Control Regulation #72. Cherry Creek Reservoir Control
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT Water Quality Control Commission CHERRY CREEK RESERVOIR CONTROL REGULATION 5 CCR 1002-72 ADOPTED: November 6, 1985 EFFECTIVE: December 30, 1989 AMENDED: May 1, 1989 EFFECTIVE: June 30, 1989 AMENDED: June 1, 1992 EFFECTIVE: June 30, 1992 AMENDED: August 14, 1995 EFFECTIVE: September 30, 1995 AMENDED: July 14, 1997 EFFECTIVE: August 30, 1997 TRIENNIAL: September 9, 1997 AMENDED: November 3, 1997 EFFECTIVE: December 30, 1997 EMERGENCY AMENDED: January 12, 1998 AMENDED: April 13, 1998 EFFECTIVE: May 30, 1998 TRIENNIAL: March 14, 2000 AMENDED: August 13, 2001 EFFECTIVE: September 30, 2001 TRIENNIAL: September 8, 2003 AMENDED: November 8, 2004 EFFECTIVE: December 30, 2004 AMENDED: August 10, 2009 EFFECTIVE: January 1, 2010 AMENDED: October 9, 2012 EFFECTIVE: November 30, 2012 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT Water Quality Control Commission CHERRY CREEK RESERVOIR CONTROL REGULATION 5 CCR 1002-72 72.1 AUTHORITY The Water Quality Control Commission is authorized to promulgate this Control Regulation pursuant to sections 25-8-202(1)(c) and 25-8-205, C.R.S. 72.2 DEFINITIONS See the Colorado Water Quality Control Act and other Water Quality Control Commission regulations for additional definitions. 1. "Authority" means the Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority established pursuant to section 25-8.5-101, et seq., C.R.S. 2. "Background sources" include concentrations to the reservoir that are not the result of human- related activities, such as groundwater in its natural condition and precipitation on the reservoir. 3. "Best management practice (BMP)" means the best schedules of activities, prohibitions or practices, operation and maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the introduction of pollutants into state waters.
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