1 eeee Recent Publications Relating to the Work of EUGEN ROSENSTOCK-HUESSY 1973 to the Present (Listed by date of publication unless otherwise noted) (As of June 10, 2013 –A compilation in continuous progress) CONTENTS - I. Books - II. Journal Articles, Essays in Collections, and Book Reviews - III. Online/Electronic - IV. Ph. D. Dissertations, Encyclopedia Entries, and Other Special Formats - V. Publications of the Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Gesellschaft - VI. Unpublished Conference Presentations and the Like ___________________ Corrections or comments concerning this list should be sent to:
[email protected] or to Norman Fiering, P. O. Box 603233, Providence, RI 02906. For information about joining the ERH Society, please write to the same. - I. BOOKS - 2 I. BOOKS •Raley, Harold C., José Ortega y Gasset: Philosopher of European Unity (University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1971). Ortega and R-H have much in common, particularly in their understanding of history. Raley cites R-H in a number of footnotes and is full of praise (cf. p. 123n): “In language as powerful as Ortega’s and with an understanding at least as deep, [R-H] says of Rationalism: ‘The abstractions that prevailed in philosophy from Descartes to Spencer, and in politics from Machiavelli to Lenin, made caricatures of living men. etc.’” quoting from Out of Revolution. The European Union is in a phase now of determining essentially what “Europe” means, which inescapably calls attention to “its” history. Out of Revolution should find new readers because of this quest. Raley says of Out, “An extraordinary, indeed a stupendous, achievement in historiography, with fresh original insights on virtually every one of its 800 pages.” •Ritzkowsky, Ingrid, Rosenstock-Huessys Konzeption einer Grammatik der Gesellschaft (Berlin, 1973) • Rohrbach, Wilfrid, Das Sprachdenken Eugen Rosenstock-Huessys; historische Erörterung und systematische Explikation (Stuttgart: W.