St. Margaret Church = 1098 Pawtucket Avenue Rumford, RI 02916 Phone: 401-438-3230 Fax: 401-438-4221 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: 9 a.m.—3 p.m. Monday & Tuesday 9 a.m.—1 p.m. Thursday & Friday Closed on Wednesday

Reverend Msgr. John J. Darcy, Pastor Reverend Msgr. William J. McCaffrey, Pastor Emeritus Mr. John F. Needham, Deacon

Mrs. Elizabeth Carter , Secretary & Bulletin Editor Anthony DeCrescenzo, Financial Manager Mr. Ronald Procopio, Minister of Music, 434-6304; 529-2250 [email protected] Mrs. Bethany Bessette, Faith Formation, Gr. 1-6, [email protected] Mr. Charles Moreira, Faith Formation, Gr. 7-10, [email protected] Mrs. Erin Roche, Youth Activities , [email protected] Parish Trustees

John Costigan = = Maddie Josephs =

Finance Council = Saturday Vigil:= 5:00 p.m. Arthur DeBlois, III Sunday: = 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. John Josephs = Michael Kirwan Monday-Friday:= 8:00 a.m. (preceded by praying of the Rosary at 7:30 a.m.) David Tente = Baptism: Call= the parish office to register for sacramental preparation and monthly baptism. Parish Accountant = Reconciliation: Saturday, 4:15-4:45 or by appointment. Garceau & Company, CPA = Marriage: See= a parish priest at least 8-12 months prior to the date of marriage. = Pastoral Council Anointing the Sick: PleaseO God, notify thewho parish by office. the mystery of today’s great feast = Bethany Bessette : Please see a parish priest or go to = Anthony DeMoura sanctify your whole Church on every people and nation, Parish Registration: Every family in the parish should be registered . New families (including newly married) should Patricia Flatley pour out, we pray, the gifts of the Holy Spirit = register by completing a parish registration form available at church or online. David Larsen across the face of the earth = Our parish vitality depends on all Catholics registering as parish members. Sue Leonard and, with the divine grace that was at work = Joseph Moniz when the Gospel was first proclaimed, = Kathleen Moniz = Charles Moreira fill now, once more, the hearts of believers. = Deacon John Needham Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Lee Ann Nunes who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, = Jack Paiva one God, for ever and ever. = Ronald Procopio Erin Roche St. Margaret School = Mrs. Lee Ann Nunes, Principal [email protected] Phone: 401-434-2338 = St. Margaret Church Rumford, RI

June 8 ;14 = = SATURDAY 5:00 P.M . Memorial Mass for Maria DeJesus Pina Carvalho & Albino Prata 8Coelho, by family = SUNDAY = 8:00 A.M. 33rd Anniversary Mass for John P. Lynch, by son Daniel Lynch & family = = 10:30 A.M. Anniversary Mass for Robert Lemois, by family = = MONDAY 9:00 A.M Memorial Mass for Christine Marcelo, by friend Debra (School Mass) = TUESDAY = 8:00 A.M. Memorial Mass for Rev. Msgr. Arthur J. Geoghegan (Pastor of St. Margaret Church 1968 81984) = WEDNESDAY = 8:00 A.M. Memorial Mass for Roberta Mayers, by family = THURSDAY = 8:00 A.M Memorial Mass for Rev. Edward A. Welch (Pastor of St. Margaret Church 1926 81934) = FRIDAY 8:00 A.M Mass for all parishioners at St. Margaret’s = June 15 ;16 = = SATURDAY 5:00 P.M . Memorial Mass for Gwen Carnahan, by family = SUNDAY = 8:00 A.M. Birthday Remembrance for Frank E. Titus, by wife Mary & children = = 10:30 A.M. Memorial Mass for John Pacheco & Alfred Mello, by family = =

June 15 ;16 Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Altar Servers Greeters =

= 5:00 PM Ruth Desmarais, Darlene & Valerie Dymsza, Ted Fogarty, Gail McGowan, Emma & Kate Paerson, Patrick McGee, Beth Durand, Carol Cappuccio = 8:00 AM Nazare Aguiar, Patricia Almquist, Glen & Mary Ann Heywood, Deborah Soares, Jordan Carreiro, Grace Lynch, Anne Conlon = 10:30 AM Irene Lang, Mark Karas, Al & Florence Mello, Dianne Hughes, Julianna Goncalves, Lydia Nassef, Isabella Ambroise, Yvonne Faille, Joe & Kathy Moniz = =

= = =  Looking ahead: Saturday & Sunday, June 8th & 9th, the second collection is the Catholic Communication Collection = Thursday, June 27th, Finance Council Meeting in the Rectory at 5:30 PM = Thursday, June 27th, Msgr. Darcy will be on Hospital Duty all day (Miriam Hospital) = =  Parish Office Summer hours: will begin the week of June 24th and run thru to September 9th. The hours will be 9 a.m. ;1 p.m. The office will be closed on Fridays. = =  Magnificat Women’s Breakfast, Saturday, June 15 8:30 AM ;12:00 at the Providence Marriot, One Orms Street, Providence. Gather with other Catholic women for an experience of faith sharing. The special guest speaker will be Ryan Tremblay, a full time international Christian recording artist from Newport, RI . Please contact Linda Gaa at (401) 864 87731 if you are interested in aending. = =  Worldwide Marriage Encounter Jesus says ʺI give you a new commandment: love one another.ʺ Learn how to love your spouse more by aending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Weekend will be September 14 815, 2019 in Medway, MA. For more information, call Stephen & Michelle OʹLeary at 800 8710 89963 or visit them at hps:// = =  The traditional outdoor summer day camp program at Mother of Hope Camp (Mater Spei) offers children 5 812 free busing (included with the cost of tuition) as well =as daily and weekly options from June 17th through August 9th. Mother of Hope =Camp, an agency of the Catholic Diocese of Providence, is located on 126 acres of =beautiful woodlands along Echo Lake in Chepachet, RI and is staffed by caring and professional individuals. Sibling and Multi 8Week discounts are available! == = =  Volunteer as an Usher at McVinney The commitment may be small, but the impact is great! Our ushers are integral in providing a welcoming experience to everyone who comes through the doors of McVinney! And: ushers get to enjoy events at McVinney for FREE! Bring a friend (or more!), volunteer together and enjoy the show! Please note that you must be 18 years or older to volunteer at McVinney and every McVinney volunteer requires a BCI through the Diocese of Providence. McVinney will assist in expediting all BCIʹs. More at = Pentecost Sunday

St. Margaret Parish Ministries

= CONGRATULATIONS = St. Margaret School = = Class of 2019

Confirmation I & II = Allel Azzouz Myles King The summer sessions for all of our Confirmation Candidates are as follows: = = Philip Berretto Jr. Lydia Nassef = Mason Bouley Gwyneth Parylak = James Canedo Kate Patterson = Confirmation II (incoming 10th graders) Samuel Chawla John Peterson  8 = 8 ! June 24 June 28 9a.m. noon or Chadwick Correia Isabelle Rego  8 = 8 ! July 8 July 12 9a.m. noon Lily Fraterelli Thomas Woodruff ======Confirmation I ( incoming 9th graders)  June 24 8June 28. 1 84 p.m. or !  July 15 8July 19 9 a.m. 8noon ! = Classes will be held in the Community Room. Candidates have been assigned a session based on their preference. = Class assignment sheets are available near the sign 8in book .= = We are currently looking for teachers to join us for our 2019 82020 school year. = ST. MARGARET SCHOOL NEWS = Please contact Bethany Bessee if you = are interested in sharing your gifts, talents and faith with our students. We Congratulations to our Good Disciples have a few grades open and if the time for 2019! These students were commitment is difficult, there is a team 8 recognized at Mass as examples of teaching option as well. == what it means to be a loving and serving = witness of Jesus Christ. The Good = Disciple award went to: Also, please remember to sign in when aending Mass at Tyler DosAnjos, Pre 8K, Weylin Lynch, K, = St. Margaret ’s. Ethan Maeson, Gr.1, Mary Lea, Gr. 2, Ava Insley, Gr.3, Chloe Griffin Gr.4, Viorio Busillo, Gr. 5, Lucas Custodio, Gr.6, Catherine Lisi, Gr. 7, and Kate Paerson, Gr.8. = The Bread of Life Food Pantry Located at = Newman Congregational Church = = = = Outreach Ministry = The Pantry is open the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. The food pantry is a collaborative effort sponsored by = Saint Margaret’s and other Christian congregations in Rumford. For more information, call 401 8434 84742. = If you have a homebound family member or parishioner = friend who cannot make it to church, please call the parish Upcoming Pantry Hours: June 11, 25 & July 9, 23 from 5 to 7PM office; we can = arrange to have cards sent to our homebound The Pantry is open the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. = = parishioners to let them know we are thinking and praying Thank you for your support! = for them, and we can arrange for Mr. Moreira, our Pastoral = Minister, a priest or deacon to visit and bring

= communion. Please also let us know of any parishioners who may be hospitalized or recovering from surgery in a AED Is Fwtsy Esywfshj tk ymj Cmzwhm = rehab facility and would like a visit from the parish. = June 9, 2019


= = Wknd of June 1 82= 2018 = 2019 =

# of budgets used = 189 = 195 = Checks, envelopes = $4,821.00 = $4,717.00 =

Loose = 224.00 = 345.00 =

# EFT participants = 142 = 137 =

Faith Direct ;EFT = $2,582.10 = $2,676.25 =

TOTAL OFFERTORY = $7,624.10 = $7,738.25 =

Ascension = = $1,298.00 =

Sincere thanks to all who continue regular financial support for St. Margaret Parish. = =

Automate your Giving! = = = Would you like to simplify your life? Join the many parishioners who have automated their giving using Faith Direct. Enroll online today at Our church code is RI118. Don’t have access to the internet? Pick up paper enrollment form at the church entrance or stop by the parish office during office hours. = =

= = = = Thank you to everyone who has made a pledge/donation to the Catholic Charity Appeal . = Parish Goal: == $95,000 = To Date: = $89,372 = Total Gifts: 309 = If you haven’t yet given, there’s still time! Just place your Catholic Charity envelope in the collection basket. = Thank you! =


On Line Registration for the parish is now available. =

Please go to the Parish website, under the tab labeled “About”. You will find the registration form that can be filled out on 8line and sent directly to the Parish Office. = June 9, 2019

======Blessed Pentecost to all our parishioners and friends! The RED we see in abundance today is just a visual reminder of the fire of the Spirit. The Sevenfold Gifts of the Holy Spirit continue to manifest themselves in the entire and diverse community of believers. Wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, courage, piety, and fear of the Lord have their unique presence within all believers. As the late Mulvee always said at Confirmation: “Today, all I can do is offer you the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Will you use them; I hope you do. But only you and God will know if you activate them in your life.” = This week the Class of 2019 received their diplomas. They are: =

Allel Azzouz Myles King Philip Berretto Jr. Lydia Nassef Mason Bouley Gwyneth Parylak James Canedo Kate Patterson Samuel Chawla John Peterson Chadwick Correia Isabelle Rego Lily Fraterelli Thomas Woodruff =

= As they prepare for their high school years, we send them forth with our prayers, support and encouragement. St. Margaret grads have made important contributions to many fields, trades, professions, and careers. You join their ranks; make us even more proud then we are. = = Kindergarten graduation will be held on Monday at 6 PM in the Church. These “graduates” have worked very hard this past year with their talented teacher, Mrs. Anne Whium and her aide, Ms. Mary. Wait until you hear them sing the National Anthem; full throated and on pitch!! They are a part of the youngest treasures in our families and parish. Thank you, parents, for entrusting them to us this formative educational year. They are ready for Grade 1! = = Finally, I leave you in the very capable hands of Fathers Bernie O’Reilly, Don Depatie, Chris Murphy and Tim Reilly during some time away. Fr. Reilly will be with you on June 22. I’ll be home, but celebrating a wedding on that Saturday… as I did for the parents of the bride in 1990! Yikes; tempus fugit! = === = ~ Darcy = ! = Monahan-Drabble & Sherman Funeral Home Robert J. Ameen - Attorney at Law 230 Waterman Street, Providence, Wills, Trusts, Estate Planning 331-4592 421-9887 Power of Attorneys Mark E. Russell Roger E. Osborne Robert M. Russell Probate, Probate Avoidance Personal Injury, General Practice “Serving the area since 1876” Please call for our one final gift prearrangement booklet 390 Newport Ave., Pawtucket 722-6639

MELLO GROUP LAUREN V. IANNELLI, ESQ. Law Of"ce of Christine D. Patterson Lic # RI 18045 TABELEY ’S R OOFING Member Parishioner MA 134986 RI Criminal Defense • Civil Litgation 5HVLGHQWLDO &RPPHUFLDO Personal Injury • Family Law Personal Injury • Auto Accidents Roofing • Windows • Siding • Doors Traf"c Violations • Estate Planning Landlord/Tenant Issues • Family Law • Wills 320 Newport Ave., East Providence Fully Licensed & Insured 401.823.9200 100 Armistice Blvd., Pawtucket, RI 435-3601 Free Estimates Real Estate Sales [email protected] Ph: 401-722-9900 • Cell: 401-261-1006 [email protected] • Bill Hopkins • (401) 431-2816 • Rumford & Development JOHN C. LYNCH - Broker/Owner Michael Lopes , Realtor East Bay AARP Local Chp #1302 “Make AARP the next chapter in your life” Cell: 401-480-6537 Fax: 401-633-6587 MEMBERSHIP DRIVE • MONTHLY MEETINGS 23 Circle Dr., Seekonk, MA SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKERS [email protected] • SOCIAL EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES The greatest compliment I can receive is a referral from you. Contact: Ken Gagner, Chapter President Parishioner Owned, Licensed in Rhode Island and [email protected] 401-437-2289

Ameriprise Financial WANNAMOISETT Bryan & Associates COUNTRY C LUB Financial Planning Services (401) 434-1510 96 Hoyt Ave 400 Massasoit Ave., E. Providence, RI Rumford, RI 02916

401-434-1487 THIS SPACE IS Mariana Silva-Buck !^! [email protected] !^! (800) 477-4574 x6449 Providing the best & most reliable service for 90 years strong CHANGE TO Perry-McStay Funeral Home CHATTERTON... 2555 Pawtucket Avenue • East Providence • 434-3885 Experience the Upgrade! James P. McStay Paul J. Martin Christopher E. Sylvester Peter Pimentel Your Rhode Island Director Director Director Director insurance agency. Parishioners serving the local NEW PATIENTS WELCOME ALL AGES ! community since 1924 Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 150 Main St., Pawtucket, RI Preventative Teeth Cleaning • Implants 401-521-6207 Whitening & Cosmetic Dentistry • Botox & Dermal Fillers Most Insurances Accepted 401-722-6010 CO2 Laser Dentistry • Tongue & Lip Tie Treatment Visit our Website: 450 Veterans Memorial Parkway Bldg. #4 | East Providence | Vintage Plumbing DIAMOND CLEANERS James Auto Co. Old Time Quality AUTO BODY REPAIRS & PAINTING New Technology Your Full Service Dry Cleaner Narragansett Shopping Plaza David Phillips • (401) 440-2237 434-0278 (Located next to Taco Bell) [email protected] Fax 435-3528 Pawtucket • 10% OFF OUTSIDE FAUCET REPLACEMENT 728-8101 Offering Same Day Service 175 Taunton Ave.| E. Providence RI Protect Your Family Kevin A. LeBlanc, Owner F. LIZOTTE’S GLASS CO., INC. LIFE • ACCIDENT • SENIORS [email protected] 722-6262 CANCER • SICKNESS Cell (401) 641-1004 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL SICKPAY PLUS • CRITICAL CARE CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE! 61 Arland Dr., Pawtucket, RI VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS CASH PAID DIRECTLY TO YOU! (401) 572-4542 Anthony DeCristoforo Agent/Producer • RI/MA licensed THERMOPANES • MIRRORS GLASS TOPS SHOWER ENCLOSURES When a home needs to be MORE. COMMERCIAL DOORS & FRAMES Celebrating 60 Years of Care FREE ESTIMATES Administrator Info PAT & RON LIZOTTE | Parishioner Owned (401) 434-1520

200 Wampanoag Trail, East Providence, RI


Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Church Support 1-800-888-4574 • St. Margaret, Rumford, RI 03-0500