Historic Sumner County, Tennessee, with Genealogies of the Bledsoe, Gage and Douglass Families and Genealogical Notes of Other S

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Historic Sumner County, Tennessee, with Genealogies of the Bledsoe, Gage and Douglass Families and Genealogical Notes of Other S Gc 976.801 Su66c 1539348 SmULQQY COLLECTION ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1833 01713 3387 Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center http://www.archive.org/details/historicsumnercoOOcisc J J.w < li V Cisco HISTORIC Sumner County Tennessee Genealogies of the Bledsoe, Cage and Douglass Families Genealogical Notes of Other Sumner County Famhjes JAY GUY CISCO Nasuvii.i.i:. Tennksski: : Fof.K K);!:r,iN I'rinting C'ompann 1900 1539348 Ttt tire ^Eittrrrg nf TOIdrrd (Senrgie ^urslBg QItscg (Sr«a± great grand riauglrter nf (CalonBl ^nthang ^JledsoE Sortt in SumnBr ffiountg. ^^ugust 2, 1S31 St«d in gacks0n, TjenuBSS^x;, ^gril 1, 1594 This book is nffzttiannitlv risriiratEri ILLUSTRATIONS Bate, Scnalor W. V. 222 Bcrtinatti, Counicss lutginic 226 Blackninre. f Ion. James W 47 Blandford, }s[arquis of lOo Bledsoe, Clifton i-'9 Bledsoe, Col. 0<car F S5 Bledsoe, Oscar F., Ill 1-^7 Bledsoe, Oscar F.. IV 14.? Bledsoe, Lulu Aldridge 144 Canip1)cll, Governor W. B. 2,^7 Carmack, Senator Edward \\'ard 240 Cisco, Jay Guy l'"rontispiece Cisco, Mildred Georgic 14'^ Desha, Governor Joseph i75 Desha. }^Iiss Mary 170 Donel>on, Hon. A. J 246 Fearn, Dr. Thomas 112 Garth, Hon. W^ W 126 Garth, ^Irs. W. W n.^. Guild, Judge Joe C : 250 Gwin, Senator W. M 233 Hall, Governor William 256 Jones, ]Mrs. I'rcderika L 148 Jones, Frederika Elizalieth 148 Judd. Judge John W 267 Malone, Mrs. Sarah Shelhy Wetherred 148 Peyton, Hon. I'alie 2S8 Pickett. Col. Josei)h Desha opposite 176 Pursky, Mrs. Mary Catherine Malfjue 148 Shelhy, Judge Anthony Bledsoe no Slielhy, Mrs. Sarah Bledsoe 105 Trousdale. Gov. Wm 30.^ Williams. B. Shelhy 6'j via Historic Sumner County, Tenn. Winchester, Gen. Tames 2'^ Bledsoe Spring 99 Bledsoe Graves 72, Bledsoe's Liclc 38 Bledso'=^ Monument 100 Cragfont 29 Emigrants Descending the Tennessee River 19 Home of Gov. William Hal! 261 Residence of Judge John W. Judd 285 Home of Hallery jMalone 277 Home of the Lauderdales 271 Home of Governor Tliousdalc 44 Monument to Mexican Soldiers 50 Rock Castle, Home of Gen. Danic-1 Smith 298 Spencer's Choice 301 Spencer's Tree 13 CONTENTS Anderson, Gtn. S.'unucl R 220 Barrow, Hon. Washington 120 Barry, Dr. Reiiinond D 220 Barry, Judge Thomas 221 Bate, Senator W. B 222 Bell, Judge D. D 224 Bel], Gen. Tyree II 225 Bertinatti. Countess Eugenie 226 Blackmore, George Dawson 228 Blackmore, Hon. James W.. address of 96 Bledsoe, Rev. Albert Tayh ir 58 Bledsoe, Capt. Abraham T03 Bledsoe, Col. Anthony 55 Bledf.oe, Col. Anthony, genealogy of 102 Bledsoe, Col. Anthony, will of 67 Blcdscie, George 102 Bledsoe, Capt. Hiram 58 Bledsoe, Henry Ramsey 106 Bledsoe, Col. Isaac - 165 Bledsoe, Col. Isaac, genealogy of 169 Bledsoe, Senator Jesse 55 Bledsoe, Katherinc Montgomery 167 Bledsoe, ]Mary Ramsey 70 Bledsoe JMonunient 71 Bledsoe ?^Iontuncnt, contributors to ";;() Blodsoc, Col. Oscar F 127 Bledsoe, Col. Oscar F., addrrss of 84 Belmont, O. IT. V 138 Bowcn Family 231 Bowie, Col. James 230 Brcckenridge, Hon. W. C. P 178 Cage J\-imiIy, genealogy of 191 Cage, Je.-se 200 1 X Historic Sumner Couxty, Tmnx. Cage, Major William 191 Cain])bcil Family -35 Campbell, Governor William P> ^36 Carmack, Senator lidward Ward 239 Carr, John --14 Cisco, Jay (iuy I47 Civil Government -6 Clark, Isaac -45 Dawn of Civilization 12 Desha, Eleanor 172 Desha. Issa i/S Desha, Governor Joseph 170 Desha, Lucius Junius Brutus i73 Desha, Z\Iargaret Bledsoe 170 Desha, General Robert 1 1 ] )onaldson. General A. J 2^5 DougLss, Colonel Edward 202 Douglass, genealogy of -^02 Ellis, Capt. H. C 247 Explorations of Sumner County 4 First Laud Owners 2,2) First Settlement in Sumner County 15 Forts or Stations 18 Fulton, Governor William S 248 Gaines, Colonel George S 248 Garth, Hon. W. W 125 Guild, Judge Joe C 249 Gwin, Colonel Samuel 251 Gwin, Senator William M 2'j2 Hall, Governor William 255 Ilalluni. John 262 Hannnund, Ju.uge EH S 103 Hatton, Colonel Robert 263 Head Family .^64 Historic Sunnier County 3 Judd, Judge John W 2G0 Killed by Indians 21 Lauderdale Family jCy) Contexts. .v: Liiidscy, Isaac 276 Long Hunters 8 Malone, llallcry 2/j Mansker, Colonel Kaspor 279 Manin, Dr. R. C. K 122 McKendrec, Bishop William 2X0 Morgan, Capt. John 281 Morris, Bishop J. B 282 Cjdoni, Elliott and Boddie families ' 283 Parker, Nathaniel 2S6 Peyton, Hon. Bailie 290 Peyton family 288 Pe} ton, Hon. J. H 290 I'ickett, Colonel Joseph Desha 176 Pickett, Hon. John T 177 Pioneer Preacher 311 Read, General L-aac D. B 184 Rogan. Charles B 1S8 Rugan. Hugh 291 Rogan, Captain W. R 187 Rogers, Judge A. A. C 292 Ivutherford, General Griffith 293 Sanders, Huhbard 295 Sharkey, Judge William L 295 Shelby, David 10.} Shelby. Judge D. D 136 Shelby, Dr. Johji ]o8 Shelby, General Jos. 123 Shelby, Sarah Bledsoe 104 Scurry, Richard 186 Scurry, A\'illiani Read 186 Smith, General Daniel 297 Spencer, Thomas Sharp 300 Simmer County in the ^\'ar with Mexico t^i Sumner County in \\'ar 42 Sumner County, topography of 34 Territorial Laws Relating to Sumner County 39 'I r-nisd;ile, (Governor Willi.im 3^'- xii Historic Sumner County^ Tenn. \ Vandorbih, Mrs. W. 11 138 Walton. William 303 Wcatherrcd, Frank 304 Williams, D. S 155 Wilson Family 305 Wlncliester, INIajor George 306 Winchester, General James 307 Wynne, Colonel Alfred R 310 PREFACE TSTI URIXG the months of September and October, tR 1907, I pubh"?hed in the Sunday edition of the A'asliz'illc American, a series of papers called "Historic Sumner County." They were so well re- ceived that 1 determined to rewrite, revise and add new matter and publish the wdiole in book form. This book is the result. It is not intended to be a history of Sumner county—a work to deserve that name would, till many more pag,^cs than are herein containerl—but to present some of the most interesting details about the first settlciiient and the first settlers of the county, not accessible in any other form. My aim has been to give facts and to exclude errors. I have personally inter- viewed many of the descendants of the pioneers, have examined v.ritten and printefl recorrls, and have writ- ten himdreds of k'.Uers, many of which have remained Tiuanswered. It ^'.as the orig'inal ]^urpose to include genealogies of all the pioneer families, but I have been unable to secure the necessary information, tlie living rei)resentatives of the families either did not ])Ossess the facts, or were indit'ferent to their preservation in this form. History begins with tradition, narratives handed down from generation to generation. But tradition is n(.^t always fact, and much of it is absurd, while it may ^erve to amuse and entertain, it should not be taken seriously. It is the duly of the historian to sift tra- dition and retain only authentic facts. I ilesire to here express my sincere thanks to every uidividual who in any way gave me assistance in the way of information for this work, and to hope that all may be satisfied with the manner in which I have pre- ^•^ntcd the iacls given me. J. G. Cisco. HISTORIC SUMXER COUXTV, TEXXESSEE. ^ttLACE one foot of a compass on a line between jbl Gallatin and Bledsoe's Lick, and about six miles east of the first named place, then draw a circle the diameter of which shall be twenty miles, and you will have within that radius a territory which it would be difficult to find a more beautiful, more fertile, or one richer in historical associations. And, too, it would be hard to find a territory of the same extent in which more men known to fame have had their homes. With- in that area was erected the first cabin built by mem- bers of the Ang-lo-Saxon race in ]^Iiddle Tennessee, and was cleared the first field and planted the first corn west of the Allegheny mountains. Within that circle was the home of Grifiith Rutherford, a famous Gen- eral in the Revolutionary war, a member of the Pro- visional Congress, and President of the Legi>lative Council for tlie Government of the Territory South of the Ohio River, and for whom Rutherford comity, Xorth Carolina, and Rutherford county, Tennessee, were named ; Gen. Daniel Smith, who made the first niap of Tennessee, Secretary of the Territory. United States Senator from 1805 to 1809, and for wh.om Smith county was named ; William Trousdale, (.ien- cral. Governor and diplomat, and for whom Trous- dale county was named ; \\'illiam Hall, General, Gov- c;nor and member of Congress; James Winchester, an ' 'Ju\:r in the Revolutionary war, a Brigadier-General •:« ilie W;u- (if 1S12, and for whom the county seat of '^'^'"^hn canity was named; Colonel Anthony Bled- -^nn-inbcT ui the Li-gislatures of A'irginia and >"-'i!i Caroliiia. a Captain in the Colonial ami}', 4 Historic Sumxkr Couxtv, Tkxn. a Afajor in the Revolutirmarv army, a Colonel ^ of militia in ^\•hat is now Tennessee, and for / '^ whom Bledsoe conntv was named ; Colonel Isaac JJledsoc, explorer, pioneer, Indian tighter, and a Major f of militia; David \\"ilson, Major in the war for inde- I pendence, Speaker of the first Territorial Assembly of . Tennessee, and for wliom Wilsun eounty was named; r Col. Lanrlerdale, fell at the first battle of Jas. who New \ Orleans in December, 1814, and for whom counties in V Tennessee, Alabama and ^lississippi \\ ere named : ; \\'illiam \\.
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