Morse's Indian Root Pills : 1889-1890 Almanac
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s&AOflTawiEajuk ECLIPSES, ETC., FOR 1889. In the year 1889 there will be five Spring begins March 19th, 1889, at eclipses, three of the sun and two of uh 52 m., p. m., and lasts 93 days,<fc the moon. 13 h, 28 m. I. A total eclipse of the sun Jan. Summer begins June 21st, ih 20 m 1st, 5h, 10m, p. m., visible here by a. m., and lasts 93 days, 9h, 50m. sunset only a small portion. Autumn begins Sept. 22nd 1889, at II. A partial eclipse of the moon, uh 10m., a. m., and lasts 89days, I7h, Jan. 27th I2h 24 m a. m., visible in 52m. North and South America, Europe, Winter begins Dec 21st, iSSg, at and Pacific ocean. Africa and Atlantic 5h 2m. a m. III. An annular eclipse of the sun, June 28th, 3b 59m. a. m., invisible in Chronological Cycles. America, visible in southern Africa and Dominical Letter F Indian Ocean. Golden Number, 9 IV. A partial eclipse of the moon, Epact in morn's age 28 July 1 2th, 3I1 49m p. m., invisible in Solar Cycle 22 theU. S., visible in the Atlantic ocean, Roman In iction 2 also in the east of South America and Julian Period 6602 Europe, Asia and Australia. Year 5,650 of the Jewish era com- V. A total eclipse of the sun, Dec. mences September 26th, 1889. 4 22, 7h 53m a. m., invisible in the Year of U. S., visible in the Atlantic ocean, 1307 the Mahommedan era eastern part of South America and begins August 28th 1889. West Africa. Movable Feasts. Stars. Morning Septuagesima Sunday Feb. 17 Sexagesima " Venus until April 30th. Mars after Sunday 24 Quinquagesima June 17th. Jupiter until June 24th. Mar 3 Shrove " Saturn until Feb. 5th after August 16th. Tuesday 5 " Mercury after Feb. 14th until April Ash Wednesday 6 Quadragesima " 24th, until June 19th after August 7th, Sunday 10 Mid Lent " until Oct. 15th after December 7th. 31 Palm Sunday Apr. 14 Evening Stars. Good Friday " 19 Easter Sunday " 21 Venus after April 30th. Mars until Low Sunday " 28 June 17th. Jupiter after June 24th, Ascension Day Saturn after Feb. 5th until August May 30 Whit Sunday 16th. Mercury until Feb. 14th after June 9 Trinity Sunday *• 16 April 24th, until June 19th after August Corpus Christi '* 20 7th, until Oct. 1 5th after December 7th. Advent Sunday Dec. 1 The Four Seasons. Ember Days. Winter begins December 21st, 1888, March 13th, June 12th, September at 4I1 24 m. a. ra., and lasts 88 days, 18th and December 12th. 7h, 28 aiiautes. The above plate represents Dr. Indian Root Pills, and been benefitted Morse and his wife, together with their by them, and who have seen their blooming, healthy and interesting chil- powerful effects in relieving others, in dren the Doctor and his wife each all manner of diseases, have testified having a child in their arms. Here we their purifying and healing properties behold a family possessed of life, vigor and have testified also that it is im- and strength, being the foundation of possible for any person in a diseased all happiness, true pleasure and all state, to take them daily for two or earthly enjoyments—I would pause for three weeks, without being benefitted a moment and ask, where will you find and restored to perfect health. If a family possessing, like Dr. Morse's families sufficiently knew the necessity such blooming health and beauty. of purging and frequently giving pure, Truly, we have a number of families opening medicine to their children, who have used the Pills as their only good health would always be the result. medicine, and we have heard it spoken Let heads of families take them when of by others, that they Joo'.cd equally they are sick or in pain, and in a ver as well as the Doctor's. Thousands on short time they will be perfectly satisfied thousands who have used Dr. Morse's that they have taken all thatliatur* ; 2 Morse's Pills- Have No Equal as a Blood Purifier. requires to restore them to health. A the forest, and the information which few doses will relieve you of any disease he has received from them as to the which has caused you months of sick- manner of curing their sick, has brought ness, pain and distress ; because they them into the possession of a very valu- purify the blood, and thereby remove able medicine. And he is now pre- disease; consequently health and hap- pared to put it within the reach of all, piness must be the result. ^ caring not what your disease may be Ithas^often been remarked by many, knowing that if you take these Pills " How healthy and well Dr. Morse's a few times, you will certainly find family 1" look There is a cause for it. relief. He has, in thousands of in- His wife, before she was married, as stances given them where the sick many are aware, was very feeble and have been given up, and has looked complained much. After their mar- on with amazement at the astonishing riage he persuaded her to use one of cures which they have performed. these Pills every day. She was sur- Never has he known an instance, prised to find that a few doses had re- where they have been thoroughly used, stored her to perfect health, which she to fail in restoring health to the sick. has enjoyed up to the present time ; So thoroughly and surely will they and she has made it a practice to use relieve you of all pains, sickness and them occasionally when in health, distress, and so much confidence has especially after having taken a cold. he in their healing art, that should any And now we behold her in excellent purchase them and not feel satisfied, health and the mother of twelve bloom- they may return them, and the pro- ing, healthy and happy children. The prietor holds himself responsible to re- Doctor, having spared neither pains nor turn the money'jpaid for them, in all expense in finding out the true cause casesflwhere they do not give universal of disease, after having traveled through satisfaction. We have laid them at Europe and America and the various your hands, not for our gain, but for inhabited islands in different parts oi your health and your gain. the world and among the Red Men oi ' A Short History of Dr. Norse's Father, Also showing how this Wonderful Medicine was brought Into use. The old gentleman, who is on a visit, be over sixty or sixty-five years old. having a Bible in his hand, as you see But you will be surprised, when told in the above plate is a perfect likeness that this fine-looking old gentleman of the father of the celebrated Dr. was ninety-five years old the 20th of Morse. You would not take him to November, 1847. On the 19th day of Morse's 1411s once used Yon will take no other. 3 Tne same month, he rode and drove ceased, after which he took a short himself, thirty-five miles, in order to nap, being the first of any amount for spend the birth -day of his ninety- fifth several days. In the afternoon he was year with the doctor and his interesting taken with shortness of breath and family. He is an extremely rich man, supposed to be dying. _ The neighbors with an income of about five hundred were sent for, the room was soon filled, thousand dollars annually, and the own- and many prayers were offered up from er of a number of fine, elegant ships, the very heart of these dear Christian which sail in different directions to people, that some relief might be ob- every part of the world. tained for this good and pious man. A number of years ago, this good While these prayers were ascending man was very sick. He had eight of like sweet incense to the Throne above the most celebrated doctors to attend and every eye was bathed in tears, a him both night and day. With all rumbling noise was heard in the dis- their skill, this good and pious gentle- tance, like a mighty chariot winding its man grew worse and worse and finally way nearer, when all at once a fine they gave him up saying that it was span of horses, before a beautiful coach, impossible to cure him and he would stood before the door, out of which soon die. The next day, about nine alighted a noble and elegant looking o'clock in the morning, he called his man. In a moment's time he entered wife j to his bedside, saying, "How the room and embraced the hand of painful it is to die without seeing my his dear father and mother. She clasped son, our only child. Though I have her arms around his neck and fainted spent large amounts of money to have away. The Doctor, surprised to see him educated as a doctor, after which his father so nearly gone, immediately to have him thoroughly understand the went to his coach, taking therefrom way to cure disease I persuaded him to various plants and roots, which he travel in far distant lands among the had learned from the Red Men of savage and Indian tribes, as then he the forest as being good for all diseases, would learn their successful manner and immediately compounded them to- of curing diseases in Nature's way» gether, and gave them to his father, from plants and roots ; the thought of and in about two hours afterward he my engaging him to go, as I am about was very much relieved, *He gave to die, grieves me much.