Peverel Retirement Home (Sorted by Postcode) MP Constituency Party
Peverel Retirement home (sorted by postcode) MP Constituency Party Ferryhill Court, Whinhill Gate, Aberdeen, Scotland AB11 7WF Anne Begg Aberdeen South Labour Dunmail Manor, Dunmail Avenue, Cults, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire Anne Begg Aberdeen South Labour AB15 9LW 2 Kirk Manor Court, Kirk Brae, Cults, Aberdeen AB15 9SF Anne Begg Aberdeen South Labour Hays Court, Commercial Road, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire AB51 3TN Malcolm Bruce Gordon Liberal Democrat St Augusta Court, Batchwood View, St Albans, Herts AL3 5SS Anne Main St Albans Conservative Walkers Court, Southdown Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire AL5 1QQ Peter Lilley Hitchin and Harpenden Conservative Homedell House, Roundwood Lane, Harpenden, Herts AL5 3RA Peter Lilley Hitchin and Harpenden Conservative Arcadian Court, Lyedekkar Park, Sun Lane, Harpenden, Herts AL5 4EG Peter Lilley Hitchin and Harpenden Conservative Highbury Court, 15 Howard Road East, Kings Heath, Birmingham B13 Stephen McCabe Birmingham, Selly Oak Labour 0RQ Sorrento Court, Wake Green Road, Moseley, Birmingham, West Roger Godsiff Birmingham, Hall Green Labour Midlands B13 9HB Rivendell Court, 1051-1071 Stratford Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, Roger Godsiff Birmingham, Hall Green Labour West Midlands B28 8AT Bridgewater Court, Bristol Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, West Stephen McCabe Birmingham, Selly Oak Labour Midlands B29 6ND Chestnut Court, 296-310 Chester Road, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, Caroline Spelman Meriden Conservative West Midlands B36 0LB Beeches Court, 1 Ashill Road, Rubery, Birmingham, West Midlands B45 Richard
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