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Pope P"Y, Special Tribute to Archbishop Or Jubilee

Pope P"Y, Special Tribute to Archbishop Or Jubilee


specialtribute F*Iig-4rA Popep"y, V-Llt

^,ruE^ TiG{

E jubilee v to ArchbishopoR '-iLurr,rfrfr, F*t o Conferring 9**f;efr6r'& Chartrancl -,{rrr{i m i t, op o, .'hfr, r,.nnu {, fo n o declication of blessing kJl {r, i' Jo f, o -,{,{. {l n n fo set schedulcd IIis l-Ioline ss, Popc Johu XXIII, paid signal trilrute to Schulte in a personal letter of couglatu- lations ou the occasiou of his 2Sth nnniversary rts a llishop.

^z\.J\ r//--*-

voL. il, No.5l INDIANAPOLIS,INDIANA, SEPTEMBER ?8, 1962 In lltis trtot:tl.r ol Seplt'uher t,ott u,ill celclsrttlc lbt ltt,t'ut.1'-frill.r,ttntit,,.t.rttt.l,tI Lt-

t nlivlliw Glvlil\ ing clotltcd in the Utrh of tlse clti5s111tpcl,.1'o,, u'ill t't'lt'lsrate Iltit l'ilpl)' t\,t.1,,t2yt:tltL r

dtb tl-rc !riests aul peolilt'contnillt'd ta I'ortr cdre u'ith solunrtt t't'liqiotrs ritc dui tl,t Ioriug t'cr(t'cncc ol a ict'rtrrl /.,t'trt,

Colorf"lprocsss ion Sincc lbe bottrtr ol Our llisltolts is Our lJrtrtor ul so, ll"c ttn,t()l ,illou' tllis trrtrl'i- cirttts ot'casiott ltt itt silcnct', trill.rortt ()ur lttss nt/tuil(rtiil( lo _1'ottt clt,dt'sigtt ol hr-

ttct'oletcc dul greal e!lccttt lrtr.1'ott. 'l'ltt:relorc. r'IJrothttr, ()![(',' tr)ill openCouncil l't'ntrthl tt't'ti'tt,l 1'tttr ll.tis lt'llt't'lrt .]()tt lltt, (ttr,,! tlisl,,c.r tl;c u'lticb spriug lrom dtlilt ol Ottr l.rcttt't,tui r:tttrtt lor'lh ir loilnq u'rtrils, ui,i, thlcu 1'cals irt prepat'ation, tvill tltt sittctrt bope ti.'.tl (ioi, tltt lourL'r: tul ori giu ol ,il1 &t, IIl.t Ditittt, I'utrtr uill bcgin, U,!ce, j,ou, jo.1,. It sairl lhat on thcil alt'ival in prott'cl strtngll-ts11.1'ti11, rtnl fill .1,trr uilll ltol1, tlre blsilica, the.l"alltt't's of thtt .4t lltc t'nd of tltc trIass. the ['ouncil u'ill takr-'thcir places itt l)opc rvill give a tliscourse ftlr- tlrc sJ:racious elratnbct' rosct\'(!d ntall.v tlcclat'ing the openirtg of cottuscls, tl;t sdl-git'i,/{ ('rr{o'l/r.$s dud grt,i ;tul u'itb u'bitlt [or lhcir rlclihclnliorrs irt the cctt- lhc council. ll'lre cerclnonies ald lrtdt:ni 1'ou lirst Q(tt'('t',}rtl tlal navc of St. I'ttct".s. tltc rliscoulsc lre rvill transnrittr:d ll-'t I)ioccsc ol Lt''tt't'tttt'rtltt rttd lltt'n tht'ltil ll-ta:.'lrtls'.iiocesertj In,!iru- b1' r'adio and telcr-isirrn. lor liltc'ttr .le'tt's THE FIRST litulgiral futtction. tlrt'station anulrnct',!. rvtll bc a t poli s. ON THE AFTERNOON of ()cto- I'onl ilical llass s'lrich rvill llc llcl 11. thc station said. Carrlinal cclcblalt'd irl' unc of tlre Pt'inctts 'l'ltis Anrlelo Cicognani, the Vllican lributt is t'tlrtci'il..l' lh,tl .tt't'd ilriu of t'u,ttt,ris, hnt' ..-,"stn'( dili of the (llrrrrch-as unnarnt'd-'- .l'ou,'s; 1'rtrt f 5'ct Scclclary of Slatr:, rvill give a rtitlr l'r)l)o Jrrlrn olcttltl ittg il lcct'ption in lrorror of thc Italian cettt'rtg.totrsit,tccotnllisl:ut'ttl. 1'bt't't,lort,Onr l.toltt:iJ src,rr,'c,,tttal , ritlt ll.ry ltt'l ol G,td, tltlotte besidc tltc '. I antl ftrlcigrt lcprcsenlntives in the lrall on thc filst floor of thc Vati lhost lltinys lbtt 7,orr ll,trc rt't'll brurru dul ilrcull' prtt ittto o!tttiott, u'ill u'itl, ean Palacc. ltroct't'l (t,t:,t nt()rc tl)cit.y ,12111lt,tl 1l'y lp1'p o.f ll.re (ltrislitu u,i\, of lilc v'ill {'',u' rtill.t rr'.,'! il'ltc lirllox'tng day, it atltlctl, the f I'opc rvill gl'ant a spccial nurli- nore: solid slrcugtl.r,l.tttt'iug tllr tl;,tl lilc u'l,ielt is ttott',tnd is lo t't,tnt, (cl,l rncc in tlrc Sistinr' Chapel to all ltrotrtist'ol ,'ex- 'l'in. tltc ttotablcs rnaking up thc Il', ,\) tlnolrlinnt'y lnissi0lrs." N{issionary

,tlsr.,,ts rttt itttt'tttit'e to ll.tcttiltit't't'trtt'ttt ol l.,iyl.rtr.t,td g,'c.tt{'t'tl;ittg,s, CroLtrtd, b rect k i ng sct natnCC[ ltCfC 'l'o ttttkt' .1'rtnrltt'cttl.l-lilllt 62tt1r'{'fJr//.}' tts t liist.'rtltt't't',t ttt)r( ttlt/ltt'1,ll"r'gir',' (1il.1' rt'is/l itt Our u,uttt' lt1' t irlnt' ,tl usin,g l() .l,utt ll.tc ltculll, lo bt' rnt'i ott rt'l.r,tft't'r't' .l't)u tttd Onr tnthorit.l, lo btslott'Ottr 1rlr'rr|i1, ttu til tl.tc I:tilltlrrl u'l,o rrr' ltrt'stttl .u/(l lo ittti,,,v1 Io tltt;n ort tl.rtl ot't'ttsiurt,t Itlrtt,tt'.1'Iuitrlgcuct',

(lr(l tt'illitt( lttart S1,7ltiug, 1fl1,y1'lrtrt,is lt tt. l'tttcrrhlr' brull,rr', lttrl Irrtnt d tntl A l)iuinc lo bt,slutr ou (il(l l/.t{, lo Ott tttt'tt:11,o51,,11r'lluttrlictirtt' Ottt'[.atly o[ (illcc ('orrvcnI W o t'rl i\Iissiott- .l'()tt ll,t,'1,ct,trtrrtittt'd .l'out'cdt'e rvas estalrlislrctl ht.r'c in lf)57, onc lr'1', sith lrelrl- ycat'aftcl tht'optning of Our tlrrat'{ets ai lliry Latly of (it'a<:c r\t'l

ilrlrlrlllllilillllllilllllilillililflillililililltfiilllililililililopen eJcper.intent

councif novena 'shared-time' in Vatican (:autiotls ott tlse of lnass arc re. minded of the speciel noven! lo "'l'his ptrblic vigilltltct', \\'hcll \/rYl'lCr\N (:l'l'\'--'l'ltc lloll' Scc Slltr'. on bchalf of IIis Ilolint'ss the Holy Ghosi which ir lo bc illlllts. citil' "public liIilattcc" t't'' I'up,' ,lolttt XXIll, kcpt uithin I)lol)ff helci in all churches and chapelr has ulgcrl '-'t'tts!tloLlt! ltti ,,t111116tpfls' ttltt! cttt' "tlte' i:lr br, in ihe Archdiocese in proprrr. trlalrlittg ntilss Int'tlia TH E L ETTE R saitl t'x- ()ll tlto fLcctkrnt of lhc itttli' lion for lhe coming Ecumcnical pltasizcrl a pt'rtper ltalattcc srrr'(' th:tt I rr'nl0 tt|avit1' of tltt' conso- Council, virltt:rl. Itrstc:ttl it c()nstlltllt's lt)f lrrttst llo stt'ttck bt-ttvt'cll th('froo' (lu(rnct.sc'f hatl ttsc of tltesc'ltrerlia l'ei'e tlottt uf lltc trtrlivltittal attrl tlte tltr' stitlc lt Ir'ri(ittllttt' t'\t The novena is lo be held from Inll)r)s('i vt'tv stl.ict rltrties orr all stirto's (ltlt) tr) llr{}tort st)t't('l} of its fttltt'li,)lls as lll('tlt()l lllltl Oclober 2 through October 10. r|iro siriilc Iusprrrtsibilitl falr' lllt'll' gL)o(i lll Archbishop Schullc hts left fha l{)se pr{)let'lr}f of tttc cottlltlt)ll Unrlcl tlre pl'ogl'nlr 1? .;ttttlcnts r\ \'atican lt'ttct'strirl llt;tt lhe rrsp. Itst !lt{r(lLrfll lltilll . form of ihe novena lo ba de?ar- il \.r'f-\' (ic'llcilte sl)llt'ft'. fronr St. Agnes IIigh Scltool takt: ('lrrtt'r'lt lt;rs a splt'rll ll)l('lt'st ill corrsciouslloss of his tlignitl'. mined by the individual parlorr l)(r('il'l\(' t'l "lN DIES EN ROUTE vocational anrl inrlrrstrial c()tlfses :ttttli0.r'isttal tttt'tlia FULFILLING lrtr''r' ft,ltt' and cheplains, 'l'cch tllt' tttitttls li at \:ocational .s/'ll(tol- llt,'i" ittflttcncc {)\rrl' i,)ns lh!' pttblic lttlhot lt!- Illtlit \.\l'[.[':S. ItulS- - Itishop,Iohtt 1 grenlcd lll0ll, tlirt tlttrrl il ltt-iif,'t'rl,rl11r'[ cl i". Ilo13n. 11.p.1[.. rrf ltcllar'1', Permirrion hrr been for lhe celebrrtion Ilrr'siirltl. ;rttrl tvill lltkt' ittt't ac- Ilttlia. rlicrl lrr,r't ott his rvll ttr of rn Eve. tlle 'l'hr: ning Mr:; on cech nighl of lha i',rrrnt llrc ttitlrtlal ;'rlltt o{ tlrc ccLrrrrrnit'ul crluncil. (rIill' "wherc ttttllttritiltl l') lrrllrt ltr- rt\\ll Iltttli:hlr,rr-rr l.'r';rrrcist:lrtrIlisltop observance it ir iudgrd fhal r lrrge galhering rr'n l'('::itt(lil]!: o\t'rlti. rrilllilttl \!ils \!lt(l,r,n'.rrtlr n firtirl lttirrt of lhc will bc in rl"landrncc," :t\ll! \\irv lo irtt!riiit' -'lL's\lllr: irll;r(k !S{rPi. lilr oill} a fcl laiihful trtt 9) llr-r111--s;111,,1' t('r-!ntlntlril P.l::r' ltt, atItrcil ltut'c. 1ililil il ilil ililil ililil ilil ilil1ililil1il11 il 11ilililtiilil|lilil| PAGE TWO THE CRITERION,SEPTEMBER 28, 1962 TIIOBIIHEAT SUDCET PAYMENT PLAN "Our Oil Heat, Con't Be Beat, TIIIELINAN American Caiholics conlinua lo have e deep.down rarpedl for lfteir

Results of survey rrn the Council IGHTY.FOUR FTATIIIINGTORCH a lleacon . . to euality Cuisine, !'iue Service - (iootl Chccr. Landmark of Sheil Pinli Shriurp trutl Iuscious-tasting l"iltrts.

The lndianapolis Reslauranl With a National Reputation

Second highesl scorc tabulaled in the surycy v.!i thot g2 per "make cerrl urging lhe courrcil to il clear fo non.Ccfholics lhal once ilre essentials rre sa{eguarded, lhe Church lr ready lo makc every possible change lhai would lruly improve chancer for unily." 'l'lris stlorrH al'lilnralion sul{gests tlrlt Catholics living in a plulal- istic. posl-l'r'olcslunt r\nrelica bclicvc lhat sourc of the Clnrrch's oldcr st|ic{tr|cs a;iairrst (liill')qrlr,rryillr tiirri Catholics aie r.r-rv obsolcte. 'l'lto r:orrsistency o[ thc lropu fot'a nloro cosrrrie change itt thc fact' of thc ('hulclr can be rlcrluccd floni i!:c fact thnt 0f 22 pt.oposi. tiurrs put to lhe questioucd, lll lrut onc rvts chcckcrl olf by a rrrajor.ity laeg "Neorlc

WITH THE cr,.opr:r'faion of trventy rveeklies, Eucharirt Reforms of Morals and Life ptrI l\\(,nl\"fr)uI qrrtrstifins ott tltc council an

,I,hcy f l.;r.r'rrrr,rruarrt a lalgr:r'par'[ in thc lifc rrf the Church. r.e:. ir,r'l tlrc lrltt'lilrrrorlof anli-r:lelicllisnr in Americn, llut thcy rlso lrolir--..thlorrglr rntrrt_. actir,c r.oles jn thc Liturgl., in erlrrcation, ;trrl irr llrc folrning of Chtrlelr policl'-lo help gcnct.atr) a lnor() Ilurlful lraison bctrvcr_'n cler.gy and laity.

I \\'illuii;t tarnpcr.ing tvith faith or nrorals, lhc ('hurch carr clarify t'irulch.st;rte lelations, inrpt'ove mar.riage legislation, speed up ,lc

5l ,lll 7| :il) Other Churches I l,ayurt'n ale interested in the nrore trarlitional, rrnivelsal forms i\iot of spilituality, :is against pat'ticular,.derotion$," l,or instancc, Ncerlcd Nccdcrl a stlong utajolity spoke up for gleater stress on the Bible, (Juc of lht: nlosl striking charaeteristics of the respondents was llroi| lriglr lcvel of crluciltion, I\lore ilran fiir pef C0ilt said they werc c,lc!{c-tlainctl AirJtorl ttttler rvhiclr is considerably highcr than lhe Anrcrican norm. i g|atifying i l'irrticuli|rly was the stlong responsc fi,onr college-edu- group r'atcrl nrales,. rvhich is supposed to lack aetive inlcrest in bisholts 'l'his Ltt st't't:e i {llrrrlc:lr policy. responsc shows [hat they are very much inter'. i t,slcrl, and their rcplies indicate they are also quite circunrspect, in. I',\tltS.'-i\ t'ctrt'llliott ct'tt{t't' lot'l becauselT'S REGISTERED I.nscl.v l'cvcl'cnt and, given tlp chance, they will give ilre cihurclr the lrisltops stolpillg ovot' itt I'nt'is r;n j bonefits of their tlrilking anrl experience, tlrtir rvl.r' lo llte ctrttting octlnrotll'l Vrticitlt tt'ill bc As to gcnrlcr 4$ por ecnt of the replies carne from nren, Sixty- lal corutcil ilt tllc f opt'n at t)l'lI, illl'l)(lfl llct'c Ir'otlt I ciglrt pcr cenl sairl they rvare ntarrietl, and most said they prayed for the succcss nf the council, at least occasionally. t)ctoher' ! lo Il, {lrc tllrl' lhci IIInnDMANNMrrNBBEBR courrcil ht'gitts. I llishoJts antl 1rt'icsls ltctltlttt-l Anerica!* Onlg Regtstered Beer! lllrtf irtg lhcrn tvill bt' ilblc to olittt'l lll.s irt tltr-' ;tilpot t clraPel or'l onc of {ltt' spociall.v arl'irllgo(l I h1' {ltt' t{rl}lol'. sct roonrs lltut'itlctl I lll) lt)' tlrt' i' .'t'(:tfll'ial ttf llrc I CAP|IOICITY SUPPTY C0., fnt. l'r'ottr'lt ilret'irt'r:lt.v, l, 'l'lrt: rertlll also ittt:ltttlcs n re- i Dislributors 1'nption hirll anrl nrectittg roonts. I 'l',,t SOUTII\YEST:.4ri;onc Regis[er,Tteson, Artzona; The Okldhonta u'ill br :ri ilrc ccl. I Tl{t}}I'\.S 11. i;-1l'ZGIill'\LI). l't't'sitlctll 'l'ercs o ltrl'srtt::: {.)at;riet',Oklahonrr City.Tulsa, Oklahoma; }lrest Register,Amar" 'J """' illo, cxas; Corpus Clrristi l,osf, Corpus Christi, Texasl Soutlnoest l;;i,,1;l,,iill':lil,,,ll,';,li:il:,,"'2r4 Clair St. Indianapolis,Ind.

t THE CRITERTON, SEPTEMBER 28, 1962 PAGE THREE TIIREE.YEAR ND IROTECT Indiana diocesewitl be pilot for LT.S.Catholic schoolstudy

NOTRE DArlIIrl, Irxl.*'l'lre filst nationrvide study of C.atholic r:le- nrentary and seconrlary schools has entercrl its lirst major plrasc rvith the mailing of tptcstion- tuaires to llt,500 plincipals atrd 160,000 teaehers. William Couley, tlirector o[ ihc project, also announced plans lol a pilot sturly as palt of tlre Ooast- 'I'hc to.coast survcy. study rvill be calried out in the schools of the Dioccse o{ Irort-Wayne.South Bcnd, Ind, Othcr spccial sturlics will follow. The three-ycal national study project is linlncotl by a $350,000 grant frorn thc Carucgic Corpora- tion of Nerv York. It is cxpccled RETIREMENT HOME DIcNITARIES-The lndiona Association of Philanlhropic Homes for lhe Aged recenlly held lheir business meet- [o provitle for the first tinre rn ing at St. Paul,s Hermilage, Beech Grove. Ho:lesr w!r Sirter Mary Bernice, O.S.B,, rdminislralsr of lhe Hermilage and a member of accurate profile of Catholic elc- the orgmiralion,s board of direclors, Shown rbove, lefl to righl, rerled, ere: Sisler Bernice; Mother M. Clarissa, of St. Ann's nrentary anrl sccondary education 'lhe Nursing Home. Huniingburg; Mother Mary Robert, superior of Our Lrdy of Convenl, Beech Grove; and Sisler Mary Cosmos, iu the Unitcrl States. sulvcy is ccntcrcd a[ tlrc Univclsity of supervisor of St, Ann's Nursing Home, Stonding, from left, rrr: Samuel C. Fuller, ritorney; Dr. W. Mason, adminislralor of lhe Notre Danrc rvhel'c a llcw c0lll- Kcnnedy Memorial Christian Home, Marlinsville; Sisfer M. Crlherine, dieticirn of St. Ann's Nursing Homei Miss Frances Heymans, l nting ccntcr u'ill bc userl lo for fhe lndiana Slate Boerd of Herlth; Loren Moore, of lhe Baptisl Home, Zionsville; Dr. D. C. Souder, executive nulrilion consullant proccss (lata. tecrelary of lhe Methodist Memorial Home, Wrrren, lnd,; and Mcarl L, Duslin, ruperinlendenl of Haven Hubbard Memorial Home, New Crrlislc, Ind. (Staff phofo) ASSOCIATED rvith thc Catlrolic scltools sttr

Indlanapolis Are a MET ROPLAN goes into effect SUifDAY, OCT. Tth! m0reease, more c0nven ience, m0re yalue I ZllltlCIl-*A.ioint lrastolal of tltc Srviss Ilishops has slrr.rsscrl lhe ('l)ligiltiotr of lhis r:rruntry's (latholics to pt'aclicn so

It is a big saclilice to ask. if the girl is plannittg a life- chiclrcn titue carcet'iii teaching. Yet, sotle of the fincst ilre doing it' J'eaching Nativc hierarchy J 't.'s::* plea stirs debate

i*.:::l"i's SAN ,lUr\N, ['ucr.to ltico-,fhc plea of a Catholic tunir.elsit"v plofcssor' [

llere is a clrance fol tvhatever irlealistlt thc Catltolic school graclttatcs ltave cattgltt to be put irtto practir:e. "dc.enrpha-sis" I'r'o!r.'s1i11gagainst a on native '['ltcrc is no courparison bet*'eett thc l';iltte of lrttttr:ltittg I'trcrto Ric.an crrlturc s lrich he claimetl ryas r a lyllervlitct' iu a busittcss officc, atttl fot'ntitt11 l.lte urincls lcsult oI thu staltling" fact that only onc bishop lrui irealts 0f youngstet's in a school loom, alltl thcsc git'ls on the islanrl n'as boln in I'uerto Ilico. Dr.. Lsriro "oulv arr:rrrd lh:r[. :r lralir.r' son can sulficientll, rrn- kuorv that fat:t. The sanre is irue of lYinE. ll rle lrl lntl oul n0t'rls lrnrl rntkt' thc Catholic Chur'clr 'l'hc nright be n venial sin lo lell a girls u'ho hnr c lhe mte lves profitc(l lty lltc t|ul1' preserrt. in I'rrerto llico," Calholic so.called while lie. Bul how dis. tutns shottld \l'elcome a chilnce lifc-tinrc dedication of lnany :ppoirrte

ARGUING THAT lht'rrnitclsily pr.otessoL n'as "ilsrnq (:rr(]llr'ous &fgunrenls lo ntakc an incot.feqI applicatrou to the plcscnt situation," El Dtbrtt "realll' clralqeri that [)r. l,azaro rvas lt's a tuistakc to think that clcdication autl irlealisur is cr.iticizing the lloll' Stc. srnr'e llontc is thtt onlv one responsitrle arr all-or-notlting prolrosition, Not every one is called to tlrc "r'eligious {ol lhe apptlitttrntnt rrf bisltops in l)uerto Rlco. nnrl lotal conunittnerrt of life," lnt evely Christian is Ilrs lll:r1s lrccu cnllfulll' ht pt up.io-(late on the callecl [o bc generous rvith Gorl u,lten the chance offcls itsell, '1 artliiticltion" of tlte islarrd."

"rrngtatclrrl" school irr EI Debafe trrnlctt I)r'ofessol Lnzalo took his "the r\, I lrope {hal notltitl jj I \\ r'rlo rvill or ot' lt'sst'n fol rvlrat i[ 1t,r'nrcd Ionc histor'1' of efforts by to tvork tcspct'l f,rr iront'rl1 irrrri vt'tat'il1: llret' ate Ihe llrt'lrishrrps of l'Lrt'r'to Ilico ltr croiltr & nationnl ' prllaIs rr'lriclr \rtsliritl (:lilrIil('lIt': itll(l I tl)rlt'otlglll]' clclgl . tnrl strr.lr.:t'slr.tllhrtt lhr' l)t'ofossol rvortld do "to (iolrlnrnt'nt 'l'here aqlt't, uitlr ln] rlncstlr)nt'l lhrl lll('l trrttst ltc tattgltt lrrtlrr' r'()n\ lncc leatlers to airl rrr is no reason lo sul)l)os0 that illasstrehuselts' "tufn lirlclullr'lt'orn lltt'titttt a r'lttltl hcxttts lo lt'aLn. thp crcalion of :r rrtflior serrtinat'1"' thRn to U:rtholic la.yrnerr have tr lnonopoly olt couf?lge and sell- lris bacli on lltt.t'tlirrls of tlte bisholls.'' sacrificc. lJven hcre in Indian:r thcrc . lrc young col- I r'cr'larnlv rlrrl rrol lnlir!! ln irrrpll' llrat slealittg lcgc graduatcs tvith the coulage aurl rlerlication to gir,e rrlr linv llrings r ,)r)l srrllrl. liirl I trrtt:l lllstst tllal tt. In tlrt' l nrtt'rl Statr,s, thc prrblic lelations drLec- part of an office \I,ot'ker''s incorle to r,oltrnlccr a ycilr ol' r: noI rrtottlll.\' srttfttl. ,'\ttrl * c (l{) l gr'(]rl tli-sst't'ttt't: i{)l of tho Alchrliocest of Ncw Yo|k, thc Iler.. 'l'lroulrs trvo of scn'ice in the parochitrl schools. lo littlc chilrlt'en rf u'e lcll tltr'rrtllutl tt is. Wc lic lo ,l . Fl1'nn cnlclerl the rliscrtssion, claiming o oPtNtoNs "there Wc (iorl tlral is n,r selir'rtts Lt'astrti to scnd r telegr'rm 'l'he lhcnr untl tlcccivc tlrcnr, nrakc a bogcy office of the Archdiocesan Superintendent o[ Schools llran. I u'

Catholic Action groups Inteqritvo---J tlf the mind

By REV, JoHN DORAN \Yhy should this llc? fleat ot. tlamage a pcrson's botl5,, "plofit" ls lhc clnical lnsrvcr antl 1.ou can be broughl befoic Onc ol thc gleat m5'stclies of tlle one rvhiclr rve nrust acceptl, the coLl:.|. But print anyilring rnorlcln ihinking, it set'ms to rne, on r\ssulerll5' those rvho plin{ paper, ccllouloitl or ilre air wives under attack in France is the nr1'stic natut'e of plintcr's plulienl brroks bantl togcthet t(] and use it to tlamage or invade ink. All tlttr linritations *'lrich tlrc dt'fcrul tlieir plofils b1'tesI clses thc nrinrls o{ uren, arrtl you are I)AlilS. I,'rauce--A lrrenr:lr larv arrd lrutnan rleceltcv ltavt: in thc cou|ts against dn!- ilg*|le]- pr.otecterl. e rectetl nt'ounrl ^{rchllishop hls spokcn ouI rlhich seeks to stcur tlrr.l florv ol' in dc{clsc r,rf lhc tlatholic sl.leeclr seent to rlur, r supprseurar tnosl" wlio cr'tlllrl)lc lrefore ,l,f J,\,lliltllf,l",,:"rt r\ction r\lovettrent. rvhich has pt'ini tltt'se tests arrtl r"ll..j]J^.'.:ll,-!: ffi.:ii:l "('allrolie the onslarrglrt of "li,. ,,,-i"ri-iirnr,".'"'':"'. rvhieh r.efuses to l;eerr trntlcl hctlvy ilttack iu ENTITLED, .\ctiott* tllt' st'lttrrrls at I corrsitlct'al.rlt: :-:. priutetl thc profit btlir''ve. tt'hat il cannot see' I'e- some Catlrolic ..\ t'lilrrl'ti'" tltt' lrooli rras rlt'ittctt bantl together t"". ;,,ri'lt;i; l)ublicati()lls rtortl. fuse s to aclinrrnierlge tlirmagc b1' a tlatlrolie ttttiuot'sitr prol'cs' 're sclrr;,'l atlntinist.atiou-s^'ir;;i"" .. Iteltr, I halc illL'lt- (ltlllc Lo Ille llllll(l llecallse lt ls sor. {he ltrrr'. .loseplt (lollll)llll' tlrc stolnr rf prrblit' irrrligrr;rtiurr, Arcltbisltop (;n('fl'y of Caurbrai tioned tltis be- ttol of nricroscopic i*' lrrrl lrrltr litrl .rcat' itl tlut is this the *.hrrle u,"i:,*'-i""' ..cupalrle Itas labclled crilicisnrs ol tltc Ittlrli.lrltl fore in regarrl |cslrqltloll l "rttri, l'aris. FATHER SCHMITT o Frettclt r\t:t iotr e atholiqrre to filth in nraga- "nr;rlir,iotts." ltolds a t thiuk tltere lies beltxv this Wlrrtevcr tlrtr cause, the reality forttted" atttl lii{tl)r.r t.lotttblitt, rlitu zines antl pirpcl 'l'he [t'r'cl a blsic lack of lcspccl lor is present. invasion of 1:our {l{rctot;rtc irt l ltcolugl ft'otn Lott' bnrrk ltooks, I i\tldt'cssing a urcctiug of Young the integrit5' ol the hurrrln nrintl. r:lrild's rnind goes blithely on, ('hrdistian r'ain [-rriIursit]' itl lJ('gttlrll. at' poirrterl out tlrnt 'l'lte \krl

AMONG THOSE plesent in tlre llltrc llnll for the consucration USHER \r'cre uunl(lrous rliplonrats, the l,rrthet'an dcan of Stocklroltn and r\rchbisltop tieraltl I', ( )'lIitra, r\lxlstr)li(' l)elcglrtrr ir) (;reat [Jl'i- Funerel Seruice tain. []islrrrp Sheerr, rvlro pl'eacheti irr "the l,ttllislr. stlt'slctl tlru grorring l'inest Possible a\,,'lrt!r)('ss sitlriu tlrc (iltttrch of tltr rrrtrrlt of tlre ('ltttrch. f,ike ,-lLl-,ott:p.sj lrrrssiblu L'txI A'DearEstCIissionsAtllc \\rnnrrl torrt'lrittg tltc hettt of ( lrt'ist s glrntcrtt. saitl, lhc I rrANClt C fOtNAt tflLtMAN, ?nridrnr I hrr :trrlll Sr,.rdi:;h Clrrrrclr is rcllizitrg Xrg, Jrlrpl t. lira. Xrt.l lrc,y lti { {)nltnunion \1ltll llre ['tti. terd dl errrrrlcldcrr fr; glr- USHTRMORTUARY r t,L:;rl {'lrurllr-turrchittq tlre NEAR EAs? WII.;ARE .^-CAIHOTIC ASSOCIATION rilt,rrl-of tlrr IiIrng (llrIist. 480 Lrrtngron y. 'flrc 2313W. Washington5t. MElrosc1"9352 Avr. ot 46thir. fr.w ii*'iz. fr. Apo:tolir: I)ch.gi.tc nlso -poke rri tirr grr-i'xing sptrit rlf lol=


One docade ol lhe Rosary de, forming in our mind the intontion voutly prcyed will covnf moro of praying well antl oI keeping with God then five decader our mind fixed, if not on the ratlled off in thoughilerr hasfe. words we say, at least on IIim to whom l,hey are nddressed. It is possible to have a conrpul- ll, is important to begin with sive neurosis in the nratter of l.his intention because, unless we prayer, to leel rhat certain a;e in a rare spiritual mood, our prayers and a certain nrrrnber of tnind rvill rvander before we have prayers mus' be got throrrgh, progressed very far. Prayer is even when the available time hard work, ?he human mind does does not permit their recitation not takc kindly to intcnse conccn- v,'lth attention antl devotion, tration, SO WE BEGIN our prayers by I'he tlifliculty ol continuous at- directing our attention to God, by tention is doubled if our nrintl is troubled by worry or anxiety or weakened by illness or laek of . FAN{ILY CLilUC rest. And of cotrrse we may ex- pect that Satan rvil be doing his best t0 direct our attention else- rvhcre as we try to pray. None of this necd troublc us, horvever, if we have begun rvith a sineerc purpose of being atten- Moy liva if a,Catholic irl and rve reaclr out to bring our rvandering mind back to its task whenever we catch it in its act of vagrancy,

It is only when our dlslrac- ? tionr rrc voluntrry, rlemming ate diuorcedmun from e careless dlsinleresl ln In the uines,slyd whll ws rro doing, lhal our "ftrn," prlyer ce!ses lo bc prryer, By JOHN L. THOMAS, S.J. Dating lor or entertain. nrarriage, they contcnd thal. this God rskr of ur only lhrt we do rnent, that is, dating with no form of rlating offers a legitintatc ls il wrong lo keep compsnf our besi. He knowr our dlfficul. serious thought or intent of se. nteans of pnrticipating in sor:ial with a divorced person? A for- ties and does not hold ur ac- lccling a rnatc, has become widely life. Their self-tlcccption is mcr rlocrmrle of mine is going also counlable for whal wo clnnol accepted anrong all Bge groups supportad by another false prem- rleady for several yearr already holp. today. ise that conveniently remains im- wlth f non.Crlh. r:,ri.r.r,xxs ;Ii. ;i;;'dii,,y'Fry,i. (lontinuing a trend started plicit; nanrely, that the divorccrt ' ':i al'ter World War I. the person is sonrehow sinrilnr to an man whose wife f,.":;i I focus of recreation and entertainntent unmarried pcrson, or, in other nmong the unnrarried has shifted words, that the civil clivorce dr:" iinl,l'i":il::Wh, cree h'-i-^'?::' incrensingly from the home or has frecd hirn from the group, bonds of a valid nrarriage, l:,-;;i,1, :,,= ="rr aE*.ntwh;' family to one's age and rnQY don-r In. since their activities are nrainly As I say, this prcrnise tends to -g-^- ''c"""".;"8 couple-centored, nrost participa- fcnrain irtrplicit, for every in- 'i.l tion in social life involvcs cross- formed L:atholic knorvs vcry rvcll scx associations or dating. Indeed, that a civil eourt cannot rlissolve - this pattcrn is so gcnerally ac. a valid marriage contract, even rhe does-or doer rhe livr in ce pte<.1that any other relationship though the civil courts in this morhl sin? tends to arouse considerable sus- country rrroneously presume to a picion. tlo su. 'lhese popular altiturlcs toward tlnfortunately, sonrc poorly in- go dating lar to explain the structcd Catholics aparcntly be. re'asoning or rationalizing through lieve either that only Oathotic rvhieh your friend-and a dis- ntarriages are valirl or that only . YAnpsTrcK Ircssing large number of other the marriage bond lretrvcen Cnth- TrllE justify Catholics*-try to their olics eannot be dissolvcd by civil contluct when dating a divorccd clivoree. SESIDES THE elfort to prny pcrson. 'The At any rate, rvhcthcr ntany with attention, wc nlrst bring to o labor rrnder tlris nrisconception prayer a spirit of humility, r They usually begin by insist- or not, it is evidenl, thnt far too consciousness of our complctc Poor Man's Prayer' "as ing they are only seeking enter- many aet if" a divorced per- tlepcndencc upon God, of our lainnrent, and inasmrtch as all son \i'crc ruttcr hclplcssness rvithout IIim. frce lrour his rnarriago By MSGR. cEoRcE "The partics qnite HlcOtNS i\Ir. tsoyle, in poor ilan's concerned are aware bonds, for though thcy would Prayer and prkle ale ntutually Prayet," put into the nroulhs of that there can be no thought of probably hesitate to kecp cont. cxclusive ternts; they cannot co- In{cnrational Credit Utlion Day the book's characters his otvn nro, pany with a ntarried nran, they exist. Pra;'gl conres very hard rvill be observed nll over thc proud person found understanding of Cqtholic seok to justify thcir similar con. lo the who feels tu'ot'ltl on October lB, American social thought snrl action. dttet rvith one rvho has llecn rli- lrimself to be self.sufficient and in (latholics have good reason 'l'o to rtccd ,profound" The Liturgieal Week vorcerl" of no one's hclp. bow titke arr lctive part in this ob. I use the word ad. a the hend antl bcnd tha knee and s(!l'vlttce fo visedly, for I share the opinion acknori'lcdgc his orvn nolhingncss Consirlerinl: thc thcre nre of the late Bishop John R. I\Iac- current dtrting (lod's in sigbl. is paiuful to suclr tlrnn Donald ol Antigouish By REV. ROBERT W. HQVDA pfltterus. facile rationnlizations 800 Cath rvho once a one. .ltt this facrl rve find one olit- orgrniza observerl that Georgc llo5'lclpcr- ( Priesl of ihe Pittcbursh Orrlory) nnd ntisconccptions nretrtionerl of tltc rcasons rvhy lrridc so ofterr sonilied above, u'e can nnticipate eon. tions rvith cled the virtuo of sociirl'jus, lea

FI]LL OT CANNUPTION . BOOKS OF THE 'Two - HO{JR W.eeksin Another TowI]' I\ewman biography

By D. B. THEALL. O.S.S. j'ears of influence .cachi*g. far Hnglantl, it scenrerl, rvas violenill' 'substantially t te Lrel'oncl Osfo*l: nll thesc..ilrings pro_or a.tiNetv'ran; Nerv'rir' scenred to be pointins 1",:1:9_^1 unnt",t .,,ir'to bc rated as A\ryflh richlS'happl.v life; but arnrosr sure that lrc $'as sitlc, frortr the tinre oll his Anglican or. .t .otl ..Gotl's I4vett befortr ract. 9-0, Neu.nrarr "Bad rli':tli.rr in lB:14, Nervn_ra. 'inr- hatl resigrrtrrl Among the talenied :rutl once, psyelto. alcoholic, rvashed- bros'ed, brootling fron'n, and is ills By JAMES W. ARNOLD sclf troublerl b.v a rr0ctl to invcsli, uxtor(l 1rilr.ish irrrd gotre tU genius, Beautiful" ehunrs sucketl into the up, a a lover, a counselor besieged by a shrcrvish rvifc gatc, llve,\\'ltlt a ferv kiutlretl 'ltevor euer tnore rlecpl.v-Arrgliclriislr, irnrl pirrr'- souls 1l Ilolll'nood ltas al*'aYs had a of young, loyal, stupid, unselfish, (playetl bt. Claire as if l'lttlcnlol'c (rvlrere nress: star Kirk Douglas, direc- cingll', ihe clairus of r\tiss 1're1gr gloomy cotnpulsion to bare its somctlring interestiug. He snc- she rvere heckling "Lust tlre urrtpire), patticularly llvcu..\\'hlle rvt'iting this bogk).-. ptrblic, tlte urge tor Vincente ilinnelli for as they coltplretl rniseries in and ceods on solue points, lrreaks iluu urore lrc "Americart After insult.irrg her once. Ilob- rvit' 'r.se of Rontc. wls finally recciverl to confess all, bitterlY and black' Lilc," in Patis"), pro" even olr othr'rs, but for the nrost (Continuctl inson warns her not to take too A visit to Rourc ltself i' lg'l| on page 10) ly, has olten letl to firre, nrostlY ducer Jolrn Holtsetnan ("l.ttst for palt looks like a nran r!'ho can't lniltry sleeping pills. becausc protlttcctl nctv tlratttatic t:h1nUc 6f lrnnati nirlrrrns believe it's l'-tpening to him. ,:::----..-.-..--'''.-.'"- LiIe"), screenrvritcr Charles they'll only have to punrp out her. opinion, llut it rvas on thc s.lv /;f"1.i,.i*flru I "yot SPEAKER-Misg Susan B. An- Schnee (u'ho rvott an osear for stomach lgain, anrl know Ittrme lry rrry of Sicilt' that he just fhony, great-grandniece of famed Wm.Weber & Sons "B llar.ing been curetl of a horv sick that rtiakes rr'as stlickcrt rvith a laver "Prn'ucyors atrd B"), composcr Davul nro." that all ol f irre illects', BTt;",:"111:;:m":.iH Iong list of neuroses at a sani- wom6n's suffrage leader, Susan (ulto "Lattra" Even the l.mt finishcd hinr, ihat ]re wrote Beech Itaksin iuclttdas nrinor chafacter.s are Brownell Anlhony. will bc lhe Grove, Indianr 'lhey tarirtrn. the I)ouglas cltaracter, a the famous hyutn s'hieh arnong othcr fiue scores), ultsa!'of5': a nroncy-ntintled inter- is ilre sT 7.1391 :J;;li: i'J: one.time star. is invited to Iloure guesl speaker at ihe annual ffi, "# subtitla o[ this boolr, but Blelded li'ish llortions national movie pedtller, vicions rvhich is F.or solve(!, in their earlier filnt, the purt a Breakfasl sponsored :for a sruall llrt rneaty by a unilcrsally knou'l .,Lead, F ish ['ries problent of the Gilted lleel: Itorv fetulle assistant director, a iliure- as declining dilcctor (Etllartl G. by Our Lady of Folime Relrert (James (ircgory) Kintlly Light"; less kuoln, l-lrt to shorv hin as a ulall who reportcr Leaguc at l0ll5 a.nr. Sundoy, [#fr.'.:"fiiliKffi Ilobinson) rvho is also an old rurore itnportnnt lcliieves good as rvell as bad, as uho urites insulferable thitrgs as ln intle_x to tlc Sept. 30, nt lhe $everin Hofel' friend and admirer, erlually his feelings, lrus a poorn rvritterr liri:'i:i''::&YffiruDf,ron lnE,:,iEE a nlan of stature. for all ltis about everybotl5', arr avlriciorrs adruires l)ouglas' ex-rvife (t'I lndianapolis. A 9 a.m. Commun- E " uil (Georgc rluring his rccuperltion, begin. Rome, *'ttere D' Iaults, worth untlerstantling antl agent rllacrearly) rvho ion in St, John's Church "l'rvo never could resist that kiud of nlllg: rnust be running out sympathy. But in Wecks," hates everyotre at the top of his norv they teurptatiorr"). .:l"i:i! b':!""i_.-. voice, {ttiss "0 of unphotographed dens of in' adapted front the disappointitrg 'I'he Chat'isse rvanders " -._y1 frloi. tlttrU cfeerl tt.er.e sou.rid.' ex-s'ife (erer beautiful iquity. 1960 best-seller by Irtvitt Sharv, around ou the arrrr of a Grcek I'erl tlrorr dost soofli.t: tlie iteur.t. Cyd Charisse) is also living it up Earnestly put together rvith there is no visible good or sta- shipping nragnate (llarried? Nol. lhou Llhurch of RorrrcJ" in the neighborhood, and the occasional globs of polislt end ture, little synrputhy, carloads of exactly") and r,arious ernployees Couple to marlt "I\o siglrt of her sl'ishing around iu class. lVeeks" is othenlise corruption. carelessly perfornr the cha.t:lra- hcr Pierrc Balmain rvnrdrobe is a substantially arrful picture. No- o cha rvhile their director.lross is alnrost euough to setttl Donglas 25th anniners(tr'.y body in it eleu faintly resentbles It mig$tstill pass if therewere having a hearl, attack. back itrto tlterapy, Ilut lte lc- e human beittg, a point of vicrr', a <:ottvincitrg a coters, thauks chiofly to the 1 N I)I;\ir* r\ l,t) [, t S-tlr'. aud r\1r's. llosI depressing, it \ras con- judgnreut that the people rve ltave lnveterate nrovie btrgs uray healthy but inrrnoral affections litlrvaltl Stunrplt, 7200 Shelby St., pirss trived by the sanre people wlto a scen are sick and trt'isted and the tinre rvatclrirtg Ilrieh von nrr.mbcrs oI Sl. r\lat'k's parish, "l'he of au Italian starlet (ltosauttn decade ago nradc Ilad and pitiable. Stroheim. Jr. (u'ho looks like his Schiaffino), and survives double- rt ill cclcbr':rte tltcir ?irth Vctl" judg:r!, the tseautiful," one ol tlte all'titne Some urongs are scr:te Dad), the usual mootly ltoman Annir,etsitt'1' sith it Solettttt 'I'he 'I'lre crosses by thc director and ex- rling superior movieland erloses, are not. net effect is as if, sceller;i, or scleral fasciuating tsife. In the entl he fiutls his lligh llass o[ il'hlnlisgivittg itt the new film renriutls one of a sad after taking you on a tour of hell, scetres of rttovics bcirtg shot at integrity during tlte iucvitable palish elnrlch at 1l a.m., Satur- 10th anniversary class reuttion your guide brushed hitnself off, tlte faurous L:inecitta sturlios. ()ct. Itomatr orgy, l,hcn flies back to rlut', {i. grinned "lVild, Audierrces may get thcir biggcsl at the old hangout itr rvhich every- vacantly, and said: 'l'hc Anrerica and a uerv career. beaur- crrtrple's tlu'aa sous rl'ill one glumly rliscovers that al huh?" chargc out. of seeillg horv foreign health, lenvittg lte*'ild" thoughthe trappiugsare the Actorllouglas, rvho rarely filils ing rvith langungeiilms arc rlublrcrlby an tillit piu'l in tlttr ctrt't'tttonics, Al' ercd itosnnrra iu the artns of a gone give Arirericarr actress thinking bcrt. a llirr'5,kuoll sertrinat'i:ru, rrill sanre, the fun is and there to an audience its nroney',s ((leorge of haudy beatnik actor ifhonras. a sttttlctrt is nothing ntore to say. worth, this tirne must be, all at glaurorous bartana splits. bc srrbrleacot.t; IIarnilton ). at St. llcinrat[ Senrittar]', rvill bc ntust believe tltat Sonre of rvriter Schtree's dia- 1l'he audience illilstel of cet'cuonicsl \Villiant, nt Douglas still loves lliss Charisse, logue sparkles, especially rvhen honre. rvill lle art itcolyte tvitlt a girl psl'choanalyzing although she behaves like a Douglas is lrinr" ncphcrv, [,at'r'y l]oyce. doing cornic iutitations of Anita self (as a star, all hc lcamed rlas "how ()pen flkberg, anrl that he also loves to play slurfflcboard, tho llouse will be lteltl frottt p.m. Itosauua, tvlto (:onlcs eqttipped ntost corttforLll-rlc positiou on a :1 to I fol rclatilcs antl uith the lrrokett b)uglislt but an- couclt, aud lZ-lettcr u'orrls lllicr flicntls. Ntr itrvitations ltitve becn 'transfetencc' gelic lacc and {orm cxpected of and'sublirnation"') scll[. Italian aciresses. or lhe urovie aurlicu^e ("hitling Yet finally he gives up both. iu the drlrk trading thcir prob' 0f DCCW one oul of suddett rvisdont. the lerns for mine on the sclctrn"). lJirtr:lors othe[ out ol ttlterpectetl gett- llut the rnost dcr'astlting corrt- "ll'*'o enrsity. (llanrilton, rvitb rtncrrI rtrettt nbcrut lYceks" is {lrtt Io tttt-'elOclolxtr ',1, hair. sneakcrs. srvcittshirt aud its best scelte is I five-nrinute 'l'urncr il'r-rrry Iterkins portt, says situyrl;', clip of Dottglas :rud Lana "l "lfhe rreed he't." Douglas toars back: itr Bad and the lJr:arrtiful," Don't say tlrat! Nobotly needs I,'or all conecrnerl, sic tt'llrs.il, anyborlyl") ltobinsotr gives tlte gloria. director palt lris usttRl lteavy- (Lcglon of Doccncy rrting: 8) ssss\rss\s\r;sss!;sIss\Ts$l$tssr\nsJrTSxlsss$llasslf s I )sr v'' I lVlouieLis* to r, fo*******$ss\$*sr$*slrsr***rs\.*\\\\s**slr$ss\fi

(tA$ A*tICfloX I llonlly Unolirrtionrlh r.t G.n.rrl lrlrrnrgr Air Prtrol. '[oyland, Brbes irr Bashful Elephanl, Bcauly SPECIAL HOLIDAY rnd lhc Beasi, Belt of Enemltj, Bit Rtd, Big Wavc, Bon Voyage. (]hatnrd puren'ts SHORE LEAVE FOR taslr 0n Dcn:aiid, Clovrn tnd ihc Xid, lop his eonanch€ro$, Conlirq 0ul Parly. NEW ACCOUNTS 0allon Who Got Aivay, Dcscrl Pairol, ttBmn fhe Defient,oanroil nnd l'ylhlb\. 0h rnt fionc? ta{clvfd [:oill o.fficers try Ul Cid, Errand Bov. elercI tlr! l0lh 0f ihr fl;!ht Iirrl 0isat'pclred, lollcv/ Thot monlh wo wlll oDv N{usicr DrcoiD, Forcver lAy Love, !IJlLlj of Aisissi,

Radlo-Sundrv 0rl5 t,flr.-Hour ot Sl. frdncl! .,...,lvKlo ;/tl5 s.nr,-.Sncr.d lirsrf ...... t!'KIfJ 8rl5 t,rn,-Sar:red HeBrl Hout,...... UJllAS 9rlli o.nr,-Yorrr Cslhollc vlsllor .....V/HAs 6r45 p.rn.-Sorrrcrl Hedrl Hour ...... WAKY ,/r30 o.rir.-(},thollt }lout .,...... WIVI Mordry lhtu l$ufdry I" l0:,15 o.nr.- litrorrlllr for Iodrv ...... VJXYT,V SI. JUDE 6!45 o.rl.-nosdry tiorf ..."...,.....!V|RP TUR}I lu.sdty /rll() p,n5*f,161s1 $ido ot tlsill ..,...V'nAs


6rl5 r,rr.*llour ot 3f, l:ttnct! .,.,..P,i(8v 0$0BER20, to 28,lgEl Sunday "f|rr 7r:10 ff,iil,-Sdrtod llearl .,, ...... ,, .Wi:0V Arl Jt. Judr. Jriar ol t*t lapr'r. /::i0 l).1r,-- the Clrri;l0t)hrr Pr(r!lrilrn .. J'l(0V rlf h'r lq lrrlp. Soil lov pttllla, l(,,1i0 t).rr.-Avc l,lJrit llout ...... ,.',!(;L'\{ INTATII\I AMERICI rr tfrr l{rthnrl Slnlmil St,lvlt ttlev. SATTM ARET l.dio-Sundry A GIFT WILL BE SEXT TO 9:J0 s.ri.-ltour o, St. ljrdilciE ,.....\!JLt{ THO3E TAKING PART luErdry nrdio I its fight for survival I its failures IN THE 9:ii0 r,nr.-',','csl Bddcn Collr(?.. SOUEMNNOYENA lVords !n(l f,lusic,....,.,'.15U| SltFrSYV|lt! AtIA I its timidity f its new reforms I,{ARK PETITIONS, FILL IN, CLIP AXD Sundry lrdlo MAIL l?rl5 o,m,-tlour dt Sl, Fr6rct3 ,.....\\Svr

OSAR FATHEB ROBERT: PLEASE PLACE IY PE?I'Ioxs TEFoRE llrt clrl ataA rxs x^ttoxAL SHRIHE OF sTr JUOE tX tHE COXttlG '|OVEXA: lr di o-Dr i lY 6rGJ b,rrr.-Th8 R0:ary .,....,..,....$JIU f-'lErp|-oyMExr EHAppyTABRiAGE f-lrxrxxsotvlxc f,rdio-lundry Q rerce or rrxo i-'l coxvensron oF FUsstAn ?i00 !.n).-Sdcrcd Helrt,....,...... "V||t pEAcE 7rl5 e.m,-lhr ChrisloohaI5,...,.,...WlIZ [-l rnexcrru xele !*onlD E IETURH to sAcRA$Ex?t 7r30 d.nr.-llorr o, lhc lruiltlcu .,..VlIZ 9:30 a,nr,-Avc il0rio Hcut , . . ,..,..$,'lIl I.ENCLOSE3-- FOR TXE CLAF€TIAX SEIIIXARY I l:0O a.rr.-StuCrnt! o, W. Bdi"en . . . .!,Vlll- AUILDIXG FUXD, ll'15 6,m.-llou! ol 5t lr€rrii' ...... '1,'lIZ llrdio-Jundrv Lta-*-..-.,- 7:15 d.rr1.-th. ellri:tcclrrrr .....,....rY]H1

Adftrts,.,.-',,... City***.-,,,. ...,-.,*..*.,*,,.Zor!..,.,,,,,1;tr:..-.,,,.,,.,. .lltll To; NATIONALSHRlllE OF ST.JUDE 221Wcrt ftlrdironSlrcrl, Src. 18,Chicrgc 5, lllimir '1962 THE CRITERION, SEPTEMBER 28, PAGE NINE CONSTANT'VIGTL Tic Tacker 14-man fire d"partment Last u't'ck tlte scltool clultlt'ott of tlre Alchdiocese prcse ntcd a spilitual hottquct to Archbirhop Schulte on tltc occasion of his Silver Attnivcrsaty as a 13ishop. Eighth glarlct's Sheron Grcen etttl Ray Brumrn of 51, Jarnes lhc Graalar School, Indianapolis, prescnted the offcring of pt'a1'ers lo the ,,\r'cltbisltop. keeps watch in Vatican 'fhe spilitual bourluct was lcttcre(l on the sides o1 x $'sgd block' ale stationed behind papal those rviro In thc cerllel'is nrortnted a stcrlillg silvet'mcdallion on a t'od. llnaul' By MSGR.JAMES TUCEK the are arvestruck by the a inscrip' thlone. They takc thcir placcs bcauty of the t'lctl on tlto circlt' rlorc tltc otttlinc of trlo chiltlren nnd -The nran duriug "lleholtl (ilcat Sirlcr Rosrlie, t.P., lleside the lile hyth'anfs concealed sueh tion for tlrc Bislrop."'l'he altist rvas behind the papal is ceremonies, concealed be. An cbon.v' at intervals throughout tlre ba. hind the baroque magniflcenee associatc plolc'ssol oi art at 5f. Mrry.of.lho'Woodr Collcar. khaki dungat'ccs. of dressed in silica, can'ed heacl of Christ *'as also givcn lo lhe Alchbishtlp, a gift of the thc 's throne, there are iwo tle is the Vatican fireman. Unknorvn to the majority of {ileplugs, same altist.

lnr:lrrded in lhe horrqtte[ 1t'e'ro: ?'1,:]72 ][asses, 62,314 thrlnltlnlons, 47.589 Rosal ir's, and l.l3ti.$80 ,'\spil'ations. (lomnrented the r\t'chbish' "I op: gucss I rvon't have to sa]'any more pta;'ers ttotv,"

lf HAPPENEO THIS WE E K-llcrrrltet'r: entl gue sts of the l)ris- onet's r\it! bj' Citizens -Effurt ( I'ACIE ) organization tourcd Marydrh School ft-rllorving thcil dinnct'.tnecting at the school. The visit to Nlarytlalc, contlrtcted lry lhe Sirlrrr of fha Good Shephcrd, rvas the first in a plo.iectccl series of tottt's o{ cot'rectional institutions lo lea|.n of |ehabilitation rvork filst-hand. l'orty couples, nrembet's of the Chririirn Familv Movrmonl, Bathered last Sunday at Scrcinr Mrmorirl High School lol tlreir legional meeting. They matle lentative plans for an lntet'natiotral Studcnt lVeekenrl, October 2?-28, rvhen CI"trlers rvili invite folt'ign strtdents lo be guesls in their homes- Mr. rnd Mrr. Willirm Rrdspinnlr, mcmbers of Our Lrdy of thr 3rc:;iwood parish, (ireenrvootl, are pt'o.iect chairman. l\Iembets cl our l,ady of tiood Cottncil and.St. Jeronrc's Discrtssion Clubs nret GrinsteinerFuneral Home 'f'lre in Iiichnrond lo oltserle their l0th anniversarl'. glortps include Esfablished 1854 prrirhcr, nrembers o{ Sl. Andrrw'r. Sl' Mrry'r and Holy Frmily Riclt' GEORGEN. CRINSTEINER HAROLDD. UNGER nrond. MElrorc 2.5374 160l Ecsl Ncw York Sl. W.O. IONES I Ullrirh, rn lndianapolir RUGCLEANERS and son of Mrr. Krlhban Ullrich and the late Dr. A. .1.Ullrich, Thc modcrn Valicrn llroman ln {440N. KEYSTONE Lt 6-t504 ly dedicated a nerv chutch nt his parish in Portland, Texas. He ir lrrlncd io thc ultimric rnd Carmel Church there. IIis mother rntl flghling flrer of avcry klnd orlgln. Hir worklng uniform ir lnd.. rttended the eeremonies, r ruil ol khrkl dunsrrQet, !n of illalyville College, St. Louis, ovarralr crp rnd prrrchufrr'r WorryFree Apartment Living bootr. lrfficiency, I anrl 2 bcdroom apart- 'l'lre {otal eot'ps is ntadc ttp of n)onts in'SS. antl Paul Parish. l,l fit'e uren, trvo bliAatliels and a r\lso closc to Catholic Chulch in other comrnundant. Seven fit'etnen antl palts of thc city. llerrtal rates to suit a b|igadier take Z4-hout' tttrns on youl' needs. stop iu for listings at rlutl', duling u'hiclt tinte thel' nt'e "llitllncks." 'l'his 850 N. Penn., or call I\'IElrose {"5555 sairl lo llc irt nrcans tltat tltey live a colllllltl' nity life and nt'e constantlY on lhe alclt lo ans\\'t'l'an1'call at anv hour'. "in l)rrrirrg tlreil time bat't'nths" the {irenrtrn rnust keelt u'ithin hcarinl

SllltlllllltllllllllllllllltltltllltlttlllrFARME R'S VI EW nntmlnnnnnntnltilunlnnnlE W'orkshop Dty slated = Your enerrries = By DANA C. JENN]NGS but by making them my {riends and thc frie ntls trl my people, the I{ew DCCW fomilies on the land. For when you have made a Iricntl of your been changcd to enenly, you havc destroyed that enenly more utcrly than with gunpowder.

I propose to tlestroy them by l'ortls, swect or acitl, as the casc requires, lly prccept antl by pray. er. as Our Lonl tarrght us. - 1Y"111:":1ry:''.::_ T)l DOOKS

(Crrntinued page -i:-_ florn $) ...... :t.. -! into the Lry llte Passionist Father fiarberi, in the BENEDfCTINE SISTERS EXPAND-Above is archifoct Charlec M. Brown's sketch of the $210,000Novitiate wing ]rall of 18,15. which will be conslrucled al.al Our Lady of.of GraceGr-ace Convent, Boech Grove. The four.slory slrucfure will provide facili-facili-- fl five-year Sisfer.Formation period. Story df groundbreakiris, The eight renraining ycars oI Ft 1_ l:"!:"::11_p?:1{?:5_*::_s*the Paee One. lhis book u'ere lry no nrearls a tirne of unalloyerl hnppincss; ha- "New ted by Ihc Anglican, distrttstcrl by nrany flatltolics, both clerir:al Albany and la-y, Nclnran tricd to lollorv God's lilgcr, rvhich pointetl hinr torvard St. Philip lieri's Congre- gation to celebrate 25th of lhc Or:rtor5', a hottse of rvhich he forrnded in Ilirtningharn NI1W ALIJAN\', tnrl. --. St. in 1849, rvhilc Irather l'rederick 'l'hinl llnry's Ordcr l.'rnte nrity Ifnber establislretl a sinrilar house rvill cclebrate its silver jubilcc on in tondon. October 4 rvith a solenrn high PIDGETT l\liss l'revor's account of tllc Irlnss at ?:30 p.m, in St. l\lary's rclationsltip bcts'een [ltese trvo Ohurch, Nerv Albany. great l9th ('('r'rtur'-1'figrtros is CheurotelSales Cclcbrant of tlre [lass u'ill lle beautifully dctarlcrl and balanced. "A I,'r.'fhonras Aeschbacher, O.li'.tr1. FR/ENDI.YPTACE Ilcr Iirsl, pc'riorl crttls rvitlt Ncrv- IO Conr'., Comnrissary l'rovincial of nran recovering fronr the shanrc. the Third Ortlcr. Assisting hinr IRADE" ful judgenrcnt in his trial lor li. TELI CITY as dcacon rvill be Fr. Johrr Loflus. beling tlte cx-ltricst r\chilli, 'l'hc 'llcll lclcphone ROt-altt City Dcanery Council O.F.l\,I. Conv., and as subtleacon Tlrough he rvas intlccd applt'. cf Calholie Wonlen will hold a I'r, .tlugenc IIenley, O,F,l\[. Conv., Morrislown, Indiono ently rvr:ll ittlo his aututttn, his llay of Recollection on Sunday, both forrncr spiritull tliroctors of greatr:s[ !riutrrplts lay ahead. If ,Sept. 30 at St, Augustine's the fratcrnity. Fr. Killian Spcck. r\liss l'revor covers lhis period as Church, Lflopol(1. Rcgistration nu, 0,lr'.1\I.0onv, will tlclivcl thc . rvell as thc 1'ear'-s 1801-1B53, she rvill bcgin al. 12:30 p.m. with con- scrlltol), rrill havc u't'ittt-rt ottc of thc truly fcrcnce.s schcdulcd at I p.m. The 'l'lle l,'rntcrnity rvas fornrctl in gleat nlorern finglish b i o- r:onfcrenccs will be given by a 1928 by thc late Fr. Paul Vollrlth, graplrics. .f esuit pricst trom West Baden 't'he 0.['.1\1. Conv., rvho receivcrl forty- College. day wil close with six nrcmbcrs inl.o thc ilhirtl Oi.dor .Ecnediction at 5 p.nl. al. ItIt. St. Irrancis Scnrinnry, I\It, I'alher llaymond lt{oll i.s host .St. li'rnnr:is, Intl. The first nreet- pastc,r. Golden Guernsey Milk irrgs n'cre hcltl at thc Slerrrinary. "eourl€ous l,ater, in October 10t17, 0ep?ndablt Homr the t'ra- 0eliv.ry,, lcrnity was establisherl lt St. SPRIIiG DAIIY I\litry's in Nerv Albany. VATI.:Y 'l'he l.f.!. I Pi!tr. CIE'I Britairr seL'scounci I aid latc l\lonsignor \Villiam t-l .lochuur, thcn pastor of St. IIary's. rvas invcstctl in thc Thirtl Orrlcr The Deqrhorn Gravol by t'r. Anrbr

(ilrurch and llrr: existing (ilcek Si\\tU TllIE SA!'ELY REMODEL anrl llcblerv eleurcnls. All tlre iI saclanlents anr[ otltcl lites. ccle- *Masonry |*Plumbing rnonics attrl l.rlcssings shoukI be in DialBUtler 3-6688 l*Roolins *Printing !lnglish logcthcl rvith any pur'[ *siains *wirins of thc lkrly ()fficr: r'rcitctl irt pub- I 'l'h(! ll00 TAXI, Inc. lic. socloly fulthcr' lrskrul i *Crrpcntry *Flooring lltat ottl1, onc ;rl)llr()\,c(l l,)trglislr 135W, Courl Avc. lcxl. lrc allorvcrl tol all llx'sc scrv- Ullrich Drug Store Pahonizo Jeffersonvilk, Ind, lFrederickLumber Co. I ices in both I,lnlrlnnrl nnt[ \Ynle.s 160l Sprins st, BU 3.6683 Go Io Ullrlch'r for Sarvlcr Over 3t1\'cais Contiurrous I antl in Scotlanrl. rvlriclr has I 0ur Sr:rvice I Jetirrsonvilh scpnr:rlc hio'alt'hy. I[}iITiI HEARINC AIO5

SQl .lnJ ttrol Ph. It THE VERNACULAR Socicty [dverlisers rvhiclr nrarlc ils rctlucsl in both l,)nglish antl l,alin has nnrong its llvansvillc priest ntcmllcts alloul l4ir plicsts. trvo bislurps rnrl settrral lrrrnrlrorl of SavageAppliances JOE CHRISMAN heads universit.y tlte nrosl aclivc lailt', Your Gcnrrd - Clothier - Eloelrlc Doolrr Hess I TheEger Sludio fitoln 31, Ph. 216 t09.1 AURONA, INDIANA Elecf ric and Hardware "porrrols- i Wecfdinsr' 105Main l(l l.38tl| 739Moln Sr. 17t;,r,:i1r'fi;1';1;i:',ffiffi:iiti TELLCITY, lND. PhoneKl. 7.4881 ?11i"i1iiir'i;,;l:,'iil:1il:1ii FlscHER's Brownsburg Hardwars Patfgni1e furnilurr A Applioncrr i and Furnilure Co. An inrlrcltiorr ol llrc ol{'it:ial SPEED OUEEII APPTIANCES lno Mcv'os'"Xil;;, nltiturlc hcle tou'alrl llrc lrrrl_rlica, the Advertisgrs GliddenPaints tiotr of such petitions rvns llrat ,,."r I lnsure ctd Be Srre ,,;'niin' SAttS and SERVI(E tltc ftrllorving rvt'ck lht-. <:hairrnnn SilLlririn--lt. lrownaburg uL 2458' of tltc Vcln:rculal Socicty. I'n- thcl llonaltl I'ilkingtori of lVcst- SheelsIns. Agency Zoercher-Gillick Funerol Home .sigrrctl, lrlrthcl I'ilkinAton snid il, rvas against lris ttxplrlss itrstr.rrc- ?,19l\taln SL Ph. SElt - Ambulance Servicc - t ions tlrat lho rucrrrolan

NU\\rj\lili, N.,I. --.- Skclticism nllrrrt tlrc ltossibility of riorking oul, il satisfu(:tory sharetl-tirne school ltrogranr bctu'ectr pl.iviltc ;rrrrl llrrlrlic sr.hgols tvls esllrosserl Itt lt. h)' l Cir{holic school ol'ficial. 'l'utt('. l\lsqr', Joscph 1,. srrpeiin. tcrrrlent o[ schools iu tlre Nervnrk atr:lrrlioccsc. saitl schctluling rlif- fir:trlties and tinrr: lost b.y lhe stu. rkrr-rt in travoling frorrr oue school 4,:-,F r. a-E:-.=: to ilrc othcr nrilitatr> agaiust suclr u ptogriltu.

Srtit.it'cts atlek:tl at the cnd of ,,sccontl" a stutlcnt's ttay itt the school nre likely to rcccive scant altcnlion, lrt: sairl in an inten'iew. lle also citcri tha atlntirristratirr: IndianapolisParish Shoppitg List ptoblems tha[ rvoukl bc invulverl O ltrrl sairl sharctl-time rvtrtrld likcly PLAN PARISH OPEN HOUSE-The Legion of Mery rnd Chrbllrn O cut cxtril.cunicular activities, Fomily prrish Movemenl of 51. Philip Neri will sponror rn Oprn At thu samc tinre, r\lsgr, it'uite House in tho porish church, 550 N. Rural Sl., Indianrpolb, from s:titl, thc.r'{) is no rloul;I "our thlt I to 4 p.m. Sunday. Oct, 7. Thirty memberr of lhc prrlrh wllf ]'()ungstcfs (lotrkl gain Itont Holy Spirit Little Flower * St, Bernadette * lerve rs guides lo explain lhe allars, statuary, rtaincd gh* wln. Assumption shirlerl-tinrc. par.ticularly in ilre dows, votive light, symbolic rrl rnd ofher ilemr of inlercrt lo non' ar'("is oi' tcchnical ctlrrcation." McKEAND DRUG STORE Catholics. The confessionols will no dotrbt be r populcr rllrtcllon, JACK MA'HEWS & SON (latholic schools havc neitlter ,,your Ferlih so John Clark, Jr., Miss LaVon Dierkers, cenfer, lnd Mirr WALKER'S RADI0.nd MERVICE ShoDFlnq einfct ilrc plrnts nttr the to Botfy PRrSeRrPTt0H, ltcr.sonrrcl Crr Rrdio Rr[rirs-Port,lblr Ridltu StCX R00$ N€eD$ Dierkers praclice lheir roles rs guides. Invilalionr heva Mrrnbcr l.I.I.A, e0sr.ilTrcs,Ioys, HAtter{Rr(cAR03 atlnrinistt'r such a pr,ograrrt, lte bcen cr. SHELLSERVICE "r:tluipurcnt 4130E, lorh a835toulhr.slrrn AY.. fl 6.t9tl srtitl, arklirtg that- is tended te the eighf non.Catholic congregations locrted within thc -iiir.riris t:,\l)()nsi\'(r antl ltas sttclt a rapirl porish bounderies. (Staff photo) enKenv rate of obsoksccncc, antl leach. 't615f. torh ft. ?{84t St. Catherine rrs ol Iechuical subjccis cour- ntatttl lriglr sllurics." Hol Donuls, 9 p.m. Daily \\rAslltN(;'l'oN-.l,uke ll. lttlt, 5p€cirliring in D0tor.led Crkei rnd I Wid0 Sttplcure littighl. oi {he Kuiglrts of Yariely at lf!rd,oonufr, Prtlrl?r ('olrrnrbrrs, Hours-6r30 d.nl, l0 ilidnite [vrry oay t has been clroscn 1u rc. DAVISGROC€RY CO. ceivtt tlrc t{}$2 tiibl)ons llerlal b1, Ilp.ntent.ber llrcpr the Llalholie Uuivclsity of Arntr- 6r0rrfidr, l,'ltal!, Ftuiir & Va,ctdblcr HIMMEL'S 't'he fRE[ . icu r\lurnni .,\sso(.iati0n. 0nktlY Good! PURE OIt . itt pral.ers t)rcsetrtaii{)rr rvill be nrarle No- ,ro,u'rt]uilrtn,o,"'I,ti0t ul''ellt, \ crul)rlr l0 0i tllc tnnuftl llilnrluet frl:, ,; clitttlxinI llrr tlRAl{[ RIT)Alg utrivclsitl"s lrourp- 0ENInf,i0R sncl L^OtOttlUllt'UP 5f3t t' lolh sr. 11.7.0972

{62? frs, Ienlh llloct RADERS ft ?{392 SERVICE o o LEON'S TV ReulEstote Contlrt. Moto{ rnd lrrtr 3rrl0 2165Shelby ST 4-0963 DELBODRUG$ BUYiNGor SELLING REAL ESTATE, l52l N" Emerson I DIRK'SMARKET RAY ROSS JACOBMONZEL RENTS, Real Eslrle TNSURANCE {lurlltt rnil S:rvirt FL 9'8265 I Standard Scrvicc CALL fRIE DELIVtP.Y PRt5eRlPl l0hs Thomas A. Welch Co. JOSEPH R" I . - .....ylli:l'i1".:.i::":1....-, -."., ACCEll0Rlll a llRts 0 rAntrlE$ tnaKl llrvlcE ARGUS 80{Inlrnd Blds. [{E t{taa . gALLENGER lrymond 31. I Churchnu lvr, NI' l,316l Inquire | standarqservrco rboul our A St. Frrncis home tr'ado. - * * in plan, toAD SttVlCt '- tt0t0R lUHr llP 47ol trst lUh tt' fl t'19r9 ART'S DRUGS AP.THURJ, TiIUI{II.f, "Your REXALL Druggirl" Itfh tt. rt t||tlor tt tl. &alll -ProrcriPlionr* 5t, Michael JACK'S BUTCHER SHOP

cuautr MIAtt "llhrrc 5t. PiusX f,lill t.l.r, ttnd thdr frhn{s" Nativity * 'lil llirrrrr-Mondry lhn, thurtdry I r,m, 6 p,ftr, 'lil Fririiy S r,nl. fo 9 D,m,-$!lutdry I p.rtr' PAT'S COIN.OP LAUNDRY 1640 lrorrrtll Arf" Ll. Ut67l PRESTON'S ond DRY CLEANINC SUPERMARKET' I tarresl Coln.0rt Drog 0fl 3trvlc; fndianaloli:' thi IlHtfl IAifii |tt lttAI! rnil rxnrtutl. I i (l'ninq rtt'nrtnt * St. James * . 11,1,,,1'.!:l'i'f,,1i, l.;11 EASTSIDE BIKE STORE ! rtor rilcrtsr Ayi., $ tm$iotr t[ f'0010 i St.Joan of Arc l€ l* REGALMARKET ''li'l]nr^ IMILLER'S\ ,,, - iJ,,ii'i i"i-i'r"'ii' i' ri i - izil ;:';il;t;J'[I i r-li"i.' :;"'ii:li;:;''i;..*-= ; * HolySpirii * l- : | --rr lmturr"*",' ,.."ffil *i ,:,i?iil:exEDDA'sI1,"---::il;,rdil;;; - =--ri* *(&$1.tro!' r. """11't:iiil:'l t*:-Letz'" st. l\tARY.or.tlt.nocI cALLGER's t,t l3l\ I fn "' or,,,,r,,l,!',lilgtll,nlirJ",noir,,.on, l(AItlil{lNI MtII, /", !i!{n)urr !,,f lE-a-l ecii,cco,.',; :.rnry't t\,,ri1lr, rlirrj itr (,!r( iil|(tli. llurrnl iil \nlr SERV::' iri;,, 5t. Roch 5l !'fler'r.(r,r,o1"1y, Seft. :1. 5!rvi!or. i,,ri,*, trli. rr\lilr ,il!rj i:V# hfr)lllal i6;;;' r,,:i,H:-i:i::,r or,r' ilqr!rr,f.r*3? Service.station .' j)'' {- rsrdr,vrcrlgiEEffiB ,,llli],i;ronl,,J,,,',,'"nn'"" '"t'ttit I ttllii€Itl ltlSStLMAN, Bl! St l1,rr1 .1 , (l '/rrh , Joan of Arc Ari(l lo st. l'rrrr'1 (frlr.tr.,, r,rsror 'rir,ilf"i,r."ll,il" * St. * 5iltrrvr,r. f,:rc.u!-.[rrrrrnrr r,rurflrr rcprrr ! toh,",. ."iJJ;iiiX,r*ot,r*,R0,,,,,11..ndil,lrRso ,"r0, l dir,tlrls lrir:, Alrrir I'rrl

iler$Foilr:d Snrcicl Drirqnt i{adr for Churtfi Windm


of High Court ruling lUlonthof the HolyRosary

BY RUSSELL SHAW ol cit'crtnrstances, thcy nevelthe- h'virtc.l,ist ill Cottnil. Ilospital lo OdoberSpetial Itss arguc that the inlrerent logic Bcncdictinc .5isters u,as uphcld \VASIIING'fON-'l'lte ti.S. rvould of llte cotlft's Position last. llal' by thc Kentucky Coult otlt a ltost of 'l'his Sttpretrte Cottt't bcttt'ecll llow ohlige it to l'ule of ;\ppcals. rlccision hus pt'actices rvhich all(l next Jttne trlaY give the othel rcligiotts beert appralttl to tlte Suptetnr.l Family l)o('n (:(tltllllon ln lllillly Rosary ans\\'er lo a rltrcstiott tltitt hltc lottF Corrll b.v a Il.tpa1'r't's' groul), public schools. has troullled the nation for t'hich nrainl"ins that lhc al'- langt'nrent. r'iolates (lhurch.Statc tlre past tltrec ttrottths. It ir thir crucial difference of courl mty re' scpa lat ion. 1l'he quest ion is: \1'hat ditl tlte opinion fhrf the dacisiortr during lhe court nrcaft to rlo i;rst Jttnc rt'hctl solve in Nealll' a ltall-rLrr.ett cascs ilr- it ruled agaittst a 22-\1'0rd pra]'cr next monfhs. r-olving tlrc issttc ol olrst:onit1' atrrl recited in sotn(' prrblic scltool flce sltcceh arc pcrtrlirtg bcfole classroonts itt Ncrr' \'rrt'k Slatcl' llre coult. Otte inr'olvcs;r chal- 'I'lte lenge b.r' forrr national pallelback ansrvcL, if it corrrcs. tlill ltc book publishcrs to the practicc o[ given h]'tltc r:ottt't in its ttsttal thc Rhode lsland Cornnrission [o rt'aI'-tltIotr::lt,1,r1'1lirrlls itt Ilo\\' Iincoulatle llolalitf in Youth oI r:ases tlrat raise issttcs sintilat' to tlistributing to rtr.'u'srhralcls lists tltt'rsc in the i\ crv Tot'k pt'a1'ct' of publications it dccnts objcc- PBIISONAL ROSAIIY in ulastic clsc*- casc. tiottalllc Iot' 'l'hcre 1'rrullts. assortedcolol's.....:. ,.,,...g1.00up is a goorl cltance tltlt an 'ftvo **t ans\r,er rvill bc folthtrtnting. (llIlLDItlIN'S ROS+\RIIi.S ...... 35c up attd pcrltaps tltt'r'e ('ilscs irtt'olving religious pt'at:t iccs in ptrbli<: Lay Away a Rosary Now for Chrislmar schools rlill Lc bcft't'r tlte cottt't hilasazinc articlcs clxplain lewish stancl ciuring its 19ti2'6lt tol'ttr. Termites - Mril Orderr Promptly Filled-

T H E S E fi)trsiil(,r,iltiLln-( :rrc N ItW YORl(--'l'ltc historit'al cx. libcllr.'l'lrcr, nlmost instinctively Roaches prornptcd bl tltc f:tct tltat ott pericnct-. of .lcrvs as a tninot'ily It'r,l tlral tlri'il fle'cdonr is safest Waterbugs Knmc Bnos. EsrabrishedI B92 lUonda)'. Oct. l. lhc Sulrrcnrc grorrp in dorninanl ('ht'istiatt cul. in sociclics in u'lriclt tlter Chrrrclr ('orrrt rvill oi)en sh{)l) frrt' anotltet' Irrlcs ltlt.s l:ccn a tna.iot' fitr:{ot' itt is lrlrrulrtl irr i1s rkrurinnncc ovcr Mice, Etc. nine ntotttlts. ,\s it tloi's so, {hc prctailinll .lewish itttitli(lcs fitt ttt'- grulrlic ailuit's." Catholic Supply FlouseInc, "('r'r'irtion ,shadorv ol' last Jttttr"s Ncrv Yot'k ing the Srrlrluue tlrut't's rlc.cisiott of ;r pulllrr: life wlrir:h sT4.3236 (Vr Block Southol Ayrer) pral'er (lcci\ron rlill lie lrcar ill- b a n n itt t: f{ovct'nntcntallt'-cottt- is rtcithcr .lcu'ish nor Cltt'istiati on lltc ntnc ttrt'rnltcrt (|f lllc na- poscd pritl'ct's irr ptrblic sclurttls. ( n'hich is st'cular' but not secrt- FIELD PESTCONTROL 'l'his SERVICE lion's highcst tlibttnal, t'icwpoitlt -- llrtsoltc(l as l:rlisl) is lho l:rsl stagc in thc ne s. Meridian rndianapotis ('r'lrt 931 t. Trbor-Drvid tield-frrr Inrrlttlon ME 3:llll Ott Julrc l; llrr' l rttit'it l)in l r)l it ('(lllll)r'{'llr'rrsirl t'r'r'it'rv lt'alizali,rn o[,lervislr erlttality,tt "\\tlta[ a(ailrst r'0crtilii!)n lrv sltrtlcnls itt of Anrct'it'att .lt'x'islt itttilrttlt's ott l{;rlrlri llr'r'lzlrt'tg ut'olo. ; Neu' \'ot k Irtthlic sllrools of tltc Clrulch.State st'pat'atiott atttl trtltt't' .lt,rts rr-irr;l is rroi a sccttlarist follorling prir\'f r, * ltich lrarl hcen tluestions stcuttttittg ft'ttttt lltc errltrrlt' irtrl ;t netrtlal cttltulc." llrcscril)c(l otl it ilon r,otnl:trlsor.y cor.lnlr') s le ligious llltttitlistrt..--is THIS TRAIN o[ tlrought rvus basis b.y tlt(! Slalo Ihrat'd s1 11.'- cxpresscrl in lht' Sclrtt'nlhor 2tl (hhcn gcfil 'l'he ('onttrrottu'citl. lrrkt'n up lrt' ;\l r'. in ltis s : isstte ol a "lrrrlt't'r1," lltit'lt'. lrc dt'clat'cd, u'r'ekl1' .ioulttal of opirtion t'tlilctl ",lrrtllisrrr rIres not t'olislt sectt- THE TWO CASES Pcrrrlittg he' hele lr1' ('allrolic ll.r.urln. gire lllisrn illlv nlore (ltatt tlorrs fLrle the cr-rttt'trvltich r:rrttltl At tltc ittvitlltotr of ('{)tt)nt{rtl- ('rrllrolicisnr, bul it u'ill tult'rittc a it an opportunity to arnplifl'on u't'al'.r rrlitols. tlrlcc 'sorttltrtisttt' Irortritrlttl rlt,rrrot:ratir: nlofe ils llra)'cl t'uling in thc ntontlts .lc*'islr lt'arlels rvt'olc atticlt's lot' lr';rrlily lh;trt ii rlill a (lhristian ahcarl, tf it so chooses, arc: (]n "'fht: lhc rturIrtzinr tho l.]pif ol g{)()(l o (r\ cl' Biblc socir'lf i arrrl tlrr,r'r' at'c an(l It quillii.t lrt'r':rnrt' alrp:rt'ertl A controvcrs.v .Jcrv itt t\tttct'ir:rn Sot:it'11'," public srrf{ir'ilrrl r'('as()nslirl ils clroosittg lhat tltc couft': a( tion lrarl slilrcr[ lcarlinA in I)cnns.vllania ltt .rrltlilr0tt,lll(, lllir,{:r1ln('i}:u(' ltas lrt tiit rit)," ttp a ltOrnot's ncsl ol (,{rt)lt'(}\ct's!'. school.s, r1 l"edr:ral cottt't r:ont;iitts a |r'pIinl ol att a Il r(lc In l.soeilt) uhielt etttlorscs n 'l'lte hcld that tlte pt'actice is atl tttt- cottrt irds l)r'alsr,(l atr(l r:0n- b1'art Ollltodor rahbi lavot'ittg "pt'ottrotion reli- llliqirrrrsll' ncutlal prrlllic

*aa " I,i:ii'::i:rllf,vis#t"rn*n..rionFor A*

Day or Nishl -, l- wA I 3.3393|I

J0[ AlrCAllHY t:',,:'t" t*- ffi Pr(ria.rl *;t* :, .:::'