HOLLY GAYLEY Department of | University of at Boulder UCB 292, Boulder, CO 80309-0292

EDUCATION Harvard University Ph.D., and Himalayan Studies, 2009 University M.A., , 2000 Brown University B.A., Development Studies, 1989 with Honors

DISSERTATION "Agency and the Rhetoric of Destiny: Narrating the Buddhist Revival in the Lives and Letters of Khandro Tāre (1938–2002) and Namtrul (1944– )"


January 2010-present Assistant Professor, Department of Religious Studies at Boulder Jan 2008-Dec 2009 Instructor, Department of Religious Studies University of Colorado at Boulder Spring 2005 Visiting Instructor, Department of Religious Studies Wesleyan University Fall 2004 Visiting Instructor, Department of Religious Studies Connecticut College Fall 2004 Part-Time Lecturer, The Ex-College Tufts University 2002-2005 Teaching Fellow and Head Teaching Fellow Harvard University


Refereed Articles

"The Love Letters of a Buddhist Tantric Couple: Reflections on Poetic and Epistolary Intimacy." Accepted for publication of .

"Controversy over Buddhist Ethical Reform: A Secular Critique of Clerical Authority in the Tibetan Blogosphere." Accepted for publication in a special issue of Himalaya on The Secular in Tibetan Cultural Worlds, co-edited by Nicole Willock and Holly Gayley. All revisions completed, slated for Spring 2016.

"T-Pop and the : Buddhist 'Rites out of Place' in Tibetan -Produced VCDs." In and Modernity in the Himalaya, co-edited by Megan Sijapati and Jessica Birkenholtz, Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series, 2016.

"Reimagining on the ." Journal of Buddhist Ethics 20 (2013): 247–286.

Holly Gayley, Curriculum Vitae February 2016, p. 1 "The Ethics of Cultural Survival: A Buddhist Vision for Progress in Mkhan po 'Jigs phun's Heart Advice to Tibetans of the 21st Century." In Gray Tuttle (ed.), Mapping the Modern in . Sankt Augustin, Germany: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, 2011, pp. 435–502.

"Ontology of the Past and its Materialization in Tibetan Treasures." In Olav Hammer and James Lewis (eds.), The Invention of Sacred Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp. 213–240.

"Soteriology of the Senses in Tibetan ," 54/4 (2007): 459–499.

"Patterns in the Dissemination of Padma gling pa's Treasures." In Francoise Pommaret and John Ardussi (eds.), : Traditions and Changes. Leiden: Brill, 2007, pp. 97–119.

Refereed Articles under Review

"The Compassionate Treatment of Animals: A Contemporary Buddhist Approach in Eastern Tibet." Submitted and under review with Journal of Religious Ethics.

"Non-Violence as a Shifting Signifier on the Tibetan Plateau." Co-authored with Padmatso (Baimacuo). Submitted and under review with Contemporary Buddhism.

Invited Articles

"Gendered Hagiography in Tibet: Comparing Buddhist Clerical Accounts of the Life of Khandro Tāre Lhamo." Invited for Buddhist (s) and the Feminine, edited by Lekshe Tsomo. Volume under review with SUNY Press.

"Buddhist Ethics in Tibetan Cultural Areas: Revitalization and Reform." Invited for the Handbook on Buddhist Ethics. Volume under contract with .

"Tibetan Epistolary Revelations: Performative Speech in the Correspondence of a Buddhist Tantric Couple." Invited for Reading , an anthology based on the five- year "Religion and the Literary in Tibet" seminar at the American Academy of Religion annual conference.

Co-Authored Article in Progress

"Black Yak: A Tale about the Economic Toll of Buddhist Ethical Reform on Tibetan Nomads," co-authored with Tsewang Dorje, Nationalities University (in progress).

Original Translations

"The Babble of a Foolish Man" (Bskyed rdzogs kyi zin bris blun gtam de nyid gsal ba) by Mdo mkhyen brtse Ye shes rdo rje. In A Gathering of Brilliant Moons: Practice Advice by the Rimé Masters of Tibet, co-edited with Joshua Schapiro.

"The Call of a Sacred Drum" (Dben pa'i gtam lha'i rnga sgra) by Dpal sprul O rgyan 'jigs med chos kyi dbang po. In A Gathering of Brilliant Moons: Practice Advice by the Rimé Masters of Tibet, co-edited with Joshua Schapiro.

"A Heap of Deliciously Sweet Honey: Heartfelt Words of Counsel" (Bslab bya'i snying gtam zhim mngar sbrang rtsi'i gong bu) by Rdo grub chen 'Jigs med bstan pa'i nyi ma. In A Gathering of Brilliant Moons: Practice Advice by the Rimé Masters of Tibet, co-edited with Joshua Schapiro.

Holly Gayley, Curriculum Vitae February 2016, p. 2

Non-Refereed Introductions

Introduction to The Secular in Tibetan Cultural Worlds with the journal Himalaya that I am co- editing with Nicole Willock (in progress).

Introduction to A Gathering of Brilliant Moons: Practice Advice by the Rimé Masters of Tibet, an anthology of translations, co-authored with Joshua Schapiro. Volume submitted and under contract with Wisdom Publications.

Introductory essay, "Satire and Non-Sectarianism in Advice for Solitary by Do Khyentsé and Disciples," to my original translations (listed above) in A Gathering of Brilliant Moons: Practice Advice by the Rimé Masters of Tibet, co-edited with Joshua Schapiro. Volume submitted and under contract with Wisdom Publications.

Introduction to The Life and Revelations of , translated by . Boulder, CO: Publications, 2003, pp. 1–28.

Popular Press Publications

"Modern Miracles of a Female Buddhist Master." In Jeffrey Samuels, Justin McDaniels, and Jeff Row (eds.), Figures of Buddhist Modernity. In press with University of Hawaii Press.

"Who's Who in the Dudjom ?" for Tibetan Buddhist Resources Center, published on September 23, 2011 at: http://blog.tbrc.org/?p=609.

"Articulating Lineage in Golok" for Tibetan Buddhist Resources Center, published on September 14, 2010 at: http://blog.tbrc.org/?p=747.

"The Scions of " for Tibetan Buddhist Resources Center, publishes on January 21, 2010 at: http://blog.tbrc.org/?p=747.

"The Many Lives of ," Buddhadharma (Winter 2007): http://archive.thebuddhadharma.com/issues/2007/winter/lives.php.

"Book Briefs" (quarterly column reviewing recent publications in Buddhist Studies), Buddhadharma, Fall 2002–Winter 2005.

"Gyanendra's Test: 's Hindu Monarchy in the Era of Democracy." Harvard Asia Quarterly 6:1 (Winter 2002): 56–62.

"Feminism and : The Social Action of Chatsumarn Kabilsingh," co-authored with Rebecca Warner. In Sulak Sivaraksa (ed.), Socially for the New Millennium. Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1999, pp. 213–226.

Work in Progress

Monograph manuscript. Love Letters from Golok: A Tantric Couple in Modern Tibet. Under contract with Columbia University Press. Final revisions submitted.

Edited volume of translations, co-editing with Joshua Shapiro. A Gathering of Brilliant Moons: Practice Advice by the Rimé Masters of Tibet. Volume Submitted and under contract with Wisdom Publications.

Research and Translations in Progress. Buddhist Advice for the 21st Century: Modernity and Ethics in Contemporary Tibet.

Holly Gayley, Curriculum Vitae February 2016, p. 3

Book Reviews

Review of The Taming of the Demons: Violence and Liberation in by Jacob Dalton. The Journal of Asian Studies 73/1 (2014): 236–238.

Review of Tibetan Ritual, edited by José Cabezón. Journal of Buddhist Ethics 19 (2012): 468–472.

Review of The Violence of Liberation: and Tibetan Buddhist Revival in Post-Mao by Charlene Makley. Journal of Gender Studies 18/1 (2009): 82–84.

Review of How to Behave: Buddhism and Modernity in Colonial Cambodia, 1860–1930 by Ruth Hansen. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 76/4 (2008): 1002–1004.

Review of When a Becomes a Religious Dynasty: The of Tibet by Hildegard Diemberger. Buddhadharma (Fall 2008).

Review of The Cult of Pure Crystal Mountain: Popular Pilgrimage and Visionary Landscape in Southeast Tibet by Toni Huber. Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies (October 2005): http://www.thlib.org/collections/texts/jiats/#!jiats=/01/rev_huber/

Review of Tibetan Treasure Literature: Revelation, Tradition, and Accomplishment in Visionary Buddhism by Andreas Doctor, Buddhadharma (Summer 2005).

Review of Buddhism in the Modern World: Adaptations of an Ancient World, edited by and Charles Prebish. The Journal of Asian Studies 63/3 (2004): 760–761.

Conference Papers

"Black Yak: Narrating the Economic Toll of Buddhist Ethical Reform on Tibetan Nomads," a paper co-authored with Tsewang Dorje and accepted for the Himalayan Studies Conference at the University of Texas at Austin, February 25-28, 2016.

"Situating Female Religious Authority: Gender, Genre and Geography in Eastern Tibet," a paper presented on a panel on Female Lives and Narratives in Tibet at the American Academy of Religion conference in Atlanta, November 21-24, 2015.

" and Ethical Reform on the Tibetan Plateau: New Articulations of Non- Violence," a paper co-authored with Professor Padmatso and presented at a panel on Formations of Doctrine in Buddhist Modernity at the American Academy of Religion conference in Atlanta, November 21-24, 2015.

"Tibetan Epistolary Revelations: Performative Speech in the Correspondence of a Buddhist Tantric Couple," a paper presented at Religion and the Literary in Tibet, conference at University of California, Berkeley, October 16-18, 2015.

"Buddhist Love Letters: An Exploration of Epistolary Intimacy and Tibetan Literary Style," a paper presented on a panel about Tibetan Letters, Buddhist Lives: Epistolary Approaches to the Study of Tibetan Buddhism at the American Academy of Religion conference in San Diego, November 22-25, 2014.

"Oral Styles of Versification in the Love Letters of a Buddhist Visionary Couple," presentation as a member of the five-year seminar, Religion and the Literary in Tibet (2010-2014), at the American Academy of Religion conference in San Diego, November 22-25, 2014.

Holly Gayley, Curriculum Vitae February 2016, p. 4 "The Compassionate Treatment of Animals: A Contemporary Buddhist Approach in Eastern Tibet," a paper presented at the Uberoi Conference on the Four Traditions, held at , September 12-14, 2014.

"Heroine in Troubled Times: The Miracles of Khandro Tāre Lhamo during the Socialist Transformation of Tibet," paper presented at panel on Buddhist Women Masters at the meeting of the Dharma Academy of (held concurrently with the 2013 American Academy of Religion conference in Baltimore, November 23–26, 2013).

"Constructing the Secular in Buddhist Advice to the Laity in Contemporary Tibet," paper presented at the Thirteenth Seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, hosted by The Mongolian Academy of Sciences in , July 21–27, 2013.

"Satire and Non-Sectarianism in Advice by Do Khyentse and Disciples," presentation on a translation-in-progress for a conference on Translating Buddhist Luminaries: A Conference on Ecumenism and Tibetan Translation at the University of Colorado at Boulder, April 18–20, 2013.

"Eating Monkey Brains: Exoticizing the Banquet in a Tibetan Buddhist Argument for Vegetarianism," paper presented at the American Academy of Religion conference held in San Francisco, November 19–22, 2011.

"The New Upāsaka: Lay Ethicization in Tibetan Regions of the PRC," paper presented at the XVIth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, hosted by Dharma Drum Buddhist College in Taiwan, June 20–25, 2011.

"Science vs. Superstition: Repositioning Tibetan Buddhism in the PRC," paper presented at the American Academy of Religion conference held in Atlanta, October 30–November 1, 2010.

"Buddhist Ethics as Modernist Discourse: Three Tibetan Voices," paper presented at conference that I co-organized on Research on Contemporary Tibet: New Challenges, New Methods held at the University of Colorado at Boulder on February 26, 2010.

"Satire and Non-sectarianism: Yogic Triumphalism in Mdo mkhyen brtse Ye shes rdo rje's Babble of a Foolish Man," paper presented at the Twelfth Seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, hosted by University of British Columbia in Vancouver, August 15–21, 2010.

"All in the Dudjom (Bdud 'joms) Family: Overlapping Modes of Authority and Transmission in the Golok Treasure Scene," paper presented at the American Academy of Religion conference held in Montreal, November 7–10, 2009.

"The Sport of Attraction: Sexuality and Memory in Love Letters between Tibetan Visionaries," paper presented at a conference on Sex and Texts: Representations of Sexuality in Asian Religious Traditions held at the University of Colorado at Boulder on October 15–16, 2009.

"T-Pop and the Lama: Buddhist 'Rites Out of Place' in Tibetan Monastery-Produced VCDs," paper presented the American Academy of Religion conference held in Chicago, November 2–4, 2008.

"Soteriology of the Senses in Tibetan Buddhism," paper presented at the American Academy of Religion conference held in Washington, DC, November 18–21, 2006.

"The Ethics of Cultural Survival: Mkhan po 'Jigs phun's Advice to Tibetans for the 21st Century," paper presented at the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, hosted by Bonn University in Germany, August 27–September 2, 2006.

Holly Gayley, Curriculum Vitae February 2016, p. 5 "Love Letters from Golok: Religious Revival in the Correspondence of Two Treasure Revealers," a paper presented at the American Academy of Religion conference held in San Antonio, November 20–23, 2004.

"Identity along the Borderlands: A Female Tertön in Golok," a paper presented at a conference on Tibet and Its Neighbors held at Harvard University, April 24–25, 2004. "The Lives of Khandro Tāre Lhamo: Agency and the Rhetoric of Destiny," a paper presented at the New England Regional Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies held at Harvard University, October 24–25, 2003.

"Patterns in the Ritual Dissemination of Padma gling pa's Treasures," a paper presented at the Tenth Seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, hosted by Oxford University in England, September 6–12, 2003.

Invited Presentations

"Non-Violence as a Shifting Signifier on the Tibetan Plateau," luncheon colloquium presented with Professor Padmatso of Southwest Nationalities University in Chengdu, China on collaborative summer research at the Center for Asian Studies at the University of Colorado on August 28, 2014.

"Translating Poetic & Inspirational Materials," workshop conducted with Andrew Quintman and Wulstan Fletcher at the Tsadra Foundation's Translation and Transmission Conference at the Keystone Conference Center, October 2-5, 2014.

"Love in Buddhist : A Woman's Voice from Contemporary Tibet," a presentation on current research for the "Listening to Asia" symposium sponsored by the Center for Asian Studies at the University of Colorado on March 1, 2013.

"Epistemic Resistance in Buddhist Ethical Writings among Tibetans in the PRC," a presentation of work-in-progress as part of the 2010-11 China Seminar, sponsored by the Center for Humanities and the Arts at the University of Colorado on February 16, 2011.

Reading of Tibetan love letters by Khandro Tāre Lhamo and Namtrul Jigme Phuntsok at "The Fat of My Heart: A Discussion of Expressions of Love and Desire in Tibetan Literature and Letter Writing" at the Latse Library in on February 11, 2011.

"T-Pop and the Lama," a lecture delivered at Naropa University in October 2007.

Symposia & Conferences Organized

Organizer of lunch colloquium with Ringu (Bodhicharya International) on "The Art of Translation" at the University of Colorado on November 11, 2015.

Organizer of invited speaker Christian Wedemeyer (University of Chicago) for the Annual Lester Lecture in Religious Studies on "'Merely a Symbolic Gesture': Semiology, Ritual and Reality among South Asian Tantrists and the Nacirema" at the University of Colorado on November 2, 2015.

Organizer of invited speaker Sarah Magnatta (Denver University) for a lecture on "Portraits of Presence: The in Traditional and Contemporary Imagery" at the University of Colorado on October 7, 2015.

Holly Gayley, Curriculum Vitae February 2016, p. 6 Organizer of invited speaker Sarah Harding (Naropa University) for a presentation on " Techniques in Tibet: On the Interaction between Text and Practice" at the University of Colorado on October 15, 2015.

Organizer of invited speaker José Cabezon (University of California, Santa Barbara) for the Annual Trungpa Lecture in Buddhist Studies on "Love and Lust in Classical South Asian Buddhism" at the University of Colorado on September 10, 2015.

Co-0rganizer (with Emily Yeh and Padmatso) of invited speaker Tsultrim Lodrö (Larung Buddhist Academy) for a public lecture on "Liberating Yaks: The Vegetarian Question in Tibet" and panel on "Buddhist Ethics and Environmentalism: Confluences and Tensions" at the University of Colorado on April 28-29, 2015..

Steering Committee Member and Plenary Session Moderator for the Tsadra Foundation's Translation and Transmission Conference at Keystone Conference Center, October 2-5, 2014.

Organizer of invited speaker Andrew Quintman (Yale University) for a lecture on "The Making of : Reading and Writing the Life of Tibet's Great " at the University of Colorado on October 1, 2014.

Organizer of luncheon symposium with ( College) on the topic of Buddhist for Buddhist Studies faculty and graduate students at the University of Colorado on September 12, 2014.

Organizer of invited speaker Janet Gyatso (Harvard University) for a lecture on "Ways of Knowing the Body in Buddhist Tantra and Tibetan Medicine" at the University of Colorado on October 17, 2013.

Co-organizer (with Nicole Willock) of a panel on The Secular in Tibet and Mongolia at the Thirteenth Seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies in , Mongolia, July 21–27, 2013.

Organizer of conference, Translating Buddhist Luminaries: A Conference on Ecumenism and Tibetan Translation, at the University of Colorado, April 18–20, 2013.

Organizer of invited speaker Padmatsho (Southwest Nationalities University, Chengdu) for Tibetan Studies luncheon at the University of Colorado on August 24, 2011.

Co-organizer (with Annabella Pitken) of a panel on The Culinary in Buddhism: Miracles, Medicine & Monstrosity at the American Academy of Religion conference, November 19–22, 2011.

Co-organizer (with Emily Yeh and Carole McGranahan) of conference, Research on Contemporary Tibet: New Challenges, New Methods, at University of Colorado on February 26, 2010.

Co-organizer (with Paul Hackett) of a panel on "Scientific Buddhism" among Tibetans and their Western Interlocutors at the American Academy of Religion conference, October 30–November 1, 2010.

Co-organizer (with Annabella Pitken) of a panel on Sectarian Articulations: Creative Processes of Lineage Formation for the Twelfth Seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies in Vancouver, August 15–21, 2010.

Organizer of invited speaker Anne Blackburn (Cornell University) for a lecture on "Buddhist Diplomacy in Colonial Southern Asia" at the University of Colorado on October 7, 2010.

Facilitator (or the Center for Humanities and the Arts of invited speaker Gray Tuttle (Columbia University) for a lecture on "Why Matters: Tibetan Middle Ground between and " at the University of Colorado on November 4, 2010.

Holly Gayley, Curriculum Vitae February 2016, p. 7

Organizer of invited speaker Donald Lopez (University of Michigan) for lecture on ": A Guide for the Perplexed" at the University of Colorado on September 25, 2008.

Grants for Research, Conferences & Symposia

Arts & Humanities Outreach Grant for outreach components of "Tibetan Arts Week" in April 4- 10, 2016, co-sponsored by the Center for Asian Studies and the Tibet Himalaya Initiative with additional funding from the Rosen Visiting Artist Fund. Grant total: $1,000.

Special Grant from the Chancellor to launch the Tibet Himalaya Initiative at the University of Colorado (www.colorado.edu/tibethimalayaninitiative). Grant total: $20,000.

Special Event Grant from the Dean's Special Fund and Graduate Committee on the Arts and Humanities (GCAH) to bring Khenpo Tsultrim Lodrö to the University of Colorado for a public lecture and panel on April 28-29, 2015. Grant total: $2,500.

Special Event Grant from Center for Asian Studies (CAS) to bring Andrew Quintman to the University of Colorado for a guest lecture on October 1, 2014 Grant total: $1,079.

AAR Collaborative International Research Grant (Principal Investigator) with Professor Padmatso of Southwest Nationalities University for our collaborative research project on "Monastic Ideals and Nomadic Lived Realities: Buddhist Ethical Reform on the Ground in Contemporary Tibet." Grant total: $4,109 for travel expenses.

Kayden Research Grant for research during Summer 2014 in the Tibetan region of Serta on an emergent ethical reform movement in eastern Tibet. Grant total: $1,000.

CHA Fellowship for Research Leave, sponsored by the Center for Humanities and the Arts, University of Colorado at Boulder, Fall 2014. Grant equivalent: $9,000 for course .

Seed Grant from the Uberoi Foundation for an annual Buddhist Studies lecture series in collaboration with Naropa University. Grant total: $4,000.

Special Event Grant from Center for Asian Studies (CAS) to bring Janet Gyatso to the University of Colorado for a guest lecture on October 17, 2013. Grant total: $2,564.

Dean's Fund for Excellence (DFE) Grant to cover partial expenses for the International Association of Tibetan Studies conference, hosted by National University of Mongolia in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on July 21–27, 2013. Grant total: $880.

Special Event Grants from Tsadra Foundation, Center for Asian Studies (CAS), and Graduate Committee on the Arts and Humanities (GCAH) for Translating Buddhist Luminaries: A Conference on Ecumenism and Tibetan Translation at University of Colorado at Boulder, April 18-20, 2013. Primary Instigator on all three grants. Grant total: $9,355.

Kayden Research Grant for research during Summer 2011 in the Tibetan region of Golok on contemporary advocacy for Buddhist ethics. Grant total: $3,000.

Dean's Fund for Excellence (DFE) Grant to cover partial expenses for the XVIth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies in Taiwan, June 20–25, 2011. Grant total: $900.

Special Event Grants for Guest Speaker from Center for Asian Studies (CAS) and Graduate Committee on the Arts and Humanities (GCAH) to bring Anne Blackburn to the University of Colorado for a guest lecture. Grant total: $1,500.

Holly Gayley, Curriculum Vitae February 2016, p. 8 CHA Fellowship for Research and Participation in year-long China Seminar, sponsored by the Center for Humanities and the Arts, University of Colorado at Boulder, Fall 2010 to Spring 2011. Grant equivalent: $9,000 for course relief (two courses total).

Travel Grant from Center for Asian Studies (CAS) and Dean's Fund for Excellence (DFE) to cover expenses for International Association of Tibetan Studies conference at the University of British Columbia on August 15–21, 2010. Grant total: $1,325.

Special Event Grants from Center for Asian Studies (CAS), National Resource Center (NRC), and Graduate Committee on the Arts and Humanities (GCAH) for Research on Contemporary Tibet: New Challenges, New Methods conference at University of Colorado at Boulder on February 26, 2010. Grant total: $6.000. Primary Instigator on CAS Grant, Secondary on GCAH.

Event Grant for Guest Speaker from Center for Asian Studies (CAS) to bring Donald Lopez to the University of Colorado for a lecture on September 25, 2008. Grant total: $500, co- sponsored by the Department of Religious Studies.

Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Harvard University, 2007.

Fulbright-Hays Fellowship for Dissertation Research, 2005-2006.


Courses Taught at the University of Colorado at Boulder

RLST 1850: Ritual and Media, Fall 2010, Fall 2012, Spring 2014 RLST 3300: Foundations of Buddhism, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015 RLST 3750: , Fall 2008, Spring 2013 (formerly RLST 3820) RLST 3820: Tibetan Buddhism, Fall 2009, Spring 2014 RLST 4/5250: Buddhism in Practice, Spring 2008 RLST 4/5250: Buddhist Modernism, Spring 2009 RLST 4/5250: Buddhist Ethics, Spring 2010, Spring 2013 RLST 4/5250: Buddhist Literature in Tibet, Spring 2012, Fall 2015 RLST 4/5250: Transnational Buddhism, Fall 2012, Spring 2015 RLST 4/5250: Buddhism & Society, Fall 2013 RLST 4/5820: Hagiography, Fall 2008, Spring 2011 RLST 4/5820: Ritual Theory, Fall 2009 (scheduled for Spring 2016)

Publications on Pedagogy

"Teaching Religion through Digital Storytelling" on Spotlight around the College, the ASSETT blog (posted on July 29, 2013): https://sparc.colorado.edu/holly-gayley-teaching-religion- through-digital-storytelling/

"Grappling with Less-Commonly-Taught Languages in a Stand-Along Masters Program" in Spotlight on Teaching, Newsletter of the American Academy of Religion (October 2012): http://www.aarweb.org/node/740

Grants & Awards for Teaching & Service

BFA (Boulder Faculty Assembly) Service Award with Grant of $3000 for outstanding service to the university. Awarded in Spring 2014.

ASSETT Award for Teaching with Technology. Awarded 2014.

Holly Gayley, Curriculum Vitae February 2016, p. 9 ASSETT (Arts & Science Support of Education through Technology) Grant of $2000 to participate in the "Hybrid and Online Course Design Seminar" during Fall 2013.

ASSETT Grant of $2000 to participate in the "Teaching with Technology Faculty Seminar" during Fall 2012.

Principal Investigator, ASSETT Development Award to create a Digital Library of Tibetan Language Recordings. Grant total: $3,500, received December 2010 for Spring 2011.

Principal Investigator, Funding from Departments of , Geography, and Religious Studies for Tibetan Language Instruction through the Directed Independent Language Study (DILS) at ALTEC. Grant total: $3000 for Fall 2010 to Spring 2011.

Principal Investigator, Funding from Graduate Dean's Office for Tibetan language instruction through ALTEC for Fall 2009 to Spring 2010. Grant total: $2,500 with matching funds of $2,500 from Departments of Anthropology, Geography, and Religious Studies.

Nominated Candidate, Outstanding Graduate Student Mentor Faculty Award, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2010–2011.

Recipient, Certificate of Distinction for Teaching, Harvard University, Spring 2003.

Pedagogy & Professionalization Workshops

Presenter, “Digital Storytelling in the Humanities” for the Second Annual Teaching with Technology Symposium sponsored by ASSETT on April 28, 2014.

Presenter, "How to Write an Effective Personal Statement" for Religious Studies TA Lunch on Oct 26, 2011 and October 29, 2012.

Presenter, "Pedagogy & Power Point: How to Create an Effective Presentation" for Religious Studies TA Lunch on February 2, 2011.

Presenter, "Using Blogs for Assignments" for Graduate Teaching Program series, GTP Summer Workshops on Technology, at University of Colorado on June 29, 2010.

Co-Presenter (with Steve Bailey), "Wikify Student Writing!" for Colorado Learning and Teaching with Technology conference, University of Colorado, August 12-13, 2008.


Service at the University of Colorado at Boulder

Executive Board, Center for Asian Studies, 2010–2013. Interim Associate Director, Center for Asian Studies, Spring 2012. Curriculum Committee, Center for Asian Studies, 2009 to 2015. Speaker & Events Committee, Center for Asian Studies, 2015 to present. Advisory Committee, Anderson Language Technology Center, 2010 to present. Various Committees in Department of Religious Studies, 2008 to present.

Service to Professional Organizations

Committee Member, Tibetan and Himalayan Religions Section at the AAR (current). Editor for South Asia, Harvard Asia Quarterly, 2002–2004. Advisory Board, Harvard Buddhist Studies Forum, 2003–2005.

Holly Gayley, Curriculum Vitae February 2016, p. 10

Professional Affiliations

Member of the American Academy of Religion (AAR); International Association of Buddhist Studies (IABS); Association for Asian Studies (AAS); International Association of Tibetan Studies (IATS); Association of Nepal and Himalayan Studies (ANHS); and Theta Alpha Kappa (TAK), the National Honors Society for Religious Studies/Theology.


Classical Tibetan: excellent; Tibetan dialects (Lhasa and Golok): competent; : competent; Modern Chinese: functional; French and German: reading knowledge.

Holly Gayley, Curriculum Vitae February 2016, p. 11