Hernanco Desoto Chapter

Hernando Desoto Chapter The Explorer

you are taking full advantage of the many activities Inside This Issue our chapter is offering. We have the Tennessee Division Leadership Development Conference 1 Message from our President scheduled for October 12 and the Executive Appreciation Breakfast on October 17. These two 2-3 Healthy Living Article are in addition to our monthly membership meeting, 3-4 Educational Corner which offers a recertification point. 4-7 General Articles Pat Dhority, 7 Community Events In case you have forgotten or need a reminder, 7 Quote of the Month here are the principal ideas and goals behind the It takes all of us 8 Chapter News "Reach for the Stars" theme this year: reaching and 8-9 Member Spotlight stretching upward Share the vision for a successful 9 International News  Try something new chapter! 10-12 Tidbits, Reminders & More!  Attend all meetings

 Reach your full potential

 Start now

Hernando Desoto Chapter IAAP President Remember -- it takes all of us reaching and Pat Dhority, CAP

stretching upward for a successful chapter! As we enter the end of the first quarter of our chapter year, I wondered how Best regards,

many of you have made any progress in our "Reach for the Stars" theme since the June Pat installation meeting. The success of our chapter Patricia B. Dhority, CAP depends on how our members pursue the events that we and other IAAP affiliations sponsor. I hope IAAP President – Hernando DeSoto Chapter

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"The relaxation response is a physical state of deep rest that changes your HEALTHY LIVING ARTICLE physical and emotional responses to stress. It decreases your metabolism, rate of breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure, and relaxes your muscles. There are a number of ways to achieve the relaxation response. A generic 4 Ways To Wipe Away Stress technique we teach at the BHI has two essential aspects the repetition of a Main Category: Anxiety / Stress word, phrase, prayer, or sound; and the disregarding of thoughts that come Also Included In: Psychology / Psychiatry; Mental Health to mind, with a return to repetition." Article Date: 05 May 2007 - 0:00 PST The basic BHI relaxation response technique involves these simple There's no way to avoid stress altogether pressures and steps: tensions are a normal part of everyday existence. But repeated and prolonged stress can do damage to your mind and body. -- Pick a personal focus word, sound, prayer or short phrase for example, Learning to protect yourself from the effects of chronic stress may help you "peace," "one," or "the Lord is my shepherd." live a longer, healthier life, according to Massachusetts General Hospital's Mind, Mood & Memory. -- Sit comfortably in a quiet place.

The consequences of chronic stress can be serious. An extensive body of -- Close your eyes. research suggests that long-term stress, with its flood of stress hormones, can increase risk for many physical disorders, including stroke, -- Progressively relax muscles from feet to neck. gastrointestinal problems, high levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol, sleep disturbance, immune suppression, impotence, asthma, and premature aging. -- Breathe slowly and naturally, and as you do, say your focus word, sound, Chronic stress, especially in people with high hostility levels, can lead to phrase or prayer silently to yourself as you exhale. higher risk for insulin resistance, a precursor to type 2 diabetes, according to a study published in the October 2006 issue of the journal Psychosomatic -- Assume a passive attitude and don't worry about how well you're doing. Medicine. When other thoughts come to mind, simply say to yourself, "Oh well," and gently return to your repetition. Long-term stress can cause cognitive and mood problems as well: confusion, poor concentration, poor memory, depression, anxiety, anger and irritability -- Continue for 10 to 20 minutes. Time yourself by peeking occasionally at a are often linked to chronic stress. But research has shown that certain stress or clock. reduction techniques can effectively eliminate these problems, according to Herbert Benson, MD, Director Emeritus of the Benson-Henry Institute (BHI) -- When you are finished, continue sitting quietly for a minute or so, gradually for Mind Body Medicine of Massachusetts General Hospital. allowing other thoughts to return. Then open your eyes and sit for another minute before rising. THE RELAXATION RESPONSE -- Practice the technique once or twice daily. Good times to do so are before "The harmful effects of stress can be mitigated," says Dr. Benson. "You can breakfast and before dinner. do this on your own, simply by harnessing protective mechanisms that are part of the relaxation response the physiological opposite of the stress THREE ALTERNATE RELAXATION RESPONSE TECHNIQUES response. The relaxation response can also be brought about through the use of

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techniques other than the basic Benson-Henry Institute method, including your image. Open your eyes and lie quietly for a moment before resuming those listed below. Choose the technique that is most effective or combine your normal activities. two or three techniques if that works best for you. "These techniques are very effective in reducing stress," says Dr. Benson, 1. Progressive muscle relaxation: This technique involves concentrating on "and they work especially well when coupled with efforts to adjust your tightening and then relaxing your muscles to gradually achieve total attitudes and reactions to challenges in a way that promotes resiliency. For relaxation. Sit or lie quietly in a comfortable position with your eyes closed example, working to eliminate negative attitudes and focus on positive and begin by inhaling as you tense the muscles of your face into a grimace, outcomes seeing the glass as half full rather than half empty can help you squeezing your eyes shut and clenching your teeth. Tense only the facial strengthen your ability to cope with stress and rebound from it. muscles, leaving the muscles in your neck, shoulders, and elsewhere in your body relaxed. After 8 to 10 seconds, exhale and let your face go slack, "Exercise, a healthy diet of nourishing low-fat foods, and weight control are feeling the relief from the tension. Now inhale as you tense the muscles of other good ways to minimize the damaging effects of long-term stress. your neck and shoulders, then exhale and relax. Talking things out with friends or loved ones can also relieve stress, as can seeking the help of a mental-health professional if you cannot resolve chronic Proceed in this way, alternately tensing and relaxing the muscles of your stress on your own. Books, CDs and tapes can help you master relaxation chest, abdomen, right arm and fist, left arm and fist, buttocks, right leg, left response techniques." leg, right foot, and left foot. When you have finished the exercise, take time to enjoy how relaxed your muscles feel. Slowly open your eyes, and stretch For more information about relaxation response techniques, visit the Benson- before rising. Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine Web site at http://www.mbi.org.

2. Breath focus: Sit or lie in a quiet, comfortable place. Take a normal breath, Belvoir Media Group, LLC. then with your hand on your abdomen take a deep breath, inhaling through 7820 Holiday Drive So., Suite 315 your nose and feeling your abdomen expand fully. Feel how relaxed this Sarasota, FL 34231 deep breathing makes you feel. Now close your eyes and inhale deeply to United States the count of 10 as your abdomen expands, then exhale slowly and http://www.belvoir.com completely to the count of 10. Focus on your breathing and counting, putting other thoughts out of your mind. Repeat the exercise, continuing for 10 to 20 minutes. When you are finished, slowly open your eyes. Rest quietly for a moment before rising. EDUCATIONAL CORNER

3. Guided imagery: Sit or lie comfortably in a quiet place. Close your eyes and relax, breathing deeply. Now imagine yourself in a peaceful place far This tidbit of information was sent by Bonnie from the stresses of everyday life, in a setting where you feel completely relaxed and happy for example, lying in the warm sun on a deserted beach, Hickle: or sitting on the front porch of your grandmother's house. Put yourself completely into the scene. Feel the sand on the beach. Hear your If you use a Sharpie on a white board instead of a dry erase grandmother's voice. Use all your senses to conjure up a vivid image. Spend 10 to 20 minutes immersed in this relaxing environment, then slowly count marker, you can use a dry erase marker over the Sharpie backwards from 20, feeling the peace and strength you have absorbed from marks, let it sit for a second, and then erase and it will come off. We are assured it does work!

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Great Website  Did you know the names of all continents both start and end with the same letter If you go to http://www.did-you-knows.com, you can learn all  Did you know the first letters of the months July through to types of interesting and totally useless facts! See the following November spell JASON examples:  Did you know if you try to say the alphabet without moving your lips or tongue every letter will sound the same  Did you know a cat has 32 muscles in each ear Over 1,025 Did you know facts!!  Did you know Perth is Australia's windiest city  Did you know Elvis's middle name was Aron  Did you know 11% of people are left handed  Did you know the flag for Libya is unlike any other being a  Did you know August has the highest percentage of births solid green color  Did you know unless food is mixed with saliva you can't taste it  Did you know goldfish can see both infrared and ultraviolet  Did you know the average person falls asleep in 7 minutes light  Did you know a bear has 42 teeth  Did you know the smallest bones in the human body are found  Did you know an ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain in your ear  Did you know most lipsticks contain fish scales  Did you know cats spend 66% of their life asleep  Did you know no two corn flakes look the same  Did you know Switzerland eats the most chocolate equating to  Did you know lemons contain more sugar than strawberries 10 kilos per person per year  Did you know 8% of people have an extra rib  Did you know money is the number one thing that couples  Did you know 85% of plant life is found in the ocean argue about  Did you know Ralph Lauren's original name was Ralph Lifshitz  Did you know macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs  Did you know rabbits like licorice  Did you know when lightning strikes it can reach up to 30,000  Did you know the Hawaiian alphabet has 12 letters degrees celsius (54,000 degrees fahrenheit)  Did you know 'Topolino' is the name for Mickey Mouse Italy  Did you know spiders are arachnids and not insects  Did you know a lobsters blood is colorless but when exposed  Did you know each time you see a full moon you always see to oxygen it turns blue the same side  Did you know armadillos have 4 babies at a time and are all the same sex  Did you know reindeer like bananas  Did you know the longest recorded flight of a chicken was 13 GENERAL ARTICLE seconds  Did you know the most commonly used letter in the alphabet is E 9 Characteristics Of Bad Bosses  Did you know the least used letter in the alphabet is Q By Miriam Salpeter | Posted Jun 3rd 2013 @ 8:02AM  Did you know the 3 most common languages in the world are Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and English A bad boss is an employee's worst nightmare. The moment you  Did you know dreamt is the only word that ends in mt realize that your boss compares unfavorably with Cruella

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Deville, your stomach sinks and you realize it is time to look for not a good leader, ramifications can go beyond just whether the a new position. decisions at hand are good or bad. A lackluster leader likely If you need a checklist to decide how terrible your boss really is, doesn't have a lot of influence with higher-ups, which can consider how many of the following "bad boss" traits your negatively affect everyone on that person's team when it comes manager exhibits: time for bonuses, raises or promotions.

1. Abrasive communication style. We're all stressed out at some 5. Takes credit for the good and passes blame for the bad. This point, but if your boss cannot communicate a problem or is probably one of the worst and often-reported traits of a bad concern without berating or yelling, he or she's missing key boss. If your boss has the tendency to pass the buck when management skills and likely won't keep highly qualified things get rough, but is the first to ask for a pat on the back employees for long. when all is well, you know that you won't be able to trust him to support you and your career. 2. Poor planning skills. You've heard the adage, "Your poor planning does not constitute an emergency on my part." Your 6. Cannot provide constructive criticism. When your boss has no boss, however, makes no effort to plan ahead or to anticipate problem telling you that you're doing something wrong, but concerns down the road. The result is that your team seems to cannot provide any insights regarding how to improve, it's a bad jump from emergency to emergency, and you constantly need sign. Employees have a right to expect bosses will be able to to put your own life on hold as a result. If your boss always offer some mentoring and direction; it's part of a manager's job seems to operate one step away from disaster and can't ever description. If your boss lacks this key ability, it may be time to seem to get a handle on what needs to be done, the team look for a new boss. inevitably suffers. 7. Arrogance: This characteristic is hard to take in anyone, but 3. Expects you to read his mind. Wouldn't it be nice if we all had most especially the person who manages you. If your boss ESP and could anticipate our boss' every need before he even knows everything and can do no wrong, it's a good idea to seek had a chance to express it? Unfortunately, it's a pipe dream for greener pastures unless you are exceptionally tolerant. even the best employees. If your boss consistently expects you to know what is next, but doesn't do a good job of providing the 8. Uncaring: Even an otherwise ineffective boss can get away context to make sure that you can be successful, he is setting with a lot if employees believe she or he cares about them. If you up to fail. your boss could care less about your family emergency or is on the phone to you in your hospital bed asking when you'll be 4. Lack of decision-making abilities. "Wishy washy" is not an back at work, it's pretty clear that your well being isn't high on adjective that describes a great boss. The worst bosses collect the priority list. all the information and still can't make choice. When a boss is

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9. Uses fear tactics: If your boss motivates by fear more than Among those respondents, 33 percent said significantly any other tactic, it's a sign that he or she lacks leadership skills affects a person's chances of moving up the ladder, versus just 8 necessary to do the job. Perhaps your boss is intimidated or percent who feel this way today. unsure about how to get results without relying on threats or other fear-mongering, but no matter the reason, it's not helping The survey was developed by OfficeTeam, a leading staffing service specializing in the placement of highly skilled administrative the organization or the employees. professionals. It was conducted by an independent research firm and is based on telephone interviews with more than 1,000 senior managers at companies with 20 or more employees. Miriam Salpeter is a job search and social media consultant, career coach, author, Managers were asked, "To what extent does someone's style of speaker, resume writer, and owner of Keppie at work influence his or her chances of being promoted?" Careers. She is author of Social Networking Their responses: for Business Success, Social Networking for Career Success and 100 Conversations for 2013 2007 Career Success. Miriam teaches job seekers and entrepreneurs Significantly 8% 33% how to incorporate social media tools along with traditional Somewhat 72% 60% strategies to empower their success. Not at all 20% 7% ______100% 100%

Managers also were asked to recount the strangest outfits they have WACKY WORK WARDROBES WEARING THIN heard of or seen someone wearing to work, not in observance of Halloween. Following are some examples: Survey Shows How Clothing Choices Affect Promotion Prospects · "A dinosaur " · "" MENLO PARK, Calif., May 16, 2013 -- A word of advice for workers · "Parachute pants" considering wearing pajamas, a chicken or parachute pants to the · "A chicken suit" office: Don't. In a survey from OfficeTeam, eight in 10 (80 percent) · "Coveralls" executives interviewed said clothing choices affect an employee's · "A space suit" chances of earning a promotion, and respondents gave some pretty · "Studs and motorcycle gear" hilarious examples of outfits that missed the mark. · "A wolf mask"

The good news for the -challenged is that proper attire may These professionals got creative with their clothing combinations: carry less weight than it did six years ago: 93 percent of executives surveyed in 2007 tied professional wear to advancement prospects. · "A T-, tie and flip-flops"

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· "Short pants and a winter " Robert Hosking. "Although a polished appearance alone won't land · "One red and one white sock" you a promotion, it can help others envision you in a leadership role." · "Tennis and men's knicker pants" · " and house " About OfficeTeam · "A red suit with sporty " OfficeTeam is the nation's leading staffing service specializing in the temporary placement of highly skilled office and administrative Others donned apparel that left little to the imagination: support professionals. The company has more than 300 locations · "A see-through dress" worldwide and offers online job search services at · "Fishnet and stilettos" www.officeteam.com · "A bathing suit" · "A tube " · "A backless shirt" COMMUNITY EVENTS This gear was more appropriate for the gym than the workplace:

· "A muscle shirt" BOX TOPS FOR THE 2013-2014 YEAR · "A sweat suit" · "" The votes are in and the winner is Desoto Central Elementary · "Very tight bike shorts" School! Start saving now and you can turn them in at the November 2013, January 2014 and March 2014 membership These outfits just didn't make the "cut": meetings! The chapter will provide a comp meal to the person bringing in the most Box Tops on each collection date. · "Torn "

· "A vest with a big hole in the back" · "A T-shirt with cut-off sleeves" QUOTE OF THE MONTH And the following getups might be viewed as faux pas both in and out of the office:

· "Saggy pants" A source of inspiration · " with " · "Flood pants" I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. "Employees may be tempted to dress down in today's workplace, especially during warmer months, but clothing that's too casual or revealing can be frowned upon," said OfficeTeam executive director Thomas Jefferson

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EOTY EVENT CHAPTER NEWS For Thursday, October 17 at 8 am!

Let’s celebrate and honor our wonderful SEMINAR UPDATE executives together over breakfast.

Committee Chairs: Barbara Chambers, Please complete the attached reservation form CAP-OM, Bonnie Hickle & Donna for you and your executive to attend our Executive Malendowski Appreciation Breakfast Thursday, October 17 at 8 am.

It’s too late to nominate an executive for the Executive of the Year Award but not too late to make reservations for the breakfast. The deadline for making reservations for the breakfast is 5:00 pm October 7th! The cost is $20 per person Hernando DeSoto Chapter IAAP and includes a breakfast buffet. 10th Annual Professional Development Seminar Again, reservations for the breakfast MUST be received no later With Purpose – Reach YOUR Star! than October 7 to attend the event! Don’t miss it!

Friday, February 28, 2014 BankPlus Training Center Send reservations to Melissa Webb at melissa.bolden- 7168 Moore Drive Southaven, MS [email protected]

Check-In/Continental Breakfast @ 7:30am Sessions 8:00am – 4:00pm

FEES REGISTRATION INCLUDES: MEMBER SPOTLIGHT IAAP Members $85 Continental Breakfast & Lunch Non-members $95 Great Speakers and Networking Students $25 (attendance earns recertification Keri Cook points) Vendor Exhibits Keri is a Branch Office Administrator for Kevin Baltier CFP, Door Prizes and Goody Bags Financial Advisor, Edward Jones. .

Registration details and speaker information to be released soon.

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She is currently enrolled at Northwest Mississippi Community She believes Las Vegas is an amazing place to go and be College and she will transfer to Ole Miss or University of entertained. She truly enjoyed the lights at night and all of the Memphis next Fall to complete her finance degree. people. Also, she loves any vacation that includes out door activities and beautiful scenery. She would love to go to Patrick and Keri have been married for 8 years and have a very Ivins, Utah and hike in the Red Rock of Snow Canyon State active three year old son named Brayden. Brayden loves to Park. play sports! Currently he plays t-ball and soccer in Hernando. At least once a week she is given a list of sports he wants to play -- baseball, soccer, basketball, football, golf, and even INTERNATIONAL NEWS hockey are just a few that he names. Patrick grew up in College Park, Maryland and Keri grew up in Collierville, Tennessee. Last year they built their dream home in Hernando. Upcoming Events Keri is now a member of IAAP and she stays busy by volunteering with kids recreational sports 1. CAP Exam

She loves to run outdoors, but she does have a treadmill for Nov 2 indoor running when the weather is bad. She believes shopping is great therapy...and she NEVER pays retail unless she must! Also, helping others is important, because it is something she 2. TEC can do no matter the who, what, where, or when. So, in Mar 13 - 15 between family, work, school, sports, and chasing a three year old, some sleep would be nice as well! Atlanta, GA, United States

Patrick and Keri were married in Las Vegas. (It was not last 3. EFAM 2014 minute. They had close friends and family at the outdoor ceremony.) Playing sports is something she has always Jul 26 - 30 enjoyed; everything from softball to basketball to roller derby. Milwaukee, WI, United States For her, the parent jumping up and down on the side lines about to burst with excitement is no longer "I will never be that parent" moment...I am that parent. :)

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All Members TIDBITS & MORE Please remember our Sunshine Fund and the Scholarship Fund during the next BIRTHDAY WISHES meeting.

Kathy Hannah 10/6 Drop your contribution into the boxes provided at the sign-in Maria Lowe 10/14 table.

Dottie Moran 10/30 Funding for these projects depend on us! Cindy Mueller 10/12 Deb Swindoll, CAP 10/8 Thank you!

IN OUR PRAYERS 2013-2014 OFFICERS HERNANDO DESOTO CHAPTER Please continue to remember the President Pat Dhority, CAP following in your thoughts and prayers: President Elect Becky Schrader Janice Ernest, CAP, (sister member from Vice President Margie Rhodes, CAP the Memphis Chapter) - she needs to

continue feel our love and support! Recording Secretary Barbie Hardison, CAP Maria Lowe’s father Corresponding Secretary Ardella Jeffries Rhonda Edmondson, a former member of our chapter, in her fight against cancer. Following is a website you can visit to keep up with Treasurer Donna Mallory her journey: www.caringbridge.org/visit/rhondaedmondson Director Faye Broughton, CAP- Dennis, Bonnie Hickle’s husband Director Melissa Webb

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Hernando DeSoto Chapter IAAP 2012-2013 Executive Advisory Board

Ryan England – State Farm Insurance Milton Jones – Edward Jones Investments Denise Miller – Comfort Suites Southaven

2013-14 Chapter Meeting Schedule & Dates IAAP CORE VALUES to Remember

Integrity: We demonstrate this cornerstone of our profession through honesty, accountability and high ethical standards. October 10 Chapter Meeting

Respect: We create respect within our profession and association October 17 EOTY Breakfast through listening, understanding and acknowledging member November 2 CAP & Organizational Mgmt Exam feedback. November 14 Chapter Meeting Adaptability: We ensure the success of our association by December 12 Chapter Meeting embracing positive change and by nurturing diversity, creativity and visionary thinking. January 9 Chapter Meeting February 13 Chapter Meeting Communication: We cultivate and maintain excellence by remaining approachable at all levels, communicating openly and building strong February 28 Seminar relationships. March 13 Chapter Meeting Commitment: We are steadfast in our goals to develop learning March 13-15 TEC in Atlanta, GA opportunities for career-minded administrative professionals and to strengthen efficiency and effectiveness. April 10 Chapter Meeting May 8 Chapter Meeting June 12 Chapter Meeting IAAP VISION July 26-30 FFAM 2014 in Milwaukee, WI Be the premier network and resource for the

administrative profession.

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The Newsletter Committee is looking for your input for our monthly

publication. Please submit any news articles, points of interest, tips, comments, or any relevant information that you would like to share with your chapter members via e-mail to [email protected]. Deadline to receive information for the November 2013 newsletter will be Thursday, October 31, 2013.

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