Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch Botanical Garden-Institute botanica pacifica A journal of plant science and conservation Volume 9, No. 1 2020 VLADIVOSTOK 2020 Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. 2020. 9(1): 103–129 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2020.09107 Invasive plants in flora of the Russian Far East: the checklist and comments Yulia K. Vinogradova1, Elena V. Aistova2, Lyubov A. Antonova3, Olga A. Chernyagina4,5, Elena A. Chubar6, Galina F. Darman2, Eli za veta A. Devyatova4, Maria G. Khoreva7, Olga V. Kotenko2, Elena A. Marchuk8, Evgenii G. Nikolin9, Sergey V. Prokopenko10, Tamara A. Rubtsova11, Victor V. Sheiko12, Ekaterina P. Kudryavtseva13 & Pavel. V. Krestov8 Yulia K. Vinogradova1* email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT Elena V. Aistova2 The paper presents a checklist of the species invading the natural phytocenoses 3 of the Far Eastern Federal District of Russia (FEFD) that includes 40.6 % of the Lyubov A. Antonova state territory. It summarizes original data on distribution, habitats and inva sive Olga A. Chernyagina4,5 ness status (IS) of 116 alien species belonging to 99 genera of 32 families. Eigh Elena A. Chubar6 teen species are only beginning to invade natural cenoses and have IS 3; 76 species Galina F. Darman2 intensively invade natural cenoses and are listed in the group with IS 2. Trans 4 former are represented by 22 species with IS 1, of which Ambrosia arte misiifolia, Elizaveta A. Devyatova Bidens frondosa, Solidago canadensis, Impatiens glandulifera and Hordeum juba tum are most Maria G. Khoreva7 widely distributed. A very strong heterogeneity of the soil and cli mate conditions Olga V.