Tinguished Presidency of the PRO GRAND MASTER , Su

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Tinguished Presidency of the PRO GRAND MASTER , Su CONTENTS. been an exercize of a " concurrent jurisdiction " alike by the G RAND M ASTER and the Grand Lodge as to the subject of precedence and rank, and LEADER S 345 CoRRESI'OXPEXCE—¦ United Grand Lodge 346 The Festival of the Boys' School 350 hence that a claim of an absolute prerogative was untenable, was alike Royal Masonic Institution for Girls 347 The 1S15 Constitutions 351 The Special Grand Lodge at York 347 The Book of Constitutions 351 graceful and most Masonic. Indeed , it is now, we believe, conceded that Royal Masonic Institution for Boys 347 Reviews 351 for every exercize of the GRAND M ASTER'S prerogative as the fountai n of Consecration of the Blackwater Lodge, No. Notes and Queries 351 1977 •¦ 347 Provincial Grand Lod jre of Surrey 351 honour, severa l examples of a similar " user" might be produced in respect Rova i Cumberland Lodge, No. 41, Bath.— The Roya l Leopold Lodge, No. 1669, Bene- same exercize b Third Jubilee Celebration 34S volent Association 3^2 to the y Grand Lodge. We congratulate all concerned on Summer Banquet of the Mount Calvary R F.I-URTS up M ASONIC M EETINGS — the cessation of an undesirable controversy, and will only add that while we Preceptory of Knights Templar 349 Craft Masonry 352 Masonic Garden Pa rty 349 Instruction 355 shall always to the best of our power and ability uphold the acknowledged Rural Arch Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Hamp- 355 RAND ASTER shire and Isle of Wight 349 Mark Masonry 351; and legal prerogatives of the G M , we shall, as in duty bound Consecration of a New Mark Loc'ge 349 The Theatres 350 feel it to be our Masonic obligation lo endeavour kindly and respectfully to Bro. Lord Wolseley "s Visit to Dublin 349 M asonic and General Tidings 357 South Africa 349 Lodge Meetings for Next Week 358 maintain the undoubted privileges of Grand Lodge. * T HE Special Grand Lodge took place on the 27th ult., under the dis- * » tinguished presidency of the PRO G RAND M ASTER , supported by Bro, One or two of the amendments carried in the specia l Grand Lodge are Viscount H OLMESDALE , and other Prov. Grand Masters. The attendance noteworth y. One is the giving of the Book of Constitutions as well as the was not overpowering ; it was, in fact, sparse. The revised Book lodge bye-laws to all the newly-initiated ; another is the restoration of the of Constitutions was considered and passed up to, if we remember words after due examination in the clause relating to visitors ; while a rightly the law 185, and Grand Lodge was closed wisely at 9.20, third is a sort of general agreement that a clause should be adopted to after four hours' exhaustive sitting, the heat being very great, and prevent, without knowledge of the fact, candidates who have been '< black the attendance becoming gradually thinner and thinner. We were balled " in one town and lodge being proposed and balloted for in struck, as all must be, with the patience, consideration , and courtesy, another. not at all unexpected, cf our distinguished PRO G RAND M ASTER , and were * * gratified in noting the great evidence of marked ability and understanding S EVERAL vexed questions have also been now decided , though several Bro. Lord H OLMESDALE . AS the of the Book of Constitutions evinced by remai n for settlement. The very important point of the presidency of a and clearer, to some discussion progressed it seemed to become clearer lodge under all eventualities is now satisfactorily provided for, and several Purposes suggested the minds at any rate, that had the Board of General alterations have been made of more or less importance to gratify our Pro- the amended draft and the rejected proposals further consideration of vincial brethren. The burning subject, the status of Past Masters, has yet by an independent Committee, it not only would have been a good stroke of to be dealt with. On this point we think it well to say a f ew words to-day. the movement and the Board to the policy, but would have commended Lord CARNARVON 'S wise and warning words at the outset, as tolong speeches and above all would have saved much, grateful recognition of their brethren, and abstract essays, naturally and properly kept back many from speak- discussion. Two things were plain from the very much, discursive and hasty ing on the subject when mooted. When the proper point is reached, a first moment : that the provincial brethren muftered in force, and were not good deal will have to be said " pro and con." Our brethren fro m the made. This duplex fact dominated all the satisfied with the concessions provinces are apparently exercized by the fact that Past Masters " in " the subsequent debate and led to one or two unforeseen results. We still venture lodge have no recognized status out of their own province. But several con« in the matter to think, " that for all around " equally, as there is no hurry , siderations come in. There is a good deal of force, no doubt, in the con - and the lasting character of the Book of Constitutions is the real thing to tention that " of the lodge " is a technical expression ; but we hold to the that a little more time to consider the various aim after and desiderate, opinon that a Past Master, while he is a subscribing member of some lodge clauses, and from a purel y technical and independent point of view, might and retains a seat in Grand Lodge, &c, " a fortiori " he does the same in a redounded to the credit of the Board well have been given, and would have Provincial Grand Lodge ; he is, no doubt, not a Past Master " of " the par- iven grea t satisfaction to Grand Lodge, and itself, and would have g ticular lodge in which he is now a subscribing member, in the sense of advanced the best interests of the Craft. We are indeed all bound to concede having passed the chair; but he is both a Past Master in the Craft and credit for hard work, and to the Board of General Purposes the greatest "in " the lodge, and no one can deprive him of his rights or his rank, , a salutary, and a safe revision of anxious efforts to bring about a complete quoad Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge. As a Past and useful to us all alike. But some of a Book of Masonic law so necessary Master in the Craft and subscribing msmber to a lodge in the pro- whether from its peculiar construction , as we us doubt, as we may fairly do, vince, he has a right to a sea t and vote in any Provincial Grand Lodge, in best body to which to confide said last week, the Board is actually the very our humble opinion , despite some erroneous rulings on the subject. But we the of a code of Masonic law. It was quite drafting and preparing confess we very much object to go further, and place young Past Masters on stating, a further evident as the hours passed away, that, as we begun by an actual level with Past Masters " of " a special lodge. Let us take one would have been most desirable , and consideration of several " moot points " illustration. A lodge is formed ; has great success ; gains great prestige; would have saved a deplorable waste of time. and after 10 years, say, it has reached a remarkable position of Masonic »** efficiency and financial prosperity . Isitfair, or even decent, that a " stranger " G RAND Lodge was deeply gratified by the announcement made by should come in and claim the same " status " as the actual Pas t Masters of our noble brother the PRO G RAND M ASTER on Friday last, the lodge, who have worked for 10 years in bringing about this state of things, with reference to the withdrawal of the altered Table of Precedence, by a mere payment of money ? And if we are to do this for English Past and not the least so, by the peculiarly gracious mode in which it Masters, what are we to. say for Scottish or Irish Past Masters ? in the was communicated. We re-invite attention to our recent leaderettes former case, often with no lodge subscription at all ; in the latter, compara - on the subject , and we cannot help thinking that a master's hand has again tively small ; and in both jurisdictions the custom of " passing the chair " come back to the helm. But while we are glad to acknowled ge that a very still continued , which hasbeen long given up properly by us. We, therefore great mistake has been most seasonably rectified , and that in the most , with due submission to some of our Provincial brethren , cannot fully endorse becoming manner we yet feel bound to express a hope, that the attention , a view as regards Past Masters which we believe is far from being universalJ of our rulers may also be directed to the entire removal of other causes of y approved of in the provinces, but are most ready to render the actual dissatisfaction. The evident pleasure evinced by Grand Lodge at the felici- " status " of the Past Master clearer and more precise by the law. tous announcement of the P RO G RAND M ASTER, and the gratifying assur- ance of the unabated and vital interest of H.R.H. the GRAND M ASTER in *** all that pertains to the happiness of the Craft, ought to encourage all who IT was amusing to note the other evening, though it vvas in the great heat, experimentum have the means and opportunity to tender loyal and salutary advice, so an " " trul y "in corpore vili" tor all present, the persistence markedly accepted, and so graciously received.
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