Page 10 News of Polonia Pasadena, California April 2008
Page 10 News of Polonia Pasadena, California April 2008 The Dialectics of Pain from 9 create new pseudo-nationalistic images [2] Quoted in Czesław Leopold and 1997). The standard published work on the depicting the Communists as the only decent Krzysztof Lechicki, Więźniowie polityczni WiN is Zygmunt Woźniczka, Zrzeszenie According to Kazimierz Krajewski, and patriotic force in Poland. Torture was an w Polsce, 1945-1956 (Warszawa: “Wolność i Niezawisłość” 1945-1952 Tomasz Łabuszewski, Piotr Niwiński, and indispensable tool to achieve this Wydawnictwo "Młoda Polska,” 1981), 6. (Warszawa: Instytut Prasy i Wydawnictw others torture was all pervasive and comprehensive goal. According to Kułak, [UP] “Novum” – “Semex”, 1992). However, it ubiquitous at every stage of the interrogation The main objective of the political trial [3] Materiały konferencji prokuratorów was partly plagiarized from Tomasz process. The secret police tortured captured was to change the consciousness of the wojewódzkich z udziałem przedstawicieli Honkisz, “Opór cywilny czy walka zbrojna? insurgents right on the battlefield, mostly to people (unlike in a normal country, where MBP, 19 December 1950, Archiwum Akt Dylematy polskiego podziemia extract information about their units but also the objective is to punish the criminals). The Nowych [afterward AAN], Prokuratura, file politycznego, 1945-1952,” (Ph.D. thesis, to terrorize their civilian sympathizers. people were to be informed that hitherto 1555, 5, quoted in Antoni Kura, “Represje Warszawa, Akademia Nauk Społecznych Members of the families of the insurgents they had lived in the morally tainted aparatu bezpieczeństwa publicznego w przy Komitecie Centralnym Polskiej were routinely tortured as well. Women, environment of pre-war Poland, where the latach 1944-1956,” Biuletyn Instytutu Zjednoczonej Partii Robotniczej, 1990).
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