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2 REPORT on USER NEEDS ASSESSMENT 2012 3 4 General information Table of contents Project acronym: ADLAB 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... 5 Project title: Audio Description: Lifelong Access for the Blind Deliverable n°: D1 2 BASIC INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ 9 Associated Work Package: WP1 (User needs analysis) 2.1 DEFINITIONS OF BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEOPLE IN EUROPE ................................................................... 9 Reporting period: October 2011 - March 2012 2.2 FIGURES ON BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEOPLE ...................................................................................... 11 Report version: Version 1 2.3 SPECIFIC LAWS AND REGULATIONS CONCERNING AD ..................................................................................... 15 Date of preparation: March 2012 3 AVAILABILITY OF AD IN THE PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES ..................................................................... 20 WP Leader: Bayerischer Rundfunk (Partner 6) 3.1 TELEVISION ............................................................................................................................................ 20 Project coordinator: Prof. Christopher Taylor 3.2 DVD S/B LU RAYS ..................................................................................................................................... 26 Project coordinator telephone no.: +39 040 558 7603 3.3 MUSEUMS ............................................................................................................................................ 29 Project coordinator email address: [email protected] 3.4 THEATRE / OPERA / BALLET ....................................................................................................................... 34 3.5 CINEMA ................................................................................................................................................ 37 4 RESEARCH AND TRAINING IN AD......................................................................................................... 40 4.1 RESEARCH ............................................................................................................................................. 40 4.2 TRAINING IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS ........................................................................................... 43 4.3 TRAINING OUTSIDE HEI S .......................................................................................................................... 47 5 USER RECEPTION STUDIES ................................................................................................................... 50 5.1 ADLAB USER NEEDS QUESTIONNAIRE : SUMMARY ........................................................................................ 52 5.2 PARTICIPANTS IN THE QUESTIONNAIRE ........................................................................................................ 54 5.3 OVERVIEW OF ACTIVE PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS AND VOLUNTARY SERVICE PROVIDERS IN THE FIELD OF AUDIO DESCRIPTION . .................................................................................................................................................. 55 6 CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 59 7 RECOMMENDATIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS ................................................................................ 61 8 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................ 63 APPENDIX 1: QUESTIONNAIRE .................................................................................................................. 67 List of tables TABLE 1: BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED CITIZENS IN EUROPE ......................................................................................................... 13 TABLE 3: BROADCASTERS OFFERING AD IN EUROPE ...................................................................................................................... 21 TABLE 4 AMOUNT OF AD PROVIDED ON TV IN THE PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES ................................................................................... 25 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This report TABLE 5: NUMBER OF DVD S AND BLU RAYS AVAILABLE IN EUROPE .................................................................................................. 26 reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 5 6 • closed questions asking for a yes/no answer or for specific figures. 1 Executive Summary No multiple choice questions were used in the questionnaire. The answers cover the time The present report addresses the current situation in Europe regarding the accessibility to period ranging from October 2011 to January 2012. audiovisual products on the part of the blind and visually impaired population. The aim was to achieve a ‘photograph’ of the situation regarding audio description (AD) in Europe – As explained above, the report is divided into five main sections: particularly in the partner countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Germany, Poland) – which could help define the current state of play and inform the succeeding stages of the 1. Basic information: data on the definitions and numbers of blind and visually project. Work Package 1 (User Needs Analysis), conducted from October 2011 to March impaired people and the legal situation concerning them; 2012, thus focused on the needs of end-users, particularly final end-users who are blind or 2. Availability of AD in the different countries; partially sighted, and on what is available for them at this moment in Europe. To 3. AD research and training; accomplish these goals, a detailed investigation into the current situation regarding audio 4. User reception studies and input from the national and local blind persons‘ description was carried out through both desk and field research . Key data have been organizations; provided also for other EU countries, although in less detail. As the investigated subject is 5. Conclusions and recommendations. vast and very complex, the present report can make no claim to completeness. To report on the numbers of blind and visually impaired subjects, the amount of AD The blended desk/field research approach basically involved internet research, interviews offered, and local demand for as well as the appreciation of the service, the partners relied and personal email and telephone correspondence with stakeholders and colleagues in on official figures and data taken from other European sources, or they resorted to data higher education, study of the relevant scientific literature, and surveys from the major made available by national statistical agencies rather than re-attempting sporadic national and local blind organizations. In particular the service providers in ADLAB questionnaire-type surveys which in the past have not provided either plentiful or reliable (BayerischeRundfunk, VRT and Senza Barriere) provided information gleaned from their data. All partners contacted national and local blind associations, professional and long experience and many contacts in the field of AD. Each partner analysed the country- voluntary service providers, and academics working in accessibility. specific situations through a lengthy and tightly constructed questionnaire (Appendix 1) crafted by Bayerische Rundfunk (partner 6). The questionnaire was administered by each As a result, chapter 2 of the report offers basic information on the nature and the number partner (one or more members were given the task of coordinating the work at local level) of blind and visually impaired people in the countries involved in the project, and offers a with the task of carrying out the survey simultaneously through the means described broad idea of the type and quantity of AD-specific regulations existing in each country. above. Thus, it was not sent as a whole to respondents, with the exception of section 5 When the questionnaire was drawn up, it was feared that the official parameters used to which was administered to all possible national and local organizations. The final results define blindness might vary in different countries, and this was confirmed by the results. from each partner were sent to BayerischeRundfunk, the partner responsible for Work The survey indeed demonstrates that various scales and systems have been developed to Package 1, in order that a first draft of the final report could be prepared. describe the extent of vision loss and define the condition of lacking visual perception. The questionnaire was designed to elicit detailed information regarding the current AD Likewise, to determine which groups of people may need special assistance because of situation in all EU countries, with a closer focus on the selected countries, making sure their visual disabilities, various government jurisdictions have formulated different and that exactly the same aspects of AD would be considered across the board. The questions complex definitions of legal blindness and other forms