access50 Buying and booming

It’s been a dramatic year e have what could be described as a largest access rental businesses in , meteoric rise in the top fi ve entries adding Gardemann to the Mateco business for the access50, thanks access50 W in this year’s listing of that it acquired in 2012. Th e combined fl eet of the world’s biggest access equipment rental the two operations will be approaching 10000 to a raft of acquisitions companies, measured by fl eet size. When units, with the 3500 machines owned by added together their total fl eet size comes to Gardemann. It helps bring TVH into the top and a strong showing in an impressive 291170, refl ecting a 31% rise on 10 this year, at seventh place. the top fi ve last year. Th ere is one good reason Of course, we must not underplay the the sector overall. for this - acquisitions. importance of NES Rental’s sales to United. While United Rentals completed its NES was in sixth position last year, just two buyout of NES Rentals in April, lifting its places behind Lavendon. Th ey represented fl eet size by around 20000, another big leap the world’s two biggest access specialists, this year was performed by Loxam, following both of which have been bought by generalist its acquisition of Lavendon Group and equipment companies. It changes the global Hune. Lavendon had a similar fl eet size access rental landscape signifi cantly, as well as to NES of just over 21000, and generalist making the top fi ve of the access50 look Hune had 5100 units, (as shown in last year’s quite diff erent too – without any specialists access50). in it. Th ese investments brought Loxam into the top fi ve in the table this year at number Upward trend three, up from 12th position last year. Th en, in Indeed, the same is true until we reach Riwal July, TVH Group announced it had acquired in 14th position, which we will expand on German access rental business Gardemann. later. Just ahead of Riwal in 9th place is US- Loxam sold Gardemann a matter of months based generalist H&E Equipment Services. after acquiring it as part of its takeover of Its recent history is just as enthralling as the Lavendon Group earlier this year, and one top fi ve players, and involves one of them. that it contested with TVH Group in a In July it too announced it was on the bidding battle at the end of last year. acquisition trail with its plans to buy Neff Th e deal means TVH will own the two Corp, until August when Neff said it had TOP 50 FLEET SIZES 2017 % change 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 access2007 2006 50 Top 5 291170 31 222165 214325 220192 204624 196656 165556 164237 173792 189850 179880 151178 Top 10 523157 22 428443 298383 295334 271576 265888 240113 238181 254424 270510 251700 207758 TOPTop 50 20 TELEHANDLER645461 12 FLEETS 577377 527514 523767 481490 460758 434358 424853received 449250 a superior 446956 off er from402900 an undisclosed 332700 bidder. Neff also said it was still committed to COMPANY FLEET SIZE 2017 FLEET SIZE 2016 CHANGE % the H&E negotiations, but a day later H&E (Including NES Rentals) 1 United Rentals 22481 19266 16.7 reported it had decided to step away from the 20172 Sunbelt COMPANY AWP FLEET 14400 % TELEHANDLER 12400 FLEET % FLEET16.1 BRANCHES AREAS OF HEADQUARTERS 2017 2016 2017 2016 (see key) contest OPERATION and said it did not plan to submit a 3 Ahern Rentals 5710 2764 106.6 revised off er. 1 1 United(Hertz Rentals Equipment Rental Co) (est)122708 98608 24.4 22481 19266 16.7 S, B, T, H 960 USA, Canada, USA 4 HERC 5203 4956 5 Within hours, and just before this issue of (includes NES Rentals)(Including Hune Group & Lanvendon Group) 5 Loxam Group 4100 4500 -8.9 Access International went to press, Neff ’s new 2 2 Sunbelt 76500 62500 22.4 14400 12400 16.1 S,B, M, H 440 USA USA 6 Sunstate Equipment Co LLC 3700 3500 5.7 owner was revealed as United Rentals. 3 12 Loxam Group (includes 44232 16330 171 4100 4500 -8.9 S,B,T,M 730 Europe, Middle East, France, UK 7 Blue Line Rental 3360 3384 -0.7 Neff ’s fleet has not been combined with Hune Group & Lanvendon Group) South America 8 Kiloutou 2700 2400 12.5 United Rentals’ in this listing, in case there 4 3 HERC (Hertz 25333 24127 5 5203 4956 5 S, B 280 US, Canada, China, USA 9 H&E Equipment Services 2607 2460 6 were any new developments in the story and Equipment Rental Co) (est) Saudi Arabia, UK 10 A-Plant 1700 1700 0 because the added fi gure would not make a 5 5 Nikken Corp 22397 20600 8.7 0 0 0 S, B, T 241 Japan, USA, Japan 11 NEFF Corp 1656 1600 3.5 substantial diff erence to United’s position in Southeast Asia, UAE 12 SystemLift 1130 1200 -5.8 the table. 6 7 Ahern Rentals 22071 18868 17 5710 2764 106.6 S,B 87 USA USA 13 Acces Industrie 1100 1000 10 Returning to the subject of Riwal, it is now 7 11 TVH Group 20667 16515 25.1 865 990 -12.6 S,B,T 118 Europe, Malaysia, Mexico 14 Salti 1079 806 33.9 the world’s biggest truly specialist aerial work (includes Gardemann) 15 PartnerLift 1004 988 1.6 platform and telehandler company. It has had 8 8 Nishio Rent(including All Gardemann) 20491 17975 14 133 75 77.3 S,B,T,M 386 Japan, Singapore, Japan 16 TVH Group 865 990 14.5 a good year too with a 9% growth in fl eet (includes Skyreach Group) Southeast Asia, Australia 17 Collé Rental & Sales 852 851 0.1 size, and in April this year, the - 9 13 H&E Equipment Services 19320 18161 6.4 2607 2460 6 S,B,T,H,M 65 USA USA 18 Riwal 837 719 16.4 based company acquired German renter AFI 10 9 Sunstate (including Force Access)18200(est) 17300 5.2 3700 3500 5.7 S,B 61 USA USA 19 Coates Hire 605 580 4.3 GmbH, which had a fl eet of 1300 aerial work Equipment Co LLC 20 Boels Rental 600 600 0 platforms, telehandlers and forklifts from nine > 11 10 Aktio Corp (est) 18001 16823 (est) 7 0 0 0 S,B,T 650 Japan, Taiwan, Japan 2017 COMPANY AWP FLEET % TELEHANDLER FLEET % FLEET BRANCHES Banglades,AREAS OF South East Asia HEADQUARTERS 12 14 Blue Line Rental 158702017 15657 2016 1.4 3360 2017 3384 2016 -0.7 S,B(see key) 135 USA,OPERATION Canada USA 13 15 Cramo 14278 13455 6.1 488 385 26.8 S,B,T,M,H 312 Europe, inc. eastern Finland 22 access INTERNATIONAL AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2017 Europe & Russia 14 16 Riwal 13934 12788 9 837 719 16.4 S,B,T,M 69 Europe, Middle East, Netherlands India, Kazakhstan 15 27 AJ Networks 13150 6000 119.2 0 0 0 S,B 57 Korea, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea AI 08-09 2017 Access50.indd 22 Saudi Arabia 22/08/2017 11:39:16 16 18 SystemLift 12363 11000 12.4 1130 1200 -5.8 S,B,T,M,H 77 Germany, , Germany 17 17 Ramirent 11200 11186 (est) 0.1 500 480 4.2 S,B,M,T,H 40 , Ukraine, Russia Sweden 18 19 Kiloutou 11200 10500 6.7 2700 2400 12.5 S,B,T,M 485 France, Germany, , Spain France 19 20 Coates Hire (est) 10970 10450 (est) 5 605 580 4.3 S,B,T 245 Australia, UK, Indonesia Australia (includes Force Access) 20 21 Kanamoto (est) 10272 9600 (est) 7 30 30 0. S,B,T,M 180 Japan Japan 21 22 PartnerLift 9363 9085 3.1 1004 988 1.6 S,B,T, 154 Europe Germany 22 24 Boels Rental 9294 8100 14.7 600 600 0 S,B,T,M 350 Europe Netherlands 23 23 HSS Hire Group 9040 9038 0 49 49 0 S,B 292 UK, Ireland UK (includes UK Platforms) access50 24 28 AFI-Uplift 7132 5788 23.2 87 94 -7.4 S,B,T 35 UK, Middle East UK (includes Kimberly Group) 25 depots 25 atMills the Estruturaspoint of sale. e 6834 6213 10has confi 263rmed, saying292 it refl-10 ects its S,B,M major 41 LARGEST Brazil % GROWTHBrazil Norty Srvicos Turner, deRiwal’s Engenharia CEO, commented, growth plans in the region. 26 COMPANY PERCENTAGE GROWTH “Th 26 e acquisitionPekkaniska of AFI GmbH allows6000 Riwal6000 0 0 9 -100 S,B 27 Finland, Russia, Ukraine Finland 38 to27 strengthen Shanghai its positionHorizon in Germany,5027 one3100 of 62.2Strong 0 potential0 0 S,B 23 LoxamChina Group (includes China 171.0% the largest Equipment access equipment & rental markets in Asia, in general, it seems has almost unlimited Hune Group & Lanvendon Group) Europe.” Engineering Co. potential for growth. Shanghai Horizon, AJ Networks 119.2% 33 28Bucking Acces the Industrie generalist trend too4400 is UK-4000 10China’s 1100biggest rental1000 company 10 has S,B,T,M, greatly 30 Shanghai France, MoroccoHorizon Equipment France 62.2% 30 based29 AFIGAM Group with its acquisition4330 of 4610 -6.1expanded 0its fl eet again0 over 0 the last S,B,T,M,H 12 100 & Engineering Europe, North Africa,Co. Spain Kimberly Rentals Group in July and its months by more than 60% to just over 5000 Alfasi Middle Hire East, South America 36.7% 35 fl 30eet of aroundModern 1500 (International) units. In 2016, 4220 AFI 3800 11.1units. Th ere10 are also10 plenty0 more rental S,B 3 RentHong Rise Kong, Macau, Singapore Hong Kong26.6% also increased Access its & business Scaffolding thanks to organic companies in China that are getting close TVH Group (includes Gardemann) 25.1% 31 growth,31 Gerkenwith the opening of new 4200depots in4200 the and0 starting441 to exceed441 the 01000 unit S,B,T mark. 15 UnitedEurope Rentals (includes NES Rentals)Germany 24.4% 34 Middle32 SaltiEast, and through the acquisition4149 3911 of 6.1Another 1079 is Fenghe 806 Rental, 33.9 based in S,B,T,M China and 34 AFI-Uplift France (includes Kimberly Group)France 23.2% 36 Rapid33 PlatformsCollé Rental in October& Sales 2016.3926 Combined, 3487 12.6new to the852 list this851 year, with 0.1 a fl eet S,B,T,M of 2350. 14 Sunbelt Benelux, Germany Netherlands22.4% 39 this34 liftedSolaris AFI’s Brazil fl eet by 23% over3500 last year.3073 13.9It has 140been a busy166 year-15.7 in the rental S,B sector, 21 A-Plant Brazil Brazil 18.6% 41 35On theA-Plant subject of organic growth,3500 an 2950 18.6following 1700 on from1700 a number 0 of acquisitions S,B 135 AhernUK Rentals UK 17.0% 37 impressive36 Gruppo year Venpa3has also (GV3)been experienced3400 3278by 3.7in the previous500 year,479 which 4.4 are documented S,B,T,M in 28 Boels , Rental Europe Italy 14.7% 40 AJ37 Networks, Galmon based in South Korea,3000 in 15th3000 the0 2016 access0 050 . 0 S,B 1 GoscorSingapore Access Equipment Singapore 14.7% 42 position. 38 Kranpunkten It has seen an incredible2961 leap in fl2880 eet 2.8 It has also55 been85 a successful -35.3 year S,B,T, for theM,H list 7 Nishio Sweden Rent All (includes SkyreachSweden Group) 14.0% 39 43 NEFF Corp 2859 2672 7 1656 1600 3.5 S,B 69> Collé USA Rental & Sales USA 12.6%

size of more than 100%, which the company overall, with healthy growth throughout and Not including estimated entrees 40 45 Aver Asia 2816 2532 11.2 36 32 12.5 S,B 10 Singapore, Malaysia, Singapore 2017 COMPANY AWP FLEET % TELEHANDLER FLEET % FLEET BRANCHES Indonesia, AREAS OF Myanmar HEADQUARTERS 41 44 Height for Hire 20172615 2560 2016 2.1 20170 20160 8 (seeS,B,T,H key) 28 UK, OPERATION Ireland, Slovakia, Hungary Ireland 42 50 Alfasi Hire 2460 1800 36.7 60 50 20 S,B 4 Australia Australia access 43 49 Brand Energy50 & 2400 2300 (est) 4.3 0 0 0 S,B,M AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 50 France, Holland, 2017 UK accessINTERNATIONAL USA 23 Infrastructure Services (formerly Harsco Infrastructure) 46 a 44real indicationPrangl Gesellschaft that there is a global2350 boom2403 -2.2telehandlers 303 were295 not as impressive 2.7 S,B,T as their 16 THE Austria, SURVEY Europe Austria AI 08-09 2017NEW Access50.indd 23 22/08/2017 11:40:41 in45 the accessFenghe equipment Rental sector. Of2350 course, NA NAAWP counterparts0 NA this year. NA Nevertheless, S,B 12 This China survey was carried out via anChina e-mail and 47 major46 acquisitionsNacanco bump up the fi2300 gures at2300 the they0 remain230 a stable230 and strong0 part S,B,T of the 15 e-castItaly campaign in the two monthsItaly leading up to 65 (est) top47 of theMaquinza table and allow smaller2108 companies 712 196.1companies 208 that off225 er aerial -7.6 work platforms S,B,M 17 theSpain, publication Columbia of this list. CompaniesSpain with AWP 48 to48 move All up; Erection that aside (All-Aerials) the industry 2100 is in a2300 -8.7for rental.350 See also525 the break-out -33.3 table S,B on page 35 fl eet North sizes America, above 500 inc. units Mexico were asked USA to provide 51 dynamic49 Location and exciting d’outils phase, Simplex a fact1870 made clear1781 23,5 showing114 the top109 20 telehandler 4.6 S,B fl eet sizes 35 quantities Canada of each platform type inCanada their fl eet, NEW in50 this year’sChicardo access Investment50. 1800 NA NAof those companies2 NA in the NA access S,B50 . 2 along Hong with Kong, the otherMacau details shown Hong in this Kong listing. 53 (est) 51Not toVoisin’s forget Equipmenttelehandlers, which1680 are a1600 5 It will be87 interesting82 to 6.1see how S,Bthe rental 1 This Canada year, for the third time, we haveCanada also shown (est) complementary Rental item for aerial work platforms, sector fares over the next 12 months; perhaps the number of telehandlers in each company’s NEW the52 accessHigh Reach50 also includes the1525 fl eet sizesNA NAthere will426 be just asNA much NAto talk about S,B this 5 fl eet. USA Where fi gures have not beenUSA available we 55 of53 this productGT Access type, shown separately1500 in the1417 5.9time next 0year. Keep0 an eye0 on,B,T 5 haveUK made an estimate. UK 56 main54 listing.Tayeou It seemsKao the overall 1500fortunes 1400 of 7.1for all the 0breaking 0 news as0 it happens.S,B AI 6 Taiwan China Kong Enterprise (est) 201755 54 AGF COMPANY Access 1450 AWP FLEET1470 (est) -1.4 % TELEHANDLER8 10FLEET -20 % S, FLEET B BRANCHES 8 Canada, AREAS OF USA CanadaHEADQUARTERS 56 NEW Estaf Equipamentos 13492017 2016NA NA 20170 2016NA 0 S,B(see key) 9 BrazilOPERATION Brazil 57 NEW Fortrent 1225 NA NA 80 NA NA S,B,M,H 19 Russia, Ukraine Russia 58 58 Alo Rental 1202 1188 1.2 71 65 9.2 S,B,T 13 Chile, Peru, Panama, Argentina Chile 59 60 Rom Israel 1200 1000 20 7 0 - S,B 2 Israel Israel 60 59 Arentis (est) 1100 1034 (est) 6.4 100 90 11.1 S,B,T 3 Netherlands, Belgium, Netherlands Luxemborg, France, Germany 61 NEW Lifterz 1083 NA NA 0 NA NA S,B 3 UK UK 62 57 Instant Access (est) 1070 1350 -20.7 0 0 0 S,B,M 8 Australia, New Zealand Australia 63 63 LH Construction 928 767 20.9 155 146 6.2 S,B,T 4 Singapore Singapore and Machinery Leasing 64 66 Rent Rise 891 704 26.6 3 4 -25 S,B,M,H 5 Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey Turkhmenisthan, Iraq 65 64 Goscor Access 867 756 14.7 49 36 36.1 S,B 7 South Africa, Namibia, South Africa Equipment Botswana, Mozambique 66 62 Alimak Group 740 800 -7.5 0 0 0 M,H 9 Australia, Germany, Sweden Benelux & France 67 NEW Faith Vinc 739 NA NA 2 NA NA S,B,T 6 Turkey Turkey 68 67 Advanced Access 700 695 (est) 0.7 0 0 0 S,B 2 UK UK Platforms (est) 69 69 Belaruslift (est) 690 659 (est) 4.7 30 27 11.1 S,B,T,M,H 6 Belarus, Russia, Poland Belarus 70 70 WS-Skyworker 587 617 -4.9 30 35 -14.3 S,B,T 7 Switzerland Switzerland 71 71 Maltech (est) 570 570 (est) 0 30 NA NA S,B,T 27 Switzerland switzerland 72 NA Adastra Access 550 NA NA 0 0 0 M 2 UK UK 73 NEW Mtandt Rentals 526 NA NA 3 0 NA S,B,T,M,H 5 India, Srilanka, UAE India 74 71 Manlift 520 510 1.9 6 6 0 S,B,T 2 Ireland, UK, Poland Ireland (est) – estimated NA – not applicable Fleet details key: S – scissors B – Booms T – truck mounts M – mast climbers H – passenger hoists AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2017 accessINTERNATIONAL 25

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AI 08-09 2017 Access50.indd 26 22/08/2017 11:42:35