The Villager December 2019 – January 2020 Sherbornes and Pamber 1 04412_Villager_July2012:19191_Villager_Oct07 2/7/12 17:08 Page 40 2 Editorial the Villager CONTACTS I know the front cover of this issue doesn’t look very Christmassy – but the scarecrows in SSJ in September were SO AMAZING that I felt they deserved full-on publicity to Editor: cheer us all up during the dark winter months and election blues ! Julie Crawley Winners of SSJ Scarecrow competition 2019 01256 851003 MOST INVENTIVE SCARECROW — A Magical Sporting Opportunity Comes to
[email protected] SSJ by The Isles Family - West End (Harry Potter and friend in the trees) MOST TOPICAL SCARECROW — Howzat! by Chris and Nuala Hart Advertisements: Manor Road (cricket) Emma Foreman MOST TRADITIONAL SCARECROW — Bobcat by Emily McEwan 01256 889215/07747 015494 Spring Close (rabbit character with ears sitting in a chair)
[email protected] PEOPLES CHOICE — Jacob Rees Mogg by Penny Luke (Jacob RM reclining in the hedge) Distribution: COMMITTEE’S AWARD — Farmer John by the Grange staff and residents George Rust (farmer with chickens sitting by the fence) 01256 850413
[email protected] Thanks to everyone who took part and for those that enjoyed the Scarecrow Trail. Also thanks to Harlequin Printing for producing the leaflets. Thinking caps on for next year ! Future Events: Lindsay Berry ****** 01256 850495
[email protected] Good news! Pamber Correspondent: The Abbey Road post office is to reopen on 6th December. It will be part of a Ann Ellis newsagent shop
[email protected] Bad news A quantity of lead was stolen from St.