record month 2014 social policy

september 2014

1 social policy september 2014 september position this month's themes

Xi's interpretation of hukou reform at the end of September ageing 老龄化 extinguished notions rural land might be individually owned. —legislating filial piety The possibility reignited debate on land reform. bans living off parents 3 Appeals to equity found alliance in reformers urging economic expediency: dismantle the dual rural-urban structure and food safety 食品安全 erect a system recognising workarounds like grey market —public-bureaucrat-scientist gridlock on GMOs housing. Opposing this were those who wished to proceed 'zero tolerance' for unlabeled genetically modified food 5 stepwise legally: tweak the existing system, and enforce it, at 卫生 the expense of workarounds. health —reforms outpace personnel expansion Similarly divisions abound in social policy. The system needs multiple site practice for doctors 7 not only to befit a modern economy, but address the fallout health insurance coverage for rare diseases 8 from delaying reform too long, and incorporate (or dismantle) makeshift interim solutions. University funding is still doled out education 教育 based on 1990s matriculation rates and education objectives; —rethinking state financing doctors' perks and benefits are still tied to the planned university tuition hike 10 economy work-unit schema. Both systems have adapted to accommodate demand that far exceeds personnel and state land reform 土地改革 funding; quality and equity has been sacrificed in return. —property rights question lingers State Council opinions elaborating Third Plenum goals set food security versus profitable land use 12 a blueprint for a modern state. Mobilising communities left behind by previous reforms is both an end goal and driver of this plan. As yet, these communities have no influence in this outcome; interests the reforms aim to displace still do.

2 social policy ageing 老龄化 september 2014

Hangzhou bans living off parents Following Jiangsu and examples, Hangzhou draft provisions means' logic, arguing the law ensures property rights of the elderly, a vul- make it unlawful for adult children to depend financially on elderly parents nerable group. Unclear procedures and definitions, and the elderly's fre- without consent. Social media bemoaned legal recourse to mandate quent complicity, pose challenges for enforcement. Pragmatists suggest morality; legal academe found nothing unpalatable in this 'ends justify the 'morality' is situational: job placement programs would be more effective.

The young banned from living off their parents; self- Stopping grown children from living off parents is a Difficult to set a standard for those who live off reliance needs strengthening systemic issue parents; laws banning this are attracting hot debate China Youth International 8 Jul 2014 Chinese Social Sciences Net 28 Jul 2014 Fjsen 31 Aug 2014 staff reporter 该报记者 Zhang Jie 张杰 staff reporter 该报记者 The elderly tend to be the weaker party in such situations. ... At the heart of the controversy is whether or not the ... This phenomenon is a moral issue and addressing it They consider family relations and their own security, and law can meddle in family relationships and take on a moral through legal means, rather than moral repositioning, will so face both emotional and economic struggles. ... These stance. ... [I argue] the law can indeed intervene in private not be effective, argue many netizens. ... Legislation... has Provisions help to protect the older generation's right to le- affairs and family relationships... and that while this issue to be enforceable and accurate, maintains [associate law gally and independently handle their own property, argues of children relying on their parents undoubtedly has moral professor] Lin Anmin... If more detailed procedures are not Shi. overtones, the law itself epitomises basic morality. introduced, [the ban] will be difficult to enforce...

He Xuefeng 贺雪峰 DONG Wenyong 董文勇 Dang Junwu 党俊武 Huazhong University of CASS Institute of Law China Research Centre on Science and Technology Ageing

Rural governance expert He Xuefeng sets up seniors' clubs Social security law expert, now participating in Basic Health Co-author of the Blue Book on Ageing. An economist, vice in Hubei. Like Dang (far right), he urges differentiated policy Law draft. Dong observes legislation protecting elderly is director Dang says elderly policy should address 'disability for different senior age groups. His field research finds the urgent in an ageing society. He recommends a security risk' through long-term care insurance. Blanket services do strain on rural elderly is not abject poverty, but inability to fund for parents who lose an only child, and preferential not reflect the elderly's diverse needs; public expenditure fulfill traditional obligations to children. treatment and risk prevention measures for only children. must accommodate different service requirements.

China Ageing Development Foundation CASS Institute of Law Hangzhou Government Legislative Affairs Office Mostly a fundraising organisation. Attached to MCA and run Influential in academic, education and policy spheres, and Mostly enacts local administrative ordinances, especially re- by former vice minister Li Baoku 李宝库, who uses his post a contributor to the Legislation Law revision process. The lating to urban construction. The office solicits CPPCC guid- to promote Confucian values—particularly filial piety. institute is a bastion of constitutional scholarship. ance on select legislation through a special program. 3 social policy ageing 老龄化 september 2014

mid-term outlook: legislating filial piety Legal intervention to reassert elders' rights highlights their marginalisation il society, they are less represented than much smaller constituencies. politically, as much as by their children. The elderly lack a lobby. At best, Provinces' crude use of legislation to correct for changing social values there is talk of forming expert groups to advise on pension, aged care is becoming a pattern: last year the NPC passed a national law requiring etc., but even in a system where state organs function as a semi-civ- grown children to visit their parents. august september october november december january february march april may june july august

august 27 oct 2013 february june 30 jul 2014 12 aug 2013 Increase pensions for employ- 7 feb 2014 25 jun 2014 Regarding recent high sui- ees and cap those of state and cide rates of rural seniors, He Tsinghua University researchers State Council announces urban Shandong legislature submits public service units, rather than Xuefeng 贺雪峰 comments that propose a unified aged pension and rural resident pension draft provisions forbidding introducing enterprise annuities, seniors feel useless and pur- system by 2030 scheme merger grown children from depending suggests commentator Zhou poseless if they cannot create on parents without consent september Junsheng 周俊生 april wealth for their families july 13 sep 2013 november 18 apr 2014 august 1 jul 2014 State Council announces 21 nov 2013 Housing for pension pilots 13 aug 2014 Social Security Green Book support for housing for pension launched in major cities. Flawed Commercial insurance compa- Delayed retirement should 2014 released jointly by CASS implementation plan; may be policy design renders the nies should focus on training specify covered occupations and Social Sciences Literature introduced in 2014 first quarter scheme not feasible, predicts and skills when running seniors' and eligibility criteria, says Yang 安志勇 Press; stresses communi- 杨燕绥 An Zhiyong Shanghai communities, comments Zhu october Yansui Tsinghua U ty-based senior supporting and University Minglai 朱铭来 Nankai University issues like lack of policy support 18 oct 2013 december may 18 aug 2014 11 dec 2013 22 jul 2014 Enterprise annuity and com- 22 may 2014 mercial pension schemes could 李立国 Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau en- Delayed retirement will be Li Liguo Ministry of Civil help shift pension burdens away Dual pension schemes start courages more senior homes to extended by just a few months Affairs vice minister stresses the from the state, suggests pen- merging—all public service unit provide follow-up treatments to each year starting with female gaps between urban and rural sion expert Liu Yunlong 刘云龙 employees to contribute to their seniors with major diseases manual workers who currently resources for seniors should pension accounts this year retire at 50, promises MOHRSS be reduced and long-term care vice minister Hu Xiaoyi 胡晓义 insurance be established

we are watching for officials scholars commentators - overt societal dialogue on media portrayal of elderly HU Xiaoyi 胡晓义 LI Peilin 李培林 ZHOU Junsheng 周俊生 - concerted lobbying effort from Ageing Development Foundation JIN Weigang 金维刚 ZHENG Bingwen 郑秉文 MENG Xiaosu 孟晓苏 - further legislation intervening in family affairs on behalf of elderly YIN Weimin 尹蔚民 YANG Yansui 杨燕绥 FU Weigang 傅蔚冈 4 social policy food safety 食品安全 september 2014

'zero-tolerance' for unlabeled genetically modified food Pressure to label foodstuffs with GM ingredients mounted in August, with trade regulator and retailers all deny jurisdiction. Legislation ratchets up Shenzhen's Ecological Civilisation Law draft doubling fines, and a sepa- penalties without following up on enforcement. Enforceability requires rate nationwide petition circulating. The responsibility vacuum surrounding specifying a division of responsibility, clear procedures, and adequate GM labelling enforcement in Shenzhen is indicative: the Municipal FDA, personnel. High costs and low traceability remain barriers.

Why the empty talk? An end to the GM chaos The GM labelling dispute Daily Sunshine 14 Aug 2014 The Paper 16 Aug 2014 Beijing Evening News 19 Aug 2014 Wu Wenjuan 吴文娟 staff reporter 该报记者 Wu Nan 吴楠

'I have done some work related to GM in the past. Shen- GM policy can be summarised thus: prohibit growing GM China's GM-related regulations state... 'all GMO-contain- zhen only has a few institutions with the ability to detect GM crops but allow imports; allow raw materials imports but ing products must be labelled'; this mandatory system is [components] and fees easily top C¥10,000'... At the same not staple grains; and invest heavily in [GM] research, but called 'zero-tolerance'... 'zero-tolerance' labelling laws are time, Jin argues, punishment for businesses who do not la- do not commercialise. These measures are contradictory not realistically enforceable. … Many food products availa- bel GM products is too lax... and reflect the state's confused attitude towards GM tech- ble today contain GM components, notes; for exam- nology... ple soft drinks contain GM corn...

GU Xiulin 顾秀林 BAI Tian 白天 WANG Dayuan 王大元 Southwestern University of Shenzhen Municipal People's CAAS China National Rice Finance Congress Standing Committee Research Institute

Chief representative of GM opponents, Gu urges outright Son of a revolutionary and early PRC politician, director CNRRI's first biotechnology research dean, Wang urges banning where the legal community argues for labelling. Bai has served in Shenzhen's government for 20 years. commercialising GM food in China, but says public must Claiming GM has support from scientists only because His propaganda experience carries over in a charismatic be well-informed. Dispelling myths like 'Americans don’t of generous grants, her arguments range from studied media presence promoting his legislative agenda, focused eat GM foods', he compares GM crops to nuclear energy: rebuttals of genetic evidence to conspiracy theories. on social legislation and economic and industrial programs. there is potential danger as well as utility.

CCDCP Institute for Nutrition and Food Safety Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress Huazhong Agricultural University Assesses, but also researches GM products. At the centre A 1992 NPC decision allows it to directly regulate the SEZ—a Ministry of did not renew the chief BT rice devel- of a scientific ethics scandal after a researcher co-authored much broader remit than other local legislatures. Strict GM oper's 5-year research permit this August, allegedly because a study trialling Golden Rice on school children. labelling laws have not considered enforceability. of suspicions regarding research quality. 5 social policy food safety 食品安全 september 2014

mid-term outlook: public-bureaucrat-scientist gridlock on GMOs GM policy's incoherence stems foremost from conflicting regulatory public perceptions, exacerbated by political gridlock, prevent dialogue objectives. Current policy allows imports, mostly of raw materials like corn and isolate pro-GM scientists. Enforcing labelling and thus revealing starch, and encourages research—China ranks sixth globally for GM crop GM products' ubiquity would be a step toward better public education; (including cotton) acreage. Yet, commercialisation is prohibited. Distorted progress is more likely in advanced localities rather than nationally. august september october november december january february march april may june july august

september 10 oct 2013 january march june 14 sep 2013 Most provinces still have vertical 17 jan 2014 3 mar 2014 30 jun 2014 management in quality super- Lawyer Liu Shuqing 刘书庆 Form a supervising system to CFDA urges local agencies to Revised Food Safety Law is vision, making it difficult for demands more information guarantee food safety, urges establish food safety authorisa- officially published on NPC's local governments to influence about genetically modified food CFDA deputy director Teng tion and traceability systems website personnel through reforms, an on behalf of the public Jiacai 滕佳才 official tells Southern Weekend april july 16 sep 2013 february 31 oct 2013 20 apr 2014 31 jul 2014 Power is concentrated in CFDA, 7 feb 2014 China Electronic Commerce Regulators over-emphasise fake The difficulty of Huxi food scan- but actual supervision is seg- Association's Ala Musi 阿拉 Compulsory food liability insur- food crackdowns while neglect- dal is crime investigation and mented, explains Feng Yuan 冯 木斯 fears the Food Safety ance should start pilots to build ing genuine safety concerns, identification, comments Liu 源 Beijing Food Safety Adminis- Law amendments will force experience, recommends Shen comments Sun Baiguo 孙宝国 Pinxin 刘品新 RUC tration. Safe food supply chains many online food traders out of Jianhua 沈建华 CASS Shanghai Academy of Engineering are the reason Beijing has business Institute of Life Science august reported less incidents recently may 28 aug 2014 november 21 feb 2014 october 28 may 2014 GM related research should be 24 nov 2013 Diseases caused by bacteria 3 oct 2013 Food safety issues have been encouraged but not commer- are the real food safety issue, Award whistleblowers ten per- overblown: many scares turn cialisation, recommends China Law professors Zhang Weida 张 comments Wang Jun 王君 cent of fine, suggests He Shan out to be false alarms, com- Food Safety 30 Expert Forum 炜达 and Shi Yan 师岩 propose China National Centre for Food 河山 Chinese Consumer Rights ments Chen Junshi 陈君石 SC compulsory food safety insur- Safety Risk Assessment Protection Legal Research Food Safety Expert Committee ance to raise safety standards chairman

we are watching for officials scholars commentators - redirecting GM away from staple crops WANG Yang 汪洋 LI Shichun 李仕春 LI Weimin 李伟民 - greater public education and engagement by GM scientists YE Xingqing 叶兴庆 HU Yinglian 胡颖廉 QIU Baochang 邱宝昌 - enforcement of Shenzhen's new GM labelling law TENG Jiacai 滕佳材 ZHENG Fengtian 郑风田 LIU Shuqing 刘书庆

6 social policy health 卫生 september 2014

multiple site practice for doctors From 1 August, Beijing doctors have been allowed to practice at multiple private hospitals from registering visiting doctors. And without reforms sites. Lifting the previous ban restricting doctors to one employer is a step to the public hospital personnel system, doctors' benefits and careers, toward ameliorating personnel shortages in private clinics. Steep costs as well as perquisites like research grants, are tied to state hospitals. of liability insurance however, required for every doctor, prevent many Moonlighting, widespread before the ban was lifted, will likely continue.

Practising at multiple sites will not solve private New measures on practising at multiple locations Restrictions relaxed on practising at multiple hospital talent shortages quietly introduced by Beijing locations; Beijing doctors are still unsatisfied China Economic Times 7 Aug 2014 China Business Journal 9 Aug 2014 China Youth Daily 26 Aug 2014 Xia Jinbiao 夏金彪 Liu Teng 刘腾 staff reporter 该报记者 Doctors are tied to their workplace under the current sys- Beijing requires institutions to provide liability insurance for ... Liu Guo'en... 'The huge advantages and privileges doc- tem, with personnel, salaries, health insurance, and old-age the doctors they bring in, otherwise approval will not be tors enjoy when part of the hospital establishment... stifle pensions all closely linked to public hospitals. A doctor's ex- granted, states Yan Hengqiu, Beijing Puxiang Investment their freedom to practise anywhere'. ... The research cen- perience and further education also depend on their work- Management Group president. Private hospitals crucially tres, research and technology platforms, reputation, and place, with the hospital's grade determining a doctor's level must provide insurance for all doctors, and this will cost a retirement benefits associated with big hospitals firmly bind of expertise and future prospects. small fortune. doctors to their institutions...

WANG Zhen 王震 ZHUANG Yiqiang 庄一强 LIU Guo'en 刘国恩 CASS Institute of Economics Chinese Hospital Association State Council Health Reform Medical Reform and Expert Committee Pharmaceutical Industry... Social security, medical insurance and drug industry expert, Seen as a maverick, vice chairman Zhuang left a high-pay- Harvard-trained health economics guru, Liu says reforms Wang is among many urging unification of drug bidding ing HK job to pioneer hospital management study in China. address three problems: lack of effective risk-sharing - ar and procurement procedures. As for doctors practicing His 2009 study on county-level hospitals and subsequent rangements, top-down administration mixing operation at multiple sites, he suggests centralising supervision in nation-wide rating system were instrumental in lobbying and management, and conflict between administration, municipal health bureaus and keeping prescription records. SC to prioritise grassroots hospitals in 2011. market incentives, and personnel career tracks.

Shenzhen Municipal Medical Association Chinese Hospital Association Shenzhen Health and Family Planning Commission Pushed through first mandatory medical liability insurance State-sponsored lobby for hospitals. Traditionally con- Nearly approved a plan allowing doctors and technical assis- in a pilot at 15 Shenzhen hospitals June 2014. Expanding strained in influence, it has played a leading role in online tants to practice as freelancers in 2013, but was blocked by nationwide remains low on reform agenda. patient registration and developing medical Android apps. Shenzhen's legislative affairs office. 7 social policy health 卫生 september 2014

health insurance coverage for rare diseases August's Ice Bucket Challenge fundraiser for ALS (Lou Gherig's Disease) portive policy, pharmaceutical companies see no point in devoting R&D to prompted calls for a legal definition of rare disease that could facilitate a small market. Thus, patients must rely on costly imports. Foreign drug more cohesive insurance policy and subsidised research. Insurance cur- company support may help push the definition through, but official focus rently covers only some rare diseases, many only partially. Without sup- on extending basic healthcare coverage is unlikely to be swayed.

Chinese Organisation for Rare Disorders seeks a Lacking rare disease policies and regulations Experts lobby for legislation to save rare disease definition from the NHFPC Science and Technology Daily 28 Aug 2014 sufferers from their dilemma China Economic Weekly 27 Aug 2014 staff reporter 该报记者 Eastday 29 Aug 2014 staff reporter 该报记者 Zou Juan 邹娟

'The state's failure to define rare diseases directly prevents 'Although some more common rare diseases are includ- In Shanghai 85 percent [of medical expenses for rare dis- legislation and a [healthcare] guarantee system from being ed in critical health insurance, coverage under health in- ease sufferers] are reimbursed... yet the financial burden is introduced'. … 'We recommended the state view anything surance is inadequate, commercial options lacking, and still too high for patients... While Shanghai has taken the with an incidence rate below 0.01 percent as a rare disease. assistance from society insufficient'… The drugs used in lead in providing reimbursement for rare diseases suffer- Promote medical research including... providing physician research should be commercialised and the state should ers... patients are still unable to... first pay out of pocket... training and designing clinical treatment guides'. introduce supporting policy... like patent protection...

HUANG Rufang 黄如方 LI Dingguo 李定国 MAO Qun'an 毛群安 China-Dolls Centre for Rare Shanghai Medical Association National Health and Family Diseases Rare Disease Branch Planning Commission Propaganda Department Osteogenesis Imperfecta OI patient, Huang enjoys semi- CPPCC member, chairman Li urges creation of a legal Praised for donating to ALS campaign. Spokesperson Mao celebrity status. Starting as a red-ribbon AIDS activist definition for rare disease, followed by subsidies for draws attention to the Ningbo Model, where doctor-patient before turning to rare diseases, his message is simple: pharmaceutical research on such a category. He forecasts conflicts are resolved by insurance and third-parties. focusing on OI today is also focusing on everyone's health market size will draw more rare disease R&D to China; He drew sharp criticism in 2011 for urging reporters tomorrow. Now urging a definition of rare disease. Shanghai, however, cannot meet the present burden. misreporting food scandals be blacklisted.

China-Dolls Centre for Rare Diseases Shanghai Medical Association Rare Diseases Branch Qingdao Social Insurance Affairs Bureau Co-founded by Huang, the rare disease NGO drew a vis- Opened in 2011, it defines rare disease as 1/10,000 births, Under the leadership of Liu Junshuai 刘军帅, the bureau has it from Li Liguo 李立国 MCA after registering. Helped drive putting Shanghai at the forefront of rare disease coverage. expanded coverage for rare diseases, now partially reim- ALS campaign only to be accused of stealing limelight. Lobbies insurance companies for greater recognition. bursing outpatient expenditure for eight types. 8 social policy health 卫生 september 2014

mid-term outlook: reforms outpace personnel expansion Healthcare reforms since May address the system's biggest shortcom- distortions caused by running public hospitals for profit. But GP training ings, but may fail to solve provider-side structural problems. Technical programs and material incentives to attract doctors to county-level hos- and detailed in assigning responsibility, SC's plans prioritise mending pitals will at best make a dent in rural personnel shortages. Entrenched geographic disparities in provision and insurance coverage, and ending interests in the pharmaceutical supply chain may also prove tenacious. august september october november december january february march april may june july august

september 21 oct 2013 december 10 feb 2014 may 9 sep 2013 Multi-level healthcare alliances 4 dec 2013 Insurance should target dis- 23 may 2014 need autonomy management advantaged groups to reduce State should allow companies State should increase reim- Public hospitals' profits from and personnel, as well as suf- disease-related poverty, argues to provide supplementary insur- bursements, centralise medical join-ownership should not be ficient resources at each level, Zhu Hengpeng 朱恒鹏 CASS ance, says Zhu Hengpeng 朱恒 insurance fund management, taxed, appeals Gao Jiechun 高 argues Zhu Hengpeng 朱恒鹏 鹏 and Yu Haifeng 于海峰 and facilitate 'remote billing', 解春 Fudan University CASS march suggests Wei Jigang 魏际刚 23 sep 2013 november State Council DRC 10 mar 2014 july The state should guarantee high 18 jul 2014 Health insurance deductibles 6 nov 2013 26 dec 2013 preclude benefits to many with salaries for personnel at large Two diseases added to serious low incomes, and the existing Universal healthcare is efficient, CASS Blue Book of China's hospitals, comments Zhong illness insurance in new rural social security system overlooks achievable and desired by the Society 2014 highlights the re- Nanshan 钟南山 Chinese Acad- cooperative medical system migrant workers, says Wang public, but current government duced effectiveness of commu- emy of Engineering Xiaolu 王小鲁 NERI healthcare expenditure is too nity healthcare reform in 2013 august low, says Tang Jun 唐钧 CASS april october february 26 apr 2014 21 aug 2014 21 nov 2013 14 oct 2013 10 feb 2014 Health insurance payment to Drug price distortion happens 3P Resolution states that the hospitals should be based on Pharmaceutical pricing re- Serious illness insurance should partly because healthcare fund government will encourage non- disease types and treatments, form will remove caps and set be paid mainly by public finance agencies have no say in the state hospitals and give priority suggests Wang Hongzhi 王宏志 standards for marketising phar- with insurance companies cov- pricing process, comments to non-profit medical institutions Beijing Public Hospital Reform maceutical prices, says Guo ering the rest, contends Yang Yang Yansui 杨燕绥 Tsinghua Office Jianying 郭剑英 NDRC Yansui 杨燕绥 Tsinghua

we are watching for officials scholars commentators - municipalities allowing doctors to practice at multiple sites SUN Zhigang 孙志刚 ZHU Hengpeng 朱恒鹏 XIONG Maoyou 熊茂友 - online sales disrupting pharmaceutical relationships GUO Jianying 郭剑英 YU Hui 余晖 YU Haifeng 于海峰 - progress of private hospitals in Shanghai FTZ LI Bin 李斌 WEI Jigang 魏际刚 WANG Xiaolu 王小鲁 9 social policy education 教育 september 2014

university tuition hike Universities in nine provinces raised tuition fees; more expected to follow. Many universities are in debt from expanding facilities to meet surge in MoE asserts this is necessary to meet rising education costs, and com- matriculation, yet opaque accounting hides superfluous expenses. Cur- plies with strict protocol: scholarships increase accordingly, and rates rently, there is no clear link between tuition fees and per-student costs. remain within 25 percent of average urban and rural household incomes. Disclosure of the latter is vital for effective public scrutiny and debate.

University tuition fees are surging Why must tuition fees remain as they are? Adjustments follow procedure and financial aid is China Youth Daily 18 Aug 2014 Jinchu Wang 18 Aug 2014 already set aside staff reporter 该报记者 Zhang Weibin 张卫斌 Ministry of Education Web Portal 21 Aug 2014 MoE 教育部财务司 There is no clear link between tuition fees and per-student Enrolment in higher education has substantially grown ... The accepted view is that a 'comparison between tuition costs, states Chu Zhaohui... 'While some institutions do cal- since the late 1990s, with institutions rapidly expanding to fees and a family's average income' should be used to de- culate [per-student] costs, it is actually very technical. It will meet demand... and lots now crippled by debt. … Tuition termine the family's realistic ability to pay fees. ... In the nine be difficult to find a suitable way for all institutions nationwide is overall increasing... but this is merely a redress for how provinces that have made adjustments... fees account for to do this in a short period'. fees have been too low for too long. less than 8 percent of average local urban family income... and between 9-21 percent for average rural income.

CHU Zhaohui 储朝晖 WU Qidi 吴启迪 XIONG Qingnian 熊庆年 Chinese Institute of Education Ministry of Education (former) Fudan University Higher Sciences Education Research Institute

Top education commentator, Chu traces his views to Retired vice minister Wu was also the first elected, rather Director Xiong brings a socio-historical view to structural Republican era reformers who saw critical thinking-based than appointed, university president (of Tongji University). problems in higher ed. Reform has targeted admissions, pedagogy as a national security prerogative. He urges Influential in last major round of education reforms in 2008, he says, where it should have emphasised faculty devel- restructuring admissions to grant students and universities vocally opposes tuition increases and pushes to expand opment. Determining fair tuition rates is difficult given unre- parity (rather than universities unilateral power) in selection. vocational education. Still active as a CPPCC member. solved questions of equitably sharing facility costs.

Chinese Institute of Education Sciences MoE Department of Financing 21st Century Education Research Institute Research organ under MoE drafting education 5-year plans. Called on to publish detailed university accounting—likely Shanghai-based NGO, the institute publishes the Blue Book Its 150+ scholars take a progressive interest in Massive far away. It maintains tuition increases are offset by policy of Education and has gained the ear of the MoE. Home to Open Online Courses and experimental education. requiring minimum funds be earmarked for scholarships. outspoken education critic Xiong Bingqi 熊丙奇. 10 social policy education 教育 september 2014

mid-term outlook: rethinking state financing Funding distribution, dating from the 1990s, does not accommodate universities rely heavily on tuition, prompting them to expand enrolment at current student volume and education needs. The state disproportion- the expense of instruction quality. SC and MoE plan to retool universities ately finances top universities, which already benefit from donations and as vocational schools, ensuring tuition is not a barrier. Funding for voca- commercial subsidiaries. Provincially administered teaching and vocational tional facilities and personnel draws scant mention. august september october november december january february march april may june july august

september 25 oct 2013 february 20 mar 2014 24 jun 2014 23 sep 2013 Set high schools to a maximum 19 feb 2013 MoE should make a list stipulat- Xi Jinping 习近平 comments of 3,000 students and cap ing boundaries of what universi- on vocational education that Legislate to constrain govern- State should clarify its respon- each school's admissions to ties can do, suggests Qian Feng it is important for both human ment control of universities, and sibilities versus universities', top universities, suggests Yang 钱峰 East China University of resource development, as well lower barriers to private educa- rather than assuming responsi- Dongping 杨东平 State Educa- Science and Technology as the young's success tion, proposes Cheng Fangping bility for both, comments Xiong tion Advisory Committee 程方平 Renmin University Bingqi 熊丙奇 april august 25 oct 2013 23 sep 2013 march 25 apr 2014 2 aug 2014 Bureaucracy panders to unnec- Universities should be pro- 3 mar 2014 Plan for universities to move to- The bottom 10 percent of mi- essary academic qualifications; fessionally managed and run wards applied-technology meets grant students in cities deserve the education system should The most rampant problem in democratically, argues Tian economic development and more financial aid from the emphasise practical experience, the gaokao system is corruption, Hanzu 田汉族 Capital Normal industrial upgrading needs, says state, comments Chu Zhaohui says Zheng Yefu 郑也夫 PKU argues Ge Jianxiong 葛剑雄 University Lu Xin 鲁昕 MoE vice minister 储朝晖 National Institute for Fudan University november Education Sciences june october 9 mar 2014 12 nov 2013 5 aug 2014 23 oct 2013 Separating management, op- 10 jun 2014 The 3P Resolution promotes More male and minority teach- Patronage networks between erations and evaluation will re- The state will allocate C¥17.5 comprehensive reform for ers and longer terms for central officialdom and academia is move the state as simultaneous bn for the next 5 years to education, including students' financial transfers are needed common, points out commenta- 'player and referee', explains improve school facilities in most admission to universities and for specially contracted teacher tor Yu Deqing 于德清 vice minister of education Liu disadvantaged areas, reports establishing a vocational educa- 刘利民 plan, recommends Northeast Limin China Education Newspaper tion system Normal University

we are watching for officials scholars commentators - rumours of repealing 985 and 211 Projects Liu Limin 刘利民 Zheng Yefu 郑也夫 Tian Hanzu 田汉族 - provincial level plans for vocational education Yan Junqi 严隽琪 Cheng Fangping 程方平 Yu Deqing 于德清 - consultation with NGOs in redesigning education objectives Chu Zhaohui 储朝晖 Yang Dongping 杨东平 Yu Changjiang 于长江 11 social policy land reform 土地改革 september 2014

food security versus profitable land use 30 July Opinions on hukou reform prompted debate on ownership and hoped this would lead to private ownership. Meanwhile Xi's push for 'ag- the future of farming. Guaranteeing peasants' 'three rights'—to land use, ricultural modernisation' favours industrial farms; but large plots often get contract rights, and collective income—accelerates rural land transfer by diverted to tourism or for recreation. Preconditions for transfers, such as enabling collectives to mortgage land use rights. Liberal interpretations minimum ratios for grain cultivation, could guarantee food security.

Shandong: maintaining grain acreage difficult with Break through the land use reform stalemate Abuse of land use control is holding back land land transfers China Business Journal 1 Sep 2014 reform Xinnong 21 Aug 2014 ZOU Xiaoyun 邹晓云 Caijing 2 Sep 2014 Wang Wei interview 采访王蔚 ZHENG Zhenyuan 郑振源 To protect grain acreage, land transfers should have a clear The urban land market is unreasonably structured. ... Land ... The market playing a decisive role in resource allocation direction, and financial subsidies should increase for the land can be both sold and transferred, but almost no market does not mean land use controls are unnecessary... but used to grow grain… The state should constantly regulate, exists for transfers. The state has very strong control over that they are limited to correcting and compensating for restrict, and manage post-transfer land use, punishing those land markets... This has led to an imbalance of power be- market failures... [Gradually] raise the price of requisitioned who change the land's function, as well as forcing them to tween supply and demand in the market, meaning large land... and eventually abide by the equivalent exchange switch back to growing grain. fluctuations easily occur... market economy principle.

WANG Wei 王蔚 ZOU Xiaoyun 邹晓云 ZHENG Zhenyuan 郑振源 Shandong University Finance MLR Land Surveying and MLR State Land Management and Economics Agriculture Planning Institute Bureau Land Utilisation and Rural Economic... Department (former) Director Wang argues agricultural industrialisation is not Land valuation maestro working in MLR for over 30 years. Former deputy director, Zheng echoes Zhou Qiren 周 a one-way bet for China: land transfers for staple crop No apologist for the state's heavy-handed role in land 其仁 in calling for converging the dual-track system and cultivation are often co-opted for more profitable ventures, distribution, Zou says land administration should be limited legalising grey-market housing. He advocates devolving while international experience shows large-scale intensive to environmental protection, ensuring food security, and approvals to local governments and switching to land operations often require steep front-end subsidies. coordinating regional planning. zoning, rather than imposing planning quotas.

SDUFE Agriculture and Rural Economic Research Centre China Real Estate Valuers and Agents Association China Association of Senior Scientists and Technicians Supports family-based cooperatives. Founded in 2011, the Confers professional qualifications to assess property val- Technically progressive, proposing geothermal energy solu- centre may be a bellwether for future farming trends, given ue. Proposed legislation would further institutionalise its role; tions, but politically conservative—director Zheng is an outli- its position in the leading province for agricultural trade. opponents argue this will grant it too much power. er in opposing the state position on land administration. 12 social policy land reform 土地改革 september 2014

mid-term outlook: property rights question lingers Hukou reforms defuse social tensions by expanding peasants' land-use tion of property rights. Procedurally, there is broad support for gradually rights and separating service provision from hukou. But the large-scale reducing requisitions until rural and urban prices converge. Replacing land relocation of people and resources to cities, and excessive state control use planning, approvals and quotas with zoning could further normalise over urban land markets, ultimately require a more fundamental redefini- regulation while reducing heavy-handed, self-interested state interference. august september october november december january february march april may june july august

september 31 oct 2013 december february july 6 sep 2013 DRC land reform roadmap 2 dec 2013 14 feb 2014 15 jul 2014 released. Farmers should be Build a unified compensation granted the right to transfer Correct the urban and rural land Land-use planning and controls Land is the inevitable currency system for both urban and rural and mortgage land, allowed market asymmetry by clarifying should be strengthened, as well for urbanisation financing when requisitioned land to protect collective land trading and given property rights, argues Wang as prioritising agricultural land property tax is not available, 赵燕菁 peasants' interests, proposes market-price compensation Yongqin 王永钦 Fudan U preservation and ecological comments Zhao Yanjing Wang Xiaoying 王小映 CASS protection, says MLR Dong Xiamen Planning Bureau Rural Development Institute november 12 dec 2013 Zuoji 董祚继 30 jul 2014 24 sep 2013 9 nov 2013 Homestead land reforms to pro- 17 feb 2014 ceed cautiously—and not go so The State Council releases huk- Land should be stripped of 3P Resolution says the Party far as to grant urban residents The 3P Resolution, largely in ou reform, demanding accelera- its social security function, aims to build an urban-rural uni- purchasing rights, announces the key of 'market', modulates tion of the process of confirming proposes Chi Fulin 迟福林 fied market for construction land Land and Resources vice minis- back to the key of 'plan', says rural land usage rights, register- China Institute for Reform and ter Hu Cunzhi 胡存智 rural policy guru Chen Xiwen 陈 ing and issuing certifications Development 12 nov 2013 锡文—planning is necessary january august where the market produces october unveils a comprehensive land reform plan. Farmers to 13 jan 2014 inequities and instability 22 aug 2014 be allowed to sell land in 20 1 oct 2013 april 17 experts sign a letter charging counties; villages can lease or New construction land supply land officials misinterpret land Many land supply restrictions transfer ownership on collec- cut by MLR. The stockpile of ru- 22 apr 2014 reform—the policy goal is to es- are artificially inflating land pric- tively-owned land ral collectively-owned construc- es, suggests Feng Ke 冯科 PKU tion land is enough to counter- Shenzhen will give existing grey tablish a united national market School of Economics act this loss, says Liu Shouying market housing legal status 刘守英 State Council DRC after 'demolition and rebuilding' we are watching for officials scholars commentators - judgement on property rights of construction versus land CHEN Xiwen 陈锡文 LI Guoxiang 李国祥 ZHENG Zhenyuan 郑振源 - mollifying political opponents benefiting from low rural values HU Cunzhi 胡存智 LIU Shouying 刘守英 WANG Hui 汪辉 - pilots to directly put rural land on housing market DONG Zuoji 董祚继 WANG Xiaoying 王小映 TAO Ran 陶然 13