Omo Shticeiii
OMO SHTICEIII 1IOIOI1SH II IV ACKHOV/LEDGME1TTS I am indebted to Hon. W. V/. Hastings, Member of the United States Congress for books from the Library of Con gress and books from his private -library; to Dr. 1!. P. Ham- moiid, president of northeastern State Teachers College, Tahlequah, Oklahoma, for assistance in securing material through the college library; to Dr. Frans Olbrechts, Bel gium, to Llr. Lev/is Spence, Edinburgh, Scotland, and Miss Eula E. Fullerton (a student of Cherokee history and life, manners and customs) professor of history, northeastern State Teachers College,, Tahlequah, Oklahoma, for their helpful sug gestions; to the Hewberry Library, Chicago, Illinois, for photostats of that part of the John Howard Payne Manuscript dealing v/ith the religious festivals of the Cherokees; to I.Iiss Lucy Ann Babcock, Librarian, northeastern State Teachers College, Tahlequah, Oklahoma, in calling ray attention to cer tain books; to Ross Daniels, government official among the Indians, for negatives from which some of the Illustrations are made; to b. J. Seymour, Camden, Arkansas, and Miss A- licia Hagar, Joplin, Missouri, for proof reading; and'to Miss Josephine C. Evans, my secretary, for assistance"in prepar ing the bibliography and the index. YI COUTBHIS CHAPTER PAGE I1TTRODUCTIC1T. ............................... I. A GEHERAL ST^TEMEIIT COHCER17ILTG THE AMERICA1I M* ............................. .... 1 The Singular Characteristics of the A- rnerican Indians ....................... 2 The Culture of the American Indians.... 11 The Warfare of the American Indians.... 20 The Religion of the American Indians... 26 The Ethics of the American Indians..... 32 II. A GEliERAL STATEMENT C01TCERHI1IG THE CKSROKEE niDLiilTS ................................... 39 The Cherokee Dialects .................
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