Social Safeguards Monitoring Report

December 2013

Sri: Northern Road Connectivity Project

Prepared by Road Development Department for the Asian Development Bank.

This social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.




Prepared by: Environment and Social Development Division

Submitted to Asian Development Bank



1. INTRODUCTION ...... 3

1.1 Background...... 3

1.2 Monitoring of Environment and Social Safeguards ...... 4

1.3 Purpose of this Report ...... 4


2.1 Resettlement Activities during Construction ...... 5

2.1.1 Resettlement Activities in CP 04 ...... 5

2.1.2 Resettlement Activities in CP 06 ...... 6

2.1.3 Resettlement Issue in CP 01 ...... 7

2.2 Construction Impact to adjacent properties ...... 7


3.1 Complaints referred to Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) ...... 9

3.2 Complaints not referred to Grievance Redress Committee ...... 9

4. CONCLUSION ...... 11

List of Annexure

Annexure 3.1 List of Public Complaints



ADB Asian Development Bank

CP Contract Package

DPs Displaced Persons

DSD Divisional Secretariat Division

ESDD Environment and Social Development Division

GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism

MoHPS Ministry of Highways, Ports and Shipping

NCP North Central Province

NP Northern Province

PMU Project Management Unit

RDA Road Development Authority

RP Resettlement Plan

RoW Right of Way



1.1 Background

Sri Lanka is a country with an emerging economic growth in the South East Asian region of the world. The civil unrest which continued in the past three decades had a significant impact on its economic and social development. Northern Province is one of the worst conflict affected regions of the country. The damage to physical infrastructures has been severe and extensive. In particular the road network has not been maintained or repaired thus making an adverse impact on transport of goods and material that are required for the development of the region.

A total length of about 170 km of class A and B roads (National roads in northern and north central provinces) are were rehabilitated and improved under Asian Development Bank (ADB) assistance (loan number 2639 SRI). The project was titled as “Northern Road Connectivity Project (NRCP)” executed under the Road Development Authority (RDA) of Ministry Highways, Ports and Shipping (MOHPS).

Road sections of A009, A020, A032, A034, B268 and B437 roads were rehabilitated and improved under ten (10) contract packages during the period from 7th of June 2011 to December 2013. Details on road section, contractor, location and completion date are presented in table 1 and figure 1 below.

Table 1: Contract packages of Northern Road Connectivity Project Packa Road section Province Length Contractor Date of ge (km) Completion CP1 Dambulla – Thonigala section NCP 23.35 International 15.06.2013 of A009 Highway Construction Consortium (pvt) Ltd (ICC) CP2 Thonigala – Galkulama section NCP 24.17 Maga Engineering (pvt) 17.04.2013 of A009 Highway Ltd (MAGA) CP3 Anuradhapura – Rambewa NCP 14.4 MAGA 21.09.2013 (A020) Highway CP4 Navatkuli – Karativu Jetty NP 17.4 MAGA 18.03.2013 section of A032 Highway CP5 Manipay – Kaithady (B268) NP 14.02 MAGA 28.09.2012 Road CP6 Vallai – Telippalai – Araly NP 27.4 KDAW – Tudawe joint 27.05.2013 (B437) Road venture CP7 Mankulam to 13km section of NP 13 MAGA 26.12.2013 A034 Highway CP8 13km to 24km section of A034 NP 11 VV Karunaratne & 30.06.2013 Highway company (VVK) CP9 24km to 38.5km section of NP 14.4 Tudawe Brothers (pvt) 28.02.2013 A034 Highway Limited (Tudawe)

CP10 38.5km to section of NP 10.6 ICC 11.04.2013 A034 Highway NCP – North Central Province, NP – Northern Province 3

CP6- (0km-27.4km of B437) CP5- (0km-14km of B268)

CP4- (0km-17.4km of A032)

CP9-(24km-38.5km of A034) CP10-(38.5km-49km of A034)

CP7-(0km-13km of A034) CP8-(13km-24km of A034)

CP3-(0km-14.5km of A020)

CP2-(23.35km-47.52km of A009)

CP1-(0km-23.35km of A009)

Figure 1: General Location of contract packages

1.2 Monitoring of Environment and Social Safeguards As per ADB safeguards policy statement (2009) this project was categorized as a B category project for environment and Involuntary Resettlement. The contractor is responsible of carrying out environment and social safeguards during implementation of the project. The Project Implementation Consultant {(PIC), SMEC International Pvt Limited, Australia (in association with) Ocyana Consultants (Pvt) Limited, Sri Lanka and Engineering Consultants (Pvt), Sri Lanka} working under the Project Management Unit (PMU) directly supervised the contractor. The Environment and Social Development Division (ESDD) monitored the environment and social safeguards monthly together with Environment Specialist of the Supervision Consultant.

1.3 Purpose of this Report

Although the project was categorized as category B for involuntary resettlement, the resettlement impacts arose after finalizing the designs in CP 04 and CP 06. In CP 03, also a boundary wall of a road side temple was damaged due to construction activities. The construction of the Kekirawa town section of CP01 was removed due to a public complaint. Further, the complaints and suggestions received by public during construction was attended or incorporated to designs. A few complaints that could not be resolved at ground level was referred to Grievance Redress Committees. Thus, this report was prepared as a completion report to present the final outcome of above activities. 4


2.1 Resettlement Activities during Construction All the project road sections of the project were proposed to be developed within the available ROW. Hence, the project is categorized as category B for involuntary resettlement in accordance with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009). However, after the completion of the designs , it was identified that in CP 04 and CP06, the demolishing of secondary structures was necessary to carry out the road improvements. Thus, it was agreed with ADB to carry out the improvements in consultation with displaced households after preparing a resettlement plan and its approval from ADB.

2.1.1 Resettlement Activities in CP 04 In CP 04, six road sections were identified as narrow due to boundary walls constructed close to the road. In these locations the demolishing of boundary walls were find necessary to improve the road to the required road width ensuring road safety. Therefore, after collecting household information, a resettlement plan was prepared for CP04 and ADB approved the plan in June 2012. The affected boundary walls were constructed by the project before starting the construction works in identified sections. In August 2012, the boundary wall construction was completed and following pictures taken during the monthly field inspections of ESDD depict the status of the reconstruction with the previous status. Further, during the field inspection ESDD carried out the consultations with DP households. All the households contacted expressed their satisfaction in reconstruction of the boundary walls.

1+860 – June 2012 1+860 - August 2012


3+755 – June 2012 3+755 – August 2012

4+700 – June 2012 4+700 – August 2012

4+710 – June 2012 4+710 – August 2012

2.1.2 Resettlement Activities in CP 06 During field inspection carried out for the month of June 2012, another resettlement issue was observed in CP06. A part of a boundary wall of a school (Girls High school – Pandatherippu) located at 17+960 chainage was affected due to a junction improvement. The Resettlement Plan prepared for CP 06 was approved by ADB on 27th of August 2012. The boundary wall was reconstructed by the Project. Following pictures depict the pre project and post project situation.


School boundary wall before construction

School boundary wall after construction

2.1.3 Resettlement Issue in CP 01 While construction work of CP1 was progressing according to initial work plans of CP1, Kekirawa Local Council (Kekirawa Pradesiya Sabha (KPS) has initiated a town development project, independently to the ongoing CP1 construction program. KPS town development project was a part of small town development program in the country spearheaded by the Urban Development Authority (UDA). With this, KPS initiated some actions to improve road situation within its boundaries. KPS requested RDA Executive Engineer (EE), of the area on 26th March 2012, to demarcate 42ft (12.80m) building limit along A 009 road within town limits to facilitate road widening work of KPS. Although RDA rejected, KPS continued its actions on demolishing of properties by asking affected persons to demolish and remove their structures located within 42ft (12.80m) limit from the centerline of A 009 before 20th May 2012. Due to a complaint of a affected person the construction activities in Kekirawa town area in CP01 was stopped and due diligence report was prepared and sent to ADB in August 2012 by supervision consultant.

2.2 Construction Impact to adjacent properties During the field inspections, ESDD team observed that at some locations the properties were damaged due to the construction impact. One such location is 0+700 in CP03 where a temple land and boundary wall was temporarily affected due to bridge construction. The contractor have discussed with the head priest to get the land temporarily and to reconstruct the boundary wall and clear the land once the construction was completed. The following photos depict the situation in this location.


The ongoing bridge construction The damaged boundary wall

The boundary wall was reconstructed after construction of the road to following condition depicted in the photos by the contractor.

Temple after road construction



3.1 Complaints referred to Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) A GRM was established for the project in order to minimize conflicts between affected communities and implementing agencies. The GRC has been formed at two levels: Grama Niladari level and Divisional Secretary level. All the stakeholders were provided with the translated copies of the GRM document to better implementation.

In August 2012, it was identified that one complaint in CP06 has been referred to GRM. The complaint was regarding a house damage due to falling of a cutting tree at Thelippalai junction (10+500). The ESDD team observed that the house is abandoned and the contractor mentioned that the owner lives in Colombo. However, the owner has complained and the complaint has been referred to GRM to get a fair judgment. The GRM decision was taken to compensate the affected party and the compensation was paid by the contractor.

Damaged section of the house

3.2 Complaints not referred to Grievance Redress Committee During the two and half year period, the complaints/suggestions were reported to contractors in all ten packages and all the complaints were resolved by the contractor with the guidance of the Engineer except the complaints were out of the project scope or technically not feasible to carry out. Refer Annexure 3.1 for the complaints with the status. The table 3.1 below presents the number of complaints by each contract package.

Table 3.1: Number of complaints received for each contract package

Contract Package Number of Complaints

CP 01 26

CP 02 05

CP 03 05

CP 04 09

CP 05 07


Contract Package Number of Complaints

CP 06 43

CP 07 07

CP 08 10

CP 09 27

CP 10 26

Total 165

Out of the total complaints, 66 complaints have been received due to drainage issues and 27 due to access issues. The Figure 3.1 below present the number of complaints with the type of complaints.

Cracks CR Disposal of unsuitable material DIS Drainage DR Soil Erosion SE Access AC Impacts to agricultural activities AA Damage Public Properties DPP Safety issues SI Dust Emission DE Other OT Damage to Private Properties DPRP

Figure 3.1: Number of complaints with the type of complaints



The social safeguards issues arose during the detailed designs and during construction was successfully attended by RDA with the assistance of the Supervision Consultant.


Annexure 3.1


# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

01 Flooding at 79/1 LHS 28.12.2011 W.A. Karunawathi, Contractor Flooding during rainy Drain has been Complaint area 49Post,Kithulhitiyawa, season constructed from 79/1 Satisfactorily to 79/2 culvert attended Kekirawa

02 Request to increase the 02.01.2012 K.K.M.S. Wijesinghe, Contractor Insufficient access Required access Complaint length of access provided Satisfactorily provided over the line 47 Post, Mirisgoniyawa, attended drain. Dambulla

03 Request to increase the 13.02.2012 U.L.R.Wimalasena, Contractor Insufficient access Required access Complaint length of access provided Satisfactorily provided over the line Kekirawa Road, attended drain. Kithulhitiyawa

04 Request made to 18.03.2012 S.N. Karunathilake, Deputy Inadequate drainage Reconstructed the Complaint reconstruct culvert Project capacity of culvert culvert with larger Satisfactorily no.77/5 with larger Irrigation Engineer, Director, opening attended opening. Madatugama RDA

05 Request made to 10.04.2012 Nalani Herath, Executive Flooding during rainy Middle section of the Complaint increase the opening of Engineer,RD season culvert was expanded Satisfactorily the existing culvert Maradankadawala A, to contain larger attended no.95/6 to prevent Road, Kekirawa Maradankada volume of water. flooding during rainy

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

season wala

06 Request made to 16.04.2012 Villagers Executive Flooding during rainy A new culvert was Complaint increase the opening of Engineer, season introduced at the Satisfactorily culvert nos.90/4,90/5 to Maradankada location [1x1x1] attended prevent flooding during wala Thibbotuwewa rainy season.

07 Drain at 79+900 to 26.04.2012 S. M. Gamini ARE Disturbance to Removed excavated Complaint 80+020(LHS) blocked drainage soil Satisfactorily by excavated soil Gampathi NIwasa, attended


08 Request made to shift 02.05.2012 Samagi Prajamula Deputy Disturbance to water Existing line was Complaint water distribution line Sanvidhanaya, Project supply line shifted and provided Satisfactorily Alagamuwa Director, machinery, labor & 2 attended RDA pipes.

09 Inundation of the area 21.05.2012 T.M.Samanthakumara, PD, RDA Flooding during rainy 98/5 & 98/6 were Complaint from 98+650 to 98+800 season reconstructed with Satisfactorily RHS Miriswaththa,Kekirawa enlarged opening attended sizes.

10 Disturbance to the 29.05.2012 D.A.M.T Disakaruna Contractor Disturbance to water Cleared the waterway Complaint waterway at culvert flow to facilitate Satisfactorily no.80/5 No.650,Thulana, uninterrupted flow attended Madatugama

11 Request to reduce drain 02.07.2012 A.M.L.B.Adikari Contractor Difficulty in access Reduced wall height Complaint wall height in front of Keraminiye Sri Satisfactorily the premises. Aushadagaraya,New town, attended

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint


12 Request to reduce drain 02.07.2012 Manager, Contractor Difficulty in access Reduced wall height Complaint wall height in front of Satisfactorily the premises Cooperative shop, attended No.04,Madatugama

13 Inconvenience due to 02.07.2012 Manager, Contractor Inconvenience due to Completed the section Complaint dust emission during dust during night time while Satisfactorily road construction Bank of Ceylon, a separate water attended activities Madatugama bowser was provided to wet the area during


14 Flooding the area from 06.07.2012 D.M.S.S. Disanayaka, Deputy Flooding during rainy The culvert 98/3 was Complaint 97+565 to 97+600 RHS Project season reconstructed with Satisfactorily Miriswaththa,Kekirawa Director, enlarged opening size attended RDA & Earth drain has to be excavated from 97+620 to 97+565(98/3 culvert) at RHS

15 Mahaweli Authority of 26.07.2012 S.N. Karunathilake, Deputy Improper drainage Separate culvert was Complaint Sri Lanka requested to Irrigation Engineer, Project constructed (82/3A) Satisfactorily avoid drainage water Madatugama Director, attended discharging in to RDA Mahaweli channels

16 Mahaweli Authority of 26.07.2012 S.N. Karunathilake, Deputy Improper drainage A suspended drain Complaint Sri Lanka requested to Irrigation Engineer, Project [minor aqueduct] was Satisfactorily avoid the connection Madatugama Director, constructed at the attended between the line drains RDA respective location and diversion canals at

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

D5/101 and D4/102 locations

17 Dust emission from the 26.07.2012 OIC Executive Inconvenience due to Separate water Complaint stockpile located at Engineer,RD dust bowser was provided Satisfactorily Courts road, Kekirawa Police station, A, and increased the attended Maradankada frequency of wetting Kekirawa wala the premises

18 Dust emission from the 13.08.2012 Secretary Contractor Inconvenience due to Separate water Complaint stockpile located at dust bowser was provided Satisfactorily Courts road, Kekirawa Pradeshiya Sabha, and increased the attended frequency of wetting Kekirawa the premises

19 Mahaweli Authority of 19.08.2012 S.N. Karunathilake, Deputy Flooding and Constructed a New Complaint Sri Lanka requested to Irrigation Engineer, Project embankment wash off Retaining wall at the Satisfactorily construct a retaining Madatugama Director, requested location. attended wall and line drain at RDA 104 section in Thibbotuwewa [90+800]

20 Flooding and difficult 18.10.2012 Post Master, Contractor Flooding and lack of Construction of the Complaint accessibility due to proper access line drain accelerated, Satisfactorily construction delay of Post Office, cover slabs provided attended the line drain in front of Madatugama for access and proper the Post office drainage facilitated

21 Delay in construction of 05.12.2012 M. Leelarathne, His Construction delay Accelerated the work Complaint the road section from Excellency and completed all Satisfactorily Mirisgoniyawa junction Dambulla President main works along the attended

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

to ch.74+800 stretch.

22 Flooding at 14.12.2012 D.M.Gamini, Deputy Flooding during rainy 1x1x1 box culvert has Complaint 97+270(RHS) area Project season been constructed Satisfactorily Olukaradagama, Kekirawa Director, across the byroad at attended RDA 97+270

23 Inundation of the area 10.02.2013 Villagers with the PD, RDA Flooding during rainy Earth drain has to be Complaint from 79+300 to 79+450 Chairman, season excavated from Satisfactorily at RHS 79+290 to attended Pradeshiya Sabha, 79+770(80/4 culvert) Kekirawa [Work in progress]

24 Inundation of the area 05.03.2013 House owner near ARE Flooding during rainy Reconstructed the Complaint near the culvert no.97/1 Culvert no.97/1 season culvert with a larger Satisfactorily during rainy season opening attended Kekirawa

25 Flooding at 74+740 02.05.2013 Sarath Wijewardana, Deputy Flooding during rainy Earth drain has been Complaint RHS area during rainy Anuradhapura Road, Project season constructed from Satisfactorily season Mirisgoniyawa Junction, Director, 74+738 to attended Dambull RDA 74+768(77/1 bridge) at RHS

26 Flooding at 93+508, 10.05.2013 DMO, Deputy Flooding during rainy Built up drain (opening Complaint 93+526, 93+645 at Project season size 1m) has to be Satisfactorily RHS Hospital, Director, constructed from attended RDA 93+500 to 93+965 Kekirawa.

Mohomad Siddik,


Annexure 3.1


# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

01 Construction of bypass 15.03.2012 Resident Engineer Contractor Construction of Agreed to remove both Complaint road in tank and Irrigation Department, bypass and after construction and Satisfactorily stockpiling in a land Nachchaduwa stockpiling without action has been taken to attended belonging to Irrigation permission remove the bypasses and Department. restored the stockpile area.

02 Flooding due to culvert 25.04.2012 S. J. Jayasundara, Contractor Flooding during rainy Cleared the drains and Complaint 106/3 season lead away Satisfactorily Jayasiri, attended


03 Inconvenience due to 07.05.2012 Villagers, Contractor Dust emission Frequency of watering Complaint dust emission at was increased and dust Satisfactorily 109+000 to 109+200 Wanamal Uyana, emission was controlled attended Walagambahuwa

03 Inconvenience due to 29.06.2012 Medical Officer of Heath, Contractor Dust emission Frequency of watering Complaint dust emission was increased and dust Satisfactorily Kekirawa emission was controlled attended

04 Requested to prevent 07.09.2012 Villagers, Contractor Protecting a well Horizontal alignment was Complaint demolishing of the well changed and a protection Satisfactorily at 122+100 Galkulama wall is being constructed attended

05 Inconvenience due to 15.11.2012 Villagers Living in the Police, Inconvenience due to Damaged dust bags were Complaint dust emission from vicinity of Asphalt plant, Nochchiyagam dust emission replaced and dust Satisfactorily Asphalt plant Nochchiyagama a emission was minimized. attended

Annexure 3.1


# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

01 Dumping unsuitable 17.12.2011 K. A. P. Ajith Kumara Contractor Blocking access Measures were taken Complaint soil in front of the gate Rambewa Spill, Rambewa to remove unsuitable Satisfactorily material from the site attended and dumped in an approved disposal site

02 Inconvenience due to 12.01.2012 D. P. Kariyawasam Contractor Dust emission Water bowser was Complaint dust emission Anduketiyawa Junction, arranged to wet the Satisfactorily Mankadawala surface and dust attended emission was minimized

03 Inconvenience due to 12.02.2012 E. A. D. Wickremasinghe6 Contractor Dust emission Water bowser was Complaint dust emission Mile Post, Siyambalewa, arranged to wet the Satisfactorily Rambewa surface and dust attended emission was minimized

04 Unsuitable material 14.03.2012 M. Gunadasa No.417, Contractor Blocking access Measures were taken Complaint dumped near the house Mangala Junction, to remove unsuitable Satisfactorily Mankadawala, Saliyapura material from the site attended and dumped in an approved disposal site

05 Anticipated flooding 12.09.2012 Villagers Contractor Flooding during rainy A retaining wall to a Complaint along the roadway season length of 20.2m was Satisfactorily Gonewa constructed to protect attended embankment.

Annexure 3.1


CONTRACT PACKAGE – 04 Public Complaints

# Details of complaint Date received Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment complainant complaint

01 Request of Drain along 16.05.12 General Public Request, Chief After the raising of the Inspected jointly with Complaint A 032 Veethy, Engineer / road the lands may be Satisfactorily A 032 road RDA flooded during rainy CE/RDA – Drains have attended season. been

Provided wherever necessary.

02 Request for removed old 07.09.12 Sri Lanka Army Project Army requested the Advised to pipes Engineer / old pipes contact MAGA CE,RDA

03 Request for Protection to 10.09.12 S.Satkurunathmpillai, Chief During the rainy Protection walls Complaint Boundary wall at the Rani vasam, Kerathevu Engineer / season the foundation constructed Satisfactorily outlet of culvert at Veethy, Nawatkuli RDA soil will be eroded attended on inlet and outlet of km 0 + 900 culvert

at km 0 + 900

04 Boundary wall damaged 05.10.12 R.Siventhirarajah, Director/ During Construction Contractor has repaired Complaint during construction Kerathevu Veethy, RDA time the Contractor’s the Satisfactorily Nawatkuli Roller damaged the attended boundary wall damaged Boundary Wal on

his own cost

05 Request for a new well in 20.10.12 S.Selvanayagam, Kandy Engineer During the road A new well has been Complaint place of closed well on Road, Nawatkuli /MAGA construction the Satisfactorily road construction existing well was back constructed on owner’s attended filled. land

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date received Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment complainant complaint

with his consent

06 Parapet wall damaged 29.12.2012 E. Sivendraraya Contractor Property damage Reconstructed the Complaint due to construction parapet wall to the Satisfactorily activities 53, New Semmany satisfaction of attended Road, Kalviyankadu complainant

07 Request for access to 17.03.13 Maravanpulam Farmer’s Project After raising of road The locations for access Complaint Paddy Fields from km6 to Organization, Engineer can’t reach the paddy roads have Satisfactorily km8 Maravanpulam field with farmer’s attended vehicles been finalized with the

President, Farmer Association.

08 Request for Access 06.05.13 S.Kirupananthan, Chief Insufficient Access Gravel access road is Complaint Road to land at Engineer / provided Satisfactorily km0+350RHS Nawatkuli, Kaithady RDA attended

09 Request for Crush 14.05.13 Sri Lanka Army Chief Crash barriers at T – Advised RDA Barriers By Army Engineer junction and sharp this is /RDA Jaffna bends beyond the scope of the project

Annexure 3.1


CONTRACT PACKAGE – 05 Public Complaints

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

01 Possible hazard due to a 03.02.2012 S. Shanmuga Vadivel, Contractor Hazard due to half cut Uprooted the relevant Complaint tree, in which branches Grama Niladhari, tree tree Satisfactorily have been cut and attended requested to remove the Neerveli South, L/268, tree. Kopay North J/263

02 Request a remove a tree 05.02.12 S.Shanmugavadivel, Divisional Heavy rainy season The tree has been Complaint on road side at km7+000 Kopay North, Kopay Secretary the tree may fall down removed Satisfactorily which poses danger to and danger to the road attended road users users

03 Request to construct a 10.02.12 V.Markanddu & others Project After the raising of the Drain has been Complaint drain to inlet of culvert at Director road the lands are constructed Satisfactorily km 12 + 563 to drain out Kaithady West , Kaithady flooded during rainy attended water from their lands. season to culvert at km 12 + 563 as requested

04 Inconvenience due to 02.06.2012 Secretary Contractor Dust emission Humps were placed to Complaint dust emission reduce the speed of Satisfactorily Konnakai Amman Kovil vehicles and a special attended Community Centre bowser was allocated to spray water while the frequency of spraying was increased.

05 Request to water 21.06.12 The Secretary, Project Dust from ABC laid Contractor has been Complaint regularly on ABC Engineer / increases air pollution Satisfactorily surface during Kannakai Amman Kovilady RDA instructed to increase theattended construction in Kopay Community Centre, water spraying on ABC

Annexure 3.1

area. Kopay North, Kopay

06 Request for Entrance 30.07.12 Jaffna Service Station & Engineer / Proper access is Contractor has constructeComplaint Access Wheel Alignment , RDA required for vehicle to the access Satisfactorily Kaithady Road, enter service station attended Maruthanarmadam

07 Request to construct a 21.11.12 Saraswathy Community Divisional Excess water from Drain has been Complaint drain from culvert at 12 Centre, Public, Kaithady Secretary , culvert 13/4 floods the constructed Satisfactorily + 563(13/4) to culvert at West, Kaithady Thenmarach house on outlet. attended km 12 + 743 (13/5)on hi LHS

Annexure 3.1


CONTRACT PACKAGE – 06 Public Complaints

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

01 Request to construct 29.02.12 Sathasivam Pillai Chief Part of old wall has Contractor has Complaint damaged Boundary Gnanendran, Engineer / been damaged during reconstructed Satisfactorily Wall RDA construction of culvert attended Point Pedro Road, Jaffna the damaged wall. 10 + 090 LHS

02 Request to construct 12.03.12 The Principal, Chief To drain out storm Due to drain along a side road Engineer / water from the paly inappropriate from the school play Mahajana College, RDA ground which gets level difference ground Tellipalai inundated daunted this drain could during rainy season not be done. 11 + 150 LHS

03 Request of Culvert 27.03.12 Secretary Chairman, To pass water for Culvert for Irrigation Complaint Valikamam irrigation across the purpose at 15 + 125. Satisfactorily 15 + 125 Periyavilan Agricultural South/ West project road attended Federation, Periyavillan Pradeshya Sabah

04 Stagnation of water in 27.03.2012 S. Sampanthan Contractor Water logging during Side drains Complaint land due to raised road rainy season constructed to Satisfactorily level. Achchuveli North, facilitate water flow. attended access also will be Achchuveli provide

05 Requested to construct 30.03.2012 Kurukkal Contractor Drainage Side drains Complaint side drains at 12+500 – constructed in the Satisfactorily 13+750 Amman Kovil stated location attended



Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

06 Request of Drain 19.04.12 K.Mahalingam, Project The lands nearby gets Contractor was Complaint Director / flooded during rainy instructed Satisfactorily 12 + 600 RHS Muththumari Amman RDA season attended Kovil, Alaveddy North, to construct an earth Thavalakiri drain from 12 + 555 to

13 + 750 RHS

07 Request for a new well 30.04.12 E. Kirupakaran, Engineer / The part of existing A New well has been Complaint Main Steed, RDA well falls within constructed Satisfactorily 19 + 525 LHS Vadaliyaddaippu, construction limits attended Pandatheruppu

08 Request of a skew 10.05.12 Pandertheruppu Rural Project The lands nearby gets A skew culvert has been Complaint culvert Development Society, Engineer / flooded during rainy constructed at km 16 + Satisfactorily Pandertheruppu RDA season 835 attended 16 + 835 as requested.

09 Request of a new Well 18.05.12 Sunmuganathan, Chief The existing well was New well is constructed Complaint Arasady Veethy, Engineer / closed as it was Satisfactorily 18 + 300RHS Vadaliyadaippu, RDA located in road attended Pandertheruppu widening

10 Boundary wall of the 28.05.2012 S. Sanmugalingam Contractor Property damage Damaged boundary Complaint temporary stockpile yard wall was reconstructed Satisfactorily damaged due to Koalaiyadai attended machinery operation Palipulam


11 Boundary of the 29.05.2012 S. Rohan Contractor Property damage Damaged boundary Complaint temporary stockpile yard wall was reconstructed Satisfactorily damaged due to Keerimalei road, attended machinery operation

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint


12 Boundary wall was 02.06.2012 Sathasivampillai Contractor Property damage Damaged boundary Complaint damaged due to wall was reconstructed Satisfactorily construction work Hospital road attended


13 Church boundary wall 10.06.2012 Principal Contractor Property damage Damaged part of the Complaint was damaged due to boundary wall was Satisfactorily construction work Union College reconstructed attended


14 Property damaged due M. Veerakulasingam Contractor Property damage Rs. 55,166.00 was Complaint to construction work paid as compensation Satisfactorily Ampanai road to the owner attended


15 Difficulty to drive in Manager Engineer Access Temporary solution is Complaint vehicles to the bank provided by placing Satisfactorily premises due to slight HNB compacted soil. attended rise of curb. Main road


16 Request for 11.06.12 Kalavaththurai Community T.Nadanendr Reconstruction of old A new culvert has been Complaint reconstruction of culvert Centre an, Member damaged culvert constructed at the said Satisfactorily Valikamam attended 26 + 380 Arally South, Vaddukoddai west location pradeshiya sabaha

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

17 Permission to place 26.06.12 Public Request Chief The crossing is Permission given by Complaint water pipe across the Thulai veethy, Arally Engineer / needed to provide RDA Satisfactorily road Centre, Vaddukoddai RDA water to LHS from the attended mainline in RHS 25 + 380 LHS

18 Complain of Flooding at 26.06.12 Kalaivani community Chief The lands get A new bigger size culvert Pradesha inlet of culvert at 19 + Centre , Engineer / inundated to raising has been provided at Saba has to 260 Vadaliyadippu, RDA road level 19+527. construct the Pandatheruppu outlet drain along their road

19 Request of Access 23.07.12 Public Request, Project For access to farm Irrigation Department Complaint Farmers, Ambanai Director / lands across irrigation has completed. Satisfactorily 11 + 920 LHS RDA canal attended

20 Request to construct 23.07.12 Public request, Chief The lands nearby gets A new culvert has been Complaint new culvert at Engineer / flooded during rainy Satisfactorily recommended by GS, RDA season constructed at attended 12 + 065 Pannalai km 12 + 070 km

21 Requesting access 03.08.12 Divisional Secretary, Chief No access for GS Irrigation Department Complaint across Irrigation Drain Valikamam North, Engineer / office has completed cross Satisfactorily Thanthaiselvapuram RDA drain attended 10 + 600 RHS Village, Thellipalai

22 Request to avoid cutting 08.08.12 Nagapooshani Amman Chief This is an old tree It was explained to the Complaint a tree for road widening Temple, Engineer / giving shade for long complainant the tree Satisfactorily in front of Sri Arally Centre, Arally RDA period must be cut and she attended Nagapooshani Amman agreed. The cut tree has Temple been given to temple.

25 + 050 RHS

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

23 Request for Pedestrian 22.09.12 S.Mahalingam, Chief For the passengers to Pedestrian Crossing will Complaint Crossing Minibus Service Engineer / cross the road from be Satisfactorily Association RDA bus halt attended 17 + 880 LHS provided at 17 + 884 Keerimalai , Jaffna

24 Request for access 28.09.12 S.Arumugam , Project Access has been Contractor has been Complaint across the drain Post office in front, Engineer / blocked due to drain Satisfactorily Pandertheruppu RDA construction instructed to place cover attended 17 + 590 RHS slab to provide access to the land

25 Damage caused to the 02.11.12 R.Veerakulasingam Divisional Damaged occurred At the GRC level 2 Complaint house and wire fence Secretary, when Contractor fell a meeting it Satisfactorily Thuraijappa Veethy, Valikamam tree nearby attended 10+470 LHS Thellipallai North, was agreed that Tellipalai Contractor will pay compensation.

26 Request to construct 10.11.12 K.Magarasa, Project Complained that On Investigation it was Request was damaged Boundary Director / Contractor damaged found contractor has not rejected Wall Thuraijappa Veethy, RDA his boundary wall damaged the wall. 10 + 890 LHS Thellipallai

27 Request to Level & 22.12.12 S.Ajithkumar, Divisional To improve a rural The Rural Road is far Request was Compact Rural Road Secretary, interior. away from the Project rejected Pattikadavai, Valikamam road this request was 11 + 000 RHS Maviddapuram South North, rejected. J/232,Thellipalai Tellipalai

27 Request for separation 22.12.12 Vadaliyadaippu Farmer’s Engineer / A wall is requested to Contractor has been Complaint wall Association, RDA separate the paddy Satisfactorily Vadaliyadaippu, field from road toe. instructed to build the attended 18+440 – 18+720 LHS Pandatharippu separation wall

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

28 Request to remove the 17.01.13 President Chief The stones obstructs Contractor has removed Complaint stones dumped in Engineer / the path of temple the stones Satisfactorily temple land Kanthasami Kovil, RDA chariot attended Adaikalamthodam, 22 + 200 LHS Vaddukoddai

29 Request for asphalt road 24.01.13 Medical Superintend, Project Request to asphalt to Contractor has been Complaint between two gates of Engineer, have better internal Satisfactorily Base Hospital, Tellipalai Base Hospital, Tellipalai NRCP road connection Instructed to asphalt the attended

(9 + 800 RHS) inner road with been two

main gates.

30 Regarding the House 29.01.13 M.Anthonipillai, Project Contractor’s personnel Contractor has paid the Complaint Rental Mathagal Road, Engineer / occupied the house rent a got a consent Satisfactorily Pandatherippu RDA but not paid the rent letter from the attended 17 + 910 RHS complainant.

31 Request for Asphalt 30.01.13 President Project Present bus station is Contractor has been Complaint paving for Atchuveli Bus Vali East Private Minibus Engineer / of gravel surface and Satisfactorily Station Association, Atchuvely RDA gets dusty and muddy. instructed to Asphalt. attended

(1 + 600 LHS)

32 Request of Culvert 15.02.13 Mr. V.Kasippillai , ARE , CP-6 For access to lands Irrigation Department Complaint across Irrigation cannel. Pandaterippu Veethy, across irrigation canal Satisfactorily Tellipalai Has completed a culvert attended 11 + 640 LHS

33 Request to construct a 26.02.13 Divisional Secretary Chief Lands at inlet get Taken up to GRC level 2 Complaint lead away for culvert Sandilipay Engineer / inundated due to meeting. The land owner Satisfactorily RDA blocking of culvert at outlet didn’t agree to attended 18 + 140 RHS outlet let water into his land

34 Request for culvert & 05.03.13 Arally West Community Chief The lands nearby get A new culvert with drain Complaint Centre, Engineer / inundated to raised has been constructed at Satisfactorily

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

drains Arally West, RDA road level 24+163 attended

24 + 170 RHS Vaddukoddai

35 Request for concrete 05.03.13 President Chief The drain is requested Due to non-availability of Request was drain from 26+220 to Valikamam West Engineer / to connect the sufficient land on road rejected due Pradeshiya RDA proposed drain on side to constrain 26+357 LHS Sabaha,Chulipuram Pradeshya Sabah at site road to culvert at and high invert level of 22+357 the culvert, the drain cannot be constructed

36 Request for asphalt 19.03.13 Medical officer in charge Chief To have a smooth Contractor has been Complaint access for Central Engineer / access to the hospital Satisfactorily Ayurvedic Dispensary 24 Cental Ayurvedic RDA instructed to provide attended + 800 RHS Dispensary & Herbal asphalt access Garden, Araly

37 Steep Access Roads 19.03.13 V.Sivakumar, Chief Difficult for the Presently temporary Complaint Divisional Secretary, Engineer / vehicles to reach the access provided. Satisfactorily Chankanai RDA project road from by Contractor has attended roads been advised to construct permanent accesses with reasonably flat slopes

38 Request to connect 19.03.13 Mr.Ramanathan, Chief The outlet of culver at There is no space Request was outlets of culverts at Vaddukoddai West, Engineer / 22+250 is blocked available to construct. rejected due Vaddukoddai RDA Instead action may be to constrain 22+250 and 22+300 with taken by relevant at site drain

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

authority to have a lead away for the culvert at Ch 22 + 250 as existed earlier.

39 Request for proper 11.04.13 Manager, HNB Site Engineer Access has been In GRC Level – 01 Complaint access for HNB Branch blocked after drain Meeting was held on Satisfactorily in Atchuveli Town Atchchuveli Branch, and walkway are 03.05.2013 decided to attended Atchchuvely constructed in front of provide asphalt ramp on (1 + 580 RHS) bank building vehicle path. Presently temporary access is provided

40 To remove excavated 01.05.13 Secretary, Engineer / Paddy lands are On investigation it was Request was materials unloaded in RDA spoiled by dumping found Contractor has not rejected as Paddy land Farmers Assosiation debris dumped the debris. Contractor Vadaliyadaippu, Some private parties has no 18 + 770 LHS Pandertheuppu have dumped. obligation to remove them

41 Request to provide slope 14.05.13 President, Project Raised new road level Contractor has been Complaint surface in front of Gnaniyar Kovil, Araly west, Engineer / obstructs the temple advised to provide Satisfactorily Temple Kooddaikadu, RDA chariot’s movement smooth slope with gravel attended Vaddukoddai 24 + 500 RHS

42 Irrigation Channel 16.05.13 R.S.Gnanappiragasam, Chief Excess material Contractor was Complaint Cleaning Puloly West, Point Pedro Engineer / dumped in Irrigation instructed to remove all Satisfactorily 12 + 050 RDA canal by Contractor materials attended

dump by him.

43 Request to lay water 21.05.13 Public Request, Engineer / A new pipe line is to No space is available Request was pipe by road side25 + RDA be placed along the outside shoulder. Not rejected due Arally Centre, allowed to lay pipes on to constrain

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

380 – 25 + 600 LHS Vaddukoddai road shoulder. at site

Annexure 3.1


# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

01 Inconvenience due to 20.04.2012 Villagers , Contractor Dust emission Increased the watering Complaint dust emission frequency depending Satisfactorily Old Kandy Road, on weather condition attended


02 Inconvenience due to 05.06.2012 OIC, Contractor Dust emission Increased the watering Complaint dust emission frequency depending Satisfactorily Police Station, on weather condition attended


03 Possibility of entering M.Thavarasasingam Project Flood Control Prevention action Complaint flood water in to the Director, taken. Satisfactorily shop due to construction 06.09.2012 Karippaddamurippu NRCP attended of road @ 8+450 RHS Mankulam

04 Inconvenience due to 20.07.2012 S. A. Sanmugarajah Contractor Dust emission Increased the watering Complaint dust emission frequency depending Satisfactorily Grama Niladhari on weather condition attended


05 To complete the access H.K.Kunasinga, District Project Construct urgent Access provided Complaint immediately to bring Fertilizer Store, Olumadu Engineer, access Satisfactorily fertilizer to the store @ 20.09.2012 NRCP attended 5+850 RHS Mankulam

06 Improper access 15.01.2013 M. Loganathan, Contractor Improper Access Access provided with Complaint proper drainage Satisfactorily Mulaitivu Road, attended

Annexure 3.1


07 To construct drainage to 21.02.2013 K.Kanagaratnam Executive Flood Control No action taken Complaint avoid flooding @ 5+850 Engineer Rejected LHS Karippaddamurippu due to constraint at Mankulam site

Annexure 3.1

NORTHERN ROAD CONNECTIVITY PROJECT CONTRACT PACKAGE – 08 Public Complaints # Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

01 CEB supply wire and the 16.09.2012 Rahuwaran, Contractor Damage to public Requested Complaint post broken due to property compensation Satisfactorily machinery operation Welding workshop, payment was paid to attended CEB Oddusudan

02 To fill with earth to form 16.10.2012 A.Thanapalasingam Project Flood control Instruction given to Complaint bund prevent water @ Engineer Contractor Satisfactorily th 21+750 LHS & 14 Mile Post attended

17.032013 Mankulam Road

03 Eroding of access road 02.01.2013 Food and Agriculture Project Improper access Proper drainage and Complaint Organization, Sivan Kovil Engineer access was provided Satisfactorily Junction, Oddusudan at the location attended

04 Inconvenience due to 01.02.2013 I. Selvam, Contractor Dust emission The watering Complaint dust emission frequency of the road Satisfactorily Abishalani Studio, was increased attended

Sivan Kovil Junction,


05 Inconvenience due to 01.02.2013 I.Kamalarasa Contractor Dust emission The watering Complaint dust emission frequency of the road Satisfactorily Kalaimahal Saiva was increased attended Hotel,

Sivan Kovil Junction,


Annexure 3.1

06 To provide proper 06.03.2013 S.Perampalam Executive To Construct Proper Instruction given to Complaint access to the land @ Engineer, Access Contractor Satisfactorily 22+735 LHS Oddusuddan RDA, attended Mullaitivu.

07 Requested access with 07.03.2013 K. Perambalam, Project Access Access with drain was Complaint drain Engineer provided Satisfactorily 14 Mile Post, attended Oddusudan

08 To form a proper access President, Board of Executive To Construct Proper Access provided Complaint to the temple during the Management, Engineer, Access Satisfactorily construction 25.03.2013 Oddusuddan Thanthontri RDA, attended Easvarar Temple, Mullaitivu. @ 23+350 RHS Oddusuddan.

09 Inconvenience due to 04.04.2013 V. Santhirakumar, Contractor Dust emission The watering Complaint dust emission frequency of the road Satisfactorily Laly Hotel, was increased attended

Sivan Kovil Junction,


10 Inconvenience due to 04.04.2013 K. Kumaralingam, Contractor Dust emission The watering Complaint dust emission frequency of the road Satisfactorily Thanthonri Saiva was increased attended Unvaham

Annexure 3.1

NORTHERN ROAD CONNECTIVITY PROJECT CONTRACT PACKAGE – 09 Public Complaints # Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of Action taken Comment received complainant complaint complaint

01 Disturbance to paddy 10.12.2011 Thibiyan Contractor Drainage Two hume pipes were fixed Complaint cultivation due to Karuvilankandal, and uninterrupted flow was Satisfactorily blockage of waterway at Oddusudan facilitated and canal cleared. attended 27+927

02 Stagnation of water in 12.12.2011 Lakshman Saundran Contractor Drainage Two hume pipes were fixed Complaint paddy field due to Karuvilankandal, and uninterrupted flow was Satisfactorily blockage of culverts Oddusudan facilitated and canal cleared. attended 26+716 and 26+795

03 Disturbance to paddy 03.01.2012 T. Senduran Contractor Drainage Removed the boulders and Complaint cultivation due to Karuvilankandal, cleared the hume pipes and Satisfactorily blockage of waterway at Oddusudan facilitated free flow from RHS attended 28+207 due to to LHS construction of culvert.

04 Disturbance to paddy 05.02.2012 Thibian Karuvilankandal, Contractor Drainage Removed earth pile and Complaint cultivation due to Oddusudan cleared the path so as to Satisfactorily blockage of waterway facilitate uninterrupted water attended diverted to culvert at flow along the canal 28+100.

05 Disturbance to paddy 06.02.1012 Selvarasa Sudarshan, Contractor Drainage A trench excavated from Complaint cultivation due to Gnanasekeram Santhan 28+100 to 28+207, canal Satisfactorily blockage of waterway Karuvilankandal, cleared and facilitated attended diverted to culvert at Oddusudan uninterrupted flow. 28+100.

06 Possible flooding of his 22.02.2012 Shiva Kumara Contractor Drainage The relevant land was used Complaint land due to stacking Karuvilankandal, as a disposal site after Satisfactorily unsuitable material in Oddusudan considering the request attended front of his land. made by the owner and relevant approvals and

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of Action taken Comment received complainant complaint complaint

material was dispersed evenly on his land

07 Safety precaution to the 27.02.2012 OIC, Police Station, Project Safety of public Instruction given to Complaint public during Oddusuddan Engineer during construction Contractor to improve on Satisfactorily construction @ 24+300 construction safety attended

08 Disturbance to paddy 19.03.2012 K. Balendran Contractor Drainage Culvert cleared and free flow Complaint cultivation and Cashew Puliyankulam, Oddusudan was facilitated across the Satisfactorily plantation due to culvert. attended blocking waterway across 25+495

09 The possibility of soil 21.03.2012 S. Kugadasan Contractor Soil erosion A buffer zone of 4m was Complaint getting washed off in to Puliyankulam, Oddusudan made in the surrounding Satisfactorily the well located in the area. attended stockpile area at 27+205

10 Stagnation of water in 23.04.2012 Nalllaiah Srikandaran Contractor Drainage Culvert openings were Complaint paddy field and cashew Mulleyaweli, Mulaitivu cleared and water flow Satisfactorily plantation due to across the culvert was attended blocking of culvert at facilitated. 27+797

11 To construct culvert at 23.04.2012 Divisional Secretary, Project Drainage Constructed as per the Complaint the existing location @ Oddusuddan Engineer Design. Satisfactorily 29+350 attended

12 Inundation of access 24.04.2012 T. Yogarani Contractor Flooding Bypass in the vicinity was cut Complaint road due to heavy opened and facilitated the Satisfactorily

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of Action taken Comment received complainant complaint complaint

showers Puliyankulam, Oddusudan flow and drained off attended stagnated water

13 To reconstruct the K. Markkandu. Ward No2, Project Reconstruction bus Request was brought to Complaint demolished memorial Main Road, Mullijavalai Director halt Divisional Secretary for Satisfactorily bus halt @ 38+400 RHS 15.05.2012 NRCP consideration. attended

14 To construct the Irrigation Engineer, Executive Construction of Instruction was given to the Complaint damaged irrigation line Muthaiyankaddu Division, Engineer, irrigation channel. Contractor to repair the Satisfactorily channel @ 24+000- 24.09.2012 Oddusuddan RDA, cannel attended 29+000 Mullaitivu

15 Blocking of irrigation 17.10.2012 Farmer Organization Project Soil erosion and Cleared all canals, removed Complaint canals due to soil wash Oddusudan Engineer drainage the silted materials and Satisfactorily off along 26+500 - disposed in approved attended 28+500 disposal sites

16 Blocking of irrigation 24.10.2012 Farmer Organization Project Soil erosion and Both irrigation canals were Complaint canals due to soil Oddusudan Director drainage cleared and further siltation Satisfactorily deposition at 28+500 prevented and uninterrupted attended and 27+950 water flow was facilitated.

17 To extend the line drain 26.10.2012 64th Army Brigade, Head Project drainage The line drain extended Complaint in front of Head Quarters Quarters, Oddusuddan director Satisfactorily @ 24+120 LHS attended

18 To construct bridge to 20.01.2013 People Executive Construction of No action taken Rejected the access @ 26+000 Engineer, bridge (Out of LHS Pulliyankulam, RDA scope) Oddusuddan

19 Blockage of waterway at 29.01.2013 B. Mayura Contractor Soil erosion and The canal was cleared and Complaint 28+215 due to siltation Karuvilankandal, drainage uninterrupted flow facilitated Satisfactorily and affecting irrigation of Oddusudan attended

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of Action taken Comment received complainant complaint complaint

paddy lands

20 To construct the damage 11.02.2013 T.Nesalingam, Sivanagar, Project Construction of Instruction given to To be done fence due to Oddusuddan Engineer fence Contractor after bridge construction @ 26+410 construction RHS

21 To construct drainage to 18.02.2013 V.Suthakaran Project Flood control Instruction given to Complaint control the flood @ Engineer Contractor Satisfactorily 30+840 RHS Kanukerny attended


22 To laying asphalt in front Army Brigadier, Resident Asphalt Entrance asphalted Complaint of the entrance of 64th 64Division, Oddusuddan Engineer Construction Satisfactorily Division, HQ @ 24+120 10.03.2013 attended LHS

23 To Construct access to 27.03.2013 People Project Construction of Instruction given to Complaint bus halt @ 37+850 RHS Engineer access Contractor Satisfactorily Ward No 02, Main street, attended Mullijavalai

24 To construct vehicular 01.04.2013 K.Rathinam Project Construction of Access completed Complaint access to the land @ Engineer access Satisfactorily 37+789 RHS Ward No 2 attended


25 To construct vehicular 08.04.2013 V.Thangarajah Executive Construction of Access completed Complaint access to the land @ Engineer access Satisfactorily 37+620 RHS Mulliyawalai attended

26 To construct vehicular 08.04.2013 V.Jeyamohan Executive Construction of Access completed Complaint access to the land @ Engineer access Satisfactorily

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of Action taken Comment received complainant complaint complaint

37+650 RHS Mulliyawalai attended

27 To construct the earth 16.04.2013 Provincial Director, Project Construction of Instruction given to Complaint lead away drain @ Department of agriculture, Engineer drain Contractor Satisfactorily 24+185 RHS Mullaitivu attended

Annexure 3.1


# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

01 To avoid the shifting of 12.12.2011 President, Santhyamman Executive Avoid shifting of the Avoided to demolish or Complaint the temple by the side of temple, Mullijavalai, Engineer, temple shift the temple. Satisfactorily the road @ 39+280 LHS Mullaitivu. RDA, attended Mullaitivu.

02 Regarding the culvert 10.01.2012 Shop Owners, Project Regarding the culvert Adjustment made Complaint location @ 40+970 Thannerruttru town, Engineer, location Satisfactorily Mullaitivu. NRCP. attended

03 To reconstruct the 30.01.2012 S Kanapathyppillai. Project Reconstruct the Action taken by the Complaint boundary wall @ President, Sri saththiya sai Director boundary wall Contractor. Satisfactorily 38+900 LHS acsiramam, Mullijavalai. NRCP attended

04 Request for additional 13.02.2012 The people at Project Construct additional Constructed additional Complaint culvert /wider the Thannerruttru, Engineer culvert culvert Satisfactorily opening of the culvert @ Mullijavalai(by phone) NRCP attended 41+570

05 To handover the timber 27.02.2012 C Rasaiyah, Ward No Project Handover the timber Handed over with the Complaint cut by the ICC in front of 04,Mulliyavalai. Manager ICC recommendation of Satisfactorily their land @ 40+615 & GS,DS attended 40+620

06 To construct a new 05.03.2013 The secretary, Rural Project Construct a new Request culvert & to construct Development Society Manager ICC culvert could not be drain with more than2.5ft (RDS), Mullijavalai. accepted height & to raise the due to non road to 2.5ft height @ availability of 39+450 leader ways.

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

07 Request not to damage 28.06.2012 K Rasalingam, 271/B, G.A, Copy to Damage to shops Avoided to damage Complaint his 5 shops during the Mannar road, . Project the shops. Satisfactorily road construction @ Engineer, attended 40+865- 40+888 RHS NRCP

08 To repair cracks on 07.08.2012 Mr’s N.Tharmalingam, Project Repair cracks Action taken. Complaint house wall & parapet Main street, Mullijavalai Engineer Satisfactorily wall @ 38+650 LHS west, Mullijavalai. attended

09 Occurrence of cracks in 08.08.2012 N. Dharmalingam, Project Cracks on walls Repaired the affected Complaint walls of house due to Engineer part of the house Satisfactorily construction activities Ward No. 01, attended


10 Watering to control the 23.08.2012 Shop Owner Project Dust Control Contractor increase Complaint dust @ 40+950 Engineer frequency of watering Satisfactorily Thaneerorru the road attended

11 Dust generation due to 23.08.2012 Villagers, Contractor Dust control Contractor increase Complaint construction activities frequency of watering Satisfactorily from 38+500 to 42+000 Mulleyaweli and the road attended Thanniruttu

12 Watering to control the 23.08.2012 Shop Owner PE Dust Control Contractor increase Complaint dust @ 40+950 frequency of watering Satisfactorily Thaneerorru NRCP the road attended

13 To construct drain to 24.08.2012 Residents Chief Avoid soil erosion Lead away extended Complaint avoid soil erosion @ Engineer Satisfactorily

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

41+000 Near Thanneerorru RDA from culvert attended



14 Facing difficulty from the 03.10.2012 Shop Owner RE Access to shops Reduced the height of Complaint access to shops due to retaining wall & road Satisfactorily raised retaining wall Thaneerorru NRCP and proper access attended @40+960 LHS provided Mullaitivu

15 Water stagnation in 24.10.2012 Farmers, Project Water stagnation Immediate action was Complaint paddy fields due to Engineer taken to drain off Satisfactorily heavy showers at Mulaitivu stagnated water and a attended 44+500 – 46+500 new culvert is being constructed at 45+950

16 To raise the wall of line 02.11.2012 V.Jeyadevi PD Maintain proper Access provided Complaint access Satisfactorily drain infront of her home Ward No-04 NRCP attended

Main Road


17 To avoid the parking 05.11.2012 President PD Parking area Avoided Complaint area Satisfactorily Mahuboob Sulaihani NRCP attended

Jummah Mosqe

Trustee Board

Main Street


Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

18 Proposed a new culvert 02.12.2012 Villagers, Project Drainage Proper drainage Complaint at location of Engineer provided at the Satisfactorily 39+450(Approximately), Mulleyaweli location attended Road raising within 2.5 feet and Drain should be more than 2.5feet.

19 To provide proper 03.12.2012 Shop Owner PE Access Provide propose Complaint access & connect the access Satisfactorily drainage level@40+960 Thaneerorru NRCP attended Mulliyawalai

20 To construct drainage 05.12.2012 Secretary PD Drainage Rejected due near the market @ to non 39+050 RHS Maritimepathu NRCP availability of land PS,Mullaitivu

21 To lay asphalt for access 21.01.2013 Registar Project Access Asphalt laying for Complaint area @ 47+374 LHS Manager access Satisfactorily District & Magistratae’s attended Cougt ICC


22 To construct box culvert 06.02.2013 Secretary PE Construct box culvert Rejected at Navalar Street @ (Out of 39+200 LHS Maritimepattu PS NRCP scope)


23 Inundation of the area at 11.02.2013 Villagers, Project Flood A new culvert is being Complaint 41+500 - 41+600 due to Engineer constructed to Satisfactorily unforeseen weather Thanniruttu facilitate drainage attended condition.

Annexure 3.1

# Details of complaint Date Name and address of To whom Nature of complaint Action taken Comment received complainant complaint

24 To provide a proper 01.03.2013 Manager Executive Access A proper access Complaint access during the Manager provided Satisfactorily drainage construction @ HNB attended 48+550 RHS RDA Mullaitivu

25 To make drainage 01.04.2013 Shop Owner Engineer Drainage Widen opening to the Complaint opening wider to drain Satisfactorily maintain the steady flow Thanrrorru ICC attended @40+960 Mullaitivu

26 To construct a Culvert 16.04.2013 Secretary PD Construct a Culvert Rejected

Hijerpuram NRCP (Out of scope) RDS