November,1973 (81 to 84) for Arrcrican (Ilandevsnell),B Randenburg Concerto N O
BRASSBAN tl -t- / ,"tF=; I ). --1..'/ )y' TOTIR BRIDGE,IONDO{ fssues46& 47 0fficialjournal of the North American Brass Band Association, Inc. Nov 9l & Feeg2 MississippiRiver took him to New Orleansand Bourbon Street,where he joined GeorgeGinard North American BrassBand andhis New Orleans Five. Bob wenton to Brass play with Al Hirt and PeteFountain and Band later performedon the LawrenceWelk ChampionshipsX 0nThe Road Again Showfor 22years. The Welk locationwas the west coast,where Havensalso per- By Ms. DebraPriest formed in movie soundtracks,television Columbus,0hio MRBB Solo Cornetist shows,recordings, and commercial jingles. April10 & 11, 1992 At theannual Quincy Riverfest, rhe MRB B The songOn TheRoad Again could well performedits own program,then featured All is almostready in Columbusand Dublin have been the themeof the Mississippi Bob Havenson threeshowstoppers, No- for youto attendthe North American Brass River BrassBand these past few months. bodyKnowsTluTrouble I See(I-angford), BandChampionshipsXtobe heldonApril On June 30, the band left its home in The Shadowof YourSmile (Wilby), and l0 and 11,1992.Hosts Dr. Drosteand the Quincy, Illinois, to perform at the Ma- Sevenry-Six Trombo ncs (WillsonTDuthoit). BrassBand of Columbushave planned a combHeritage Days in ldacomb,Illinois. completeand exciting weekend for you. TheMississippi River BrassBand contin- Within a week,the MRBB wasoff again, ued its busy schedulein Decemberwhen this time to Peoria,Illinois, for the Liber- Geoffrey Brand themembers journeyed o NorttreastMis- tyFest sponsoredby the CentralIllinois souriState University in Kirksville, Mis- The specialguest of the Championships Light Company.To honorAmerica's brave souri. At the school'sinvitation, the band will be GeoffreyBrand, famous conduc- youngmilitary menand women who served presenteda joint concertwittr the NMSU tor, author, adjudicator,educator, pub- in OperationDesert Storm, the bandpro- BrassChoir.
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