game download sizes pc The File Size Of Every Assassin's Creed Game. Most stealth video games revolve around players hiding in the shadows, just waiting for the right moment to strike. They reward slow-paced and methodical gameplay and usually focus on level design to differentiate themselves from the competition. Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed games take a very different approach though. These open-world stealth-like video games put the player in the shoes of assassins in older time periods. The series has grown it's parkour and combat systems since its inception, and it has also grown in technical requirements. As the series has grown in depth, however, so too have the file sizes of the games. Updated March 1, 2021 by Thomas Bowen: Given the limited storage available on the latest generation of consoles and the huge cost of expanding it, file sizes have never been more important. Add to this the time that it can take to download a large title and it's easy to see why so many people are starting to take an interest. With Valhalla being the first Assassin's Creed game available for the latest Sony and consoles, many series fans were a little worried about just how big it might end up being. If you're one of them; read on to find out how Valhalla measures up with its predecessors in the file size department. 12 Assassin's Creed (7 GB) Assassin's Creed is the game that started the entire franchise, praised by critics and players alike for its great movement mechanics and engaging story. Believe it or not, this game only took up 7 Gigabytes of hard drive space at launch! Considering how massive this game is and how much there is to do, the file size for Assassin's Creed is surprisingly small. Players go around as an assassin named Altaïr ibn-La'Ahad, using both stealth through concealment and fast-paced parkour to navigate massive cities during the Third Crusade. Combat is somewhat rough in this game, usually encouraging spamming attacks or plunging attacks, but the movement and the sprawling world were more than enough to keep players engaged. 11 Assassin's Creed 2 (8 GB) While Assassin's Creed had a few minor design issues and the plot was confusing, almost every negative was addressed in its sequel, Assassin's Creed 2 . Players control Ezio as he makes his way into the assassin lifestyle. Desmond is trying to learn the secrets of the assassin versus templar war, as he always does. The sense of scale through Italy in Assassin's Creed 2 made it hard to beat compared to other entries in the series. Parkour was improved, combat had new layers of depth, and the mansion players could invest into gave a metagame progression system to encourage players to come back again and again. It was only one gigabyte larger than the last installment as well, only requiring 8 GB of hard drive space. 10 Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (8 GB) Continuing Ezio's story, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is focused more on establishing a group of assassins than exploring a single plot thread. Similar to Assassin's Creed 2 , Brotherhood made some small updates to the core gameplay loop that helped separate it from the rest of the series. One of the largest additions to this installment was multiplayer, having players control assassins that must kill other players who are high-value targets. Clocking in at only 8 gigabytes, Brotherhood was a great Assassin's Creed title that brought more of what fans loved. 9 Assassin's Creed Revelations (12 GB) Ezio's story reaches its epic conclusion in Assassin's Creed Revelations . For 12 GB of space, this game provides similar gameplay to Brotherhood . Just like Brotherhood , Revelations includes some small improvements to its core gameplay to make it engaging. Things like the hook and bomb crafting were appreciated, but there weren't any massive renovations in its design. Instead, that focus went on the game's epic story and phenomenal multiplayer, which was expanded in this installment to include team-based game modes and more maps. 8 Assassin's Creed 3 (16 GB) The Revolutionary War seems like a strange time for an Assassin's Creed game to take place in, but it works surprisingly well in Assassin's Creed 3 . You play as a Native American named Connor, set to assist early-day America and unravel the Templar's plans. Running through snow and climbing through the trees rather than massive cities was the appeal here, but the core gameplay loop from the previous games was intact here. This game is 16 GB, double the size of Assassin's Creed 2 . 7 Assassins' Creed 4 Black Flag (30 GB) Similar to how Assassin's Creed 3 took a big gamble on its setting, Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag took a massive gamble on its gameplay loop. And it shows in its file size. This game took over 30 GB of hard drive space, nearly double what the last installment asked for. What players got in return was well worth it, combining the slick combat and traversal the series is known for with phenomenal naval combat and exploration. Seriously, Black Flag is such an amazing game because of how fun and different its naval combat is. It's arguably the best non-pirate themed pirate game ever made. 6 Assassin's Creed Rogue (12 GB) Assassin's Creed Rogue had a fantastic premise, allowing players to control a Templar instead of an assassin and viewing events from their perspective. Fans thought they were getting a massive game, but Rogue was very much an expansion-size video game instead of a true sequel like Brotherhood or Revelations . At 12 GB, this game had less content for players to experience compared to the naval-exploring Black Flag . 5 Assassin's Creed Unity (50 GB) Assassin's Creed Unity was advertised to be the next massive leap for the Assassin's Creed series. Requiring a massive 50 GB of space, Unity was the most technically demanding Assassin's Creed game to date. Unfortunately, this game was simply not polished on release. Replicating horrendous early access video game, Unity included hundreds, if not thousands of bugs that would cause areas to stop rendering, frame rates to drop to the single digits, NPCs to float in the air, and even have character faces stop rendering, revealing their eyes and teeth instead. After countless patches and community-made memes, Unity remains a nice diversion from the main series, but it doesn't hold its own compared to the past of future titles. 4 Assassin's Creed Syndicate (40 GB) Syndicate takes place during the Industrial Revolution, allowing players to ride carriages and use grappling hooks to fight enemies. Compared to Unity , Syndicate only takes up 40 gigabytes of hard drive space to run and is substantially more stable. Most fans of the Assassin's Creed series were disappointed with the few innovations this game made, showing how bland the game's combat has become. The story in this game is great, but the dated combat from the original Assassin's Creed was desperately showing its age. 3 Assassin's Creed Origins (42 GB) After the lukewarm reception of Syndicate , Ubisoft knew that the Assassin's Creed franchise needed to evolve or it would die in obscurity. That is why they took an extra year of development time to overhaul the series to wow fans. Assassin's Creed Origins is the fruit of that labor, and it is a fantastic example of how to revive a stale franchise. Combat took influences from the likes of Zelda and Dark Souls , focusing on player reactions through dodging and parrying instead of spamming attacks. Exploration is as good as ever, letting players climb up the Great Pyramids of Egypt alongside exploring its unique towns. It felt larger in scope, but the game was only 2 GB larger than Syndicate , requiring only 42 GB of hard drive space. 2 Assassin's Creed Odyssey (46 GB) Going forward in time is hard for Assassin's Creed games to do, as going too far into history can result in hidden blades being quickly replaced with silenced firearms or more technology, harming stealth gameplay. Learning that mistake from Syndicate , Odyssey takes place not too far after Origins does, taking players to the mythical location of Greece. Ancient philosophers are here alongside beautifully realized Greek architecture. The game features Origins' combat and progression system while making some much-needed improvements to the formula. It might be 46 GB, but the scale of this game rivals modern RPGs like The Witcher 3 . 1 Assassin's Creed Valhalla (47 GB) Set in the ninth century, Assassin's Creed Valhalla allows players to channel their inner viking in what is one of the most brutal Assassin's Creed games to date. As you might expect, it's packed full of Norse mythology and offers a few big improvements to general gameplay. The game's main protagonist is one of the best we've seen in years and their story is every bit as captivating. Despite the game's huge open world and its availability on the PlayStation 5 and Series platforms, the file size of Valhalla clocks in at just 47.1 GB. This does make it the largest game in the series when it comes to file size, but considering the huge step up in visual fidelity, it's pretty impressive that Ubisoft were able to keep the game within just a few gigabytes of its predecessors. You might want to have a seat when you see the price tag for the new gaming chair being released by Cooler Master and D-Box Technologies. Charles Burgar is an expert on all things tech and gaming. Graduating from Pikes Peak Community College in 2018 with an Associate of Science, Charles has spent his time dissecting popular video games, movies, and technology. With an understanding of games for as long as he can remember, Charles has a large interest in understanding what makes things fun. He is currently a Freelance writer for TheGamer and Game Rant. PC Game Install Sizes Are Ballooning And I’m Scared. Earlier today, I was reading over the PC hardware specifications for the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and, when I reached the hard drive space requirement, did a double-take. 175 GB. For one game. My hard drive currently has less than half that space free for all games. And Modern Warfare is far from alone in its -like hunger for hard drive space. The PC version of Red Dead Redemption 2 , for example, will not stop until it has callously conquered 150 GB of your PC’s storage. This continues an upward trend seen in other recent heavyweight kingpins like the PC versions of Gears of War 4 , Gears 5, Halo 5 and Final Fantasy XV , all of which clock in at over 100 GB when you add high-res texture packs (the latter even without improved textures). PC gaming has always been characterised by a little extra pain in the name of optimal pleasure, but this is reaching preposterously bonkers proportions. Activision, at least, has an explanation for why its game plans on spreading out its legs and taking up three whole seats of hard drive space. “175 GB is the storage space we recommend players keep available in order to download the post-launch content we’ll be bringing to Modern Warfare ,” the publisher said in a blog post. “At launch, the initial download will be smaller.” So far, however, Rockstar has not said anything along those lines, meaning that Red Dead Redemption 2 will likely cause hard drives the world over to squeal like hogtied pigs on which somebody tried to install a large video game. That’s a pain! I don’t just use my hard drive for games, but also other things like videos and images I download and then forget to delete. I should have the freedom to be at least a little big negligent and irresponsible, darn it! As is, however, I expect that it will not be long until I have to delete myself in order to make room for the PC version of the latest, greatest big- budget hit. I fear that day. I am not ready for the cold blackness of the recycle bin. There’s a reason for this endless ballooning: As outlined by PC Gamer in a 2018 investigation, textures keep getting more complex and, therefore, bigger, and there’s not a practical way to compress them sans loss of fidelity in the same way there is for, say, audio. Unlike on consoles, PC games aren’t as constrained by disc space, either, so developers can go a little wilder with how much space games take up. So yeah, Modern Warfare and Red Dead Redemption 2 will probably look best on PC, but you might want to do some spring cleaning before you buy them. Or you can just be like me, continue treating your hard drive like your messy bedroom, and resign yourself to only installing one game at a time. Also, the embrace of the void. The 10 Smallest Games By File Size (& How Much Memory They Take) Short on hard drive space on your Xbox One? Try these! Today we're checking out ten of the smallest games on the platform, according to file size. It's been seven years since the Xbox One was released, and as the console's days come to an end it's time to reminisce about its fantastic library of games. No, not the best exclusives or the best indie titles, but the games that are smallest in size on the console. As we enter into the years of cloud gaming it's time to look at the games that would do no harm to your hard drive. Sure, some of them are the console equivalent to a mobile game, but others take up little-to-no space and are fantastic additions to your library. 10 Riptide Gp2 (0.13 GB) Riptide 2 is a wave runner racing game that is sure to eat up more of your time than you'd like to admit. Sure, these games are all over the mobile marketplace, making it possible to play them on your tablet or phone, but the game no doubt looks the best on the Xbox One. The game looks especially crispy on the Xbox and is complemented by some banging music. It's a lot like SSX Tricky in the sense that you can do ridiculous moves on equally crazy landscapes. On a console where causal racing games are few and far between this is a must. 9 Crimsonland (0.2 GB) First of all, what is up with that cover image? These developers have no connection with id Software or Bethesda, so they must be huge fans of Doom -- but who isn't? Crimsonland however, plays nothing like Doom and is instead a top-down arena shooter. It plays a lot like the classic dual-stick shooters like Smash TV or Robotron 2084. While it does fall short of those classics, it is a fun top-down shooter that does its best to encapsulate what made those games great. Plus, this new re-released version has all new game modes, only adding to the fun. 8 Bike Mayhem 2 (0.21 GB) Bike Mayhem 2 isn't going to win any awards for ground breaking game play or Earth shattering graphics, but it sure is a game that can keep you lost for hours. It's a lot like Trials HD if you substitute the motorcycle for a sick BMX bike that allows you to do tons of tricks. The game really gets fun when you start to nail the tricks. You'll be flying off mountains and spinning handlebars like it's nobody's business. It doesn't rewrite the formula on these types of games like OlliOlli 2 or Trials Evolution, but it's a fun and cheap game that'll pass the time. 7 Badland: Game Of The Year Edition (0.25 GB) Badland is probably one of the most unique games on this list and is certainly one you want to keep your eye on for Spring and Summer sales. The game allows you to take control of these black little fur balls called clones as you progress through the stunningly beautiful 2D world, avoiding traps and obstacles. It would be easy if you only had to control one clone, but instead you command armies, avoiding huge buzz saws and solving a slew of puzzles. It's tragic when you just see one of your clones flung into a chainsaw because of your carelessness -- such a great game. 6 Bridge Constructor (0.29 GB) Bridge Constructor might look like rough, but it isn't the graphics that make this one great, it's the game play. Like most bridge constructing games it's the wonky physics that make this a game you'll keep coming back to. You'll haphazardly put bridges together and there's just no way that you're going to complete a level without witnessing cars fly through the skies. To be honest it isn't the best bridge constructing game, but it is one of the best for console. It also won't run you too much money, so it's got that going for it too. 5 Threes! (0.34 GB) Threes is the original version of 2048, and both games have proved to be some of the best mobile games of all time. That's the problem when it comes to this game on Xbox One however, as this game is just far better on a phone or tablet. You can certainly play it faster on console where you'll be flicking the sticks in all directions with the goal of compounding the highest numbers. If you've ever seen any of your friends play then you know this game isn't just randomly swiping, but has quite a bit of skill involved. 4 Prison Architect: Xbox One Edition (0.35 GB) Prison Architect is a game that you've likely seen in a sale or two, or in advertisements all over the marketplace. The game came out in 2015 and still holds up as one of the most unique indie games released in the last decade. You take the role of a prison warden and have to construct a facility worthy of containing hundreds of prisoners. It's a lot like most simulation and tycoon games in the sense that the game eases you into the levels and gets progressively harder as it moves along. It's a game that you could sink hundreds of hours into easily. 3 Pinball Fx2 (0.41 GB) Pinball FX 2 is not only one of the smallest games on the Xbox One, but is also one of the cheapest with a price tag of free . Sure, the third version of the game released a few years ago -- but it's pinball -- how much are you really going to update in-between titles? The only severe difference between games is the different tables that were added in the third version. But that's not to say the second game doesn't have some crazy fun tables like the Marvel themed ones, Star-Wars tables, and even a Plants Vs. Zombies table. You have to pay for additional tables, but you get some for free anyway. 2 Battle Islands (0.42 GB) Battle Islands is probably the most mobile of all mobile games. The image above even looks like one of those mobile game ads, minus a B-list celebrity intruding to make the game play seem more memorable. Much like its title, you take control of an island and upgrade your base and troops in an effort to battle enemy forces. This kind of game doesn't work for Xbox too well, but it is a game that will fit onto any hard drive if you don't have the space. 1 Draw A Stickman: Epic (0.43 GB) Draw A Stickman: Epic is one of the most bizarre platformers that you'll ever play -- and in 2020 that's saying a lot. You take control of a stickman that you could've drawn in your preschool days, as you progress through a hand-drawn world that looks like it was created by a middle school kid who shops at Zumiez. It has its moments for sure, as you encounter some really strange creatures and have to solve some cool puzzles that play on the world brilliantly. It can get a little repetitive and a bit frustrating when it comes to controls and movement speed, but it's definitely worth a try if you can scoop the game for a low price. You might want to have a seat when you see the price tag for the new gaming chair being released by Cooler Master and D-Box Technologies. Isaiah McCall is a junior at Ramapo College of New Jersey and is a Communication Arts major with a concentration in Journalism. Isaiah loves gaming, writing and trashing others in Ping-Pong. World War Z Game Download For PC Full Version. World War Z is a shooter computer game it was created by Saber Interactive and also launched by MS Windows, Xbox One and also PS4 on 16th April 2019, It is based upon an Action game It is heart-touching and also four-player game. It shaw of zombies and also living their target, Six personality degree, and also Different tool to handle difficulties. World War Z is a third-person shooter in which have 4 gamers and also combat with the zombies and also all remain in 5 various areas like New York, Tokyo, Moscow, Jerusalem, and also Sydney And the gamer can select any kind of 6 courses in the hellraiser and also Gunslinger that focused on group control. Weapons can be opened in brand-new advantages for each course progression in-game. In this game, 1000 opponents sustain all at once, and also it can climb up at a greater degree to get to. The gamer can gather numerous things in their areas and also zombies require to finish to survivors in every area. World War Z game is based upon world War Z Hollywood movie which is launched on 2013. What is the largest current video game by file size? I know a few games have cracked 100 GB in size, but what is the biggest one on any platform? Let's have some rules: - custom data doesn't count, so no downloading of a million decals or user levels or whatever - no calculation errors like those that happened on the Windows Store - DLC counts. The largest I could find was Final Fantasy XV , which is 155 GB if you download the 4K resolution DLC. Deleted member 8196. SixelAlexiS. Google say: Gears of War 4 + DLC - 350 GB. Insane, especially if you think how bad the game is. Deleted member 31092. User requested account closure. Google say: Gears of War 4 + DLC - 350 GB. Insane, especially if you think how bad the game is. Google say: Gears of War 4 + DLC - 350 GB. Insane, especially if you think how bad the game is. Indy in the Fridge. Google say: Gears of War 4 + DLC - 350 GB. Insane, especially if you think how bad the game is. PlanetSmasher. I know a few games have cracked 100 GB in size, but what is the biggest one on any platform? Let's have some rules: - custom data doesn't count, so no downloading of a million decals or user levels or whatever - no calculation errors like those that happened on the Windows Store - DLC counts. The largest I could find was Final Fantasy XV , which is 155 GB if you download the 4K resolution DLC. Pretty sure they patched FFXV to reduce its file size. Elder Scrolls Online is absolutely massive and basically requires almost an entire HDD for itself.