WALKABILITY STUDY KOCHI 2017 WALKABILITY STUDY KOCHI 2017 ESAF, Viswas Bhavan, Kundukulam Road, Mannuthy P.O, Thrissur 680651 Ph: 0487-2371472 Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 6 LIST OF ACRONYMS 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 13 1.1 Why on pedestrian safety 13 1.2 Why Kochi 14 1.3 Agencies responsible for transportation and urban planning in Kochi 14 1.4 Policies 16 CHAPTER II RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 20 2.1 Introduction 20 2.2 Objectives 20 2.3 Personnel 20 2.4 Design 20 2.5 Methodology 22 2.6 Finance 23 2.7 Limitations of the survey 23 CHAPTER III RESEARCH RESULTS 24 3.1 Introduction 24 3.2 Pedestrian Count 24 3.3 Field Walkability Survey 25 3.4 Pedestrian Perception Survey 36 3.5 Observation Study 39 CHAPTER IV IMPROVING WALKABILITY IN THE CITY OF KOCHI 45 Published in India by CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 47 Evangelical Social Action Forum REFERENCES 49 Viswas Bhavan, Kundukulam Road, Mannuthy P.O, Thrissur. 680 651. Kerala, India. Tel: +91 487 2371472 | E-mail:
[email protected] | Web site: http://www.esafindia.org ANNEXURE 1 - Segment Details 50 Reproduction Authorization/Restrictions ANNEXURE 2 - Pedestrian Count Form 53 This manual has been prepared for the Government and is public property and not subject to copyright. ANNEXURE 3 – Field Walkability Survey 54 Reprints or republications of this manual should include a credit substantially as follows: “Evangelical Social Action Forum, Walkability and Pedestrian Facilities in Kochi 2016-2017 ”. ANNEXURE 4 - Pedestrian Perception Survey 59 Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 6