Transport and Highways Committee Thursday, 21 March 2013 at 10:30 County Hall , County Hall, , NG2 7QP

1 Minutes 6 Feb 2013 3 - 8 Details

2 Apologies for Absence 1-2 Details

3 Declarations of Interests by Members and Officers: - (see note 1-2 below) (a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (b) Private Interests (pecuniary and non-pecuniary)

4 TITAN Progress Report 9 - 44 Details

5 Concessionary Travel Scheme 45 - 48 Details

6 Bus Lane Enfor cement 49 - 52 Details

7 Enforceable School Keep Clear Markings 53 - 56 Details

8 Road Safety Campaigns and Initiatives 57 - 60 Details

9 Holly Drive Prohibition of Waiting and Driving 61 - 72 Details

10 Ash Tree Report 73 - 78 Details

11 Capital Programme Update 79 - 152 Details

12 Local Sustainable Transp ort Fund Report 153 - Details 162

Page 1 of 222 13 Highways Performance Report 163 - Details 180

14 Local Transport Body Report 181 - Details 212

15 Petitions Responses Report 213 - Details 218

16 Work Programme 219 - Details 224

No. NOTES: - 1-2

(1) Councillors are advised to contact their Research Officer for details of any Group Meetings which are planned for this meeting.

(2) Members of the public wishing to inspect "Background Papers" referred to in the reports on the agenda or Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act should contact:-

Customer Services Centre 0300 500 80 80

(3) Persons making a declaration of interest should have regard to the Code of Conduct and the Council’s Procedure Rules.

Members or Officers requiring clarification on whether to make a declaration of interest are invited to contact David Forster (Tel. 0115 977 3552) or a colleague in the Governance Team prior to the meeting.

(4) Members are reminded that Committee and Sub-Committee papers, with the exception of those which contain Exempt or Confidential Information, may be recycled.

Page 2 of 222 minutes


Date 6 February 2013 (commencing at 10.30 am)

Membership Persons absent are marked with `A’ COUNCILLORS

Richard Jackson(Chairman) Chris Barnfather (Vice-Chairman)

Richard Butler Mike Quigley, MBE Jim Creamer Keith Walker Kevin Greaves Chris Winterton Stan Heptinstall MBE Martin Wright Mick Murphy

Ex-officio (non-voting) A Mrs Kay Cutts


Councillor Mel Shepherd


David Forster, Policy, Planning and Corporate Services Department Philip Swift, Policy, Planning and Corporate Services Department Tim Gregory, Corporate Director Environment and Resources Jas Hundal, Service Director, Transport Property and Environment Andrew Warrington, Service Director Highways Mark Hudson, Environment and Resources Department


The minutes of the last meeting held on 10 January 2012 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.


There were no apologies for absence


Page 3 of 222

1 There were no declarations of Interest


RESOLVED 2013/011

1. That the progress made on Mansfield Bus Station and the Statutory Bus Quality Partnership for Mansfield Town Centre be noted and

2. That two new temporary Travel Advisor posts be established, initially for 6 months, within the Transport and Travel Services for the staffing Customer Information Point.


RESOLVED 2013/012

That the progress of the schemes as set out in the appendix to the report be noted.


RESOLVED 2013/013

1. That the proposed integrated transport block programme for implementation as set out in the report and detailed in Appendix 1 attached to the report be approved and

2. that the proposed highway capital maintenance programme for implementation as set out in the report and appendix 2 of the report be approved


RESOLVED 2013/014

That the response to the Department of Transport on integrated transport block funding as set out in the Appendix to the report is approved.


RESOLVED 2013/015

That the bid as detailed in paragraph 12 of the report be approved and that the timescales set by the Department of Transport be noted.

Page 4 of 222


RESOLVED 2013/016

1. That the proposed charges for highway services, documents and data set out in the report be approved for the financial year commencing 1 April 2012 and

2. that all charges for highways services continue to be reviewed annually and also as may be required subject to any change in circumstances.


RESOLVED 2013/017

That the Nottinghamshire County Council (Various Roads in Attenborough) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2012 be made as set out on the plan attached to the report.


Following the receipt of legal advice it was agreed that this item is deferred.


RESOLVED 2013/018

That the work programme be noted and that a report on Winter Maintenance be presented to the next meeting.


The Chair of the meeting agreed that these items, although not included on the agenda, should be considered as a matter of urgency in accordance with Section 100(b)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.


The reason for the late submission of the report was due to a major bus operator ceased trading at 5 pm on Friday 25 January 2013 and County Council was only formally notified at 2 pm on the same day. Urgent delegated action was taken to replace services.

RESOLVED 2013/019

Page 5 of 222


1. That the urgent actions taken by the Group Manager, Transport and Travel Services to vary, cancel or replace bus services as a result of Premier Travel ceasing to trade and

2. that the award of a contract to Nottingham Minibus and Coaches for the Colwick, Netherfield and Carlton services is approved.


The reason for the late submission of the report is that the notification by the bus operator to terminate all supported local services and requirements for approval to re- tender services in a short time period between committee dates and new services need to be in place by 1 April 2013 with the required 56 day service registration.

RESOLVED 2013/020

That approval be given to:-

1. the proposals for the Bassetlaw area Bus network between , , and Nottingham as set out in the exempt appendix of the report.

2. the award of the service subsidy agreement with Stagecoach for the revised Sherwood Arrow service and support for a summer Sunday service to the Sherwood Vistor on a trial basis and

3. the Competitive tendering of the remaining Yourbus services to operate from April 2013.


RESOLVED: 2013/021

That the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that discussions are likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information described in paragraph 3 of the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006 and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


RESOLVED 2013/22

Page 6 of 222


That the exempt appendix be noted

The meeting closed at 12.17 pm.


Page 7 of 222


Page 8 of 222

Report to Transport & Highways Committee

21 March 2013

Agenda Item:



Purpose of the Report

1. To provide an update of the Towards Integrated Transport Across Nottinghamshire (TITAN) project.

2. To seek Committee approval for the implementation of a county wide Independent Travel Training scheme.

3. To seek Committee approval for the proposed commissioning model for future TITAN tenders.


4. The purpose of the TITAN project is to reconfigure passenger transport services to make more efficient use of the resources available whilst improving access to key services for the people of Nottinghamshire. The project is tasked with saving a total of £2.08m countywide and has delivered £988k savings to date.

5. There is one defined pilot area which covers the Newark, Ollerton and Southwell areas, and four other project areas, known as:

Area 2 – Mansfield and Ashfield Area 3 – Area 4 – Central Nottinghamshire Conurbation Area 5 - Bassetlaw

TITAN Progress

6. On 7 January the revised services started operating in the Newark pilot area. A new Community Transport operator became established in Nottinghamshire in order to deliver some of these services and staff from Transport and Travel Services (TTS) assisted in training new drivers on the service routes prior to the start date.

Page 9 of 222 1

7. Procedures were put in place to manage the implementation of the new pilot area services and, whilst most things went to plan, there were one or two errors in the more detailed publicity information. These were rectified as soon as identified and additional stages to the validation process for future publicity information will be introduced for the next phase.

8. New services have been operating well although there have been one or two changes made in response to feedback from transport operators and members of the public.

9. Research and planning work is currently ongoing in relation to areas across the remainder of the county (areas 2 to 5). Plans have been drawn up for the second phase consultation exercise when there will be roadshow events (from 15 May to 24 June 2013) to provide the public with broad plans of proposed new services in their area. The roadshow map and schedule was sent out to all council members in February for feedback. A copy of the schedule is appended (A). This method of consultation worked very well for the pilot area as it provided the opportunity for even the smallest of communities to come along and chat to staff about the proposals for their locality before plans were finalised.

10. Outline network plans are being discussed with operators and an example of how these will be presented to the public at roadshow events will be brought to Committee on 21 March. The focus areas to date have been around Vale of Belvoir/Bingham; Mansfield and, more recently, Bassetlaw due to factors such as proposed commercial route changes and the opening of the new Mansfield bus station.

11. A business case for the introduction of a county wide Independent Travel Training (ITT) scheme has been developed and this has been endorsed by the TITAN Project Board. ITT provides the opportunity for the more vulnerable members of the community to develop the skills and confidence to gradually become safe, independent travellers able to access public transport. The benefits to those participating in the training can be huge and, in many cases, life changing for them and their families. This piece of work has identified an initial potential client group of more than 400 with anticipated savings of more than £1m over the next five years. A copy of the Project Board report is appended (B). To deliver the scheme it will be necessary to make the current ITT temporary post (grade B) permanent, from June 2013, and for an ITT Assistant (indicative grade 5) to be appointed in Yr 2, from September 2014. A revised structure is appended (C).

Replacement Bassetlaw and Mansfield Bus Services

12. At the meeting on 6 th February, Committee was advised of proposed changes to the local and commercial bus service network in the Bassetlaw area and the termination of contracts operated by Yourbus. The planning and commissioning of the replacement services has been completed and the successful outcome is shown at appendix (D). This shows savings of £114k

Page 10 of 222 2

per annum of which £33k will be set against the TITAN project efficiency target of £2.08m.

13. The new services replace current routes with all areas maintaining the existing peak time frequency, however some areas will have a reduction of frequency during the off peak period.

Outline Commissioning Model

14. A number of lessons have been learnt from the commissioning process for the TITAN pilot area which was a new approach by the Council and perceived as quite daunting for some of the smaller operators in the County. Feedback from operators and staff has led to a review of the way in which services are commissioned.

15. This service area encompasses a diverse supply market which needs to be considered when tendering for services. The following are the main principles which are proposed for the next commissioning phase:

• The need to be more dynamic in assessing and analysing local needs

• Agreeing the priority needs for each area

• Proposed quality/price weightings must be discussed with and endorsed by the TITAN Project Board, Members Working Group and suppliers

• Service specifications must be developed in conjunction with the appropriate client department representatives before final drafts being presented to the TITAN Project Board and Members Working Group

• Questions to determine the level of quality related to service delivery, need to be simplified and appropriate to all operators, from small family firms to the larger, national/international groups

• Increase the level of commercial dialogue and face to face interaction with interested suppliers to ensure a better understanding of procedures and requirements

• Provide more guidance for interested suppliers to help them with the completion of tender bids

• Promote more innovation from interested suppliers

• Be more dynamic in route planning by being less prescriptive about services/routes

Page 11 of 222 3

The proposed commissioning model for discussion and approval is appended (E). This will make the best use of all available resources to produce the best outcomes for each review area.

Next Steps

16. Finalise draft outline plans for all areas and compile presentation materials to take out to the public on roadshow events in May and June 2013. Draft presentation materials to be brought back to Committee in May/June 2013.

17. Compile tender documents for commissioning of services in areas 2 to 5 which will take place from June to October 2013.

18. Prepare for implementing the county wide ITT scheme.

Statutory and Policy Implications

19. This report has been compiled after consideration of implications in respect of finance, the public sector equality duty, human resources, crime and disorder, human rights, the safeguarding of children, sustainability and the environment and those using the service and where such implications are material they are described below. Appropriate consultation has been undertaken and advice sought on these issues as required.

Implications for Service Users

20. The introduction of the pilot area network services is a positive outcome for users and will enable them to access key services and facilities in the area thus improving their quality of life.

Crime and Disorder Implications

21. The new infrastructure that will support the revised services will ensure that users have a safe waiting environment, especially when waiting for connecting services.

Financial Implications

22. The implementation of revised transport services across the County overall will generate over £2m efficiency savings for the County Council. Further savings of approximately £1m over the next five years will be generated by the implementation of the Independent Travel Training scheme. The levels of savings necessary may increase as funding reviews move forward therefore options for differing service levels and networks will be included in the next tender exercise.

Implications for Sustainability and the Environment Page 12 of 222 4

23. The revised services will help to promote alternative ways of travel, an overall reduction in mileage and travel will reduce CO2 emissions. The network proposals will introduce services which are economically sustainable in the long term.

Human Resource Implication

24. Two permanent posts will be required to deliver the Independent Travel Training scheme at a cost of approximately £67k per annum. These posts will be funded from savings on transport costs generated through successful delivery of the scheme. Funding for the temporary ITT Officer from October 2012 to June 2013 came from the Department for Transport Community Transport Fund. The ITT Assistant post will be subject to job evaluation to establish the pay grade and will be recruited for September 2014 following the standard County Council recruitment process.


It is recommended that Committee:

1) Notes the progress of the TITAN Project.

2) Approves the introduction of a county wide Independent Travel Training scheme with effect from1st April 2013.

3) Approves the permanent establishment of an Independent Travel Training Officer in 2013/14 and, in 2014/15 the establishment of an Independent Travel Training Assistant.

4) Approves the proposed commissioning model relating to new services developed as part of the TITAN project.

5) Notes the outcome of tendering for the replacement of Yourbus services in the Bassetlaw and Mansfield areas from April 2013.

Mary Roche Commercial & Client Services Manager, Transport and Travel services

For any enquiries about this report please contact: Mary Roche or Mark Hudson

Constitutional Comments (SHB.20.02.2013)

25. Committee has the authority to approve the recommendation.

Page 13 of 222 5

Financial Comments (DJK.20.02.2013)

26. The contents of this report are duly noted; with the financial implications clearly identified within the report.

HR Comments (NG27.02.2013)

27. New permanent posts will be recruited to in accordance with the vacancy protocol.

Background Papers Except for previously published documents, which will be available elsewhere, the documents listed here will be available for inspection in accordance with Section 100D of the Local Government Act 1972.

Transport & Highways Committee: Progress Report : 22 November 2012

Transport & Highways Committee: Changes to Local/Commercial Bus Service Network in Bassetlaw: 6 February 2013

Electoral Divisions Affected All

Page 14 of 222 6 Appendix A Titan Roadshow Routes Libraries Bus Stations (M) Market Day


Thursday 16 May Arr. Dep. TBH 08:30 Retford (M) 09:45 15:30 TBH 16:30

Friday 17 May TBH 08:30 North Leverton 10:00 11:00 Rampton 11:30 12:30 Dunham on Trent 13:00 14:00 East Markham 14:15 15:15 TBH 16:15

Monday 20 May TBH 08:30 Gringley on the Hill 10:00 11:00 Misterton 11:15 12:15 Beckingham 12:30 13:30 North Wheatley 13:45 14:45 TBH 16:00

Tuesday 21 May TBH 08:30 09:45 12:45 Ranskill 13:00 14:00 Ranby 14:15 15:15 TBH 16:30

Wednesday 22 May TBH 08:30 Worksop 09:45 15:00 TBH 16:15

Thursday 23 May TBH 08:30 Everton 10:00 11:00 Sutton cum Lound 11:15 12:15 Retford (M) 12:30 15:30 TBH 16:30

Titan Roadshow Routes Libraries Bus Stations

Page 15 of 222 Broxtowe (Dates fit around library opening times)

Tuesday 4 June Arr. Dep. TBH 08:30 Stapleford 09:00 11:30 Attenborough 11:45 12:45 Beeston 13:00 16:00 TBH 16:30

Thursday 6 June TBH 08:30 Brinsley 09:15 10:15 Eastwood 10:30 13:00 Kimberley 13:30 14:30 TBH 15:00

Gedling Monday 10 June TBH 08:30 Stoke Bardolph 09:00 10:00 Gunthorpe 10:15 11:15 Lowdham 11:30 12:30 Oxton 12:45 13:45 Woodborough 14:00 15:00 TBH 15:30

Page 16 of 222 Titan Roadshow Routes Libraries Bus Stations (M) Market Day


Tuesday 28 May Arr. Dep. TBH 08:45 Edwinstowe 09:30 11:30 Clipstone 11:45 12:45 Mansfield 13:00 15:45 TBH 16:30

Wednesday 29 May TBH 08:30 Cuckney 09:30 10:30 Market Warsop 10:45 12:45 Rainworth 13:15 14:15 15:00 16:00 TBH 16:30

Thursday 30 May TBH 08:30 Mansfield 09:15 15:45 TBH 16:30

Ashfield (Dates fit around library opening times)

Monday 3 June TBH 08:30 Sutton in Ashfield 09:15 13:00 Stanton/Skegby 13:30 15:30 TBH 16:15

Wednesday 5 June TBH 08:30 Kirkby in Ashfield 09:15 12:00 Selston 12:15 13:15 Jacksdale 13:30 14:30 Underwood 14:45 15:45 TBH 16;15

Friday 7 June TBH 08:30 (M) 09:00 13:00 13:30 15:00 TBH 15:45 Titan Roadshow Routes Libraries Bus Stations

Page 17 of 222 Rushcliffe

Saturday 8 June Arr. Dep. TBH Bingham TBH Bingham Fair, times to be confirmed

Tuesday 11 June TBH 08:30 Thrumpton 09:00 10:00 Ratcliffe on Soar 10:15 11:15 Wysall 12:00 13:00 Kinoulton 13:30 14:30 Tollerton 15:00 16:00 TBH 16:15

Wednesday 12 June TBH 09:00 Radcliffe 09:15 10:15 Aslockton 10:30 11:30 Orston 11:45 12:45 Langar 13:15 14:15 Cropwell Bishop 14:30 15:30 TBH 16:00

Page 18 of 222 Replacement Bassetlaw and Mansfield Services Appendix D

Current Contract Contract No Contract Start Route Number Operating Days Daily Cost Annual Cost 701/1/001 07/06/2010 24 , 38 Monday to Saturday £365.29 £111,413.45 701/1/002 07/06/2010 36, 736 Monday to Saturday £802.47 £244,753.35 701/1/003 07/06/2010 26, 89, 90, 95, 1, 730 Monday to Saturday £1,030.77 £314,384.85 701/1/020-022 01/08/2011 8, 9, 83, 34, 44 School Terms £1,060.50 £323,300.00

Current Cost £3,259.03 £993,851.65 New Contract Sherwood Arrow 01/04/2013 Mon-Sat £360.65 £110,000.00

701/3/030 01/04/2013 8,83 Mon-Sat £216.40 £65,800.00 701/3/031 01/04/2013 9 Mon-Sat £445.00 £135,725.00 701/3/032 01/04/2013 34,44 Mon-Sat £287.95 £87,825.00 701/3/033 01/04/2013 1 Sch, 89,90,95 Mon-Sat £703.69 £214,625.00

701/3/ 01/04/2013 36,24 Mon-Sat £379.00 £115,595.00

Sutton on Trent Prim 01/04/2013 642 SCH £140.00 £26,600.00

801/1/060 01/04/2013 36 Sch SCH £180.00 £34,200.00 801/1/061 01/04/2013 38 Sch SCH £168.00 £31,920.00 801/1/062 01/04/2013 730 SCH £144.83 £27,518.00 801/1/063 01/04/2013 736 SCH £157.00 £29,830.00

New Cost £879,638.00

Savings £114,213.65

Page 19 of 222

Page 20 of 222 Independent Travel Training Scheme Costs Savings

These costs and savings err on the side of caution with assumptions that successfull training generates savings for each individual over a 2 year period which is the minimum outcome expected.

Description Set up Yr 1Yr 2Yr 3Yr 4Yr 5 Totals

Costings Central Staffing £0 £33,000 £57,000 £67,000 £67,000 £67,000 £291,000

Scheme Promotion £6,000 £3,000 £3,000 £3,000 £3,000 £3,000 £21,000

Train the Trainer Costs Cost per establishment 600 600 200 200 200 No. of establishments 6 8 10 10 10 44 Total trainer Costs £3,600 £4,800 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000 £14,400

Trainee Costs Average cost per trainee £150 £150 £150 £150 £150 £750 No. of trainees 48 64 80 80 80 352 Total trainee costs £7,200 £9,600 £12,000 £12,000 £12,000 £52,800

(A) Total Costs £6,000 £46,800 £74,400 £84,000 £84,000 £84,000 £379,200


Reduced transport costs Ave transport cost before training £3,800 £3,800 £3,800 £3,800 £3,800 Ave transport cost after training £800 £800 £800 £800 £800 Savings per trainee per annum £3,000 £3,000 £3,000 £3,000 £3,000

No. of trainees in current year 48 64 80 80 80 No. trainees from previous 2 years 0 48 112 144 160 Total trainees to inc in savings 0 48 112 144 160

(B) Total gross savings £0 £0 £144,000 £336,000 £432,000 £480,000 £1,392,000

Total net savings (B‐A) ‐£6,000 ‐£46,800 £69,600 £252,000 £348,000 £396,000 £1,012,800 Page 21 of 222

February 2013

Page 22 of 222 Appendix A Titan Roadshow Routes Libraries Bus Stations (M) Market Day


Thursday 16 May Arr. Dep. TBH 08:30 Retford (M) 09:45 15:30 TBH 16:30

Friday 17 May TBH 08:30 North Leverton 10:00 11:00 Rampton 11:30 12:30 Dunham on Trent 13:00 14:00 East Markham 14:15 15:15 TBH 16:15

Monday 20 May TBH 08:30 Gringley on the Hill 10:00 11:00 Misterton 11:15 12:15 Beckingham 12:30 13:30 North Wheatley 13:45 14:45 TBH 16:00

Tuesday 21 May TBH 08:30 Bircotes 09:45 12:45 Ranskill 13:00 14:00 Ranby 14:15 15:15 TBH 16:30

Wednesday 22 May TBH 08:30 Worksop 09:45 15:00 TBH 16:15

Thursday 23 May TBH 08:30 Everton 10:00 11:00 Sutton cum Lound 11:15 12:15 Retford (M) 12:30 15:30 TBH 16:30

Titan Roadshow Routes Libraries Bus Stations

Page 23 of 222 Broxtowe (Dates fit around library opening times)

Tuesday 4 June Arr. Dep. TBH 08:30 Stapleford 09:00 11:30 Attenborough 11:45 12:45 Beeston 13:00 16:00 TBH 16:30

Thursday 6 June TBH 08:30 Brinsley 09:15 10:15 Eastwood 10:30 13:00 Kimberley 13:30 14:30 TBH 15:00

Gedling Monday 10 June TBH 08:30 Stoke Bardolph 09:00 10:00 Gunthorpe 10:15 11:15 Lowdham 11:30 12:30 Oxton 12:45 13:45 Woodborough 14:00 15:00 TBH 15:30

Page 24 of 222 Titan Roadshow Routes Libraries Bus Stations (M) Market Day


Tuesday 28 May Arr. Dep. TBH 08:45 Edwinstowe 09:30 11:30 Clipstone 11:45 12:45 Mansfield 13:00 15:45 TBH 16:30

Wednesday 29 May TBH 08:30 Cuckney 09:30 10:30 Market Warsop 10:45 12:45 Rainworth 13:15 14:15 Blidworth 15:00 16:00 TBH 16:30

Thursday 30 May TBH 08:30 Mansfield 09:15 15:45 TBH 16:30

Ashfield (Dates fit around library opening times)

Monday 3 June TBH 08:30 Sutton in Ashfield 09:15 13:00 Stanton/Skegby 13:30 15:30 TBH 16:15

Wednesday 5 June TBH 08:30 Kirkby in Ashfield 09:15 12:00 Selston 12:15 13:15 Jacksdale 13:30 14:30 Underwood 14:45 15:45 TBH 16;15

Friday 7 June TBH 08:30 Hucknall (M) 09:00 13:00 Ravenshead 13:30 15:00 TBH 15:45 Titan Roadshow Routes Libraries Bus Stations

Page 25 of 222 Rushcliffe

Saturday 8 June Arr. Dep. TBH Bingham TBH Bingham Fair, times to be confirmed

Tuesday 11 June TBH 08:30 Thrumpton 09:00 10:00 Ratcliffe on Soar 10:15 11:15 Wysall 12:00 13:00 Kinoulton 13:30 14:30 Tollerton 15:00 16:00 TBH 16:15

Wednesday 12 June TBH 09:00 Radcliffe 09:15 10:15 Aslockton 10:30 11:30 Orston 11:45 12:45 Langar 13:15 14:15 Cropwell Bishop 14:30 15:30 TBH 16:00

Page 26 of 222 Appendix B

Report to the TITAN Project Board

6 March 2013

Agenda Item:


Purpose of the Report

This report outlines the costs and benefits of introducing a county wide Independent Travel Training (ITT) scheme in Nottinghamshire. The scheme is forecast to save over £1m on education transport costs and train a minimum of 350 clients over five years. The report seeks endorsement to start implementing the scheme from April 2013.

1. Background As part of the TITAN project, it was identified that an ITT scheme may have the potential to generate significant savings for the authority whilst also providing benefits for participants and their families. Public consultation produced positive feedback in support of independent travel training.

ITT is complementary to the Government’s Independent Living Strategy, which aims for individuals to have: • choice and control over the assistance and/or equipment needed to go about their daily life, and; • equal access to housing, transport and mobility, health, employment and education and training opportunities.

ITT is a great enabler and it is also complementary to the outcomes specified in ‘Every Child Matters’ (ECM) which is a major Government agenda. The ECM Green Paper identified the five outcomes that are most important to children and young people as:

• be healthy • stay safe • enjoy and achieve • make a positive contribution • achieve economic well-being

2. Benefits to the Local Authority, Service User and Society

The benefits of ITT are widespread and encompass individuals, families, carers, Local Authorities and other organisations associated with the

Page 27 of 222 1 Appendix B

individuals concerned. The Department of Transport’s Travel Training Discussion Document and Strategy Outline identifies the following benefits:

• increased independence, confidence and personal mobility; • increased access to education opportunities at colleges and universities, local services and leisure activities; • reduced burden on Local Authority specialist service provision; • reduced need for home visits and reliance on carers; • increased public transport patronage; • improvement in life skills, such as handling money, personal and road safety skills. • increased opportunity to gain employment • increased attendance at school • reduced burden on personal budgets

3. Progress Update

Children’s, Families and Cultural Services Clients

Pupils and students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) are a key target for ITT because of the following reasons: • Many are in receipt of bespoke transport which is of high unit cost • The cost benefits can often be realised over a long period of time, ie throughout the remainder of their time in education and throughout any period of accessing adult social care services • Young people are generally more receptive to learning and less set in their ways than older people • The personal benefits of training can be immense in terms of opening up their life choices at an early stage and assisting them to access more employment opportunities • The independence benefits their families in many ways including removing the need for others to transport them

There are 486 SEN clients who have been identified as suitable for training as they have mild or moderate difficulties and there is appropriate transport to support their independent journeys.

The average unit cost for the identified clients using SEN home to school/college transport is £3,800 per annum per pupil. The forecasted net savings identified are:

Year 1 – No savings and £52,000 set up costs Year 2 - £ 69,600 Year 3 - £ 252,000 Year 4 - £ 348,000 Year 5 - £ 396,000

Total anticipated net savings over the full 5 year period are just over £1m.

Page 28 of 222 2 Appendix B

A spread sheet detailing the costs and savings is appended.

Adult Social Care, Health and Public Protection Clients

Indicatively there are 3,065 adults currently using transport at an average cost of £2,700 per annum. Out of this client population 108 have been identified as potential beneficiaries of ITT which could realise additional savings of £290k per annum. The TITAN project is looking at adults currently transported by taxis and reviewing their transport needs. Essex County Council is currently starting to implement training to adults after 7 years of delivering only to children and young people.

4. Delivery options

There are generally three models of delivery;

1. One to one 2. Group 3. Combination of one to one and group

The training model recommended for Nottinghamshire is (3) the combination model. This model has already been well developed by Norfolk County Council and successfully delivered in Norfolk and at least 15 other Local Authorities across the country. The demonstrated benefits of this established model are:

• Positive outcomes, Norfolk has trained 205 young people in this year alone and in the past five years has successfully trained 536 young people • Low delivery costs • Established management and monitoring systems which are easily transferable. • Proven track record demonstrated by use of this model in other Local Authorities • Sustainability as ‘Independence’ is embedded within the curriculum and the SEN assessment review and process.

5. Recommendations .

It is recommended that the Board:

(a) Considers the contents of the report

(b) Endorses the introduction of the ITT scheme and the staffing resources required to deliver it

(c) Seeks approval of this as an ‘Invest to Save’ scheme with an appropriate budget allocation from the Improvement Programme. Page 29 of 222 3 Appendix B

6. Risks

Changes of such a significant nature carry a high level of risk which can be summarised as follows:

• Parent and carer resistance, which can be overcome successfully by early positive engagement • Schools reluctance to participate in ITT. In other Authorities there have been a few slow adopters of the scheme, however, when schools see the positive outcomes and feedback from other schools they tend to engage with the process • ITT scheme does not meet its targets: i.e. transport re-configuration cannot be fully realised to achieve maximum savings • Service and other changes that may impact on this area.

7. Conclusion

The introduction of a county wide ITT scheme ensures Children, Young People and Adults in Nottinghamshire are provided with the opportunity to gain new skills to assist them on the road to independence. Implementing ITT will enhance life choices for vulnerable people in Nottinghamshire and also provide cost benefits for the local authority.

Name of Report Author: Jenney Makler Title of Report Author: Independent Travel Training Officer Transport and Travel services (Tel: 73933)

Background Papers

Business Case DfT - ITT Discussion document DfT – Every Child Matters TITAN Project Board – ITT Interim Report

Page 30 of 222 4 Appendix B

Report to the TITAN Project Board

6 March 2013

Agenda Item:


Purpose of the Report

This report outlines the costs and benefits of introducing a county wide Independent Travel Training (ITT) scheme in Nottinghamshire. The scheme is forecast to save over £1m on education transport costs and train a minimum of 350 clients over five years. The report seeks endorsement to start implementing the scheme from April 2013.

1. Background As part of the TITAN project, it was identified that an ITT scheme may have the potential to generate significant savings for the authority whilst also providing benefits for participants and their families. Public consultation produced positive feedback in support of independent travel training.

ITT is complementary to the Government’s Independent Living Strategy, which aims for individuals to have: • choice and control over the assistance and/or equipment needed to go about their daily life, and; • equal access to housing, transport and mobility, health, employment and education and training opportunities.

ITT is a great enabler and it is also complementary to the outcomes specified in ‘Every Child Matters’ (ECM) which is a major Government agenda. The ECM Green Paper identified the five outcomes that are most important to children and young people as:

• be healthy • stay safe • enjoy and achieve • make a positive contribution • achieve economic well-being

2. Benefits to the Local Authority, Service User and Society

The benefits of ITT are widespread and encompass individuals, families, carers, Local Authorities and other organisations associated with the individuals concerned. The Department of Transport’s Travel Training Discussion Document and Strategy Outline identifies the following benefits:

Page 31 of 222 1 Appendix B

• increased independence, confidence and personal mobility; • increased access to education opportunities at colleges and universities, local services and leisure activities; • reduced burden on Local Authority specialist service provision; • reduced need for home visits and reliance on carers; • increased public transport patronage; • improvement in life skills, such as handling money, personal and road safety skills. • increased opportunity to gain employment • increased attendance at school • reduced burden on personal budgets

3. Progress Update

Children’s, Families and Cultural Services Clients

Pupils and students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) are a key target for ITT because of the following reasons: • Many are in receipt of bespoke transport which is of high unit cost • The cost benefits can often be realised over a long period of time, ie throughout the remainder of their time in education and throughout any period of accessing adult social care services • Young people are generally more receptive to learning and less set in their ways than older people • The personal benefits of training can be immense in terms of opening up their life choices at an early stage and assisting them to access more employment opportunities • The independence benefits their families in many ways including removing the need for others to transport them

There are 486 SEN clients who have been identified as suitable for training as they have mild or moderate difficulties and there is appropriate transport to support their independent journeys.

The average unit cost for the identified clients using SEN home to school/college transport is £3,800 per annum per pupil. The forecasted net savings identified are:

Year 1 – No savings and £52,000 set up costs Year 2 - £ 69,600 Year 3 - £ 252,000 Year 4 - £ 348,000 Year 5 - £ 396,000

Total anticipated net savings over the full 5 year period are just over £1m.

A spread sheet detailing the costs and savings is appended.

Page 32 of 222 2 Appendix B

Adult Social Care, Health and Public Protection Clients

Indicatively there are 3,065 adults currently using transport at an average cost of £2,700 per annum. Out of this client population 108 have been identified as potential beneficiaries of ITT which could realise additional savings of £290k per annum. The TITAN project is looking at adults currently transported by taxis and reviewing their transport needs. Essex County Council is currently starting to implement training to adults after 7 years of delivering only to children and young people.

4. Delivery options

There are generally three models of delivery;

1. One to one 2. Group 3. Combination of one to one and group

The training model recommended for Nottinghamshire is (3) the combination model. This model has already been well developed by Norfolk County Council and successfully delivered in Norfolk and at least 15 other Local Authorities across the country. The demonstrated benefits of this established model are:

• Positive outcomes, Norfolk has trained 205 young people in this year alone and in the past five years has successfully trained 536 young people • Low delivery costs • Established management and monitoring systems which are easily transferable. • Proven track record demonstrated by use of this model in other Local Authorities • Sustainability as ‘Independence’ is embedded within the curriculum and the SEN assessment review and process.

5. Recommendations.

It is recommended that the Board:

(a) Considers the contents of the report

(b) Endorses the introduction of the ITT scheme and the staffing resources required to deliver it

(c) Seeks approval of this as an ‘Invest to Save’ scheme with an appropriate budget allocation from the Improvement Programme.

6. Risks

Changes of such a significant nature carry a high level of risk which can be summarised as follows:

Page 33 of 222 3 Appendix B

• Parent and carer resistance, which can be overcome successfully by early positive engagement • Schools reluctance to participate in ITT. In other Authorities there have been a few slow adopters of the scheme, however, when schools see the positive outcomes and feedback from other schools they tend to engage with the process • ITT scheme does not meet its targets: i.e. transport re-configuration cannot be fully realised to achieve maximum savings • Service and other changes that may impact on this area.

7. Conclusion

The introduction of a county wide ITT scheme ensures Children, Young People and Adults in Nottinghamshire are provided with the opportunity to gain new skills to assist them on the road to independence. Implementing ITT will enhance life choices for vulnerable people in Nottinghamshire and also provide cost benefits for the local authority.

Name of Report Author: Jenney Makler Title of Report Author: Independent Travel Training Officer Transport and Travel services (Tel: 73933)

Background Papers

Business Case DfT - ITT Discussion document DfT – Every Child Matters TITAN Project Board – ITT Interim Report

Page 34 of 222 4 Independent Travel Training Scheme Costs Savings

These costs and savings err on the side of caution with assumptions that successfull training generates savings for each individual over a 2 year period which is the minimum outcome expected.

Description Set up Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Totals

Costings Central Staffing £0 £33,000 £57,000 £67,000 £67,000 £67,000 £291,000

Scheme Promotion £6,000 £3,000 £3,000 £3,000 £3,000 £3,000 £21,000

Train the Trainer Costs Cost per establishment 600 600 200 200 200 No. of establishments 6 8 10 10 10 44 Total trainer Costs £3,600 £4,800 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000 £14,400

Trainee Costs Average cost per trainee £150 £150 £150 £150 £150 £750 No. of trainees 48 64 80 80 80 352 Total trainee costs £7,200 £9,600 £12,000 £12,000 £12,000 £52,800

(A) Total Costs £6,000 £46,800 £74,400 £84,000 £84,000 £84,000 £379,200


Reduced transport costs Ave transport cost before training £3,800 £3,800 £3,800 £3,800 £3,800 Ave transport cost after training £800 £800 £800 £800 £800 Savings per trainee per annum £3,000 £3,000 £3,000 £3,000 £3,000

No. of trainees in current year 48 64 80 80 80 No. trainees from previous 2 years 0 48 112 144 160 Total trainees to inc in savings 0 48 112 144 160

(B) Total gross savings £0 £0 £144,000 £336,000 £432,000 £480,000 £1,392,000

Total net savings (B-A) -£6,000 -£46,800 £69,600 £252,000 £348,000 £396,000 £1,012,800 Page 35 of 222

February 2013

Page 36 of 222 Appendix C

Passenger Transport Travel & Development

Group Manager Transport & Travel Services

Team Manager, Passenger Transport Travel & Development

Facilities Operatives Regional Traveline (x8) Mobility & Travel Manager + Mansfield Bus Information & Independent Travel Solutions Officer External post hosted Cleaners (x3) Station Manager Development Officer Training Officer by NCC Catering & FM

Independent Travel Training Assistant

RCAN Travel Advisors Assistant Information Information & Assistant Mobility & Mobility & Travel Support Officer x2 & Development Development Travel Solutions Solutions Assistant External post hosted Officer x2 Assistant x2.5 Officer x2 by NCC under SLA

Key Outside TTS structure Page 37 of 222

Page 38 of 222 Appendix C

Passenger Transport Travel & Development

Group Manager Transport & Travel Services

Team Manager, Passenger Transport Travel & Development

Facilities Operatives Regional Traveline (x8) Mobility & Travel Manager + Mansfield Bus Information & Independent Travel Solutions Officer External post hosted Cleaners (x3) Station Manager Development Officer Training Officer by NCC Catering & FM

Independent Travel Training Assistant

RCAN Travel Advisors Assistant Information Information & Assistant Mobility & Mobility & Travel Support Officer x2 & Development Development Travel Solutions Solutions Assistant External post hosted Officer x2 Assistant x2.5 Officer x2 by NCC under SLA

Key Outside TTS structure Page 39 of 222

Page 40 of 222 Appendix E

TITAN Project – Draft Commissioning Model

1. Assessing and Analysing Local Needs

2. Agree Priority Needs for Each Area

3. Defining the Outcomes Required to Meet Local Needs

4. Design the Service Specification

5. Decide the Method for Sourcing

6. Procuring the Services

7. Implementation, Managing and Monitoring Delivery of the New Services

8. Reviewing and Learning from each Delivery Cycle Page 41 of 222

Page 42 of 222 Appendix E

TITAN Project – Draft Commissioning Model

1. Assessing and Analysing Local Needs

2. Agree Priority Needs for Each Area

3. Defining the Outcomes Required to Meet Local Needs

4. Design the Service Specification

5. Decide the Method for Sourcing

6. Procuring the Services

7. Implementation, Managing and Monitoring Delivery of the New Services

8. Reviewing and Learning from each Delivery Cycle Page 43 of 222

Page 44 of 222


21 March 2013

Agenda Item:



Purpose of the Report

1. To seek Committee approval of the arrangements for the 2013 / 2014 Nottinghamshire Concessionary Travel Scheme including the additional discretionary entitlements.

2. To update Committee on progress made towards the bulk re-issue of travel passes.

Information and Advice

3. Concessionary travel is highly valued and provides a wide range of travel opportunity, choice and access to key services for elderly and disabled residents of Nottinghamshire. The County Council provides the countywide concessionary travel scheme which costs £10.3m a year, is of significant benefit to 180,000 residents and results in nearly 12 million passenger journeys per year. The County Council also continues to support discretionary travel entitlements on the tram and a companion’s facility for people unable to travel alone at a cost of £500k per annum.

4. These additional entitlements are only available to holders of concessionary travel passes issued to Nottinghamshire residents and for companion’s trips which commence within Nottinghamshire. Free travel on the tram is available at the same times as on local buses with the exception of a reduction to half fare travel between 1600 and 1800 weekdays. Passes with the additional companion’s entitlement are issued to people who are blind, have a severe walking disability or a severe learning disability and would have difficulty travelling alone. The pass allows another person to travel with the pass holder at the same discounted rate for all journeys commencing in Nottinghamshire within the agreed scheme times.

5. The Council has a duty to issue a notice of the proposed scheme by 1 December 2012 which gives the transport operators the opportunity to comment on the scheme proposals. No comments were received so the final scheme notice was

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issued on 3 March 2013, in accordance with the statutory timescales, to enable the scheme to commence on 1 April.

Reimbursement Arrangements

6. Committee were informed at the November 2012 meeting that there were 21 transport operators participating in the Nottinghamshire scheme of which 16 were bus operators, 1 tram operator and 4 community transport schemes. Of these 21 a total of 18 had signed a two year reimbursement agreement (in March 2011) with the County Council. This agreement includes review clauses should higher or lower than anticipated patronage variations occur or significant network changes are introduced.

7. Since the November Committee a significant change to service provision has occurred with the cessation of trading by Premiere Travel Ltd. Several new operators have commenced operation of routes previously operated by Premiere Travel which has changed the overall number of transport operators who participate in the Nottinghamshire scheme. There are now 23 operators in total of which 19 are bus operators, 1 tram operator and 3 community transport schemes. Of these 23 a total of 15 will enter the second year of the negotiated fixed payment arrangement from 1 April 2013. The eight remaining operators will be reimbursed on an actual usage basis from patronage data supplied.

8. Detailed data monitoring will be undertaken during 2013 / 2014 to ensure that levels of patronage and operated mileage remain within the agreed parameters. Should any further new operators start services in Nottinghamshire an assessment of their patronage and mileage would be undertaken and the impact on any existing transport operator’s network / patronage would be reviewed in accordance with the agreed criteria.

9. The actual final costs of the scheme will be determined through passenger data, the final reimbursement agreements with the operators and the subsequent demand for travel.

Update on the Bulk Re-Issue of Passes

10. Approximately 90% of Nottinghamshire residents who qualify on age currently hold a concessionary travel pass. The scheme is of significant value to the pass holder and contributes to their wellbeing and life choices as well as helping to support the local economy.

11. As reported to Committee on 14 June 2012 a major pass renewal programme has commenced to renew approximately 100,000 passes by 31 March 2013. A renewal of this volume and complexity has generated some customer issues and complaints, such as pass holders on our records who no longer need their pass but for whom we have had no prior notification of a change. A robust communication and publicity strategy has been implemented to ensure that the programme of renewals has been undertaken with minimum inconvenience to the

Page 46 of 222 2

user with any issues dealt with in an efficient and timely manner. The new passes will have a range of expiry dates so that future replacement programmes can be undertaken on a rolling renewal basis.

12. Approximately 85% of those invited to renew their pass have done so and will receive their new pass during March. Of the outstanding 15% many have moved out of the area or into care and no longer require a pass. For those who apply later an in-house renewal process is available.

13. After this bulk renewal process has been completed an in-house process will renew the 7,000 passes per month which will need replacing.

14. The concessionary travel database has also been utilised to mail out details of bus service changes within the Newark area following TITAN stage 1 and to Mansfield residents giving details of the new bus station and associated arrangements.

Other Options Considered

15. No other options are available for the national scheme as the provision of concessionary travel for elderly and disabled people is a statutory duty.

Reasons for Recommendations

16. The recommendations ensure that the County Council has met its statutory duty whilst continuing to provide a wide range of travel opportunities and choices for the residents of Nottinghamshire.

Statutory and Policy Implications

17. This report has been compiled after consideration of implications in respect of finance, the public sector equality duty, human resources, crime and disorder, human rights, the safeguarding of children, sustainability and the environment and those using the service and where such implications are material they are described below. Appropriate consultation has been undertaken and advice sought on these issues as required.

Equal opportunities Implications

18. The provision of the concessionary travel scheme and the additional discretionary elements ensures that elderly and disabled can access key services thus improving their quality of life and enhancing social inclusion.

Financial Implications

19. The cost of reimbursement to transport operators (for statutory and discretionary entitlements) and scheme management is budgeted to be £10.8M in 2013/2014. Of this total £10.3M is reimbursement for statutory travel of which £9.81M is provided by central Government through the revenue support grant mechanism. The remaining £0.99M, of which £0.49M is for statutory travel and £0.5M for

Page 47 of 222 3

discretionary travel, is fully funded by the County Council. As detailed in paragraph 9 the final costs will be subject to agreements with transport operators and the subsequent demand for travel during 2013/14. Detailed monitoring of the patronage data will be undertaken on a regular basis and any variation to predicted costs will be reported.


1) Committee approves the 2013 / 2014 Nottinghamshire Concessionary Travel Scheme and associated reimbursement arrangements outlined in the report.

2) Committee note the progress made for the bulk re-issue of passes during March 2013.

Mark Hudson Group Manager, Transport & Travel Services

For any enquiries about this report please contact: Mark Hudson – Group Manager, Transport & Travel Services or Dave Bennett, Commissioning and Concessionary Travel Manager

Constitutional Comments (SHB.20.02.2013)

20. The report is for noting only so no constitutional comment is required.

Financial Comments (DJK 20.02.2013)

21. The contents of this report are duly noted; the financial implications are brought out within the report. The costs of pass re-issue have been funded from reserves.

Background Papers

Except for previously published documents, which will be available elsewhere, the documents listed here will be available for inspection in accordance with Section 100D of the Local Government Act 1972.

• Report to the Transport & Highways Committee dated 14 June 2012. • Report to the Transport & Highways Committee dated 22 November 2012.

Electoral Division(s) and Member(s) Affected


Page 48 of 222 4 Report to Transport and Highways Committee

21 March 2013

Agenda Item:



Purpose of the Report

To set the level of penalty charge for bus lane contraventions in Nottinghamshire to enable enforcement of the Nuthall bus gate to start.

Information and Advice

1. The Nuthall bus gate provides an important priority for buses during the evening peak period, making local bus services viable and improving journey times, whilst also intending to remove through traffic from residential streets. Contravention of the bus gate is leading to significant delay to buses and nuisance to local residents.

2. Proposals for a Statutory Quality Bus Partnership (SQBP) approved by the Cabinet Member for Transport and Highways on 10 January 2012, included enforcement of bus priority measures.

3. The final SQBP deposited with the Traffic Commissioner identifies a small number of locations where enforcement will be implemented.

4. On 8 February 2012 the Cabinet Member for Transport and Highways approved the Local Transport Plan programme for 2012/13 including modification of the bus gate at Nottingham Road, Nuthall and installation of an enforcement camera.

5. Regulations require that an authority shall not impose a penalty charge unless it has first set the level of charge to apply within its area. The Secretary of State must approve that level and details be advertised prior to imposing charges.

6. Choice of charge should be made on the basis of how best to deliver objectives of bus lane strategy and achieve a high degree of compliance, as well as producing a system that becomes self financing within a reasonable time.

7. The Department of Transport Guidance also notes that a wide range of charges between authorities would not be appropriate and, although The Secretary of State has approved three levels, all authorities outside London have adopted the same level of charge; at £60.

Page 49 of 222 1

8. It should be noted that an incentive to encourage prompt payment must be provided in the form of a 50% discount for payment within 14 days, thereby making the effective charge £30.

9. Warning letters will be issued to contravening vehicles during the first two weeks of operation.

10. Any surplus income will be re-invested into the provision and operation of public transport services.

11. Authorities undertaking bus lane enforcement are also required to participate in joint arrangements for adjudication services. Outside of London this is provided by the Bus Lane Adjudication Service Joint Committee (BLASJC) which is hosted by Cheshire East Council. The administrative arrangements require that authorities enter into an established Agreement under Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972. Due to the nature of this particular Agreement it will be necessary for Full Council to approve participation and a report will be prepared accordingly.

12. In due course it will also be necessary to nominate a Councillor to serve on the Joint Committee.

Other Options Considered

13. Modification of Nuthall bus gate has demonstrated that physical measures including changes to road geometry and signing are not sufficient to eradicate contravention.

14. Bus priority measures have been in place for many years but bus operators have consistently reported delays due to contravention by general traffic.

Reason/s for Recommendation/s

15. To ensure the effective operation of the Nuthall bus gate for the benefit of bus users and local residents.

Statutory and Policy Implications

16. This report has been compiled after consideration of implications in respect of finance, the public sector equality duty, human resources, crime and disorder, human rights, the safeguarding of children, sustainability and the environment and those using the service and where such implications are material they are described below. Appropriate consultation has been undertaken and advice sought on these issues as required.

Implications for Service Users The implementation of enforcement will enhance bus services using priority measures by improving bus journey time reliability and assist in the promotion of bus travel.

Page 50 of 222 2 Financial Implications The business case indicates that enforcement will be self-financing within the first year.



1) The penalty charge for bus lane contraventions in Nottinghamshire shall be £60.

2) The level of charge and associated details shall be advertised.

3) Bus lane enforcement shall start at Nuthall and, in due course, at other locations identified in the Statutory Quality Bus Partnership, subject to further Committee approval.

4) Authorisation to enter into a s101 agreement for the provision of adjudication services be sought from Full Council.

Andrew Warrington Service Director (Highways)

For any enquiries about this report please contact: Peter Goode – Traffic Manager Tel: 0115 9774269

Constitutional Comments ( SHB 25/02/13 )

17. Committee has the authority to approve the Recommendation.

Financial Comments ( TMR 25/02/13 )

18. The costs of bus lane enforcement will be met from the income from charges.

Background Papers and Published Documents

Except for previously published documents, which will be available elsewhere, the documents listed here will be available for inspection in accordance with Section 100D of the Local Government Act 1972.

The Bus Lane Contraventions (Penalty Charges, Adjudication and Enforcement) () Regulations 2005 – SI 2005 No. 2757

Page 51 of 222 3 Provisional guidance on bus lane (including tramway) enforcement in England outside London – Department for Transport November 2005 (revised February 2008)

The Bus Lane Contraventions (Approved Local Authorities) (England) (Amendment) Order 2010 – SI 2010 No. 99

The Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (County of Nottinghamshire) Designation Order 2008 – SI 2008 No. 1086

Electoral Division(s) and Member(s) Affected


Page 52 of 222 4 Report to Transport and Highways Committee

21 March 2013

Agenda Item:



Purpose of the Report

1. To seek approval for Traffic Regulation Orders to be applied to School Keep Clear markings across the County, converting them from advisory to mandatory.

Information and Advice

2. Problems associated with parking close to schools are a long standing issue that has increased over time due to the growth in car ownership and the number of pupils attending schools further from their homes.

3. School Keep Clear markings with projecting zigzag markings either side of the wording are placed across the pedestrian access to schools. These yellow markings are currently advisory and are intended to provide a clear space so that children crossing the road can see and been seen. The majority of parents and carers respect the markings, which give a useful demarcation of the minimum area to be kept clear, however, some drivers ignore them, prioritising their own convenience over the safety of children. As advisory markings, the only enforcement that can take place by Police Officers is for the complex offence of obstruction, as a specific offence of parking on school keep clear markings does not exist.


4. With the competing demands on Police officer time and frequency of problems outside most schools, a constant Police presence has been impossible to achieve. As mandatory markings, Local Authority controlled Civil Enforcement Officers will be able to issue a Penalty Charge Notice to the offender in line with other parking offences. This ability to enforce, coupled with clear information on enforcement sent to the parents has proved effective at controlling School Keep Clear parking in other locations nationwide.

5. An initial assessment of existing School Keep Clear markings in the County has been undertaken. It is proposed that the cost of implementing the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and remedial site works will be allocated from the Road Page 53 of 222 1 Safety Safer Routes to School budget for 2013/14 and 2014/15. The estimated cost for processing the TRO would be around £9,000 per district to cover preparation of drawings, statutory consultation and liaison with the public. £50,000 will be allocated from the Safer Routes to School budget 2013/14 to replace markings which do not comply with the current Department for Transport standards.

Other Options Considered

6. It would be possible to continue to encourage Head Teachers to work with parents to park respectfully, however this has not worked in the past at many locations.

Reason for Recommendation

7. Children should be provided with a safe place to access their school which is free from parked vehicles.

Statutory and Policy Implications

8. This report has been compiled after consideration of implications in respect of finance, the public sector equality duty, human resources, crime and disorder, human rights, the safeguarding of children, sustainability and the environment and those using the service and where such implications are material they are described below. Appropriate consultation has been undertaken and advice sought on these issues as required. Any factors affecting these areas will be considered as part of the consultation process with recommendations being reported back to Committee for their consideration.

Financial Implications

9. As outlined in paragraph 5.


1) It is recommended that the consultation commences to implement area wide Traffic Regulation Orders to enable the enforcement of School Keep Clear Markings across the County. Any objections will be reported back to Committee to make the final decision, taking the outcome of the consultation into account.

Andrew Warrington Service Director Highways

Page 54 of 222 2 For any enquiries about this report please contact: Suzanne Heydon Group Manager Safety, Signal and Lighting

Constitutional Comments (SBL 12/2/2013)

10. Transport and Highways Committee is the appropriate body to consider the content of this report

Financial Comments (TMR 12/2/2013)

11. The financial implications are set out in paragraph 5 of the report

Background Papers and Published Documents None

Electoral Division(s) and Member(s) Affected


Page 55 of 222 3

Page 56 of 222 Report to Transport and Highways Committee

21 March 2013

Agenda Item:



Purpose of the Report

1. To seek approval of the 2013/14 Road Safety campaigns and initiatives to support the reduction in road casualties on Nottinghamshire’s roads

Information and Advice

2. The Nottinghamshire Decade of Action sets challenging targets for the reduction in the number of road casualties on Nottinghamshire’s roads. A 40% reduction of the killed or seriously injured (KSI) and Child KSI compared to the 2005-2009 average to be achieved by 2020.

3. The Road Safety team are leading a programme of education and training campaigns designed to reduce the number of casualties on the County’s roads. Activities are targeted at specific road user groups and ages according to need.

4. The programme has been developed by interrogating police accident data to establish accident trends and areas where casualties are increasing or reducing at a slower rate.

5. Research into specific behaviour and decision making by road users is undertaken to provide a more informed view. The circumstances and causation factors are examined to establish behaviour patterns to inform what specific behaviours to tackle such as seatbelt wearing or inappropriate speed.

6. Consideration is given to where, when and why accidents are occurring to aid targeting of the campaigns and initiatives. The timing of campaigns and training generally coincides with when, historically, higher numbers of casualties have occurred within a specific road user group and/or age band to maximise its likely impact on casualty numbers.

7. The design of the specific campaigns is undertaken with the support and advice of our Communications & Marketing team. Evaluation of previous projects and interventions provides an insight into the most cost effective methods and types of advertising.

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8. An analysis tool called the Market Analysis and Segmentation Tool (MAST) draws together police accident data with Experian’s MOSAIC which provides an insight into the socio-demographic of the communities and individuals most likely to be involved in a road traffic accident. This helps enable the design and method used in each campaign to be as effective and efficient as possible.

9. The proposed programme will commence with adult cycling sessions which will aim to improve skills and confidence of riders, with particular emphasis on road positioning and interaction with other road users. The training sessions will be run from five hubs around the county, namely West Bridgford, Hucknall, Worksop, Southwell and Newark. At the beginning of April we plan to run a campaign aimed at all road users. Over 4000 road users in Nottinghamshire ‘failed to look’ properly between 2007 and 2011 contributing to a road accident.

10. The summer will see a number of initiatives, with the initial activity focusing on drink drive. There will be advertising activity in public houses and to support this, road safety staff will run clinics in local supermarkets. We will then move our focus on to seatbelts, with advertising being undertaken as well as child car seat checks at supermarkets in each district of the county. During September we plan to run a child pedestrian campaign in primary schools, which will be supported by the Junior Road Safety Officer scheme and additional road safety education in schools.

Other Options Considered

11. Alternative timings and methods may be considered but the programme has been designed to have the maximum impact possible on road casualty numbers with the resources available.

Reason/s for Recommendation/s

12. The programme is designed to have the maximum impact on reducing the number of road casualties. Research and evaluation of past projects both locally and in other areas has provided an insight into the effectiveness of the types of intervention and their likely effect on behaviour.

Statutory and Policy Implications

13. This report has been compiled after consideration of implications in respect of finance, the public sector equality duty, human resources, crime and disorder, human rights, the safeguarding of children, sustainability and the environment and those using the service and where such implications are material they are described below. Appropriate consultation has been undertaken and advice sought on these issues as required.

Implications for Service Users Page 58 of 222 2

14. The campaigns and training programmes are designed to have a positive effect on behaviour of all road users. The programme aims to reduce the number of casualties in all road user groups.

Financial Implications

15. Each campaign will be separately determined in relation to the most efficient and effective use of resources. The total budget allocated for the 2013/14 financial year is £40,000.

Safeguarding of Children Implications

16. The welfare of children should be positively influenced by the campaigns and training specifically targeted at children and young people. In addition Road Safety Education & training is delivered by Road Safety staff in schools and colleges.


17. It is recommended that approval is given to the proposed framework for Road Safety Campaigns and Training programme for the coming year.

Andrew Warrington Service Director Highways

For any enquiries about this report please contact: Zena Oliver Principal Officer Road Safety Projects & Lifelong Learning

Constitutional Comments (SHB 25/02/2013)

18. Committee has the authority to approve the Recommendation.

Financial Comments (TMR 25/02/2013)

19. The financial implications are set out in paragraph 15 of the report

Background Papers and Published Documents

Except for previously published documents, which will be available elsewhere, the documents listed here will be available for inspection in accordance with Section 100D of the Local Government Act 1972.

Page 59 of 222 3 Appendix 1 – Road Safety Framework 2013/14

Electoral Division(s) and Member(s) Affected


Page 60 of 222 4 Report to Transport and Highways Committee

21 st March 2013

Agenda Item:


The Nottinghamshire County Council (Holly Drive, Mansfield) (Prohibition of Waiting and Driving) Traffic Regulation Order 2012 (2161)


Purpose of the Report

1. To consider the objections received in respect of the proposed Traffic Regulation Order for Holly Drive, Mansfield.

Information and Advice

2. Holly Drive is situated in the residential area of Forest Town, Mansfield and provides access to the cul-de-sacs of Beechwood Close, Fernwood Close and Minton Pastures. Holly Drive Primary School is also situated on Holly Drive and currently provides primary education for approximately 300 children. Mr Duncan White, the Head teacher, has advised that by 2014 this could increase by up to another 50 children. Holly Drive also forms part of two bus routes which have a frequency of 4 trips every hour during the day. The problems have been the source of escalating concern for local residents and the school headmaster over recent years culminating in the current proposals which have significant support from those parties.

3. A number of the residents of the properties of Beechwood Close, Fernwood Close and Minton Pastures are vulnerable and require access to and from their properties.

4. Parking has become an increasing issue during school pick up and drop off times, with parents parking on both sides of Holly Drive, Beechwood Close, Fernwood Close and Minton Pastures. This parking creates considerable congestion problems as Holly Drive is approximately 7 metres in width, Minton Pastures and Beechwood Close are approximately 5.5 metres in width and Fernwood Close is approximately 5 metres in width. As the roads are narrow, the vehicles are often parked on both pavements. The presence of this parking prevents buses from travelling along Holly Drive, prevents residents from

Page 61 of 222 1 accessing their properties and also presents pedestrians and especially school children, with safety issues.

5. The proposals are for the introduction of prohibition of driving (with except for access) on Minton Pastures, Fernwood Close and Beechwood Close; the introduction of no waiting at any time around the safety critical junctions of Minton Pastures, Fernwood Close, Holly Drive and Beechwood Close; the provision of no waiting during morning and afternoon school times and no stopping on ‘school keep clear’ markings along Holly Drive to assist with school related traffic movements. The proposals are shown on the accompanying drawing. The prohibition of driving is proposed to operate at all hours which will remove the opportunity for parents to arrive in the affected areas close to but outside of the hours of its operation.

6. The above proposed restrictions are designed to protect junctions from parked vehicles thereby ensuring visibility for vehicle manoeuvres, improve road and pedestrian safety by restricting where vehicles can park and preventing parking on pavements. These improvements will assist local residents in accessing their properties and assist the emergency services and public transport services to negotiate the affected roads.

7. A statutory consultation and public advertisement of the proposals took place between 12 th December 2012 and 25 th January 2013 and ten objections have been received. The objections and their responses are summarised below and all the objections are itemised in Appendix A and where possible/relevant a response has been provided.

Objection 1

8. Seven parents have objected that the proposals will shift parking onto the surrounding road network and will therefore just displace the problem to other residential streets and properties. The closest available road is Holly Road, which objectors consider less suitable for the dropping off/picking up of children, as it is considered dangerous for children to walk along and does not have a school crossing patrol.


9. It is inevitable that some displacement of parking will occur with the introduction of the proposals. Holly Road has continuous pavement situated along its northern side, and on its southern side to the east of Holly Drive. The speed limit is 30mph on Holly Road and although there are roads that have access from it, it does not have any direct residential access. School warning signs are placed either side of Holly Drive on Holly Road. There is car parking available at Kings Way Hall which is situated to the south of Clipstone Road and provides free parking within walking distance of the school.

10. The presence of indiscriminately parked vehicles in the vicinity of the school and junctions on Holly Drive presents pedestrians and especially vulnerable road

Page 62 of 222 2 users such as children with safety issues when trying to walk to and from school and cross the road.

11. Approximately 15 parking spaces are being retained on Holly Drive and for those with parents/carers with disabled badges it will be possible to legitimately pick up and drop off children.

Objection 2

12. Seven parents objected to the proposals on the grounds that they do not provide a solution for parents who need to park to drop off and pick up children.

Page 63 of 222 3 Response

13. The proposals allow for approximately 15 parking spaces on Holly Drive for parents to drop off and pick up children. Kings Way Hall car park is also available for parents to park and walk the short distance to school and it is not considered unreasonable that most parents are able to walk this short distance of 250 metres. The restrictions will cause some parents to alter their parking habits. Holly Primary school provides and is extending the breakfast club so that it is available from 7.45am rather than 8.00 am. The current take up is over 50 children, and this therefore is allowing a staggering of the start times of the school day which will alleviate some of the parking pressure experienced at the traditional school times.

Objection 3

14. The proposal was consulted on and advertised over Christmas. Copies of the risk assessment, business case, appraisal and other options considered should be provided.


15. The due process has been conducted regarding the consultation and the advertising of the proposals and meets the requirements of the traffic regulation process. Consultation letters were provided to the school, residents and all other statutory bodies on the 12 th December 2012, the notices for the traffic regulation orders were placed on site on 18 th December 2012. The consultation period and advert period were extended to take into account the Christmas period, with the advert period finishing on 25 th January 2013. Other options that have been considered are discussed in paragraphs 18 to 23. Over recent years a number of measures have been introduced in an attempt to influence parking at the school but have had limited success, it is now considered appropriate to introduce the measures as described within this report and as detailed as part of the Traffic Regulation Order making process. Previous measures have included providing signs on Minton Pastures, Beechwood Close and Fernwood Close, bollards and parental engagement. There is no formal risk assessment, business case or appraisal.

Objection 4

16. The Police objected to providing the prohibition of driving with except for access on Minton Pastures, Beechwood Close and Fernwood Close as there have been no personal injury collisions and the police would be required to enforce a prohibition of driving with except for access order on these roads and therefore prefer a scheme which can be enforced using civil enforcement.


Page 64 of 222 4 17. It is accepted that may not be in a position to carry out enforcement action regarding the prohibition of driving. This scheme forms part of the countywide Safer Routes to School programme which in addition to addressing safety concerns at schools is also intended to offer opportunity for children to travel to school by means other than private vehicle by creating an environment which is not dominated by parked/waiting vehicles. Other options to achieving this were examined and are discussed below.

Other Options Considered

18. Providing no waiting restrictions at school drop off and pick up times on Beechwood Close, Fernwood Close and Minton Pastures rather than a prohibition of driving with except for access traffic regulation order. However, these measures would require more intrusive lines and signs.

19. Providing an additional entrance on Attlee/Laurel Avenue. This has been investigated and would require investment to provide a path, camera and electronic gate to the same standards as that situated for the entrance on Holly Drive. Mr Duncan White, the Head teacher, has advised that by only having one entrance this allows movements in and out of the school to be monitored as it is directly overlooked by reception.

20. Widening Holly Drive. Holly Drive is currently approximately 7 metres wide with continuous pavement each side, at various locations properties have boundaries with this pavement, therefore there is limited scope to widen Holly Drive without removing some sections of pavements and this would have an adverse impact on pedestrian safety.

21. Opening up the waste ground adjacent to Holly Road and provide a car park or footpath. Consideration has been given to providing nearby off street parking on the waste land though it has not been possible to develop this.

22. Providing a school crossing patrol. School sites are assessed and monitored for the introduction of School Crossing Patrols (SCP). Holly Road and Holly Drive have been considered for SCP sites but have not been approved

23. Provide a school bus. There are two public service buses which route close to Holly Primary School that could be utilised by parents. Nottinghamshire County Council’s current policy is that primary school pupils who are aged between 4 and 7 years and live greater than 2 miles from their catchment school, are entitled to free school transport, for children aged 8 to 11 the distance increases to 3 miles. The full policy can be examined on Nottinghamshire County Council’s website.

Reasons for Recommendations

24. A total of twenty eight positive responses have been received by residents to the complete proposals. The comments have included; • Residents are often elderly and require access to properties and pavements Page 65 of 222 5 • The parking causes a safety problem for children • The buses frequently cannot get down Holly Drive • Concern has been expressed that the emergency services cannot access the roads due to parked vehicles • Exiting Minton Pastures is difficult as visibility is obscured by parked vehicles

25. In addition there have been 2 partial supportive responses: one from Nottinghamshire Police who support the junction protection and enforceable ‘school keep clear’ markings and a parent who supports the prohibition of driving with except for access ban on Beechwood Close and Fernwood Close, and the enforceable ‘school keep clear’ markings.

26. The local County Councillor Martin Wright supports the proposals.

27. The recommendation is made as it is considered that the benefits of the scheme address the concerns which have been expressed locally regarding the safety of road users, especially vulnerable users. The proposals will also assist the local bus services to negotiate Holly Drive which has been the source of scheduling problems for bus operators and which have been reported to this authority. It is accepted that the proposals to alleviate the problems being experienced represent a more rigorous approach than has previously been implemented in what may be considered similar circumstances. This conclusion is reached given the scale of the safety and obstruction problems experienced in this instance and is not considered to be a solution which will necessarily be applicable to other locations around the County. The impact of the changes will be monitored very closely and assessed during the first 6 months of its operation.

Statutory and Policy Implications

28. This report has been compiled having given due regard to the Public Sector Equality Duty and after consideration of implications in respect of finance, equal opportunities, human resources, crime and disorder, human rights, the safeguarding of children, sustainability and the environment and those using the service and where such implications are material they are described below. Appropriate consultation has been undertaken and advice sought on these issues as required.

Financial Implications

29. The scheme is being funded by the Local Transport Plan budget for 2012/13. The cost of implementing the scheme and the associated works will be in the region of £5,000.

Crime and Disorder Implications

30. Nottinghamshire Police has raised an objection to the prohibition of driving with except for access orders proposed on Minton Pastures, Beechwood Close and Fernwood Close. This objection has been discussed in paragraph 16 and a response given in paragraph 17. However, they support the other proposals. Page 66 of 222 6


It is recommended that

The Nottinghamshire County Council (Holly Drive, Mansfield) (Prohibition of Waiting and Driving) Traffic Regulation Order 2012 (2161) be made as recommended on the attached drawing, and the objectors informed accordingly.

Andrew Warrington Service Director (Highways)

For any enquiries about this report please contact:

Neil Hodgson Tel: 0115 9772720

Constitutional Comments (SHB 26/02/13)

31. Committee has the authority to approve the Recommendation.

Financial Comments (IC 25/02/13)

32. The financial implications are stated in paragraph 29 of the report

Background Papers

Except for previously published documents, which will be available elsewhere, the documents listed here will be available for inspection in accordance with Section 100D of the Local Government Act 1972.

All relevant documents for the proposed scheme including those as summarised in Appendix A are contained within the scheme file which can be found in the Major Projects and Improvements Team at Trent Bridge House.

Electoral Division(s) and Member(s) Affected

Councillor Martin Wright - Mansfield East

Page 67 of 222 7

Page 68 of 222 Appendix A

Objector Who Date Comments from Objector NCC Response Received No. 1 Parent 10/01/13 • Objects to no waiting restrictions around the mouths of • A detailed response is provided to the first bullet point junctions as the Highway Code already provides this in the other options considered section of the report. and should be enforced • The number of driveway accesses on Minton Pastures • Objects to the prohibition to driving with except for limits the amount of parking available to provide this as access on Minton Pastures as parking restrictions a feasible solution should be provided on one side only with protection • The buses are staggered according to the timetable, provided for turning areas, current proposals will push however this comment has been passed to the parking onto other roads operators for investigation/consideration • Alteration to the bus timetable so that buses do not appear at the same time No. 2 Parent 09/01/13 • No alternative has been provided to parents • A detailed response has been provided to these Objection 1 and • The problem will be shifted to nearby streets comments in the responses to Objections 1, 2 and 3 2 • Holly Road requires a lollipop person and the other options considered section of the report. • Kings Way Hall car park is not sufficient size to accommodate all the parents • Make Minton Pastures waste ground into a car park • Provide a drop off/pick up service • Stagger school start/finish times No. 3 Parent 08/01/13 • Widen Holly Drive • A detailed response has been provided to these • Provide a school bus comments in the other options considered section of • Utilise Attlee Avenue access more the report. • Use waste land off Holly Road/Flint Avenue • Kings Way car park is too small No. 4 Parent 08/01/13 • Uses breakfast club and drops off at 8.10 when there • A detailed response has been provided to these Objection 1 and are few parked cars comments in the responses to Objections 1 and 2 and 2 • Concerned that the proposal will affect the safety of the other options considered section of the report. their child • Grandparents pick up and have limited mobility so need to park close to school • Restrictions would move parking onto faster more unsuitable roads • Install traffic cameras for those currently parking illegally No. 5 Parent 10/01/13 • Shortage of places to park • A detailed response has been provided to these Objection 2 and • Cannot trust her Yr6 child to get to school safely if they comments in the response to Objections 1 and 2 and 1 walk independently Page 69 of 222 the other options considered section of the report. • Requires drop off point • Proposals will just move the problem 1

No. 6 Parent 09/01/13 • Holly Road needs a crossing patrol and traffic calming • A detailed response has been provided to these Objection 1, 2 • Proposals will just move the problem comments in the response to Objections 1 and 2 and and 3 • Use the waste land the other options considered section of the report. • Proposals sprung on parents before Christmas and parents should have been consulted No. 7 Parent 20/12/12 • Holly Road not suitable for a child to walk along and • A detailed response has been provided to these Objection 1 and needs traffic calming comments in the response to Objection 1. 2 • Proposals will just move the problem No. 8 Parent 20/12/12 • Proposals are anti-parent • A detailed response has been provided to these Objection 1 and • Holly Road is more dangerous and needs traffic comments in the response to Objections 1 and 2 and 2 calming the other options considered section of the report. • Provide a walk through from Holly Road to Minton Pastures and use waste land • Add entrance on Attlee Avenue/Laurel Avenue No. 9 Parent 20/12/12 • Legal mechanism already in place to deal with parking • A detailed response has been provided to these Objection 1, 2 that obstructs comments in the response to Objections 1, 2 and 3 and 3 • Proposals will just move the problem and the other options considered section of the report. • Holly Road is too fast • Nottinghamshire County Council attends and chairs • What research, risk assessment has been completed the Midlands Service Improvements Group on and other options considered Casualty Reduction which shares best practice. • Should have provided options for consultation rather than one solution with an open evening • Proposal will result in children’s safety being compromised No. 10 Nottinghamshire 27/12/12 • There have been no injury collisions on these roads • A detailed response has been provided to these Constabulary • A uniformed officer must enforce the no driving with comments in the response to Objection 4. Objection 4 except for access • The road sign for the no driving with except for access is not publically well known • A residents parking scheme would be more appropriate

Page 70 of 222


Page 71 of 222

Page 72 of 222 Report to Transport and Highways Committee

21 March 2013

Agenda Item:



Purpose of the Report

1. This report seeks to outline the ramifications of the disease affecting Ash trees known as Chalara Fraxinea but is pertinent in terms of any tree related disease outbreak.

Information and Advice

2. The Forestry Commission states that currently there are over 8 noteworthy pest and diseases within the UK that could have a significant effect on the County’s tree stock. Due diligence by trained staff and speed of response is critical in terms of disease control, however, in the case of Chalara Fraxinea this phase has ended. The issues faced by all landowners is now one of managing a population of trees that are in ill and failing health that will worsen due to infection with Chalara Fraxinea .

3. It is vital ensure that timely and appropriate safety work and tree removal is carried out in a planned and measured way. The implications for Chalara Fraxinea should be considered as significant as they are the dominant hedgerow boundary tree throughout the County, having replaced Elm in this role, and multiples of self-set and planted Ash dominate hedgerows and rural verges.

4. The Forestry Commission has issued guidance with regard to the control of the spread of the disease and estimations made with regard to life expectancy should be viewed as guide lines as there are many variables that affect the speed of death of at tree at a local level. Realistically the County Council resources will be limited to responding to tree problems within its statutory responsibilities only. Advice and assistance to private tree owners will have to be left to government agencies such as the Forestry Commission unless they could be seen to affect the Public Highway.

5. It is likely that April / May 2013 will show the extent of the spread of the disease as trees will be observably dead or showing signs of die back.

Page 73 of 222 1

Identification and management of trees bordering the highway (trees on private land)

6. The County Council will continue through its normal process for dealing with potentially hazardous trees affecting the public Highway to identify private trees affected by the disease.

The Authority usually requires landowners to make safe their trees through the use of Section 154 Highway Act 1980.

However if the disease spreads quickly and becomes widespread there is a risk that many people would find it easier and cheaper to fell infected / standing dead trees rather than attempt to promote their retention for as long as possible by carrying out the bare minimum of works truly required.

Other Options Considered

7. In these circumstances the Authority may decide that the logistics of serving multiple notices is practicably unachievable and takes the view that any tree within falling distance of the Highway that poses a significant threat should be made safe by the Authority which would also ensure that only truly necessary works are carried out.

The trees would then be recorded and monitored to ensure safety until the next phase of the tree mortality spiral takes effect and landowners notified accordingly.

Consideration may also be given to grant aiding replacement planting at as early a time as possible.

This alternative would give the Authority more long term control over the management of the trees by offering support guidance and advice, however this has potentially significant implications in terms of funding.

For trees on private land bordering public rights of way colleagues in the Rights of Way team would follow a similar approach, actively liaising with the nominated Tree Inspector for the area to ensure continuity of management.

Unfortunately the provision of additional funding from central government is not yet determined and it would be prudent to identify a reserve fund should the Authority need to implement these measures.

Identification and management (trees on county owned and maintained land)

8. Identification of dead and infected trees followed by detailing works instructions to carry out the bare minimum of work required to make safe for the public and in the case of other property buildings and site users. Clearly the process needs to identify the major risks associated with regard to dead/ hazardous trees.

Page 74 of 222 2

9. Broadly this can be broken down into:

The Public Highway Schools and Education Sites Property sites / holdings with high public usage i.e. Libraries, social service centres, Country Parks and Green Estates Property sites with low public usage i.e. disposal sites, farms and land holdings

Although tree survey data exists on highway land and to an extent the country parks and green estates no such survey exists on other property land. The Authority’s normal liability issues notwithstanding this missing data clearly means that it is not possible to predict accurately the issues that disease control / felling of dead trees will cause and the resources that would be required to satisfactorily answer the matter. A starting point would be to ensure that corporately all trees on County Council owned and maintained land are surveyed to an appropriate level and maintenance works decided as necessary undertaken. The Health and Safety Executive guidance “Management of the Risk from Falling Trees” (SIM 01/2007/05) is quite clear on how to manage the risk from falling trees and as a minimum standard this should in any event be being followed.

10. Consideration would need to be given as to the replacement of trees that are lost for future generations. Replacement tree planting species type will need to be informed by the use of the Landscape Character Appraisal maps supplied by Landscape and Reclamation Team to ensure the appropriate reestablishment of the local landscape.

Environmental Implications

11. The removal of roadside hedgerow trees in particular is completely inappropriate in terms of the damage it would potentially cause to protected species such as bats and nesting birds and their associated habitat. It is essential that due consideration is given to this matter when detailing remedial works up to and including felling on safety grounds. Decayed trees provide valuable ecological resources and due diligence is essential to ensure that only those trees absolutely requiring removal are targeted. It would be unfortunate to think that the loss of the Ash tree is compounded further by the damage to the greater environment by being too acute in terms of tree removal.

Landscape Implications

12. The appearance of the landscape is likely to be significantly affected through the impact of this disease. Ash is a dominant species in at least one of the 3 landscape elements in all of the County’s character areas. The following table summarises the County Landscape Character Areas and identifies the elements in which ash is one of the dominant species.

Page 75 of 222 3 Character Area Woodlands Hedgerow Trees Wet areas/ stream sides Notts Derbys Coalfield yes yes East Notts Sandlands yes Idle Lowlands County yes Areas Leicestershire and yes yes yes Nottinghamshire Wolds County Landscape Magnesian Limestone yes yes yes Mid Nottinghamshire yes yes Farmlands Sherwood yes yes South yes yes Nottinghamshire Farmlands Trent Valley yes yes yes Trent Washlands yes yes yes Vale of Belvoir yes yes yes

13. The implications for landscape character are that there will be a significant loss of one of the key components of woodland, hedgerow and stream side tree cover. The appearance of the remaining landscape will also change as other tree species become more dominant.

14. In terms of Highway trees an estimation based on the percentage of total tree stock being Ash equates to approximately 30000 trees, ranging from small recently planted and early mature trees totalling perhaps 70% of this number through to what most people would recognise as a tree number approximately 8000 trees. These figures are reflective of trees in the Highway. No other survey data on other County council owned or maintained land is available to assist in cost estimation.

15. Additional ecological consultancy support may be required when features associated with protected species are identified on trees to be worked upon or felled due to the need for specialist surveys and licences and the necessity to ensure legal compliance.

Information for the Public

16. Trading standards officers will be briefed on the opportunity that this disease outbreak offers unscrupulous contactors, and information packs will be prepared to assist concerned residents for the spring summer of 2013.


17. The Chalara Fraxinea outbreak and potential implications may require increased County Council resources to ensure that its effects can be managed in a measured and holistic manner. Page 76 of 222 4

18. Risk management assessments are required to manage the safety of road users and also staff users and visitors to county council sites, schools and parks from the risk posed by failing limbs and falling trees.

19. This report is applicable to other possible statutorily notifiable disease outbreaks but in the case of Chalara the government is not proposing quarantine zones and mandatory sanitation felling. Potentially other outbreaks may require this sort of response and it is proposed to develop a framework plan in place that could be adapted to deal with any disease outbreak in a timely and effective manner.

20. It is unlikely that the implications of this disease can be effectively managed without the measures set out in this report.

Statutory and Policy Implications

21. This report has been compiled after consideration of implications in respect of finance, the public sector equality duty, human resources, crime and disorder, human rights, the safeguarding of children, sustainability and the environment and those using the service and where such implications are material they are described below. Appropriate consultation has been undertaken and advice sought on these issues as required.

Andrew Warrington Service Director Highways

For any enquiries about this report please contact: Dave Simpkin 0115 9772576

Constitutional Comments [SHB 13/3/13]

24. Committee has the authority to approve the Recommendation.

Financial Comments

25. To Follow.

Electoral Division(s) and Member(s) Affected


Page 77 of 222 5

Page 78 of 222 Report to Transport and Highways Committee

21 March 201 3

Agenda Item:



Purpose of the Report

1. To seek Committee approval for the integrated transport and highways maintenance capital schemes which have not received previous approval (as detailed in paragraph 6 of this report).

2. The County Council continues to invest in providing and maintaining a quality highway network for the benefit of local residents, road users and the local economy through a programme including: • continued investment in the highway maintenance programmes including additional funding for footway maintenance • further investment in highway safety improvements including at the A612 Mile End road junction • further investment in the popular interactive speed sign programme (approx. 25 signs) • 13 new or improved pedestrian crossings, including a puffin crossing on Derby Road, Stapleford and new zebra crossings on Watnall Road, Nuthall and Musters Road, West Bridgford • capacity improvements to help make journey times more reliable including improvements to the A614/A617 Lockwell Hill roundabout • continued investment in improving local centres including Derby Road, Stapleford and Tuxford town centre • the introduction of bus transport hubs across the county to support the TITAN bus service review.

3. Early discussions have taken place with the designers to enable them to programme both the integrated transport programmes and (with the exception of the local safety schemes which are still being assessed for deliverability) 87% of the integrated transport programme has been briefed for development and construction. Schemes have now been scheduled for construction during quarter one and these dates are included on the attached appendices. Work is ongoing to schedule the remainder of the programme and it is anticipated that the majority of these schemes will be programmed by the end of March. It will not be possible to schedule all of the schemes until feasibility, design work etc. has been completed. Each County Council Member will, however, be provided with Page 79 of 222 1 monthly bulletins to update them on the schemes planned within their ward including proposed construction dates.

Information and Advice

4. The funding for local transport improvements, such as addressing congestion or road safety, is called the integrated transport block. The integrated transport block and highways capital maintenance block allocations both benefit from capital grant funding from the Department for Transport.

5. The funding allocations are detailed below, and were approved by County Council at the meeting on the 28 February 2013. It should be noted that the integrated transport block includes £250k carried over from 2012/13 for a contribution towards Elkesley A1 junction improvements being carried out by the Highways Agency (approved in November 2011); a £300k additional contribution towards rail enhancements in 2013/14; and an additional investment in road safety (£350k in 2013/14 and £350k in 2014/15). Similarly, the 2013/14 highways capital maintenance block includes £2.022m additional DfT highways capital maintenance.

Provisional allocations Block 2013/14 2014/15 Integrated transport £7.1m £7.556m Highways capital maintenance £18.562m £16.721m

6. The detailed integrated transport and capital maintenance programmes were approved at the 6 February 2013 Transport & Highways Committee meeting. Further development work has, however, been undertaken on the two programmes and some additional schemes have been included as a result of completion of feasibility, design work, community concerns and recent deterioration. Feasibility works on improvements to the A614/A617 Lockwell Hill roundabout scheme have identified increased costs for the scheme and this is reflected in the amended appendices. An additional seven schemes have been included in the 2013/14 integrated transport programme (all of which have a forecast cost of less than £50k). One additional schemes has been included in the capital maintenance programme with a further four schemes added to the reserve programme:

Schemes added to the integrated transport measures programme • A60 Cuckney to Church Warsop safety cameras – following accident and casualty investigations • Audon Avenue, Chilwell residents’ parking scheme – following the review of recent and planned transport developments in Beeston • Botany Avenue/Marriott Close area residents parking scheme amendment – following community concerns • Endsleigh and Muriel Gardens area, Beeston residents’ parking scheme – following the review of recent and planned transport developments in Beeston • Glebe Street area, Beeston residents’ parking scheme – following the review of recent and planned transport developments in Beeston

Page 80 of 222 2 • Lilac Grove, Beeston waiting restrictions – following the review of recent and planned transport developments in Beeston • Northgate, Newark residents’ parking scheme – following community concerns • Stapleford Lane, Toton interactive speed sign – following community concerns.

Schemes added to the capital maintenance programme • Main Street, – footway resurfacing (follow on from LIS scheme to be completed resurfacing footways between the villages of Harworth and Styrrup).

Schemes added to the capital maintenance programme (reserve schemes) • Ireland Avenue, Beeston – road resurfacing to tie in with potential footway scheme • Yorke Drive, Newark on Trent – road resurfacing • Church Street, Ruddington from B680 Wilford Road to The Green – road resurfacing • Easthorpe Street, Ruddington from B680 Wilford Road for approximately 50m – road resurfacing

7. Two schemes included in the 2013/14 integrated transport programmes and scheduled for construction during the first quarter have been delayed: • A60 Doncaster Road, Oldcotes pedestrian refuge – scheme requires further feasibility and design work due to utilities found in the adjacent verges • Derby Road, Bramcote environmental improvements – scheme put on hold due to landowner negotiations.


8. The revised provisional integrated transport and highway capital maintenance programmes, detailing the proposed schemes to be delivered during 2013/14 are attached as appendices 1 and 2 respectively to this report. The appendices also detail the schemes that are scheduled for construction during the first quarter of 2013/14. The programmes are subject to capital budget approvals at the 28 February 2013 County Council meeting. Each of the schemes is also subject to the necessary consultation, statutory undertakings and other issues arising from feasibility studies, detailed scheme investigation, design and consultation.

9. Scheme development work is underway for future years’ programmes as well as feasibility work on schemes which have been included as reserve schemes for the 2013/14 financial year’s programme. Consequently an additional number of reserve schemes have been added to the 2013/14 programme. Reserve schemes could potentially be delivered during the 2013/14 financial year should other schemes become undeliverable or if other funding sources become available.

Page 81 of 222 3 Statutory and Policy Implications

10. This report has been compiled after consideration of implications in respect of finance, equal opportunities, human resources, crime and disorder, human rights, the safeguarding of children, sustainability and the environment and those using the service and where such implications are material they are described below. Appropriate consultation has been undertaken and advice sought on these issues as required.

Page 82 of 222 4 RECOMMENDATION/S

11. It is recommended that Committee: a) approve the proposed additional integrated transport and capital maintenance schemes as detailed in this report b) approve the revised integrated transport and capital maintenance programmes as shown in the appendices of this report.

Andrew Warrington Service Director Highways

For any enquiries about this report please contact: Sean Parks – Local Transport Plan manager or Mike Barnett - Highway Asset manager

Constitutional Comments (SHB 25.02.13)

12. Committee has the authority to approve the Recommendation.

Financial Comments (TMR 26/02/13)

13. The financial implications are set out in the report.

Background Papers

Nottinghamshire Local Transport Plan Strategy 2011/12-2025/26 Nottinghamshire Local Transport Plan Implementation Plan 2011/12-2014/15 Nottinghamshire Local Transport Plan Evidence Base 2010

Electoral Division(s) and Member(s) Affected


Page 83 of 222 5

Page 84 of 222 Appendix 1 - 2013/14 Integrated transport programme

Quarter 1 Access to local facilities Area LTP budget construction Nottingham Road, Selston (puffin upgrade) Ashfield £50-£250k Yes B6009 Watnall Road (near Ruffs Drive), Hucknall (pedestrian crossing) Ashfield ≤£50k Yes Bridge Street, Worksop (pedestrian crossing) Bassetlaw £50-£250k Priorswell Road, Worksop (traffic calming) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Serlby Road, Styrrup (footway) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Amcott Way roundabout, Retford (cycle route improvements) Bassetlaw £50-£250k B600 Watnall Road (near Back Lane), Nuthall (pedestrian crossing) Broxtowe ≤£50k Yes Derby Road, Stapleford (north of Horace Avenue) (upgrade of crossing) Broxtowe £50-£250k Meadow Lane / High Road, Chilwell (pedestrian crossing) Broxtowe £50-£250k Yes Greasley Footpath 42 Broxtowe ≤£50k Dropped kerb requests Countywide ≤£50k A60 / A6514, Arnold (pedestrian facilities) Gedling ≤£50k Station Road (between level crossing and sports pavilion), Burton Joyce (footway) Gedling £50-£250k Woodthorpe Drive east of Grange Road, Woodthorpe (pedestrian refuge) Gedling ≤£50k A60 / B6035 Sherwood Street / Wood Street, Market Warsop (pedestrian detection) Mansfield £50-£250k Windsor Road, Mansfield (pedestrian refuge) Mansfield ≤£50k Wood Street, Mansfield (build-outs) Mansfield ≤£50k B6030 Mansfield Road, Clipstone (parking) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Fishpool Road, Blidworth (footway) Newark & Sherwood £50-£250k Main Street, Fiskerton (footway) Newark & Sherwood £50-£250k Main Street, Kirton (playground signing) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k A60 Loughborough Road (outside Balmore Country Rest Home), Ruddington (pedestrian refuge) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Musters Road (north of Rectory Road), West Bridgford (zebra crossing) Rushcliffe ≤£50k

Page 85 of 222

Page 1 Appendix 1 - 2013/14 Integrated transport programme Access to local facilities - Reserve schemes: Chapel Street/The Hill, Kirkby in Ashfield (pedestrian crossing) Ashfield £50-£250k A60 Doncaster Road, Oldcotes (pedestrian refuge) Bassetlaw ≤£50k A620 Main Street, Clarborough (footway) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Boughton Ind Est to Kirton (footway improvements) Newark & Sherwood £50-£250k Friary Road/Sleaford Road (zebra crossing) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Keyworth Road, Widmerpool (footway) Rushcliffe £50-£250k Tithby Road (Cropwell Butler to Tithby) (footway) Rushcliffe £50-£250k ITM block allocation £ 1,050 External funding £ 90 BLOCK TOTAL £ 1,140

Quarter 1 Bus improvements Area LTP budget construction Nuthall bus gate Broxtowe ≤£50k Bus stop clearway programme Countywide ≤£50k Enforcement cameras Countywide ≤£50k Passenger information displays Countywide ≤£50k Pole replacement programme Countywide ≤£50k Yes Raised kerb programme Countywide £50-£250k Reactive programme Countywide £50-£250k Yes Real Time display installation Countywide £50-£250k Shelter replacement programme Countywide ≤£50k Yes TITAN infrastructure upgrades Countywide £50-£250k Yes Ollerton transport hub Countywide £50-£250k TROs/traffic management Countywide ≤£50k Mansfield SQBP Mansfield ≤£50k

Reserve schemes: Voluntary car schemes Countywide ≤£50k Solar lighting programme Countywide ≤£50k Wooden shelter upgrades Countywide ≤£50k Automatic Vehicle Location TLP Countywide ≤£50k ITM block allocation £ 700

Page 86 of 222

Page 2 Appendix 1 - 2013/14 Integrated transport programme

Quarter 1 Capacity improvements Area LTP budget construction Kirkby town centre - (Ellis Street two-way) Ashfield £50-£250k B6045 Blyth Rd/Kilton Hill, Worksop (MOVA) Bassetlaw £50-£250k Elkesley (contribution to Highways Agency scheme) Bassetlaw £50-£250k Retford Market Place (TRO) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Front Street, Arnold (taxi rank amendments) Gedling ≤£50k A60/ Nottingham Rd/Berry Hill Rd/Atkin Lane, Mansfield (MOVA) Mansfield £50-£250k A6075 Priory Road / Sherwood Street, Mansfield Woodhouse (MOVA) Mansfield £50-£250k Mansfield town centre (signing improvements) Mansfield ≤£50k A614/A617, Lockwell Hill (junction improvements) Newark & Sherwood > £250k Lower Kirklington Road/Maythorne Lane, Southwell (junction improvement) Newark & Sherwood £50-£250k Boundary Road/Loughborough Road, West Bridgford (junction widening) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Market Street, Bingham (one way) Rushcliffe £50-£250k

Reserve schemes: Pond Street, Kirkby (traffic management) Ashfield ≤£50k School Street, Kirkby (extension to one-way system) Ashfield ≤£50k A1133 High St/Station Rd/Bell Ln, Collingham (MOVA) Newark & Sherwood £50-£250k A6075 Mansfield Rd/West Ln/High St/Church St, Ollerton Rd, Edwinstowe (MOVA) Newark & Sherwood £50-£250k ITM block allocation £ 1,250

Quarter 1 Cycling, leisure and health Area LTP budget construction London Road, Retford (cycle route improvements) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Manton Forest Park Gateway (footpath & cycle route improvements) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Yes North Road, Retford (route improvements) Bassetlaw ≤£50k East Retford Footpath 20 Bassetlaw ≤£50k Strelley Bridleway 1 Broxtowe ≤£50k Cycle parking Countywide ≤£50k Rights of Way signing Countywide ≤£50k Rights of Way upgrades Countywide ≤£50k A612 Nottingham Road, Burton Joyce (cycle path upgrade) Gedling ≤£50k Yes

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Cycling leisure and health (continued) Oxclose Woods to Bull Farm, Mansfield (bridleway resurfacing) Mansfield ≤£50k Bilsthorpe to Clipstone Greenway Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k London Road, Newark (cycle route improvements) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Newark area (miscellaneous cycle route improvements) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Southwell Trail Access Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Yes Thoroton Footpath4 Rushcliffe £50-£250k

Reserve schemes: A619/A60 shared use footway Bassetlaw ≤£50k B1164 Great North Road (Tuxford to West Markham) (footway) Bassetlaw £50-£250k Yes Langold / Firbeck (footpath & cycle route improvements) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Misterton Bridleway 24 (Foxcovert Lane) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Retford Footpath 50 Bassetlaw ≤£50k Eastwood / Kimberley cycle route improvements Broxtowe ≤£50k Calverton Greenway Gedling ≤£50k Gedling Colliery (upgrade of former colliery line to multi-user route) Gedling ≤£50k William Wood Lane, Warsop Mansfield ≤£50k Greenway Rushcliffe ≤£50k Radcliffe access links Rushcliffe ≤£50k ITM block allocation £ 500

Quarter 1 Environmental weight limits Area LTP budget construction Bagthorpe/Jacksdale/Underwood/Westwood area Ashfield ≤£50k Chesterfield Road, Huthwaite Ashfield ≤£50k A161 Marsh Lane, Misterton (low bridge signing) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Yes Goosemoor Lane/Whitehouses Road, Ordsall Bassetlaw ≤£50k Calverton/Woodborough/Lambley area Gedling ≤£50k Drove Lane (Coddington to Winthorpe) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Eakring area Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Ollerton Road / Trent Lane / Kelham Lane, Kelham Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Southwell area (including A612 declassification) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k

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Envirnmental weight limits - Reserve schemes: Albert Road/Cobwell Road, Retford Bassetlaw ≤£50k Sutton Lane, Babworth Bassetlaw ≤£50k Normanton on Trent Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Brackner Lane, Bilsthorpe Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Main Street, Shelton Rushcliffe ≤£50k Main Street, Normanton on Soar Rushcliffe ≤£50k ITM block allocation £ 150

Quarter 1 Local centre improvements Area LTP budget construction Market Street, Huthwaite (pedestrian improvements) Ashfield £50-£250k Central Avenue, Beeston (environmental improvements) Broxtowe £50-£250k Yes Tuxford town centre (environmental improvements) Bassetlaw £50-£250k Boundary Road, Newark (signing and lining) [CONTRIBUTION] Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k

Reserve schemes: Derby Road, Bramcote (environmental improvements) Broxtowe ≤£50k Westdale Lane / Main Road, Gedling (environmental improvements) (Phase 1) Gedling £50-£250k Yes St. Wilfred's Square, Calverton (environmental improvements) Gedling > £250k A60 Nottingham Rd, Mansfield (environmental improvements) Mansfield £50-£250k Tuxford Road, Boughton (environmental improvements) Newark & Sherwood £50-£250k ITM block allocation £ 200 External funding £ 150 BLOCK TOTAL £ 410

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Quarter 1 Monitoring development and design Area LTP budget construction Development of future years' ITM programmes Countywide £50-£250k Advanced design of future ITM schemes Countywide £50-£250k Traffic monitoring Countywide £50-£250k ITM block allocation £ 400

Quarter 1 Parking Area LTP budget construction Little Oak Drive, Sherwood Business Park (waiting restrictions) Ashfield ≤£50k Blyth (residents' parking scheme review and waiting restrictions) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Eastgate, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤£50k Manvers Street, Worksop (residents' parking scheme review) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Yes Spicer's Court, Retford (residents' parking scheme) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Audon Avenue, Chilwell (residents' parking scheme) Broxtowe ≤£50k Endsleigh and Muriel Gardens, Beeston (residents' parking scheme) Broxtowe ≤£50k Glebe Street, Beeston (residents' parking scheme) Broxtowe ≤£50k Lilac Grove, Beeston (waiting restrictions) Broxtowe ≤£50k Wollaton Road, Beeston - parking bay review Broxtowe ≤£50k Redhill Road area, Arnold (residents' parking scheme) Gedling ≤£50k Botany Avenue/Marriott Close, Mansfield (residents' parking scheme review) Mansfield ≤£50k Four Seasons car park access changes, Mansfield Mansfield ≤£50k Yes Lichfield Avenue, Mansfield Mansfield ≤£50k Mill Gate, Newark (residents' parking scheme) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Lime Grove, Newark (residents' parking scheme) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Northgate, Newark (residents' parking scheme) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k William Street, Newark (residents' parking scheme) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k

Reserve schemes: Barton Street area, Beeston (residents' parking scheme) Broxtowe ≤£50k Stapleford (Phase 2) (residents' parking scheme) Broxtowe ≤£50k Rushworth Avenue, West Bridgford (residents' parking scheme review) Rushcliffe ≤£50k ITM block allocation £ 150

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Quarter 1 Public transport interchanges Area LTP budget construction Retford rail station Bassetlaw £50-£250k Worksop bus station (contribution supported by County capital funding) Bassetlaw £50-£250k Beeston bus station Broxtowe ≤£50k TITAN interchange hub Countywide ≤£50k ITM block allocation £ 300

Quarter 1 Rail improvements Area LTP budget construction Rail improvements Countywide £50-£250k

ITM block allocation £ 100

Quarter 1 Safety improvements Area LTP budget construction Local safety schemes Kirkby Road, Sutton (interactive speed signs) Ashfield ≤£50k Nuncargate, Kirkby (surfacing) Ashfield ≤£50k Salmon Lane, Annesley (surfacing) Ashfield ≤£50k Yes Station Rd / Newark Rd, Sutton (speed management scheme) Ashfield ≤£50k Washdyke Lane, Hucknall (kerb re-alignment) Ashfield ≤£50k Watnall Rd / Nabbs Lane, Hucknall (mini roundabout) Ashfield ≤£50k A638 North of Retford (surfacing & lining) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Bridgegate, Retford (pedestrian improvement) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Carlton Road / Sherwood Road, Worksop (kerb re-alignment) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Yes Priorswell Rd, Worksop (contribution speed management scheme) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Retford Rd, Worksop (cycle safety scheme) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Spittal Hill, Retford (interactive speed signs) Bassetlaw ≤£50k A6002 Bilborough Road (speed reduction scheme) Broxtowe ≤£50k Awsworth by-pass, Newton Lane (surfacing) Broxtowe ≤£50k Yes Brookhill Street, Stapleford Broxtowe ≤£50k Newmanleys Road - A610, Eastwood (surfacing) Broxtowe ≤£50k Yes

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Safety improvements (continued) A612 Mile End Road, Colwick (junction works) Gedling ≤£50k Forest Lane, Papplewick (speed management scheme) Gedling ≤£50k Longdale Lane, nr Rigg Lane, Blidworth Bottoms (surfacing) Gedling ≤£50k Yes A38 Sutton Rd / Hermitage Ln, Mansfield (seperate signal right turn) Mansfield ≤£50k A60 Cuckney to Church Warsop (safety cameras) Mansfield £50-£250k A60 Leeming Ln, N of Peafield Ln (interactive speed signs) Mansfield ≤£50k A60 West Notts Collge (traffic light re-phasing) Mansfield ≤£50k Yes St Peter's Way / St John's Street, Mansfield (signal modifications) Mansfield ≤£50k Blidworth Lane, bend at windfarm Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Road, bends east of Ossington (signage) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Yes A6097 Lowdham to Gunthorpe Bridge (speed management scheme) Newark & Sherwood £50-£250k

Safer Routes to Schools Church Lane, Kirkby (pedestrain improvement) Ashfield ≤£50k Coxmoor Rd, Hillocks (site upgrades) Ashfield ≤£50k Yes Toton Lane, Stapleford (pedestrian crossing facility) Broxtowe £50-£250k Southdale Road, Carlton (pedestrian improvements) Gedling ≤£50k Ethel Wainwright, Harrop White Rd (school crossing patrol site upgrade) Mansfield ≤£50k Intake Farm, Armstrong Rd (school crossing patrol site upgrade) Mansfield ≤£50k Yes Davies Rd, West Bridgford (pedestrian improvements) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Yes Kneeton Rd, East Bridgford (TRO) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Thrumpton Primary (TRO) Rushcliffe ≤£50k ITM block allocation £ 1,100

Quarter 1 Smarter choices Area LTP budget construction Smarter choices projects to improve access to work and training including travel Countywide £50-£250k planning, support for businesses developing travel plans and small scale infrastructure improvements to help people get to work that may arise from working with businesses ITM block allocation £ 200

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Quarter 1 Speed Management Area LTP budget construction B6016 Selston Road, Jacksdale (40mph buffer zone) Ashfield ≤£50k Main Road, Westwood (NE of Palmerston St) (interactive speed sign)* Ashfield ≤£50k* A632 Main Street (east of Queen's Walk), Nether Langwith (interactive speed sign) Bassetlaw ≤£50k A634 Sheffield Road, Blyth (W of Park Drive) (interactive speed sign) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Bawtry Road (east of Coronation Ave), Misson (interactive speed sign) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Little Gringley Lane, Welham (south of Shady Lane) (interactive speed sign) Bassetlaw ≤£50k

Town Street, Station Road or Mattersey Road, Sutton cum Lound (interactive speed sign) Bassetlaw ≤£50k West Drayton (new 30mph limit) Bassetlaw ≤£50k A6007 Ilkeston Road (SE of Rowan Avenue), Stapleford (interactive speed sign) Broxtowe ≤£50k Hickings Lane (NE of Grenville Dr), Stapleford (interactive speed sign) Broxtowe ≤£50k Stapleford Lane, Toton (interactive speed sign) Broxtowe ≤£50k

B6011 Forest Lane (50mph zone) & B683 Moor Lane (30mph extension), Papplewick Gedling ≤£50k Lambley Lane, Gedling (NE of Lorimer Avenue) (interactive speed sign) Gedling ≤£50k Longdale Lane, Ravenshead (NW of Heather Lane) (interactive speed sign) Gedling ≤£50k Chatsworth Drive, Mansfield (west of Blackscotch Lane) (interactive speed sign) Mansfield ≤£50k Old Mill Ln & Oak Tree Ln, Mansfield (speed limit reduction) Mansfield ≤£50k Yes A6075 Main Street, Kirton (north of Sandfield Lane) (interactive speed sign) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Beckingham Road, Coddington (contribution to interactive speed signs) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Blidworth Lane, Blidworth (40mph buffer zone to Blidworth village) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Blidworth Lane, Blidworth (interactive speed sign) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Boat Lane, Hoveringham (new 40mph speed limit) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Boundary Road, Newark (SE of Dunholme Ave) (interactive speed sign) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Brake Road, Walesby, (new 30mph limit) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Grange Road, Newark (east of Churchill Drive) (interactive speed sign) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Grassthorpe Road, Sutton on Trent (north of Bulham Lane) (interactive speed sign) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Lodge Lane, Elston (extension of 30mph speed limit) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Yes Station Road, Harby (outside the school) (interactive speed sign) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Wigsley Road, Harby (west of Harby Mill) (interactive speed sign) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Chapel Lane, Bingham (interactive speed sign) Rushcliffe ≤£50k * Note that interactive speed signs typically cost £8,000 per sign

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Page 9 Appendix 1 - 2013/14 Integrated transport programme Speed management (continued) Costock Road (west of Meeting House Close), East Leake (interactive speed sign) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Elton to Orston (speed limit review) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Main Road, Plumtree (north of Church Lane) (interactive speed sign) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Manor Lane, Shelford (NE of Church Street) (interactive speed sign) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Musters Road (north of Sherbourne Road), West Bridgford (interactive speed sign) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Musters Road / Bingham Road, Langar (30mph extension & gateway) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Musters Road, Langar (NW of Cropwell Road) (interactive speed sign) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Tithby Road, Bingham (north of Mill Hill Road) (interactive speed sign) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Widmerpool Lane, Keyworth (40mph buffer zone) Rushcliffe ≤£50k

Reserve Schemes: Ranskill Rd & Retford Rd, Mattersey (speed management scheme) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Tiln Lane / Smeath Lane, Clarborough (speed limit reduction) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Bradmore Lane, Plumtree (30mph extension) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Butt Lane & Kneeton Rd, East Bridgford (speed limit scheme) Rushcliffe ≤£50k ITM block allocation £ 350

ITM allocation £6,700 Funding slipped from 2012/13 for contribution to Highways Agency's Elkesley scheme £250 Contribution to footway enhancements budget -£500 Available ITM budget £6,450 External funding £240 PROGRAMME TOTAL (ITM budget plus external funding) £6,690

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Bridges Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Mill Lane, Kirkby in Ashfield - Kirkby Mill Bridge 4406C (headwall and embankment repairs) Ashfield ≤ £50k A60 Doncaster Road, Costhorpe - Bullgout Bridge 1206C (concrete saddle strengthening) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes C91 Green Lane, Treswell - Lea Beck 1401R (gabions partial reconstruction) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes C91 Green Lane, Treswell - 1402R (gabions new extension) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes C91 Green Lane, Treswell - Cottam Side Southfield Road 1434C (culvert Invert Repair) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes Middlebridge Road, Gringley on the Hill - Dukes Drain 1542C (culvert replacement) Bassetlaw £50-250k North Moor Road, Walkeringham - 1572C (culvert replacement) Bassetlaw £50-250k Various (miscellaneous works on bridges and culverts) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k A6005 Nottingham Road, Toton - Toton Arches 5224B (parapet replacement) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Various (general repair works) Countywide £50-250k Various (minor bridge painting) Countywide ≤ £50k A60 Red Hill Cutting - 7207R (masonry repair and vegetation clearance continuation of Gedling ≤ £50k 2012/13 scheme) C16 Lowdham Lane, Woodborough - 7401C (upgrade guardrail to P4 parapet) Gedling Lingwood Lane, Woodborough - Ouse Dyke near Vicarage 7504B (Infill disused arch) Gedling ≤ £50k Yes Sookholme Lane, Warsop - 2507C (Infill with pipe) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Various (miscellaneous works on bridges and culverts) Mansfield ≤ £50k C53 Caythorpe Road, Caythorpe - Cocker Beck 3413B (waterproofing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Priory Park, Thurgarton - 3426B (waterproofing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Newark Road - River Maun Bridge Ollerton Mill 3542B (waterproofing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes B680 Wilford Road, Ruddington - 8303C (Old Packmans Dyke infill disused arch) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes C26 West Leake Road, East Leake - 8407B (waterproofing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes C55 Grimms Bridge, Granby - 8431B (safety fence - carry over from 2012/13) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes Various (miscellaneous works on bridges and culverts) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k

Reserves - any scheme could be brought forward depending on budget A38 Kings Mill Road East, Sutton in Ashfield - Norman Avenue Wall 4203R (partial rebuild) Ashfield £50-250k A6097 Marlock Bridge over Cocker Beck (waterproofing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k A6011 Lady Bay Bridge, West Bridgford - 8201B (Joints and barrier repairs) Rushcliffe £50-250k Kegworth Road - Culvert south of Radcliffe on Soar 8506C (P4 Parapet replacement and speed limit TRO) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Block allocation £1,200

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Carriageway maintenance - Principal Classified Road Network (A roads) Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction A38 Kings Mill Road East, Sutton in Ashfield - Station Road to Coxmoor Road particularly approaches at Ashfield £50-250k Station Road junction (resurfacing/patching) Yes A6075 Ollerton Road, Tuxford - from Walkers to Knickerbush (structural patching, to be surface dressed in 2014/15) Bassetlaw £50-250k A57 Darlton Road, Ragnall - Whimpton Moor from East Drayton turnoff to C2 Crossroads (resurfacing/structural patching) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k A620 Moorgate, Retford - ON junction with A638 Amcott Way and Arlington Way (Resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k A632 Langwith Road, Nether Langwith - Between Langwith Mill House and Boons Hill Farm (resurfacing/structural patching) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k A610 Kimberley / Eastwood Bypass - Extents to be confirmed but sections between M1 and Derbyshire boundary (resurfacing) Broxtowe £50-250k A60 Mansfield Road, Ravenshead - Kigghill Lane to Blidworth Waye (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k Yes A617 Fountaindale Way East, Mansfield - Between Rainworth roundabout and Adams Way roundabout (structural patching) Mansfield £50-250k A6191 Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield - From Civic Centre to Bould Street may need further phasing (resurfacing) Mansfield £50-250k A6075 Main Street, Kirton - From Glebe Farm to Egmanton Road (resurfacing depends on completion of A17 work from 2012/1 Newark & Sherwood £50-250k A606 Melton Road, Stanton on the Wolds - Browns Lane to Laming Gap Lane (structural patching for surface dressing) Rushcliffe £50-250k

Reserves - any scheme could be brought forward depending on budget A611 Derby Road - 200m section from A608 roundabout to bus stop (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k A161 Walkeringham to Misterton - from STW treatment works to 30mph limits at Misterton (reconstruction) Bassetlaw £50-250k A614 Old Rufford Road, Calverton - Longdale Lane to Haywood Oaks (resurfacing) Gedling > £250k A38 Sutton Road, Mansfield - from Sheepbridge Lane junction and east for 600m (resurfacing) Mansfield £50-250k A60 Mansfield Road, Mansfield - from Mosscar road to splitter island (reconstruction) Mansfield £50-250k A6191 Chesterfield Road North, Pleasley - extents to be confirmed (resurfacing) Mansfield £50-250k A6191 Ratcliffe Gate, Mansfield - from St Peters Way to Newgate Lane (reconstruction) Mansfield £50-250k A6075 Mansfield Road, Edwinstowe - Adjacent to NCN6 (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k A617 Hockerton to Kirklington - Winkburn Junction (plane and overlay) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k A617 Kirklington Road near Bilsthorpe - Cockett Lane to Brackner Road (resurfacing/patching) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k A60 Loughborough Road, Bunny (resurfacing possible phasing required) Rushcliffe > £250k A60 Loughborough Road, West Bridgford - From Wilford Road to Sandringham Avenue (resurfacing) Rushcliffe £50-250k Block allocation £1,253

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Carriageway maintenance - Non Principal Classified Road Network (B and C roads) Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction B6020 Chapel Street, Kirkby in Ashfield - extents to be confirmed (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k B6026 Blackwell Road, Huthwaite (structural patching for surface dressing in 2014/15) Ashfield ≤ £50k C147 Chesterfield Road, Huthwaite - extents to be confirmed (resurfacing) Ashfield £50-250k C148 Dalestorth Road, Sutton in Ashfield - extents to be confirmed (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k C221 Annesley Road, Hucknall - from Washdyke Lane to Spring Street (resurfacing) Ashfield £50-250k B6019 Sutton Back Lane, Kirkby in Ashfield - extents to be confirmed between A611 and B6020 (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k B6024 Newcastle Avenue, Worksop (reconstruction) - carry over from 2012/13 Bassetlaw £50-250k B6034 Ollerton Road - from Carburton cross roads to district boundary (resurfacing) Bassetlaw £50-250k B6040 Gateford Road, Worksop - Mini-roundabout at Sandy Lane (resurfacing - carry over from 2012/13) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k B6045 Mattersey Road, Ranskill (resurfacing) Bassetlaw £50-250k B6079 Retford Road, Worksop - from B6040 to Ashtons Wood (resurfacing/patching) Bassetlaw £50-250k C114 Cockshut Lane, Nether Langwith (structural patching) Bassetlaw £50-250k C156 Sandy Lane, Worksop - from Gateford Road to Cresswell Road (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k C2 Cross Street, Sturton le Steeple - on bend at Watkins Lane (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k C37 Lime Tree Avenue, Clumber Part - from B6034 to Cumber Gate (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k B6003 Toton Lane, Stapleford - from Stapleford police station towards school (resurfacing) Broxtowe £50-250k B683 Moor Road, Bestwood - The Spiney to Old Mill Close (resurfacing) Gedling > £250k B6030 Clipstone Road West, Clipstone - from Holly Road to post office part of on-going programme (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k B6033 Bath Lane, Mansfield - from St Peters Way to Shirburn Avenue (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k C17 Fiskerton Road, Bleasby - from Gibsmere to Fiskerton (structural patching) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes C25 Lower Kirklington Road, Southwell - Kirklington Road to Springfield Road (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k C25 Southwell Road, Kirklington - from Moor Farm to Station Lane (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes C3 Bowbridge Road, Newark - from Boundary Road to Carlton Road (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k C44 Stapleford Lane, Coddington - from A17 to bend (structural patching) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k C50 Mickledale Lane, Bilsthorpe - from A614 to Strawsons Farm (overlay) - continuation of 2012/13 scheme Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes C58 Lodge Lane, Elston - from new A46 to The Pinfold (patch and overlay) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k C68 Dale Lane, Blidworth - outside Jolly Friar pub (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes C83 Balderton Lane, Coddington - from Main Street to derestricted section (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes C83 Main Street, Coddington - from Brownlows Hill to C208 (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes C102 Longhedge Lane - Oston to Flntham (patching for surface dressing in 2014/15) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes C115 Bingham Road, Radcliffe on Trent - From Shelford Road to A52 - (resurfacing) Rushcliffe £50-250k C28 Langar Road/Harby Road Langar - From John Deere factory to Cropwell Road (structural patching) Rushcliffe £50-250k C4 Gotham Road, East Leake - From Main Street to bridge over stream (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k

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B and C Roads Reserves - any scheme could be brought forward depending on budget B6040 Worksop Road, Worksop - Manton Wood from B6079 to Enterprise Park (resurfacing) Bassetlaw £50-250k B6045 Blyth Road, Worskop - Near Wigthorpe from Hundred Acre Lane to Crossley Hill (resurfacing) Bassetlaw £50-250k B6386 Nottingham Road, Calverton - Winbush Lane to A6097 (resurfacing) Gedling > £250k B683 Blidworth Waye, Papplewick - From A60 to Moor Road (overlay) Gedling > £250k B684 Plains Road, Mapperley - Sommersby Road to Westdale Lane (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k B684 Woodborough Road, Mapperley - Westdale Lane to Breckhill Road (resurfacing) Gedling > £250k C169 Westdale Lane East, Carlton - from Cavendish Road to Main Road Gedling > £250k C39 Whinbush Lane, Calverton - Longdale Lane to Oxton Road - will need to be phased Gedling > £250k C9 Bonner Lane, Calverton - Outside caravan park (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k B6034 High Street, Edwinstowe - from A6075 to West Lane Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k C119 Epperstone Road, Lowdham - from Ton Lane to A6097 (structural patch and resurface) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k C207 Boundary Road, Newark - from Bowbridge Road to Albert Street Newark & Sherwood £50-250k C58 Brecks Lane, Elston - from Mill Road to district boundary Newark & Sherwood £50-250k B680 High Street, Ruddington - from Clifton Lane to shops (resurfacing) Rushcliffe £50-250k C126 Clifton Lane, Ruddington - from Pasture Lane to boundary (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k C33 Bunny Lane, East Leake From Hotchley Hill Farm to Gypsum Way (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Block allocation £3,400

Carriageway maintenance - Unclassified Road Network Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Ashfield Drive, Kirkby in Ashfield (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Beechdale Crescent, Sutton in Ashfield (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Chancery Close, Skegby (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Howard Street, Sutton in Ashfield (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Kirkby Folly Road, Sutton in Ashfield - Service Road only (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Ruffs Drive, Hucknall (resurfacing carry over from 2012/14) Ashfield ≤ £50k Skegby Road, Annesley (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Truman Drive, Hucknall (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Beck Lane, Clayworth (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Broomfield Lane, Mattersey Thorpe - on Breck Lane junction Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Church Lane, Hayton (structural patching) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Fulford Avenue, Retford - from junction with North Road for 100m (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Headland Avenue, Elkesley - from High Street to school (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k High Grounds Road, Worksop - part (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Kingsmead, Retford (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Market Street, Worksop (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Merton Avenue, Retford (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Old A620, Retford - Hop Pole Lay-by (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Portland Road, Nether Langwith (resurfacing) Bassetlaw £50-250k Queen Street, Retford (structural patching) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Service Road, Retford - From Hallcroft Road to Sandringham Road (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k

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Carriageway maintenance - Unclassified Road Network Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction St Peters Lane, Clayworth (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k The Paddocks, Lound (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Victoria Road, Worksop (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k West Street, Bircotes - from Bawtry Road to Wast Street (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Westgate, Worksop - from Park Street to Slack Walk (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Wesmorland , (resurfacing) Bassetlaw £50-250k Whitaker Close, Retford (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Windsor Road, Carlton - from Long Lane to Strathavon Road (resurfacing) Bassetlaw £50-250k Yew Tree Road, Elkesley Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Brynsmoor Drive, Brinsley (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Canalside, Beeston Rylands - from Meadow Road to STW station to South Road (structural patching for Broxtowe ≤ £50k surface dressing in 2014/15) Jubilee Street, Kimberley (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Poplar Crescent, Nuthall - from junction with Oak Drive to Woodside (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Queens Drive, Brinsley (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k South Street, Eastwood - from Bailey Grove Road to number 121 (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Oakdale Road, Arnold - from Killisick Road to Hawthorn Crescent (resurfacing ties in with footway scheme) Gedling £50-250k Yes Whittington Road, Mapperley - extents to be confirmed (resurfacing) Gedling ≤ £50k Cromer Close, Mansfield - from Delamere Drive to end (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Edgar Avenue, Mansfield (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Greenwood Avenue, Mansfield Woodhouse - from Vale Road to Lawrence Avenue (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Outgang Lane, Mansfield Woodhouse - from Leeming Lane North to number 12 (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Parkland Close, Mansfield - from Chestnut Drive to Highland Road (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Shirburn Avenue, Mansfield - from Bath Lane to end (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Southwell Road East, Rainworth - service road from cycle path towards Rainworth (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Brunel Drive, Newark - Jessop Way roundabout (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes Cross Street, Newark (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes Greaves Lane, Edingley (structural patching) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Lansbury Road, Edwinstowe - from A6075 to bend (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Lime Grove, Newark - extents to be confirmed (resurfacing) - continuation of 2012/13 scheme Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes Malt Kiln Lane, Newark - from Trent Lane to limits of adoption (subject to further investigation/developments and possible tie in Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes with footway scheme) Manvers View, Boughton including various side roads (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes Moor Lane, East Stoke - from old A46 to new bridge (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes Pelham Street, Newark (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k South Avenue, Rainworth - from Python Hill to no 57 (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes Davis Road, West Bridgford - extents to be confirmed (resurfacing) - continuation of 2013/14 scheme Rushcliffe £50-250k East Street, Bingham (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes Lombard Street, OrsTon - Part remaining section left due to building works (resurfacing and drainage works Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Paget Crescent, Ruddington (resurfacing) Rushcliffe £50-250k Yes Rugby Road, West Bridgford - extents to be confirmed (resurfacing) Rushcliffe £50-250k Stanstead Avenue, Tollerton (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Wilford Crescent, Ruddington (resurfacing) Rushcliffe £50-250k Yes Page 99 of 222

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Unclassified Roads Reserves - any scheme could be brought forward depending on budget Duke Street, Huthwaite (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k King Street, Huthwaite (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Albert Avenue, Stapleford (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Church Hill, Kimberley (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Ireland Avenue, Beeston (resurfacing - if included need to consider link with footway maintenance scheme) Broxtowe £50-250k Kimberley Close, Kimberley (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Lower Beauvale, Newthorpe - from Lynncroft to Brunel Avenue (reconstruction) Broxtowe ≤ £50k New Eaton Road, Stapleford - from Toton Lane to end (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k South Street, Eastwood - from Church Street to 55 (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Smeath Lane, Clarborough - from canal bridge to B1403 (resurfacing) Bassetlaw £50-250k Stockwith Road, Misterton - from A161 to canal bridge Bassetlaw £50-250k Cantley Avenue, Gedling (resurfacing) Gedling ≤ £50k Collier Road, Calverton - Seely Avenue to Main Road phasing required priority reserve scheme (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k Cromwell Street, Carlton - Foxhill Road to Carlton Hill (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k Fraser Road, Carlton (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k Hollyoak Road, Mapperley (resurfacing) Gedling ≤ £50k Kirkley Gardens, Arnold - From Coppice Road to end (micro asphalt overlay) Gedling ≤ £50k Lambley Avenue, Mapperley - Westdale Lane to Digby Avenue (resurfacing) Gedling ≤ £50k Main Street, Burton Joyce - Work will need to be phased (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k Moor Road, Carlton - Westdale Lane to Porchester Road (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k Oxengate, Bestwood (micro asphalt overlay) Gedling ≤ £50k Park Road East, Calverton - Mansfield Lane to Main Street (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k Pierrepont Avenue, Gedling (resurfacing) Gedling ≤ £50k Southcliffe Road, Carlton (micro asphalt overlay - if included need to consider link with footway maintenance scheme) Gedling ≤ £50k Southdale Road, Carlton - Carlton Hill to District Boundary (micro asphalt overlay) Gedling ≤ £50k Bagshaw Street, Pleasley - from end to Poplar Drive (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Crookes Avenue, Mansfield Woodhouse - from Welbeck Road to end (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Dorothy Drive, Forest Town - from Albany Drive to end (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Firbeck Avenue, Mansfield - from Big Barn Lane to Firbeck Crescent (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Highland Close, Mansfield Woodhouse - from New Mill Lane to number 18 (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Robert Avenue, Mansfield - from Frank Avenue to end (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Rectory Road, Warsop - from number 23 to end (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Southgate Road, Warsop - from number 139 to 20/21 (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Barnby Gate, Newark - extents to be confirmed, phasing required (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Beanford Lane, Oxton - adjacent Ford (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Chatsworth Avenue, Southwell (resurfacing/retread) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Church Lane, Kirklington (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Clarke Avenue, Newark on Trent - Whole Length (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Coopers Rise, Rainworth (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Danethorpe Lane, Danethorpe (structural patching/retread) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Gainsborough Drive, Newark (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Gonalston Lane, Gonalston - from A612 to level crossing (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Hawksworth Road, Syerston - from Moor Lane to the Forge (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Hill Crest, Southwell (resurfacing/retread) Page 100 of 222 Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k

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Carriageway maintenance - Unclassified Road Network Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Unclassified Roads Reserves continued - any scheme could be brought forward depending on budget Honeyknab Lane, Oxton (structural patching/retread) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Lowdham Lane, Lowdham - from High Winds to the Grange (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Main Street, Egmanton - near to church (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Main Street, Epperstone - from A6097 to Old School House (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Main Street, Walesby (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Milner Street, Newark (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Moor Lane, South Scarle - from Church Lane to Folly Farm (overlay/retread) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Moor Lane, Syerston - from Hawksworth Road to Low Farm (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Northgate, Newark (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Rainworth Water Road, Rainworth (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Spring Lane, Balderton - Whole Length (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k The Grange, North Muskham - entrance only (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Thoresby Road, Rainworth (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Woodland View, Southwell (resurfacing/retread) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yorke Drive, Newark on Trent (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Barton Lane, Thrumpton - Soar to Thrumpton (micro asphalt overlay 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Abbey Lane, Aslockton (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Back Lane, Cropwell Butler (patching - followed by surface dressing or micro asphalt in 2014/15) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Bailey Lane, Radcliffe on Trent (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Barton Lane, Thrumpton (micro asphalt overlay 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Bridgford Road, West Bridgford - extents to be confirmed priority reserve scheme (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Brown Lane, Barton in Fabis (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Butler Close, Cropwell Butler (micro asphalt overlay 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Chatsworth Road, Bingham (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Chestnut Lane, Barton in Fabis (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Church Lane, Barton in Fabis (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Church Lane, Thrumpton (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Church Street, Shelford (patching - followed by surface dressing or micro asphalt in 2014/15) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Church Street, Ruddington - from B680 Wilford Road to The Green (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Easthorpe Street, Ruddington - from B680 Wilford Road for approximately 50m (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Exchange Road, West Bridgford - extents to be confirmed priority reserve scheme (resurfacing) Rushcliffe £50-250k Main Road, Barnstone (patching - followed by surface dressing or micro asphalt in 2014/15) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Main Road, Shelford (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Manor Road, Barton in Fabis (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Musters Road, Bingham (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Orchard Close, Barnstone (patching - followed by surface dressing or micro asphalt in 2014/15) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Park Road, Barnstone (patching - followed by surface dressing or micro asphalt in 2014/15) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Porchester Road, Bingham (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Rectory Place, Barton in Fabis (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Tithby Road, Cropwell Butler (Redesign of carriageway and footway) Rushcliffe £50-250k West Street, Shelford (patching - followed by surface dressing or micro asphalt in 2014/15) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Works Lane, Barnstone (patching - followed by surface dressing or micro asphalt in 2014/15) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Page 101 of 222 Block allocation £3,000

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Additional DfT Capital Maintenance Funding Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Strategic Route Improvement Project Carrying out whole length route treatments including structural repairs and drainage improvements, new surfacing and an audit and rationalisation of existing signs on the following: Various £1.522m As a priority, A614 between Nottingham and the A1 linking north and south of the county Others include, A57 (Worksop to A1) and A617 (M1/Mansfield to Newark/A1)

Footways for Health Identify whole estates to deliver footway maintenance incorporating emerging Obesity Strategy and countywide Footway Network Survey linking maintenance need to the requirement to encourage Various £500k increased walking and health of county residents Block allocation £2,022

Footway maintenance Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Fackley Road - in the vicinity of the Carnarvon Arms, Stanton Hill (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Mansfield Road, Selston - from junction with B600 to outside number 21 (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Palmerston Street, Westwood - from number 151 to 163 (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Smeath Road, Underwood - from number 79 to 116 (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Sutton Road, Kirkby in Ashfield - near to school (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Idle View Road, Retford (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Main Street, Harworth (resurfacing - continuation of LIS scheme) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k North Moor Drive, Walkeringham (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes Portland Road, Nether Langwith (resurfacing - ties in with road maintenance scheme) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k The Paddocks, Lound (resurfacing - ties in with road maintenance scheme) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes Whitaker Close, Retford (resurfacing - ties in with road maintenance scheme) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Cyprus Avenue, Beeston (resurfacing) Broxtowe £50-250k Fylde Close, Toton (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Kendal Drive, Bramcote (resurfacing carry over from 2012-13) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Rydal Drive, Bramcote (resurfacing carry over from 2012-13) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Serlby Avenue, Newthorpe (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Oakdale Road, Arnold - from Killisick Road to Hawthorn Crescent (resurfacing - ties in with road maintenance scheme) Gedling ≤ £50k Yes Garth Road, Mansfield (resurfacing carry over from 2012/13 - ties in with street lighting scheme) Mansfield £50-250k North Park, Mansfield (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k A612 Nottingham Road, Southwell - between Park Lane and Brackenhurst College (reconstruction) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes Coging Close, Balderton (resurfacing - carry over from 2012/13) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes Malt Kiln Lane, Newark - from Trent Lane to limits of adoption (subject to further investigation/developments and possible tie Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes in with carriageway scheme) Staythorpe Road, Rolleston - from Goodwins Court to Fiskerton Road (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes Wolsey Road, Newark - from Meering Avenue to Fleming Drive on southside only (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Church Street, Whatton (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes Main Street, Whatton (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes Old Grantham Road, Whatton (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes

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Reserves - any scheme could be brought forward depending on budget Bestwood Road, Hucknall (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Wood Lane, Beckingham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Laycock Avenue, Gringley on the Hill Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Ireland Avenue, Beeston (resurfacing - if included need to consider link with road maintenance scheme) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Ashford Drive, Ravenshead (slurry sealing) Gedling ≤ £50k Bestwood village - old streets off Park Road (slurry sealing) Gedling £50-250k Burton Joyce - Willow Wong estate (slurry sealing) Gedling ≤ £50k Forest Road, Calverton (reconstruction and kerbing) Gedling £50-250k Lee Road, Carlton - priority reserve scheme (reconstruction and kerbing) Gedling £50-250k Rowan Avenue, Ravenshead (slurry sealing) Gedling ≤ £50k Southcliffe Road, Carlton (reconstruction and kerbing - if included need to consider link with road maintenance scheme) Gedling ≤ £50k Pump Hollow Lane, Forest Town - extents to be confirmed Mansfield ≤ £50k West Bank Link, Mansfield - From West Bank Avenue to West Bank Lea (resurfacing - 2012/13 carry over priority reserve) Mansfield ≤ £50k Woodhall Close, Forest Town - from Sherweek Hall Gardens to outside number 4 Mansfield ≤ £50k Bakewell Close, Balderton (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Cromwell Road, Newark - from Barnby Gate to Wright Street (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Falstone Avenue, Newark (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Fourth Avenue, Edwinstowe - from First Avenue to spur adjacent to number 39) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Oaktree Drive, Bilsthorpe (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Browns Lane, Barton in Fabis (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k New Road, Barton in Fabis (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Rectory Place Road, Barton in Fabis (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Avondale, Cotgrave (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Deans Court, Cotgrave (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Hazelwood, Cotgrave (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Lingwood, Cotgrave (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Rivermead, Cotgrave (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Blakeney Road, Radcliffe on Trent (reconstruction) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Carter Avenue, Radcliffe on Trent (reconstruction) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Covert Crescent, Radcliffe on Trent (reconstruction) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Hillside Road, Radcliffe on Trent (reconstruction) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Johns Road, Radcliffe on Trent (reconstruction) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Marl Road, Radcliffe on Trent (reconstruction) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Woodland Close, Radcliffe on Trent (reconstruction) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Church Lane, Thrumpton (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Block allocation (includes contribution of £500k from ITM) £1,000

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Schemes to be delivered through £1.7m Capital Maintenance Efficiency Savings Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Patch and Surface Dressing the following: A60 Rempstone To Costock Rushcliffe ≤ £50k A606 Melton Road, Stanton - From Browns Lane to Roehoe Brook (resurfacing) Rushcliffe £50-250k A620 Bend At Ranby Bassetlaw ≤ £50k A638 Sutton Bridge, Sutton Cum Lound Bassetlaw ≤ £50k A616 Ollerton to Budby ≤ £50k C208 Beckingham - from A1 slip road to A17 roundabout Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k

Resurfacing A617 Rainworth Bypass - on roundabout near filling station Newark & Sherwood £50-250k B6020 Mansfield Road, Blidworth - From New Lane to Warsop Lane (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k B686 Carlton Hill, Carlton Hill - Carlton Square to First Avenue - will need to be phased Gedling £50-250k C132 Main Street, Kimberley - from Green Lane roundabout to A610 slip (resurfacing) Broxtowe £50-250k C168 Station Road, Carlton - Carlton Square to Conway Road - will need to be phased (resurfacing) Gedling > £250k

Flood risk management Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) Consultancy fees Countywide ≤ £50k Strategic Environmental Assessment for LFRMS Countywide ≤ £50k Bleasby village (phase 2 of drainage improvements) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Edingley village (flood prevention scheme) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Sherwood Road/Kirklington Road, Rainworth (Highway drainage system repairs and upgrade) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k

Reserves - any scheme could be brought forward depending on budget Selston village (joint flood prevention scheme with STW) Ashfield ≤ £50k Scrooby Road, Harworth (highway drainage system repairs) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Balderton village (highway drainage system repairs and upgrade) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Main Street, Morton (highway drainage system repairs and upgrade has land issues) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Morgans Close, Coddington (highway drainage system repairs and upgrade) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Cotgrave Lane, Tollerton (flood prevention scheme) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Nottingham Road, Keyworth (joint flood prevention scheme with STW) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k

Note: Schemes in development and inclusion is dependant upon flood risk studies, collaborative working and partnership funding with STW, Internal Drainage Boards, Environment Agency and other parties Block allocation £600

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Highway structural drainage Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Ashfield - Various Ashfield ≤ £50k Hamilton Road, Sutton in Ashfield - between A617 and Coxmoor Road Ashfield £50-250k Bassetlaw - Various Bassetlaw ≤ £50k A638/A620 Arlington Way/Moorgate/Amcott Way Junction, Retford Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes A638 Barnby Moor to Torworth Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes Hollowgate Lane, High Marnham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes Moorgate/Wellington Street Junction, Retford Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes Red Lane, Carlton Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Rushey Sidings, Morton - phase 3 Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes Broxtowe - Various Broxtowe £50-250k Countywide (for pumping station maintenance) Countywide ≤ £50k Gedling - Various Gedling £50-250k Ravenshead (continuation of work on soakaways) Gedling £50-250k Mansfield - Various Mansfield £50-250k Newark - Various Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Cockett Lane, Farnsfield - on bend Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Dovecote Lane, Ollerton - improvements to highway drainage Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Kirklington Road, Bilsthorpe - outside 99 improvements to highway drainage Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Station Road, Cotham - outside Line House kerbing and drainage Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Reserves Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Field Lane, Blidworth - Junction with Blidworth Bottom Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Main Street, Balderton - extents to be confirmed Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Syke Breck, Blidworth - extents to be confirmed Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Village Way, Farndon - extents to be confirmed Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Pingley Lane, Staythorpe - provision of highway drainage Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Rushcliffe - Various (Columns - 1 to 4) Rushcliffe £50-250k * NB: The works are developed through the year as problems are encountered, liaison takes place with Flood Risk Manager on larger schemes/issues to ensure a co-ordinated approach Block allocation £500

Surface dressing - 1 of 5 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Ashland Road West, Sutton in Ashfield - From Norwell Close to Highfield Road Ashfield ≤ £50k B6020 Lane End, Kirkby in Ashfield - From Victoria Road to Urban Road Ashfield ≤ £50k Bath Street, Sutton in Ashfield Ashfield ≤ £50k C146 Dawgates Lane, Skegby - From Dawgates Farm to boundary Ashfield ≤ £50k C203 Nuncargate Road, Annesley - From Ediston Street to Sherwood Rise Ashfield ≤ £50k Cornwall Close, Jacksdale Ashfield ≤ £50k Cumberland Close, Jacksdale Ashfield ≤ £50k Edward Avenue, Sutton in Ashfield Ashfield ≤ £50k Greenwood Avenue, Huthwaite Ashfield ≤ £50k Hampshire Court, Jacksdale Ashfield ≤ £50k Hartington Drive, Sutton in Ashfield Ashfield ≤ £50k Kent Avenue, Jacksdale Ashfield ≤ £50k Shropshire Avenue, Jacksdale Ashfield ≤ £50k

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Surface dressing - 2 of 5 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Springwell Street, Huthwaite Ashfield ≤ £50k Strawberry Bank, Huthwaite Ashfield ≤ £50k Unwin Road, Sutton in Ashfield Ashfield ≤ £50k Westmorland Way, Jacksdale Ashfield ≤ £50k Wiltshire Avenue, Jacksdale Ashfield ≤ £50k Anston Avenue, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Ashlea, Misterton Bassetlaw ≤ £50k B1403 Clayworth To Hayton Bassetlaw ≤ £50k B645 Blyth Road, Hodstck Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Bar Road North, Beckingham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Bar Road South, Beckingham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Baulk Lane, Torworth Bassetlaw ≤ £50k C24 Askham Road, Askham (A57 To Askham) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k C24 Askham To Upton, Askham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k C37 Norton To Carburton (Corunna Lodge To Norton Village) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k C66 Serlby Road, Harworth (A614 To Golf Club) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Cherry Tree Avenue, Shireoaks Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Clarence Road, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Cunningham Close, Mattersey Thorpe Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Denison Avenue, Retford Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Durham Grove, Retford Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Elms Road, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Elmtree Close, Shireoaks Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Elmwood Close, Retford Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Fallow Court, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Grange Close, Misterton Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Harvest Close, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Keyes Close, Mattersey Thorpe Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Keyes Court, Mattersey Thorpe Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Keyes Rise, Mattersey Thorpe Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Lime Grove , Retford Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Lime Tree Avenue, Retford Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Lodore Road, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Moorland Avenue, Walkeringham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Moorland Close, Walkeringham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Northmoor Drive, Walkeringham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Overend Road, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Pear Tree Close, Clarborough (Turning Head) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Rose Avenue, Retford Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Southfall Close, Ranskill Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Station Road, Barnby Moor Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Station Road, Sutton Cum Lound Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Stonehill Close, Ranskill Bassetlaw ≤ £50k The Green, Beckingham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k The Paddocks, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Walnut Avenue, Shireoaks Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Page 106 of 222

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Surface dressing - 3 of 5 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Welbeck Street, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Whitton Close, Ranskill Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Willow Avenue, Misterton Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Winston Court, Mattersey Thorpe Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Woodside Road, Shireoaks Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Ambleside Drive, Eastwood Broxtowe ≤ £50k B600 Moorgreen Broxtowe ≤ £50k Brookhill Street, Stapleford - From Ashfield Grove to Myrtle Avenue Broxtowe ≤ £50k Cow Lane, Bramcote Broxtowe ≤ £50k Dawlish Court, Eastwood Broxtowe ≤ £50k Greenland Crescent, Chilwell Broxtowe ≤ £50k Harlequin Court, Eastwood Broxtowe ≤ £50k Helmsley Drive, Eastwood Broxtowe ≤ £50k New Lane, Greasley Broxtowe ≤ £50k Narrow Lane, Moorgreen Broxtowe ≤ £50k Oakdale Drive, Chilwell Broxtowe ≤ £50k Rothbury Avenue, Trowell Broxtowe ≤ £50k Stapleford Road, Toton Broxtowe ≤ £50k Westby Lane, Awsworth Broxtowe ≤ £50k Woodstock Road, Toton Broxtowe ≤ £50k B684 Lime Lane, Arnold Gedling ≤ £50k B684 Mapperley Plains, Arnold Gedling ≤ £50k B684 Woodborough Road, Arnold Gedling ≤ £50k C39 Longdale Lane, Ravenshead - Section A Part extents to be confirmed Gedling ≤ £50k C39 Longdale Lane, Ravenshead - Section B Part extents to be confirmed Gedling ≤ £50k C72 Shelt Hill, Woodborough Gedling ≤ £50k Black Scotch Lane, Mansfield - From Chatsworth Road to North Park Mansfield ≤ £50k C6 Netherfield Lane, Church Warsop - From Coggins Lane to Three Lions Pub Mansfield ≤ £50k Charnwood Grove, Mansfield Woodhouse Mansfield ≤ £50k Featherstone Close, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Holly Drive, Forest Town Mansfield ≤ £50k Kings Mill Lane, Mansfield - From Millersdale Avenue to Randal Close Mansfield ≤ £50k Larch Avenue, Mansfield Woodhouse - Part extents to be confirmed Mansfield ≤ £50k Mellor Road, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Millersdale Avenue, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Pembleton Drive, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Randal Close, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Sandringham Court, Mansfield Woodhouse Mansfield ≤ £50k Scotwood Road, Mansfield Woodhouse Mansfield ≤ £50k Southpark Avenue, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Wainwright Avenue, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k B6166 Farndon Road, Newark - From A46 to Marina Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k B6034 Rufford Road, Rufford - From A614 to B6030 Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k

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Surface dressing - 4 of 5 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Brackner Lane, Bilsthorpe Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Burgage Green , Southwell Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k C100 Hawton Road, Newark - From Boundary Road to derestriction Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k C111 Weston Road, Egmanton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k C13 Carlton Road, Carlton on Trent - From Grange Road to bend Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k C21 Hockerton To Knapthorpe Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k C23 Forest Road, Oxton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k C23 Oaks Lane, Oxton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Church Lane, Morton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Claypit Lane, Fiskerton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Cooks Lane, Morton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Gravelly Lane, Fiskerton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Kelham Hills, Kelham - Broadgate Lane Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Kirklington Road, Bilsthorpe (Factory to Belle Eau Park) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Main Street, Morton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Manor Drive, Morton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Marsh Lane, Farndon - From Main Street To Fairfield Avenue Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Middle Lane, Morton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Wilsons Lane , Fiskerton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Bridegate Lane, Hickling Rushcliffe ≤ £50k C102 Longhedge Lane Rushcliffe ≤ £50k C28 Harby To Langer Rushcliffe ≤ £50k C3 Stragglethorpe Lane - From A52 to A46 Rushcliffe ≤ £50k C33 Bunny To East Leake Rushcliffe ≤ £50k C51 Dark Lane/ West Leake Lane - From West Leake to Kingston Cross Road Rushcliffe ≤ £50k C73 Granby Lane, Granby Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Pre-patching for 2014/15 Surface Dressing Programme Countywide > £250k

Reserves - any scheme could be brought forward depending on budget Alexander Avenue, Sutton in Ashfield Ashfield ≤ £50k Cheshire Way, Jacksdale Ashfield ≤ £50k Hartington Drive, Sutton in Ashfield Ashfield ≤ £50k Lime Tree Avenue, Kirkby in Ashfield Ashfield ≤ £50k Mapleton Way, Sutton in Ashfield Ashfield ≤ £50k Wild Hill, Teversal Ashfield ≤ £50k Bolsover Street, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Carter Lane, Church Warsop Mansfield ≤ £50k Clarendon Road, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Eakring Road , Mansfield (Patchills to Skerry Hill) Mansfield ≤ £50k Holly Road, Forest Town (Little Hollies to New Mill Lane) Mansfield ≤ £50k Longster Lane, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Montague Street, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Oakfield Avenue, Warsop Mansfield ≤ £50k Parliament Road, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Peel Road, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Raleigh Road, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Page 108 of 222 Surface dressing - 5 of 5 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Rock Street, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Page 14 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Salisbury Road, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Sookholme Lane(A60 to Sookholme) Mansfield ≤ £50k White Hart Street, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Beech Avenue, Beeston Broxtowe ≤ £50k Severals, Stapleford Broxtowe ≤ £50k A614 Old Rufford Road (Lime Lane to Jet garage) Gedling ≤ £50k B6386, Calverton (Whinbush Lane to Oxton roundabout) Gedling ≤ £50k C9 Burnstump Hill, Papplewick Gedling ≤ £50k C63 Main Street, Lambley Gedling ≤ £50k Park Road, Calverton Gedling ≤ £50k Rigg Lane, Papplewick Gedling ≤ £50k A614 Old Rufford Road, Rufford - From Station Road To Manor Farm Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k C57 Newark Road, Ollerton - From A6075 to Poplar Street Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Causeway Lane , Morton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Chapel Lane, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Church Street, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Cross Lane, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Fairfield Avenue, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Main Street , Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k New Road, Morton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k North End, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Nursery Avenue, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Sandhill Road , Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k School Lane, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k St Peters Close , Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k The Meadows, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k West End, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Wyke Lane, Farndon (Narrow Section) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Back Lane, Cropwell Butler Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Butler Close, Cropwell Butler Rushcliffe ≤ £50k C3 Main Road, Barnstone Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Fairham Brook Lane, Bunny Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Old Main Road, Costock Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Orchard Close, Barnstone Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Park Road, Barnstone Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Works Lane, Barnstone Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Block allocation £2,500

Safety fencing Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction A610 - Between County Boundary and M1 follow on from 2013/14 (Safety Fencing Replacement) >£250k Block allocation £350

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Page 15 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Street lighting replacement/upgrades - 1 of 4 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Addison Drive, Hucknall (Columns 1 to 10) Ashfield ≤ £50k Bodmin Avenue, Hucknall (Columns 1 to 4) Ashfield ≤ £50k Coniston Road, Hucknall (Columns 1 to 12) Ashfield ≤ £50k Grasmere Close, Hucknall (Columns 1 to 4) Ashfield ≤ £50k Kendal Close, Hucknall (Columns 1, 2) Ashfield ≤ £50k Long Hill Rise, Hucknall (Columns 1 to 17) Ashfield ≤ £50k Misk Hollows, Hucknall (Columns 1, 2) Ashfield ≤ £50k St Patricks Road, Hucknall (Columns 6 to 13) Ashfield ≤ £50k Ullswater Drive, Hucknall (Columns 1 to 4) Ashfield ≤ £50k Washdyke Lane, Hucknall (Columns 1 to 15) Ashfield ≤ £50k Windermere Road, Hucknall (Columns 1 to 5) Ashfield ≤ £50k Norton Village C9olumns 20, 21, 24 to 32) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Norton to Carburton Road, Norton (Columns 22 to 23) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Old Mill Lane, Cuckney (Columns 9 to 19) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Norton Lane, Cuckney (Columns 1 to 8) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Creswell Road, Cuckney (Columns 1 to 32) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Cottage Lane, Cuckney (Columns 1 to 7) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Glovers Close, Cuckney (Columns 1 to 3) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Dukeries Crescent, Worksop (Columns 1 to 17) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Forest Lane, Worksop (Columns 1 to 15) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Harrington Street, Worksop (Columns 1 to 4) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Highfield Lane, Worksop (Columns 1 to 4) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Adrian Close, Toton (Columns 1 to 3) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Blenheim Drive, Chilwell (Columns 1 to 11) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Brookland Drive, Chilwell (Columns 1 to 5) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Burleigh Square, Chilwell (Columns 1) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Carrfield Avenue, Toton (Columns 1 to 15) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Cator Lane, Chilwell (Columns 1 to 24) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Clumber Avenue, Chilwell (Columns 1 to 13) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Erewash Grove, Toton (Columns 1 to 8) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Gwenbrook Avenue, Chilwell (Columns 1 to 6) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Gwenbrook Road, Chilwell (Columns 1 to 5) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Holkham Avenue, Chilwell (Columns 1 to 9) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Kedleston Close, Chilwell (Columns 1) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Longleat Crescent, Chilwell (Columns 1 to 11) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Mottram Road, Chilwell (Columns 6 to 10) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Portland Road, Toton (Columns 1 to 20) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Stoneleigh Close, Chilwell (Columns 1) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Whiting Avenue, Toton (Columns 1 to 3) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Armadale Close, Arnold (Columns 1) Gedling ≤ £50k Ballantrae Close, Arnold (Columns 1 to 3) Gedling ≤ £50k Berriedale Close, Arnold (Columns 1 to 3) Gedling ≤ £50k Birch Close, Ravenshead (Columns 1, 2) Gedling ≤ £50k Birchwood Drive, Ravenshead (Columns 1 - 8) Gedling ≤ £50k Carradale Close, Arnold (Columns 1, 2) Gedling ≤ £50k Cornell Drive, Arnold (Columns 1 to 10) Gedling ≤ £50k Crawford Rise, Arnold (Columns 1 to 9) Gedling ≤ £50k Page 110 of 222 Street lighting replacement/upgrades - 2 of 4 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Heavytrees Avenue, Ravenshead (Columns 1 - 3) Gedling ≤ £50k Page 16 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Highfield Close, Ravenshead (Columns 1 to 3) Gedling ≤ £50k Ladybank Rise, Arnold (Columns 1, 2) Gedling ≤ £50k Lea Close, Ravenshead (Columns 1) Gedling ≤ £50k Lea Road, Ravenshead (Columns 1 to 6) Gedling ≤ £50k Mansfield Road - City boundary to Leapool Island, Arnold, Redhill, Daybrook, Woodthorpe (Columns Gedling £50-250k 1 to 157) Mavis Avenue, Ravenshead (Columns 1 - 13) Gedling ≤ £50k Milton Crescent, Ravenshead (Columns 2 - 11, 20, 21) Gedling ≤ £50k Milton Drive, Ravenshead (Columns 1, 12 - 19) Gedling ≤ £50k Ridgewood Grove, Ravenshead (Columns 1) Gedling ≤ £50k Robin Grove, Ravenshead (Columns 1, 2) Gedling ≤ £50k Valley Road, Carlton (Columns 1 to 5, 6 to 27 (not 27A or 27B)) Gedling ≤ £50k Vernon Avenue, Ravenshead (Columns 1 - 3) Gedling ≤ £50k Vernon Crescent, Ravenshead (Columns 1 - 28) Gedling ≤ £50k Wood End Drive, Ravenshead (Columns 1 to 3) Gedling ≤ £50k Woodland Rise, Ravenshead (Columns 1, 2) Gedling ≤ £50k Appleton Street, Warsop (Columns 1 to 8) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Argyle Close, Warsop (Columns 1 to 4) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Beck Crescent, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 33) Mansfield ≤ £50k Beech Avenue, Mansfield (Columns 1, 2) Mansfield ≤ £50k Bradder Way, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 3) Mansfield ≤ £50k Brown Street, Mansfield (Columns 1 - 3, 6 - 9) Mansfield ≤ £50k Caunton Close, Mansfield (Columns 1, 2) Mansfield ≤ £50k Commercial Gate, Mansfield (Columns 1 - 9, 11 - 13, 15) Mansfield ≤ £50k Cumberland Avenue, Warsop (Columns 1 to 6) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Fell Wilson Street, Warsop (Columns 1 to 9) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Fitzherbert Street, Warsop (Columns 1 to 5) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Footpath Beck Crescent to Ladybrook Lane, Mansfield (Columns 1) Mansfield ≤ £50k Footpath Bradder Way to rail footbridge, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 7) Mansfield ≤ £50k Footpath Hamilton Drive to Cumberland Avenue, Warsop (Columns 7) Mansfield ≤ £50k Footpath Hamilton Drive, Warsop (Columns 16) Mansfield ≤ £50k Footpath Norfolk Close, Warsop (Columns 4) Mansfield ≤ £50k Footpath Stonebridge Lane to Saville Way, Warsop (Columns 1) Mansfield ≤ £50k Footpath Windsor Drive to link path, Warsop (Columns 4) Mansfield ≤ £50k Footpath Windsor Drive to Stonebridge Road, Warsop (Columns 1) Mansfield ≤ £50k Garnon Street, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 11) Mansfield ≤ £50k George Street, Mansfield Woodhouse (Columns 1 to 4) Mansfield ≤ £50k Grove Street, Mansfield (Columns 5 to 7) Mansfield ≤ £50k Hamilton Drive, Warsop (Columns 1 to 17) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Hillsway Crescent, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 5, 7 to 11) Mansfield ≤ £50k Jenford Street, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 17) Mansfield ≤ £50k Kirkland Avenue, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 8) Mansfield ≤ £50k Matlock Avenue, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 10) Mansfield ≤ £50k

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Page 17 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Street lighting replacement/upgrades - 3 of 4 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Meden Avenue, Warsop (Columns 1 to 8) Mansfield ≤ £50k Norfolk Close, Warsop (Columns 1 to 3) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Rutland Close, Warsop (Columns 1 to 3) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Saville Way, Warsop (Columns 1 to 5) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Sherwood Street, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 3) Mansfield ≤ £50k Stone Bridge Lane, Warsop (Columns 9 to 25) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Stonebridge Road, Warsop (Columns 1 to 8, 10) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Sylvester Street, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 13) Mansfield ≤ £50k The Hawthorns, Warsop (Columns 1 to 11) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes The Knoll, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 12) Mansfield ≤ £50k Vale Avenue, Warsop (Columns 1 to 9) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Williamson Street, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 8) Mansfield ≤ £50k Windsor Drive, Warsop (Columns 1 to 5) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Benet Drive, Bilsthorpe (Column 1) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Chapel Gardens, Bilsthorpe (Columns 2 to 6, 8) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Cheyne Drive, Bilsthorpe (Columns 1 to 5) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Highfield Drive, Bilsthorpe (Columns 6 to 13) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Maid Marion Avenue, Bilsthorpe (Columns 1 to 5) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Oaktree Drive, Bilsthorpe (Columns 1 to 7) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Rufford Close, Bilsthorpe (Columns 1 to 3) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k St Margarets Close, Bilsthorpe (Column 7) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Wycar Road, Bilsthorpe (Columns 1 to 5) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Back Lane, Eakring (Columns 1 to 8) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Bilsthorpe Road, Eakring (Columns 1 to 3) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Church Lane, Eakring (Columns 1 to 8) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Kirklington Road, Eakring (Columns 1 to 17) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Main Street, Eakring (Columns 4 to 10) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Triumph Close, Eakring (Columns 1 to 3) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Triumph Road, Eakring (Columns 1 to 3) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Wellow Road, Eakring (Columns 1 to 5) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Abbey Road, Edwinstowe (Columns 1 to 11) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Abbot Close, Keyworth (Columns 1, 2) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Adams Hill, Keyworth (Columns 1 to 5) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Banks Crescent, Bingham (Columns 1) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Beaumont Close, Keyworth (Columns 1, 2) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Belvedere Close, Keyworth (Columns 1, 2) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Bishops Close, Keyworth (Columns 1) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Brockdale Gardens, Keyworth (Columns 1 to 4) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Brockwood Crescent, Keyworth (Columns 1 to 8) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Castle Hill service road, East Leake (Columns 11) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Castle Hill, East Leake (Columns 1 to 11, 5a) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Clifford Close, Keyworth (Columns 1 to 4) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Cromwell Drive, East Leake (Columns 1 to 6) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Crossdale Drive, Keyworth (Columns 1 to3, 5 to 12) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Delville Avenue, Keyworth (Columns 1 to 7) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k East Street, Gotham (Columns 1) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Fisher Lane, Bingham (Columns 1 to 4, 1a) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Page 112 of 222 Street lighting replacement/upgrades - 4 of 4 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Footpath Brockdale Gardens to Park Road, Keyworth (Columns 5) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Page 18 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Franklyn Gardens, Keyworth (Columns 1, 2) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Gladstone Avenue, Gotham (Columns 1, 2) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Hall Gardens, East Leake (Columns 1) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Hampton Road, West Bridgford (Columns 1 to 5) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Hawley Close, East Leake (Columns 1 to 3) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Highbury Road, Keyworth (Columns 1 to 6) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Highfield Road, Keyworth (Columns 12 to 21) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Hillcrest Road, Keyworth (Columns 7 to 11) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Kingston Road, West Bridgford (Columns 1 to 4) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Manor Farm Meadow, East Leake (Columns 1 to 14) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Meadow End, Gotham (Columns 1 to 3) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Melvyn Drive, Bingham (Columns 1, 2) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Oldershaw Road, East Leake (Columns 1 to 10, 11a) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes Potters Lane, East Leake (Columns 1 to 9) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes Salisbury Avenue, East Leake (Columns 1 to 9) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes Sidmouth Close, Keyworth (Columns 1) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k St Andrew Close, Gotham (Columns 1 to 4) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k The Banks, Bingham (Columns 1 to 19, 3a) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Wallace Street, Gotham (Columns 1 to 4) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Wordsworth Road, West Bridgford (Columns 1 to 5) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Block allocation £1,500

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Page 19 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Part-night lighting (page 1 of 4)

Electoral Division Parish/Town County-wide dimming Implementation Quarter 1 construction Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Bleasby Dec-12 Feb-13 Yes Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Bulcote Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Caythorpe Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Eakring Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Edingley Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Epperstone Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Woodborough Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Farnsfield Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Gonalston (no PC) Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Gunthorpe Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Halam Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Hoveringham Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Kirklington Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Lowdham Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Oxton Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Thurgarton Newark Blidworth Rainworth Jul-13 Newark Blidworth Lindhurst (no PC) Newark Blidworth Blidworth Newark Rufford Bilsthorpe Sep-13 Newark Rufford Clipstone (also Kings Clipstone) Newark Rufford Edwinstowe Newark Rufford Rufford Newark Ollerton Kirton Newark Ollerton Ollerton and Boughton Newark Ollerton Perlethorpe cum Budby Newark Ollerton Walesby Newark Southwell & Caunton Carlton on Trent Oct-13 Newark Southwell & Caunton Caunton Newark Southwell & Caunton Cromwell Newark Southwell & Caunton Egmanton Newark Southwell & Caunton Grassthorpe (no PC) Newark Southwell & Caunton Halloughton Newark Southwell & Caunton Hockerton Newark Southwell & Caunton Kneesall, Kersall & Ompton Newark Southwell & Caunton Laxton and Moorhouse Newark Southwell & Caunton Maplebeck Newark Southwell & Caunton Norwell Newark Southwell & Caunton Ossington Newark Southwell & Caunton Southwell Newark Southwell & Caunton Sutton on Trent Newark Southwell & Caunton Upton Newark Southwell & Caunton Wellow Newark Southwell & Caunton Weston Newark Southwell & Caunton Winkburn Page 114 of 222

Page 20 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Part-night lighting (page 2 of 4)

Electoral Division Parish/Town County-wide dimming Implementation Quarter 1 construction Newark Collingham Barnby in the Willows Dec-13 Newark Collingham Besthorpe Newark Collingham Coddington Newark Collingham Collingham Newark Collingham Girton and Meering Newark Collingham Harby Newark Collingham Holme Newark Collingham North Clifton Newark Collingham South Clifton Newark Collingham South Scarle Newark Collingham Spalford Newark Collingham Thorney Newark Collingham Wigsley Newark Collingham Winthorpe with Langford Newark Farndon & Muskham Alverton and Kilvington Jan-14 Newark Farndon & Muskham Averham, Kelham and Staythorpe Newark Farndon & Muskham Bathley Newark Farndon & Muskham Cotham Newark Farndon & Muskham East Stoke with Thorpe Newark Farndon & Muskham Elston Newark Farndon & Muskham Farndon Newark Farndon & Muskham Fernwood Newark Farndon & Muskham Fiskerton cum Morton Newark Farndon & Muskham Hawton Newark Farndon & Muskham North Muskham Newark Farndon & Muskham Rolleston Newark Farndon & Muskham South Muskham/Little Carlton Newark Farndon & Muskham Staunton Newark Farndon & Muskham Syerston Newark Balderton Balderton Newark Coddington Newark Apr-14 Newark Newark East Newark Newark Newark West Newark Gedling Newstead Bestwood St Albans (note 4) Gedling Newstead Linby Mar-13 Gedling Newstead Newstead Jun-13 Yes Gedling Newstead Papplewick Gedling Newstead Ravenshead Gedling Calverton Calverton Gedling Calverton Lambley Aug-13 Gedling Calverton Woodborough Gedling Arnold N and Arnold S Arnold (no TC) Gedling Arnold N and Arnold S Daybrook (no PC) Gedling Arnold N and Arnold S Mapperley (no PC) Mar-13 Feb-14 Gedling Arnold N and Arnold S Redhill (no PC) Gedling Arnold N and Arnold S Woodthorpe (no PC) Page 115 of 222

Page 21 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Part-night lighting (page 3 of 4)

Electoral Division Parish/Town County-wide dimming Implementation Quarter 1 construction Gedling Carlton E and Carlton W Burton Joyce Gedling Carlton E and Carlton W Colwick Gedling Carlton E and Carlton W Netherfield (no PC) Gedling Carlton E and Carlton W Stoke Bardolph Mar-13 May-14 Gedling Carlton E and Carlton W Gedling (no PC) Gedling Carlton E and Carlton W Bakersfield (no PC) Gedling Carlton E and Carlton W Carlton (no TC or PC) Broxtowe Beauvale Greasely Broxtowe Beauvale Selston Jul-14 Broxtowe Beauvale Brinsley Broxtowe Eastwood Eastwood Broxtowe Nuthall Nuthall Jul-14 Broxtowe Nuthall Strelley Broxtowe Kimberley & Trowell Awsworth Sep-14 Broxtowe Kimberley & Trowell Cossall Broxtowe Kimberley & Trowell Kimberley Broxtowe Kimberley & Trowell Trowell Broxtowe Bramcote & Stapleford Stapleford Broxtowe Bramcote & Stapleford Bramcote (no PC) Broxtowe Chilwell & Toton Chilwell (no PC) Broxtowe Chilwell & Toton Toton (no PC) Jul-14 Nov-14 Broxtowe Beeston S & Attenborough Attenborough (no PC) Broxtowe Beeston S & Attenborough Beeston (no PC) Broxtowe Beeston North Beeston (no PC) Broxtowe City (maintained by NCC) Ashfield Sutton in Ashfield (all divns) ** Sutton in A (no PC/TC) Ashfield Sutton in Ashfield North ** Sutton in A (no PC/TC) Ashfield Sutton in Ashfield West ** Sutton in A (no PC/TC) Oct-14 Jan-15 Ashfield Sutton in Ashfield East ** Sutton in A (no PC/TC) Ashfield Sutton in Ashfield Central ** Sutton in A (no PC/TC) Ashfield Selston Selston Ashfield Kirkby in Ashfield South Annesley & Felley Ashfield Kirkby in Ashfield (no PC/TC) Dec-14 May-15 Ashfield Kirkby in Ashfield (both divns) Kirkby in Ashfield (no PC/TC) Ashfield Kirkby in Ashfield North Kirkby in Ashfield (no PC/TC) Ashfield Hucknall Hucknall (no PC/TC) Mansfield Warsop Warsop Mansfield Mansfield (all divns) Mansfield (no TC) Mansfield West Mansfield Mansfield (no TC) Mar-15 Aug-15 Mansfield North Mansfield Mansfield (no TC) Mansfield East Mansfield Mansfield (no TC) Mansfield South Mansfield Mansfield (no TC)

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Page 22 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Part-night lighting (page 4 of 4)

Electoral Division Parish/Town County-wide dimming Implementation Quarter 1 construction Bassetlaw Retford West Retford (no TC) Bassetlaw Retford East Retford (no TC) May-15 Sep-15 Bassetlaw Remainder Dimming Rushcliffe West Bridgford W West Bridgford (no TC) Rushcliffe West Bridgford Cen & S West Bridgford (no TC) Jun-15 Sep-15 Rushcliffe Remainder Dimming Block allocation £887

Traffic signal renewal Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Retford Road / Bracebridge Road, Worksop - Toucan crossing Bassetlaw ≤ £50k A6009 Inner Relief Road / West Hill Way / St John Street, Mansfield Mansfield £50 - 250k A60 / A6006 Rempstone Crossroads, Rempstone Rushcliffe £50 - 250k A606 Melton Road / Tollerton Lane, Tollerton Rushcliffe £50 - 250k Block allocation £350

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Page 118 of 222 Appendix 1 - 2013/14 Integrated transport programme

Quarter 1 Access to local facilities Area LTP budget construction Nottingham Road, Selston (puffin upgrade) Ashfield £50-£250k Yes B6009 Watnall Road (near Ruffs Drive), Hucknall (pedestrian crossing) Ashfield ≤£50k Yes Bridge Street, Worksop (pedestrian crossing) Bassetlaw £50-£250k Priorswell Road, Worksop (traffic calming) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Serlby Road, Styrrup (footway) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Amcott Way roundabout, Retford (cycle route improvements) Bassetlaw £50-£250k B600 Watnall Road (near Back Lane), Nuthall (pedestrian crossing) Broxtowe ≤£50k Yes Derby Road, Stapleford (north of Horace Avenue) (upgrade of crossing) Broxtowe £50-£250k Meadow Lane / High Road, Chilwell (pedestrian crossing) Broxtowe £50-£250k Yes Greasley Footpath 42 Broxtowe ≤£50k Dropped kerb requests Countywide ≤£50k A60 / A6514, Arnold (pedestrian facilities) Gedling ≤£50k Station Road (between level crossing and sports pavilion), Burton Joyce (footway) Gedling £50-£250k Woodthorpe Drive east of Grange Road, Woodthorpe (pedestrian refuge) Gedling ≤£50k A60 / B6035 Sherwood Street / Wood Street, Market Warsop (pedestrian detection) Mansfield £50-£250k Windsor Road, Mansfield (pedestrian refuge) Mansfield ≤£50k Wood Street, Mansfield (build-outs) Mansfield ≤£50k B6030 Mansfield Road, Clipstone (parking) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Fishpool Road, Blidworth (footway) Newark & Sherwood £50-£250k Main Street, Fiskerton (footway) Newark & Sherwood £50-£250k Main Street, Kirton (playground signing) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k A60 Loughborough Road (outside Balmore Country Rest Home), Ruddington (pedestrian refuge) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Musters Road (north of Rectory Road), West Bridgford (zebra crossing) Rushcliffe ≤£50k

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Page 1 Appendix 1 - 2013/14 Integrated transport programme Access to local facilities - Reserve schemes: Chapel Street/The Hill, Kirkby in Ashfield (pedestrian crossing) Ashfield £50-£250k A60 Doncaster Road, Oldcotes (pedestrian refuge) Bassetlaw ≤£50k A620 Main Street, Clarborough (footway) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Boughton Ind Est to Kirton (footway improvements) Newark & Sherwood £50-£250k Friary Road/Sleaford Road (zebra crossing) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Keyworth Road, Widmerpool (footway) Rushcliffe £50-£250k Tithby Road (Cropwell Butler to Tithby) (footway) Rushcliffe £50-£250k ITM block allocation £ 1,050 External funding £ 90 BLOCK TOTAL £ 1,140

Quarter 1 Bus improvements Area LTP budget construction Nuthall bus gate Broxtowe ≤£50k Bus stop clearway programme Countywide ≤£50k Enforcement cameras Countywide ≤£50k Passenger information displays Countywide ≤£50k Pole replacement programme Countywide ≤£50k Yes Raised kerb programme Countywide £50-£250k Reactive programme Countywide £50-£250k Yes Real Time display installation Countywide £50-£250k Shelter replacement programme Countywide ≤£50k Yes TITAN infrastructure upgrades Countywide £50-£250k Yes Ollerton transport hub Countywide £50-£250k TROs/traffic management Countywide ≤£50k Mansfield SQBP Mansfield ≤£50k

Reserve schemes: Voluntary car schemes Countywide ≤£50k Solar lighting programme Countywide ≤£50k Wooden shelter upgrades Countywide ≤£50k Automatic Vehicle Location TLP Countywide ≤£50k ITM block allocation £ 700

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Page 2 Appendix 1 - 2013/14 Integrated transport programme

Quarter 1 Capacity improvements Area LTP budget construction Kirkby town centre - (Ellis Street two-way) Ashfield £50-£250k B6045 Blyth Rd/Kilton Hill, Worksop (MOVA) Bassetlaw £50-£250k Elkesley (contribution to Highways Agency scheme) Bassetlaw £50-£250k Retford Market Place (TRO) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Front Street, Arnold (taxi rank amendments) Gedling ≤£50k A60/ Nottingham Rd/Berry Hill Rd/Atkin Lane, Mansfield (MOVA) Mansfield £50-£250k A6075 Priory Road / Sherwood Street, Mansfield Woodhouse (MOVA) Mansfield £50-£250k Mansfield town centre (signing improvements) Mansfield ≤£50k A614/A617, Lockwell Hill (junction improvements) Newark & Sherwood > £250k Lower Kirklington Road/Maythorne Lane, Southwell (junction improvement) Newark & Sherwood £50-£250k Boundary Road/Loughborough Road, West Bridgford (junction widening) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Market Street, Bingham (one way) Rushcliffe £50-£250k

Reserve schemes: Pond Street, Kirkby (traffic management) Ashfield ≤£50k School Street, Kirkby (extension to one-way system) Ashfield ≤£50k A1133 High St/Station Rd/Bell Ln, Collingham (MOVA) Newark & Sherwood £50-£250k A6075 Mansfield Rd/West Ln/High St/Church St, Ollerton Rd, Edwinstowe (MOVA) Newark & Sherwood £50-£250k ITM block allocation £ 1,250

Quarter 1 Cycling, leisure and health Area LTP budget construction London Road, Retford (cycle route improvements) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Manton Forest Park Gateway (footpath & cycle route improvements) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Yes North Road, Retford (route improvements) Bassetlaw ≤£50k East Retford Footpath 20 Bassetlaw ≤£50k Strelley Bridleway 1 Broxtowe ≤£50k Cycle parking Countywide ≤£50k Rights of Way signing Countywide ≤£50k Rights of Way upgrades Countywide ≤£50k A612 Nottingham Road, Burton Joyce (cycle path upgrade) Gedling ≤£50k Yes

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Page 3 Appendix 1 - 2013/14 Integrated transport programme

Cycling leisure and health (continued) Oxclose Woods to Bull Farm, Mansfield (bridleway resurfacing) Mansfield ≤£50k Bilsthorpe to Clipstone Greenway Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k London Road, Newark (cycle route improvements) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Newark area (miscellaneous cycle route improvements) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Southwell Trail Access Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Yes Thoroton Footpath4 Rushcliffe £50-£250k

Reserve schemes: A619/A60 shared use footway Bassetlaw ≤£50k B1164 Great North Road (Tuxford to West Markham) (footway) Bassetlaw £50-£250k Yes Langold / Firbeck (footpath & cycle route improvements) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Misterton Bridleway 24 (Foxcovert Lane) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Retford Footpath 50 Bassetlaw ≤£50k Eastwood / Kimberley cycle route improvements Broxtowe ≤£50k Calverton Greenway Gedling ≤£50k Gedling Colliery (upgrade of former colliery line to multi-user route) Gedling ≤£50k William Wood Lane, Warsop Mansfield ≤£50k Cotgrave Greenway Rushcliffe ≤£50k Radcliffe access links Rushcliffe ≤£50k ITM block allocation £ 500

Quarter 1 Environmental weight limits Area LTP budget construction Bagthorpe/Jacksdale/Underwood/Westwood area Ashfield ≤£50k Chesterfield Road, Huthwaite Ashfield ≤£50k A161 Marsh Lane, Misterton (low bridge signing) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Yes Goosemoor Lane/Whitehouses Road, Ordsall Bassetlaw ≤£50k Calverton/Woodborough/Lambley area Gedling ≤£50k Drove Lane (Coddington to Winthorpe) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Eakring area Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Ollerton Road / Trent Lane / Kelham Lane, Kelham Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Southwell area (including A612 declassification) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k

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Envirnmental weight limits - Reserve schemes: Albert Road/Cobwell Road, Retford Bassetlaw ≤£50k Sutton Lane, Babworth Bassetlaw ≤£50k Normanton on Trent Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Brackner Lane, Bilsthorpe Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Main Street, Shelton Rushcliffe ≤£50k Main Street, Normanton on Soar Rushcliffe ≤£50k ITM block allocation £ 150

Quarter 1 Local centre improvements Area LTP budget construction Market Street, Huthwaite (pedestrian improvements) Ashfield £50-£250k Central Avenue, Beeston (environmental improvements) Broxtowe £50-£250k Yes Tuxford town centre (environmental improvements) Bassetlaw £50-£250k Boundary Road, Newark (signing and lining) [CONTRIBUTION] Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k

Reserve schemes: Derby Road, Bramcote (environmental improvements) Broxtowe ≤£50k Westdale Lane / Main Road, Gedling (environmental improvements) (Phase 1) Gedling £50-£250k Yes St. Wilfred's Square, Calverton (environmental improvements) Gedling > £250k A60 Nottingham Rd, Mansfield (environmental improvements) Mansfield £50-£250k Tuxford Road, Boughton (environmental improvements) Newark & Sherwood £50-£250k ITM block allocation £ 200 External funding £ 150 BLOCK TOTAL £ 410

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Quarter 1 Monitoring development and design Area LTP budget construction Development of future years' ITM programmes Countywide £50-£250k Advanced design of future ITM schemes Countywide £50-£250k Traffic monitoring Countywide £50-£250k ITM block allocation £ 400

Quarter 1 Parking Area LTP budget construction Little Oak Drive, Sherwood Business Park (waiting restrictions) Ashfield ≤£50k Blyth (residents' parking scheme review and waiting restrictions) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Eastgate, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤£50k Manvers Street, Worksop (residents' parking scheme review) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Yes Spicer's Court, Retford (residents' parking scheme) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Audon Avenue, Chilwell (residents' parking scheme) Broxtowe ≤£50k Endsleigh and Muriel Gardens, Beeston (residents' parking scheme) Broxtowe ≤£50k Glebe Street, Beeston (residents' parking scheme) Broxtowe ≤£50k Lilac Grove, Beeston (waiting restrictions) Broxtowe ≤£50k Wollaton Road, Beeston - parking bay review Broxtowe ≤£50k Redhill Road area, Arnold (residents' parking scheme) Gedling ≤£50k Botany Avenue/Marriott Close, Mansfield (residents' parking scheme review) Mansfield ≤£50k Four Seasons car park access changes, Mansfield Mansfield ≤£50k Yes Lichfield Avenue, Mansfield Mansfield ≤£50k Mill Gate, Newark (residents' parking scheme) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Lime Grove, Newark (residents' parking scheme) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Northgate, Newark (residents' parking scheme) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k William Street, Newark (residents' parking scheme) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k

Reserve schemes: Barton Street area, Beeston (residents' parking scheme) Broxtowe ≤£50k Stapleford (Phase 2) (residents' parking scheme) Broxtowe ≤£50k Rushworth Avenue, West Bridgford (residents' parking scheme review) Rushcliffe ≤£50k ITM block allocation £ 150

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Quarter 1 Public transport interchanges Area LTP budget construction Retford rail station Bassetlaw £50-£250k Worksop bus station (contribution supported by County capital funding) Bassetlaw £50-£250k Beeston bus station Broxtowe ≤£50k TITAN interchange hub Countywide ≤£50k ITM block allocation £ 300

Quarter 1 Rail improvements Area LTP budget construction Rail improvements Countywide £50-£250k

ITM block allocation £ 100

Quarter 1 Safety improvements Area LTP budget construction Local safety schemes Kirkby Road, Sutton (interactive speed signs) Ashfield ≤£50k Nuncargate, Kirkby (surfacing) Ashfield ≤£50k Salmon Lane, Annesley (surfacing) Ashfield ≤£50k Yes Station Rd / Newark Rd, Sutton (speed management scheme) Ashfield ≤£50k Washdyke Lane, Hucknall (kerb re-alignment) Ashfield ≤£50k Watnall Rd / Nabbs Lane, Hucknall (mini roundabout) Ashfield ≤£50k A638 North of Retford (surfacing & lining) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Bridgegate, Retford (pedestrian improvement) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Carlton Road / Sherwood Road, Worksop (kerb re-alignment) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Yes Priorswell Rd, Worksop (contribution speed management scheme) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Retford Rd, Worksop (cycle safety scheme) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Spittal Hill, Retford (interactive speed signs) Bassetlaw ≤£50k A6002 Bilborough Road (speed reduction scheme) Broxtowe ≤£50k Awsworth by-pass, Newton Lane (surfacing) Broxtowe ≤£50k Yes Brookhill Street, Stapleford Broxtowe ≤£50k Newmanleys Road - A610, Eastwood (surfacing) Broxtowe ≤£50k Yes

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Safety improvements (continued) A612 Mile End Road, Colwick (junction works) Gedling ≤£50k Forest Lane, Papplewick (speed management scheme) Gedling ≤£50k Longdale Lane, nr Rigg Lane, Blidworth Bottoms (surfacing) Gedling ≤£50k Yes A38 Sutton Rd / Hermitage Ln, Mansfield (seperate signal right turn) Mansfield ≤£50k A60 Cuckney to Church Warsop (safety cameras) Mansfield £50-£250k A60 Leeming Ln, N of Peafield Ln (interactive speed signs) Mansfield ≤£50k A60 West Notts Collge (traffic light re-phasing) Mansfield ≤£50k Yes St Peter's Way / St John's Street, Mansfield (signal modifications) Mansfield ≤£50k Blidworth Lane, bend at windfarm Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Ossington Road, bends east of Ossington (signage) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Yes A6097 Lowdham to Gunthorpe Bridge (speed management scheme) Newark & Sherwood £50-£250k

Safer Routes to Schools Church Lane, Kirkby (pedestrain improvement) Ashfield ≤£50k Coxmoor Rd, Hillocks (site upgrades) Ashfield ≤£50k Yes Toton Lane, Stapleford (pedestrian crossing facility) Broxtowe £50-£250k Southdale Road, Carlton (pedestrian improvements) Gedling ≤£50k Ethel Wainwright, Harrop White Rd (school crossing patrol site upgrade) Mansfield ≤£50k Intake Farm, Armstrong Rd (school crossing patrol site upgrade) Mansfield ≤£50k Yes Davies Rd, West Bridgford (pedestrian improvements) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Yes Kneeton Rd, East Bridgford (TRO) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Thrumpton Primary (TRO) Rushcliffe ≤£50k ITM block allocation £ 1,100

Quarter 1 Smarter choices Area LTP budget construction Smarter choices projects to improve access to work and training including travel Countywide £50-£250k planning, support for businesses developing travel plans and small scale infrastructure improvements to help people get to work that may arise from working with businesses ITM block allocation £ 200

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Quarter 1 Speed Management Area LTP budget construction B6016 Selston Road, Jacksdale (40mph buffer zone) Ashfield ≤£50k Main Road, Westwood (NE of Palmerston St) (interactive speed sign)* Ashfield ≤£50k* A632 Main Street (east of Queen's Walk), Nether Langwith (interactive speed sign) Bassetlaw ≤£50k A634 Sheffield Road, Blyth (W of Park Drive) (interactive speed sign) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Bawtry Road (east of Coronation Ave), Misson (interactive speed sign) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Little Gringley Lane, Welham (south of Shady Lane) (interactive speed sign) Bassetlaw ≤£50k

Town Street, Station Road or Mattersey Road, Sutton cum Lound (interactive speed sign) Bassetlaw ≤£50k West Drayton (new 30mph limit) Bassetlaw ≤£50k A6007 Ilkeston Road (SE of Rowan Avenue), Stapleford (interactive speed sign) Broxtowe ≤£50k Hickings Lane (NE of Grenville Dr), Stapleford (interactive speed sign) Broxtowe ≤£50k Stapleford Lane, Toton (interactive speed sign) Broxtowe ≤£50k

B6011 Forest Lane (50mph zone) & B683 Moor Lane (30mph extension), Papplewick Gedling ≤£50k Lambley Lane, Gedling (NE of Lorimer Avenue) (interactive speed sign) Gedling ≤£50k Longdale Lane, Ravenshead (NW of Heather Lane) (interactive speed sign) Gedling ≤£50k Chatsworth Drive, Mansfield (west of Blackscotch Lane) (interactive speed sign) Mansfield ≤£50k Old Mill Ln & Oak Tree Ln, Mansfield (speed limit reduction) Mansfield ≤£50k Yes A6075 Main Street, Kirton (north of Sandfield Lane) (interactive speed sign) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Beckingham Road, Coddington (contribution to interactive speed signs) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Blidworth Lane, Blidworth (40mph buffer zone to Blidworth village) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Blidworth Lane, Blidworth (interactive speed sign) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Boat Lane, Hoveringham (new 40mph speed limit) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Boundary Road, Newark (SE of Dunholme Ave) (interactive speed sign) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Brake Road, Walesby, (new 30mph limit) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Grange Road, Newark (east of Churchill Drive) (interactive speed sign) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Grassthorpe Road, Sutton on Trent (north of Bulham Lane) (interactive speed sign) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Lodge Lane, Elston (extension of 30mph speed limit) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Yes Station Road, Harby (outside the school) (interactive speed sign) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Wigsley Road, Harby (west of Harby Mill) (interactive speed sign) Newark & Sherwood ≤£50k Chapel Lane, Bingham (interactive speed sign) Rushcliffe ≤£50k * Note that interactive speed signs typically cost £8,000 per sign

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Page 9 Appendix 1 - 2013/14 Integrated transport programme Speed management (continued) Costock Road (west of Meeting House Close), East Leake (interactive speed sign) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Elton to Orston (speed limit review) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Main Road, Plumtree (north of Church Lane) (interactive speed sign) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Manor Lane, Shelford (NE of Church Street) (interactive speed sign) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Musters Road (north of Sherbourne Road), West Bridgford (interactive speed sign) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Musters Road / Bingham Road, Langar (30mph extension & gateway) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Musters Road, Langar (NW of Cropwell Road) (interactive speed sign) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Tithby Road, Bingham (north of Mill Hill Road) (interactive speed sign) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Widmerpool Lane, Keyworth (40mph buffer zone) Rushcliffe ≤£50k

Reserve Schemes: Ranskill Rd & Retford Rd, Mattersey (speed management scheme) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Tiln Lane / Smeath Lane, Clarborough (speed limit reduction) Bassetlaw ≤£50k Bradmore Lane, Plumtree (30mph extension) Rushcliffe ≤£50k Butt Lane & Kneeton Rd, East Bridgford (speed limit scheme) Rushcliffe ≤£50k ITM block allocation £ 350

ITM allocation £6,700 Funding slipped from 2012/13 for contribution to Highways Agency's Elkesley scheme £250 Contribution to footway enhancements budget -£500 Available ITM budget £6,450 External funding £240 PROGRAMME TOTAL (ITM budget plus external funding) £6,690

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Bridges Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Mill Lane, Kirkby in Ashfield - Kirkby Mill Bridge 4406C (headwall and embankment repairs) Ashfield ≤ £50k A60 Doncaster Road, Costhorpe - Bullgout Bridge 1206C (concrete saddle strengthening) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes C91 Green Lane, Treswell - Lea Beck 1401R (gabions partial reconstruction) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes C91 Green Lane, Treswell - 1402R (gabions new extension) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes C91 Green Lane, Treswell - Cottam Side Southfield Road 1434C (culvert Invert Repair) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes Middlebridge Road, Gringley on the Hill - Dukes Drain 1542C (culvert replacement) Bassetlaw £50-250k North Moor Road, Walkeringham - 1572C (culvert replacement) Bassetlaw £50-250k Various (miscellaneous works on bridges and culverts) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k A6005 Nottingham Road, Toton - Toton Arches 5224B (parapet replacement) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Various (general repair works) Countywide £50-250k Various (minor bridge painting) Countywide ≤ £50k A60 Red Hill Cutting - 7207R (masonry repair and vegetation clearance continuation of Gedling ≤ £50k 2012/13 scheme) C16 Lowdham Lane, Woodborough - 7401C (upgrade guardrail to P4 parapet) Gedling Lingwood Lane, Woodborough - Ouse Dyke near Vicarage 7504B (Infill disused arch) Gedling ≤ £50k Yes Sookholme Lane, Warsop - 2507C (Infill with pipe) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Various (miscellaneous works on bridges and culverts) Mansfield ≤ £50k C53 Caythorpe Road, Caythorpe - Cocker Beck 3413B (waterproofing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Priory Park, Thurgarton - 3426B (waterproofing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Newark Road - River Maun Bridge Ollerton Mill 3542B (waterproofing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes B680 Wilford Road, Ruddington - 8303C (Old Packmans Dyke infill disused arch) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes C26 West Leake Road, East Leake - 8407B (waterproofing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes C55 Grimms Bridge, Granby - 8431B (safety fence - carry over from 2012/13) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes Various (miscellaneous works on bridges and culverts) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k

Reserves - any scheme could be brought forward depending on budget A38 Kings Mill Road East, Sutton in Ashfield - Norman Avenue Wall 4203R (partial rebuild) Ashfield £50-250k A6097 Marlock Bridge over Cocker Beck (waterproofing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k A6011 Lady Bay Bridge, West Bridgford - 8201B (Joints and barrier repairs) Rushcliffe £50-250k Kegworth Road - Culvert south of Radcliffe on Soar 8506C (P4 Parapet replacement and speed limit TRO) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Block allocation £1,200

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Carriageway maintenance - Principal Classified Road Network (A roads) Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction A38 Kings Mill Road East, Sutton in Ashfield - Station Road to Coxmoor Road particularly approaches at Ashfield £50-250k Station Road junction (resurfacing/patching) Yes A6075 Ollerton Road, Tuxford - from Walkers to Knickerbush (structural patching, to be surface dressed in 2014/15) Bassetlaw £50-250k A57 Darlton Road, Ragnall - Whimpton Moor from East Drayton turnoff to C2 Crossroads (resurfacing/structural patching) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k A620 Moorgate, Retford - ON junction with A638 Amcott Way and Arlington Way (Resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k A632 Langwith Road, Nether Langwith - Between Langwith Mill House and Boons Hill Farm (resurfacing/structural patching) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k A610 Kimberley / Eastwood Bypass - Extents to be confirmed but sections between M1 and Derbyshire boundary (resurfacing) Broxtowe £50-250k A60 Mansfield Road, Ravenshead - Kigghill Lane to Blidworth Waye (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k Yes A617 Fountaindale Way East, Mansfield - Between Rainworth roundabout and Adams Way roundabout (structural patching) Mansfield £50-250k A6191 Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield - From Civic Centre to Bould Street may need further phasing (resurfacing) Mansfield £50-250k A6075 Main Street, Kirton - From Glebe Farm to Egmanton Road (resurfacing depends on completion of A17 work from 2012/13) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k A606 Melton Road, Stanton on the Wolds - Browns Lane to Laming Gap Lane (structural patching for surface dressing) Rushcliffe £50-250k

Reserves - any scheme could be brought forward depending on budget A611 Derby Road - 200m section from A608 roundabout to bus stop (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k A161 Walkeringham to Misterton - from STW treatment works to 30mph limits at Misterton (reconstruction) Bassetlaw £50-250k A614 Old Rufford Road, Calverton - Longdale Lane to Haywood Oaks (resurfacing) Gedling > £250k A38 Sutton Road, Mansfield - from Sheepbridge Lane junction and east for 600m (resurfacing) Mansfield £50-250k A60 Mansfield Road, Mansfield - from Mosscar road to splitter island (reconstruction) Mansfield £50-250k A6191 Chesterfield Road North, Pleasley - extents to be confirmed (resurfacing) Mansfield £50-250k A6191 Ratcliffe Gate, Mansfield - from St Peters Way to Newgate Lane (reconstruction) Mansfield £50-250k A6075 Mansfield Road, Edwinstowe - Adjacent to NCN6 (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k A617 Hockerton to Kirklington - Winkburn Junction (plane and overlay) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k A617 Kirklington Road near Bilsthorpe - Cockett Lane to Brackner Road (resurfacing/patching) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k A60 Loughborough Road, Bunny (resurfacing possible phasing required) Rushcliffe > £250k A60 Loughborough Road, West Bridgford - From Wilford Road to Sandringham Avenue (resurfacing) Rushcliffe £50-250k Block allocation £1,253

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Carriageway maintenance - Non Principal Classified Road Network (B and C roads) Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction B6020 Chapel Street, Kirkby in Ashfield - extents to be confirmed (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k B6026 Blackwell Road, Huthwaite (structural patching for surface dressing in 2014/15) Ashfield ≤ £50k C147 Chesterfield Road, Huthwaite - extents to be confirmed (resurfacing) Ashfield £50-250k C148 Dalestorth Road, Sutton in Ashfield - extents to be confirmed (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k C221 Annesley Road, Hucknall - from Washdyke Lane to Spring Street (resurfacing) Ashfield £50-250k B6019 Sutton Back Lane, Kirkby in Ashfield - extents to be confirmed between A611 and B6020 (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k B6024 Newcastle Avenue, Worksop (reconstruction) - carry over from 2012/13 Bassetlaw £50-250k B6034 Ollerton Road - from Carburton cross roads to district boundary (resurfacing) Bassetlaw £50-250k B6040 Gateford Road, Worksop - Mini-roundabout at Sandy Lane (resurfacing - carry over from 2012/13) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k B6045 Mattersey Road, Ranskill (resurfacing) Bassetlaw £50-250k B6079 Retford Road, Worksop - from B6040 to Ashtons Wood (resurfacing/patching) Bassetlaw £50-250k C114 Cockshut Lane, Nether Langwith (structural patching) Bassetlaw £50-250k C156 Sandy Lane, Worksop - from Gateford Road to Cresswell Road (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k C2 Cross Street, Sturton le Steeple - on bend at Watkins Lane (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k C37 Lime Tree Avenue, Clumber Part - from B6034 to Cumber Gate (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k B6003 Toton Lane, Stapleford - from Stapleford police station towards school (resurfacing) Broxtowe £50-250k B683 Moor Road, Bestwood - The Spiney to Old Mill Close (resurfacing) Gedling > £250k B6030 Clipstone Road West, Clipstone - from Holly Road to post office part of on-going programme (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k B6033 Bath Lane, Mansfield - from St Peters Way to Shirburn Avenue (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k C17 Fiskerton Road, Bleasby - from Gibsmere to Fiskerton (structural patching) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes C25 Lower Kirklington Road, Southwell - Kirklington Road to Springfield Road (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k C25 Southwell Road, Kirklington - from Moor Farm to Station Lane (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes C3 Bowbridge Road, Newark - from Boundary Road to Carlton Road (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k C44 Stapleford Lane, Coddington - from A17 to bend (structural patching) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k C50 Mickledale Lane, Bilsthorpe - from A614 to Strawsons Farm (overlay) - continuation of 2012/13 scheme Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes C58 Lodge Lane, Elston - from new A46 to The Pinfold (patch and overlay) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k C68 Dale Lane, Blidworth - outside Jolly Friar pub (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes C83 Balderton Lane, Coddington - from Main Street to derestricted section (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes C83 Main Street, Coddington - from Brownlows Hill to C208 (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes C102 Longhedge Lane - Oston to Flntham (patching for surface dressing in 2014/15) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes C115 Bingham Road, Radcliffe on Trent - From Shelford Road to A52 - (resurfacing) Rushcliffe £50-250k C28 Langar Road/Harby Road Langar - From John Deere factory to Cropwell Road (structural patching) Rushcliffe £50-250k C4 Gotham Road, East Leake - From Main Street to bridge over stream (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k

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B and C Roads Reserves - any scheme could be brought forward depending on budget B6040 Worksop Road, Worksop - Manton Wood from B6079 to Enterprise Park (resurfacing) Bassetlaw £50-250k B6045 Blyth Road, Worskop - Near Wigthorpe from Hundred Acre Lane to Crossley Hill (resurfacing) Bassetlaw £50-250k B6386 Nottingham Road, Calverton - Winbush Lane to A6097 (resurfacing) Gedling > £250k B683 Blidworth Waye, Papplewick - From A60 to Moor Road (overlay) Gedling > £250k B684 Plains Road, Mapperley - Sommersby Road to Westdale Lane (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k B684 Woodborough Road, Mapperley - Westdale Lane to Breckhill Road (resurfacing) Gedling > £250k C169 Westdale Lane East, Carlton - from Cavendish Road to Main Road Gedling > £250k C39 Whinbush Lane, Calverton - Longdale Lane to Oxton Road - will need to be phased Gedling > £250k C9 Bonner Lane, Calverton - Outside caravan park (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k B6034 High Street, Edwinstowe - from A6075 to West Lane Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k C119 Epperstone Road, Lowdham - from Ton Lane to A6097 (structural patch and resurface) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k C207 Boundary Road, Newark - from Bowbridge Road to Albert Street Newark & Sherwood £50-250k C58 Brecks Lane, Elston - from Mill Road to district boundary Newark & Sherwood £50-250k B680 High Street, Ruddington - from Clifton Lane to shops (resurfacing) Rushcliffe £50-250k C126 Clifton Lane, Ruddington - from Pasture Lane to boundary (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k C33 Bunny Lane, East Leake From Hotchley Hill Farm to Gypsum Way (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Block allocation £3,400

Carriageway maintenance - Unclassified Road Network Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Ashfield Drive, Kirkby in Ashfield (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Beechdale Crescent, Sutton in Ashfield (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Chancery Close, Skegby (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Howard Street, Sutton in Ashfield (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Kirkby Folly Road, Sutton in Ashfield - Service Road only (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Ruffs Drive, Hucknall (resurfacing carry over from 2012/14) Ashfield ≤ £50k Skegby Road, Annesley (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Truman Drive, Hucknall (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Beck Lane, Clayworth (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Broomfield Lane, Mattersey Thorpe - on Breck Lane junction Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Church Lane, Hayton (structural patching) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Fulford Avenue, Retford - from junction with North Road for 100m (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Headland Avenue, Elkesley - from High Street to school (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k High Grounds Road, Worksop - part (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Kingsmead, Retford (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Market Street, Worksop (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Merton Avenue, Retford (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Old A620, Retford - Hop Pole Lay-by (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Portland Road, Nether Langwith (resurfacing) Bassetlaw £50-250k Queen Street, Retford (structural patching) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Service Road, Retford - From Hallcroft Road to Sandringham Road (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k

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Carriageway maintenance - Unclassified Road Network Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction St Peters Lane, Clayworth (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k The Paddocks, Lound (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Victoria Road, Worksop (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k West Street, Bircotes - from Bawtry Road to Wast Street (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Westgate, Worksop - from Park Street to Slack Walk (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Wesmorland , Carlton in Lindrick (resurfacing) Bassetlaw £50-250k Whitaker Close, Retford (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Windsor Road, Carlton - from Long Lane to Strathavon Road (resurfacing) Bassetlaw £50-250k Yew Tree Road, Elkesley Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Brynsmoor Drive, Brinsley (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Canalside, Beeston Rylands - from Meadow Road to STW station to South Road (structural patching for Broxtowe ≤ £50k surface dressing in 2014/15) Jubilee Street, Kimberley (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Poplar Crescent, Nuthall - from junction with Oak Drive to Woodside (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Queens Drive, Brinsley (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k South Street, Eastwood - from Bailey Grove Road to number 121 (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Oakdale Road, Arnold - from Killisick Road to Hawthorn Crescent (resurfacing ties in with footway scheme) Gedling £50-250k Yes Whittington Road, Mapperley - extents to be confirmed (resurfacing) Gedling ≤ £50k Cromer Close, Mansfield - from Delamere Drive to end (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Edgar Avenue, Mansfield (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Greenwood Avenue, Mansfield Woodhouse - from Vale Road to Lawrence Avenue (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Outgang Lane, Mansfield Woodhouse - from Leeming Lane North to number 12 (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Parkland Close, Mansfield - from Chestnut Drive to Highland Road (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Shirburn Avenue, Mansfield - from Bath Lane to end (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Southwell Road East, Rainworth - service road from cycle path towards Rainworth (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Brunel Drive, Newark - Jessop Way roundabout (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes Cross Street, Newark (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes Greaves Lane, Edingley (structural patching) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Lansbury Road, Edwinstowe - from A6075 to bend (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Lime Grove, Newark - extents to be confirmed (resurfacing) - continuation of 2012/13 scheme Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes Malt Kiln Lane, Newark - from Trent Lane to limits of adoption (subject to further investigation/developments and possible tie in Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes with footway scheme) Manvers View, Boughton including various side roads (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes Moor Lane, East Stoke - from old A46 to new bridge (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes Pelham Street, Newark (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k South Avenue, Rainworth - from Python Hill to no 57 (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes Davis Road, West Bridgford - extents to be confirmed (resurfacing) - continuation of 2013/14 scheme Rushcliffe £50-250k East Street, Bingham (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes Lombard Street, OrsTon - Part remaining section left due to building works (resurfacing and drainage works Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Paget Crescent, Ruddington (resurfacing) Rushcliffe £50-250k Yes Rugby Road, West Bridgford - extents to be confirmed (resurfacing) Rushcliffe £50-250k Stanstead Avenue, Tollerton (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Wilford Crescent, Ruddington (resurfacing) Rushcliffe £50-250k Yes Page 133 of 222

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Unclassified Roads Reserves - any scheme could be brought forward depending on budget Duke Street, Huthwaite (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k King Street, Huthwaite (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Albert Avenue, Stapleford (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Church Hill, Kimberley (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Ireland Avenue, Beeston (resurfacing - if included need to consider link with footway maintenance scheme) Broxtowe £50-250k Kimberley Close, Kimberley (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Lower Beauvale, Newthorpe - from Lynncroft to Brunel Avenue (reconstruction) Broxtowe ≤ £50k New Eaton Road, Stapleford - from Toton Lane to end (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k South Street, Eastwood - from Church Street to 55 (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Smeath Lane, Clarborough - from canal bridge to B1403 (resurfacing) Bassetlaw £50-250k Stockwith Road, Misterton - from A161 to canal bridge Bassetlaw £50-250k Cantley Avenue, Gedling (resurfacing) Gedling ≤ £50k Collier Road, Calverton - Seely Avenue to Main Road phasing required priority reserve scheme (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k Cromwell Street, Carlton - Foxhill Road to Carlton Hill (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k Fraser Road, Carlton (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k Hollyoak Road, Mapperley (resurfacing) Gedling ≤ £50k Kirkley Gardens, Arnold - From Coppice Road to end (micro asphalt overlay) Gedling ≤ £50k Lambley Avenue, Mapperley - Westdale Lane to Digby Avenue (resurfacing) Gedling ≤ £50k Main Street, Burton Joyce - Work will need to be phased (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k Moor Road, Carlton - Westdale Lane to Porchester Road (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k Oxengate, Bestwood (micro asphalt overlay) Gedling ≤ £50k Park Road East, Calverton - Mansfield Lane to Main Street (resurfacing) Gedling £50-250k Pierrepont Avenue, Gedling (resurfacing) Gedling ≤ £50k Southcliffe Road, Carlton (micro asphalt overlay - if included need to consider link with footway maintenance scheme) Gedling ≤ £50k Southdale Road, Carlton - Carlton Hill to District Boundary (micro asphalt overlay) Gedling ≤ £50k Bagshaw Street, Pleasley - from end to Poplar Drive (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Crookes Avenue, Mansfield Woodhouse - from Welbeck Road to end (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Dorothy Drive, Forest Town - from Albany Drive to end (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Firbeck Avenue, Mansfield - from Big Barn Lane to Firbeck Crescent (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Highland Close, Mansfield Woodhouse - from New Mill Lane to number 18 (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Robert Avenue, Mansfield - from Frank Avenue to end (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Rectory Road, Warsop - from number 23 to end (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Southgate Road, Warsop - from number 139 to 20/21 (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k Barnby Gate, Newark - extents to be confirmed, phasing required (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Beanford Lane, Oxton - adjacent Ford (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Chatsworth Avenue, Southwell (resurfacing/retread) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Church Lane, Kirklington (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Clarke Avenue, Newark on Trent - Whole Length (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Coopers Rise, Rainworth (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Danethorpe Lane, Danethorpe (structural patching/retread) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Gainsborough Drive, Newark (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Gonalston Lane, Gonalston - from A612 to level crossing (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Hawksworth Road, Syerston - from Moor Lane to the Forge (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Hill Crest, Southwell (resurfacing/retread) Page 134 of 222 Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k

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Carriageway maintenance - Unclassified Road Network Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Unclassified Roads Reserves continued - any scheme could be brought forward depending on budget Honeyknab Lane, Oxton (structural patching/retread) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Lowdham Lane, Lowdham - from High Winds to the Grange (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Main Street, Egmanton - near to church (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Main Street, Epperstone - from A6097 to Old School House (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Main Street, Walesby (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Milner Street, Newark (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Moor Lane, South Scarle - from Church Lane to Folly Farm (overlay/retread) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Moor Lane, Syerston - from Hawksworth Road to Low Farm (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Northgate, Newark (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Rainworth Water Road, Rainworth (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Spring Lane, Balderton - Whole Length (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k The Grange, North Muskham - entrance only (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Thoresby Road, Rainworth (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Woodland View, Southwell (resurfacing/retread) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yorke Drive, Newark on Trent (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Barton Lane, Thrumpton - Soar to Thrumpton (micro asphalt overlay 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Abbey Lane, Aslockton (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Back Lane, Cropwell Butler (patching - followed by surface dressing or micro asphalt in 2014/15) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Bailey Lane, Radcliffe on Trent (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Barton Lane, Thrumpton (micro asphalt overlay 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Bridgford Road, West Bridgford - extents to be confirmed priority reserve scheme (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Brown Lane, Barton in Fabis (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Butler Close, Cropwell Butler (micro asphalt overlay 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Chatsworth Road, Bingham (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Chestnut Lane, Barton in Fabis (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Church Lane, Barton in Fabis (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Church Lane, Thrumpton (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Church Street, Shelford (patching - followed by surface dressing or micro asphalt in 2014/15) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Church Street, Ruddington - from B680 Wilford Road to The Green (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Easthorpe Street, Ruddington - from B680 Wilford Road for approximately 50m (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Exchange Road, West Bridgford - extents to be confirmed priority reserve scheme (resurfacing) Rushcliffe £50-250k Main Road, Barnstone (patching - followed by surface dressing or micro asphalt in 2014/15) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Main Road, Shelford (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Manor Road, Barton in Fabis (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Musters Road, Bingham (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Orchard Close, Barnstone (patching - followed by surface dressing or micro asphalt in 2014/15) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Park Road, Barnstone (patching - followed by surface dressing or micro asphalt in 2014/15) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Porchester Road, Bingham (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Rectory Place, Barton in Fabis (patching and micro asphalt 2014/15 at the earliest) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Tithby Road, Cropwell Butler (Redesign of carriageway and footway) Rushcliffe £50-250k West Street, Shelford (patching - followed by surface dressing or micro asphalt in 2014/15) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Works Lane, Barnstone (patching - followed by surface dressing or micro asphalt in 2014/15) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Page 135 of 222 Block allocation £3,000

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Additional DfT Capital Maintenance Funding Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Strategic Route Improvement Project Carrying out whole length route treatments including structural repairs and drainage improvements, new surfacing and an audit and rationalisation of existing signs on the following: Various £1.522m As a priority, A614 between Nottingham and the A1 linking north and south of the county Others include, A57 (Worksop to A1) and A617 (M1/Mansfield to Newark/A1)

Footways for Health Identify whole estates to deliver footway maintenance incorporating emerging Obesity Strategy and countywide Footway Network Survey linking maintenance need to the requirement to encourage Various £500k increased walking and health of county residents Block allocation £2,022

Footway maintenance Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Fackley Road - in the vicinity of the Carnarvon Arms, Stanton Hill (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Mansfield Road, Selston - from junction with B600 to outside number 21 (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Palmerston Street, Westwood - from number 151 to 163 (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Smeath Road, Underwood - from number 79 to 116 (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Sutton Road, Kirkby in Ashfield - near to school (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Idle View Road, Retford (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Main Street, Harworth (resurfacing - continuation of LIS scheme) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k North Moor Drive, Walkeringham (resurfacing) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes Portland Road, Nether Langwith (resurfacing - ties in with road maintenance scheme) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k The Paddocks, Lound (resurfacing - ties in with road maintenance scheme) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes Whitaker Close, Retford (resurfacing - ties in with road maintenance scheme) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Cyprus Avenue, Beeston (resurfacing) Broxtowe £50-250k Fylde Close, Toton (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Kendal Drive, Bramcote (resurfacing carry over from 2012-13) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Rydal Drive, Bramcote (resurfacing carry over from 2012-13) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Serlby Avenue, Newthorpe (resurfacing) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Oakdale Road, Arnold - from Killisick Road to Hawthorn Crescent (resurfacing - ties in with road maintenance scheme) Gedling ≤ £50k Yes Garth Road, Mansfield (resurfacing carry over from 2012/13 - ties in with street lighting scheme) Mansfield £50-250k North Park, Mansfield (resurfacing) Mansfield ≤ £50k A612 Nottingham Road, Southwell - between Park Lane and Brackenhurst College (reconstruction) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes Coging Close, Balderton (resurfacing - carry over from 2012/13) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes Malt Kiln Lane, Newark - from Trent Lane to limits of adoption (subject to further investigation/developments and possible tie Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Yes in with carriageway scheme) Staythorpe Road, Rolleston - from Goodwins Court to Fiskerton Road (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Yes Wolsey Road, Newark - from Meering Avenue to Fleming Drive on southside only (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Church Street, Whatton (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes Main Street, Whatton (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes Old Grantham Road, Whatton (resurfacing) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes

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Reserves - any scheme could be brought forward depending on budget Bestwood Road, Hucknall (resurfacing) Ashfield ≤ £50k Wood Lane, Beckingham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Laycock Avenue, Gringley on the Hill Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Ireland Avenue, Beeston (resurfacing - if included need to consider link with road maintenance scheme) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Ashford Drive, Ravenshead (slurry sealing) Gedling ≤ £50k Bestwood village - old streets off Park Road (slurry sealing) Gedling £50-250k Burton Joyce - Willow Wong estate (slurry sealing) Gedling ≤ £50k Forest Road, Calverton (reconstruction and kerbing) Gedling £50-250k Lee Road, Carlton - priority reserve scheme (reconstruction and kerbing) Gedling £50-250k Rowan Avenue, Ravenshead (slurry sealing) Gedling ≤ £50k Southcliffe Road, Carlton (reconstruction and kerbing - if included need to consider link with road maintenance scheme) Gedling ≤ £50k Pump Hollow Lane, Forest Town - extents to be confirmed Mansfield ≤ £50k West Bank Link, Mansfield - From West Bank Avenue to West Bank Lea (resurfacing - 2012/13 carry over priority reserve) Mansfield ≤ £50k Woodhall Close, Forest Town - from Sherweek Hall Gardens to outside number 4 Mansfield ≤ £50k Bakewell Close, Balderton (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Cromwell Road, Newark - from Barnby Gate to Wright Street (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Falstone Avenue, Newark (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Fourth Avenue, Edwinstowe - from First Avenue to spur adjacent to number 39) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Oaktree Drive, Bilsthorpe (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Browns Lane, Barton in Fabis (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k New Road, Barton in Fabis (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Rectory Place Road, Barton in Fabis (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Avondale, Cotgrave (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Deans Court, Cotgrave (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Hazelwood, Cotgrave (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Lingwood, Cotgrave (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Rivermead, Cotgrave (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Blakeney Road, Radcliffe on Trent (reconstruction) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Carter Avenue, Radcliffe on Trent (reconstruction) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Covert Crescent, Radcliffe on Trent (reconstruction) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Hillside Road, Radcliffe on Trent (reconstruction) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Johns Road, Radcliffe on Trent (reconstruction) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Marl Road, Radcliffe on Trent (reconstruction) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Woodland Close, Radcliffe on Trent (reconstruction) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Church Lane, Thrumpton (patch and slurry seal) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Block allocation (includes contribution of £500k from ITM) £1,000

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Schemes to be delivered through £1.7m Capital Maintenance Efficiency Savings Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Patch and Surface Dressing the following: A60 Rempstone To Costock Rushcliffe ≤ £50k A606 Melton Road, Stanton - From Browns Lane to Roehoe Brook (resurfacing) Rushcliffe £50-250k A620 Bend At Ranby Bassetlaw ≤ £50k A638 Sutton Bridge, Sutton Cum Lound Bassetlaw ≤ £50k A616 Ollerton to Budby Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k C208 Beckingham - from A1 slip road to A17 roundabout Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k

Resurfacing A617 Rainworth Bypass - on roundabout near filling station Newark & Sherwood £50-250k B6020 Mansfield Road, Blidworth - From New Lane to Warsop Lane (resurfacing) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k B686 Carlton Hill, Carlton Hill - Carlton Square to First Avenue - will need to be phased Gedling £50-250k C132 Main Street, Kimberley - from Green Lane roundabout to A610 slip (resurfacing) Broxtowe £50-250k C168 Station Road, Carlton - Carlton Square to Conway Road - will need to be phased (resurfacing) Gedling > £250k

Flood risk management Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) Consultancy fees Countywide ≤ £50k Strategic Environmental Assessment for LFRMS Countywide ≤ £50k Bleasby village (phase 2 of drainage improvements) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Edingley village (flood prevention scheme) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k Sherwood Road/Kirklington Road, Rainworth (Highway drainage system repairs and upgrade) Newark & Sherwood £50-250k

Reserves - any scheme could be brought forward depending on budget Selston village (joint flood prevention scheme with STW) Ashfield ≤ £50k Scrooby Road, Harworth (highway drainage system repairs) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Balderton village (highway drainage system repairs and upgrade) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Main Street, Morton (highway drainage system repairs and upgrade has land issues) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Morgans Close, Coddington (highway drainage system repairs and upgrade) Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Cotgrave Lane, Tollerton (flood prevention scheme) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Nottingham Road, Keyworth (joint flood prevention scheme with STW) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k

Note: Schemes in development and inclusion is dependant upon flood risk studies, collaborative working and partnership funding with STW, Internal Drainage Boards, Environment Agency and other parties Block allocation £600

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Highway structural drainage Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Ashfield - Various Ashfield ≤ £50k Hamilton Road, Sutton in Ashfield - between A617 and Coxmoor Road Ashfield £50-250k Bassetlaw - Various Bassetlaw ≤ £50k A638/A620 Arlington Way/Moorgate/Amcott Way Junction, Retford Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes A638 Barnby Moor to Torworth Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes Hollowgate Lane, High Marnham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes Moorgate/Wellington Street Junction, Retford Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes Red Lane, Carlton Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Rushey Sidings, Morton - phase 3 Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Yes Broxtowe - Various Broxtowe £50-250k Countywide (for pumping station maintenance) Countywide ≤ £50k Gedling - Various Gedling £50-250k Ravenshead (continuation of work on soakaways) Gedling £50-250k Mansfield - Various Mansfield £50-250k Newark - Various Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Cockett Lane, Farnsfield - on bend Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Dovecote Lane, Ollerton - improvements to highway drainage Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Kirklington Road, Bilsthorpe - outside 99 improvements to highway drainage Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Station Road, Cotham - outside Line House kerbing and drainage Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Reserves Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Field Lane, Blidworth - Junction with Blidworth Bottom Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Main Street, Balderton - extents to be confirmed Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Syke Breck, Blidworth - extents to be confirmed Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Village Way, Farndon - extents to be confirmed Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Pingley Lane, Staythorpe - provision of highway drainage Newark & Sherwood ≤ £50k Rushcliffe - Various (Columns - 1 to 4) Rushcliffe £50-250k * NB: The works are developed through the year as problems are encountered, liaison takes place with Flood Risk Manager on larger schemes/issues to ensure a co-ordinated approach Block allocation £500

Surface dressing - 1 of 5 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Ashland Road West, Sutton in Ashfield - From Norwell Close to Highfield Road Ashfield ≤ £50k B6020 Lane End, Kirkby in Ashfield - From Victoria Road to Urban Road Ashfield ≤ £50k Bath Street, Sutton in Ashfield Ashfield ≤ £50k C146 Dawgates Lane, Skegby - From Dawgates Farm to boundary Ashfield ≤ £50k C203 Nuncargate Road, Annesley - From Ediston Street to Sherwood Rise Ashfield ≤ £50k Cornwall Close, Jacksdale Ashfield ≤ £50k Cumberland Close, Jacksdale Ashfield ≤ £50k Edward Avenue, Sutton in Ashfield Ashfield ≤ £50k Greenwood Avenue, Huthwaite Ashfield ≤ £50k Hampshire Court, Jacksdale Ashfield ≤ £50k Hartington Drive, Sutton in Ashfield Ashfield ≤ £50k Kent Avenue, Jacksdale Ashfield ≤ £50k Shropshire Avenue, Jacksdale Ashfield ≤ £50k

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Surface dressing - 2 of 5 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Springwell Street, Huthwaite Ashfield ≤ £50k Strawberry Bank, Huthwaite Ashfield ≤ £50k Unwin Road, Sutton in Ashfield Ashfield ≤ £50k Westmorland Way, Jacksdale Ashfield ≤ £50k Wiltshire Avenue, Jacksdale Ashfield ≤ £50k Anston Avenue, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Ashlea, Misterton Bassetlaw ≤ £50k B1403 Clayworth To Hayton Bassetlaw ≤ £50k B645 Blyth Road, Hodstck Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Bar Road North, Beckingham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Bar Road South, Beckingham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Baulk Lane, Torworth Bassetlaw ≤ £50k C24 Askham Road, Askham (A57 To Askham) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k C24 Askham To Upton, Askham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k C37 Norton To Carburton (Corunna Lodge To Norton Village) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k C66 Serlby Road, Harworth (A614 To Golf Club) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Cherry Tree Avenue, Shireoaks Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Clarence Road, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Cunningham Close, Mattersey Thorpe Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Denison Avenue, Retford Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Durham Grove, Retford Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Elms Road, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Elmtree Close, Shireoaks Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Elmwood Close, Retford Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Fallow Court, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Grange Close, Misterton Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Harvest Close, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Keyes Close, Mattersey Thorpe Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Keyes Court, Mattersey Thorpe Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Keyes Rise, Mattersey Thorpe Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Lime Grove , Retford Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Lime Tree Avenue, Retford Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Lodore Road, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Moorland Avenue, Walkeringham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Moorland Close, Walkeringham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Northmoor Drive, Walkeringham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Overend Road, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Pear Tree Close, Clarborough (Turning Head) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Rose Avenue, Retford Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Southfall Close, Ranskill Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Station Road, Barnby Moor Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Station Road, Sutton Cum Lound Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Stonehill Close, Ranskill Bassetlaw ≤ £50k The Green, Beckingham Bassetlaw ≤ £50k The Paddocks, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Walnut Avenue, Shireoaks Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Page 140 of 222

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Surface dressing - 3 of 5 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Welbeck Street, Worksop Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Whitton Close, Ranskill Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Willow Avenue, Misterton Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Winston Court, Mattersey Thorpe Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Woodside Road, Shireoaks Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Ambleside Drive, Eastwood Broxtowe ≤ £50k B600 Moorgreen Broxtowe ≤ £50k Brookhill Street, Stapleford - From Ashfield Grove to Myrtle Avenue Broxtowe ≤ £50k Cow Lane, Bramcote Broxtowe ≤ £50k Dawlish Court, Eastwood Broxtowe ≤ £50k Greenland Crescent, Chilwell Broxtowe ≤ £50k Harlequin Court, Eastwood Broxtowe ≤ £50k Helmsley Drive, Eastwood Broxtowe ≤ £50k New Lane, Greasley Broxtowe ≤ £50k Narrow Lane, Moorgreen Broxtowe ≤ £50k Oakdale Drive, Chilwell Broxtowe ≤ £50k Rothbury Avenue, Trowell Broxtowe ≤ £50k Stapleford Road, Toton Broxtowe ≤ £50k Westby Lane, Awsworth Broxtowe ≤ £50k Woodstock Road, Toton Broxtowe ≤ £50k B684 Lime Lane, Arnold Gedling ≤ £50k B684 Mapperley Plains, Arnold Gedling ≤ £50k B684 Woodborough Road, Arnold Gedling ≤ £50k C39 Longdale Lane, Ravenshead - Section A Part extents to be confirmed Gedling ≤ £50k C39 Longdale Lane, Ravenshead - Section B Part extents to be confirmed Gedling ≤ £50k C72 Shelt Hill, Woodborough Gedling ≤ £50k Black Scotch Lane, Mansfield - From Chatsworth Road to North Park Mansfield ≤ £50k C6 Netherfield Lane, Church Warsop - From Coggins Lane to Three Lions Pub Mansfield ≤ £50k Charnwood Grove, Mansfield Woodhouse Mansfield ≤ £50k Featherstone Close, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Holly Drive, Forest Town Mansfield ≤ £50k Kings Mill Lane, Mansfield - From Millersdale Avenue to Randal Close Mansfield ≤ £50k Larch Avenue, Mansfield Woodhouse - Part extents to be confirmed Mansfield ≤ £50k Mellor Road, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Millersdale Avenue, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Pembleton Drive, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Randal Close, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Sandringham Court, Mansfield Woodhouse Mansfield ≤ £50k Scotwood Road, Mansfield Woodhouse Mansfield ≤ £50k Southpark Avenue, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Wainwright Avenue, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k B6166 Farndon Road, Newark - From A46 to Marina Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k B6034 Rufford Road, Rufford - From A614 to B6030 Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k

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Surface dressing - 4 of 5 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Brackner Lane, Bilsthorpe Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Burgage Green , Southwell Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k C100 Hawton Road, Newark - From Boundary Road to derestriction Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k C111 Weston Road, Egmanton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k C13 Carlton Road, Carlton on Trent - From Grange Road to bend Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k C21 Hockerton To Knapthorpe Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k C23 Forest Road, Oxton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k C23 Oaks Lane, Oxton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Church Lane, Morton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Claypit Lane, Fiskerton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Cooks Lane, Morton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Gravelly Lane, Fiskerton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Kelham Hills, Kelham - Broadgate Lane Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Kirklington Road, Bilsthorpe (Factory to Belle Eau Park) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Main Street, Morton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Manor Drive, Morton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Marsh Lane, Farndon - From Main Street To Fairfield Avenue Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Middle Lane, Morton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Wilsons Lane , Fiskerton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Bridegate Lane, Hickling Rushcliffe ≤ £50k C102 Longhedge Lane Rushcliffe ≤ £50k C28 Harby To Langer Rushcliffe ≤ £50k C3 Stragglethorpe Lane - From A52 to A46 Rushcliffe ≤ £50k C33 Bunny To East Leake Rushcliffe ≤ £50k C51 Dark Lane/ West Leake Lane - From West Leake to Kingston Cross Road Rushcliffe ≤ £50k C73 Granby Lane, Granby Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Pre-patching for 2014/15 Surface Dressing Programme Countywide > £250k

Reserves - any scheme could be brought forward depending on budget Alexander Avenue, Sutton in Ashfield Ashfield ≤ £50k Cheshire Way, Jacksdale Ashfield ≤ £50k Hartington Drive, Sutton in Ashfield Ashfield ≤ £50k Lime Tree Avenue, Kirkby in Ashfield Ashfield ≤ £50k Mapleton Way, Sutton in Ashfield Ashfield ≤ £50k Wild Hill, Teversal Ashfield ≤ £50k Bolsover Street, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Carter Lane, Church Warsop Mansfield ≤ £50k Clarendon Road, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Eakring Road , Mansfield (Patchills to Skerry Hill) Mansfield ≤ £50k Holly Road, Forest Town (Little Hollies to New Mill Lane) Mansfield ≤ £50k Longster Lane, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Montague Street, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Oakfield Avenue, Warsop Mansfield ≤ £50k Parliament Road, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Peel Road, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Raleigh Road, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Page 142 of 222 Surface dressing - 5 of 5 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Rock Street, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Page 24 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Salisbury Road, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Sookholme Lane(A60 to Sookholme) Mansfield ≤ £50k White Hart Street, Mansfield Mansfield ≤ £50k Beech Avenue, Beeston Broxtowe ≤ £50k Severals, Stapleford Broxtowe ≤ £50k A614 Old Rufford Road (Lime Lane to Jet garage) Gedling ≤ £50k B6386, Calverton (Whinbush Lane to Oxton roundabout) Gedling ≤ £50k C9 Burnstump Hill, Papplewick Gedling ≤ £50k C63 Main Street, Lambley Gedling ≤ £50k Park Road, Calverton Gedling ≤ £50k Rigg Lane, Papplewick Gedling ≤ £50k A614 Old Rufford Road, Rufford - From Station Road To Manor Farm Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k C57 Newark Road, Ollerton - From A6075 to Poplar Street Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Causeway Lane , Morton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Chapel Lane, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Church Street, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Cross Lane, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Fairfield Avenue, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Main Street , Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k New Road, Morton Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k North End, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Nursery Avenue, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Sandhill Road , Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k School Lane, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k St Peters Close , Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k The Meadows, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k West End, Farndon Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Wyke Lane, Farndon (Narrow Section) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Back Lane, Cropwell Butler Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Butler Close, Cropwell Butler Rushcliffe ≤ £50k C3 Main Road, Barnstone Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Fairham Brook Lane, Bunny Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Old Main Road, Costock Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Orchard Close, Barnstone Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Park Road, Barnstone Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Works Lane, Barnstone Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Block allocation £2,500

Safety fencing Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction A610 - Between County Boundary and M1 follow on from 2013/14 (Safety Fencing Replacement) >£250k Block allocation £350

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Page 25 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Street lighting replacement/upgrades - 1 of 4 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Addison Drive, Hucknall (Columns 1 to 10) Ashfield ≤ £50k Bodmin Avenue, Hucknall (Columns 1 to 4) Ashfield ≤ £50k Coniston Road, Hucknall (Columns 1 to 12) Ashfield ≤ £50k Grasmere Close, Hucknall (Columns 1 to 4) Ashfield ≤ £50k Kendal Close, Hucknall (Columns 1, 2) Ashfield ≤ £50k Long Hill Rise, Hucknall (Columns 1 to 17) Ashfield ≤ £50k Misk Hollows, Hucknall (Columns 1, 2) Ashfield ≤ £50k St Patricks Road, Hucknall (Columns 6 to 13) Ashfield ≤ £50k Ullswater Drive, Hucknall (Columns 1 to 4) Ashfield ≤ £50k Washdyke Lane, Hucknall (Columns 1 to 15) Ashfield ≤ £50k Windermere Road, Hucknall (Columns 1 to 5) Ashfield ≤ £50k Norton Village C9olumns 20, 21, 24 to 32) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Norton to Carburton Road, Norton (Columns 22 to 23) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Old Mill Lane, Cuckney (Columns 9 to 19) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Norton Lane, Cuckney (Columns 1 to 8) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Creswell Road, Cuckney (Columns 1 to 32) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Cottage Lane, Cuckney (Columns 1 to 7) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Glovers Close, Cuckney (Columns 1 to 3) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Dukeries Crescent, Worksop (Columns 1 to 17) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Forest Lane, Worksop (Columns 1 to 15) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Harrington Street, Worksop (Columns 1 to 4) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Highfield Lane, Worksop (Columns 1 to 4) Bassetlaw ≤ £50k Adrian Close, Toton (Columns 1 to 3) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Blenheim Drive, Chilwell (Columns 1 to 11) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Brookland Drive, Chilwell (Columns 1 to 5) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Burleigh Square, Chilwell (Columns 1) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Carrfield Avenue, Toton (Columns 1 to 15) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Cator Lane, Chilwell (Columns 1 to 24) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Clumber Avenue, Chilwell (Columns 1 to 13) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Erewash Grove, Toton (Columns 1 to 8) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Gwenbrook Avenue, Chilwell (Columns 1 to 6) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Gwenbrook Road, Chilwell (Columns 1 to 5) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Holkham Avenue, Chilwell (Columns 1 to 9) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Kedleston Close, Chilwell (Columns 1) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Longleat Crescent, Chilwell (Columns 1 to 11) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Mottram Road, Chilwell (Columns 6 to 10) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Portland Road, Toton (Columns 1 to 20) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Stoneleigh Close, Chilwell (Columns 1) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Whiting Avenue, Toton (Columns 1 to 3) Broxtowe ≤ £50k Armadale Close, Arnold (Columns 1) Gedling ≤ £50k Ballantrae Close, Arnold (Columns 1 to 3) Gedling ≤ £50k Berriedale Close, Arnold (Columns 1 to 3) Gedling ≤ £50k Birch Close, Ravenshead (Columns 1, 2) Gedling ≤ £50k Birchwood Drive, Ravenshead (Columns 1 - 8) Gedling ≤ £50k Carradale Close, Arnold (Columns 1, 2) Gedling ≤ £50k Cornell Drive, Arnold (Columns 1 to 10) Gedling ≤ £50k Crawford Rise, Arnold (Columns 1 to 9) Gedling ≤ £50k Page 144 of 222 Street lighting replacement/upgrades - 2 of 4 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Heavytrees Avenue, Ravenshead (Columns 1 - 3) Gedling ≤ £50k Page 26 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Highfield Close, Ravenshead (Columns 1 to 3) Gedling ≤ £50k Ladybank Rise, Arnold (Columns 1, 2) Gedling ≤ £50k Lea Close, Ravenshead (Columns 1) Gedling ≤ £50k Lea Road, Ravenshead (Columns 1 to 6) Gedling ≤ £50k Mansfield Road - City boundary to Leapool Island, Arnold, Redhill, Daybrook, Woodthorpe (Columns Gedling £50-250k 1 to 157) Mavis Avenue, Ravenshead (Columns 1 - 13) Gedling ≤ £50k Milton Crescent, Ravenshead (Columns 2 - 11, 20, 21) Gedling ≤ £50k Milton Drive, Ravenshead (Columns 1, 12 - 19) Gedling ≤ £50k Ridgewood Grove, Ravenshead (Columns 1) Gedling ≤ £50k Robin Grove, Ravenshead (Columns 1, 2) Gedling ≤ £50k Valley Road, Carlton (Columns 1 to 5, 6 to 27 (not 27A or 27B)) Gedling ≤ £50k Vernon Avenue, Ravenshead (Columns 1 - 3) Gedling ≤ £50k Vernon Crescent, Ravenshead (Columns 1 - 28) Gedling ≤ £50k Wood End Drive, Ravenshead (Columns 1 to 3) Gedling ≤ £50k Woodland Rise, Ravenshead (Columns 1, 2) Gedling ≤ £50k Appleton Street, Warsop (Columns 1 to 8) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Argyle Close, Warsop (Columns 1 to 4) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Beck Crescent, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 33) Mansfield ≤ £50k Beech Avenue, Mansfield (Columns 1, 2) Mansfield ≤ £50k Bradder Way, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 3) Mansfield ≤ £50k Brown Street, Mansfield (Columns 1 - 3, 6 - 9) Mansfield ≤ £50k Caunton Close, Mansfield (Columns 1, 2) Mansfield ≤ £50k Commercial Gate, Mansfield (Columns 1 - 9, 11 - 13, 15) Mansfield ≤ £50k Cumberland Avenue, Warsop (Columns 1 to 6) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Fell Wilson Street, Warsop (Columns 1 to 9) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Fitzherbert Street, Warsop (Columns 1 to 5) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Footpath Beck Crescent to Ladybrook Lane, Mansfield (Columns 1) Mansfield ≤ £50k Footpath Bradder Way to rail footbridge, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 7) Mansfield ≤ £50k Footpath Hamilton Drive to Cumberland Avenue, Warsop (Columns 7) Mansfield ≤ £50k Footpath Hamilton Drive, Warsop (Columns 16) Mansfield ≤ £50k Footpath Norfolk Close, Warsop (Columns 4) Mansfield ≤ £50k Footpath Stonebridge Lane to Saville Way, Warsop (Columns 1) Mansfield ≤ £50k Footpath Windsor Drive to link path, Warsop (Columns 4) Mansfield ≤ £50k Footpath Windsor Drive to Stonebridge Road, Warsop (Columns 1) Mansfield ≤ £50k Garnon Street, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 11) Mansfield ≤ £50k George Street, Mansfield Woodhouse (Columns 1 to 4) Mansfield ≤ £50k Grove Street, Mansfield (Columns 5 to 7) Mansfield ≤ £50k Hamilton Drive, Warsop (Columns 1 to 17) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Hillsway Crescent, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 5, 7 to 11) Mansfield ≤ £50k Jenford Street, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 17) Mansfield ≤ £50k Kirkland Avenue, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 8) Mansfield ≤ £50k Matlock Avenue, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 10) Mansfield ≤ £50k

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Page 27 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Street lighting replacement/upgrades - 3 of 4 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Meden Avenue, Warsop (Columns 1 to 8) Mansfield ≤ £50k Norfolk Close, Warsop (Columns 1 to 3) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Rutland Close, Warsop (Columns 1 to 3) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Saville Way, Warsop (Columns 1 to 5) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Sherwood Street, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 3) Mansfield ≤ £50k Stone Bridge Lane, Warsop (Columns 9 to 25) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Stonebridge Road, Warsop (Columns 1 to 8, 10) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Sylvester Street, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 13) Mansfield ≤ £50k The Hawthorns, Warsop (Columns 1 to 11) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes The Knoll, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 12) Mansfield ≤ £50k Vale Avenue, Warsop (Columns 1 to 9) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Williamson Street, Mansfield (Columns 1 to 8) Mansfield ≤ £50k Windsor Drive, Warsop (Columns 1 to 5) Mansfield ≤ £50k Yes Benet Drive, Bilsthorpe (Column 1) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Chapel Gardens, Bilsthorpe (Columns 2 to 6, 8) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Cheyne Drive, Bilsthorpe (Columns 1 to 5) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Highfield Drive, Bilsthorpe (Columns 6 to 13) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Maid Marion Avenue, Bilsthorpe (Columns 1 to 5) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Oaktree Drive, Bilsthorpe (Columns 1 to 7) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Rufford Close, Bilsthorpe (Columns 1 to 3) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k St Margarets Close, Bilsthorpe (Column 7) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Wycar Road, Bilsthorpe (Columns 1 to 5) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Back Lane, Eakring (Columns 1 to 8) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Bilsthorpe Road, Eakring (Columns 1 to 3) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Church Lane, Eakring (Columns 1 to 8) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Kirklington Road, Eakring (Columns 1 to 17) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Main Street, Eakring (Columns 4 to 10) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Triumph Close, Eakring (Columns 1 to 3) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Triumph Road, Eakring (Columns 1 to 3) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Wellow Road, Eakring (Columns 1 to 5) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Abbey Road, Edwinstowe (Columns 1 to 11) Newark and Sherwood ≤ £50k Abbot Close, Keyworth (Columns 1, 2) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Adams Hill, Keyworth (Columns 1 to 5) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Banks Crescent, Bingham (Columns 1) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Beaumont Close, Keyworth (Columns 1, 2) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Belvedere Close, Keyworth (Columns 1, 2) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Bishops Close, Keyworth (Columns 1) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Brockdale Gardens, Keyworth (Columns 1 to 4) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Brockwood Crescent, Keyworth (Columns 1 to 8) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Castle Hill service road, East Leake (Columns 11) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Castle Hill, East Leake (Columns 1 to 11, 5a) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Clifford Close, Keyworth (Columns 1 to 4) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Cromwell Drive, East Leake (Columns 1 to 6) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Crossdale Drive, Keyworth (Columns 1 to3, 5 to 12) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Delville Avenue, Keyworth (Columns 1 to 7) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k East Street, Gotham (Columns 1) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Fisher Lane, Bingham (Columns 1 to 4, 1a) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Page 146 of 222 Street lighting replacement/upgrades - 4 of 4 Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Footpath Brockdale Gardens to Park Road, Keyworth (Columns 5) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Page 28 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Franklyn Gardens, Keyworth (Columns 1, 2) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Gladstone Avenue, Gotham (Columns 1, 2) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Hall Gardens, East Leake (Columns 1) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Hampton Road, West Bridgford (Columns 1 to 5) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Hawley Close, East Leake (Columns 1 to 3) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Highbury Road, Keyworth (Columns 1 to 6) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Highfield Road, Keyworth (Columns 12 to 21) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Hillcrest Road, Keyworth (Columns 7 to 11) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Kingston Road, West Bridgford (Columns 1 to 4) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Manor Farm Meadow, East Leake (Columns 1 to 14) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Meadow End, Gotham (Columns 1 to 3) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Melvyn Drive, Bingham (Columns 1, 2) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Oldershaw Road, East Leake (Columns 1 to 10, 11a) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes Potters Lane, East Leake (Columns 1 to 9) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes Salisbury Avenue, East Leake (Columns 1 to 9) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Yes Sidmouth Close, Keyworth (Columns 1) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k St Andrew Close, Gotham (Columns 1 to 4) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k The Banks, Bingham (Columns 1 to 19, 3a) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Wallace Street, Gotham (Columns 1 to 4) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Wordsworth Road, West Bridgford (Columns 1 to 5) Rushcliffe ≤ £50k Block allocation £1,500

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Page 29 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Part-night lighting (page 1 of 4)

Electoral Division Parish/Town County-wide dimming Implementation Quarter 1 construction Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Bleasby Dec-12 Feb-13 Yes Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Bulcote Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Caythorpe Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Eakring Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Edingley Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Epperstone Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Woodborough Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Farnsfield Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Gonalston (no PC) Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Gunthorpe Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Halam Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Hoveringham Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Kirklington Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Lowdham Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Oxton Newark Farnsfield & Lowdham Thurgarton Newark Blidworth Rainworth Jul-13 Newark Blidworth Lindhurst (no PC) Newark Blidworth Blidworth Newark Rufford Bilsthorpe Sep-13 Newark Rufford Clipstone (also Kings Clipstone) Newark Rufford Edwinstowe Newark Rufford Rufford Newark Ollerton Kirton Newark Ollerton Ollerton and Boughton Newark Ollerton Perlethorpe cum Budby Newark Ollerton Walesby Newark Southwell & Caunton Carlton on Trent Oct-13 Newark Southwell & Caunton Caunton Newark Southwell & Caunton Cromwell Newark Southwell & Caunton Egmanton Newark Southwell & Caunton Grassthorpe (no PC) Newark Southwell & Caunton Halloughton Newark Southwell & Caunton Hockerton Newark Southwell & Caunton Kneesall, Kersall & Ompton Newark Southwell & Caunton Laxton and Moorhouse Newark Southwell & Caunton Maplebeck Newark Southwell & Caunton Norwell Newark Southwell & Caunton Ossington Newark Southwell & Caunton Southwell Newark Southwell & Caunton Sutton on Trent Newark Southwell & Caunton Upton Newark Southwell & Caunton Wellow Newark Southwell & Caunton Weston Newark Southwell & Caunton Winkburn Page 148 of 222

Page 30 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Part-night lighting (page 2 of 4)

Electoral Division Parish/Town County-wide dimming Implementation Quarter 1 construction Newark Collingham Barnby in the Willows Dec-13 Newark Collingham Besthorpe Newark Collingham Coddington Newark Collingham Collingham Newark Collingham Girton and Meering Newark Collingham Harby Newark Collingham Holme Newark Collingham North Clifton Newark Collingham South Clifton Newark Collingham South Scarle Newark Collingham Spalford Newark Collingham Thorney Newark Collingham Wigsley Newark Collingham Winthorpe with Langford Newark Farndon & Muskham Alverton and Kilvington Jan-14 Newark Farndon & Muskham Averham, Kelham and Staythorpe Newark Farndon & Muskham Bathley Newark Farndon & Muskham Cotham Newark Farndon & Muskham East Stoke with Thorpe Newark Farndon & Muskham Elston Newark Farndon & Muskham Farndon Newark Farndon & Muskham Fernwood Newark Farndon & Muskham Fiskerton cum Morton Newark Farndon & Muskham Hawton Newark Farndon & Muskham North Muskham Newark Farndon & Muskham Rolleston Newark Farndon & Muskham South Muskham/Little Carlton Newark Farndon & Muskham Staunton Newark Farndon & Muskham Syerston Newark Balderton Balderton Newark Coddington Newark Apr-14 Newark Newark East Newark Newark Newark West Newark Gedling Newstead Bestwood St Albans (note 4) Gedling Newstead Linby Mar-13 Gedling Newstead Newstead Jun-13 Yes Gedling Newstead Papplewick Gedling Newstead Ravenshead Gedling Calverton Calverton Gedling Calverton Lambley Aug-13 Gedling Calverton Woodborough Gedling Arnold N and Arnold S Arnold (no TC) Gedling Arnold N and Arnold S Daybrook (no PC) Gedling Arnold N and Arnold S Mapperley (no PC) Mar-13 Feb-14 Gedling Arnold N and Arnold S Redhill (no PC) Gedling Arnold N and Arnold S Woodthorpe (no PC) Page 149 of 222

Page 31 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Part-night lighting (page 3 of 4)

Electoral Division Parish/Town County-wide dimming Implementation Quarter 1 construction Gedling Carlton E and Carlton W Burton Joyce Gedling Carlton E and Carlton W Colwick Gedling Carlton E and Carlton W Netherfield (no PC) Gedling Carlton E and Carlton W Stoke Bardolph Mar-13 May-14 Gedling Carlton E and Carlton W Gedling (no PC) Gedling Carlton E and Carlton W Bakersfield (no PC) Gedling Carlton E and Carlton W Carlton (no TC or PC) Broxtowe Beauvale Greasely Broxtowe Beauvale Selston Jul-14 Broxtowe Beauvale Brinsley Broxtowe Eastwood Eastwood Broxtowe Nuthall Nuthall Jul-14 Broxtowe Nuthall Strelley Broxtowe Kimberley & Trowell Awsworth Sep-14 Broxtowe Kimberley & Trowell Cossall Broxtowe Kimberley & Trowell Kimberley Broxtowe Kimberley & Trowell Trowell Broxtowe Bramcote & Stapleford Stapleford Broxtowe Bramcote & Stapleford Bramcote (no PC) Broxtowe Chilwell & Toton Chilwell (no PC) Broxtowe Chilwell & Toton Toton (no PC) Jul-14 Nov-14 Broxtowe Beeston S & Attenborough Attenborough (no PC) Broxtowe Beeston S & Attenborough Beeston (no PC) Broxtowe Beeston North Beeston (no PC) Broxtowe City (maintained by NCC) Ashfield Sutton in Ashfield (all divns) ** Sutton in A (no PC/TC) Ashfield Sutton in Ashfield North ** Sutton in A (no PC/TC) Ashfield Sutton in Ashfield West ** Sutton in A (no PC/TC) Oct-14 Jan-15 Ashfield Sutton in Ashfield East ** Sutton in A (no PC/TC) Ashfield Sutton in Ashfield Central ** Sutton in A (no PC/TC) Ashfield Selston Selston Ashfield Kirkby in Ashfield South Annesley & Felley Ashfield Kirkby in Ashfield (no PC/TC) Dec-14 May-15 Ashfield Kirkby in Ashfield (both divns) Kirkby in Ashfield (no PC/TC) Ashfield Kirkby in Ashfield North Kirkby in Ashfield (no PC/TC) Ashfield Hucknall Hucknall (no PC/TC) Mansfield Warsop Warsop Mansfield Mansfield (all divns) Mansfield (no TC) Mansfield West Mansfield Mansfield (no TC) Mar-15 Aug-15 Mansfield North Mansfield Mansfield (no TC) Mansfield East Mansfield Mansfield (no TC) Mansfield South Mansfield Mansfield (no TC)

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Page 32 Appendix 2 - 2013/14 Capital maintenance programme

Part-night lighting (page 4 of 4)

Electoral Division Parish/Town County-wide dimming Implementation Quarter 1 construction Bassetlaw Retford West Retford (no TC) Bassetlaw Retford East Retford (no TC) May-15 Sep-15 Bassetlaw Remainder Dimming Rushcliffe West Bridgford W West Bridgford (no TC) Rushcliffe West Bridgford Cen & S West Bridgford (no TC) Jun-15 Sep-15 Rushcliffe Remainder Dimming Block allocation £887

Traffic signal renewal Area Capital budget Quarter 1 construction Retford Road / Bracebridge Road, Worksop - Toucan crossing Bassetlaw ≤ £50k A6009 Inner Relief Road / West Hill Way / St John Street, Mansfield Mansfield £50 - 250k A60 / A6006 Rempstone Crossroads, Rempstone Rushcliffe £50 - 250k A606 Melton Road / Tollerton Lane, Tollerton Rushcliffe £50 - 250k Block allocation £350

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Page 33

Page 152 of 222 Report to Transport and Highways Committee

21 March 201 3

Agenda Item:



Purpose of the Report

1. To provide an update on the delivery of the Nottingham urban area Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF).

2. To seek Committee approval for the delivery of measures associated with the Nottingham urban LSTF to be implemented in Broxtowe, Gedling and Rushcliffe as detailed within this report.

3. The Department for Transport (DfT) approved a bid for specific transport improvements in the Nottingham urban area that will help improve the economy and reduce carbon emissions. Programmes delivered to date through the LSTF which will help deliver these improvements include: • The introduction of a ‘kangaroo’ season ticket offering 1,3,6 and 12 month options • The opening of a smarter travel hub in • A business forum to support businesses with sustainable transport and travel planning issues • A road show for businesses in Broxtowe with an emphasis on active travel • The installation of cycle storage hubs in Broadmarsh bus station, as well as Colwick and Queens Drive park and ride sites

4. The proposed 2013/14 LSTF programmes include: • Continued investment in smartcard development, working in partnership with all local operators to introduce an improved cross-operator Citycard to provide customers with more flexible ticketing options on bus, local rail and tram services • Establishment of a smartcard retail network (ticket machines and top-up machines at key public transport stops and local centres) • Expansion of the cycle storage hubs across the urban area • Further investment in electric-hybrid buses • Establishment of smarter travel hubs and coordinators across the urban area • Targeted walking and cycling infrastructure improvements along transport corridors with recognised congestion issues and to support the work of the smarter travel coordinators

Page 153 of 222 1 • The expansion of the Gedling Ecostars project (working with haulage companies to reduce emissions) to the rest of the Nottingham urban area

Information and Advice

5. In June 2011 a successful LSTF bid, led by and supported by Nottinghamshire County Council, was awarded £10.32m (£6.18m revenue and £4.14m capital). The funding is available for the period 2011/12 to 2014/15 specifically for the packages of transport measures that support economic growth and reduce carbon included within the bid.

6. The successful bid covers the Nottingham built-up area which includes Nottingham City, the parts of Broxtowe, Gedling and Rushcliffe boroughs that adjoin the City and part of Erewash borough in Derbyshire. The bid was therefore developed in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council, Derbyshire County Council, Nottingham City Council, the Greater Nottingham Transport Partnership, Sustrans and NHS Nottingham City (along with other partners).

7. The LSTF programme aims to contribute to achieving the following long-term outcomes: • Improvements to the local economy and increased inward investment • Increased accessibility to employment and training opportunities to help ensure people have the appropriate skills and qualifications to attain work • Increased number of local people fit for work, using active travel modes • Improved quality of life and improved wellbeing amongst residents • Reduced carbon emissions from the transport sector • Increased capacity of the community and third sector

8. The bid consisted of four key components: i. Smartcard support and personalised travel planning ii. Establishing liveable neighbourhoods and a network of community smarter travel hubs iii. Developing the low carbon transport network iv. Active travel solutions

9. The smartcard support and personalised travel planning component includes the following elements: • Further development of the existing smartcards to provide multi-operator integrated ticketing to provide seamless transfer between different operators and travel modes • Personalised travel planning and advice for jobseekers to help overcome financial and other barriers associated with accessing work and training, including support with public transport costs; as well as cycle and moped loans • Personalised journey planning solutions for targeted groups focusing on key life change points (such as moving house, changing jobs or changing school) as an opportunity to promote alternative travel choices • Travel training for vulnerable groups (such as the deaf community and visually impaired) to support independent living and pathways back to work

Page 154 of 222 2 10. The establishing liveable neighbourhoods and a network of community smarter travel hubs component includes the following elements: • Establishment of smarter travel hubs in Arnold and Beeston, as well as the central, east and south areas of the City • Provision of smarter travel co-ordinators in targeted areas to oversee the delivery of tailored smarter travel interventions and to develop a volunteer peer network of community smarter travel champions • Developing a network of smarter travel champions to embed a long-term culture of sustainable travel behaviour in the community • Locally determined activities, events and travel awareness promotional material including social marketing • Infrastructure projects to encourage active travel and improve the physical environment including 20mph limits within the City, as well as safer routes and local access and interchange improvements

11. The developing the low carbon transport network component includes the following elements: • Development of smarter choices support packages for businesses including the expansion of the Greater Nottingham Transport Partnership Business Club • Supporting the uptake of electric vehicles for public transport and commercial fleets • Cycle infrastructure and promotion programmes focused along corridors with recognised congestion • Development of a network of cycle parking hubs at key interchange points • Establishment a city car club • Supporting greener driving initiatives

12. The active travel solutions component includes the following elements: • Working with colleges to provide personalised travel planning advice • Expansion of the cycle loan scheme and small-scale transport infrastructure improvements • Activities and services for children, families and schools to encourage more walking and cycling focused around congestion problem areas • Cycle training and associated services targeted at local communities • A programme of community and large scale sustainable transport events

13. LSTF funding was granted for each of the components. Whilst funding was granted for the activities associated with the smarter travel hubs, funding was not granted for smarter travel co-ordinator posts that would organise and carry out activities in the community to promote healthy active travel. Nottingham City Council has secured health funding to support the smarter travel co-ordinator posts located within the City.

14. It is proposed that the smarter travel co-ordinator posts located within the county are funded through developer contributions secured through section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1980. Broxtowe Borough Council has confirmed that funding from section 106 developer contributions is available for the 2013/14 financial year to support the smarter travel co-ordinator post located in Beeston. This arrangement will be reviewed at the end of the 2013/14 financial year to

Page 155 of 222 3 determine if funding is available for the 2014/15 financial year. Similarly, funding from section 106 developer contributions from developments in Gedling is available for the 2013/14 and 2014/15 financial years to support the smarter travel co-ordinator post located in Arnold.

15. It is proposed that a network of secure cycle storage hubs is installed at key locations within the Nottingham urban area. The cycle storage hubs will be located close to public transport routes to enable people to transfer from cycle to bus or rail and access to the storage will be through the use of a Citycard bus pass (which are available to county residents). It is proposed that the cycle storage hubs are located in Arnold, Beeston and West Bridgford once suitable sites have been identified.

16. The City Council has identified a number of areas where it proposes to introduce mandatory 20mph zones to encourage more walking and cycling. The proposed 20mph zones will consist of only signing with no other engineering measures. Three of the proposed areas include roads which cross the county boundary and the City Council has asked for permission to extend the 20mph zone short distances into the county. The three locations are Hempshill Lane, Nuthall, Deer Park Drive, Bestwood and Bewcastle Road/Muirfield Road, Bestwood at the locations shown in the attached appendix 1.

17. The local County Council members have been informed of the proposed 20mph zones and do not object to them. It is therefore proposed that permission is given to the City Council to undertake detailed design and consultation on each of the schemes. It is, however, also recommended that the proposed designs and consultation responses are referred to the County Council for final approval before any works are undertaken. This will allow consideration of the consultation responses from county residents and also safety audit to be undertaken of the designs. Permission to implement the 20mph will also only be granted on the understanding that any works that the County Council consider are required to safely deliver the 20mph schemes are funded through the LSTF.


18. The County Council continues to work in partnership with Nottingham City, Derbyshire County Council and other LSTF partners to deliver the programmes of work included in the approved LSTF bid.

19. The proposed 2013/14 LSTF programmes including further smartcard development, establishment of smarter travel hubs and co-ordinators, enhanced cycle storage, and further investment in electric-hybrid buses will help deliver the required outcomes from the LSTF.

20. A programme of walking and cycling infrastructure improvements is currently being developed. The programmes of future infrastructure improvements are still to be determined but the schemes will be targeted along corridors with recognised congestion issues and to support the activities of the smarter travel coordinators.

Page 156 of 222 4 A report to update on such schemes will be presented to a future Transport & Highways Committee meeting.

Statutory and Policy Implications

21. This report has been compiled after consideration of implications in respect of finance, equal opportunities, human resources, crime and disorder, human rights, the safeguarding of children, sustainability and the environment and those using the service and where such implications are material they are described below. Appropriate consultation has been undertaken and advice sought on these issues as required.


22. It is recommended that Committee: a) note the progress of the delivery of the LSTF programme as contained in paragraph 3 above b) approve the proposed 2013/14 LSTF programme for implementation as contained within this report.

Andrew Warrington Service Director Highways

For any enquiries about this report please contact: Sean Parks – Local Transport Plan manager

Constitutional Comments (SHB 21.02.13)

23. Committee has the authority to approve the Recommendation.

Financial Comments (TMR 25/02/13)

24. The costs of implementation of the LSTF programme will be met from the Local Sustainable Transport Fund.

Background Papers

Nottingham Urban Area Local Sustainable Transport Fund Bid

Electoral Division(s) and Member(s) Affected


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Report to the Transport & Highways Committee

21 March 2013

Agenda Item:



Purpose of the Report

1. This report provides information to the Committee on the performance of the Highways Division.

Information and Advice

2. The Highways Division of Nottinghamshire County Council provides services to the County’s residents, visitors, businesses and road users which directly affect lives, prosperity and wellbeing on a daily basis.

3. There are a range of performance measures which support performance management within the Division and these cover the large range of services provided, including road maintenance, casualty reduction, congestion and traffic management, street lighting and development control.

4. There are clear links with the County Council’s strategic priorities of promoting the economic prosperity of Nottinghamshire and safeguarding our environment, as well as making Nottinghamshire a safe place to live. Performance measures have been aligned with these strategic priorities.

Summary of Performance

5. Appendix 1 shows current levels of performance for the Highways service area and additional Highways action which align to the County Council’s Strategic priorities which are not supported by specific performance measures. They are labelled for information. A summary scorecard is also provided in the appendix.


6. Progress with the delivery of major transport projects across the County is proceeding well. The County Council is contributing to both the Trunk Road projects for the A453 (£20M contribution) with works on site, and the A1 Elkesley junction improvements (£0.5M) due to start spring 2013. The County Council’s own major schemes and on or ahead of schedule with Mansfield Bus Station due to open in March 2013, the A614 Rose Cottage junction recently completed, a planning application submitted for Hucknall Town Centre scheme Page 163 of 222 1

and a public exhibition held for the Worksop Bus Station Scheme in February 2013.

7. The performance indicators relating to the condition of principal and non- principal roads suggest these are in a reasonable condition. However, the indicators should be treated with some caution as they relate to the current condition of the road surface rather than its underlying condition.

8. The performance indicator for unclassified roads, housing estate roads and rural lanes etc., gives cause for concern at 18.7% needing repair compared to the target of 17%. It is proposed to increase the surface dressing of principal and non-principal roads to preserve those surfaces longer so that in the future an increased investment can be made into the resurfacing of unclassified roads within the current budget levels.

9. Performance relating to street lighting repair times is currently under management review following the Q2 outcome figure of 11 days compared with the target of 7 days, which has already been reduced to just under 9 days.

10. The customer satisfaction performance is based on the results of the annual National Highways and Transport survey as referred to in the November 2012 performance report.

11. Development work continues to bring greater detail in future performance reports regarding traffic congestion, minor repair performance times and complaints data.

Other Options Considered

12. None – this is an information report.

Reasons for Recommendations

13. None – this is an information report.

Statutory and Policy Implications

14. This report has been compiled after consideration of implications in respect of finance, equal opportunities, human resources, crime and disorder, human rights, the safeguarding of children, sustainability and the environment and those using the service and where such implications are material they are described below. Appropriate consultation has been undertaken and advice sought on these issues as required.

Financial Implications

15. The monitoring of service performance will ensure that the Highways Budgets will be used efficiently and effectively.

Page 164 of 222 2

Implications for Service Users

16. The continued monitoring and management of performance will ensure that quality standards are maintained and appropriate services provided to meet local needs.


17. That Committee note the contents of the report.

Andrew Warrington Service Director, Highways

For any enquiries about this report please contact: Andrew Warrington, Service Director, Highways

Constitutional Comments

18. None – report for information.

Background Papers

19. None

Electoral Divisions

20. All

Page 165 of 222 3

Page 166 of 222 4 Appendix 1 Highways Committee Report – Performance 2012-13 Report Author: Andrew Warrington Service Director Highways

Priority A1 to foster aspiration, independence, and personal responsibility

Action Description Progress To support local community delivery of Street A joint funded (NCC/T&PC or similar) Lengths- Pilot schemes established in 2012/13 Scene, maintenance and improvement man Scheme

NCC funded delivery of highway (urban) grass T&PC delivering in 2012/13 verge cutting by T&PC or similar

Snow warden scheme to support local community action to clear snow. Implemented 2011/12 Ongoing

Employ farmers to assist with snow clearance Implemented 2011/12 Ongoing To provide the opportunity for local people to Advance publication and regular updates of Monthly bulletins issued to all Councillors. Progress influence decisions planned (capital) programmes of work updates to T&H Committee Final Programme to T&H Committee February 2013.

Continued delivery of effective consultation for On-going all improvement schemes Notification of all highway works Development of Road-Works Charter 2012/13

To encourage personal responsibility Encourage snow clearance of footways Repeat successful media from 2011/12

Encourage direct intervention in endorsement Plan promotion of verge cutting, licence to cultivate, maintenance of highways overhanging veg-clearance for Spring 2013 and “best street”, “best neighbourhood” etc.

Continue to support EA, LRF and other partners with Encourage self preparation where risk of media promotion, flood fairs etc. property flooding

Page 167 of 222

Priority B: To promote the economic prosperity of Nottinghamshire and safeguard our environment

Action Description Progress To support the provision of transport Supporting Planning Authorities in the Individual Districts are at different stages of the LDF infrastructure associated with new developments development of Local Development associated process and are being supported by NCC in the traffic modelling and infrastructure plans production of the framework documents, with varying completion dates.

Indicator Maximise or Actual vs Target Trend Chart Improvements minimise Strategic Action: SBA06 Monitor, maintain and seek to improve the condition of the County roads network (The 4,391km local network)

Actual (data available year- end 2012/13) The year-end actual figure of 8.4% had missed the target of 7.0%. Highways will Target 7.0% continue to reinforce safety inspections and maintenance work on parts of the network.

SBP09 As part of the planned maintenance Roads where maintenance should highways are implementing a wide surface be considered - non-principal Aim to Previous Years Data dressing programme and continuing with Minimise resurfacing. Results should be reflected in (Annual indicator unchanged from Target Actual future survey years. previous quarter)

2011/12 7.0% 8.4%

2010/11 7.0% 7.5%

2009/10 5.0% 8.4%

Page 168 of 222 The Highway Services Structural Maintenance Capital Programme 2012/13 is on target to be fully delivered during the financial year. Actual (data available year- SBP08 end 2012/13) The Highway Maintenance Capital Roads where maintenance should Programme (2011/12) was fully delivered be considered - principal (KPI) Target 4.0% The year-end actual figure of 2.0% had (Annual indicator unchanged from achieved the target of 2.0%. previous quarter) The County Council continues to maintain the road networks in a steady state Aim to Previous Years Data condition as a result of a continuing and Minimise sustained level of investment. This is Target Actual reinforced by a continual safety inspections and maintenance work by Highway Services 2011/12 2.0% 2.0% being undertaken on parts of the network.

2010/11 2.0% 1.5%

2009/10 2.0% 1.5%

Indicator Maximise or Actual vs Target Trend Chart Improvements minimise

Page 169 of 222

Actual (data available year- end 2012/13)

Target 17.0% The year end actual figure of 18.7% has missed the target of 17.0%. Highways will SBP10 continue to reinforce safety inspections and

Roads where maintenance should maintenance work on parts of the network. be considered - unclassified (KPI) Aim to As part of the planned maintenance, Minimise Previous Years Data (Annual indicator unchanged from highways are implementing a wide surface previous quarter) Target Actual dressing programme and continuing with resurfacing. Results should be reflected in 2011/12 17.0% 18.7% future survey years.

2010/11 17.0% 17.0%

2009/10 12.0% 19.5%

Strategic Action: SBA05 Transport infrastructure developments A453 Dualling scheme DfT announced approval of the A453 widening scheme in March 2012. Advanced works on the scheme began in October Indicator is measured in 2012 ahead of the main construction works. academic year from Sept These include activities such as archaeology 2011 to Sept 2012. and ecology works, fencing and site clearance. The main construction works are due to begin between January and March SBP07 Journey time survey data is 2013 (exact date to be confirmed). It is Journey time per mile during the provided by the DfT and the expected that the urban section of the morning peak (average mins) actual data for 2011/12 will improvement scheme will open in June 2015 Aim to not be available until Spring with the rural section scheduled for August (Annual indicator unchanged from Minimise 2013. 2015. previous quarter) Target 3.26 min:sec Improvements to Hucknall Town Centre Government has provisionally approved an £8.5 million contribution to the project Previous Years Data subject to required statutory procedures being followed by NCC. Target Actual 2010/11 3.30 3.16 Following consultation carried out during 2012 and following comments received as 2009/10 4.10 3.70 part of an earlier planning application several subtle changes have been built into the project to try and remove a number of Page 170 of 222 local concerns. A planning application including these changes was submitted to Nottinghamshire County Council Planning Department in December 2012.

The scheme includes pedestrianising the High Street between the South Street /Baker Street junction and Watnall Road junction and the construction of a new road running parallel with the High Street to accommodate the displaced traffic.

Subject to procedure being concluded it is anticipated that works could commence during Winter 2014/15 with completion scheduled for Spring/Summer 2016. Mansfield Bus Station Construction has progressed well and the bus station is due to become operational during March 2013. To complement the opening of the new station a number of additional passenger improvements are planned throughout the town as well as a new bus fleet being launched to serve two routes operating in the area.

It is intended that the new bus station will: - Replace the old bus station with a fully accessible facility by providing a state of the art modern bus station meeting all bus passenger needs - Improve access to the train station to provide interchange opportunities between rail and bus - Contribute towards economic regeneration - Enhance the passenger waiting environment with a customer service information office, retail units, toilets and electronic displays - Increase the current bus passenger numbers by 5% (these are forecast to increase by 5% from 5.2m to 5.47m by 2015).

A614 Rose Cottage signalisation New traffic signals are to be installed at the junction of the A614 and B6034 (to Edwinstowe) known locally as Rose Cottage. The scheme aims to reduce Page 171 of 222 journey time delays for traffic joining the A614 from the B6034 (including traffic from the nearby Center Parcs holiday village); improve road safety at the junction; as well as improve accessibility to Rufford Country Park for pedestrians and cyclists travelling from Edwinstowe and Center Parcs. Works started on 15 October 2012 and the scheme is due to be completed by mid-February 2013 (assuming no delays/disruptions e.g. poor weather ).

Indicator Maximise or Actual vs Target Trend Chart Improvements minimise Performance measures without a strategic action

A total of 566 applications dealt with in the rd Actual 95% 3 quarter, of which 538 applications dealt with within 21 days and 28 applications dealt Target 95% with outside the 21 day period resulting in an improved performance of 95% compared to the previous quarter. However, there was a drop in applications received on the run up DC01 to Christmas. % of development control applications dealt with within 21 Aim to Previous Years Data days Maximise Target Actual (Quarterly) 2011/12 95% 95%

2010/11 95% 95%

Page 172 of 222

Actual 91% A total of 152 pre application enquiries dealt rd with in the 3 quarter, of which 139 Target 90% enquiries dealt with within 21days and 13 enquiries dealt with over the 21 day period resulting in an improved performance of DC02 91% exceeding the target of 90%. % of development control pre- application/informal enquiries Aim to dealt with within 21 days Maximise Previous Years Data

(Quarterly) Target Actual 2011/12 90% 98%

2010/11 90% 93%

Actual 56

Target 52

Previous Years Data A total of 56 Local Improvement schemes SPL32 Number of LIS carried out rd completed in the 3 quarter. in rural/market towns Aim to Target Actual

Maximise 2011/12 234 261 (Quarterly)

2010/11 70 76

Page 173 of 222

Priority C: to make Nottinghamshire a safe place to live

Action Description Progress Improve the perception of how safe people feel Management of traffic speed Action is supported by a programme of spend on speed in their area Pedestrian accessibility management, including interactive signs, pedestrian access improvements and pedestrian crossing facilities.

Page 174 of 222 Indicator Maximise or Actual vs Target Trend Chart Improvements minimise Strategic Action: SCA07 Through our road casualties reduction pl an, work to further reduce the number of road deaths and serious injuries on Nottinghamshire roads

Whilst the figure for quarter 3 is slightly above the agreed target for this quarter, early indications for quarter 4 suggest the predicted reduction in casualties for the year will be achieved and we are still on line to meet the agreed 2020 targets. Actual 122 This measure has been supported by Target 119 annual programme of engineering measures to target locations with high a number of treatable collisions. For example, the County Council is committed to reducing

casualties on the A614 and has recently SCP16/CS101 implemented safety cameras from Leapool People killed or seriously injured Previous Years Data Aim to to Ollerton Roundabout to ensure drivers in road traffic accidents (KPI) Minimise travel at a safe speed. Target Actual

(Quarterly) 2011/12 479 458 Introduction of a pedestrian campaign, in which messages to teenagers encourage 2010/11 529 416 them to “Ditch the Distraction” and focus on the traffic. 2009/10 529 446 Progress has been made against the measures identified in “Nottinghamshire’s Decade of Action for Road Safety” – an action plan for the period 2011-2020.

Page 175 of 222 Given these latest figures, we are on line to meet the agreed 2020 agreed targets.

This measure has been supported by annual programme of engineering measures to target locations with high a number of Actual 12 treatable collisions. For example, the County Council is committed to reducing Target 12.4 casualties on the A614 and has recently implemented safety cameras from Leapool CS102 to Ollerton Roundabout to ensure drivers Number of children killed or travel at a safe speed. seriously injured in road traffic Aim to accidents (against 2020 target) Minimise Previous Years Data Introduction of a pedestrian campaign, in

which messages to teenagers encourage (Quarterly) Target Actual them to “Ditch the Distraction” and focus on the traffic. 2011/12 50 41 Progress has been made against the measures identified in “Nottinghamshire’s Decade of Action for Road Safety” – an action plan for the period 2011-2020.

Indicator Maximise or Actual vs Target Trend Chart Improvements minimise

Page 176 of 222

Actual 8.59

Target 7.00 A total of 6,117 street lighting faults were reported in the 3rd quarter which is almost double the previous quarter. Despite this significant increase in fault numbers the BV215a average repair time has fallen by 2.53 days The average number of days to 8.59. Automatic email warning information taken to repair a street light fault, is now sent to the responsible engineers to Aim to which is under the control of the Previous Years Data allow them to take prompt corrective action Minimise Local Authority and along with awareness raising sessions Target Actual there is an improved response. Further (Quarterly) improvements are expected as the new 2011/12 7.0 6.98 processes are consolidated.

2010/11 7.0 7.86

2009/10 7.0 6.02

Indicator and definitions to be developed using analysis information from Highways Highways TPP01 Asset Management system. Aim to Number of defects To be developed Minimise identified/reported Indicator to be reported from April 2013

Highways TPP02 Indicator to be developed as above Average number of days to repair Aim to To be developed a category 1 (urgent) defect Minimise

Highways TPP03 Indicator to be developed as above Average number of days to repair Aim to To be developed a category 2 (high) defect Minimise

Highways TPP04 Indicator to be developed as above Average number of days to repair Aim to To be developed a category 2 (low) defect Minimise

PI Status Long Term Trends Short Term Trends

Alert Improving Improving

Page 177 of 222 Warning No Change No Change

OK Getting Worse Getting Worse


Data Only

Page 178 of 222

Report to the Transport & Highways Committee

21 March 2013

Agenda Item:



Purpose of the Report

1. This report provides information to the Committee on the formation and governance arrangements for the D2N2 Local Transport Body (LTB) as approved by the County Council’s Policy Committee 13 th February 2013.

2. Approval is sought for the Assurance Framework to support the operation of the LTB noting that Policy Committee approved its submission to the Department for Transport by their deadline of 28 th February 2013.

Information and Advice

3. Nottinghamshire County Council continues to progress and deliver a programme of major transport projects to provide an efficient and reliable transport and highway network supporting residents and road users and economic growth across the County. Current projects include Mansfield Bus Station £11M due for completion March 2013 and Hucknall Town Centre Improvement £13M due for construction 2014/15.

4. The Department for Transport (DfT) has consulted local authorities regarding its proposals to devolve funding for local major transport schemes for local determination. Briefly DfT propose to

a. Devolve capital funding for local major transport schemes to new democratically accountable local transport bodies. The detailed membership of these bodies will be for the local area to propose and agree;

b. Allocate budgets to the Local Transport Bodies by formula based on population;

c. Within a common approach to assessing value for money and priority Local Transport Bodies will determine their own programmes of local major transport schemes;

d. Put both local transport authorities and local enterprise partnerships (LEP) in influential roles in the decision making arrangements of Local

Page 179 of 222 1

Transport Bodies over which transport schemes are delivered.

5. On 18 th April 2012 Cabinet approved the County Council’s response to the consultation including

a. That the Local Transport Body should map onto the D2N2 LEP geography, that is compromise Nottinghamshire, Nottingham, Derbyshire and Derby; b. That the LEP becomes a full member of the Local Transport Body and thereby has a direct say in the decision making process; c. Significant decisions of the Local Transport Body will require scrutiny, endorsement and ratification by the Cabinet/Committees of each local transport authority. d. Following this decision officers of the County Council have worked closely with colleagues from Nottingham and Derby City Councils and Derbyshire County Council, within the guidance provided by the Department for Transport (DfT) to produce a common approach to the formation of a Local Transport Body.

6. On 28 th September 2012 DfT asked for confirmation of the geographic arrangements for Local Transport Bodies. A letter was sent confirming the County Council’s position established by Cabinet on 18 th April 2012 for a Local Transport Body coincident with the D2N2 LEP geography, comprising Nottinghamshire, Nottingham, Derbyshire and Derby. Indeed all 4 local transport authorities replied supporting this arrangement with Derby and Nottingham City making reference to future consideration of combining with the Leicestershire and Leicester Local Transport Body. However where the D2N2 LEP overlaps the Sheffield City Region LEP those District Councils were also given an opportunity by DfT to comment. Of the 4 District Council the 3 in Derbyshire have all expressed a preference for local major schemes in their area to be funded by the Sheffield City Region Local Transport Body rather than that of D2N2. Council did not formally express a preference.

7. The Secretary of State for Transport on 23 rd January 2013 determined that the allocation for all 4 districts within the overlapping LEP area be shared 50:50 between the D2N2 LTB and the SCR LTB.

8. The DfT on 23rd January 2013 provided indicative funding allocations for the LTB of about £46.8M over a 4 year period, i.e. £11.7M/year for D2N2 including the proportion of the split allocation. This would be supplemented by each local transport authority contributing to the capital cost of their schemes as under current arrangements. However, a project equivalent to the Hucknall Town Centre relief road major project would therefore take just over 1 year of funding allocation. Therefore it is unlikely that each Council will be able to deliver more than 1 large major project in each 4 year period, although the LTB may lower the current £5M threshold to allow smaller schemes to

Page 180 of 222 2


9. Details of the governance arrangements are set out in the Policy Committee report 13 th February 2013 attached as Appendix A.

10. Details of the assurance framework are set out in Appendix B. These have been submitted to DfT to meet their deadline of 28 th February 2013 as approved by Policy Committee.

Other Options Considered

11. These are requirements of the Department for Transport to access future government grant funding for local major transport schemes

Statutory and Policy Implications

12. This report has been compiled after consideration of implications in respect of finance, equal opportunities, human resources, crime and disorder, human rights, the safeguarding of children, sustainability and the environment and those using the service and where such implications are material they are described below. Appropriate consultation has been undertaken and advice sought on these issues as required.

Financial Implications

13. The Capital funding made available through the LTB will be managed through the annual capital programme. As under current arrangements a capital contribution may be required for individual schemes which will be considered on an individual scheme basis through the usual annual capital budget process.

14. A draft budget for the operation of the LTB will be proposed by the LTB and considered by the LTA. Required capital and revenue contributions from each local transport authority need to be agreed.

Implications for Service Users

15. The continued monitoring and management of performance will ensure that quality standards are maintained and appropriate services provided to meet local needs.


16. That Committee note the contents of the report and the Policy Committee report.

17. That the Assurance Framework attached at Appendix B is approved.

Page 181 of 222 3

Andrew Warrington Service Director Highways

For any enquiries about this report please contact: Andrew Warrington Service Director Highways

Constitutional Comments (SHB 28.02.13)

18. Committee has the authority to approve the Recommendation.

Financial Comments (TMR 28/02/13)

19. The financial implications are set out in paragraphs 13 and 14 of the report.

Background Papers

20. None

Electoral Divisions

21. All

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This Assurance Framework sets out the approach being taken by the Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Local Transport Body (the D2N2 LTB) to the administration of devolved funding for local major transport schemes. The LTB is a partnership formed for the purpose of administering this funding, covering the whole of each of the administrative areas of Derby and Nottingham City Councils and Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire County Councils. This is coterminous with the Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership (the D2N2 LEP). Parts of the D2N2 area also fall within the Sheffield City Region, reflected in the administrative arrangements set out in the body of this Framework.

The LTB will encompass a number of different groups. Its governing Board will be the decision-making body, a majority of its members being local authority elected Members. Its Infrastructure Group comprises the directors of highways and transport services for the local authorities and acts as Principal Adviser to the Board. The Prioritisation Working Group provides advice on the selection of projects. There is also a commitment from the LTB to seek and act upon external scrutiny of its decisions.

Assurance Framework


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Terms of reference:

1. Board Name: Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Local Transport Board

2. Purpose: to administer funding for major transport schemes to delivery bodies across the administrative areas of Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

3. Membership:

Voting members Observers • Derby City Council (two members) Nominees of: • Derbyshire County Council (two members) • Department for Transport • Nottingham City Council (two members) • Highways Agency • Nottinghamshire County Council (two • Network Rail members) • Neighbouring LEP/LTBs • Derbyshire district and borough councils (one as appropriate member) • Nottinghamshire district and borough councils (one member) • Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership • Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership

Occasional invitations to contribute: • Transport operators

Principal Advisor s to the Board (non -voting): D2N2 Infrastructure Group, comprising the Directors of highways and transport services for the relevant authorities.

The Board, as set out above, comprises twelve voting members. Conditions of appointment are:

i. Local Transport Authorities: membership rests with the post rather than with the individual, so councillors will be replaced if they change office. It is for each authority to determine which postholders are to act as its representatives. ii. Local Planning Authorities within Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire: it is for the constituency of planning authorities within each County to determine its own arrangements for selecting a representative, who is expected to sit for a minimum term of one year and a maximum of three years. It is also for the constituent authorities to determine how their joint interests should be represented and how those districts and Page 192 of 222 SUBMISSION DRAFT 28 02 2013 2 of 12

boroughs not directly represented should be engaged in the decision- making process. iii. D2N2 and SCR LEPs: a representative nominated by each LEP, who is expected to sit for a minimum term of one year and a maximum of three years. iv. Any co-opted member - would be reviewed annually by the Board with a maximum term of three years. v. In each case, substitutes may attend meetings where the nominated member is unable to do so, but should be able to provide written confirmation that they do so with the approval of the organisation represented. vi. Each member will be required to participate in decision-making in the best interests of the LTB whether or not these are consistent with those of their own organisation.

The Board will review its constitution after six meetings of the Board or every two years, whichever is the sooner.

4. Conflicts of Interest

Members of the Board are required to declare on appointment that they will act in the best interests of the area, not for their organisational or geographic interests.

The rules for declaring personal interest will be those that apply to councillors of Derbyshire County Council. A register of Board Members’ interests will be maintained.

5. Gifts and Hospitality

The code of conduct for members of Derbyshire County Council shall apply to the Board. Officers shall, whether engaged in promotion of their own authority’s interests or those of the LTB, be bound by the relevant code of conduct of their own employing organisation.

6. Accountable Body

The D2N2 LTB is an informal public-private partnership formed by the voting members specified above.

Derbyshire County Council shall be the accountable body, which will be responsible for the following:

• ensuring that the decisions and activities of the LTB conform with legal requirements with regard to equalities, environmental, EU issues etc. • ensuring (through DCC’s Section 151 Officer) that the funds are used appropriately. • ensuring that the LTB assurance framework as approved by DfT is being adhered to.

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• maintaining the official record of LTB proceedings and holding all LTB documents. • responsibility for the decisions of the LTB in approving schemes (for example if subjected to legal challenge).

The Strategic Director – Environmental Services, Derbyshire County Council, will act as the advisor of the Accountable Body to the Board.

7. Audit and Scrutiny

The LTB undertakes to seek and to act upon the findings of an independent external audit of its activity on at least an annual basis. The findings of each audit will be considered by a Board meeting, and any remedial action required recorded within the minutes of that meeting.

The aim of each audit will be to verify that the LTB is operating effectively within the terms of its agreed assurance framework.

An audit will be undertaken between the establishment of the LTB and the start of devolution, with the report sent to DfT no later than December 2014. Auditing will be on an annual basis from 2015 once funding has been devolved.

8. Strategic Objectives and Purpose (Terms of Reference)

What the LTB aims to achieve: • a transport network that promotes economic growth and prosperity, consistent with the D2N2 Growth Strategy, and meets social needs whilst minimising adverse effects on the environment; • value for money.

What the LTB does: • To identify a prioritised list of investments within the available budget • To take decisions on: o individual scheme approval; o investment decision making; and o release of funding, including scrutiny of individual scheme business cases. • To monitor progress of scheme delivery and spend. • To manage actively the devolved budget and programme to respond to changed circumstance [scheme slippage, scheme alteration, cost increases etc]. • To act as a forum for the expression of views on other transport matters e.g. bilateral discussions with Network Rail, responding to wider consultations etc.

9. Support and Administration

Page 194 of 222 SUBMISSION DRAFT 28 02 2013 4 of 12

Derbyshire County Council will provide support arrangements for secretariat and administrative services. The D2N2 Infrastructure Group will provide technical advice, assisted by the supporting Prioritisation Working Group.

The transport authorities will provide sufficient support to undertake the workload of the Board, taking into account any opinions of the Accountable Body or the Auditor. There will be named people who have specific roles with respect to the LTB. These roles will usually be part of their other duties, except when the workloads are such that some full-time or single purpose part-time roles are appropriate.

The LTB will form task and finish groups when required, which may comprise Board members and/or supporting officers. Its Prioritisation Working Group (PWG) has assisted with the drafting of this Assurance Framework and will play a role in the prioritisation process.

10. Working Arrangements, Transparency and Local Engagement

Meetings will be held in public and arranged in accordance with the rules operated by Derbyshire County Council’s Democratic Services department.

There will be at least two meetings each year and thereafter to meet the business needs. Specifically the Board will meet: (a) to determine the initial decision on the composition of the scheme programme; (b) to make individual scheme investment decisions.

A chair and vice-chair for the Board will be elected on an annual basis.

Meetings will be deemed quorate when a minimum of nine voting members or their substitutes are in attendance, of whom a minimum of seven must be the nominated representative rather than a substitute. Each voting member carries a vote of equal weight. Where the voting members present are equally divided the chair will carry a casting vote. Where the elected chair is not present the vice-chair will exercise this function. No business requiring voting shall take place without either the chair or vice-chair being present.

The LTB will publish meeting papers and minutes and provide web access to scheme business cases and evaluation reports, funding decision letters with funding levels and conditions indicated, and regular programme updates on delivery and spend against budget. Materials will be hosted on the Derbyshire County Council website but each member organisation will provide a direct link to this from its own.

It is for individual member organisations to ensure that any schemes submitted to the LTB for funding have been subject to the appropriate procedures to provide public and stakeholders with input before decisions are made.

The LTB will adhere to Local Government Transparency Code. It will publish a clear statement of the approach that will be followed when making major

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investment decisions. FOI and EIR requests will be dealt with in accordance with the relevant legislation.

The LTB will use Derbyshire County Council’s complaints procedure.

11. Expenses and Allowances

The LTB will not under normal circumstances make any payments to cover the costs of attendance, which must be borne by the parent organisation of the attendee. Where it does choose to do so this will be for reasons, and within financial limits, agreed by the Board.

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This section deals with the prioritisation and development of a scheme programme for the LTB, within the available funding envelope for the period 2015-16 to 2018-19. Subsequently the LTB will need to consider funding for each prioritised scheme when a business case is completed and brought forward for approval.

1. Assembly of an Initial List of Candidate Schemes

The LTB will invite each of its Board members to submit a small number of schemes for assessment, agreed through whatever is the appropriate approval process for the submitting organisation. In the case of the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and other Board members (or the constituencies represented by them), initial agreement should have been reached with one or more of the transport authorities that the latter would be prepared to assist with later stages of preparation. Board members are at liberty to propose:

• Schemes on Highways Agency or Network Rail networks • Packages of measures which could be delivered individually but where value is demonstrably added through their combination

All proposed schemes or packages should require a minimum contribution of £2 million from the Infrastructure Fund ie excluding the local contribution (see below).

2. Methodology for Prioritisation

Following an initial gateway review (carried out initially by the PWG) to confirm deliverability within the scope of the funding period, each of the proposed schemes will be entered into the Department for Transport’s Early Assessment and Sifting Tool (EAST), which is regarded as robust to take account of the LTBs own agreed criteria. The process to be followed includes criteria dealing with the promoting authority’s capacity to prepare and deliver the scheme and seeks to ensure that a full range of alternatives has been considered. These criteria have been agreed by the LTB as the basis of its decision making, in advance of the invitation for promoters to submit potential schemes for consideration. The factual information will be provided by the promoter of the scheme, but the assessment of its impact against each of the criteria will be undertaken by the LTBs Prioritisation Working Group (PWG). Independent validation of the PWGs assessment will be sought from an agreed consultancy service. Page 197 of 222 SUBMISSION DRAFT 28 02 2013 7 of 12

It is inevitable, given the limited information which will be available at this stage, that the assessment of potential schemes involves judgements being made on likely (rather than quantified) impacts. In order to ensure objectivity and consistency the PWG will assess schemes by acting as a scrutiny panel; the authority promoting the scheme under discussion will take part only as a supplier of information and will not participate in the drawing-up of conclusions.

The Board has agreed that initial prioritisation of schemes will be undertaken on the basis of their performance against the Economic Growth criterion within EAST, with secondary criteria of Carbon Emissions and Socio-Distributional Impacts.

Value for money, at this early stage of scheme preparation, is taken into account primarily as a relative metric rather than absolute; there is not necessarily a calculated cost-benefit ratio for any scheme but its performance against agreed criteria can be compared with other candidate schemes.

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As stated above, the LTB will assess deliverability of schemes both in terms of their own state of readiness and in terms of the capacity of the promoter to bring them forward. This will take place through an initial gateway review of deliverability, carried out before schemes are assessed against the EAST criteria.

It is recognised that because statutory processes and scheme appraisal are incomplete at the time of determining an initial programme of schemes there will need to be periodic review of the programme. This will take place on at least an annual basis.

3. Liaison Arrangements

The D2N2 Infrastructure Group, bringing together the directors of highways and transport services across the LTB, meets on a regular basis and invites representatives of the Highways Agency and Network Rail to attend as appropriate. This will ensure that they are fully sighted on any strategic road or rail schemes that are to be considered for funding so that their views on deliverability and impact on the wider network can be considered and taken into account in the initial prioritisation exercise. In cases where schemes have any impact on train services the Train Operating Company and DfT (rail) will also be sought.

LTB governance (Part 1 of this Assurance Framework) deals explicitly with the relationship between the D2N2 LEP and Sheffield City Region. Other key relationships are with the Leicester and Leicestershire LEP/LTB and the Stoke-on- Trent and Staffordshire LEP/LTB, and joint discussions over potential projects will take place as required. The LTB will always need to assess its own financial contribution to any joint or aligned scheme on the basis of benefits to the D2N2 area as well as overall benefits.

4. Scheme Eligibility

The LTB does not wish to impose ‘generic’ restrictions on scheme eligibility, preferring to assess proposals on their own merits, irrespective of whether they fall on local or strategic networks or comprise single interventions or packages. Schemes to be considered for funding will, in all cases, need to be supported by the information required by the proforma included as Appendix 1. Key elements of this are: • That a local contribution of at least 20% is available subject to completion of required procedures o Scheme promoters are at liberty to propose local contributions greater than the minimum 20% o The promoter assumes responsibility for financial risk so that it is the local contribution which will need to increase in response to any increase in costs • That the scheme description is accompanied by a clear statement of whether it must be introduced as a single intervention, or could be divided. If the latter, the promoter must make clear: o What benefits accrue from delivery as a single entity

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o Whether phasing is possible or desirable


1. Scheme Assessment and approval

The D2N2 Infrastructure Group has overall responsibility for business case scrutiny and recommendation to the LTB. When necessary, it will commission an independent check of the promoter’s proposal, that is using an individual or team that has not been responsible for drawing up the business case. There will be a model process for reviewing aspects of business cases that indicates the level of resource/expertise to be employed. This will be specifically refined for each business case assessment or review. In determining the level of scrutiny required, he will consider the following: • the complexity of the scheme; • the value of benefits to cost ratio; • the apparent robustness of the economic, social and environmental impacts; • the strength of public and stakeholder engagement; • affordability and the certainty and security of sources of match funding.

The financial interests of the LTB will be protected by an approval regime that enables it to fulfil its responsibility to deliver value for money. A formal agreement will be made between the Derbyshire County Council (as the accountable body for the LTB) and the relevant LTA when funding is approved for a scheme setting out respective responsibilities, including reporting and audit requirements.

2. The Transport Business Case

Since the Secretary of State is accountable to Parliament for the major schemes block devolved to Local Transport Boards, individual scheme business cases must meet the requirements of the Department’s Transport Business Case guidance.

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The modelling and appraisal of schemes contained in business cases must be developed in accordance with the guidance published in WebTAG at the time the business case is submitted to the LTB for approval. Central case assessments must be based on forecasts which are consistent with the definitive version of NTEM (DfT’s planning dataset). The supporting appraisal and modelling will be scrutinised by the LTB. The D2N2 Infrastructure Group will determine the most appropriate methodology for doing this on a scheme by scheme basis. It will develop detailed procedures taking into account:

• how the assessment and scrutiny of business cases will be quality assured; • mechanisms for providing early advice to scheme promoters on whether the study approach is fit-for-purpose, particularly in relation to modelling; and • evaluation of Social & Distributional Impacts; • how the LTB will ensure that WebTAG will be applied by scheme promoters in a proportionate and robust way; • description of the circumstances under which external scrutiny or audit of the appraisal or modelling of schemes would be commissioned • the processes by which all impacts of a scheme (monetised and non- monetised) are assessed; • the approval stages and the thresholds required; • place mechanisms to ensure that schemes are monitored and evaluated in line with DfT guidance on the evaluation of local major schemes; • how evaluation and monitoring requirements will be set for individual schemes including funding; • responsibility for undertaking evaluation, how minimum standards will be met and timescales for completion and decisions; • exceptions.

A value for money statement must be produced for each scheme in line with published DfT WebTAG guidance for consideration by the decision making board at each approval stage. The VfM assessment must be signed off as true and accurate by the D2N2 Infrastructure Group.

The LTB normally only approves schemes that offer at least “high” value for money, as assessed using DfT guidance. In limited circumstances schemes offering lower than “high” value for money will be considered, and will be supported by minuted Board decisions specifying the rationale.

The LTB will ensure that the results of evaluation and monitoring are published and reviewed. It will ensure that an agreed evaluation plan is in place by the time the scheme is awarded final funding approval.

Best practice obtained from evaluation and monitoring reports will be shared with other Local Transport Boards and the Department for Transport through short case study briefing notes.

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The LTB will maintain effective financial controls that mirror those of Derbyshire County Council. These will deal with release of funding, cost control and approval conditions.

The LTB will adopt scheme-specific systems for Programme and Risk management that are based on those of the appropriate LTA

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Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Local Transport Body Assurance Framework - Scheme Proforma

Section A – Overview

1. Scheme name

2. Promoting organisation [Specify if promoted on behalf of a third party]

3. Scheme location (with map)

4. Scheme description (with appropriate maps and drawings)

5. Scheme details. If applicable, provide a description of individual components of the scheme

6. Scheme objectives. Describe the intended purpose of the scheme .

7. Scheme effectiveness. Describe the extent to which the scheme is expected to meet its objectives, with reasons.

8. State of readiness and key risks and constraints. Outline the outstanding processes required prior to construction.

9. Contact details of senior Name: responsible officer Email address

Telephone number

Page 203 of 222 Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Local Transport Body Assurance Framework - Scheme Proforma

Section B – Scheme costs

1. Estimated gross cost

2. Requested LTB contribution

3. Outline the approach taken at this stage to risk and contingencies ie Quantified Risk Assessment, assumed contingency percentage

Section C – Scheme appraisal

1. Does the scheme have a WebTAG- compliant Business Case? If so, please append a summary and go on to Question 4.

2. Does the scheme have a spreadsheet of impacts and an Appraisal Summary Table? If so, please append a summary and go on to Question 4.

3. Is there a traffic or transport model available to provide the required level of appraisal? If not, what steps are being taken to put this in place?

4. Contact details (if different to main Name: contact provided in Section A) Email address

Telephone number

Section D – Delivery

1. Delivery timescale – provide indicative project milestone dates (prior to construction).

2. Delivery timescale – provide an indicative start date for construction or initiation.

3. Delivery timescale – provide indicative date for completion of the Page 204 of 222 Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Local Transport Body Assurance Framework - Scheme Proforma


4. Identify any key milestones or key dates for individual project elements not covered above.

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Page 206 of 222 Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Local Transport Body Assurance Framework - Scheme Proforma

Section A – Overview

1. Scheme name

2. Promoting organisation [Specify if promoted on behalf of a third party]

3. Scheme location (with map)

4. Scheme description (with appropriate maps and drawings)

5. Scheme details. If applicable, provide a description of individual components of the scheme

6. Scheme objectives. Describe the intended purpose of the scheme.

7. Scheme effectiveness. Describe the extent to which the scheme is expected to meet its objectives, with reasons.

8. State of readiness and key risks and constraints. Outline the outstanding processes required prior to construction.

9. Contact details of senior Name: responsible officer Email address

Telephone number

Page 207 of 222 Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Local Transport Body Assurance Framework - Scheme Proforma

Section B – Scheme costs

1. Estimated gross cost

2. Requested LTB contribution

3. Outline the approach taken at this stage to risk and contingencies ie Quantified Risk Assessment, assumed contingency percentage

Section C – Scheme appraisal

1. Does the scheme have a WebTAG- compliant Business Case? If so, please append a summary and go on to Question 4.

2. Does the scheme have a spreadsheet of impacts and an Appraisal Summary Table? If so, please append a summary and go on to Question 4.

3. Is there a traffic or transport model available to provide the required level of appraisal? If not, what steps are being taken to put this in place?

4. Contact details (if different to main Name: contact provided in Section A) Email address

Telephone number

Section D – Delivery

1. Delivery timescale – provide indicative project milestone dates (prior to construction).

2. Delivery timescale – provide an indicative start date for construction or initiation.

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3. Delivery timescale – provide indicative date for completion of the project.

4. Identify any key milestones or key dates for individual project elements not covered above.

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Report to the Transport & Highways Committee

21 st March 2013

Agenda Item:



Purpose of the Report

The purpose of this report is to inform Committee of responses to the issues raised in petitions presented to the Chairman of the County Council at the Council meeting on 20 th December 2012 and to the Chairman of the Transport & Highways Committee at the meeting on 15 th January 2013:

A. Petition requesting an upgrade of the zebra crossing at Newthorpe

B. Petition requesting a School Crossing Patrol for Park Street Beeston

C. Petition requesting Residents Parking Scheme – Lime Grove Retford

D. Petition requesting safety improvements at the A614/Mickledale Lane junction, Bilsthorpe

E. Petition requesting Residents Parking Scheme – Stubbing Lane, Worksop

F. Petition requesting improvements on The Hill and Chapel Street, Kirkby in Ashfield

G. Petition concerning vehicle speeds - Town Street, Bramcote

H. Petition requesting for the street lighting in Styrrup & Oldcoates to be returned to all night

I. Petition Requesting that Local Bus Service 17 be reinstated

A. Request for an upgrade of the zebra crossing at Newthorpe

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1. A petition was presented by County Councillor Keith Longdon on behalf of 124 residents of Newthorpe. The petition requests an upgrade of the zebra crossing to a light controlled crossing.

2. A zebra crossing was installed on B6010 Nottingham Road at its junction with Newthorpe Common during 2012/13 following a petition request for a pedestrian crossing. An interactive speed sign was also installed at the same time to assist in slowing traffic on its approach to the crossing.

3. There have been no injury accidents at this location involving people using the new crossing. Speed surveys will, however, be undertaken on the approaches to the zebra crossing to determine if the existing zebra crossing needs to be upgraded to a light signal crossing.

B. Petition requesting a School Crossing Patrol for Park Street, Beeston

4. A petition was presented at the County Council meeting on 20 December 2012 by County Councillor Steve Carr, requesting the provision of a School Crossing Patrol (SCP) on Park Street Beeston.

5. The previous SCP at this location retired in September 2012, and following an extensive recruitment drive, two applications for this post were received over the Christmas holiday period. Following an interview and a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check, the appointment of a SCP was made and the successful candidate is now working on site.

C. Petition requesting Residents Parking Scheme – Lime Grove, Retford

6. An 10 signature petition was presented to the 20th December meeting of the County Council by Councillor Mike Quigley. The petitioners are objecting to non-residential parking along Lime Grove, reporting restricted access to and from properties, access difficulties for emergency services and footpath obstruction.

7. The petition reportedly represents all residents of Lime Grove who are in favour of paying the £25 fee for resident parking permits.

8. Requests for Residents Parking Schemes are currently being considered for funding and as a result of this petition Lime Grove will be put forward for consideration.

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D. Petition requesting safety improvements at the A614/Mickledale Lane junction, Bilsthorpe

9. Three petitions were presented by County Councillor John Peck – an on-line petition on behalf of 172 people; accompanied by a petition with 490 hand written names; the third petition containing 416 names dates from 2009. None of the names on the petitions have been cross checked for double counting. The petition requests safety improvements to the A614/Mickledale Lane, Bilsthorpe junction.

10. There have been six collisions at this location during the period 01.01.07- 31.10.12, an average of one collision per year. Five of the collisions resulted in only slight casualties with only one of the six collisions resulting in a serious casualty. The site would not therefore be prioritised for an accident remedial scheme. It is also estimated that the introduction of traffic signals at this junction may increase the number of accidents (using COBA cost benefit analysis). It is therefore not currently proposed to install traffic signals at this junction.

11. The improvements made at Rose Cottage could potentially provide more opportunities for traffic to turn into and out of Mickledale Lane (as it could provide gaps in the traffic flows). A review of the existing signing on the approach to the A614/Mickledale Lane will, however, be undertaken and updated if necessary.

E. Petition requesting Residents Parking Scheme – Stubbing Lane, Worksop

12. A 169 signature petition was presented to the 20 th December meeting of the County Council by Councillor Kevin Greaves. The petitioners are objecting to non-residential parking along Stubbing Lane and surrounding areas, reporting restricted access for parking outside properties, access difficulties for emergency services and buses and road safety issues associated with limited visibility caused by parking.

13. Requests for Residents Parking Schemes are currently being considered for funding and as a result of this petition Stubbing Lane will be put forward for consideration.

F. Improvements on The Hill and Chapel Street, Kirkby in Ashfield

14. A petition was presented by County Councillor Rachel Madden on behalf of 101 residents. The petition requests a review of the traffic system and the introduction of a 20mph speed limit along The Hill and Chapel Street.

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15. There have been no injury accidents involving pedestrians along The Hill and Chapel Street during the period 1/1/07 – 31/10/12 and speed was not detailed as a contributory factor to any of the accidents involving only vehicles.

16. Speed surveys will, however, be undertaken on The Hill and Chapel Street to determine if vehicles exceeding the speed limit are a significant problem. If, once these surveys are completed, vehicle speeds are considered too high, then appropriate measures to address the identified problem will be investigated.

G. Petition - Vehicle Speeds, Town Street, Bramcote

17. A 92 signature petition was presented to the 15th January 2013 meeting of the Transport and Highways Committee by Councillor Stan Heptinstall. The petitioners request that physical traffic calming measures be introduced on Town Street Bramcote. There are also concerns over the effectiveness of the interactive sign.

18. In conjunction with the petitioners, survey work has been carried out which shows the average speed is between 28 and 31 mph.

19. The environmental impact and noise created by traffic calming measures as well as limited support has led to traffic calming schemes being introduced only where there has been an identified injury accident problem involving vulnerable roads users. There have been five slight injury accidents in the period 1/1/09 to 30/4/12 along Town Street with only one of them involving a vehicle driving too fast for the conditions and as such a traffic calming scheme cannot be justified on accident reduction grounds.

20. The interactive sign in question was problematic as it was one of the earliest models installed and it has now been replaced with a new one. The results from the speed survey show that the sign is on the side where vehicles are travelling at a greater speed.

H. Petition requesting for the street lighting in Styrrup & Oldcoates to be returned to all night

21. A petition was presented to the Chairman at the meeting of the Transport and Highways Committee on 15 th January by Councillor Sheila Place. The petition opposed the reduced street lighting which has been implemented on

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some roads in Styrrup & Oldcoates in April 2012 as part of the Street Lighting Energy Saving Project.

22. The area has suffered from reports of crime in recent months and this has raised local concerns around fear of crime and subsequent requests for the lighting to be returned to all night.

23. The six month review has been completed and shows a slight increase in crime but this is representative with a general increase in rural crime in the Bassetlaw area. Further advice has been requested from the local police and the adjusted lighting is not thought to have had a detrimental effect on crime in Styrrup & Oldcoates.

24. Based on the process recently agreed at the Transport & Highways Committee, the decision has been taken to wait for the 12 month review data to become available. This will give a true picture of what is happening with regard to crime and a decision will be taken once the review is fully complete.

I. Petition Requesting that Local Bus Service 17 be reinstated

25. A petition was presented to the Transport & Highways Committee meeting on 15th January 2013 by Councillor Stan Heptinstall requesting that Local Bus Service 17, operating from Nottingham via Stapleford and Toton to Beeston be reinstated. This commercial service operated by Premiere Travel, who have since ceased trading, was withdrawn on the 2 nd January this year. To resolve this matter the Toton Connect service, funded by the County Council, was extended to operate from Stapleford. Passengers wishing to travel to Nottingham or Beeston can then connect using other high frequency commercial services operating in the area.

Reason for Recommendation

26. To update members on the petitions presented to the County Council on 20 th December 2012 and to the Transport & Highways Committee on 15 th January 2013.

Statutory and Policy Implications

Page 215 of 222 5

27. This report has been compiled after consideration of implications in respect of finance, equal opportunities, human resources, crime and disorder, human rights, the safeguarding of children, sustainability and the environment and those using the service and where such implications are material they are described below. Appropriate consultation has been undertaken and advice sought on these issues as required.


1. It is RECOMMENDED that the proposed actions be approved and passed to Full Council for noting.

For any enquiries about this report please contact: Peter Barker

Background Papers


Electoral Division(s)

Eastwood, Beeston North, Retford West, Rufford, Worksop West, Kirkby in Ashfield South, Bramcote and Stapleford, Blyth and Harworth.

Page 216 of 222 6 Report to Transport and Highways Committee

21 March 2013

Agenda Item:



Purpose of the Report

1. To consider the Committee’s work programme for 2013.

Information and Advice

2. The County Council requires each committee to maintain a work programme. The work programme will assist the management of the committee’s agenda, the scheduling of the committee’s business and forward planning. The work programme will be updated and reviewed at each pre-agenda meeting and committee meeting. Any member of the committee is able to suggest items for possible inclusion.

3. The attached work programme has been drafted in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, and includes items which can be anticipated at the present time. Other items will be added to the programme as they are identified.

4. As part of the transparency introduced by the new committee arrangements, committees are expected to review day to day operational decisions made by officers using their delegated powers. It is anticipated that the committee will wish to commission periodic reports on such decisions. The committee is therefore requested to identify activities on which it would like to receive reports for inclusion in the work programme. It may be that the presentations about activities in the committee’s remit will help to inform this.

Other Options Considered

5. None.

Reason/s for Recommendation/s

6. To assist the committee in preparing its work programme.

Statutory and Policy Implications

Page 217 of 222 1 7. This report has been compiled after consideration of implications in respect of finance, equal opportunities, human resources, crime and disorder, human rights, the safeguarding of children, sustainability and the environment and those using the service and where such implications are material they are described below. Appropriate consultation has been undertaken and advice sought on these issues as required.


1) That the committee’s work programme be noted, and consideration be given to any changes which the committee wishes to make.

Jayne Francis-Ward Corporate Director, Policy, Planning and Corporate Services

For any enquiries about this report please contact: David Forster, x 73552

Constitutional Comments (SLB 2/3/2013)

1. The Committee has authority to consider the matters set out in this report by virtue of its terms of reference.

Financial Comments (MA 2/3/2013)

2. There are no direct financial implications arising from the contents of this report. Any future reports to Committee on operational activities and officer working groups, will contain relevant financial information and comments.

Background Papers


Electoral Division(s) and Member(s) Affected All


Report Title Brief summary of agenda item For Decision or Lead Officer Report Author Information ? 21 st March 2013 Concessionary Travel Progress report and final scheme 2012/13 Decision Mark Hudson Dave Bennett

Holly Drive, Mansfield - TRO Report of Objections Decision Andy Neil Hodgson Warrington Road Safety Campaigns and Details of campaigns and initiatives Info. Andy Zena Oliver Initiatives Warrington Quarterly Progress Report Review of Performance (Oct-Nov-Dec) Info. Andy Gary Wood Warrington Local Transport Body Referral from Policy Committee Info. Andy Kevin Sharman Warrington Enforceable ‘’School Keep Status of markings to change from advisory to mandatory Decision Andy Suzanne Clear’’ Markings Warrington Heydon Ash Tree Disease Implications for Nottinghamshire Info. Andy Dave Simpkin Warrington 2013/14 Capital Programme Progress Report Info. Andy Sean Parks Update Warrington Local Sustainable Transport Progress Report Info. Andy Sean Parks Fund Update Warrington Bus Lane Enforcement Proposed scheme. Decision Andy Peter Goode Warrington TITAN : Progress Report Progress Report Decision Mark Hudson Mary Roche

FUTURE MEETINGS Speed Management Policy Update Decision Andy Clive Wood Warrington A453 Regular Update Info. Andy Neil Hodgson Warrington Page 219 of 222


Report Title Brief summary of agenda item For Decision or Lead Officer Report Author Information ? FUTURE MEETINGS Local Transport Body Scheme Prioritisation Decision Andy Gary Wood Warrington A453 Regular Update Info. Andy Neil Hodgson Warrington Highways Update Progress Report Info. Andy Andy Warrington Warrington

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