Hanford Site
Summary ofthe Hanford Site Environmental Phhll.-l 3230-SUM summary of the Hanford Site Environmental Report for Calendar Year 1999 Wxxmn33 (ICI-31mm CN3TI Editors R. W. Hanf L. F. Morasch T. M. Poston G. P. O’Connor September 2000 This report was prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory under contract DE-AC06-76RL0 1830, with contributions from F1uor Hanford, Inc. and its affiliate companies, Bechtel Hanford, Inc. and its subcontractors, CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc., and MACTEC-ERS Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, Washington 99352 ... , .-. .._ .- ,+.,f - , ‘- ---- ,.., .’ .“” . .. .. ,- ,.’ 1 ‘- -- ./ : .~., ~ ,-~-~’: .,:, - -.. ,. ,, ->. - ... ,’ -’ .- ,’ This report’was prepared as~anaccj5iuntof,worR spoys$$d~$yan~a gen$y ofJhelJ~ted ‘States G.ov- ,. ~ ernment: Reference .herei’m to a<j”spec@ commercial :,pro~uct;- proces>,:o[: ~e@ce, by’ trade murk; ~,’; - “ trademark, manufacture~ or o~h,erwj+e’does not necessarilyjconstitute @rimply & endorsement, recom~ “ i mendat~on, o;, &“votifig- by. the Uqited States’?Go~ernrn.ent or-an~pgency thereof{ or Battelle”Me.rnorial -., ? I ––... L– .’; .r J\,/..., ,,. , 2 msmure. ,, .,. a ,>, ‘,.~. “. .,, A, .-. , ,, . f-t.,”.’, 7 Available to DOE and DOE contractors h’om the Office of ‘sc~eniificand Technical Info.rrnation, P.0~ ““’- - ! i’~~,; Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 3783 1’; prices available ft’orn (815) 576.840-1=-Available to the public from the National Technical: Information $er~ce,.- ..>- .U&Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Rd.,
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