Celebrate Passover with Temple Sinai 2021

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Celebrate Passover with Temple Sinai 2021 Celebrate Passover with Temple Sinai 2021 Passover begins on Saturday night, March 27, and Temple Sinai wants everyone to celebrate a wonderful Pesach holiday. We hope to bring the joy of liberation into all our lives during this second consecutive year of observing Pesach during the COVID pandemic. Here are ways you can connect with Temple Sinai to celebrate Passover this year: First Night of Pesach – Host Someone as a Virtual Guest for Seder by Zoom Temple Sinai is again matching hosts and guests for the first night Seder, connecting people who may not have a place for First Seder to attend (by Zoom) Seders by those who can host them. Are you using Zoom to “host” your personal Seder this year, and if so, would you consider “inviting” a Temple Sinai member to join you by video? Temple Sinai will match people who are using Zoom for fist night Seder. Please sign up here if you are willing to “host” a virtual guest: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hmDnx84HdRaaPx22I_YLAYe_wiOHMWA7WM5qlF3eq ZQ/edit?usp=sharing Please sign up here if you would like to be matched as a “guest” at someone’s virtual Seder. Please sign up by Tuesday, March 23. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k_0eQ- Mat75ENSImAMh3c7LgHIEvrJlaoLTAAwxJYjw/edit?usp=sharing Second Night of Pesach – Join Temple Sinai’s Second Seder, by Zoom! Sunday evening, March 28, 6:00pm Temple Sinai member Jeremy Wolfe will again lead Temple Sinai's Second Night Seder from his home via Zoom, with Robin Orwant leading Seder singing. This will be an interactive Seder, using video technology for small group discussion and participation by everyone! Jeremy will use Screen Sharing to display pages from a user-friendly Haggadah. Registration is free, but we do request you to register. Please sign up by clicking here https://sinaibrookline.shulcloud.com/form/second-night-seder.html so we can know to expect you, and send out Zoom links and the Hagaddah PDF. Kids and adults --all are welcome! Yizkor service for the Seventh morning of Pesach Saturday, April 3, 9:00am Led by Rabbi Vogel and rabbinic intern & vocalist Leah Carnow, by Zoom Please join Rabbi Vogel by Zoom video link on Saturday morning, at 9:00 a.m. for our Seventh Day of Passover / Shabbat service, including Yizkor memorial prayers for loved ones. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86822599918?pwd=SHQvTi9XNFljMjdTMjFjZnFTOHErUT09 Adult Learning Adult Learning Class: “Insights for a Zoom Seder” Wednesday March 17 7:30-8:30 PM Taught by Rabbi Talia Stein Join Rabbi Stein for a class to prepare for your seder! We'll explore some of the essential pieces of the seder more deeply and go over some of the best ways to use zoom to make your seder fun and interesting! Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81816494353?pwd=UGYxTDVCdUE1bjRpdmZ2YlRhNVRaUT09 Annual Passover Lecture: Returning to Egypt with Dr. Joyce Zonana Sunday, March 21, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. When the Jews left Egypt during the Exodus, they were told never to return, yet Cairo and other parts of the country housed vibrant Jewish neighborhoods. Most of us know nothing of modern Egyptian Jewry, which endured until their expulsion with the creation of the State of Israel. Dr. Zonana will take us back to Egypt to look at the culture that once existed there. Joyce Zonana is a writer, literary translator, and professor emerita of English at the City University of New York. A MacDowel Fellow, she has received several translation awards, including the PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grant and the ALTA Emerging Translator Mentorship. She was born in Cairo and raised in New York City. Her memoir, Dream Homes: From Cairo to Katrina, an Exile's Journey, grew out of her realization that all of her academic writing was really about herself Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88617950314?pwd=MVRHZnMrNEV4OHZHTHJGc2FKLzlsQT09 Cape Verdean-Jewish Passover Seder Co-sponsored by Temple Sinai Sunday, March 21 2:00 pm EDT on Zoom Cape Verdeans and Jews – What do we have in common? More than you might imagine, it turns out! Join us for this free event, as we celebrate the commonalities and shared history between the Cape Verdean and Jewish peoples. This Seder features a Cape Verde Haggadah (in English and Cape Verdean Creole, with prayers in Hebrew), the very first and only to incorporate Jewish and Cape Verdean cultures. Join us, as we get to know each other and share both groups’ journeys from slavery to freedom! This year, we will have people and special guests participating from Cape Verde, Europe, and many parts of the US! To register, please RSVP to [email protected] Seder in a Box CJP is again providing a "Seder in a Box" for individuals in need within the Boston Jewish community for Passover during the COVID-19 pandemic. People interested in receiving the Seder-in-a-Box should contact Rabbi Vogel directly by this Friday, March 12, at [email protected] Young Adult Passover Trivia Night Saturday, April 3rd, 6:00 PM Join with other Temple Sinai members in their 20s and 30s for team trivia, a night of collaborative games and fun! We'll have special Passover themed questions but also your favorite trivia categories! Bring your own snacks and drinks. No trivia skills necessary! Sign up with friends and form a team. Or don't have a team and want to meet and play with others? We'll match you. Join us! Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc- rg450zBujdvmIahC_JN_VeGpI0PHZQeQ0JVfR4gO30_kBA/viewform?usp=sf_link Resources for Your Passover! Check out these helpful resources for making your Passover joyful, meaningful, lively and filled with freedom! • JewishLive – Downloadable Haggaddahs: https://www.jewishlive.org/passover • Reform Judaism: https://reformjudaism.org/jewish-holidays/passover • Gateways Jewish Learning: https://www.jgateways.org/Resources/Passover • Truah Rabbinic Human Rights: https://truah.org/resources/our-most-popular-passover- pesach-resources/ • Ritual Well: Feminist Seder resources: https://www.ritualwell.org/ritual/outline- feminist-seder .
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