The La Trobe Journal No. 95 March 2015 End Matter
Notes 115 Notes Des Cowley, Robert Heather and Anna public – books, serials, pamphlets, music Welch: Editors’ introduction scores – but also works published in 1 Johanna Drucker, The Century of Artists’ other formats such as CD and DVD. The Books, New York: Granary Books, 1995, p. 1 Northern Territory, Tasmania and Western Australia include web-based publications. Helen Cole: Public collections of artists’ books 10 in Australia 11 Noreen Grahame was the first gallerist in Australia to actively promote artists’ 1 Any discussion of artists’ books is dogged books. Her first major exhibition of by the question of definition. This article artists’ books was in 1991 and, at this adopts a broad definition that includes time, she encouraged artists represented unique works, limited and commercial by the gallery to create their first artists’ editions, codexes, altered books, book books for the show. She organised five objects and everything in-between. It does Artists’ Books and Multiples fairs in not include zines, however, as institutions generally treat these separately. Brisbane, in 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001 and 2 Noreen Grahame, ‘The gallerist’s 2007, and presented Australian artists’ perspective’, paper presented at ‘The books at the Sydney Works on Paper Trouble with Artists’ Books’, Siganto Fair and the London Artists’ Books Foundation seminar, State Library of Fair. In 1994 Grahame extended into Queensland, 4 May 2013. A podcast of the publishing catalogues and artists’ books. seminar is available at: Her catalogues for exhibitions and artists’ au/_slqmedia/video_and_audio_content/ books fairs constitute the most important art-and-design/siganto-seminar, accessed 21 sources of documentation of artists’ books November 2014 in Australia of this time.
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