What do college and BUT WHO TAKES LATIN? university admissions These People Did! Hackett personnel say when asked about Latin as an • J. K. Rowling, author of Harry Potter • C. S. Lewis, author of the Lion, the Catholic academic pursuit? Witch, and the Wardrobe

, WWE wrestler “Latin trains abstract thinking, provides a key to Prep all modern Romance languages, is a model for • Pat Meehan, Congressman and former interdisciplinary study (language, history, culture) NHL official and can be a lot of fun.” Michael C. Behnke, Vice President for Enrollment, • Porter Goss, former head of the CIA University of Chicago • Chris Martin, lead singer of Coldplay “This year, I was particularly impressed by a • Charles Geschke, co-founder of Latin: student with average scores and grades who had taken Latin throughout middle and high Adobe More than school. We ended up offering the student • William Cohen, former US Secretary admission, and I think it is fair to say that it was Just a his commitment to Latin that tipped the scales.” of Defense Andrea Thomas, Assistant Dean of Admission, • Jerry Brown, Governor of California Language Hamilton College • James Baker, former US Secretary of “That’s a student who is willing to step away State from the crowd.” Ray Brown, Dean of Admissions, • Boris Johnson, mayor of London Christian University • Lynn Sherr, ABC News correspondent “We value the study of Latin very highly.” Steve LeMenager, Director of Admission and • Tom Hiddleston, actor Associate Dean, Princeton University • Jonathan Evans, former director of the British Security Service (MI5) Emily Marillier • Jane Addams, activist and 2nd female Hackett Catholic Prep Peace Prize winner 1000 W. Kilgore Road [email protected] • Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president

• J. R. R. Tolkein, author of Lord of the Rings

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Latin gives you Top 5 reasons Latin is more than just a the skills you need to take Latin language…

to succeed... 1) Some of the finest literature ever written Mythology is in Latin, and in Latin 4, you get to The Romans worshipped read some of it! The College Board many deities such as Jupiter Latin was the language of the ancient also offers an AP test specifically and Venus. Romans had a Romans, but about a quarter of the world’s covering two of the pieces we read! population still keep Latin alive in their god for everything, even speech today with languages directly 2) Knowledge of Latin increases English doorways! Romans also told stories of brave descended from Latin. Look how Latin has vocabulary and aids in the understanding heroes like Hercules! influenced other languages: of English grammar. The average SAT verbal score for a Latin student is 126 Architecture points above the National Average. The Romans were great builders. Parts of many Roman buildings still 3) Latin is the basis for so many areas of stand today. Romans also invented study. Not only are the Ancient the arch and concrete, two very Romans central to history, literature important aspects of modern and philosophy, but to music as well. architecture. The technical vocabulary of the medical

and legal professions and the hard sciences rests on the foundation of Latin History and Greek. Hear stories of great men like Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar, Pompey, 4) It’s fun! In what other language class Romulus and Remus,

are you going to be able to wear togas?! Spartacus, Cicero , Hannibal, and others. “Et tu. Brute?” Over 50% of English words come from Latin Roman Life Toga! Toga! Toga! Learn — and Latin can also be seen, for example in exactly how to wrap yourself in a toga. Also, the botanical names of flowers and plants, in learn about Roman foods, schools, money, legal terms and in many phrases in every day government, military, and entertainment! use like etc. (et cetera), e.g. (exempli gratia), Would you want to be a Roman Gladiator? a.m. (ante meridiem), per cent and post mortem. No other language has contributed so much to English! Latin is the source of 90% of English words over 2 syllables