University of Manchester (Uom) Unit of Assessment (Uoa): B10 (Mathematical Sciences) A
Environment template (REF5) Institution: University of Manchester (UoM) Unit of Assessment (UoA): B10 (Mathematical Sciences) a. Overview The UoA comprises the School of Mathematics (SoM) at Manchester, which is one of the largest unified mathematics departments in the country: 75 academic staff, 1167 UGs, 115 PGTs and 123 PGR students. It has had a long and distinguished history in pure mathematics (notably Adams, Mordell, Newman and Turing covering algebra, foundations of computer science, number theory, topology), applied mathematics (Goldstein, Lamb, Lighthill, Richardson covering continuum mechanics, waves, numerical analysis) and statistics (Priestley). The UoA sits within the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPS), which is composed of 9 Schools, over 600 academic staff and 70 specialist research centres and groups. The £40m bespoke Alan Turing Building is home to the UoA and places it, geographically and academically, at the heart of the University. The UoA’s size has enabled critical mass to be established across many areas of mathematics; thus, it is now home to world-leading research that both shapes the discipline and extends its reach. The UoA is divided, mainly for the purposes of teaching, into three groups: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Probability & Statistics, although, as described below, the formal divides between areas are becoming increasingly blurred. Current research interests include the traditionally pure areas of algebra, analysis, mathematical logic, geometry and topology and, in applied mathematics, dynamical systems, fluid dynamics, solid mechanics, inverse problems, mathematical finance and waves. The UoA also has a strong tradition in numerical analysis and well established groups in probability theory and statistics together with the recent introduction of financial mathematics and actuarial sciences.
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