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Central Florida Future, Vol. 20 No. 67, June 29, 1988

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Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 20 No. 67, June 29, 1988" (1988). Central Florida Future. 785. he Central Florida Future c 1988 The Central Florida FutU'8 Volume 20, Number 67 University of Central Florida/Orlando Wednesday June 29, 1988 Senate passes SG budget ; Colbourn's, Tubbs' OK next the new computer lab, which is by Brian Smith • free to all students. CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE In addition to being the largest SG budget ever, it is The Student Senate passed also its first attempt at a line­ its first-ever line-item budget, item budget. Previous budgets a budget which outlines how were written on an SG will operate for the 1988.,89 r - operational basis in which school year. broad operating areas were The size of this $1.4 million allocated a lump sum of budget, the largest in UCF money. history, reflects the additional Under the new line item­ • $297 ,000 raised from the '85- budget, every expenditure is cent increase in the Activity listed separately.The Senate and Service fee. Begin - designed the budget in this ning this fall, students who manner in an attempt to bet­ register for classes at UCF will ter control its expenditures. pay an additional 85 cents per "This budget will allow us to credit hour. This increase will track the spending of funds." change the Activity and Serv- said Fred Schmidt, Senate ice fee from $3.05 to $3.90 per president. credit hour. He added that the tracking The extra money generated of expenditures will allow the this year was used to increase Senate to make "corrections the services that Student Gov- immediately in the event that ernment provides. These im- an area goes over budget." provements include $60,000 In the past, overexpendi­ for lighting one softball field, tures went undetected until a $8,000 for the purchase of new year-end audit of the account­ weightlifting equipment and ing books. Schmidt said this $1,200 for Student Govern- budget "will complement the ment to officially sponsor the professional managing style Alpha Phi Omega book buy that has emerged since the back. hiring of a business manager The Senate also a1located to direct SG operations." $1 7,000 to purchase com put- While the Senate is enthu­ ers and other accessories for a siastic about the new budget, new student computer lab. Student Government will staff SEE BUDGET PAGE 5

UCF Band gets new-director Marching Knights led by former FSU graduate assisistant . UCF, was a graduate assistant the first day of fall classes. by Doris Plister for the marching bands at "There is always confusion CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Florida State University and during transition, but I'm the University of Northern trying to make things go as A new band director has· Colorado. He recently com­ smoothly as possible by con­ been selected to lead the UCF pleted his Ph.D. in music edu­ tacting students who show Marching Knights marching cation at FSU. interest in the band to see if band this fall. To prepare for the 1988-89 they're interested in joining," The UCF Department of marching season, Greenwood Greenwood said. Although he Music announced that Rick has been contacting students will not have an assistant, he File Photo/Central Florida Future Greenwood, a Kentucky na­ interested in joining band and claims, "fll be getting plenty of tive; will take over as band has been looking for musicians help from within the organiza­ QUIET STUDY director beginning July 1. to arrange songs. Greenwood tion. Jerry Gardner [wind en­ Greenwood has been teach­ has also been preparing for the semble director] has been a Students on campus are spending their time studying now ing in public schools for eight annual summer band camp, that Summer "B. term is in session. · years, and prior to ~rriving at which begins a week prior to SEE BAND PAGE 7 SPORTS OPl·NION NEWSCLWS 3 • Sports Editor Paul • Should the Libertari- OPINIO.N 8 Owers shares some of his ans be allowed on the favorite quotations. ballot? Also, a staff col- COMICS 9 Also, the Orlondo Lions umnist comments on TV continue on the playoff evangelists who claim CLASSIFIED 10 path. · rock music is evil. SPORTS 12 2, The Central Florida Future, June '29, 1988 • ..

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Student Government would like to extend its " -

1st Prize Gil Chavez ------$150.00 2nd Prize Gaelyn Wolf ------ucF Cross Pen .... ., , 3rd Prize Cathy DeWitt ~ ~ ' ------$10.00~iftCertiftcate from Kelsey's Pizzeria· .. C«ldratiaw ,.,..2'J y.,.. ofSnvice The Central Florida Future, June 29, 1988, 3 Expressway extension ahead· of schedule Expressway Authority-$433 million project should by ready for motorists by 1990

is the Eastern Extension. This simply · - David Schlenker by stretches the already established Ex­ EDITOR IN CHIEF pressway six miles eastward, connect­ ing with State Road 50 approximately The 26-mile extension of the East­ two miles east of Alafaya Trail. • West Expressway is on budget and This project, as well, is strictly on ahead of schedule, according to the schedule and budget, costing $106 Orlando-Orange County Expressway million and opening to traffic around Authority. April, 1989. The $433 million project, described According to the Expressway Au­ by the Authority as the largest road­ thority, "A new interchange on the building program in the state and one Expressway, west of Econlockhatchee ofthe most ambitious in the nation, will Trail, will link a connector to State be open to traffic by 1990. Road 50 and the Northeast and South­ With direction and help 'from the east beltways, as well as permitting Authority, the completion of the East­ traffic to go to a new State Road 50 West Expressway extensions have interchange near the Central Florida been ·moved ~ead by. more than a Research Park. This interchange, east -, decade. In 1983, the construction of the of Woodbury Road, will become the extensions were to start well after the Expressway's eastern end." year 2000. The only problems that students The hot weather has not hindered the progress on the Northwest Beltway. "Until we came on the scene, it (the foresee center on increased traffic completion) was more like 2005 or throughout the area. University Blvd 2010," said Jewell Symmes, manager is a major concern. of communications fo_r the Expressway "It all sounds great, but my only Beltway and East-West Expressway Construction Authority. "That was the original worry is that it is going to increase • plan." traffic in this area, especially on Uni­ The road-building program, called versity," said Tom Davis, a Science Current construction on the 26 mile Expressway system will consist of a "The Expressway: The Best Way," Education major. Northeast Beltway, Southeast Beltway, Eastern Extension, and Western consists of five separate projects: According to the Expressway Au­ Extension. It will cost a total of $433 million and should be completed by 1990. Northeast Beltway, Southeast Belt­ thority, however, ·traffic will not in­ Construction on the Northwest Beltway will not begin until 1990. way, Eastern Extension, Western crease, and the extensions will only Extension and more than $1 O million benefit common Orlando road conges­ worth of improvements to the existing tion. East-West Expressway. The projects "We anticipate that the expressway that will directly affect the UCF area will relieve traffic," Symmes said. . are the Northeast Beltway and the The logic behind the extensions is Eastern Extension.· slated toward giving the bulk of city The students of the University of traffic faster and easier alternatives. Central Florida are certainly no Another area of concern is the extra strangers to road construction. As stu­ money that residents will be paying in dents travel west on Univer~ity Boule­ tolls for the new roads. The Express­ vard, they can't help but notice the way, as it stands now, has two. major overpass evolving about two miles east · toll booths at 50 cents per booth, as well of Goldenrod Road. This part of the as exit ramps at 25 cents each. With extension is the-Northeast Beltway. more toll roads comes more toll booths. The Beltway picks-up where the The number of extra toll booths ' . east end of the Expressway leaves-off. planned for the new beltways is un­ This six-mile stretch that connects to sure, but according to Symmes, "there State Road 426 (Semorari Blvd.) will be will be a lot!" completed around January, 1989. Con­ The construction company handling struction on this section, costing $89 the project is Hubbard and Co. Every million, began last July. effort is being made to expand the As far as Orange County is con­ Expressway without inconveniencing cerned, the Northeast Extension is Orlando motorists. only six miles long, yet the entire belt­ As far as moving houses out of the ·...... _, ·· ... :..... ;...... · ... tonlat ·" ...... · · ...... ·... · ··· .. .. way continues far into Seminole County after State Road 426, traveling north to Apopka and then pulling south e;!;~:~:£~£~~~=~£!~~2 ~~~~v~~~~- ;·:'.;_;;:·.··. ; .. :·.•: : ··-·· ····~:: ·; • . : ...... again, eventually rejoining State Road other areas during· the day and early · :: Western 50 on the west side of Orlando. evening. This was done in order not to. :=~ Extension • .. ::=:·:=:=·=:.: Nj:r==·: ....:. :.:...... • .. ,. . For students that have to take 441 create further traffic jams. ;·, E-W Exp~y. . / '"' .. ,,.,_. .. ':' @ii*?~<'.\.:··,.. w1_11 _end Jul 1990 at a cost of $106 ;/ E-W Expw_y. : · d f 0 :· Construction will ,...... ·: ,... _., .~.. P:i · .... :.. Miiiion. .., Construction north when they go home for the holi- · The b el tways run m an out o r- '· t t A ::::- 4 =: ·: :·:::::: .. :::·:• : :·; .. _, ...... ,, ..·:::: ... · ., .. " ·"· started Oct - days, the new beltway will permit 1989 northbound travelers to completely avoid the overburdened State Road 436. ~~~~~3~i~~i::~~~ .!~g ~:i~t~:~: ~!.-~;t::~·;i;;,:.7~ ~ :.~i!-li' l:, ; ·:~:li1.. ·· i~~~:! : The other section of the expansion Orlando-Orange County Expressway SOUR~E: · ~~l~~ ·d~Or~~· ~~ ·~~~~fY ..E~pre~~~ A·~h~ritv ...... ~~~~/~~~~AL . FLORIDA FUTURE that will directly affect UCF students Authority.

• BLOOD PRIVE and receives a free health lection and needs 83,000 labels ety is holding a garage sale upcoming election, as well as screening. to win an IBM personal com­ fromJuly15-17toraisemoney other issues of concern. Donors who roll up their Donors may give blood on puter. for cancer research. sleeves on June 30, the sixth June30from9a.m. Labels are needed from the Automobile parts, office • MORE MEETINGS annual Blood Brotherhood the Orlando Expo Centre or at following products: Campbells supplies and equipment, Day, can register for grand one of the following Central Soups, V-8 Juice, Pepperidge ·sporting goods, furniture and The Political Science/ Pre­ be prize drawings, receive special Florida Blood Bank locations: Farm, .Swanson,.. Prego, Le toys will be on sale. Law Union will meeting entertainment coupons and 1300 S. Kuhl Avenue, Florida Menu, as well as lids from The gargage sale will be Thursday at 4 p.m. in Student other prizes. Hospital-Orlando Branch, and Vlasic Pickle jars. held at 8255 Exchange Drive Center 211 all during "B" WFTV Channel-Nine of 240 Edinburgh Drive, Suite 2. Labels can be dropped off at in Orlando. For more informa­ term. Nonmembers are in­ l Orlando is sponsoring the the Creative School, located tion, call the American Cancer vited to attend. .l event to increase the i • LABELS NEEDED behind the police station on Society at 843-8680. l community's blood supply for Gemini Blvd., or at Student • PR WORKSHOP 1 the Fourth of July holiday. Anyone who has Legal Services, in the Student •DEMOCRATS The 12th annual Publicity Any healthy person who is Campbell's product labels is Center, Room 210. All dona­ The UCF College Demo­ Workshop entitled 'Be A PR at least 1 7 years old may give asked to donate them to UCFs tions are appreciated. Star,' will be held July 20 9 blood and there is no upper age Creative School for Children. crats will have their next meeting Wednesday, July 6 at a.m. in the Bush Science Audi­ restriction. · • The school, for children ages 2- torium, Rollins College. Each donor is asked to com­ 5, is participating in its first • FUNDRAISER 5 p.m. in eEBA 324. Meetings will focus on the For more information, call plete a medical questionnaire annual Camppell's Lab~ls Col- , . The American Cancer Soci- 896-0945. 1 £-, < -, L ·;· f~~ .-~

.r.• 4, The Central Florida Future, June 29, 1988

Eye injuries can occur from imprOper use in Fourth celebrations celebrations, resulting from Roman candles, sky • Be sure the firework has a clearly printed by Doris Pfister rockets, firecracker bombs and sparklers exploding. manufacturer's na~e, address and cautionary label. NEWS EDITOR Families are encouraged to enjoy community - Fireworks lacking this information are probably ille­ sponsored fireworks displays. The Society warns, gal. More than one offour reported injuries each year With the Fourth of July just around the comer, however, "knowledgeable adults should oversee indi­ is caused by illegal fireworks. The Central Florida Future, in conjunction with the vidual use of even relatively safe fireworks such as • Read the instruction lable before igniting a Florida Society of Ophthalmology in Winter Park, sparklers." product. A majority of firework-related injuries were would like to offer students afew shocking statistics Adult supervision may not be sufficient unless caused from misuse rather than product defect, ac­ and tips concerning fireworks. · each person is somewhat familiar with the dangers cording to the Consumer Product Safety Commis­ AccordingtoMa(k Sibley, president of the Society, and general rules of safety. sion. "An estimated 9,000 Americans will be injured by The Florida Society of Ophthalmology offers these •In case of an eye injury, do not press, rub or touch fireworks this year-some very seriously." Approxi­ suggestions: the eye. Seek medical care immediately. mately 1, 700 of these accidents damaged the eye, •If possible always wear safety glasses or goggles There is no need for individuals to be injured this according to records ofthe nation's ophthalmologists. when setting fireworks. Fourth of July. - Of those eye injuries, one-fourth resulted in blind­ • Do not put firecrackers in bottles, tin cans or By taking the necessary precautions and using ness or permanent visual loss. under clay pots since these objects can shat~r and common sense, everyone can have a safe and fun One in 20 -lost all useful vision in the injured shooot fragments into the eye. holiday. member. · ..) • Don't throw sparklers into the air or wave them The Central FlorU:la Future wishes everyone a Most fireworks injuries occur during the July 4th near a person's eyes. healthly, happy and safe Fourth of July. Don't get bu~ned when choosing fireworks the Fourth of July • by Doris Pfister Illegal Fourth of July Fireworks type rockets, certain sparklers and NEWS EDITOR revolving wheels. Cherry bombs, M-BO's and Silver Salutes have been banned by Federal To determine ifpurchased fireworks law since 1966 because of the large amounts of explosives which they are of the Class C type, look for the name of the manufacturer and the Florida is one of 28 states which contain. allows some or all types oflegal Class C words "Class C Common Fireworks" on fireworks,. which are approved by the Cherry Silver Salute the item or the package. If these do not enforcing authority or specified by appear, according to the Consumer state law. Product Safety Commission, the item Class C fireworks are those fire• may have been made illegally and works devices classified as "common could be very unsafe. fir.eworks" by the U.S. Department of The law also requires that all fire­ Transportation. Class C fireworks in­ works must show the name of the item, clude cone fountains, cylindrical foun­ have an easy-to-read cautionary label, tains, roman candles, sky rockets, fire­ crackers, mines and shells, helicopter- SOURCE: U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commision Scott/CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE SEE FIREWOR..KS PAGE 6


-SERVING ~~ we also eature: • STUDENTS Student Discount Cards and

Celebrating 20 Years of Service 1968"88 • The Central Florida Fu1ure, J1..11e 29-. 1988, 5

CORRECTIONS SORORITY HOUSE June 15, Number 65-In the story on Greek Park, The Central Florida Future said the Pi Beta Phi sorority house will open in 1989. The Pi Beta Phi house will actually open in the fall of 1988.

MISSPELLED HOUSE June 15, Number 65-In the story "Track and field house finds a home," Director ofFacili- - ties and Planning Jerry Osterhaus' name was misspelled.


Denver Stutler, student body president, was not as thrilled. "The new budget does not allow for the flexibility that is needed to effectively run the Stu­ dent Government," he said. • He suggested the budget "should combine both line-item and operational portions." Items such as salaries, utilities and capital expenditures would be line-item, whereas o.ther expenditures would be • operational. The budget now goes to Levester Tubbs, vice president of student affairs, and UCF President for approval. Features The Central Florida Future is look­ ing for writers for the entertainment section. If you're interested, stop by or caU 275-2865.


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' 0 f ( <( 6, The Central Florlda Future, June 29, 1988

Fl REWORKS . . ingredient used in fireworks. FROM PAGE 4 When ignited, it creates great volumes of gas which can hurl a shell hundreds of feet in the and instructions for proper air or push a pinwheel around use. Fireworks must be of in circles. When confined in a sturdy construction, having shell, however, black powder bases securely attached to re- explodes quietly in compari- sist tipping over. son. A firework that is .leaking Chemicals which burn powder' or appears to be old, or readily and give off bright, sh.ows any signs of ~ishan- distinct colors provide the dlmg may fire ~predictably spectacular visual effects as­ and should be avoided. Also, a ... sociated with fireworks. Blue loose fuse may prevent the is the most difficult color to itemfromignitingasitshould. make and the search for a Individuals should avoid chemical compound which will any fireworks device that ap- prodl,lce a better, darker hue pears to have been wet and continues even now according then dried. Water affects the to Green and Schen'ck. sensitive chemicals inside. In Once the fireworks maker addition, moisture can cause chooses the colors he wants the compositi?n to penetrate the appropriate chemical pow~ the paper ca~mg or cause th~ ders are compressed into ~spi­ fuse to deten~rate. rin-sized pellets called stars. A Among the illegal fireworks Roman candle will contain are M-80s, M-lOOs and s~lver only a few stars and will shoot salutes. Cherry bombs, silver them out one by one, while an s~lutes and M-80s have ~een aerial shell might contain banned by federal law smce · hundreds of stars, each leav- 1966 because of ~he large ing a single trail of brilliant . amounts of explosives they color in the sky when the shell contain. . . . explodes. According to Anne Green The safety of a firework is and Martq~ Schenck of the also determined by the choice Consumer Product . Safety of materials and the method of Commission in Washington, packing it.into the casing. The BASHFUL BLOSSOMS ·· D.C., "How the maker. wants a fuses 'of -better quality fire­ . . particular firework to perform works bum slowly enough to The tree, commonly known as the Century Plant, has bloomed for the first-and final time in determi~es what . · ~ubstances allow the user to get away. its life. According to Dr. Haven.Sweet, the Agave americana blooms ~~ .ly o~ce in .its. are -used and how. they are When coated with a fire-resis­ twenty year life span then dies. The tree was located next to the Adm1nistrat1o_n bu1lld1ng packed into the fir~~ork cas- tant material, the danger of and was curdown last weekend. mg." . accidentally igniting the fuse . Black powder,.· old-fas~- causing the firework to go .off ioned gun powder, is the basic too early is greatly reduced.

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• The Central Florida Future, June 29, 1988, 7

OVIEDO LODGE Ethel & Bob Fayette JA7.1. combo within the band that did several per­ MOTEL Managers FROM PAGE l formances to raise money. Sometimes people don't have enough money Downtown, close to everything or enough room to hire the entire 19-member According to Whitney, the Jazz Lab's single Jazz Lab, so the combo performs at those Special rates for guests at biggest fund raiser was performing for an events." weddings and other events employee benefit sponsored by Cardinal Indus­ The Jazz Lab left yesterday at about 4 p.m., tries. "That event raised about $6,000 toward after a final practice at the UCF rehearsal hall. 148 N. Central, Oviedo, Florida our travel expenses and helped a great deal," The band will land in Frankfurt, West Ger­ 365-5276 said Whitney. many on Wednesday and take a bus to Nurem­ Another thing that helped raise money was burg. While in Europe, Whitney and the the four-to-five member Jazz Combo. members of the Jazz Lab will also tour various According to Whitney, "We also have a countries.


great help so far, and I'm look­ ing forward to working with him in the future. "I'm really excited to start working at UCF because the students seem great and it's a really progressive area. I was Adult ...... $8.00 hoping to stay in Florida after Child ...... $5.00 I graduated. Orlando is a great ...... place to start my new job." Mon.-Fri ...... 9 to a Saturday ...... 9 to 7 Sunday : ...... : ...... 12 to s - Do yo'-:1-like to take pictures? Get them published in The Central Florida Future! , __

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I• Opinion ...... ~~4 Red tape makes it tough for parties to join political race. ~ How does elimi1:1ation of the income tax, cutting go~emmen~ spendmg by one'-third, doing away with so_cial sec~nty, abolishing the draft and completely withdrawmg U.S. troops from foreign countries sound? · Ar~ these ideas ones that you, a new generation of ~encan voters, would support? Would you at least bke the chance to vote for these ideas.? Recently, there was a· petition table set out in • fr~nt oft?e UCF library requesting signatures to put Libertanan presidential candidate Ron Paul and vie~ presidential candidate, Andre'Marrou, o~ the national ball~t. The. pe~tion wasn't asking students to support_L1bertanan ideas, but simply to sign so that the party candidates would be able to appear in the official election . .T~e confusic?n. of the American political system reqwres any mmor party" (according to an em­ ployee at the Orange County Supervisor of Elections Office) to petition for at least 55 000 names from each state in order to appear on the ballot. ~ far. as the ~ibertari an party is concerned, the . poht~c al ideas s wi:i~ more to the left than they do to t~e nght. The p e ti~1 on process is extremely long and d1~ cult. The candidate and/or candidate represen- tative must ~ravel from state to state collecting sig­ nature.s. ':!'his process leaves no time for political campaignmg. . Acc?rding to Marou (in a Central Florida Future FalWell throws stones, ·lives in glass house interview in March) the iAbertarian party also advo­ cates total abolition of the IRS, cutting off govern­ There was an article recently in which Jerry ment subsidies to forei~ countries and abortion up Falwell said rock and roll was the biggest force of · to twelve weeks of pregnancy. The basic motto of the immorality in the world. It's an old story. party centers around decreasing the power of the Falwell said rock was the product of the devil.~lt government to increase individual liberty. They ac­ seems a cruel paradox that a preacher with no more cuse the Democratic and Republican parties of hav­ compassion than a dripping faucet in a sleepy house should condemn as evil one ofthe few forces of dignity ing "ineffective policies." and, in an attempt to find t__he answer, wandered the Whether the voter agrees with the radical policies left in the world. Knocking rock is the least of Falwell's ~ins. His Frisco streets, the Chicago cold, crazy, grey New ofthe Libertarians or not, the red tape involved with York, and all points in between. officially presenting these ideas to the people-should kind have bruised the world in deeper ways. Some­ how, with their mansions, throaty voices and out­ In the twenties, a lost generation found its voice be limited. It appears that.this system was set-up in _in Hemingway and Fitzgerald. The religious Right order to discourage parties such as this one to run. stretched hands, they have managed to transform a faith based in humility and dignity into a religion of of the day condemned them as immoral. In the sev­ Even ifthe party had the money to pay the qualifica­ enties an English generation found its voice with tion fee, it still could not directly enter the race. ego and greed. Falwell seems to have things backwards. He may names such as Rotten and Vicious. Here was a social • _Some i:nay argue that the system was arranged movement that arose from the London fog in which this way m order to keep people that know nothing be one of the true forces of immorality in the world. He has built mighty, religious walls, in the form of a kids ~th~ut jobs and futures l_ooked for something about politics out ofthe race and only want to run for to beheve m. It moved to Amenca... and died. It was .."' .... the fun of it. In the case of the Libertarian party, college in his honor, ye~ none of his money seeps outside these walls.This man build an empire anti­ condemned as evil, and the people who were too old however, both candidates have been involved in the to understand turned the thing into a Fashion state­ government in some way and the party as a whole is thetical to the philosophy which funds it. The Falwells ofthe world are prevalent. Where the ment. a national political party that has been in existence In the '80s, rock and roll put the world in a micro- ,., for well over a decade. food is, roaches will be: Jimmy Swaggert, sweating w~ve and warmed the human spirit. Bob Geldof, Although the Libertarians feel confident that and pontificating in his Babylonian cathedral con­ demning the rock and roll, and later rocking and with th;ee days stubble and ripped jeans, saw a the~ will succeed in app~aring on the national ballot~ news chp on the drought in Ethiopia, saw the faces • their feelings toward the existing government sweating in a prostitute's room. He could slay thou­ of emaciated c~ildren, hollow as a ship'~ hull, and however radical, may have some substance. Th~ sands of years of human dignity if he could raise enough money to buy the gun. _ pro~eeded to bnng a group ofyoung artists together, go':emment doe~~'t want to complicate the system, calhng themselves Band-Aid. so it forms a pohbcal monopoly of sorts, making it The history of rock is a history of young people looking for something to believe in. -The Falwells of Band-Aid evolved into Live Aid. By modern tech- • hard for other views to even be heard. nology, the world was brought as close as Italian The Central Florida Future does not endorse the the world don't understand.. These people claimed God was on their side smashed rock records, as they brothers. Here was Falwell's evil force. Millions Libertarian party, yet it does endorse an election were raised. People were fed. Farm Aid came.along, system that would make it easier for third parties to drove off in fancy cars. The kids just wanted some then Amnesty International, Freedom Fest and in­ be nationally considered for office. fun. Then there was the Fab Four. And gloomy Bobby numerable others. Dylan raged against the social order with his raspy It's wrong that the thoroughly une_nlightened voice in the coffee shops and beat halls of the village, preachers spew out their gibberish about rock un­ 1f:The Central Florida Future d«:tmin~g the morality ofyouth. Some rock is pretty P.O. Box 25000, Orhndo, Florida 32816 and traveled south with other rockers to King's land Business Office (407) 275-2601, News Office (407) 275-2865 and asked why blacks couldn't slide up tothe counter. mmdless, but the kids will grow out of it. It seems Later, it became a movement, and as Lennon's hair that i!l some rock artists, a spirit ofhumanity which grew longer, so did_his generation's. It's more than a ~eemmgly fled the world has returned. This can't be ~ Editor in Chief coincidence that when rock arrived on the scene a foll!1-d _in too many other places-certainly not in the David Schlenker generation began to question what came before them maJonty of the phony religious world.

Managing Editor Leslie Jorgenson Copy Editor Todd Lutz News Editor Doris Pfister •GET IT RIGHT them. You inserted words that I for its newspaper have a respect Sports Editor Paul OWers did not write, changing the mean­ for clarity and correctness oflan­ Confetti Editor Logan Belle Editor: ing of what I said. Most seriously guage. At the very least, one ex­ Art Director R. Scott Horner I am a think) glad that you you omitted a phrase that totall~ pects that a newspaper will not "" Photo Editor Angle Hyde chose to print my letter to the·edi­ altered my meaning, making me convert correctly written sen­ ProducHon Manager Kasha Kitts tor regarding WUCF. I also recog­ seem illogical as well as illiterate. tences into incorrect ones. nize the right of a newspaper to I said that WUCF has obligations Joyce R. Lilie *· edit letters to fit the space avail­ that are "very different from those Chair, Political Science Business Manager Cindy Cowen able. However, your editing of my of - ~ c?mmercial radio station." By Department Ad Production Manager Jim Donato letter made me appear incapable ormtting the words "very different" Classified Manager Tammy Thompson of writing a simple sentence. I you made it appear that I contra­ wrote sentences with parallel dict myself. Letters to the Editor must be Opinions expressed In TM Central Flcrida F111we are those of the editor or writer and not clauses; you altered them so the Among the things which stu­ typed and include the author's . necessarily those of the Board of PubiicOtions, University Administration, or Board of parallelism was lost. I spelled Regents. Letters to the Editor must be typed and Include the author's signature. dents have a right to expect of a signature, major and phone • mc*>r end phone rn.mber. Letters are subject to editing and become the corr-1- words correctly; you misspelled university is that those who work number righted property of the newspaper. TM Celll1'alF/orida F11111n is a free. non-profit. twice weekly newspaper published during the acodemlc year. · The Central Florida Future, June 29, 1988, 9 CAMPUS LITE by Scott TENNIS - Before play, ctoose an injury and then gripe about it to your opponent.

If Gf,t, MY Wf

- 7 -

BASKETBALL - Use common B-Ball VOLLYBALL - Dive for every ball. If · phrases so you at least sound like anything, you'll get lots of pity in the you can play. form of praise. / 'J. V$UJ\Lt-V flAV6 JCG IN MV Vt;INC' Bol 1(ifJAV 1V'£ BGGN. SJ./OOttN6 8/!IC/(c5.


FRISBEE - Blame the other guy for SKIING - Over exaggerate the reasons _ all your bad catches. for your fear of the water. _

Cf'/fON, CAN'( YOU 1i-IROW Jf ~NY \Nlll. MY PAR~NffJ Dt6D tN A c LDSGR 1D ME 1HA>J ~ti.1" f SKIING Acc1l>GN1'.

··1111·1;ill'1l".·. :.:.. :.:. ·.·...• 1!1•• !~!1,1.111 •.. "'·.·. ·.·.·.111 . 1!!~!11 "' :::; 1111 "] ::;ji'll, i1. •• ..11.. Ji 11.... ,, 111,,,.. •.... 11 II A group of contagious infections that are spread almost entirely by sexual contact. There are many myths that surround STDs, and doctors classify 25 PRESENTED BY THE separate sexually transmitted diseas~s, but the vast majority of cases result from UCF STUDENT HEAL TH & WELLNESS CENTER six major illnesses.

j}i~jMf:i~ ... strikes 3 million each year. The most =·~~·:.:,:i ' 281-5841 ~l~$~~ widespread STD. If untreated, can ¥~==~=~Mi cause arthritis and sterility In women l!f~11 can lead to PID and can be passed to . By.Karen Wedner :=:~t..:::-:~f~:~~;:~m~~~=;~ unborn children • !iwil!ll S y M PT O.M S l!l~~~ MEN Resemble gonorreha but :·~:.:.~»=~~jWHfal m1·1d er. p am. dunng . unnation, . . .v. «ii·"'·' ~OOJ@ljli clear watery discharge from ii;w~I penis.. · · · · · ;:~~~~M WOMEN Vagmal 1mtat10n, d1s- - AIDS Testing ::;~~:;rnm charge or frequent or The Student Health Service has decided to :~M:~~~j Virus that attacks the immune system. N~.~r~-=t:is . . . i:L~~~t~~" painful unnatton. Often refer all patients requesting AIDS testing to the ~j~~~fi~@lj~ Victims are susceptible to recurrent ill­ i:~j~1j~1~~l~I no symptoms in women. Orange County Health Department's Anonymous Mii1l~~ ness like pneumonia and unusual dis­ Testing Program. The Anonymous Testing Pro­ ~j~j~~~!~~!~~I eases. Most often spread by sexual con­ ::~@~=~ Estimated 500,000 new cases every gram utilizes a coded number system to identify fol@:H~ tact-but can be spread through needles ;:;:=~ts3:~,,,~ . • clients so names are never given. In additiont the ····"······~ . ~ii"tr~~i~ year. Usually caused by Herpes Sun- program includes pre and post test counseling. The ~~1t;~1n and blood transfusions. No cure is ~~ plex Virus 2, a relative of the common fee is $20.00. For more information, you may call !~~~$;.~~~ found. More than 70% of cases are fatal f' . cold sore. Nocurehasbeenfound. Most 244-2680. !1~11$ contagious when sores are present and Students are encouraged, however, to visit the l;i~~t~~MS ~~t until sores are completely healed. Health Service for AIDS counseling and advice :?~;ii Initially no symptoms. Recurring fever ~~ SYMPTOMS including recommendations regarding testing. ~:~:::~1;:~~ • • h f b th ilf\l~~ and rught sweaung; s ortness o , .rea !m1 Pai~ sore resembling cold so~es on Our professional staff can answer your questions :[~@~[@l and dry cough ~ot related to ~ergies or f~~\~ gem~ areas. May be accompanied by and decide whether you should be tested. :mtMk~ cigarette smoking; changes m patterns t ,,..flu-like symptoms and fever. · Sores The only exception to the above is for patients N~:!~~ of sickness; fatigue; loss of appetite; who are concerned about having had a blood trans­ ::!$. ~<-':!::~~ ~~: usually disap{>ear in 2-5 weeks when fusion between 1978 - 1985. They may still have ~j~I ~apid w~ig~tlo~s; swollen lymph glands ~k~~~~.::, virus goes inactive. Can be triggered by :;%~~:::::~ m amip1ts, groms or neck. "~f;:::---~::.~~ fi h . al their blood drawn at the Student Health Center for ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Ml!#~ stress, ever or p ys1c trauma. testing by special arrangement with the Central If you have any questions, or would like to know more about STDs - Florida Blood Bank. contact the Health Resource Center at X 5841. . Class~ WANTED: Resp. GWM 20-29 student or professional to share 2bed/2bath townhouse In SI/II Orlando w /GWM 22 All types of student documents. Some day student who enjoys to party but needs service available. IBM letter quality word reliable. mature roommate. S29CJ/month, processing. Role Playing Club utll. lnc .. plus l/2cable&phone. S75dep. CRUISE SHIPS now hlrlngl Summer and Fast • Professional •Accurate We meet every Frk:lay night In Phillips Hall Reply to digital pager (407)828-5286, 24 UCF /MARTIN AREA-assumable only $7800. careeropportunltles. Excellentpay. World WORDMASTERS 277-9600 Rm. 104. Come join the funl F.antasy, Sci­ 3bdrrn .. l 1/2 bath, very clean. New roof. Travell Call (refundable) 1-518-459-3734 ence Fiction. and Bizarre. We welcome all hours. If no response w /I 30 min. please try Professional Word Processing newcomers. again. fenced yd.. celling fans , and two sheds. Ext. P3364B. 273-1780. HIRING! Government jobs- your area. *Student Discount* Documents of any kind Seeking 1 or 2 female roommates to rent $15.000- $68.00l Call (602) 838-8885 Ext. DATA ENTRY EXCELLENCE master bedroom of 2bed/2 1/3bath KORG 8000 Keyboard synthesizer- excel­ 5780. 657-7724 (call for an appt.) condo. Located In Chancellors Row: lent condltlonl $800.00obo. Call647-7197. Winter Park-lmmed. off 1-4 pool, tennis courts. 5 min. from UCF. $300 JAMMERS BEACH CAFE & RAW BAR • Where everyone sits on llfeguaid stands mo. + 1/2 utilities. For Sale-Woterbed/sheets/pod/oak­ FAST TYPING SERVICE bookcase heodboard-$125. Ton sofa w/ and parties!" Now hiring all positions. Contact Cindy at 380-1738. Scheduled to open July 7. Aloma & For­ Quick, professional service. Free revisions. matching loveseat-$125. Loveseat-$20. Roommate wonted: Mature female to syth in Aloma Square Shopping Center. UCF's oldest typing firm. Some day and share house 15ml. from campus $200.00 Roommate needed 2 Bedroom. Bath & a Call 679-8453 or 671-3772. Call or apply after 2:00pm. 678-1221 . weekend seNlce. VISA & MASTERCARD. per mo .• l /2 utilities. Need own bedroom Over 18,300 satisfied students and 4 half.. Fully furnished. Across from UCF. $185 furniture. Contact Jeanne at 237-4463 grouches. + .l /2. For more Info. call Ron at 275-2518 28 ft. mobile home. fully equipped, great Part-time-for HI END ELECTRRONICS-lnter­ between 8:30-4:00. est In -HI Fl or Electronics Is mandatory. 671-3007 from 7am-3:30pm. for college student. Nice Park 5 min. from Hours are flexible. Colonlal Plaza. Call 894- 1 or2 roommates to share nice 3 bedroom UCF. $3700. Call 568-4786 or 568-5224. 0101 -Gall. Resumes and cover letters Designed/ townhouse 10 min. to UCF> $177 mo. = Revised/Typed- 65H1J79. $150 deposit= 1/3 utilities. Call Michelle or 3M Copymlte copier-$75 obo-699-4777. Barry 273-623 l . RESUMES I lYPESETIING Professlonol lasertypesetting. many For sale-_1.5 cu.ft. refridge. $50.00. Call types Non-smoking roommate needed to share of documents. Fast turnaround. Klnko's 380--8798 after 1:OOpm. l ;l~,~~;rn~ifij~!i!~~l!; I 3 bdrm. condo. Pool. tennis courts, own copies across from UCF. Open 7 days a room. 5 min. from UCF. $230 mo. :;:: 1/3 Need a housesltter? Responsible couple week. 658-9518. utilities. Chancellors Row, call 277-6623 GOVERNMENT HOMES from Sl (U-repolr). wishes to housesit. Orange Co. school­ evenings. Delinquent tax property. Repossessions. teachers. active In church, excellent re­ Diversified Business Services. Fast. Profes­ Call 805-687-6000 ext. GH4628 for current frences. Call Jim. 896-547 4. sional word Two roommates needed. processing.Reasonable.Letter Quality. Room available. Immediately. On 436, repo llst. Nice nouse on Park Ave .. Winter Park 3 near Howell Branch Road. 2 males & 1 273-1113. Proposals"Term Papers• bed. 2 bath w/d yard. $250:;:: 1/3 utilities. female seek co-eel for 3rd bedroom. Reports"Dlssertations• Editing. Call Murat 281-5211. work. 647-3112. Share bath. Non-smoker only. Rent: $140/ home. mth. Deposit: $235. Call 678-6396. Female nonsmoklng.§tudent seeks same to share 2 bed/2 l /2 bath townhouse 5 ml from UCF. $300 mo +, 1/2 utilities and phone sec. dep. required. Lisa 273-5996.

Non-Smkr. M/F roommate needed to MOVE IN SPECIAL Free M_prlr:ig CL..AST, Math English & much more. call stuaent AcooemTc Resource share 2bd?2bth. Sun Key Apts. Golde.nroo Beautiful 2b-2bth apartments at Forest Can you buy jeeps, cars. 4x4's seized In Center 281-5130 or stop by PCl-102. Day & University. Rent $275. Call Vicki 671-7166 Highlands Apt. Call 282-5657 for more in- drug raids for under S100.00? Call for facts Prompt. accurate typing. Good rates. and evening hours. or 657-0647. . formation. today. 602-837-3401 Ext. 127. Call Marianne at 679-5258.

.. ;:DM.,, .,,- udents 'fJ


·"'· The Central Florida Future, JLne 29, 1988, 11 .·-.wmi•- Central Florida Future sports ... offers new letters section ; ------.,ca·-- - A new section in sports in are fuming over an inaccurate The Central Florida Future iS story, the opportunity is here in the works for the near fu­ for the taking. ture. Send all letters, which . Kel!e~'--1 ___ __ A column will run periodi­ should be typed, double­ cally with selected letters to spaced and include the name, ·the sports editor. signature and· daytime phone If you've got questions, number of the writer, to: The comments or criticisms re­ Central Florida Future, C/O garding sports coverage inThe Paul Owers, sports.editor, P.O. Central Florida Future or the Box 25000, Orlando, FL UCF sports world in general, 32816. Only in the rarest cir­ . take the time to write and let cumstances will unsigned, us know. Ifyou enjoy (or hate) anonymous letters be ac- reading a particular writer or cepted. · 12269 University Boulevard (across from U.C.F.) · OWERS I combined for.73 ·points in ~~~~---,.-~~--:-~~~~--"-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------tFROMPAGEl2 Madison Square Garden. .~------~------~ Elgin had 71 of them."

school running back: Writer Si Buric lamenting ''Every time I went into theretirementofTriple.Crown the line on a fake I shouted, winner Secretariat: COST CUTTERS® 'I don't have it.' "He's everything Pm not. He's young; ·he's beauti­ Hot Rod Hundley , former ful; he has lots of hair; he's -Su.n.crest Village - Los Angeles Laker-turned- fast; he's durable; he has a sportsca_ster: · large bank account; and his University Blvd.& Dean Rd. "My biggest thrill came entire sex life is before the night Elgin Baylor and him." 679-6766 WE HONOR ALL COMPETITOR'S COUPONS/ SPORTS schedules at the park for their FROM PAGE 12 Gulf Coast League rookie teams, ensuring daytime ac­ tion every day except Sunday. 15% DISCOUNT guest audience. Sporting The Florida State League questions fly fast and furiously Baseball City Royals play at in triis zany spoof. 7:05 p.m. and have 29 home •With Student, Staff or Faculty I.D. Of course, don't forget about games during July and Au- · minor -league baseball action gust. •Not valid with any other offer at Baseball City Stadium. The Boardwalk and Baseball is Cleveland Indians and the located at the intersection ofl- Kansas City Royals alternate 4 and U.S. 27.


CROCODILE DUNDEE II - PG BIG BUSINESS • PG at 2:00-4:30-7:30-10 at 2: 10-4: lo-6: 10-8: 10-10:10 RAMBO 111 • R at 2:05-4:05-6:05-8:05· l 0:05 lHE PRESIDIO - R at 2:00-4:00-6:00-8:00-10:00 BULL DURHAM • R at l :55-3:55-5:55-7:55-9:55 RED HEAT· R at l :45-3:50-6:00-S:l0-10: 15

Roadway Package System. is. accepting applications ·for part­ tim.e loaders and unloaders. Excel­ lent pay ~ $7.00 per hour starting. WORK SHJFTSAVAILABLE: Monday - Friday 7:00 P.M. - 11:00 A.M. 11:00 P.M. - 7:00 A.M. 3:00 A.M. • 7:00 A.M. Applications may be filled out _and left at the Career Resource Center, Administration Building, Room 12·4. Welcom.e Back Students. Or phone Cunning, Will Power & Imagination. Traits of a Role Player. .. 111.. s11s ~~ Come Join The Fun! Every Friday Night • 6 PM - 11 P~ Phillips Hall - 1st Floor . . The thin·gs those nuts in sp()rts say In the interest of a quick column and a few, cheap laughs, I present some of the best humor ever heard Paul Hornung, former Notre Dame quarterback, .. in sports. Thank Lee Green and his book "Sportswit" when caught snuffing out a cigarette by coach Frank for compiling the majority of these beauties. Leahy: Leahy: "Do you see what I see near your shoe, An anonymous alumnus in a telegram to Michigan Paul?" State football coach Duffy Daugherty shortly before Hornung: "Yeah, coach, I see. But you take it. a big game: You saw it first." "Remember, coach, we're all behind you-win Don- James, University of Washington football or tie." · coach~ on why he's grateful for Playboy's annual Duane Thomas, former Dallas Cowboy running "Pigskin Preview": back, when asked if he possessed an IQ: "Tonight Show" host Johnny Carson after Pete "It's the only time ofy~ar my wife lets me buy "Sure rve got one. It's a perfect 20-20." Rose got a hit in his 38th consecutive game in pursuit the magazine. But she reminds me that "Play­ of Joe Dimaggio's record in 1978: boy" is a lot like ""National Geographic." Both Frank Layden, Utah Jazz head coach, talking to a "Thirty-eight going for 56! Sounds like Dolly have pictures of places I'm never going to visit." player after another sub-par game: Parton going through puberty." Layden: "Son, is it ignorance or apathy?" Holtz, after being pelted with oranges from fans Player: "I don't know, coach, and I don't Notre Dame Football Coach Lou Holtz, formerly celebrating Arkansas' invitation to the Orange Bowl: care." head man at Arkansas, opening his weekly television "I'm glad we're not going to the Gator Bowl." show after his team took it on the chin for the fourth Sportswriter Ring Lardner asked by. colleague time in five outings: . Former Houston Oilers head coach Bum Phillips, Grantland Rice if he's ever had· a conversation with "Welcome to the Lou Holtz show. Unfortu­ after his field goal kicker Toni Fritsch gave the Oilers talkative Michigan football coach Fielding Yost: nately, rm Lou Holtz." an overtime victory against the New Yorks Jets: "No. My parents taught me never to inter­ "Every time I look up and see that kid on the rupt." Sportscaster Jerry Jackson, getting a bit too ex­ field, I thank God for the immigation laws." cited in describing baseball play-by-play: Comedian Bob Hope, commenting on the golfgame Chi Chi Rodriguez, Puerto Rican professional "There's a deep fly to center. (Dave) Winfield of ente.rtainer Sammy Davis Jr.: golfer on his accent: goes back, back. H~ hits his head against the ''He hits the ball 130 yards and his jewelry "It's still embarrasing. I asked my caddie for wall. It's :r:olling toward second base!" goes 150." · a sand wedge, and 10 minutes later h~ came back with a ham on rye." " John McKay, former Tampa Bay and University of Bobby Knight, Indiana University basketball Southern California head football coach, to his team coach, on sportswriters: Comedian Bob Newhart, on his days as a high after a 51-0 evisceration by Notre Dame: "Absolute silence. That's one thing a sports­ "Those of you who need showers, take them." writer c~n quote accurately." SEE OWERS PAGE 11 Lions blank Bays -3-0 ~ Team beats Miami Sharks 1-0 Friday, but loses to Ft. Lauderdale Strikers 1-0-Saturday

Sharks 1-0 on Friday to im- by Paul Owers prove to 6-5. . SPOR~S l:DITOR But on Saturday, Orlando ., lost a 1-0 to Fort First-year sports teams Lauderdale in a shootout. aren't supposed to be this or­ Even with key starters for the o , ·ganized, this in-tune with con­ Strikers sitting out with inju­ tention. ries, the Lions failed to Haul out the how-to man­ capitalize.The loss prevented ual on beginning franchises the Lions (6-6) from gaining ' ·· and show us exactly where it ground on the Strikers, who says the Orlando Lions are al­ lead the division by two and lowed to be in second place one-half games. :.,;,.., with a fighting chance at first? With a spot in. postseason What gives? play hanging in the balance, Having found it necessary the · Washington Diplomats to take it upon themselves for are· only a half-game behind ' some summer explosiveness, Orlando and are in third the Lions blanked the road­ place. weary Maryland Bays 3-0 on Orlando's last reguiar-sea- •. ' June 19 to continue on a path son game is August 5. The rapidly leading to the playoffs. playoffs begin a week later. The victory evened the The postseason format is Lions' record at 5-5 (15 points), unlike that of most profes- '" in second place behind the Fort sional sports. The first and Lauderdale Strikers (8·-4). second. place teams from the After battling to a scoreless Northern ·and Southern divi- , t first half, midfielder Chris sions advance to the playoffs Otorubio netted a penalty kick with the first-place team from for a 1-0 lead at 56:00 in the File Photo/ CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE the North meeting the South's second half. Former UCF star Mark Lamb is keeping the Orlando Lions in the playoff hunt. second-place team and vice- ... Less than two minutes versa. later, sweeper Lou Karbiener Here's where the confusion lifted a shot past a sagging Knights on the team, capped saves for the Lions. the last-place Miami Sharks sets in. A game will be played ,. Maryland defense to put the evening's scoring at the Orlando moved on to South on Friday and division-lead­ in each teams' city, and if the Orlando on top 2-0. 82:02 mark. All-Star goal­ Florida last weekend for two ing Fort Lauderdale on Satur­ series is tied 1-1, a goals-for tie· Former UCF standout Tim keeper Alan Rough took over critical games with the South­ day. bre~er will determine the Schmidt, one of five former from there, totaling eight ern Division's ~ookend t~ams, The Lions slipped past the winner. S rt B . f • FIRECRACKER 400 SCHEDULE On Saturday, 5,000 unreserved •PARK TO PUT ON JULY 4TH SHOW Saturday is the $549,020 Pepsi Fire­ backstretch grandstand seats go on Boardwalk and Baseball, showing laughable look at live television game t cracker 400 at Daytona International sale at 6:30 a.m. for $20. thatit won't settle for a subtle Fourth of shows, has been introduced for televi­ Speedway. Pre-race ceremonies begin at 9 a.m., July, announced plans for a unforget- · sion sports junkies. Loosely patterned Fans will get the opportmiity to with the 400-rnile 160-lap race set to table fireworks presentation. after "Superbowl of Sports Trivia," a , enter the infield and grab prime view­ begin at 10 a.m. The park begins its show at 10 p.m. Boardwalk and Baseball production · ing locations, beginning Friday The Reserved seating, .ranging from $20 over the Baseball City Stadium. currently airing on ESPN, this version two-day infield admission charge is to $50, is available qy calling the Day­ In other Boardwalk and Baseball features two teams chosen from the $25. Children-11-and-under are admit­ tona Speedway Ticket Office at (904) . news: ted free if aCC()mpanied by an adult. 254-6767·. ."The New Comedy Game Show," a SEE SPORTS PAGE 11