INSMUTION American Univ., Washington, D.C
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 050 571 56 EM 008 931 AUTHOR Kimmel, Paul; And Others TITLE ITV and Education of Children of Migrant Fara Workers, Indians, and Inner-City Poor: Cross-Cultural Comparisons of International Uses of Media. Volume II; Case Studies. INSMUTION American Univ., Washington, D.C. Development Education and Training Research Inst. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. Bureau of Research. BUREAU NO BR-8-0471 PUB DATE Jan 71 CONTPACT OEC-3-8-080471-0059(020) NOTE 192p.; See also Volume I, EM 008 930 EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS Administrative Organization, *Case Studies, *Comparative Education, Correspondence Study, Curriculum Development, *Educational Radio, Educational Strategies, Feedback, Instructional Systems, *Instructional Television, Program Costs, Program Ev,aluation, Rural Education, Secondary Education, Teacher Education, Televised Instruction, Television Teachers IDENTIFIERS *Australia, *Israel, *Japan, *New Zealand, NHK, Nippon Hoso Kyokai ABSTRACT In order to ,Ippraise the usefulness of instructional . television (ITV) as the core component in instructional systems designed to meet the special needs of the educationally disadvantaged children of migrant farm workers, American Indians, and the inner-city poor, a study was made of the use of IT! programs to 'met similar needs in other countries. The four in-deoth case studies which supported this appraisal are presented he-e: educational radio and television in Australia, ITY in Israel, the Nippon Hoso Kyokai (KHK) Gakuee (high school) program in Japan, and educational radio in New Zealand. These case studies provide detailed information on the functionLng of each program which goes beyond appraising its potential for the educationally disad Antaged in tie United States to a complete description of the program and its place in the educational system of the country as a whole.
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