DE$ IN .


ai Brown 8 9 2 7 8 Abig l ( ) , John ( ) , Abigail (4) 8 John (2) 7 5 1 1 15 25 33 n 3 8 9 Abigail ( ) , , , Joh ( ) ,

mi . 5 1 1 15 25 27 30 38 43 . 4 5 7 8 1 1 12 13 14 15 Al ra ( ) , , , , , , Rev John ( ) , , , , , , , , Anna (Wilson) 37 John (4) 8 5 1 1 15 25 31 Ri a 5 1 1 15 25 29 43 Anne Judson ( ) , , , John ch rd ( ) , , , , A . Judson (6) 38 John (6) 27 6 37 Annie (Rankin) 27 John S . ( ) A 7 s Gates 10 ntecedents , Loui a Jane ( ) Austin (6) 27 Lillian (Googins) 42 Charles (4) 8 Margarette (Phil brick) 38

s 5 1 1 15 25 36 8 . 12 1 5 35 39 43 harle ( ) , , , Maria , , , , 4 8 Charles A . (6) 37 Mary ( ) Charles (6) 27 Mary (6) 37 Eber Rose (5) 10 Mary Barkalow (Schenck) 36 6 42 R 8 9 Ellen ( ) Mary ( ose) , l z 10 m 5 12 15 25 43 E i a Ann (Knapp) Mary Si ons ( ) , , , z 4 8 8 1 1 15 24 25 Eli abeth ( ) Nancy (Payne) , , , , z 10 4 8 9 Eli abeth (Tallant) Nathaniel ( ) , z 5 1 1 15 25 38 5 1 2 15 25 40 42 Eli abeth Lewis ( ) , , , Nathaniel ( ) , , , , Esteria 5 1 1 15 25 27 29 30 31 34 6 42 ( ) , , , , , , , Nathaniel ( ) Florence E . (Lewars) 27 Philip (2) 7 42 6 26 37 Florence (Shepard) Rufus ( ) , 6 33 1753 7 8 Francis ( ) Sarah ( ) , 8 5 1 1 15 25 34 30 Hannah , Sarah ( ) , , , , Hannah (4) 8 Sarah (6) 27 Hannah Challis (5) 9 Sarah Ann (4) 8 n 5 1 1 15 25 38 39 44 ad 5 9 Ha nah Heard ( ) , , , , , Sarah Re ( ) 27 Isa (Putnam) 33 Sylvia F . (Hayward)

5 12 15 25 42 43 . 5 1 1 1 2 15 25 43 Jane Payne ( ) , , , , Sophia B ( ) , , , , m 40 42 m s 5 1 0 Jcunette Loring (E ery) , Tho as Well ( ) 1 6 8 John ( ) 7 William T . ( ) 3


M . 31 . 12 Atherton , John , Briggs , Rev Joel ,

. Farnh am 6 30 31 25 Maria B ( ) ( ) , Joseph ,

. 25 26 l l Austin, Mrs Sarah , , Brooks , Curtis,

. S . 10 m . 43 Bailey , Robert J , Burnha , Rev Jonas ,

. m 1 1 1 2 n A m Fillebrown Baldwin , Dr Tho as , , Buxton , An a l ira ( ) s A 33 27 29 Barne , nnie (Larrabee) , 6 33 i 29 Cecil ( ) Nathan el , n 33 14 Fa nie (Woods) Cary, Annie Louise,

W 33 s H. 14 Maria ( hiton) Nel on , 6 33 im 1 4 Phinehas ( ) S eon , i 1 3 32 . 8 Ph nehas, , Chadbourne, Capt Jacob ,

6 3 1 33 . m 12 Wilfred ( ) , Chaplin , Rev Jere iah , - m G . 42 . m 26 Berry , Major General Hira , Chase, Rev Ly an, m m 24 . ufu 26 Board an , Tho as , Rev R s , i 1 2 z 28 Bond , Ph neas , Cheever, Eli abeth ,

. 1 1 B . 28 Bowles , Rev Lucius , George ,

. E. 40 . 28 Brainard , C , Capt Nathaniel ,

. m s 6 m 25 Mary S (Tho p on) (Mudgett) ( ) Colby , Willia , E. 38 G . 31 Re v. Crawford , Louis , Morris , John ,

m 6 31 . 6 38 Sus an F . (Farnha ) ( ) Sarah T (Butler) ( ) 7 8 i l am 8 Cross, Ralph , , Morss, W l i , ill m 1 1 44 Curtis , W ia , Mudgett, Alfred ,

Cushin l 12 Al . 6 44 g Sa ly, fred B ( ) Dod e iBs 1 2 i s 44 g , , Charlotte (Ph llip )

B . 39 44 Eldrl d e w S . 38 g , Ed in , Charles , ,

6 38 e H. 38 Mary B . (Butler) ( ) Mason, G orge , Em n r 6 42 38 ery, An a (Butle ) ( ) Mark , ennette 42 24 J (Loring) Noyes, Nancy, kols 6 34 S . 42 u c Sidney , , Charles ( )

42 . W . 33 Judge Stephen, Dr George , h am 27 6 34 Farn , Horace Frank, George ( )

30 31 K . 34 Jonathan Everett, , atherine E (Randolph) Fill ebrown s i 6 27 i 34 , Charle Bowdo n ( ) . Lyd a (Viley) R 6 34 Helen O . (Dalton) 29 obert ( ) me 27 28 6 34 Ja s Bowdoin , , Sally ( ) 29 m 5 6 Mary Louise (Hall) Or ond , Lord, , m s 6 29 24 Tho a ( ) Osgood , John,

C01. m 1 2 28 l z 44 Tho as, , Page, Sarah E i abeth ,

F . 12 isk, Parlin , W Harrison, 12 24 Fogg, Elder, Payne, Abigail , 5 24 Fontenoy, Mar$ uise de, Betsy, z 5 6 a l l 24 Fit Geralds, , Jane (Boardm n) , 36 25 Gardner, Collin , Jane,

zz . T tu s 6 36 24 Li ie P ( y ) ( ) Polly, s 1 0 1 1 24 Gates , I rael , Richard , , 1 0 ll 24 Louisa, Sa y , 33 Pid en m n 7 8 Gibson, John S , g , Benja i , , n 9 Pierpont, Rev . Joh , 34 B n m 6 Lydia (Murphy) aseley , An ie (Skill an) Mudgett) ( ) 6 34 39 40 Margaret Stuart ( ) , m 24 B 40 Gil an, John , aseley, Edward, 26 s 24 John, Robin on , David,

1 2 A. 33 Glover, Elder, Rogers, Lincoln , ml i 41 42 6 33 Ha in, Hann bal , , Margaret (Barnes) ( ) m 9 9 Hayden , Willia Eustis , Rose, Eber, dm 7 z 9 Heard , E und , Eli abeth , 7 8 4 10 Hannah , , Eber ( ) 7 8 9 John , Mary , ,

7 C . 1 2 Luke, Rowe, Frederick ,

. m H. 44 Hobbs, Anna P (Nuckols) Seavey, Willia , m 34 F m b m 6 31 George Hel , Sellen , Mary ( a a ( )

n 7 B . 31 Hunt, Agnes , T . , J a ckson m 29 il m 40 , Willia , Sk l an , John,

. i 12 14 Leonard , Rev Lew s , Stockbridge, Marcia, z 14 Lewis, Eli abeth , Maria . n l 40 W . . 10 m . Lincol , Caro ine M (Coburn) Tho pson, M , m 1 1 r T 43 Deacon He an, Th elkeld , Annette ( aylor)

v 39 n . 6 43 Lines , Cal in , An ie B ( ) Jane (Mudgett) (6) 39 Frances (Bassett) 43 s r 8 6 43 Man u , George Nuckols ( )

. C . 33 T . 43 Martin , A , Logan , 6 6 43 Clara (Barnes) ( ) 33 Thomas B . ( ) M on eau 35 m . 6 43 j , Cleophas , Willia L ( ) mm . T 6 43 t us 6 35 m i n . l ( E a J ( y ) ( ) Tri ble, M n ie B (Thre keld) )

9 N H. 43 Morgan, John Pierpont, elson , T tu s e 6 36 ni 7 y , Charl s ( ) Warner, Da el , 35 Charlotte M . (Davis)

. 6 35 7 Edward J ( ) Nathaniel,

s 34 35 n l . i e 26 27 Franci Jefferson, , We de l , Prof Ol v r, ,

. 6 36 s Ed P . 39 John B ( ) We ton, ward , 36 28 Minnesota (Ewing) Nathan, VanBrou h eri 36 42 g , Cath ne, Wood , George, 1 1 nn 6 42 Vining, Jea ie (Butler) ( ) e 6 33 42 Ware, Adela (Barn s) ( ) Nathaniel Milton, 33 7 Walter, Wyatt, Sarah .


l Ill 15 40 m . 1 7 21 A ton, , , Liver ore, Me , ,

m s . 24 K . 30 31 A e bury , Mass , Louisville, y , ,

as . 30 n O . 15 34 35 36 37 38 39 Attleboro, M s , Middletow , , , , , , , , ,

rn . 39 40 44 43 Aubu , Me , , ,

. 26 38 42 i . 1 9 Augusta, Me , , , M not, Me ,

. 1 7 32 40 m . 17 Bangor, Me , , , Mon outh , Me ,

. 18 21 . . 1 7 Bath , Me , , Mt Vernon, Me ,

a s . 1 0 r as . 7 8 1 7 Be chmont, Mas , Newbu y , M s , , ,

h am . 17 ss . 7 8 9 17 24 25 32 Bowdoin , Me , Newburyport, Ma , . , , , ,

. 26 e 1 7 Bridgton , Me , New Glouc ster, Maine,

. H. 30 s 20 21 32 o . Brun wick, Me , , , New L ndon, N ,

. 42 as . 27 29 Burlington , Wis , Newton, M s , ,

m . 29 s . 29 Ca bridge, Mass , Newtonville, Ma s

m . 40 s 27 29 Ca den, Me , North An on , Me ,

Ann 7 o . 40 Cape , North Vassalbor , Me , Y 1 1 8 31 36 Il l 15 t . 14 7 , , North armou h , Me , , , ,

1 H. 9 1 1 O . 5 am . Chillicothe, , Nottingh , N , ,

. 21 25 32 . 32 China, Me , , , Orland , Me ,

m lVIills . 31 . 40 Cu berland , Me , , Me ,

. 20 i l . 42 Danville, Me , Paris H l , Me ,

. 40 Ill . 15 39 Dexter, Me , Peoria, , ,

s . 21 Pa . 8 East Brun wick , Me , Philadelphia, ,

E . 12 25 26 27 29 33 s u . 1 8 ast Winthrop, Me , , , , , , Phipp b rg , Me ,

36 43 . 1 7 24 25 27 29 31 32 42 , Portland , Me , , , , , , ,

. 1 7 22 29 38 e 10 Fayette, Me , , , , R vere,

O . 15 36 37 38 39 Ro k . 40 42 Franklin , , , , , , c land, Me , ,

. 1 7 20 26 27 a as . 7 8 1 1 24 25 Freeport, Me , , , , S lisbury , M s , , , , , 8 K . 1 4 3 40 H. w 5 30 3 s . 9 Georgeto n , y , , , , , Sali bury , N ,

m . 42 Sebasticook . 22 Gorha , Me , , Me ,

. 19 m I . 44 Green , Me , Sey our , nd ,

l . 14 17 19 26 28 34 38 l K . 15 33 43 Hallowe l , Me , , , , , , , , Shelbyvil e, y , , ,

39 40 41 43 44 n . 17 , , , , Sid ey , Me ,

. 1 1 12 1 9 22 25 27 29 . . 20 Hanover, Mass , , , , , , , , South Leeds Me ,

31 33 34 36 38 39 m . 20 , , , , , Topsha , Me ,

l . 21 u . 40 Harpswel , Me , T rner, Me ,

. 20 s . 1 9 Hebron , Me , Wale , Me ,

, 5 a 10 House Beautiful Warrenton Street Ch pel ,

I . 17 21 ndustry , Me , , l 1 7 1 8 Watervi le College, ,

wi . 7 1 1 29 s ch , Mass , , , . 1 2 17 1 8 30 32 40 ’ Waterville, Me , , , , , , Ip . 29 ent s Hill , Me , . 1 4 1 7 K l 56 Wayne, Me , , i kenny Castle, l . 26 27 K 40 We ls , Me , , Leavenworth , ansas,

. a . 34 s ( ) V , s . 17 Winche ter ondon Co Leed , Me , L 8 . 19 27 28 31 3 43 x K . 43 , Le ington , y , Winthrop , Me , , , , ,


Cha rles Bowdoin Ellebrown Rev . John Butler Nancy (Payne) Butler v Re . John Butler (miniature) Nancy (Payne) Butler (miniature)

tis h H ass . ri al Bap t Churc , anover, M (o gin ) Letter of Acce ) tance (facsimile)

i Chu rcli r s . es Bapt st , North Hanove , Ma s (pr ent)

Re s r a . idence, North Hanove , M ss M Baptist Church , East Winthrop, aine as Winthro Residence, E t Maine s N rt armou th Bapti t Church , o h , Maine e Y R sidence, North armouth , Maine e l R sidence, Hallowe l , Maine Sermon Notes (facsimile) Polly (Payne) Osgood John Osgood Betsy (Pa e) Robinson Davl d Ro i1ns on Sally (Payne) Colby Jose h Briggs Dr . John Richard Butler Sarah (Chase) (Austin) Butler Almira (Butler) Fillebrown James Bowdoin Fill ebrown Almira (Butler) Fillebrown (tintype) James Bowdoin Fill ebrown (1 8 75) Almira (Butler) Fill ebrown (miniature) James Bowdoin Fill ebrown (miniature) Esteria (Butler) Farnam Jonathan Everett Farnam Esteri a (Butler) Farnam (miniature) Jona than Everett Farnam (miniature) Anne Judson (Butler) Barnes Phinehas Barnes Anne Judson (Butler) Barnes (miniature)

r . Dr. Geo e W Nuckols (miniature) Abigail u tler) (Gibson) Nuckols

. s Dr George W . Nuckol Sarah (Butler) Tytus Francis Jefferson Tytus Charles Butler Mary (Schenck) Butler Catherine VanBroug Hannah (Butler) Mu dgett Edward P . Weston Hannah Heard (Butler) (Mudgett) Weston Rev . Nathaniel Butler Jcu nette (Emery) Butler Maria (Butler) Mudgett Alfred M u dgett Maria (Butler) Mudgett (18 80)


HE following pages are the result of a belated T effort to preserve for their descendants what remains at hand of the story of the lives of a venerated father and mother and their fou rt een wi children , together th a simple enumeration of t heir h ’ hi c ildren s c ldren . It is a matter of extreme regret that this work might not have been begun a generation ago during the lives of those whose memory covered du e the period . Acknowledgments are to the many cousins who have helped to attain this approach to completeness .


u 1 908 . , Mass . , Febr ary ,


LTHOUGH the English generation of Rev . John

Butler has not been traced , the following men tion of the origin of the name of Butler by the

present Marquise de Fontenoy , to be found in a “ ” magazine The House Beautiful , Chicago , February

1 907 . , is thought to be of interest

lk n C I Theobald Walter, Lord Ormonde , of Ki e ny astle , reland , a e C brother of Hub rt Walter, Archbishop of anterbury , in the time of R Co m ichard eur de Lion , first assu ed the surname of Butler after being invested with the hereditary dignity of Chief Butler of Ireland by King ” Henry II .

Respecting the antiquity of the name , the following bit of historical romance is cherished as being worth preserving .

The two leading Anglo- Irish families in Ireland have long been the - m Fitz Geralds and the Butlers . From being co rades in arms of the i invad ng Strongbow , they became by degrees rival barons , and fierce

- contestants for the vice sovereignty of their adopted country . In the R Wars of the oses , the Butlers sided with the white rose of Lancaster,

- a nd the Fitz Geralds with the red rose of Y ork . Factions gathered around the two great houses , and the bitter feud brought forth death and bloodshed from as early as 1 250 down to the Williamite Wars . The ai E Butlers , whose chief had att ned the dignity of arl of Ormonde , suc ce eded hi z - in crus ng the power of the elder branch of the Fit Geralds , I hi E . arls of Desmond t is told of a warlike Desmond that , w le he was i ’ being borne prisoner on the locked sh elds of his feudal foe s clansmen , ‘ the Butlers taunted him with the bitter words : Where is now the proud ‘ ’ Fitz- Gerald To whom the indomitable earl answered : E tz- Gerald ’ y is where he ought to a the necks of the Butlers . This proud repl will give an idea of the intensity of the strife . 5 B FAMILY OF REV . JOHN U TLER

’ N ow it happened that her Majesty s Irish Vice roy gave a garde n the e e hi e e e hidden party in vic regal lodg at Dublin , and t th r w r by accident the e e e the C Marquis of Ormond , pr sent h ad of Butler family, ommander the R Y e the a e of oyal acht Squadron , the premi r yacht club of world in g e the u I e and importanc , most pop lar of rish landlords , in p rson tall and ea e handsome , an app ranc singularly in keeping with that of his stately e l e C e the e e e I e hom at Ki k nny astl , old st r sidenc in reland , and the littl - e e e C the e t e . Duk of L inst r, boyish hieftain of hous of G rald With the e ui e e e a e a e duk , who was not q t nin y ars of g , c m his widowed mother, one of th e beautiful Duncombe siste rs . “ The e e her e Duchess of L inst r lost sight of son for a spac , and in going the e e to look for lad found him engaged in earn st conv rsation with a tall , e e e e e the lderly g ntl man , in whom she was surpris d to r cognize Marquis

. her hi sh e of Ormonde What was horror when , on approac ng nearer, distinctly heard the youthful Geraldine remark in somewhat slangy phrase : “ ‘ el I ea e W l , suppose I ought to punch your h d on account of the f ud , ’ ’ I e ec C we but say, you know , you r too jolly d ent a chap for that an t ’ shake hands and call it square ? With the utmost gravity Lord Ormonde grasped the small hand of e e a foe the e e e ul e his h r dit ry , and when amus d moth r cam to congrat at e the six e t she th m on happy settlement of hundr d years of bit erness , e u e e found young hop f l perch d , lik his famous ancestor, on the neck of h t e Butle r . “ e e e one the e the Thus nd d a feud , undoubt dly of old st, and possibly ” e bloodi st, in the world . ANTECEDENTS OF REV . JOHN BUTLER .

OLUM ES of Butler genealogies afford but mea

gre records of the antecedents of Rev . John - u Butler . His great grandfather , John B tler came to America from the Island of Guern i sey , England , w th his sons Philip and John , and settled - on Cape Ann . His great grandmother came also from u I England when yo ng and settled in swich , Mass . a nu a r 1 7 51 His grandfather , John Butler born y, , d in Newbury ort , was a ship carpenter , and live at

. d Ca e Ann is wife , Hannah Heard , was a descen ant of uke Heard . Luke Heard was the son of Edmund Heard of Cla x ton , County Norfolk , England , who married Sarah

Wyatt of Assington , England . He came to Massa ch u setts e wbu r , first to N y, thence to Salisbury , thence

. 1 647 to Ipswich He died in Ipswich in , leaving two sons , John and Edmund . Edmund settled in 1 672 Ipswich , and married in Elizabeth Warner ,

hi . daughter of Daniel Warner , and had six c ldren

1 1 68 5 . One son , Nathaniel , was born September , The banns of his marriage to Agnes Hunt we re pub li h e d 1 1 09 s 0 7 . hi December , He had five c ldren , H anna h Hea rd John , William , Elizabeth , Sarah and ,

(wife of John Butler , all of whom were mentioned - 9 1 730 1 . in his will , January , 2 1 756 1 7 68 John Butler ( ) conveyed , to , lots of Pid en land in Newbury to Ral h Cross and Benjamin g , and received deed of and from his mother , Sarah

1 7 52 . Butler (widow) , in FAMILY OF REV . JOHN BUTLER

1 : Es ex n e hi and s Deeds , Joh Butl r, s pwright, wife , Hannah , of

e R C . ewbu r ort . N wburyport, to alph ross Jr land in N yp Signed April

- 1 8 1 768 . R . 1 1 768 . . 1 26 7 . , ecorded Oct , L 2 : E Pid en ewbu r —45 in N ew ssex Deeds , Benjamin g of N y rods land - 4 1 758 . R e 1 765 . . 1 1 8 240. bury . Signed May , ecord d L

3 : E ee i Pid en . ssex D ds , John Butler to Benjam n g land in Newbury

- R e . 27 1 765 . . 1 1 6 262. ecord d Sept , L

d . 4 : E e . ssex Deeds, Sarah Butler to John Butler, N wbury, Mass wi ow

. 1 1 98 . Pd by my son John Butler of Newbury, shipwright , rods , ft of land

2d 1 752. e . 23 bordering on my land . Signed June Acknowl dged Mar ,

1 756. R . 30 1 765 . ecorded Oct ,

John Butler father of Rev . John Butler , was ewbu r ort 1 751 born in N yp in January , , and died in 8 1 35 . ri He mar ed Abigail Brown of Philadelphia ,

Pa . 1 756 , who was born in Salisbury in and died 1 8 in Newbu ryport in 30. Both were members of ’ Dr . Spring s Congregational Church . Of their nine children the record shows :

O N J H , died in infancy .

ELI ZAB E rH l e 1 7 1 777 . , married Wil iam Morss , died Novemb r , N N l 30 1 78 1 i d 1 8 HA AH , born Ju y , , d e

B G 1 8 1 1 . n . A I AIL, died Abigail or Han ah married a Fisk

A ANN C Cha dbou m e . SAR H , married aptain Jacob

REV . O N 1 3 1 78 9 31 1 8 1 1 J H born April , , married May , ,

n . 1 1 8 56. Nancy Pay e Died July , C e e two HARLES , di d ag d years

ri . MARY , mar ed Mansur

T N 10 1 795 . 1 3 1 8 1 9 NA HA IEL born October , Married April , ,

R e . 1 0 1 8 53 . Mary os Died March ,

It will be noticed that of the above nine children of John Butler , two sons , John and Charles , died in infancy , and only two sons , John and Nathaniel , lived to manhood and married . It seems proper to enter here the family record , so far as known , of this

Nathaniel , brother of Rev . John Butler , and six years his junior .

NATHANIEL BUTLER brother of Rev . John

Butler , second grown son (ninth and youngest child) 8 FAMILY OF REV . JOHN BUTLER

of John and Abigail (Brown) Butler , was born in

H. 1 0 1 7 95 . Nottingham , N . , October , He attended l u the country schools , and by self cu tivation acq ired

a good , practical English education . When a lad

he worked on a farm in Salisbury , N . H . When a

young man he went to sea for some months , coasting

w . . e bu r ort . between N yp , Mass , and Georgetown , D C About 1 8 1 6 he returned to Boston and commenced ’ working at the mason s trade , which he had thoroughly l learned . He took some contracts himse f , but mostly worked for large contractors on public buildings and

residence blocks . He continued in this business until his death ; his advice being frequently sought by some ’ 1 8 48 of Boston s largest capitalists . In , being out

of health , he made a sea voyage to New Orleans and 1 8 50 Texas , and in a passage to San Francisco via

Cape Horn , returning home over the Panama route . 1 3 1 8 1 9 He married , April , , Mary Rose , daughter of

Eber and Elizabeth Rose of Newburyport , Mass . Theirs was the first marriage solemnized in Boston by

Rev . John Pierpont , grandfather of John Pierpont

Morgan , the New York financier . Nathaniel Butler 1 0 1 8 53 died in Boston March , , and is buried in his

family lot in Forest Hills Cemetery , West Roxbury ,

Mass .

Mary Rose Butler , his wife , was born in Newbury 7 1 7 8 8 port , Mass . , February , , and died in Boston ,

1 7 1 8 78 ni . May , at the age of nety She was a woman earnestly religious and of an humble , exemplary life .

In early womanhood she joined the Methodist Church , wearing the traditional drab bonnet of that sect .

. R D o 31 1 8 21 . 1 3 i SARAH EA , born in Bost n , October , Died June ,

1 8 25 .

Ii . H NN CHALLI s 7 1 8 24 . 1 i 26 A AH , born May , Married ( ) Apr l , 1 8 46 l E t 27 , in Boston , Wil iam us is Hayden (born November , 1 8 22 e 28 2 4 1 8 52 , died Decemb r , ( ) November , , 9 FAMILY OF REV . JOHN BUTLER

R . . l 1 1 1 8 20 e 28 obert J S Bai ey (born March , , di d November ,

R k Cal . esided with daughter Helen in Oa land , B RO r 0 8 2 E e 1 1 7 . ER SE, born in Boston F brua y , He attended r the p imary school between the ages of four and seven , and i h E later the Fort H ll and the Wint rop School in ast Street , 1 8 39 from which he graduated in , and was awarded a Franklin

. E i Medal At the nglish H gh School on Pinckney Street , he

again received the Franklin Medal in 1 8 43 . He lived in ni ee 1 8 62 Boston , or vici ty, except for the eighteen years betw n 1 8 8 0 e Y C and , during which period he liv d in New ork ity, where he engaged in the manufacture of medallions and other z e bron e goods , having invent d the first bronze door knobs and a locks used in America . In Boston he was for several years 1 8 8 0- 8 l bookkeeper, and later, , was wel known as the minister r of the War enton Street Chapel . He engaged in various a 1 8 8 9 charit ble works . In he was minister of the First Unita

R . rian Parish in evere , Mass , and was also first pastor of the

Unitarian parish in Beachmont . In the church edifice at

Beachmont a memorial Window was placed about 1 901 . This ai window , which is a handsome st ned glass reproduction of The ” M ll et Sower by , was removed to the Barnard Memorial , War

renton Street, Boston , the scene of his prolonged labors , and dedi

ca ted w u 4 906. I ith memorial services on S nday, November , 1 t “ e I E R e b ars the inscription , n memory of ber os Butler, born

e 10 18 27 20 1 901 . 1 F bruary , , died February , He married ( )

e 1 1 1 8 52 u e . Novemb r , , Lo isa Jane Gat s (born in Stowe , Mass ,

28 1 8 23 I . June , , daughter of srael and Louisa Gates) She was a beloved teacher in Warrenton Street Chapel in its early e wi U days , and was afterwards connect d th the Fourth nitarian

Society of . She attended the Johnson Gram

ee . I h mar School , Tremont Str t, Boston n child ood she was

a member of the Sunday schools of Rev . Mr . Motte and Rev .

. I f Mr Huntington . n later li e she was active in Sunday school ,

church and charity work . She died in Bloomfield , N . J July

H 2 20 1 8 8 5 . 1 3 1 8 8 3 . e d , marrie ( ) July , , in Worcester, Mass ,

. C e . C Mrs arolin M Lincoln (maiden name oburn) , born March

1 , 1 8 32 .

OM S 1 1 1 8 29 26 1 8 8 3 . TH A WELLS , born July , , died February , 1 9 1 8 50 E Married ( ) August , , liza Ann Knapp (born August

29 2 E 1 8 56. , ( ) lizabeth Tallant ,

1 0


m m th Dodge from the church in Salem were e bers of e Council . Churches in Bridgewater, Kingston and Danvers were represented . Dr . Baldwin

a nd R . i C C . R . was Moderator, ev Jerem ah haplin , lerk evs Joel Briggs R d of andolph , and Lewis Leonar of Boston , who were present , were

C . C . invited to sit with the ouncil The call of the hurch to Bro Butler,

. e and his reply, were read He th n recounted the relation of the work of him Divine Grace on his heart , his motives in taking upon the gospel ‘ his a ministry , and views of the fundament l doctrines contained in the ’

. hi C Holy Scriptures T s being entirely satisfactory, the ouncil voted to ‘ ni i ’ ordain him as soon as we can conve ently repa r to the place of worship . ‘ That Dr . Baldwin make the introductory prayer and preach the sermon ,

Eld. El . l d E d. Briggs make the ordaining prayer, Bowles give the charge ,

C C Eld. haplin express the fellowship of the hurches , and Glover make ’ the concluding prayer . At about half after eleven A . M . the Council proceeded to the Meeting House where the above services were held in ”

. re the presence of a solemn and attentive audience Mr . Butler — signed the pastoral office early in 1 8 24 History of the Hanover Baptist

Chu rch , 1 8 8 9 .

1 8 24 From Hanover , Mass . , he removed in to

Waterville , Me . where his son Nathaniel was born .

Here he had charge of a school for one year , preaching i in various places during the time . He bapt zed 1 1 8 25 a sixty persons . May , , he was installed s the

first pastor of the Baptist Church at East Winthrop , B >I< . . ond Me , Mr Phineas , a licentiate , having supplied the pulpit for about a year subsequent to the dedica 3000 tion of the $ edifice , November The 1 8 24 8 00 parsonage , built for him in at a cost of $ , and in which he lived seven years , was after him occupied by Elder Fogg for fourteen years , and later by W . Harrison Parlin during his life , and is now 1 90 owned and occupied ( 7) by Frederick C . Rowe of an old Winthrop family . Here were born four children , Jane Payne , Mary Simons , Sophia B . and

Maria S . He established here a school for young ladies which is thus described by William Harrison

Parlin in his Reminiscences of East Winthrop .

*M ’ r . w Bond s ife was the daughter of Sally Cushing, second wife of Col

m Fillebrown fa th er m Fillebrown . Tho as , who was of Ja es Bowdoin 1 2






8 W l E hn a l 1 25 . lder Jo Butler c me here in Apri , hi e the house $before him his — a m n — mentioned] was building for , family nu erous o e was accommodated in the various households of the village . E There came with him a Miss lizabeth Lewis , a celebrated school l teacher . Together they estab ished a school for young ladies , in which E . hi were taught the higher nglish branches , astronomy , painting , etc T s i ‘ ’ ’ i school , or Female Sem nary, or Butler s School as it was fam liarly a i l a ll c lled , became exceed ngly popu ar, so much so that from parts of the

Sta te young ladies of wealth and refinement attended . The school was l very large , the scholars fil ing every house that could , or would , aecom m odate r m boarders , and , during te m ti e , causing the inhabitants of the

l m . vi lage to be composed , apparentlyg, mostly of fe ales They were the

l . ru ing element and gave tone to society They were a lively set . The young native swains of the village were mostly too unsophisticated , uncouth ful and bash , to venture on an intimate acquaintance with the representa tives of so much wealth and caste , except in one instance , to which reference will be had anon .

l a nd The school occupied the gal ery vestry of the church , and , when those premises were too limited , the school house was used as an annex to relieve the crowded condition of the church . ’ This was before the church was altered in 58 . The gallery then i ’ occupied three sides of the house , and the vestry was where the s ngers

e . seats now are , separat d from the auditorium and gallery by a partition t At the close of each term there was an exhibi ion , which drew from w far and near the parents and friends of the pupils , ith their stylish turn outs , to convey them home , there being no railroad trains as now . During hi fl these ex bitions the village had an over owing population , more em phatically so than during an Association or Convention .

Almost all of the scholars had painted maps , some three or four feet l square , and these were placed on the walls of the ga lery extending nearly ‘ around it . At the bottom of each was the name of the artist , thus , Pro ’ ‘ ’ ected . j by Miss Betty Blank The Orrery was , to young eyes , a marvel n ous piece of mechanism . By just turning a small cra k a miniature i world was set in mot on , each and every planet revolving in its allotted time and in its orbicular place . The representative of the sun was a a golden ball stuck on a wire in the centre , about as large as a pe ch ; Mars was a little red fellow ; the earth resembled a pota to ball ; and the other ‘ ’ i planets were white and of ivory, each in its proper station moved , hav ng hi its relative proportion , stretc ng away into the regions of space , till far

Off Uranus completed the miniature world . “ ‘ a ll That school was of great renown , and its fame had gone out into ’ ‘ ’ a i the earth . The est blishment of a permanent Female Sem nary on the opposite side of the street from the church , was much mooted at one 1 3 FAMILY OF REV . JOHN BUTLER

a ll ti time . The site was that the most fas dious could desire , the location

e . central , and the wants of the public requir d it “ One summer in term time a tribe of Indians camped in the woods

C . E on the other side of the lake , just east of uba lder Butler several All times preached to them . the boats to be had plied continually on th e i I di lake , carry ng the scholars and others over to see the n ans . Their t n red e visits were of en retur ed by the men in their birch cano s , in order to ‘ ’ —e a firewa ter trade at the store , xch nging their baskets for and decorative trinkets . “ Among the many young ladies who attended this school were two

. e Y . daughters , Maria and Marcia , of Dea Stockbridg of North armouth ’ They boarded at Simeon Cary s . He lived then in the house next south ’ Ba ch elder s of Mr. , on the road , as it then was , running over the Blunt n hill from the poplar tree to where the new road i tersects it this side of Mr . ’ Marrow s . “

C . a e Mr . ary had a son , Nelson H He t ught the school her one or

r e his . more te ms , the writer b ing one of pupils He was a young man of o ai g od address ; tall , straight and muscular, with blue eyes , light h r and

fl x . orid comple ion Physically, he resembled his father more than his e ul mother, but his native musical gifts wer more partic arly inherited from i be his mother, who , it w ll recollected , was awarded the place of honor — at the dedication by the seating committee and very justly so, for she was the sweetest and most charming singer our young ears had then heard . a The Misses Stockbridge , boarding in the family, were lso excellent

. C NIiss e r singers . Nelson H ary and Maria Stockbridge form d a recip ocal (if ss attachment culminating in marriage . These were the parents lVIi n C An ie Louise ary , the celebrated contralto singer, whose fame is world

. . C i wide Dr ary, choosing the profession of med cine , first settled in ” Wayne , where Annie Louise was born . From 1 8 3 1 to 1 8 37 Elder Butler was settled at North

Yarmouth , Me . For one year and eight months , 1 0 1 8 35 beginning October , , he was the Agent of the

Maine Baptist Convention , traveling during the first twelve months something over five thousand miles . f This o fice he resigned on account of failing health . 1 8 39 1 8 49 For ten following years , to , he was an ” evangelist , residing most of the time at Hallowell ,

Me . The house shown in which he lived most of the

- time during this period is unaltered to day , except by the disappearance of a small ell . It stands on

. 47 the north side of Winthrop Street , No , between 1 4 FAMILY OF REV . JOH N BUTLER

’ La ke m an s Lane and Pleasant Street . This period of his life is fully accounted for in the extracts given from his diary . 1 8 1 2 1 8 30 Between the years and , fourteen children were born to Rev . John and Nancy Payne Butler . The first death in the family was that of Sophia

1 8 30 1 904 . in , the last that of Charles in Sophia , twin sister of Maria , died in babyhood , Jane at the m age of seventeen . Three of the number , John , Al ira Fillebrown , and Anne Barnes , spent the most of their l . ives in their native State of Maine The other nine , Este ria - T tu s Farnam , Abigail Gibson Nuckols , Sarah y , - Charles , Elizabeth Nason , Hannah Mudgett Weston ,

Nathaniel , Mary Simons Threlkeld , and Maria S . E t ria K s e . Mudgett , all went west ; to Georgetown , y ; K Abigail and Mary Simons to Shelbyville , y. ; Sarah ,

Charles , Elizabeth and Maria to Middletown , Ohio ;

Hannah to Chillicothe , Ohio , and Peoria and Chicago , 1 11. Ill . ; Nathaniel to Alton , Both John and Nancy Payne Butler died at the home of their son Charles Butler in Franklin , Ohio , 1 1 8 56 i — he on July , , at the age of s xty seven , and she 1 0 1 8 57 - on Al ril , , aged sixty nine . He is described a livin by g friend , who knew him in his old age , as entlem a n a lovely Christian , with sadness in his eyes and lines in his fa ce as of one to whom life had ” brought many sorrows and disappointments . And his wife as “ a woman of strong character and great capabilities . She had performed the varied and trying ’ mi duties of a minister s wife , had reared a large fa ly of sons and daughters , had seen them one by one go out from the old home to enter a larger world , and now with strength failing , she had laid down the burdens and active duties of life , and was content to leave them in other hands , and with sweet patience and resignation was looking forward to the end of a l ” long and useful ife . 1 5 B FAMILY OF REV . JOHN UTLER

1 8 40 Rev . John Butler made in a compilation of familiar hymns for church use which passed through three editions . The tune of Ortonville is well remem bered as one of his especial favorites . He was the author of several books , of which the following are catalogued in the Bibliography of the State of Maine by Williamson , said to be found in the State Library at Augusta .

- - C 1 78 9 1 8 56 1 8 25 1 8 35 . John Butler, lergyman , , resided in Maine h Definitions and explanations in geography and astronomy , by Jo n

C . Butler, pastor of the Baptist hurch at Winthrop , Me and Principal of

. : : the female academy in that place Hallowell Glazier Co . printers — 3 1 8 25 1 2mo . pp . 1 Friendly Letters to a Lady in which several doctrines of the gospel are

di . n . Chu rch Winth ro explained and scussed By Joh Butler, Pastor Bap , p,

. : . 1 8 30 1 6 . . 1 04 . . Me Boston James Loring, pr , mo pp Library No

R . A letter to the ev John Butler, containing a review of his Friendly Letters to a Lady ” together with a general outline of the doctrine of the

i . . Free W ll Baptists , by a Free Will Baptist Library No “

f . a t God not the e ficient cause of Sin A sermon delivered Hanover,

. h C Y Mass by Jo n Butler of the Baptist hurch in North armouth , Maine , I : Let no man say when he is tempted , am tempted of God for , God n m a n : ca not be tempted with evil , neither tempteth he any But every man his is tempted when he is drawn away of own lust , and enticed . Boston ,

. . 39 R . e Pr by Jonathan Howe , No Merchants ow Library numb r


‘ The following notes are ta ke n from a m emorandum ” 1 8 5 1 made by Rev . John Butler from his Journal in , when he was sixty- two years of age : “ I hope I experienced a saving change of heart in 1 8 02 w , ithin a few months of my being fourteen years old . I have reason to believe that my mind was awakened , and brought under saving conviction for sin , by the preaching of Rev . Thomas Paul , a coloured man , and a very humble and faithful servant of Christ whose labours were blessed to the salvation of many souls . Brother Paul was afterward settled in Boston , 1 6 FAMILY OF REV . JOHN BUTLER

1 8 06 Mass . I was baptized in , and united with the

Baptist Church in Newbury and Newburyport . I hope my wife experienced a saving change of heart 1 8 wi 1 8 07 . S h e 07 in was baptized in , and united th the Baptist Church in Newbury and Newburyport . “ In 1 8 27 - 8 I delivered Astronomical Lectures in the following places : “ L1ve rm ore Wayne , , New Gloucester , Bowdoinham ,

Mount Vernon , Fayette , Monmouth and North Yar ” i n mouth : for which I received pecuniary com ensa t o . 1 8 Wa te rvi le l 27 . I was elected a Trustee of Col ege ,

Me . I have attended every annual meeting but three since that time .

1 8 28 . , November Preached at the Dedication of

Baptist Meetinghouse in Industry , Me .

1 8 29 . c , January Preached at the Dedi ation of the

Baptist M eetin house in Monmouth . elivered di December . the charge , at the or nation of Rev . Mr . Thresher to the pastoral charge of the

Baptist Church in Portland , Me . 1 t 8 30. Delivered the charge at the installa ion of

Rev . T . B . Ripley to the pastoral care of Baptist

Church in Bangor , Me .

Delivered the charge at the ordination of Rev . Mr . Fites to the pastoral care of the Baptist Church in

v . Water ille , Me

Delivered the charge at the ordination of Rev . W .

Foss , to the labours of an Evangelist , in Leeds .

Delivered the charge at the ordination of Rev . Mr . Porter to the labours of an Evangelist in Second

Church in Sidney , Me .

In behalf of the Council , gave the hand of Fellow shi at the Constitution of the Second Baptist Church ll w ll a o e . in , Me

1 8 3 1 . Preached at the ordination of Rev . N . Sever to the labours of an Evangelist in Freeport , Me .

Delivered the charge at the installation of Rev . Mr . 1 7 R EV N B FAMILY OF . JOH UTLER

Gre en to pastoral care of the Baptist Church in Water

l . vi le , Me u Appointed a Tr stee of the Maine Baptist Convention . Appointed a member of the Board of the Maine

Branch of Northern Baptist Education Society .

1 8 31 . Appointed on the Western Examining Com mittee of the Maine Branch of Northern Baptist

Education Society .

1 8 32 . , January Appointed President of the Cum berla n d Baptist American Foreign Missionary Society . A pointed by the Cumberland $ uarterly Conference to a gdress the churches connected with the Conference ’ ' Z t u gh the medium of ion s Advocate . tApI) ointed to deliver an address before the Temper e ance goci ty of North Yarmouth . Delivered an address before the Temperance Society

u . at Waln t Hill , North Yarmouth On the 25th of July Waterville College conferred on me the degree of A . M .

1 8 33 . Preached before the Cumberland Foreign

Missionary Society .

By re uest , delivered an address before the Tem n e ociet pera c y in Bath .

By request , delivered an address before the Tem

era nce . p Society In Phippsburg , Me Appointed President of the Maine Baptist State i Convent on . Appointed Chairman of the Executive Board of

Northern Baptist Education Society . serv1 ces f The above are a part of the which , at di ferent

i . times , have been ass gned me by my Brethren

REVIVALS OF RELIGION . When many of the church become much quickened

in the divine life , and fervent In the exercises and duties l of re igion , and become unusually fervent in their prayers for the salvation of souls ; when backsliders are 1 8


weeks , and two days ; during which time seventy were born into the Kingdom of Christ , as I hope . I baptized -five s thirty at one time , and even at another , making - forty two .

1 8 38 . Danville , Me . , May , I laboured here about three weeks . Fifteen were hopefully converted . I bap tized twelve .

1 8 39 . Hebron , Me . , February , Something more than eighty professed a change of heart before I left

- them . The oldest was ninety six years old . She was u nable to attend meeting , but the Lord blessed her at home . The youngest was ten years old . I baptized fi - - ft . y nine I baptized forty six at one time , and - fi twelve at another time . Of those baptized twenty ve

- - were brethren , twenty one sisters , and twenty two were heads of families . After I left them , the work continued and spread , till not less than two hundred professed to experience conversion to God . I laboured with them about six weeks 1 8 39 e Freeport , Me . , May , . Seventy indulg d a hope

- in the pardoning mercy of God . I baptized sixty three , - about one third of whom were heads of families . I laboured here three months .

1 8 39 . South Leeds , Me . , October , Twenty pro fessed a hope . I baptized ten , three of whom were deaf mutes , two brothers and one sister . They could read and write . After I left the I lace the work spread believed nearly over the town , and it was not less than one hundred and fifty were converted to God . A u church was formed , and a meeting house b ilt in the

art of the town where the revival commenced . I u pa b o red here three weeks .

. 28 1 8 39 . Topsham , Me , December , I laboured here about two weeks , during which ten or twelve obtained a hope in pardoning mercy . The work extended into the other societies , and into Brunswick , and continued more than three months . It was believed 20 FAMILY OF REV . JOHN BUTLER not less than two hundred became the subjects of saving grace . In connection with this revival a Baptist church was constituted in Brunswick , and a meeting house built . In this revival my three youngest children obtained a hope in Christ .

1 8 40. Harpswell , Me . , January , I preached here by request of the Congregational Church . I laboured - five e three weeks . Thirty professed a hop before I left them , after which the work spread and extended to some of the Islands . It was a great work , and most of the converts united with the Congregational Church .

This church had almost lost its visibility . It was one of the oldest churches in the State . Their meeting house had been built about one hundred years and was now unfit for use . But the church was now so strengthened as to build a meeting house , and settle a minister .

1 8 40. Bath , Me . , February , I laboured here three weeks . Before I left forty obtained a hope and a few were baptized by the pastor .

i . 1 8 40. East Brunsw ck , Me , March , Here I laboured about four weeks . Forty hopefully experienced renew

- ing grace . I baptized twenty nine . 1 8 4 1 Industry , Me . , February , . I laboured in this place two weeks . Christians were much revived , and forty were hopefully converted to God . On my w way home , my horse died . I had travelled ith this horse during my labours in twenty - two revivals of religion . This was a painful loss to me .

1 8 4 1 . Livermore , Me . , March , I laboured here six weeks . Sixty professed to experience renewing grace ,

- thirty of whom were heads of families . Fifty three were baptized .

. 1 8 43 . China , Me , January , I laboured here five weeks . Eighty professed to experience renewing grace .

- - I baptized thirty seven , twenty nine of whom I baptized at one time . One of the converts had been for sev 21 B FAMILY OF R EV . JOH N UTLER

- eral years a professed and whole hearted infidel . This conversion was the most extraordinary case I ever knew .

Seb a sticook . 1 8 43 . , Me , May , I laboured here for about two weeks . Ten were hopeful ly converted to the Lord .

. 1 8 46 . Fayette , Me , January , During about five weeks eighty obtained a joyful hope in Christ . I

x . baptized si ty The oldest was seventy years old , and

- the youngest about eleven . Twenty four were members of the Sabbath School . I laboured here six months . 1 8 47 Hanover , Mass . , January , . Here I spent sev eral weeks . Some of the church were much nick r ened , and twenty we e hopefully converted to the ord . The second revival I ever laboured in was in this - church and congregation thirty seven years before . Here I was ordained and laboured as pastor of this church fourteen years . This is the last revival I have e njoyed . It was a most precious season to me . And “ m e ‘ not now , I would humbly say , Not unto , unto me , but to thy name be all the glory , O Lord , my strength , and my Redeemer . ni In these eighteen revivals , not less than ne hundred hopefully experienced the renewing grace , and pardon ing mercy of God , with whose religious exercises I was personally and minutely acquainted . I baptized about four hundred of them ; some of them the pastors of the churches where the revivals took place baptized ; i some of them united with other denom nations , and i a few of them never un ted with any church . Many of the forty- two revivals in which I have laboured during my whole ministry have extended into other denominations , and great numbers were con verted among them , so that as nearly as I have been able to ascertain the whole number born into the Kingdom of Christ in those seasons of mercy is not less than fifteen hundred . 22 FAMILY OF REV . JOHN BUTLER

These scenes of wondrous grace , which I have here fl brie y recorded , I joyfully hope to review in that bright world where Jesus reigns . I trust my memory will be so strengthened then as to review these scenes 0 of mercy , with a clear and distinct recollection . yes , and I hope to meet , in that blissful state , those precious ones , for whose salvation I have here toiled and wept and prayed . How many hundreds I have prayed with , while they seemed ready to sink under the weight of their guilt , and how many hundreds I have rejoiced with when they first realized the pardon ing love of God . How sweetly did their countenances glow , with the light of hope . O , how many tears of e nta nce re I have seen fall ; yes , and tears of unspeak

a b . e joy , too Well , I trust , unworthy as I am , I shall see the faces of those blessed ones again , in glory .

Some of them are there now , and hundreds of others are on their way there . O , ye blessed children of

God , I am unworthy to come up to that high abode “ and dwell with you , and sing redeeming grace and ” undying love . But my hope is in the merits of Jesus

Christ . Yes , he will allow unworthy me to come , and see you there ; and join your sweet song of ever lasting raise to him who has loved us and redeemed

0d . us to , with his own blood Was there ever so unworthy a servant of Christ as I am ? And yet was there ever one under so great obligation to him ? I do in my inmost soul believe that I am one of the most unworthy , and yet one of the most favoured , of the servants of Christ . Glory be to his blessed name .

O , why did he call me out of my darkness into his ? marvelous light Why was I made to hear his voice , and enter while there ’s room ?

Why did he call me , unworthy me , Into the sacred work of the gospel ministry ? Why did he shed such a measure of his Holy Spirit upon me , as I have enjoyed the most of the time for the last thirteen years ? 23 FAMILY OF REV . JOH N BUTLER

$ Mysterious grace , mysterious grace Surely I shall die infinitely indebted to the goodness of God . Nor does it appear to me , that there ever was , or ever will be , such an example of abounding mercy , as my admittance into heaven will show . O , it seems to me that when the saints and angels in glory come to understand all about my case , they will be astonished , and confounded in view of the grace and mercy bestowed — — . m upon me O , what shall I say words fail me y — O thoughts fail me , yes , I am lost , while trying to look away upon the goodness , and love , and mercy of

God , to such an unworthy worm of the dust .

6 1 7 8 8 Nancy (Payne) Butler was born April , , the eldest of six children , all daughters , and , at the age of eighteen , was left an orphan , having the care of her 1 0 1 8 5 . 7 . younger sisters She died April , 1 7 64 Richard Payne , her father , was born in , and 1 99 died of yellow fever in Amesbury in 7 . Jane ewbu r ort 1 7 69 Boardman , his wife , was born in N yp in

(daughter of Thomas Boardman , who was born in

Chelsea , Mass . , and Nancy Noyes , who was born in

Newburyport) . She was a member of the Baptist

Church in Salisbury and Amesbury . Of the five other daughters of Richard and Jane * 1 0 (Boardman) Payne , POLLY was born January , 1 7 90 22 1 8 90 , and died , a centenarian , January , . 1 8 08 She married in John Osgood , by occupation 6 1 7 8 7 a ship calker , who was born March , in Salisbury , 9 1 8 59 Mass . , and died November , . ABIGAIL (Nabby) 92 9 1 8 7 8 6 1 7 . was born February , , and died July , 26 1 8 1 8 She married , August , , John Gilman , a printer S 1 7 93 of Newburyport . BET Y was born in , and died 1 8 1 8 8 1 January , . She married David Robinson , a

* Polly Osgood enjoyed good health almost to her one hundredth birthday . I in his - i m s Her oldest son , saac, now ninety th rd year, a achini t and inventor, goes

s n s hi as . on fre$ uent bu i ess trip , t s year as far Denver, Colo , and is usually busy in his own shop when at home . 24

POLLY (PAYN E) OSGOOD 1 790- 1 8 90



confectioner of Portland , Me . SALLY was born Se 1 1 1 795 26 1 8 8 0 tember , , and died December , . S e 20 1 8 1 8 married , August , , William Colby , a black

of . smith Newburyport , Mass JANE was born March

4 1 798 26 1 8 8 2 . , , and died September , She married , 23 1 8 1 7 April , , Joseph Briggs , a farmer of Hanover , 22 1 7 93 Mass . , who was born December , , and died

24 1 8 60. September , None of the five couples appear to have changed their residence from the town in which they settled soon after marriage , but continued most of their days to reside , the Osgoods in Salisbury , ewbu r ort B ri se s the Gilmans and Colbys in N yp , the gg in Hanover , and the Robinsons in Portland , Me . As it would seem unpardonable not to perpetuate such portraits of these sisters of Nancy (Payne) Butler as have been so far preserved , they are here reproduced .

J hn a d N a n P a Children of Rev. o n cy ( yne) Bu tl er

. O N R C D 1 3 1 8 1 2 24 i J H I HAR , was born March , , and died August ,

1 8 57 .

M i 1 1 1 8 1 3 di 1 1 8 92 . AL IRA, was born Apr l , , and ed January , ES TE IA 7 8 1 2 9 R 1 4 i 3 1 8 1 . , was born May , , and d ed December ,

. NN U DS ON 1 1 8 1 6 i 7 1 8 8 3 . iv A E J , was born April , , and d ed March ,

. B G u 24 1 8 1 7 1 7 1 8 54 . v A I AIL , was born J ne , , and died August ,

. 1 1 1 8 1 8 m 1 6 1 8 95 . vi SARAH , was born December , , and died Dece ber ,

C 21 1 8 20 l 6 1 904 . HARLES , was born May , , and died Ju y , E Z B T W S e 1 7 1 8 21 LI A E H LE I , was born Octob r , , and died Decem

1 0 1 8 90. ber ,

. N N E R D 28 18 23 d ix HA AH H A , was born February , , and ied February

21 , 1 904 .

. T N 1 9 1 8 24 25 1 8 94 . x NA HA IEL , was born October , , and died April ,

xi. N N 1 8 1 8 26 8 1 8 43 . JA E PAY E , was born March , , and died January , M M 5 1 8 28 2 60 O S 2 1 8 . ARY SI N , was born July , , and died August ,

OP B . 8 1 8 30 3 1 8 30. S HIA , was born July , , and died October ,

xiv. S . l 8 1 8 30 d e 8 1 8 8 4 . MARIA , was born Ju y , , and ied Dec mber , 1 3 I . JOHN RICHARD BUTLER was born March ,

1 8 1 2 . , in Hanover , Mass His boyhood was passed here and in East Winthrop , Me . He studied medicine with Dr . Austin in Portland . He was married Septem

1 1 1 8 40 . ber , , at China , Me , to Mrs . Sarah Austin , 25 FAMILY OF REV . JOHN BUTLER

and settled in Freeport , where he practised medicine 1 8 53 and dentistry until , when he moved to the neigh boring town of Wells , Me . His health failing , he 1 8 57 moved in the spring of to Hallowell , Me . , and occupied the Dummer house at the top of Hallowell

Hill , on a spot where now stands one of the buildings of the Industrial School , a beautiful location over looking the Kennebec River , the village of Hallowell and many adjacent towns . It was hoped that by getting away from the seaboard his health would be 24 improved , but he died on August of that year , at -five the age of forty , leaving a family of six small children .

Mrs . Austin was born at Bridgton , Me . , September

1 3 1 8 1 2 . . , She was the daughter of Rev Rufus Chase , and sister of Rev . Lyman Chase , both prominent clergymen in the Baptist denomination . After the death of Dr . Butler she continued for eleven years , while her children were small , to live in Hallowell , a N ' 35 part of the time in the house next above o . Win th rop Street . Her oldest son was for many years with Mr . John Gilman , druggist , now of Gilman 1 8 68 Brothers , Boston . In she moved to Augusta , where her second son , Rufus , had employment . In 1 8 76 , both of her daughters having married , she made her home with them , until the death of Mary , 8 8 1 3 . 5 the younger, in The rest of her life was ent with her daughter Sarah , the wife of Professor O iver

C . Wendell , astronomer at Cambridge Observatory ,

Harvard University , in Cambridge , where she died 24 1 8 99 January , , having had the enjoyment of excel lent health almost to the end of a long and faithful

- life of eighty seven years . Her remains were buried W at East Winthrop , Me . , here those of her husband

- had been laid forty two years before , and where her 901 son Rufus was buried two years later in 1 .


FAMILY OF REV . JOH N BUTLER own i family , and a w de circle of friends . The farm at Winthrop was for many years the family Mecca . She united with the Universalist Church at Winthrop 1 8 39 Village at its formation about , and remained a loyal and active member so long as resident there . She allied herself with the Women ’s Christian Tem era nce p Union , and was a zealous worker and fervent l speaker in its assemb ies and councils . Of striking personal beauty , and intelligence , she was the idol l of her chi dren , and is remembered as an ideal mother in a happy home . S W F I LLEB R OW N JAME BO DOIN , son of Thomas and Fillebrown Elizabeth Cheever , and the younOest of eight children , was born in Winthrop , Me . , ctober

24 1 8 09 . Fillebrown , His father , Colonel Thomas , i . 1 7 93 l ved and kept a store in Hallowell , Me , from 1 8 08 until , when he purchased a farm in Winthrop hi 1 8 44 upon w ch he lived until his death in . His mother , Elizabeth Cheever , was a daughter of Captain

Nathaniel and Elizabeth Bancroft Cheever of Hallowell , a half sister of Judge Nathan Weston , Chief Justice of Maine , and an aunt of Dr . George B . Cheever , a noted temperance and anti - slavery clergyman of Brook M . . editer lyn , N Y At sixteen he made voyages to the ra ne a n and South America , but reluctantly gave up the foll owing of the sea as an occupation to stay at home on the farm , although during the period of 1 8 26 1 8 39 twelve years , between and , he made in all seven voyages to foreign and domestic parts , of which he kept an interesting journal . He had an ingenious

ul . hand and mind , and was a beautif penman He was in turn farmer , blacksmith , and carpenter , having a shop and outfit in which he built the first horse rakes used in his region . 1 8 47 Until , except for his voyages , he worked hard and fruitlessly upon the farm , when not prevented by frequent and long intervals of painful rheumatism . 28




1 8 1 6- 1 8 8 3 ANNE JUDSON (BUTLER) BARNES .


In that year he learned dentistry of his brother- in law , Dr . John Butler, and worked at it for a year in a room in the farm house , after which he established an office at Winthrop Village . He continued a success 1 8 7 7 ful practice here until , and from that date to

1 8 8 4 f . Fille brown in the o fice of his son , Dr Thomas , at Portland , Me . In early days he was selectman 1 and school agent of his district . Twice ( 8 48 and 1 8 62) he was an unsuccessful candidate for Representative to the State Le gislature . After 1 8 8 4 he resided for upwards of a year near his

. x daughter , Mrs . Nathaniel B Bu ton , at North Anson , - in- Me . , where he succeeded his son law in the opera tion of what were then known as the Carrabassett Mills on the site of the present American

Pulp , Paper and Lumber Company . No doubt his exposure here hastened his death , which occurred at the home of his son Charles , in Newton , Mass . , Feb ru a r 28 1 8 8 6 . y , He was buried in the family lot at

East Winthrop , Me .


N N M 1 9 1 8 3 1 d t l A A AL IRA , was born June , , and ied at New onvil e ,

29 1 903 . 27 1 8 64 Mass . , December , She married February , ,

. e ewt onville Nathaniel Buxton of Fayette , Me , who di d at N ,

25 1 900. Mass . , June , OM S 1 3 1 8 36 2 TH A , was born January , , and married September ,

1 8 61 . , Helen O Dalton , daughter of Nathan Stearns and Sally ’

a . Be n Dalton of Kent s Hill , Me C S OW DO N e 26 1 8 42 d HARLE B I , was born Decemb r , , and marrie 9 1 8 73 October , , Mary Louise Hall , daughter of Lewis Hall ,

C l t . ambridge , granddaughter of Wi liam Jackson of New on

1 8 1 8 4 1 1 1 8 8 7 . She was born May , , and died July ,

ES TER I A . III . BUTLER was born in Ipswich , Mass ,

7 1 8 1 4 . on May , She was educated at Hanover , and , 1 8 24 1 8 30 ’ between and , at her father s School for Young hi Ladies at East Winthrop , Me . , in w ch Miss Elizabeth

Lewis was a skilled instructor in drawing and painting . 29 M FA ILY OF REV . JOHN BUTLER

Esteria excelled in painting on ivory , and her minia a nd tures of her father mother , of herself (painted from her reflection in the looking glass) and her h u s of band , her sister Almira and husband , and of nearly every other member of the family , are the choicest of household treasures , some of which are here repro du ced. . 1 5 1 8 37 Married in Waterville , Me , August , , to Professor Jonathan Everett Farnam , LL . D . , she shared with her husband the charge over Georgetown

Seminary for young ladies for twenty years , until the buildings were burned during the Civil War , and never rebuilt . During six or eight of the early years in the

Seminary she taught drawing and painting . The rodu ctions of her pupils are to be found in every

State in the Southland . She died at the home of her

K . 23 daughter Maria , at Louisville , y , December , K 1 8 9 1 . , and was buried at Georgetown , y , her old home . a rna m 1 2 Jonathan Everett F was born August , f 1 8 09 O . , in the town Attleboro , Mass , fourteen miles from Providence , R . I . His father having died , he b was reared in the family of an uncle , Governor Col y , in New , N . H . He was graduated from v Water ille College , now Colby College , Waterville ,

Me . , and remained there two years as a tutor . In 1 8 39 he became a member of the faculty of Georgetown

K . College , Georgetown , y , where some years later he established a Seminary for young ladies . It was while teaching in the Seminary in Georgetown that Miss

Margaret Stanwood met her husband , the Hon . James 1 8 48 - 1 8 5 1 G . Blaine , then ( ) an instructor in Greek , Latin and Geometry in the Military Institute in that 1 8 65 place . In Waterville Colle e conferred upon D 1 8 8 7 Professor Farnam the degree of L . . In , on account of increasing deafness , Dr . Farnam resigned his professorship in Georgetown College , but was made Professor Emeritus . He enjoyed perfect health 30 E FAMILY OF REV . JOH N BUTL R

u 1 0 up to the day of his death , which occurred J ly ,

1 8 90 ui K . , in Lo sville , y , at the home of his daughter, - Mrs . J . M . Atherton , at the ripe age of eighty two years .

25 1 8 40 1 6 1 8 61 . MARY , born March , , married February , , Dr i 1 0 1 8 30 e 1 T . B . Sellen . He was born Apr l , , and di d January ,

1 8 76.

B . 22 1 8 42 24 1 8 61 MARIA , born August , , married October , , John

. 1 1 8 41 . M . Atherton He was born April , , in New Haven , Ky U N e 1 7 18 44 e u 1 3 1 8 7 1 S SA F born Septemb r , , marri d J ne , ,

. C . 27 1 8 43 Louis G rawford He was born December , , in

Mercer, Ga .

S IV . ANNE JUD ON BUTLER was born in Hanover , ’

1 1 8 1 6 . Mass . , April , She attended her father s school a nd at Winthrop and North Yarmouth , Me , especially excelled as pupil and teacher in painting . Tradition has it that revenue from the painti ng of miniatures on ivory , fashionable In those days , enabled her to provide her own wedding wardrobe and silver . On August 20 1 8 37 - , , at the age of twenty one , she was married at North Yarmouth , Me . , to Phinehas Barnes . The occasion was a double wedding for herself and her Esteria sister , which had to be set forward a day on account of delay in the stage coach which brought

Professor Farnam . Her father performed the cere 1 8 56 mony . Sixteen years of her married life , from 1 8 7 1 i n to the death of her husband in , were spent 63 their house , now standing , at High Street , Portland . 1 8 72 In she purchased a house at Cumberland Mills ,

Me . , where her son Wilfred was then with the Cumber land Paper Mills , and there resided until her death ,

- 7 1 8 8 3 . March , , at the age of sixty seven years She was a woman of beauty , culture and refinement , domestic in her tastes , a devoted wife and mother ,

- and a consistent , life long Christian . Her church relations were long with the Free Street Baptist Church of Portland. 3 1 R EV FAMILY OF . JOHN BUTLER

21 1 8 1 1 Phinehas Barnes was born January , , at 21 1 8 7 1 Orland , Me . , and died August , , in Portland ,

Me . He was educated at Newburyport , and at 1 8 25 Phillips Andover Academy , whence he went in 1 8 9 2 . to Bowdoin College , and was graduated in In that year he taught the Academy in the town of

t . China , Me . , and then went to Por land into Mr ’ Coleman s book store , at the same time reading law . He next went to Brunswick as cashier of the Union 1 8 32 Bank , continuing the study of law . In he went to Bangor , and was for a time editor of a newspaper 1 8 33 called the P enobscot Exch a nge . In to Water of ville , first as tutor , afterwards as professor Greek 1 8 40 and Latin , and was here admitted to the bar in . From 1 8 4 1 to 1 8 47 he was editor of the P ortla nd a ily 1 8 44 - 5 1 8 47 Advertiser . In and he was in the State f House of Representatives . He filled the o fice of City

Solicitor of Portland , was for many years counsel and l so icitor for the Grand Trunk Railway , was one of 1 8 52 the projectors of the Portland Savings Bank in , and one of the organizers of the Maine General Hospi i tal . He served upon the school comm ttee and in many

fiduciary capacities .

olitl cs . i In p Mr Barnes was a Conservat ve , and a 1 8 46 Whig . In , in Neal Dow times , he was State 1 8 60 Senator . In he was candidate for Governor in the interest of the Bell and Everett ticket . His death 21 1 8 7 1 from a cancerous tumor occurred August , , in the prime of his sixty years .

Mr . Barnes was not only a finished and ripe scholar but a lawyer of profound reading , and had a very ” keen , discriminating and judicial mind . Hon . Nathan Webb pronounced him “ the profoundest scholar in law , as well as in belles lettres , in his time at the Cum ” berland bar . : A colleague in the law said of him His learning , ability and integrity as a lawyer have added lustre to 32 FAMILY OF REV . JOH N BUTLER

— the history of the Cumberland bar his public spirit , sagacity and efficiency have filled an honorable niche ’ in the monument of our city s growth and prosperity — and his broad culture , varied accomplishments and private virtues have endeared his memory far and wide as a friend of every good cause and an earnest ’ ” advocate of society s highest interests .


C lVIa 1 2 1 8 38 u 9 1 8 8 6. r LARA , born y , , died A gust , Ma ried

22 1 8 63 . C . 26 September , , A Martin , who was born October ,

1 8 31 di 29 1 8 7 9 . , and ed October ,

N C S i 27 1 8 40 1 6 1 8 93 . bIa FRA I , born Apr l , , died July , Married v

1 9 1 8 63 I 31 1 8 38 . , , sa Putnam , who was born March ,

N 1 0 1 8 42 29 1 904 . PHI EHAS , born January , , died May , Married 25 1 8 72 r 3 December , , Fannie Woods , who was born Ap il ,

1 8 49 1 5 1 8 8 9 . , and died March , D 1 9 1 8 45 m a rIi ed 7 1 8 90 A ELA , born October , , Mav , , Walter

30 1 8 39 . Ware , who was born June , L F D 1 7 1 8 49 m 9 1 8 78 M WI RE , born September , , arried July , , aria

VVhiton .

C C 4 1 8 52 1 9 1 8 8 0. r E IL , born August , , died March , Mar ied

1 9 1 8 79 nni . June , , A e Larrabee

G ET 7 1 8 54 d m 1 6 1 8 93 . MAR AR , born October , , ied Dece ber ,

M a rIi ed 25 1 8 79 . R b June , , Lincoln A ogers , who was orn

32 1 8 52 . April ,

V . ABIGAIL BUTLER was born at Hanover , Mass . ,

24 1 8 1 7 . a June , Her education was received m inly ’ at her father s school at East Winthrop , Maine . She

m 1 4 1 8 4 1 . was twice arried , first on July , , to John S

1 2 1 8 47 . Gibson , and second July , , to Dr George

v . W . Nuckols , a physician of Shelby ille , Ky She died

K . 1 7 1 8 54 at her home in Shelbyville , y , August , , at

- the age of thirty seven , twelve days after the birth of her youngest child . u ckol s - Dr . N , who was twenty seven years her senior , 1 2 1 7 90 6 was born December , , and died April ,


ail Bu tl bs Children ofAbig er and J ohn S . Gi on

1. O N B . 3 1 8 45 31 J H , was born September , , and married April ,

1 8 67 . 9 1 8 48 , Lydia Murphy She was born February , , and 1 9 1 8 77 died February ,

1 1 . G T TU T B SON . MAR ARE S AR GI , died

a a N u kols . Children ofAbig il nd George W. c

O G 7 1 8 48 e E. GE R E , was born May , , and married Katherin

Randolph .

. AN N P . 1 7 1 8 50 5 1 8 66 iv A , was born January , , and married June , ,

. 6 1 8 43 . George Helm Hobbs He was born October ,

. ROB T 7 1 8 52 27 v ER , was born January , , and married February

1 8 72 V . 1 5 1 8 53 . , Lydia iley She was born December ,

vi . 27 1 8 53 1 7 1 8 54 . SALLY , was born February , , and died October ,

C 5 1 8 54 di 1 7 1 8 54 . HARLES , was born August , , and ed October ,

VI . SARA H BUTLER was born in Hanover, Mass . ,

1 1 1 8 1 8 . December , When about twenty years of age she went from Hallowell , Me . , to Georgetown , K Es e ria t . y. , to visit her sister , Farnam While there she met a young Ohio merchant , who came over to Kentucky to attend a barbecue given in honor of

Henry Clay . As a result of that meeting she was 22 1 8 42 married November , , to Francis Jefferson T t u s y , and came with him to his home In Middletown , T tu s Ohio . Mr . y had by a former wife one son ,

1 8 52 . Frank , who died June ,

She was an able , loving and careful wife , a kind , judicious and tender mother , whose children rise up and call her blessed . She presided over her ’ husband s home with grace and dignity , and was , as “ ” he always called her , his business partner . She was her children ’s wise counsellor and helper in their preparation for college , and also for business , and an example to her daughters in motherhood and Christian 1 8 1 8 95 character . She died December , , seventy seven years of age . ff T tu s Francis Je erson y was born in Winchester,

Loudon County , Virginia , February He came to Ohio when about eighteen years of age and 34


iii . LIze 1 1 8 47 1 7 1 8 93 . h P was born March , , and died June S e

6 1 8 70 C n . married December , , ollin Gard er

. O N B . 22 1 8 49 7 iv J H , was born February , , and died November 1 ,

1 8 93 . n 1 8 1 8 76 n E . He married Ju e , , Mi nesota wing C 1 8 5 1 s v . HARLES , was born , and died aged eleven month .

S VII . CHARLE BUTLER , second son , was born in

2 1 1 8 20. Hanover , Mass . , May , When his father removed from his pastorate at East Winthrop to that r 1 8 32 in No th Yarmouth , about , tradition has it that this boy of twelve began life on a farm , known as the B Kibbe lake Farm , in the edge of Monmouth , near Anna bescook the foot of Lake , south of Winthrop

Village . This farm was one of his Meccas when visiting the East in later years . At seventeen he was i supporting himself , and help ng others , by teaching school . 1 8 43 - In , at the age of twenty three he went to Ohio , which then was the Far West . After living one year in Middletown , he moved to Franklin , where , February 6 1 8 45 , , he was married to Miss Mary Barkalow 9 1 8 25 Schenck , who was born September , , in a log ” cabin built by her father , J . N . C . Schenck , one of

- the founders of the town , and was the great great granddaughter on her father ’s side of Catharine Van 1 7 1 9 th e Brough (married ) , f photo of whose portrait , nearly two centuries old , is here reproduced with that of Mary Schenck Butler . During a large part of his long residence of sixty h was years in Franklin g, identified with the business

o ne m . interests of the town, as of its fore ost merchants His business of general hardwa re stood second to none oiI tside in the Miami Valley of , and con u a io a s ‘ a tributed to the . rep t t n of his town wholesale niz a ion and retail market . t of a National is f Bank in Franklin due to h e forts , and ' he became its first

Charles Butler was not only prominent in business , 36 DR . GEORGE W NUCKOLS I A R A ES TERI A L AR A A 18 4 FROM MIN TU E P INTED BY (BUT ER) F N M , BOUT 0 A K 1 8 17 - 1 8 54 ABIG IL (BUTLER) (GIBSON) NUC OLS ,

H TYTUS 1 8 1 8 - 1 8 95 SARA (BUTLER) ,

1 8 20- 1904 CHARLES BUTLER ,




but , believing firmly that the best moral , social and business life of a community , as of an individual , can be attained only as that community carries out the precepts of the Man of Galilee , he gave of his best in time , talents and money to the work of bringing home the gospel to the hearts of men , never doubting its efficacy in other lives as he trusted it daily in his “ ” own . Bringing his letter first to the Middletown 1 8 46 Baptist Church , and later , in , to the Church in

Franklin , three years after its organization , he became a leader in the councils of the denomination to which f he belonged , and a helper in all Christian e forts , filling in successive years every office of trust and honor in the gift of his brethren , except the ministry itself .

He organized the Franklin Baptist Sunday School , 1 8 and was made its first superintendent . In 65 he was moderator of the Miami Baptist Association , and for five successive years was clerk of that body . He took active interest in the Baptist State Conventions , in the National May Anniversaries , and in the great lVIissions work of , where his zeal is well remembered by many of the older ministers and laymen in Ohio and other States . During the Civil War he was in the service of the

Sanitary Commission , engaged in camp and hospital in the work of that organization . He visited Wash ingt on in 1 8 62 to urge personally upon the Secretary of War the claims of the Commission as to its Western work . ff Kindly and a ectionate in his family life , helpful to all , he was in his later invalid years surrounded by 6 1 904 loving service to the close , July , , of a happy

- wedded life of fifty nine years .

Children :

C S A. 24 1 8 46. i . HARLE , born August , O 24 1 8 48 28 1 8 70 11 . S . J HN , born May , , married December , , Anna


. U D ON 1 1 8 50. iii . A J S , born February ,

. T . e 1 0 1 8 51 e 1 3 1 900 iv SARAH , born Dec mber , , married Decemb r , ,

Rev . John E. Morris .

. A B . 1 3 1 8 59 1 2 18 8 2 E v M RY , born June , , married October , , dwin

E . S . ldridge

. M T . e 6 1 8 68 1 6 1 8 93 vi WILLIA , born Novemb r , , married May , , l Margarette Phi brick . Z S VIII . ELI ABETH LEWI BUTLER was born October

1 7 1 8 21 . , , in Hanover , Mass Like several of her sisters she was devoted to drawing and painting in oil and also to crayon drawing , which came to be in vogue in her time , and of which she was for many years a very successful teacher , in Hallowell and Augusta ,

K . Me . , Georgetown , y , and Middletown , Ohio . Her canvasses for crayon work were made in quantity of different sizes at the home of her sister Almira at

Winthrop , Me . The cotton cloth , which came bleached and sized in large rolls , was stretched and tacked r upon frames made at the village facto y , covered with several coats of lead paint , yellow tint , from ’ Bailey s oil cloth factory , with fresh paint sifted over with white marble powder ground in an old hand paint mill in the chamber over the carriage house at ‘ the farm , whence they were shipped West and South to herself and her students for use of their classes . 7 1 8 52 Elizabeth Butler married , July , , George H .

Nason , son of Mark Nason of Fayette , Me . , formerly of Augusta , their acquaintance having been formed in Hallowell , and a few years later they moved to Mid let wn i d o . , Oh o , where they spent the rest of their days

For many years Mrs . Nason kept in Middletown a popular boarding school with several teachers (her sister Hannah among them) and large classes .

One child was born to them which died in infancy . 1 0 1 8 90 After her death , December , , her husband T t u s made his home with her widowed sister , Sarah y ,

29 1 8 96 . until his death , which occurred March , Both are buried at Franklin , Ohio . 38


29 1 8 7 1 l 7 1 8 73 . January , , John Skil man , who died April ,

1 9 1 8 8 2 E B . December , , dward aseley

M A S. . 5 1 8 52 di RY , was born at Auburn , Me , October , , and ed

1 8 95 . 1 3 1 8 7 6 . . May She married ( ) May , , M W Thompson ,

9 . E. 8 92 1 8 7 C . 1 . who died November, Brainard , She C Gu u tla n was lost on the Steamer olima near y , southwest of

n 27 1 8 95 . Ma zanillo, Mexico , May , Out of two hundred and twenty-five passengers and crew onl y twenty- one lives were

saved .

$ . NATHANIEL BUTLER was born in Waterville ,

1 9 1 8 24 . Me . , October , He fitted for college at Yar mouth Academy . His first three college years were spent at Georgetown Colle e , Kentucky , his last at l gol e e . Waterville (now Colby) g , Waterville , Me , 1 8 4 where he was graduated in 2 . He was ordained pastor of the Baptist Church at Turner , Me . , October

28 1 8 45 . 1 9 1 8 49 , He married December , , Jennette 1 8 50 Loring Emery of Paris , Me . In he was appointed agent for the American Baptist Missionary Union for

Maine and Eastern Massachusetts . Of his settlement 1 8 52- 1 8 55 : at Eastport , Me . , , it is recorded This pastorate is without a parallel in the history of the church” for ‘

ri . I 1 8 53 two large ingathe ngs n the first five months of , more than n on hu dred persons were hopefully converted , e hundred and fifteen of ’ these united with the Baptist Church . Mr . Butler retired from the 1 8 55 pastorate in , to become secretary to the Baptist Publishing Society, Th e ti Philadelphia . ac on of the church in reference to his resignation ’ a fl tion fills three pages of the church records . The expressions of ec and ri wa s n g ef were many and fervent . The separation most kee ly felt , and the church does not seem to have recovered from the effects of it for some ” time .

5 1 8 56 5 His next pastorate , January , to October , 1 8 59 1 8 60 , was at Rockland , Me . In he became

1 8 65 . pastor at Auburn , Me . In at Camden , Me In

I . 1 8 69 II. 1 8 72 at Alton , In at Leavenworth , Kan 1 8 73—6 In over the Second Baptist Church , Bangor , lVI e . Then followed short pastorates at Dexter , North 1 8 8 1 Vassalboro and Hallowell , Me . In he became 40 FAMILY OF REV . JOHN BUTLER

associated with the Bodwell Granite Company , Mr . Bodwell being a Hallowell parishioner and an ardent ’ 1 8 61 personal friend . During Lincoln s first term , 1 8 65 , he was private secretary to Hannibal Hamlin ,

- Vice President of the United States , who was his

- - brother in law . He was a member of the Maine 1 8 65 Legi slature in 1 8 8 0. For many years after he was a trustee of Colby College , and from that college received in 1 8 73 the degree of Doctor of Divinity . i He was the author of several hymns , one of wh ch “ appears in the volume entitled Baptist Hymn - writers ” and Their Hymns , and is here reproduced .

How sweet , when worn with cares of life , From all its busy scenes to flee ;

To leave awhile its toil and strife , i e . And hold commun on , Lord , with the h W en the tired spirit seeks its rest , ’ Tis there a sure repose I meet ; ’ o Tis there my weary s ul is blest , n - K eeling before Thy mercy seat .

’ o erca sts When sin with clouds my sky, h And Jesus ides His face from me , - a I fl Then to Thy mercy se t y, m And bow in hu ble prayer to Thee .

all There the clouds of earth depart , And heaven itself I almost see ; The Savior W hispers to my heart i And shows His sm ling face to me .

’ There Jesus voice of love I hear;

There glory sheds its light around , Eye never looked on things so fair ; E e arth never h ard so sweet a sound .

$ 0 Thou Lamb of God , let me dwell e Forever at Thy sacred fe t , I l To hear the voice love so we l , ’ — And ne er forsake the mercy sea t . 4 1 FAMILY OF REV . JOHN BUTLER

His most notable public addresses were his memorial sermon at the funeral of his college classmate and

- intimate friend , Major General Hiram G . Berry , at

l . Rock and , Me ; his speech at the unveiling of the statue of General Berry ; and an address in memory of Rev . lVIilton Nathaniel Wood , a close neighbor and associate in the Baptist ministry . He died in Burlington , Wis . ,

25 1 8 94 . April , Jennette Loring Emery was the oldest daughter of the late Judge Ste hen Emery and his second wife ,

. 1 6 1 8 28 Jennette Loring he was born May , at

l . m a rrra e Paris Hi l , Me , which was her home until her g with Nathaniel Butler in 1 8 49 . She attended school in Gorham and studied music in Portland . Like all the members of her family she was passionately fond of music . She found pleasure also in the best reading , and was possessed of a keen sense of humor . She “ ’ was an ideal pastor s wife . of a quiet , modest and refined disposition , and of a singularly winning char h ” s e . acter , which won hosts of friends wherever went During the last twenty years of her life she was a

. b confirmed invalid , and died in Au usta , Me , Septem er

1 8 1 902 . , She had two sisters , arah Jane and Ellen

Vesta , both of whom were married to Hon . Hannibal

ml . . Ha in , Mrs Ellen Hamlin now surviving

B N N 31 1 8 50 1 5 1 8 91 . Sh e J A IE , born October , , and died March , e 21 1 8 74 or marri d , January , , George Wood , who was b n July

31 1 8 46 3 1 8 99 . , , and died March ,

TH N 22 1 8 53 . e 1 i 28 1 8 8 1 NA A IEL, born May , He marri d ( ) Apr l , , e u 9 1 8 61 e Florenc Shepard , who was born J ly , , and died Jun

21 1 902. 1 2 1 903 i Wh o , December , , L llian Googins , was

3 1 8 76. born December ,

E N 22 1 8 60. LLE , born October ,

N N 24 1 8 62 . Sh e e 1 6 1 8 96 A A, born August , married , Decemb r , ,

n . E 5 1 8 7 1 . Sid ey S mery, who was born May , , in Malden , Mass

$ I N 1 8 . JANE PAY E BUTLER was born March , 42


hi children , and the twin sister of Sop a , was born at East 8 1 8 30 Winthrop , Me . , July , , and died in Middletown , 8 1 8 8 4 Ohio , December , . She attended the Hallowell

High School , then taught by William H . Seavey , after wards a teacher in Boston . She is described by Miss

Sarah Elizabeth Page , an old schoolmate still living in “ Hallowell , as a tall , slender girl with fair, oval face , light brown hair, sweet mouth and eyes , with bright color on cheek and lip . She , like her older sisters , had fl a great love for painting , particularly owers in water colors . She removed with her parents to Auburn , Me . , and from there soon went West , where she was mar 23 1 8 58 l ried , November , , to A fred Mudgett , brother of Charles Mudgett , husband of her older sister 4 1 8 1 6 d Hannah . He was born December , , and die 1 6 1 8 63 a nd fl u May , , was engaged in the o r milling

u . business in Seymo r, Ind

. F D B . e e e 9 1 8 59 C e i AL RE , was born S pt mb r , , and married harlott

Phillips .