MASS MURDER OFFICIAL KILLING IN TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA DRAFT COPY PART 10 April 2013 PLEASE EMAIL/LINK/WEBSITE 10 T HE PATSY PSYCHO-POLITICAL TERROR Port Arthur, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA; 28-29 April 1996 35 killed, 23 wounded GUNMEN highly trained right-handed shooter/psychopath – said to be Benjamin Overbeeke (see Internet); 2nd gunman at Seascape said to be Michael Charles Dyson (ex-SOG) INVESTIGATIONS NO public inquiry; NO coronial autopsies; NO trial OUTCOME possessing auto & semi-auto long-firearms legislated illegal INNOCENT PATSY Martin Bryant; IQ of 66 (lowest 1-2% of population); intellect of 11-year-old (grade 6); imprisoned FOREVER; now being tortured to death in Risdon Prison, Tasmania not a single shred of proof links this left-handed shooter to the alleged firearms, to the shooting, or to the victims; several eyewitnesses have said Bryant was not the gunman BOOK (forthcoming; international) MASS MURDER: Official Killing in Tasmania, Australia no copyright; 500 pp; dozens of investigator articles; destroys official narrative (corrupt unproved nonsense) AVAILABILITY abebooks, amazon, bookdepository, bookfinder, vialibri, etc . free pdf from editor EDITOR Keith Allan Noble, PhD
[email protected] has no involvement with firearms or any firearms group WHAT YOU CAN DO email, link, website all information about this official killing OFFICIAL CONTACT Lara Giddings – Premier 15 Murray Street, Hobart 7000 Tasmania, AUSTRALIA t. 61-3-62333464; f. 61-3-62341572
[email protected] PLEASE PRAY FOR MARTIN BRYANT THE 36th VICTIM DRAFT MASS MURDER April 2013 Official Killing in Tasmania, Australia CONCERN The incident in April 1996 at and near Port Arthur, Tasmania, was so big and complicated (many actions both planned and spontaneous), it was beyond Martin Bryant’s mental, physical, and emotional limits.