The Offchurch Group Prayer Diary Many will have affectionate memories of Retreats and Study Days at Offa House, me included. Times February 2018 have changed and things move on. That lovely house, once the historic rectory, is to become a family home again. And St Gregory’s Church, just “Make me know your ways , O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your next door, has become the mother church of a truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all parish that includes three other churches: St day long.” Psalm 25 v 4-5 Michael’s Weston-under-Wetherley, St John’s Wappenbury, and St Margaret’s Hunningham. The This month will see the start of Lent. During Lent we are encouraged to unclutter our lives to village of Eathorpe is also part of this lovely rural parish. Together we are known as find space for God as we prepare ourselves for Easter. Traditionally it has been a time of THE OFFCHURCH GROUP (TOG), in the Deanery of . fasting and prayer and a time for forgiveness and repentance as we recall Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness. When Lent starts relatively early in February, as it does this year, it may seem that A change of configuration includes alterations to status in these four churches, one we have only just got over a period of self-imposed abstinence having been encouraged to cut back on the excesses of the Christmas season during January, by giving up drinking and eating Parish Church and three Chapels of Ease: a challenge that is being embraced more healthily. This post-Christmas abstinence, however, appears to be promoting better self positively. We have one PCC and three sub-groups to grow our parish in the -image – being thinner and fitter - and pushes me to ask the question why will more of this following ways: Prayer, Fun and Fabric; Prayer, Fun and Outreach; Prayer, Fun and help me find more time for God? Am I fasting for the right reason? Worship. At my age, it has to be Fun; otherwise I might get bored!

When we were children, during Lent my mother used to place a large white candle on the Church members are determined that life will reach out from each of the four mantelpiece next to which was a box of pins with coloured heads and a box of matches. Very churches, and as those committee names show, our starting point is prayer. Before faintly etched into the wax of the candle was the outline of a cross. We were encouraged my ministry began in TOG, already there were faithful members of the church during Lent to think of the extra things we could do for each other, for our friends or for other praying for a renewal of life here. What a blessing! We are building upon that people and if at the end of each day we felt we had really done something more or better we foundation, with weekday prayer in each of the churches in rotation and at St were allowed to take a pin, light a match to warm the shaft of the pin and then push it into the candle to mark out the etched shape of the cross. Putting our pin in the candle was not Gregory’s every week. Carole and I began in the parish by going from door to door, something we did with a big show or when others were in the room, but something we did simply to introduce ourselves. And while we knocked on doors, our faithful prayer when we were on our own. We were not required to prove that we had done something, and warriors were praying in the nearest church. That support was there without being to show off to the others that we had earned more pins than them was strictly against the requested. No surprise that this activity was so blessed! And we were also reminded rules. What we felt we had done better or extra was between of the great goodwill that exists in our local communities as we met folk on their us and God. Slowly during Lent the shape of the cross would doorsteps. “I’ve not ‘ad a Vicar knock on my door since 1962!” was one friendly quip. become clearer, marked out with coloured pins. We are still working out what it means to have a workable pattern of worship across In our prayers during this month and especially as we move into the four churches, being torn between local loyalty and an uncomplicated rota. But Lent, let us focus on finding space for God in our lives and we know and have been reminded that God is in charge and that Christ Jesus has recognise that this is something that we need to strive for everyday in what we do, without pride or ostentation, helping gone ahead of us. Already we have been prompted in a variety of ways as we uncover God’s plans. And it has been an unexpected us see more clearly the outline of the cross and understand that Ruth Marlow Hugh Priestner privilege for me to be part of this revelation of His God is our salvation. Diocesan Secretary Vicar, The Offchurch Group

Page 1 Page 2 We pray for our link diocese of Kaduna in Nigeria and for our link to the Syrian Cycle of Prayer - February 2018 Thu 8 Orthodox Church in Jerusalem. As General Synod meets this week, we thank God for our Diocesan With a focus on parishes and schools in Southam Deanery representatives, both clergy and lay, and pray for the on-going conversations

and challenges faced by the governing body of the Church of . Today Bishop John will be attending a meeting of The Farming Community

Thu 1 Network (FCN). FCN is a voluntary organisation that supports farmers and their Fri 9 Radford Semele C of E Primary School. Headteacher: Jayne White. We pray for families through difficult times. We give thanks for FCN and pray for the work God's blessing upon the pupils, teachers, staff and governors in this school that they do. community. *Brigid, Abbess of Kildare, c.525 We pray for the vulnerable children in our country, their families and the work

Fri 2 As we celebrate the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, we thank God for the Sat 10 of organisations like Home for Good. Pray for their work with various Local Presentation of faithfulness of Simeon and Anna. We pray that we would learn how to reflect Authorities across the country, that they would see more people step forward Christ in the God's light in the communities in which we live, work and learn. to foster children and teenagers in their area. Temple *Scholastica, sister of Benedict, Abbess of Plombariola, c.543 Southam and . Clergy: Vikki Bisiker. Reader: Stephen Adams. We

Sat 3 Bishop's Itchington and Radford Semele. Clergy: Martin Green. We pray for Sun 11 continue to thank God for all that He has provided. We are particularly God's blessing upon the church members and the local community. thankful for the strong relationships with St James’ Primary & Southam Sunday next *Anskar, Archbishop of Hamburg, Missionary in Denmark & Sweden, 865 Primary & for the new Messy Church launched this year. Please pray for even before Lent more opportunities for people to see the gospel in action & lives changed. Today is World Cancer Day. Under the tagline, 'We can. I can.' World Cancer The Bridges Group. Clergy: Gillian Roberts, Carol Newborn, Celia Parkes. Sun 4 Day 2018 will explore how everyone can play a part in reducing the global Mon 12 Reader: Peter Jackson. We thank God for the appointment of our two new burden of cancer. We ask God to guide our reflections on what we can do to Associate Ministers and their gifts. Please pray for us as we get to know each Second Sunday make a difference to the fight against cancer. other as a team and start to develop our vision and strategy for the Group. before Lent *Gilbert of Sempringham, Founder of the Gilbertine Order, 1189 During National Heart Month we pray for the 2.6million people around the UK We thank God for all the church schools in the diocese. We pray for Bishop Mon 5 Tue 13 suffering with Coronary Heart Disease. We thank God for the British Heart Christopher who will be visiting Leigh C of E Primary School, Burton Green C of Foundation and other organisations offering support to many, and investing in E Primary School and All Saints C of E Primary School (Leek Wootton) for care and treatment developments for the future. academy opening ceremonies tomorrow. We pray for the Bishop's Council which meets this evening. Today is ‘Safer Internet Day’, which promotes safe and responsible use of the St Lawrence C of E Primary School, Napton-on-the-Hill. Headteacher: John

Tue 6 internet. The aim is to teach young people about how to keep themselves safe Wed 14 Brine. We pray for God's blessing upon the pupils, teachers, staff and online. We pray for young people known to us; that God may keep them safe. governors in this school community. Ash We pray for the Diocesan Board of Education which meets today. *Cyril and Methodius, Missionaries to the Slavs, 869 and 885 *The Martyrs of Japan, 1597 Wednesday *Valentine, Martyr at Rome, c.269 Long Itchington C of E Primary School. Executive Headteacher: Phyllis King. St James' C of E Primary School, Southam. Executive Headteacher: Phyllis King.

Wed 7 Head of School: Rebecca Richards. We pray for God's blessing upon the pupils, Thu 15 Head of School: Mrs Kathy Palmizi. We pray for God's blessing upon the pupils, teachers, staff and governors in this school community. teachers, staff and governors in this school community. Today we pray for the Diocesan Board of Education as they host a Religious *Sigfrid, Bishop, Apostle of Sweden, 1045 Education Coordinators development meeting to look at RE and assessment. *Thomas Bray, Priest, Founder of the SPCK and the SPG, 1730 Page 3 Page 4 We give thanks for the diocese of Kapsabet in Kenya as a group from our We pray for those who are unable to leave their homes. We ask God to give diocese travel there following Bishop Paul Korir's visit to Coventry last year. Sat 24 Fri 16 encouragement and friendship for those who feel alone. We pray for a safe journey for: Bishop Christopher and Mrs Charlotte We also pray for Bishop John who will be speaking on Freedom at the Cocksworth, the Revd Simon Betteridge, the Revd Tulo Raistrick, the Revd Berkswell Lent Breakfast meeting. Richard and Mrs Jacqui Suffern, and the Revd Pam and Mr Mark Howell. At the end of Go Green Week, we thank God for this complex and beautiful We thank God for those who write songs and hymns for us to use in worship.

Sat 17 planet, ask for forgiveness for the times we have abused the resources Sun 25 We praise God for the wide variety of music available to us and for the songs provided for us and ask God to help us develop a better attitude to the and hymns that have helped us in our faith journey. We pray that God would Second Sunday planet. stir us in musical worship and bless all those who lead, sing and play *Janani Luwum, Archbishop of Uganda, Martyr, 1977 of Lent instruments. Long Itchington & Marton. Clergy: Jane Everitt. We thank God for the At the start of Fairtrade Fortnight we give thanks to God for the progress made Sun 18 ministry of Rob Rogers, our great friend at St Esprit, who has supported and Mon 26 in ensuring a fairer wage for all. We pray for all who shop where Fairtrade challenged us all. Please pray for Jane Everitt, the new Priest in Charge for goods are for sale, that God would grant us an understanding of the impact of First Sunday of Long Itchington and Marton, that she settles well into our community and our choices. Lent leads us into further spiritual growth. We pray for the Diocesan Mission Fund committee as it seeks to make grants Today we pray for Bishop Christopher who will be chairing a meeting of the Mon 19 available to parishes and deaneries engaging in mission. We thank God for Tue 27 Church of England Faith & Order Commission. the lives that have been transformed by an encounter with God through We pray for the Diocesan Trustees who meet this afternoon. many different supported projects. We ask God to stir up a desire and heart *George Herbert, Priest, Poet, 1633 for mission in individuals and communities across the diocese. Today is Rare Disease Day, a day to raise awareness about diseases that affect

Tue 20 We pray for pupils and staff of schools who are on half term this week, for Wed 28 less than 1 in 2000 people. Cures or treatments are not often available for rest and relaxation. We pray for young people who struggle with school, have people with rare diseases, and some people have to wait years for a diagnosis. been suspended, excluded and for those who offer them support and care. We pray for greater understanding of rare diseases. We pray for the Diocesan Finance Group which meets this morning. & Ladbroke. Clergy: Craig Groocock, Nikki Moon, Ann Mulley, Martin

Wed 21 Wright, Derek Ching. Readers: Alison Abbott, Gemma Took, Peter Took. We thank God for encouraging results from our latest 8EQs survey and for the new people who have joined us this year. Pray for God's blessing as we continue to reach out to our local community. We thank God for the work of the Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre

Thu 22 (CRMC). We pray for the therapy services they provide, aimed at helping CRMC clients who may have been affected by traumatic experiences. Many have escaped violence in their home countries where they may have been tortured or seen loved ones jailed or killed.

Fri 23 Harbury C of E Primary School. Headteacher: Kate Guymer. We pray for God's blessing upon the pupils, teachers, staff and governors in this school

community. *Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Martyr, c.155

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Kingdom Come – Deanery Prayer Mission with a difference in Southam Meeting Deanery

If my people, who are called by my name, humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear them from heaven and will The Southam Deanery has been exploring our forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV mission more collaboratively in recent years with our Deanery Mission Team. Our aim is to Back at the beginning of 2015 we held our very first Deanery Intercessory Prayer continue to provide deanery-wide Meeting, Kingdom Come, an opportunity for folk across the Deanery to gather opportunities for mission events of high quality together raising our voices as one. that people have confidence in when inviting friends. Also we plan to continue running deanery wide Alpha courses. As this year is The idea of a deanery prayer meeting sprung from a very successful HOPE14 mission. another nationally designated mission year, we plan to do things slightly differently. The Southam Deanery Mission Team, which comprised representatives from across the Deanery, came together for this key outreach programme and agreed that Following the three themes of the Diocesan vision statement of Worshipping God , following HOPE14 the deanery would continue to host Christian outreach events to Making Disciples and Transforming Communities, we are planning to hold three which we could invite the community. The team was determined that the closer inspiring evening events, each focussed on one of these vision elements. The relationships that had developed across parish boundaries should be nurtured and purpose of these is to gather the leadership of all our deanery churches together to grown and that everything we do as a deanery would be underpinned by prayer. be inspired and energised in our mission to the communities we serve. This will include PCC’s, deanery synod members, as well as other leadership teams in our Kingdom Come takes place at St James Church, Southam between 4pm and 5pm on a churches. Sunday afternoon approximately every six weeks throughout the year. Each meeting is either lay or clergy led, there is no set agenda and meetings can and do take a The first of these, in February, is with Matt Summerfield, director of Urban Saints, variety of differing formats including open and silent prayer, worship, space for presenting his session on“ Making Disciples”. Do please pray for these events, and reflection and much more. for our Deanery, as we try to engage together and strengthen our ministry here.

It is an opportunity to pray blessings for our clergy. We also pray for our church families, church leaders, leadership teams and our communities as we seek the Father heart of God for our deanery.

We are involved in a spiritual battle, not just here on earth but in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12) and real prayer is a vital weapon in our armoury if we, both as individuals and the Church are to see progress with God when he says: “see, I do a new thing’. The saints of old prayed through for God’s will to be done despite the difficulties facing them. As A.W. Tozer says: “We Martin Green cannot afford to stop praying till we have actually prayed.” Barry Parker Deanery Lay Chair Area Dean

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