-.1 t \fOL~ 14-N.o. 8 . ·.~7.' , SAN · FRANCISCO, AUGUST, 1956 \ '~:~i=~~:..~c:e Record .. Vote Cast

-1\iEMBER-· ·_ I·. .1·· ... E -a t.·. -_ , 1\'!EETlfNG ·postponed ·n ., u·...... , .. ... IIwI until September · 8th, 1956. · Rep.orts .from across the U.S. indicate that a record vote Because of the Labor Day was cast in the recent IUOE referendum on choice of Inter­ Holiday the regular member­ national union officers, and Local 3 jofned th1= parade· with ship rpeeting will be held on a most substantial response in balloting. ·· September 8th, 1~ ather . than Results of .. the referendum will 1 --. ------'--- on the · 1st Saturday of the ~robably be announced in th€ next J For Genera·! President: 1ssue of the l'UOE Journal. Coun~ - William E . Maloney ...... ~ ...... 7295 ing of ballots was scheduled to H. o. Foss ...... ~ ...... 9862 start August 15. . : , * * * Ne. w Of-. Col'nplete results on Local 3 vot- :"l:st General Vlce-Presldent: Please Note ,. ing are given here. .. I Wilham lVI. Welsh ...... 15,034 fice Addresses: The election committee com- Second General Vice-President: Reno Office -185 M ti posed of E . L.

1923. _ 1 ficefs during July, 1956: Eighth General Vice-President: Jack McDonald ...... 16,193 Ninth General Vice-President: Charles Paluska ...... : ...... 16,323 J;OB: .SEASON ..NO ·· Tenth Gen€ral Vice~ President: ... .. '"',RECORirR1GJt · ~!~/:~: :· ~r~f1~n_ : :::·!:::~~~---- ..~ _-:_-_-_. _. _._._._.:3~~ J: C. Turner : ...... 16,214 For General Secretary-Treas.: One of the .best seasons· in many years i.s ··now. ''in. . hi~h~ . Char 1 es B . 'u-raJ" - nli - • ng ...... 1.6 , 706. gear throJ.Ighciut _the three-state jurisdiction· 'of Operat1ng · For · General Board -of Trustees: Engineers Local 3, .\vith out-of-work lists down nearly to bot- L. E. Egan ...... 16;443 tom ip practically all distriCts. Hunter P. Wharton ...... 619 c a to A · k ·th Newell J. Carman ...... 364 The annual · rush to beat the ' sa r men : . p1c -up w 1 - bd' · · d h' h Michael P. Connors ,...... 574 rains i.s now on as contracto;rs re- su IVISIOns; an Ig ways. v > L. Kelley ...... 483 alize it is mid-Augus. t and soon Stockton: Mountain dams and \Vm. A. O'Connell ...... 14,060 comes the fall with its uncertain- valley .hi . ghways holding fairly Ray W. Tucker ...... - .. 16,069 ties. . ,good. A round-up .of the various . dis- , Fresno: Holding its own . with tricts si\.ows the following ::;itua- valley jobs. . tion: . , · San Jose: Moved into a new Register Nov/ ,Shasta area: In full strid€ on .all home we're proud of, __at 760 Em­ north-valley boom, with big dam ory St. Work · is exceptionally November and industry jobs well underway_: _ good. 1 Marysville: Sizeable crews tackl-~ North B~y : ~n high gear on I Electio·n ing tne huge power projects o1 · · highways and hopsing. 1 Registration Deadline· PG&E in Feather River canyon. . Sept. 13 . •

SHASTA INDUSTRY EOOl\'I- With the $120 million Trinity p(Jwer job. under wa.y, new ·housing, and industry, and n,1>w the $21 million 'I)iamond M:~tch '. plant .under,,_way, the north inland· empire is.boomhig. ·This view s!tows .present wo~k on the Integrated· Forest:·:Products. pi'ant '9fDiamond M:atchabout .two miles south of Red Bluff;· off ~ig~waY: 99, . with the Sa{lrarnen.to. river iii background and highway at _left, Del E . '· ..,Vebb Qonst. Co. and Southwest Engineering Co. are the _ b~il(!er !?. - . - . . . ~ \' . ..

· JUl\ffiOS ·_ Giant · concrete stilts, brown hills in bacll~ of Pinole- and R odeo and drop moun­ CALIF. SWITZERLAND- That's what they call the rugged eaeh. as big as a 15-story building a,re :walking aeross· d:o\vn to this high-stepping crossing. The dog-leg on on Highway 299. :This shows ta.in country between Eureka and Redding the present . span cwill be straightened . out on tJie a Kuckenberg Const. . Co. job near Willow --Creeli on the Trinity River, the deep.· fast waters of Carquinez straits to present a .twin to the-present bridge. The $40 million project foundations which can be seen in center background. ~ast of E~reka, _a !~~1 ~ha1!_e11g~ to !_he O_ger~ting ~ngin_e~r~ and their --- .!'1'1 ------&--.~ ..... _ »:-"--- --~'1 .a .... ~.,. ....,.,._....,_ ...... ~ 1.-: .... t... l rD'a-.. -4--. _,_,.. __ £l,...,.J.,..l.,-..1 n~ ,..:,.. "':i1 ...... ,..;-.n..-..o.- T nran.l 9\ /

., . . . ~ ....

Su-rve)' . Not-es

By AL BOARDMAN and . I qi.mlified to -handle all manner of By PAT CLAl""\'CY & HP~RY METZ, Business Representatives · work and this, we believe, is due BILL l\fiNAHAN engineering projects. · · Nev.r contracts for work in the San Francisco area are to the ·fact that many -members . . .Business R!Jpreseiitatives . Leptien, Cronin & -.-Cooper, CivW _,, t d'l·' · · Tl ' are limited S ea I to the operation of one ' · . . \ Engineers with offices .in.M_artinez, Y mcreasmg. 1e congestion of traffic trayelling in and, kind of equipment. At a special meetmg on Tuesday, signed the Civil ·about the c;:ity calls .Engtpeers.,&.-. Land for speedy relief in the way of new free- August ?thr · the< Wchnical. Engi;' l Surve y~rs' agt~eement on·Aug].-lstr 'ways. Shoreside projects -.1, ·, al"e also in"th'e news thjs. month.. neel:S -· membership ., of ' Operat-ihg,b956-.( ' . . '. ' _M. &"K. Corp., was the low bi·.t6"' co a~ _ ··-Streetto. ... theend· js t"' 1 ' F ·t · · ·t ·d1 a~c ~- o~ ·.· . . . ·. · of·PortolaDrive. _ou •.,e:n_ _ree_w_.a_y.. ; ·I· __ ;. Js -. exp.ece_ c t c 1 E ne & Land~n struct .runw,;o -sur.vey -cl:ew-s:: and .are··wor.k- about ·thirty days ·C. al_lsfo_r ·__ a • · • · 0 C Jones ts ma!tlriz, gocid prbg- _cro.ss_._-the_ _board mcreases·· imr _10 h.ours,a •· day-,' 6 days_"a ·. week. Theo I~:Iey er & Sons wa.s the sue- · · ~ EARLE HILL 0 f 15 t · 11 f P t ~ ' ress on their joh · . · cen s :- pet' our or. ~. ar y _· Guy .. F. Atkinson Co. startedc:Q.P· ·eesful bidder for the exca.vatio.n of . · at the Sim Fi·an- ~ · Ch 1 f · In t m nt Man Sen1 o ·In Jt_me 25, 1956, Na_pa, Calif. · e ·; s ru e ' . · r· . - erl'(tions on Coyote- Dam; ne~r .,..__,·, _I.vi·c· ···ce·n· .ter Pa-t·!,·. -~ ne\v· CI·v·t·c cisco· State Colleg· e. . _,.._ spe- L~ tor ·• InsrJe~tor.. L. : · • and Field Assls-' Center ·exhibit ha.Il, and- ga.ra.ge, ·_Fa)r . . Ukiah. ' They. at:e .-: currently·. using. Improvemellt Ccfmpany. is WM. E. ERICSON tant, Class,. II. Field A.ssistant, ·. cJass; three. ~u rvey ·. cr.ew on this .laP""e \\•ill be constructed. underground also busy ar'()und to~~ n resurfacmg July 6, 1956, Fallon, Nevada I (Head Cliainmar).) receiv,ed an in- project~ · . s "' and the park replaced. in its p:res- 1man:y of the streets 1!1 need of re- creas~ -- of 27. cen~s per ·hour . .Other The regular.. meeting-- in . August ' en~ form. The bid '\.Vas $3,711,315.1 pair. - GUY E. ROSE additiOns .. are time · and one-half has-been eliminated because of the Utah Construction Company's Mike . Lynch, E. T. Tracy and July 8, 1956, Portland, Oregon pay ..fo :r time spen~ traveli~g .· 1·1·rn1 of . R··. M. Towill, Inc., 612 .crosser· · present " - • . harbor to boost mooring- _.:..______.,------~------,---- Howard St., San Francisco,. Aerial · J~ 0 ·· ·· " · · · ·p lh · · ·'-- Pliotogra~metr{sts, ·are rie-w·. mem- ~~;:;~~{;~1~\~3~1:1~-~~~-to an es- .:0._.. io~b~"·-' is: i · Pacific---:Pavements. Coinp'any 1-f·l .\1 ._,, tovrBfuij.er.- on_: ·.01 .·:emus ·- :~~~~::;, ~~e ~:~~c~~~~~~;o;:.vi~~~~ · ·nave r.. ~-. , .. "' . · ·"numerous ·street ' r, Jiifuln Pasco, Nels ,_. Pearson, was $235,'598. . Lo wrie' P~:ving ,· Co .' are. also · ::;ctiye' : J. o. Archibald, L. C. Smith and Carl Per.r~'; Joh;kPitta, Robert Plain,. Aodg;eFs, ._ Alfrecl Silvas, Raymonr Spivey, busy;. on' ·the excavation for. the Mills Estate-· where tJJ.~y , are- gJ'ad~ .tracts· to >gi;adh the lots; the street wm::. E/ Ste:venson; . Glen. V. Sh!l-ller, Da.vi.dU Sti!l@run!lln, E. R. ·sta.:piJ, new. P.(}.&E. power plant at Hunt- ing and. paying, st1:eets and install- p;B,ving.' ('\lld g1:ading. and· the--instal- Cla!~· .e , s;: Sloan,. F. Ji' Sperry;_Lester S~ndeJts ©lifi{Trott, Ed\Yal:dc- Ten­ er 's .I:'olnt.' . . 1 ing 1 the . uti.lities ·. sy~tems. Many. of lation of.! sewer-and w,ater· systems nison, Jpseph Valek, 1\ia.x:vin/l\ Walthet•, S. D; Wa.r.ren; H. L. Williams, . l\II. & 1~ ·- Corp:; also h;ve a Jar.~~ - ·our wo-rthy_: broHiers: ~re - employed 'at. Eich1er·· Highlands, on Skyline JoJm, White1• 'Eed;.E·. Ward; Ii~· _ndall Williams;. llies]iC: Youtsey. J9b at: f.wnteJc s Pomc, and·.- are- on ea·ch of· these - prooJ~ct s . . Blvd. just outside . the.. : City Liro.its 'The- f oUowi~1g - n1.embers, \v.ere, rep.o:l'ted dleeea~d: . B~·others , Jo·hn keepjng a good many· members! ·. Brother s ·Floyd a. n.d:: Lleyd ' Wat~ of. San Mateo;. for the Eichler T. O~eil~ Nelsen Stroup, Guy,- E, Rose,- Wmiam E. Etics.on, Earl E • . busy. . son who .are sup_ervising.• the- two, Homes' Co., emp_loy a great . num- Hill,- Peter· V.og:~; inec, Jr; The membeiLsfutiJll. S>tood!., one' minute· in; silehce . ----... . shift g,rading .·_ opel'ations for homes- ber: of• ai~ . classification~ . of en gi n- in 1·espeat·to .our-deceased' _Br.otheEs·. · · : and streets at Millbrae Meadows, eer~. The,. Business• NEW$ Agents.- ga;ve. their ~ l'eports. \v]1ich .. were•· accepted as ENGH~EER&I . ;, have this work w.ell under coil:trol1 All of• the local contractors, the given. Managing,:Eaitor, .. V: S. SWANSON< · · . :?ublish.e,dSEach,Month;. by .Local Union· being,. assisted•: by- B t' F. y , T-I · .- · C • a: large crew ; of.! :Building: Material Yards and- the ro •Ier •ranlr L.latv.rence; '""( ust1~ 1a .] . ncmdl'en-t · ·ommlssioner No-, 3 of the_. International :· ga.ve · Union .. of . cat operatol's .and ' blade" men. Rook . Q:~arry_s and asphalt plants a short ta.lk. His-remarks-w.ere-\v.e1Lreeeilve£l the-membership Op by · pre• _erating_, En¢peers .- · ,Brother.· Floyd Watson has. this. in, this· area, are .all workjng at sent. . . Northem ,. CalM~f!f Nevada, ,~~f.~~~~~ern .. :;work on com tract; fm·: the. St. I•ep;pr,t on. the finatresults. per·year ing_ and;, pavingc as vv: ell as· the- in" ing.,niledl:' tlhu:tt· the' September ·meeting stallation of the underg~·ound · sys- there Mail all news items in to editor not ·is ·no one on the out· of- work lre laid. over. until. September ·s/ C:i.r.ried·; .. · - · · terns. for iaier- than the-5th of each month. . McCammon a:11d·W.und.er- list:'. After reading over and sum- There being no further business to l!lome before the meeting it Entere!'h as Se_Gond Class. Matterr Sep- :lich at Cre$tmoor Bark: in, San. ming_ up this r.eport, your humble ll-dJOurned; tember 9, 1943, at the.I'osto.f!ice at San B..runo~· and · Linda M.ar · Francisco, California, under the Act of at Pe_dro, •corresp,ondent vvould llke to mak_ e R-espectfully submitted· August· Z4; 191:2. iValley:,. hape, such a, large. crew, of: ,this., com:ment: "The--engineers nave C; F; 1\lATHEWS --:--;;....______; operating_ engineers. on the- na;v. never haciH.' i:o-·P'onn·!" - August 15, l956 ·. ENGINEERS' NEWS Page T hree A.rea.B.usy; GQidPad is Approved I Sacramento Area Mary~ville . . . · · By LES' COLLET, C . .R. V 4-N .WINKLE and BILL WEEKS . ·· ' . , ·

. The present we hope this favorable Are Picking up; ~ir~is (!yirlg(hrdUghou~ ;;~~ry:~~::<:::v:; a~d Jobs · SJtuatlon Will·contmue for the'rest of the season. ' . · · . · ' , · ·· ERNIE NELSON, ED" 1:-':JEARNE This·· month ·-we ·:want to write an i·: ·'· ------By P~UL ~DGECOMBE, Business Representatives ~: article on . tra~sport~tion · o'r\ ho~ I area. Raymo~_d Cbncrete ~ile;o Co. assessment for t.his fund and ttie and' BOB SORNSEN, is driVing piling on the Simmerly $1,00 assessinent made each year The recent awarding of contracts on street reconstruc- : to get to a ·tunnel or- tunn ~fs. ' This . t! Ut h B t & Slough job, for· Parker & -Baldwin: for the Good Standing Fund will considerably in re-· mos Y. conc~~ns a ' . a ·.es . - Bro. :Bm Ma}hews earneup to ta)· on t 'h_e Poe jo~. are m- Ad1t No.;., !?, you dnve-! Henr:y Ha;rris on· the road Job .at The lnibation·· Fee will- actually.. area, especially m some classificatiOns. OperatiOns .· To get to work is much your ea'r off. the hi-gh;way ·- about Downi~ville . remain $10 . ~0 . the .remainder of creasing sJeadily and prospects for continued 25 00 who were scratching, trying to 1Jve miles, down int(l_·Feather. Rive~ PER.SONAL NEWS! the ~ · w•.Il be used· to pay the better than a month ago. .' sorry·to:r.eport that -Bro. .' applicants first moittbs dues and · · . · ,.- ._ · · . . _. . ·. We-are .keep their crews intact, tiave now .Cany<;m -and.,·then rrde: .a . .hll!hl .~ne Bill Neukam. was seriously inj,ured· ·to help.·pay the .additional expense ·. Several of the local contractors solved that slack period by nipping ·. cahleW.ay car . abq~.,;.t 1 '\1.· miles across in .a car accjdent near Y:iinJsee Bill of 'the Local Union for those mem- in- off some good contracts that wiH the canyon apo.pt-20,9 :ft.·above ~ the · and·'is in JQe. h9si>i;taL•iiJ.·P;:ti:adise; · ·ber.s · o'iler · the _fifty-five .year -age low workmen may be greatly · convenience-d. and you may even r-jver · bed . . To~· get _to the Surg~ _- · We are .happy ;·to 'r eport . Bro; limit. and the -initial Buril!'l & .Good keep them busy. . "'- · ·1 on the McGillivray · Const. has two · Chamber;·yoli ·.·d.r.ive \i':"utone.·:mi_e,:Mike ·Tennison -was ·-aiile to take Standing. _Funii ··Assessmeiits .Of throw a greater work fo.ad joti ' at" Adit No. 2, $6.00. ' Initiation ··, Fees collected man that works with you: A mat- : further and over the -W. ·P. tracks; a romprei;sor · good subdivision development jobs h I' d k inc me:car an go but his' ankle will ·bother' him for. a thr,ough .· the check~off : will be('()}- ter that we are sure you wouldn't .; t.)en · ta e an · · · at Grand· Oaks, Oakmont Terrace · 0 ' om0 · · d b ' t the same ch·cumstances. . abo_ut :_7 .0 fe.e_tup a 7_, ' g_. ~a e, · · u · Io. ng. time . .· Iected in t\vo equal monthly -install- -like under and Carella Gardens, a combined h d h and total of $600,000. ' These projects you. am't' ear . not Il}g yet '· .. •. to That's all 'for this 'inbnth.:__keep ments. . If you persist in such.. action No. 15 ' at S~orrie, the dirt flying. · aren't able to show tlmt it was un- . get' to -Tunnel l\IEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS· involve grading streets, paving and steps,. an d · -Les Collet and Bill Weeks ·· · · avoidable, and h()W you could con- ( ·. Calif. , you walk up ~22 YUBA OO"'"SOLIDATED GOLD putting in the s_ewers. . · · · ' J., · · · sistently. is beyond us, you, under Brother, when · yo1,1 ·get there, you * * · * .· Sections on Fruitridge Road · a.~re certa. 1'nly· shor·t ·ofbr· eat._h .- _Then FIELDS! The next m.eeting of this the agreement; are subject to dis- nothing have been let to ·J. R. Reeves, get- : on the Utah Keddie job,. they send GOLD, DREDGING 0()1\lPANIES: unit will b. e~ held Monday, August charge, arid there will be able to ting a $93,979 job from Freeport a motor car in -!1- nd. haul you about ' A satfsfactory a~reen1ent has, 27, 1956, in the Engineers' .Hall, your :Uinon is going to be say, to 24th St. Road, while Teichert t hree miles to see the men on that been rcachee. li.v?i}al;>le· .. hy tl:!. e insu:r- · a:gree that pro gr. ess good ' piogre~ : P_ipe , into ·this area, 'to ·our - ~he · fl_ e~d c_ to t)i'at time . ... · · , ' .. · . IS~ U~derw;ay and . pro, gersSl~g · at .. D~a.'r keddie -and ~ h-e p't~ady :to' myi t~ Cli!nc~e!e. , '1:11js job;· we )1e~r. :VI~mg l'tl~ advan- . g , · . . y · .... · · f!; has No. 1 prromty. . . ·!tn2ie cyqur.s(llf .:with, t~e · cont~nts. ·.riior.e ·pr.()bable ~tn . 'Arch-Angel . get:for-:themselves the':,same· · knowledge or' both; ~s~ could have d~n~ that ·in fact iu~ tage thai:-they Claimed ·. others. had Ing to .move m t~e Papoo~e. They- . So inuch · for· the. fishing · and. ·A working . ·. d ·th t· · . ·have the erew m -operatwn and · · · ·.' · · · · · ' · · · · ·· · " f ..... ~ . · . · · • · · ' ' - a year ago.· An a IS some- h t t d th · f. · t - k . f · huntmg area~let's · get down m ·the . Pecu~l,lY .o ...,.., . ms.uranee~ rov•s•on, itself created one or two prob- ·JUSt b ave s ar e on · · e Irs 1m. o · · · · · · · · · · t · d · . er- th' . t t . ·. t · h' h h - peach, nee, and' almond 001,lntr.y. mftty ·mean money o you ·an a Iems which must be adjusted-to all thmg that we know our mem to agree bels lmp~r anb tpr~Je~ ~h led ~s A. Teichert- & Sorv · hav~ acquired ·working k~owledge of the· agree~ concerned ~satisfaction But we are ship is no . more willing this wiii be-done in to than we are: ' ent ~ 1;: _o ds a~: oh e . e~~­ about . 200 acres of . ground five ment may protect your job, besides ·confident that 1 con- °t m :\r:e~ er;; . ~ t'e miles west of Chico near the Sacra- making you money if the Company time and that the gains made will. When we speak about the ~pmen crete pipe comp~nies ,;;e are also qaucrl_pamento' IStrhlC : b de~nc _erths m ento River and propose to put does not comply with it. ' I prov~ beneficial . to all ou~ mem- 01 g e If h t' b t ... . ·. · t·ors, b oth e .men d b IS on· 'ld'e JO th m• a rock and hot plant.· Supt.· Bro. you ave any ques 1ons a ou bers - ,talkmg about the contrac 1 1 pipe d·a\ m f mg the • eT~ees Ken Fox and more of our weal either, remember . your represen-~ o~e 'of these · problems that was joint and no-joint we lay the ~ ea~~ng is always available to ad- created was that of agreeing with: in· the farms, in the prchards, and in orD de . Isc arge throm S e . are. gte. Brothers are looking forward to a tative . ·, · d Of re gmg on. e acr amen o u. • • H · d 'f· h · d 't h · h · 1an s.. course, we R' t ··B t B d . d y ur1ght fut~re m that area. W. . vise you an -1 e oesn ave t e the Company upon the' work that the grazmg the 'new classification know that business is not good right b IveO:r:l a . ry eD edn. IS Cun erwTha. ..O'Hair Co. ·is about to finish their ·information· you 'want at his.finger- comes under ·· .. , b . . y ymp1an re gmg o. IS . t' h h h . don t make , us1- will exter{d downstream to the I ; roa~ job near ~utte C1ty and have . 1ps e as. t. e ~eans of ascertam- . '.'Diamond Saw Operator A," and now, ?ut Umo~s t be Street bridge thence to Broaaway .. a mce. levee JOb to move on to. mg and_ gettmg 1t to you. drawing up· a description of this ness, 1f they. did the:Y wouldn ?f settle- This ,is an annual operation being · ~re~enckson & Wa~son Co. are_ be- ?ccaswnalry a ~emb~r has a_ new job. So far this h?-sn't -~een Unions, and m the hght eom- caused by the winter floods which gmnmg to show signs of a httle gr1evance about a vwlahon to the completed because of .a disagree- ments made by other p1pe of the creat a ba~rier in the rive at progress on their million dollar agreement or an insurance claim ment over the content of the job, panies in other areas we .are be thesee points. r road job ·on 99W ~t Arbu?kle. H. and. waits ·an unreaso_nab~e length but this will eventually, we· are _opinion that something must The , District Corps· of Army En­ Earl . Parker ,eo: IS movmg the o_f time ~ef~re ·reporting It. Som~ - sure, be resolved. . .· ·done. . . meet- gineers will , award several levee ::nuck on tw~ shifts on the levee time~ th1s IS because ~e doesn t . A hot problem, and we mean . S~ we ~re callmg a specutl _ay, Aug- repair and stone placement jobs JOb bel?w Gnme~ and have a f~w r~n mto the representative at. ~he ~1terally a hot _problem, has arisen mg m ?ridley on W~dnesd on Sy- on the at var­ more s1tes to fimsh yet. Bro. W1l- time. Remember on a three_sh1ft, m the new tunnel kiht area; We ust 15m the Memorial Hall and ·ious locations this . month . . ber Peterson and the R. & P. Con- seven .day operation, weeks or have been working with the· Com- camore Street, t~ consult with In This late in the season these tractors are doing good on t~eir ~onger may go by before he rims pany to eliminate the unpleasant discuss this problem with you. jobs will probably .absorb the bal­ <;l earing job in Sutter Basin-ditto mto .you.. . heat encountered there, and wish the meantime the regular meeting try ance of our dlrt moving operators. S. Phillips Co. Both jobs are hot So either have your committee- to _assrir:'e the membership that the will be cancelled. We will also e. per- in this area. and dusty and ·if the mosquitoes man _report it for you or you re- Company takes .'as sereious ,a view to g.et word to e~h of you of _mouth or The Rock, Sand & Gravel plants don't get the men, th~ honey bees ?ort It to the · O~<'e by telephone or it ·as we do, and will ?o' ever~thing son~ally . either by wo~d be an have nqt as yet operated at· their do. m p~rson. In ~h1s way we can im- possible and . as soon. as possible to mrul. Remember th1s will iln- ·normal capacity. we shall · see Butte Creek Rock Co. is going mediately, while the matter is still eliminate the bad heat conditions · important meeting and it is what the next couple of months : full blast in their plant arid 'have !resh ~n e~reryones minds, make a.n there. . . · perative_ that you ·attend. will do for this phase in the con- · all kinds of small jobs ·in the area. mvesbgation and see that the 1 The Company has drawn to our PERSONALS: events struction industry. Delphia, Williams & Burrows are proper ad,iustments are made. We I attention a serious condition that · In the ordinary course of / col- 'Negotiations between the Union realy making the dirt .fly on .the ~ave~'t lost ;any cases over the I has arisen in the pastfew·n;onths it becomes necessary in this of a and the members of the Rock, J unction Dam above Paradise, with tJmelmess of the grievance, but and are that they tell us they do umn to announce the- death is al-' Sand & Gravel Association have Earl Bernard as Superintendent there is always the first time. not intend to tolerate much 1onger. Brother. and, of course, this occa- recently bee~ · completed with suc- and Pop Fos.ter as foreman. Les-· DUES, INITIATION FEES: ·That is, of employees absenting ways a regretful duty. •But whom, · cess and progress. ter Rice & S:ons are doing a Jot of You are hereby notified that. ef- themselves from work without sionaUy a brother dies with have HERE AND THERE WITH work in the gasfields .and just fin-' fective July ·1, 1956, f_or the mem- 1 notifying the Company. . for one reason or another, we THE BROTHERS: ished five miles of. paving in the bers employed by the Natomas ! This ha$ reached the point wrere become more than usually friendly. when JIM BALLARD the proud papa Feather . .River . .Canyon. They . lay Company and August 1, 1956, for ~- from fifteen · to twenty employees And that is the case today, of of. an 8 lb. boy; DOUG LOYD pul- t hat stuff dowri by. the acre. Riv- ·the members employed by the Yuba have been absenting themselves we report the sudden de.ath Chief Elec- ishing banks; EMMETT . FALCN­ . erman & Sons have just signed an Consolidated ·Gold Fields, the dues each day and not bothering about Brother James J . Beth, Gold 'ER -loading pills; CECIL. JOHN- agreement with this Union and .are a-nd initiation fees_ will be as fol~ letting the Company know · they trician at Yuba Consolidated SON digging blind; ARCHIE PER- doing work in the Willows district. lows: aren't coming to work. . Fields. Brother Beth was visiting h, Pa., KINS hoisting concrete; TED SA- Lee Stephens of Stockton, has been Du{ls- $4.00 per month. We know from experience · that in his native city of Pittsburg t at- GER carrying a five gallon t::an; doing some levee work near Rpb- Initiation .Fee- $25.00. if you ·can't for any reasonable rea- when death by a sudden hear He JIM WITHROW going bon voy- bins. H. Earl Parker & Baldwin .All the above members after they son (we are sur'e if it doesn't occur tack took him from our midst. ers in age; P~UL BENNETT driving Contr. Co. are doing fine on their ha:ve paid these dues for six months too often), and the Company is was one of our charter memb always sticks in the ground; HARRY tw.o road jobs-one in the. Linda will be blanketed into the . Burial not goirig to look behind your rea- the gold dredging industry, WELCH tearing down the hotel; district. and one at · Simmerly Bene'fit F.und and at time of death, son, provided you get word to the· present in the meeting, cheerful who LARRY KEYTON manufacturing Slough. Archie Till is still busy in if they are in good standing .as pro- .Company before, if possible; but, and cooperative and a member air; WILLIE HOGUE blowing the rock piles ;at Hammonton. v_ided by the· Constitution of the in any event, · as · near the com- took his Union obligations serious- and tires; CHUCK · TAYLOR setting Ben C Gerwick has quite-a few of the Internation'al Union, _their mencement of your shift as you ly. We are going to miss him .and iron; JOHN HULL Jr. being of our Brothers employed on the beneficiaries ·will be entitled to can, · , we extenfi to his wife, family 1 ur foreman can friends the heartfelt sympathy, not cleared to the dredge; KEN CAS- Yuba City 5th Street Bridge. • the payment · as provided b:v t.he If you do this yo_ PERS telling stories; STAN VOH­ Bro. Bob Brogden brought his Burial · Benefit Fund . B y -I~aws. make the necessary adjustment only of ourselves, but the Officers g En- LAND polishing the rig; HARRY. rig up to drive piling for them. J, (This is in a~dition to the Inter- and shifts in his crew that .are 1 and Membership of Operatin 3. . . BATES buying w atch fobs ; R. Reeves h as quite a few men do- naticnai. Union Burial Benefit.) made necessary- by y our absence. J gineers' 'Local Union No. ..R. -VAN .\VJINIKLE - , . _ !y:9n tlP:¥~,,_ op. J;>ag~ - 0 ju .:J,.. "' · ... ,,. .:in.g,:work.for :thy W: ,. P : _ a. ro).li__Id , t!Ii~ . The ~\le~ will- i:nclude,,the·annua;I.. :H' you iionl·t, bo1;h her, qnd--your-fel- ,.. _ . ... -C

'·. Wa.e:-e Four ENGINEERS' NE\iV S Aug.Lrst 15, 1956 hat's the Oakland Area By AL CLEM, BILL BARR, TINY"-LAUX, DON KINCHLOE and HAROLD HUS.TON, Business Representative! The month of July has been another extremely busy to do a little fi shing and. maybe month for the Oakland office. The~e was an excess of 700 FOR .RENT some hunting for a while. men cleared in var~pus j obs. Due to the fact that the steel A 660 Adams BLade. If interested Register Now --- Ed Dutra has launched another strike had some of the jobs tied up, particularly the J. H. please contact ·wmiam E . -Cra.ft, dredge, bigger 'anq b~tt e r than the · for the Pomeroy job at Columbia Steel in Pittsburg, C(nd also the 3932 El l\'Ionte Rd., lpl Sobrante, I one he launch ~ d last year. It looks · BEacon 4-5856. Brother Craft is Carpenter's controverSY-· witn the employers. It goes without like business is picking up. saying that these two 0 November disputes slowed down the work in this aLso the oper,~to,!· ~, the .machine. * * * area considerably. · . ,. E'lection ·SWEDISH Now \;v'e are going full blast HYDRAULIC Registration and experiencing shortages Every Vote Counts ! Deadline in several classifications. We sincerely hope that these con- HAVE I JACKED SLIP FORMS · Sept. 13 "" 't' T ul 10ns Wl'll con t' t' h t tl YOU REGIS ERED TO mue .nroug ou . 1e year. , VOTE IN. THE NdVEMBER . The first Hydralically jacked Silva Bros. are doing the dirt ELECTIONS? IF NO"' BE slip forms used in California is now Turner is on the D-8 Dozer, Frank work for the Smith & Kline sub- 5-MILE WATER LINE SURE TO REGISTER BY' SEP- cuiTently being used at the Ca1~- Brown on Do?:er, Ed Farrwell .and division job on Uike Chabot Road . Vincent Rodrigues from Hay- TEMBER 13, 1956. R .EMEMBER, quinez parallel bridge pr'Pjecf at Ro.ss Hughes on DW 20, Harold in Castro Vc;tlley. They are keep- ward received a contract from EVERY VOTE COUNTS. Crockett, California. Two contrac- Lane on DW-15, Ken Dyer on ing operators busy on two cats, EBMUD for $240,000 for laying 5I . * * ,. tors Peter Kiewitt & Sons and Dozer pulling sheep foot, Bill Dick ~ two dozers an~ ~ne *blade. mile.s of 12 inch water line. The I Mason, Hanger, Silas Mason and ensen on blade and Jim Had kens water is for the Lakewood Reser~ FOR Rolandi joint venture, are using d,oing the grade checking. They voir and will be hooked to the The Hayward Rock Company . ·sA-LE the · new system for which world .aiready and still have about 550,- warnut Creek main water line. I started excavating streets and THE "NEW" COLLAPSABLE patents are controlled by a Swed- have moved 120,000 yards of dirt Completion date for this project b uilding sites on the George Len­ AND EXPANDABLE DEER ish Engineering Firm. 000 yards left to move. There will is October 15, 1956. Supt. is ardo tract in Pleasanton. They Jo- GAMBLE .• This Gamble is de- Exclusive Licensing Authority in be between 350 and 400 Ranch se')Jh Ramos and Bro. Norris Casey also have a small job of grading signed to help the -Hunter, and the, United States is controlled by type homes constructed in this is :and excavatio.n for a · Firestone the operator of the Buckeye make it easier to hang his

T. J. Hanna c;nsiructio~ Company. Many members do not seem to. Napa-Monticello area. Some of 1 clearing job Brother Mickey O'Cal­ of Napa and Schall and Farrell Iknow that dues are' paid by No. _3 these jobs. are situ~ ted in remote: lahan just completed on . Highway Contractors,_Vallejo. This is a half when ~ou ar:_e 1injured or ill. . D~es areas and 1t really 1s rugged coun-1299 near Willo'\v Creek. ·We want million yards of grading with a are pa1d through Good Standmg_ try. · . · · to say come back anytime Brother good group of Brothers \Vorking Fund if accompanied by doctor's On the Lee Stephens .job at Mon- Mickey. You have done a real long hours. Brother Pete Atkii1s 'is certificate. Contact hall in the area ti'cello fire · traiL job around . the tough one, your cooperation and ' the superintendent. . you are ·in. - ~ lake on. Monticello . highway, job trend of thought is always wel- ;On the assembly and cantonment We wo't1ld also like to call to started Monday, August 6th·. Fore- come in this. area. ' a1;eas at Smith Rai1Ch, we hqve your attention that ' members who man on this job is: -Rip Edwards. · Associated .Dredging Company­ Bro. Larry "Slim" fliordan pushing are coming in . on equipment in Operators: Brothers Max .Winter, should be done by the time this " the. spread with Bro. -Bob (Rapid aFea ·must clear at the hall located C. ·A. Sheppard, John Gosmeyer, goes to pres's. They have had- a LABO.R DAY STAl\iP-At the · ~ Robert) DaVies on the blade, Broth- in ·, auea they will work in. Please J. ·A. Todd. pretty rough time with all the request of Secretar.y of Labor ers.· Bruce Burch and John Dennis cooperate. · junk they ran. jnto in the Harbor ·James P. Mitche·l, the cPost Office (The Menace) on the ' new Euclids, .Special announcement: We are . c • w·thd I at Crescent City. Come back and Department. is issuing a 3-ceJ11i' · I 22 TDT's, wiUi Brothers Ray' Ran- pleased to announce that Paul Vin- :Jer\{~ce . !I . raw·as see us, fellows. . postage stamp. ~ommemorating ' La"" . ~ som and Bill H·arris on the D.\V. cHione (The .,Qne-ArJTied •Bandit) SACRAl\1EN.T0, c~ntract award- "' Harold Hastings -should have his ·bor Day. A total of l20 rnilHon ° -~ 20's. · now .has a foreman by the name of' ed to s. M. McGaw, 307 Elks Bldg., job. at -Martins Ferry completed in the _stamps will. be· printed. - . ' ·' in the cuts are Brothers Mark Bro.. .Bill .Cooley. ' Stockton, .$25,376, ·for abt. 19.5 mi. a · few · days. Well done, Brothers. Ftrst day sale w::ts set for Sep,. 1\fcDowell and Shorty· Munson .on We are sorry to lose Bro. L .. B. seal coat to be applied to exist: surf. Come back ·and see us. t'eniber 3• 1956 (Labor Day}, at the ne\v D-8's assisted by Lloyd Snid~r who was many months with at various locas.' in MERCED, "\Ve wish we could give you some Camden, N.J., the home' of I'<>ter ,J'. F · ll th · 0 th fill A. G. Raish. Bro. Snider went' back .STANISLAUS. & SAN JOAQUIN information on new work, but we ·iVIcGuire, the founder of Labor Day. ar;:v e on e npper. · n e s · Tl 5 t d · · • taking good care of the compaction tGJ work for · Guy F. Atkinson as COUNTIES. seem to be sort of in the dark, Ie amp estgn ·IS nom a are Brothers Henry Allgor and foreman through Santa Rosa. . MARTINEZ, contract awarded too. There is plenty of it pro- mural by Lumen M. Winter, in the ? Frfl,nk Zachary: Nut busters are Bro. A. · E .. Singletoh is shipping to McGuire & Hester, 796- 66th posed, but so much of it is in the lobby of the new AFL-CIO build« J oe (Little Beaver) Lovely, as~ out to Arabia for American Ind. Ave., Oakland, $101,113, · for const. talking staae, we· are as anxious ing in '\>Vashington. The stamp, · sisted by Tommy Carpenter ·with Oil. • of sanitary sewer; Meadow Lane, to. know as"' you .are and w.ill pass which will be blue, depicts a man., f Brothers Jimmie McKenzie setti:1g Bro. C. L. Yoder. stopped in to Oak Grove Rd. & Chalomar Rd. iiJ. on -any new developments as soon \VOnlan, and child. In the lower. !e

•"-"'-' :..0 ...., . ·~ :· , •. • ~ ....- - - ~ ·· · ·(j '-~~ · ·' ·-- - ~' ' "'""'A •·- I * .• • "-' ··.·-~~-· - ~ - - . • •. , .. I ,a :;~v':')'i' [.<:'l:Hte~ 1 J.nsnot?J ;_;9illcna ;'in ~mq l u!!~ "'B l IL'>lq 1102qmt2 !> d.!lS: bnfl .J.s"1 ,ao--111 .; August 15, 1956 ENGINEERS' NEWS Industry Sparks Shasta Region By E. A. HESTER and Jl1'1 JENNINGS ....,,.,.,� "· .•... ·' ,\ . One of the fa.ctors that help add! up to goocl jobs in this district is ·. Minutes o·f the Executive Board t e he fii't en million dollar Di amond July 28, 1956 Match Project. The . p1•oject, with t Del Webb the OPENING: Meeting,called to order at 1 :00 p.m. by P1·csiden Matt E. as General Corn� Tracy. Roll call 'taken showing au members present. tractors, is located about two miles · s MINUTES: Minute of t�e last Executive Board Meeting read and south of Reel Bluff, off ot ffighway r approved. Minutes of the egular membership meetings read and ap• 99. proved. COMMUNICATIONS: Report from Auditors filed. Richter Brothers, of Oroville, are Cards from families of deceased Brothers Kremer, Shaw a11,d! Dr·en- subbing the earth moving and Stan a;ion filed. Bateman is General Superinten­ All other communications referred to New Bu siness. dent of the entfre job. At the pres• BiHs approved for· the month of June. ent time, we have nearly 40 Opel.'­ Suspension, reinstate111ents, initiations, etc. Cop.cur.red in. ating Engineers on the site. If o Secretary's Report: everything g es as well as is ex­ pected, the project is scheduled to GOOD STA-.�iNG FUND be completed in late 1957. May 31, 1956 balance ··-···-······-,··-········-··--·········$291.10 The Bureau of Reclamation will Deposits for April ...... ·-···----·········$64.00 open bids on August 14 for the Deposits for !\f ay ...... 98.00 , construction of their headquarters 162.00 · for the Trinity River Project. These .70 INTE GRATED FOREST PRODUCTS PLAN'.E-That's the full name headquarters will · $453 be located in Checlcs withdrawn ··············· ······-··-.-···········-···-····- 193.00 of the $21 million Diamond Match plant now being erected' two miles Lewiston about 10 miles down the Balance o n hand June 30, 1956 ...... $260.70 south of Red Bluff by Del E. Webb Const. Co. This is an artist's view stl'eam from the main darn site. of the finished plant, which makes use of the nea.rbY. Sacramento River, This will be quite a project-a nd DEFENSE FUND rail lines, aJ\d highways. · includes 45 two-bedroom houses, 45 Balance on hand ···················-·······························$16,841.50 three-bedroom houses, office build- June 15-May 2806 members @ 25c ·-····-······-··· 701.50 s d o teres Jn. t . to June SO ·····-·····-·····-·······,...... l45A7 · ����es, �;;��t !� gu!� f;, · th:�·�: Balance on hand June 30, 1956 ··············-········$17,688.4'7 reau wi11 also open bids on approx- . The following contracts we re concurred in: Bakers Club Qf Oakland; . 1 imately six miles of access 1'6ads NLRB. Needlessly Restr·cts d San. Francisco Bakery Employers Assoc,; Pion.eer Ste!lffl Generating c Co., Modesto; National Ice & Cold Storage, Watsonville; Abinante & ft; ':t�:i� 1:e!; r Lewiston. �iio �;: 0 0 Ab \: ut �a::: Nola Pkg. Company, San Jose; Califo nia. Pkg. Company, San Jose; 15 ,00 yards of Calif. Prone & Apricot Growers Assoc., San Jose; Mayfair Pkg. Co., 1 1 1 rock excavation and clos e to one e Jur. ·sd·ct·on, Members Charge. o milli n yards San Jose; Riol1mond· Chase Company, San Jose ; Rosenb rg Bros., San. Washington, 'no-man's land' increases and more of earth excavation Jose; Warren Dried Fruit . Co., San Jose ; Sunlite Bakery, ·Port�ville; Obviously angered by the per- and more parties -are remitted to wi!J be called for. Ice Sickle Zero Storage·, Fresno ; Ce1�tral Ice & Cold Storage, Sa.Ii Jose ; sistence of the Eisenhower-ap- the law of the jungle, an 'eai:ly J. W. Briggs, of Bend, Oregon, American Laundry, San Jose; Union Ice Company, Napa; St. Agnes pointed majority of the National general liberalization 1954 was the low bidder on the U.S. of the o s Hospital, Fresno ; Fresno Community· Hospital, Fresno; Air Reduction, Labor Relations Boarrt in reject- standards is indicated as well as F re t Service road, at Salt Creek. Emeryville; Stillwater Orchards, Sa.eramento; Cold Storage Employees; ing Jurisdiction in many labor dis- the elimination of the inconsisten- His bid was for $645,000. There are Pa-Oi.fic Mfg. Co., San. Jose; Nestle Company, Ripon; Hansen .Jee Com­ putes, the Truman�appointed mi cies and anomalies." 95 acre s of clearing ·and grubbing - o · Alan1eda; Dreisbach Cold StQrage, Oakland; San Joaquin Balc­ · Y · t be done here and 861 000 cub1 pany, non t h d das d eman e a sweepm.g MurdocK and Peterson were par- '. c eries Fresno ancl Visalia; J. !.\'.Iarinovich_., Watsonville; Union Ice Com­ yards 0� roadway excavating. , revision of present jurisdictional· ticularly incensed· because the ma- . A lot s t 1. . , of this is 1·ock rough and ' pany, San Jo e; Securj y Whse. & Cold Storage, San Jose ; Santa. Clara po 1cies. jority's standards, when it will and ' ru "'"'o-o-e a.· . · Cl ements Constructi. o Cold Sto1•a .ge, San Jose; Beall Refrigerating Company, San Jose; Mod­ w1·u not t ka e JUllS,. di c t ion, are n company & The minority-Abe Murdock ana continues to pie! u . . .em Ice Cold' Storage, San Jose; Apple Growers Ice & Cold Storage, stricter for interstate corporations · . < p new JOb s in Watsonville. Ivar H. Peterson-has just issued . . . . th. 1s area and 1t looks as though on!? o:f its most sharply worded· tha:1 it 1s for compa es domg On a s,pecial order of business, the problems involving Brother Isaa� . ru . they will be with u s until the r ain dissents in a case involving Local business m one state only, Thus it l t Abraham, of the Independent Ice C�pa1;1y, were presented to tho and snow c ase s th em ou · 549 and the Dixie will take jurisdiction if a company H � Chair and explainecl by Brother Si.ms. Motion made, secondecl and car of Teamsters S ASTA C Y Coca Cola Bottling company in doe� $50,00O worth o bus n s in ried tµat c.harges be preferred against Brother Isaac Abraham. 1 ! � � Peter Ki .ewit & Sons Company Bristol, Va. The m·ajority refused a smg e s t a te , but reJects urisdi c · UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. . · J llSI-· : have started \"'V h a t Wl11 be kn own a representation on tion over a company· domg b NEW BUSINESS: Convention call from Public Employees Oon to order electi . as Memorial Highway out of Shas- on the grounds the comp?Jiy's ness m more than one state unless ference. Motion macle seconded and carried to send one delegate with that ta City with Broth er Ed· R oss on , o it does $ 250,000 worth of business. . business was not large enough t · duty a's Genera 1 Superm t.en ent. the 'usuai expenses' an,d tta:vel fees. T his, de lared urdock a d Pe. d r satisfy the Board's strict stand- � � � - This company is also maki y Motion made, seconded a.n.d car ied to send Brotl1er Bob Moran. Peterson., JS abs�rd because lays ng ver t ards laid down in 1954. ' it good progress Communication from Santa Clara County Cen ral Labor CQuncil o . on th-eir bridge and d wn the prmc1ple that a small highway 1 requesting support of an edu cational program on Station KQED. After pointing out the "intrin­ · l· S · J" ob at For t Jones, ca l! fot. • company m one st a t e more 1m- nia with Motion ma(l e1 seconcled and ca.rried to contribute $10.00 for sup sically illogical and indefel)sible , . r Brothe J. D . . roe tor 1n po ·an to commerce tha 1: a large p· standards which .are productive of rt t charge of production. port of Station KQED. company that does busmess in Tickets from th� Firemen's Protective Fund Show filed. such absurd results as found" in The Guy F. Atkinson job is rap- more than one state. · idly drawing to a close, Communicl}tion f.rom Central Labor Union of Monterey County re. the Dixie case, Murdock and Pe­ -- and from gat'ding· their high school sc holarship award. Motion mad'e, seconded terson declared: here it looks as though the paving . and will commence about September carried to donate $15,00 towards the 1956 an,d 1957 award. . "As we have observed in the re­ r . . lst. The Piombo project, just a The result of the vote for General Inte nationa1 Officers was read. cent past, the ezjsting machinery $5 Billion Calif. e r little further up the road, is ru·n­ Motion made., second and carried to vot our enti e me,nbership ac• of the Board is undeniably �eared e e e ning Atkinson a close cording to th percent.ag of the vot.es ca.st for General Int rnational WorkS Program second. to handling a larger number of Harms Brothers of .Sac'i·amento Officers. cas s than have been produced by Governor Goodwin Knight last 000D THE the e J. have finished their job at Susan­ OF ORDJ;R : Brother Fitch reported on finances the 1954 standards. Many employ­ week unfolded the broad outiines or the Union, ville and have moved to Alturas. ers, employees and unions are be­ a of Jong range building program we believe that Brothers Winter, Kuhhnier, and Oughton, spoke of the increasing -a five-year, fi billion dolla everything is ing needlessly. denied the facilities ve r straightened out costs of operating' our local, due to increased office rents, secretarial e . on the Lester Rice of this Board contrary to the Con- plus public works program to b proJect at Adin, belp, office supplies, et.e. financed jointly by the State and and they are going full steam ahead Brotlier· Sam Gorrell, Organi:r.er, reported progress in endeavor­ gressional policy. federal governments. now. B aldwin Contracting C.ompany, Brother 'Kuhlemier commented' that the International should (10· "Unless a maJortty of the pres­ The program, the governor re- tooi:ganize and Inc., of Marysville, California, . anent in Ne,vada locally. o vealed, will involve the expenditure are· ent Board is irrev cably commit­ maki ·ng quick work o pper.ate in seeing that men belong to the proper Union . . o s of their j b· at ted for doctrinaire reas ns to of almo t six billion dollars during Canby. Brother Sims reported on orga,nizing. s o the next 60 months-�n average of needle sly restricting the sc pe of - Gate s and o Brother Peterson reported that hls- group had received a raise and 000 000 0 Fox, f Burlingame, this Boards' facilities, while the $100, 1 every 3 days between working ,jc;on.siderable publicity in the ].\.[odesto papers. . at Minersville, have the.il' · now and 1961. diversio ADJOtJRNMENT: Meeting adpourJ:l.ed at Z:35 p.m, n tunnel headings faced up .,The construction program out- and are about Respectfully submitted, o ready to start driv­ lined by the governor c vers the ing tunnel. JAl"\'IBS T. RIVERS, Secretary · Labor· Asked to Help following eight points: Gene Brown with 1 $870 000 000 in ,expenditur- es Mercer-Fraser In Vaccine Program Company, In�., is �ea Uy mo o for· the··st�te for the Feather River , pping d ne both as to our Internationru Public Health Service . up and stra1ghtenmg up things o o • The U.S. · wat er proJect . · Rf PORT FROM ... Officers but als t the .Local's of­ has asked the AFL-CIO to alert aroun, d WeaverviJle. ficers. 2. $70 000000 in state expendi- o its membershlp to make ''the o o Scheumann & J �nson are going At present an effort is being tures n' flo�d contr l projects. prompt aI\d fullest use" of Salk 0 along very well with five shove ls. SAN JOSE, SALINAS made to negotiate a contract . with 3· $44 000 000 by the Army and a polio vaccine as it becomes in­ , few cats at Bio-., • Bar o"" the San Jose Tall!!lw Company. Corps of Eng' .m' eers and Highway 299-w. creasingly available. 4. $340,000,000 by the Federal While at present there is but one Earl L. o & WATSONVILLE With supplies the vaccine ex­ Bureau, of Reclamation on the McNutt C mpany are engineer employed, perhaps . the of ecte to willd up RICHARD. A. CHRISTIANSEN pected to catch up with demand in Trinity Dam the Central Valley �xi;> d their highway concern may at a subsequent date · ' ob near Douglas City, in another Business Representative o the near. future, the service said, and various other federal- J , require m re. Pro3· ects• . month. During the month of July, Negotiations are also being con­ the use of the increased supply ly-sponsored proJects. CORNINGr CAN AL o "wi11 be a real challenge t o medi­ 5. $500,000,000 in state expendi· 1956, negotiati ns with the Ice In­ ducted wi th the Brewery Institute st0lte, Inc,, of Oakland, are mov- cal and community leaders." ture for construction of colleges 11. 'iustry, Dried Fruit Industt�y, Paci­ and while several meetings have g ose t the end By expanding immunization pro­ menta1 hospitals, penal institutions: · .of th@ir canal .'i.c Mig. Co., Western Forge & been J1eld to date there are several �. ��t, ou� of Corning, Cahf.. o grams even during periods of ri.s­ veterans' h omes forestry honor P OJ Flange C mpany, ·American Laun­ issues yet to be cleared. Some J. H. Tri�dale, Inc., has .fi11ally o o o camps state offic buildings and dry, Apple Growers Ice & C ld progress is being made. ing poli incidence it sh uld be e �ompleted In . o s. s section of the Corn- Storage Co., and the National Ice Having attended regular meet­ possible to protect many m re other �tate requirement 0 000 000 o o children and pregnant women-the 6. $'50 , , in state aid for 1 & Cold Slorage C mpany were ings of. the Central Lab r Council, . Ul�/1�� �ittr & S 0 lS in• R e d o . . new school construction. . Y . Bl :,,.L concluded: Opened were those for Santa Clara County; Lhose pf Lo­ gr ups at greatest risk : .before the have th sectwn of � o 000 0,000 for the State eir �he. canal JOO the laundries, and building s, and cal 39, ·a nd the Executive Board peak p liomyelitis season of late 7. $1, ,00 opened and Home Loan up and are gomg �11 blast: vith the Tuxedo Candy Company. meeting, and that of the By-Laws summer and early fall: Vaccine Veterans' Fann o · o M. W. Br wn of Reddmg has Members throughout tJ e area given in July and August will pre­ Pul'chase pr gram. o 1 Committee. o plenty of work f r the Brothers for o 8. $,1',500,000,000 in sfate utlays. were urged t cast their ba1lots, We regret to rep ort the passing vent paralytic cases and even quite awhile o o o and maintenance to c me, with jobs they having been ent to them P . deaths in AugUst and September.'! f r c nstruction o o s of Brother Eddie .R€ uter, on the o scattered all er four c unties in through the mails ttom San Fra:1- 27th. We extend our deepest sym· of highways, t which will be added more than $500,000,000 in federal this area. cisco. While sev·eral inquired as :o pathy to Mrs. Reuter. Brother with a l ovely young lady. We that assistance under the President's We hear via the gra'{)evine whom the respective candidates Reuter was emJ?loyed by the Fal­ know they will enjoy much happi* o highway. program just en.acted by one f our old-time members, were, etc., 't was necessary to in- staff Brewery, San Jose, Calif. ness with their new arrival. Congres$. Glenn Sevet-tson, has been pro­ )l'm thelU that considetab!e We wish to extend our congrat­ May we again urge and hope moted to Master Mechanic for A. irn owledge of such could be ascee­ ttlations to Brot her William that you will all be p1·esent at Tei.chert & Son, Inc., on th e Galt tained by at.tending regular meet­ George, employed by the National your next reg,,1lar monthly meet­ A mule won-t pun when it's Eigl1way job. Good luck to you, ings and to scrutinize Union mag­ Ice Company,, Wa tsonville, Calif. ing and also at any specially called kicking; and it can't kick when Glem:1, and we know that you'll azines and papers. Thls should be Mrs. George has presented him meeting. it's pulling, make it. ENGINEERS' N-EWS Atwust 15, · 1956 H()usi_ng St~rts · · ··:FUL~M;ERr ~nd ~. J&Y <,NEELEY, . Business Representatives · Nonfarm housing starts declined · , With another hot mmith of July over ,with, .and one· that I a little . more than seasonally ·in · -· Jw1e to 10!1,000 units, the. U.S. La-.. lP!oved t~ h?t, _workwise, fhe ·censtruetion ?e i~ industry_- .in ·;Sehe<-d:t~ le ~~of \Me.,e-tings for Construction, Lane Co., bar Department rep~rted. Qjtah. It lS gratlfymg to start mto-t he month-of August Wl:th .· :.s :r:. The tota1 which included 1,700 our work list nil, and ·d· ·,d . I·' I : \M' . : v·'t u .. . .c · plenty oLne.w jobs coming up, S9rne ·, all ~;an · u~av·;e, ,.· non- mesl . I ro I anmm orp., publicly owned units, was 4,000, -~ha~ may even run thro~ghth~ ,_wi:(lte ~ : ' Al~.B~ugh . we ~ do ex~ · iurd AKenn-ecoH F G:on~lll_er less than in May, and 30,000 -below 1 Corp. 7 and Stale Roa·d the June 1955 figure, the D_epart- , perrence some turnover m men as -,oid , r).e.~s :""-~l.DlSh up, .we have · · . · ·· · · · 11-P . merit's Bureau been fortunate to clear the men -· rigl~t .,on.to ,a. new ,j@b . with~ ..; Cq_!lstl,uc~w!~,s~al~d~ a:JJ.d ,Gray:el ~fen:berslup, of Labor Statistics· . ,_ . 2nd Tllursda~ of each ' - · · · ·. : - ~n OJ,J.~h ; \·E1;,1g:gteers ~)IJ~U, ·· J9G9 ,•,Squth Mam Street, Salt Lake Gity, Utah. said. OU< much lost tlme. . ~ . -. ,,_ Qopstr ucti~ n . 1md3 $~d~ anT~Jilple, ! J65 .fo'\Ve;~t 1st North, Provo, Utah, 8 p.m; aHy adjusted annual rate pf 1,-(-. ~ in gham this .month, the tunnel br:o ~tght a :situation 1 _to Ah)s " are~ . '_ Qo~l~tJ nc ti~ n :: rul,d;1S .a11-d • Jt1_1d(';Grave l Membership Meeting, 3rd Friday 070,000 units. The average rate fo r~ and so;ne more sttippmg,also some whi<;h h~d- not been , anticipat~d~ by , pf.~ eachmTont.)1 , ; lia..!Jl>r }'T-enwl,e;:,-O .gden, Utah, at s p.m. · ' the first 6 months this year· was talk ·oi more work on the Garfield some .ex-members .of _Lo(!al No. 3. ;yY: it¥o <•tJ):an im11 :~ l\len}bers.Q-jp ~ meetings will be called meetings. about 1,120,000 units. e this winter, along with the :rh. ose , of~ our people who-are work~ ·. Lang: c {jlo)npay.y;':'l\iem,b~nsh_ilhmeetings will be called meetings. Some 570,000 public and private 1)1or-rison and Knudsen job at Pro- l!_?.g ,_at: :the .Steel ··Plant and haye ·Iiei!nego,tt;· Of)pper:lJoxp.,,.i\I;e_mbership meetings will be called. units were started in the J irst montory, the outlook for work this kept .- .t)>eir .cards,dound the -situa7 Geda.r;'lvon . I\Iill~ ,1 l\.(~111 bersh~p .meetings wiil be called. half of 1956-18 per cent less than wimer· is quite . promising. The tion ., not,,.so bad. These ,. peope ..were ;> Statwe.Roa-d ;: a!ld ,. ~-lk!lthers _, \yill •be caUed.meetings. ·, the 695,000- begun during the same m uch talked about 7th East widen- plac~d, - anji-many· benefited-.qy- the · period of ' 1955. The decline was ,· ing job from South Temple to 13th layoff. ·The opposite was , t_rue -_, pf_ N· . ·C· l . . ·th . J. _ 1 greater -in metropolitan than in South, was to be bid Aug. 7, 1956. the once members who have be-. ··. · e son · 9· · ay,mg ·. e .0!1 · · _Je tLire · is the length of the settle- non-metropolitan areas, reflec;t ing T his job will never take our opera- come · Grande Johnson Co JUSt startmg me.nt, three year~s at least, partially delinquent while working •. at · · · · · . ' · . . . · in part an especially sharp drop, ltorE in great numbers, and for , ·n The found the situaHori' .on. the · E.rchmond, Trenton Road· guarantees 1 that length· of time 30 t h . b ll:to;:.e men who do get on the job, ~~~t;1~o~lgh . .-0~ - were very ple;sed 1'!-r!d Ro\i~d Valley, loop . n~ar_LftlP~ham"::! _ Canyon heve has been and was designed b d- 'tt es t J'each 4JVER RIVER CROSS~NGS . _ · or · oar comnu e o . · · - ,· · · H certainly w ill not be anything Negotiations involving a three- t~h Impr~,k~edt~e hl?t _of.· tdh~ tpeopll.ef, :agreements that can be . pilt into t I , d . \' o wot e m IS JUl!S 1c ton. 'tt t t 'th tl tea· c" m.ew to this crew. And in addition year agreemen were cone uete m Commissioner Vance will continue wn · en con rae s w1 1e u- · {to i he obstacles to be encountered Northern Area early July with the Kennecott Cop- ers' union." The LeGrande this prpgram, we will still be in ~n the pipeli_ne itself, there is the Johnson Con­ per Corp. officials when our mem- a ------struction ]problem of three overhead river Co. submitted the low bership at the mine .accepted a pro- position to help you. bid of $'102,744.45 for posal which involved a new Hea-lth Now that negotiations are reach- NEW. . LABOR o·EPT BQQII ~r ossings to be made. Consolidated widening and . . . . • . . ~- f\, resurfacing of 6 35 miles of and Welfare program, yearly wage tng: the point when ':Ne WeEtern Steel Company have this 0 u:s. 91 should be .washington . between increases, and a fe w end of the job and have already Wellsville and Logan, con­ other fringe out of the woods soon, we expect The Department of -Labor has sisting issues which ·!oegun operations at one crossi11g of 56,000 tons of ,plant mix amounted to a pack- to be able to give · a Jot better released a new· ,pt.iblication ·,design­ Bituminous age sum in excess of 30 -of the White River Canyon. The surfacing material and cents. The servJce to the Western Phosphate, ,ed to present ,a nontechnical,._cpm, . 175,000 Health and Welfare .overhead structure w uld .be some 'tons of _gravel. plan now ex- Lang Shops, Sand & Gravel and prehensive account of the .Depart­ 0 ceeds any 1\.800 feet long and about 500 feet Waterfall Canst. Co. was low othet~ ·stock company the numero':s other brothers ~ho ment's work during the past year. · bidder and has been awarded plan we have any knowledge of, ha_ve so_ patiently .aboYe the ri~P-- bed. But an alter­ a s~oo_d by durmg This publication, entitled "The and we feel Jnate crossing has been proposed $239,961.50 contract for the con­ will almost fill your this perwd of negottatwns. United States Department of ·ha-- - s tha; would cut down somewhat the truction of sanitary sewer outfall needs. By all means if there is ahy bor . . . Today," discusses such line, and size of this Canyon crossing, buf gathering system for part of the ·plan you are in doubt • . "Jim~ny, Seth.'' ;;.Dreamed. the subjects as income insurance, safe­ w ou· c1 necessitate two smaller; North Ogden City. about, contact us and we will do lull bnde to her husband. "Yer ty and health, migrant labor, law The low bid ~roEs i ngs of wl1at is called Evacua­ o:f $184,759 was sub­ our best to assist you with your beard is caught fire.'l enforcement, child labor, employ­ mitted by the Waterfall Canst. problem. The n~w ~ion Wash, making a total of three Co. booklets should "I know it,_ I know it," he aus· ment problems of older workers, ;;dver crossings in all. ·In either for the curb and gutter, sidewalk be out soon. Due to the retirement wet·ed angrily. "Cain't you see me problems relating to the skills of ' and been sent out. Also a ne.w shop issue for a sewer Stripping job and are anticipating cem. tr. - ~ub-grade & three steel :an

.: '-' \,"' { ~ ~ ··· .. _...__ ...... £..> ' • ' ~·J••. ~ -~ .• I . .... •_, ' ,_ ...... ~ . $jf 1 I ~::~~.:;,?. ~·\a ~ ... i;. 'j f'~· / ~ ~. 1'J'):'j ·:: ·· ~ d~~9rltn · rR ~ri": " 'iii .. ::.·Ll I ~;·r{ v.s~;r:;r~wot'1 .ao d::tV ' !J~flC( . U~d=:l August 15,· 1956 ENGINEERS' "NEvVS ..._,. . \ - P ao-.-. e Nine Stockton ·Jobs Are TH·E NEVAD~ ROUND-UP._ · • By Jl. L, "CURLEY" SPENCE and JOSEPH "JOE" MILLER, Business &presei1tatives , .OI·d=ng·· . u. p ~~~ New Reno Qu~rters fihished two· Janes bf their H I II ~II four- ing harder than ever at Wendover, · I Jane highway job,' south o.f Reno. Utah, Robinson ·Sun1mit at Ely, · "'wE HAVE MOVED! The Branch Now th ey are worlcing on the By ED DORAN, C. L. CASEBOLT, \vALT TALBOT, other Office of the O'perating Engineers two lanes . . They have subbed part Nevada, and preparing to move to HENNY BURROUGHS &-M. W. GRIFFITHS, Business Representatives Local · Union No. 3 in Reno, . Nev., ' ·of J . C. Co!Jlpton's highway job in Currant Creek. Andy Drum' is very ·· Work in the Stockton · 1· · · t 11 d · tl w h 11 · th. · area is holdiilg up very well as we is o_fficrally r_ns_ a . e 111 . · 1e ·ne:v . as oe v·era ey, nor 0 f c a.rson fortunate in having such ·a group ·t th. 1, . f th l N b' a . b b . k' b t I t Engmeers Bmldmg. So, Brothers, rf Crty on Hr,hWfiY No. 395. . 11 e pe~h 0 e. seas?n. 0 0 of outstanding operators on . the · 1 new JO S ~ea mg U 0 S you· have been down to the old project . Of small JObS are keepmg our OUt-of-work hst the s .he has going. B1'others way we "Clothes Closet" · at -Room 2, 290 . The Anaconda C~~pany Topera- Melendy, Ferguson, Skinner, Mont· . l'l ·t . Ch estnut and no one was there, twns at . 1 {e 1 . . . I Weed_ Her, hts, Nevada, rose, Fullerton, Howar:d, Solo.egui, . bers of Local 3 members . , 185 MAR has been operatmg u_nder fu_ll pow-1 Mi_ller, Carr, Brinsko, . Brown, An- .·. Our biggest job, the Tri Dam _ ---: . . we· are the new address is now . - d 1 d t 1 .. th pl·oud of er, an P_ ea' pro uc _ron aur mg e derson, Sims, Yturiage, Kelly, Ba:- I · · · · · h d h d l 'tl I · TIN AVENUE. You go out South ? rOJect, rs a. ea of . sc e u e WI . 1 BLOOD NEEDED· . . Virginia to Martin; this is the' last few months. Thmgs have been rainca and more of the Brothel's 'ff' It' t d I ' no d1 rcu res encoun er.e . Tl · · street J·ust oppos·te the 1e 1 Our Blood Bank is again sometimes. aw Qp~ra~ Broth~~-s on the job by p~·ess time.· . ~r~the_ ~ . Hank Gun,derson is s.tilll : tion ·uses only ·7 men on an•. oper:a- mi:: seal- -do it wilil and has two sons who ·are mem- mi. N. of Q()shen, TULARE CO. m...::_ .:.__,______.. Isbell Constru<;tion Company has· tie-up. The Brothers are now work-, be Sept. 13. . Pao-e Ten ENGINEERS' NEWS August 15, 1956 Daily report ofawards for cons~uction (Compiled by P. E. VANDEWARK w/pltmix surf. on cern. tr. base on ed to Granite Const. Co., P.O. Box W. Main, Medford, Oregon. $951,- J be grad ~ d & drain; facils. to be in-1 and R. F. SWANSON) County Rd. 222 thru the town of 900, Watsonville, for .road repairs 500, for abt ;J.5 mi. of roadb,ed to stall., betw. 2.5 & 1.8 mi. S, 'Of Fel• JULY 2. 1956 North Fork, MADERA ·coUNTY. .at Sacramento Signal Depot. SAC- be cons. by grade, place imp. sub- ton, SANTA CRUZ COUNTY. SACRAMENTO, contract: award- RAMENTO COUN-TY. base mat. & surf. w jpltinix surf. SACRAMENTO, Contract award•. SAN ~ FRANCISCO, con tract ed to M. w. Brown, Box 827, Red- JULY 5, 19.56 on cern. tr. base & 3 cone. bridges ed to J. R. Reeves, P.o: Box 1072, awarded to Martinelli Const. Co., ding, $180,924, .. for abt. 4.1 mi. to PITTSBURG, contract awarded to be const. betw. 0.4 mi. S. of Sacto., $13;656, for const. of sub .. 1580 Folsom. St., S.F.! $40_9,000, for be "graded & surf. w/pltmix surf. to F. Wills, R.FD 38, Antioch, for Kidder Creek & Fort Jones, SIS- div. imprvmts., Hazel Oaks Sub- _const. .of Angelo J. Rosst Recrea- on untr. base bet. 3.8 mi. NE of widen. Centr~a l & Solari Aves./ in KIYOU COUNTY. division, SACRAMENTO COUNTY. ,t ion Center, Arguello .Blvd. &. Anza ·Dales Sta. &. Lanes Valley R(;L, TE- city. of Pittsburg, CONTRA COSTA .JUI,.Y 10, 1956 SACRAMENTO, contract award- . St., in City of San - Fran~~sco. HAMA COUNTY. COUNTY. SACRAMENTO, contract award- ed tQ J . R. Reeves, J;>.Q. Box-107·2; d A s · 357 1 d ' · · t ..SA .·CRA. MENTO, c.-on. tract ..awar . d- LAT·H·Ro··p, ·contract awarded to SACRAl\'IEN'£0, contract award- e to . . 13. in, 1 · Cleve an Sactos., for const. of. rd: 1mprvm s., 3128 .E. · A. s t · R "28 AGO f F · 0 k Bl d & H · · d Wa .ed to. Mercer-Fraser· Co. & l\:iercer- D. A. Parrish & Sons, Inc., ed to ·Guy F. Atkinson, P .O. Box .. ve., .an a · osa, <~> .~ , · or air a s v . omewoo . Y- d · M · ' MENT ·Fraser Gas Co., 2.nd & Commercial Miner .Ave., Stockton,. $34;423,. jn- ·593, So. S.F., $2,818,146, for abt. .5.1 groun s .1mpr. camp at endocmo in Frontier Oaks, SAC{tA · · ( ,Sts., Eur:eka, .·$219,679, for al;>t. 30.1 volves 3 groups, with nee. rep!ac. mi. of· freeway together w. front- State Hosp. COUNTY. ,mi. pltrnix surf. to be -placed or new lines & connec. to blqgs:; · ex- ·age :dis. ramps & interchanges to SAN FRANCISCO, c on tract .exist. s.urf. •bet: 2.7 !lili. S. of Lay- cavations, trenching & backfill & be graded and pave with Class B 51warded to :~go Loren~ihi, Rt. 1, JULY U, i956. 126, ·Montague, $3470, for · · N ' · · . t t ·· d · ·tonville & DyerviJle, MEND9QING rem. ·§t replace pavements, etc., to Poi:t. C.em. on cern; tr. s.ub-.,...ad.e., Box 0 ·.& HUMBOLDT COUNTIES. combine ·the service to -reach aJI ..,. - . y p t SACRAME T • con rae a war · "" ·· · · ·· · · · · · pltmix surf: on untr. b.ase and exi.st. ·1 evee repatr on oung · roper y, ed to Granite Const.. Co., P .Q. 'Bo?C ·surf.- & ·5 cone.· brl'dges . .nd Scott-Rover-Horn La n e brige, · · · SACRAMENTO,- contract award-· groups on· one dist. sys. at Lathrop, r~ ·nf.1 3 900, Watsonville, '$294,814', for abt. - ed to· PauLE . .\:V

1 · ~~~.• ~E· f·o· D RLDG... T.RA. S We are very happy t o report t~:;ii~~s ;:~;es;~~~h~:se moved to our new building, io- R,.,t.. 'Sl' !\ l!!1lW .. · cated at 760 Emory St. off Stockton Ave. V!e are very proud of o u r •new building mtl, By J. K. W~IWAIOLE, Business Representative from the comments of the Brothers, t h ey too a r e enjoying the comfort of o u r new . . . . sur,.- Some 4 000· construction workers in the Territory will get roundings. . . . I a 10-cenl hourly pay boost Oct. i, the General Contractors Work in the San Jose area has I Association of Hawaii announced la$t week. been exceptionally_. i;OOd for the This, has been the pattern used . · . · . 1 past few weeks. While we do not I' by the Contr.actors . Association I supply unwn labor. . · by the loca-i Building &: Construe- Permanente Cement Co. ,in .Hori­ have any rhajor !Jr?jects· in CiP'?ra­ t ion T~ades Council or its 'affiliate& · olulil will be supplying the bulk of tion, the demand for men has be-en :to . org<~.nize their employees. the cement needed both for · the job constant due to nurnerous contracts being awarded· daily. · · Ari estimated count of union men on Midway and Guam. Mr. Frank Justice, the Honolulu Plant ex­ The Underground Contractors in ·construction would be less than of a thousand. It will be interesting plains that the trained men will be have been exceptionally busy whh to · riote· whether this time the takei1 from the Honolulu Plant to so many contracts for sewers being w olves· will stop for this piece of run those plants and our local of­ let in Santa Clara County. G. .Nor­ meat by the Contractors as here­ fice will fill those places made va­ man Peterson of Berkeley ,.Vas re­ tiy ~ · _ the. Ed Keeble has started his JOb on Presiding Commissioner, Panel One - ~ 1 0 1 Work in the Fresno area h as stayed about the same as Industrial Accident Conpnission Macy Store drawing near the merri- the levee at Watsonville. Los Gatos Iast mont1,l b ut we s t 1'l l h ave an · out o f· work ]'1st. San Francisco , ber·s- are· g'ett1·n·g· 1·n a lot o·f over- Construction· have· some· ' ofb thei.. '.· time doing· the paving on the si,te. equipment 011 thiS. same JO l110V- The Frederickson & Kasler Company have increased Labor has always had a vital in- Haas & Haynie, A. J. Peters, A. J. ing the dirt. ·· . ' t heir spread on Highway 99 at Chowchilla and are well terest in the field of industrial in- Raisch and Wm. Vierr.a are doin.g I ·. G.ranite con~truc~ i on are _rolling along with !:he grading. They have juries and the benefits provided for the paving and gradmg on •this agam .on their highway JOb , at several structures ul).der way and H. Earl Parker Company getting and payable under the Workmen's project. Santa Cruz, after being down ·du_e h ave started their rock plant on started on their Stump Springs Compensation Laws. Occasionally, Negotiations on ,;he Permanente to the lack of grade s~ake~. Th;s Owens Creek near LeGrand. This Road job with mostlv drillers and it will take note of the gains arid agreerrterit' . have been .c~mp l ete(j fi:~ .has several other Jobs m thi(S-­ same company . was awarded a · pioneer equipment. This is a very progress ·made in this field in 'order with- the employees receivmg a 16 VICII1lty. . . . · . $836,656 contract to grade and pave rough job due to the rugged ter- . that it may assess its position and cent an hour increase in pay and a Piombo Cons~ru¢tion Company 2.8 miles on Highway 99 near rain. determine its future aims and pro- 5 and 10 cent an hour shift differ- was the low bidder on the U~as Goshen, just north of the Visalia Paul E. Woof Company have gram. ential. This increase in pay to be Dam 'job west of Morgan Hill. Plaza, wnich will now mais:e High- started their $98,282 contract for California has now progressed, in effective as ~f .July 1, 1g56. Their bid was . $1,168,572. This . way 33 four. lanes from Fresno to I grading and /surfacing the main this field, to the point where bene- Souza and McCue submitted the should be a good JOb for the Broth- Los A~gel~s just as soon as all con- street in North Fork. 1 fits payable under this law for on- low bid to the City of Santa Clara ers, as it is · a ·~irt structu~e. structwn JObs that arde now under Mcintire and Quiros, surveying · the-job injuries are, generally for approximately 17,800 feet of We would Iue to remmd the contract are complete . . engineers, for Union Oil Company, . spea~ing,, as extensive as those main sewer lines. The company ex- Brothers. that th~ 7th Assessment Gordon H. Ball Co., EriCkson, 1 now have a full crew of surveyors provided under the la:"s ?f any pects to start early in August. of ,$6.00 1s du~ ~ I th the 4th. quar- Phillips, and Weisbei·g were award- an d h ave move d up as f ar as L os other state. Recent legislative en- Fredrickson & Watson Company ter s dues. This IS your Bunal In-d ed a $2,528,993 contract- for 4'Y:\ B actments have added to these bene- have started preliminary· work on surance and 'Good Stan. ping Fun .. anos. fi . d h h . f J ffi miles· of Freeway with bridges and . . , . ts and revise t e tee n1ques o their Moffett Field job and will The San o~e o ce IS ·open every interchanges, through the city of .1Eltlls tCLonsDtruFctliOn ~ettmgk upt hott their - administratiop.. These ad- start excavating in the near future. We?nesday mght from 7:~0 p.m. - ·' • • • 1 p an a . . o som s roc PI ou · 1 d t 9 m f th co emence of Atwater. However, tlus JOb will not 1 of Coalinga for Ted Baun's con- vances me u e: Granite Construction Company's un 11 p. . or e nv ..-et" under wa"·, for· about· 30 days · I tract to resurface 16 miles of va- 1. An increase in. the statutory J'ob sout·h of PI.O'eon" Point is in a the members and the first Satur-, Go rdon H. Ba'll c~. workin_oP' on a rious sections of roads in southwest wage-base \!.pon which the amountfi tempora.ry lull due to a hold up on day of the month from 9 a.m . unt~ section of Highway 99 . at :::_,ixley of weekly compensation bene ts the structure work. In the mean- 12 noon. - Kings and Tulare Counties. · $9 5 · · · AI b · d t b ' a nd still have about two months are determmed; from a ·7 mim- time Ed Keeble's job in the same • I mem ers are reqmre o o_ •· . Dallas Wilson Company . are r.: 1 l I b f more: This same Company has an- mum to $1 :J. vicinity is get;ting well started and : tam a wor { c earan_c.e e ore gomg working on their $83,000 sewer con- f $35 $40 t k b · other section of Hig· hway 99 J·ust tract in Atwater,. Atwater Under- 2. An increase rom to . will be in full swinz~ very shortly. o wor on a new JO • south of Kine-sburg. Stevens & Sons in the amount o·f weekly indemmty Ransom Company is still busy on ~ ground Construction also are work- · d' bl of TuJ'unga, have started their ing on a sewer contract in Atwater. payable for temporary"h . . . Isa . ement its Stanford Campus job and Wil- "'205,000 contract. This job is lo-. caused by on-t e-Job !11J\II'les. Iiams & Burrows still have some "' b 10 l J h Westbrook-Morrison & Knudsen 3. An increase from $30 to $35 k t l t th d rm· cated a out mi es out ith general expansfon, ·: min- b k · t Ceda G o t fi 'sh ' 5. An extension to all earnings gu. st, this is the se~t i on . in East in g...... ac. . m .a · . r r ve ?. m near Anderson basis Of the aggregate limit of 240 · · their· bndge JOb that they had Rock plant. ·Palo Altb and figures to ·. cost I. Utah: A big month behind. an'd . started last year. Brothers, no blood donors for the weeks of' temporary benefits. around $3:,000,000. ahead orr ; city WOI:k, ' out:' in· the Fred Galante has completed re- E ngineers :BJood . Bank... Let's. do 6. An increased death benefit: SOUTHERN ~ AREA mines, ·over in .. tb.e , urani~I I'ri . cou,n· pair work on Highway 180 in King,s something about it: (1) in the case of a surviving wid- Midwestern-Johnson-Dixon Com- try. Canyon, in General Grant Park. ow from $7,000 to $10,000, :and (2) pany at Gilroy will start speedin'g This road was washed out by the in the case of a surviving wldow up t]1eir pipe-line job· now that the A gent who was ·definitely weir,d w inter floods. REDWOOD CITY, c on t r act with one or mOTe dependent minor 1 steel strike is over. At the present Declared, 01'This is just what 1! Morrison, VValsh & Perini, on awarded to Douglass & Woodhouse, children from $8,750 to $12,500. tim!=! they are using three Back- feared. their. jobs at Wishon and Court- P.O. Box 908, Redwood City, $29,- 7. An extension of partial de- hoes, three Doze;rs, a·nd one Trench­ Pl~ase pass me the Lux wright Dams, having very little 481, for const. of street improve- pendency benefits payable to a ing Machine. When this job gets to For a flock of wild ducks t urnover, working two shifts on ments in Manzanita, Laurel & Hil- maximum of $10,000 based upon an rolling we should have at least 50 Has established a nest in e xcavation and three shifts on ton Sts., c;ty of Redwood City, increased wage-base formula; and Engineers working on this orie beard."' maintenance. SAN MATEO COUNTY. 8. An extension of the presump- pi-o ject. tion as to hernia, pneumonia and Granite Construction have fin- Vote and stay free. heart disease compensability to ished moving the dirt on the Balsa , certain public (police), .officers. Road job south of Gilroy and are 1 "'!------·....,---~---:---:--, In these changes labor has reap- now working on the base rock. y Ol!ll Ca!rtl vt 0 vcte ed substantial gains. Ci'edit for Buttler & Fox have started laying their enactment must .be given to the base rock on their highway job u~leS$ Yo~J Governor Goodwin J. Knight for at .San Miguel Canyon. . his sympathetic consideration of I Granite Construction Company is . R!E'GISTER labor's interests in the bills carry- busy on its several subdivisions ing these extended benefits and to around Salinas. Phil Calabrese is Deadlh~e IS the State Federation of Labor for subbing the dirt wor.k at the Coun- its continued interest in the legis- ty Hospital in Salinas from c. Sentember 13 . laotive processes leading to their Geyer Company. · ·1 lr" o l1 -:t r>trnont 1\ffr>('!niT"o •:::n"''r1 - Poe-to...- t..~un ..... t.., ... •+n~ ! !...... ------'-"------