CMYK STAY INDOORS - STAY SAFE - STAY HEALTHY GUJARAT’S OWN ENGLISH DAILY FOUNDED IN 1967 RNI Reg. No. GUJ/11172/67. Postal Reg. No. Pages 8 G-GNR-321 valid upto 2/- 31-12-2020 Posting at RMS Founder Editor : Ramubhai Patel PHONE : 079-2640 2880 (Advertisement : 2640 2881 mail :
[email protected])* Fax : 2640 2882 Ahmedabad VOL. 53 * NO. 267* AHMEDABAD THURSDAY* 16/04/2020 Printed & Published by Nikunj R. Patel on behalf of Western Times Publications Pvt. Ltd. Printed at Western Times Survey No. 1315P, Opp. Ramapir Temple, Shilaj-Thol Road, Shilaj, Ahmedabad and Published at Western Times Pub. Pvt. Ltd. 301, 3rd Floor, Gala Argos, B/h. Hari Krupa Tower, Nr. Ladies Hostel, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-380 006. (Gujarat). Editor : Nikunj R. Patel News Brief GoI declare Guidelines for Lockdown NEW DELHI: coronavirus lockdown. spread of the infection and • Hospitality services Markets open on Union Ministry of Home Gymnasiums, sports asked the people of the other than those specifically positive note Affairs on Wednesday (April complexes, swimming country to follow seven permitted under these 15) issued guidelines for the pools, bars, cinema halls, rules in this time of crisis. guidelines Mumbai, second phase of the malls, and shopping com- Here is a list of those • Taxis (including The 30-scrip Sensitive lockdown to curb the plexes will remain closed till things which will remain autorickshaws and cycle- Index (Sensex) on Wednes- spread of coronavirus May 3.The latest guidelines suspended till the lockdown rickshaws) and services of day opened on a positive COVID-19, stating that wear- issued by the MHA stated is in place.