Maine State Legislature
MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) DOCU~fENTS \,lU~"TED TIY OllDEn OI' THE LEGISLATURE OI' THE STAT~E OF MAINE, nrmXG ITS SESSIOX A .. D. 1846. AUGUSTA: '\V1\{. T. JOHNSON, PRINTER TO THE STATE. 1847. AN ABSTRACT OF THE RETURNS OF CORPORATIONS, MADE TO THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE, IN JANUARY, 1845, FOR THE YEAR Prepared and published agreeably to a Resolve of the Legislature, approved March 24, 1843. By EZRA B. FRENCH, Secretary of State. AUGUSTA: WM. T. JOHNSON, .......... PRINTER TO THE STATE. 1846 . .. S'fATE OF MAINE. Resolve authorizing the printing of the Returns of Clerks of Corpora rations. RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State is hereby directed to cause the printing of four hundred copies of the returns of the several corpo rations (excepting banks,) of this State, comprising the name, resi dence, and amount of stock owned by each stockholder, and furnish each city, town and plantation, with a copy of the same. [Approved Mm'ch 24, 1843.] • LIST OF STOCKIIOLDERS. THE following comprises a list of all the returns of clerks of corpora tions that have been received at the office of the Secretary of State, for the year 1845. The abstracts of the returns of such corporations as are marked (*) did not specify the value of shares or the amount of their capital stock, nor is such information found in their acts of incorporation.
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