WEISSINGER, Helene COST Action Urban Agriculture Europe: UA in the Greater Dublin Region Short Term Scientific Mission Report Maynooth, Ireland 26/08-10/09/2013 2 COST Action UAE: STSM Report - UA in the Greater Dublin Region (2013) COST Action Urban Agriculture Europe UA in the Greater Dublin Region Short Term Scientific Mission Report Maynooth, Ireland 26/08-10/09/2013 Author: WEISSINGER, Helene Photography: WEISSINGER, Helene Local organizers: CORCORAN, Mary KETTLE, Patricia Illustrations and resources are under the responsibility of the author COST Action Urban Agriculture Europe is chaired by: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Lohrberg Chair of Landscape Architecture Faculty of Architecture RWTH Aachen University e-mail:
[email protected] Professor Lionella Scazzosi PaRID - Ricerca e documentazione internazionale per il paessaggio Politecnico di Milano e-mail:
[email protected] This publication is supported by COST ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework programme 3 COST Action UAE: STSM Report - UA in the Greater Dublin Region (2013) Index 1. Purpose of the STSM .......................................................................................................................... 6 2. Methodology ....................................................................................................................................... 8 3. Results .............................................................................................................................................