February 2, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H455 their security concerns and, of course, Carolina. Formerly the Veterans Af- But there will come a day when the the cost that is associated as well. fairs Officer of Pickens County, Colo- brave men and women of America’s The administration is now looking nel Simmons is now the Chief of Pro- Armed Forces will have completed for new locations to hold this trial as tocol in the Office of the Defense Rep- their work. Not that they will have well as budgeting $200 million for the resentative to Pakistan. taken out every terrorist, for that first year alone to cover security costs. Skipping a dinner with the delega- would be impossible. But there will So this decision not only makes us less tion gave me the opportunity to have come a day when we will have de- secure and gives a terrorist a platform dinner with Simmons and stroyed enough of the terrorist net- from which to spew their hateful, anti- seven other American service per- works in that America American rhetoric, it will cost the sonnel at Simmons’ apartment in will be reasonably safe from murderous taxpayers hundreds of Islamabad. plottings, at least from within Af- millions of dollars, all to extend a pre- b 2000 ghanistan’s borders. 9/11 mindset that views as a Until then, we fight on, committed to criminal offense instead of illegal acts In Kabul, Afghanistan, I talked with finishing the job, clear-eyed and deter- of war. Susan Anderson, who is serving in the mined to avoid mission creep. Mr. Speaker, I would respectfully American Embassy as an economic an- The trip also include crew rest stops offer some advice to President Obama alyst. Susan is a graduate of Union in Romania and in Tunisia. In Tunisia, and Attorney General Holder: Hand High School and the College of Charles- we visited the World War II North Afri- over the Christmas Day bomber to the ton. ca American Cemetery and Memorial military and intelligence officials and In Kandahar, I met two members of near Tunis, where 2,841 Americans are allow for an appropriate interrogation the National Guard unit from Wellford, buried and 3,724 missing Americans are that will yield additional intelligence South Carolina, which deployed re- memorialized on a limestone wall that will protect America, and keep cently to Afghanistan. Justin McAbee called the Tablets of the Missing. and the of Travelers Rest and Zack Gregg of After a wreath-laying ceremony, the other terrorists slated for civilian Pelzer. Justin’s home is about 5 miles delegation walked among the graves. It trials in New York City or wherever from mine. Passing by Benson Road as was especially meaningful to walk they end up at, keep them at Gitmo I travel on Highway 25 North will re- among the graves with two of our and try them before military commis- mind me to pray for Justin and those young military escorts, Sergeant Rob sions. Just over a year ago, they were serving with him. Mennell and Sergeant Aaron Moss. prepared to plead guilty before mili- He is on the explosive ordnance deto- We tend to think of the members of tary commissions, before Eric Holder nation team. When I thanked him for the Greatest Generation as granddads, made the decision to give them special serving our country and tried to com- but they weren’t granddads as they rights. We could have executed one of pliment him on doing his very dan- were serving in World War II. They them by now. gerous work, he gave me the standard were young, very young, as young as I sincerely hope that the President response of our incredible all-volunteer the two Army sergeants who were ac- and his Attorney General rethink their force: ‘‘It’s my job, sir.’’ companying us on this trip. current approach which, I believe, Mr. At a dinner hosted by America’s am- I was grateful for the opportunity to Speaker, is very dangerous for Amer- bassador, Mr. Eikenberry, with female tell those sergeants how much their ica. members of the Afghan parliament, we service means to me and to all Ameri- were called on to offer comments. I cans, and I was grateful to remember f used my remarks to remember Geoff why freedom is worth fighting for. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Whitsitt of Travelers Rest, who was f previous order of the House, the gentle- killed last month by an improvised ex- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a woman from Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR) is rec- plosive device in Afghanistan. I wanted previous order of the House, the gen- ognized for 5 minutes. them to hear his name in Afghanistan, tleman from Washington (Mr. (Ms. KAPTUR addressed the House. exactly one week to the hour after the REICHERT) is recognized for 5 minutes. Her remarks will appear hereafter in Upstate paused for his funeral. I want- (Mr. REICHERT addressed the House. the Extensions of Remarks.) ed them to know how precious his life His remarks will appear hereafter in f was to his parents, to his brother, and the Extensions of Remarks.) to our mutual friends. I wanted them f AMERICA’S BEST DOING INCRED- to understand that Geoff died for the IBLE WORK IN AFGHANISTAN protection of America. AND PAKISTAN I told them that we were willing to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a give our treasure in Afghanistan to the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- previous order of the House, the gen- help build their nation because we are uary 6, 2009, the gentleman from tleman from South Carolina (Mr. ING- sure that, using our creativity and en- (Mr. CARTER) is recognized for 60 min- LIS) is recognized for 5 minutes. trepreneurship, we will make the utes as the designee of the minority Mr. INGLIS. Mr. Speaker, I’m just money back. But, I told them we are leader. back from a trip led by our colleague, willing to give the lives of our sons and Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, I hail STEVE LYNCH, to Afghanistan and daughters only for America. from Central Texas, and I am very, Pakistan, and what we saw there, Mr. On this point, Mr. Speaker, we must very proud to say that I have the larg- Speaker, was America’s best doing in- be clear. While we are hunting down est military facility in the world in my credible work. The U.S. military is terrorists, we are going to give the Af- district, Fort Hood, Texas. If you are in clearly the best trained, best equipped ghan people the opportunity to reject the Army, you know where Fort Hood and most disciplined fighting force in al Qaeda outsiders and to build a future is. In fact, I think if you find any 20- the world. free of the Taliban. The Afghan people year veteran of the Army, you will find I’m committed to keeping it that should seize the opportunity, as it will out they have been to Fort Hood, some way and to supplying them with the re- not last indefinitely. of them once, twice, three, four times, sources they need to get their work At present, more of America’s best because it is a huge training post. And done. I’m also committed to confining are arriving in Afghanistan. They are it is the great place, as they call it, in their mission to achievable objectives there to kill terrorists. They are there Central Texas. and to the protection of America’s na- to facilitate the work of an army of The great place had a great disaster tional security interest. American civil servants and contrac- happen to us on of last There are many memorable moments tors who can show a way forward to a year, when Nidal Hasan attacked from this trip, Mr. Speaker. When we stable constitutional republic. They and killed 13 soldiers and a baby in the stepped off the plane in Pakistan, the are there to serve America’s national womb, and wounded 43 others before first person I saw was Lieutenant Colo- security interests by draining a ter- two courageous police officers, re- nel Rick Simmons of Pickens, South rorist cesspool. sponding to this violence at Fort Hood,

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