20 Jaswantpura (0), 21 Gorai (0), 22 pura (C.C.S.). 159 Gudaba1i (C.C.S.), 162 Manikpura Raruwa No.1 (0), 23 Nawalpura (0),24 Kot (0); 25 Rayo Nisf (C.C.S.). 163 _l.\:.atrol (C C.S.) 164 Senthalli Simar (0), 26 Basantpura (0), 27 Nadna (0), 28 Damnapura (C.C.S.), 165 Chirol (C.C.S.), 166 Kemokhari (C.C.. S). rO), 30 Mooratpura (C.C.S.), 31 Bonapura (C.C.S.), 167 Kerora (C.C.S.),,171 Dadrauwa (C.C.S.), 172 PadkoJi 32 Madaiya (C.C.S.), 33 Indurkhi (C.C.S.), 34 Mehdawt. (C.C.S.). (0),35 Chandawali No.1 (0).36 Run (C.C.S.), 37 Andhiari , No.1 (C.C.S). 38 Nodha (0). 40 Pachokhara (0), 4 LAHAR TAHSIL 41 Maloopura (0). 42 Gandn (0), 43 Bahoripura (0). 44 Bagiapura (C.C.s.), 46 Lohchara (C.C.S.), 52 Bidkhari . Urban CC.C.S.), 53Imlaha (0). 54 Dariyapura (0). 56 Machhand (C.C.S.), 57 Biswari tC.C.S), 64 Bohara (C.C.S.), Location code number and name 0/ Town: 66 Banthari (0), 67 Mihona (C.C.S.l, 68 Khitoli (C.C.S.), 69 Daulatpura Sani, (C.C.S.), 70 Jaitpura Gudha (C.C.S.), lV LAHAR 78 Singhpura (C.C.S.), 79 Katha (C.C.S.), 84 Badetar (0), i 85 Gurira (0). 91 Barhet (0), 98 Rahawali Ubari (C.C.S,), Ward No.1 (I.C.S.). 103 Lapwaha (C.C.S.); 104 Jaganpura (C.C.S.), 107 Ajnar (M.P.S.), 154 Aswar (C.C.S.), 184 Narol (C.C.S.), . 196 Salaiya (0). 197 Murawali (0), 199 Dabhra (C.C.s.), Rural 207 Parechha (C.C.S.), 208 Alampur (0), 215 Bhapar (C.C.S.), 219 Dabllh (0), 225 Singosa (0), 237 Gyanpura Location code number and name of Vii/age: (0), 238 Khurd (C.C.S.), 239 Ratanpura (C.C.S.), 240 Khuja (C.C.S.), 241 Sujawalpura (C.C.S.), 242 Para 1 Ronja (0), 2 Bahadurpura Bhagel' (0), 3 Hilgawan (0), (C.C.S.), 243 Riniya (C.C.s.), 252 Chhan (C.C.S.J. 5 Mahayar (0), 6 Kanuapura (0), 7 Mehda (C.C.S.)



This part contains some useful official statistIcs pertaoining to the district collected a.nd compiled from various a.gencies [the aogency or source is indica.ted below ea.ch rrable or Statement] and from official publications.' These a.re presented under the following heads:-

1 Rainfall \ 2 Economi6 Statistics :­ (a) Agriculwral (b) Prices and Wages ~. i I (c) Llve-~tock (d) Co-op~ratiori, Banking and Insurance I 3 Administrati VI! Statistics

4 Progress of Community Development Proira.mm.

5 Educa.tional Statistics

6 Health, Medica.l and Vital Sta.tistics:­ (a) Health and Medical (b) Vital Statistics

7 Communications

8 Miscellaneous 244

TABLE MONTHLY RAINFALL (a) No_ of Rai ny dayo (b) Monthly Rainfall BHIND

Recording Yeats 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 ,-.-. ___ .A.• ..:. __ ~ ,-____.A.-----., ,---___A_------, Station "--"..'-., r-~ -- ..A.. --~----. ,-.-----'-~.----. Months (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

I-Bhind January 4 35'1 2 9'4 1 55-9 Febrnary _1 6'3 2 27'4 1 2'5 March - 1 17'3 1 3-8 April 1 8'1 I 12'7 May June 4 470 10 318'8 3 77'5 2 43-2 8 281'9 July 5 99'1 12 J46'1 16 307·3 R 109·2 8 125'2 August 14 289-6 16 388'3 10 241-3 9 138-4 15 355-1 september 10 218'4 2 44'4 3 81'3 8 139'7 5 144'5 October 1 3'8 2 12-7 4 139'7 November 1 5·1 December 2 11-4 • ___ ... ____,..______• _____ - ______f' ______----~ 6 ______~ __ .. ___ ,.._ Total 31 688'4 45 911'8 36 742'5 33 480-0 ~.l. 1,1(.)4"8 _.... "'-.--",___---.------,..-~----- .. ~-~...... ~---- 2 Mehgaon January 3 40·6 4 3 44-5 february 38-1 March 2 12·7 April May .. June 2 10'2 11 368-3 1 14'0 I 14-0 5 162'6 July 4 48'3 8 184·2 13 341'6 9 91·5 5 46'2 August II 387'6 11 315'0 10 273-1 6 202'4 17 300'0 September '5 190'5 I 17-8 6 144'8 8 211-2 4 129'5 October 1 14·0 3 95'8 November December 2 10'2 .. .. -- .. -~-- ... --._----.. --~- .. ---... --.. ---- _... - .. ------~--.. ----~ .----.---_ _ Total 24 649'3 33 895'5 33 814-1 29 583-2 37 778·6 -"_ --.. ----~- .. -.--,,--~.------.. --~ - ... - ... ~- .. -,.. __ --~. ----~- - .. 3 Gohad January 3 2[-6 4 4[-9 3 34-3 February 2 12'7 4 27'9 1 5'1 March 1['4 I 2'5 1 12-7 April 1'3 .-- May. H 1·3 3-8 . June 3 33'0 8 312'4 5 61-0 2 [0'2 3 73'7 July 5 12'7 II 2~0'9 7 214-6 1 152'4 6 77·5 August 12 275'6 12 288'3 10 223-5 10 360-7 17 306'1 September 5 295'9 2 23-1 6 188'0 .7 362'0 6 13·7 October 1 5-1 1 2-5 1 14'0 4 74'9 November 1 . 5'1 December 12'7

-'--~ .. - .... --_._ ... --,..._ ~- .. - ...... ---~ ...... ------~~-.------~~---, ~-~- -~------~----- Total 28 640'1 37 885'2 32 715-0 36 981'8 40 645'3 --~.-----__ - .. ... ------... --~-----~------.. -_~- .. -.------4 Lahar January 1 1'3 3 31'0 1 12'7 15'7 -February 1 5'1 3 33'0 March 1 12'7 1 10'2 April 1 7·4 , May 1 10'2 '... -_. June 6 64'0 9 219'1 3 56-4 I 24-9 5 177'8 July 8 264·2 16 223·8 15 382'8 8 124'7 6 81-3 August 1 [ 337'3 18 377-7 13 161'3 10 176-& 17 358'1 September .9 250'2 3 41'9 6 116'8 12 268'5 9 161'6 October 1 16'5 1 3·8 4 143'5 - November December 2 13-2 ----... ~---.,...._--~ .. ----~~---.. -----...-----,..---.... -.--~ ... ---.. ----.. --" -_- ._--.. -_--- Total - ___38 .. ______962-5 .. ___51______952'3 ,..__------40 748'3 36.. ----t------644'4 ------42 944.0 DISTRICT AVERAGE 32 735-1 <42 911'2 3S 755·0 34 674'8 .. 0 868·2 ~-----.---,~---.- -~------,..--.. -~------..... --.._- Source :.- -Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh_ 245


AND RAINY DAYS t1951 to 1960)

DISTRICT (In millimetrel) 1956 1957 1958 195~ 1960 Yean r-- .--.A._ -.., r-- --.A.._._~ r-.. -----A..-~-_, " ,-__...A...~_ --.., r-----A.--~ ,----A...---... Recording (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) Months Station

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2

2 26'7 2 40'9 5 56.6 January 1 Bhind .. 2'5 February 2 8'9 13'2 2 20·0 March 19'0 April 1 12'7 1 2.5 3 57'0 1 0·2 May 2 20'3 4 27'9 1 35'1 1 31·8 1 2·0 June 12 411'5 10 137·4 15 418'9 13 287'0 9 166'0 July 10 221'5 8 262'9 10 214'0 10 166'0 19 529'0 August 3 130'0 7 105'2 12 319'7 3 1080 3 30'0 September 5 157'2 2'3 5 157'8 0·5 5 235'0 October 19.0 November 2 8·6 2 15-3 December -,.____ ~ __'-...... l..._. __ \...._ .. ___. ______,.___. ______.~._..- ______.. ______. ____ • 37 988.8 ' 35 600'9 46 1.163'3 36 725'9 40 1,001'2 Total ------,----,------.---~--.---.- ----.--_._- 1 3·0 ; 1 29'2 2 55·9 January 2 Mehaaon February 1'1 6'4 1'3 March 0'2 April 1 6'3 3 55'0 May 3 26'7 3 38'1 4 38'1 1 13'0 2 88'0 June 12 309'9 9 219'7 15 471'5 15 669'() 10 370'0 July 5 2-48'9 12 470·5 15 216'0 10 160'0 13 502'0 August 4 -47'0 5 166'4 13 438'2 1 52'0 4 110'0 September 7 139'7 1 19'1 5 121'9 2 16'0 4 210-0 October 1 . 48'0 November 2 15-2 5'1 • December

-.----____ .. __~l'__~_ .... ---.. - ... - ... __• ____,____:___-- .. ----~---.--.----______- ..____ 32 776'3 34 964'6 53 1,292'1 33 1,Q20'2 36 1,335'2 Total __-.- .. ~ ... ______a __ ..~_ .. +_-+~_~---. __~ ____ --.. ~ ___ ~_~ ___ 2 18'0 2 33·0 6 66'2 16'5 January 3 Gohad 1 1'8 February 3 15·7 7'6 1 4'8 1 2-8 March ·5 1 4'6 April 1'3 4 29'5 1 2'5 May 1 6'6 4 27'9 1 4·1 June 14 173-5 9 274'6 17 404'8 14 409'2 9 229·1 July 9 221'0 16 482'3 16 319'8 13 307-6 13 489'0 August 4 84'1 6 167'6 1) 429'1 4 151'9 2 29'2 September 9 462"3 2'3 5 186'6 2 20'3 l 118·1 October 1 15'2 November 1 6·6 5'1 December

--~+ .. _-_ ,._._--~- .. ------.. ------,..------.. ------.. --~--- 42 981'2 39 1,003'7 51 1,352'0 44 999'9 31 895-9 Total -----.. ------.-.----.. ------,..---_------~- 1 16'5 2 33'0 3 41'1 January 4 Lahar 1'3 7-6 Febr~ry H 1 8'9 2 11'6 March .. April 7'6 May 4 38·1 4 60·2 June 12 281·9 8 212-9 16 406'4 13 219·5. 10 221·0 July 9 172'7 10 135'2 10 170'1 12 308'6 19 423'0 Au,ust 5 38'l 4 124'5 9 276'7 2 68·5 5 135'0 Septemlltr 6 254'0 2 18'8 3 104'0 2 55'9 4 67'0 . October November 1 5-1 December

~---- -..._ .. _- ... - .. ----~----.- .. _... - -,..._-- ....._ ... --.. _.---_.. ------_-- 39 807'7 32 618-6 39 964'8 33 '101·2 40 857'6 Total ------.. ------~~ --_------DISTRICT 31 888·5 35 797·0 48 1,1'3'1 37 861"' 37 1,012-5 AVERAGE - ~-----.. ---...... ------.. -,..--- .. ~------_------_.-- ::l46


LAND VTILISA nON STAlISTIC-, (1950-51 to 1960 - 61 )


( In Acres)

Area not available Area cultivable Area cultivated for cUltivation r--"_-~-....A...... --.-~ ,---- _'"-_____--A_ ____ .. ___ ---'----~~ ,-----"-----, Land " under misc. Permanent tree, pastures crops and Area Land put Barren Fallow land and groves not according to HOIl- and other than other included to village agricul- uncuitur- culturable current grazing in net area Net Area Curren: Year papers Forest tural uses able land waste fallows lands sown sown fallow~

2 3 4 . 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1950-51 1,100,890 • 4,506 58,528 248,012 53.931 19,152 17,040 2,681 684,532 12,508 1951-52 1,105,004 4,787 73283 222,964 18,864 48,772 15,024 2,564 707,603 11,203 1952-53 1,106,248 4,787 71,394 220,323 '56,261 10,512 13,922 2,446 717,748 8,853 1953-54 1,101.6\9 4,803 74,976 199,199 67,958 6,230 7,777 1,298 726,029 13,349 1954-55 1,101,619 4,817 57,050 214,929 68,503 7,943 5,864 1,234 736,333 4,946 1955-56 1,101,623 4,843 85,814 219,008 39,914 7,431 11,264 1,341 727,305 4,703 1956-57 IJOl,623 4,832 59,925 202,204 48,625 6,171 40,862 1,131 729,047 4,826 1957-58 1,101,614 5,035 62,227 165,401 48,035 5,489 77,538 1,097 731,697 5,095 1958-59 1,101,60} 5,076 62,897 152,867 47,742 4,185 79,906 1,066 742,565 5,305

1959-60 1,100,415 5,076 61,749 139,931 ~0,551 4,548 77,067 1,070 764,463 5,960 1%0-91 1,100,853 5,076 61,342 133,827 38,803 4,721 77.284 924 775,163 3,713

SOllrce:-Director of LaLd Records, Madhya Pradesh. 247

TABLE 2A'2 AREA UNDER PRINCIPAL CROPS ( 1950-51 to 1960-61)


BASIC FOOD CROPS r- - - '-~------~--~-- _-"---..._ ~--~~--.------...:... Fruits Condi-

_.A.--Total______, and ment Other r------Vege- Sugar- and Food Year Rice Wheat Jowar Cereals Pulses Food Grains tables cane spices crops & Millets

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1950-51 12,289 108,739 93,069 346,524 255,964 602,488 2,915 1,483 829 1951-52 5,753 93,140 94,988 313,667 306,350 620,017 3,344 2,435 1,166 1952-53 12,702 .113,118 95.874 356,267 299,948. 656,215 2,811 1,260 1,066 1953-54 16,342 109,127 93,438 350,944 309,040 659.984 2,288 814 1,164 102 1954-55 ] 3,212 ,116,626 107,123 381,698 288,916 670,614 2,242 897 1,178 139 1955-56 13,009 ,140,871 79,341 378,252 278,653 656,905 2,121 1.224 1,119 319 1956-57 20,211 )45,524 73,973 387,906 276,896 664,812 2,197 1,891 1.251 108 1957-58 18,595 125,846 79,572 351,101 299,500 650,601 2,186 1,615 918 125 1958-59 19,132 138,837 61,843 366,297 304,683 670,980 2,373 606 854 89 1959-60 25,604 139,842 67,413 374,424 321,330 695,754 2,760 823 899 76 1960-61 25,302 147,492 71,758 391,058 308,706 705,764 2,440 1,126 936 79

TABLE 2A-2-Concld.

Total Total Total area Area sown Net Food Ground Oil Total sown under more than area Year Crops Nut seeds Cotton Fibres all crops once sown

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

1950-51 607,715. 3 78,741 67 4,147 694,729 10,197 684,532 1951-52 626,962 3 84,370 157 4,234 720,337 12,734 707,603 1952-53 661,352 2 57,418 137 4,090 727,799 10,051 717.748 1953-54 664,352 18 62,164 71 2,852 734,892 8,863 726,029 1954-55 675,070 2 63,287 27 2,576 746,488 10,155 736.333 1955-56 661,688 6 70,127 25 2,390 738,914 11,609 727,305 1956-57 670,259 9 70,852 7 2,138 747,409 18,3~ 729,047 1957-58 655,445 4 82,848 10 1,739 744,151 12,454 731.697 1958-59 674,902 6 79,317 15 2,054 760,566 18,001 742,565 1959-60 700,312 7 76,744 4 1,469 783,099 18,636 764,463 1960-61 710,345 5 77,521 1 1,341 194,028 18,865 775,163

Source:-Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh, rABLE 2A'3



(In Acres)

Toral Total cereals Total Total Total irrigated Net and Total Food Sugar- Food Non-food area under irrigated Year Rice Wheat miliets pulses grains cane crops Cotton crops all crops Area

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1950 -51 10,874 28,492 43,0]8 19,310 62,328 1,471 65,725 5,320 71,045 70,233 1951-52 5,063 26,573 34,835 23,981 58,816 2,382 63,502 6,203 69,705 69,039 1952-53 11.978 36,194 52,427 27,951 80,378 1,200 83,811 18 4,734 88,545 87,836 1953·-54 15,71 I 16,998 34,092 12,380 46,472 807 49,918 1,739 51,657 50,949 \954. -55 12,916 28,763 45,435 26.777 72,212 881 75,989 3,906 79,895 79,444 1955--56 12,823 30,523 45,971 21,041 67.012 1,174 70,728 3,666 74,394 72,693 1956-57 19,604 25,382 47,122 15,739 62,861 1,801 67,351 2,863 70214 69,354 1957-58 18,025 19,305 38,638 15,479 5 t, 167 1,409 58,125 3,218 61,343 60,250 1958--59 18,436 21,291 41,922 19,530 61,502 537 64,871 4 3,913 68,784 67,606 1959-60 25,047 23,4\0 50.595 21,136 71,731 723 75,686 4,142 79,828 78,503 1960-61 24,296 17,767 43,584 15,586 59,170 938 63,054 3,176 66,230 65,380

Source:- .. Director of Land Records, Majhya Pradesh.

T.\. 13LE 2A-4



(In Acres) Canals Year r--- - ._____ . _____ ._....A..... __ • _____ ._ -----.------~ Tube Other Other Government Private Total Tanks wells wells sources Total

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1950-51 58,325 58.325 3,040 6,420 2.448 70,233 1951-52 60,727 60,727 1,084 6,753 475 69,039 1952-53 77,682 77,682 2.49) 7,066 593 87,836 1953-54 39,716 39,716 1,563 9,136 534 50,949 1954--55 69,260 69,260 835 9,026 323 79,444 1955-56 63,940 63,940 885 7,468 400 72,693 1956-57 60,210 60,210 2,238 6,512 394 69,354 1957---58 53,763 53,763 756 5,447 284 60,250 1958--59 58,252 58,252 2,652 6,114 588 67,606 1959-60 68,096 68,096 2.757 7,302 348 78,503 1960-61 57,075 57,075 1,957 5,996 352 65,380

Source:--Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh, ~49



Area under principal commercial Estimate of Gross area crops (the area costs involved irrigated upto Future irriga­ affected by the Name of Year of Stage of by stages the latest year tion potential project) S' No. Project Tahsil commencement progress (in Rs.) (in acres) (in acres) (in acres)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Medium Project Remodelling Gohad, ") Main canal 52'32 Lakhs 150,000 Acres 150,000 Acres of Bhind Mehgaon ~ 1960 remodelling Main Canal and I complete excepting Bhind'Tahsils J masonry work

Note :.-Maior projects cost more than Rs. 5 crores. Medium projects are those which cost between Rs. 10 lakhs and 5 crores. Source :-Execudve Engineer, Bhind Canal Remodelling Division, Gwalior.


(1955~56 to 1960-61)


Year Rice Jowar Bajra Maize Wheat - Barley Gram TUr Potatoes

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1955-56 844 511 507 619 665 561 498 3,298 1956-57 1,309 636 666 619 679 522 3,286 1957--58 930 751 624 883 578 489 R,318 1958-59 1,658 691 564 1,344 1,022 1,228 667 6,744 1959-60 725 1,007 774 1,792 812 793 495 6,R67 1960-61 967 990 651 801 886 889 554 6,003

TABLE 2A.6-Concld.

Ground- Castor- Rape- Cotton Year Sugarcane Tobacco nut seed Sesamum mustard Linseed and Jute

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

1955-56 2,88i 607 373 231 340 390 335 1956--57 2,947 467 336 389 387 69 1957-58 3,320 410 254 332 297 262 1958-59 2.721 373 463 183 411 391 210 1959-60 2,602 135 299 318 153 1960--61 2,594 558 487 179 323 236 274

Source:-Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh. 25U


FORTNIGHTLY WHOLESALE PRICE (a) 1st Fortnight (In Rupees per maunj (b) 2nd Fortniiht (1957 to ( ... ) Denoteii that figures were not available. BHJND

Food January February March April May June ,-__..A... __-...., Year Market Grains Varieties r---..A..---, r- -- ._-A.... __~ r-~-~----A..-~ r-"_--.A_--~ r-~..A..-~~ (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) - (a) (b) (a) (b)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16

1957 Bhind Wheat Superior 16-50

Medium 15·75 16·00 16·25 .. ' 16'17 17·50 16'50 14·75 14'50 14·25 14·25 14.00 Bajra 16·18 16·53 )6·00 14'93 17·03 13'77 17·3-4 17'77 17'30 17'30 Grant Deshi 12·06 13'18 13.06 13'31 13-98 12'25 12'30 II·52 11·42 11·03 11-18 10'86 (whole)

1958 Bhind Wheat Superior I3'50 14·00 13'50 ... 14'25 14·00 17·50 Medium 12·75 12·62 12'75 14·25 13'75 14·25 13·75 15'50 17'50 18.00 Inferior 12'25 12·50 13'00 12·75 12'00 14'00 15·50 16'00 Gohad Superior 13·75 15·00 13·75 17·00 17·00 17'00 Medium 12'50 14·00 15'00 12'87 15'25 16'00 16'00 Inferioc 11'25 13·00 12'25 11·87 13'25 15'00 15·00 Bhind Bajra 11'95 11·85 11'55 11'84 12-42 12·46 12'62 11'95 1300 13-69 13'91 Gram Deshi 9'55 9'37 9·92 !l'l3 10'93 11.66 10·73 1l'63 12·55 12·55 (whole) Gohad Deshi 10·28 11·00 11'50 10·62 11'00 12·87 " 11'25 noo Mehgaon 10·28 10-28 11·30 11'32 10-28 10-28 11·28 13'00 " " Lahar " ,1959 Bhind Wheat Superior 24-12 2600 3000 26-50 20'00 17-50 15'00 15·56 1562 15.12 15-00 Medium 22·00 23'75 20·75 18-50 16'46 13'23 13-99 13'00 13-00 13-00 Inferior 20·00 17'711 12-31 Gohad Wheat Superior 22'00 2600 26'00 21'00 21·00 ]8'75 17'00 15-50 15'25 ]6·00 15-50 ]4'75 Medium 21'00 25-00 25'00 1900 14,50 17-25 16,00 14'50 1'4,25 15-00 14,50 13'75 Inferior 20·00 24'00 24'00 18'00 18'00 16'50 15'00 13"50 13-25 13-50 13-00 12'75 Bhind Bajra 15_62 17'07 16·34 15'61 16,01 16'36 16,26 16·01 16·32 17·07 16-73 17'55 Gohad 16·50 17,00 17-25 16'00 16-00 IS'OO Bhind Gram" Dcshi 19'10 20'32 21'00 18'03 18'64 17-32 15-32 11'43 13-05 13'33 12'94 12·31 (whole) Gohad Deshi 19'00 20'00 22'00 20·00 20'00 18·00 15'00 ]3-00 13-95 14'12 13-00 12'75 Mehgoan " Deshi 1825 J8'51 20'57 19.54 18'36 18'25 16'46 13-00 12·50 12·42 12'34 J2'34 Lahar Deshi 17'75 19'00 20-00 19,50 17'00 15'50 14'00 12'00 12'25 12'75 11'87 11'37 Gulabi 15'00

1960 Bhind Wheat Superior 140'0 Medium 15'37 15'25 15-37 15·50 15'75 16·00 15'12 14-75 14'25 14·00 14'62 ]4,37 Inferior 1350 14'00 13-00 12'31 13-50 Gohad Wheat Superior 16·00 15'75 16'00 1462 14-75 13,75 14'87 14'75 14-50 14·75 . 15'25 Medium 15·00 15'00 15-25 14'00 14'00 14-12 14'12 14,25 1400 14·00 14'50 Inferior 13'87 14'25 14'50 13'25 13'50 13'62 13-43 13'12 13'25 13·00 13'50 Bhind Bajra 14'79 14'38 14-30 13,92 13-84 13-56- 14·68 14·74 14-89 14'58 15-44 15-80 Gohad ,. 14'12 14,00 13·37 12'00 16'00 Bhind Gram Deshi 11-33 11·93 12·76 12'08 11-74 11·85 12'27 12'08 12"43 ]2-14 13'06 13-06 (whole) Gulabi Gohad Deshi 11'93 12'00 12'62 11'87 10'62 11-87 11'69 12'12 12'25 12'50 13-25 " Gulabi Mehgaon Deshi 10'28 11'40 12'34 13,37 12-85 1028 10'43 ll'2S 11'50 11'62 12·00 12,50 Lahar Deshi 10-12 10-75 12-00 11'00 11'00

Souro::- Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh 251

2B 1


July August September Octob'3r November December Mar"'et Year

,--____ _,A.__--~ r-~~---A..---.-~ r---"--..A..---~ ,----.A-----, ,-_ ___..A._.___, ,-_--A._---, Ca) (b) (,,) (b) (a) (bj (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b)

17 18 19 20 21 .22 23 24 25 26 27 28 "2

Bhind 1957 14'00 14'75 15'25 14'87 14'00 1325 13'25 17-77 18'28 17·20 14'66 12·10 10'75 13'10 13-33 11'22 11'42 11'0~ 10'84 10'23 9'73 10'00 to·oo

19'50 19·87 26'25 21'00 2100 21'50 Bhind 1958 19·00 19'00 18'00· 20'25 21·25 21'12 21,62 22·25 22'25 21'00 22'55 22'00 17'00 18'00 IS'oo 20·75 21'00 21'25 21'00 21'25 IS'OO 19'00 20·00 20'00 20'50 21'00 21·00 20'75 21'00 20'00 21·00 22·00 Gohad ]7'00 . 18·00 19·00 . 19·00 19'50 20'00 19'81 19'00 19'00 1900 20'00 19.00 15'00 16'75 18'00 ; IS'oo 18·50 19'00 18.81 18'00 HI'oo 18.00 19'00 18'00 14·09 13'72 14'55 1630 16'10 15'42 1HI 14·55 13-33 15·03 15-80 15·01 Bhind 13'44 18.89 14-63 15'80 16'62 16'00 16'52 17·78 17'07 18'68 18·28 18·01 13'25 14'50 15·25 15·50 16'50 IHlO 17'00 17·50 18·00 19'00 20'00 19'00 Gohad 13'1,2 13'75 15·50 15'25 15.00 15'00 15'75 \7'00 18·00 18'00 18'00 18·00 Mehcaon 13'50 13'00 13'62 14'62 14'00 14'50 15'50 15·00 15'00 noo 17'00 Lahar

15'18 15'75 16·50 16'25 17'25 17'2~ 1"00 Bhlnd 1959 16'00 15'75 14·00 15'50 14'87 16'00 16'00 15'75 15'00 15'00 15'25 13'50 14'37 14'00 14'~0 13·00 16'00 17'00 16'25 15·50 15'75 16'00 17,00 17·50· 15'50 1~'75 15'75 16'00 Gohad 15·()() 15'00 15'00 15·00 15·00 15·50 16·25. U'50 14'50 14'50 14·75 15·00 14'00 14'00 14'00 14·50 14'62 15,00 15·50 14'50 13'50 13'87 14'12 1400 16·10 16'20 16'62 15'67 14'55 15.25 14·n 13-19 14·22 109 14'80 Bhind 14'00 14'00 14'06 Gohad 12-67 12'56 12'07 11'23 12'07 12.43 12'31 11'96 11'75 11'43 10-95 10'85 Bhlnd

13·00 13·50 13-50 12'00 11'75 12'37 12-50 12-12 11·39 11·25 11·50 11·25 Gohad 12,34 13·37 13'25 12'34 11'31 11'78 12'34 13-37 11'82 11-31 10'28 Mehgaon 11·00 12'25 11'00 10'25 to'Oo Lahar

15·50 15-50 15'50 15'50 15·50 15'50 14·75 15'00 14-50 15·10 15,20 Bhind 1960 15·37 14·50 15'50 14·50 14'25 13-75 '13-62 14'28 14'50 14-22 13·25 13'25 13-98 15'87 15'25 ·15'50 14'50 14'50 14'00 14-25 14·00 14'50 14'25 14'37 15'00 Gohad IS'12 14'50 14·50 IHS 14-00 13'50 13'75 13'50 13'50 13'75 13-87 1·4-25 14'62 14'00 14·00 13-25 13-75 13'00 13'25 13'00 13'25 13-37 13-6:1 13-62 16·78 16·61 15'61 14'72 14'63 13-33 13'33 13-33 15-40 14'96 15'06 Bhind 1ns 12-87 13-1& 13'00 Gonad 14-89 14'72 14'55 14-39 14-89 14'89 14'89 IH4 IBO 15'11 Bhlnd 14'80 14'62 14'50 14'50 13'75 14'56 14'00 14'00 14'50 15'00 15·00 15·00 IS-50 Oohad .. 15'25 14'25 14-87 15'37 15'00 14'68 14-62 15'25 15'00 15-00 15'12 15-43 Mehgaon 13·00 14'00 14'00 14'00 13-87 Lahar 252



BHlND A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants Year Reporting and village ,--'."- ~---- -~------~--,.__.-.----"---~~-... -- -~-.---.. __:_~------~ month centre Plough- Sowers and Transplanters Weeders Reapers and Harvesters men r------"------, r--- ~ ____ _A. _____ • ___, r- _____ ...... A.. __-.---, M F Non-Adults M F Non-Adults M F Non-Adults ., r ,_ 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


April Phooph i 2.00 1.50 100 1.50 1.00 0.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 Nonera J

May Phooph, 2.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 Nonera )

June Phooph, 2.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 O.SO 2.00 1.50 1.00 Nonera)

July Phooph] 2.00 1.75 1.25 1.50 1.00 0.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 Nonera

AUlult Phooph, 2.00 1.75 1.25 1.50 1.00 0.50 2.00 1.50 ].00 Nonera J

September Phooph 1.75 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.25 0.50 7.00 1.50 Nonera 1.75 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 2.00 2.00

Oetober Phooph 1.75 1.75 1.00 1.50 1.25 0.50 2.00 1.50 Nonera 1.75 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.50 100 2.00 2.00 November Phooph 1.75 1.50 1.50 1.00 LSO 1.25 0.50 2.00 1.50 Nonera 1.75 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.25 D.cemb,r Phooph 1.50 1.50 1.00 l.50 1.25 1.00 2.00 1.15 1.25 Nonera 1.00 1.S0 1.50 [.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 2.00 2,00 1.25


January Phooph 2.00 1.25 1.25 Nonera Pebruuy Phooph 2.00 1.25 1.00 Nonora 2.~0 2.S0 1.75 March Phooph 200 US 1.00 Nonerll

April Phoop" Nonera MIlY Phooph Nonera June Phooph Nonera 2.00

July Phooph 2.00 2.00 Nonera 2.00 2.nO

Au,ust Phooph 2.00 2.00 1,50 1.25 1.00 Nonera 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50

September Phooph 2.00 1.50 1.25 1.00 Nonera 2.00

October Phooph 2.00 1.75 1.25 Nonc:ra 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 253 2B. 2


DISTRICf A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants B-Skilled Labourers or Reporting Year Artisans village and ,.------__• _____----A- __-_ ---, r------..A..-----, centre Month Herdsmen Other Agricultural LaHourers ,.- .----, ,.----_--A_ ---, M F Non-Adults M F Non-Adults Carpenters Black-smiihs

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2


1.50 0.75 (Phooph April lNonera 0.75 . 0.62 0.37 3.00 (Phooph May lNonera 1.50 0.75 (Phooph June lNonera

1.50 0.75 (Phooph July LNonera 1.50 0.75 (Phooph August lNonera 1.25 1.00 Phooph September 1.50 1.00 Nonera

1.25 1.00 Phooph Octobel 1.50 1.00 Nonera 1.25 -1.00 Phooph November 1.50 1.00 Nonera 1.50 1.00 3.00 3.00 Phooph December 1.25 1.00 3.00 3.00 Nonera


1.50 1.00 2.00 Phooph January 1.00 2.50 Nonera 1.50 1.00 LSO 1.00 3.50 3.50 Phooph February 1.00 .2.50 2.50 2.50 Nonera 1.50 1.00 l.50 1.00 3.50 3.50 Phooph March 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.50 2.50 Nonera

3'50 3.50 Phooph April 2.00 3.00 3.00 Nonera 3.50 3.50 Phooph May 2·00 2.00 1.50 1.00 2.50 2.50 Nonera 2.00 4.00 4.00 Phooph June 2.00 1.50 1·75 1.50 1.00 4.00 4.50 Nonera

3.50 3.50 Phooph July 2.00 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.00 4.00 4.50 Nonerll 1.50 1.00 3.00 3.00 Phooph August 1.50 1.50 2.00 1.50 Nonera 1.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 Phooph September 1.50 1.50 200 1.50 1.50 Nonera

1.50 1.00 3.00 3.{)O Phooph October 2.00 1.50 2.00 1.50 ·1.50 Nonera 254


A-VnskiJIed Labourers or Farm Servants Year Reporting and village r"- .------.._. _____ --__------.Jt..------._- _____ - ____~_ month centre Plough- Sowers and Transplanters Weeders Reapers and Harvesters men ,'------_._------, ,---_._----._._, ,---_------...:...-____ M F Non-Adults M F Non-Adults M F Non-Adults

2 3 4 5 6 7 i 9 10 11 12 1958 November Phooph 2.00 1.75 1.25 2.00 1.75 1.25 Nonera 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.00 December Phooph 2.00 1.75 1.25 Nonera


January Phooph Nonera February Phooph Nonera March Phooph Nonera 2.50 2.50 2.00 April Phooph 3.00 2.50 2.00 Nonera ... May Phooph Nonera June Phooph Nonera 2.00 July Phooph 2.00 2·00 Nonera 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 August Phooph 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.25 Nonera 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.00 September Phooph 2.00 Nonera 2,25 2.25 2.25 2.00 2.50 October Phoopfi 2.00 2.00 1.50 2.50 2.00 1.50 Nonera 225 2.00 2.00 November Phooph 2.00 1.50 Nonera 1.50 L50 1.00 December Phooph 2.00 1.50 Nonera

1960 January Phooph Nonera February Phooph 2.00 1.50 Nonera March Phooph 2.50 2.00 Nonera 2.50 2.50 2.00 April Phooph Nonera .. , ... May Phooph Nonera 255


A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants B-Skilled Labourers or Reporting Year

" Artisans village and r---- _~.A. ___--_, r- -_----_. --~-. ------'\ crntre month Herdsmen Other Agricultural Labourers r- ---""""\ r------.A. Carpenters Black-smiths M F Non-Adults M 'F Non-Adults

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 1958 1.50 1.00 3.00 3.00 Phooph November 2.00 l.50 2.00 Nonera 1.50 1.00 2.00 1.75 1.25 3.00 3.00 Phooph December 1.50 1.50 2.00 1.75 12~ 3.00 3.00 Nonera


1.50 1.00 3.00 3.00 Phooph January 1.50 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.50 Nonera

1.50 1.00 3.00 3.00 Phooph February 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.25 Nonera

1.50 1.00 3.00 3.00 Phooph March 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Nonera 3.00 3.00 Phooph April Nonera

1.00 2.00 00' Phooph May 1.00 1.00 0.75 3.00 3.00 Nonera 2.00 Phooph June 2.00 .1.50 2.00 1.75 1.50 2.00 2.00 Nonera 1.50 1.00 Phooph July 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 3.00 Nonera 1.50 1.00 2.00 3.50 3:50 Phooph August 2.00 2.00 _Nonera 1.50 100 3.50 3.50 Phooph September 2.QO 3.00 Nonera 1.50 1.00 3.50 3.50 Phooph October 2.00 1.50 2.00 Nonera 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 3.50 3.50 Phooph November 1.75 2.00 2.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 Nonera 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 3.50 3.50 Phooph December 1.25 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 NOllera


Phooph January Nonera 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 3.50 3.50 Phooph February LSO 1.25 2.00 2.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 Nonera 1.50 1.00 3.50 3.50 Phooph March 2.00 Nonera

3.50 3.50 Phooph April 1.50 2.00 2.00 1.50 Nonera 3.00 3.00 Phooph -May 1.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 NOllera 256




A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants Year Reporting and village r-""______-"""__ ------~ - -"-"_"_f' ___ ~ ____ ---A.... __~ ___... _ .. __.. ____ .. ___," ____P-- _____ --. month centre Ploughmen Sowers and Transplanters Weeders Reapers and Harvesters r------.. -...A...-... ------. ( __ - _ __A._ ___.. _~ r-... --... ---"'-----~-""""'I M F Non-Adults M F Non-Adults M F Non-Adults

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1960

June Phooph Nonera 2.25

July Phooph 2.00 1.50 Nonera 2.25 2.25 225 2.00

August Phooph 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.00 Nonera 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.00

September Phooph 2.00 Nonera 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.00

October Phooph 2.00 2.00 1.50 Nonera 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.00

November Phooph 2.00 1.50 1.00 Nonera 2.00 1.50 1.00

December Phooph Nonera 2.00

Source-Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh. 257




A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants B-Skilled Labourers or Reporting Year Artisans village and

• ~-A ____- __- ___.~ _____-, r-' r-----J,.. . centre month Herdsmen Other Agricultural Labourers r------..A...------, r------"- Carpenters Black-smiths M F Non-Adults M F Non-Adults

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ZO 2 1960

2.00 3.00 3.00 Phooph June 2.00 ,1.50 2.25 2.25 2.00 5.00 Nonera

1.50 1.00 2.00 3.50 3.50 Phooph July 2.00 i.50 2.25 2.25 200 3.50 3.50 Nonera

1.50 1.00 2.00 3.50 3.50 Phooph August 2.00 mo 2.25 2.25 2.00 Nonera

LSO l.i<)O 2.00 3.50 3.50 Phooph September 2.00 1.50 2.25 2.25 2.00 Nonera

1.50 1.00 2.00 3.50 3.50 Phooph October 2.00 1.50 2.25 2.25 2.00 3.00 3.00 Nonera

1.50 . 1.00 2.00 3.50 3.50 Phooph November 2.00 1.50 2.25 2.25 2.00 3.00 3.00 Nonera

1.50 1.00 2.00 3.50 3.50 Phooph December 2.00 1.50 2.25 2.25 2.00 Nonera 25ti



Number of Year r------.---~--.-.----,-.---~---.~. -----., Sheep and Oil Electric Sugarcane Cattle Buffaloes Goats Tractors engines pumps crushers . 8 2 3 4 5 6 7

1951 Census 241,413 126,326 136,522 2 8 ].50 1956 127,012 142,913 131,867 7 55 248 245,995 149,291 133,162 10 123 3 230 196i " Source:-Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh.

TABLE 20·1


(1951 to 1958 and 1938-59 to 1960-(1) BHIND DISTRICT Loans Type of Society Year No. of No. of Owned Funds Working Capital Advanced Societies members (in Rupees) (in Rupees) (in Rupees;

2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Crl'dit

{a) Central Bank 1951 599 279 391,320 1,795,629 1,972,435 1952 633 296 438,738 1,940,660 1,939,665 1953 685 314 507,622 . 2,113,129 2,310,365 1954 709 327 561,315 2.495,100 1,642,555 1955 738 334 593,607 2,983,117 J,498,680 1956 749 335 677,070 3,326,786 2,896,190 1957 742 360 900,786 04,087,388 5,810,880 1958 747 365 1,049,308 5,115,997 514,787 1958-59 842 620,989 6,578,828 4,017,075 1959-60 898 734,969 9,191,167 5,647,332 1960-61 1,144 849,163 10,026,154 12,804,052

(b) Agricultural Societies 1959-60 857 33,888 1,166,960 8,835,909 7,777,235 1960-61 734 37,723 1,328,322 10,418,476 10,437,731 (c) Non -Agricultural Societies 1959 .. 60 9 365 9,405 267,622 239,541 1960-61 10 396 13,464 346,767 371,980

2. Non Credit

(a) Agricultural other than Primary 1959-60 12 600 30,747 204,573 3,.408 1960-61 13 865 45,802 445,189 136,466

(b) Non Agricultural Societies 1959-60 73 ],707 30,255 346,626 102,634 1960-61 80 2,561 :52,565 569,414 258,158

Source: -Assistant Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Bhind. 259

TABLE 20'2



Amount insured Amount invested in Year Number of Policies issued (in Rupees) Year National SavingIJ (in Rupees) 1 2 3 4 5 1959 15-98 Lakhs 1959-60 552,599

196(}-61 519,643 1960 27'71 " Source:-l Divisional Manager, Life Insurance Corporation, Indore. 2 Regional Director, National Savings Organisation, Indore.




Head Office or Branch S. No. Name of Bank Office Location t 2 3 4 1 State Bank of Indore Pay office Bhind 2 United Commercial Bank Branch office Bhind 3 District Co-operative Bank Head office Bhind 4 Branch office Gohad S " Mebgaon 6 " Lahar 7 " Ater 8 " " Mau 9 Amayan 10 " " Phooph 11 " " Umari " Daboh 12 " " Source: - District Statistical Officer, Bhind.




No. of original cases No. of persons put up Number ·of Courts decided involving for trial Convicted ,--___ -___-"- _____----, ,.____ .-.-.A. r-----"------, r- -._-_A ___,"",\ Additional Offences Offences Sessions Sessions against against Males Females Males Females Year Magistrates Judges Judges persons . property 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1951 3 2 354 299 2,057 2 255 1952 3 2 455 248 1,927 3 113 1953 3 2 287 329 2,192 14 77 1954 3 2 235 282 1,609 19 51 1955 3 2 219 215 1,071 14 33 1956 3 2 212 169 979 20 75 \957 3 N.A. 194 237 1,~97 89 \958 3 195 239 1,642 101 1959 3 " 204 255 1,779 99 1960 3 " 243 209 1,690 100

Source:-District and Sessions Judge, Bhind. ~60




Year Number of Police Number of Police Number of Jails Daily average number Stations Constables of convicts in the Jail

2 3 4 5

1951 11 246 1952 11 246 1953 11 246 1954 11 246 1955 11 246 1956 11 246 1957 17 295 1958 17 295 1959 17 295 10 1960 17 295 19

Source :-1 Superintendent of Police, Bhind, 2 Inspector General of Prisons, Madhya Prade~h,




(In Rupees)

Year Sales Tax Motor Sprit Entertainment Excise Revenue Sales of Stamps Forest Tobacco Tax Tax Revenue Tax

2 3 4 5 , 7 8

1950-51 37,459 7,197 9i,167 5,560 1951-52 . 72,337 6,720 86,026 3,411 1952-53 71,662 5,257 80,287 1953-54 67,678 6,231 119,602 5,879 1954-55 59,290 3,146 1,771 90,250 5,713 328,372 1955-56 89,377 5,723 30,119 121,353 6,731 292,284 1956-57 118,629 6,412 270,261 34,338 105,925 4,957 262,506 1957-58 150,588 11,318 333,597 25,396 133,596 11,675 306,975 1958-59 122,215 12,814 277,081 20,883 155,612 19,171 300,841 1959-60 151,481 10,049 277,188 48,421 170,695 24,552 298,935 1960-61 166,182 10,050 368,692 48,234 235,440 8,182 303,858

Source ;--District Treasury Officer, District Excise Officer, Sales Tax Officeri and Divisional Forest Officer, Bhind. 261


LAND REVENUE FOR THE DECADE (1951.52 to 19~O·61)


(In Rupet:s) DEMAND ,..------...A....------1 Year Regular Arrears Collection

2 3 4

1951-52 3,080,497 14,388 2,910,364 1952-53 3,195,550 254,359 3,322,645 1953-54 3,339,871 241,233 3,372,225 1954-55 3,399,684 .1.79,609 3,096,555 1955-56 3,020,177 484,451 3,132,668 1956-57 3,023,949 3:'1,960 2,952,752 1957-58 3,016,123 111,747 2,895,084 1958-59 3,02[,765 99,126 3,055,369 1959-60 3,024,694 73,494 3,068,442 1960-61 3,046,196 20,890 3,060,616

Source :-Coll'I.)tor, Bkind.




Number of documents Value of property transferred' Year registered (in Rupees)

2 3

1951 862 575,389 1952 560 333,252 1953 639 363,764 1954 693 571,294 1955 324 521,759 1956 1,255 793,252 1957 1,595 1,494,017 1958 1,823 1,791,018 1959 1,715 2,181,517 1960 3,545 4,095,972

Source :-District Registrar, Bhind. 262





.A. ___~- _____-, r------~------A----~-~--~ r-~---~- Non-Tax Public safety Year Tax-Revenue Revenue Other including Public Public (Grant in aid) income lighting Health Education Works Others

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(i) Income and Expenditure of Municipal CouncH, Bhind (1950-51 to 1960-61)

1950-51 30,820 3.594 10,9tl3 31,924 2,661 22,878 1951-52 45,786 3,529 8,373 31,606 2,771 22,390 1952-53 75,460 3,483 13,109 31,198 2,114 24.006 1953-54 107,407 4,696 5,340 32,449 2,472 45,761 1954-55 126,510 3,602 22,920 43,658 11,957 73,558 1955-56 147,604 3,380 19,767 46,696 3,485 91,314 1956-57 175,863 3,237 67,813 50,845 5,579 97,767 1957-58 188,863 2,953 66,190 51,438 5,044 115,461 1958-59 200,454 3,113 69,986 54.475 5,389 145,539 1959-60 250,356 2,362 83,599 59,661 52,062 211,119 1960-61 238,511 69,849 73,319 14,471 45,189 51,962 211,119

Source:· -Chief Municipal Officer, Municipal Council, Bhind.

(ii) Income and Expenditure of Municipal Council, Gohad. (1~51-52 to 1960-61)

1951-52 7,868 26,667 519 532 7,045 61 4,287 1952-53 8,039 11,468 795 615 7,573 64 13,866 1953-54 27,759 7,451 602 716 7,887 33 22,000 1954-55 23,206 6,108 4,280 809 8,488 24,656 1955-56 31,283 6,223 308 1,349 9,434 500 300 38,087 1956-57 59,0)4 10,050 27 2,468 9,870 500 15 62,787 1957-58 42,658 22,118 139 2.311 8,982 500 324 42,129 1958-59 65,395 14,309 398 5,968 11,548 500 5,245 1I7,373 1959-60 85,264 850,327 267 6,559 13,346 500 4,443 62,158 1960-61 92,903 7,435 215 7,149 14,059 500 4,276 64.484

Source>-Chief Municipal Officer, MUnicipal Council, Gohad.

(iii) Income and Expenditure of Municipal Council, Mehgaon. (1951-52 to 1960-61).

1951-52 2,821 1,560 266 1,256 41 1,063 1952-53 3,065 1,181 229 1,059 506 3,197 1953-54 5,454 2,671 243 882 30 4,745 1954--55 6,191 946 499 3,574 5,306 6,161 1955-56 7,920 932 558 1,845 454 7,602 1956-57 7,940 1,568 615 2,155 9,945 7'429 1957-58 10,432 4,404 622 2,395 4,564 6,651 1958-59 11,005 6,664 402 2,545 12,715 7,917 1959--60 16,578 6,681 503 3,964 279 10,949 1960-61 19,202 7,686 544 2,938 7,6~1 11,427

Source;-Chief Municipal Officer, MuniCipal CounCil, Mehgaon. 263



(In Rupees) INCOME EXPENDITURE r------.-A.._-__ -~.-.~~ --:----... r-~-~----""'------_''------~----'''---I''------Public safely Year Tax-Revenue Non-Tax Other including Public Education Public Others Revenue Income lighting Health Works (Grant in aid)

2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9

(iv) Income and Expenditure of Municipal Councii, Lahar (1951-52 to 1960-61)

1951-52 3,991 787 1,987 145 1.299 21 4,226 1952-53 3.315 552 4.719 232 1.387 9 8,974 1953-54 5,848 1,033 3,607 341 2,041 28 9,729 1954-55 4,308 57& 11,212 366 1,945 98 9,013 1955-56 7,2&9 907 3,325 341 2,521 167 9.166 1956-57 9,028 727 19.697 261 2,823 1,227 10.947 1957-58 8,491 1,598 12.105 304 2,829 22 23,633 1958-59 6,857 1,150 16.593 902 2.966 1,551 18,556 1959-60 11,465 1,500 16,460 835 3.598 4.450 21,074 1960-61 9,742 531 16,575 460 2,750 10,316 18,148

Source:-Chie( Municipal Officer, Municipal Council, Lahar.

\ (v) Income and Expenditure of Kendra Panchayat, R&u" (1952-53 to 1959~60)

1952-53 2.306 497 11 7 1,681 1953-54 2.581 5.577 4 11 25 6,143 1954-55 3,926 17 5 30 6,414 1955-56 4.136 8 24 128 3,571 1956-57 9,717 7 12 6,702 1957-58 9,398 30 8,389 1958-59 7.235 50 12 7,435 1959-60 17,191 6,303 20 25,073

Source:-Collector, Bhind.

(vi) Ineome and Expenditure of Gram Panchayat, RanD (1951-52 to 1959-60)

1951-52 197 24 117 1952-53 451 817 2,157 287 21 7 1,809 1953-54 2,681 993 3,282 166 209 30 3,068 1954-55 1,679 1.066 1,939 1,630 210 3,219 1955-56 4,021 1,684 2,503 100 219 5,267 1956-57 5,213 2,000 4,994 474 240 5,778 1957-58 11,387 5.715 11.065 5,319 1,026 15,140 1958·59 9.470 5,348 13,338 888 1,153 14,624 1959-60 8,251 4.303 11,096 376 1,00S 13 18,526

Source;-Collector, Bhind. TABLE-3.6


BHlND J)lSTRICT (In Rupees) INCOME EXPENDITURE (_----..t--______.-A... _____ - ______--.. r------_-- ____ _A._ __ ------".- .--....------Public saff'ty Year Tax-Revenue Non-Tax Other including Pub Ii c Education Public Other Revenue Inc;)rne lighting Health Work~ (Grant in aid)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(vii) Income and Expenditure or Kendra Panclnyat, Atcr ·(1 tj53-54 te· 1959-60)

1953-54 3,036 6 2.097 699 3,413 1954-55 2,433 1,000 3,764 1955-56 2,109 495 3,370 1956-57 8A18 5,980 1957-58 8.217 6,707 1958-59 8,020 6,138 1959-60 8,748 8,535

SOUFce:--Collector, Bhind.

(viii) Income ami Exp~ndjjure of Kendfll Panchayat, Mehgaon (1952-53 to 1959-60)

1<;52-53 .. 7,856 4,633 1953-54 6,897 8,756 200 7,208 1954-55 6,682 8,878 500 7,825 1955-56 6,714 6,721 8,071 1956-57 8,772 2,500 J 1,791 1957-58 14,678 15,840 I {)58-59 12,748 8,067 1959-60 13,257 8,608

Sou/'ce:-Colleclor, Bhind.

(ix) Income and E.xpcnditure of Gram Pancha)at, Mehgaon (1952-53 to 1959-60)

1952-53 7.836 2,117 1,850 5,297 1953- 54 7,021 . 711 8;~53 200 352 3,748 10,027 1954-55 6,988 1,541 10.218 3,515 2,639 1,621 9,896 1955-56 6,803 1,318 9)16 3,153 3,618 8,926 1956-57 19,826 800 10.226 2,531 2,019 13,126 1957-58 18,281 13,179 1,728 1,326 2,000 14,825 1958-59 17.219 1.178 15,219 143 24,378 • 1959-60 18,313 :00 26,218 3,866 3,200 48,377

SOUi'cf':-Collector, Bhind.

(x) Income amI Expenditure of Kendra Panchayat, Lahar (1951-52 to 1959-60)

1951-52 967 73 362 1952-53 1,024 983 97 1,868 1953-54 N.A. N.A. N. A. N.A. N.A. 1954- 55 2,554 120 1,444 2,797 1955-56 4,025 3.249 11 250 2,901 1956-57 5,294 75 2,320 3,925 1957-58 16,188 2,300 16,,742 1958-59 10,422 8,474 1959-60 7,957 19 2.321 8,132

Source:-Collector, Bhind ~65


INCOME EXPENDlTURE r--~------...A.._--~------·-·l r------.---_A.._~------,---.. --- ~------1 Public safety Year Tax-Revenue Non-Tax Other including Public Education Public Others Revenue Income lighting Heallh Works (Gr:'.i1t in aid)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(xi) Inci)'!i:,) and Exp::nditn,: d Gram :t:'anthayat, Lahar (1951-52 t;, 1959-60)

1951-52 ... 770 834 ' 839 1952-53 1,226 f99 3,007 1,723 1953-54 4,324 779 5,860 416 548 4,916 1954-55 1.758 581 4.631 645 373 6.3·t3 1955-56 5342 1,561 4,042 1,102 679 4,%9 1956-57 4,702. 978 l3.J72 7 ,~'.71 1957-58 14,278 3,022 15,215 1,507 124 11, 148 1958-59 13.235 3,292 23.523 2,04Ll 75,942 ,1959·~60 12,179 2.233 16.539 27,336

Source :-Collector, Hhind.

(xii) Income and E"pendiwT2 of MandaI Panchayat, Bhiml (1951-52 to 1959-60)

1951-52 1.324 95 1952~53 69,537 11,f02 17,510 1953~54 23,869 45,810 11,086 18;;40 1954-55 8,410 41.269 26,722 . 46,02g 1955-56 41,559 13,000 12,353 1956-57 38.967 643 26.570 1957-58 3,221 1,742 27,835 1958-59 32,402 461 43,537 1959-60 31,589 1,176 27,761

Source :-Collector, Bhind.

(xiii) Income and Expenjit!.!r~ of Kendra Pan.:lJayat, Bhind (1957~58 tJ 1960-61)

1957-58 8,865 7,853 1958-59 7,664 7,658 1959-60 7,741 7,224 1960-61 7,611 7.552

Source :-Collector, Bhind.

(xiv) Incom~ and E'tpemliturc of Gram Panchayats, BMnll (1957-58 to 1960-61)

1957 -58 14,602 98 12,940 263 3,138 8,288 1958-59 22,430 131 7.710 753 1,901 11,084 1959-60 14,223 200 13,350 626 1,500 22,625 1960-61 15,114 80 13,632 922 716 22,824

Source :~Collector, Bhind. ::lno



Percentage Percentage (0 told! Percentage of to total area or Nl). of villages of Populalion Population Remarks No. Name of Name of DatI: of Ar~a in the '"I'tll-:( vij!ag~:.; the district covered of district Block Tahsil inception Sq. miles CO'v..::·ed co\~reJ coverd (1961) covered

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2--10-54 260 15·20 i68 17'78 74,474 13'19 Started as N. E. S. Lahar Lahar Converted into C. D. on 2-10-56. Reverted to stage] [ on 2-10-59 Converted to stage Ater Bhind 1- 4-56 257 1503 185 19'58 117,647 16'36 n 2 on 1-4-63. -·do- 3 Mehgaon Mehgaon 1- 4--57 374 21·87 204 21'59 108.984 2035 19·87 Converted to stage 1 4 Gohad Gohad 2-10-59 397 23'22 206 21.80 106,407 Oll 2-10-60. 19'20 Stage 5 Bhind llhind 1- 4·-61 266 15'56 lOS 11'11 102,832 P.E 6 Mihona (Raun) Lahar 2-10---62 156 9'12 77 8·14 55,238 10·31

Source;--Planning and Developmelll Department, Madhya Pra.:esh.




YEAR __ "_--- ___ .J..._-_---.. -----~------~ Type of Institution r----. -_- --~--~.- ---' 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 541 561 568 (1) Primary or (a) 471 487 491 502 518 532 541 30,180 30,523 30.771 31,191 32,518 32,760 32.801 33,141 33,718 Junior Basic (b) 29,672 2,700 2,327 2,412 2,500 2,53J 2,591 2,617 2.635 2,648 2,681 Schools (c) 1,102 (d) 837 852 872 l:!96 936 961 1,036 1.073 1,096 (e) r 37 37 37 (2) Middle (a) 34 34 34 35 35 37 37 8,567 8,881 8,931 9,349 9,667 9,817 9,928 Schools (b) 8,067 8,138 8,322 7{) 13 21 24 29 37 43 51 62 (c) 8 443 (d) 354 362 372 388 388 404 414 421 433 (e) 19 23 (3) (a) 1 1 6 6 8 13 13 15 High and 2,991 4,332 Higher- 402 38 153 320 613 879 1,130 1,292 (b) 660 670 Secondary (C) 425 436 445 605 625 635 16 24 41 78 91 92 207 273 Schools (d) 24 3 30 (e) 12 16 18 20 20 22 26

Note:--- (a) No. ofInstitutions (bl No. of Scholars .. , Maks (e) N;). of Scholars .. Females (d) No. of Teachers ... Males (e) No. of Teachers ... Ft!ll1ales. Sourcft:-(I) District Educational Officer, Bhind. (2) D:visiona! Superintendent of E)ducation, Gwalior. 267


STATISTICS ABOUT COLLEGES (1958-59 to 1960-61)

No. of S. Name of "Whether Inter, Government Teachers No. of Scholars Hostel facilities No. Institution Degree or Year ,---..A.._._, ,-._-.A..._---...... ,---..A.._._, Ramarks or Post-Graduate Private M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Government Degree Degrec Government 1958-59 25 60 2 7 ... One Hostel for College, Bhind 1959-60 25 209 2 8 ... boys IS being 1960-61 25 266 5 25 ... ma'intained by the College.

Source :·-Principal, Government Degree College, Bhind.


HEALTH STATISTICS (1951 to 1961)


Year r---~------~-~------~ p.-_____A______~_ ... __ .. -_,...... ______------Description 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Primary Health Centres (a) Number 3 3 (b) No. of beds 34 34 2 Hospitals including Nursing Homes (a) Number 1 ' 1 1 (b) No. of beds 76 76 76 76 76 76 3 Dispensaries ~a) Number 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 M. C. WS' Centre (a)Number 3 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Special Medical Institutions (a) Leprosy (b) T. B. Clinics 1 6 No. of Registered Medical Practitioners (a) Allopathic 2 1 4 2 4 2 4 4 (b) Homeopathic 1 1 1 1 1 2 (c) Ayurvedic 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 List of Family Planning Clinics Government 1 1

Source :-Civil Surgeon, Bhind. TABLE 61\"2 TABLE 6A'3

NUMBER OF PERSONS WHO AVAILED OF VACCINATION STATISTICS FAMILY PLANNING METHODS (1951 to 1960) (1955 to 1960) BHIND DISTRICT BHIND DISTRICT Number of Number of Number of Number to whom Year Vaccinations Revaccinations r------"._------, contraceptives Year Vasectomies Tube-tying have been issued 2 3 1951 5,840 2,538 2 3 4 1952 4,842 2,008 1953 4,091 1,222 1955 240 1954 5,118 2,648 1956 315 1955 5,140 3,538 1956 2,202 442 1957 3 2 550 1957 4,552 3,221 1958 5 1 863 1958 3,892 3,928 1959 2,028 820 1959 11 3 1,337 ],960 7,631 2,339 1960 15 7 1,660 SOllrce :~Civi1 Surgeon, Bhind. SOllrce . - Medical Offi,,~ llC Family Planning Centre, Shind.


B. C. G. COMPAIGN BHIND DISTRICT S. Year Tested Vaccinated Remarks No. 2, 3 4 5

]952 49,229 12,500 Work was not done 2 1953 104,489 29,728 every year. The 3 1954 10,346 2,660 teams moved from 4 1955 3,498 790 district to district. 5 1960 62,176 22,848

Source :-B. C. G. Supervising Medical Officer, Indore. ~69


(1951 to 1960)


Causes 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960

2 3 4 5 6 'i 8 9 10 ! 1

I, Cholera 5 0 2 Small-Pox 11 17 :9 9 9 13 3 ! ~ 3 Fever 10 21 25 11 33 22 49 43 8 28 4 Dysentery 10 11 IS 3 7 5 2 1 3 I 5 T.B. 6 4 7 1 1 2 1 20 6 6 6 Injuries 2 3 2 1 1 1 13 5 8 2 7 Natal & Post Natal 4 2 3 1 2 I 1 3 3

SOllrce:-Civil Sqrgeod, Bhind. I




Total distance falling in the Type i.e. district in Miles all weather, Serial and Furlongs permanent or No. Name of Road From To Miles Fjs. fair weather Class Kind Remarlro

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 State Highways

Gwalior-Etawah Road 47 6 All Weather W.B.M. &B.T, 2 Morena-Mehgaon Road 14 3 do " 3 Bhind-Bhander Road 53 1 do II Major District Roads

1 Bhind-Ater Road 17 6 W.B.M. & Black Topped 2 Gohad-Mau Roai 19 3 do 3 Mehgaon-Mau Road 17 0 do 4 Phooph-Ater Road 12 5 Fair" Weather do 5 Mau-Seoda Road 5 4 All Weather M.B.W. Work under 6 Jaw4sa-Sonarpura Road 14 0 do consturction 7 Bhind-Bharoli Road {O 5 do " 8 Powai-Prithvipura Road 8 6 do " 9 Seoda-Chorni Road 8 3 " do III Other District Roads

Mihona-Gopalpura Road 5 4 All Weather W.B.M. Irrig'ltion rmd 2 Ajoar-Quarry Road 7 0 Fair Weather do in charge of 3 Sarwa-Bara Road 7 () do Irrigation Department

SOllrce:-Executive Engineer, P.W.D. (B&R) Division Bhind. 270

TABLE -7'2


Name of Station

. Narrow Guagc (I) Bhind (2) Itehar :3j Soni \ 4; Gohad RJad Station (5) Nonera (6) Rethora Kalan \ 7) Sanichara




Whether telegraph Whether telegraph ,;erial Type of and telephone Serial No. Type of and telephone Name Office facilities a Iso exist No. Name Office facilities also exist

2 3 4 2 3 4


Bhind Sub office T. 0., P. C. O. 29 Tehangur Branch office T. 0., P. C. O. 2 Bhind Mandi 30 Umari 0, 3 Ater " ., 31 Chomn ,0 4 Akoda Branch office 32 Jam,ara 5 Babedi 33 " Niwari 6 Barahi 34 Parsokhar " 7 Bilao . " 35 Udotgarh 8 Uhadakhur " 9 Aitahar 0," 10 Jawasa GOHAD TAHSIL 11 Kacbongara ., 12 Kanawar 1 Gohad Sub office T. 0., P. C. O. 13 Kisupura '0 2 Elmo Branch office 14 Kosad 3 Bhagwasa " 15 L:tharoli 4 Birkhadi 16 Lawan 5 Chitora ". 17 Nayagaol1 6 Khaneta " 18 I"unhela 7 " Pali (Dirman). 19 Padagaon .0 8 Parseri " 20 Pandari 9 Pipari 21 Pawed 22 Phooph " 23 Pi pari " LAHAR TAHSIL 24 Pulawali 25 " Pali 1 Lahar Sub office T. O. P. C. O. 26 " Rani Ka Birgawan 2 Achalpura Branch office 27 Rama " " 3 Ajnar 28 Sohada 4 Aswar .. TABLE 7'3



Whether telegraph and Whether telegraph and Serial Name Type of tc)eph.)ne Serial Name Type of telephone No. Office facilities also exist No. Office facilities also exist

2 3 4 2 3 4


5 Baraha Branch Office T. 0., P. C. O. 1 Mehgaon Sub office T. 0., P. C. O. 6 Barthara 2 Mau 7 Birkhari (Chachai) " 3 Amayan Branch office 8 Bonapura 4 Asokhar " 5 Bharoli Khurd ",. 9 Daboh " 10 Deori Kalan 6 Behant ., 11. Indurkhi 7 Guhisar 8 Gaheli " 12 Jctpura Madhi " " 9 Dengaon 13 Katha (Buhara) " 10 Hastinapur " 14 Machhand " 11 Lakhara 1.5 Mehda 12 Kanathar " " " 16 Mehdawa " 13 Sondha ,. 17 Mihona 14 Akloni 18 Nibsai " 1.5 Burhad 19 Nodha 16 Baghora 17 Gormi " 20 Rahawali " " 21 Ron 18 Gutor Katrol " 22 Raruwa " 19 ., " 20 Kachnaw Kalan 23 Rari " 21 Konhar 24 Raipura " 22 Manhad ,." 2.5 Rurai .. 23 Nunhad 26 Sundarpura • " " 24 Pachera .. 27 Sohan 2S Sayana 28 Tola " 26 Sikroda " Udanpura 29 " 27 Simar " Noll! :-T. O. Telegraph Office. p.e.o. PabIic Call Office. Source :-Supcriutcndent Post Office. Gwalior Division, Lashkar. TABLE 8'1 LIST OF IMPORTANT }'AIRS AND MELAS


Local religious or Duration of Average Who manages the When held other occasion of the Mela or total Place where ,-______-A. __- ____ ._-.... Fair/Mela Serial Mela or the Mela or Fair Fair (in days) attendance No. Fair is held Hindi month English month

2 3 4 5 6 7 8


I Charthar Chaitra SuJi 2-9 March/April Nav Durga Puja 9 N.A. Local people 2 Pulawali Chahra Sudi 2·9 March/ April Nav Durga Puja 9 N.A. Gram Panchayat 3 Kanawar Chaitra Sudi 8 March/April Nav Durga Puja 10 N.A. Gram Panchayat 4 Kachna Khurd Chaitra Sudi 9 March/April Nav Durga Puja 3 N.A. Local pea pie 5 Pawai Chaitra Sudi 9 March/ April Nav Durga Puja 3 N.A. Local people 6 Dulhagan Bhadra Sudi 4· 9 August/September Boureshwar Mela 6 N.A. Local people 7 Barhi Asvina Badi 5-7 Septem ber /October Jain Fair 3 N.A. Jain Community 8 Pawai Asvina Sudi 9 September/October Nav Durga Puja :; N.A. Local people 9 Charthar Asvina Sudi 2-9 September/October Nav Durg:! Puja 9 N.A. Local people 10 Kachna Khurd Asvina Sudi 9 September/Oc to ber Nav Durga Puja 3 N.A. Loca I people 11 Bhlnd-Nasiya Kartika Sudi 8-S October/No'iember Jain Mahavir Fair 8 N.A. Jain Community 12 Harreypura Agrahayana November/December Barahi Mela 8 N.A. Gram Panchayat Sudi 14 13 Ater Phalguna Badi 14 February/March Cattle Fair 15 N.A. Kendra Panchayat


14 Gohad Chaitra 9 March/April Sitla Mata I N.A. Local People IS Barena Chaitra Sudi 9 March/ April Ram Navmi 1 N.A. Local People 16 Basara Vaisakha Sudi 9 April/May 1 N.A. Kendra Pandayat 17 Birkhadi Kartika Sudi 2 October/November I N.A. Kendra Panchayat 18 Mau Every third year De<:ember/January Jain Fair 2 N.A. Jain Community 19 Gohad Every third year February Exhibition IS N.A. Municipal Committee


20 Amayan Chaitra Sudi 15 March/April Hanumanji Fair 11 N.A. Kendra Panchayat 21 Meghpura Chaitra Sudi 15 March/ April Jagannathji Ka Mela 15 N.A. Mandai Panchayat 22 Baraso Kartika Sudi 2 October/November Jain Fair 7 N.A. Jain Community 23 Mau Pausa (every- December/January Jain Fair 2 N.A. Jain Community Third year) 24 Gormi N 0 certain~date December Jalvihar 3 N.A. Gram Panchayat 25 Tejpura Phalguna Badj 13 February/ March Shivaratri 3 N.A. Gram Panchayat 26 Mengaon Phall:una Badi 14 February / March Hanumanji Ka Mela IS N.A. Municipal Committee


27 Andhiari Chaitra 10 March/ April Mataji 1 N.A. Gram Panchayat 28 Amah Rehla Chaitra 9 . March/April Mataji 1 N.A. Gram Panchayat 29 Amah Chaitra 10 March/April Mataji 2 N.A. Gram Panchayat 30 Sijboli Chaitra 9 March/April Mataji 1 N.A. Gram Panchayat 31 Kanksi Chailra 2 March/April Bajrang 1 N.A. Gram Panchayat 32 Asami Chaitra Sudi 15 March/ April Mataji 1 N.A. Gram Panchayat 33 Indurakhi Chaitra Sudi 15 March/April K arilee Mata 15 'N.A. Gram Panchayat 34 Banthari Balaji Chaitra Sudi-IS March/ April Rang Panchmi 7 N.A. Police 35 Lahar Chaitf!' Sudi 2-15 March/ April Nav.Durg 13 NA Police 36 Kurthar Vaisakha 10 April/May Mataji 1 N.A. Gram Panchayat 37 Rahawali Ubari Vaisakha 2 April/May Mahadeo Fair 15 N.A. Police 38 Aswar Vaisakha 5 April/May Mata Ka Mela 15 N.A. Police 39 Akhdeva Vaisakha Badi 9 April/May Mataji F'lir. 8 N.A. Mahant of the temple 40 Thethari Agrahayana J 4 November/December Mataji 1 N.A. Gram Panchayat 41 Devari Kalan A grahayana 15 November/December Bajrang 1 N.A. Gram Panchayat 42 Tuman Agrahyana Sudi 4 November /December Barahi Mela 8 N.A. Police 43 Alampur Magha] Phalguary February 1-15 Fair at MalhardlO's 15 N.A. Gram Panchayat Tomb

Source :-Superintcndent of Police. Bhind. ~73




S. No. Name Location S· No. Name Location 1 2 3 1 2 3

Agrawal Printing Press Lahar 5 Bharat Printing Press Bhind ,2 Munnalal Printing Press Bhind 6 Krishna Printing Press Bhind 3 Jain Printing Press Bhind 7 Sahakari Printing Press Bhind <4 Jagadamba Printing Press Bhind 8 Palhirk Printing Press Lahar

Source ;-District P'iJblicity Officer, Bhind.




S. No. Name Location t 2 3

Gopal Talki.. , Pared Road, Bhind

S8uru :~Collector, Bhind.