“When I wake up just before dawn and hear the throbbing voices of birds as they echo against the silence, I am overpowered by yearning. When I ride in the dark on stark roads through dry, bald hills, I ache with desperate longing. I don’t know what I am longing for, maybe for some place of my own within these images, some place where I fit, instead of being the one human being still awake, the only thing moving across the hills in the arid darkness. Maybe that ache is loneliness. I haven’t found a name for the feeling yet, nor do I know exactly what awakes it in me. But instinct warns me that it is too potent for me, that my soul is on the verge of cracking when I feel it that way. I cannot handle the sheer power of those wild emotions by myself. I have to find some way to share them. That is why I write. It’s instinctive. I just have to-- because it is awake like lava in my blood, and sustains me.” - , 15 yrs old


Cast and Crew

Sam Stroming - Rachel Corrie Nita June - Director Megan Bowman - Stage Manager Jessica Yost - Set Designer Katy McDonald - Lighting Designer Tyler Lynch - Cinematographer and Editor

Special thanks to Craig and Cindy Corrie for their support throughout this production and for sharing Rachel’s writing with the world.


The creative team of acknowledges that this ​ ​ production has been rehearsed, performed, and filmed on the stolen territory of the Chumash people. To learn more about the history of the Chumash people, please click this link. ​


A brief history

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict concerns the struggle between Israelis and for control of the same piece of land (the Holy Land) which they both call home. The desire among Zionists for a Jewish state at the turn of the 20th century resulted in land partitions mediated by British powers that left both Jews and Arabs dissatisfied and brought multiple wars between the groups. At the end of the Arab-Israeli war in 1948, was established as a nation and Palestine divided into the two remaining pieces of land, named The and Gaza. Since this time, Israel has taken military control* over The West Bank and Gaza in the form of an illegal occupation. This has resulted in a humanitarian and economic crises for Palestinian people, an enormous Palestinian refugee population, and illegal Jewish settlements in occupied land.

Our story follows the firsthand experiences of Rachel Corrie in Gaza in 2003 when she joins the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), a Palestinian-led movement that is “committed to resisting the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land using nonviolent, direct-action methods and principles” (palsolidarity.org). ​ ​

*Israeli’s military is called the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces)

Director’s Note

This production’s journey has been an atypical one in many regards. Sam and I began rehearsing via Zoom “in the summer of COVID” with high hopes for a live performance in the fall. As the months went on and we realized this was not going to be an option, we shifted the production and sharing of it with the world to the wonderful option of film.

But how does one stay true to the mode of theatre - the authenticity, vibrancy, “now-ness” of it - in the format of film? And how does one bypass the traps that filmed theatre often carries with it - a flatness, a sense of a divide between audience and actor, a muted tone? We have endeavored to answer these questions but know, of course, that the verdict is up to you, our audience, to judge if we have fulfilled our intention.

Throughout the rehearsal process, we have felt Rachel’s spirit with us. Her perseverance fueled us to continue rehearsing when we were unsure of obtaining the rights to a filmed version of the play; her deviant and creative nature supported our decision to move from live performance to film, knowing she would approve of the alternative and creative actions we have employed; and her commitment to sharing her life in her writing, emails and journals has inspired our commitment to sharing her story with you.

With Rachel’s story, we hope that you leave the viewing feeling inspired and ready to take action - whether that be in your local community or on a more global scale - to be a bright light of goodness and truth in the world.

Thank you for being with us today.

Actor’s Note

When I studied abroad in Israel-Palestine two years ago, I never could have predicted that I would end up sharing this play with you today. After a relentless tugging on my heart, I finally said yes to embodying Rachel’s story for my senior project. Never have I been more inspired, challenged, or moved by such an incredible person. Rachel Corrie is a wonder, and she asks us all to take another step in advocating for peace and justice in this world.

In preparation for this project, I had the opportunity to visit Rachel’s hometown, Olympia, Wa (I am from Wenatchee, Wa, which is a few hours away) and ate lunch with Rachel’s parents, Craig and Cindy Corrie. Talking with them was a true gift, and I am so grateful for their support throughout this process. Craig and Cindy have carried on Rachel’s legacy through establishing The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice. If you feel so moved, we invite you to make a donation to this organization that is continuing to advocate for reconciliation locally and internationally.

Rehearsing and performing a one-person show has been one of the most challenging and rewarding artistic experiences I’ve had. Thank you to all of you who have supported me in this endeavor. I really couldn’t do this without you.

As you watch this play tonight, I ask that you listen well with an open mind and an open heart. The struggle for peace in Gaza and in the greater Israel-Palestine continues today, 18 years later. Rachel’s story is one of many that reflect the need for radical change in this world-- a radical change that calls for all people to be treated as human beings with compassion and respect.


To donate to the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, ​ ​ click this link. ​

For more information about Rachel Corrie, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, the current situation in Gaza, and ways to make a difference, take a look at these resources: ​ ​

Understanding the conflict: ​ Curiously Global - Israel Palestine Video Project ​ "The Israel-Palestine conflict: a brief, simple history"

Rachel Corrie and her legacy: ​ The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice

The current situation: ​ Aljazeera News on Gaza ​ Ha'aretz News on Gaza ​ Middle East Report The Electronic Intifada Al-Ahram Weekly

Initiatives to bring change(not an extensive list): ​ International Solidarity Movement (ISM) ​ ​ ICAHD B'Tselem

Gaza and Covid-19: ​ UN's warning that Gaza will not be a 'liveable place' by 2020 has been realized" opendemocracy.net "COVID in besieged Gaza: 'A blockade inside a blockade'" Aljazeera "After delay, Israel allows vaccines into Hamas-run Gaza" AP News


My Name is Rachel Corrie is presented by special arrangement with ​ Dramatists Play Service, Inc., New York.

My Name is Rachel Corrie was first presented ​ by the English Stage Company at the , . Produced Off-Broadway at the Minetta Lane Theatre by Dena Hammerstein and Pam Pariseau for James Hammerstein Productions.