Perandoor Canal, Thevara Canal and Market Canal
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.r.tor'lmcetco cao g CD'lcDo(rue @O6lDlCo fiDO@E(Do oas@ 4analsctm l0/05/2017-aet agas? CarcBlo otwd : 3025 a e c @? a et 6 o c q a 4l e g s @ an e @ 6m o ovo a2t owr,l C o cD o,l o oJ c 6 gi ^t l.l9!& oeolsl oceceri 191. ocodsmcsrefiu. rrll ern oc or1 o/lscqrd ( qo1oq91 ) og)' oecdcoro.r a,cncqa,ud cnojra,olmcmojl .,61. oo,caircoJ)oeL 6rcDcq6gos cruo@ cnccorl ca,ogc rsrocs *fid..rl paaeroaclu- oiromlcno m:oerrm.ulg1 ca,og .*4qi1"crr cncoilcconsoa carcd.gcoovod o-lo(Do .'@c0 pod.rccfi cncoircco.soE msooilcojlqcornc; .rocn olc.gcri5locfr co,cd.ScoosoE "4o14f, mcg":cor- QG6uff) crJo{Do oo,rE.S eJGjocg)ccac i cns@crroenE. potoe crDcGDJ(Dc otoff)o .gdooilcotcaflco.rlgena". AJoB@) ci1c"gcd5i1oc$ ota,rd.S rardcro5rumr'loccot Cojdecrro. 5nn. @nu,o, orocD olc.gcrd$cri crudmcd snll. genE-. Gro"crJla,coo cnrif, olcoilgcenac ; (ru1. o@orosco omcqa,gcem- cnofloo,lercod (ru1. 1) Gcrolcd acncd ecqool6cmo(ocrD" c4€rooc6)ccoc ; 2) crocuo-co.tosrEd ocncnf pollcnccol crulieolajlggp cns.,.rs1o,sa 3) ocdmg'ocncni 4) of)ocoflcoco6lDcm" oilcooocs1ccoc ? "jlencnqtd crocd / acncctfl 5) ps"Jggl crocs'/ ocncnf, oil<or:ocor .lallroi olcocrds, "Eal erre5oco-llcoroilcri GUdcrgo @c@G. cnsrsil mtJla,otleicrLcoE e,vlqocggg. e,& ocnr agcf acoo'lmrrE FEASIBILITY STUDY ON DEVELOPMENT OF CANALS IN KOCHI FINALREPORT KERALA SHIPPING AND INLAND NAVIGATION CORPORATION LIMITED (KSINC) © NATPAC-KSINC 2017 PROJECT OVERVIEW DR.B.G.SREEDEVI, DIRECTOR PROJECT LEAD P.KALAIARASAN, SCIENTIST SUPPORTING TEAM PRASANTH G, CONSULTANT T.MOHAN, TECHNICAL ASSISTANT SAJITH S, PROJECT ENGINEER SHIJITH P P, PROJECT ENGINEER DISCLAIMER This report has been prepared by NATPAC with inputs based on primary survey conducted by NATPAC and secondary data from various organizations. NATPAC and KSINC disclaim any and all liability for the use that may be made of the information contained in this report. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Study Team expresses its deep sense of gratitude to Shri. Tom Jose, Additional Chief Secretary, Labour & Skills, Chairman & Managing Director KSINC for awarding this work to NATPAC and also providing valuable suggestions during various stages of the study. The Study Team place on record their sincere thanks to the Shri. V.K. Raju Company Secretary and officials of KSINC, Kochi for timely interventions and suggestions. The Study Team places on record the whole hearted cooperation extended by the officials of various departments in Thiruvananthapuram and Kochi, especially Village Office, Taluk Office, Panchayat Office and Survey & Land Records for providing necessary maps for this study. The public including settlers on the canal banks have extended their cooperation and support during the field surveys and is gratefully acknowledged. P.Kalaiarasan Scientist, Thiruvananthapuram Water Transport Division January 2017 FORWARD Kerala has a good network of waterways formed from rivers, backwaters and man- made cross canals, connecting the various parts of the state. These waterways serve not only as navigational channels but also helps in tourism promotion and economic prosperity. Inland water transport is widely regarded as economic, environment friendly and energy efficient mode of transport. Hence, there is a necessity to revive this system, not only for inland navigation, but also to harness the enormous potentials in other sectors of economy. With the increasing trend of urbanization and motorisation, Kochi City is facing severe traffic problems which hamper the mobility of people and goods transportation. At the instance of Kerala Shipping and Inland Navigation Corporation Limited (KSINC), National Transportation Planning and Research Centre (NATPAC) has undertaken a feasibility study for improvement of Kochi Canals. Detailed condition survey was conducted for Edapally Canal, Chilavannur Canal, Thevara-Perandoor Canal, Thevara Canal and Market Canal. Details like horizontal and vertical clearance of cross structures, road accessibility, bank protection measures, land acquisition, resettlement and rehabilitation measures, constraints for inland navigation etc. were examined. For restoration of water flow through these canals, the extent of siltation and the quantum of dredging necessary were assessed. Water quality analysis was also carried out. Based on the studies, development proposals are formulated to operationalise the canals. The proposals include measures like desilting, widening, protection of side banks, provision of navigational aids, improvement of approach roads, reconstruction of cross- structures with adequate clearances, removal of encroachments and rehabilitation measures for project affected people. Suitable locations were identified for tourism and leisure-time activities. Revenue generation activities like water sports, parks and recreational sites, development of landing places /boat jetties, way side amenities, beautification of canal-front etc. are some of the value-addition to the project. The development proposals suggested in this Report are expected to have long-term benefits to the society. It is essential that the schemes are prioritized based on the local needs and taken up for early implementation with appropriate funding option. Thiruvananthapuram B G SREEDEVI January 2017 DIRECTOR CONTENTS Sl. No. Title Page No. 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 General 1 1.1 National Waterways In India 3 1.1.1 National Waterway- 8 4 1.1.2 National Waterway-9 4 1.1.3 National Waterway-59 4 1.1.4 National Waterway-13 5 1.2 Inland Water Transport 5 1.2.1 Fuel Efficiency 5 1.2.2 Emissions 6 1.3 Stake Holders In IWT In Kochi Region 7 1.3.1 The Inland Waterways Authority of India 7 1.3.2 Greater Cochin Development Authority 8 1.3.3 Goshree Islands Development Authority 8 1.3.4 State Water Transport Department 9 1.3.5 Kerala Shipping and Inland Navigation Corporation 9 1.3.6 Cochin Port Trust 10 1.3.7 Department of Irrigation, Government of Kerala 10 1.3.8 Municipal Corporation of Cochin 11 1.3.9 Kochi Metro Rail Limited 11 1.3.10 Passengers Association 11 1.4 Background Of Present Study 11 II TERMS OF REFERENCE 13 III LITERATURE REVIEW 15 3.1 Definition And Functions 15 3.2 Global Scenario 15 3.2.1 Current Situation Of Inland Navigation In India 16 3.3 Inland Water Transport Policy In India 16 Comparative Analysis Between Inland Water Transports 3.4 16 With Other Inland Transport Modes 3.4.1 Advantages of IWT 16 3.4.2 Disadvantages of IWT 18 3.5 Inland Ports Planning 19 3.5.1 Port Terminology 19 3.5.2 Port Structures 20 3.5.3 Classification of Inland Ports 21 3.5.4 Types of Cargoes 22 3.5.5 Types of Terminals 22 3.5.6 Water Terminal Site Selection 23 3.6 Boats And Vessels 24 3.6.1 Conventional Monohulls 25 3.6.2 Catamaran 26 3.6.3 Trimaran 26 3.6.4 Small Water Plane Twin Hull (Swath) 27 3.6.5 Slice 27 3.6.6 Hydrofoils 28 3.6.7 Water Crafts In Different Waterways 29 3.6.8 Solar Boats 31 3.6.9 Houseboat 31 3.7 Design Technique For Inland Navigation Fairways 32 3.7.1 Economic Studies 32 3.7.2 Initial Design 32 3.7.3 Final Design 33 3.8 Waterfront Development And Allied Activities 33 3.8.1 Types Of Waterfront 33 3.8.2 Functions Of Waterfront Areas 34 3.8.3 Problems And Issues Related With Waterfront Development 34 3.8.4 Development Principles 35 3.8.5 Principles Of Sustainable Waterfront 35 3.8.6 Green Infrastructure 35 3.8.7 Elements Of Riverfront Development Plan 36 3.9 Environmental Management Of Waterway 36 3.9.1 Waterway Ecosystem 36 3.9.2 Basic Functions 37 3.9.3 Waterway Uses 37 3.9.4 Changes To The Catchment Due To Urbanization 39 3.9.5 Design Guideline 39 3.9.6 Bio-Remediation 45 3.9.7 Mauri Model 45 IV STUDY AREA 47 4.1 General 47 4.2 Physical Features 47 4.2.1 Topography 47 4.2.2 Soil Type 48 4.2.3 Climate, Rainfall and Water bodies 48 4.3 Land Use 49 4.4 Demography And Socio-Economic Profile 52 4.4.1 Population growth trend in Kochi 52 4.5 Industry 53 4.6 Tourism 53 4.7 Transport Connectivity 54 4.7.1 Kochi Metro Rail 54 4.7.2 Inland Water Transport 55 4.8 Study Stretches 55 V METHODOLOGY 58 5.1 Literature Review 58 5.2 Collection of Secondary Data 58 5.3 Reconnaissance, Inventory and Status Survey 58 5.4 Environmental Status Survey 59 5.5 Estimation of Dredging Quantity 59 5.6 Navigational Aids 59 5.7 Land Acquisition and Resettlement & Rehabilitation 60 5.8 SWOT Analysis 60 5.9 Improvement Proposal 60 5.10 Cost Estimation 61 VI ANALYSIS OF EXISTING SITUATION 62 6.1 Edapally Canal 62 6.1.1 Details of Cross Structures 62 6.1.2 Present Condition of the Canal 64 6.2 Chilavanoor Canal 72 6.2.1 Details of Cross Structures 72 6.2.2 Present Condition of the canal 76 6.3 Thevera-Perandoor Canal 86 6.3.1 Details of Cross Structures 86 6.3.2 Present Condition of the Canal 89 6.4 Thevera Canal 97 6.4.1 Details of Cross Structures 97 6.4.2 Present Condition of the Canal 98 6.5 Market Canal 100 6.5.1 Details of Cross Structures 101 6.5.2 Present Condition of the Canal 101 6.6 Dredging 104 6.6.1 Edapally Canal 105 6.6.2 Chilavanoor Canal 106 6.6.3 Thevara – Perandoor Canal 107 6.6.4 Thevara Canal 108 6.6.5 Market Canal 108 6.7 Water Quality 109 6.8 Existing Buildings 119 6.8.1 Edapally Canal 119 6.8.2 Chilavanoor Canal 120 6.8.3 Thevara – Perandoor Canal 121 6.8.4 Thevara Canal 121 6.8.5 Market Canal 121 6.9 Project Affected People (Pap) 122 6.10 Land Acquisition 124 6.10.1 Edapally Canal 124 6.10.2 Chilavanoor Canal 126 6.10.3 Thevara – Perandoor Canal 127 6.10.4 Thevara Canal 128 6.10.5 Market Canal 128 VII IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL& COST ESTIMATION 129 7.1 Cleaning and Desiltation 129 7.2 Bank Protection 129 7.3 Cross Structures 130 7.4 Sanitation Facilities 131 7.5 Sanitary